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[posting]62242981[/posting]Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Jan. 3 2020


Judy Note: All indications were that the Internet Group would begin exchange/redemption by Tues. 7 Jan; the General Public would begin on Wed. 15 Jan (at which time the Contract Rates may no longer be available) and all would be completed by Fri. 31 Jan.

Evidently the World Court was using Interpol to arrest global elites worldwide who had been charged with the more serious Crimes Against Humanity and Treason. It appeared that Mass Arrests began around Dec. 24 and were continuing. Rumor was that the new Emergency Broadcast System would be tested on Fri. 3 Jan, which indicated that even more prominent elites were about to be served.

Bruce: On Thurs. 2 Jan. Prosperity Package deliveries began. On Fri. 3 Jan. they would start to pay out Tiers 1, 2, 3 and 4a groups, which should complete by Sun. 5 Jan. The Internet Group would have the 800#s and start exchanges by Mon. 6 Jan, or Tues. 7 Jan. The General Public would start on Wed. 15 Jan. when the US-China Trade Agreement was signed, verifying that all world currencies were gold/asset backed. They wanted the reset completed by the end of Jan.

MarkZ: According to several US bankers and some contacts in Reno the reset was set to happen at any moment, although in Iraq they were looking at Sun. 5 Jan, while government sources said it would be anywhere from Sun. 5 Jan. to Wed. 15 of Jan.

Meanwhile, the Mainstream Media continued to cover up world events through failing to do competent investigative reporting. This March 2019 startling article on the Vatican closing over 6,000 bank accounts used to blackmail world leaders was another breaking news story that had yet to be picked up by the Mass Media, “Vatican No Longer Blackmails World Leaders, Though Do Child Sacrifice”: https://beforeitsnews.com/v3/politics/2019/3070002.html

A. Jan. 2 2020 The Big Call, Bruce: Thebigcall.net: 712-770-4016 pin123456#

1. Bruce believed that there was an absolute plan to complete the reset in the below time frame.

2. Yesterday New Years day 1 Jan. all rates were off the bank screens until midnight last night.

3. Today Thurs. 2 Jan. the Prosperity Package deliveries began.

4. Tomorrow morning Fri. 3 Jan. around 9:30 am EST they would send notification to and start to pay out Tiers 1, 2, 3 and 4a groups. (Funds have already been allocated to their accounts).

5. Most countries’ new currency rates have been finalized. The Vietnamese Dong would be finalized over the weekend.

6. Payout for Tiers 1, 2, 3, and 4a groups should be completed by Sun. 5 Jan.

7. By 9:30 pm Sun. night 5 Jan. (Iraq’s 9:30 am) the new rates would be repopulated on the bank screens.

8. The Internet Group would have the 800#s and start exchanges by Mon. 6 Jan. or Tues. 7 Jan. in order to have our 8-9 days of redemption prior to 15 of Jan.

9. The General Public would start on 15 Jan.

10. When the US-China Trade Agreement was signed on Wed. 15 Jan. the new UST Note would be gold/asset backed – as would all other world currencies.

11. The Powers That Be wanted this entire reset completed for the Tiers, Internet Group and General Public by the end of Jan.

12. You could take out a maximum of $14,000 cash at your exchange.

B. Jan. 2 2020 Morning Chat with MarkZ: https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz

1. According to contacts in Reno and the Banking world it’s going to happen today Thurs. 2 Jan.

2. In Iraq they were looking at Sun. 5 Jan.

3. Military and Government sources say anywhere from Sun. 5 Jan. to Wed. 15 of Jan.

4. Mr. C has not yet gone.

5. Package deliveries have had a lot of logistical issues.

6. Redemption Centers remained on call.

7. The Repo market has plugged in 500 billion to the banks. Since the beginning of quantitative easing we were up to 12 trillion that we know of. Somehow over the last 8-10 years we have lost 22 trillion. It just magically disappeared from our government. So the number seemed to be over 30 trillion dollars they have snuck into our economy in the 10 years since the first crash in 2008. This inflation bill was coming due and there was nothing they could do to keep it from coming due, short of a reset.

8. As of now there have been 23 or 24 Chinese banks fail. Three in Italy have failed and some in Spain as well. Deutshe Bank was big enough and close enough to failure in order to force Europe and the US to crash, giving us the reset the hard way – but it would give it to us.

9. Either by going to a Guru website, calling an 800 number, or through email, you would receive a web link. By your going to that web link on your own computer or phone, it would create your own unique signature to receive your exchange/redemption appointment.



U.S. Government Loses Landmark Lawsuit Over Forced Vaccinations
12/30/2019 02:22:00 AM Big Pharma, Citizen Rights, Corruption, FDA, Law, US Government, USA

U.S. Government Loses Landmark Vaccine Lawsuit

Vaccine injury lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Del Bigtree, producer of the suppressed anti-vaccine documentary, Vaxxed and the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) are credited with this victory. They demanded the relevant government documents proving that all federally approved vaccines had been tested for quality over the past 32 years — and there were none.

Here are the huge legal and practical implications in this legal victory for the American people:

This means that the US Department of Health and Human Services and all vaccine makers have been lying to the American people for over 30 years about the effectiveness and safety of vaccines; this may ultimately mean that continuing the existence — at least in their current form — of five US “healthcare” agencies are now in doubt: the CDC, the FDA, the IOM, the NIH and the “Health” part of DHHS itself; this may also threaten the existence of state medical boards and exclusive medical guilds like the AMA;

This means that vaccine makers have been fraudulently exempt from what all other pharmaceutical drug makers have been forced to do concerning biannual recertification for quality and effectiveness —

All government officials who have passed laws legalizing vaccine fraud at the state, national, or international level, or otherwise aided and abetted this vaccine fraud can now be charged with vaccine fraud, criminal malfeasance and in some cases, war crimes under the Nuremberg Code.

More info:



HUGE: Trump Shares Video Implying Pelosi's Son Is Involved With Ukrainian Corruption

Follow CollinRugg
Posted December 28, 2019 in Politics

On Friday, President Donald Trump shared a video clip highlighting potential corruption involving Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's son, Paul Pelosi, and Ukraine. The allegation against Paul Pelosi are similar to those against Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden.

The original video was shared by an account on Twitter with the caption: “@oann exposes those DemocRATS & their Ukraine ties Joe & Hunter & Nancy & Paul; seems like it’s a Family Affair What’s going on here ? Pay attention to 1:13 in this video as it has been removed from social media”

The President then retweeted the video saying, “Wow Crazy Nancy, what’s going on? This is big stuff!”

Check out the video below:

Check out the transcript of the video below:



Mega-Tretmine Ukraine: Rudy Giuliani und die Korruption der politischen Gegner (Teil 1)

Von N8waechter - 2. Jan. 2020

Ein in den hiesigen Spottdrosseln weitestgehend unbeachteter Teil der Theaterbühne in Übersee sind die Ermittlungen von US-Präsident Donald Trumps persönlichem Anwalt, Rudy Giuliani, in Bezug auf die Machenschaften der US-Demokraten im Jahr 2016 und im Besonderen von Hunter und Joe Biden in der Ukraine. Herr Giuliani hatte im ausgehenden Jahr 2019 bei Reportern des alternativen US-Senders “One America News“ (OAN) eine Plattform gefunden, die bisherigen Ergebnisse seiner Ermittlungen ausführlich vorzustellen. In Form einer Dokumentarserie veröffentlichte OAN bisher drei ausgedehnte Teile, in welchen Herr Giuliani seine Sicht auf die Ermittlungsergebnisse um Korruption in der Ukraine darstellt und Zeugen heranzieht, welche seine Ergebnisse bestätigen.

In Teil 1 der von Chanel Rion von OAN präsentierten Serie, stellt der Anwalt eingangs fest, dass er seit “zwei Jahren nicht mehr in der Ukraine“ gewesen sei – seit Dezember 2017, noch bevor er überhaupt von Donald Trump als persönlicher Anwalt berufen wurde. Seine Ermittlungen hatten zunächst noch keinerlei Bezug zu den Bidens oder auch zu Donald Trump, sondern sie drehten sich um Korruption ausgewählter US-Politiker und -Bürokraten, welche maßgebliche finanzielle Unterstützung der Wahlkampagne Hillary Clintons im Jahr 2016 zu verantworten hatten.

Im November 2017 hatte Herr Giuliani einen Anruf von einem langjährigen Vertrauten erhalten, ...



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aus der Diskussion: Devils Tower vs Trump Tower
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): teecee1  (03.01.20 14:03:26)
Beitrag: 729 von 972 (ID:62273354)
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