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[posting]62381810[/posting] ... \ud83d\ude01 ... Überlebensversicherung ... wenn dein Haus abrennt ... bezahlt normalerweise ... die Feuerwehr ... wieviele Häuser brennen täglich ab ... ??? ...

What is a Pyramid Scheme?

Mark Henricks ,SmartAsset • January 16, 2020

A pyramid scheme is an investment scam. Often they are business opportunity scams that solicit people to pay to distribute products or services. They, in turn, recruit additional distributors. Many people think of supplement sales when they think of a pyramid scheme. Here’s how one works.

Pyramid Scheme Legality

Pyramid schemes are illegal in many countries, including the United States. The Federal Trade Commission regularly prosecutes people and companies that promote pyramid schemes. As a result, may companies refund sizable amounts to defrauded investors.

Sometimes companies successfully prosecuted as pyramid schemes close down or change the way they do business. Meanwhile, some pyramid scheme operators face prison times. However, that outcome occurs less often.

How a Pyramid Scheme Works

... Allianz-scheffeln ... und seine ... VerSicherungsVertreter ... so ein schlechtes Klima ... in der Luft ...

The pyramid promoter first recruits. Then, investors pay money for rights to sell a product or service. If the scheme involves selling a physical product, the investors usually purchase an inventory of the products.

Investors can now recruit other investors. As a result, initial investors receive rewards based on the income from later investors. Also, they obtain rewards based on how investors recruited even later perform.

As later investors recruit more investors, the number of total investors can grow very rapidly. And as more and more investors join, the revenues from entry fees and product sales can mount quickly. As this happens, financial returns to the promoter and sometimes the earlier investors can also mount very rapidly.

The speed with the number of investors grows is what must bring every pyramid scheme down, however. For instance, say the initial promoter recruits 10 investors. These 10 each recruit 10 investors, and so on. After eight repetitions, a ninth requires 1 billion investors, or more than three times the population of the United States. ...



Bundesregierung bündelt Maßnahmen gegen Geldwäsche
4 Std

Deutschland bündelt erstmals seine Aktivitäten zur Bekämpfung von Geldwäsche und Terrorismusfinanzierung. Es hake trotzdem noch an vielen Stellen, so dass auf Gesetzesebene und im Vollzug mehr passieren müsse, hieß es am Freitag in Kreisen der Bundesregierung. Die überarbeitete Geldwäsche-Richtlinie ist gerade in Kraft getreten. Darin aufgenommen wurde unter anderem die Verwahrung von Kryptowährungen. Außerdem gibt es bei Immobilientransaktionen erweiterte Meldepflichten. Im ersten Halbjahr 2020 soll nun noch eine Rechtsverordnung für Notare erlassen werden, damit diese auffällige Transaktionen ...


aus der Diskussion: Allianz Real Estate GmbH: dunkle Vermietungsgeschäfte über HOCHTIEF Asset Services GMBH
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): teecee1  (17.01.20 17:05:09)
Beitrag: 87 von 107 (ID:62408891)
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