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[posting]62842722[/posting] ... :rolleyes: ... Corona macht einen großen Bogen um Idlib ... zu gefährlich ...

Türkischer Verteidigungsminister: Türkei startete erfolgreich Militäroffensive gegen syrische Armee
Epoch Times1. März 2020 Aktualisiert: 1. März 2020 13:43

Die Türkei hat nach eigenen Angaben eine Militäroffensive gegen die syrische Armee gestartet. Damit reagierte sie auf die Luftangriffe auf türkische Soldaten in der nordwestsyrischen Provinz Idlib. ...


Bei den Luftangriffen vom Donnerstag waren 33 türkische Soldaten getötet worden, ein weiterer starb am Freitag. ...

... :rolleyes: ... 27.02.20 + 34 = 31.03.20 ... | ... 05.03. - 06.03. ...




​Ebenfalls am Montag wurde bekannt, dass der zum irakischen Ministerpräsidenten ernannte Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi, früherer Kommunikationsminister, nach mehreren missglückten Versuchen, die Zustimmung des Parlaments zu einer neuen Regierung zu erhalten, auf sein Amt verzichtet hat. ...


The GCR rollout so far: ...

Thurs. 27 Feb. After ridding Congress of three Democrats who had held up the reset, Adjudicated settlements, Fines and Penalties, Sovereign accounts such as Indian/Native American, Farm and Church Claims were paid out on that same Thursday that an important (secretive) GCR Event also took place.

Fri. 28 Feb. The Stock Market failed to bounce back from the past week’s losses of wiping out all gains for the year, freezing the Stock and Global Futures Markets and stocks that had posted the worst five day point loss ever. By midnight all banks worldwide were connected to the Real Time Payment System (RTPS).

Sun. 1 March With the US Dollar already asset-backed, would those gold-backed monies be pumped into the system to save the Stock Market? ... :rolleyes: ...24/7 ... Real Time Payment System (RTPS) ...


Market Crash Continues Ahead Of Futures Open - Navigating What Happens Next

by Tyler Durden
Sun, 03/01/2020 - 11:25

Update (1100ET): It would appear that last minute panic-buying in stocks on Friday has been erased as spread betting markets are signaling a 500 point Dow futures drop at this evening's open...

Authored by Lance Roberts via RealInvestmentAdvice.com,



A. Bruce:

1. This was supposed to go the morning of Thurs. 27 Feb, but we had resistance in the House and Senate – two Democrats in the House, one Democrat in the Senate – who were resisting the release of everything. They were given until 1:15 pm EST Thurs. 27 Feb. to decide otherwise and if not, they would be removed. I believe they ended up getting removed.

2. The Native American and Farm claims, Church groups, Adjudicated Settlements, Fines & Penalties – all those larger Sovereign groups – were paid out Thurs. afternoon 27 Feb.

3. All banks around the globe were connecting to the Real Time Payment System (RTPS) – which was a ledger to ledger transfer that took no longer than 32 seconds to send a wire globally. There were three Central Banks around the globe that were not yet connected to the QFS and RTPS, though would be by midnight EST Friday night 28 Feb.



Hans-Joachim Mueller
gestern um 18:13 Uhr

Post von Müller, ...

„Ist Angela Merkel die Agentin und Webasto die Root Super-Spreaderin vom 11. September 2019 - einem 9/11-Jubiläum - als sie Wuhan besuchte, um die Fabrik zu eröffnen und den BioWar in China zu starten?“



Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel Opens New Webasto Location in Wuhan, China

Stockdorf/Wuhan – September 7, 2019 – As part of a two-day trip to China, Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel, accompanied by a top-level German business delegation, ...


... :rolleyes: ... wer wurde in Wuhan/China entfernt ... etc. etc. ...


Coronavirus in China: Über die Hälfte der Erkrankten wieder gesund

08:27 01.03.2020(aktualisiert 11:10 01.03.2020) https://sptnkne.ws/B7ef

Mehr als die Hälfte der mit dem Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 infizierten Einwohner Chinas sind nach Angaben des Staatskomitees für Gesundheitswesen geheilt aus stationärer Behandlung entlassen worden.

In Festlandchina wurden insgesamt 79.824 Infizierte registriert. 42.139 davon sind inzwischen gesund aus Krankenhäusern entlassen worden. Weitere Patienten werden noch krankenhäuslich behandelt.

Seit dem Ausbruch der Epidemie in China, ...




***Live Updates***

Donald Trump Addresses CPAC 2020

Joshua Caplan 29 Feb 2020

President Donald Trump on Saturday is delivering a highly-anticipated speech to activists at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) at the Gaylord Hotel overlooking the National Harbor in Maryland.

Stay tuned to Breitbart News for live updates. All times eastern. ...

4:03 PM: Trump mocks former New York City Mayor and Democrat presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg’s abysmal debate performances: “It just shows you that you can’t buy an election. I mean, there’s a point at which people say, you gotta bring the goods a little bit too.” He adds that Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) “destroyed him.”

... \ud83d\ude31 ... Make Mini Mike Mini Again ...

4:03 PM: Trump touts his economic accomplishments: “America is stronger today than ever before. We have rebuilt our incredible U.S. military, revived our industrial might and restored our standing in the world. America is respected again – respected like never before.”

4:01 PM: Trump rips Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) for his eagerness to criticize the U.S.’s response to the coronavirus, saying “Crying Chuck Schumer, he sees the mic, he’ll run 200 yards to get to a mic.”

4:00 PM: Trump continues on his administration’s response to the coronavirus: “We’ve done a great a job, everything’s under control.”

3:57 PM: Trump speaks about his administration’s response to the coronavirus: “My job is to protect Americans, and to protect Americans’ health… We’re banning travel for anyone who has been to Iran in the last 14 days.”

“All they have to do is ask. We will have great professionals over there,” he added.

3:54 PM: Trump slams the corporate media, says “It would be so much easier for us as a country if the press told the truth.”

3:53 PM: Trump on the U.S., Taliban signing an agreement aimed at bringing peace to Afghanistan: “If the Taliban live up to the agreement, it means the longest war in American history by far – it’s not even close – will be over… I’ll say this for the Taliban: they’re great fighters. All you have to do is ask the Soviet Union. But they’re tired.”

3:47 PM: Trump talks about ordering the killing of ISIS chief Abu Al-Baghdadi, saying “There’s no dog like Conan” — the K9 who played a key role in the operation against the longtime terrorist.

3:44 PM: Trump says he asked the U.S. military to change the color used to label ISIS territory on maps from red to another color because red if the color of the Republican Party.

3:43 PM: Trump recalls a story about a U.S. soldier who lost both legs due to a roadside bomb and touts the deadly strike on Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani, calling him a “son of a bitch.” The crowd cheers loudly.

3:37 PM: Trump slams Sen. Mitt Romney as a “lowlife” for voting to convict him in the Senate’s impeachment trial. The crowd boos at the mention of Romney. The president says he did not realize how “deep” the Swamp is and reiterates his pledge to get rid of “dirty” Deep Staters.

3:36 PM: Trump recounts how Schlapp suggested that he run for president following a previous CPAC speech. “I guess I’m slightly more famous now,” the president jokes.

3:35 PM: Trump says the Make America Great Again movement is something like “honestly nobody has ever seen” and jokes some of his Democrat presidential rivals speak to two people on a “street corner.”

3:33 PM: CPAC chairman Matt Schlapp is introducing President Trump. “Socialism is more tragic than a Jimmy Kimmel monologue,” Schlapp jokes in reference to this year’s theme, “America vs. Socialism.” ...

aus der Diskussion: Devils Tower vs Trump Tower
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): teecee1  (02.03.20 11:36:45)
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