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[posting]63845672[/posting]Der dicke Joschi, mit seiner grünen Hose wird übrigens demnächst mit seinem sexy schwäbischen
Akzent für Hannan trommeln:

Engagement of Swiss Resource Capital
The Company announces that it will engage SRC Swiss Resource Capital AG ("SRC") to provide investor relations and communication services in Europe to increase exposure and awareness to investors in the German speaking financial community. SRC is led by Jochen Staiger, CEO. The Engagement is for an initial term of twelve months but can be cancelled by both parties with 30 days' notice. SRC will assist the Company's efforts to grow investor awareness and expanding exposure to retail and institutional investors, including by providing news dissemination and marketing services in German. The engagement, including the payment of €13,500 per month and the issuance of 100,000 options to SRC at a price of 0.28 for a period of three years, is subject to TSX Venture Exchange (TSX-V) approval. SRC does not currently have any interest, direct or indirect in the Company or its securities.

Ich kann euch sagen...der Joschi kann quatschen, wie ein Buch!
Sein schwäbisches Englisch ist Weltklasse!
Da wird noch eine 93 jährige Omi ihr Gebiss verkaufen...um sich einige Hannan Aktien zu besorgen.
Den muss man mal auf der Invest in Stuttgart live erleben...den Joschi...ich ziehe den Hut.
aus der Diskussion: Hannan Metals... Rick Rules 2020 Top Pic startet durch!
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): Mike-Foxtrott  (29.05.20 17:26:36)
Beitrag: 6 von 596 (ID:63845786)
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