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China verkündigt massive Eingriffe in Internetnutzung

Korrekt, die Nutzung/Inhalt des Internet wird in China anders ablaufen, jedenfalls erheblich kontrollierter.

Wie hat Hartcourt / Sinobull.com darauf reagiert ?

1) Sinobull hat 3 Leute eingestellt, die immer die Chatrooms überprüfen.

2) Das Unternehmen sieht darin kein großes Problem, weil die Regierung Internet insbesondere in 3 Bereichen forcieren möchte: Bildung, Medizin und Aktienhandel. Mit z.B. pornografischen Websites ist es in China sehr viel schwieriger - für Sinobull kein Problem.

3)Der beste Schachzug überhaupt, war der vor ein paar Wochen bekanntgegebenen neue President & CEO Michael Bianco.

- Michael Bianco, president of the U.S.-China Finance and Investment Council

- Michael Bianco, chairman and chief executive officer of American Capital Markets Corp

- In 1980, Michael Bianco was invited to a private dinner in Beijing by Madame Soong Ching Ling, the wife of China`s first President, Dr. Sun Yat Sen.

Mir gefällt besonders die letzte "Schlagzeile". Wenn Michael Bianco schon vor 20 Jahren diese politischen Beziehungen pfegte, was für Kontakte hat er nun erst heute ?

Und für die, die es interessiert, etwas mehr zu Mr. Bianco:

Mr. Bianco received his MPA from the
University of Michigan and his undergraduate degree from Wilkes University.
During his 32 years in the banking industry, Mr. Bianco had worked for the
most prestigious financial institutions, including Chase Manhattan, Loeb
Rhoades, Security Pacific, Bank of California, Barclay`s Bank, Hibernia Bank
and American Capital Markets. He was also the Managing Director of Corporate
Financial Consulting of Arthur Anderson & Co. He is an advisor to W.I. Harper
Group, which manages 4 venture funds with a total investment of $250 Million
in 43 operating companies in China.
His impressive background is a perfect fit for the operation of
Sinobull.com, because Mr. Bianco spent 9 years working in Taipei and Tokyo as
the top executive of above financial institutions. He has a deep
understanding of Asian cultures and business customs. In 1980, he was invited
to a private dinner in Beijing by Madame Soong Ching Ling, the wife of China`s
first President, Dr. Sun Yat Sen, in recognition of his works in export
financing for China. In 1997, Mr. Bianco led an American high-tech delegation
for a 10-day business trip to China, where they were received by the Chairman
of the National People`s Congress and the Minister of Finance.

sinobull.com, die mögliche Nr. 1 Finanz-/Brokerseite im zukünftigen Internetland Nr. 1 China - schade für die, die nicht dabei sind !

Fuel Cell
aus der Diskussion: Die Hartcourt Börsenwette (22.3.00 - 22.09.01)
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): fuel cell  (24.03.00 10:24:11)
Beitrag: 17 von 50 (ID:686132)
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