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Lieber SaddamsBesterFreund, (alias Banano, Schimpanso, Slobodano) wenn Du Dich so eloquent ausdruecken koenntest, vielleicht wuerden wir Dich dann etwas ernster nehmen:

Thema: Wielange läßt sich das amerikanische und britische Volk noch verapplen? [Thread-Nr.: 713117]
#2 von spicault 26.03.03 23:10:47 Beitrag Nr.: 9.000.105

Strange.... the hate of the Germans for an American president who intends to do for the Iraqis what the Americans once did for the Germans - liberate them from a tyrannical regime.

For the Germans, WW II is not associated in their minds with heroism and liberation, but with their own suffering through Allied bombing, with humiliation and defeat.

However, for the chief victims of Nazi oppression, the Jews and the Poles, the Allied victory in WW II meant liberation from Nazi tyranny, and they thank the Americans now by supporting them in Iraq. They understand what this war is all about.

The other great victims of WW II, the Russians, would also be doing the same, were it not for the legacy of 70 years of Communism, and the iron grip it still has on their minds.

Every year 10, 000 Iraqis disappear in the prisons and torture chambers of Saddam Hussein. That is more than 100,000 since the beginning of UN sanctions. The Germans do not want to know about this grisly hecatomb and prefer to wallow in their own self-pity and cultivate their old hates and grievances. The enemy of humanity is not Saddam Hussein but Bush and the nation he leads. His accomplice in crime is Tony Blair. "Die Anglo-Amerikaner sind wieder da!"

Anyone who doubts the reality of the Germans` age-old, mindless anti-Americanism needs only to read the postings on this board, as well as those on other German websites. Here you encounter, for example, old accusations of American duplicity and treachery with regard to the First World War. The Americans are supposed to have organized the sinking of the Lusitania in order to create a pretext for intervention. Their main motive for entering the war was the recovery of the war loans they had granted to France and England. At the time these countries were threatened with defeat by Germany, the Americans intervened to save their European investments.

For the German revanchists and America-haters, the American participation in World War I was the origin of all the misfortunes that befell Germany and the world in later years. If we are to believe some Germans, the Americans were also responsible for Hitler and the holocaust.

And this intervention occurred under under the presidency of Woodrow Wilson, an idealist and proponent of universal values, and a two-faced, double-dealing hypocrite in the mould of George W. Bush.

And scattered around these websites you can find modern versions of the age-old international Jewish conspiracy. Here you can read how the Jews (Wolfowitz, Cheney etc.) in the Bush Administration are plotting to conquer and enslave the world. An idea that has been around in Germany for a long time. The "Jewish Connection" - the link between certain Jewish members (Morganthau and others) of the Roosevelt Adminstration and world Jewry - was a constant theme of Nazi propaganda.

The Germans have always loved conspiracy theories, and they are among the most fervent believers in the "Krieg für Öl" myth. In fact, this myth was first invented by German propagandists under Hitler, as pointed out by Dan Diver in his book "Feinbild Amerika". Then as now, the Americans and the British were accused of waging an imperialist war for economic interests and to assuage their "greed for oil".

It does not occur to any of the German pacifists and appeasers, however, that if American policy with regard to Iraq was dictated by an overriding interest in Iraqi oil, America would long ago have made peace with Saddam and signed lucrative oil contracts with the Iraqis, exactly as the French have done. To imagine that the Americans would spend hundreds of billions of dollars and squander the lives of hundreds of soldiers in a war for Iraqi oil that they could obtain by peaceful means is absurb.

But there is no reasoning with German pacifists, for whom anti-Americanism is a religious calling. Christian Stroeble, the German Green Party MP, declared on television that an Iraqi war, in which hundreds of thousands would be killed, could not be justified by cheaper oil, while at the same time Green Party spokesmen warned that this war must be avoided at all costs, because it would lead to higher oil prices, and this would be detrimental to the world economy, especially the economies of the developing countries. Contradictory and incoherent? Don`t tell a German pacifist that. The rules of logic no not apply when you have the whole world behind you, and the whole world knows that the Americans want that oil and are prepared to kill millions to get it.

German television channels are suddenly using words that one is used to hearing in other contexts. The bombing of Baghdad by Allied forces is being referred to as a "holocaust", implying a moral equivalence between the murder of 6 million Jews and the bombing of a city designed to eliminate a brutal tyrant`s apparatus of power. Pop stars and film directors who publicly protest the war in Iraq are being praised for their "Zivilcourage", as if it required much courage, for a celebrity, to stage an event that in the modern world inevitably translates into thousands of dollars on his or her bank account. Thus we are meant to believe that the publicity-grabbing antics of a Mike Moore or a member of the Kelly family are as selfless, noble and brave as the Nazi-defying, Jew-saving activities of an Oscar Schindler.

Documentaries on German television purport to demonstrate, with arcane arguments and convoluted reasoning, that the US sows discord and foments war all over the world in order to profit from arms sales. Other documentaries demonstrate that it is the Americans`s desire for world domination that dictates their foreign policy. And still other documentaries demonstrate, for those who did not already know, that all members of the US Senate and Congress are in the pay of economic interest groups. No idea is too outlandish, no slander is too vile, no insult is too vulgar, as long as it serves to demonize the USA.

On German television we are living a revision of history thanks to the Iraqi war. Vladimir Putin is no longer a mass murderer and oppressor of the Chechen people. Since joining France and Germany in the coalition of the unwilling he has undergone a transformation into an apostle of peace, a hero to be admired by all Germans. In a documentary authored by Peter Scholl-Latour we learn that the Australian military intervention in East Timor - which was sanctioned by the UN and which prevented a genocide - was motivated by - can you guess? - greed for the oil, which is plentiful in that region. Funny. Before the Australians allied themselves to America in the war against Saddam Hussein the German media sang their praised for their intervention in East Timor.

Once again, the Germans have allowed themselves to be caught up in a collective hysteria, abandoned reason and common sense. Above all, they have lost any sense of morality. Once again, they are on the wrong side of history. Iraq will be liberated by brave American soldiers, while the Germans and French have cowered, criticised, and lent moral support to the tyrant Saddam Hussein.

Germans do not want to learn from their own history. Instead they run around parrotting worn-out slogans like "Krieg ist keine Lösung" or "Krieg ist immer ein Versagen". They love to compare Bush with Hitler, thus diffaming the president of a democratic country who has already liberated Afghanistan from the medieval tyranny of the Taliban.

Do not Iraqis deserve the same freedom and the same prosperity that the Germans now enjoy thanks to American military power?
aus der Diskussion: Die amerikanische Verschuldungsmaschine
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): helmut_kohl  (27.03.03 06:19:18)
Beitrag: 3,026 von 4,262 (ID:9000815)
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