
    Denison Mines voll im Trend! - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 28.01.06 21:41:39 von
    neuester Beitrag 11.03.22 06:23:35 von
    Beiträge: 44
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 28.01.06 21:41:39
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Denison Mines aussichtsreich
      Quelle: Wirtschaftswoche
      Datum: 12.01.06

      Die Experten vom Magazin "Wirtschaftswoche" halten die Aktie von Denison Mines (ISIN CA2483581039/ WKN A0B9M9) für empfehlenswert.

      Uran sei der bedeutendste Rohstoff zum Betrieb von Atomkraftwerken. Seit dem Jahr 2000 sei der Preis von weniger als 10 auf 36,50 Dollar gestiegen. Explorationsgesellschaften würden weltweit nach Uran suchen. Ein Engagement in deren Aktien berge jedoch sehr hohe Risiken. Eher würden sich bereits fördernde Unternehmen mit sicheren Reserven in politisch stabilen Ländern empfehlen. Denison Mines sei nach Cameco der zweitgrößte Uranförderer Kanadas.

      Die Börse bewerte das rentabel wirtschaftende Unternehmen derzeit mit 308 Mio. Euro. Denison sei Junior Partner (22,5%) von Cogéma Resources, einer Tochter des französischen Atomkonzerns Areva, bei der Ausbeutung der Uranvorkommen in der Mine McClean Lake in Saskatchewan. Am vielversprechenden Uranprojekt Midwest halte Denison Mines 25,2%. In beiden Lagerstätten würden bislang 15 Mio. Pound (Denison-Anteil) als wirtschaftlich abbaubare Reserve eingestuft. Nach Abschluss aller Bohrungen nahe des Midwest-Projekts könnten die Reserven enorm steigen.

      Die Denison Mines-Aktie ist nach Meinung der Experten der "Wirtschaftswoche" chancenreich. Ein Stoppkurs werde bei 11,60 Kanadischen Dollar empfohlen.
      Analyse-Datum: 12.01.2006
      schrieb am 01.02.06 21:35:56
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      ja, guter Wert, und nach dem Rückgang heute bietet sich wieder eine Einstiegsgelegenheit.

      schrieb am 08.02.06 18:54:54
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      [posting]20.001.631 von Aktionaer05 am 01.02.06 21:35:56[/posting]Man sollte wirklich diesen Rückgang des gesamten Explorerbereiches nutzen um bei guten Aktien nachzulegen!:)
      schrieb am 09.02.06 18:12:44
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Hallo Albatossa,
      sollte man noch warten oder so bald wie möglich einsteigen ...
      Übrigens, von mir wirst du nie Vorwürfe hören oder persönlich angegriffen werden.
      Ist nicht mein Ding, bringt nichts und hilft keinem!
      Gruß, viel Erfolg und gute Gedanken JoJo

      Ps.: Sollte noch akteull sein
      23. August 2005
      Der Uranmarkt entwickelt sich konstant gut. Kaum ein Wunder bei den rekordbrechenden Ölnotierungen. Beides sind Energieträger, die die Stromerzeuger austauschen können. Im bisherigen Jahresdurchschnitt erreicht der Uranpreis gut 25,00 US-Dollar je Pfund. Letzte Woche lag der Preis für Uran sogar bei knapp unter 30,00 US-Dollar. Längerfristig sollte sich der Preis bei mehr als 31,00 US-Dollar einpendeln.

      Vom stabilen Preis für Uran sollte neben dem Branchenführer Cameco zum Beispiel Denison Mines Inc. profitieren. Dabei handelt es sich ebenfalls um eine kanadische Gesellschaft - die zweite Börsennotierte
      aus dem nordamerikanischen Land.

      Denison kann ungefähr zehn Jahre aus seinen Uranreserven schöpfen bei einer jährlichen Produktion von derzeit 1,35 Millionen Pfund Uran. Mit diesen Vorraussetzungen hat das Unternehmen gewissen Einfluss auf den Uranmarkt. Denison besitzt einen idealen Mix aus Chancen im Explorationsbereich, Produktionseinkommen, bestehenden Verkaufsverbindungen, langlebigen Wirtschaftsgütern und den nötigen Geschäftsverbindungen in der sensiblen Branche. Damit liegen für den Investor, der am Uranmarkt mitprofitieren will, wichtige Vorgaben vor. Diese Zusammensetzung von Aktivitäten treibt den Gewinn der Anleger nach oben.

      Der Gewinn des Unternehmens stieg im vergangenen Quartal (Anfang April bis Ende Juni) um 284 Prozent, damit von 3,2 Mio. auf 12,3 Mio. C-Dollar. Und dieser Erfolg ist umso bemerkenswerter bedenkt man Folgendes: Denison besitzt mit der Atomindustrie längerfristige Lieferverträge, die im zweiten und dritten Quartal niedrigere Uranpreise festgeschrieben haben. Für das Gesamtjahr könnte daher von etwa 50 C-Cent je Aktie Gewinn ausgegangen werden. Im Vorjahr verdiente Denison noch 10 Cent je Aktie. Nächstes Jahr dürfte die Produktion von gut 1,3 Millionen Pfund Uran auf zirka 1,6 Millionen Pfund Uran ansteigen. Der Umsatz könnte dann gegenüber 2005 aufgrund höherer realisierter Uranpreise deutlich gegenüber 2005 anziehen. Der Gewinn sollte auf gut 22 Mio. C-Dollar steigen. Dies bedeutet bei 25,353 Millionen ausstehenden Aktien einen Gewinn je Aktie von knapp 90 Cent. Die Denison beobachtenden Investmenthäuser wie National Bank Financial und Raymond James stehen der Entwicklung deutlich skeptischer gegenüber. Sie erwarten für 2006 nur einen Gewinn je Aktie von knapp 0,30 Euro. Erst ab 2007 billigen sie Denison den Sprung zu, den wir für 2006 bereits für möglich halten. Da die Produktion und vor allem die Kosten- und realisierte Preisstruktur sich 2007 und 2008 weiter verbessern sollte, dürfte der Gewinn weiter steigen. Die Börse liebt Gewinnüberraschungen, daher sollte die Denison-Aktie in den nächsten Monaten und Jahren profitieren - natürlich vorausgesetzt der Uranpreis bleibt zumindest auf dem aktuellen Niveau oder erhöht sich weiter. Angesichts der in nächster Zeit anfallenden chinesischen Nachfrage sollten wir aber von weiter hohen Uranpreisen ausgehen. berichtet und kommentiert das aktuelle Geschehen an den Rohstoffmärkten und verfolgt die Entwicklung von Minengesellschaften, insbesondere aus den Bereichen Gold- und Silber, aber auch bei Basismetallen und sonstigen Rohstoffen. Weitere Infos unter: www.goldinvest.deDer obige Text spiegelt die Meinung des jeweiligen Kolumnisten wider. Die Smarthouse Media GmbH übernimmt für dessen Richtigkeit keine Verantwortung und schließt jegliche Regressansprüche aus.
      schrieb am 10.02.06 23:51:02
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      klar! Für sein Handeln ist jeder selbstverantwortlich!

      Sind doch erwachsene Menschen!:D

      Also ich glaube sind langsam Einstiegskurse!

      Bin aber noch in Wartestellung!


      Trading Spotlight

      InnoCan Pharma
      0,1915EUR +3,79 %
      Aktie kollabiert! Hier der potentielle Nutznießer! mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 27.02.06 13:00:54
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      So bin Freitag rein, hoffentlich kommt rebound!

      Enges SL .
      schrieb am 27.02.06 13:42:33
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      [posting]20.400.981 von Aktionaer05 am 27.02.06 13:00:54[/posting]:) Danke für die Info!
      Kannst Du auch den Grund für Dein Investment kurz beschreiben?
      Gibt es neue Info?

      ;) Ein erfolgreiche Woche und gute Gedanken
      schrieb am 27.02.06 14:57:14
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      1.) Ich geh mit sehr engen SL in Werte, von dem her interessiert mich das Risiko das wir auf die 9 fallen nicht.->ich sehe aber charttechnisch die Chance auf 13 oder höher.

      2.) Fundamental, Gewinn, Umsatzwachstum, kleinerer Wert wie Cameco, sehe hier Potential.

      China (und andere Länder, siehe andere Threads) will neue Aks bauen. Nichts neues, aber solche Meldungen rücken UT wie Denison Mines, Cameco, Uranium Power in den Blickpunkt der Anleger.

      3.)Hier die Meldung von Spiegel (heute 27.02.2006):,1518,403327,00.html

      China will 32 Atomkraftwerke bauen

      China reagiert auf den Energiehunger seiner Riesen-Volkswirtschaft: Die Volksrepublik will in den nächsten Jahren 32 neue Atomkraftwerke bauen - in Anbetracht der gigantischen Energieprobleme des Landes ist das allerdings nicht mehr als ein Tropfen auf den heißen Stein.

      Peking - Mit dem Bau der 32 neuen Reaktoren soll dem rasant wachsenden Energiebedarf der Volksrepublik Rechnung getragen werden, erklärte der Vizedirektor der staatlichen Nuklearbehörde, Shen Wenquan, laut einem Bericht in einer Fachzeitschrift für Energiefragen. Im Moment sind in China neun Reaktoren im Einsatz. Die neuen Meiler sollen innerhalb der nächsten 15 Jahre entstehen.

      Chinesische Arbeiter vor Atomkraftwerk: Marode Kohlekraftwerke sorgen noch für 70 Prozent der Energie
      Die Regierung möchte den Atomstrom künftig weitaus stärker nutzen, um die Abhängigkeit vom Erdöl zu reduzieren. So sollen die neuen Kernkraftwerke nicht nur in den Industriegebieten an der Küste, sondern auch in einigen abgelegenen Agrarregionen entstehen.

      Chinas Boomwirtschaft wird durch die unzureichende Energieversorgung gefährdet: Unternehmen klagen immer wieder über Stromausfälle. Fabriken in den Megastädten Shanghai und Peking arbeiten im Sommer nur nachts, weil am Tage Millionen von Klimaanlagen die Räume kühlen und das Netz zusammenbricht. Die veralteten Kohlekraftwerke, die derzeit für 70 Prozent der Energie sorgen müssen, können den Bedarf kaum decken. Gab es 2003 landesweit in 21 Provinzen Abschaltungen, waren es 2004 schon 24 Provinzen.

      Ohne Energie kann China seine Wachstumsziele nicht erfüllen, und das könnte dramatischen Folgen für das Land haben. Schon jetzt ziehen mehrere 100 Millionen verarmte Bauern auf der Suche nach Arbeit in die Städte. Die gigantische Wanderbewegung verunsichert den Staatsapparat. Letztes Frühjahr warnte Ministerpräsident Wen Jiabao vor einer Gefahr für den sozialen Frieden im Land. Tatsächlich hat es nach Regierungsangaben 2004 rund 70.000 teilweise gewalttätige Vorfälle infolge sozialer Spannungen gegeben.

      China -Chance oder Bedrohung für die Wirtschaft?

      Diskutieren Sie mit anderen SPIEGEL-ONLINE-Lesern!

      553 Beiträge,
      Neuester: Heute, 13.15 Uhr
      von fritzyoski
      Unter dem Motto "Bescheidener Wohlstand für alle" hat China deshalb ein Programm zur Verbesserung des Lebensstandards gestartet, das von einem raschen weiteren Wirtschaftswachstum ausgeht. Bis 2020 soll das Pro-Kopf-Einkommen von derzeit knapp 1000 Dollar auf 3000 Dollar steigen. Um das Ziel zu erreichen muss China das Bruttoinlandsprodukt bis dahin vervierfachen, was im Schnitt einer Zunahme von jährlich sieben Prozent entspricht.

      Ohne eine grundlegende Erneuerung der maroden Energie-Infrastruktur scheint das erreichen solch ehrgeiziger Ziele unmöglich. Die neuen Atommeiler können allerdings nur ein kleiner Teil der Anstrengung bleiben. Bei Vollendung der heute verkündeten Pläne würde die Kapazität der Kernkraftwerke auf 40 Gigawatt ansteigen - damit würde Atomstrom vier Prozent der Gesamtversorgung ausmachen. Zurzeit sind es 1,59 Prozent, also weitaus weniger als die Hälfte. Die Hauptanstrengung will China in den nächsten Jahren jedoch auf die Entwicklung erneuerbarer Energien und dabei vor allem auf die Wasserkraft setzen. Derzeit liegt der Anteil der Stromerzeugung aus Wasserkraftwerken zwischen 15 und 18 Prozent.


      Beste Grüße
      schrieb am 27.02.06 15:09:54
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      1.) Ich geh mit sehr engen SL in Werte rein, von dem her interessiert mich das Risiko dass wir auf die 9€ fallen nicht.-> charttechnische sehe ich aber die Chance auf 13€ oder höher, erstes Kursziel.

      2.)Fundamental Umsatz/Gewinnsteigerung, kleinerer Wert wie Cameco,-> sehe hier Potential.

      3.) Das verschiedene Länder wie Russland, Brasilien und auch Finnland neue Aks bauen bzw planen ist nichts neues.
      Spiegel Online gab heute die Meldung mit "Chinas Energieheißhunger" raus. Solche Nachrichten sind positiv für Unternehmen wie Cameco, Uranium Power oder Denison Mines. Je mehr Nachrichten desto positiver!:D

      Hier der Link und der Text von Spiegel Online 27.02.2006,1518,403327,00.html


      China will 32 Atomkraftwerke bauen

      China reagiert auf den Energiehunger seiner Riesen-Volkswirtschaft: Die Volksrepublik will in den nächsten Jahren 32 neue Atomkraftwerke bauen - in Anbetracht der gigantischen Energieprobleme des Landes ist das allerdings nicht mehr als ein Tropfen auf den heißen Stein.

      Peking - Mit dem Bau der 32 neuen Reaktoren soll dem rasant wachsenden Energiebedarf der Volksrepublik Rechnung getragen werden, erklärte der Vizedirektor der staatlichen Nuklearbehörde, Shen Wenquan, laut einem Bericht in einer Fachzeitschrift für Energiefragen. Im Moment sind in China neun Reaktoren im Einsatz. Die neuen Meiler sollen innerhalb der nächsten 15 Jahre entstehen.

      Chinesische Arbeiter vor Atomkraftwerk: Marode Kohlekraftwerke sorgen noch für 70 Prozent der Energie
      Die Regierung möchte den Atomstrom künftig weitaus stärker nutzen, um die Abhängigkeit vom Erdöl zu reduzieren. So sollen die neuen Kernkraftwerke nicht nur in den Industriegebieten an der Küste, sondern auch in einigen abgelegenen Agrarregionen entstehen.

      Chinas Boomwirtschaft wird durch die unzureichende Energieversorgung gefährdet: Unternehmen klagen immer wieder über Stromausfälle. Fabriken in den Megastädten Shanghai und Peking arbeiten im Sommer nur nachts, weil am Tage Millionen von Klimaanlagen die Räume kühlen und das Netz zusammenbricht. Die veralteten Kohlekraftwerke, die derzeit für 70 Prozent der Energie sorgen müssen, können den Bedarf kaum decken. Gab es 2003 landesweit in 21 Provinzen Abschaltungen, waren es 2004 schon 24 Provinzen.

      Ohne Energie kann China seine Wachstumsziele nicht erfüllen, und das könnte dramatischen Folgen für das Land haben. Schon jetzt ziehen mehrere 100 Millionen verarmte Bauern auf der Suche nach Arbeit in die Städte. Die gigantische Wanderbewegung verunsichert den Staatsapparat. Letztes Frühjahr warnte Ministerpräsident Wen Jiabao vor einer Gefahr für den sozialen Frieden im Land. Tatsächlich hat es nach Regierungsangaben 2004 rund 70.000 teilweise gewalttätige Vorfälle infolge sozialer Spannungen gegeben.

      China -Chance oder Bedrohung für die Wirtschaft?

      Diskutieren Sie mit anderen SPIEGEL-ONLINE-Lesern!

      555 Beiträge,
      Neuester: Heute, 14.42 Uhr
      von Erika Koschmitter
      Unter dem Motto "Bescheidener Wohlstand für alle" hat China deshalb ein Programm zur Verbesserung des Lebensstandards gestartet, das von einem raschen weiteren Wirtschaftswachstum ausgeht. Bis 2020 soll das Pro-Kopf-Einkommen von derzeit knapp 1000 Dollar auf 3000 Dollar steigen. Um das Ziel zu erreichen muss China das Bruttoinlandsprodukt bis dahin vervierfachen, was im Schnitt einer Zunahme von jährlich sieben Prozent entspricht.

      Ohne eine grundlegende Erneuerung der maroden Energie-Infrastruktur scheint das erreichen solch ehrgeiziger Ziele unmöglich. Die neuen Atommeiler können allerdings nur ein kleiner Teil der Anstrengung bleiben. Bei Vollendung der heute verkündeten Pläne würde die Kapazität der Kernkraftwerke auf 40 Gigawatt ansteigen - damit würde Atomstrom vier Prozent der Gesamtversorgung ausmachen. Zurzeit sind es 1,59 Prozent, also weitaus weniger als die Hälfte. Die Hauptanstrengung will China in den nächsten Jahren jedoch auf die Entwicklung erneuerbarer Energien und dabei vor allem auf die Wasserkraft setzen. Derzeit liegt der Anteil der Stromerzeugung aus Wasserkraftwerken zwischen 15 und 18 Prozent.

      schrieb am 27.02.06 15:17:05
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      nachdem ich jetzt das Dritte mal einen Text verfasst habe und dieser nicht rein gestellt wurde.

      Noch ein letzter Versuch. Vielleicht werden die Texte später angezeigt, die 5 Sekunden sind schon längst rum. Scheiß Wallstreet online...,1518,403327,00.html


      China will 32 Atomkraftwerke bauen

      China reagiert auf den Energiehunger seiner Riesen-Volkswirtschaft: Die Volksrepublik will in den nächsten Jahren 32 neue Atomkraftwerke bauen - in Anbetracht der gigantischen Energieprobleme des Landes ist das allerdings nicht mehr als ein Tropfen auf den heißen Stein.

      Peking - Mit dem Bau der 32 neuen Reaktoren soll dem rasant wachsenden Energiebedarf der Volksrepublik Rechnung getragen werden, erklärte der Vizedirektor der staatlichen Nuklearbehörde, Shen Wenquan, laut einem Bericht in einer Fachzeitschrift für Energiefragen. Im Moment sind in China neun Reaktoren im Einsatz. Die neuen Meiler sollen innerhalb der nächsten 15 Jahre entstehen.

      Chinesische Arbeiter vor Atomkraftwerk: Marode Kohlekraftwerke sorgen noch für 70 Prozent der Energie
      Die Regierung möchte den Atomstrom künftig weitaus stärker nutzen, um die Abhängigkeit vom Erdöl zu reduzieren. So sollen die neuen Kernkraftwerke nicht nur in den Industriegebieten an der Küste, sondern auch in einigen abgelegenen Agrarregionen entstehen.

      Chinas Boomwirtschaft wird durch die unzureichende Energieversorgung gefährdet: Unternehmen klagen immer wieder über Stromausfälle. Fabriken in den Megastädten Shanghai und Peking arbeiten im Sommer nur nachts, weil am Tage Millionen von Klimaanlagen die Räume kühlen und das Netz zusammenbricht. Die veralteten Kohlekraftwerke, die derzeit für 70 Prozent der Energie sorgen müssen, können den Bedarf kaum decken. Gab es 2003 landesweit in 21 Provinzen Abschaltungen, waren es 2004 schon 24 Provinzen.

      Ohne Energie kann China seine Wachstumsziele nicht erfüllen, und das könnte dramatischen Folgen für das Land haben. Schon jetzt ziehen mehrere 100 Millionen verarmte Bauern auf der Suche nach Arbeit in die Städte. Die gigantische Wanderbewegung verunsichert den Staatsapparat. Letztes Frühjahr warnte Ministerpräsident Wen Jiabao vor einer Gefahr für den sozialen Frieden im Land. Tatsächlich hat es nach Regierungsangaben 2004 rund 70.000 teilweise gewalttätige Vorfälle infolge sozialer Spannungen gegeben.

      China -Chance oder Bedrohung für die Wirtschaft?

      Diskutieren Sie mit anderen SPIEGEL-ONLINE-Lesern!

      555 Beiträge,
      Neuester: Heute, 14.42 Uhr
      von Erika Koschmitter
      Unter dem Motto "Bescheidener Wohlstand für alle" hat China deshalb ein Programm zur Verbesserung des Lebensstandards gestartet, das von einem raschen weiteren Wirtschaftswachstum ausgeht. Bis 2020 soll das Pro-Kopf-Einkommen von derzeit knapp 1000 Dollar auf 3000 Dollar steigen. Um das Ziel zu erreichen muss China das Bruttoinlandsprodukt bis dahin vervierfachen, was im Schnitt einer Zunahme von jährlich sieben Prozent entspricht.

      Ohne eine grundlegende Erneuerung der maroden Energie-Infrastruktur scheint das erreichen solch ehrgeiziger Ziele unmöglich. Die neuen Atommeiler können allerdings nur ein kleiner Teil der Anstrengung bleiben. Bei Vollendung der heute verkündeten Pläne würde die Kapazität der Kernkraftwerke auf 40 Gigawatt ansteigen - damit würde Atomstrom vier Prozent der Gesamtversorgung ausmachen. Zurzeit sind es 1,59 Prozent, also weitaus weniger als die Hälfte. Die Hauptanstrengung will China in den nächsten Jahren jedoch auf die Entwicklung erneuerbarer Energien und dabei vor allem auf die Wasserkraft setzen. Derzeit liegt der Anteil der Stromerzeugung aus Wasserkraftwerken zwischen 15 und 18 Prozent.

      schrieb am 27.02.06 15:22:18
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Und jetzt alle drei auf einmal! Sorry war nicht mein Fehler!
      schrieb am 27.02.06 16:58:59
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      [posting]20.403.681 von Aktionaer05 am 27.02.06 15:22:18[/posting]:laugh:;):):cool:
      Alles klar und Danke.
      Gruß JoJo
      schrieb am 13.08.10 08:13:49
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Hallo User,

      aufgrund aktueller Nachfrage haben wir diesen Thread wieder eröffnet.

      Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
      euer w : o - Team
      schrieb am 13.08.10 11:03:21
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.978.147 von JVogel am 13.08.10 08:13:49Juchuuu:p, bin seit ein paar Wochen investiert, hoffe mal das der Uranpreis weiter ansteigt und Denison ganz vorne mit dabei ist.
      schrieb am 09.09.10 15:16:22
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Mich wundert es, dass bei einer so aussichtsreichen Aktie hier so wenig los ist!
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 13.09.10 11:23:24
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.125.928 von Anreicherung am 09.09.10 15:16:22Hi,
      es gibt noch einen anderen thread zu Denison Mines ("Uranproduzent mit perfekten Zukunftsaussichten") - dort ist etwas mehr los.
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 14.09.10 11:26:33
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.140.265 von edgar99 am 13.09.10 11:23:24Hi Edgar!

      Danke für den Hinweis.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 14.09.10 21:27:19
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.146.318 von Anreicherung am 14.09.10 11:26:33Wieviele Kernkraftwerke werden zusaetzlich weltweit gebaut? 300?

      He talked about where President Obama plans to go with nuclear energy, calling it, "nothing short of an industrial revolution."
      schrieb am 03.11.10 18:28:03
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      jetzt fängt sie an zu fliegen :-))))

      wahnsinnsumsatz heute !!!!

      schade tageshoch konnte (noch) nicht gehalten werden ---- dann halt an einem anderen tag ;-)))
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 03.11.10 21:13:44
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.447.438 von graue eminenz am 03.11.10 18:28:03Ja, bis jetzt etwas ueber 13 Mio Shares. :)

      Ich bin da uebermorgen aud den conference call gespannt.
      schrieb am 05.11.10 01:19:00
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Mr. Ron Hochstein reports


      Denison Mines Corp. has released its financial results for the three months and nine months ended September 30, 2010. All amounts in this release are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise indicated. For a more detailed discussion of the Company's financial results, see management's discussion and analysis, a copy of which is attached to this release.

      Financial Highlights

      -- Revenue was $39.9 million for the three months and $89.1 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2010.

      -- Net loss was $9.5 million or $0.03 per share for the three months and $1.9 million or $0.01 per share for the nine months ended September 30, 2010.

      -- Cash flow from operations was $14.1 million for the three months and $28.5 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2010.

      -- At the period end, Denison was essentially debt-free and had a cash balance of $33.1 million, working capital of $78.0 million and portfolio investments with a market value of $2.3 million.

      Operating Highlights

      -- Uranium production for the quarter totaled 373,000 pounds and vanadium production for the quarter totaled 1,045,000 pounds.

      -- Uranium sales in the quarter were 706,000 pounds U3O8 at an average price of $44.22 per pound.

      -- Vanadium sales in the quarter totaled 114,000 pounds of vanadium blackflake ("V2O5") at an average price of $6.28 per pound. Ferrovanadium ("FeV") sales totaled 226,000 pounds at an average price of $13.63 per pound.

      -- At September 30, 2010, the Company had 303,000 pounds U3O8 and 1,143,000 pounds V2O5 and 107,000 pounds FeV in inventory available for sale. Based on spot market prices at September 30, 2010, this inventory had a value of $22.7 million.

      -- The Wheeler River summer drilling program was completed. This program expanded the two zones of known mineralization and successfully identified two new zones in the highly prospective Phoenix trend.

      Financial Summary

      Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended
      September 30 September 30
      -------------------------- -------------------------
      2010 2009 2010 2009

      Revenue ($000s) $ 39,883 $ 12,748 $ 89,088 $ 48,118

      Net Loss ($000's) (9,521) (91,343) (1,938) (110,885)

      Loss Per Share ($) (0.03) (0.27) (0.01) (0.41)

      Cash Provided By
      (Used By) Operations
      ($000's) 14,107 (15,429) 28,502 (48,057)

      Expensed(1)($000's) 2,528 2,988 5,979 7,567

      (1) The Company expenses exploration expenditures on mineral properties not sufficiently advanced to identify their development potential.


      Uranium sales revenue for the third quarter was $31,228,000. Sales were 706,000 pounds U3O8 at an average price of $44.22 per pound. Uranium sales revenue for the same period in 2009 was $7,493,000. Sales were 128,000 pounds U3O8 at an average price of $54.82 per pound.

      During the third quarter the Company sold 114,000 pounds of V2O5 at an average price of $6.28 per pound and 226,000 pounds of FeV at an average price of $13.63 per pound. In the third quarter of 2009, the Company sold 3,300 pounds of V2O5 at an average price of $5.83 per pound and 69,000 pounds FeV at an average price of $11.96 per pound. Total vanadium sales revenue for the third quarter 2010 was $3,794,000 compared to $846,000 in the third quarter of 2009.

      Revenue from Denison's environmental services division was $4,116,000 for the three months ended September 30, 2010 compared to $4,054,000 for the three months ended September 30, 2009. Revenue from the management contract with Uranium Participation Corporation was $409,000 for the three months ended September 30, 2010 compared to $344,000 in the same period in 2009.

      Operating Expenses

      Canadian Operations

      The McClean Lake Joint Venture produced 745,000 pounds U3O8 for the three months ended September 30, 2010 compared with 906,000 pounds U3O8 for the three months ended September 30, 2009. Denison's 22.5% share of production totaled 17,000 pounds compared to 204,000 pounds for the corresponding 2009 period. The McClean Lake joint venture completed processing of ore in June, 2010. The circuits were cleaned out and the mill was put on stand-by in August.

      Production costs(2) were $48.58 per pound U3O8 for the three months ended September 30, 2010. For the comparable period in 2009, the production costs were $26.73 per pound U3O8.

      Inventory available for sale from Canadian production was 64,000 pounds U3O8 at September 30, 2010.

      U.S. Operations

      At the White Mesa mill the Company produced 356,000 pounds U3O8 and 1,045,000 pounds V2O5 in the third quarter.

      At September 30, 2010 a total of 102,000 tons of conventional ore was stockpiled at the mill containing approximately 480,000 pounds U3O8 and 1,758,000 pounds V2O5. The Company also has approximately 372,000 pounds U3O8 contained in alternate feed material stockpiled at the mill at September 30, 2010.

      Production costs(2) for the three months ended September 30, 2010 were $37.42 per pound U3O8. For the comparable period in 2009 production costs were $39.69 per pound U3O8.

      Inventory available for sale from U.S. production was 239,000 pounds U3O8, 1,143,000 pounds V2O5 and 107,000 pounds FeV at September 30, 2010.

      (2) Production costs include the costs of mining the ore fed to the mill in the period plus the costs of milling the ore less a credit for vanadium produced in the period and excluding depreciation and amortization, which is a non-GAAP measure.


      Operating costs for the third quarter include a recovery of $5,712,000 relating to the net realizable value of the Company's uranium and vanadium inventory. Operating expenses also include costs relating to Denison's environmental services division amounting to $3,484,000 in the three month period ended September 30, 2010 and $3,641,000 in the comparable period in 2009.

      Mineral Property Exploration

      Denison is engaged in uranium exploration, as both operator and non-operator of joint ventures and as operator of its own properties in Canada, the U.S., Mongolia and Zambia. For the three months ended September 30, 2010 exploration expenditures totaled $2,528,000 compared to $2,988,000 for the three months ended September 30, 2009.

      A majority of the exploration expenditures during the period were spent in the Athabasca Basin region of northern Saskatchewan. Denison is engaged in uranium exploration as part of the McClean and Midwest joint ventures operated by AREVA Resources Canada Inc. ("ARC"), as well as on 29 other exploration projects including the Company's 60% owned Wheeler River project. Denison's share of exploration expense on its Canadian properties totaled $1,728,000 for the three months ended September 30, 2010.

      The 2010 summer drill program at the Phoenix uranium deposit on the 60% owned Wheeler River property has discovered two new mineralized zones on the northeast and southwest edges of the presently defined Phoenix trend. Both of these zones are open along strike and the results confirm Denison's belief that the Phoenix discovery is a major deposit with at least four discrete zones of mineralization. The favourable horizon has only been tested on 1.3 kilometres out of approximately 18 kilometres of favourable geology. The summer exploration program concentrated on delineation drilling of known Zones A and B. Delineation drilling of Zone C and D and further drill testing along the prospective trend was deferred until winter 2011. An NI 43-101 compliant resource report is currently in preparation and scheduled to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2010.


      The Company had cash and cash equivalents of $33,106,000 at September 30, 2010 and trade and other receivables of $13,431,000. Portfolio investments had a market value of $2,310,000. The Company has in place a revolving credit facility of $60,000,000. The facility expires on June 30, 2011. Bank indebtedness under the facility at September 30, 2010 was nil; however, $9,425,000 of the line is used as collateral for certain letters of credit.

      Outlook for 2010

      The Company has chosen to change its production schedule in the fourth quarter to allow for toll milling of a third party's ore during November. Production guidance is unchanged at 1.6 million pounds even with the change in milling schedule due to better than planned mill performance and higher Arizona 1 head grade. Vanadium production is however expected to decline to 2.4 million pounds V2O5 from 2.8 million.

      Uranium sales volumes are expected to remain at 1.8 million pounds U3O8. Vanadium sales are now expected to be 2.1 million pounds V2O5 versus the original sales volume of 3.2 million pounds due to lower than anticipated demand. The Company expects to achieve an average realized price of $47.09 per pound U3O8 sold and $6.53 per pound V2O5.

      The McClean Lake joint venture shut down the McClean Lake mill in August 2010 until new feed sources are available. The stand-by costs to Denison are expected to be negligible as most of them will be paid for by the Cigar Lake joint venture. The cost of production in the U.S. is expected to be $37.07 per pound U3O8 net of vanadium credits. The cost of production is calculated using the costs of mining the ore fed to the mill in the period plus the costs of milling the ore less a credit for vanadium produced in the period and excludes amortization and depreciation.

      Conference Call

      Denison is hosting a conference call on Friday November 5, 2010 starting at 10 A.M. (Toronto time) to discuss the 2010 third quarter results. The call will be available live through a webcast link on Denison's website and by telephone at 416-340-2218. A recorded version of the conference call will be available by calling 416-695-5800 (password: 8054524) approximately two hours after the conclusion of the call. The presentation will also be available at

      Additional Information

      Additional information on Denison is available on SEDAR at and on the Company's website at

      Qualified Person

      The disclosure of scientific and technical information regarding Denison's properties in this press release was prepared by or under the supervision of William C. Kerr, the Company's Vice-President, Exploration and Terry Wetz, Director of Project Development who are Qualified Persons in accordance with the requirements of National Instrument 43-101.
      schrieb am 05.11.10 15:47:45
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      FP/wire say losses shrink at Denison Mines

      2010-11-05 09:26 ET - In the News

      The Financial Post reports in its Friday, Nov. 5, edition that Denison Mines posted a sharply lower quarterly net loss Thursday compared with a year earlier when its results were hit by an impairment charge. A Reuters dispatch to the Post reports that Toronto-based Denison posted a third quarter loss of $9.5-million or three cents a share. That compared with a year-ago loss of $91.3-million or 27 cents. Analysts, on average, had forecast a loss of one cent a share. Revenue soared a whopping 213 per cent to $39.9-million from $12.7-million a year earlier. Denison said it sold 706,000 pounds of uranium in the quarter at an average price of $44.22 per pound. Uranium production for the quarter totalled 373,000 pounds, and the company said it remains on course to produce 1.6 million pounds in 2010. Denison Mines stock gave back eight cents to finish Thursday on the Toronto Stock Exchange at $2.57. The stock has a 52-week range of $1.15 to $2.84. The Globe's Scott Adams said Denison Mines was bargain priced in the Number Cruncher column on Oct. 5 when it could be had for $1.77. The Globe's Ted Dixon said Denison Mines was undervalued in the Who Is Buying And Selling column on Sept. 12. The stock was then worth $1.54.
      schrieb am 09.11.10 21:47:32
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Denison's Phoenix A has 89,900 t of 17.99% U3O8 I

      Denison Mines Corp (C:DML)
      Shares Issued 339,720,415
      Last Close 11/8/2010 $2.80
      Tuesday November 09 2010 - News Release

      Mr. Ron Hochstein reports


      Denison Mines Corp. has released initial estimates of mineral resources prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 from the work carried out to date on the Wheeler River project located in the rich Athabasca basin of Northern Saskatchewan. These estimates are highly encouraging for the potential of Wheeler River in terms of its high grade and its size. The estimates, at a cut-off grade of 0.8% U3O8, are based on data available to date from just two zones (A and B) of the Phoenix discovery at Wheeler River.


      Category Zone Tonnes Grade(% U3O8) Pounds U3O8

      Indicated Phoenix A 89,900 17.99% 35,638,000
      Inferred Phoenix B 23,800 7.27% 3,811,000
      Ron Hochstein, President and CEO, commented, "Phoenix is showing that it is in an elite class of deposits. There are only two other uranium deposits today in the world with average grades similar to Phoenix A, being McArthur River and Cigar Lake. Furthermore, we believe that these initial mineral resource estimates are just the beginning for the Phoenix trend. We've only just begun to uncover its potential. The planned winter drilling program will focus on two other zones (C and D), which could also offer significant resource potential. This project expands more and more every time we work it. I look forward to updated mineral resource estimates on the property in due course."

      Wheeler River Property

      The Wheeler River property, encompassing over 120 square kilometres, is favourably located along strike from the McArthur River deposit and is underlain by many of the same geological features that are present on that producing property. A prime target on Wheeler has been a quartzite ridge, where significant mineralization was intercepted in 2006 at depths of 300+ meters on two separate locations along this ridge separated by 600 meters. Work during 2008 identified the Phoenix zone, a discovery of unconformity-hosted mineralization associated with the hanging wall of the quartzite ridge. This prospective quartzite ridge structure continues over 18 kilometres on the property, and to date the joint venture has only drilled on 1.3 kilometres of the 18 kilometres. Additional geophysics work along the structure has already identified a number of targets to be drilled. The Phoenix discovery has a number of geological similarities to the McArthur River mineralization, but is at a shallower depth.

      In addition, the Phoenix discovery is well located with respect to all-weather roads and the provincial power grid. Most significant, the operating Key Lake mill complex is close at approximately 35 kilometres by road south of the property.

      The Phoenix Discovery mineralization occurs at the unconformity contact between rock of the Athabasca Group and underlying lower Proterozoic Wollaston Group metasedimentary rocks. Mineralization and alteration has been traced over a strike length of nearly 1.3 kilometres to date. Since the discovery hole WR-249 was drilled in 2008, 106 drill holes have reached the target depth, identifying two distinct zones (Zone A and B) of high-grade mineralization. Recently, two new zones (C and D) have been discovered which will be the target of further investigation this winter. For 2011, the joint venture has planned a major CDN$10 million, 70 hole diamond drill program, which is the largest program carried out to date on the property.

      Denison is the operator and holds a 60% interest in the Wheeler River Property. Cameco Corporation holds a 30% interest and JCU (Canada) Exploration Company, Limited holds the remaining 10% interest.

      Mineral Resource Estimates

      SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc. (SRK) was retained by the Wheeler River joint venture to independently review, verify and present the mineral resource estimates at Zones A and B of the Phoenix discovery. The Technical Report about these mineral resource estimates will be filed on SEDAR ( within 45 days of this release. Messrs. Gilles Arseneau, Ph.D., P.Geo, and Cliff Revering, P. Eng., of SRK, who are both Qualified Persons as defined by NI 43-101, have reviewed the technical contents related to the mineral resource estimates contained in this release.

      The mineral resource estimates utilized 75 diamond drill holes (totalling 35,656.2 metres) which were drilled from 2008 to 2010. Drill spacing across the deposits is variable, ranging from about 12.5 metres to more than 50 metres.

      Three dimensional models for all zones at Phoenix were constructed using Vulcan Version 8.0.3 Mine Modeling Software. An orthogonal search ellipsoid having dimensions 40 metre x 10 metre x 2 metre was constructed and oriented to reflect the major, semi-major and minor axis of the mineralized zone; striking 52 degrees azimuth and plunging -2.5 degrees to the northeast. The long axis was oriented parallel to the long axis of the mineralization. The variables grade, density and grade times density (GXD) were interpolated into a universal block model using inverse distance squared. During the estimation process, grades above 20% were restricted to a smaller search ellipse to limit the influence of these high grade values.

      The resource database utilized primarily uranium geochemical analyses from the Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) Geoanalytical Laboratories in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Where geochemical analyses were not available due to incomplete sampling or core recovery issues, downhole gamma probe data were used to calculate equivalent uranium grades. A total of 51 dry bulk density samples, representing all rock types and mineralization styles form a basis for the density component of the mineral resource estimates.
      schrieb am 10.11.10 04:03:04
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Casey Research

      Comments: This resource estimate definitely places Denison's Phoenix deposit amongst the world's top uranium deposits. Both the grade (18% in the indicated resources) and the sheer amount of uranium (>35M lbs indicated and another 4M lbs inferred) are very high and is an extremely positive development for the company. This is the catalyst for the company's growth and could very well become the next uranium mine in the Athabasca Basin. We would not be surprised now to see a lay for the company by either the traditional uranium powerhouses (AREVA/Cameco) or an Asian conglomerate coming in to take either the project or the company. We will hold our remaining shares for now, since we believe that there may be further upward price action in the near future.


      Ich bin noch ein wenig unschluessig nach dem Selloff in den letzten 1,5 Stunden. Einerseits stellt diese Schaetzung nur 1 km des 18 km Trends dar. Ich bin gespannt.

      schrieb am 25.11.10 23:39:01
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      heute breakout !!! jetzt geht es beschleunit weiter !!!! dann rücksetzer wegen gewinnmitnahmnen, dann aber wieder volle kante den berg rauf !!!!

      150% auf jahressicht locker drin !!!!

      schrieb am 02.01.11 14:36:38
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      Wann glaubt ihr gehts wieder aufwärts schaut? die Konsoludierung dauert schon eine weile

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 31.01.11 22:03:54
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.786.390 von Florian1403 am 02.01.11 14:36:38Ab heute gehts weiter aufwärts. 3,50 dollar endlich geknackt. jetzt ist der weg frei
      schrieb am 01.02.11 00:28:15
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      schrieb am 23.02.11 00:24:51
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Denison Mines makes friendly takeover bid for White Canyon for $56.6 million
      The Canadian Press, On Tuesday February 22, 2011, 5:28 pm
      By The Canadian Press

      TORONTO - Denison Mines Corp. (TSX: DML) has signed a deal to make a $56.6-million friendly takeover offer for White Canyon Uranium Ltd. (TSXV:WU).

      Under the agreement announced Tuesday, Denison has offered 24 Australian cents per share for White Canyon in a proposal worth about the same in Canadian currency.

      White Canyon shares last traded for 19.5 cents on the TSX Venture Exchange.

      White Canyon's directors have unanimously recommended that shareholders accept the Denison offer. Michael Shumway, operations manager at White Canyon and holder of a roughly 19.9 per cent stake in the company, has also agreed to accept the offer.

      Based in Perth, Australia, White Canyon has listings on both the Australian Securities Exchange and TSX Venture Exchange.

      The company owns the Daneros uranium mine in Utah, whose uranium is processed at Denison's White Mesa mill under a toll milling arrangement.

      Denison has operations in the Athabasca Basin region of Saskatchewan as well as Colorado, Utah and Arizona.…
      schrieb am 22.03.11 12:20:18
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      Denison Mines' Hairhan has 12.26Mt of 0.06% U indicated

      Denison Mines Corp (C:DML)
      Shares Issued 384,617,415
      Last Close 3/18/2011 $2.57
      Monday March 21 2011 - News Release

      Mr. Ron Hochstein reports


      An updated resource estimate has been prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 for Denison Mines Corp.'s Hairhan deposit held by the Gurvan Saihan joint venture (GSJV) in Mongolia. Denison holds a 70-per-cent interest in the GSJV with the Mongolian state entity Mon-Atom LLC holding 15 per cent and the Russian concern Geologorazvedka holding the remaining 15 per cent. The GSJV holds six exploration licences, including Hairhan, totalling 181,574 hectares in the South Gobi region of Mongolia.

      The updated NI 43-101 resource incorporates results from drilling from 2007 and 2008 in the central portion of the Hairhan deposit. This drilling comprised 278 holes totalling 46,000 metres concentrated in known mineralized areas in order to close drill spacing and to support detailed resource estimation. As a result of the drill programs, which increased the total drilling at Hairhan to over 118,000 metres, uranium contained in the Indicated Resources increased 151% and in Inferred Resources increased 67% over the resources reported previously in the report titled "Technical Report on the Uranium Exploration Properties in Mongolia" dated February 27, 2007, issued by Scott Wilson Roscoe Postle Associates Inc.

      Updated Mineral Resources by Roscoe Postle Associates, Inc. ("RPA") are shown in the following table. The resources were estimated using a cut-off of 0.02% U (0.024% U3O8) over a minimum thickness of 2 metres. The minimum Grade x Thickness for estimation is 0.04 metre-percent U (0.047 metre-percent U3O8).

      Tonnes Grade Tonnes Pounds Average
      Category (000's) %U U U3O8 Thickness (m)
      Indicated 12,261 0.062 7,612 19,780,000 3.73
      Inferred 5,536 0.040 2,236 5,811,000 3.03

      RPA was retained by the Company to independently review, verify and present the mineral resource estimates for Hairhan. The Technical Report presenting these mineral resource estimates will be filed on SEDAR ( within 45 days of this release. William E. Roscoe, Ph.D., P.Eng. of RPA, who is a Qualified Persons as defined by NI 43-101, has reviewed the technical contents related to the mineral resource estimates contained in this release.

      The Hairhan uranium deposit is amendable to ISR (In Situ Recovery) techniques. A small ISR pilot test conducted in 1998 confirmed favourable geologic and hydrologic conditions for ISR at Hairhan. The next phases being planned by the Company include advancing the Hairhan exploration license to a mining license, designing a semi-commercial scale acid ISR plant, and initiating site construction and development activities in late 2011 and into 2012. The semi-commercial test will be intended to provide site specific operating costs and confirmation of production parameters to support a full commercial feasibility study and decision.

      The implementation of the Hairhan development and testing program, as well as continued exploration on the other properties held by the GSJV, is contingent upon resolution of outstanding issues arising from enactment the Nuclear Energy Law of Mongolia in mid 2009. Foremost among the issues that the Nuclear Energy Law has raised are matters relating to ownership and structure of the GSJV and its projects. The Company remains hopeful that these important issues will be resolved in 2011 so that the planned programs can commence.

      Qualified Person

      The disclosure of scientific and technical information regarding Denison's properties in this press release was prepared by or under the supervision of Terry Wetz, Director of Project Development who is a Qualified Persons in accordance with the requirements of National Instrument 43-101.

      We seek Safe Harbor.
      schrieb am 27.04.11 15:11:23
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      Denison drills 5.4 m of 12.73% eU3O8 at Wheeler River

      Denison Mines Corp (C:DML)
      Shares Issued 384,660,915
      Last Close 4/26/2011 $2.23
      Wednesday April 27 2011 - News Release

      Mr. Ron Hochstein reports


      Denison Mines Corp. has provided an update on the results of the exploration programs at a number of projects operated by Denison in the Athabasca basin, Saskatchewan.

      Wheeler River

      On Denison's 60% owned Wheeler River project, a total of 30 holes for 14,551 metres were drilled this winter, with the major focus being directed to defining the favourable stratigraphy along strike from the known mineralization in the Phoenix deposit, Zones A and B. While the program did not locate additional zones, the program did identify opportunities for expanding the existing estimates of mineral resources in Zone A, and further expanding the favourable stratigraphy.

      Zone A

      Seven holes totalling 3,197 metres were drilled returning interesting and significant results from the eastern margin of the northern part of the zone. Two holes, WR-366 and WR-369 (see the attached map), returned low-grade intersections outside the margin of the previously recognized mineralization. In addition, WR-376 returned 12.73% eU3O8 over 5.4 metres in an area which was previously expected to be low-grade. WR-383, 10 metres southeast of WR-376, intersected 4.62% over one metre at the unconformity and 4.10% over 0.5 metre well into the basement at 409.2 metres. This occurrence of high grade mineralization is believed to be associated with a previously unknown east/west structure, which, if present, could possibly change the current three-dimensional model of the Zones. The upcoming summer program is planning to test the eastern side of Zone A for further extensions of high grade mineralization and other parallel east/west structures.

      Zone C

      One drill rig concentrated on extending the Zone C further to the south from the most southwest mineralized intersection (WR-328, 9.65% eU3O8 over 0.80 metres). A total of 16 holes for 6,720 metres were drilled on primarily 50 and 100 metre step-outs along the geophysically indicated trend. The favourable horizon has now been extended approximately 800 metres and remains open to the southwest. All holes were strongly altered, but many either overshot or undershot the narrow mineralized horizon. Based on this drilling, Zone C appears to be a very narrow mineralized zone, unlike Zones A and B. At the present time no further work is planned on this area.

      Zone D

      Seven holes totalling 3,537 metres were completed in the Zone D area. Significant sandstone alteration was intersected, along with anomalous basement mineralization at a depth of 150 metres below the unconformity on an open-ended cross cutting structure. This cross structure will be the focus of future work in this Zone.


      Two holes totalling approximately 1,098 metres were drilled. One of the holes was on the REa area west of the Phoenix deposit, and the second was drilled on a resistivity anomaly on the west side of the quartzite ridge. No anomalous mineralization was noted.

      The summer program will include approximately 20,000 metres of drilling and will be further defined at a Joint Venture meeting in early May.

      Moore Lake

      An eight hole, 3,305 metre drill program was completed at Moore Lake. The focus of the program was to test a number of widely spaced geophysical resistivity anomalies, interpreted to reflect the down-strike extension of the mineralized Maverick stratigraphy and outlying sandstone breaches (brittle reactivated basement faults). Drilling in a relatively untested area approximately three kilometres east of the Maverick zone returned a value of 0.31% U3O8 over 1.0 metres in ML-165 from a depth of 292 metres in intensely altered sandstone underlain by some of the most strongly graphitic (locally massive) basement rocks yet observed on the Moore Lake property. A follow-up hole, ML-169, drilled on section and a step-out 25 metres behind, returned 0.11% U3O8 over 0.5 metres from a depth of 288.25 metres. This combination of strong graphite, together with strongly anomalous sandstone and uraniferous mineralization over at least a 25 metre width makes this area a prime focus for follow up. Chemical analyses were completed by SRC Geoanalytical Laboratories of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and were a combination of geochemical and assay methods.

      Hatchet Lake

      The winter program on the 50% owned Hatchet Lake Property included ground geophysics and diamond drilling in the Richardson Lake area. Historic drilling in this area had intersected anomalous uranium and other metals, as well as evidence of faulting and alteration, in an area of relatively thin sandstone cover. Only three holes totalling 802 metres, out of 12 proposed holes were completed due to contractor delays and operational drill problems. A further four holes were lost in overburden or sandstone. Despite the difficulties, the completed drill holes returned some interesting results with anomalous radioactivity intersected in the basement and are tabulated as follows:

      Hole # From To Thickness Grade
      (m) (m) (m) (% eU3O8)
      RL-11-01 97.65 98.05 0.4 0.13%
      and 122.25 122.45 0.2 0.06%
      RL-11-02A 107.65 108.45 0.8 0.15%
      RL-11-03 92.55 92.85 0.3 0.06%

      Joint Venture Participants

      Denison is the operator and holds a 60% interest in the Wheeler River Property. Cameco Corporation holds a 30% interest and JCU (Canada) Exploration Company, Limited holds the remaining 10% interest. All previous and current drill results from Phoenix have been tabulated and are presented on our website at The participants in the Moore Lake Joint Venture are Denison (75% and operator) and JNR Resources Inc. The participants in the Hatchet Lake Joint Venture are Denison (50% and operator) and Virginia Energy Resources Inc.

      Qualified Person

      The technical information contained in this press release related to the above described exploration activities is reported and verified by William C. Kerr, Denison's Vice President, Exploration, who is a qualified person as defined by NI 43-101.

      All drill holes reported for Wheeler River were drilled at either -80 or -90 degrees and while the exact attitude of the mineralization remains uncertain, it is believed, at this time, that the mineralized intervals represent near true widths. The Hatchet Lake drill holes were drilled at either -65 or -70 degrees, and the mineralized Moore Lake holes were drilled at -70 degrees. At Moore Lake, chemical analyses were completed by SRC Geoanalytical Laboratories of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and the grades are reported at a 0.05% U3O8 cut-off. At Wheeler River and Hatchet Lake, the grades presented are measured using down hole geophysical probes which measure natural gamma radiation, from which an indirect estimate of uranium content can be made. The result is referred to as "eU3O8" or "equivalent U3O8", and are presented at a cut-off of 0.05% eU3O8 for all holes except for Wheeler River holes WR-366, WR-369, WR-376, and WR-383, which are reported at a 1.0% eU3O8 cut-off. For a deion of the quality assurance program and quality control measures applied by Denison, please see Denison's Annual Information Form dated March 28, 2011 filed under the Company's profile on the SEDAR website.

      We seek Safe Harbor.
      schrieb am 07.07.11 22:00:29
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      enison Mines to discuss Q2 2011 results Aug. 5
      Ticker Symbol: C:DML

      Denison Mines to discuss Q2 2011 results Aug. 5

      Denison Mines Corp (C:DML)
      Shares Issued 384,660,915
      Last Close 7/6/2011 $1.92
      Thursday July 07 2011 - News Release

      Mr. Ron Hochstein reports


      Denison Mines Corp. will hold a telephone conference with a webcast presentation at 9 a.m. Eastern Time on Friday, Aug. 5, 2011, to discuss financial results for the second quarter of 2011.

      Please call in five to 10 minutes before the conference starts and stay on the line (an operator will be available to assist you). The call-in number is 416-340-8018.

      To view the live presentation, please log on to the company website 10 minutes prior to the call.

      Approximately two hours after the call:

      A replay of the telephone conference will be available at 905-694-9451 and the passcode is 2461552.
      The presentation will be available on the company website.
      © 2011 Canjex Publishing Ltd.
      schrieb am 28.07.11 17:45:21
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()

      Denison drills 8.6 m of 2,496 ppm eU3O8 at Mutanga
      Ticker Symbol: C:DML

      Denison drills 8.6 m of 2,496 ppm eU3O8 at Mutanga

      Denison Mines Corp (C:DML)
      Shares Issued 384,660,915
      Last Close 7/27/2011 $1.90
      Thursday July 28 2011 - News Release

      Mr. Ron Hochstein reports


      Denison Mines Corp. has successfully completed phase 1 and commenced phase 2 of the 2011 drilling program on its 100-per-cent-owned Mutanga uranium project in Zambia.

      Phase 1 drill program

      Approximately 5,790 metres were drilled in 58 diamond and reverse circulation holes between the months of April and July 2011. Drilling was completed in three zones including Dibwe East Zones 1 and 2 and Mutanga West.

      The preliminary results of the Phase 1 drilling program in Dibwe East Zones 1 and 2 (see Figure 1) have confirmed the continuity of the mineralization identified in a 2008 drilling program with a combined strike length greater than 2.5 kilometres. Wide-spaced exploration holes indicate that mineralization in the area occurs in three distinct stacked tabular horizons, extending from surface to approximately 120 metres depth.

      Drilling at Mutanga West (see Figure 1) has confirmed the mineralization intersected in 2008 and defined a zone extending approximately 300 metres along strike occurring as tabular lenses confined to the upper 40 metres from surface. Drill results indicate that this zone remains open to the northwest.

      The Phase 1 drilling returned a number of strongly mineralized holes from all three zones. From the 58 holes drilled, the most significant are drill holes DMC1036 in Dibwe East Zone 1, which intersected an 8.6 metre interval averaging 2,496 ppm eU3O8, and DMC1009, which intersected 8.7 metres averaging 1,064 ppm eU3O8. At the Dibwe East Zone 2 area, drill hole DMC1057 cut a 3.8 metre intersection averaging 1,278 ppm eU3O8 and drill hole DMC1042 had a 4.4 metre interval averaging 931 ppm eU3O8. The strongest mineralized hole in the Mutanga West area was MWC1044 which had an intersection of 14 metres averaging 360 ppm eU3O8. The multiple mineralized intersections from these holes are listed in Table 1 and shown in Figure 2. A complete list of results from all Phase 1 drill holes can be found on Denison's website at

      Table 1: Highlights of Phase 1 Drill Program                                

      Target Drill Hole From (m) Thickness (m) (ppm eU3O8)
      Dibwe East Zone 1 DMC1009 4.45 15.4 179
      And 38.35 7 118
      And 52.35 2.7 346
      And 83.25 4.6 276
      And 89.25 8.7 1,064
      And 106.45 7.4 180
      Dibwe East Zone 1 DMC1036 15.35 16.2 158
      And 33.35 4.4 185
      And 110.35 8.6 2,496
      Dibwe East Zone 2 DMC1042 46.55 4.4 932
      Dibwe East Zone 2 DMC1057 41.35 8.8 261
      And 60.65 3.8 1278
      Mutanga West MWC1044 0.75 14 360

      The grades reported are equivalent U3O8 grades based on down-hole radiometric probing at a cut-off grade of 100 ppm U3O8; geochemical assay results have not been received at this time. All intersections and geological interpretations are based on diamond drill core or reverse circulation drill chips only and mineralized intervals may not represent true thickness.

      Phase 2 Drill Program

      The Phase 2 drilling program has commenced. A total of 11,240 metres in 27 diamond and 77 reverse circulation holes are planned, utilizing 2 diamond and 2 reverse circulation rigs. Phase 2 drilling is aimed mainly at further delineating and expanding the mineralization in Dibwe East Zones 1 and 2.

      Two holes, totalling 100 metres, are also planned for the Mutanga West area as part of Phase 2. These holes are designed to test the north-eastern extension of the near surface mineralization in this area.

      Project Activities

      Subject to the results of the Phase 2 drilling program, Denison intends to prepare revised mineral resource estimates for the Mutanga Project in accordance with the requirements of National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101") later this year.

      In addition to the drilling program, metallurgical test work is ongoing at Mintek's facilities in South Africa, under the direction of AMEC Minproc. The bench scale test work program is near completion, which will be followed by leach column test work. Preliminary results from bottle roll tests on Mutanga and Dibwe samples have been promising. The objective of the metallurgical test work is to further define process design criteria and operating costs.

      Qualified Person

      The technical information contained in this press release relating to the above described exploration activities has been approved by Lawson Forand, Denison's Exploration Manager, Saskatchewan, who is a "qualified person" as defined in NI 43-101. For a description of the quality assurance program and quality control measures applied by Denison, please see Denison's Annual Information Form dated March 28, 2011 filed under the Company's profile on the SEDAR website at

      We seek Safe Harbor.
      schrieb am 02.08.11 15:35:39
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      Denison Mines Corp
      Symbol C : DML
      Shares Issued 384,660,915
      Close 2011-07-29 C$ 2.02
      Recent Sedar Documents

      View Original Document
      Denison drills 8.4 m of 38.5% eU3O8 at Wheeler River

      2011-08-02 09:32 ET - News Release

      Mr. Ron Hochstein reports


      Denison Mines Corp.'s ongoing summer drill program at the Wheeler River Project in the Athabasca Basin of northern Saskatchewan has expanded the previously known uranium mineralization of the Phoenix Zone A deposit.

      A total of 22 holes for approximately 12,000 metres has been drilled to date this summer with the major focus of the program being to add to the existing mineral resource estimates at Zone A.

      Zone A Drilling

      In Zone A, fourteen holes totalling 6,646 metres have been completed to date and have returned positive results along the eastern margin of the northern part of the zone (see attached map:…

      In particular, holes WR-405 and WR-403 intersected high grade mineralization outside the margin of the previously recognized Zone A mineralization. Hole WR-405 cut high grade unconformity mineralization, totalling 15.26% eU3O8 over 2.3 metres, while WR-403 which is located 25 metres northeast of WR-405 intersected two zones of strong mineralization. The first zone straddled the unconformity and yielded 14.71% eU3O8 over 5.8 metres, while the second zone intersected 9.2 metres averaging 9.85% eU3O8. The second lower zone occurred 7.5 metres below the unconformity and is associated with strong clay replacement. Drill results indicate that this mineralization is currently open to the north and east and will be a focus of this summer's remaining drill program.

      The best intersection from this summer's drilling was an infill hole, WR-401, which is a fence hole, 10 metres west from previously drilled WR-318 (7.7% U3O8 over 10.5 metres). WR-401 intersected high grade mineralization straddling the unconformity and the interval included a zone of massive pitchblende from 411.3 to 414.0 metres. The mineralized interval totalled 38.5% eU3O8 over 8.4 metres starting at 404.55 metres depth.

      The results from the fourteen A Zone holes completed this summer are shown below.

      Phoenix Zone A Deposit Summer Drill Results

      Probe GT Cut-off
      From To Interval Grade grade x Grade
      Hole # (m) (m) (m) (%eU3O8) thickness (%eU3O8)
      WR-389(i) 403.85 405.05 1.2 0.37 0.45 0.05

      WR-392(i) 406.45 407.75 1.3 1.30 1.69 0.05

      WR-393 406.35 407.05 0.7 0.11 0.08 0.05

      WR-395(i) 399.25 404.45 5.2 0.62 3.21 0.05

      WR-396(i) 396.75 397.35 0.6 0.06 0.04 0.05

      WR-397 No significant results

      WR-399(i) 403.05 405.65 2.6 2.28 5.92 0.05

      WR-400 No significant results

      WR-401 404.55 412.95 8.4 38.50 323.3 1.00

      WR-402 403.25 404.85 1.6 7.46 11.9 1.00

      WR-403 394.95 400.75 5.8 14.71 85.3 1.00
      And 402.5 411.25 9.2 9.85 90.7 1.00

      WR-404 413.45 415.25 1.8 5.54 9.97 1.00

      WR-405(i) 392.65 394.95 2.3 15.26 35.1 1.00

      WR-407 No significant results

      (i)Multiple intersections, only highest listed.

      The foregoing drill results are measured using downhole geophysical probes which measure natural gamma radiation, from which an indirect estimate of uranium content can be made. The result is referred to as "eU3O8" for "equivalent U3O8".

      Zones C and D Drilling

      Additional drill holes also targeted Phoenix structure/stratigraphy and resistivity anomalies approximately two kilometres southwest of Zone C, as well as the Rea Zone located north of Zone D. While this drilling to date has not located additional mineralization, several of these first pass holes will require additional targeting to follow up encouraging structure and alteration.

      Joint Venture Participants

      Denison is the operator and holds a 60% interest in the Wheeler River Property. Cameco Corporation holds a 30% interest and JCU (Canada) Exploration Company, Limited holds the remaining 10% interest. All previous and current drill results from the Phoenix deposit have been tabulated and are presented on Denison's website at

      Qualified Person

      The technical information contained in this press release related to the above described exploration activities is under the supervision of Lawson Forand, Denison's Exploration Manager, Saskatchewan, who is a Qualified Person in accordance with the requirements of National Instrument 43-101. All drill holes reported in this release were drilled at either -80 or -90 degrees and while the exact attitude of the mineralization remains uncertain, it is believed, at this time that the mineralized intervals represent near true widths. For a description of the quality assurance program and quality control measures applied by Denison, please see Denison's Annual Information Form dated March 28, 2011 filed under the Company's profile on the SEDAR website.
      schrieb am 20.10.11 15:23:38
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      Denison Mines drills 4.1 m of 10.07% eU3O8 at Wheeler

      Denison Mines Corp (C:DML)
      Shares Issued 384,660,915
      Last Close 10/19/2011 $1.25
      Thursday October 20 2011 - News Release

      Mr. Ron Hochstein reports


      Denison Mines Corp. has released results from the final 25 holes of the summer drill program on its Wheeler River property in Northern Saskatchewan. Some of the very high grade uranium intercepts included hole WR-409 which returned 10.07% eU3O8 over 4.1 metres and WR-419 which intersected 5.1 metres grading 10.97% eU3O8, both of which were in Zone A of the Phoenix Deposits. In Zone B, WR-421 returned 19.13% eU3O8 over 2.1 metres. The attached map illustrates the significant results of the summer drill program.

      To view map please visit the following link:

      Ron Hochstein, President and C.E.O. of Denison commented, "The 2011 drill program has expanded Zone A, and the new structures identified provide potential increases for both Zones A and B, which will be followed up in 2012."

      Based on internal estimates, Denison believes that the results from the 2011 drill program could potentially lead to an increase in Denison's mineral resource estimates in Zone A by 10 to 15 million pounds U3O8. However, there has been insufficient exploration to properly define an increase in the mineral resource estimate at this time. Moreover, it is not certain that further exploration will result in the delineation of additional mineral resources at Zone A.

      Phoenix "Zone A Extension"

      Drilling in the summer of 2011 has successfully delineated numerous stacked northeast and east trending mineralizing structures that have significantly increased the width of the mineralized "Zone A Extension" at the northeast end of Zone A. The Zone A Extension currently has widths varying from 10 to 70 metres, a strike length of nearly 100 metres, and is open to the northeast. Ten mineralized holes presently define this trend. The most significant drill hole to date is WR-403 with 20.63% U3O8 over 6.0 metres and 13.30% U3O8 over 11.5 metres. Mineralization in this area also penetrates further into the basement providing additional basement targets at depth.

      There are strong indications of other structures that could significantly increase widths along east west stacking trends based on existing geological, structural, geochemical and grade distribution features. There is evidence of similar stacked structures in Zone B as well.

      These stacking structures along the eastern margins of the mineralization in both Zones A and B will be primary targets in the upcoming winter 2012 drill program.

      Summer Drill Program Probe Results

      The probe results from the final 22 holes of the summer program, not previously reported, are shown in the tables below. Three additional holes were completed on resistivity features and had no significant mineralized intersections.

      Summer Zone A Drill Probe Results                                           
      From To Interval Probe Grade GT Cut-off Grade
      Hole # (m) (m) (m) (% eU3O8) Grade x thickness (% eU3O8)
      WR-408 391.2 395.1 3.9 1.37 5.3 0.05
      WR-409 408.4 412.5 4.1 10.07 41.3 1.00
      WR-410A 409.2 409.5 0.3 0.07 0.02 0.05
      WR-411 395.2 398.4 3.2 0.36 1.2 0.05
      WR-413 401.0 405.4 4.4 5.81 25.6 1.00
      WR-414 No significant results
      WR-415 395.0 402.8 7.8 0.49 3.8 0.05
      WR-417 393.9 396.6 2.7 10.80 29.2 1.00
      WR-418 No significant results
      WR-419 392.5 397.6 5.1 10.97 56.0 1.00
      WR-420 409.9 412.2 2.3 0.20 0.5 0.05
      WR-422 392.2 393.8 0.9 1.16 1.0 1.00
      WR-424 459.6 460.2 0.6 0.13 0.1 0.05
      WR-425 472.1 473.6 0.5 0.19 0.3 0.05
      WR-427 444.2 445.7 1.5 0.29 0.4 0.05
      WR-429 457.1 461.2 4.1 0.15 0.6 0.05
      WR-430 414.2 417.3 3.1 0.08 0.3 0.05

      Summer Zone B Drill Probe Results
      From To Interval Probe Grade GT Cut-off Grade
      Hole # (m) (m) (m) (% eU3O8) Grade x thickness (% eU3O8)
      WR-421 393.1 395.2 2.1 19.13 40.2 1.00
      WR-423 390.3 390.7 0.4 0.06 0.1 0.05
      WR-426 398.5 398.9 0.4 0.07 0.1 0.05
      WR-428 385.2 387.0 1.8 0.08 0.2 0.05
      WR-431 386.3 386.9 0.6 3.70 2.2 1.00
      The foregoing drill results are calculated using down hole geophysical probes, which measure natural gamma radiation, and from which an indirect estimate of uranium content can be made. The result is referred to as "eU3O8" for "equivalent U3O8".

      Summer Drill Program Assay Results

      Assay results from the summer drill program, shown in the following table, confirmed the grades previously reported by Denison as initial probe results.

      Summer Drill Assay Results
      From To Interval Chemical Grade GT
      Hole # (m) (m) (m) (% U3O8) Grade x thickness
      WR-392 407.0 408.0 1.0 2.19 2.2
      WR-393 407.0 407.5 0.5 0.07 0.1
      WR-395 400.0 404.0 4.0 0.93 3.7
      WR-403 394.5 400.5 6.0 20.63 123.8
      And 401.5 413.0 11.5 13.30 153.0
      WR-404 414.0 417.5 3.5 4.17 14.6
      WR-405 391.5 396.0 4.5 12.22 55.0
      And 405.5 407.0 1.5 3.31 5.0
      Chemical analyses were completed by SRC Geoanalytical Laboratories of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and were a combination of geochemical and assay methods. The grades are reported at a 0.05% U3O8 cut off. WR-401 previously reported 38.48% eU3O8 over 8.4 metres will continue to be reported as equivalent grade due to poor core recovery.

      Summer 2011 Overview

      The summer drill program totaled 48 holes for 23,776 metres with the following distribution.

      Area Metres No. of Holes
      Zone A 15,581 32 (including 1 re-start)
      Zone B 2,950 6
      Zone D 468 1
      Regional 4,777 9
      Total 23,776 48

      The Phoenix Deposits are located on the Wheeler River property which is located between the McArthur River Mine and Key Lake mill complex in the Athabasca Basin. Denison is the operator and holds a 60% interest. Cameco Corporation holds a 30% interest and JCU (Canada) Exploration Company, Limited holds the remaining 10% interest. All previous and current drill results from Phoenix Deposits have been tabulated and are presented on Denison's website at

      Qualified Person

      The technical information contained in this press release related to the above described exploration activities is under the supervision of Lawson Forand, Denison's Exploration Manager, Saskatchewan, who is a Qualified Person in accordance with the requirements of National Instrument 43-101. All drill holes reported in this release were drilled at either -80 or -90 degrees and while the exact attitude of the mineralization remains uncertain, it is believed, at this time that the mineralized intervals represent near true widths. For a description of the quality assurance program and quality control measures applied by Denison, please see Denison's Annual Information Form dated March 28, 2011 filed under the Company's profile on the SEDAR website.

      We seek Safe Harbor.
      schrieb am 17.04.12 20:02:46
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      By Craig Wong, The Canadian Press

      A deal by Denison Mines (TSX:DML.TO - News) to sell its U.S. assets and operations to Energy Fuels (TSX:EFR.TO - News) makes the Toronto-based uranium producer a more attractive takeover prospect, analysts said Tuesday.

      RBC Capital Markets analyst Adam Schatzker said that Denison's U.S. "assets acted as a poison pill for potential acquirers."

      "The U.S. assets suffered from unpredictable grades, fluctuating production, and high cash costs," Schatzker wrote in a note to clients.

      "While they offered investors financial leverage through high operating costs, they were likely not attractive to more senior mining companies. On the other hand, the Canadian assets, located in the heart of one of the top uranium camps in the world, offer the potential for world-class discoveries."

      Denison will receive roughly $106 million worth of Energy Fuels stock in return for the assets. As a result, Denison will own about two-thirds of Energy Fuels following the transaction.

      BMO Capital Markets analyst Edward Sterck also noted that "the trimmed-down Denison may be more attractive as an acquisition target (after) the transaction,"

      He said Denison's White Mesa mill in the U.S. and its related assets are marginal at current uranium prices, but that could change if they rise.

      "Through this transaction, Denison shareholders retain exposure to the White Mesa assets whilst gaining exposure to Energy Fuels' asset base," Sterck said.

      Shares in Denison were up were up 19 cents or more than 10 per cent at $1.60 on Tuesday. Energy Fuels shares were up five cents to 30 cents.

      Energy Fuels said after the close of markets Monday that it had agreed to acquire the U.S. operations in exchange for roughly 425.4 million shares that will be distributed to Denison shareholders. Once completed, Denison shareholders, who will receive 1.106 Energy Fuels shares for each Denison share they own.

      Denison's U.S. assets include the White Mesa Mill, a uranium and vanadium processing plant near Blanding, Utah, as well as the Colorado Plateau mines. The company also owns the Daneros uranium mine and Henry Mountains uranium complex in Utah as well as and other exploration properties in the state as well as the Arizona Strip properties.

      Energy Fuels president and chief executive Steve Antony said the deal would be transformational for his company and reshape the landscape of the uranium sector within the U.S.

      "It combines the highly strategic asset of the only operating uranium mill in the U.S., White Mesa, with a significant resource base that substantially increases White Mesa's available feedstock.

      "The result is an unmatched production growth profile and the opportunity for both Energy Fuels and Denison shareholders to benefit from the clear operational synergies that result from this transaction."

      Energy Fuels' existing assets include the Sheep Mountain project, which is currently being permitted, and the permitted, but yet to be constructed, Pinon Ridge uranium and vanadium mill, as well exploration properties in the U.S. and Canada.

      In addition to regulatory and other approvals, the deal will require the support of Energy Fuels and Denison shareholders.

      The three largest shareholders of Energy Fuels, Dundee Resources Ltd., Pinetree Capital Ltd. and Mega Uranium Ltd. who collectively own a 22.7 per cent stake, have indicated their support for the deal.

      Zebra Holdings and Investments S.a.r.l. and Lorito Holdings S.a.r.l., which combined are one of the largest shareholders of Denison, with a 9.9 per cent stake have also said they will support the transaction.

      In addition to the U.S. assets, Denison owns a 22.5 per cent stake in the McClean Lake mill in Saskatchewan as well as interests in exploration projects in the Athabasca Basin, Mongolia and Zambia.
      schrieb am 19.09.12 02:19:23
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Denison Mines does not say why shares are up

      Denison Mines Corp (C:DML)
      Shares Issued 384,660,915
      Last Close 9/17/2012 $1.41
      Tuesday September 18 2012 - News Release

      Mr. Ron Hochstein reports


      In response to a request of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) on behalf of the Toronto Stock Exchange, Denison Mines Corp. confirms that there are no material undisclosed corporate developments that might account for the increased trading activity of the company's shares today. Denison does not otherwise comment on market activity.

      We seek Safe Harbor.

      Mich hat es erfreut.
      schrieb am 24.04.13 19:37:43
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      Denison drills 1.5 m of 0.46% eU3O8 at Wheeler

      2013-04-24 08:56 ET - News Release

      Mr. Ron Hochstein reports


      Denison Mines Corp. has completed a second fence of drilling in the vicinity of drill hole WR-489 that has extended unconformity uranium mineralization along strike by 65 metres. The area is 2.1 kilometres northeast of the Phoenix deposits and is now being referred to as the 489 zone.

      Wheeler River

      The winter drill program is now complete at Wheeler River. A total of 14,577 metres were drilled in 27 drill holes. Sixteen of the drill holes were completed on five different exploration target areas (489 zone, K zone, Phoenix North, 232 area and the REA area) on the Wheeler River property. The highlight of the program was the discovery of new unconformity-related uranium mineralization at the 489 zone. Located approximately 2.1 kilometres northeast of the Phoenix deposits the 489 zone straddles the sub-Athabasca unconformity at a vertical depth of 380 metres below surface, on top of faulted graphitic gneiss. Rock types, alteration and structure are similar to the Phoenix deposits. Mineralization has now been intersected on both drill hole fences completed to date -- 65 metres apart -- and the zone is open along strike in both directions. A summer drill program is planned to aggressively follow up on these results.

      The associated table summarizes the mineralized intersections.


      Hole ID Radiometric probe Chemical assay
      From To Length eU3O8 From To Length U3O8
      (m) (m) (m) (%) (m) (m) (m) (%)

      WR-489 387.8 392.4 4.6 0.14 387.3 392.8 5.5 0.13
      WR-511A 375.5 377.0 1.5 0.46 Pending
      and 378.3 379.3 1.0 0.17 Pending
      and 387.8 388.9 1.1 0.24 Pending

      eU3O8 is radiometric equivalent uranium from a total gamma downhole probe.

      On the other four exploration target areas, encouraging geochemistry and alteration were observed at Phoenix North and the K zone. Further work is required to follow up on these results -- some of which will be a part of this summer's activities. No significant mineralization, alteration or geochemistry was observed at the 232 and REA areas.

      The remainder of the winter program consisted of four drill holes to infill two small inferred portions of the Phoenix A deposit. As previously reported, high-grade uranium mineralization was intersected in all four of these drill holes (see news release March 14, 2013). Another five drill holes explored for basement mineralization proximal to the north end of the Phoenix A deposit. Although no significant mineralization was intersected, this area remains open for further testing.

      The Wheeler River property lies between the McArthur River mine and Key Lake mill complex in the Athabasca basin in Northern Saskatchewan. Denison is the operator and holds a 60-per-cent interest in the project. Cameco Corp. holds a 30-per-cent interest and JCU (Canada) Exploration Co. Ltd. holds the remaining 10-per-cent interest.

      Hatchet Lake

      As reported previously, uranium mineralization was intersected at Hatchet Lake in two drill holes on the northern portion of the Crooked-Richardson Lakes trend. Chemical assays have now been received for this drilling and the best result was in drill hole RL-13-16, which intersected 0.45 per cnt U3O8 over 2.3 metres beginning at 124.0 metres down the drill hole. Further drilling is required to follow up on these results.

      Qualified person

      The disclosure of a scientific or technical nature contained in this news release was prepared by Steve Blower, PGeo, Denison's vice-president, exploration, who is a qualified person in accordance with the requirements of National Instrument 43-101. For a description of the quality assurance program and quality control measures applied by Denison, please see Denison's annual information form dated March 13, 2013, filed under the company's profile on SEDAR.

      We seek Safe Harbor.
      schrieb am 12.04.21 16:29:43
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      Dieser Thread wurde reaktiviert.
      schrieb am 12.04.21 16:41:39
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      Die Welt (ausser Germanien) setzt auf CO2-neutralen Atomstrom. Früher oder später wird auch hier wieder leben einkehren...
      schrieb am 14.04.21 17:25:11
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      Dension Mines drills 14 m of 5.04% eU3O8 at McClean

      2021-04-14 06:47 ET - News Release

      Mr. David Cates reports


      Denison Mines Corp. has discovered new high-grade unconformity-hosted uranium mineralization from the winter 2021 exploration program completed at the company's 22.5-per-cent-owned McClean Lake joint venture. Three of the final four drill holes completed by Orano Canada Inc. ("Orano Canada"), 77.5% owner and operator of the MLJV, returned uranium mineralization at the McClean South target area (see Figure 1), with the results highlighted by drill hole MCS-34, which returned 5.04% eU3O8 over 14.0 metres (including 14.86% eU3O8 over 3.9 metres). View PDF version

      Andy Yackulic, P. Geo., Denison's Director, Exploration, commented, "The latest results from McClean South are quite exciting. Not only has drilling intersected very high-grade uranium, but the mineralization is open along strike to the west for at least 250 metres and approximately 70 metres to the east towards the McClean South 8E pod. The mineralized intersection in MCS-34 represents one of the better mineralized intersections reported on the McClean Lake property to date - which is impressive, as the property has been explored since the mid-1970s and has previously produced over 50 million pounds U3O8."

      David Cates, Denison's President & CEO, added "The discovery of new high-grade uranium mineralization at McClean South reminds us of the significant potential associated with Denison's portfolio of development and exploration interests in the Athabasca Basin. Orano Canada is a world-class business partner and the operator of Denison's 22.5% owned McClean Lake uranium mill. With excess licensed capacity at the McClean Lake mill, any meaningful new uranium discovery on the McClean Lake property has the potential to translate into an important source of future mill feed and ultimately considerable value for the MLJV and its owners."

      2021 McClean Lake Exploration Highlights

      A diamond drilling program consisting of 15 drill holes totalling 4,083 metres was recently completed at McClean Lake. The 2021 exploration program was designed to test for the potential expansion of previously discovered mineralization in the McClean South 8W and 8E pods, as well as to test for new mineralization in the surrounding area (see Figure 2).

      Drill hole MCS-34 was designed to test a potentially significant gap in drilling west of the McClean South 8E pod, where historical drilling was believed to have tested too far to the north of the optimal target area. Drill hole MCS-34, which was drilled at an azimuth of 345degree and a dip of -60degree, targeted the extension of the McClean South conductor approximately 120 metres west of the McClean South 8E pod and successfully intersected high-grade unconformity-associated uranium mineralization at an approximate depth of 182 metres - returning a mineralized interval of 5.04% eU3O8 over 14.0 metres (including 14.86% eU3O8 over 3.9 metres). Due to deteriorating surface conditions, owing to warming weather towards the end of the exploration program, follow-up of this result on section was not possible.

      Follow-up efforts were targeted along strike to the east of MCS-34, including drill hole MCS-36, which was designed to test the extent of the mineralization encountered in MCS-34 at the unconformity approximately 15 metres to the east. Drill hole MCS-36, which was drilled at an azimuth of 345degree and a dip of -70degree, intersected uranium mineralization hosted within a fault zone in the basal sandstone, returning a mineralized interval grading 1.17% eU3O8 over 3.1 metres. Further follow up occurred approximately 10 metres to the north of MCS-36, with the completion of drill hole MCS-37, which was drilled at an azimuth of 345degree and a dip of -67.5degree, and also intersected uranium mineralization beginning approximately 19 metres above the unconformity contact, returning 0.52% eU3O8 over 6.4 metres.

      Taken together, three of the final four drill holes completed at the McClean South target area returned notable uranium mineralization in the area west of the McClean South 8E pod, which has few previous drill holes. Follow-up drilling is warranted in this area and is expected to be planned by the MLJV for the winter of 2022. Additionally, two other drill holes completed at the McClean South target area during the winter program returned uranium mineralization, as outlined in the summary table and further detailed below.

      Table 1 - 2021 McLean Lake Exploration Drilling - Mineralized Intersections

      Hole-ID From (m)To (m)Length (m)eU3O8(%)(1)
      MCS-26(2) 221.7 222.6 0.9(3) 0.08
      MCS-31(2) 224.5 225.6 1.1(4) 0.14
      MCS-34(2) 182.8 196.8 14.0(5) 5.04
      Including(6)192.3 196.2 3.9(5) 14.87
      MCS-36(2) 165.4 168.5 3.1(7) 1.17
      MCS-37(2) 164.3 170.7 6.4(7) 0.52

      (1) Radiometric equivalent U3O8 ("eU3O8") derived from a calibrated gamma downhole probe
      (2) Intersection interval is composited above a cut-off grade of 0.05% eU3O8
      (3) True thickness is estimated to be approximately 40% of stated downhole length
      (4) True thickness is estimated to be approximately 65% of stated downhole length
      (5) True thickness is estimated to be approximately 85% of stated downhole length.
      (6) Intersection interval is composited above a cut-off grade of 1.0% eU3O8
      (7) True thickness is estimated to be approximately 90% of stated downhole length.

      Drill hole MCS-26, was designed to test the up-dip extension of basement mineralization discovered in historical drill hole MCS-13 at the unconformity. The hole was collared approximately 12.5 metres north of MCS-13 and drilled at an azimuth of 345degree and a dip of -78degree. MCS-26 intersected low-grade mineralization approximately 49 metres below the unconformity, coincident with the basal contact of an anatectic granite.

      Drill hole MCS-31, drilled at an azimuth of 345degree and a dip of -80degree, was designed to test the 120 metre gap between historical drill fences immediately east of the McClean South 8E pod on Line 835E of the 2005 McClean South EM survey grid. Low-grade mineralization was intersected in the basement, approximately 50 metres below the unconformity contact, associated with a redox front located along the basal contact of a graphitic pelite.

      Radiometric Equivalent Grades, Sampling, Analysis and Data Verification

      Following the completion of a drill hole, the hole is radiometrically logged using a downhole slimline gamma probe, which collects continuous readings of radioactivity along the length of the drill hole. Probe results are then calibrated using an algorithm calculated from the comparison of probe results against geochemical analyses in the area. The gamma-log results provide an immediate radiometric equivalent uranium value (eU%, then converted to eU3O8%) for the hole, which, except in very high grade zones, is reasonably accurate. The Company typically reports eU3O8, as a preliminary result and subsequently reports definitive assay grades following sampling and chemical analysis of the mineralized drill core.

      Assay sample intervals are generally 50 centimetres long, except where higher or lower grade mineralization boundaries fall within the interval. In that case, two 25 centimetre samples are collected. Flank samples of 1.0 metre are always collected where mineralization is located. Systematic geochemistry samples are collected every 10 metres down the hole.

      All assayed core is split in half, with one half retained and the other sent to the SRC Geoanalytical Laboratory in Saskatoon for analysis. Control samples are routinely assayed with each batch of core samples analyzed.

      For results from McClean Lake, Orano Canada has performed detailed QAQC and data verification, where possible, of all datasets. Denison has performed additional QAQC and data verification of the drilling database including review of the QAQC methods and review of downhole probe and eU calculation procedures.

      McClean South 8E and 8W Pods

      The McClean South trend is located parallel to and approximately 500 metres south of the McClean North trend in the southwestern portion of the property (see Figure 1). The McClean South target area has been the subject of historic exploration drilling, resulting in the discovery and subsequent delineation of the 8W and 8E pods, which are situated along a N70degree to 80degree trend in close proximity to the McClean Lake granitic dome to the south (see Figure 2). The dip of the geology appears to range from 45degree to 65degree S in the 8W pod. In contrast, the dip within the 8E pod is steeper and undulating but is most commonly around 80degree S. Several graphitic horizons of varying thickness are present in the McClean South target area and extend beyond and into other parts of the property.

      Mineralization within the 8W pod is currently understood to be primarily hosted within the sandstone; however, it has also been locally encountered within the basement of the 8W pod. The mineralization within the sandstone can extend upwards of 50 metres above the unconformity. Mineralization within the 8E pod is currently understood to overlap the unconformity, with mineralization located both in the sandstone and and within the upper basement. The 8W pod is approximately 260 metres long, and the 8E pod is approximately 310 metres long. The maximum width of the pods is 50 metres, and the maximum thickness of the pods is as much as 100 metres.

      No current resource estimate, prepared in accordance with NI 43-101, exists for the mineralization identified to date at the McClean South pods.

      About McClean Lake

      The McClean Lake property is located on the eastern edge of the Athabasca Basin in northern Saskatchewan, approximately 750 kilometres north of Saskatoon. Denison holds a 22.5% ownership interest in the MLJV and the McClean Lake uranium mill, one of the world's largest uranium processing facilities. The mill has licensed annual production capacity of 24.0 million pounds U3O8, and is currently operating under a 10-year license expiring in 2027. The mill is contracted to process the ore from the Cigar Lake mine under a toll milling agreement (up to 18.0 million pounds U3O8 per year). The MLJV is an unincorporated contractual arrangement between Orano Canada with a 77.5% interest and Denison with a 22.5% interest. Orano Canada is the operator of the project.

      McClean Lake consists of nine known uranium deposits: JEB; Sue A, B, C, D and E; McClean North; McClean South; and Caribou. In 1995, the development of the McClean Lake project began. Mill construction commenced in 1995 and ore processing activities reached commercial production in November 1999. Mining operations commenced in 1996 and the following deposits have been mined out to date: JEB (1996 to 1997), Sue C (1997 to 2002), Sue A (2005 to 2006), Sue E (2005 to 2008) and Sue B (2007 to 2008).

      About Denison

      Denison is a uranium exploration and development company with interests focused in the Athabasca Basin region of northern Saskatchewan, Canada. The Company's flagship project is the 90% owned Wheeler River Uranium Project, which is the largest undeveloped uranium project in the infrastructure rich eastern portion of the Athabasca Basin region of northern Saskatchewan. In addition to Denison's interests in the MLJV, Denison's interests in Saskatchewan include a 25.17% interest in the Midwest Main and Midwest A deposits, and a 66.90% interest in the Tthe Heldeth Tue ("THT," formerly J Zone) and Huskie deposits on the Waterbury Lake property. Each of Midwest Main, Midwest A, THT and Huskie are located within 20 kilometres of the McClean Lake mill.

      Qualified Persons

      The technical information contained in this release has been reviewed and approved by Mr. Andrew Yackulic, P. Geo., Denison's Director, Exploration, who is a Qualified Person in accordance with the requirements of NI 43-101.

      We seek Safe Harbor.
      schrieb am 11.03.22 06:16:48
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      DML scheint hier in Germanien nicht so bekannt zu sein, wie EFR oder UEC, aber die laufen auch gut. Jetzt will die USA den weltweit größten Uran-Produzenten KAZATOMPROM sanktionieren, was den Spot-Preis aktuell treibt:

      Sehr interessant:

      schrieb am 11.03.22 06:22:36
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      Auch er hat Denison und andere Uraner fett im Depot
      schrieb am 11.03.22 06:23:35
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      Auch er hat Denison und andere Uraner fett im Depot
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