
    Sex sells - Fleischbeschau an der NASDAQ - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 28.06.08 18:45:01 von
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    ISIN: US74934Q1085 · WKN: A119ZB · Symbol: RICK
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      schrieb am 28.06.08 18:45:01
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Eurams-Exklusiv: Sex sells - Fleischbeschau an der NASDAQ
      Leser des Artikels: 1591

      Sex sells in Zeiten der Rezession. Das zeigt die börsennotierte amerikanische Stripklub-Kette Rick's Cabaret.
      von Tim Schäfer, New York
      Unscheinbar ist der Eingangsbereich. In den schwarz dekorierten Fenstern leuchten lediglich weiße Kerzen. Zwar beobachtet ein Türsteher das Geschehen draußen, zudem ragt ein roter Teppich auf den Bürgersteig an der 33. Straße, nahe des New Yorker Times Square. Doch dass hinter der Tür eine Oben-ohne-Bar steckt, lässt sich von außen nicht erahnen. Rick’s Cabaret unterscheidet nicht nur das gehobene Ambiente von anderen Etablissements dieser Art. Der Klub ist zudem börsennotiert.
      Rick’s betreibt in den USA 18 dieser schlüpfrigen Lokalitäten, davon allein fünf am Stammsitz in Houston, Texas. Und das Geschäft boomt wie verrückt. Sex sells in Zeiten der Rezession, genauso wie Alkohol und Zigaretten.
      Etliche der jungen Damen, die bei Rick‘s strippen und tanzen, sind später „Penthouse Pets“ oder „Playboy Playmates“ geworden – das berühmte US-Model Anna Nicole Smith etwa, das einst Tänzerin in Houston war und dort ihren späteren Gatten traf, den greisen Ölmilliardär J. Howard Marshall. Die Vergnügungstempel sind edel ausgestattet, die Kundschaft muss Geld haben. Und es gibt nicht nur eine Getränke-, sondern auch eine Speisekarte. Darauf stehen Prime Porterhouse Steaks für 58 oder südafrikanischer Hummer für 78 Dollar. Einige Hundert Dollar kostet es, einen separaten VIP-Raum im zweiten Stock samt Tänzerin zu buchen. „Sex oder Drogenkonsum erlauben wir nicht“, stellt ein Sprecher des Konzerns aber gleich klar.
      Die kurvenreiche Kette will Vorstandschef Eric Langan zu einer bekannten Marke ausbauen. So wie Nike für Sportschuhe oder Budweiser für Bier steht, so soll Rick‘s Cabaret für das Amüsement von Gentlemen stehen. Langan: „Es ist ein seltenes Geschäftsmodell. Die Hälfte unseres Umsatzes erzielen wir mit Servicegebühren wie der privaten Raummiete oder dem Eintrittspreis. 37 Prozent bringen die Getränke, zehn Prozent das Essen.“ In den vergangenen fünf Jahren schraubte sich der Umsatz im Schnitt um fast 50 Prozent jährlich nach oben, der Gewinn je Aktie um 45 Prozent. Die Nettoumsatzrendite fällt mit 9,5 Prozent knackig aus. „Wir verkaufen das Bier für elf Dollar und kaufen es für 68 Cent ein“, freut sich Langan über die Margen.
      Das Geschäft mit jungen schönen Tänzerinnen kommt immer kräftiger in Schwung: Im ersten Quartal stieg der Umsatz auf knapp elf Millionen Dollar. Unterm Strich klingelten 1,8 Millionen in der Kasse – plus 405 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahreswert. Im zweiten Quartal überschreitet der Umsatz erstmals die 15-Millionen-Dollar-Marke. Die starken Zuwächse sind vor allem auf die aggressive Einkaufstour der Texaner zurückzuführen. Überall im Land, wo Langan einen Konkurrenten zu einem vernünftigen Preis schlucken kann, schnappt er zu. Er möchte in allen US-Metropolen vertreten sein.
      Am 18. April meldete er die Übernahme des Konkurrenten Scores-Las Vegas für 21 Millionen Dollar. Vier Tage zuvor hatte Langan in Dallas zugeschlagen und den Deal mit The Executive Club für 9,5 Millionen Dollar in trockene Tücher gebracht. Im September hatte er „Tootsie’s“ in Florida unter seine Fittiche genommen. Tootsie’s setzt auf 4366 Quadratmetern 18,8 Millionen Dollar um, der operative Gewinn ist mit 8,8 Millionen beziehungsweise einer Marge von 46,8 Prozent gigantisch. Die Cash-Maschine Tootsie’s war die bislang bedeutendste Transaktion von Rick’s Cabaret.
      Die 3800 amerikanischen Nachtklubs sind in den Händen von vielen privaten Eigentümern. Die neun größten Ketten beherrschen gerade einmal vier Prozent des Markts. Für Stadtverwaltungen ist Rick’s Cabaret indes ein bevorzugter Partner. Denn dann können die Stadtoberen sicher sein, dass der neue Eigentümer brav seine Steuern zahlt und auf seine Reputation als Nasdaq-Konzern achtet.
      Zwischen 2003 und Anfang 2008 lief die Aktie steil nach oben – von etwa einem Dollar auf zuletzt rund 19 Dollar. Derzeit konsolidiert das Papier. Mit einem Börsenwert von gut 140 Millionen Dollar zählt Rick‘s zu den Leichtgewichten an der Nasdaq. Langan hat jedoch das ehrgeizige Ziel, in drei bis fünf Jahren den Börsenwert auf eine Milliarde Dollar zu heben. Auch wenn die Rezession nicht so lang dauert.
      schrieb am 28.06.08 18:46:40
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()

      Strippen gegen die Rezession
      Von Marc Pitzke, New York

      Schliddert die Wirtschaft in die Krise, suchen gestresste Wall-Street-Manager sündhafte Zerstreuung: Die größte US-Stripclub-Kette Rick's Cabaret verzeichnet trotz drohender Rezession bombastische Einnahmen. Der Kurs des Börsenunternehmens stieg seit August um 240 Prozent.
      New York - Rick's Cabaret in Manhattan fühlt sich der Wall Street ganz besonders verbunden. Der riesige Stripclub an der 30th Street lädt mehrmals im Jahr Analysten und Broker zum "Prospektprüfungs-Ball", meist wenn der börsennotierte Dachkonzern seine Quartalszahlen verkündet. Eintritt und Hors d'Oeuvres sind dann gratis, alle Drinks auf sieben Dollar reduziert. Dazu gibt's, so verheißt die per E-Mail-Kette verbreitete V.I.P-Einladung, "schöne Frauen, phantastisches Essen und wundervolle Gastfreundschaft". Der 2006 eingeführte "Ball" hat sich sofort als heimlicher Höhepunkt des Broker-Daseins in New York etabliert: "Wir haben festgestellt", prahlt Rick's-CEO Eric Langan, "dass die Fachleute der Finanzwelt gerne lernen, was wir alles zu bieten haben."
      Vor allem in diesen trüben Tagen, da es sonst so wenig zu genießen gibt an der Wall Street. Der Umsatz von Rick's-Clubs stieg im vergangenen Quartal um fast 58 Prozent auf 10,8 Millionen Dollar an. Der Aktienkurs des Unternehmens, das in den USA insgesamt 16 Clubs betreibt, ist an der Nasdaq seit August von 7,5 auf 25,3 Dollar geschossen. Ein Plus von 240 Prozent. Das Stripperbusiness ist derzeit so lukrativ, dass sogar Hedgefonds-Milliardär und Wall-Street-Ikone Steven Cohen im Januar mit 5,5 Prozent bei Rick's einstieg.
      Stripclubs, in den USA eine Zwei-Milliarden-Dollar-Branche, sind offenbar gefeit gegen jene Rezessionstristesse, die zum Beispiel den Einzelhandel plagt. Mehr noch: Sie scheinen von den schlechten Zeiten sogar noch zu profitieren. "Wir streben ganz neue Sphären an", freute sich der gelackte Langan, der sich dazu neulich extra ins Studio des Kabelsenders Fox Business News bemühte, flankiert von zwei tief dekolletierten, stummen Damen namens Stacy und Tracy.
      "Sexueller Kontakt ist nicht erlaubt"
      Mit seinem "eleganten Gentleman-Entertainment" hat sich Rick's seit der Gründung 1983 zu einem Unternehmen mit 55 Millionen Dollar Marktwert entwickelt. Die Clubs, die sich für ihre Kombination aus "Oben-ohne-Tanz und hochqualitativem Restaurant-Service" rühmen, sind Promi-Schmieden und -Treffpunkt gleichermaßen. Schon manches Playmate wurde im Rick's entdeckt. Die voriges Jahr tragisch verstorbene Anna Nicole Smith lernte im Club in Houston ihren letzten Mann kennen, den damals 86-jährigen Milliardär Howard Marshall.
      Rick's ist neben der Penthouse-Club-Mutter VCG eines von nur zwei börsennotierten Stripclub-Unternehmen. Es hält, wie jeder andere Aktienkonzern, ganz reguläre Analysten-Schaltkonferenzen ab und gibt alle drei Monate seine Quartalszahlen bekannt. Diese sind jedoch stets mit einem Vermerk versehen, der anderen Firmen fremd sein dürfte: "Sexueller Kontakt ist nicht erlaubt."
      Trotz solch pikanter Besonderheiten will Rick's weg vom Schmuddelimage des Gewerbes, das oft mit organisierter Kriminalität, Prostitution und Ausbeutung gleichgesetzt wird. "Wir schlagen dich heute nicht mehr zusammen, wir setzen dich in eine schwarze Limousine und fahren dich nach Hause", formuliert es Langan - und nennt als Vorbild das "Casino-Modell" von Las Vegas, wo einst die Mafia herrschte und heute Familien mit Kindern urlauben.
      Finanziell ist die Neuausrichtung freilich nicht nötig. Gerade in Zeiten der Rezessionsangst scheint der Bedarf an sündhafter Zerstreuung umso größer. Rechnet man die jüngste Akquisition des florierenden Stripclubs Tootsie's bei Miami hinzu, machte Rick's im Dezember 2007 knapp doppelt so viel Umsatz wie im Vorjahr.
      Rick's Heimat ist Texas, doch der "Flagship"-Club ist die Filiale in Manhattan. Die fährt regelmäßig Rekord-Umsätze ein - nicht zuletzt, wie Langan andeutet, durch die unverminderte Popularität bei Wall-Street-Akteuren. Die Elf-Millionen-Dollar-Immobilie ist die größte und luxuriöseste Dependance der Kette und bietet zur Mittagspause ein "Businessman's Lunch" für zehn Dollar an. An dessen Popularität konnten auch die verschärften Regeln der Börsenaufseher nichts ändern, wonach Stripclub-Besuche nicht mehr als Dienstspesen abgesetzt werden dürfen.
      Ein Ende des Booms scheint nicht absehbar. Rick's jedenfalls sieht sich erst am Beginn einer glorreichen Zeit - und plant Wachstum in großem Stil durch die Übernahme kleinerer Konkurrenten. Das Ziel: 50 Clubs in 40 US-Städten. "Schon jetzt rufen uns jeden Tag neue Besitzer mit Offerten an", gibt Langan an. Die Rezession hat auch ihre guten Seiten.
      schrieb am 28.06.08 18:48:36
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      During a conference call with investors on May 8, 2008, Rick’s Cabaret International, Inc. (NASDAQ:RICK), operator of upscale gentlemen’s clubs, issued new guidance for its revenues and income for the 2008 fiscal year and its outlook for 2009.
      For its 2008 fiscal year the company said it expects to have sales of approximately $61 to $62 million, with after tax net income of about $10.5 to $11 million, on which it anticipates earning between $1.25 and $1.30 per fully diluted share. If spread over all of calendar 2008 revenues should equal about $68-$70 million, with net income of about $13 to $14 million and projected earnings of approximately $1.55 to $1.60 per fully diluted share.
      The company’s outlook for fiscal 2009 anticipates revenues of exceeding $100 million, with earnings per share in the $2.30 to $2.50 range per fully diluted share.
      The 2008 projections do not include the closing of a previously announced acquisition in Las Vegas while the 2009 outlook does include the Las Vegas transaction and continued execution of the company’s acquisition strategy.
      These projections update the company’s previous guidance issued on February 13, 2007 and April 1, 2008. The company operates on a fiscal year ending September 30. Some projections have also been stated on a calendar year basis for ease in comparison with other companies.
      About Rick’s Cabaret: Rick’s Cabaret International, Inc. (NASDAQ:RICK) operates upscale adult nightclubs serving primarily businessmen and professionals that offer live adult entertainment, restaurant and bar operations. The company owns, operates or licenses adult nightclubs in New York City, Miami, Philadelphia, New Orleans, Charlotte, Dallas, Houston, Minneapolis and other cities under the names "Rick's Cabaret," "XTC," “Club Onyx” and “Tootsie’s Cabaret”. Sexual contact is not permitted at these locations. Rick’s Cabaret also owns the adult Internet membership Web site,, and a network of online adult auction sites under the flagship URL Rick’s Cabaret common stock is traded on NASDAQ under the symbol RICK. For further information contact
      Forward-looking Statements: This document contains forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause the company’s actual results to differ materially from those indicated in this document, including the risks and uncertainties associated with operating and managing an adult business, the business climates in cities where we operate, the success or lack thereof in launching and building the company’s businesses, risks and uncertainties related to the operational and financial results of our websites, conditions relevant to real estate transactions, and numerous other factors such as laws governing the operation of adult entertainment businesses, competition and dependence on key personnel. Rick's Cabaret has no obligation to update or revise the forward-looking statements to reflect the occurrence of future events or circumstances. For further information visit
      schrieb am 28.06.08 18:52:55
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Ahoi @all,

      hat jemand diesen Wert auf seiner Watchlist ? Kurs ist ja wieder ordentlich runter gekommen. Gestern starkes Handelsvolumen an der Nasdaq ! Jemand ne Meinung dazu ?

      schrieb am 28.06.08 19:50:26
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Solange Du keine Bilder einstellst, kannste den Thread vergessen!

      Trading Spotlight

      Nurexone Biologic
      0,4300EUR +4,62 %
      Die Aktie mit dem “Jesus-Vibe”!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 28.06.08 20:01:52
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Richtig aufregend, dass es noch Unternehmen mit patentgeschützter und praktisch nicht kopierbarer Technik gibt, die dem kundigen Investor ein einzigartiges Geschäftsmodell versprechen.

      Da wird dem engagierten Investor gleich richtig warm ums Herz angesichts gut planbarem und auf immer dynamisch steigendem Cashflow bei praktisch unerschöflichen Sub-UnternehmerInnen-Reservoir und einer Kundschaft, der kein Preis zu hoch scheint.

      Da man sich "Elena", "Marissa" oder "Andjela" auch gut als Franchise-Nehmerinnen vorstellen kann, ist Ricky praktisch der McNackig der Schmuddelbranche.

      Demnächst vielleicht auch als Dive-In!!

      Dass diese ausgefalle Idee noch keiner hatte, tztztz...

      Darf man eigentlich Elvira vonna Bahnhofstraße gar nicht sagen.

      Nitt, datt die noch selbst auf Gedanken kommt...
      schrieb am 28.06.08 20:14:36
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.397.697 von eschinger am 28.06.08 18:52:55ja ganz gute Strategie. Die wollen ihren Wert auf eine Mrd hoch kriegen.
      schrieb am 28.06.08 21:09:54
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      kenne ich;) wenn die was veröffentlichen schauen meist einige erst wegen dem Schmuddel Geschäft hin. Das macht den Wert so einzigartig. Und warum nicht liegt im Depot seit dem ATH habe verkauft und bin vor kurzem wieder rein. Aber auf W:O ist der Wert eh nie so richtig angekommen.
      schrieb am 28.06.08 22:55:45
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      rick hatte ich im dezember auch auf der rechnung. zuerst ist die aktie mir aber zu schnell gestiegen und dann konnte sie das ath nicht halten. inzwischen wieder uninteressant.
      hätte aber nicht gedacht, dass hier jemand nochmal auf diesen wert zu sprechen kommt.:D
      schrieb am 28.06.08 23:00:14
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.398.254 von steven_trader am 28.06.08 22:55:45wenn du wüsstest:D;)
      schrieb am 28.06.08 23:07:25
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.398.264 von stargold123 am 28.06.08 23:00:14wenn du wüsstest

      nicht im ernst oder? ;)
      schrieb am 30.06.08 18:54:21
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Rick´s Cabaret International, Inc. Welcomes Inclusion in Russell 2000(R) List

      Rick´s Cabaret International, Inc. (NASDAQ:RICK ), the nation´s premier group of upscale gentlemen´s clubs, today welcomed its addition to the Russell 2000(R) list of leading publicly traded stocks as of June 27, 2008.

      "We are delighted to be included in this prestigious list of outstanding companies," said Eric Langan, President and CEO of the company. "This is another step in our journey to add to shareholder value as we continue to execute our business plan and our acquisition program."

      The Russell 2000 is a stock-market index measuring the performance of 2000 small-capitalization stocks, weighted by the market capitalization of the component stocks. The Russell 2000 is published by the Frank Russell Company.

      Mr. Langan noted that the investment community has estimated that index funds based on the Russell 2000 will need to own approximately 400,000 shares of Rick´s Cabaret stock in order to assure proportional representation.

      In other Rick´s Cabaret news, Mr. Langan said the company´s nightclubs had record revenues in May and they continue their strong growth, with double digit increases in same location same period sales so far in fiscal 2008.

      About Rick´s Cabaret: Rick´s Cabaret International, Inc. (NASDAQ: RICK) operates upscale adult nightclubs serving primarily businessmen and professionals that offer live adult entertainment, restaurant and bar operations. The company owns, operates or licenses adult nightclubs in New York City, Miami, Philadelphia, New Orleans, Charlotte, Dallas, Houston, Minneapolis and other cities under the names "Rick´s Cabaret," "XTC," "Club Onyx" and "Tootsie´s Cabaret". Sexual contact is not permitted at these locations. Rick´s Cabaret also owns the adult Internet membership Web site,, and a network of online adult auction sites under the flagship URL Rick´s Cabaret common stock is traded on NASDAQ under the symbol RICK. For further information contact

      Forward-looking Statements: This document contains forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause the company´s actual results to differ materially from those indicated in this document, including the risks and uncertainties associated with operating and managing an adult business, the business climates in New York City and elsewhere, the success or lack thereof in launching and building the company´s businesses in New York City and elsewhere, risks and uncertainties related to the operational and financial results of our Web sites, conditions relevant to real estate transactions, and numerous other factors such as laws governing the operation of adult entertainment businesses, competition and dependence on key personnel. Rick´s has no obligation to update or revise the forward-looking statements to reflect the occurrence of future events or circumstances. For further information visit
      schrieb am 03.07.08 18:35:50
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Rick´s Cabaret International, Inc. Negotiates New Terms for Purchase of Scores-Las Vegas Club and Extends Closing Date
      Leser des Artikels: 33

      Rick´s Cabaret International, Inc. (NASDAQ:RICK ) said today it has renegotiated payment terms and set a new closing date for its purchase of the Scores-Las Vegas adult nightclub.

      Under the terms of the renegotiated agreement, Rick´s Cabaret will pay a total purchase price $21 million, payable $12 million in cash to DI Food & Beverage of Las Vegas, LLC, a $5 million convertible debenture bearing four percent interest and a non-convertible promissory note for $4 million at eight percent interest. A new closing date has been set for the later of July 25, 2008 or within five business days of the date of issuance of final permits to operate the club and the assignment of the existing lease.

      "We are very pleased with the new terms of the deal, which reduce the amount of cash payable at closing and shifts a greater portion of the purchase price to non-convertible debt," said Eric Langan, President and CEO of Rick´s Cabaret. He said there are no apparent difficulties in obtaining the necessary regulatory approval.

      Under terms of the original agreement to purchase Scores-Las Vegas, Rick´s Cabaret had agreed to pay $16 million in cash and a $5 million convertible debenture bearing four percent interest. The agreement includes an option to buy the property on which the Scores Las Vegas is located.

      Closing the transaction remains subject to closing conditions that include, but are not limited to Rick´s Cabaret obtaining adequate financing, approval by relevant regulatory authorities of the transfer of ownership in the selling entity and other conditions consistent with transactions of this type.

      About Rick´s Cabaret: Rick´s Cabaret International, Inc. (NASDAQ: RICK) operates upscale adult nightclubs serving primarily businessmen and professionals that offer live adult entertainment, restaurant and bar operations. The company owns, operates or licenses adult nightclubs in New York City, Miami, Philadelphia, New Orleans, Charlotte, Dallas, Houston, Minneapolis and other cities under the names "Rick´s Cabaret," "XTC," "Club Onyx" and "Tootsie´s Cabaret". Sexual contact is not permitted at these locations. Rick´s Cabaret also owns the adult Internet membership Web site,, and a network of online adult auction sites under the flagship URL Rick´s Cabaret common stock is traded on NASDAQ under the symbol RICK. For further information contact

      Forward-looking Statements: This document contains forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause the company´s actual results to differ materially from those indicated in this document, including the risks and uncertainties associated with operating and managing an adult business, the business climates in New York City and elsewhere, the success or lack thereof in launching and building the company´s businesses in New York City and elsewhere, risks and uncertainties related to the operational and financial results of our Web sites, conditions relevant to real estate transactions, and numerous other factors such as laws governing the operation of adult entertainment businesses, competition and dependence on key personnel. Rick´s has no obligation to update or revise the forward-looking statements to reflect the occurrence of future events or circumstances. For further information visit
      schrieb am 08.07.08 18:56:39
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Ricks Cabaret 3Q same-club sales up 8.4% to $8 million; total sales up 92.1%
      Tuesday July 08, 2008 09:31:58 EDT
      NEW YORK (Thomson Financial) - Ricks Cabaret International Inc. Tuesday said third-quarter same-nightclub sales were $8 million, an increase of 8.4% over the prior year. Total sales for the quarter ended June 30 rose 92.1% to $15.9 million. The nightclub owner said sales rose on strength in its New York division, as well as a stronger than expected contribution from its locations in Dallas, Philadelphia and Miami. Shares of Ricks Cabaret closed Monday at $15. The stock is up 55% over the past 52 weeks. Ryan Vlastelica rv/vj

      Copyright Thomson Financial News Limited 2007. All rights reserved. The copying, republication or redistribution of Thomson Financial News Content, including by framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Thomson Financial News.
      schrieb am 09.07.08 00:04:24
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.398.278 von steven_trader am 28.06.08 23:07:25mmmh doch:D
      schrieb am 08.08.08 18:23:58
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Rick's Cabaret Will Hold Conference Call August 14th to Discuss Third Quarter Results, Followed by a "Due Diligence Ball" at Its New York City Club The Company's Annual Meeting of Shareholders Will Be Held in Houston September 2nd
      Friday August 08, 2008 09:58:01 EDT
      HOUSTON, Aug 08, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) --
      Rick's Cabaret International, Inc. (NASDAQ/GM:RICK) will release its third quarter 2008 results on August 14th, followed by a conference call/webcast at 4:30 pm (EDT) hosted by CEO Eric Langan. Immediately after the call the company will hold a "Due Diligence Ball" for financial industry professionals and investors at the company's New York City nightclub (50 West 33rd St.).

      The conference call will allow securities analysts and shareholders the opportunity to hear management discuss results for the quarter ended June 30, 2008. The call is being webcast by Vcall (click here) and can be accessed at the Rick's Cabaret website, or Toll free live participant dial-in number is 877-407-8033, and international callers are invited to dial 201-689-8033. A toll free replay number 877-660-6853 will be available until August 21 (international callers dial 201-612-7415).

      The "Due Diligence Ball" has become a popular event in New York City that follows most of the company's earnings announcement conference calls. It gives investors and financial community professionals an opportunity to see the company's operations first hand and talk personally with Mr. Langan. Guests receive free admission to the club, free hors d'oeuvres and drinks at discount prices from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. To RSVP email

      Separately, the company will hold its annual meeting of shareholders on September 2nd in Houston at the Rick's Cabaret North in Houston, 410 N. Sam Houston Parkway, beginning at 10 am CT. Shareholders unable to attend the meeting are invited to visit, where the following materials are available: 1) Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders; 2) Proxy Statement; 3) Form of Electronic Proxy Card; 4) Annual Report on Form 10-KSB.

      About Rick's Cabaret: Rick's Cabaret International, Inc. (NASDAQ:RICK) operates upscale adult nightclubs serving primarily businessmen and professionals that offer live adult entertainment, restaurant and bar operations. The company owns, operates or licenses adult nightclubs in New York City, Miami, Philadelphia, New Orleans, Charlotte, Dallas, Houston, Minneapolis and other cities under the names "Rick's Cabaret," "XTC," "Club Onyx" and "Tootsie's Cabaret". Sexual contact is not permitted at these locations. Rick's Cabaret also operates a media division, ED Publications, and owns the adult Internet membership Web site, as well as a network of online adult auction sites under the flagship URL Rick's Cabaret common stock is traded on NASDAQ under the symbol RICK. For further information contact

      Forward-looking Statements: This document contains forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause the company's actual results to differ materially from those indicated in this document, including the risks and uncertainties associated with operating and managing an adult business, the business climates in cities where it operates, the success or lack thereof in launching and building the company's businesses, risks and uncertainties related to the operational and financial results of our Web sites, conditions relevant to real estate transactions, and numerous other factors such as laws governing the operation of adult entertainment businesses, competition and dependence on key personnel. Rick's has no obligation to update or revise the forward-looking statements to reflect the occurrence of future events or circumstances. For further information visit

      SOURCE: Rick's Cabaret International, Inc.

      Rick's Cabaret International, Inc.
      Allan Priaulx, 212-338-0050
      Copyright Business Wire 2008
      schrieb am 15.08.08 13:55:16
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Rick's Cabaret Q3 Earnings up 75%; Lowers FY08 View and FY09 EPS Outlook, Backs FY09 Revenue Guidance - Update
      Thursday August 14, 2008 18:35:00 EDT
      (RTTNews) - Thursday, Adult nightclub operator Rick's Cabaret International Inc.(RICK)reported more than 75% rise in third-quarter net income primarily due to substantial growth in revenue. The Company lowered FY08 view and FY09 EPS outlook and reaffirmed FY09 revenue guidance.

      The Houston, Texas-based company reported third quarter net income of $1.83 million or $0.21 per share compared to $1.03 million or $0.16 per share in the corresponding quarter last year. Earnings per share was affected by the issuance of 672,000 shares in June.

      Total revenues for the quarter almost doubled to $16.27 million from $8.45 million in the year-ago period. The increase was primarily due to service revenue, sale of alcoholic beverages and other revenues, all of which doubled compared to prior-year period.

      Same Store Sales increased by 8.4 per cent over last year. The company also incurred $775,000 on start up and other costs related to opening of clubs in Dallas and Philadelphia, $125,000 'Pole Tax' imposed by the state of Texas and media division loss.

      For the nine-month period, net income was $6.22 million or $0.77 per share, higher than net income of $1.88 million or $0.32 per share reported in the corresponding period last year. Total revenues for the nine-month period ended June 30, 2008 almost doubled to $42.70 million from $23.05 million in the same period last year.

      The company lowered guidance for FY08, sees EPS of $1.02, down from the range of $1.25 to $1.30, FY08 revenue of about $60 million, down from the earlier projected range of $61-$62 million. Also, the company lowered FY09 EPS guidance in the range of $2.00 to $2.20, down from earlier range of $2.30 to $2.50 and reiterates FY09 revenue of over $100 million.

      Rick's Cabaret closed Thursday's regular trading at $12.95, down $0.45 or 3.36% on a volume of 710,258 shares on the Nasdaq. In after-hours trade, the stock is currently trading at $13.31, up 0.36 or 2.78%.

      EPS estimate of three analysts polled by First Call/Thomson Financial is $1.20.

      For comments and feedback: contact

      Copyright(c) 2008, Inc. All Rights Reserved
      schrieb am 05.09.08 19:12:19
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Rick's Cabaret International, Inc. Completes Purchase of Scores-Las Vegas Nightclub, with Renegotiated Terms
      Friday September 05, 2008 09:00:03 EDT
      HOUSTON, Sep 05, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) --
      Rick's Cabaret International, Inc. (NASDAQ:RICK), the nation's premier operator of upscale gentlemen's clubs, said today it has completed its purchase of the Scores-Las Vegas adult nightclub after renegotiating terms of the acquisition.

      "We are thrilled to have completed this purchase with more favorable terms including $6 million less debt than would have been incurred under the earlier agreement," said Eric Langan, President and CEO of Rick's Cabaret. "The acquisition gives us the finest club in the most exciting entertainment market in the country. We will operate the facility under the Rick's Cabaret brand, which is an important step in our national branding strategy. The deal is immediately accretive and we estimate it will add 20 to 25 cents in annualized earnings per share."

      Under the final terms of the purchase agreement Rick's Cabaret acquired the club and an option to purchase the land where it is located for $12 million in cash, a two-year $3 million promissory note at eight percent interest with the initial payment due in April 2009, and issuance of 200,000 restricted shares of Rick's Cabaret common stock.

      The agreement contains a "put" clause under which the seller, DI Food & Beverage of Las Vegas, LLC, shall have the right after seven months to have Rick's Cabaret purchase up to 6,250 shares per month at a price equal to $20 per share, until 150,000 of the shares have been purchased for an aggregate of $3 million.

      "The final terms for the purchase of this club are more attractive to us than those we negotiated earlier," said Mr. Langan. He said the $3 million promissory note does not include a convertible feature and any sale of shares by DI Food & Beverage is

      strictly controlled through a lock-up and leak-out agreement that limits sales to no more than 25,000 shares in any 30-day period.

      Under terms of the original agreement topurchase Scores-Las Vegas, Rick's

      Cabaret had agreed to pay $16 million in cash and sign a $5 million convertible debenture bearing four percent interest. The original agreement was later amended to reflect a cash payment of $12 million, a $5 million convertible debenture bearing four percent interest, and a non-convertible promissory note for $4 million at eight percent interest.

      About Rick's Cabaret: Rick's Cabaret International, Inc. (NASDAQ:RICK) operates upscale adult nightclubs serving primarily businessmen and professionals that offer live adult entertainment, restaurant and bar operations. The company owns, operates or licenses adult nightclubs in New York City, Miami, Philadelphia, New Orleans, Charlotte, Dallas, Houston, Minneapolis and other cities under the names "Rick's Cabaret," "XTC," "Club Onyx" and "Tootsie's Cabaret". Sexual contact is not permitted at these locations. Rick's Cabaret also owns the adult Internet membership Web site,, and a network of online adult auction sites under the flagship URL Rick's

      Cabaret common stock is traded on NASDAQ under the symbol RICK. For further information contact
      schrieb am 30.09.08 12:37:42
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Rick's Cabaret International Board Increases Stock Buyback Authorization to $5 Million
      Monday September 29, 2008 09:05:00 EDT
      HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sept. 29, 2008--The Board of Directors of Rick's Cabaret International, Inc. (NASDAQ:RICK), the nation's premier operator of upscale gentlemen's clubs, has authorized the buyback of up to $5 million of the company's common stock.

      In a special meeting the Board increased the buyback authorization from the previous level of $500,000. "The Board agreed that our stock is currently undervalued and that it makes sense for us to buy our own equity at these levels," said Eric Langan, President and CEO of Rick's Cabaret. "I have always said that when we could buy our stock at a price that was better than investing in a new acquisition we would do so. Meanwhile, we are continuing to look at potential acquisitions at the right price." Mr. Langan said he saw no reason other than general market conditions for the current dip in the share price of the company's stock, noting that revenues and other fundamentals remain solid for the company, which operates 19 nightclubs in seven states. "We will announce our quarterly nightclub sales in early October and we anticipate reporting record nightclub revenues again, particularly now that the newest Rick's Cabaret in Las Vegas has begun contributing," Mr. Langan said. The company has completed five important acquisitions in the past year: Tootsie's Cabaret in Miami Gardens, Fl; Crazy Horse II in Philadelphia now operating as Rick's Cabaret, two clubs in Dallas that now operate as Rick's Cabaret and a Club Onyx; and the former Scores-LV that now operates as Rick's Cabaret-Las Vegas. In addition the company purchased the 49% of its Rick's Cabaret- Austin it did not already own. The company also launched a Media Division with the acquisition of ED Publications and its annual convention business. About Rick's Cabaret: Rick's Cabaret International, Inc. (NASDAQ:RICK) operates upscale adult nightclubs serving primarily businessmen and professionals that offer live adult entertainment, restaurant and bar operations. The company owns, operates or licenses adult nightclubs in New York City, Miami, Philadelphia, Las Vegas, New Orleans, Charlotte, Dallas, Houston, Minneapolis and other cities under the names "Rick's Cabaret," "XTC," "Club Onyx" and "Tootsie's Cabaret". Sexual contact is not permitted at these locations. Rick's Cabaret also owns the adult Internet membership Web site,, and a network of online adult auction sites under the flagship URL Rick's Cabaret common stock is traded on NASDAQ under the symbol RICK. For further information contact Forward-looking Statements: This document contains forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause the company's actual results to differ materially from those indicated in this document, including the risks and uncertainties associated with operating and managing an adult business, the business climates in New York City and elsewhere, the success or lack thereof in launching and building the company's businesses in New York City and elsewhere, risks and uncertainties related to the operational and financial results of our Web sites, conditions relevant to real estate transactions, and numerous other factors such as laws governing the operation of adult entertainment businesses, competition and dependence on key personnel. Rick's has no obligation to update or revise the forward-looking statements to reflect the occurrence of future events or circumstances. For further information visit
      CONTACT: Rick's Cabaret International, Inc. Allan Priaulx, 212-338-0050

      SOURCE: Rick's Cabaret International, Inc.
      schrieb am 09.10.08 19:20:49
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Rick's Cabaret Q4 revenues surge 89%; comps rise 0.43% - Update
      Thursday October 09, 2008 10:56:00 EDT
      (RTTNews) - Thursday, night club operator Rick's Cabaret International, Inc. (RICK) said revenues in its fourth quarter surged 89% helped by new acquisitions and positive same club growth. The company reiterated its earlier provided revenue forecast for fiscal 2008, and also reaffirmed its capability to buy back the outstanding stock put options issued in connection with recent acquisitions.

      Revenue for the three month period ended September 30, 2008 rose 89% to $16.6 million, from $8.8 million in the prior-year period.

      The company said sales at its 13 clubs open more than one year were about $8.83 million, up 0.43% from $8.79 million in the corresponding period last year. Rick's attributed the slight increase to a strong performance of the Rick's Cabaret-New York City club in Midtown Manhattan.

      Except for the impact of Hurricane Ike, which shut its five clubs in the Houston market for as much as a week causing an estimated loss of about $160 thousands in revenues, Rick's said, comparable club growth would have been about 2.2%.

      The company's president and chief executive officer Eric Langan, said, "Based on the nightclub revenues and additional revenues from our media and internet divisions we expect to come in at around $60 million in revenues for the year, which we projected in the guidance given in our last conference call."

      Langan said, "We estimate that approximately $3.8 million of our cash would be required in fiscal 2009 to redeem 171,000 shares that could be put; in fiscal 2010 it would require only about $5.5 million to fully redeem all 244,000 shares that could be put under the terms of the options. This assumes a full purchase of the puts with no stock to be sold into the market."

      RICK is currently up $0.08 or 1.19% and trades at $6.79.

      For comments and feedback: contact

      Copyright(c) 2008, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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