
    Kennt ihr die schon? Accrue Software (ACRU) + Topp-News - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 25.04.00 20:36:39
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()

      Umsätze (in /Millionen $) :
      1998/99: 0,626 / 0,825 / 1,207 / 1,444 Gesamt: 4,102
      1999/00: 3,186 / 3,550 / 4,617 / 7,500 Gesamt: 18,9

      Kurs aktuell: 21,875 $ Marktkap.:568 Mill.

      Hier die News:

      Oracle, FedEx and Lucent Among Leading B2B Companies Optimizing Their Online Initiatives With Accrue Software
      FREMONT, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--April 25, 2000--Accrue Software(R) Inc. (Nasdaq: ACRU), the leading provider of e-Business analytic solutions for optimizing visitor response to Web-based Campaign, Content, and Commerce initiatives, today announced that a growing list of industry leading Business-to-Business (B2B) companies are using Accrue`s analytical software to improve the effectiveness of their e-Businesses. Accrue`s complete line of analytic applications offers companies the ability to target their most profitable customers by understanding behavior and purchasing trends for different visitor segments -- "Converting Clicks to Customers(tm)."

      Among the companies now working with Accrue are Oracle, Sun Microsystems, NetObjects, National Semiconductor, Sprint, DHL, FedEx, AMP, Baan, Lucent, Nortel, Newbridge Networks, Seagate, Tivoli, Motorola, and Xilinx.

      "Dozens of B2B sites are using Accrue`s solutions to accurately assess and reshape the nature of their e-Businesses as the Web becomes the primary point of interaction between a business and its customers," said Vito Salvaggio, vice president of marketing of Accrue Software. "Accrue makes it possible for sophisticated e-Businesses to refine their campaign, content and commerce strategies on accurate information -- not hunches."

      Historically, for the B2B company, the Internet was primarily a channel for product and corporate information; support services have quickly joined the range of offerings available through company Web sites. The biggest transformation yet is still underway. According to Forrester Research B2B sales of products and services is set to explode -- from $131 billion in 1999 to $1.5 trillion in 2000.

      Salvaggio points out that he has seen a significant surge in business-to-business analytical solutions being implemented by Fortune 1000 companies. "We believe that this segment is here to stay and will represent a huge opportunity to grow our revenues in 2000," he said.

      Accrue`s analytic applications allow these sites to understand who their key customers are and how they experience the site. Accrue makes it possible for the B2B customer to understand:

      -- How the customer was acquired

      -- How customers navigate through the site

      -- Different segments of visitors by browsing behavior and content of

      -- Where visitors leave from

      -- Differences between new and repeat customers

      -- Lifetime value of customers

      "In just a week, we received critical information from Accrue Insight that Andromedia`s Aria never gave us. As a matter of fact, one specific report made the entire migration process worthwhile," said Scott Kahn, Manager, Internet Service Group at NetObjects. "There are no questions concerning our customers` experience on our Website that Accrue Insight is not capable of answering."

      "There`s a difference between data and information," said Shahab Khan, Web Operations Manager at Newbridge Networks. "While our original system reported on traffic activity (i.e. the number of hits and page views), this type of data doesn`t have a lot of value. With its extensive data mining capabilities, Accrue Insight was the best choice to fulfill our needs."

      About Accrue Software

      Accrue Software is the leading provider of e-Business analytic solutions for optimizing visitor response to Web-based Campaign, Content, and Commerce initiatives. Accrue`s complete line of analytic applications offers companies the ability to target their most profitable customers by understanding behavior and purchasing trends for different visitor segments; "Converting Clicks to Customers(tm)."

      Accrue Software was founded in 1996 and is headquartered in Fremont, with a center of excellence in Seattle, Wash., regional sales offices throughout the U.S., and an international office in London, England. Accrue has strategic partnerships with Art Technology Group, ABC Interactive, BroadVision, DoubleClick, IBM, Informix, Intel/iPivot, JDA, MicroStrategy, OgilvyOne Interactive, Oracle Corporation, Siebel, and Vignette. Accrue Software can be reached at 888/4ACCRUE or 510/580-4500 and at

      Und hier alles was ihr sonst noch wissen müsst:

      Accrue Software kaufen
      Berlin Stock-News
      Die Experten von Berlin Stock-News empfehlen gegenwärtig die Aktien der Accrue Software (WKN 924870) zu kaufen.

      Jede größere Firma wolle B2B und viele würden es auch tun. Bei Accrue Software handele es sich um eines der führenden Unternehmen. Accrue ziele dabei auf Unternehmen, die auf ihren Internetseiten weltweit täglich 10 Millionen hits und mehr Zugriffe hätten. Dabei könne die Software detaillierte Analysen über diese Zugriffe geben und das entsprechende Unternehmen anhand dieser Zugriffe in die Lage versetzen, Kundenbedürfnisse zu erkennen. Das gezielte Auswerten von Daten, dessen Analysierung und die Messung der Effektivität von Marketing und Merchandising seien die Vorteile dieser Software-Technologie. Doch werde bislang im Internet nur ein geringer Teil der Gesamtumsätze getätigt.

      Accrue Software habe in seinem Bereich einen respektablen Vorsprung vor einer Vielzahl von Mitbewerbern. So gehören nach Angaben von Berlin Stock-News Unternehmen wie Apple Computer, Oracle, Sun Microsystems ebenso zum erlauchten Kundenkreis, wie der finnische Handy-Produzent Nokia.

      Experten bezifferten den Jahresumsatz dieser Branche bereits in den nächsten Jahren auf einen zweistelligen Milliardenbetrag. Accrue Software könnte nach Analysenmeinung in diesem Geschäft ein gewichtiges Wörtchen mitreden.

      Die Experten trauen der Gesellschaft in diesem Jahr einige positive Überraschungen zu. Und in diesem Quartal wolle Accrue Software einen ersten Gewinn vorweisen. Doch selbst wenn dieses ehrgeizige Ziel verfehlt werden sollte, dürfte die Aktie laut Berlin Stock-News nur wenig unter Druck kommen.

      Die Aktie der Accrue Software eigne sich für den spekulativ aber durchaus längerfristig operierenden Investor. Den Stopp für dieses vorzügliche Wachstumsunternehmen platziere man bei 25 Euro.

      Accrue Software - User Metrics für das E-Business
      ( Die zunehmende Bedeutung des Internet für Transaktions-, Kommunikations- und Werbezwecke, sowie das rasante Wachstum von Online-Angeboten in den Bereichen Business-to-Business und Business-to-Consumer nähren die Nachfrage nach Tools, die bei der Nutzenmessung eines Online-Angebotes helfen sollen. Zum einen hat der globale Durchbruch des Internet auf Unternehmensebene dazu geführt, daß eine Webpräsenz nicht mehr ausschließlich aus Prestige unterhalten wird, sondern sich vielmehr als Marketinginstrument etablieren konnte. Andererseits hat die Gründungswelle im E-Business- und E-Commerce-Sektor sowie der Erfolg auf Konsumentenseite (B2C) und bei Geschäftspartnern (B2B) einen fast unwiderruflichen Wandel in der Art und Weise des Handels, der Transaktion, des Informationsaustausches und der Geschäftsbeziehungen ausgelöst. Um sich im Dschungel der Internet-Anarchie behaupten zu können, wird es für Unternehmen daher immer wichtiger, Nutzer zu kategorisieren und Profile zu definieren, um die Attraktivität und Effektivität des eigenen Angebotes, der Inhalte oder der Plattform messen zu können.
      Nutzen der Accrue-Lösungen
      Als Marktführer im Bereich Web-Tracking unterstützt Accrue mit seiner Softwarelösung die Optimierung der Webangebote seiner Kunden. Die E-Business-Software leistet dabei verschiedene Aufgaben für differenzierte Kundengruppen. Neben den umfassenden Analysemöglichkeiten über die Struktur bzw. das Profil von Internet-Usern (klassisches Tracking) ist die Untersuchung von Kundenverhalten ein wichtiges Element der Accrue-Tools (Data Mining). Der "gläserne Nutzer" kann so gezielt erreicht, angesprochen und beworben werden. Die Effizienz der Marketingaktivitäten oder des Kontaktes zum Kunden, wie auch zusätzlich die Zufriedenheit des Kunden, kann so erheblich gesteigert werden. Zudem ist es möglich, Aufschluß über die vorhandene Infrastruktur zu erhalten, dadurch Kapazitäten effektiver anzupassen und die Skalierung der Infrastruktur zu optimieren.
      Die Stärken von Accrue sind vielfältig und liegen in den Bereichen Kundenstruktur, strategische Partner, Marktposition und Management. Die Kundenliste schmücken beispielsweise namhafte Konzerne und Global Player aus allen Branchen. So verwenden neben Riesen wie Viacom, Bertelsmann, Eastman Kodak, Bank of America, Citibank, Compaq, EMC, IBM, Motorola, Oracle, Wal-Mart, Wells Fargo auch Newcomer wie TheStreet.Com, Beyond.Com, Egghead.Com,, Ameritrade und Alta Vista, insgesamt über 500 Kunden, die Accrue-Produkte. Die Partnerschaften mit Doubleclick, Vignette, ABC Interactive, Informix, Oracle, IBM, Sun Microsystems, Netscape und Web Associates sowie anderen, dürfen als hochkarätig bezeichnet werden und sind für die Implementierung der eigenen Produkte beim Kunden wichtig.
      Die Übernahme der Konkurrenten Marketwave (Web-Tracking) und NeoVista (Data Mining) katapultierte die Kalifornier zudem eindeutig an Nummer eins der Markt-Hitliste. Etwa 45% der Marktanteile liegen derzeit bei Accrue, das durch die Akquisitionen seine Low- und High-End-Palette abrunden konnte. Das Produktangebot erstreckt sich nunmehr über ein Preisrange von ca. 300 USD bis 500.000 USD. Damit ist Accrue in der Lage, alle Big Player im E-Business und potentielle Wettbewerber sowie Unternehmen aus dem traditionellen Retail-Bereich mit Web-Tracking und Data-Mining Software auszurüsten (durchschnittlich 150.000$ Umsatz je Neukunde im 3.Quartal 1999/2000).
      Das Managementteam setzt sich aus ausgewählten Fachleuten des Business zusammen und scheint langfristig ein solider Motor einer aussichtsreichen Equity Story. So wurden die CEOs von NeoVista und Marketwave in die Firmenspitze integriert, so daß Accrue hier vom geballten Know-How der Branche profitieren kann. Außerdem bringen Vorstandschef Richard Kreysar, Bob Page, Vorstand für Technologie, und die restliche Führungsetage wertvolle Erfahrungen aus Softwareunternehmen wie Sun Microsystems, Apple, McAfee und Oracle mit.
      Der Markt für Tracking Software befindet sich noch in der Entwicklung. Zwar haben sich einige Unternehmen als Player in diesem Markt hervorgetan, jedoch ist nicht auszuschließen, daß große Softwarefirmen, die eigene Lösungen bereits ihren bestehenden Kunden im Paket anbieten, in den Markt wegen seiner wachsenden Attraktivität noch einsteigen. Accrue konnte sich allerdings einen Namen bei wichtigen E-Business Unternehmen machen und sollte selbst gegen harte Konkurrenz gerüstet sein. Ein Verlust von Marktanteilen könnte das Wachstumsmoment aber durchaus ins Wanken bringen und sich nachhaltig negativ auf die Bewertung auswirken. Das Hauptrisiko besteht unserer Einschätzung nach darin, daß durch staatliche Regulierungen aus Gründen des Datenschutzes die Marktentwicklung in Asien und vor allem in Europa gehemmt wird, und Accrue das Eindringen in internationale Märkte somit erschwert wird. Die Verknüpfung von Web-Tracking Software mit Datenbanken von Marktforschungsunternehmen, die den User praktisch bis auf das kleinste Konsumverhalten hin analysieren könnte, steht selbst in den USA in der öffentlichen Diskussion. So wollen Verbraucherverbände die Fusion von Doubleclick und dem Marktforschungsunternehmen Abacus Alliance durch eine Klage vor der Wettbewerbsbehörde verhindern. Sie befürchten Eingriffe in die Privatsphäre der User durch die Zusammenführung von nutzer- und personenbezogenen Daten. Abacus speichert mehrere Millionen Profile von E-Commerce Einkäufern in seinen Datenbanken. Da diese rechtliche Frage noch weitgehend ungeklärt ist, sind negative Auswirkungen auf Produkte, wie sie Accrue vertreibt und zukünftig vertreiben möchte, insofern denkbar, daß sie die Wachstumsaussichten des Unternehmens beeinträchtigen könnten. Wir rechnen allerdings mittelfristig höchstens mit solchen Regulierungen, die Anbieter von Tracking-Software nur marginal beeinflussen werden, da große Teile der Anwendungsgebiete der Software sich noch über das Tracking von nutzerbezogenen Daten erstreckt.
      Markt und Konkurrenten
      Durch die Akquisitionen hat sich Accrue eindeutig an die Spitze des Marktes für Tracking Software gesetzt. Ein strategisch wichtiger Schritt, um gerade in der Ausbildungsphase des Marktes die "dicken Fische" an Land ziehen zu können und kräftig Marktanteile zu gewinnen (derzeit ca. 45%). Das Marktvolumen für den gesamten E-Commerce Infrastruktur-Markt für Software und Dienstleistungen soll laut Forrester Research in 2002 bei ca. 35 Mrd. USD liegen. Eine gewichtige Rolle wird dabei unter anderem dem Tracking-Bereich zugebilligt. Teilten sich in 1998 hier noch fünf Anbieter (Accrue, Andromedia, Marketwave, NetGenesis und WebTrends, 10% Sonstige) fast gleichmäßig den Markt, hat sich heute eine Konzentration auf drei bis vier Wettbewerber herauskristallisiert: Einerseits Macromedia Inc. (bekannt durch Shockwave und Freehand), das 1999 Andromedia akquirieren konnte sowie NetGenesis - beide mit beschränkter Produktpalette - und andererseits WebTrends und Accrue , die beide nahezu das komplette Spektrum von Low- bis High-End Lösungen anbieten können. Da Accrue zuletzt durchschnittlich 150.000$ je Kunden umsetzen konnte und der Schwerpunkt im High-End Bereich liegt, haben es die übrigen Wettbewerber derzeit noch recht schwer, das von Accrue vorgelegte Tempo mitzugehen. So bietet bspw. WebTrends auch eine überarbeitete Version seiner Software für High-End Kunden an, doch liegt der Schwerpunkt hier deutlich als Software-Only-Lösung im Desktop-Bereich. Accrue kann dagegen alle großen Teilbereiche gleichermaßen bedienen. Als Konkurrenz zu WebTrends-Produkten gilt die etablierte Marketwave-Lösung HitList. Hier wird der besondere Clou der Akquisition von Marketwave doppelt deutlich. Denn neben dem Erwerb eines leistungsfähigen, am Markt bekannten Produktes, gewannen die Kalifornier den wichtigen Zugriff auf einen attraktiven Kundenstamm, der Tracking-Software fast von Stunde Null an nutzt. Seit dem Börsengang im Juli 1999 konnte man die Zahl der Kunden von 100 auf über 500 steigern. Mit dem Einkauf der NeoVista-Produktlösungen wird zudem der Bereich Data Mining ausgebaut, mit dem die Schwelle von traditionellem Einzelhandel und E-Commerce überwunden werden soll. Kunden sind hier bereits Wal-Mart, Wells-Fargo, JC Penny sowie die US-Army und Air Force.
      Im abgelaufenen 4.Quartal des Geschäftsjahres 2000 (Ende März) rechnet Accrue erstmalig mit dem Break-Even. Das Ergebnis in 2000 wird durch einmalige Akquisitionskosten in Höhe von 3,6 Mio. USD belastet. Im Jahr 2001 soll dann die Gewinnzone endgültig erreicht werden. Accrue, das wie seine Konkurrenten maßgeblich am Lizenzgeschäft verdient (überdurchschnittliche 20% des Geschäftes entfallen auf den lukrativen Servicebereich), wird durch seine hervorragende Marktposition mittelfristig in der Lage sein, eine hohe Umsatzrendite einstreichen zu können. Bereits im ersten Gewinnjahr (2001) soll diese bei 19% liegen (24% in 2002). Wir halten daher eine Rendite von 30% in der Wachstumsphase ab 2003 für realistisch, da Accrue hier seine Marktführerschaft ausspielen kann. Nach einem durchschnittlichen Wachstum von 70% p.a. in den Jahren 2001-2006 schwenkt das Wachstum in eine moderate Entwicklung von 20% in 2007 ein. Wir unterstellen ein ewiges Wachstum von 3% und diskontieren die einzelnen Ertragswerte mit einem Faktor von 11,1%. Dieser Kapitalisierungszinsfuß ergibt sich aus der Umlaufrendite von 6,27%, einem Beta von 1,95 und der Risikoprämie von 2,5%. Nach der Ertragswertmethode erhalten wir so einen fairen Kurs von 66 USD. Beim derzeitigen Kurs von 43 USD sehen wir in Accrue ein äußerst günstiges Investment. Denn selbst in pessimistischen Szenarien erhalten wir ein Minimum-Kursziel von 50 USD (bspw. beim Diskontfaktor 13% oder einer niedrigeren Umsatzrendite). Der direkte Vergleich mit Konkurrent WebTrends anhand des erwarteten KGV 2000 (Accrue-Geschäftsjahr 2001) indiziert uns sogar ein Kursziel von 85 USD.

      Ewige Rente
      Umsatz in Mio. USD


      Gewinn je Aktie
      Ertragswert bei Abzinsung der Gewinne mit 11,1% = 66,01 USD

      Bei Accrue Software handelt es sich um eines der aussichtsreichsten Unternehmen aus dem Bereich Internet-Infrastruktur-Software. Sowohl aus operativer Sicht, als auch auf Managementebene, ist das Unternehmen mit seinen Produkten und Ressourcen selbst für eine zu erwartende härtere Gangart auf diesem Markt gut gerüstet. Accrues Stärken liegen hier vor allem im interessanteren High-End-Bereich. Die Kalifornier schlagen in diesem Segment die gesamte Konkurrenz. Wir sehen Accrue daher wegen der außergewöhnlichen Story und den weiterhin überdurchschnittlichen Wachstumsaussichten auf dem derzeitigen Kursniveau als klaren Kauf. Interessierte Anleger sollten - wenn möglich - wegen fehlender Liquidität im Freiverkehr direkt an der Nasdaq handeln. Ansonsten empfiehlt sich eine strenge Limitierung der Orders.

      Accrue Software auf einen Blick
      gute Positionierung
      breite Produktpalette
      Schwerpunkt High-End-Lösungen
      negative Auswirkungen durch stark wachsenden Wettbewerb möglich
      Belastungen durch Marktregulierungen möglich
      liquidester Börsenplatz
      Nasdaq (ACRU)
      letzter Kurs
      41 US $
      KGV 2001
      unser Urteil

      (kt, 25.02.2000) - (c) 2000 STIS-Weekly, das kostenlose Email-Börsenmagazin

      Leading E-Tail and Dot-Com Companies Use Accrue Software for Advanced Visitor Analysis and More Effective Merchandising On the Web
      FREMONT, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 8, 2000--In its continuing efforts to provide the industry`s leading e-tail and dot-com companies with comprehensive Web analysis and merchandising solutions, Accrue Software (NASDAQ: ACRU) today announced an extensive customer list of over 50 market leaders.
      Online retail industry leaders in a number of categories and sub-categories are utilizing Accrue Software to optimize the effectiveness of their e-Commerce initiatives as internet sales continue to soar. Companies including Blockbuster Online, Costco, Eastman Kodak,, Gateway, Lands` End,, Preview Travel and Webvan Group are using Accrue Software`s line of visitor analysis and data mining applications.
      "We are extremely happy that so many industry leaders in all areas of e-Commerce are choosing Accrue Software for their data mining and visitor analysis needs to increase the ROI of their online merchandising efforts," said Vito Salvaggio, VP of Marketing at Accrue Software. "It demonstrates the depth and flexibility of our product line serving diverse companies of all sizes."
      In the convenience products category which includes general apparel, household goods, music, software, specialty gifts, toys and video games, and videos, Accrue`s customers include Blockbuster,,, and mySimon, Inc.
      "Accrue Software`s Insight and Vista applications serve a dual purpose at," said John Rosenberg, Business Analyst at, the web`s premier wedding gift registry and gift-giving company. "The tools enable us to understand our customers and learn from their behavior how best to meet their needs. At the same time, we gain insight into which marketing and distribution agreements best deliver those customers, so that we can optimize the return on our marketing dollars."
      Companies such as Apple Computer, Dell UK, Gateway and other companies considered research products use Accrue Software to track e-Commerce activity. Researched products encompass appliances, automobiles, computer hardware, consumer electronics, furniture and leisure travel.
      Replenishment products entail Food and Beverage, Health and Beauty and all other Miscellaneous products. Webvan Group and are employing Accrue solutions in their e-Business efforts as well as companies such as Mrs. Bairds Bakeries and Wineshoppers.
      Accrue Software Announces $0.03 Per Share Profit; 63%
      4/12/00 1:50:00 PM
      Source: Business Wire

      Sequential Quarter Revenue Growth

      Business Editors and High Tech Writers

      FREMONT, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--April 12, 2000-- Fiscal Quarter and Year Results Ahead of Analyst Expectations; Fiscal

      Q4 Revenue Increased to $7.5 million. Fiscal Year 2000 Revenue Grew 303% to $18.9 million.

      Accrue Software(R) Inc. (NASDAQ:ACRU) the leading provider of e-Business analytic solutions for optimizing visitor response to Web-based Advertising, Content, and Commerce initiatives today announced its eighth consecutive quarter of record revenues and its first profitable quarter. Additionally, as of March 23rd, all of the Company`s lock-up and share trading restrictions resulting from the Company`s IPO and recent acquisitions were lifted resulting in a float of approximately 27 million shares.

      For the fourth quarter of its fiscal year 2000, ended March 31, 2000, Accrue reported revenues of $7.5 million, an increase of 63% over revenues of $4.6 million in the third quarter of fiscal year 2000, and an increase of 271% over revenues of $2.0 million for the quarter ended March 31, 1999. The Company reported pro-forma net income of $0.03 per share for the fourth quarter compared to a net loss of $(0.01) per share for the prior quarter and a net loss of $(0.30) per share for the quarter ended March 31, 1999.

      Fiscal year 2000 total revenues were $18.9 million, which represents a 303% increase over revenues of $4.7 million for fiscal year 1999. Pro-forma net loss for fiscal year 2000 was $(0.12) per share as compared to a net loss of $(1.34) per share for fiscal year 1999.

      For the quarter ending June 30, 2000, the Company is projecting revenues of $8.5 million, and pro-forma earnings per share of approximately $0.04. For the quarter ending September 30, 2000, the Company is projecting revenues between $10.0 and $11.0 million and pro-forma earnings per share of approximately $0.05.

      In January 2000, the Company completed its acquisition of NeoVista, a leading provider of data mining and personalization applications. This acquisition was accounted for as a purchase and as a result, the Company recorded a one-time in-process research and development charge of $0.7 million. In addition, the Company recorded intangible assets of approximately $130.3 million, which will be amortized ratably over three years.

      "We`ve just completed the most successful year in our history and exceeded our plan along all key operating metrics. Along the way we achieved profitability two quarters ahead of analyst expectations and saw acceleration in sequential growth in quarterly revenue. With the quarter`s new customer wins, Accrue`s customer list now includes over 550 of the Web`s leading e-Businesses. In the quarter we achieved a number of wins against competitors NetGenesis, E.piphany and Broadbase. We signed a number of major strategic partnerships and saw excellent growth in our worldwide distribution channels," said Richard Kreysar, president and CEO of Accrue. "We look forward to an exciting new year with plans to continue to expand our enterprise-scale products and services worldwide, to develop strategic partnerships with other industry leaders and to deliver award winning applications that address the needs of companies with significant e-Business initiatives." -0- *T Highlights of the Quarter

      -- Accrue signed more than 50 new customers including Staples,

      Inc., Cox Interactive Media, Inc.,, Andale, Inc.,

      HomePortfolio, Inc, E.W. Scripps Company, and Reality Online, a

      Reuters Company.

      -- Accrue converted a number of high profile customers from

      mid-tier competitors such as NetGenesis. Converted customers

      include Lucent Technologies, Autodesk, Inc., EarthWeb, Inc.,, and Interadnet.

      -- Accrue continued to experience rapid growth in the European and

      South American markets. During the quarter Accrue signed

      international customers including El Mercurio, MultiMania, Air

      Miles, ST Electronics, Abril, UK, Europortal and Shell


      -- Accrue established an OEM partnership agreement with JDA(R)

      Software Group, Inc. JDA will embed Accrue`s Decision Series

      analytic engines into JDA`s comprehensive suite of retail

      applications. Additionally, JDA will resell Accrue Insight and Hit

      List into their existing worldwide e-retailing customer base and


      -- Accrue signed technology partnerships with leaders such as

      Siebel and BroadVision, adding to Accrue`s fast growing list of

      industry leaders that include Art Technology Group, ABC

      Interactive, DoubleClick, IBM, Informix, Intel/iPivot,

      MicroStrategy, OgilvyOne Interactive, Oracle Corporation, and


      -- Accrue was named the sixth "best-managed, fastest-growing tech

      company in the world" by leading technology business magazine

      Forbes ASAP and was the top ranked company in the eCommerce

      infrastructure software and services market.

      -- Accrue was named to Upside Magazine`s e-Business 150 and was

      ranked 9th in its category.

      -- Accrue announced Accrue Insight 3.1 for Oracle. This upgrade to

      Accrue`s flagship product extends Accrue`s platform options by

      bringing improved visitor segmentation, increased performance, and

      greater configurability to the Oracle platform.

      -- Accrue shipped Decision Series 4.0, providing a complete,

      integrated, and scalable solution for knowledge discovery in

      databases. The Decision Series is an enterprise-level suite of

      integrated analytic engines that include support for predictive

      and descriptive modeling to more accurately understand and target

      online customers.

      -- Accrue shipped NeoVista Assort 2.2, the latest version of

      Accrue`s merchandising offering for retailers with large numbers

      of stores/outlets who need to tailor product assortments for

      multiple categories and a variety of customer preferences.

      -- Accrue expanded its platform options for Accrue Hit List,

      supporting IBM Enterprise environments running Windows NT. Highlights of the Year

      -- Accrue completed its Initial Public Offering July 30th, 1999 of

      3,900,000 shares of common stock.

      -- In January, Accrue acquired Marketwave Corporation, a privately

      held company that develops the Hit List family of scalable Windows

      NT-based solutions for analyzing Web visitor activity.

      -- In November, Accrue acquired NeoVista Software, experts in

      advanced analytic technologies with proven success in helping

      traditional merchandising enterprises.

      -- Accrue added more than 200 new high-profile customers to its

      growing list of leading e-Businesses, bringing the total of

      enterprise-level customers to over 550. *T About Accrue Software

      Accrue Software is the leading provider of e-Business analytic solutions for optimizing visitor response to Web-based Advertising, Content, and Commerce initiatives. Accrue`s complete line of analytic applications offers companies the ability to target their most profitable customers by understanding behavior and purchasing trends for different visitor segments; "Converting Clicks to Customers(TM)".

      Accrue Software was founded in 1996 and is headquartered in Fremont, Calif., with a center of excellence in Seattle, Wash., regional sales offices throughout the US, and an international office in London, England. Accrue has strategic partnerships with Art Technology Group, ABC Interactive, BroadVision, DoubleClick, IBM, Informix, Intel/iPivot, JDA, MicroStrategy, OgilvyOne Interactive, Oracle Corporation, Siebel, and Vignette. Accrue Software can be reached at 1-888-4ACCRUE or 510-580-4500 and at

      Pro forma Accrue Software, Inc. Consolidated Statements of Operations (unaudited, in thousands, except per share data) Three months ended Twelve months ended Mar 31, Mar 31, Mar 31, Mar 31, 2000 1999 2000 1999 Net revenue:

      Software license $ 5,633 $ 1,632 $14,681 $ 3,640

      Maintenance and service 1,879 395 4,183 1,044

      mehr auf
      schrieb am 25.04.00 22:43:24
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      schrieb am 25.04.00 22:44:55
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Schlusskurs in USA: 24,3125$ - der Boden liegt hinter uns
      schrieb am 25.04.00 23:05:28
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      eine kleine kurspflege kann in diesen tagen nicht schaden. denn neuigkeiten beinhaltet die meldung nicht. mal schauen ob von webt oder bbsw morgen auch solche meldungen kommen ... ich habe das gefühl, daß derzeit viele werte leiden, die an der gewinnschwelle stehen, wobei viele anleger merken, wie hoch sich vorerst das KGV darstellt. weil sich am unternehmenswert gemäß discounted earnings nichts ändert, bleibe ich aber long.
      schrieb am 03.05.00 20:32:32
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Productopia, ShopNow, Yellow Pages UK Among List of Leading Vertical Portals That Have Selected Accrue Software to Enrich Visitor Offerings and Improve Repeat Visitor Ratios
      FREMONT, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 3, 2000--Accrue Software(R), Inc. (Nasdaq: ACRU), the leading provider of e-Business analytic solutions for optimizing visitor response to Web-based Campaign, Content, Commerce and Affiliate initiatives, today announced that a growing list of vertical portals have adopted Accrue`s analytic applications to better understand their online visitors to more effectively meet their needs. Among the list of companies are Asimba,,, Healthgate,,, Productopia, Yellow Pages UK and

      Accrue`s Web analytic solutions help vertical portals gain in-depth understanding of their visitors and the information they seek by providing the most complete visitor activity and segmentation information. With Accrue`s analytic capabilities, portal sites gain in-depth knowledge of their visitors` experience on a site, what their preferences are and from where they leave. With this understanding sites can modify their information and navigation to suit their various segments by providing the information they want more quickly and with fewer "clicks." Accrue`s analytic applications are scalable and customizable to each company`s unique business rules.

      "As portals mature and continue to serve as the primary on-ramp to the Web, many have adopted Accrue`s analytic tools to help them make critical decisions about the type of information that is delivered and how it is delivered," said Vito Salvaggio, Accrue Software`s vice president of marketing. "Accrue`s scalability and in-depth analytic capabilities allow these organizations to gather precise, timely information that will result in more efficient portals that will benefit users looking for a variety of information from a single source."

      Accrue offers comprehensive Web analytic applications to provide in-depth, accurate and detailed analysis of e-Business initiatives leading to improved customer satisfaction and increased sales. Accrue allows Web portals to refine their site content, membership campaigns, eCommerce and affiliate strategies using the same powerful solutions being used at many of the leading eCommerce and e-media sites on the Web.

      About Accrue Software

      Accrue Software is the leading provider of e-Business analytic solutions for optimizing visitor response to Web-based Campaign, Content, Commerce and Affiliate initiatives. Accrue`s complete line of analytic applications offers companies the ability to target their most profitable customers by understanding behavior and purchasing trends for different visitor segments; "Converting Clicks to Customers(tm)."

      Accrue Software was founded in 1996 and has its headquarters in Fremont, Calif., with a center of excellence in Seattle, Wash., regional sales offices throughout the U.S., and an international office in London, England. Accrue has strategic partnerships with Art Technology Group, ABC Interactive, BroadVision, DoubleClick, IBM, Informix, Intel/iPivot, JDA, MicroStrategy, OgilvyOne, Interactive, Oracle Corporation, Siebel, and Vignette. Accrue Software can be reached at 888/4ACCRUE or 510/580-4500 and at

      Accrue, Accrue Insight, Hit List, Hit List Pro, Vista, DataLink, Decision Series and NeoVista Assort and Profile are trademarks of Accrue Software, Inc. All other trademarks are the sole property of their respective owners.

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      schrieb am 16.05.00 22:53:49
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Quokka Sports, sixdegrees,, and Family Education Among Leading Online Community Sites Deploying Accrue Software`s Analytic Solutions to Acquire and Retain Members
      FREMONT, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 16, 2000--Accrue Software(R), Inc. (NASDAQ: ACRU), the leading provider of eBusiness analytic solutions for optimizing visitor response to Web-based Campaign, Content, Commerce, and Affiliate initiatives, today announced its increasing penetration into the online community segment of the Web.

      Over a dozen leading online community sites covering such diverse topics as teens, parenting, music, religion, sports and entertainment have adopted Accrue`s eBusiness analytic solutions to acquire and retain members. Among the growing list are:, Inc., Bolt, Inc., eCircles, Inc., Family Education, HearMe, Hollywood Stock Exchange,,,, Quokka Sports, sixdegrees, Inc., and Third Age Media.

      "The goal of the community site is to build ongoing relationships with members by providing fresh, interesting content that makes people want to stay longer, come back more frequently, and tell others about it," said Vito Salvaggio, vice president of marketing at Accrue Software. "For most community sites, the Web site is 100% of their business, and visitor retention and `stickiness` are critical business metrics. These sites selected Accrue because our solutions provide accurate, scalable and comprehensive customer analytics that help them assess the effectiveness of their sites` ability to acquire and retain members."

      "Accrue Insight is providing us with detailed analytic reporting on two sites and we are very pleased with their service and assistance," said Jennifer Anastasiades, project manager at YouthStream. "Accrue`s ability to track and analyze visitor behavior has allowed us to report on and summarize our users` behavior. In addition, we are able to understand our visitors` habits and preferences allowing us to update the site weekly to ensure that first time visitors become repeat visitors."
      schrieb am 19.05.00 08:14:24
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Vielleicht ein bißchen spät, aber trotzdem toll, oder?

      Accrue Software Rated New `Strong Buy` at SG Cowen
      5/12/00 5:51:00 AM
      Source: Bloomberg News
      Princeton, New Jersey, May 12 (Bloomberg Data) -- Accrue Software Inc. (ACRU US) was rated new ``strong buy`` in new coverage by analyst Rehan Syed at SG Cowen.

      schrieb am 22.05.00 20:53:07
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      BroadVision, DoubleClick, and Art Technology Group Join Other Leading Vendors to Support Accrue Insight 5`s Advanced E-business Analytics
      Accrue Software Gains Wide Industry Adoption Through Technology and Marketing Partnerships With Annuncio, Art Technology Group, BroadVision, DoubleClick, IBM, MarketFirst, Open Market, Unica, Vignette, and Xchange

      FREMONT, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 22, 2000-- Accrue Software, Inc. (Nasdaq: ACRU), the leading provider of eBusiness analytic solutions that convert clicks to customers, today announced strategic relationships with leading eBusiness vendors to support Accrue Insight 5, which was also announced today.

      Accrue Insight 5 is built on a proven technology foundation offering network-based data collection, a scalable data warehouse, rich visitor analysis and a modular architecture offering in-depth analysis of Campaign, Content, Commerce and Affiliate initiatives. By combining Accrue Insight 5`s comprehensive Web visitor data with data from other leading solutions and applying advanced analytics, decision makers now have a broader, more integrated view of the ROI of their efforts at acquiring and retaining customers, sustaining revenue growth, and engaging in the most profitable partnerships.

      "With Accrue Insight 5 we set out to develop a scalable and open architecture that allows us to work with industry leaders to deliver a complete analytic solution for our joint customers," said Rick Kreysar, president and CEO of Accrue Software. "It`s clear that no one vendor provides all the data points to provide a comprehensive view of the customer. Through these partnerships, we`ll be offering bridges between Accrue Insight 5 and the leading campaign, content and commerce solutions to integrate all customer data points in one analytical solution."

      Accrue Insight Campaign

      Accrue Insight Campaign provides campaign response analytics to identify success factors and determine true ROI for Web-based customer acquisition and retention campaigns. These campaigns include banner advertising, email, Web marketing and traditional off-line customer touch points. By providing bridges between Accrue Insight Campaign and best of breed campaign solutions, Accrue builds on the strengths of the reporting and analysis available through these products by tying Web-visitor response, site navigation, and call to action details for each campaign. This offers marketing managers detailed information that shows which campaigns are yielding the maximum ROI. Managers can now better understand how marketing messages and design concepts are "paying off" in terms of attracting their most profitable customers. Accrue has partnered with best of breed campaign vendors in each of four key areas: advertising, email, Web marketing and traditional off-line customer touch points.

      In online advertising Accrue has partnered with DoubleClick, the leading ad network provider.

      "By combining DART for Advertisers campaign data with Accrue Insight 5 site analysis data, DoubleClick and Accrue give clients the tools to achieve a rich understanding of their complex marketing campaigns. The bottom line for our clients is increased ROI and more meaningful customer relationships," David Rosenblatt, senior vice president, DoubleClick TechSolutions.

      Email and Web marketing have grown dramatically in the last year and are expected to continue their explosive growth as companies target customers with personalized messages and offerings. Two leading vendors in the market are Annuncio and MarketFirst. Each has grown rapidly and built strong customer support for their e-marketing solutions.

      "Customers will benefit from the combined strengths provided by Accrue Insight 5, the Campaign and Commerce modules, and Annuncio`s suite of e-marketing applications," said Didier Moretti, CEO of Annuncio Software. "With the Accrue-Annuncio partnership, marketing managers can deliver unparalleled results and customer relationships with access to detailed information and analytics through Accrue and the delivery of effective email and Web-based marketing campaigns, e-merchandising and Web personalization through Annuncio`s e-marketing suite."

      "While the Internet has enabled companies to expand into new markets more rapidly than traditional marketing channels ever allowed, it has also placed a greater value on developing stronger customer relationships," said Peter R. Tierney, chairman, CEO and president of MarketFirst. "The ability to track and analyze a visitor`s Web site experience using Accrue`s software is an ideal complement to MarketFirst`s e-marketing solutions. This powerful combination provides marketers with a more complete software package, enabling companies to convert more prospects into customers and increase overall customer lifetime value."

      Accrue has also garnered support from Exchange Applications, now doing business as Xchange, Inc., and Unica offering comprehensive solutions, both on- and off-line for targeting and reaching customers.

      "The Web has presented many opportunities for marketers to know and target their customers according to their individual preferences and buying habits," said Andy Frawley, CEO of Xchange, Inc. "The detailed analytics of Accrue Insight Campaign coupled with Xchange`s campaign management and real-time integration capabilities, allow marketers to execute highly targeted communications to multiple segments across multiple channels. With this approach, businesses can integrate and assess online and offline communication initiatives, providing companies with the potential to increase campaign ROI, customer retention, and revenue while engaging in profitable interactive customer relationships."

      "Customers prefer to interact with companies through whatever channel is most suitable at a particular time. That is why innovative companies seek to maximize their marketing effectiveness across all channels," stated Yuchon Lee, co-founder and CEO of Unica Corporation. "Unica`s Impact!(TM) cross-channel campaign management solution will fully automate the delivery of the rich information found in Accrue Insight 5, enabling companies to roll out their campaigns at specific times - or in response to triggers like Web hits, abandoned shopping carts, catalog purchases, or inbound calls."

      Accrue Insight Content

      Accrue Insight Content is designed to integrate with leading dynamic content management and personalization solutions. With the release of Accrue Insight Content, Accrue is building on existing relationships with ATG and Vignette and adding BroadVision and Open Market for measuring and analyzing content effectiveness. Few companies in the Web ecosystem have generated as much interest as have ATG, BroadVision, and Vignette - each brings unique strengths and offers their customers scalable solutions that can grow with the pace of the Internet.

      "Using the Accrue Insight 5 Content and Commerce modules with the ATG Dynamo Product Suite allows companies to better understand and target their most profitable customer segments," said Rich Caplow, director of product marketing at ATG. "As a leading e-commerce solution for creating personalized online relationships, ATG`s Dynamo Product Suite leverages the reporting and analytic capabilities of Accrue Insight 5 for more information about online customers. This additional perspective allows companies to use ATG Dynamo to further target specific content for a particular segment or segments of users."

      Accrue Insight Commerce

      Accrue Insight Commerce delivers shopping behavior analytics that help businesses that have deployed commerce systems online achieve sustained revenue growth. The combination of Accrue`s Web visitor analytics and the comprehensive nature of the transaction data maintained in leading e-commerce platforms provides a unique opportunity for product-specific browse-to-buy conversions, as well as data on purchased, removed or abandoned items. The analysis found in Accrue Insight Commerce allows companies to go beyond knowing what people are buying to understanding why people buy and what other products or services might also interest them. Accrue Insight Commerce works with several commerce platforms including those from ATG, BroadVision, Open Market, and IBM.

      "As the Web continues to evolve as a profitable sales channel for companies with strategic eBusiness initiatives, the power of BroadVision One-To-One applications will help to close the loop on understanding on-line buyers` preferences and habits when integrated with the Accrue Insight 5 analytic application," said Cliff Apsey, vice president of solutions marketing at BroadVision. "Companies will now be able to really look at their online visitors and their shopping experience on the site to help streamline the process of finding, selecting, and buying the right product."

      "As an industry pioneer and leader in providing solutions to companies that are serious about their eBusiness, Open Market has a deep understanding of the technologies that are necessary to be successful in the competitive Internet business marketplace," said Ron Matros, president and CEO of Open Market, Inc. "We surveyed the market for a robust technology that could meet our requirements for sophisticated eBusiness reporting, and we found Accrue to have the right tools and the right technology for enabling business managers to have a window into the metrics and behaviors of customers on their site. We`re pleased to be partnering with Accrue to incorporate Accrue Insight Commerce into our eBusiness Suite of products for content, commerce, personalization and e-marketing."

      About Accrue Software

      Accrue Software is the leading provider of eBusiness analytic solutions for optimizing visitor response to Web-based Campaign, Content, Commerce and Affiliate initiatives. Accrue`s complete line of analytic applications offers companies the ability to target their most profitable customers by understanding behavior and purchasing trends for different visitor segments: Converting Clicks to Customers.

      Accrue Software was founded in 1996 and has its headquarters in Fremont, Calif., with a center of excellence in Seattle, Wash., regional sales offices throughout the US, and an international office in London, England. Accrue has strategic partnerships with Annuncio Software, Art Technology Group, ABC Interactive, BroadVision, DoubleClick, IBM, Informix, Intel/iPivot, JDA, MarketFirst, MicroStrategy, OgilvyOne Interactive, Open Market, Oracle Corporation, Siebel, Unica, Vignette, and Xchange. Accrue Software can be reached at 1-888-4ACCRUE or 510-580-4500 and at

      ...wenn das keine guten news sind:)
      schrieb am 03.07.00 13:20:44
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Hat jemand schon `rausgefunden, warum am 30.06. um 21:30 accrue an der Nasdaq inerhalb weinger min 20% verloren hat? Gab es eine Analysten-Herabstufung?
      schrieb am 03.07.00 14:28:01
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Dimstar meint Windowdressing, siehe unter user Dimstar

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