
    öl und gas (Seite 631)

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 26.06.21 16:28:16
      Beitrag Nr. 8.984 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 68.622.475 von glorianer am 26.06.21 15:27:23Hier eine Meinung aus Stockhouse..........welche die kriminelle Bande beschreibt. Ich habe mir auch bei Viceroy mal die letzten Berichte
      angeschaut die Short Attacken hatten wirklich wenig Erfolg....bei Tyro, Grenke Ag, Sorrento Therapeutics usw. der Kurs immer nur kurz
      nach unten.

      ReconAfrica hat nach Handelsschluss auf diese Short-Attacke von Viceroy reagiert.
      Die Reaktion ist ok, aber ich hätte mir gewünscht, dass so etwas innerhalb der Handelszeiten veröffentlicht worden wäre, vielleicht hätte das den Kurssturz etwas abgemildert oder gestoppt.
      Ich bin nun schon seit über 40 Jahren an der Börse, aber ich kann immer noch nicht verstehen, dass solche Kriminellen frei herumlaufen können. Den Straftatbestand der Marktmanipulation gibt es schon lange. WENN ein solches Pamphlet keine Manipulation ist, dann gibt es auch keine Manipulation. Dieser Kriminelle und notorische Lügner hatte seinen größten "Erfolg" mit Wirecard, aber wie wir aus der Finanzermittlung wissen, ist das überhaupt nicht sein Verdienst.
      Viceroy besteht aus diesem gefeuerten Sozialarbeiter und 2 weiteren Mitarbeitern, alle drei ohne Branchenausbildung. Fraser war lange Zeit ein einfacher Daytrader. Dem stehen viele Misserfolge gegenüber, die er natürlich nicht erwähnt. So wollte er 2018 den Chiphersteller AMD zerstören, was aber nur zu einem kleinen Dip führte, heute steht die Aktie bei 81,77. Auch ProSiebenSat1 hat er 2018 versucht. Auch das hat nicht geklappt. Auch bei Grenke.
      Der damalige Grenke-Chef: "Das Problem entsteht, wenn jemand den Börsenkurs durch Unwahrheiten manipuliert." Als börsennotiertes Unternehmen, zu dem auch eine Bank gehört, bewegt sich Grenke in einem extrem regulierten Umfeld - anders als Viceroy. "Ich halte es für dringend notwendig, dass sich der Gesetzgeber mit diesem Thema befasst", lautet Grenkes Fazit.

      Doch die bestehenden Gesetze gegen Marktmanipulationen sind nicht oder nur wenig verschärft worden. Die Banken verdienen an der Leihgebühr, der Kleinanleger schaut in die Röhre.
      Ich werde nie verstehen, warum es überhaupt ungedeckte Leerverkäufe geben muss. Warum gibt es auf der Gegenseite keine ungedeckten Longs? Das System der Leerverkäufer ist einfach nur krank. Gedeckte Leerverkäufe lasse ich als Gegenposition zu regulären Aktien durchgehen, aber niemals (!) ungedeckte Leerverkäufe.

      Zum heutigen Zeitpunkt kann niemand sagen, was in der nächsten Woche mit dem Kurs passiert. ReconAfrica hat eine Menge im Köcher, das sie jederzeit veröffentlichen können, z.B. erste Laborergebnisse von 6-02, oder die seismische Genehmigung, oder Interviews, oder Zeitungsartikel. oder Pressemitteilungen der namibischen Regierung.
      ReconAfrica hat mehr als 50 Millionen Dollar Bargeld auf der Bank, also ist es völlig unmöglich, dass ReconAfrica bankrott geht, wie dieser kriminelle Perring es gerne hätte, aber das sagt er seinen Jüngern nicht.…
      Reconnaissance Energy Africa | 8,910 $
      schrieb am 26.06.21 15:53:09
      Beitrag Nr. 8.983 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 68.622.397 von Zuschauer123 am 26.06.21 15:06:13Ich kann nur für mich sprechen, aber wenn man stundenlang sieht, wie der Kurs seinem Einstiegskurs näher kommt, dann kommt man ans überlegen. Spekuliere ich, ob der Kurs noch niedriger wird und ich einen niedrigeren Einstiegskurs erhalte oder habe ich Pech und muss später mit einem höheren Einstiegskurs leben. Und solange Recon keine Ergebnisse liefern kann, gewinnen leider die sch... Shortys. Ich hätte damit grad nach Donnerstagabend nicht gerechnet, aber ich denke, dass die spätinvestierten wie ich, wiederkommen werden. Die, die früh eingestiegen sind, können natürlich die Füße still halten und können sich freuen. Irgendwann im Juli interessiert das hier keinen mehr.
      Reconnaissance Energy Africa | 8,910 $
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 26.06.21 15:50:45
      Beitrag Nr. 8.982 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 68.622.328 von Zuschauer123 am 26.06.21 14:51:41Dieser Artikel wurde hier jetzt schon mehrfach verlinkt und von uns ist offensichtlich, dass es sich um eine gezielte Attacke der Shorties handelt!

      Ich schlage daher vor, dass alle, die nur um zu bashen die letzten zwei Tage neu ins Forum gekommen sind, sich nun ein anderes Forum suchen, damit wir uns bei Recon wieder seriös unterhalten können. Meine ignore-Liste jedenfalls ist in den letzten Tagen um diverse accounts angewachsen...

      Dieses Forum war bis vor ein Tagen das Beste, was ich in meiner gesamten w:o-Zeit erleben durfte und dafür bin ich allen bisherigen Forum-Teilnehmern sehr dankbar!
      Reconnaissance Energy Africa | 8,910 $
      schrieb am 26.06.21 15:27:23
      Beitrag Nr. 8.981 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 68.622.418 von Asemi am 26.06.21 15:11:09Der Grund ist, warum der Viceroy-Bericht vom 24. Juni über RECO irreführend ist:
      Unten ist eine Liste der am niedrigsten hängenden Früchte des Viceroy-Berichts. Ich wollte ihn Satz für Satz durchgehen, aber vieles davon ist einfach so dubios, dass ich mich entschlossen habe, die Top 15 Dinge herauszusuchen, die eklatant falsch, falsch oder extrem irreführend sind:
      Es gibt keine einzige Erwähnung von Dan Jarvie oder Nick Steinsberger, und Bill Catheys Name wird nur einmal am Rande erwähnt. Ich habe in RECO wegen Dan Jarvie investiert. Er war Chef-Geochemiker bei EOG, und für diejenigen, die nicht wissen, wer EOG ist: Sie sind die Creme de la Creme im US-Schiefergestein und haben das beste EV/EBITDA-Multiple in Nordamerika. Warum sollten diese 3 Legenden ihren Ruf für RECO riskieren, wenn sie nicht wirklich an das Unternehmen glauben?
      Der erste Satz lautet: "Viceroy ist short RECO". Sie sagen damit, dass es in ihrem Interesse ist, zu lügen, die Wahrheit zu dehnen, Zweifel zu streuen und die Realitäten zu verdrehen, also denken Sie daran, dass sie, egal was sie sagen, wollen, dass das Unternehmen scheitert.
      Aktienwerbung - Als Aktionär mag ich das. Man muss seinen Namen bekannt machen und eine Marke und eine Geschichte aufbauen? Und was die jüngsten angeht, so verteidigt sich RECO damit selbst! Übrigens, OilPrice wird von ( ) als HOCH für faktische Berichterstattung bewertet.
      Blind bohren & auf Öl stoßen. Wenn sie wirklich blind bohren und auf Öl stoßen, ist das nicht ein gutes Omen für ihre Aussichten? Ganz zu schweigen davon, dass man durch Blindbohrungen neue Ölvorkommen entdeckt. Das ist der Sinn der Ölexploration.
      Man kann bei jedem Dreck finden. Viceroy schleudert Schlamm gegen Steinke und Park. Diese Jungs sind seit über 30 Jahren im Geschäft. Einige Firmen funktionieren, andere nicht. Das ist Kapitalismus. Es ist Rosinenpickerei, den einen Misserfolg hervorzuheben und die vielen Erfolge zu ignorieren.
      Viceroy zeigt ein Bild von einer "unausgekleideten Grube". Warum sollten wir ihnen vertrauen, dass diese tatsächlich unausgekleidet ist? Ich kann es auf dem körnigen Bild nicht wirklich erkennen. Wie bei allem im Internet sollten wir bei "Beweisen" immer vorsichtig sein. Ist dies tatsächlich eine RECO-Site? Wann wurde das Bild aufgenommen? Sind da tatsächlich Stecklinge drin oder dient es zur Lagerung von Frischwasser?
      Viceroy sagt, dass sie keine Umweltschützer sind, aber der Artikel von National Geographic wird als "fantastisch" beschrieben und 9 Mal referenziert.
      Viceroy verweist auf "Skepsis, die von mehreren in der Öl- und Gasindustrie geteilt wird", und das Zitat ist von Stephen MacSearraigh. Raten Sie mal, wo Stephen auch auftaucht, in dem National Geographic Artikel
      Viceroy behauptet, dass RECO "unkonventionellen Bergbau ausprobieren" wird und es ein "ESG-Desaster" sein wird. Das ist reine Spekulation von ihnen, um Investoren zu erschrecken. Wenn man short ist, was hat man zu verlieren, wenn man eine zweifelhafte Behauptung über die Zukunft aufstellt.
      Viceroy ruft RECO auf, sich auf einen Sproule-Bericht zu verlassen, weil er Schätzungen verwendet. Der Grund, warum Sproule Schätzungen verwendet, ist, dass dies ein neues Becken ohne moderne Bohrungen ist, deshalb werden Schätzungen verwendet (Sproule nennt die Schätzmethode auch "vernünftig", aber Viceroy versucht, kaltes Wasser darauf zu werfen, indem er sagt, dass Sproule vage sagt, dass der Abschnitt mit "qualifizierender Sprache" gespickt ist.
      Viceroy sagt, dass RECO es versäumt hat, Schlüsselinformationen wie Schlammprotokolle, Untergrundgeologie, Kohlenwasserstoffabschnitte etc. etc. offenzulegen. Es ist ein Tiefschlag, ein Unternehmen aufzufordern, vertrauliche Informationen offenzulegen, wenn sie noch dabei sind, diese zu sammeln und zu analysieren.
      Viceroy macht sich über RECO lustig, weil sie sagen, dass sie "signifikantes Partnerschaftspotenzial" haben und dass "Industriepartner die Bohrlochdaten überprüfen wollen, aber da RECO diese Informationen nicht freigibt, ist es lächerlich, ein Partnerangebot anzunehmen." Dies ist wahrscheinlich die dümmste Aussage von allen, denn wenn es Joint Ventures oder Farm-in's innerhalb der Industrie gibt, wird ein formeller Datenraum eröffnet und Vertraulichkeitsvereinbarungen müssen unterzeichnet werden, bevor irgendwelche Bohrlochdaten geteilt werden. Bohrlochdaten sind geschützte Informationen und sind die wichtigsten Daten, die ein E&P besitzt. Die Vorstellung von Viceroy, dass RECO diese öffentlich freigeben würde, ist lächerlich.
      Viceroy behauptet, dass RECO 75% des Pachtgebietes bis Januar 2022 aufgeben muss, unterlässt es aber zu erwähnen, dass sie durch Verlängerungen eigentlich bis 2026 Zeit haben, und, was am wichtigsten ist, dass alle Gebiete, die "von der Firma als potentiell produktiv eingestuft werden, von den Abtretungsanforderungen ausgenommen sind" (siehe Seite 42 der Questar Advisor Berichte vom 19. April )
      Haywood mit Schlamm zu bewerfen, weil sie "Analysten zum Anheuern" sind. So funktioniert die Investmentbanking-Industrie. Anlageberater, die ein Unternehmen betreuen, sind oft auch diejenigen, die Kapital für das Unternehmen beschaffen. Wenn jemand jemals einen Analystenbericht von Goldman Sachs gelesen hat, dann steht dort am Ende: "Goldman Sachs macht und strebt danach, mit dem/den Thema(n) dieses Berichts Geschäfte zu machen".
      Viceroy erwähnte, dass BP einmal 900 Millionen Dollar für die Kartierung von möglichen Ölfeldern in Libyen ausgegeben hat, das Projekt aber aufgrund des ersten libyschen Bürgerkriegs nicht zu Ende führen konnte. Das ist eine interessante Tatsache, ich werde sie mir merken.

      Übersetzt mit (kostenlose Version)
      Reconnaissance Energy Africa | 7,470 €
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 26.06.21 15:15:16
      Beitrag Nr. 8.980 ()
      Entscheidend ist aber für mich mich VOR, sondern ZWISCHEN den Ohren...😄
      Reconnaissance Energy Africa | 7,470 €

      Trading Spotlight

      Nurexone Biologic
      0,4260EUR -0,93 %
      InnoCan startet in eine neue Ära – FDA Zulassung!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 26.06.21 15:11:09
      Beitrag Nr. 8.979 ()
      Danke an @lotte/glorianer.

      Bitte diesen hervorragenden post mehrmals und in Ruhe lesen!!

      Gruß A.
      Reconnaissance Energy Africa | 7,470 €
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 26.06.21 15:07:23
      Beitrag Nr. 8.978 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 68.622.328 von Zuschauer123 am 26.06.21 14:51:41Finde ich gut. Vielleicht sogar nochmals unter 6 Euro wäre super, dann können jene, die den Zug verpasst haben auch nochmal die Gelegenheit Einzusteigen :D
      Bei mir müsste der Kurs schon unter 2 Euro gehen, damit ich erstmal anfange ans nachkaufen zu denken und da würde ich noch meinen Einsti3gspreis erheblich erhöhen. Aber für die anderen würde es mich freuen.:cool:
      Reconnaissance Energy Africa | 7,470 €
      schrieb am 26.06.21 15:06:13
      Beitrag Nr. 8.977 ()
      Allein der Report sogar dafür, dass Kleinhans in seinem Sonnestuhl im Garten das liest und seine Gewinne sichert. Und zurück kommen solche Leute auch nicht mehr. Zu tief sitzt die Erinnerung an Wirecard.
      Reconnaissance Energy Africa | 7,470 €
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 26.06.21 15:05:52
      Beitrag Nr. 8.976 ()
      reason’s why Viceroy’s June 24th Report on RECO is misleading:
      Below is a list of the lowest-hanging fruit of the Viceroy report. I wanted to go through it sentence-by-sentence, but a lot of it is just so dubious that I decided to pick out the top 15 things that are blatantly wrong, false, or extremely misleading:
      There is not one mention of Dan Jarvie or Nick Steinsberger, and Bill Cathey’s name is mentioned just once in passing. I invested in RECO because of Dan Jarvie. He was Chief Geochemist for EOG and for those who do not know who EOG is, they are the cream of the crop in US Shale, commanding the best EV/EBITDA multiple in North America. Why would these 3 legends risk their reputations on RECO unless they truly believe in the company?
      The first sentence states “Viceroy is short RECO”. They are telling is that it is in their best interest to lie, stretch the truth, cast doubt, and flip realities so remember that whatever they say, they want the company to fail.
      Stock Promotion – As a shareholder, I like this. You have to get your name out there and build a brand and story? And for the recent stories, this is RECO defending themselves! And by the way, OilPrice is rated HIGH for Factual Reporting from ( )
      Drilling blind & hitting oil. If they are truly drilling blind, and they hit oil, doesn’t that bode well for their prospects? Not to mention that drilling blind is how you discover new oil basins. That’s the point of oil exploration.
      You can find dirt on anyone. Viceroy slings mud at Steinke and Park. These guys have been in the business for 30+ years. Some company’s work out, other’s don’t. That’s capitalism. It’s cherry picking to highlight the 1 failure and ignore the multiple successes.
      Viceroy shows a picture of an “unlined pit”. Why should we trust them that this is actually unlined? I can’t really tell from the grainy image. Just like anything on the internet, we should always be wary of “proof”. Is this actually a RECO site? When was the picture taken? Are there actually cuttings in there or is it to store fresh water?
      Viceroy says that they aren’t environmentalists, but the National Geographic article is described as “fantastic” and referenced 9 times.
      Viceroy references “skepticism shared by several in the oil and gas industry”, and the quote is from Stephen MacSearraigh. Guess where Stephen also made an appearance, in the National Geographic article
      Viceroy claims that RECO will “try unconventional mining” and it’ll be an “ESG disaster”. That is pure speculation by them to scare investors. If you’re short, what do you have to lose by making a dubious claim about the future.
      Viceroy calls out RECO for relying on a Sproule report for using estimates. The reason why Sproule is using estimates is because this is a new basin with no modern wells, that is why estimation is being used (Sproule also calls the estimate method “reasonable” but Viceroy tries to throw cold water on this by saying Sproule by vaguely saying the section is peppered with “qualifying language”.
      Viceroy says that RECO failed to disclose key info such as mud logs, subsurface geology, hydrocarbon intercept debt etc etc. It’s a low blow to call on a company to release propriety information when they’re still very much in the process of gathering and analysing it.
      Viceroy mocks RECO for saying they have “significant partnering potential” and that “industry partners will want to review well data, but given that RECO is not releasing this information, it’s ludicrous to assume a partner proposition.” This is probably the silliest statement of all because when there are joint ventures or farm-in’s within the industry, a formal data room will be opened and confidentiality agreements will have to be signed before any well data is shared. Well data is propriety information and is the most important data that an E&P possesses. Viceroy thinking that RECO would release this publically is what is ludicrous.
      Viceroy states that RECO will have to forfeit 75% of the lease area by January 2022, but fails to mention that via extensions, they actually have until 2026, and most importantly, any areas that are “determined by the company to be potentially productive are excluded from the relinquishment requirements” (see page 42 of the April 19th Questar Advisor reports )
      Slinging mud at Haywood for being “analysts for hire”. This is how the investment banking industry works. Investment Advisors that cover a company, are also often the ones who raise capital for it. If anyone has ever read a Goldman Sachs analyst report, it says at the bottom: “Goldman Sachs does and seeks to do business with the subject(s) of this report”.
      Viceroy mentioned that BP once spent $900MM mapping out prospective plays in Libya but wasn’t able to complete the project due to the First Libyan Civil War. That’s an interesting fact, I’ll remember it if I’m ever on Jeopardy, but what does that have to do with this? It’s like comparing apples and oranges. Two different companies. Two different countries. Two different decades. Two different geological resources.
      Top 3 reasons why I like my investment:
      1) Well analysis is being provided by third-party’s: Core Labs, Schlumberger, Geomark Research, and Netherland Sewell. These are all industry-recognized and reputable companies and they will give us their independent analysis when they complete their review.
      2) The company is fully funded. Per the excellent Dewolf Report
      (… the Montreal legend points out that RECO just completed a $36MM equity raise with associated warrants. The $36MM will be used to drill wells 1,2, & 3 and for seismic. There is no debt in the company, and thus no debt covenants that could sink them or mandatory interest payments that will need to be made and be a drag on the financials. They have the funds in the bank so let’s let them do their thing and prove this basin out.
      3) Dan Jarvie and Bill Cathey wouldn’t be in the company if it was a scam. Being part of a swindle is deeply embarrassing. Why would industry legends want that at the end of their storied careers?
      In conclusion:
      No company is perfect. To be honest there are a few things that I can't explain. Maybe RECO did actually pay Katti money. I don't know, and I doubt we'll ever know the true story, but that won't stop Viceroy and other short sellers from publish their interpretation of it because that's how they fill their bank account: by digging up, manipulating, glossing over, and adjusting the narrative to fit their needs.
      At the end of the day, drilling exploration wells is risky. The asset is located ten thousand feet down in the ground so it’s easy to be a naysayer. Viceroy is short this company and with its incredible run, they stand to lose a ton of money. THEY WANT THIS STOCK TO TANK AND WILL SAY ANYTHING TO MAKE IT HAPPEN. As RECO continues to de-risk their investment, and doubt begins to fade, Viceroy is running out of time and that’s what truly scares the hell out of them.

      Reconnaissance Energy Africa | 7,470 €
      schrieb am 26.06.21 15:02:14
      Beitrag Nr. 8.975 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 68.622.319 von Asemi am 26.06.21 14:46:31Wholesome
      15 reason’s why Viceroy’s June 24th Report on RECO is misleading:
      Below is a list of the lowest-hanging fruit of the Viceroy report. I wanted to go through it sentence-by-sentence, but a lot of it is just so dubious that I decided to pick out the top 15 things that are blatantly wrong, false, or extremely misleading:

      There is not one mention of Dan Jarvie or Nick Steinsberger, and Bill Cathey’s name is mentioned just once in passing. I invested in RECO because of Dan Jarvie. He was Chief Geochemist for EOG and for those who do not know who EOG is, they are the cream of the crop in US Shale, commanding the best EV/EBITDA multiple in North America. Why would these 3 legends risk their reputations on RECO unless they truly believe in the company?

      The first sentence states “Viceroy is short RECO”. They are telling is that it is in their best interest to lie, stretch the truth, cast doubt, and flip realities so remember that whatever they say, they want the company to fail.

      Stock Promotion – As a shareholder, I like this. You have to get your name out there and build a brand and story? And for the recent stories, this is RECO defending themselves! And by the way, OilPrice is rated HIGH for Factual Reporting from ( )

      Drilling blind & hitting oil. If they are truly drilling blind, and they hit oil, doesn’t that bode well for their prospects? Not to mention that drilling blind is how you discover new oil basins. That’s the point of oil exploration.

      You can find dirt on anyone. Viceroy slings mud at Steinke and Park. These guys have been in the business for 30+ years. Some company’s work out, other’s don’t. That’s capitalism. It’s cherry picking to highlight the 1 failure and ignore the multiple successes.

      Viceroy shows a picture of an “unlined pit”. Why should we trust them that this is actually unlined? I can’t really tell from the grainy image. Just like anything on the internet, we should always be wary of “proof”. Is this actually a RECO site? When was the picture taken? Are there actually cuttings in there or is it to store fresh water?

      Viceroy says that they aren’t environmentalists, but the National Geographic article is described as “fantastic” and referenced 9 times.

      Viceroy references “skepticism shared by several in the oil and gas industry”, and the quote is from Stephen MacSearraigh. Guess where Stephen also made an appearance, in the National Geographic article

      Viceroy claims that RECO will “try unconventional mining” and it’ll be an “ESG disaster”. That is pure speculation by them to scare investors. If you’re short, what do you have to lose by making a dubious claim about the future.

      Viceroy calls out RECO for relying on a Sproule report for using estimates. The reason why Sproule is using estimates is because this is a new basin with no modern wells, that is why estimation is being used (Sproule also calls the estimate method “reasonable” but Viceroy tries to throw cold water on this by saying Sproule by vaguely saying the section is peppered with “qualifying language”.

      Viceroy says that RECO failed to disclose key info such as mud logs, subsurface geology, hydrocarbon intercept debt etc etc. It’s a low blow to call on a company to release propriety information when they’re still very much in the process of gathering and analysing it.

      Viceroy mocks RECO for saying they have “significant partnering potential” and that “industry partners will want to review well data, but given that RECO is not releasing this information, it’s ludicrous to assume a partner proposition.” This is probably the silliest statement of all because when there are joint ventures or farm-in’s within the industry, a formal data room will be opened and confidentiality agreements will have to be signed before any well data is shared. Well data is propriety information and is the most important data that an E&P possesses. Viceroy thinking that RECO would release this publically is what is ludicrous.

      Viceroy states that RECO will have to forfeit 75% of the lease area by January 2022, but fails to mention that via extensions, they actually have until 2026, and most importantly, any areas that are “determined by the company to be potentially productive are excluded from the relinquishment requirements” (see page 42 of the April 19th Questar Advisor reports )

      Slinging mud at Haywood for being “analysts for hire”. This is how the investment banking industry works. Investment Advisors that cover a company, are also often the ones who raise capital for it. If anyone has ever read a Goldman Sachs analyst report, it says at the bottom: “Goldman Sachs does and seeks to do business with the subject(s) of this report”.

      Viceroy mentioned that BP once spent $900MM mapping out prospective plays in Libya but wasn’t able to complete the project due to the First Libyan Civil War. That’s an interesting fact, I’ll remember it if I’m ever on Jeopardy, but what does that have to do with this? It’s like comparing apples and oranges. Two different companies. Two different countries. Two different decades. Two different geological resources.

      Top 3 reasons why I like my investment:

      1) Well analysis is being provided by third-party’s: Core Labs, Schlumberger, Geomark Research, and Netherland Sewell. These are all industry-recognized and reputable companies and they will give us their independent analysis when they complete their review.

      2) The company is fully funded. Per the excellent Dewolf Report (… the Montreal legend points out that RECO just completed a $36MM equity raise with associated warrants. The $36MM will be used to drill wells 1,2, & 3 and for seismic. There is no debt in the company, and thus no debt covenants that could sink them or mandatory interest payments that will need to be made and be a drag on the financials. They have the funds in the bank so let’s let them do their thing and prove this basin out.

      3) Dan Jarvie and Bill Cathey wouldn’t be in the company if it was a scam. Being part of a swindle is deeply embarrassing. Why would industry legends want that at the end of their storied careers?

      In conclusion:

      No company is perfect. To be honest there are a few things that I can't explain. Maybe RECO did actually pay Katti money. I don't know, and I doubt we'll ever know the true story, but that won't stop Viceroy and other short sellers from publish their interpretation of it because that's how they fill their bank account: by digging up, manipulating, glossing over, and adjusting the narrative to fit their needs.

      At the end of the day, drilling exploration wells is risky. The asset is located ten thousand feet down in the ground so it’s easy to be a naysayer. Viceroy is short this company and with its incredible run, they stand to lose a ton of money. THEY WANT THIS STOCK TO TANK AND WILL SAY ANYTHING TO MAKE IT HAPPEN. As RECO continues to de-risk their investment, and doubt begins to fade, Viceroy is running out of time and that’s what truly scares the hell out of them.

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      vor 6st bearbeitet
      As for point 6:

      It's lined with organic clay gel.

      From the drilling fluid sheet:

      ReconAfrica brings the latest, most effective technologies to its projects, including an engineered organic and biodegradable water-based drilling fluid systems that minimize environmental impacts. We have intentionally avoided less technically advanced drilling fluids systems that present environmental challenges during the reclamation phase. The water-based system we opted to use is tested, proven safe, and environmentally sound. The system is approved for use by the most stringent regulatory regimes for projects around the world, from national oil companies to private operators. It is also the most expensive system to implement.

      Reserve Pit: The reserve pit is adjacent to the drilling rig and, along with storage tanks, is where the excess fluids and cuttings are managed. Like most oil and gas wells, the rocks being drilled through for the three exploratory wells are environmentally benign (unlike mining operations) and any fluids encountered while drilling stay in the formation due to the equivalent circulating density of the drilling fluid system. The cuttings from the well are also being captured and bagged, with half of the cuttings set aside for the Namibian government for future study. ReconAfrica is having the cuttings analyzed by international and nationally-based environmentally focused laboratories. An organic gel/clay barrier at the pit base prevents seepage into groundwater and soils. This approach is better than polyurethane pit linings, which are easy to install but challenging to remove during reclamation, which can lead to shredding and leaks.

      This is from Recos fact sheet for water:

      When a well is drilled, drilling fluid is used to manage the drilled formation, cool the drill bit and carry the rock cuttings to the surface. ReconAfrica is using a 100% organic, biodegradable, water-based drilling fluid system that minimizes environmental impacts. This system incorporates the latest technologies for both safe drilling and surface/subsurface environmental protection. Once drilling is complete, the remaining fluid can be recycled or used as a soil enhancement/fertilizer for agriculture. The fluid will biodegrade, yielding no toxic or damaging by-product, just an effective fertilizer that has been used by farmers and the agricultural industry in the U.S. and around the world.

      We have intentionally avoided older and lower-cost systems, such as pit lining, which can present significant challenges during the reclamation phase. The water-based system we have opted to use has been tested and proven safe and environmentally sound and has been approved for use by the most stringent regulatory regimes around the world.

      As for point 11:

      It was Recons intention to not release any information until all 3 wells are drilled and analyzed. That changed once the Namibian President himself went on to release this to the public. Now the share price is already going up and what is happening right now is exactly what they were trying to avoid. Its just extra work to fight over the share price with shorty and it could have been avoided.

      The president was speaking on April 15 in his state of the nation address. The company announced the results the same day.

      As for point 3 of why you like your investment:

      Did you know that Daniel Jarvie is a legend in the industry. He is actually retired and came back to work with Recon on this play because its so damn exciting for him. I don't really doubt that his conservative estimates are just the beginning of the whole picture.

      sources at the bottom:



      Level 1
      vor 8st bearbeitet
      Great summary. Brilliant. One potential difference from my understanding. I thought that relinquishment initiates in 2024 (per Recon). Does extension provision move that out to 2026 ? I'm with you btw. I bought 10,000 shares on Friday average cost in the $11.70 Cdn range. Raised my cost base but trying to play my small part in holding back the shorts. May buy more on Monday, but am already fully invested in the story. lol



      Level 1
      This report is just a rehash of past complaints.the one thing i found that was different is that they claim these wells are dry holes.well they are not drilling oil wells.they are drilling bore holes to test the geology.they do not have a license to flow test or anything else except test the geology.thats why they capped the first well so they can come back and do further testing when they get the license to do so.can you imagine the outcry if they tried to do anything other than what they are licensed to do?



      Level 1
      I was considering de-risking last week and selling a few shares in this but my view here has changed and I’m planning to add another 30% to my position next week. Anything under $10 will be looking VERY cheap in a few weeks / months time.



      Level 1
      Thank you for making time to put this together! You’re right on every point! I agree 100% on the reasons you gave for this investment! When someone talks (in my humble experience) I always consider 1 the source 2 his/her motive!



      Level 1
      Brilliant and thank you for putting it together. Everyone or anyone who got shaken out this week should read it.



      Level 1
      Thank you!



      Level 1
      Agree all. Nice one flamingo.



      Level 1
      Good update and review mate.

      Shows the whole thing for what it appears to be, a warped attempt by Viceroy and Fraser Phillips, as a self confessed short, to try and manipulate the share price to cheat honest hard working investors out of money. Shame on Fraser and the manipulative funds trying to scare people and make money out of fear, doubt and false statements.

      The truth will win in the end, as will the people of Namibia that deserve the prosperity and opportunity for growth and investment this work can bring.



      Level 1
      Your view is spot on and very impressive and very clear on the reality of what is really happening, I can't thank you enough for your accuracy. I'm not selling anything, this is a active basin and I'm 100% convinced it is.



      Level 1
      Fully agreed to all points. As regarding Katti, whatever they engaged him on, the fact that they abandoned that route pretty quickly speaks to the high ethical standards they endeavour to uphold. They had very few if anyone on the ground at the time afaik , and as the completely new company they were, had to improvise and work with what was available at the time. Pretty in hindsight? No. But in no way fatal given the speed with which they changed course, indicating to me the risks of the perception of being associated with the wrong people…



      Level 1
      Good. I hope they knock it down some more. They knock it down to $1 I’ll scream hallelujah and buy 5000 more shares



      Level 1
      And we won’t have to wait for long before complete results of drilled wells are published; I invest in gold stocks and i am used to wait years to see any positive developments; you guys in the oil stocks are lucky to have such short timelines…trust your dd and results so far , let them execute as they have done great so far…



      Gesamte Diskussion anzeigen (15 Kommentare)
      Weiter Beiträge der ReconAfrica Community


      Gepostet vonu/Stu-Cat-92
      vor 16 Stunden
      This does not look like a pump and dump to me, my friends
      Predatory hedge funds will misrepresent information and blatantly lie to manipulate markets. It is a fact. It happens all the time. When you look at the people who work for Viceroy or Anson or other sad short sellers, it's pretty easy to see that these people aren't in the business of building anything REAL. They are in the business of manipulating you to make money. They will take the bananas right out of your hands, feed them to their wolves, and do it all over again. That is their playbook.

      Our team: Jay Park, Craig Steinke, Scot Evans, Dan Jarvie, James Granath... those guys are extremely hard-working, career-dedicated experts who spent most of their lives in this industry. They are honorable and well respected across the globe. They have helped build REAL COMPANIES employing WORKING CLASS people.

      Recon Africa and their business partner, THE COUNTRY OF NAMIBIA, are both trying HARD to lift a generation out of poverty. We should know by now these people aren't capable of a pump and dump. Only lesser men will try to convince you otherwise.

      When you look at what happened today it's clear there are many retail investors out there with little faith in our management team and the project they are running. I hate to see a decline like today but what I hate more is watching the little guy get taken advantage of by known cheaters / liars.

      If you are unsure of what to make of the misinformation campaign from Globe & Mail, National Geographic, Viceroy, or others, please DM me. I will spend the time to help you understand the facts.

      Don't let predators' misinformation drive fear into your hearts and minds. I believe in the geology and the team. I am holding.

      Peace, Love, and Oil


      62 Kommentare






      Gepostet vonu/Gh0st1117
      vor 3 Tagen
      Recent pick up

      As we all know RECO/RECAF is picking up traction and is now able to be discussed on WSB. We cannot tolerate any brigadiers. No crossposts from WSB about RECO/RECAF here. It is a something they can ban us/you for.

      We are not here to get other people to buy. We are not market manipulators. We are individual investors. Please respect that so we can keep this place the spot for RECO/RECAF discussion.


      Edit* there seems to be some confusion. You can post on wsb and cross post all you want. Idc. But what i do care about is people making it seem like we are a collective trying to get wsb people to buy. It is against Reddits rules to “brigade” a sub.

      If you do crosspost from wsb to here, generic titles please, dont make it seem like all 3100 of us worked together to get senpai to notice us. Thats a no bueno.

      Edit 2** since some are still not getting it,

      IT IS AGAINST REDDIT USER POLICY TO BRIGADE A SUB. You are all adults so i am not going to explain it any further. Look it up. Do what you want. But if the SITE bans you, & WSB bans you because they’re very stringent, you cant act like you weren’t warned.

      I am not on a power trip. We have no rules here, guys. Im not trying to control your speech. I’m trying to make you realize you can banned for this act. That is all.

      54 Kommentare






      Gepostet vonu/Embarrassed_Task_23
      vor 4 Tagen
      They give it to the society …. Trust me, they’ve the oil
      r/ReconAfrica - They give it to the society …. Trust me, they’ve the oil
      32 Kommentare






      Gepostet vonu/BrazakAttack
      vor 4 Tagen
      Recaf just hit $10 in the US market
      30 Kommentare






      Gepostet vonu/HotMomentumStocks
      vor 3 Tagen
      ReconAfrica responds to the Globe and Mail's recent inaccurate and defamatory article
      9 Kommentare






      Gepostet vonu/lowkey-zealous
      vor 4 Tagen
      June 21 Interview with Craig Steinke
      43 Kommentare






      Gepostet vonu/vdgruck
      vor 2 Tagen
      June 24 2021: ReconAfrica Provides Operational Update and COVID-19 Response
      ReconAfrica Provides Operational Update and COVID-19 Response, by @newswire (

      Drilling Operations

      The Company has taken a short break in drilling operations due to maintenance issues and expects to start drilling ahead in the next couple of days to a permitted total depth of approximately 3,800 m (12,500 feet). Reaching total depth on this second well (6-1) is anticipated during the first week of July 2021.

      As reported on June 3, 2021, the initial analysis of the first section of the 6-1 well established 134 m (440 feet) of light oil and gas indicators (shows). Thus far in the deeper section of this 6-1 well, the Company has encountered an incremental 209 m (685 feet) of hydrocarbon shows comprising a variety of light oil and natural gas. Collectively, the 6-1 well has encountered 343 m (1,125 feet) of hydrocarbon shows, further confirming an active petroleum system in the Kavango Sedimentary basin.

      The Company has formally received all water well regulatory approvals for drilling operations from the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform.

      Seismic Operations

      Subject to final permitting, the seismic program is expected to commence in the third week of July for an anticipated 6-8 week duration. Polaris Geophysical is currently mobilizing staff and equipment for ReconAfrica's and its partner NAMCOR's (the National oil company of Namibia) 450 km 2D seismic program in the Kavango basin. Polaris Geophysical, Canada's longest standing geophysical contractor, was selected, in part, as they provide the world's lightest impact seismic acquisition equipment along with high quality seismic data. This low impact seismic program will be conducted during daylight hours to minimize wildlife disturbance and along existing roadways.

      Polaris Geophysical will operate from its established base in Rundu, Namibia, and anticipates hiring approximately 100 local unskilled and skilled personnel for this important operation.


      As a company that has established meaningful relationships and roots in Namibia - with employees, contractors, suppliers, community members and national leaders – our hearts are with the people of Namibia and filled with regret for all that the country has endured due to the COVID-19 pandemic. ReconAfrica has responded to calls for assistance by the Government of Namibia with its recent commitment of a N$15-million contribution to the country's COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout Campaign, which will support the procurement, distribution, and administration of vaccines. This is in addition to the healthcare support the Company provided in the Kavango area in late 2020.

      ReconAfrica is also investing capital and taking action to provide safe drinking water in many Namibian communities. In addition to four community water wells the Company has previously drilled and donated, ReconAfrica now has all permits in place to drill an additional eight water wells. The drilling of these community water wells will commence as soon as practicable. Our concern and respect for long-term, safe community water quality and supply in the Kavango Region is backed up by our commitment to all levels of government to ensure careful and comprehensive monitoring and analysis of water and aquifers as part of our approach to environmental management.

      66 Kommentare






      Gepostet vonu/Longjumping-Rush-689
      vor 1 Tag
      Namibian Government to develop a communication strategy to counter misinformation

      17 Kommentare






      Gepostet vonu/WendigoBroncos
      vor 2 Tagen
      Coffee memes at work resulted in the following.
      6 Kommentare






      Gepostet vonu/FinishZealousideal63
      vor 2 Tagen
      Beautiful Beautiful recaf
      Recaf turning my ass into a Beverley hillbilly 🤣🤣🤣

      26 Kommentare






      Gepostet vonu/WavingFlamingo
      vor 1 Tag
      ReconAfrica is a steamroller. Shorting is like picking up gold coins in front of a steamroller. And guess what folks? ReconAfrica is a steamroller
      The shorties are trying it all (price manipulation, short and distort, FUD articles, t trades, publishing complete bullshit analyst reports —-> I’m looking at you viceroy) but at the end of the day, they can’t budge us off our hill. I believe we’ve got something special here and the shorts are desperate and it’s only a matter of time before we steamroll them

      13 Kommentare






      Gepostet vonu/vdgruck
      vor 1 Tag
      New Haywood Report June 24, 2021
      24 Kommentare






      Gepostet vonu/calgaryreconfan
      vor 5 Tagen
      Jarvie Report
      Looks like the Jarvie report has been taken down from the recon website, the tables from the report are used in other areas, however the entire report is down. Are they about to upload an updated report from new data?

      21 Kommentare






      Gepostet vonu/hjah300
      vor 18 Stunden
      Who’s buying more at the discount?
      So wasn’t expecting this today, but feel like I might as well make the most of it. Just topped 500 more shares.

      43 Kommentare




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      Welcome to the Reconnaissance Africa ($RECAF, $RECO) subreddit. Meant to be a place to interact with other shareholders and share high quality DD about this investment opportunity
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