
    Hartcourt - Auf zu neuen Ufern Teil XXXIV - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 12.05.00 11:10:31 von
    neuester Beitrag 17.05.00 15:37:48 von
    Beiträge: 104
    ID: 135.268
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 12.05.00 11:10:31
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      schrieb am 12.05.00 11:11:56
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      schrieb am 12.05.00 11:13:00
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      schrieb am 12.05.00 11:13:41
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      schrieb am 12.05.00 11:18:44
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Hier noch ein bißchen was zum Aufmuntern!!!


      Der Boom hat gerade erst begonnen
      (c) 05/2000 [bf]

      Der Boom der Internet-Aktien hat gerade erst begonnen, sagt der New Yorker Top-Analyst für Internet-Werte, Michael Parekh vom Investmenthaus Goldman Sachs.

      Das ständige Auf und Ab der entsprechenden Aktien sieht der 40-jährige Amerikaner gelassen: "Seit der Kommerzialisierung des Internets vor sieben Jahren hatten Internet-Aktien 15 längere Schwächephasen", so Parekh. "Die Gründe dafür lagen aber nie in den Werten selbst, sondern immer in allgemeinen Bedenken der Anleger wie Zinsängste oder anderen makroökonomischen Ereignissen." Anschließend sei es am Markt stets wieder bergauf gegangen, so Parekh. "Darum sehe ich im so genannten Oster-Crash auch nur eine Kurskorrektur."

      Frühstens im September, spätestens aber im November würden die Kurse der Internet-Aktien wieder kräftig steigen. Allein der vor Weihnachten brummende elektronische Handel über das Internet (E-Commerce) sorgt dann für Kursfantasien, prognostiziert Parekh. Sein Rat: "Genau wie bei den vorherigen Kursschwächen sehen wir auch die jüngste als gute Gelegenheit, jetzt in die Internet-Werte einzusteigen, vor allem bei Marktführern."

      Langfristig sieht er bei Yahoo und AOL die besten Kurschancen. Aber auch viele andere börsennotierte Internet-Firmen verfügten über ein großes Wachstumspotenzial, so Michael Parekh. Wichtigste Motoren beim E-Commerce seien eine steigende Zahl von Internetnutzern und eine längere Verweildauer der Nutzer im Internet. "Beides kann in Europa aber erst richtig in Fahrt kommen, wenn es Flat-Rates (Pauschalgebühren) für das Surfen im Internet gibt", sagt der Experte. "Das hat sich in den USA gezeigt, wo die Pauschalgebühren bei 20 Dollar monatlich liegen." Außerdem sieht Parekh, der ein Team von weltweit 50 Analysten leitet, Wachstumspotenzial durch neue Internet-Zugänge wie UMTS-Handys und TV-Geräte:
      "Die Zahl der Zugänge wird weltweit in Milliardenhöhe schnellen. Jedes Auto wird bald einen Internetzugang haben. In Boston arbeiten Wissenschaftler an sprachgesteuerten Zugängen ins Internet. Per Telefon würden Millionen von neuen Nutzern dazukommen, die vor einem PC zurückschrecken." Fehlende Gewinne stören Parekh bei jungen Internetfirmen kaum.
      "Das ist in den ersten drei bis vier Jahren normal, wenn es darum geht, sich am Markt zu etablieren und eine möglichst große Kundschaft aufzubauen." Das Internet sei ein extrem schnelles Geschäft. Wer da hadere, verliere den Anschluss. Parekh achtet bei der Beurteilung von Firmen eher auf ein schlagkräftiges Management und darauf, "dass die Verbraucher im Mittelpunkt der Geschäftsstrategie stehen, also eine möglichst große potenzielle Kundschaft vorhanden ist."

      Noch schneller als in den USA und Europa würde sich der Online-Markt in Asien entwickeln. "Was bei uns vom Bau bezahlbarer Heimcomputer bis zum Durchbruch des Internets als Massenmarkt 15 Jahre dauerte, passiert dort alles auf einmal in atemberaubendem Tempo", sagt Parekh. Durch weiter sinkende PC-Preise und steigendes Pro-Kopf-Einkommen würden selbst von Armut geprägte Länder wie Indien oder China in fünf bis zehn Jahren zu Milliarden-Märkten für Internet und E-Commerce.

      Quelle: Goldmann Sachs (aus dem uproar-board übernommen)

      Ich denke, dass läßt ein wenig hoffen.

      Trading Spotlight

      Nurexone Biologic
      0,4220EUR +2,93 %
      Die bessere Technologie im Pennystock-Kleid?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 12.05.00 11:32:53
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Hallo Ihr Hartcourtler,

      ich bin schon seit August vergangenen Jahres in Hartcourt investiert. Leider kannte ich am 1. November als die Party in Amerika losging das wallstreet board noch nicht, so daß ich den tollen Kursanstieg zum Ausstieg benutzt habe. Nachdem ich festgestellt hatte, daß dies ein Fehler war, konnte ich mir damals noch einige Stücke zu 4 Euro ergattern. Sitze also jetzt noch auf ein Paar Aktien, habe satte Gewinne gemacht und verfolge manchmal die Threads. Ich kann die Sache gelassen angehen, war damals in Düsseldorf zum Treffen und bin überzeugt von dieser Aktie.

      Was mich nur jetzt beunruhigt, ist das, was wohl viele auch fühlen, vor allem die Aktionäre, die nun langsam ihren Porsche oder was weiß ich was für einen BMW oder sonstigen Blödsinn bezahlen müssen. Was passiert, wenn HRCT unter die 5 fällt und das Nasdaq-Listing vorerst im Eimer ist. Deshalb glaube ich, daß wir auf diesem Niveau noch viele Verkäufe sehen werden, weil einfach viel zu viele kalte Füsse bekommen.
      schrieb am 12.05.00 12:07:13
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Letztlich duerfte doch sich doch die Mehrheit in Geduld ueben, zumal angesichts der Chance - oder wie die Amis so schoen sagen
      *Upside Potential*. Zum Anderen sollte der Marketmaker in US am OTCBB doch genau wissen was er tut. Nun hat er sich also ein
      groesseres Inventory an HRCT angeschafft, um beim absehbaren Kursanstieg kraeftig zu verdienen. Wir haben an einigen beispielen gesehen,
      dass der Kurs sich nicht wirklich an Angebot und Nachfrage orientiert, sondern am Marketmaker. 6x mehr Aktien zum Kauf als Verkaeufer, aber
      der Kurs faellt dennoch. Allerdings wird dieser unser Marketmaker auch keine Panik-Verkaufsstimmung aufkommen lassen - denn
      dann waere er einen grandiosen potentiellen Gewinn los, den er aufgrund seines sehr billig gekauften Inventories an HRCT eingesammelt
      Wir sind an einem Berg, und Schlechtwetter zieht auf (die Nasdaq-Abkuehlung), alle Bergsteigergruppen (Investoren einer Aktie)
      muessen ein oder zwei Camps absteigen. Ebenso Hartcourt. Nun sehen wir an demselben Berg andere Investoren, die schon bei
      Nasdaq-Sonnenschein wieder aufsteigen, nur bei HRCT weht immer Gerade dann ein Wind auf unserem Aufstiegspfad, wenn es mehr Kaeufer
      als zu verkaufende Aktien gibt. Wirklich seltsam, kaum haben wir die Zelte verpackt, blaest der Wind wie auf Bestellung, um uns auf
      unserer Position zu halten. Ein Schelm wer Boeses dabei denkt.
      Nun macht sich natuerlich langsam unter Expeditionsteilnehmer Abbruchsstimmtung breit, weil die Expeditionsdauer fuer manche
      beschraenkt ist. Andere Bergsteigergruppen sind laengst erfolgreich aufgestiegen, und es macht wenig Spass dem zuzuschauen.
      Etliche brechen ihre Zelte ab und steigen aus. Dem Wind (MM) ist das willkommen, nun braucht er nicht mehr zu blasen, sondern
      die Bergsteiger trauen sich erst garnicht aus dem Zelt, oder steigen vonselbst demotivert ab.
      Dass der Bergfuehrer Phan erzaehlt hat, der Berg waere flacher, demotiviert die geduldigen Anleger nicht wirklich. Was sie demotiviert,
      ist der Wind, der immer dann auf Bestellung blaest, wenn 6-fach mehr Kaeufer als Verkaeufer da sind - mehrere Tage hintereinander.
      Wohl dem, der Geduld hat.
      schrieb am 12.05.00 12:19:48
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      das heisst, die teleboerse wird einen bericht über hartcourt bringen.
      datum: 16.06.00
      das hört sich ja sehr gut an!!!!!

      Von unentdeckten Wachstumswerten mit 300 Prozent Gewinnchance träumt nahezu jeder Anleger. Möglichkeiten dazu gibt es vor allem am Hamburger High-Risk-Market. Doch wer kennt schon Nanopierce oder Eat at Joes? Wer sich unter den größtenteils unbekannten Aktien die falsche herauspickt, kann gewaltig unter die Räder geraten. Deshalb: ab Samstag gibt es auf diesen Seiten jedes Wochenende ein neues Porträt von Werten des Hamburger High-Risk-Segments.

      schrieb am 12.05.00 12:22:31
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      hey dex,

      war nicht so gemeint ! klar erkenne ich den unterschied der beiträge dexo/dexter ;) .

      als wiedergutmachung lade ich dich jetzt schon nach gurki-beach ein - wenn hrct nur mal wieder losgelegt hat !

      ansonsten: hut ab aston martin ! du spielst einfach in einer anderen liga :yawn: - aber hast bestimmt auch mal klein angefangen, oder ???

      hab übrigens ´ne order mit 6,50 im markt - los jetzt her damit !!!! :lick:

      gruß gurki
      schrieb am 12.05.00 12:48:47
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      was haltet ihr denn von den news?
      1. listing in hamburg high risk market
      2. teleboersebericht am 16.06.00

      schrieb am 12.05.00 12:59:10
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      hallo fiatlux,

      1.) das listing in hamburg (hrm) läuft schon einige zeit ! sollte ich mich täuschen ????

      2.) wenn die news der vergangenheit keinen interessiert haben , würde ich mir von einem evtl. bericht auf ntv auch nichts versprechen !

      her jetzt mit meinen georderten shares !!!!
      hab noch platz im depot !

      schrieb am 12.05.00 13:29:52
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      gurki, du hast recht das mit listing läuft schon seit märz.
      (ein bisschen zu schnell gewesen)

      schön für hartcourt
      nach bekanntgabe der nasdaq zulassung steigt der kurs deutlich
      zitat teleboerse:
      Und: Erst am vergangenen Dienstag, dem 25.4.2000, gab die NASDAQ dem kleinen Provider aus Lafayette höhere Weihen. Good-bye am Bulletin Board, hello Universal Broadband Networks an den National Markets. Das bedeutet, dass das Unternehmen, das in rund zehn Wochen seinen Namen ändern wird, auch in Zukunft höhere Publizität haben wird. Mehr Aufmerksamkeit bedeutet weniger Schwindel. Das hat bereits das vertrauen in die Aktie gestärkt. Denn die war in letzter Zeit unter die Räder geraten und von rund 20$ auf unter 5 gefallen. Seit Bekanntgabe des Segmentwechsels auf über 8$ erholt. Glaubt man Vik Grover hieße das noch 25% Potenzial nach oben.
      schrieb am 12.05.00 13:36:01
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      hallo gurki,

      hab ich auch nicht so aufgenommmen, im ernst: deine einladung nehme ich gerne an. grüße dx (hrct xxx$)
      schrieb am 12.05.00 14:14:51
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      hallo footwin
      deine kritik,das sich einige leute sich ein porsche oder bmw(das war ich)kaufen wollen,mit dem verdienten geld,kann ich nicht nachvollziehen,hast du ein problem damit das man seine träume äußert ,
      oder hast du keine träume?o.k. jeder spricht nicht darüber,ich schon,ich denke ,das zwischen den news oder analysen von hrct,mal was menschliches nicht schadet oder?das du dich darüber aufregst,sorry ,finde ich sehr kleinkarriert.
      gruß panik,auf steigende kurse(auf mein bmw:))
      schrieb am 12.05.00 14:26:19
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      er meinte uU, dass sich der eine oder andere in 20$-Laune eine Anschaffung gemacht hat, die ihn nun teuer zu stehen kommt.
      Gluecklicherweise sind solche Leute eine verschwindende Minderheit.
      schrieb am 12.05.00 14:46:05
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()

      Erzeugerpreisindex (PPI) April: - 0.3% (Prognose: - 0.2 %)
      Erzeugerpreisindex (PPI) (Kernrate) April: + 0.1% (+ 0.1 %)
      Lagerbestände März: + 0.3% (+ 0.4%)
      schrieb am 12.05.00 14:50:14
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      zwischendurch etwas privates hat noch nie geschadet!

      futures (waren schon über +7800)
      für namenskrise, melde dich mal.
      NSDQ100 JUN00 3445.00 +5950
      E-NASDAQ JUN00 3445.50 +6000
      schrieb am 12.05.00 15:42:45
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Schier unglaublich,

      die Nasdaq zieht um 2% davon, während HRCT um 0.09 % in die Knie bricht scheiss MM`s
      frustitsch, Bronko, -
      schrieb am 12.05.00 16:01:35
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Der Bericht wird in der Zeitschrift "Die Teleboerse" erscheinen und nicht auf NTV.

      Die Zeitung präsentiert im Rahmen einer PR Aktion alle Unternehmen des High Risk Markets in HH.
      Und am 16.6. ist eben Hartcourt dran. Nachzulesen unter

      Ich glaube aber nicht, dass uns das sehr viel mehr Aufmerksamkeit bringt, da der Artikel
      lediglich im Internet und nicht in der Printausgabe erscheint.

      Gruß AlexB
      schrieb am 12.05.00 16:20:38
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      1. die telebörse berichtet nicht über alle gelisteten papiere.
      das werte ich positiv.
      2. der high risk market ist ebenfalls eine selektierte
      Der OTC-Bulletin-Board notiert kleine (Small Caps) und kleinste Unternehmen (Penny Stocks): 20 000 Werte, von denen rund 13 000 in den börsentäglich erscheinenden Pink Sheets gelistet werden

      schrieb am 12.05.00 16:23:44
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      und 6$!

      NSDQ100 JUN00 3435.10 +4960
      E-NASDAQ JUN00 3506.00B +12050
      schrieb am 12.05.00 17:36:18
      Dieser Beitrag wurde vom System automatisch gesperrt. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an
      schrieb am 12.05.00 20:24:51
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      wenn der zug rollt und dann die telebörse----
      ich würde sagen, dass könnte auch ein TGV werden.
      schönes wochenende
      schrieb am 12.05.00 21:34:36
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      ..........................oder ein Thalys ;):)

      grüße und auch ein schönes wochenende dexter
      schrieb am 12.05.00 22:17:21
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Da ich auch investiert bin mit fast 2000 Stck, würde ich gerne wissen : Was ist ein Thalys ?

      Grüsse OHaus
      schrieb am 12.05.00 22:31:27
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      hi ohaus,

      bin zwar schon im wochenende ;) :) aber hier die erklärung: thalys sprich Tallie, schnellester zug zwischen paris und köln, (geplant sind 2 1/2 h fahrtdauer), so jetzt aber ab ins wocheneneeeeende :) ciao dex :)
      schrieb am 12.05.00 22:33:29
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Danke Dexter
      schrieb am 12.05.00 23:41:44
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Hartcourt: aufgeschreckt durch einen Artikel in Virtualchina vor zehn Tagen, haben sich einige Investoren aus dem Titel zurückgezogen. Darin hieß es, dass für das Online-Trading in China noch gar keine Regelungen getroffen sind. Schlimmer, es verstößt gegen geltende Bestimmungen. Andererseits muss man aber auch sehen, dass viele großen des Internetgeschäfts in China, bereits Kontakte zu Anbietern von Finanzdaten knüpfen um bei Änderung der Rechtslage gleich in Aktion traten zu können. ist das letzte Beispiel.

      3. Rahmendaten

      Asien allgemein: Zukunftsprognosen: Internetuser in AsienDie Vorhersagen der Yankee Group und des IDC sagen ein starkes Wachstum in der Region voraus. Für die Yankee Group wird die Anzahl der Internetuser von 39 Mio. 1999 auf 374 Mio. 2005 ansteigen. IDC sagt eine Zahl von Usern von 95,2 Mio. für das Jahr 2004 voraus. Der über das Internet in der Region generierte Umsatz soll bei 87,5 Mrd. US-Dollar liegen, so die Vorhersagen von IDC weiter.

      China (Mainland): die Zahl der Internetanwender stieg um 400 % auf 8,9 Mio. 1999, 2001 soll es 40 Mio. Internetnutzer geben, mehr als in jedem anderen asiatischen Land, 2005 mehr als in jedem anderen Land auf der Erde. Online-Shoping in China soll 2000 einen Umfang von 96,7 Mio. US-Dollar haben so Business Daily. 2002 soll das Volumen des Online- Shoping bei 1,2 Mrd. US-Dollar liegen. B2B soll sich von 1998 auf 1999 verdoppelt haben auf umgerechnet 24,2 Mio. US-Dollar.Die Nachfrage nach IT-Spezialisten ist auch im Land der Mitte groß. Start-Ups sprießen aus dem Boden und die Gehälter von IT-Mitarbeitern steigen gewaltig. Zahlte man vor zwei Jahren einem Mitarbeiter zwischen 2.000-3.000 RMB in Beijing, so beträgt heute das Anfangsgehalt 8.000 RMB (rund 950 Euro). Wurden in Shanghai im Sommer 1999 noch etwas über 1.500 RMB (unter 200 Euro) bezahlt, so sind es heute bereits 5.000-6.000 RMB (rund 600- 750 Euro) und die Lohnkosten werden weiter steigen.
      schrieb am 12.05.00 23:45:56
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      1. Hikari Tsushin -55 %

      2. Xin Net -36 %

      3. AsiaInfo -34 %

      4. Hartcourt -33 %

      5. Satyam Infoway -29 %

      Auffällig ist, dass alle Flops, mit der Ausnahme von Hikari Tsushin, in Amerika gelistet sind und in den vorigen zwei Wochen im Verhältnis moderat nach unten gegangen sind
      schrieb am 13.05.00 10:01:38
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      Hallo World Tiger,

      da Virtualchina sich auch zum damaligen Zeitpunkt bereits zum wiederholten Male als allenfalls halbinformiert gezeigt hat, hier noch einmal zur Aufklärung in Kürze die gegenwärtig geltenden Bestimmungen für das "Online-Trading" in China:

      11May2000 CHINA: Text Of China Regulations On Online Securities Brokerages.
      The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) recently issued the "Procedures for the Examination and Approval of Securities Companies for Engaging in Online Brokerage Activities," the May 9 Zhongguo Zhengquan Bao (China Securities) reported. The text of the procedures follows:
      The new procedures have been drawn up in line with the [previously issued] "Interim Regulations for the Online Securities Brokerage Sector" (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) in a bid to standardize the online brokerage sector.
      I. Acceptance of Application
      Securities companies that plan to apply to engage in the online brokerage business (hereinafter referred to as "applying companies") shall, in line with the requirements of the Regulations, prepare three copies of their application documents. The documents shall then be submitted to the Department of Institutional Supervision and the Information Center of the CSRC and to the local agency for recording.
      Upon receipt of the documents, the CSRC shall decide within five working days whether to accept the application. Application documents not prepared in line with these provisions shall not be accepted.
      II. Preliminary Examination
      After accepting the application documents, the CSRC shall conduct a preliminary examination to ensure that the application documents conform to the relevant regulations, and shall notify by letter within 30 days the applying company of its opinion on the preliminary examination.
      The CSRC shall further examine the application documents revised in line with the suggestions made at the preliminary examination before completing its preliminary examination report.
      III. Examination By Experts
      The CSRC shall invite experts to organize an examination panel that examines matters related to the application documents and to technical-applications plans. The applying company shall send persons in charge of technical and other related activities to the panel to answer its questions. When necessary, the CSRC can require the major technical partner(s) of the applying company to participate in the oral examination.
      After a full discussion, the examination panel shall make a decision by vote and present its opinion on the examination.
      IV. Decision On Approval
      In accordance with the basic conditions of the company and the experts` examination opinion, the CSRC shall decide whether to approve the application. If the application is approved, the CSRC shall present documents giving its consent to the company`s participation in the online brokerage sector. If the application is not approved, the CSRC shall present a written notice stating the reasons.
      Companies with overall poor quality and large hidden perils caused by major violations of regulations or major technical accidents shall not be approved to engage in the online brokerage business.
      The CSRC shall make its decision on approval within three months, starting from the day that it accepted the application documents.
      V. Reconsideration
      Companies whose application is not approved may apply for reconsideration within 60 days, starting from the day the CSRC issued its written decision. The CSRC shall make a decision on the application for reconsideration within 60 days, starting from the day of receiving the application.
      Companies whose application is not approved after reconsideration shall not apply again to the CSRC within one year, starting from the day that the CSRC made its written decision.

      (c) ChinaOnline, 2000. All rights reserved.
      For more information, contact ChinaOnline at

      Source: CHINA ONLINE 11/05/2000


      schrieb am 13.05.00 10:11:58
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()

      habe in einem Board einen interessanten Beitrag zur manipulation der MMs gefunden.

      Von dem Member "Hieronymus"

      endlich habe ich eine gute graphische darstellung + guten text zur manipulation der MMs gefunden:


      Andreas" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">

      " target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">

      schrieb am 13.05.00 10:16:53
      Dieser Beitrag wurde vom System automatisch gesperrt. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an
      schrieb am 13.05.00 12:11:26
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()

      versucht nicht den link im folgendes posting von rb zu öffnen(sicher ist sicher - es sei denn ihr habt ne funktioniernde firewall):

      By: Arlien
      Reply To: None Saturday, 13 May 2000 at 5:55 AM EDT
      Post # of 65322
      Check out this breaking news!!!

      kann euch nicht sagen was sich genau dahinter verbirgt aber m.e. auf jeden fall keine breaking news! sondern irgendein selbstständiges download! habe letztlich nur noch meine telefonleitung ausstöpseln können.

      grüße dx
      schrieb am 13.05.00 14:05:04
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      hallo dexter,

      ich hab es gerade probiert und angeklickt, es kommt eine meldung, daß man sich gerade einen virus eingefangen hat,
      also auf keinen fall anklicken, ich weiß nicht, wie gefährlich es ist, oder ob es nur ein scherz ist.

      es gibt schon idioten auf dieser welt,

      gruß priestbroker
      schrieb am 13.05.00 19:58:32
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      13May2000 CHINA: WAP Mobile Phones in Shanghai Linked to Stock Exchanges.
      SHANGHAI, May 13 (Xinhua) - WAP mobile phones in this financial center of China have been linked to the country`s stock exchanges today, enabling phone users to trade stocks via the Internet and get timely information about the stock market.
      The business was established by the Shanghai Mobile Communications Corp and two other companies. On March 26, the corp. launched WAP on-line business on a trial basis and achieved good results.
      A company official said that from May 17, all WAP users in China can go on Net and may trade stocks after going through necessary procedures.
      (c) Copyright 2000 Xinhua News Agency.

      Source: XINHUA NEWS AGENCY BULLETIN C/C 2/00 13/05/2000


      schrieb am 13.05.00 20:49:29
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()

      Wer mit dem Privat-PC (windows) sicherer online sein will:

      Ein kostenloses und nachgewiesendermassen gutes Programm, dass einem erlaubt, nach aussen gehende Verbindungen angezeigt zu bekommen und entweder einmal oder fuer immer freizugeben. Auch kann man angeben, welches Programm als Server agieren kann und soll (Beispiel Napster oder gnutella) und welches nicht (trojaner) und verfuegt neuerdings auch ueber einen Email Check der vor Automatischer Ausfuehrung aktiver Inhalte (ILOVEYOU) warnt.
      Man kann davon ausgehen, dass Scriptkiddies die Chance, oeffentlich an aktive IPs zu kommen (IRC oder ICQ zB) auch nutzen, und dann mit dieser Hilfe die Ports des Windowsrechners zu scannen, um zu schauen,
      welche Dienste laufen, und ob man ggf eindringen kann. Bei erfolgreichem Eindringen kommt es dann schonmal vor, dass der Trojaner als Webserver agiert, und Horden von Scriptkiddies (sicher haben die Ahnung, nur liesse sich dieses Wissen doch nutzbringender einsetzen...daher der verballhornende Name) koennen komfortabel Inhalte der Festplatte lesen. Falsch freigegebene Partitionen sind zB ein Schlaraffenland. Daher macht es durchaus Sinn, ein bischen ueber Sicherheit nachzudenken.

      Was Hartcourt anging, wurden ja Bedenken geaussert, dass der chinesische Staat Einsicht in die Verschluesselungssoftware die bei UAC genutzt wird genommen hat, gluecklicherweise haben die Chinesen diese Bestimmung wieder gelockert - die Sicherheit des UAC Netzes ist schon allein deshalb gegeben, weil es nicht mit dem Internet verknuepft ist, sondern darueber nur Finanztransaktionen laufen
      (hier ist UAC/Sinobull Vorreiter) - und dazu eben noch verschluesselt. Dies ist auch ein Grund dafuer, dass die Behoerden das Online-Trading von UAC lizensiert haben - Mitbewerber, die dieselbe Idee ueber das Internet realisieren wollen, wurden negativ beschieden - Sinobull hat damit einen Vorsprung, der nicht zu leugnen ist.
      schrieb am 13.05.00 23:44:05
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Logo - klasse Tip - danke dir, hab mir das Programm mal runtergeladen.

      Kannst du mir noch verraten, wie die ideale Einstellung ist, um
      Zugriffe von außen zu verhindern, bzw. an was man erkennen kann, wenn jemand versucht, sich an seinem Computer zu schaffen macht !!!!

      ich hoffe du kannst mir noch etwas mehr zu "ZoneAlarm" erzählen

      UND: Hartcourt - ich hoffe das mir noch jemand welche zu 6,20 € verkauft, hab dort nochmal ein Abstauberlimit gesetzt.
      Hab zwar schon genügend Stück aus dem letzten Jahr, aber ich bin FEST
      davon überzeugt, das HRCT Ende des Jahres bei 50 $ + X steht !!!!

      schönes Wochenende noch

      schrieb am 14.05.00 11:50:30
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      hi goldenstock,
      folgende einstellungen sind m.e.sinnvoll (hab mit zonealarm auch gute erfahrungen gemacht):
      alerts: show the popup window= ja
      lock: automatic lock= ja; sowie high security + engage internet lock when screen-saver activates = ja
      security: local+internet = high
      programs: allow connect = local + internet = nein
      configure: on top during i-activity= ja; als startup = ja.............gruße dx :)

      ps. hi priestbroker, sofern du es noch nicht getan hast, schau dir mal deine tempi-files an und lösche den kram von dem rb-virus-posting. m.e. scheint es sich zwar nur um ein schleifenprogramm zu handeln, genaueres lässt sich aber leider nicht sagen da der quellcode nicht einsehbar ist (frontpage und alle anderen kac.en jedesmal ab.
      schrieb am 14.05.00 11:52:20
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      14May2000 CHINA: UPDATE 1-China punishes website for "spreading rumours".
      SHANGHAI, May 14 (Reuters) - China has punished a financial website for spreading rumours that damaged the government`s image as authorities announced further moves were under way to regulate news content on the unruly Internet.
      "China Finance Information Network downloaded and spread rumours that damaged the government`s image," the official Wenhui Daily newspaper quoted an announcement by the Wuhan Public Security Bureau as saying on Sunday.
      "The website has been suspended from service and was fined 15,000 yuan ($1,800)," it said.
      The announcement gave no further details. The web firm was not immediately available for comment.
      But an announcement posted on the home page of quoted police as saying the 15-day suspension was due to a Hong Kong newspaper article about corruption by a provincial official that it had posted in March.
      "An investigation by government authorities showed the news article was untrue and the website had trespassed on the underlying person`s reputation and affected foreign investment," the website announcement said. It did not elaborate on the foreign investment.
      The website, which has had some 13.6 million visitors since its launch in April 1999, is owned by Zhongcai Information Industry Co Ltd. It was not clear whether any foreign venture had capital invested in the Internet start-up.
      The booming Internet has posed a threat to China`s strict controls on media and news content, prompting authorities to rush to draw up controls on news dissemination.
      In April, China set up the Internet Information Management Bureau to regulate news on websites.
      In a separate report in the Liberation Daily on Sunday, the bureau`s chief Wang Qingcun was quoted as saying that China`s pending rules on Internet news content could limit their sourcing to authorised reports from domestic news agencies.
      "We require websites (that report their own news) to post news sourced from domestic media agencies under authorisation," Wang was quoted as saying in an interview.
      It was not clear how the censorship process would work. Wu said the new rules, which have been expected, were likely to be released by the end of June.
      China has clamped controls over the Internet to stop websites from "leaking state secrets" by requiring them to undergo security checks, official media have reported.
      Executives at privately owned websites have expressed concern over the ambiguous mandate of the cabinet-controlled bureau, which includes countering the "infiltration of harmful information on the Internet".
      Industry analysts have said controls on Internet content might dent the interest of Web surfers. Many information-hungry Chinese bored of sleepy state-owned news sites look for more rapid reports available on popular commercial sites.
      Last week, reports that China`s top foreign exchange official, Li Fuxiang, had died in mysterious circumstances surfaced on websites accessible by surfers on the mainland.
      Reports in Hong Kong media and on the Web have said Li, 47, committed suicide by leaping from an upper storey of a hospital.
      The Chinese government made no comment on the reports.
      ($1 = 8.28 yuan).
      (C) Reuters Limited 2000.



      schrieb am 14.05.00 11:57:00
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      China MII Official: Grow E-commerce

      [May 12, 2000--BEIJING] According to a senior Chinese official, the country`s Ministry of Information Industry (MII) is currently working hard to accelerate the growth of e-commerce in China, the May 10 Zhengquan Shibao (Securities Times) reported.

      MII Vice Minister Lu Xinkui made his remarks in an address to the 2000 Beijing High-Tech Industry Forum on May 9.

      Lu said the MII is pushing forward a series of model projects as part of its efforts to guide the development of e-commerce in China. He noted that over the past year, the State Information Technology Advancement Office has approved 17 experimental e-commerce projects, including the Jinyao e-commerce network, the Capital e-commerce project, the Shanghai municipal e-commerce project, the China Telecom Hunan e-commerce project, the Chinese postal service`s e-commerce system and the Wuhan Changjiang Data Communications Co.`s e-commerce platform project.

      According to the newspaper, Lu also said the MII must do a good job in carrying out three key tasks:

      1. Put effort into building China`s information infrastructure and into developing the sector`s Internet applications. Promote the Chinese telecom industry`s main line of business, which is changing from audio services to combined audio, data and imaging services. Popularize wired Internet connections, as well as the use of wireless access protocols.

      2. Accelerate the development of information technology (IT) in large enterprises and network development in small- and medium-size ones. Training and reform should be carried out step by step in developing IT in traditional enterprises. At the same time, e-commerce information exchange platforms should be built according to China`s current situation while also monitoring the international trend.

      3. Active support should be given to applying and developing e-commerce in important areas such as foreign trade, banking, telecommunications, postal services, aviation, the pharmaceutical sector, distribution and the manufacturing sector.

      Copyright China Online, LLC, 2000. All Rights Reserved. For more information, please visit our Website at


      schrieb am 14.05.00 11:58:27
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      hallo hollin :)
      danke für die mittags-lektüre :)
      grüße dexter
      schrieb am 14.05.00 13:58:45
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      Tempi-Files ????????

      Dexter - kannst du mich diesbezüglich mal kurz aufklären, wie
      findet man diese, bzw. wie/wo kann man diese betrachten ???


      schrieb am 14.05.00 14:33:03
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      Hallo Jungs.
      Ich bin nach wie vor überzeugt von Hartcourt (Unterstützung kommt ebenso von anderen HRCT-Anlegern).Ich werde demnächst um weitere 1000 Stück aufstocken.Ich bin seit August letzten Jahres dabei und habe die 10000`er Scheine nur so an mir vorbeifliegen lassen. Juckt mich aber nicht.Cool bleiben.Fundamental hat sich nichts geändert.Ich realisiere die Gewinne erst, wenn sie steuerfrei sind. Und dann auch nur teilweise. Ein Rest muß immer bleiben ,damit sich der nächste Wunsch (Appartment in Perth) entwickeln kann.
      Tschüssi aus Australien
      schrieb am 14.05.00 14:46:08
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      hallo goldenstock,
      es ist weniger spektakulär als es sich anhört : die dateien deines computers (ich nehm´mal an win98 oder 95) sind einzusehen mittels windows-explorer (zumeist unter: C:WINDOWSEXPLORER.EXE ). Tempi-dateien sind kurz gefasst temporäre internetdateien die dein browser abspeichert. diese dateien befinden sich zumeist hier: „C:WINDOWSTemporary Internet Files“. falls du die konkreten rb-„virus“daten nicht lange suchen möchtest, stellst du in der suchoption des win-explorer die suchoption so ein , dass dir alle neuerstellten dateien vom 13.05. angezeigt werden sollen. dateinamen die cash oder aol/member enthalten dann unter die lupe nehmen und ggf löschen.

      gruß dexter
      ps. falls du noch fragen haben solltest, schick mir `ne nachricht in den wo:briefkasten bin ab 2200h wieder da
      schrieb am 14.05.00 23:41:17
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      15May2000 AUSTRALIA: News - International News - China wary of potential.

      Within five years, according to one of China`s Internet entrepreneurs, there could be as many as half a billion Chinese online - twice the entire population of the United States.
      King Lai, chief executive of, believes e-commerce in China has almost unlimited potential. He is one of a growing band of entrepreneurs recently dubbed the "dot.communists".
      "We believe that in five years there could be 500million people online in China," he told a conference on emerging markets in Shanghai a few days ago.
      For now, the price of hardware and access is beyond the means of the average Chinese worker. Mr Lai believes the costs of both will come down quickly.
      In the not-too-distant future, he thinks a mobile phone with Internet capability will cost as little as US$50 ($A85) in China.
      One of the big problems lies with its Internet infrastructure. There are not enough telephone lines and state-sanctioned service providers are unable to keep up with demand.
      In 1995, there were an estimated 15,000 users. Last year, that number reached 8.9million. Estimates for April this year say there are now between 13million and 15million.
      For the moment, China is second only to Japan in terms of the number of Asian Internet subscribers. It is expected to overtake it within three to five years.
      China`s government "is both energised by this and frightened to death by it", according to Dow-Jones vice-president in China, Mr James McGregor. It has recently tried to place bars on international news sites, but is unlikely to be able to regulate the Internet`s expansion.
      Wang Juntao, one of China`s most successful "netrepreneurs", said: "With the Internet, Chinese can create closer contacts with the rest of the world."
      Jack Ma, founder of, said China was behind the rest of the world in e-commerce, but not too far: "If you look at e-commerce as a long distance race, the US has covered 100 metres and China has covered 10 metres. But the leader will not necessarily be the winner."
      Copyright John Fairfax Holdings Limited 2000. Not available for re-dissemination.

      Source: AGE (MELBOURNE) 15/05/2000 P11


      schrieb am 15.05.00 09:43:56
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      Guten Morgen! :)

      15May2000 CHINA: China prods bank, brokerage listings as WTO looms.
      SHANGHAI - China is drafting rules on the listing of financial institutions, including banks, securities firms and insurance companies, official media said on Friday.
      Rules for information disclosure needed to be improved in order to allow financial firms to list, the Shanghai Securities News quoted Zhou Xiaochuan, chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, as saying.
      Analysts say moves to allow such listings appear to be gathering pace, spurred by a need to strengthen Chinese firms for competition expected with the country`s pending entry to the WTO. china has only two small banks listed on its domestic stock markets and no brokerages or insurers, although the government said last year it would consider allowing brokerages and insurers to list.
      China would approve more financial institutions to list at home and abroad once the rules were completed, Zhou said.
      "Along with the development of China`s securities market, it is necessary to allow financial institutions to issue and list shares," he said.
      "But financial enterprises are different from companies in other industries. As a result, it is necessary to improve the established rules on information disclosure, adding some special guidelines," Zhou said.
      Financial firms would be required to fully disclose the quality of their assets, including their handling of bad debts, Zhou said. They must also disclose risk-related actions which might lead to changes in their financial status.
      Those applying for listing must employ experienced domestic intermediaries to audit their financial books and conduct training, Zhou said. In some cases, experienced foreign auditors could also be invited, he said.
      Industry sources said the government had convened a series of meetings on the topic since the start of the year, apparently quickening the pace to prepare for such listings.
      "Zhou`s remarks are another sign that the government is eager to list major banks and other financial institutions because of expected growing competition after China joins the WTO," said Zhen Weigang, an analyst at Shanghai Finance Securities.
      China`s only listed banks are Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Shenzhen Development Bank.
      There have been calls for China`s big four banks - the Bank of China, Construction Bank and Agricultural Bank and Industrial and Commerical Bank (ICBC) - to list to prepare for World Trade Organisation membership.
      Entry to the global trade body will require China to open gradually its tightly controlled banking market to foreign competition.
      "Major banks would like to expand capital and improve their management through going public," said an official at ICBC.
      "But the government seems still cautious and demands more preparations due to worries over possible erosion of state assets," said the official, who declined to be named.
      Bankers said the banks would need to make operations conform to international standards if they went public, including making proper provisions for bad debts.
      Several Chinese insurance firms have said they plan to list shares on the domestic markets, including China Pacific Insurance Co, Pingan Insurance Co, Tianan Insurance Co and Dazhong Insurance Co.
      None of China`s major securities houses have revealed plans for a share listing but industry sources said Citic Securities, Haitong Securities and Xiangcai Securities were considering doing so.
      Copyright China Securities Bulletin.

      Source: CHINA SECURITIES BULLETIN 15/05/2000


      schrieb am 15.05.00 10:13:21
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      Guten Morgen Hollin! :)
      schrieb am 15.05.00 11:29:53
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      Guten Morgen, dexter! :)

      15May2000 CHINA: China will seinen Markt weiter öffnen Auch Dienstleistungssektor betroffen.
      Von unserem Korrespondenten und OTTO MANN.
      WTO-Beitritt. Die festgefahrenen Verhandlungen zwischen der Volksrepublik und der EU werden in den nächsten Tagen fortgesetzt.

      PEKING. Der chinesische Ministerpräsident Zhu Rongji hat die weitere Öffnung der chinesischen Märkte versprochen. Auf einem derzeit in Shanghai tagenden Wirtschaftsforum der Asien-Gesellschaft mit über 1000 Geschäftsleuten aus dem In-und Ausland sowie einheimischen Offiziellen und Akademikern sagte der Premier ausländischen Investoren den leichteren Zugang zu den Bereichen Energie, Transport, Telekommunikation um Umweltschutz zu. Von besonderem Interesse für internationale Anleger: Zhu Rongji versprach auch, den bisher stark abgeschotteten Dienstleistungssektor weiter zu liberalisieren. Damit kam er den Forderungen multinationaler Konzerne entgegen, das Bankwesen, die Versicherungen, den Tourismus und den Binnen-und Außenhandel auch ausländischen Interessenten zu öffnen. Beobachter werteten die Äußerungen des reformorientierten Regierungschefs auch als Kompromiß gegenüber den Bedingungen, die Europa für den Beitritt Chinas zur Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) stellt. Obwohl sich Peking bereits im November vergangenen Jahres mit Washington über die Beitrittsbedingungen geeinigt hatte, ist bei den Verhandlungen mit der Europäischen Union noch immer kein Durchbruch erzielt worden. Sie sollen in der kommenden Woche in Peking fortgesetzt werden. Zhu Rongji kündigte in Shanghai an, daß sein Land in den kommenden zehn Jahren Güter im Wert von 2000 Mrd. Dollar importieren werde. Der anwachsende Lebensstandard und die Zunahme der Kaufkraft sowie der Ausbau der Infrastruktur und die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung der Westgebiete ermöglichten und erforderten hohe Einfuhren: "Die kommenden enormen Geschäftsmöglichkeiten sind nicht nur für chinesische Unternehmer da, sondern auch für weitsichtige und mutige Geschäftsleute in der ganzen Welt." Nach Angaben des Regierungschefs werden die Anlageinvestitionen in den kommenden Jahren um jährlich zehn Prozent steigen und ein Wachstum der gesamten Wirtschaft von jährlich sieben Prozent ermöglichen.

      Kritik an Bürokratie

      Für die Umstrukturierung und Sanierung der Staatsbetriebe werde noch mehr Auslandskapital benötigt als bisher. Um das Investitionsklima zu verbessern, würde die Wirtschaftsgesetzgebung den Bedingungen der WTO angepasst, sicherte Zhu zu. Die ausländischen Teilnehmer sprachen sich durchweg für den baldigen WTO-Beitritt Chinas aus, übten aber auch Kritik an den Hürden und der Bürokratie, die internationalen Anlegern das Leben schwer machen. Nicholas Platt, Präsident der Asiatischen Gesellschaft, forderte die Umstellung der Wirtschaft auf eine WTO-konforme Praxis. China müsse sein Wirtschaftsmanagement "völlig umstellen, um international wettbewerbsfähig zu werden". Er verlangte von der Regierung auch unzweideutige und transparente Entscheidungen für die Teilnahme ausländischer Unternehmen am Internet-Geschäft. Auf einer Pressekonferenz am Rande des Forums sagte er, es gebe bisher keine klaren Regeln für ausländische Investitionen in diesen Wachstumszweig. Damit drohe die Gefahr, daß ausländische Anbieter nach Singapur, Malaysia und in andere Staaten abwandern. Auch die mangelnde Transparenz, die oft fehlerhafte Buchhaltung und die Korruption seien mit einem gesunden Geschäftsklima nicht zu vereinbaren. Platt empfahl der Führung weitere Kompromisse bei der Marktöffnung und mehr Anreize für ausländische Anleger. Nach seinem Beitritt zur WTO müsse China "in anderer Weise" am Wettbewerb teilnehmen, sagte er. Wirkliche Fortschritte seien nur durch mehr Rechtsstaatlichkeit zu erreichen, die "ein grundlegendes Element eines gesunden Geschäftsklimas" sei. EU-Handelskommissar Pascal Lamy reist demnächst nach Peking, um die Verhandlungen über den WTO-Beitritt Chinas fortzusetzen. Die Gespräche hatten bisher zu keinem Ergebnis geführt, da China nicht bereit war, auf EU-Forderungen nach Öffnung der Märkte einzugehen.

      Source: DIE PRESSE 15/05/2000


      schrieb am 15.05.00 13:24:11
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      hallo hollin,dexter:)
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      delayed 20 mins - disclaimer

      Monday May 15, 7:01 am Eastern Time
      Company Press Release
      Hartcourt Announces Selection of to Deliver Chinese Sports Video and Audio Over the Internet
      LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 15, 2000--The Hartcourt Cos. Inc. (OTC:HRCT - news; Frankfurt:HCT) ( today announced that its subsidiary,, has been selected by Chinese Sports Syndicating Co. Ltd. to provide streaming media service to sports fans on the Internet., the leading service provider for Internet audio and video delivery solutions in China, will use its streaming technology to enable sports fans and members of the Chinese Sports Program Syndicating Co. Ltd. (CSS), an online Chinese sports portal, to view and listen to Asian sports and news programs online at

      CSS is a high-profile player in the sports online media market in China.

      ``This is an important and sizable contract win for and further contributes to our recognition as the No. 1 provider of streaming video and audio in the Greater China marketplace,`` said Patrick Kwan, president of

      About provides Web-site owners and content publishers with services for the delivery or ``streaming`` of live and on-demand video and audio content over the Internet. is a wholly owned subsidiary of and is responsible for the design, operation and maintenance of`s Web site. was launched on March 1, 2000, and, despite minimal advertising, is currently averaging over 1.6 million page hits per day, placing it in the top 20 Web sites in China. Hartcourt owns approximately 48 percent of

      About Hartcourt

      The Hartcourt Cos. Inc. is a holding and development company that is building a network of Internet and telecommunication service companies in the People`s Republic of China, including Hong Kong, in partnership with young Chinese entrepreneurs as well as Chinese government-owned entities. Its mission is to become one of the leading Internet and broadband wireless companies in Asia.

      It recently participated in the launch of a comprehensive financial Web-site portal called Sinobull was developed to deliver real-time quotes, charts, research and analysis as well as other collateral information regarding stocks, bonds, currencies and commodities trading on Chinese and other Asian-based markets.

      A second major joint venture with Beijing-based Innostar HiTech Enterprises is preparing to start a national Internet service provider and IP phone service in China utilizing satellite for wireless data and voice transmission to computers, mobile phones, PDAs, pagers and cable-television set-top boxes. Detailed information on Hartcourt can be obtained via the company`s Web site,

      Forward-looking statements

      This news release includes forward-looking statements, which depend on circumstances that may or may not occur, including the performance of the companies now held, the acquisition and performance of new companies, and other factors listed in the company`s Form 10K for the period ending Dec. 31, 2000. Changes in these factors could alter the company`s financial performance and future prospects.

      The Financial Relations Board Inc. serves as financial-relations counsel to this company and is acting on the company`s behalf in issuing this bulletin and receiving compensation therefor. The information contained herein is furnished for information purposes only and is not to be construed as an offer to buy or sell securities.


      The Hartcourt Cos. Inc., Los Angeles
      Dr. Alan Phan, 310/410-7290
      The Financial Relations Board Inc., Los Angeles
      Morgan Fry, 310/442-0599 (general information)
      Kristen Kopay, 310/442-0599 (investors/analysts)
      Ashley Piggot, 310/442-0599 (media)

      gruß panik
      schrieb am 15.05.00 13:31:19
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      Hab´s auch gerade beim `stürmenden Bullen` gelesen ... bin mal gespannt wie weit der Kurs daraufhin heute von den MMs gedrückt wird ...

      (für alle die´s nicht verstehen: Sarkasmus läßt grüßen)

      schrieb am 15.05.00 13:57:27
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      Hallo panik! :)

      Hier zur Information zwei interessante Artikel über China Sports Programme Syndicating (CSS):

      31Jan2000 CHINA: Global Tech moves into sports on Net.
      By HUI YUK-MIN.
      Mobile-phone distributor Global Tech (Holdings) is to acquire a majority stake in a Chinese sports Internet company valued at $100 million, according to market sources.
      The company, China Sports Programme Syndicating (CSS), is a 50-50 joint venture between sports broadcaster Lawrence Lo and South China Athletics Association chairman Albert Hung Cho-hong.
      Global Tech plans to acquire about 51 per cent of the company from the founders to tap the lucrative Chinese sports-related e-commerce market.
      Sources said Global Tech had reached an acquisition agreement with Mr Lo and Mr Hung late last week.
      The actual price of the stake had yet to be finalised.
      Mr Lo said previously CSS was worth up to $100 million.
      This would mean Global Tech could be forced to pay more than $50 million.
      The main businesses of CSS include a Web site, a television network, programme distribution, event promotion and sports management, and merchandising and licensing.
      CSS is expected to launch the first Chinese-language Internet and TV network next month, delivering comprehensive, real-time sports information for the Greater China region and for overseas.
      Supported by the All China Sports Confederation, under the State Council, CSS has been granted an eight-year operating licence for a countrywide sports network.
      Transmission will be through China Education TV, one of only two TV networks covering the mainland.
      China Sports Film and Television CSS will plan and produce mainland sports-related programming.
      CSS will initially focus on developing its Web site and television network.
      The company has estimated the portal can attract 20 million and 30 million viewers during the first year, which will provide the major driving force for the company`s growth, adding synergy to its mobile phone business.

      Sources:SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST 31/01/2000

      21Jan2000 CHINA: VGI to rep first Chinese-language TV/Internet network.
      By Alfred Hille.
      ATV`s ex-senior VP of marketing and sales, Victor Sze, has teamed up with media professional David Chui and sports expert Lawrence Lo to form VGI Media Representation, to represent China Sports Broadcasting Network (CSBN). CSBN is the first Chinese-language television and Internet network tailor-made to deliver comprehensive and real-time sports information to Chinese audiences in Greater China and overseas.
      Meanwhile, Chinese Sports Program Syndicating, which is run by Mr Lo, and China Sports Film & Television will together plan and execute the planning and production of all CSBN programmes.
      Mr Sze, who holds the position of director at VGI, said programming will consist of mainly Chinese content, with the addition of major sporting events from around the world. An attempt will also be made to mix in a cultural element, he added.
      "We would be targeting a niche market if we just covered sports and nothing else. So what we want to do is to profile various Chinese athletes; where they came from, how they grew up, how they train," Mr Sze told MEDIA.
      In this way, he said, he hoped to enlarge the target market and get people from all walks of life interested, from youngsters to 40-year-olds.
      CSBN transmits its TV programmes via China Education Television channel one.
      The nationwide broadcast is made possible with satellite signals uplinking by Apstar-1A, which is then retransmitted through more than 30 terrestrial provincial television stations and 300 city cable TV stations.
      CSBN was set up in the middle of last year, and Mr Sze said that a relaunch with new programming would take place in February.
      (c) Media 2000.

      Sources:MEDIA MAGAZINE 21/01/2000


      schrieb am 15.05.00 14:05:44
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      Heute sollen doch die Zahlen bekannt gegeben werden.
      Kann jemand eine Zeit angeben???
      schrieb am 15.05.00 14:21:35
      Dieser Beitrag wurde vom System automatisch gesperrt. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an
      schrieb am 15.05.00 15:26:56
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      es gibt ein neues SEC-Filing (10QSB). Da dürften die Zahlen drin sein die heute veröffentlicht werden sollen. Habe es selber bis jetzt leider noch nicht gesehen. Im Raging Bull spricht man jedoch 0.06 cent PROFIT im letzten Quartal pro Share....
      schrieb am 15.05.00 15:28:34
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      15.5.00 15:05 Uhr


      Industrieproduktion April: + 0.9% (Prognose: + 0.5%)
      Kapazitätsauslastung April: 82.1% (81.6%)
      schrieb am 15.05.00 15:36:23
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      10QSB-Filing of Hartcourt from today:

      WASHINGTON, DC 20549

      FORM 10-QSB


      For the quarterly period ended: March 31, 2000


      For the transition period from ______________ to _______________

      Commission File Number: 001-12671

      The Hartcourt Companies, Inc.
      (Exact name of small business issuer as specified in its charter)

      (State or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization)

      (IRS Employer Identification No.)

      9800 Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 818, Los
      Angeles California 90045 (Address
      of principal executive offices)

      (310) 410-7290
      (Issuer`s telephone number)

      Check whether the issuer (1) filed all reports required to be filed by Section
      13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act during the past 12 months (or for such shorter
      period that the restraint was required to file such reports), and (2) has been
      subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days: Yes [ X ] No [ ].

      As of March 31, 2000, The Hartcourt Companies, Inc. had 27,562,584 shares of
      Common Stock Outstanding.

      Transitional Small Business Disclosure Format (check one):

      Yes [ ] No [ X ]


      Report on Form 10-QSB
      For quarter ended
      March 31, 2000


      Item 1. Financial Statements

      Consolidated Balance Sheets at March 31, 2000
      (Unaudited) and December 31, 1999 .....................

      Consolidated Statements of Operations for the
      Three months ended March 31, 2000 and 1999
      (Unaudited) ...........................................

      Consolidated Statements of Shareholder` Equity for
      the Three Months ended March 31, 2000 (Unaudited) .....

      Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the
      Three months ended March 31, 2000 and 1999
      (Unaudited) ...........................................

      Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements ........

      Item 2. Management`s Discussion and Analysis of Financial
      Condition And results of Operations ...................


      Item 1. Legal Proceedings .....................................

      Item 2. Changes in Securities .................................

      Item 3. Defaults upon Senior Securities .......................

      Item 4. Submission of Matters to Vote of Security Holders .....

      Item 5. Other Information .....................................

      Item 6. Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K ......................

      Signatures ......................................................



      Part I
      Item 1

      March 31, December 31,
      2000 1999
      -------------- ----------------


      Current assets:
      Cash and cash equivalents $ 1,366,654 $ 331,057
      Accounts receivable 62,732 37,626
      Inventory 132,527 127,091
      Notes receivable 228,800 228,800
      Prepaid expenses and other 81,431 129,114
      Due from related parties 1,422,641 108,222
      -------------- ----------------

      Total current assets 3,294,785 961,910
      -------------- ----------------

      Property and equipment, net 817,209 815,085

      Investments 5,512,993 5,554,644

      Intangibles, net 2,149,468 2,206,033
      -------------- ----------------

      Total assets $ 11,774,455 $ 9,537,672
      -------------- ----------------


      Current liabilities:
      Accounts payable $ 119,676 $ 152,709
      Deferred revenue 89,572 78,477
      Notes payable - current portion 547,088 649,998
      Accrued expenses and other current liabilities 734,404 4,073,504
      Payables to related parties 2,444,246 2,457,497
      -------------- ---------------

      Total current liabilities 3,934,986 7,412,185

      Notes payable, net of current portion 597,375 608,184
      -------------- ---------------

      Total liabilities 4,532,361 8,020,369
      -------------- ---------------

      Commitments and Contingencies

      Minority Interest 592,332 661,634


      March 31, December 31,
      2000 1999
      -------------- ----------------
      Shareholders` Equity
      Preferred Stock:
      Original preferred stock, $0.01 par value, 1,000
      authorized, issued and outstanding 10 10
      Common stock, $0.001 par value, 50,000,000 shares
      authorized; 27,562,584 shares and 23,832,152 shares issued
      and outstanding at March 31, 2000 and December 31, 1999 27,563 23,833
      Stock subscription receivable (1,000,000) -
      Treasury stock, at cost (1,778,916 and 1,524,364
      shares at March 31, 2000 and December 31, 1999) (1,918,634) (1,680,928)
      Additional paid-in capital 47,595,067 38,895,860
      Accumulated deficit (38,054,244) (36,383,106)
      -------------- ----------------

      Total shareholders` equity 6,649,762 855,669
      -------------- ----------------

      Total liabilities and shareholders` equity $ 11,774,455 $ 9,537,672
      -------------- ----------------


      See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


      Three Months Ended December 31,
      2000 1999
      ----------------- -----------------
      Net sales $ 348,228 $ -

      Cost of sales 116,541 -
      ----------------- -----------------
      Gross profit 231,687 -
      ----------------- -----------------
      Operating expenses
      Selling, general and administrative 1,804,237 241,775
      Depreciation and amortization 105,228 -
      ----------------- -----------------
      Total operating expenses 1,909,465 241,775
      ----------------- -----------------
      Loss from operations (1,677,778) (241,775)

      Other income (expense):
      Equity in earnings of affiliate (41,651) -
      Interest expense (38,249) -
      Interest income 8,231 20,095
      Other expense
      schrieb am 15.05.00 15:37:43
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      Here is the 10QSB...

      WASHINGTON, DC 20549

      FORM 10-QSB


      For the quarterly period ended: March 31, 2000


      For the transition period from ______________ to _______________

      Commission File Number: 001-12671

      The Hartcourt Companies, Inc.
      (Exact name of small business issuer as specified in its charter)

      (State or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization)

      (IRS Employer Identification No.)

      9800 Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 818, Los
      Angeles California 90045 (Address
      of principal executive offices)

      (310) 410-7290
      (Issuer`s telephone number)

      Check whether the issuer (1) filed all reports required to be filed by Section
      13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act during the past 12 months (or for such shorter
      period that the restraint was required to file such reports), and (2) has been
      subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days: Yes [ X ] No [ ].

      As of March 31, 2000, The Hartcourt Companies, Inc. had 27,562,584 shares of
      Common Stock Outstanding.

      Transitional Small Business Disclosure Format (check one):

      Yes [ ] No [ X ]


      Report on Form 10-QSB
      For quarter ended
      March 31, 2000


      Item 1. Financial Statements

      Consolidated Balance Sheets at March 31, 2000
      (Unaudited) and December 31, 1999 .....................

      Consolidated Statements of Operations for the
      Three months ended March 31, 2000 and 1999
      (Unaudited) ...........................................

      Consolidated Statements of Shareholder` Equity for
      the Three Months ended March 31, 2000 (Unaudited) .....

      Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the
      Three months ended March 31, 2000 and 1999
      (Unaudited) ...........................................

      Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements ........

      Item 2. Management`s Discussion and Analysis of Financial
      Condition And results of Operations ...................


      Item 1. Legal Proceedings .....................................

      Item 2. Changes in Securities .................................

      Item 3. Defaults upon Senior Securities .......................

      Item 4. Submission of Matters to Vote of Security Holders .....

      Item 5. Other Information .....................................

      Item 6. Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K ......................

      Signatures ......................................................



      Part I
      Item 1

      March 31, December 31,
      2000 1999
      -------------- ----------------


      Current assets:
      Cash and cash equivalents $ 1,366,654 $ 331,057
      Accounts receivable 62,732 37,626
      Inventory 132,527 127,091
      Notes receivable 228,800 228,800
      Prepaid expenses and other 81,431 129,114
      Due from related parties 1,422,641 108,222
      -------------- ----------------

      Total current assets 3,294,785 961,910
      -------------- ----------------

      Property and equipment, net 817,209 815,085

      Investments 5,512,993 5,554,644

      Intangibles, net 2,149,468 2,206,033
      -------------- ----------------

      Total assets $ 11,774,455 $ 9,537,672
      -------------- ----------------


      Current liabilities:
      Accounts payable $ 119,676 $ 152,709
      Deferred revenue 89,572 78,477
      Notes payable - current portion 547,088 649,998
      Accrued expenses and other current liabilities 734,404 4,073,504
      Payables to related parties 2,444,246 2,457,497
      -------------- ---------------

      Total current liabilities 3,934,986 7,412,185

      Notes payable, net of current portion 597,375 608,184
      -------------- ---------------

      Total liabilities 4,532,361 8,020,369
      -------------- ---------------

      Commitments and Contingencies

      Minority Interest 592,332 661,634


      March 31, December 31,
      2000 1999
      -------------- ----------------
      Shareholders` Equity
      Preferred Stock:
      Original preferred stock, $0.01 par value, 1,000
      authorized, issued and outstanding 10 10
      Common stock, $0.001 par value, 50,000,000 shares
      authorized; 27,562,584 shares and 23,832,152 shares issued
      and outstanding at March 31, 2000 and December 31, 1999 27,563 23,833
      Stock subscription receivable (1,000,000) -
      Treasury stock, at cost (1,778,916 and 1,524,364
      shares at March 31, 2000 and December 31, 1999) (1,918,634) (1,680,928)
      Additional paid-in capital 47,595,067 38,895,860
      Accumulated deficit (38,054,244) (36,383,106)
      -------------- ----------------

      Total shareholders` equity 6,649,762 855,669
      -------------- ----------------

      Total liabilities and shareholders` equity $ 11,774,455 $ 9,537,672
      -------------- ----------------


      See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


      Three Months Ended December 31,
      2000 1999
      ----------------- -----------------
      Net sales $ 348,228 $ -

      Cost of sales 116,541 -
      ----------------- -----------------
      Gross profit 231,687 -
      ----------------- -----------------
      Operating expenses
      Selling, general and administrative 1,804,237 241,775
      Depreciation and amortization 105,228 -
      ----------------- -----------------
      Total operating expenses 1,909,465 241,775
      ----------------- -----------------
      Loss from operations (1,677,778) (241,775)

      Other income (expense):
      Equity in earnings of affiliate (41,651) -
      Interest expense (38,249) -
      Interest income 8,231 20,095
      Other expense
      gruß panik:)
      schrieb am 15.05.00 17:16:41
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      By: hrctweb
      Reply To: 65623 by Asian2000 Monday, 15 May 2000 at 11:15 AM EDT
      Post # of 65634

      Hartcourt has been a fully reporting company, continually filing on time, per SEC regulations. Just to let you know, in the past we have filed for a 15 day extension which is in full compliance to SEC regulations. In past when we were a smaller company, it would not be an uncommon occurance for similar sized companies. For our Form 10K, while it was not our intention to request the 15 day extension, the transition to BDO, and reconfirmation of each piece of financial data was time consuming, but a necessary point for when a new client in taken aboard, particularly with all our foreign financial information (which is even that more time consuming, due to time-zone related delays, and different accounting prictices). For the future, Hartcourt feels it has overcome all the initial transition difficulties, such that it does not foresee future need for extension, unless of course there is a late in the quarter acquisition or financial transaction. Please note, Hartcourt has continued to be fully reporting when the OTC BB has not had that requirement of listed companies. Hartcourt fully continues operating in compliance with a NASDAQ NMS listing expected.

      (webmaster for The Hartcourt Companies)

      grüße dexter :)
      schrieb am 15.05.00 17:21:47
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      SinoBull Business Report

      SinoBull, the Company:
      The SinoBull Group aims to be a premier e-commerce network service provider, providing financial information and related technology services to investors and financial institutions in Greater China, offering users a one-stop convenient gateway to all their financial transaction needs. In the immediate future, the SinoBull Group will provide the following services in order to build up strengthen its foundation for business to business and e-commerce network services:
      a. Financial Portals
      Development of content-rich financial portals offering timely and relevant financial content, and investment analysis tools to assist users in formulating their investment strategies and monitoring their investment activities.
      b. On-line Trading
      Providing a secure and efficient telecommunications platform for financial institutions to execute their customer investment transactions.
      c. Data Broadcasting
      A convenient means of receiving timely and relevant financial content, and investment analysis tools, via computers, television sets, mobile phones and paging services, to assist users in formulating their investment strategies and monitoring their investment activities
      d. Financial solutions and services
      A wide range of financial information technology services and solutions to cater to the varied needs of a wide audience of clients and users.

      The Internet Population:
      The Internet is a global network of interconnected, separately administered public and private computer networks that enables commercial organizations, financial institutions, government agencies, educational institutions and individuals to communicate, access and share information, and conduct business remotely.
      Use of the Internet has increased rapidly since early 1990s. International Data Corporation ("IDC") estimates that the number of Internet users worldwide will grow from approximately 155.6 million at the end of 1998 to approximately 526 million by the end of 2003. Asian Internet growth is projected to be equally strong, as IDC forecasts that the number of Asian (including Japan) Internet users will increase from approximately 24 million users to approximately 155 million users during the same period.
      Another research house, Goldman Sachs Investment Research, has used the methodology of differentiating between Internet users and ISP accounts in its estimation of the size of Internet users in the 13 Asia/Pacific counties. It has adopted the concept that there are often multiple users for one ISP account. Based on this, it estimated that Internet users in the 13 Asia/Pacific countries to be some 28.8 million for 1999 and some 202.1 million for 2003E.
      Within Asia, which accounts for almost 50% of the world`s population, China accounts for potentially the largest Internet market (40%) with some 80.5 million Internet users estimated for 2003. This represents an estimated penetration rate of 6% - a huge market potential to grow. In Hong Kong, the 1999 Internet penetration rate is estimated at 14%, which is projected to grow to some 38% by 2003. This rapid growth in the popularity of the Internet is due in large part to continued government encouragement for businesses to become Internet enabled and its promotion to adopt Internet usage in homes and educational establishments in the new millennium.
      (Source: Goldman Sachs Investment Research, "Asia Internet - GS AsiaWeb", 14 October 1999)
      a. The Stock Market
      PRC: With the increased activities in the SZSE (Shenzhen Stock Exchange) and the SHSE (Shanghai Stock Exchange) during the 1990`s, the number of securities firms and investors grew significantly, creating ample opportunities for financial news and services portals. The following chart sets out the trading activities in the SHSE and the SZSE and the number of investors for the past 5 years.
      (Sources: China Securities - Futures Statistical Yearbook and China Securities News)
      Hong Kong: In the 1990`s, the total market capitalization of companies listed on the SEHK (Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Ltd.) increased substantially due to the increased number of local and PRC company listings in Hong Kong, and the general increase in stock prices. The average turnover per trading day on the SEHK peaked in 1999 being about HK$7.8 billion. In the last few years, the average daily turnover on the SEHK has increased significantly, along with the rise in market capitalization. The chart below sets out the average daily turnover for the calendar years from 1989 to 1999.
      (Sources: Stock Exchange Factbook 1999/web site of the Stock Exchange)
      b. The Need for an On-line Financial Information Services
      The flow of financial information has traditionally been well-guarded, making it a difficult task for an average investor to make well-informed decisions independently. With the emergence and acceptance of the Internet, which allows effective exchange of information through an open medium, this has changed the way the business and financial information is delivered or accessed by researchers or general users. There are increasingly more financial-oriented Internet sites and on-line financial information providing services existed in the market. These Internet financial and business information services are uniquely suited to provide on-line traders with essential information, since print media cannot offer real-time data while broadcasters offer limited depth of content. Many analysts believe that the Internet has substantially stimulated the recent surge in trading activities. In view of this, financial portals are growing in popularity because they enable users to make well-informed financial choices by aggregating an abundance of content on an array of topics in an organized, easy-to-research and read format. Financial portals offer their users what might best be described as "empowerment" through knowledge. They provide users with objective, "best-of-breed" services versus portals maintained by individual financial firms that have a more vested interest in a given site`s content.

      On-line Trading Sector in the PRC (People`s Republic of China):
      China has made a great stride forward in the development of its securities industry. For the past 10 years, China has established two stock exchanges operating nationwide in Shenzhen and Shanghai. In the meantime, an unprecedented number of securities firms have been established, with the number of investors growing to more than 42 million. A combined total of more than 900 companies have been listed on the two exchanges, with a total capitalization of over $2,700 billion. The industry has become more the center of attention owing to its continuous pursuit of making practical use of advanced technology. As distinct from other industries, the industry has established a WAN that can provide financial institutions with real-time financial information nationwide. All dealing departments in securities firms have also set up some more stable and reliable LAN, through which investors can keep money in their own accounts, thus avoiding the risk of making transfers from bank accounts for payment, etc. This has been backed by a group of firmly-founded system integrators and software providers, which provide the support that would upgrade systems to suit new demands and operational changes.
      The main focus of future development will be on securities transactions commissioned on-line. One way to accomplish this will be having the dealing department in a securities firm to directly connect itself to the Internet, through which clients may directly place orders, make inquiries, and collect real-time financial information about the stock market, transaction returns, etc. on the department`s web-site, with each firm providing their own interpretations for security implementations. The other possible way for connecting to a secure on-line medium for financial services is by private ISP or Intranet provider to a web-based solution. In this way, investors may place orders and collect real-time information via the provider`s web-site, yet still through a private ISP/Intranet. While the dealing departments of securities firms are the one most committed and enthusiastic about undertaking transactions on-line, often they lack the expertise to create an in-house on-line solution. Currently, most of the securities firms in China support the initiative to conduct transactions on-line and are investigating solutions to enable the additional services to meet the increasing demand.
      Nevertheless, although the rising demand for network and electronic services has provided on-line service providers in China with many business opportunities, these have been exceeded by some embarrassing dilemmas which, in effect, have disappointed many businesses looking for solutions. The problem is, they have not met with the sort of quick gains they had hoped for in the first place, because of:
      a. High costs
      Small investors are the ones who can gain most from conducting transactions on line. However, the high costs involved in making connection, including communication charges, initial investment in equipment and access charges, have deterred many investors from adopting this method. Given the present lackluster conditions of the domestic economy and stock market, if investors are to consider also the stamp duties and other transaction charges involved, it is not surprising that they will be deterred from adopting the on-line method.
      b. Slow speed
      The speed of China`s existing networks still goes too slow. The speed of announcing market quotations and information on the Internet lags far behind a dealing department. Should there be any mishap with the connection, one may have to take as long as more than a few minutes to get connected. The greatest hidden trouble is, the lines may be jammed when connection is at its peak.
      c. Network security
      The risk of concluding transactions through the Internet is greater than that through a dealing department. More intermediate linkages are involved in the former, which increase the likelihood for problems to occur. The fundamental issues are the stability of connection and the reliability, confidentiality, etc. of the transmission of messages.
      d. Knowledge of clients
      The popularity of computer and how knowledgeable investors are about computer affect the prevalence of making transactions on line. The number of investors who would trade on-line obviously varies with the number of people using the Internet. Although the latest statistics show that there are now more than 8 million Internet users in China, they are mainly found in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. The fraction of people who do make transactions on line are too little to make any statistics possible.
      e. Little information that is of some value
      Overall, the Internet provides very little useful financial information, such as that of the economy and of listed companies, that is of some value to investors. In theory, the Internet should provide investors with easy access to information varying from long-term macro-economic and stock market trends of a country or even the whole world to some current information about a stock (including the results of various analyses and researches and the figures announced) and a specific board of a stock market. The supply of this sort of services in China is far too little to meet current demand. There is great need for this market to be further developed.
      From the above factors it appears that, although there is a great potential for the development of an Internet on-line market for securities transactions, much is required to be done to turn this into reality, which then provides the SinoBull Group with a valuable opportunity to develop its UAC162 ChinaPAC network for securities transactions.

      On-line Trading Platform Services:
      Besides the operation of a portal in the PRC, the SinoBull Group is also principally engaged in the provision of on-line trading platform services to financial firms in the PRC. This includes a rental of facilities, computer hardware and software, and the necessary technical support services to operate on-line trading systems for their customers.
      a. Utilization of UAC162 by brokerage firms and individual users
      Beijing UAC currently supply on-line trading platforms, UAC162, to brokerage firms in Beijing, which allows them to trade on stocks listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Brokerage firms are supplied with the necessary computer hardware and software of UAC162, which are installed at their own premises. Brokerage firms are then charged a one-off installation fee and monthly system maintenance charges.
      Beijing UAC also provides individual users free UAC162 user software to dial-up to a packet switched data network to be connected to their brokerage firms. Individual users can dial-up from any location in the PRC, via their personal computers. Once connected, users can buy and sell shares, inquire about allocations, balances of funds and market prices. For each trade concluded on-line, Beijing UAC will charge the user a service fee.
      To-date, Beijing UAC has a customer base of eight brokerage firms. These brokerage firms include China Securities (Hua Xia Securities), Xiangcai Securities, Guosen Securities and Hebei Guotou Securities.
      b. UAC162 and ChinaPAC
      The key network used by Beijing UAC is the packet switched data network owned by China Telecom named ChinaPAC, which individual users dial-up to using a pre-specified number (i.e. 162) assigned by China Telecom to get connected to their brokerage firms. Beijing Hua Qing Shi Tai (UAC) was appointed in May 1999 by China Telecom to act as the exclusive national operating agent of ChinaPAC, in the PRC.
      UAC162, developed by Beijing UAC based on the specifications of ChinaPAC, is currently the first and only on-line security platform in the PRC. In addition, Beijing Hua Qing (UAC) is also currently the only company in the PRC utilizing ChinaPAC (using the assigned dial-up number 162). In May 1999, Beijing Hua Qing (UAC) was granted approval by MII to provide computer information service in 10 major cities in the PRC (though to-date, UAC162 was only introduced to brokerage firms and individual users in Beijing). Beijing UAC is currently the first and only operating agent of the ChinaPAC, which puts Beijing UAC in a unique position to market UAC162 and the network services of ChinaPAC to brokerage firms and individual users in the PRC.
      c. The advantages of UAC162
      UAC162 provides several advantages over traditional trading methods as follows:
      Speedy and Real-time: The most fundamental advantage is that individual users and brokerage firms will experience speedy services and real-time financial information as UAC162 utilizes ChinaPAC which is a private, distinct and separate network.
      Roaming: Same as the Internet, individual users can dial-up to ChinaPAC from any location in the PRC to be connected to their brokerage firms via their personal computers, realizing the possibility of concluding real-time transactions from any location in the PRC. The service fee charged for each trade concluded on-line is a flat charge irregardless of where the user dial-up from. Users may also access ChinaPAC via ISDN.
      Economical: Packet switched data network helps to reduce the operation costs of brokerage firms by solving the insufficiencies of trunk lines caused by bottlenecks. In addition, for individual users, they are only charged for the duration of time they have expended on the network which averages RMB 20 a month based on a usage rate of 40 minutes per month.
      Security: A packet switched data network (i.e. ChinaPAC) offers adequate security protection for individual users and brokerage firms. Its sophisticated structural design and security measures ensure the protection of information.
      Flexibility: A packet switched data network (i.e. ChinaPAC) offers brokerage firms the flexibility of expandability. Brokerage firms has the flexibility to increase the modules of their data lines at a very low cost at any time and upgrade its packet network from the current X.25 to ATM.
      Support various connectivity: A packet switched data network (i.e. ChinaPAC) offers several choice of connectivity. Individual users can choose to be connected to ChinaPAC using the various connectivity such as cable TV set top boxes, asynchronous dial-up, synchronous dedicated line or EDI terminal. Future access for wireless mediums planned, with software already developed by the SinoBull Group for the Palm OS (Palm Pilot) and Windows CE (e.g. HP Jornada) Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) platforms.
      d: On-line Trading Platform Services
      The Management is confident of the reliability and convenience which UAC162 can offer to its users in on-line trading and its contribution to the application of electronic technology in the trading of various market instruments. As such, the Management believes that UAC162 will be strongly recommended by the Communications Bureau as the preferred trading method to be adopted by brokerage firms and individual users in the PRC.
      The Management is also of the opinion that the UAC162 platform will be able to provide plentiful opportunities for the Group to build up its range of e-commerce services which can, in turn, attract more users to utilize its other services (e.g. financial portal, data broadcasting). In order to reap these opportunities, the Management has formulated the included strategies to increase its customer base.
      To-date, the customer base for UAC162 includes eight brokerage firms across multiple cities. The Management`s objective is to achieve a customer base of 80 brokerage firms and banks (in the PRC, foreign exchange trades are done through banks), and 320,000 individual users by the end of 2000.

      Wireless Data Access:
      The wireless information market is seeing an influx of new types of users, especially those with specific needs, such as for stock quotes. Traditional one-to-one paging systems have in the past been the most common wireless medium. Currently in a mature stage, traditional paging is starting to experience a decline, but the transition of the pager from its one-to-one contact image, into a multi-data access device, will rejuvenate the paging industry into a new lease of life. Paging in its way still has tremendous value and the paging industry is reinventing itself.
      The paging industry is polarizing to the extent that at the low end, people are expecting very low cost devices, that continue to get cheaper and smaller. On the other end of the polarization, people are gravitating towards a pager that delivers much more information. Nowadays, the paging industry is growing towards more information content and to be able to constant up-to-date-information, supplying anything from real-time stock quotes to weather forecasts.
      In comparison to cellular phones, wireless data receiving pagers are still the most cost-effective, for both the operator and user. Where paging comes into its own, is through its ability to deliver large amounts of data at a fraction of the cost it takes to deliver data over a cellular network. Paging has tremendous value in delivering long messages which cellular does not have and because of the spectrum utilization, it will not be as cost effective. With the development of wireless network mobile phones directly attached to an Internet-based network, instead of through a cellular network that provides a portal to the Internet, cost-effective ratios to increased utility should shift significantly. At present though, such network infrastructure to support the directly networked mobile phones does not exist in the PRC.

      Data Broadcasting:
      Besides the operation of a portal and the provision of on-line trading platform services in the PRC, Beijing UAC, is also principally engaged in the provision of data broadcasting services in the PRC. Data broadcasting services include the development and sale of data broadcasting hardware and software, the related system integration, technical support, consultancy service, and the planning, sourcing and production of contents (including multimedia contents) for broadcasting.
      a: The data broadcasting services
      Data broadcasting adopts technologies of transmitting digital data over terrestrial, cable or satellite TV networks via analog TV signals broadcasting. Data broadcasting system facilitates the transmission of a wide range of multimedia information (Text, pictures, graphics, audio and video) through existing TV networks without interfering with TV pictures.
      b: The data broadcasting network
      Currently, Beijing UAC utilizes the satellite network of Shanghai VSAT Network Systems Co., Ltd (Shanghai SVC) to broadcast its wide range of financial information (such as real-time stock quotation, news, investment analysis) to the 25 TV stations in 68 cities of the PRC (e.g. Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou).
      c: Financial wireless data receiver
      The Group launched its first dedicated financial wireless data receiver with Sino Information Services Company Limited ("Sino") of the Bank of China Group in Hong Kong which provides customers with real-time quotations of, Hong-Kong stocks, international market indices, analysis statistic and indicator reports, foreign exchange, metals and deposit rates.

      The Cable TV Set Top Box Sector in the PRC:
      The sales of set top boxes are predicted to grow in the PRC, with the increasing popularity of color television sets. According to the International Telecommunication Union, the number of television sets in use in the PRC as at 31st December 1997 was higher than most developed countries. During the year ended 31st December 1998, a total of approximately 34.6 million units of domestically produced color television sets were sold in the PRC. The compound average growth rate of PRC sales of domestically produced color television sets during the period from 1990-1998 was approximately 16.4%.

      Evolving Internet Sector:
      Web development is rapidly growing in popularity as the "Web" is evolving into an important medium for advertisers due to its interactive nature, growing audience and the expected increase in on-line commerce. Unlike more traditional advertising methods, the Web gives advertisers the potential to broadcast advertisements to broad audiences or to target them at selected groups of users with communities of interests. IDC believes the demand for the Internet services market will continue be strong throughout the Asia-Pacific region. Asian demand for Internet services was US$457 million in 1998 and is expected to grow to US$4.5 billion by 2003. This increase represents a five-year compound annual growth rate of 58.2%.
      a. Internet Advertising Worldwide
      Advertising has entered into a new era with Internet advertising. Companies around the world are embracing this new medium to lure and interact with their potential buyers. Figures for Internet advertising are astonishing. Internet advertising is expected to grow to USD11.5 billion in 2003, representing a 41% CAGR over 1998`s USD2 billion, according to Jupiter Communications. More importantly, Jupiter Communications anticipates that spending on Internet advertising will top cable TV advertising and equal three-quarters of today`s advertisement spending on radio by 2003. Recent figures released by the Internet Advertising Bureau confirmed that with USD693 million accrued in the first quarter of 1999 alone, versus USD351 million in the first quarter of 1998, Internet advertising is ready to top USD3 billion by the end of this year. The figures presented in the table below highlight the growth in Internet advertising from 1995 to 1998 years.
      b. Internet Advertising in China
      The focus of the Internet industry is now in Asia, which Goldman Sachs LLP has identified as one of the world`s largest and least-tapped markets. China is expected to get a lion`s share of this growth, and Internet advertising in China is expected to be huge. According to statistics from the China Advertising Association, Internet advertising in China, which is less than four years old, was worth more than RMB20 million (USD2.4 million) in 1998, tripling the revenue of the previous year. The sharp growth is attributable to the increasing popularity of the Internet in China.

      Analyzing the Competition in the Financial Portal Arena:
      The market for Internet services is rapidly evolving and extremely competitive in both the domestic and international markets. Expanding with better economical and financial environment, investors have become more active and as a result there is an increasing number of portals developed to offer real-time financial information services to investors. However, there are only few websites in the PRC and Hong Kong capable of providing quality financial services as well as offering updated and comprehensive financial information. Management is confident that the Group will outperform its peers with the contribution of its group companies on the development of the portal.
      Management has identified numerous reputable financial information providers in the US as its indirect competitors. Some of the leading foreign financial information providers include Reuters, Bridge/Telerate and Bloomberg. They provide customers with comprehensive data coverage and well-recognized global brands that are widely accepted by most dealers and professional staff as reference systems. However, they have to bear high tariffs and the monthly subscription costs charged to the investors are equally high. Management also considers them as having inadequate depth on local data, hence are only applicable to proprietary analytical tools.
      Developing financial data services require a significant source of quality real-time data and sufficient costs and network. However, SEHK imposes stringent regulations over the approval of obtaining the business licenses. SEHK has already rejected a number of data vendor applications and suggested them to obtain data from existing vendors. Direct competitive force comes from providers of on-line financial and information services as well as on-line trading services in Hong Kong and the evolving PRC market. While there are numerous websites offering purely financial information to users, only a few of them offer on-line trading services and most lack a secure medium for securities transactions, an ability to provide trading services throughout Greater China, or both. However unlike others, the SinoBull Group offers a comprehensive range of Chinese financial contents, most of these major financial portals only offer English contents coupled with limited or even no contents in Chinese, and hence the Management believed that these portals will pose only limited competition to the Group in the PRC market.
      The market for on-line trading is at an early stage of development and is rapidly evolving. With the assistance of UAC, which is the only company recognized to operate the packet switching network of China Telecommunications in the PRC, is believed to have an early mover advantage in the provision of on-line trading services, to outperform its potential and existing competitors in the PRC.
      Proven track record:
      Most of the products and services offered by the Group are in fact products and services already developed/operated by its group companies. As its subsidiaries` business has already in full operation for a certain period with proven track record, the Group is therefore not a new entrant to the financial / Internet industry but an early mover instead.
      Extensive experience in the PRC and Hong Kong market:
      Management has an adequate understanding of the characteristics of the stock market and investors in China and Hong Kong, which is something fundamental to successfully promoting the products and services offered by the Group.
      Leverage on brand names and sales networks of strategic partners:
      The Group plans to promote/sell its solutions and services to the customers of China Securities in various cities in the PRC. The Management believes that this relationship with China Securities can ensure a rapidly expanding demand for the solutions and services of the Group. In addition, the Group also intends to leverage on its amiable relationship with its OEM manufacturer (for set-top box), Legend, to promote/sell its financial solutions and services via the sales network of Legend.
      schrieb am 15.05.00 19:58:06
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      By: hrctweb
      Reply To: 65630 by fishter
      Monday, 15 May 2000 at 11:33 AM EDT
      Post # of 65674

      The status of the underwriter: CEO of, Michael Bianco, has been meeting with several interested parties in 2nd and
      3rd stage level of negotiation. Certain parties are very interested in being an underwriter for the SinoBull IPO, while other parties
      have been in contacted with us about doing both underwriting and strategic partnership. We need to wait for each of the serious
      parties to outline a proposal, and then compare what`s best for SinoBull`s future. Naturally, we are more interested in both
      underwriting and strategic partnership arrangements, and quite possibly will take on those interested in solely underwriting as
      secondary underwriters, or possibly a lead underwriter if we chose to be listed on the GEM as well.`s official launch date is anticipated for the end of June. A little thought had been for the 4th of July, but politically, it
      might not have come off as politically beneficial. Our move towards increased server capacity, bandwidth consumption, and load
      balancing should be in place by that time table. We are also hoping to be the #1 view financial portal in Mainland China at that
      time, but if not we will still go forward with our launch Ceremonies. has been enormously much more popular than
      originally anticipated (for the initial 2-3 months), with some web statistic reports listing noticably high in national
      figures. We are looking to incorporate an independant 3rd party traffic monitoring company that monitors national & global
      statistics, if their load time and bandwidth consumption is not appreciable. Unfortunately, most such companies are in the US,
      without localize servers in China, and waiting for US reponse for traffic monitoring would incur undesired delay.

      As for the NASDAQ listing, no formal reponse yet to my knowledge. I has only been about 30 days since the 10-K405 was
      available to the NASD case agent. Also, about 2-3 weeks ago, we sent a copy of an extensive business plan & analysis to the
      NASD case agent. So understandably it will take them time to digest both lengthy documents.

      Webmaster for The Hartcourt Companies
      schrieb am 15.05.00 23:10:17
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      kommt da was ???

      By: tomr
      Reply To: None Monday, 15 May 2000 at 4:57 PM EDT
      Post # of 65708

      OT: News is out on PLFM. and its big, check the plfm RB.

      (Aus RB-Board)

      Servus Franz....Bacardi-feeling
      schrieb am 16.05.00 00:21:15
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      Liebe Hartcourt-Fans,

      ich muss Euch einfach ein ganz dickes Lob machen. So wie dieses Board gepflegt wird von L_o_g_o, Franz Beckenbauer, Xenia, Dexter, panik, borrink, ele, Doc Snyder, GoldenStock und Hollin ist wirklich nur gut.

      Gruß und einen dicken Schmatz
      schrieb am 16.05.00 00:36:28
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      Hallo Linda B.,

      dann noch ein wenig "Gute-Nacht-Pflege"! ;)

      Franz, der Beitrag aus dem RB-Board bezieht sich nicht auf HRCT, sondern auf Platforms International (PLFM). Es besteht keine Verbindung zu Hartcourt. Aber kommen wird trotzdem was...früher oder später! ;) ;) ;)

      Zur Aufmunterung noch ein Artikel über die glänzenden Zukunftsaussichten der chinesischen Entwicklung des Internets. Wer sich hier rechtzeitig gut positioniert, kann nur gewinnen:

      16May2000 CHINA: News And Features - International News - Net use surging with help of the dot.communists.
      By JOHN SCHAUBLE, Herald Correspondent in Shanghai.

      Within five years, according to one of China`s emerging Internet entrepreneurs, there could be as many as half a billion Chinese online twice the entire population of the United States.
      In China, companies are increasingly finding that if they`re not on the Internet bus, they`re likely to end up under it.
      Mr King Lai, chief executive of Netease, believes the future of e-commerce in China has almost unlimited potential. He is one of a homegrown growing band of entrepreneurs recently dubbed the dot.communists.
      "We believe that in five years there could be 500 million people online in China," he told a conference on emerging markets in Shanghai a few days ago. "China has already demonstrated an ability to leap, to go beyond people`s expectations."
      For the time being, hardware and access costs remain way beyond the means of the average Chinese worker. Mr Lai believes the costs of both will come down quickly. In the not too distant future, he thinks, a mobile phone with Internet capability will cost as little as $80 in China.
      One of the big problems is China`s Internet infrastructure. There are, in short, not enough phone lines. Downloads are infuriatingly slow and the limited number of state-sanctioned service providers can`t keep up with demand.
      Other problems include lack of regulatory clarity and the absence of banking and payment systems that will enable service providers to gather revenue.
      But the chief financial officer of, Mr Tom Gurnee,says his company is growing at 100 per cent per quarter in a market with overall growth of 47 per cent.
      There was "lots of buzz" in the "frenetic free for all" that is the Chinese Internet sector, he said.
      The growth in Internet use remains spectacular. In 1995 China had an estimated 15,000 users. At the end of last year, the official Government count put it at 8.9 million. Estimates for April this year say there are currently between 13 and 15 million users, predominantly under age 35.
      For the moment, China is second in Asia only to Japan in terms of the number of Internet subscribers. It is expected to overtake it within three to five years.
      Beijing, according to Dow-Jones` vice-president in China, Mr James McGregor, "is both energised by this and frightened to death by it". Certainly the Government is struggling to keep up with the Internet`s expansion.
      A recent move to regulate precisely what type of news is allowed on Chinese Web sites was one signal. Another is the persistent bars placed on international news sites.
      In the end it is unlikely that the Government will succeed in such attempts. Mr Wang Juntao, founder and head of and one of China`s most successful "netre-preneurs", puts the proposition quite simply: "The Internet is a network without borders."
      Copyright John Fairfax Holdings Limited 2000. Not available for re-dissemination.

      Sources:SYDNEY MORNING HERALD 16/05/2000 P12

      Im übrigen rangiert China im weltweiten Vergleich bereits heute auf dem fünften Platz:

      16May2000 AUSTRALIA: Net use to soar in Asia - report.
      * Internet WASHINGTON: The number of internet users around the world topped 276 million in 1999 and is expected to reach 375 million this year, according to a market research group.
      The United States has the most people surfing the web - 135 million by the end of this year - but the percentage of US users among those on the internet is declining, according to Chicago-based eTForecasts.
      "Much of the growth in internet users is taking place outside the US," the company says. "Asia will see especially strong growth. China will become second to the US in number of internet users by 2005. At the end of 2000, the US will account for 36 per cent of total internet users, down from 46 per cent in 1998 and 55 per cent in 1996."
      The 2000 projections show Japan with the second largest number of internet users, 26.9 million. Next is Germany (19.1 million), Britain (17.9 million), China (15.8 million), Canada (15.2 million), South Korea (14.8 million), Italy (11.6 million), Brazil (10.6 million) and France (nine million).
      (c) Nationwide News Proprietary Ltd, 2000.

      Sources:AUSTRALIAN 16/05/2000

      Gute Nacht und


      schrieb am 16.05.00 08:53:25
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      einen wunderschönen guten morgen wünsche ich allen hartcourt´lern, auf das für uns in zukunft die sonne immer so schön scheinen mag !!!

      FORZA HRCT !!!!!!!!
      schrieb am 16.05.00 08:59:02
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      Am heutigen 16.6.2000 wird

      Jack Westfield auf um 19 Uhr

      ein Interview zu allen aktuellen HRCT Fragen geben.

      schrieb am 16.05.00 10:42:45
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      Guten Morgen! :)

      China Net Users Move Towards Mobiles
      [May 16, 2000--BEIJING] A senior Chinese official said recently that the dot-com phenomenon produced by the Internet economy is now reaching its climax, and that the next stage clearly will be the "dot-move" phase produced by the mobile Internet sector.

      The story was reported in the May 12 Zhonghua Gongshang Shibao (China Business Times).

      According to the newspaper, Zhao Xiaofan, who is the deputy director of the Ministry of Information Industry`s Information Products Division, predicted that by 2002 mobile-Internet subscribers will exceed the number of customers who access the Internet via PCs.

      At that time, China will have 65 million Internet subscribers, of whom 30 million will be people who use mobile-Internet access. The remaining 35 million Internet users will get on the Web through PCs and set-top boxes.

      Zhao also said China`s number of mobile phone users will increase by 25 million in 2000. He noted that in addition to 5 million customers whose mobile phones must be replaced or upgraded, China`s demand for mobile phones is estimated to reach 30 million.

      Zhao also said that the popularization of WAP technology provides mobile phone users with new value-added services.

      By year`s end, the newspaper said, China is expected to have 70 million mobile phone users, which will exceed the country`s number of Internet users. By the end of last year, China had 40 million mobile phone users, the newspaper reported.


      schrieb am 16.05.00 10:43:54
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()

      Du kannst Dir sicher sein, dass jeder jetzt die news kennt.

      Danke, danke, danke.............
      schrieb am 16.05.00 11:01:35
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      guten morgen zusammen! :) (auch wenns ein bischen spät ist, kann mich vor arbeit nicht mehr retten);) :) :(
      grüße dexter
      schrieb am 16.05.00 11:10:42
      Dieser Beitrag wurde vom System automatisch gesperrt. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an
      schrieb am 16.05.00 11:11:38
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      ach und linda ...............von mir auch einen dicken :kiss:, machs dich z.Z. ja ziemlich rar :( ;)
      schrieb am 16.05.00 11:36:52
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()
      ich hoffe uns bleiben weitere kursverluste erspart. ich werde langsam unruhig.... aber noch habe ich sitzfleisch. einen beitrag dazu leisten eure postings.
      auf das wir bald andere kurse sehen
      schrieb am 16.05.00 12:05:05
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      mann bin ich dämlich!!!
      hab im falschen board geposted...
      hartcourt läuft heute ja gut!

      ein etwas angeschlagener
      schrieb am 16.05.00 12:12:26
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      hoff ihr seit beim interview hwutw abend dabei..
      schrieb am 16.05.00 13:04:31
      Beitrag Nr. 74 ()
      Hallo Frank Scheunert / FrankieTheFly,

      bitte verschon uns doch mit Deinen uralten News und dieser grauenhaften Rechtschreibung. Dadurch, daß man eine Neuigkeit an jeden alten Threads hängt und sie zusätzlich einzeln postet, wird sie auch nicht aktueller.

      Auf Nimmerwiedersehen, hoffe ich,

      schrieb am 16.05.00 13:41:55
      Beitrag Nr. 75 ()
      hey, was ist denn los heute?
      es hagelt news und keiner kommentiert sie.

      Hartcourt Reports First Quarter 2000 Financial Results

      LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 16, 2000--The Hartcourt
      Companies Inc. (OTC:HRCT)(Frankfurt:HCT),, today
      reported financial results for the first quarter 2000. The company
      increased revenues, added key managers, and most importantly,
      according to management, launched their flagship subsidiary, which already is recognized as one of the top 20
      Internet portals in China.
      The company expects continued rapid growth from both
      and through other Internet related acquisitions. Last week, the
      company announced that it was selected by China Law Corporation to
      develop Internet access to the decisions of China`s Peoples Supreme
      "Hartcourt continues to benefit from the substantial progress and
      success of," said Hartcourt Chairman and Chief Executive
      Officer Dr. Alan Phan. "Upon completion of server upgrades to
      accommodate rapidly growing site traffic, plans to host a
      `grand opening` celebration launch of the site in Beijing next month,
      to be attended by Chinese government officials and other national

      Financial Results

      To provide more meaningful accounting of Hartcourt`s present
      business, the company`s reported results include adjustments to
      eliminate the effect of previous, now unrelated businesses.
      Revenues from on-going operations for the quarter ended March 31,
      2000, were $348,000 compared to zero for the same period last year.
      First quarter revenues were derived from sales of financial pages and
      related Internet and telephone services.
      Hartcourt incurred a net loss of $1.7 million or $0.06 per share
      for the quarter ended March 31, 2000, compared to a net loss of
      $249,000 or $0.01 per share for the quarter ended March 31, 1999. The
      increased net loss is attributable to consulting and legal costs
      associated with the company`s recent and pending acquisitions and
      expenses incurred in brokerage fees in connection with the issuance of
      warrants to raise additional capital.
      As of March 31, 2000, the company had cash and current assets of
      $3.3 million and total assets of $11.8 million. Liabilities were $5.0
      million and shareholders` equity was $6.6 million.

      Recent Developments

      During the first quarter, Hartcourt`s Chinese subsidiary UAC
      Online Stock Trading Ltd. signed a contract to provide its online
      stock trading solution to Guosen Securities of Shenzhen
      ( over the UAC 162 network. Thus far, UAC has
      provided online access to four key branch offices of Hua Xia
      Securities (China Securities), the second largest brokerage firm in
      China, two offices of Ziangcai Securities, currently the seventh
      largest brokerage firm operating in China, and expects to have 85
      brokerage offices on the network by year-end. UAC also introduced a
      new stock trading application for Chinese users of the Palm Operating
      System and Microsoft`s Windows CE enabling Chinese investors to trade
      stocks online on Hong Kong and Mainland China markets via their PDAs.
      This development has already contributed to`s increased
      number of unique visits and overall trading volume.
      Over the next several months, Hartcourt expects to close pending
      agreements with eMPACT Solutions Inc., an E-Commerce Systems
      Management company, and with Shenzhen Sinlan Investment Company, which
      operates an exclusive cable TV network.
      schrieb am 16.05.00 14:09:31
      Beitrag Nr. 76 ()
      telefoniert ihr alle mit euren brokern und ordert nach??
      gute idee.
      bis dann
      schrieb am 16.05.00 14:34:57
      Beitrag Nr. 77 ()
      hallo fiat,

      die arbeit, die arbeit ..................:( :(

      ganz kurz hier noch :
      16.5.00 14:30 Uhr
      US-Konjunkturdaten - Ergebnisse:

      Verbraucherpreise (CPI) April: unverändert (Prognose: + 0.1%)
      Verbraucherpreise (CPI) Kernrate (ohne Lebensmittel und Energie) April: + 0.2% (+ 0.2%)
      Baubeginne April: 1.66 Millionen Einheiten (1.66)
      Baugenehmigungen April: 1.62 Millionen Einheiten
      Realeinkommen April: unnverändert

      gruß dexter (xxx$ hrct):)
      schrieb am 16.05.00 14:41:01
      Beitrag Nr. 78 ()
      Hallo fiat lux,

      es liegt vielleicht daran, daß der Inhalt dieser Meldung bereits gestern bekannt war. Dennoch sind diese Zahlen glänzend, auch wenn es für viele auf den ersten Blick nicht erkennbar sein mag. Man vergleiche zum Beispiel mit den jetzt bekanntgegebenen Zahlen von und entscheide selbst:

      16May2000 CHINA:`s Loss Widened in Quarter.
      By Kenneth Wong.
      Company Says Results Are Consistent With Business Plan

      Aggressive Investments Expected to Pay Off in Future

      HONG KONG - Internet portal Ltd. said its loss for the first quarter widened more than 12 times to HK$45.4 million (US$5.8 million) from HK$3.7 million.
      The year-earlier results were however pro-forma figures because the company was only incorporated last October. Its shares began trading on the Growth Enterprise Market this March.
      Analysts had expected a net loss of around HK$50 million.
      Jointly owned by local conglomerates Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. and Cheung Kong Holdings Ltd., said its first-quarter revenue grew 52% to HK$738,000 from HK$486,000 a year earlier.
      The portal, which provides China-related news and entertainment, said its loss per share widened to 1.79 Hong Kong cents from 0.16 Hong Kong cent. The company hasn`t declared a quarterly dividend. earned interest income of HK$39.8 million during the quarter, mainly from interest generated from its listing proceeds in March, but this was more than offset by huge expenses in Web-site development and advertising, the company said. During the first quarter, spent HK$24.7 million on Web-site development and HK$28.4 million on advertising and promotion.
      The company said further aggressive investments will keep it in the red for at least the next two years, and losses won`t narrow for the rest of the year. Chairman Frank Sixt told a news conference the losses are "consistent with (the company`s) business plan and projections," and that the recently listed Internet portal is still in "a heavy investment stage."
      Although now has around 164,000 registered members and an average of more than one million daily page impressions, it has yet to become revenue-ready, Mr. Sixt said. But the company assured that its aggressive investments in online content development will eventually pay off. will launch 10 more content portals around June. Meantime, the portal will consolidate its platform for electronic commerce, which is expected to be a major source of revenue in the future.
      For example, will today unveil an Internet payment system that doesn`t require the use of credit cards, Chief Executive Carl Chang said.
      By the end of June, will also launch "Tom Shop," a merchandise store to test to its e-commerce platform.
      "In Web development, we`re investing HK$140 million in 2000 ... capital expenditure will be more than HK$120 million (also for 2000)," said Guy Look,`s chief financial officer.
      Mr. Look forecasts will break even on an operating level by the first half of 2003, and make a profit by the second half.
      Mr. Look said currently has around HK$900 million cash on hand, which would be sufficient for its near-term content development. Mr. Sixt said the company may issue more shares to raise capital, without elaborating. shares fell Monday 2.9%, or 20 Hong Kong cents, to HK$6.60. It is one of the few Internet portals that is still trading above its initial public offering price of HK$1.78.`s offering, launched at the zenith of an Internet stock frenzy in March, created chaos in the city, causing its underwriter to be reprimanded by the local securities regulator.
      (Copyright (c) 2000, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.).

      Source: ASIAN WALL STREET JOURNAL 16/05/2000

      Signifikant geringerer Umsatz und ebenfalls signifkant höhere Verluste bei - die Zahlen von Hartcourt sind in beiden Bereichen um ein Vielfaches besser.

      Weitere Vergleiche sind im RB-Board von Goldengate gemacht worden:

      A PERSPECTIVE ON THE FINANCIALS I just take a quick look at the 1st quarter results from some Internet companies doing business in China, and being touted by McGill`s Virtual China as the top dogs. Here are the facts:
      On Revenue: ZICA (Nasdaq): Sales 231K Loss: 2.7 Million
      ESST (Nasdaq): Sales 82K Profit: 8K
      GOJO (Nasdaq): Sales;273K Loss: 7.0 Million
      HRCT (OTC): Sales: 348K Loss: 1.6 Million
      Market Cap: ZICA 291 Million ESST: 487 Million GOJO: 623 Million HRCT: 181 Million

      Ich denke, ein Kommentar zu all diesen Zahlen und Bewertungen erübrigt sich. :)


      schrieb am 16.05.00 14:49:37
      Beitrag Nr. 79 ()
      ele ich hoffe Du wirst auch nocheinmal für HRCT aktiv..

      Was hast Du denn bis dato geleistet?
      schrieb am 16.05.00 15:27:59
      Beitrag Nr. 80 ()
      hallo spezialisten und freaks,

      könnt ihr mir berichten wie die stimmung so in den amerikanischen boards ist ?

      wie wird hrct dort an den start gehen ?


      FORZA HRCT !!!!
      schrieb am 16.05.00 16:05:28
      Beitrag Nr. 81 ()
      die stimmung ist gut im ragingbull.

      By: goldengate
      Reply To: 65740 by goldengate Tuesday, 16 May 2000 at 9:31 AM EDT
      Post # of 65987
      These numbers on the 10Q are results only from 58 perecent of Financial Telecoms and 50 percent of UAC Stock online. Next quarter, we have StreamingAsia, Shangdi Network and Guo Mao. And all 5 companies are 100percent owned by Sinobull. Numbers look good.

      an hollin:
      ich bin nicht weit genug zurückgegangen.
      und sonst:
      grundsätzlich HRCT 100E
      schrieb am 16.05.00 17:17:58
      Beitrag Nr. 82 ()
      Hallo Herr Scheunert,

      ich brauche für HRCT nichts leisten - außer vielleicht genug Vertrauen in das Unternehmen zu setzen und Aktien zu kaufen. Im Gegensatz zu Ihnen habe ich zu keinem Zeitpunkt den Bereich Investor Relations verantwortet. Davon einmal abgesehen, bin ich schlau genug zu erkennen, wann andere ein Gebiet besser beherrschen als ich, wie bei HRCT z.B. Hollin, Dexter, LOGO, Fiat Lux, Gurku, Panic, Linda B. etc.

      Etwas habe ich doch für HRCT geleistet: Ich habe ihnen direkt mitgeteilt, was für eine miserable Arbeit Sie leisten und hatte das Gefühl, mit dieser Aktion keineswegs allein gewesen zu sein.

      Mit freundlichen Grüßen

      schrieb am 16.05.00 17:42:16
      Beitrag Nr. 83 ()
      Hallo Herr Scheunert,

      mir kommt da in den Sinn, dass Sie im Juchu-Board von einer geplanten Übersetzung der Phan-letter sprachen,
      ich hoffe doch dies geschieht eins zu eins. Den mit einer Zusammenfassung in ein-zwei Sätzen ist keinem geholfen.

      Wann können wir den damit rechnen????


      schrieb am 16.05.00 18:40:17
      Beitrag Nr. 84 ()

      >ele ich hoffe Du wirst auch nocheinmal für HRCT aktiv..
      >Was hast Du denn bis dato geleistet?
      Sollte es so weiter gehen, kommt es zum Eklat. Sie lassen jegliches Fingerspitzengefuehl vermissen. Augenscheinlich glauben Sie, teilweise veraltete Nachrichten in hemdsaermeligem Deutsch verfasst waeren einem *Manger of Investor Relations in Europe* angemessen.
      Ihre Verhaltensweise schaedigt das Vertrauen der Anleger in das Papier. Das ist ein Widerspruch, der auch Ihnen auffallen sollte.

      Frank Scheunert is the Manager of Investor Relations in Europe. A graduate of the International Business School in Lippstadt Germany, Frank emphasized in International Economics, Finance and Banking for his degree in International Business Administration. Prior to his association with Hartcourt, Mr. Scheunert worked for Citibank AG, CBM Group Inc, Merrill Lynch and Deutsche Morgan Grenfell in the Global Investment Industry and Financial Futures. In particular, he covered Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore for Market Evolution while at CBM Group Inc. and the Japanese Investment Industry for Citibank AG.

      Falls dies fuer Sie nur ein Nebenjob ist, so legen Sie ihn bitte nieder. Ihre Arbeitsweise steht in grossem Widerspruch zur angeblichen Qualifikation und laesst schon sehr daran zweifeln, dass die Internet-Persoenlichkeit *FrankyTheFly* mit oben genanntem Frank Scheunert identisch ist.

      Der Widerspruch zwischen der haemdsaermeligen Arbeitsweise und zu dem erreichenden Ziel wurde bereits mehrmals von verschiedenen Anlegermails an das HRCT-Management thematisiert, und wird es wieder, wenn Sie in diesem Stile fortfahren.

      Sollten Sie sich hierdurch wieder angegriffen fuehlen, so ist die professionelle Reaktion darauf Schweigen, denn sie werden dafuer bezahlt, dass sie HRCT vertreten, und nicht das eigene Ego.
      schrieb am 16.05.00 19:14:00
      Beitrag Nr. 85 ()
      Hallo L_O_G_O,

      danke für die Unterstützung. Ich war mir mit FrankieTheFly, ohnehin ein etwas seltsamer Name für einen IR-Manager, auch nicht sicher, habe aber mal auf den Namen geklickt. Und siehe da: FRANK.SCHEUNERT@SPUETZ.DE. Aus Interesse werde ich mir jetzt noch einmal SPUETZ.DE ansehen.
      Tschüs und eine spannende Online-Diskussion,

      schrieb am 16.05.00 20:09:10
      Beitrag Nr. 86 ()
      Hallo Alle,

      ich verfolge gerade parallel die Diskussion in finance-online und da kam ein Beitrag, den ich nicht verstanden habe:


      "The average weighted number of outstanding shares raised up to 26 Mio. in the first quarter of 2000, compared to 19 Mio at the end of 1999. Could you explain that to me?"

      Antwort Westfield:

      Last year when we were raising moneywe issued options to investors allowing them to purchase assitional shares. Those people are now exercising there options and buying the additional shares. We will also need to raise money as we grow the company, so will no doubt sell more shares in the future."

      Verkauft Hartcourt Aktien aus eigenem Besitz oder im Rahmen einer KE oder wie ist das zu verstehen. Und welche Auswirkungen hat diese Verfahrensweise?

      Danke für Eure Hilfe


      PS. Es wurde auch bestätigt, daß Frank Scheunert nach wie vor IR Manager für Deutschland ist. Seine Beiträge in der Diskussion sind im übrigen auch der reinste Witz.
      schrieb am 16.05.00 21:13:33
      Beitrag Nr. 87 ()
      hallo freunde,

      aus rb

      By: STOCKEMUP37
      Reply To: None
      Tuesday, 16 May 2000 at 2:48 PM EDT
      Post # of 66069

      A friend of mine emailed Hartcourt complaining about the Market makers. Sounds like
      Hartcourt has had it with OTC market makers. I told my friend that Hartcourt can`t control
      what the market makers do.

      Letter from Hartcourt

      Yes it is difficult to watch the current price of Hartcourt move contrary
      to a free flow of supply and demmand of shares. We will be very happy when
      listed on the NASDAQ, for not only the listing itself, but for movement
      away from the OTC market makers. Naturally we would never like to see any
      investor take a loss on their investment, but understandably, present day
      issues may cause a sudden need. At present, comparative to other business
      models in a similar growth centers with Hartcourt`s current accomplishments
      and pending issues, the valuations would appear different. We at Hartcourt
      continue to see the year 2000 holding many major milestones for the company.

      Like you, we also patiently wait for the response from the NASD as well, it
      is difficult to estimate the approval date, but we anticipate a response
      from the NASD between 30-60 days from the 4/14/00 submission of our
      10-K405. Naturally we would like to be NASDAQ listed by the June 19th
      shareholder meeting, but unfortunately, this is a matter that is out of our

      Here is our general information from the newly updated Q&A section of the

      I also suggest if you are interested there is a link from the Q&A page for
      the summary of the business report for

      NASDAQ listing:
      We have not receive any additional request for clarifications or questions
      from the NASD. The last official notice we received from the NASD was a
      request for our annual report (Form 10K), and response to 3
      clarifications/questions. We promptly sent response to the clarifications
      and on 4/14/00 sent Hartcourt`s 10-K405. In our opinion, the NASDAQ listing
      is just a matter of time. If HRCT`s application was not strong enough to
      begin with, it would have been rejected very early in the process. As of
      the last 12-18 months, the NASD has put much effort into making changes to
      operational regulations including Market Maker regulation and listing
      requirements for stock issues. The NASD`s change in regulations is to
      protect the investor. Many of you may have noticed the alphabetical-based
      sweep of the OTC to remove issues that did not satisfy the new
      requirements. Hartcourt continues to be a fully reporting company, so that
      is not a concern of Hartcourt. Also, it would appear that the NASD is being
      much more thorough in comparison to the past experiences of the NASDAQ
      filing firm we hired (Note: the National Market NMS rating would garner
      greater scrutiny). In general, the NASD would like to confirm all financial
      statements and verify independently the strength of an applicant, but
      unfortunately the accounting practices in China are unwieldy making the job
      that much more difficult to verify. Also note, from pure observation, other
      OTC companies that have initiated filing for a NASDAQ listing at a similar
      time have also not reach approval yet. So we`re not the only ones, and we
      continue to wait.

      While most of our PR efforts in the US are targetted to directly with FRB`s
      interaction with the investing populace, we also feel a successful
      agreement and minority stake acquisition of the ISP in China should be a
      newsworthy event to assist in generating news media attention for
      Hartcourt, particularly with the upcoming attention to the WTO. Our target
      for the best "bang for the buck" will be timed accordingly with the WTO vote.

      Thank you for your interest and support of The Hartcourt Companies.
      schrieb am 16.05.00 22:07:50
      Beitrag Nr. 88 ()
      So, ich habe hier mal die Antworten von Mr. Westfield zusammengestellt, die bezüglich einiger Details recht interessant sind:

      HRCT has had many press releases over the past few weeeks outlining all of our progress in China. Sinobull is now in the top 20 of all web sites in China, and we are doing almost no advertising or promotion at this time. There will be more news coming as deals that we are pursuing come to completion. And yes, Frank is still responsible for investment relations in Germany.

      Sinobull is about 48% owned by HRCt and 52% owned by our Chinese partners. We intend to "spin-off" through and IPO later this year. Our intention is to do this on the NASDAQ market. If so, we might later also list it on Hong kong GEM market. Each market where a stock is listed creates a large listing fee. We are trying to keep expenses down to what is necessary and prefer spending money on activities that will generate revenues. Our target date is currentlyduring the middle of the 3rd quarter 2000.

      We just had a press release earlier today.
      We also filed our quarterly report this morning. In the document we made allowances for a major acquisition of a large Chinese internet company. The price could be as high as $75 million, but it would make HRCT a major player in China.
      As news develops we always send it out.

      the major goal is to spin off sino bull through an IPO later this year./
      We are upgrading the website servers to handle more trafic and intend to have an official grand opening in Beijing next month with Chinese officials and celebreties.
      we are also signing upmore brokerage offices to come onto the 162 network. we have a big head start over competetors here as internet trading is not yet legal in China.

      As you know, all intenet stocks came down sharply. Chinadotcom dropped from 150 to 30, and is now bouncing back a little.
      Many people watch that issue and it effects others, like HRCT. yes, we did come down about 50% from where we were 2 months ago.
      We think there will be new developments that will have a very favorable effect on our share price. Nobody can predict what will happen, but the company has more opportunity than at any prior time. We are optimistic about the future.

      if sinobull is public it will determine the value of Hartcourts ownership of the 34 percent of sinobull that hartcourt will have after the IPO. The 10 percent tha we sell in the IPO will bring money into HRCT which we will use to make acquisitions or grow our existing businesses. we hope to do the IPO in the 3rd quarter 2000

      we just received an additional request from NAsdaq last week for more infomation. That means we will probably be another 30 days before we are approved fro listing.
      The financials of the company are currently favorable, and we are in the process of puting additional capital together to make additional acquisitions.

      teh all time high is $20.5, an mid day price.
      the closing high was 19.75.
      The market in general is not wild about small capstocks right now. But by implementing our business plan, and creating new opportunities people will take notice of what we are doing,and we think they will like our company from an investment perspective. when that happens, much higher price valuations are possible for HRCT and other companies.
      Also, the US congress will be voting on the trade status with China in early June. The last time there was positive news in this area HRCT stock mage a big move up. It would be nice if that happened again.

      We are elegible for Nasdaq listing and want to complete the process as soon as possible.
      What I am telling you is the truth. We filed on a specific type of form, but we later told that becausr of all the mergers and acquisitions we had initiated and completed we needed to file additional documents. It was a lot of work for the small staff at HRCT. But, it is now complete and has been filed. Nasdaq listing will give the company additional exposure, and make it possible for some institutions that have specific guidelines about not buying bullitin board stocks the opportunity to assist us in our future efforts to capitalize the company.


      schrieb am 16.05.00 22:36:32
      Beitrag Nr. 89 ()
      hallo hollin :) :)

      hab vielen dank für deine zusammenfassung !!! (bin leider immer noch im büro,weil neues projekt) finde deinen abschnitt:

      "In the document we made allowances for a major acquisition of a large Chinese internet company. The price could be as high as $75 million, but it would make HRCT a major player in China." ..............besonders interessant

      grüße dexter
      schrieb am 16.05.00 22:37:38
      Beitrag Nr. 90 ()
      Hallo Leute,

      habe auch die Runde mit Westfield verfolgt.

      Ich kann nur hoffen, das unsere "Fliege" nicht mehr als
      1 Mitarbeiteraktie bekommen hat :(

      Leider muß ich gestehen das mich die weitere Verzögerung
      bzgl. des Nasdaq-Listing wieder etwas von meinem Stimmunghoch
      herunter gezogen hat.

      Trotzdem bin ich nach den "Zahlen" und den möglichen Aquisitionen
      (large China-Company $ 75 Mio.) optimistischer als je zuvor.

      Nach den letzten Wochen habe ich endlich wieder das Gefühl, daß
      es weiter geht :):)

      Ich hoffe doch, daß wir im Juni die "Kuh vom Eis haben" :):)

      Servus Franz...Bacardi-feeling
      schrieb am 16.05.00 23:55:41
      Beitrag Nr. 91 ()
      hallo freunde,

      ich finde, das hört sich alles sehr gut an. letzte woche war ich echt deprimiert, jetzt bin ich wieder besser drauf.
      hartcourt wird seinen weg gehen.

      ein beruhigter

      an panik: kennst du "alles ist gut" von doro pesch (warlock)?
      schrieb am 17.05.00 01:37:49
      Beitrag Nr. 92 ()
      Sacht mal, Leute,

      FrankieTheFly ist doch wohl wirklich nur ein Witz?

      Da verdient ja fast jeder andere Poster zu Hartcourt eher eine Bezahlung durch Hartcourt fuer PR als der ... ganz vornedran natuerlich Hollin und l_o_g_o (sorry, wenn ich andere vergesse, aber ich bin nicht mehr sooo vertieft in die Hartcourt-Threads).

      Vielleicht sollte mal jemand Hartcourt davon informieren, wenn das wirklich Frank Scheunert ist?

      Das anmerkende Ich
      schrieb am 17.05.00 09:44:23
      Beitrag Nr. 93 ()
      Guten Morgen! :)

      15May2000 CHINA: 1999 Rankings Of China`s Top Brokerages.
      The 1999 ranking of China`s top securities brokers was published in Zhengquan Shibao (Securities Times) on May 10.
      Guotai Junan Securities Co., the result of a merger between two large securities concerns in 1999, ranked first in terms of net assets, turnover of A-shares and funds, shares of stocks underwritten and total value of stocks underwritten. Shenyin Wanguo Securities Co. topped the list in terms of total profit.
      Eighty-five professional securities companies were included in the 1999 performance ranking.
      The total net assets of the top 20 securities companies, ranked in terms of the net assets, reached RMB 36.3 billion (US$4.5 billion), up 40 percent compared with 1998-RMB 26 billion (US$3.2 billion).
      The total turnover of A-shares and funds of the top 20 securities companies, ranked in terms of the turnover, was RMB 2.8 trillion (US$343.1 billion), 47 percent greater than the turnover in 1998-RMB 1.9 trillion (US$232.9 billion).
      The total profit of the top 20, ranked by total profit, was RMB 6.6 billion (US$809.2 million), an increase of 10 percent over the year before-RMB 6 billion (US$735.7 million) in 1998).
      Top 20 Securities Cos. In 1999 Ranked By Turnover of A shares and Funds

      Rmb US$ 1 Guotai Jun`an Securities 400,907,780,000 49,171,142,959.06 2 Southern Securities 330,537,180,500 40,546,156,753.43 3 Shenyin & Wanguo Securities 320,370,360,000 39,299,018,694.55 4 Haitong Securities 279,864,000,000 34,331,992,930.64 5 Huaxia Securities 253,185,350,000 31,061,548,081.07 6 Guangfa Securities 215,019,254,900 26,379,215,560.58 7 Shandong Securities 118,001,870,600 14,476,828,052.25 8 Everbright Securities 114,686,000,000 14,070,401,905.13 9 United Securities 105,980,281,700 13,002,329,469.49 10 Guangdong Securities 100,424,101,100 12,320,662,185.78 11 Guosen Securities 96,380,180,000 11,824,780,519.26 12 Eagle Securities 92,217,000,000 11,314,004,447.22 13 China Securities 89,867,458,100 11,025,929,727.13 14 China Communication Securities 88,460,930,000 10,853,361,365.70 15 Huatai Securities 76,720,527,700 9,413,047,913.90 16 Yangtse River Securities 72,562,957,400 8,875,230,141.18 17 Minfa Securities 71,025,000,000 8,687,121,409.66 18 Great Wall Securities 69,189,860,000 8,441,641,423.56 19 Hebei Securities 59,500,840,000 7,259,513,976.19 20 Sichuan Securities 57,364,811,300 6,998,903,702.43

      Top 18 Securities Cos. in 1999 Ranked by Sales Volume of the IPO, Ration and Issuance of Additional Shares
      1. Guotai Jun`an Securities 21

      2. Everbright Securities 19

      3. Haitong Securities 17

      t. Guosen Securities 17

      4. Southern Securities 16

      5. China Securities 14

      t. Huaxia Securities 14

      6. Guangfa Securities 12

      7. Eagle Securities 8

      8. Shenyin & Wanguo Securities 6

      9. United Securities 5

      t. China Communication Securities 5

      t. Shandong Securities 5

      10. Southwest Securities 4

      11. Beijing Securities 3

      t. Huatai Securities 3

      t. Hunan Finance Securities 3

      12. Hebei Securities 2

      t. Eastern Securities 2

      t. Great Wall Securities 2

      t. Yangtse River Securities 2

      t. Xiamen Securities 2

      Top 20 Securities Cos. in 1999 Ranked by Net Assets

      Rmb US$ 1 Guotai Jun`an Securities 3,988,052,400 483,340,962.62 2 China Securities 3,173,014,200 384,311,972.23 3 Guosen Securities 2,897,749,400 350,972,203.95 4 Shenyin & Wanguo Securities 2,653,960,000 321,444,701.32 5 China Communications Securities 2,340,440,000 282,661,835.75 6 Eagle Securities 2,115,880,000 256,034,700.17 7 Guangfa Securities 2,102,344,300 254,396,795.90 8 Haitong Securities 2,043,681,100 247,216,431.67 9 Southern Securities 1,780,180,000 215,341,692.66 10 Everbright Securities 1,366,130,000 165,255,618.30 11 Huaxia Securities 1,329,594,600 160,793,544.69 12 Shanghai Finance Securities 1,289,399,300 155,932,555.66 13 Fujian Xingye Securities 1,288,044,900 155,735,822.32 14 United Securities 1,215,500,000 146,964,513.45 15 Southwest Securities 1,172,050,000 141,711,030.84 16 Huatai Securities 1,166,595,100 141,027,627.87 17 Yangtse River Securities 1,148,826,500 138,879,613.09 18 Eastern Securities 1,132,330,000 136,885,380.25 19 Hunan Finance Securities 1,112,522,800 134,490,922.71 20 Guangdong Securities 1,046,110,000 126,445,286.16

      Top 20 Securities Cos. in 1999 Ranked by Total Profits

      Rmb US$ 1 Shenyin & Wanguo Securities 847,930,000 102,479,804.04 2 Haitong Securities 705,989,600 85,325,057.33 3 China Securities 628,816,800 75,991,465.74 4 Guangfa Securities 612,108,600 73,972,307.52 5 Guosen Securities 434,415,700 52,498,415.73 6 Guotai Jun`an Securities 398,227,900 48,125,180.21 7 Huatai Securities 376,271,600 45,468,648.72 8 Southern Securities 320,860,000 38,772,712.66 9 China Communication Securities 307,010,000 37,099,079.08 10 Everbright Securities 277,630,000 33,548,800.77 11 Shanghai Finance Securities 240,536,000 29,064,752.65 12 Huaxia Securities 218,275,700 26,374,967.70 13 Shandong Securities 176,120,000 21,281,156.40 14 Eagle Securities 163,220,000 19,722,407.16 15 Eastern Securities 160,270,000 19,365,090.73 16 Hunan Finance Securities 160,227,300 19,359,931.38 17 Anhui Securities 154,290,000 18,642,539.77 18 Guangdong Securities 145,190,000 17,542,383.74 19 Fujian Xingye Securities 119,313,800 14,415,927.16 20 Yangtse River Securities 117,550,700 14,202,903.01

      Top 20 Securities Cos. Ranked by Sales of the IPO, Ration and Issuance of Additional Shares

      Rmb US$ 1 Guotai Jun`an Securities 9,875,790,000 1,193,195,015.91 2 Haitong Securities 9,343,680,000 1,128,905,374.28 3 Southern Securities 7,395,967,000 893,562,007.28 4 Everbright Securities 6,468,661,300 781,527,280.43 5 Guosen Securities 5,242,940,000 633,438,736.33 6 China Securities 3,381,555,000 408,550,913.43 7 Shenyin & Wanguo Securities 2,891,780,000 349,371,196.48 8 Beijing Securities 2,479,900,000 299,609,800.93 9 Huaxia Securities 1,932,525,100 233,478,551.76 10 United Securities 1,828,960,000 220,963,097.17 11 Guangfa Securities 973,753,900 117,642,637.14 12 China Communication Securities 939,370,000 113,488,597.12 13 Shandong Securities 799,990,000 96,649,608.58 14 Southwest Securities 772,062,000 93,274,445.06 15 Ping`an Securities 724,800,000 87,564,622.76 16 Eagle Securities 692,060,000 83,609,234.03 17 Huatai Securities 661,917,000 79,966,851.24 18 Hebei Securities 580,120,000 70,084,874.30 19 Eastern Securities 484,800,000 58,569,170.28 20 Great Wall Securities 351,740,000 42,494,059.31


      (c) ChinaOnline, 2000. All rights reserved.
      For more information, contact ChinaOnline at
      Source: CHINA ONLINE 15/05/2000


      schrieb am 17.05.00 09:50:22
      Beitrag Nr. 94 ()
      Guten Morgen HRCT`ler,

      komm gut erholt vom Urlaub zurück und ihr schwebt immer noch im 7. Himmel, kaum zu glauben! Nichts desto trotz verscheucht
      ihr sämtliche Leute die etwas negatives oder veraltet-news schreiben! Irgendwer hat v. euch mal von Menschlichkeit gesprochen!
      Die Infos von euch sind super nur in allen anderen belangen seit ihr die größten stümper die mir je untergekommen sind! Macht
      so weiter den bis zum Herbst werdet ihr euch gegenseitig die Haare ausreißen! Noch was ... heb ich mir für später auf...

      Gott zum Gruße

      schrieb am 17.05.00 10:06:08
      Beitrag Nr. 95 ()
      guten morgen,
      ich habe leider die online diskussion verpasst.
      sowie ich das borad interpretiere, ist die veranstaltung informativ und positiv gewesen.
      ich denke ebenfalls, dass die deutsche IR und PR stark verbesserungswürdig ist.
      und eine 75 mill. investition hört sich absolut super an.
      (balsam auf die manchmal stark strapazierten nerven)

      schrieb am 17.05.00 10:20:20
      Beitrag Nr. 96 ()

      Hartcourt will mit bis zu 75 mio $ in ISP einsteigen.



      schrieb am 17.05.00 10:34:43
      Dieser Beitrag wurde vom System automatisch gesperrt. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an
      schrieb am 17.05.00 10:37:39
      Beitrag Nr. 98 ()
      Guten morgen.

      Ich hätte da eine Frage, bezüglich der Investition von $75 Mio. in einen chinesischen ISP.
      Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass HRCT "soviel" Barmittel hat, und über einen Aktientausch ( MKP 170 Mio.), kann ich mir die Investition auch nicht vorstellen.

      Dort muß doch ein finanzstaker Partner hinterstehen.
      Oder seh` ich das falsch?

      Würde mich über die Klärung der Frage freuen.

      MfG Sstocktrader:)
      schrieb am 17.05.00 10:43:24
      Beitrag Nr. 99 ()
      Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

      auch weiterhin bin ich in der Funktion als IR Manager in Deutschland für die Firma tätig und in diesem Zusammanhang würde ich gerne einmal in die Diskussion eingreifen. Ich habe dies bis dato noch nicht getan, da ich fest davon überzeugt bin, daß man als Mitarbeiter der Firma HRCT nicht in den boards mitdiskutieren sollte.

      Im Rahmen der IR Tätigkeit ist bereits einiges geleistet worden:

      - Investor Meetings in Frankfurt und Düsseldorf (150 Teilnehmer).

      - ein Vielzahl von Treffen bei Institutionellen Anlegern in Deutschland und London.

      - Website Interviews. Gestern

      - Beteiligungsgespräche von mehreren NM Werten an HRCT in Deutschland.

      - Organisation einer Roadshow.

      - Etablierung eines Emailverteilersystems bei

      Auch wir sind natürlich über den derzeitigen Kursverlauf nicht glücklich. Aber wir sollten doch stärler zusammenarbeiten, um das Langfristziel von Hartcourt zu erreichen.

      Die Stimmung in China und in den USA ist sehr positiv. Daran sollten die deutschen Anleger nun anknüpfen.

      Gerne würde ich mit Ihnen auch die ausstehenden Diskussionspunkte besprechen:
      schrieb am 17.05.00 11:06:07
      Beitrag Nr. 100 ()
      Ich bin nicht an guten Unternehmen sondern nur an steigenden Kursen interessiert.
      Hartcourt fällt fällt fällt fällt fällt.
      Kann mir jetzt einer erklären, warum ich dieses Papier kaufen sollte?
      schrieb am 17.05.00 11:14:42
      Beitrag Nr. 101 ()
      Vielleicht weil gerade jetzt auf diesem niedrigen Kursniveau die Chancen, daß es wieder rauf geht sehr groß sind? übrigen wirst du noch einige Pleiten erleben wenn dich gute Unternehmen nicht interessieren und du dein Geld lieber in irgendwelche gepushten Balsen steckst! Viel Erfolg damit!
      schrieb am 17.05.00 11:57:46
      Beitrag Nr. 102 ()
      Feeling Insecure: Chinese Securities Cos. Unprepared For Foreign Competition

      (16 May 2000) According to the April issue of Touzi Yu Hezuo (Investment & Cooperation), China`s securities market remains fairly closed because Chinese securities companies are still too immature to handle full-scale opening in the short run.

      Such companies must overcome the following handicaps to be able to compete on a par with their overseas counterparts:

      Small Scale and Vulnerability to Risks

      Statistics from the People`s Bank of China show that there were 97 professional securities companies with total assets of 159 billion renminbi (US$19.2 billion) in China at the end of 1999. On average, each company had just under Rmb 1.7 billion (US$205 million) in assets.

      But in the United States at the end of 1997, there were almost 10,000 securities companies with over 60,000 branches. Their total assets topped US$2 trillion and their pre-tax profits reached US$12 billion. The assets of a large overseas investment bank are 100-200 times those of a large Chinese securities company (see table).

      Assets of Top Chinese Vs. Top American Securities Companies, 1999

      Unit: US$100 million

      Total assets

      Total assets


















      Of course, the solid capital strength of Western investment banks is closely associated with their long history of development. For instances, Merrill Lynch grew out of a marine grocery and shipping agent founded in 1820, and Lehman Brothers was founded in 1850, so they both have at least 150 years of experience.

      But the securities companies in China were founded after reform and opening-up policies were launched in 1979, so that the oldest of them has only 20 years of experience. Therefore, Chinese and American securities companies are not even in the same league.

      Similar Business Structure, No Differentiation

      Since the 1980s, competition among investment banks has intensified with the advancement of science and technology, the relaxation of financial regulations, the integration of global capital markets and the achievement of full-scale international capital flows. The increasing competition has prompted banks to innovate constantly.

      In the current business development of international investment banks, two trends have emerged: diversification and specialization.

      Take the Merrill Lynch securities firm as an example. Its business income consists of five main parts: a) interest and dividend income; b) commission income; c) income from major transactions; d) business income of the investment bank; and e) income from assets and investment portfolio management. The business of the Merrill Lynch Group is wide-ranging and goes beyond the scope of a traditional investment bank. It actually has become a kind of financial department store.

      Chinese securities companies lag far behind their international peers in terms of business scope and innovation. At present, the major businesses of Chinese securities dealers include underwriting securities, brokering and running a securities business.

      Other businesses are developing relatively slowly, so that Chinese securities companies basically have a single source of profits. Their businesses are similar, and the competition among them is accordingly intense. In the meantime, Chinese securities dealers depend heavily on commissions, from which most of their profits derive. Consequently, these dealers are not very creative, and their profits fluctuate a lot.

      Income Composition of Merrill Lynch Vs. Domestic Securities Companies, 1996

      Income composition of Merrill Lynch
      % of total income
      Income composition of domestic companies
      % of total income

      Net interest and dividend income
      Brokerage income

      Commission income
      Income from running securities business

      Income from major transactions
      Income of current accounts of financial enterprises, securities underwriting

      Business income of the investment bank
      Income from underwriting securities

      Assets and investment portfolio management fees
      Other business income

      Large overseas investment banks, while diversifying, take advantage of their respective strengths to specialize and carve out a niche for themselves.

      For instance, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs are good at underwriting securities. Merrill Lynch is expert at organizing project financing, property trading and providing broker service to individual investors. Bear Sterns mainly participates in investment and Solomon Brothers mainly deals with securities trading. First Boston is adept at organizing syndicates to underwrite securities, arranging private fund raising, planning corporate mergers and providing broker service to institutional investors.

      By contrast, most domestic securities dealers have not specialized, such that they compete excessively within a narrow business scope. They have much modern banking business to exploit including corporate mergers, conversion of assets into securities, financial consulting and initial funds.

      Once the securities market is opened to overseas securities companies, domestic securities companies will have to compete with their foreign counterparts for business relating to financial consulting and asset reorganization. No domestic companies can rival their overseas counterparts in these various business fields. Therefore, they are likely to lose a large portion of the market.

      Incomplete Risk-Management Systems

      China is now making the transition from a traditional planned economy to a socialist market economy. During this period, securities companies not only confront the same common risks that Western investment banks do, but also face special risks resulting from system deficiencies.

      For instance, there are legal risks related to the incomplete securities legislative system and ineffective enforcement of laws, the risk of breaking laws owing to blocked financing channels, and institutional risks because of deficiencies in securities companies’ internal systems. These risks are beyond the control of securities companies and can be eliminated only gradually after the securities market is opened and attains maturity.

      Internal risk-management systems are within the control of domestic securities companies but are still very imperfect, especially in the following respects:

      In terms of management structure, many securities companies suffer from the fact that shareholders cannot adequately control the behavior of high-ranking managerial personnel.

      Regarding business decision-making, there is no rationally established chain of command, so that lower-level managerial personnel and operating personnel have excessive power.

      In terms of control over affiliates, the head offices of some securities companies lack effective means to administer their subsidiaries, some of which have gotten out of control.

      A direct consequence of the incomplete risk-management system is poor liquidity of assets and low profits. A related department estimates that by the end of 1996, of China`s top 10 securities companies, Guotai Securities was the only company whose liquidity ratio was slightly more than 1, and that of all other companies was under 1. None of the companies enjoyed asset-liquidity of 90 percent or more.

      Securities dealers face high risks. Once foreign securities dealers gain entry to the Chinese market after China joins the World Trade Organization, some domestic securities dealers risk going bankrupt.

      Brain Drain

      Once in the Chinese market, foreign securities dealers will need to hire local talent with intimate knowledge of local businesses in order to gain familiarity with the Chinese business environment and begin business at an earlier date.

      These foreign companies will headhunt at Chinese state-owned securities companies, luring personnel with their excellent pay and perks in order to go after those companies’ market share and weaken their rivals.

      In such a knowledge-intensive sector as the securities business, a serious brain drain will jeopardize the survival of domestic securities companies.



      schrieb am 17.05.00 12:54:21
      Beitrag Nr. 103 ()
      liebe gemeinde !

      @ frankie the fly und diverse " disskutanten ":
      zum einen denke ich " DER TON MACHT DIE MUSIK " zum anderen kann ich FS sehr gut verstehen, dass er nicht zu jedem schmarrn position bezieht. den IR in so einem ton anzugreifen bringt bestimmt nicht mehr, als dass sich dieser - eben aufgrund massiver kritik - zurückzieht. wie wir alle wissen ist soetwas nicht unbeding positiv. meiner meinung nach sollen die menschen, welche in diese richtung zu sagen haben direkt auf die entsprechende person zugehen. und dies nicht mit der negativsten möglichen werbung in einem so offenen board zu tun.
      @frank scheunert:
      für mich war es am anfang auch sehr neu, einen ceo solche shareholderletters schreiben zu sehen - vor ein paar jahren ein todesurteil für jede company. die zeiten ändern sich. wenn sich menschen, wie hrct staff, mit diesem product hinter ihren büromöbeln verstecken und dieses medium nicht nutzen - hätten sie DEN ERFOLG ??
      die zeiten ändern sich, und ich finde es gut, wenn sich wie bei hrct, hinter die tasten klemmen und rede und antwort stehen. spitze ! soetwas in D zu sehen würde mir auch richtig gut gefallen.
      zum anderen sind sie hr. scheunert nicht nur den aktionären verpflichtet, sondern auch der company. also möchte ich sie auch bitten - wie auch jeden anderen informationen nur mit bezugsquelle zu nennen. auch keine andeutungen auf geschäfte die vielleicht oder doch getätigt wurden anzudeuten. das ist dieser position nicht würdig ! zum anfang bin ich mit einem deutschen shareholder letter und press releases schon zufrieden, ist doch kein problem !

      sorrry leute, aber das musste ich mal loswerden

      grüsse xenia1245
      schrieb am 17.05.00 15:37:48
      Beitrag Nr. 104 ()
      hallo xenia,
      hier im Rheinland sagt man: loss die kirch´ em dorf, gemeint ist, dass man manche dinge nicht überstrapazieren soll. nun gut. trotzdem, frank scheunert ist m.e. nicht unbedingt die starbesetzung!


      bislang hat er mich auch nicht überzeugt, über wirkliche sachkenntnis zu verfügen. beispielsweise die erwähnung das hrct am SmallCap Market gelistet wird........... ..........

      ich erlaube mir zwar selber gewisse orthografische freiheiten , aber ich weiß nicht wie viele fehler ihm bereits unterlaufen sind................

      vor einigen jahren bekleidete ich selber die europavertretung eines unternehmens. meine erfahrung während dieser zeit: das einzige was zählt ist: schnelligkeit, information, verbunden mit professionalität. beides vermisse ich bei frank scheunert. zum einen die schnelligkeit was nachrichten angeht aber auch der aspekt infotainment: in meinen augen mangelhaft. also wenn herr scheunert durch die hier diskutierten beiträge sich gekränkt fühlen könnte und als konsequenz sich zurückzieht......................................kein verlust. ohnehin werden hier in der ufer-serie mehr als reichlich fundierte informationen und analysen (danke hollin und logo :)) gepostet.

      was nun den vermeintlich negativen charakter der hier geführten diskussion angeht (stichworte: negative Werbung - öffentliches board) so sehe ich hier eine umkehr des verursacher-prinzips. letztlich ist doch danach zu fragen, wie es überhaupt zu einer diskussion gekommen ist und da fallen mir mehrere ansätze ein, die von frank scheunert vorgelegt wurden und mit recht diskutiert werden müssen.

      öffentlichkeit. ich denke das es nicht auf die eloquenz oder der soliden arbeit von frank scheunert zurückzuführen ist, das in düsseldorf 150 leute sich versammelten.

      um den geänderten veranstaltungsort in düsseldorf zu finden bat ich im hotel nach einem lageplan (von fs ausgelegt) – der mir auch ausgehändigt wurde – aber erstens nicht entzifferbar war (weil miserabel gedruckt) und zweitens aussah als wäre es der lageplan einer strandpartie früherer studentenzeiten. m.e. darf so etwas nicht passieren und ist schlicht und ergreifend semiprofessionell.

      ferner dürfte ja mittlerweile bekannt sein das herr scheunert unter der id frankythefly postet. im prinzip nichts schlimmes, schaut man sich aber die qualität der postings an, kommt man ins grübeln und fragt sich zwangsläufig: dass ist der IR-Mitarbeiter von HRCT???? ............................

      xenia, du magst in sachen – der ton macht die musik – vielleicht recht haben, aber manche dinge dürfen auch nicht verschwiegen werden.

      grüße dexter

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