
    Apple Computer: KGV von 22 - KZ 160$ - Internet-Strategie und neuer iMac - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 18.06.00 18:30:23 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 18.06.00 18:30:23
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Mein Tipp für diesen Sommer: legt euch die Aktie von Apple Computer ins Depot! Der Computerbauer und Softwareentwickler aus Cupertino/California ist WEIT UNTER BRANCHENDURCHSCHNITT BEWERTET und das vollkommen zu unrecht:
      Nachdem Apple-Mitgründer Steve Jobs zu der Firma zurückgekehrt ist, ging es nur noch steil bergauf. Apple hat mit dem iMac, dem iBook und dem G4 PowerMac Standards im Consumer- und Professional-Bereich gesetzt. Die Absatzzahlen haben sich in den letzten drei Jahren vervielfacht, die Margen sind hoch (die professionellen Grafikanwender zahlen für die G4-Macs höhere Preise, dort ist Apple einfach DER Maßstab, und die Amis lieben die bunten iMacs einfach). Hinzu kommt Apples noch nicht hinreichend beachtete, vielversprechende INTERNET-STRATEGIE: Mit QuickTime setzte Apple den neuen Videostandart im Intenet, mit iTools werden die Apple-User über kostenlose Serviceleistungen an die Firma gebunden. Außerdem ist Apple mit 200 Millionen Dollar an EarthLink, den zweitgrößten Internet-Provider der USA, beteiligt. Aber es gibt noch einige andere Fakten zu bedenken:
      1. Apple hat ein KGV von 22!!!!!!!! (zum Vergleich: Dell, Compaq zw. 40 und 80)
      2. Apple hat eine supertreue Kundschaft/Fangemeinde
      3. Apple bringt im Januar 2000 sein NEUES BETRIEBSSYSTEM Mac OS X (Aqua) herraus - und das ist defintiv das beste Betriebssystem aller Zeiten (ich kam erst kürzlich in den Genuß einer Präsentation) - da kann Windows (mit Verlaub) echt einpacken (ist als würde man nen Rolls mit nem Fiat vergleichen)
      4. Es ist damit zu rechnen, dass Apple in Kürze einen NEUEN IMAC mit 17-Zoll-Bildschirm und einen HANDHELD-Computer auf den Markt bringt -> starker Ausbau des Consumer-Geschäfts
      5. Apple sollte von der Anti-Microsoft-Welle profitieren und seine MARKTANTEILE WELTWEIT STARK AUSBAUEN können (besonders in Europa, wo Apple bisher chronisch schwach war)

      Also: Wenn Apple demnächst mit neuen Produkten überrascht und der Run darauf nur halb so groß ist wie bei der iMac-Einführung (aber er wird noch größer sein) und wenn dazu noch das neue Betriebssystem rauskommt, werden wieder viele auf die Aktie aufspringen. Die ANALYSTEN SEHEN DEN WERT SCHON JETZT SEHR POSITIV - in den letzten Wochen kamen nicht weniger als 6 KAUFEMFEHLUNGEN! Bei der Apple-Aktie war es schon immer so, dass sie ins Gespräch kam und dann explodierte, wenn ein spannendes neues Produkt rauskam - und Steve Jobs ist ein Garant für neue, spannende, revolutionäre Produkte. Sollte die Aktie jetzt auch noch ihren Abwärtstrend seit März (aufgrund mangelnder Unternehmensmeldungen und der Verschiebung der Einführung des neuen Betriebssystems auf Januar) brechen (ca. bei 97 Dollar), ist der Weg zu neuen Höchstständen frei. Mein Kursziel für die nächsten 8 Monate: 160 Dollar.
      Über Kommentare und Meinungen würde ich mich freuen, bisher ist die Aktie hier immer irgendwie zu kurz gekommen ;-)
      Cpt. Picard
      schrieb am 19.06.00 11:49:15
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      wußtest du das Spatializer SPAZ WKN 892725 von deinen Apple Zahlen übermäßig profitiert

      Henry Mandell: Kopie !!!
      Letztes Jahr um diese Zeit, planten wir Spatializer´s Kerngebiet als führender Anbieter von Audio Technologie, für Konsumelektronik und dem PC-Markt zurück in den
      Brennpunkt zu bringen und so die Firma wieder profitabel zu machen. Ich freue mich ein profitables Betriebsergebsis bekanntzugeben, mit welchem wir unsere Ziele
      erreicht haben, und welches uns von unseren härtesten Konkurrenten unterscheidet. Wir machten uns daran aggressiv unsere bestehende Technologie auszubreiten, um
      schnell einen neuen Einnahmenstrom zu erzeugen. Die Lizenzabschlüsse mit Apple, welche unsere Produkte in ihre Hardware Plattformen integriert haben, ACER Labs,
      Inc. und einigen DVD-Player Herstellern, wie Samsung, LG Electronics, Zenith, Hitachi, Marantz und anderen, waren Resultate dieser Anstengungen. Natürlich, beruht
      unser Erfolg hauptsächlich auf dem DVD-Player Markt, wir glauben daß Spatializer der führende Anbieter im Virtual Surround Sound auf dem Markt ist mit einem
      ungefähren Marktaneil von 40 %, was wir aus dem offiziellen Verkaufsstatistiken ableiten können.


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      2000 % ist machbar ohne high risk aber hot mit SPAZ
      von firstecom 14.06.00 16:48:55
      betrifft Aktie: SPATIALIZER AUDIO LABS
      schrieb am 20.06.00 09:46:53
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()

      ja, ich denke auch, daß sich die Apple-Aktie auf jeden Fall sehr gut entwickeln wird. Vor allem der Splitt wird hier helfen (die gesplitteten Aktien sind ab 21.06. im Handel, Stichtag war der 19.05.)

      Jedoch muß ich Deine Begeisterung etwas dämpfen, Cpt. Picard, denn:

      - Apple wird nach Aussage des Marketingvorstandes und von Steve Jobs defintiv NICHT in den Handheld-Markt einsteigen (eine unsinnige Entscheidung, aber es ist offiziell)

      - Es wird vermutlich keinen 17" iMac geben, das wäre im DTP-Bereich eine zu große Konkurrenz für die G4-Linie

      - MacOS X wird erst im Januar 2001 ausgeliefert. Es wird im Sommer jedoch eine kostenlose Beta verteilt werden - das kann den Kurs schon beeinflußen

      Apple hat bestimmt noch einige interessante neue Produkte in der Pipeline, die vielleicht auf der Seybold-Konferenz vorgestellt werden.

      Mein Tip: Halten und zum derzeitigen Kurs nachkaufen, wenn man mittelfristig spekuliert. Für kurzfristige Spekulationen ist die Aktie zur Zeit nicht geeignet.

      Grüße, Clemens
      schrieb am 21.06.00 10:42:17
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Also es kommt definitiv etwas neues im iMac-Bereich, und ich glaube schon daran, dass ein 17Zoll-Gerät rauskommen wird.
      Übrigens sieht die Aktie jetzt Charttechnisch sehr gut aus:
      Bodenbildung bei 90 Dollar (wäre also für Neueinsteiger ein guter Stop) und Durchbrechen der 98 Dollar-Abwärtstrendlinie. Jetzt ist der Weg nach oben erstmal frei, auch wenn ich dir recht gebe, dass es eher längerfristig zu sehen ist (damit meine ich auf die nächsten 6-9 Monate). So eine Rally wie in den letzten Tagen (splittbedingt) werden wir wohl nicht jeden Tag sehen.
      Mfg Cpt. Picard
      schrieb am 25.06.00 15:05:55
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Über die Vorzüge eines Apples konnte ich mich selber seit DeZ 99 Überzeugen
      Das System arbeitet so wie ein Anwender es sich wünscht..
      da B.Gates sowiel von Apple für sein Fenster geklaut hat ist
      das Orginal Mac OS *.*
      der eigentliche Standart nur es funktioniert alles (wirklich alles)
      viel besser als unter WenDOS
      PS Apple hab ich noch nicht im Depot kommt aber ...

      Trading Spotlight

      InnoCan Pharma
      0,1900EUR +2,98 %
      Aktie kollabiert! Hier der potentielle Nutznießer! mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 25.06.00 18:46:35
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Endlich hat Apple seinen Abwärtstrend nach oben durchbrochen. Der Weg in Richtung 60 Dollar ist wieder frei. Wenn die Nasdaq in den nächsten Wochen mitspielt, wird Apple den Markt deutlich outperformen und bis 70 Dollar laufen.
      Schönes Wochenende noch, Cpt. Picard
      schrieb am 27.06.00 13:05:57
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Hallo ihr Mac-spezialisten

      Ich habe ein paar Fragen.
      Wäre eine Formatierung des Mac OS X auf einen normalen PC eurer Meinung nach möglich oder sinnvoll?
      Wird der Kernel dabei überstrapaziert?
      Könnte Apple da vielleicht Windows das Wasser abgraben?

      schrieb am 27.06.00 14:43:13
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Hi Deller
      ich habe gerüchteweise (amerikanische Boards) gehört das
      MAC OS X eben genau
      das können soll, also auf anderen Plattformen zu laufen.
      Das wäre schon ein Hammer und für Microsoft sehr erheblich,
      da, zumindest meiner Meinung nach, das Apple.Betriebssystem
      das klar bessere ist. Und die Programm und Spielevielfalt steigt
      rapide, somit die letzte Barriere für manchen Käufer nun auch
      ausgeräumt wird.

      schrieb am 27.06.00 15:33:54
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Das mit dem Mac OS X (Aqua) sieht folgendermaßen aus:
      Das OS (Operating System) basiert erstmalig auf einem UNIX-Kern. Das Betriebssystem hat dadurch viele Vorteile, u.a.:
      -es ist ABSTURZSICHER (stürzt ein Programm ab, schließt sich das Fenster, in dem es läuft, automatisch und der Rest läuft weiter - sogar Filme oder Sound-Files werden während des Programmansturzes einfach im Hintergrund weitergespielt)
      -es ist SEHR SEHR SCHNELL
      -es gibt KEINE OUT-OF-MEMORY-Fehler mehr - hat ein Programm zuwenig Speicher, holt es sich automatisch mehr Virtual Memory von der Festplatte
      -es SIEHT EINFACH ABSOLUT COOL AUS - Fliegende Fenster, halbdurchsichtige Menüs, ein animiertes Dock (ähnlich der Taskleiste bei Windows, nur viel besser), pulsierende Buttons, zahlreiche Geräusche, sich zusammenziehende Menüs und Fenster, Icons in 128x128 Pixel Größe und das alles im coolen AQUA-DESIGN (blau/türkis/weiß/hellgrau) - EINFACH GENIAL.

      Die Frage, ob später eine Version für PCs rauskommen wird, ist schwer zu beantworten. Technisch möglich soll es angeblich sein, aber dabei ist folgendes zu bedenken:
      Apple ist primär eine Hardware- und keine Softwarefirma, d.h. sie verdient das meiste Geld mit dem Verkauf von G4-PowerMacs, iMacs, iBooks und PowerBooks. Das Betriebssystem ist bei allen Apple-Rechnern natürlich kostenlos dabei, die Updates bringen zwar Umsatz - aber na ja, soviel nun auch wieder nicht. Würde Apple nun ein Betriebssystem für PCs rausbringen, würden sich viel mehr Leute einen PC mit MacOS kaufen, aber wahrscheinlich weniger einen "echten" Mac, da die (leider) immer noch eine ganze Ecke teurer sind (weil sie auch besser sind ist das o.k. und die Differenz zu PCs ist durch den iMac auch nicht mehr ganz so groß wie früher, aber trotzdem). Das heißt, Apple fürchtet sich wahrscheinlich vor Umsatzeinbußen im Hardwaregeschäft, wenn die Mac OS X auch für PCs anbieten, denn den ruinösen Preiskampf von Dell und Compaq können und wollen sie nicht mitgehen (und das ist auch gut so -> Apple hat eine höhere Marge als alle anderen Computerhersteller und verdient deshalb ja auch so gut).
      Fazit: Für den PC-Markt wäre die Einführung eines MacOS X für Wintel-Rechner zwar unheimlich aufregend und Apple würde wahrscheinlich im Betriebssystem-Markt massiv Marktanteile gewinnen, aber im Hardware-Geschäft würde es sie wahrscheinlich Umsatz kosten. Also Leute: Kauft euch lieber gleich einen Mac (is eh viel cooler) und kommt zu treuen Apple-Fan-Gemeinde. Apple wird Erfolg haben mit seinen neuen Produkten, insbesondere mit Mac OS X Aqua - davon bin ich fest überzeugt.
      Mfg Cpt. Picard
      schrieb am 27.06.00 15:34:52
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Ach ja, und dann habe ich bei noch folgendes gefunden (aber keine Sorge, Mac OS X kommt pünktlich, da bin ich mir sicher):
      Apple: Peachy For Now, But Needs OS X
      By Amy Doan

      At least Apple Computer doesn`t make the mistake of attaching a year to its product names. The company has been promising that MacOS X, its new operating
      system, would be available ``next year`` since 1998.

      Now it looks like the system won`t be ready until January 2001 or later. Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL - news) certainly isn`t the only company to miss its software shipping targets. But if OS X is nudged any
      later, Apple will be in trouble. The system is a critical release that it needs to refresh sales on its existing hardware--and hold on to its newfound position as fashion consultant to the PC industry.

      ``They need to get it out as soon as they can,`` says Roger Kay, an analyst with International Data Corp. in Framingham, Mass. ``Their existing software is getting pretty long in the tooth.``

      While Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT - news) could afford to keep its contracted business customers waiting for Windows operating system upgrades, Cupertino, Calif.-based Apple`s consumer focus and
      thinner revenue stream doesn`t give it the same luxury.

      And despite its resurgence of popularity, Apple needs a way to open up the Mac market to users that were unimpressed by the iMac`s simplicity and color palette. Apple is also hoping to drum up broader
      interest in its stock: It implemented a 2-for-1 split on June 21.

      Although Apple`s 1999 sales ($6.1 billion) grew marginally for the first time in years, analysts say the company must finally realize the importance of timely software releases to send revenue past the $10
      billion mark again.

      OS X is building buzz among early beta testers, who think it could do for the look of operating systems what Apple has done to the style of PC hardware.

      ``It`s so luscious you could lick it,`` says International Data`s Kay. A public beta version will be available later this summer.

      The system will run on PowerMac G3s and later hardware. Its user interface, called Aqua, has a liquid, three-dimensional look, with documents that morph into icons and rounded, collapsible buttons. The
      upgrade also does away with the familiar Apple Menu and Control Strip.

      Apple needs to discipline itself to get new software shrink-wrapped and out the door without years of delay, no matter how hot its machines are, says Michael Silver, an analyst with the Gartner Group in
      Stamford, Conn.

      OS X is only the latest in a series of attempts to overhaul the Mac OS, starting with Pink (which became Taligent) in 1987 and continuing with Copland in the mid-1990s.

      ``I`ll never forget [Steve] Jobs talking years ago about a letter from a Mac customer who said he`d had his machine and software for ten years,`` says Silver. ``Everyone was thinking: `How sweet, but that
      means the company hadn`t made a dime off of him in ten years.```
      schrieb am 27.06.00 19:24:19
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Ich habe hier mal ein paar Pics von Mac OS X. Mehr Infos unter

      Der Schreibtisch (zu beachten: das durchsichtige Menü, die risigen Icons, das coole Dock unten am Bildschirmrand, die Farbe der pulsiernden Buttons)

      Das Startfenster (mit den einzelnen Festplatten etc.)

      Na, ist das jetzt besser als Windows oder nicht ;-) ?????
      Sieht etwas schicker als die kleinen häßlichen gelben Ordner und die 256-Farben-Mini-Icons und die tristen Menüs und Fenster, was?!

      That´s Apple Computer, Ladies & Gentlemen....
      schrieb am 27.06.00 23:36:22
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Hallo Captain!

      Laß Dir von einem eingeschworenen MACianer sagen:

      Es ist einfach wie auf der Reise – Lichtjahre entfernt durch fremde Galaxien – seitdem S.J. wieder an Board ist fluppt die alte Tante Apple (die mich privat wie beruflich seit Big Brothers 1984 kontinuierlich und treu begleitet) wieder richtig klasse!!!

      Ich glaube zwar nicht, dass Microsofts rechtliche Probleme zu einer schwächeren Position der Gesamtfirma oder deren Einzelteile (die Billy Boy dann wohl eher selbst in seinem Sinne zerteilen wird) führt, aber die Produktpalette von Apple hat wirklich die allerbesten Aussichten und sollte unabhängig davon beurteilt werden.

      Die aktuelle Zeitschrift "FINANZEN" enthält einen interessanten Artikel zu Apple und den Erwartungen in die Kursentwicklung. LESENSWERT.

      Es grüßt von der OS 9-Plattform der intergalaktischen MAC-Flotte
      ein sich auf frisches Aqua auf Beta freuender

      schrieb am 28.06.00 21:43:16
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Viele Grüße auch noch,

      vom guten, alten 8.1

      denn Spass muss
      schrieb am 29.06.00 22:23:49
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Meine Meinung:
      Raus aus Compaq rein in Apple!!!

      Reports spread of new iMacs coming out next month
      By Ian Fried
      Staff Writer, CNET
      June 29, 2000, 1:05 p.m. PT

      Cyclical inventory patterns suggest Apple will revamp the iMac next month, say analysts and resellers, with the debut of other new computers possible at July`s MacWorld Expo.

      The Cupertino, Calif.-based computer maker is apparently clearing out inventories of iMacs and encouraging dealers to get rid of stock on hand, a sign that new models are on the way.

      More special iMac bundles are being advertised than in the past. Prices have also dropped in certain locations.

      Discount retailer Costco, for instance, is now selling standard iMacs for $949 as well as the more upscale DV Special Editions for $1,449, $50 less than what Apple sells the machines for on its Web site. One Costco outlet said the store began selling iMacs roughly a week ago.

      "We think Apple is stocking (the) channel with old products in order to stop production and prepare for new products as it has before," Morgan Stanley Dean Witter analyst Gillian Munson wrote in a note this week. MacWorld, which takes place July 18 to July 21 in New York, should mark the start of a new product cycle for Apple, she said.

      One prominent Macintosh reseller said that the company is suggesting to dealers that they clear out their iMac inventory by the time MacWorld rolls around.

      Apple officials were not immediately available for comment.

      Upgrading the iMac, which has remained essentially unchanged since last October, makes sense, said analyst David Bailey, who covers Apple for Gerard Klauer Mattison.

      "It`s impossible to know for certain what Apple is going to do because they do such a great job of keeping hardware plans under wraps," Bailey said.

      Apple has typically used the annual New York show to debut new hardware, especially consumer computers. At last year`s show, Apple chief executive Steve Jobs used his keynote to unveil the portable iBook and the AirPort link to allow Macintoshes to exchange data wirelessly.

      Two years ago, of course, the show served as the formal debutante ball for the original iMac, which turned Apple`s fortunes around and helped kick off a craze for translucent plastic gadgets.

      Among the features rumored to be part of the new iMac is a larger, 17-inch monitor. Currently, iMacs come with 15-inch monitors. Future iMacs are also expected to come with wireless keyboards and mice.

      Then again, history shows that preshow speculation and eventual product releases often don`t match. Last year, Apple observers predicted an iMac with a 17-inch monitor might come out in 1999. It didn`t. The gray shell that comes with the DV iMac was rumored long before it ever got released. Other metallic iMac prototypes were shown internally at Apple but never emerged.

      Apple and Palm have also had discussions about producing a handheld. Mock-ups of an Apple-branded Palm have been shown at meetings at Apple, sources have said, but again, no products have been released.

      Bailey said he also expects Apple to update its Power Mac desktop and PowerBook notebook lines in the second half of this year, although not necessarily at MacWorld.

      Software will likely be a key focus at MacWorld. In particular, Mac fans are hoping Apple will hand out a test version of its new OS X operating system.

      Apple has promised a widespread "public beta" version of the new OS will be available this summer, with a final commercial version to go on sale in January. Earlier, the final commercial version was expected to emerge this year.

      The new operating system is based on an open-source core, known as Darwin, topped by Apple`s sleek new Aqua interface.

      Apple will report corporate earnings the week of MacWorld. Bailey said he expects the company to be in line or slightly ahead of expectations with any gains coming from higher profit margins.

      "We think they will tell a very bullish story about the second half (of the year)"`s Michael Kanellos contributed to this report.

      schrieb am 30.06.00 16:05:57
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Er kommt also, der neue iMac mit 17-Zoll-Monitor, coolem Outfit und Funk-Keyboard/-Maus. Leute, rein in Apple: dieser Wert mit einem KGV von 24 ist total unterbewertet. Was meint ihr, wie groß die Hysterie in den USA sein wird, wenn der neue iMac in den Läden steht??? Schaut euch mal den Apple-Chart an, als der erste iMac auf den Markt kam, dann habt ihr eine Vorstellung, was uns erwartet. Und wenn dann tatsächlich noch ein Handheld kommt... Ich sags euch:
      -neuer iMac
      -neue G5-Macs im Winter
      -und last but not least MAC OS X AQUA
      werden Apple in Zukunft sensationell gute Zahlen beschehren. Ich bin mir sicher, dass wir dieses Jahr noch die 75-80 Dollar sehen. Viel Spass dabei
      wünscht euch Cpt. Picard
      schrieb am 02.07.00 12:09:38
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Friday June 30 05:15 PM EDT

      Apple may exterminate round mouse

      By Daniel Drew Turner and Matthew Rothenberg, ZDNet News

      The company`s styling smarts fell flat with users, so new peripherals -- including a button-less mouse -- are on the way.

      Apple Computer Inc.`s (Nasdaq:AAPL - news) much reviled round mouse and cramped keyboard may be replaced with new models as soon as July`s Macworld Expo,
      sources have told ZDNet News.

      Although Apple and CEO Steve Jobs have been praised for innovative designs such as the translucent iMac, users have been less than ecstatic over the standard mouse and keyboard delivered with most
      Apple models.

      The new mouse will replace the poorly received, round mouse that the Cupertino, Calif., company introduced alongside the original iMac in August 1998. The
      keyboard will be full-sized and include many function keys missing from the current, compact version.

      Sources said the new mouse will be oval, as seen from the top, and fairly compact. The mouse will be about three-quarters the size of Microsoft Corp.`s
      (Nasdaq:MSFT - news) Intellimouse Explorer and symmetric rather than contoured. The Apple mouse will also present a much lower profile to the hand, sources said.

      However, like the Microsoft mouse, the Apple mouse will use optical tracking technology, replacing the ball-and-roller sensors of previous models and eliminating the
      need for a mouse pad.

      According to sources, the red LED (light-emitting diode) of the sensor will be visible through the Apple mouse`s translucent body, which, on the latest prototype, is a
      dark gray, although this may change.

      Optical technology, rocking action

      Perhaps most surprising is that the new design will feature no buttons at all, using instead a "rocking" motion to register clicks.

      In a way, the entire mouse will act as a button: Pushing down on it rocks the top of the mouse, causing a click. Although some Mac rumor sites have taken evidence of small side panels on the mouse to
      infer that rocking the mouse to the side will act as secondary buttons, ZDNet News` sources report that these panels are simply finger rests.

      Rumor sites have also speculated that both the new mouse and keyboard will be wireless. However, ZDNet News sources said that both will rely on conventional Universal Serial Bus (USB)
      connections, the same as the current models.

      Pro-level keyboard

      Like the mouse, the new Apple keyboard will address concerns of professional users, who have complained that the present offering is too small, lacks full-sized function keys and is missing some keys
      outright, such as the forward-delete and end keys as well as several function keys. As a result, many users have been driven to retrofit older, less stylish keyboards or search out third-party models,
      adding to their product cost.

      Described as a cross between the old Apple Extended keyboard and the current compact version, the new keyboard will include a full complement of function keys and a numeric keypad while updating
      to the translucent plastics currently in vogue in the Mac maker`s industrial-design department.

      Apple was not immediately available to comment on the reports.

      Change is good

      The current "puck" mouse has been the target of much opprobrium in the Mac-using community; it`s been faulted for an unergonomic design, single button and a
      round shape that makes it difficult to orient properly. The last point was partially addressed in a revised version that sported "dimpled" spots on the sides.

      Chris Hunt, a media designer in Australia, said he found the present Apple mouse and keyboard so difficult to use that he spent more than $250 Australian to replace them. "I find the keyboard too small,
      which is frustrating when I`m using Adobe Photoshop and don`t want to take my eyes off the screen," he said.

      "The mouse is bearable," he added, "if you have an aftermarket plastic mouse cover." Most of his co-workers use the additions, he said, after asking the company to purchase them.

      Graphic designers aren`t the only ones to fault the current peripheral designs.

      "I own an iMac, and I`ll say the keyboard and the mouse are not the most ergonomic," said David Bailey, an analyst at New York-based Gerard Klauer Mattison, an investment research firm. He noted
      that "there has been quite a bit of discussion in the Mac community" on the topic.

      Although he said he has no direct knowledge of what to expect as far as future hardware offerings from Apple are concerned ("they don`t do analyst briefings any more," he said), Bailey said "it would
      make great sense" for Apple to present some sort of refresh of the iMac and Power Mac product lines at August`s Macworld Expo. "It`s been nine months since the last revision," he said, "and
      previously Apple had made enhancements every four to six months."

      Asked whether such a move could alienate third-party peripheral manufacturers who have seen sales increase since Apple`s introduction of the "puck," Bailey said he thought the impact would be
      minimal. "People always have different needs," he said, adding that there`s a vibrant market for such devices in the PC market.
      schrieb am 05.07.00 12:42:16
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      New iMac Rumors at Large

      By AppleInsider Staff (

      June 16, 2000

      Apple`s award winning iMac has slowly been dwindling from the top of the sales charts in recent months, according to
      companies such as PC Data. The consumer all-in-one desktop soon became Apple`s most precious commodity after its
      introduction two years ago, and was saw at least minor refinements almost every three months until the next generation of the
      product debuted last October at an Apple Media event held in Cupertino. Since then, Apple hasn`t bothered to merely dust off
      the iMac product line.

      In late December and early January, AppleInsider broke stories on what was said to be a forthcoming 17" iMac computer that
      no one knew very much about, even though a couple of trusted sources had hands down confirmed its existence with their own
      eyes. The product, code-named `P7A` was apparently scrapped for the time being as it went under some unexpected
      refinements, though rumors of the model are abound once again.

      Word throughout the industry is that current iMac production has begun to dwindle in certain facilities and is expected to stop
      completely, if it hasn`t already, by the 30th of June. Production of new iMac units is expected to begin early in the first week of
      July and carry on through their rumored introduction date of July 19th.

      According to sources, the next version of Apple`s iMac DV Special Edition is expected to ship with a G4 processor running at
      speeds of up to 450MHz, complete with a DVD drive and 17" built in display for the complete home and small office digital
      video editing station.

      The lower-end consumer models are still expected to debut with 15" displays, but are said to feature new IBM 750CX G3
      processors running at speeds of up to 500MHz. These models, along with the DV Special Edition are currently said to ship with
      Apple`s new keyboard and mouse designs.

      There have been rumors that a new iMac industrial design, rumored to go by the code-named `iBox,` may make up the
      foundation of these new iMac models, though sources have been unable to positively confirm this piece of gossip.

      The iBox has been said by some to consist of no more than the base of an iMac computer, allowing users to select their choice
      of `slide-on,` attachable, candy colored displays, which are said to include two 15" displays: one CRT and one LCD, and a large
      screen 17" CRT short-neck display. These displays are said to attach to the iMac cablelessly (though there will be some form of

      AppleInsider still categorizes these specific iBox rumors as `far fetched` for a July introduction, even though multiple sources
      have shed light on the subject and the project is indeed said to be a current R & D venture at Apple`s Cupertino headquarters.

      Sources Add Confirmation on New iMacs

      By AppleInsider Staff (

      June 21, 2000

      As discussed in an article published last week, Apple is actively readying the next generation of their iMac
      Personal Computer. Now confirmed to be on target for a Macworld New York introduction in mid-July, these new models are said
      to pack system components that will prove to be more competitive with its wintel counterparts currently on the market.

      Multiple sources have confirmed new Apple keyboards and wireless mice coexisting with prototype and pre-production units of
      the new iMacs, which have scarcely been scattered throughout the Valley. According to AppleInsider informants, the new
      keyboard is a full-sized, extended keyboard featuring a normal sized arrow key block and F-Keys, as well as page up and
      down keys. Additionally, the new peripheral is said to sport new multimedia keys, similar to those on Apple`s PowerBook, for
      adjusting display brightness and contrast and system sound.

      The keyboard is rumored to lack a Power button, though sources may have viewed prototype units rather then a final design.
      Overall quality of the newly designed keypad is to have improved greatly over the current design. The keys are described to be
      soft-touch like those shipping on Apple`s portable line, and the general feel of the unit is said to be more comfortable to type

      Acquaintances at the Scandinavian based have also added confirmation that pre-production units of Apple`s new
      high-end Digital Video Special Edition of the new iMacs currently sport 400MHz G4 processors, while the low-end units have
      been spotted with G3 processors running at 450MHz. Though true to common curiosity, it will be interesting to see how Apple
      will successfully market its higher-end machine with a slower clock-speed then its low-end units, regardless of the superior
      generation processor chip.

      Larger component sizes such as hard disks ranging up to and beyond 20GBs and additional system RAM have also been noted
      as part of current evaluation units. A new motherboard, reminiscent of motherboards Apple ships inside products in their
      mobile space, has also been confirmed. The board apparently adds support for new technologies that will debut on the new
      iMacs, and is once again powered by a 100MHz system bus, sources said.

      Finally, it is now expected that Apple plans to be ready to begin shipping these new consumer desktops immediately after their
      introduction in July. Sources in Apple Retail have confirmed that the company has ceased production and shipment of current
      iMac units. Furthermore, contacts at major Apple resellers are reporting that Apple is offering above average commission on
      iMac units currently left in the channel. In otherwords, Apple wants the channel completely dry when the new units hit the street.

      Sources Provide Renditions of New Apple Mouse

      By AppleInsider Staff (

      July 03, 2000

      The much criticized Apple `hockey puck` mouse will indeed begin to slowly disappear from the company`s desktop offerings
      starting some time this summer.

      Since AppleInsider first broke the story on Apple`s new optical, USB mouse and keyboard over a month ago, several industry
      sources have come forth in attempts to paint a clearer picture of the new peripherals. Most recently, however, sources from
      within the company have willingly submitted a set of 3-D rendered sketches of the new mouse unit, which can be viewed
      throughout this article.

      According to sources, Apple has actively been seeding a number of different versions of the new mouse. All of the current
      prototypes viewed by sources feature a lightly tinted translucent casing with graphite-like accent panels and Apple logo, though
      shipping units are expected in an array of colors to match Apple`s forthcoming iMac product offerings.

      On the other hand, two of the four prototypes sources have come in contact with feature the previously rumored new wireless
      technology, while the other two feature traditional Apple USB cords. And according to these sources, the units appearing with
      cords followed the wireless ones in Apple`s development cycle, leaving doubts that company may be ready to debut a truly
      wireless mouse.

      Additionally, since the new mouse is based on optical tracking technology as opposed to a traditional rotating mouse ball, it
      sports an optical sensor highlight by colored LED lights. The LED lights currently shine through the unit`s translucent plastics,
      though sources warned that Apple may elect to prevent the colored light spectrum from being visible in the shipping units, as
      they have been known to do in the past.

      The industrial design of the unit`s external casing is extremely sleek. The mouse sports numerous bumps and curves towards
      its rear, which will allow for a more comfortable hand wrest, while top front portion of the unit contains indented finger and
      thumb wells for gripping.

      True to previous rumors, the mouse does not sport a traditional mouse button. Instead, sources said, the user simply applies
      pressure to to front of the unit, at which time resistance will give way allowing the mouse, as a whole, to tilt closer to the
      underlying surface, producing what is currently known as a mouse click.

      Additionally, users may choose to `grab` or `squeeze` the case of the mouse to produce the same effect. Apple apparently
      added this capability to simulate actions in current high-end 3-D and design applications, where the artist uses the cursor to
      `grab` an object and position it on the canvas or 3-D environment.

      According to the sources who provided AppleInsider with the current 3-D renditions, the actual footprint of the unit is much
      smaller than the images make it appear. "In reality, it [the mouse] does not appear as bulky and cumbersome as the
      sketches may imply, nor is its `footprint-like` shape as apparent."

      Although the new mouse is in its late stages of development, it has become apparent that the computer maker may be
      running short on time if they hope to deliver the new peripheral in time for it`s originally scheduled introduction date in
      mid-July. Never-the-less, sources claim that the new unit should make its first public appearance at Macworld New York in some
      form or the other; wireless or not.

      Stay tuned to AppleInsider for further information on Apple`s new USB Optical Mouse, as well as additional features on
      hardware that is forthcoming from the company in the months ahead.

      schrieb am 08.07.00 09:52:22
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Neue Infos zu Multiprozessor G4 Macs! Es sollen zwei oder 4 G4 Prozessoren miteinander gekoppelt werden. Das erhöht nicht nur die Rechenleistung und Stabilität sondern würde es auch ermöglichen unterschiedliche Grafikkarten oder 3D Beschleuniger gleichzeitig zu nutzen!
      Diese Geräte sollen schon diesen Sommer auf den Markt kommen!!!



      schrieb am 09.07.00 16:13:42
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Warum wird Apple`s WebObjects hier vergessen?
      Steve Jobs hat vor einem Monat den Preis von 50.000 US$ auf 699 US$ gesenkt. Das bedeutet, dass WebObjects-Entwicklungen nun auch für mittlere Firmen bezahlbar werden und sich mittelfristig die Anzahl von WebObjects-Entwicklern stark erhöhen wird.
      Mit dem 5er Release und der Umstellung auf Pure Java wird sicher eine optimierte Integration in das Mac OS X (Server) einhergehen. Die Dualprozessor-Server wird Apple sicher nicht grundlos entwickeln.
      Mit anderen Worten: Apple wird nach dem erfolgreichen Aufmischen des Consumer-Marktes nächstes Jahr im Enterprise-Geschäft voll einschlagen.

      AAPL - Strong Buy
      gruss casino
      schrieb am 10.07.00 00:55:46
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Tja, die langersehnten Multiprozessor-G4-Rechner werden dann wohl schon bald in den Läden stehen...
      Sieht so aus, als könnte Apple seinen Kunden diesen Sommer abermals ein neues, wegweisendes Produkt anbieten. Bleibt nur zu hoffen, dass der neue iMac jetzt möglichst bald offiziell vorgestellt wird, denn die Aktie braucht nur noch eine kleine gute Nachricht, um die 55 Dollar-Marke nachhaltig zu überspringen. Dann ist der Weg nach oben nämlich relativ frei und mit der 50 Dollar-Linie hat sich dann eine massive Unterstützung herrausgebildet, die auch zögerlichen Investoren ein Investment in Apple schmackhaft machen sollte...
      Bis dann
      Cpt. Picard
      schrieb am 11.07.00 10:51:55
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      18" Cinema Display Spotted in Cupertino (Images)

      By AppleInsider Staff (

      July 03, 2000

      Though we`ve been mum on the subject up until now, information circulating throughout the industry the
      last couple of months suggests that Apple may be ready to revamp the majority of its display offerings. The
      company is also said to be putting the finishing touches on a smaller, more affordable flat-screen Apple
      Cinema display.

      According to sources, the new flat-screen closely mirrors that of the already available 22" Cinema Display,
      but is noticeably smaller. The new display is said to be 18" with a 1280 x 960 native resolution. The
      current prototypes making the rounds in Cupertino are rumored to sport enclosures almost identical to that
      of the 22" Cinema Display.

      Click Image for Larger View.

      Sources close to the company have provided AppleInsider with a series of 3-D rendered sketches, portraying
      what a completed, but unbranded, Apple prototype 18" Cinema Display looked like about two months ago.
      Sources warned that there have been revisions to the design since then, though nothing drastic.

      Click Image for Larger View.

      It has been suggested that Apple will price the new display more agressively. The company`s 22" version
      currently sets the customer back 4 grand. Sources expect the new display to cost close to half of the larger
      flat-screen, and to prove more reliable than the larger display. Industry contacts have been growling at the
      failure rates reported by 22" Cinema Display customers lucky enough to afford one in the first place.

      Click Image for Larger View.

      Over the last few months, Apple`s display inventory has dwindled. 15" LCD, 17" and 21" Apple Studio
      Displays can be found at extreme discounts — or not at all. A couple of 21" Studio Display customers who
      recently reported failures with their monitors were told by Apple Customer Relations that they would have
      to wait until the middle of July to receive a replacement, as the current line had been discontinued in favor
      of a new line of displays to become available this month.

      Click Image for Larger View.

      New CRT-based 17" and 19" displays are rumored to feature similar graphite-like translucent plastics, but
      with a shorter cathode ray tube that will reduce the footprint of the monitors.

      The company may also elect to discontinue their 15" LCD Studio Display, sources said, as the new 18"
      display will pack much more punch for a similar price.

      All of these displays are expected to debut alongside Apple`s next PowerMac G4 offerings, which are due
      either at July`s Macworld Expo, or late August in San Francisco.
      schrieb am 11.07.00 13:55:36
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      schrieb am 12.07.00 20:04:23
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Na dann wollen wir mal die Messe nächste Woche abwarten, anscheinend erwarten uns eine Fülle von Neuigkeiten...
      schrieb am 12.07.00 21:44:25
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Hallo captain, wann ist denn diese Messe bitte?
      schrieb am 12.07.00 22:20:27
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Hallo Leute !
      Um an Infos zum Thema Macintosh zu kommen hir mal ein link
      Viel Spass
      schrieb am 13.07.00 16:12:06
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      Die Macworld in New York findet vom 19.-21. Juli statt.

      Thursday July 13 09:15 AM EDT
      Mac rumors gain steam pre-Expo

      By Daniel Drew Turner, ZDNet News

      The Mac industry got a new dose of product speculation the week before Apple`s
      big gathering in New York.

      The online rumor mill, long a staple of the Macintosh community, has gone into
      overdrive in anticipation of next week`s Macworld Expo/New York.

      This year, speculation is focused primarily on desktop hardware, with rumor sites hinting at speed bumps for Apple Computer Inc.`s
      (Nasdaq:AAPL - news) iMac consumer systems and a radical reconfiguration of the Power Mac professional systems.

      Web sites for fans of skulduggery (which rely primarily on individual, anonymous tips) have been
      engaged in prognostications over what stealthy hardware and software will make their public debut, most
      likely during Apple CEO Steve Jobs` keynote presentation.

      Peering over the wall

      In the past few years, sussing out the future directions of Apple has become a field much like
      Kremlinology at the height of the Cold War.

      Those who would attempt to divine the mind of the Cupertino, Calif., Mac maker rely on whispers; inside
      sources; and hints picked from, for example, shipping data, to break the news of what secret projects will
      be unveiled at the annual U.S. expos held in San Francisco in January and New York in July.

      As a result, rumor watching has become one of the most popular pastimes among the Mac enthusiast

      Amid all the speculation, Apple has remained silent. Ever since the return of Jobs as interim and then permanent CEO, the company has
      clamped down on the once-copious flow of pre-release information from within the company.

      Under Jobs, Apple has reportedly instituted extensive security measures to prevent the premature release of software and hardware specs as
      well as the marketing materials turned out by its contractors and to seal loose lips in-house.

      Recently, the company has gone so far as to threaten legal action against Web sites that display leaked information; there are even
      unsubstantiated reports of intentional disinformation spread to detect sources.

      Rumors fly

      There have also been reports of inside information about new peripherals. In fact, reports of a new mouse and keyboard design appeared on
      both ZDNet News and AppleInsider, although the specifics of the industrial designs differed widely on the two sites.

      And this week, some Mac rumor sites began to claim that Apple will unveil a new LCD monitor and a smaller version of the company`s
      22-inch (as well as rare and expensive) Cinema Display.

      Depending on whom you believe, during his Expo keynote speech next Wednesday, Jobs could announce an iMac with a 17-inch CRT or
      perhaps a 17-inch flat-panel LCD; iMacs with up to 500MHz G3 processors made by IBM; a special-edition iMac with a G4 processor and
      bundled DVD-burning software; new colors; or perhaps just speed-bumped iMacs with redesigned keyboards and mice.

      The Mac OS Rumors site, for example, has posted that it has seen "serious momentum" indicating the existence of an iMac DV SE with the
      larger monitor, in addition to a faster processor and "possibly" a DVD-RAM drive.

      The site AppleInsider (an offshoot of the MacNN site) sees a bifurcation of the iMac line; lower-end models will resemble current iMacs but
      will come equipped with faster processors, while the iMac DV SE is "expected" to feature a G4 processor and a 17-inch display. (It should be
      noted that rumors of a 17-inch iMac have circulated around the last two Macworld Expos.)

      Circumstantial evidence

      None of these sites cites direct evidence of new iMac models -- no spy shots, no technical specifications. However, the circumstantial
      evidence is strong.

      First, there is the fact that the last iMac revision came in October 1999, and six to eight months is the normal life span for an Apple product.

      Also, there are widespread reports that Apple has let the wholesale stock of iMacs thin out; this is normally done when a new model is
      imminent, to prevent outdated systems from remaining in the channel. And the low-end iMac has been "end-of-lifed" -- that is, marked as

      The scuttlebutt surrounding the Power Mac line is stranger. The Godot-like multiprocessor Power Mac G4 has been a source of speculation
      since stories of behind-the-scenes demos at the Seybold publishing trade show last summer and gained steam with a reported multiprocessing
      demonstration at May`s Worldwide Developers Conference in San Jose, Calif.

      Most rumor mills say that an MP Mac is imminent, but there`s little agreement about configurations or date of delivery. Most reports come
      with the caveat that announcements about the pro line may be held until August`s Seybold conference in San Francisco. (Although Jobs is not
      a scheduled speaker at that publishing event, there is an open "Special Opening Keynote" on Aug. 29.)

      The most conservative estimates are that the new MP Mac will feature two G4 processors at the speed of current offerings -- that is, from
      400MHz to 500MHz -- on the existing motherboard design. AppleInsider, which along with other sources labeled the new model the code
      name "Mystic," claimed that the new model will feature a revised case design that will be slightly wider than the current system.

      There seems to be no consensus about whether the next Power Mac G4, whatever its configuration, will be based on the existing or the
      supposedly upcoming "UMA-2" motherboard design (unconfirmed reports of which have quoted divergent specs).

      However, ATI Technologies, which currently supplies all OEM three-dimensional accelerator chips and cards to Apple, has said it will
      announce its next-generation Radeon accelerator card at Macworld Expo next week. The card has also been announced for the PC market, but
      only in a 4X AGP version; no current Mac motherboard supports 4X AGP.

      Cloak and dagger

      Perhaps the strangest turn of whispers arose at Mac OS Rumors. On July 7 and 8, the site published reports that the "Mystic" Power Mac G4
      will sport an entirely new case design: a cubical chassis measuring 12 to 14 inches on each side.

      In June, the same site reported that the next Power Mac G4 will contain six PCI slots, as opposed to the current three; however, the July
      reports included an "unconfirmed rumor" that there will be no PCI slots at all in the "Cube," with expansion capabilities handled by "a small
      connector which would support an external PCI enclosure with any number of slots."

      By July 10, however, visitors to Mac OS Rumors found a note that the "Cube" reports had been withdrawn under threat of legal action from
      Apple. Other sites such as Slashdot picked up the story; one poster there even reproduced what was supposedly the letter Mac OS Rumors
      had received from Apple`s legal representatives.

      However, soon afterward Jonathan Apple, a writer for the Web site TheMacJunkie, claimed that large portions of the "Cube" information
      Mac OS Rumors posted in its July 8 report were "fake details" he had concocted out of whole cloth. The site quoted "three out of the four
      bogus details" he provided, Apple said. In addition, Apple (the writer) questioned whether the removal request from Apple (the company)
      was legitimate or a publicity stunt on the part of Mac OS Rumors.

      Apple legal representatives were unavailable to comment on the legitimacy of the letter.

      "It`s ludicrous to think that anyone would want to make something like that up," responded Ryan Meader, editor of Mac OS Rumors,
      regarding the allegation of a faked letter from Apple.

      As for the planted false information, Meader admitted that Apple`s claims were "true, in part" -- although he admitted to not having read
      Apple`s entire story of how he seeded the false information. Meader stressed that his site included the word "Rumors" in its title and said that
      "anyone who reads (Mac OS) Rumors and doesn`t view each detail keeping in mind that it is based on hearsay, rumor and speculation are
      doing themselves a disservice."

      Still, Meader said, many of the details he reported about the form of upcoming iterations of the Power Mac G4, such as a rubberized bottom
      and an internal light, came from multiple and unrelated sources. Although these items should not be "entirely written off," he said, "they
      should be viewed with due skepticism as well."
      schrieb am 14.07.00 18:50:23
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Es gibt immer neue Gerüchte zu neuen Produkten, die Apple nächste Woche in New York präsentieren wird. Doch damit sollte jetzt eigentlich genug sein. Die Halbjahreszahlen gibts am 18.7., sollte für Apple also eine sehr spannende Woche werden...

      Sources Reveal Rumored Apple Macintosh Cube

      By Prince (

      July 13, 2000

      Two and half years ago, when Apple was readying its revolutionary iMac personal computer, the majority of the computer industry was
      convinced that the company was developing a television set-top box. The truth is -- aside from a handful of key employees at Apple
      and those sworn to secrecy at the company`s advertising agency -- no one saw a complete iMac model until the day Apple CEO, Steve
      Jobs, personally unveiled it to the world.

      The case was similar with Mr. Jobs` second pet project, the iBook, but Apple had tipped off consumers as to its development over a year
      in advance. The latest stream of rumors to come rushing through the communication pipelines, like heroin through an addicts veins,
      bear many similarities to the original iMac rumors. Specifically that, like the iMac, close to no one has actually seen a finished product or
      the CPU`s casing design, making the rumor that much harder to confirm, and hence believe and report on.

      Nevertheless, an extremely small number of sources have presented AppleInsider with information that confirms Apple`s development
      of a new cube-shaped desktop unit, that is rumored to have passed all of its production and quality assurance tests throughout the

      The unit, which is said to sport a logic-board containing a single 4X AGP graphics expansion slot and a processor slot capable of
      accepting an Apple G3 or G4 CPU card, is housed inside a cube-like Apple enclosure that measures a little over a foot`s length on each
      side. According to sources who`ve seen prototypes, the unit features 4 large handles. Two handles run horizontally along the base of the
      unit from the front to rear, acting as legs. The other two run horizontally along to top of the unit from side to side.

      Sources, who will for obvious reasons remain anonymous, were kind enough to throw together a couple of two dimensional sketches
      portraying the cube`s current casing design. The front of the unit sports a slot-loading CD/DVD-ROM media drive, a power button and a
      reset button. The rear features FireWire and USB ports, plus a large port door that is expected to house a display port, among other
      things. An internal FireWire port is also rumored to be standard.

      According to one source who has played with a G4 equipped Apple cube, the unit appears to lack standard sound jacks. Meanwhile other
      sources have spread rumors that Apple may be working with Harmon Kardon on a set of Apple USB-driven speakers which will
      accompany the unit. As discussed in a previous article, the computer company is also rumored to be refreshing its display offerings,
      which should appear before or alongside the cube.

      Though it is unclear which core market Apple will be targeting with these new machines -- and hence which generation of PowerPC
      processors the unit will ship with -- respected analyst sources expect the unit to fill a semitransparent gap in Apple`s product line. It`s
      rumored that the line will cater to consumers who aren`t bullish over the iMac`s all in one enclosure with limited 15" display, and do not
      need the expandability and power of a high-end PowerMac G4 system.

      "Assuming the cube becomes a shipping product, there will be little to no downside to consumers choosing the cube over an iMac. Apple
      most likely will price the new desktop at a point where the gross margin on the new units will equal or surpass that which the company
      takes in from iMac sales," one analyst source told AppleInsider. "In addition, it will attract new Apple customers who were previously
      weary of the iMac`s softer image."

      Speaking of image, these newly designed Apple Cubes are apparently stackable, as portrayed in the artist`s sketch above. This feature
      will apparently save additional desktop space at large university clusters, allowing adjacent terminals to have their machines stacked
      vertically instead of individually next to each other.

      On a side note, this rumored Apple cube is not expected to be the new enclosure for Apple`s multiprocessor machines. Apple
      Computer`s Legal Department recently served with cease and desist orders demanding the site remove its sketches
      and information detailing Apple`s forthcoming multiprocessor PowerMac G4s, code-named Mystic, prior to word of the new cube-based

      As expected, there are a number of questions regarding Apple`s cubed Macintosh that remain unanswered, including its point of
      introduction. AppleInsider will be working through the weekend before heading just south to the big city for next week`s Macworld
      Conference. Readers should expect possible, yet random weekend and or nightly updates revealing additional info on all of Apple`s
      rumored announcements, including the cube.

      Friday July 14, 11:06 am Eastern Time - Fool News
      Apple Earnings Preview
      By John Del Vecchio

      On July 18, 2000, Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL - news) will report its third-quarter earnings during Mac World Expo in New York City. Revenue growth is likely to
      be softer than in previous quarters while an improvement in gross margins should allow the company to beat earnings estimates. While one quarter does not
      make a trend, a few factors should be considered when analyzing Apple`s financial performance.

      Revenue growth is likely to be soft due to iMac fatigue
      First, the revenue growth performance will be an important indicator of the success of Apple`s iMac sales. Computer sales were soft in May, but Apple typically has a strong month of June to finish out the
      quarter. However, the iMac line is showing signs of fatigue and I believe the company will inject product upgrades to boost sales in future quarters. While, consumer-orientated iMac sales may actually
      slow for the quarter, the G4 and PowerBook lines may carry the quarter as business users migrate toward more powerful systems.

      Improved gross margin should benefit the bottom line
      Another factor to focus on will be Apple`s gross margin. Computer manufacturers may generally benefit from favorable component prices, leading to improved gross margins. Apple`s gross margin may
      also benefit from a favorable product mix toward higher-end G4 and PowerBook systems as well. Strong sales in the business line will likely increase average selling prices as well. This means that
      although iMac sales may be soft during the quarter, Apple`s gross margins may improve and the company should meet or exceed Wall Street`s consensus earnings estimate of $0.88 per share.

      Finally, Apple`s management usually provides statistics that indicate how many Mac users have switched from the Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT - news) / Intel (Nasdaq: INTC - news) platform during the
      quarter. Recent trends indicate that Apple is gaining market share in the new user segment as well as converting a significant percentage of WinTel customers. I expect this trend to continue.

      Steve Jobs holds the key to Apple`s future
      Apple`s CEO, Steve Jobs, will give his keynote address at Mac World Expo on July 19, 2000. I expect that Jobs will make several important announcements regarding the future of Apple`s product line.
      The company`s primary competitive advantage is its innovative nature. Companies can live or die by that sword, but Apple also controls its platform and users can expect powerful hardware and software
      that will push the envelope and continue to propel Apple in its beyond-the-box strategy. The announcement of an upgraded iMac and the possibility of an entry into the rapidly growing PDA market will
      likely create a catalyst for Apple shares and provide a solid foundation for future operating performance.
      schrieb am 16.07.00 23:39:55
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      By Prince Maclean (

      July 15, 2000

      Aside from the fact that Apple`s Legal department, and their lawyers, have been all over AppleInsider since 10am Friday
      morning, sources with insights into Apple`s rumored cube-like Macintosh claim that AppleInsider`s published information on the
      subject is in-line with what they`ve seen or been told.

      "AppleInsider`s latest pictures and commentary about the Cube are right on target," one source said. "This product will be
      presented in NY in a range of prices from $999 to $1499, depending on HD size, RAM and processor options." According to this,
      and other sources, they company may have plans to eventually replace the low-end $999 iMac with this cube-based model,
      which conceivably could become a decent sub-one thousand dollar PC in time.

      "Apple needed an innovative new design, not only to backup the aging iMac but also compete with the spectacular offerings
      from Sony, Dell and others," sources explained. "This is Steve Jobs` response. It is a product with better profit margins than
      the iMac and far lower developmental costs."

      According to sources, the cube is not a revolutionary advancement in Apple computers; in fact, it is rumored to be made
      completely from off the shelf components. Overall, MacBench scores for processor, hard drive and graphics are said to be
      almost identical to the iMac DV with the equivalent processor.

      "The Cube is not expandable," sources continued, "unless third parties develop expansion chassis to accommodate PCI cards,
      additional HD, etc. It will come with the new keyboard and the new mouse." The new Apple keyboard is said to sport a much
      improved "feel," and will include a forward delete key.

      According to these same sources, "the Cube may not attract converts from the Windows side, but it will keep the Apple faithful
      happy. It looks `cool` without being `cute`. Of equal importance, it will distract attention from the fact that Apple is losing the
      processor speed wars..."

      Meanwhile, other industry sources are reporting that cube units will appear in the usual Apple colors. However, these sources
      were unable to confirm whether or not the unit will be made available in a wide range of flavors like Apple`s iMac, or in limited
      styles like the company`s iBook. Others say that Apple has plans to bundle some units with new 15" Apple LCD displays.

      Sources expect that the cube will enhance Apple`s bottom line and the company`s stock price for at least the next 9 months,
      until 1 GHz G3 or G4 processors become widely available.

      As usual, we will keep you updated on any new developments as we attempt to fight off Apple`s Legal`s relentless accusations
      that has illegally obtained and published the some of the company`s most prized trade secrets.
      schrieb am 18.07.00 10:10:42
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Monday July 17 4:36 PM ET
      Apple to Report Earnings, Unveil New Products

      By Andrea Orr

      PALO ALTO, Calif. (Reuters) - People who follow Apple Computer Inc. (NasdaqNM:AAPL -
      news) typically fall into two camps: those intrigued by the style of its machines and those more
      interested in the curve of its profit line.

      The company will have something for both groups this week as it reports third-quarter results on
      Tuesday and brings Chief Executive Steve Jobs to the stage Wednesday to show off new products
      at the MacWorld Expo in New York.

      Much of the latest buzz surrounding Apple has been over rumors it will introduce a new
      cube-shaped iMac computer as an update to its popular clam-shaped machine, or that it will come
      out with a more conventional mouse to replace the existing one that looks like a hockey puck and
      never quite fit the hands of many users.

      Financial analysts, however, say there is a bigger Apple story that sometimes gets lost behind all
      the attention to computer fashion. After a few years of solid results and disciplined inventory
      management, Apple continues to suffer unfairly from a lingering reputation as a top design
      company with a lousy business sense.

      ``Investors do not appreciate the superior financial dynamics at Apple and do not accord it the
      valuation it deserves because -- in our mind -- Apple is still viewed by many as a reformed
      alcoholic -- just one step away from the gutter,`` Bear Stearns analyst Andrew Neff wrote in a
      recent research report.

      Neff noted that Apple now has a strong management team ``who supply the discipline and
      execution to Jobs` vision.``

      The consensus among analysts is that Apple will show a third-quarter profit of 44 cents per share,
      compared with a 35 cent profit for the same period a year ago. Yet analysts say that gain does not
      do justice to Apple`s fiscal discipline and its success building a broad product base that can
      withstand weakness in key product areas.

      Dave Bailey, an analyst at Gerard Klauer Mattison, notes that Apple is forecast to show higher
      third-quarter sales and earnings despite a likely slowdown in sales of its popular iMac computer,
      which is overdue for an upgrade.

      ``It shows the strength of the company in that their flagship hardware product can be down, yet
      total company revenues are up,`` said Bailey. ``It highlights that the company is a lot more than
      the iMac.``

      It was two years ago that Apple upset the notion that desktop computing meant plain beige boxes,
      when it unveiled its unconventional blue iMac. While that launch is often viewed as the pivotal
      step in Apple`s turnaround, the company`s stability today goes much deeper.

      ``Their supply chain logistics are the best in the industry,`` says Bear Stearns` Neff, citing the
      company`s ability to operate with a stunning one day of inventory on hand -- a fraction that of its
      nearest competitors.

      ``If two years ago you would have said to me Apple would have the best financials in the industry
      and Compaq (Computer Corp. (NYSE:CPQ - news)) would have the worst, I would have said
      you were crazy.``

      But the importance of Apple`s ``insanely great`` innovations are lost on no one, and industry
      analysts and consumers alike are eager to see what Steve Jobs will unveil on Wednesday. Interest
      centers on a new version of the iMac, which could help revive soft computer sales, although many
      Apple watchers suggest the company will also put a lot of emphasis on software.

      ``I think Steve Jobs will continue to hype Mac OS X,`` said A.G. Edwards analyst Jimmy
      Johnson, referring to the company`s long-awaited operating system software due out in January,
      which is designed to be more powerful and user-friendly. ``That will be a major, robust,
      industrial-strength upgrade, totally new.``

      Analysts say an increased emphasis on software could be a logical next step for Apple now that it
      has filled out its ``four quadrant`` hardware strategy with desktop and laptop machines for both
      personal and business applications.

      Some also suggest the company could introduce new hand-held devices, although most are
      prepared to be surprised by what Jobs pulls out of his hat.

      ``They need to come up with something innovative that addresses a need that people didn`t think
      they needed, or didn`t think could be implemented,`` says Neff. ``It`s one of the things that
      Apple`s very good at.``
      schrieb am 18.07.00 23:44:06
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()

      Tuesday July 18 5:17 PM ET
      Apple Reports Higher Q3 Sales, Lower Profit

      PALO ALTO, Calif. (Reuters) - Apple Computer Inc. (NasdaqNM:AAPL - news) Tuesday
      reported higher third-quarter sales and operating earnings, but said its net income declined because
      of higher investment gains a year earlier.

      The company said it earned $200 million or 55 cents per share in the third quarter, compared with
      $203 million or 60 cents per share in the same period last year.

      Apple said operating income excluding investment gains in the year-ago period had been 35 cents
      per share.

      Earnings in the latest period include a gain of $37 million or 10 cents per share, from the
      company`s sale of shares of ARM Holdings Inc. Excluding that gain, operating income was 45
      cents per share, narrowly surpassing the consensus forecast among analysts, of 44 cents per

      The company said sales rose 17 percent to $1.83 billion.

      Chief Financial Officer Fred Anderson said in an interview that the growth was driven by strong
      performance of Apple`s core products, particularly its PowerBook computer.

      He said sales of its iMac computer were ``relatively flat.``

      Separately, Apple announced a new alliance with Circuit City Stores (NYSE:CC - news) to offer Apple products in its 570 retail outlets.
      schrieb am 19.07.00 18:43:29
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      tja, die Zahlen sind wirklich flat,
      wie siehts denn auf der macworld aus?
      schrieb am 19.07.00 18:45:10
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      NEUER "CUBE"

      -450 Mhz G4-Prozessor
      -20 GB Festplatte
      -neue Maus/neues Keyboard
      -Größe: 8x8 inch!!!!!!!!! (gerade mal so groß wie ein halber Schuhkarton)



      IMAC: (in 5 neuen Farben: Ruby, Indigo, Sage, Graphite, Snow) und
      mit neuer Maus/Keyboard und wahlweise mit DVD und schon ab 799$)

      MULTIPROZESSOR: (mit int. DVD-Brenner)
      naja, der sieht genau so aus wie der normale G4

      Apple fällt heute zwar, obwohl die Gewinnerwartungen der Analysten übertroffen wurden (45 statt 44 c/Aktie). Begründung: der Umsatz betrug nur 1,825 statt die erwarteten 1,9 Mrd Dollar. Das ist aber doch ganz klar: Apple hat in den letzten Monaten die produktion umgestellt für die zahlreichen neuen Modelle. Deshalb konnten viele Bestellungen gar nicht mehr berücksichtigt/ausgeliefert werden. Mit dem neuen Produktzyklus ist nun meiner Meinung nach mit stark steigenden umsätzen und noch besseren Margen zu rechnen. Also: Apple bei Schwäche kaufen!

      Mfg Cpt. Picard
      schrieb am 20.07.00 16:47:47
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      Analyst Recommendations - July 20, 2000

      Apple Computer Inc
      SG Cowen from Buy to Strong Buy

      -tja, der Mann hat Ahnung und die Zeichen der Zeit erkannt...

      Apple heute über 6% im Plus nach den Zockerverkäufen gestern
      -na ja, die hatten eben keine Ahnung. Jetzt geht bei Apple die Party
      doch erst richtig los - dank dem iCube...


      Donnerstag, 20.07.2000, 11:59

      HINTERGRUND: Neuer Würfel-Computer soll Apples Erfolg

      NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) - Mit dem bunten Designer-Computer iMac
      führte Steve Jobs Apple Computer vor zwei Jahren aus
      der Krise. Nun setzt der Chef des kalifornischen
      Computerherstellers wieder auf eine Idee aus dem
      Apple-Design-Studio in Cupertino (Kalifornien): Ein kleiner weißer
      Würfel mit dem Namen "G4 iCube" - vollgepackt mit modernster
      Technologie - soll die Erfolgsgeschichte von Apple Computer

      Auf der Fachmesse "Macworld Expo" in New York hatte Zeremonienmeister Jobs am Mittwoch (Ortszeit) bereits ein
      Feuerwerk an Produktankündigungen abgefeuert: Vier neue iMac-Modelle kommen mit neuen Prozessoren und in neuen
      Farben aus den Markt. "Jetzt bekommen Sie bei uns einen Mercedes oder BMW zum Preis von einem Ford Taurus", sagte

      Weiterhin zeigte er neue High-Modelle aus der Macintosh-Reihe mit aufwendiger Zwei-Prozessoren-Technologie sowie
      neue Bildschirme, Tastaturen und Mäuse. Doch dann überraschte Jobs die Branche: "Einen habe ich noch!", sagte der
      Apple-CEO und ließ den neuen Zauberwürfel auf die Bühne bringen.

      Nicht viel größer geraten als ein Toaster soll der "G4 iCube" die Käuferschicht ansprechen, denen der iMac mit seinem
      kleinen 15-Zoll-Bildschirm zu schwach und vielleicht auch zu bunt geraten ist, die aber auch keinen großen Profi-PC wie den
      Macintosh G4 anschaffen wollen. In dem kleinen Rechner, der in einem weißen und durchsichtigen Plastikwürfel steckt,
      sorgt 450 Megahertz Power PC G4 Chip immerhin für eine Rechenleistung von über drei Gigaflops, also drei Millionen
      Kalkulationsschritten pro Sekunde. Computer mit dieser Power haben vor wenigen Jahren noch ganze Räume belegt.

      Der iCube kommt dank einer speziellen Kühlungstechnik ohne Lüfter aus und ist daher besonders leise. "Der G4 ist ganz
      einfach der coolste Computer aller Zeiten", meinte Jobs selbstbewusst. Das Publikum im New Yorker Jacob Javits Center
      gab dem Apple-Chef mit lautstarkem Beifall recht.

      Doch trotz der begeisterten Reaktion der Premieren-Besucher ist der neue "iCube" nicht automatisch auf Erfolg
      programmiert. Neben dem Design und den technischen Leistungsdaten schauen viele Computerkäufer vor allem auf den
      Preis. Und mit 1.799 Dollar (3.800 DM ohne Mehrwertsteuer) in den USA liegt die Standardausgabe den neuen
      Würfel-Computers deutlich über den iMacs - von Billig-PCs ganz zu schweigen. Außerdem müssen sich die iCube-Käufer
      noch einen Monitor zulegen, der im iMac ja bereits eingebaut ist.

      "Der iCube ist etwas zu teuer geraten", kritisierte der Chefredakteur der US- Fachzeitschrift MacWorld, Andrew Gore, die
      Preispolitik von Apple. Er geht davon aus, dass Apple den Preis senken wird, sobald größere Stückzahlen von dem iCube
      produziert und auf den Markt gebracht werden können.

      Ein wichtiges Signal für Apple Computer und die Macintosh-Anwender gab Microsoft auf der Macworld Expo: Der unter
      Dauerkritik stehende Softwarekonzern aus Redmond steht zu seinem Versprechen und wird im Oktober eine neue
      Macintosh-Version der Produktivitätssoftware Microsoft Office in die Läden bringen. Das neue "mac:office" bietet dabei
      etliche Funktionen und Leistungsmerkmale, die selbst Anwendern des neues Microsoft-Systems Windows 2.000 nicht zur
      Verfügung stehen./cd/av/DP

      --- Von Christoph Dernbach, dpa ---
      schrieb am 20.07.00 19:36:52
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      Der iCube wird preislich hoffentlich einen ähnlichen Werdegang einschlagen wie der 20th Aniversary Mac. Denn bei dem avisierten Preis wird das Teil wohl nur bei hypersensiblen (lärmempfindlichen) Art-Direktoren den Weg auf den Designer-Schreibtisch schaffen. Da sollte man dann realistisch auch die 9.600 DM für das Cinema-Display noch dazurechnen.
      Wird leider ein Produkt für Wenige bleiben - 2.999 DM würde ich dafür allerdings gerne hinlegen...

      gruss casino
      schrieb am 20.07.00 21:31:01
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      Kein "Soft landing für Mac OSX Server".
      Das Produkt ist lt. Pressemeldungen nicht mehr bei Apple erhältlich.
      Features wie NetBooting oder QuickTime-Streaming sind auf der Mac-Plattform also bis XX.2001 vorbei. Wollte nächsten Monat eigentlich Piloten starten, der mit Webobjects, OSX Server, Apache und diversen Datenbanken von NT/Linux ins Mac-Lager wechselt.
      Wird wohl erst nächstes Jahr ein Schuh draus. :-((

      gruss casino
      schrieb am 20.07.00 21:31:01
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      Kein "Soft landing für Mac OSX Server".
      Das Produkt ist lt. Pressemeldungen nicht mehr bei Apple erhältlich.
      Features wie NetBooting oder QuickTime-Streaming sind auf der Mac-Plattform also bis XX.2001 vorbei. Wollte nächsten Monat eigentlich Piloten starten, der mit Webobjects, OSX Server, Apache und diversen Datenbanken von NT/Linux ins Mac-Lager wechselt.
      Wird wohl erst nächstes Jahr ein Schuh draus. :-((

      gruss casino
      schrieb am 21.07.00 13:12:23
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Na ja, ein wenig teuer ist der iCube schon geraten, aber dass war bisher bei jedem neuen Apple-Produkt der Fall. Die Analysten gehen davon aus, dass der Preis des iCube im Herbst sinken wird, wenn Apple größere Stückzahlen produzieren kann. Zudem gibts ja auch die neuen Monitore, die nicht ganz so teuer sind wie das 22-Zoll-Cinema-Display... ;-)

      Thursday July 20 6:12 PM ET
      Apple Rises on New Products, Optimism From Analysts

      NEW YORK (Reuters) - Shares of Apple Computer Inc. (NasdaqNM:AAPL - news) rose on
      Thursday, after the company unveiled a powerful G4 Cube desktop computer, a new spectrum of
      colored iMac computers, and other new products that drew praise from analysts.

      ``We went to the keynote (speech) somewhat jaded, figuring that we were expecting a surprise, so
      what could he do to impress us,`` said Bear Stearns analyst Andrew Neff. ``Despite this attitude,
      we were impressed with the G4 Cube, an 8 inch cube that fills the gap between the
      consumer-oriented iMac and the professional-oriented PowerMac.``

      Shares ended up 2-7/16 at 55-1/8 in Nasdaq trade Thursday, recovering some ground lost in the
      days surrounding the company`s report of its traditionally slow fiscal third-quarter results, which
      showed sluggish sales as Mac users waited for new products.

      Apple Co-Founder and Chief Executive Steve Jobs during his keynote speech at MacWorld Expo
      here rolled out a broad range of products, including new desktops, software, a new keyboard and
      a new mouse.

      The G4 Cube, which takes up about one-quarter the space of a traditional PC and houses
      processing power that reaches speeds of over three billion calculations per second, was seen by
      analysts as likely to boost sales.

      ``The G4 Cube, along with other new and forthcoming products should bolster top-line upside,`` SG Cowen analyst Richard Chu wrote in a
      note to clients, estimating Apple will ship some 150,000 new G4 Cubes in the fourth quarter, with the potential for significantly greater
      demand in the first quarter.

      ``Apple`s new products shine and are likely to prove to be impossible to resist,`` he said.

      He upgraded Apple to a ``strong buy`` rating.

      ``With prospects for 20 percent-plus annual growth, proven streamlined execution, potential for more aggressive monetization of Mac
      customer base, and what appears to be a wide-open playing field for future innovation, Apple stock is compellingly cheap,`` he said.

      Neff, who already raised his estimates after the company reported third-quarter earnings on Tuesday, said: ``We now have a better sense of
      how the company will get there and note the company has been conservative in the past.``

      Neff estimated Apple will show full year earnings per share of $1.84, up from his previous estimate of $1.80. He reiterated his ``buy`` rating
      on Apple and a price target of $80.
      schrieb am 22.07.00 19:11:29
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      Wer von Apple überzeugt ist, sollte sich auch mal Cancom am Neuen Markt anschauen. Die profitieren als Applehändler schon seit einiger Zeit vom neuen Macboom und wachsen jährlich über 100%!

      Gruß Pega
      schrieb am 24.07.00 23:39:26
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      Hi apple-friends,
      heute -9%,was ist da los? für "sell on good news" ist es doch bereits zu spät,oder?
      jedenfalls sind heute auf schlusskursbasis die GD200 sowie GD38 nach unten durchbrochen worden.
      hat da jemand eine meinung?
      mfg dafis
      schrieb am 25.07.00 01:38:39
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      In USA nichts gefunden.
      Scheinbar haben sich die Analysten und Anleger nach der anfänglichen Euphorie über den iCube mal in den Boards umgehört und haben da weitere unerfreuliche Nachrichten aufgeschnappt.Noch sind selbst die Apple-Evangelisten am rätseln, wo der Markt für das coole Teil (iCube) liegt.
      Der Zwist mit ATI, der Rückzug von MacOS X Server wg. mangelnder Kompatibilät mit den den neuen G4 MP-Macs, die mangelnde Kompatibilität von Mac OSX (First Release) mit WebObjects, die Verabschiedung von Standards (neue Monitor-Verbindungen) und die weitere Verschiebung von Mac OS X sind zumindest fundamentale Gründe, die sowohl mein Engagement als Entwickler als auch als Investor bremsen.
      Wahrscheinlich hat aber nur ein amerikanischer Analyst einen Pfurz gelassen, und meine Annahmenm sind durchweg abwegig... ;-)

      gruss casino
      schrieb am 25.07.00 09:47:50
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      Mit deiner Furz Theorie bezüglich Apple liegst Du nicht ganz falsch:

      Monday July 24, 12:45 pm Eastern Time

      European PC sales grow at record slow pace

      LONDON, July 24 (Reuters) - European personal computer sales grew at their slowest pace since the start of the industry in the second quarter of 2000, dragged down by hesitant purchasing from major corporations, research showed on Monday.

      Market research company Context found that PC shipments were only 7.3 percent higher in the April-June period, compared with the same quarter a year ago.

      The slow quarter comes on top of a weak first quarter when unit sales grew by 8.0 percent year-on-year.

      ``It`s the worst quarter ever,`` said Jeremy Davies of Context.

      PC manufacturers focusing on the enterprise market were hit hardest, with the world`s two largest producers setting the tone.

      Compaq (NYSE:CPQ - news) shipped 2.1 percent fewer PCs, while Dell (NasdaqNM:DELL - news) climbed four percent. IBM (NYSE:IBM - news), the world`s third largest PC producer on a par with Hewlett-Packard (NYSE:HWP - news), saw its sales fall by 21.4 percent and dropped to fifth place in Europe.

      ``There have been enormous purchases from the corporate side before the millennium. They`ve done that, and now they sit back. Some enterprises are even holding off the transfer to Windows 2000,`` Davies said.

      ``It`s still wide open what`s going to happen in the second half,`` he added.


      However, demand from European consumers was not drying up.

      Hewlett-Packard (H-P), Acer , NEC and Apple (NasdaqNM:AAPL - news) -- all selling hard to homes and small offices -- outgrew the market. H-Pgrew 14 percent, Acer 34 percent, NEC 22 percent and Apple 29 percent.

      Selling prices for PC`s dropped sharply. The average business desktop computer was sold for $1,147 in March, down from $1,606 a year earlier.

      Consumer PCs also became cheaper, on the back of popularity for ``sub-$1000 PCs``, but their prices did not drop as steeply. Consumers paid an average $1,046 in March, compared with $1,409 in the same month in 1999.

      The price gap between business and consumer computers has narrowed down to just $101 from $197 as corporate purchasers prefer dressed down terminals, while consumers still want the bells and whistles needed to benefit from multimedia such as Internet music and video.

      A strong consumer brand such as Apple, which markets its iMac as an Internet fashion statement, was able to demand a 25 percent price premium over Windows-Intel machines with equal performance.

      The drop in PC unit growth is in line with worldwide figures that were released by Gartner Group`s Dataquest earlier on Monday.

      Whereas second quarter global sales grew by 18 percent, in the U.S. PC sales advanced by just 11.5 percent, down from 32.6 percent in the same three months of 1999, Dataquest`s preliminary data showed.
      schrieb am 29.07.00 00:03:55
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      Der Kurs sorgt zur Zeit ja nicht gerade für Hochstimmung.
      Habe heute mal den neuen G4 (Dualprozessor) getestet.
      Es ist vom Auspacken über die Konfiguration bis zur Arbeit das Beste, was mir an Hard- und Software seit 11 Jahren untergekommen ist.
      Kurzum: So sehen Produkte des 3. Jahrtausends aus.
      Die optische Maus und die Tastatur liegen endlich auch für PowerUser angenehm in der Hand und MP-optimierte Software wie Photoshop oder Premiere erledigen ihren Job schneller als auf jeder Intel-Box.

      gruss casino
      schrieb am 29.07.00 00:03:55
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      Der Kurs sorgt zur Zeit ja nicht gerade für Hochstimmung.
      Habe heute mal den neuen G4 (Dualprozessor) getestet.
      Es ist vom Auspacken über die Konfiguration bis zur Arbeit das Beste, was mir an Hard- und Software seit 11 Jahren untergekommen ist.
      Kurzum: So sehen Produkte des 3. Jahrtausends aus.
      Die optische Maus und die Tastatur liegen endlich auch für PowerUser angenehm in der Hand und MP-optimierte Software wie Photoshop oder Premiere erledigen ihren Job schneller als auf jeder Intel-Box.

      gruss casino
      schrieb am 02.08.00 21:55:50
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      Tja, der Kurs is wirklich nich so doll.... WO BLEIBEN DIE KÄUFER?!?!?!

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      WertpapierPerf. %
      Apple Computer: KGV von 22 - KZ 160$ - Internet-Strategie und neuer iMac