
    ADVC - UMTS einfach durch Software Upgrade II - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 06.05.01 19:52:19 von
    neuester Beitrag 24.09.01 15:38:13 von
    Beiträge: 194
    ID: 396.612
    Aufrufe heute: 3
    Gesamt: 7.413
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 06.05.01 19:52:19
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Also irgendwie scheint das mit dem anderen thread nicht mehr zu funktionieren. Deshalb dachte ich, eröffne ich mal einen neuen.

      Ich finde es schade, dass kaum noch über ADVC diskutiert wird. Statt dessen wird im Parallel-thread über Fahrradladen und Schimpfwörter geredet. Das interessiert mich nicht die BOHNE. Viel mehr interessiert mich:

      Wann geht´s los?

      Ich hoffe, dass wir bald die news bekommen. Es steht so viel an:

      - Patente
      - unabhängiges Gutachten über Spectrucell
      - funding?
      - der Vertrag mit Amelio
      - die Übernahme von Beneventure
      - der Aufstieg an die NASDAQ mittels reverse merger

      wäre doch schön, wenn RM mal mit den Patenten anfangen würde, schließlich hat er doch so vollmundig verkündet, es würden 12 Patente eingereicht, oder?

      Ist denn überhaupt noch jemand drin in ADVC?

      Birger :)

      P.S.: Der Newsletter war ja wohl super-professionell, auch wenn nichts wirklich Neues darin stand...
      schrieb am 06.05.01 20:07:05
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Ich habe Euch hier noch mal meine (alte) Thread-Eröffnung hineinkopiert...

      ADVC (Advanced Communications Technologies)

      in den USA an der NASDAQ OTC:BB Handelssymbol: ADVC
      in Deutschland in Berlin WKN: 923.286

      Achtung: Der Kurs wird in USA gemacht. Berlin hat aufgrund des geringen Handelsvolumens oft extreme Kursschwankungen und einen großen Aufschlag gegenüber dem US-Handel!

      Zur Sache:
      SOFTWARE DEFINED RADIO (SDR) ist die Zukunft der mobilen Telekommunikation: „Software defined radio“ bedeutet, dass die Art und Geschwindigkeit der Datenübertragung von den Netzwerken auf das Handy durch Computerprogramme (Software) variiert werden kann.
      So kann es dann beispielsweise möglich sein, über EIN (schon bestehendes) Netzwerk mehrere Übertragungsprotokolle (GSM – wie in Deutschland oder CDMA – wie in USA) laufen zu lassen. Der Vorteil: Man könnte beispielsweise mit seinem deutschen GSM-Handy auch in den USA über dort bestehende Netze telefonieren (was bisher noch nicht möglich ist). ADVC (Advanced Communications Technologies – ADVC; WKN: 923.286) will bei „Software defined radio“ an vorderster Front mitmischen. ADVC hat ein Gerät (SPECTRUCELL) entwickelt, mit dem man die alten bestehenden Netzwerke aufrüsten kann. Aufrüsten auf UMTS oder andere 3. Handy-Generationen – Status wie W-CDMA oder andere Protokolle. Das wäre natürlich um einiges billiger, als völlig neue Netzwerke aufzubauen, wie es beispielsweise in Europa für die UMTS-Handy´s geplant ist.
      In Europa werden beispielsweise in den nächsten Jahren völlig neue Netze in Auftrag gegeben, die dann UMTS Handy´s bedienen sollen. Die Netzwerkbetreiber (Telekom, Vodafone, etc.) würden Milliarden Euro sparen, da sie ihre bestehenden D1- und D2-Netze einfach nur aufrüsten müssten, um über genau diese Netze neben den bisherigen GSM-Standards auch UMTS-Handy´s betreiben zu können. Den Netzwerkerstellern (Erricson, Samsung, Siemens?) würden Milliarden Aufträge entgehen, da sie keine neuen Netzwerke liefern müssen.

      Es ist also relativ deutlich, dass SPECTRUCELL von ADVC die richtige Erfindung zur richtigen Zeit ist. Wichtig ist allerdings für den europäischen Markt, dass Spectrucell so schnell wie möglich marktreif wird und vertrieben wird, da ansonsten die Aufträge für den Aufbau der UMTS-Netze schon vergeben sind.

      Über ADVC:
      ADVC (auch ACT-US) ist eine amerikanische AG, die in enger Kooperation mit ACT-AUS steht. ACT-AUS ist in Australien angesiedelt und hat Spectrucell und andere Wireless-Applications entwickelt. ACT-AUS ist eine private Firma, die dadurch sehr viele Forschungszuschüsse der australischen Regierung erhalten konnte (unter anderem den höchsten Zuschuß, den jemals eine austral. Firma erhielt – 12 Millionen AUS$). ADVC hat nun die alleinigen Rechte an Spectrucell für die gesamten USA und Südamerika. Dem mit Abstand größtem Markt in der Welt. Außerdem sind ADVC und ACT-AUS miteinander verwoben, um feindliche Übernahmen zu verhindern. So hat ADVC beispielsweise eine Beteiligung an ACT-AUS und umgekehrt.
      Außer der Entwicklung von Spectrucell gibt es noch einige kleinere, von ACT-AUS frisch gegründete Firmen, die von den Erfindungen von ACT-AUS profitieren. ADVC hat an all diesen Firmen eine Beteiligung. Die Details findet ihr unter

      Info´s auf der homepage der Firma:

      Oder bei DDInvestor

      In den letzten Wochen hat sich bei ADVC einiges getan. Gil Amelio, der frühere Krisenmanager bei Apple ist Berater von ADVC geworden und es ist geplant, dass er in Kürze den Vorstandsvorsitz von ADVC übernimmt. Brisant: Amelio will seine komplette VentureCapital-Firma (Beneventure) an ADVC verkaufen, um so viele ADVC Aktien wie möglich zu erhalten. Er sprach in einer Pressemitteilung von der aufregendsten Erfindung, die er jemals gesehen hat !!!
      Cisco wurde übrigens als Interessent für eine Co-Entwicklung bestätigt. Allerdings hat Cisco sein Angebot zunächst einmal auf Eis gelegt, da Cisco selbst mit der derzeitigen Marktsituation zu kämpfen hat. Ab Mai wolle der zuständige Manager sich erst wieder mit ADVC in Verbindung setzen (ich gehe eher mal davon aus, dass da nichts mehr daraus wird)...

      Bisher hat ADVC noch keine Umsätze, es ist noch unsicher, ob Spectrucell wirklich funktioniert – es gibt noch keine unabhängige Validierung des Konzepts. Es ist fraglich, ob Spectrucell rechtzeitig fertig wird, um sich einen dicken Kuchen vom UMTS-Auftragsboom abzuschneiden.

      So, jetzt könnt ihr euch alle euren eigenen Reim machen. Informiert euch.

      Gruß Birger

      ADVC (Advanced Communications Technologies)

      in den USA an der NASDAQ OTC:BB Handelssymbol: ADVC
      in Deutschland in Berlin WKN: 923.286

      Achtung: Der Kurs wird in USA gemacht. Berlin hat aufgrund des geringen Handelsvolumens oft extreme Kursschwankungen und einen großen Aufschlag gegenüber dem US-Handel!

      Hier noch der link zum aktuellen newsletter von ADVC im PDF-Format:

      Laßt uns mal wieder ein bißchen aktiver werden hier, Ihr Schlafmützen... ;)
      schrieb am 06.05.01 21:15:06
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Sodele Kinders:

      Ich habe vorhin ADVC-Infomaterial an folgende Telco´s geschickt:
      Deutsche Telekom

      wem könnte man denn noch info´s über ADVC zukommen lassen?

      Wenn ADVC es nicht auf die Reihe bekommt, dann müssen die Aktionäre eben dafür sorgen, dass ADVC seine Millionendeals bekommt ;)
      schrieb am 06.05.01 21:55:43
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Wenn ADVC da mal nicht zu spät kommt mit Q1 2001...

      Ericsson wird Hauptlieferant für UMTS-Netz von E-Plus, KPN Mobile und KPN Orange

      KPN Mobile hat sich für sein UMTS-Netz in Deutschland (E-Plus), den Niederlanden (KPN Mobile) und Belgien (KPN Orange) für Ericsson als Hauptlieferanten entschieden. Das komplette UMTS-Kernnetz wird Ericsson liefern und aufbauen, das Funknetz als einer von zwei Lieferanten. Die Auslieferung wird im September 2001 beginnen. Erste Pilotsysteme werden Ende 2001 in Betrieb gehen. KPN Mobile strebt ein einheitliches UMTS-Netz für die drei Länder an. Damit wird KPN Mobile zu einem der größten Netzbetreiber für UMTS-Dienste in Europa.

      „KPN ist stolz darauf, seinen Kunden höchste Qualität und innovative Kommunikationsdienste anbieten zu können," sagt Wim van den Berg, Vice-President Group Operations, KPN Mobile. „Zusammen mit unserem langjährigen Lieferanten Ericsson haben wir mit Aktivitäten wie Vorstudien, Workshops, Testsystemen, Anwendungsentwicklung und vielem mehr UMTS-Kompetenz aufgebaut. Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass Ericsson der richtige UMTS-Partner ist."

      „Wir sind erfreut und fühlen uns geehrt durch diese wichtige Entscheidung von KPN. Wir werden als erster Hersteller ein geschlossenes UMTS-Netz für drei Länder liefern," sagt Mats Dahlin, Executive Vice President Division Mobile Systems, Ericsson. „Ericsson und KPN arbeiten eng zusammen. Dieser UMTS-Auftrag ist eine Bestätigung für unsere Stärken als Technologieführer und als Geschäftspartner mit überzeugenden und verlässlichen Produkten."

      Ericsson ist Weltmarktführer für mobile Netzwerk-Infrastruktur, die Nummer 1 im rasant wachsenden Markt für Mobile Internet und zählt zu den drei erfolgreichsten Herstellern von Mobiltelefonen. 2000 erzielte das Unternehmen mit rund 100.000 Mitarbeitern einen Umsatz von über 30 Milliarden Euro. In Deutschland erwirtschafteten 3000 Mitarbeiter in 2000 einen Umsatz von 922 Millionen Euro. Ericsson ist in vielen Kommunikationssegmenten Technologieführer und investiert jährlich rund 15 Prozent des Umsatzes in Forschung und Entwicklung. Allein in Deutschland konzentrieren sich über 1600 Mitarbeiter auf die Entwicklung von neuen Produkten und Lösungen für die mobile Kommunikation von morgen.

      schrieb am 06.05.01 21:57:09
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Äh Q1 2002 - sorry ;)

      Trading Spotlight

      Kurschance genau jetzt nutzen?mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 07.05.01 00:05:28
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Hi Birger!!!

      Damit du keine Selbstgespräche führen musst, ich bin auch noch dabei.
      Allerdings mit KK 1,8 $ US, also sehe ich das ganze nur noch vom Spielfeldrand heraus an - alles oder nichts....
      Nachkaufen werde ich mit Sicherheit nicht mehr, dazu gibt es momentan viel bessere Aktien mit einem
      vernünftigen Chance / Risiko Verhältnis.

      MfG Dauphin
      schrieb am 07.05.01 00:21:20
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Bin erst seit einer Woche dabei, aber leider auch schon im Minus:-( Bei solch spekulativen Werten, ist es wohl aber auch unmöglich, den richtigen Einstiegspunkt zu treffen.
      Aus den letzten Interviews meine ich herausgehört zu haben, daß sich ADVC wohl eher auf den amerikanischen Markt spezialisieren will. Der 3G Markt schein dort wohl wesentlich inhomogener zu sein, als in Europa. Für Europa dürfte ADVC tatsächlich etwas spät dran sein.

      Werde nächste Woche mal versuchen, Roger in Australien telefonisch zu erreichen. Mal sehen, ob man etwas näheres von ihm erfahren kann.

      schrieb am 07.05.01 06:22:26
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Schön, dass ich nicht alleine hier bin...

      Ich hatte letzte Woche eine mail an Jason Webster geschickt, auf die ich eine ausweichende Antwort erhielt. Deshalb fragte ich noch mal nach. Wie interpretiert Ihr die Antwort (in Bezug auf - ob ADVC tatsächlich "for real" sei)...

      Hi Jason,

      Thank you very much for the very sophisticated and professional, newsletter. It is a great design and a great first issue. I hope you can attract as many potential investors and potential co-developers as possible.

      Have you thought of approaching the big telephone companies with that newsletter? Here in Germany: Deutsche Telekom, Vodafone/Mannesmann, Viag/Intercom, Mannesmann/Arcor or Mobilcom would be very much interested in such a great invention as Spectrucell.

      By the way, in my last e-mail I wrote:
      "If you tell me, Spectrucell is in fact for real, I am going nowhere but stay in here."

      I was getting superstitious with you not responding to that specific part. Could you please tell me that Spectrucell is in fact for REAL ?

      Thanks in advance



      Thank you for the feedback on the newsletter, I hope it will bring you valuable information in the future. As for Spectrucell, it is very much a real technology. While there is no real way this can be proven beyond doubt at this stage, I feel the involvement of Dr Amelio with ACT should provide outside investors with some comfort.

      Jason Webster
      Manager-Corporate Communications
      Advanced Communications Technologies (Australia) Pty Ltd

      Gedanken? ;)
      schrieb am 07.05.01 10:24:31
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      "I feel the involvement of Dr Amelio with ACT should provide outside investors with some comfort". Das wird auf die Dauer wohl nicht reichen! Ein Vertrag mit diesem tollen Herren wäre da schon etwas anderes...So langsam wird es wirklich Zeit! Wäre auch schön, mal was konkretes zum Thema Nasdaq zu hören!
      schrieb am 07.05.01 21:02:44
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()

      verstehe ich so, dass die Sache bald in trockenen Tüchern sein sollte und dass man sich dann keine Sorgen mehr machen braucht.
      schrieb am 07.05.01 21:58:14
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Hallo, Birger!

      Ich bin noch "drin", sogar ziemlich stark investiert (seit Oktober 1999). Da fast alle meine anderen Positionen im letzten Jahr fast völlig zusammengebrochen sind, hat advc jetzt einen recht großen Anteil an meinem Gesamtdepot.
      Und an meiner Hoffnung, in diesem und dem nächsten Jahr vielleicht doch mal wieder auf einen grünen Zweig zu kommen. Die neue Informationspolitik von advc ist ja vielleicht ein Anfang, aber - das alte Lied: Solange sich so viele Ankündigen als Luftblasen erweisen, wird es nicht dauerhaft aufwärts gehen.
      Ich mag mir gar nicht vorstellen, was geschieht, wenn die Sache mit Amelio doch noch platzen sollte.

      Ich habe zur Zeit wenig Zeit zur Recherche und bin froh, wenn ich über Dich (oder andere) was neues erfahre.


      schrieb am 08.05.01 08:36:40
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Hier die neuesten Posts von Jason Webster von Ragingbull:

      Birger: Könntest recht haben mit Deiner Interpretation!!


      In reference to your first question, the contract will be due to expire in late May, however as advised on recent conference calls, the company expects to have completed it’s management negotiations with Dr Amelio at this time.

      I will need to seek further information to answer your second question, however given that Dr Amelio’s company will be merged with ACT-US as part of the process I imagine the appointment will be permanent.

      In reference to the AGM, investors will be advised of the date as soon as the proxy can be both finalised and lodged.

      Finally, the Ladenburg funding is in process and all necessary paperwork will be lodged in due course.

      Jason Webster
      Manager-Corporate Communications
      Advanced Communications Technologies (Australia) Pty Ltd


      1. Reverse Merger: Companies are being evaluated at present with contact having been made with several suitable targets.

      2. Patent Filings: The company continues to work on its next round of patent filings and will be lodging new patent documentation shortly.

      3. Beneventure/Dr Amelio: Negotiations remain in process with resolution expected in late May/early June as outlined in recent interviews/conference calls with Roger May.

      4. AGM Date: A new date will be set as soon as the proxy form is finalised and available for lodgement.

      5. Fourth Quarter Earnings projection: I am seeking information on this issue.

      6. SpectruCell Validation: Aside from Dr Amelio’s validation of the project after having spent a week with ACT, we are at advanced stages in the finalisation of the report being prepared for a major bank led syndicate. As we are not the owners of this report we must first gain the bank’s permission to use its contents. We hope to make segments of this report available to investors in the future.

      Jason Webster
      Manager-Corporate Communications
      Advanced Communications Technologies (Australia) Pty Ltd


      The short answer to the first part of your question is yes. The development tools due to be released in July this year incorporate the Chameleon chip as part of the hardware component. As ACT will gain royalty income from the sale of these development tools, it will profit from the sale of the chips (where incorporated into ACT’s proprietary hardware) to other telecommunications linked companies.

      Jason Webster
      Manager-Corporate Communications
      Advanced Communications Technologies (Australia) Pty Ltd
      schrieb am 08.05.01 09:19:29
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Hallo an alle, Hallo Birger,

      auch ich bin weiterhin mit all meinen shares noch in ADVC drin, wie an anderer Stelle bereits festgestellt, mit steuerfreien Verlusten .... noch ... .

      Den Sinn zu posten sehe ich gerade nicht so gegeben, da bis auf nicht eingehaltene timeframes nicht so viel passiert ... s` dauert halt alles etwas länger, nur solange dann die richtigen news kommen ... okay.

      Im Moment also wieder etwas gelassener und eher mit meinem Umzug beschäftigt


      schrieb am 09.05.01 15:54:33
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      *** ADVC NEWS*** New Patent Filing:

      Advanced Communications Technologies - New Patent Application Filed - re Core 3G SDR Operating Platform

      Los Angeles-May. 9th, 2001-Advanced Communications Technologies Inc.
      (OTCBB:ADVC) (ACT-US), today announced that its Australian-based affiliate, Advanced Communications Technologies (Australia) Pty Ltd (ACT-Australia), has filed a key patent relating to the company`s revolutionary software
      defined multiple protocol mobile wireless base station technology known as SpectruCell.

      The patent filing relates to the core system design of the SpectruCell base station technology that is a software defined radio (SDR). The patent describes the SpectruCell architecture for implementing software defined radio (SDR) applications such as GSM, CDMA, WCDMA, UMTS, and other 3G
      cellular protocols.
      The patent describes the unique method in which
      SpectruCell uses a proprietary hardware platform combined with its core software operating system to implement a working software defined radio (SDR).

      The new patent filing is the first of a series of patent applications currently in process that are designed to protect the core SpectruCell architecture insofar as it relates to the implementation of a software defined radio for 3G and future 4G applications.

      "This latest patent application is especially significant, as it is designed to secure patent protection for this core component of the SpectruCell base station, which should further strengthen ACT`s substantial foothold and
      significant market lead in software defined radio technologies. In addition once granted, it may represent a major barrier to entry for any future competitors", said Roger May, Chairman of ACT-US. "Additionally, the
      establishment of ACT`s intellectual property rights over the central components of this highly flexible technology should insure that the company can begin to generate substantial revenues from a lucrative royalty stream
      once the SpectruCell operating platform is released with our development tools suite in the third quarter of this year".

      ACT`s suite of SDR development tools will comprise a hardware platform with corresponding simulation and emulation software tools that will enable third
      party application vendors to develop both 2G and 3G applications for software defined radio. By using the SpectruCell multiple protocol software operating platform, third party application developers can insure that their
      2.5 - 3G products will be compatible with any mobile network regardless of the 3G protocol ultimately employed by the network operator, as any changes or modifications only require a software modification.

      All SpectruCell applications are compliant with and inter-operable with all existing 2G networks.

      Perhaps most importantly, the release of ACT`s SDR development tools should be of great assistance assist in key negotiations currently in process with several major network and infrastructure providers in the United States and Europe.

      The SpectruCell development kit for third party developers will be made publicly available in the third quarter of 2001. Beta test releases are expected to commence in late July, 2001.

      This latest patent application filing adds to ACT`s growing battery of patents which to date have covered technologies such as methods for the software implementation of CDMA (IS-95). In developing this methodology, ACT believes it has insured that a network operator can implement the CDMA (IS-95) protocol without the use of any Qualcomm (NASDAQ:QCOM) chipsets, or
      any other protocol specific hardware, thereby enjoying significant savings over a traditional hardware based network solution.

      ACT plans to file additional patent applications covering its SpectruCell SDR core operating system in the near future, and expects to file in excess of 35 patents in total surrounding SDR implementations for cellular

      Update - Dr. Gilbert Amelio

      Negotiations with Dr. Amelio in relation to his joining the company as Chairman are now reaching the final stages and an announcement, which the company believes will be of a positive nature, will be made immediately upon

      ACT Global Update Now Available

      The inaugural edition of the Advanced Communications Technologies Global Update is now available for download from the Investor Relations - News section of the company`s web sites. Published monthly, the Update provides
      an ideal source of news and commentary about ACT`s progress in the development of the SpectruCell base station and associated technologies.

      About Advanced Communications Technologies


      Es grüßt

      schrieb am 09.05.01 16:28:08
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Wollte ADVC nicht 12 Patente auf einen Schlag
      anmelden ? Hm...naja, besser als nichts ;c)

      mfg Mars
      schrieb am 09.05.01 17:25:39
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Hallo Mars,

      habe da auch noch was von neuem CEO im Ohr und nicht Chairman .... aber besser als nichts, oder ... .

      Der Kurs und das Volumen kommen auch langsam in Bewegung ... we will see ...

      Es grüßt

      schrieb am 11.05.01 07:58:07
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      TRW/Nokia & Conference Feedback

      With the usual suspects touting today’s TRW/NOK news as an indication that SpectruCell has substantial competition I thought the following comments may be of use to ACT-US investors. The following contains a mix of fact and opinion and is offered purely as an opposing view for consideration.

      In the first instance, I believe that any comparison between the TRW/NOK product and SpectruCell is fundamentally flawed. Why? Because the TRW/NOK base station incorporates substantial protocol specific componentry which ultimately limits its functionality. SpectruCell has no protocol specific hardware and as such its functionality is determined purely by the software modules uploaded onto it. A good analogy for the differences here is like comparing a remote control which only operates your VCR (the TRW/NOK product) to a generic remote which has the ability to learn how to operate your TV, DVD, VCR, stereo and any other product that happens to come along in the future (SpectruCell).

      GPRS and EDGE are GSM based technologies so the NOK base station essentially supports GSM, 2.5G GSM technologies and a 3G protocol (WCDMA). Cleary, this is NOK’s attempt to cover all bases but it remains a static solution, in that to use it, operators must be willing to accept that package of services. This may be fine for Europe where GSM is the dominant protocol, but what happens, if as in the US, the networks are predominantly based on TDMA? In order to retain service to your existing TDMA customers the operator would be required to build out a new network to incorporate the NOK base station. SpectruCell on the other hand would be able to support TDMA, GSM and WCDMA simultaneously on the one existing network providing the ideal solution.

      In terms of future upgradeability the NOK base station is again a static solution. It does not allow the network operator to escape the cycle of network build out, new technology, new network build out. SpectruCell is designed as a once only upgrade for an existing network which can then be enhanced to support new technology by simple software upgrades. Considering the cost savings involved, this would have to be a very attractive proposition for network operators.

      As 3G networks are the way of the future technologies relating to these networks are naturally surfacing almost daily. The fact remains that there is yet to be an announcement by anyone other than ACT that they have developed and successfully tested a pure form SDR base station. To my mind all the other announcements to date relate to the ‘old world’ mind set in that they are all essentially hardware solutions (although some such as Airnet incorporate some SDR techniques). In my opinion there is yet to be an announcement of a product which offers the combination of cost savings and exceptional flexibility provided by SpectruCell pure form SDR operating system.

      Which brings me to my next comment…..

      Conference Feedback

      Recent conversations with one of our leading engineers who recently presented at the TETRA Asia-Pacific Congress 2001 indicated that awareness and support of SDR amongst telecommunications industry consultants is rising rapidly. This is a very positive development as these consultants will be called upon by many network operators to provide recommendations as to which technical path to follow as they look to upgrade their networks. As ACT moves towards the commercialisation of the SpectruCell base station the knowledge that we have an army of consultants both aware and in many cases supportive of SDR, is very comforting.

      Jason Webster
      Manager-Corporate Communications
      Advanced Communications Technologies (Australia) Pty Ltd…
      schrieb am 11.05.01 08:04:34
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Ex-Apple CEO Amelio to join Sienna
      By Dawn Kawamoto
      Staff Writer, CNET
      May 10, 2001, 5:55 p.m. PT
      Gil Amelio, venture capitalist and former chief executive of Apple Computer, is joining Sienna Ventures as a senior partner.

      Amelio, who was ousted from his job at Apple, was also CEO of National Semiconductor. Some industry analysts and former employees blamed Amelio for Apple`s decline.

      A spokesman for Sienna Ventures declined to comment. Amelio couldn`t immediately be reached for comment.

      Currently the managing director of Beneventure Capital, Amelio will join Sausalito, Calif.-based Sienna this month, according to sources.

      Sienna primarily invests in wireless communications, networking, Internet infrastructure and software companies seeking early rounds of financing. The firm, formed in 1990, has invested in such companies as Epana Networks, a communications company that is developing ways to reduce network congestion, and M7 Networks, a service provider for mobile Internet hosting.

      In February the firm closed its Sienna LP III fund, which raised $75 million from such investors as the California Institute of Technology and First Union Bank.

      Also in February, Advanced Communications Technologies--an Australian-based software company--said it would acquire Beneventure Capital. ACT USA, based in Los Angeles, was interested in the complementary nature of Beneventure`s portfolio companies and its wireless technology.

      Amelio "chose Sienna partly because he will be able to devote more attention to a smaller number of portfolio companies," the source said.

      Partners at Sienna typically sit on half a dozen boards of its portfolio companies, the source said. Sienna has a history of taking an active role in working with a company`s management, and Amelio has a background in managing large companies.…

      JWeb: Does this Sienna deal impact our....

      our negotiations with Dr. Amelio and/or the Beneventure/ADVC merger? Please advise.

      von bondgodess

      No. It is common for executives to sit on the boards of numerous companies (as both Roger May and Dr Amelio do now)

      Jason Webster
      Manager-Corporate Communications
      Advanced Communications Technologies (Australia) Pty Ltd
      schrieb am 12.05.01 22:47:22
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      |Wat`n scheiss ...|

      Wie sieht bei Euch die Laune aus ?

      Also leicht machen die es einem nicht. Am besten: Tickeralarm auf
      irgendeine $-Zahl einstellen und das ganze nen Jahr liegen lassen,
      dann spart man sich den Frust mit RMs announcements. Das bricht uns
      noch mal das Genick, an der W-Street glaubt "uns" doch keiner mehr, wenn dann
      mal der "Wolf" kommt ...

      schrieb am 13.05.01 00:26:17
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Hallo an alle, Hallo Techs,

      meine Laune, .... ??!!??**++#-´ß Sagt doch alles, oder?

      Wo steht ADVC 12`01??

      Bei 0$ oder bei ??$ ... keine Ahnung aktuell ...

      Ich möchte Mäuschen spielen können und mal einen Blick hinter die Kulissen werfen ...

      Forderte GA zuviel ...
      Ist RM ein tendenziell unumschränkter Patriarch, ohne jeden Realitätsbezug ...
      Ist RM ein Visionär, der um das wahre Potential von S/C weiß und es nicht verscherbeln will ...
      In jedem Fall ist er ein schlechter Politiker, der zu große, kurzfristige Versprechungen macht/e und wir haben das Desaster (den sharepreis) zu tragen ...

      Wie sehen denn gerade so Eure Visionen aus ... für den Fall, daß es ein "happy end" gibt ;) ? Konkreter: Wo seht Ihr den Aktienkurs ... sagen wir auf Sicht von 6 und 12 Monaten??

      Es grüßt

      Diva, der gerade (?) so ein bischen positive Träumerei/Spinnerei gut tun würde
      schrieb am 13.05.01 01:36:18
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Hi !

      Als stiller Beobachter, meine ich das ADVC alles in eigener Hand hat, zudem kommt das aktuell SEHR VIELE OTC Werte nicht ins laufen kommen.

      Sofern sich die Situation am MArkt wieder verbesseren wird ADVC durchstarten.

      6-12 Monate, sehe ich ein Potential von 2-3 Dollar als realistisch an.

      schrieb am 13.05.01 12:07:59
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()

      was ist Dir denn über die Leber gelaufen? Ist doch im Moment eigentlich alles ganz positiv und rosarot, oder?

      Also ich war ein paar Tage nicht online und bin gerade am Nachlesen aber:

      # Patent angemeldet
      # Amelio Vereinbarung kurz vor Abschluß
      # Internationale und europäische Network Provider buhlen um ADVC
      # die Ausgabe der Entwicklungslizenzen an interessierte Unternehmen steht bevor
      # Beneventure - deal in Vorbereitung
      # Reverse Merger in Vorbereitung

      ist doch extrem positiv !!!

      Und dass Amelio nicht CEO wird, hatte RM doch schon im letzten CC angekündigt. Er ging sogar so weit (laut meinem Gedächtnis), dass er sagte, die Rolle, die GA einnehmen werde sei noch gar nicht klar definiert. GA habe eher Interesse an der Vermarktung und dem Product Launch von Spectrucell in den USA als an der Rolle des CEO mit allen nervigen Tagesgeschäften.

      Ich fände das aber doch eindeutig besser, wenn er "verantwortlich" für die Umsetzung von Spectrucell zeichnen sollte.

      Sonst alles klar?

      Diva: Preisprognose

      hmmmm, keine Ahnung. Ich glaube, es ist immer noch alles drin: von 0,00 $ bis 10,00 $ in den nächsten Monaten.

      Ich persönlich glaube an 5 $ bis zum Jahresende - oder sagen wir lieber: ich träume von...

      Birger :)
      schrieb am 13.05.01 15:03:40
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Hallo Leute,

      ich habe mir auch mal die Mühe gemacht und an alle großen Telefonfirmen geschrieben. Jetzt bin ich gespannt, was als Antwort kommt.


      Schreibt an alle Telcos und weist sie auf ADVC hin ! Vielleicht können wir was erreichen, vielleicht kennen einige ADVC noch gar nicht ?

      Und bitte schreibt alle hier ins Board, was Ihr als Antwort erhalten habt !



      schrieb am 13.05.01 16:30:22
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()

      Ich habe bereits an:

      Deutsche Telekom

      e-mails mit Info-Material über ADVC geschickt. Bisher außer u.g. e-mails keine Antworten:

      Sehr geehrter Birger,

      vielen Dank fuer Ihre E-Mail.

      Ihre Anfrage wird zurzeit bearbeitet.
      Sie erhalten schnellstmoeglich eine Antwort von uns.

      Wir bitten Sie um etwas Geduld.

      Mit freundlichen Gruessen

      Ihre Deutsche Telekom


      Jens Duever

      Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

      Ihre Nachricht wurde dem Customer Retention Center der Nokia
      Mobile Phones Sales zur Bearbeitung uebermittelt. Unser Team ist
      Montag bis Freitag von 08.00Uhr bis 18.00Uhr gerne fuer Sie da.

      Die Bearbeitung von Anfragen per eMail erfolgt im Regelfall
      innerhalb des aktuellen Arbeitstages. Wir bitten jedoch um
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      Unsere Mitarbeiter sind im Interesse kurzer Bearbeitungszeiten
      angewiesen eMails auf den Kern der Fragestellung reduziert zu
      formulieren. Scheuen Sie sich nicht im Zweifelsfall gezielt

      Wir danken Ihnen fuer das Interesse an unserem Support und
      verbleiben mit freundlichen Gruessen,

      Customer Retention Center
      Nokia Mobile Phones Sales
      -Connecting People-

      Guten Tag Birger,

      ich habe Ihre email an Erik Ratzmann weitergeleitet.
      Seine email Adresse ist

      Mit freundlichem Gruß
      Viel Erfolg

      Patrick Möller

      Patrick Möller
      Investor Relations
      MobilCom AG
      fon: +49 (0) 4331-69-1173
      fax: +49 (0) 4331-69-2888

      Guten Tag Birger,

      vielen Dank für Ihre E-Mail.

      Wir haben den von Ihnen beschriebenen Sachverhalt zur weiteren Bearbeitung an unsere Fachabteilung weitergeleitet.

      Wir bitten Sie an dieser Stelle um ein wenig Geduld. In Kürze werden wir uns unaufgefordert wieder mit Ihnen in Verbindung

      Diese E-Mail wurde im Team bearbeitet, eine Speicherung beantworteter Fragen findet nicht statt. Bitte senden Sie bei
      Rückfragen Ihre vollständige Anfrage mit Ihrem Kennwort mit, danke.

      Mit freundlichen Grüßen

      Ihr D2-WebTeam
      Mannesmann Mobilfunk GmbH
      D2 Park 3
      40878 Ratingen
      Tel.-Nr.: 0800-172-1212
      Fax : 02102-986575

      Dazu noch ein paar - "wir haben Ihre e-mail empfangen" - homepage feedback´s...

      Birger ;)
      schrieb am 13.05.01 18:38:50
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Hallo Birger,

      also auf gut deutsch:

      wir haben Deine Email in den Papierkorb geworfen, nerv uns nicht !

      Oder interpretiere ich das so falsch ... ?


      The Analyst
      schrieb am 14.05.01 14:57:56
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()

      find ich gut das hier euch so für advc einsetzt dann seh ich vielleicht mal meine einstiegskurse von ca. 1,10 wieder

      bin trotztdem noch optimitisch!
      schrieb am 14.05.01 17:15:49
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()

      sicher hat RM auf dem letzten CC gesagt, dass das mit GA wohl anders werden wird.

      Aber mir geht es nicht darum, was er beim letztem Mal alles wieder zurückgenommen hat, sondern um
      die Ankündigungen, die er davor gemacht hat.

      RM said on the last CC. IMO, chances for getting GA as CEO
      could be small. From what was said, it seems that GA likes the tech marketing stuff more than becoming CEO, IMO.

      GA as CEO/Chairman:

      Reddy, yep, GA`s future involvement could be downgraded a bit, if we get him at all. Who knows.

      Version A from PR 1rst of March:
      "Dr. Amelio will also play an instrumental role in the company`s capital raising efforts. As previously announced the contract terms provide for conversion to
      full employment contracts for Dr. Amelio and certain key Beneventure personnel during the next 90 days."

      Version B:
      "Dr. Amelio and his management team from Beneventure Capital, LLC have entered into a management consulting contract to provide management
      services to the company. It is anticipated that Dr. Amelio will assume the role of Chairman and CEO of ACT-US upon completion of a formal contract."

      Version C from last PR:
      "Update - Dr. Gilbert Amelio
      Negotiations with Dr. Amelio in relation to his joining the company as chairman are now reaching the final stages and an announcement, which the company
      believes will be of a positive nature, will be made immediately upon completion. "

      Am Ende kommt GA wahrscheinlich gar nicht ... und dann ?

      Hätten wir ahnen können oder ?

      Aber, dass Cisco in der Krise ist, dafür kann er ja nun
      wirklich nichts ... Tip: schau Dir bloss nicht seine
      letzten posts an die Basher (Drakes) an: "It will happen", "run drakes run".
      Naja, kam wohl etwas anders ... aber da kann er ja wirklich nichts dafür, der Markt und so ...

      Mein Fazit: Technik super, aber sonst ... naja, einfach wird es mit dem Ruf, den ADVC jetzt hat, nicht.

      schrieb am 15.05.01 11:35:00
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Nach den letzten news bezüglich Gil Amelio und seiner Zusammenarbeit mit Sienna (einer Venture Kapital Firma) und der Meldung daß ADVC doch nicht Beneventure übernimmt wurde am RB board von einigen behauptet, jetzt wird es keine Zusammenarbeit mit Gil Amelio mehr geben.

      Daraufhin gab es heute folgende Klarstellung von Roger May:

      Nach seinem Umzug nach Irvine/Newport Anfang Juni wird Dr. Amelio Chairman von ACT-US.
      Des weiteren ist die Übernahme nur einer der Beteiligungen von Beneventure geplant, diese Firma soll gut zu ACT passen und einen angemessenen Preis haben.
      Das Problem bei den Verhandlungen war ein erheblicher Finanzbedarf von Beneventure, der in dem ursprünglichen Vertrag nicht berücksichtigt war und erst später offensichtlich wurde. (einigen der Beteiligungsfirmen von Beneventure soll es gar nicht gut gehen).

      Diese neuen Vereinbarungen wurden erst Ende letzter Woche ausgehandelt.

      Von der Zusammenarbeit Amelios mit Sienna und anderen Firmen wußten sie und sind der Überzeugung, daß diese Kontakte sehr positiv für SpectruCell und die künftige Finanzierung sind (speziell Sienna) und keinen Interessenkonflikt darstellen.

      Dr. Amelio arbeitet aktiv für ACT und hat z.B. heute 15.5.
      ein Meeting bei einer NASDAQ Firma.

      Das posting im original:…

      Ich finde es sehr positiv, das ADVC Beneventure nicht komplett übernimmt. Der Preis (in Aktien von ADVC) ist so niedriger und wir haben nicht den Ärger mit Firmen, die nicht zu ADVC passen bzw. pleite sind.

      Zu Dr Amelios Zusammenarbeit mit Sienna fiel mir spontan ein, daß er für die Finanzierung des US Geschäftes von ACT verantwortlich sein soll und da ist eine Venture Kapital Firma die im Bereich Telekommunikation investiert ja genau das richtige.


      schrieb am 15.05.01 15:14:11
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Hallo Leute,

      ich will hier nicht als Bremse darstehen. Woir alle haben viel (oder nicht mehr so viel) Kohle in ADVC.

      Aber findet Ihr es nicht bedenklich, daß Nachrichten, die vorher ganz klar versprochen waren und dann nicht eingehalten wurden (so wie jetzt eben die Amelio- und Beneventure-Sache), jetzt einfach positiv umgedeutet werden, als würde nix passieren ?

      Hier werden ganz klar Zusagen nicht eingehalten oder nur abgeschwächt erfüllt.
      Das ist keine Basis für Vertrauen zwischen Aktionären und Firma, sorry, aber so ist es.

      Wie sollen wir denn denen da jemals glauben ??


      schrieb am 15.05.01 19:04:34
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      Regarding the recent news of Dr. Gilbert Amelio joining Sienna Ventures,
      ADVC CEO, Mr. Roger May has issued the following statement:


      Following discussions between myself, Jeremy Norton and Dr Amelio as
      recently as late last week, a final terms sheet has been prepared
      describing the terms and conditions most recently agreed to in principle
      between the company and Dr. Amelio for him to join ACT-US as Chairman
      shortly after his move to the Irvine/Newport beach area in early June,
      2001. In addition the terms sheet covers the proposed acquisition by
      ACT-US of one of the Beneventure assets the company believed was
      synergistic and appropriately priced. Much of the delay in this
      transaction was a direct result of very substantial cash requirements by
      Beneventure that were not initially outlined in the original agreement and
      only became evident later.

      Regardless of this, an agreement to proceed on both issues was reached
      late last week and documented this week. We were aware of and had
      discussed Dr Amelio’s planned involvement with other organizations and had
      agreed that many of the associations were of a positive nature in regard
      to SpectruCell and future funding, as would obviously appear to be the
      case with Sienna. Obviously Dr Amelio’s Sienna involvement does not
      conflict with his directorship at SBC and I can see no reason why it
      should interfere with any involvement with ACT-US.

      In terms of Dr Amelio’s current involvement with the company, our most
      recent conversation with him late last week indicated that he was meeting
      with a prospective NASDAQ National Market company on behalf of ACT-US
      tomorrow, Tuesday the 15th May, 2001. At this time we have received no
      information, or indication of any nature, that in any way changes this, or
      any of the other arrangements we have negotiated with Dr. Amelio.

      We will proceed as arranged to consummate the transactions as planned, and
      will advise immediately if we receive any information to the contrary.

      Roger May
      CEO ACT-US

      schrieb am 15.05.01 19:06:20
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()

      Also ich finde das sehr positiv, dass sich RM dazu äußert. Er hatte ja bereits im letzten CC erklärt, dass GA die CEO-Rolle wohl nicht übernehmen wird. Also ist das doch alles ziemlich konsequent, oder?

      Außerdem muß ich sagen, dass Roger May sich ziemlich mutig aus der Affäre gezogen hat.

      Scheinbar wollte Amelio einen extrem hohen (und unangemessenen) Preis für die gesamte Beneventure Gruppe. Beneventure hatte auch einen großen Kapitalbedarf. Den sollte ADVC dann übernehmen. Das hatte GA bei der ersten Ankündigung wohl nicht so dargestellt.
      GA dürfte auch klar sein, dass man - wenn man GA ankündigt - auch GA bringen muß. Scheint also, als habe er hoch gepokert und RM unter Druck setzen wollen. Dieser hat aber lieber den deal in abgeschwächter Form durchgezogen als in den sauren Apfel zu beißen...


      Roger stand unter dem Druck, das durchzuziehen, was angekündigt wurde. Das tat er nicht, was langfristig für ADVC besser ist, kurzfristig aber weh tun könnte...

      schrieb am 15.05.01 20:37:40
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      SChön und gut, RM sagt: "Alles in Butter".

      Irgendwelche Meinungen zu diesem Artikel
      von heute:

      San Jose Mercury News:…

      Following is excerpt:

      Amelio`s new gig, take two: In other news from the
      ``Where Are They Now`` file, former Apple Computer
      CEO Gil Amelio has a new gig . . . again.

      I reported a few months back that Amelio had struck a
      tentative deal to sell his boutique VC firm, Beneventure
      Capital, to a tiny Australian telecom developer,
      Advanced Communications Technologies. At the time,
      Amelio planned to become CEO of the company`s
      U.S.-based subsidiary in Irvine.

      But Amelio now says the deal didn`t go through, and
      he`s back to being a venture capitalist -- this time, in a
      bigger shop.

      He`s joining Sausalito-based Sienna Ventures, a $125
      million fund specializing in wireless and networking
      technology and Internet infrastructure.

      ``They said, `Gil, why don`t you keep doing what you`re
      doing, but do it with our money?` `` Amelio says.
      Like Beneventure, Sienna focuses on mentoring start-ups
      rather than investing in later-stage companies. The firm`s
      portfolio includes OpenWave Systems (formerly and privately held e-business consultancy
      Aomic Tangerine. Among Sienna`s less successful
      investments are, Autobytel and recently
      folded incubator Campsix.

      ``He is pretty clearly one of the leading technologists in
      the country,`` says Sienna Managing Partner Dan Skaff,
      pointing to the 16 patents Amelio holds (including, he
      says, one that`s at work in the Hubble Space Telescope).
      Skaff hopes Amelio`s reputation will boost Sienna`s
      profile among entrepreneurs and investors.

      Amelio says the parting with ACT was amicable, but that
      there were differences about how control would be
      shared. (He might also have been concerned about the
      company`s prospects. Although it`s exploring other
      ventures, ACT derived virtually all of its modest revenue
      last year from the decidedly low-tech business of
      wholesaling long-distance service between the United
      States and Pakistan.)

      Amelio will continue working with Beneventure
      companies on the side. And he`s going ahead with plans
      to move to Southern California to be closer to his
      parents, though he and his wife will keep a Bay Area
      schrieb am 15.05.01 21:32:52
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      Hallo Leute,

      das was die Verantwortlichen alle schreiben und in großartigen Reden erklären ist zwar schön und gut, seien wir aber doch mal ehrlich: Langsam müßte mal etwas Bewegung in die Sache kommen, oder?

      Bin gespannt, wie lange dieses Geplänkel noch geht......

      Es grüßt

      schrieb am 15.05.01 22:42:18
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      Bewegung ?

      Lest mal den neuen 10QSB

      Kann sich noch einer an den grossen Hype Ende 2000 wg. ADVC`s
      Auqisition der Satellite company in Florida (und die anderen 2, hab ich vergessen).

      LBJ hat`s aus dem aktuellen Filing kopiert:

      "On October 5, 2000, the Company entered into a Letter of Intent ("LOI") with
      Digital Comm Link, Inc. ("Digital"), a Florida based privately held corporation,
      to acquire a controlling interest in Digital for approximately $10- $20 million
      in stock and cash. Digital currently owns and operates a satellite fixed earth
      station, which receives and transmits voice, data and video signals for
      telecommunications and other media customers. During the quarter, the Company
      ended its pursuit of Digital."

      Dann lest Euch dazu mal die Info von RM zu dem Thema im letzten CC druch, Seite 8.

      Also wenn ich ehrlich bin, mich k.tzt das an.Denkt nur daran, wir das auf den CCs Ende letzten Jahres gehyped wurde ... und aud dem board ...
      und jetzt wieder nichts. Man kann es kaum noch zählen ...

      schrieb am 16.05.01 01:05:59
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()

      ACH JA; das filing war für das quarter bis March 31, und im filing steht, dass der Digital Link deal in diesem Quarter abgebrochen wurde ... laut letztem CC im APRIL, wollten dies den Deal aber noch weiterverfolgen.

      Das ist wie mit den AGC revenues damals, RM sagt 700 K im Monat machen die seit August, und laut Filing machten die 12 K nur im Dezember.

      Also, mal ne Liste:

      - Cisco
      - Amelio
      - Orbcomm
      - Digital Comm link
      - Amex
      - Nasdaq Merger
      - AGC
      - PLFM ( wat ein Scheiss sowieso)

      Sonst noch was ?

      Mir reicht es ... Techs
      schrieb am 19.05.01 09:19:09
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      So langsam habe ich das Gefühl, da tut sich nix mehr bei ADVC, die sind tot, wie man nur tot sein kann. Die ganzen Infrastrukturausfträge für UMTS sind doch schon vergeben, was wollen die da noch groß reißen ? Kommen doch viel zu spät ...
      schrieb am 19.05.01 21:15:23
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Soviel haben wir diskutiert und gehofft, hat es was gebracht ?

      Threads of hype, hope and suffer:
      ADVC - UMTS einfach durch Software Upgrade II
      Bei ADVC.OB geht`s heute mal Richtung Norden...
      ADVC - die Zukunft der mobilen Kommunikation: UMTS einfach durch Software-Upgrade
      ADVC Top Outperformer 2001/2002
      ADVC: mehrere 1000% Chance!!!!!
      ADVC - nächste Woche wieder da !!!
      Entscheidungshilfe - ADVC,AMJY oder ????
      ADVC - UMTS einfach durch Software-Upgrade !
      ADVC- die nächste Intel, Nokia, Microsoft?
      ADVC - Der Beginn
      ADVC - Vom Talent zum Superstar - xxxx%-ige Gewinnchance
      ADVC`s neuer CEO ist Dr. Gilbert F. Amelio, bisher CEO bei Apple
      (wer hat eigentlich den Quatsch verzpft ?) 4
      Software Defined Radio (SDR) - die 3. Wireless Generation mit ADVC
      ADVC - Thread IV
      ADVC - Thread III - S/C erfolgreich getestet
      ADVC - Thread II
      ADVC - Jetzt gehts los: News!
      ADVC - hat schon jemand den Wert näher beleuchtet?
      ADVC - bald 2-stellig ?!
      GILLIGAN! Was ist mit ADVC los? Ich kann nicht mehr nachkaufen!
      ADVC neues von CEO Roger May
      ADVC - DER Wireless-Highflyer der nächsten Jahre?
      Kein push, nur ne Frage zu ADVC
      ADVCE ist wieder ADVC am 10.02 !!!!!!!!!!!!
      Artikel über ADVC(Wireless Networks) im WALLSTREET-JOURNAL(!)
      ADVC:Wireless-Netzwerke der nächsten Generation(mvLinks)
      ADVC:+18% bei ungewöhnlich hohem Volumen mvT
      ADVC ???
      ADVC: +65% !!! Wireless
      ADVC(off topic)
      ADVC-Quantensprung bei Kommunikationsnetzwerken(Mobilfunk,Wireless

      Der Ruf nach einem neuen CC wird laut, aber was haben uns die eigentlich immer gebracht ?

      Alles wird gut, hoffentlch ;-), Techs
      schrieb am 19.05.01 23:19:25
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      Vom Raging Bull Board!!!
      Spectrucell: Independent evalution coming from the major
      bank led syndicate????????????:
      By: Da1stYooper $$$
      Reply To: None Thursday, 17 May 2001 at 6:55 PM EDT
      Post # of 85005

      JWEBSTER: Question for you-

      Could you inform us as to the status and/or findings of the Spectrucell independent evaluation coming from the "major bank led syndicate"?

      Thank you in advance.

      ADVC Investor.
      Antwort von Jason Webster:
      By: jwebster $$$$
      Reply To: 84857 by skynyrd $$$ Friday, 18 May 2001 at 12:20 AM EDT
      Post # of 85005

      Re: Bank Syndicate Report

      The above report is nearing completion and while it remains the property of the bank it was commissioned for, we are confident that we will be able to make sections which are not commercially sensitive available to shareholders.

      Jason Webster
      Manager-Corporate Communication
      Advanced Communications Technologies (Australia) Pty Ltd
      Im letzten CC machte das Großmaul (RM)die Andeutung, daß von einer größeren Bank/Syndikat ein unabhängiges Gutachten = (unabhängige Validation für SC) in Auftrag gegeben wurde.
      In seinem Posting vom 18 May 2001 deutet Jason Webster bereits an, daß der "Report" Eigentum der Bank ist. Er ver-
      traut aber darauf, daß bestimmte Abschnitte für die Aktionäre zugänglich gemacht werden dürften???????????????

      Was sagt uns das??? Die Bande wird, falls dieser "Report" überhaupt erstellt wird, den Aktionären nur die "positiven"
      Punkte präsendieren, und alles Negative wie gehabt unter
      den Teppich kehren. Dieser "Report" kann also nicht als
      eine unabhängige Validation betrachtet werden, auch wenn
      dies so dargestellt wird!!

      Das Großmaul verpulverte$ 800.000,-- für den Orbcomm deal!!
      Warum wurden diese $ 800.000,-- nicht für eine ordentliche/s
      Validation/Gutachten für SC eingesetzt.

      Mit einer positiven Validation/Gutachten hätten wir, die Aktionäre und zahlreiche potentielle Investoren endlich die Gewißheit erhalten, daß die ganze Geschichte kein BETRUG ist! Ein solches Gutachten zu erstellen und zu veröffentlichen ist ein ganz normales und übliches Verfahren. Der oder die unabhängigen Gutachter geben
      lediglich ihre neutrale Bewertung zu bestimmten Tests
      und deren Resultate ab. Diese Tests und die Resultate,
      positiv oder negativ können ohne weiteres veröffentlicht
      Wie, und mit welchen Mitteln diese Resultate erreicht wurden, sind Betriebsgeheimnisse, welche nicht unbedingt veröffentlicht werden müssen, und welche uns im Grunde
      genommen auch nicht interessieren. Uns Aktionäre, bzw. den
      potentiellen Investoren geht es doch in erster Linie darum,
      eine unabhängige Bewertung über das Funktionieren von SC
      zu erhalten. Im Grunde genommen wird mit einer solchen
      unabhängigen Validierung auch das Urteil gefällt ob die
      Aussagen des Großmauls (RM) auch der Wahrheit entsprechen!!
      So wie es aussieht wird alles versucht, eine wirklich unabhängige Validierung zu verhindern!!!

      Ich erinnere daran, daß zuerst Neil Boucher, dann eine
      Gruppe von Telstra, dann wieder Neil Bocher und dann wieder
      eine andere Gruppe Telstra die Validierung übernehmen sollte. Und nun soll eine Validierung im Auftrag einer
      Bank/Syndikat erfolgen?????????

      Mit dem "Report" von der Bank ist es der Bande nun weiter-
      hin möglich uns noch länger zum Narren zu halten!!! Dieser
      "Report" von der Bank ist also im Grunde genommen nichts
      wert und dient lediglich dazu, uns noch länger hinzuhalten
      mit der Realität!!!

      Und die Realität??? ist, so wie ich es sehe, möglicherweise
      ************************ein BETRUG*************************

      schrieb am 20.05.01 02:11:35
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()

      verkauf endlich Deine Aktien und verpi## Dich !!!
      schrieb am 20.05.01 10:43:21
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      Wieso soll sich HS verpissen ?

      Er hat doch recht: seit zwei Jahren geht das jetzt so, daß die uns hinhalten. Mal ist es der Businesspartner, der wechselt, mal der Businesspartner, der seinen Zeitplan nicht einhält, dann der Businesspartner, der die News nicht rausrückt, dann gibt es mal hier Probleme und da Probleme, jetzt ist es die Bank, die den Report nicht herausrückt ...

      Merkt Ihr nicht, daß da ein Schema dahinterzustecken scheint ? Nämlich, uns immer wieder hinzuhalten ! Die unabhängige Validation hätte doch schon lange da sein sollen, wo ist sie denn ? DIe haben auf Ihrer Website ein paar Computer abgebildet und gesagt "das ist S/C". Na toll, kann ja jeder, ein paar Computer aufstellen ...

      Es ist doch nun wirklich keine große Sache, ein unabhängiges Gutachten in Auftrag zu geben. Das ist ratzfatz fertig und wird dann auch KOMPLETT veröffentlicht und ist eben GERADE NICHT EIGENTUM DER BANK ! Leute, wo gibt es denn sowas: Ihr zahlt für einen Report und dann heißt es "der gehört aber uns" ? Das gibt es nirgends, der Report gehört immer dem Auftraggeber, genauso wie Euch die Butter gehört, die Ihr im Aldi kauft (sorry, Kaufhof ist seit dem Crash nicht mehr drin) oder das Auto, das Ihr beim Händler bestellt (und nach dem Crash wieder abbestellt habt).

      Das alles weist sehr wohl auf einen möglichen Betrug hin. Wieso verpulvern die dann auch noch 800.000 $ für nichts und wieder nichts ?

      Ich habe Verständnis dafür, daß hier einige sauer sind, wenn negative Kommentare aufkommen, weil sie mit viel eigenem Geld drinstekcen (Das jetzt eben nicht mehr so viel ist). Aber diese Vogel-Strauß-Taktik (Kopf in den Sand, wird schon gutgehen) halte ich für falsch. Dadurch verliert Ihr nur noch mehr Geld.

      waren nur mal so meine Gedanken ...
      schrieb am 20.05.01 21:36:29
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()

      Volle Zustimmung. Nur der jetzige Report ist eben nicht unabhängig sondern von der Bank...

      Also doch klar, dass die nicht alles rausgeben werden, oder?

      Die Sache mit H1 hat schon Tradition. Ich kann es einfach nicht verstehen, wenn jemand auf dem RB-Board hunderte von negativen Postings abläßt, RM aufs übelste beschimpft und selbst Zigtausende von shares besitzt...

      Lassen wir das.

      schrieb am 21.05.01 14:35:49
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      Tolle News!!

      Monday May 21, 8:07 am Eastern Time

      Press Release

      Advanced Communications Technologies and NEC Australia join forces to establish
      A$32 million Wireless Communications Research Centre

      LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 21, 2001--Advanced Communications Technologies Inc (OTCBB:ADVC - news; ACT-US)
      today announced that its Australian based affiliate, Advanced Communications Technologies (Australia) Pty Ltd (ACT-Australia) and NEC
      Australia Pty Ltd have jointly headed a proposal to the Australian Government to obtain funding for a A$32 million Next Generation Wireless
      Communications Research Centre to be located in Melbourne, Australia.

      The proposal seeks to access part of the $A176 million recently allocated by the Australian Government for the establishment of new centres
      of excellence in the information and communications technology (ICT) and biotechnology fields.

      Focusing on an ICT centre of excellence, the joint proposal from ACT and NEC aims to establish a centre to foster commercial development
      of wireless applications. Importantly, the proposal includes the involvement of both RMIT University and Victoria University of Technology as
      academic partners.

      The centre is also proposed to play a key role in the retention and development of talented Australian researchers by offering research
      fellowships and career opportunities. The powerful combination of industry and academia that the proposal represents is expected to create a
      state of the art research facility that will be integral to the development of both the Australian wireless communications industry and Australia`s
      place in the global technology marketplace.

      ``This proposal represents a major step forward for ACT`s US operations,`` said Roger May, Chairman of ACT-US. ``With this centre
      envisaged to become a world leader in the development of wireless technologies and standards, ACT-US`s ability to tap this cost effective
      leading edge technical resource will be invaluable in establishing the company as major force in the next generation wireless technologies.
      Significantly, ACT-US`s ability to commercialise leading edge technologies developed by the centre will provide it with a substantial
      competitive advantage throughout its marketplace of North, South and Central America.``

      Some of the research projects for the proposed facility are expected to include the following:

      -- Production of commercially viable enhanced air interface


      -- Design of wireless radio chip sets

      -- New circuit design techniques and methodology that can be applied

      to ASICs

      -- Combine advanced smart algorithms, advanced systems theory and

      system-on-chip implementations

      ``The establishment of the Centre reflects our commitment to developing a pool of researchers with next generation wireless capability,`` says Mr Brendan
      McManus, Executive Director, NEC Australia. ``NEC Australia currently employs 70 R&D engineers in 3G Wireless, and this proposal enables us to put this
      experience back into creation of a viable wireless industry for the long term.``

      Researchers with funding for areas of wireless technologies will be able to use the centre to carry out research. The proposal calls for a ramp-up to at least 100
      researchers, but with possibly as many as 300 researchers over the five-year period, to be drawn from a wide range of leading edge technological ventures.

      About Advanced Communications Technologies

      Advanced Communications Technologies Inc. (OTCBB:ADVC - news) is a leader in the field of Software Defined Radio (SDR) that in conjunction with its
      Australian based affiliate has developed a proprietary, multiple-protocol wireless base station -- SpectruCell. Through eliminating the use of Qualcomm
      (Nasdaq:QCOM - news) chipsets, protocol specific hardware and by conducting all signal processing in software, SpectruCell provides for simultaneous support of
      multiple mobile communications protocols (CDMA, WCDMA, UMTS, GSM & 3G) all in the same base station. Support for additional protocols is achieved
      through the uploading of additional software modules. By implementing the company`s SpectruCell technology, network providers will be able to maintain service to
      their existing customer base and preserve the full utilization of their existing network infrastructure while at the same time securing a highly flexible migration path for
      evolving 3G-based protocols such as WCDMA and UMTS. SpectruCell is complemented by several other wireless technologies currently under development in
      Australia. Advanced Communication Technologies Inc. plans to market these products throughout North, South and Central America. For more information
      regarding Advanced Communications Technologies, visit

      About NEC Australia

      NEC Australia Pty Ltd specialises in providing technological and computing solutions utilising the best of mobile, internet and digital communications. The company
      designs, develops, sells and services a complete range of computer, communication and home electronics products and solutions for national carriers, government
      organisations, businesses, education and the general public. It also takes part in joint venture projects with scientific research organisations, government and

      The foregoing contains forward-looking information within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve
      certain risks and uncertainties. The actual results may differ materially from such forward-looking statements. The company does not undertake to publicly update or
      revise its forward-looking statements even if experience or future changes make it clear that any projected results (expressed or implied) will not be realized.


      Advanced Communications Technologies
      Jason Webster, 61 2 9327-2579 or 61 403 199 811
      NEC Australia Pty Ltd
      Sandy Watson, 61 3 9262 1037 or 61 401 714 880 (PR)
      schrieb am 21.05.01 19:34:05
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      ...und die Börse bleigt cool!

      hat jemand diesen interessanten Artikel auf der NEC webseite schon gelesen?

      schrieb am 22.05.01 07:21:28
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      Jetzt hat auch NEC die PR raus:

      DDINVESTOR hat geschrieben, daß Mitsui eine Validierung von SpectruCell bei NEC in Auftrag gegeben hatte.
      NEC ist scheinbar angetan von dem was sie gesehen haben, sonst würden sie nicht mit ACT zusammenarbeiten.…

      schrieb am 23.05.01 07:25:00
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      Ok Leute, machen wir es kurz und schmerzlos,

      auf dem RB-Board kann man herauslesen, daß Amelio ADVC nur brauchte, um seinen Beneventure-Dreck überteuert zu verkaufen. Jetzt ist er gegangen und hat sich mit RM zerstritten. Er kümmert sich einen Scheissdreck um ADVC und ich hoffe. er schmort in der Hölle !

      Der Dreck ist heute wieder gefallen und so langsam glaube ich, sollte ich mich aussichtsreicheren Investments zuwenden. Der NEC-Deal hat auch gar nichts gebracht, insofern sehe ich kein Land.


      schrieb am 23.05.01 21:19:40
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      ADVC ist im Moment - 23 %. Auf 35 cents. Weiß einer, warum ?

      Ich glaube so langsam, ich kann mein Investment vergessen...

      Warum ist das hier eigentlich so ruhig ????
      schrieb am 24.05.01 08:58:45
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      Der gestrige Kurssturz wurde verursacht durch 144er Aktien die verkauft wurden.
      Ein Aktionär hat, laut Aussage von RM wegen schlechter Gesundheit, 500 000 Aktien verkauft (braucht das Geld wohl für die Behandlung??).……

      Wenn das so weitergeht, werden bald noch mehr Aktionäre krank....

      Ein Poster auf RB hat schon gefragt, ob der Verkauf von ADVC Aktien ein Geheimtip zum Gesundwerden ist, davon hätte sein Arzt ihm noch gar nichts gesagt....

      Euer mitleidender ROLF_

      PS: zu den Kursen hab ich eingekauft, allerdings vor über 1 1/2 Jahren
      schrieb am 24.05.01 09:49:34
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      Ja genau, und morgen bringt ADVC den großen Gorilla und übermorgen einen Auftrag von 3 Mrd. $ von einem anderen großen Player und den Tag darauf wird ADVC in den Rat der Nationen gewählt ...

      Nein, jetzt mal ehrlich: jetzt erfindne die schon so hahnebüchene Ausreden, daß sie die 144er alle rechtfertigen können. Das ist doch alles gelogen ! Du hast recht, Rolf, davon ist noch keiner wieder gesund geworden. Hier wird versucht, auf die Tränen- und Mitleidsdrüse zu drücken, Mitleid zu erregen und damit die Wut der Investoren einzudämmen. Wenn die wüßten, wieviel Geld ich bereits mit ADVC verloren habe, dann würden DIE anfangen, aus Mitleid zu weinen !

      Man wird von denen nur hingehalten und Jason Webster versucht auch noch, den Kurssturz als Sieg hinzustellen:

      "Today’s trading, while unfortunate, has inadvertently demonstrated the depth of demand for ACT stock. The recovery late in the day has clearly demonstrated a desire for investors to take a position in the company and this is particularly encouraging."

      Ist der eigentlich noch ganz dicht, der Arsch ?

      Dennen wünsche ich die Pest an den Hals ...


      The Analyst
      schrieb am 24.05.01 10:49:36
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      Auch ich bin seit längerem in ADVC investiert, allerdings
      nur mit einer geringen Summe, die ich grundsätzlich bei einem solchen Investment abschreibe.
      Ich habe auch schon mit dem Gedanken gespielt auszusteigen,
      doch dann würde ADVC nicht mehr unter meine Aufmerksamkeit
      fallen und ich könnte mich an den Geschäftsaktivitäten der
      Firma dann nicht mehr erfreuen. Mittlerweile bekommt das
      Ganze eine satirische Note. Wenn ich sehe, wie ein Amelio als eitler Gockel durch die Welt spaziert, vom Ruf vergan-
      gener Zeiten lebt, sich bzgl. ADVC wie eine gekränkte Diva
      verhält, weil die ihm seine Benventure-Firma (klingt so
      bißchen nach Freizeitpark "Lummerland") nicht teuer abkaufen, er es aber nicht für nötig hält, seinen Ver-
      sprechungen Taten folgen zu lassen und dieses vor der gesamten Öffentlichkeit in aller Breite diskutiert wird,
      dann, ja dann fragt man sich, mit was sich ADVC eigentlich so den ganzen Tag beschäftigt.
      Auch ist es schön, immer wieder über die Husarenstücke von
      May/Webster zu lesen, da werden bedrohte Tierarten (Gorillas) in unvorstellbaren Mengen gezüchtet, es werden
      Angebote zum Kauf des gesamten Weltraumes abgegeben usw..
      Das Schöne ist, daß man bei ADVC genau weiß, was sie machen, jeder, der sich mit ADVC beschäftigt kann genau sagen, welche Produkte sie herstellen und um was es eigentlich geht. Ich hoffe, daß May/Webster bei ihren weiteren Aktionen und klaren Strategien in der Geschäftswelt nicht eines Tages als die "Geschwister
      Fürchterlich" gelten.
      schrieb am 24.05.01 16:18:21
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      Hallo an alle,

      und wieder mal ein neuer CC .... gähn .... 30.05.01 ...

      wie war das noch? Das Produkt von MSFT ist nur mittelmäßig, dafür der CEO top?? Was waren doch gleich die Auswirkungen auf dem Weltmarkt??

      Es grüßt



      ***ADVC NEWS***
      ADVC investor news as posted today on Businesswire today:

      Advanced Communications Technologies - New Company Operational Updates via CEO Conference Call

      LOS ANGELES-May 24, 2001-Advanced Communications Technologies Inc (OTCBB:ADVC) (ACT-US) today announced that the company will hold a conference call with its chairman & chief executive officer Roger May on
      Wednesday May 30, 2001 at 7.00pm Eastern Standard Time.

      Mr May will be updating investors on recent progress with company projects and new initiatives and with current negotiations on existing projects including:

      The company`s publicly stated initiative to obtain NASDAQ national market status and the progress of its discussions with several complementary target companies.
      An update on the establishment of a US based technical facility for the implementation of SpectruCell into the US marketplace.

      An update on the state of final negotiations with Dr. Gil Amelio.

      Results of the independent evaluation of the company`s Australian operations, received on May 24th, 2001 and commissioned for the purposes obtaining institutional investment funds for SpectruCell.

      Negotiations with a number new potential strategic industry development and marketing partnerships with major telecommunications operators within the United States, Europe and the UK.

      Update on negotiations in Australia to contract significant additional R&D staff from a major US based military contractor to expedite final SpectruCell development.

      Update on the establishment of UK operations and new strategic relationships in the UK.

      Further detail on the company`s recent wireless Center of Excellence initiative with NEC

      Developments in the marketing of the company`s software defined radio development suite for third party developers and;

      Progress in the testing and development of the company`s SpectruCell software defined multiple protocol mobile wireless base station

      Full details of the call including access numbers will be posted on the company`s website and major message forums on Monday May 28th, 2001.

      About Advanced Communications Technologies
      Advanced Communications Technologies Inc. (OTCBB:ADVC - news) is a leader in the field of Software Defined Radio (SDR) that in conjunction with its Australian based affiliate has developed a proprietary, multiple-protocol
      wireless base station -- SpectruCell.

      Through eliminating the use of Qualcomm (Nasdaq:QCOM - news) chipsets, or any other protocol specific
      hardware, and by conducting all signal processing in software, SpectruCell provides for simultaneous support of multiple mobile communications protocols (CDMA, WCDMA, UMTS, GSM & 3G) all in the same base station.

      Support for additional protocols is achieved through the uploading of additional software modules. By implementing the company`s SpectruCell technology, network providers will be able to maintain service to their existing customer base and preserve the full utilization of their existing network infrastructure while at the same time securing a highly flexible migration path for evolving 3G-based protocols such as WCDMA and UMTS.

      SpectruCell is complemented by several other wireless technologies currently under development in Australia. Advanced Communication Technologies Inc. plans to market these products throughout North, South and Central America.
      For more information regarding Advanced Communications Technologies, visit

      The foregoing contains forward-looking information within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve certain risks and uncertainties. The actual results may differ
      materially from such forward-looking statements. The company does not undertake to publicly update or revise its forward-looking statements even if experience or future changes make it clear that any projected results
      (expressed or implied) will not be realized.

      For further information contact:

      schrieb am 24.05.01 18:04:29
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      Hallo Leute,

      ja, stimmt, so langsam bekommt das alles einen sehr ironischen Touch.

      In Zukunft wird es wohl so sein, daß Webster/May nicht mehr auf dem RB Board posten, sondern einfach jedesmal, wenn sie etwas zu sagen haben, einen CC einberufen.

      Auf einem solchen sollten Sie uns vielleicht auch mal die Wahrheit sagen und nicht behaupten, daß:

      a) Gil Amelio CEO wird, nur um nachher zu sagen, daß er doch Chairman wird und dann nur noch ein "Berater".

      b) der grosse Gorilla jetzt jede Sekunde den Deal bekanntgeben wird (und das über 1 Jahr), nur um nachher sagen zu müssen "es liegt nicht an uns, wir haben keinen Einfluss auf die Veröffentlichung der News".

      c) S/C jetzt endlich veröffentlicht und validiert wird, nur um nachher zu sagen, daß sich jetzt doch alles verschiebt und die Bank, die den Report schreibt, das Zeug nicht rausgeben will (ja klar, wer macht denn auf eigene Kosten einen Report und hängt ihn dann nur übers Bett ...).

      d) ADVC Orbcomm kaufen WIRD, nur um nachher zu sagen, daß aus irgendwelchen Gründen das Ganze leider nicht so geklappt hat und man jetzt mal eben 800.000 $ los ist ... für nix und wieder nix.

      ... das könnte man jetzt endlos weiterführen.

      Und wißt Ihr, was das Beste ist ? Daß im nächsten Monat die ganzen 144er unrestricted werden und da werden jede Menge Leute dabei sein, denen der Preis von ADVC scheissegal ist, weil sie die Aktien als Bezahlung für irgendwas anderes bekommen haben und denen der Aktienkurs egal ist, die wollen ans Geld. Und ob dann genug Käufer da sind, um die zusätzlichen 5 Millionen (!) Aktien aufzufangen, darf bezweifelt werden ! Was dann mit dem Kurs passiert, könnt Ihr Euch vorstellen.

      so long

      The Analyst

      PS: Nein, ich bin nicht short, ich hänge mit Riesenverlusten mit drin (für meine Verhältnisse), aber was wahr ist, muss auch mal gesagt werden dürfen. Keiner würde ADVC lieber bei 10 $ sehen als ich, denn dann wäre ich raus !
      schrieb am 24.05.01 18:30:52
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      Hallo ThaAnalyst,

      ... zusätzliche 5 Millionen (!) Aktien??? ... Uuuups ...


      Da ja niemand sagen soll, daß ich belehrbar wäre, muß ich mir doch sehr überlegen, ob ich nicht noch ein limitbuy mit 0,3$ (oder doch besser 0,25$??) reinlege .... hmmmm .... we will see ...

      Es grüßt

      schrieb am 24.05.01 19:15:00
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      Hallo Diva,

      ja, die shares waren bisher restricted, werden im ächsten Monat aber unrestricted. Schreib doch einfach an RM und fühl ihm auf den Zahn, aber erwarte keine direkte Antwort.
      Mach einfach Deine DD und Du wirst sehen. Ich habe die Website leider nicht mehr im Kopf, auf der ich die Info gefunden habe.

      Gruss, The Anylst
      schrieb am 26.05.01 02:13:05
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      Diva, Du hast email.
      schrieb am 26.05.01 07:37:45
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      Guten Morgen Techs,

      habe gerade meinen Posteingang überprüft ... sorry ... da war leider nix ... :( ... melde mich später nochmal, muß ausser Haus.

      Es grüßt

      schrieb am 27.05.01 19:02:11
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      Diva, schick mir nochmal Deine email, jetzt habe ich Deine letzte gelöscht. Es geht um die 144er, links für Deine DD.

      schrieb am 28.05.01 05:47:34
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()

      komme gerade aus dem Urlaub und habe die News gelesen.

      Tut mir leid, aber ich habe KEIN Interesse an einem CC. Man kann ja eh nicht mehr glauben, was dort alles verzapft und versprochen wird...

      schrieb am 28.05.01 18:19:57
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      NTT DoCoMo: Erneute Verzögerung beim UMTS-Service

      Japans Mobilfunkmarktführer NTT DoCoMo Inc. muss den vollständigen Start seines Mobilfunk-Services der dritten Generation möglicherweise erneut verschieben. Das zuständige Ministerium hat die Erteilung der Genehmigung für den Hochgeschwindigkeits-Datendienst verschoben. Die Entscheidung könnte dazu führen, dass DoCoMo die Einführung der nächsten Version seines mobilen Internetzugangs „i-mode“ möglicherweise erst im kommenden Jahr durchführen kann. Für DoCoMo würde das den zweiten herben Rückschlag bedeuten, nachdem der ursprünglich für Mai geplante Start des Services bereits auf Oktober verlegt werden musste.

      Die neue Version des bereits jetzt äußerst populären i-mode-Services soll 40 mal schneller sein als der bestehende Dienst und basiert auf der UMTS-Technologie. DoCoMo hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, weltweit das erste Unternehmen zu werden, dass einen vollständigen kommerziellen Mobilfunk-Dienst der dritten Generation anbietet. Grund für die jetzige Verzögerung sind Bedenken des Ministeriums, dass die Stabilität und die Qualität der Datenübertragung in dem neuen System noch nicht ausreichend gewährleistet sei.

      Trotz des neuen Rückschlages plant DoCoMo weiterhin den Start eines Testservices mit 4.500 Kunden für Ende Mai. Die staatliche Genehmigung für den Testservice liegt vor. Allerdings muss das Unternehmen die Testkunden ausdrücklich auf die Instabilität des Datendienstes hinweisen und dem Ministerium regelmäßige Zwischenberichte über Leistungsfähigkeit des Systems liefern.

      Die Aktie DoCoMos fällt in Tokio zur Mittagszeit 0,8% auf 2.400.000YEN.

      Für wallstreet:online aus Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

      Autor: Henning Osmers, 08:35 28.05.01
      schrieb am 29.05.01 14:24:42
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      To fully brief investors on recent developments, Mr. Roger May, Chairman
      of ACT-US will be holding a conference call on Wednesday May 30 2001 at
      7pm Eastern Time.

      To participate, interested parties will need to
      dial 1-(877) 407-9225 with confirmation # 4132349

      This is a toll free number for the USA.

      As outlined in the May 24 Press Release, Mr. May will be updating
      investors on recent progress with company projects and new initiatives and
      with current negotiations on existing projects including:

      --The company`s publicly stated initiative to obtain NASDAQ national
      market status and the progress of its discussions with several
      complementary target companies.

      --An update on the establishment of a U.S.-based technical facility for
      the implementation of SpectruCell into the U.S. marketplace.

      --An update on the state of final negotiations with Dr. Gil Amelio.

      --Results of the independent evaluation of the company`s Australian
      operations, received on May 24, 2001 and commissioned for the purposes
      obtaining institutional investment funds for SpectruCell.

      --Negotiations with a number new potential strategic industry development
      and marketing partnerships with major telecommunications operators within
      the United States, Europe and the United Kingdom.

      --Update on negotiations in Australia to contract significant additional
      R&D staff from a major U.S.-based military contractor to expedite final
      SpectruCell development.

      --Update on the establishment of U.K. operations and new strategic
      relationships in the United Kingdom.

      --Further detail on the company`s recent wireless Center of Excellence
      initiative with NEC

      --Developments in the marketing of the company`s software defined radio
      development suite for third party developers and;

      --Progress in the testing and development of the company`s SpectruCell
      software defined multiple protocol mobile wireless base station

      schrieb am 30.05.01 22:48:58
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      ich hab kein gutes gefühl....

      heute werden wir wahrscheinlich mindestens 3 neue lügen
      aufgetischt bekommen + 5 millionen shares in nächsten monat
      = share price konvergiert gegen 0.10-0.20

      ach ja, hät fast vergessen zu erwähnen,
      ich hab roger angerufen. er hat mir glaubhaft
      versichert, daß im nächsten monat ein bekannter 2 millionen
      advc shares verkaufen muß, weil seine tochter von außerirdischen (hey, das ist kein witz!!!) entführt worden
      ist, und die sollen eine horrende ablöse verlangen.
      der arme...

      so was ähnliches wird er uns wahrscheinlich heute verzapfen...

      have fun
      schrieb am 31.05.01 09:37:31
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()


      Habt Ihr das mitbekommen auf dem CC, dass es möglich ist,
      die US/SA-Rechte an S/C zu verkaufen und nur noch die "military rights" zu behalten ?

      Dann sollte man den Kollegen aber verklagen, so war das NICHT VEREINBART !!!
      Das heistt, nur noch die "Military rights" in US/SA aber dafür 20% mehr an
      ACT ? Wenn wir 51% bekommen, meinetwegen ... aber 20% ? Das ist ja weniger als vorher (revenues).
      Was für ein sch..sse.

      schrieb am 31.05.01 10:39:19
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      Leute, hallo erstmal,

      also, das Ganze ist doch Betrug, bringen wir es auf den Punkt !
      Von Ausserirdischen entführt, jetzt geht es aber los ! Der spinnt doch, jetzt klingen die Lügen ja nicht mal mehr logisch.

      Wenn die jetzt schon ankündigen, daß sie die S/C Rechte verkaufen, dann machen die das auch, verlaßt Euch drauf !

      Ich habe alle ADVC Aktien verkauft und drücke allen longs hier die Daumen, aber ich verlasse das sinkende Schiff, bevor mein ganzes Geld weg ist !
      Ich werde ADVC weiterverfolgen und hier posten, aber was jetzt abgeht, das geht zu weit.

      2 Millionen Aktien, ich hatte es ja bereits oben angesprochen, für den kommenden Monat sind 5 Millionen shares unrestricted, ne danke !

      Und verklagt den doch mal, der sitzt in Australien /USA und wir hier, Ihr findet ja nicht mal einen Anwalt. Wei ich aus eigener Erfahrung !


      schrieb am 31.05.01 13:32:22
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      Worldwide S/C Rights:

      ... dazu eine Post von Jwebster: Nr. 87020

      Sollte man lesen.

      also have ich das "rights left to military rights" falsch verstanden,
      wenn, dann geben wir die ab. Und so etwas hatte RM do schon mal angekündigt
      irgendwann letztes Jahr, oder ?

      schrieb am 31.05.01 19:49:11
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      TheAnalyst, daß mit den Außerirdischen war bloß ein Scherz... ich hoffe Du hast es auch so verstanden, und
      Deine Verkaufsentscheidung basierte hoffentlich nicht auf
      meinem Mist...
      schrieb am 01.06.01 08:27:20
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      Ganz ohne Versprechungen ging der CC nicht, aber doch schon deutlich gebessert, immer mit dem Hinweis, daß er (RM) keine weiteren Erklärungen abgeben will oder darf (GA betreffend).

      Der CC ist jetzt als Text verfügbar:

      Und bezüglich der weltweiten militärischen Rechte an SpectruCell, die ja anscheinend an eine andere Firma verkauft werden sollen, hat Jason Webster eine Erklärung gepostet:…
      Im Falle eines Verkaufs der weltweiten Rechte erhält ACT-US den Gegenwert für die Amerikanischen Rechte.


      schrieb am 01.06.01 14:24:28
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      Ihr könnt moosern was ihr wollt, für mich klingt alles noch immer ganz vielversprechend!

      Schimpft mich blauäugig aber ich kann nachvollziehen, das die Geschichte von Spectrucell nicht die Einfachste ist!

      Man bedenke, das alles supervorsichtig passieren muss! Schließlich hat(?) man ja die Erfindung des Jahrhunderts in den Händen!

      Die Mays sind sicher nicht die glücklichsten mit ihren nicht eingehaltenen Versprechungen. Aber meist kommt es anders als man es sich vorstellt. Das wissen wir selbst am Besten!

      Das mit den unrestricted shares in diesem Monat wird zwar unangenehm, aber auch das wird überstehbar sein!

      Sehr vielversprechend ist die Siemens Connection!

      Ich bleibe drinnen, komme was da wolle!

      schrieb am 01.06.01 14:39:39
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      Ich bleibe auch long, da noch ein Funken Hoffnung vorhanden ist. Ich schliesse bei diesem Invest einen Totalverlust nicht aus aber die Chance ist riesig und die ganze Geschichte ziemlich spannend !!

      Grüsse an alle Longs
      schrieb am 01.06.01 14:42:33
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      Prouty Randall H [ Director - Advanced Communications Technologies Inc ]

      released on Thursday, 5/31/1, a 1-document, 3-page "4" --

      Statement of Change in Beneficial Ownership of Securities -- Form 4 --

      for the period ended Thursday, 5/31/1

      filed as of Friday, 6/1/1, with respect to

      Advanced Communications Technologies Inc [ formerly Smart Investment Com Inc ]

      This filing: 4 --$/SEC/Filing.asp?D=V3p8.4f8Yk&CIK=110…

      Reporting owner: Prouty Randall H [ Director - Advanced Communications Technologies Inc ] --$/SEC/Registrant.asp?CIK=1107222&View…

      Subject company: Advanced Communications Technologies Inc [ formerly Smart Investment Com Inc ] --$/SEC/Registrant.asp?CIK=1100820&View…
      schrieb am 04.06.01 10:48:47
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()
      Ich habe gerade den CC-transcript gelesen. Da sind ja wieder extrem viele positive Ankündigungen zu lesen. Nur, kann man das glauben?

      - unabhängige Validierung schätzt den pot. Markt für SC auf ca. 10 Milliarden US$ ein, bei bisher keiner absehbaren Konkurrenz.
      - Gespräche mit den "who is who" im TelCo-Sektor: Siemens, Qualcomm, NEC, etc.
      - reverse merger und damit Wechsel zur NASDAQ soll unmittelbar bevorstehen
      - eine große Kooperation wird demnächst "finalized", mit sowohl finanzieller als auch Brain-Power - Unterstützung (ca.200 Ingenieure).

      Mal wieder alles zu schön um wahr zu sein, finde ich.

      Ach ja, demnächst werden 5.000.000 Insider Aktien der früheren Direktorin frei zum Verkauf, dann sehen wir uns bei 10 cents wieder, schätze ich.

      schrieb am 04.06.01 16:33:43
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      *** NEWS RE: Australon Metering ***
      ADVC investor news as posted today on Businesswire today:

      Advanced Communications Technologies Affiliate Australon Ltd Successfully
      Demonstrates Automatic Metering Reading Rolling Blackout Solution

      Los Angeles-June 4, 2001-Advanced Communications Technologies Inc.
      (OTCBB:ADVC) (ACT-US) today announced that one of its Australian-based
      affiliates, Australon Limited (ASX:AUR) has successfully demonstrated its
      wireless remote automated meter reading (AMR) technology in a real time
      field trial environment.

      The AMR technology is currently being demonstrated in a field trial in the
      inner-Melbourne suburb of Richmond, Victoria. The trial has successfully
      transmitted AMR data, taken at 15 minutes intervals, back to a network
      operations centre located in the Melbourne CBD. In addition, the trial has
      also allowed for the successful collection of valuable Demand Side
      Management (DSM) information and demonstrated the technology’s Remote
      Connect/Disconnect (RCD) functionality for turning power on and off at
      specific locations.

      The success of this trial is an important milestone in validating the
      Australon AMR technology in a real-world environment. As previously
      announced, the Company plans that a larger scale trial of the Australon
      AMR technology will be undertaken in conjunction with a major utility in
      the coming months. It is expected that successful completion of the trial
      will lead to a full-scale roll out of the AMR technology across the
      utility’s customer base of one million homes. Australon is currently
      negotiating with several utilities across Australia representing a
      customer base of four and a half million homes.

      "The crippling rolling blackouts in California are a prime example of the
      need for the real time demand side management capabilities offered by
      Australon’s AMR technology", said Roger May, Chairman of ACT-US. "We
      believe that the AMR unit’s ability to actively monitor loadings would
      enable utilities to shut down items selectively leaving the majority of
      users free to enjoy uninterrupted power supply. With the successful
      implementation of this trial we now have a demonstrably successful example
      of Australon’s leading edge AMR technology that can be demonstrated to any
      utility in the world from any location in the world via the internet. This
      ability to definitively demonstrate the cost and time saving advantages of
      the AMR technology should prove a powerful tool in generating revenues and
      we believe it will lead to a dramatic increase in interest in the
      Australon AMR technology by power utilities around the world".

      One of the most significant advantages of the Australon AMR technology is
      that it can be installed in the home for a total cost of $A150, inclusive
      of equipment and installation.

      Live Internet demonstration of the AMR technology

      A working demonstration of the AMR technology used in the Richmond trial
      is available on-line at where
      visitors can read electricity meters and control load usage via the
      schrieb am 04.06.01 17:19:14
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()
      Im letzten Abschnitt fehlt noch der Preis:

      total of 150 A$ !!!

      übrigens, das müßt Ihr Euch echt mal anschauen unter:

      ist ein Spaß, kann man die Lämplein immer an und aus machen.

      Wie war das noch mit Australon US ?
      ADVC wird glaube ich einen 50% + Anteil daran halten, oder? Könnte noch ganz nett werden mit all den applications, v.a. im Security Sector...

      schrieb am 05.06.01 23:19:51
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      Heute mal wieder im Plus !!!

      schrieb am 06.06.01 14:52:09
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      SpectruCell & Military Use

      Due to the increase in our emails on this subject, we contacted Jason
      Webster to provide a clarification. He responded with the following:

      "SpectruCell & Military Use

      Due to continued investor confusion on this matter I have put together the
      following information which will hopefully resolve the matter.

      Firstly it is important to understand that SpectruCell essentially
      consists of two key parts, the hardware operating platform and the SDR
      applications which is run on that platform. As has been highlighted in
      discussions of ACT’s SDR development tools, the hardware platform is a
      generic base (which incorporates proprietary systems) while third parties
      can develop specific applications that will run on this platform.

      In the case of military use of SpectruCell, it would (sell) the rights to
      military APPLICATIONS which would be transferred (if this was to occur at
      all). ACT-US would still sell the hardware operating platform to the
      contractor on which their military applications would run.

      So, to compare the civilian and military scenarios. In the civilian case,
      ACT-US would sell both the hardware platform and the mobile protocol
      applications developed by ACT (presently GSM, CDMA and CDMA2000). In the
      military case, ACT-US would sell the hardware platform which would then be
      used by the contractor to run the specialised military applications they
      have developed. This is clearly highly advantageous for ACT-US as the US
      military has the potential to order large numbers of the platform for use
      in their next generation communications system.

      I trust this clarifies situation.

      Jason Webster
      Manager-Corporate Communications
      Advanced Communications Technologies (Australia) Pty Ltd"
      schrieb am 07.06.01 17:28:20
      Beitrag Nr. 74 ()

      Gil Amelio timeframe:
      "next 2 weeks" and some words later "next week"

      S1 for Ladenburg Thalmann:
      1 week for finalizing L/T and S1 after that (btw: the same timeframe as on the april CC ...)

      Reverse Merger Candidate:
      "the board meeting next week" of that company and "if the board approves the situation, we should be able to announce something fairly soon after that."

      "I think, I hope in thirty days I can make an announcement that we re getting off the OTC."

      S/C OS available for application developments:
      end of July

      Also, wenn`s ums "whinen" geht, bin ich demnächst schnel
      wieder dabei, wenn diese Timeframes deutlich üebrschritten werden oder gar nichts passiert.

      schrieb am 08.06.01 22:02:19
      Beitrag Nr. 75 ()
      tja, die tauchfahrt beginnt jetzt langsam....
      0,30 nächste woche ???

      "long" sein mit advc ist so schwer...

      vor allem mit so einem "deadline-nicht-einhalter" ceo


      hi birger, hat siemens schon geantwortet??
      wenn nicht, an welche einheit hast du die emails geschickt?
      icm oder icn? die base-station-leute sind jetzt auch unter
      icm aufgehängt.
      ich werde nun auch "von innen heraus" versuchen heraus zu finden, mit wem unser pathologischer lügner jetzt kontaktiert hat.

      bin gerade im urlaub, kann daher, a bizzerl dauern bis
      was habe ...


      hi techs, die erste woche ist rum.....
      und viele wochen werden folgen...
      und ER hat immer noch nicht verstanden was CREDIBILITY

      viele grüße

      so0, zur entfrustung geht`s jetzt ab zum salsa caliente....
      schrieb am 13.06.01 16:39:43
      Beitrag Nr. 76 ()
      ***ACT/Aus going to French Conference ***

      ADVC investor related news as posted today on Businesswire today:


      Advanced Communications Technologies - To Present at TETRA World Congress
      in France

      LOS ANGELES-June 13, 2001-Advanced Communications Technologies Inc
      (OTCBB:ADVC) (ACT-US) today announced that the organizers of the TETRA
      World Congress, that will take place in France in December 2001, have
      invited representatives of the company`s Australian affiliate, ACT
      Australia, to present at the upcoming conference.

      "The invitation followed the very successful presentation at the recent
      conference in Hong Kong, by Paul Staugaitis, RF team leader for ACT. The
      essence of the ACT presentation was a discussion of the benefits of SDR
      and ACT`s implementation of certain aspects, over a conventional hardware
      specific set-up. This naturally including the highlighting of SDR`s
      exceptional flexibility in dynamically reconfiguring networks and allowing
      for a seamless upgrade path to new technologies", said Roger May, CEO of
      ACT-US. "In a major endorsement of the company`s authority on this highly
      topically issue, the organizers of the Hong Kong conference have
      approached Mr Staugaitis to present at the TETRA World Congress in France
      at their expense. We naturally view this move as further recognition and
      confirmation of ACT`s leading role in the development of SDR technologies
      and of the unique opportunity that ACT has to assume a prominent
      leadership role in the rapidly evolving development of next generation
      SDR/3G communications networks. This situation augurs very well for the
      upcoming commercialization of the SpectruCell operating system platform".

      ACT`s most recent conference presentations have included presentations at
      the TETRA Asia-Pacific Congress 2001 in Hong Kong and the IEEE sponsored
      2001 International Conference on Third Generation Wireless and Beyond.
      These two papers gave both a comprehensive account of the benefits of
      ACT`s software defined radio (SDR) technology and an insight into the
      techniques employed by ACT engineers to achieve the high levels of
      communications performance exhibited by the SpectruCell software defined
      wireless mobile network base station.

      ACT`s most recent presentation was in its home market of the United States
      where David Lynes, the company`s principal engineer, presented a paper on
      Cellular BTS SDR Framework. While prepared for a more technically inclined
      audience, the paper provide valuable insights into the world leading
      advances ACT has made in SDR, and especially in the unique design and
      implementation of its multiple protocol wireless base station.

      "This paper provided a solid demonstration of ACT`s technical expertise.
      It was designed to give attendees a feel for how we have actually gone
      about achieving the success we`ve had with SpectruCell to date such as
      the inclusion of an open interface with a proprietary core. It also
      included a discussion of the methods we`ve used to achieve the performance
      we have using existing componentry in conjunction with ACT`s proprietary
      SDR software. As recently as a few years ago the capabilities of the
      SpectruCell base station were simply not possible due to a lack of
      processing power. Our research continues to push the boundaries of
      performance and this paper provided a clear demonstration of our
      leadership in this field", said May. May added, "The Company firmly
      believes that this latest conference invitation is a significant
      confirmation of an official recognition of ACT`s leading position in the
      implementation SDR / 3G solutions by the communications industry leaders
      globally", said May.
      schrieb am 14.06.01 13:29:02
      Beitrag Nr. 77 ()

      The following is the feature article in the June 2001 issue of Commsworld magazine.

      Jason Webster
      Manager-Corporate Communications
      Advanced Communications Technologies (Australia) Pty Ltd

      Text follows:

      Code Controlled Air Waves

      Software defined radio has variously been described as the `holy grail` or the `Swiss army knife` of mobile
      communications. The vision is of reconfigurable hardware, resulting in - among other things - reduced capital
      expenditure for the operator, and increased flexibility for the user. The challenge is going to be delivering on that
      vision, as Pamela Clark-Dickson reports.

      Imagine a world where installing a new mobile communications net-work was as simple as downloading software into
      the existing base station infrastructure, and where end users could swap from GSM to CDMA and back again as
      need, or desire, dictated. This is the premise of software- defined radio (SDR), a technology that builds on the
      existing software deliver-ables for radio communications. For example, telecommunications equip-ment vendors have
      from an early stage been able to deliver the ability for remote software downloads to base sta-tions. Likewise, it has
      been possible from an early stage for network opera-tors to remotely change frequencies using techniques such as
      frequency hopping; and to change the power transmitted in order to boost signal strength. More recently, much of the
      work that enabled General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) over existing GSM networks was achieved via software

      The gap between ideal SDR and the current state of play, is that the features delivered in software to date tend to be
      air interface-specific rather than enabling the delivery of the dif-ferent air interfaces themselves. SDR has been around
      for about ten years, with the US Air Force`s Rome Laboratory working on developing the technology from 1992, with
      sponsorship from the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the US Army and the US Navy.
      SDR was first demonstrated in 1995, and in March 1996 the Modular Multifunction Information Transfer System
      (MMITS) Task Group was formed - the predecessor to the MMITS Forum and ultimately the Software Defined Radio
      Forum (see http:/ /www.

      The MMITS Task Group was "an outgrowth of the SPEAKeasy radio program" (a US Air Force project), that was
      "oriented toward establishing hardware and software interface stan-dards for use in the development of an open
      system radio architecture". The SPEAKeasy initiative had three key goals, all of which were tar-geted towards
      assisting the US Depart-ment of Defence to reduce its costs. These goals included leveraging the commercial base,
      encouraging the use of dual-purpose technologies, and to encourage said use from the outset (which implies being
      involved in the development of such technologies). The first meeting of the Task Group was held on 13 March 1996,
      and attracted 100 individuals representing the US DoD, defense contractors, and commercial organisations including
      Bell Labs/Lucent Technologies, Hon-eywell, Hughes, Bell South Wireless, Boeing and Motorola.

      The MMITS Task Group became a Forum and then changed its name on 8 December 1998, to the SDR Forum, the
      aims of which are to promote "the development, deployment and use of software defined radio technologies for
      advanced wireless systems". It is a non-profit organisation that has more than 100 members, which conducts
      meetings five times a year. The most recent meeting was held in Tokyo, Japan, in late April, and included keynotes on
      topics such as the impact of SDR on spectrum man-agement, and presentations from archi-tecture working group
      members including NTT DoCoMo, Siemens, Motorola, Sun, Mitsubishi and KDDI. The SDR Forum also works closely
      with other mobile communications standardisation bodies such as the Third Generation Partnership Project`s (3GPP),
      Mobile Station Application Execution Environment (MexE) work-ing group and the Wireless Applica-tion Protocol

      The SDR Forum has proposed a num-ber of terms and definitions in an attempt to clarify the use of the term, `software
      defined radio`. It has determined five tiers: Tier 0 being hardware radio (no software control of system attributes at all),
      Tier 1 being software -controlled radio (no software control of system attributes such as modula-tion and frequency
      band), Tier 2 being software defined radio, Tier 3 being ideal software defined radio and Tier 4 being ultimate
      software radio.

      The Tier 2 definition allows that SDR "provides abroad operational range under software control without hardware
      change". Features would include separate antenna system, wideband filtering, amplification, analogue-to-digital and
      digital-to -analogue conversion; communications security; the ability to store a range of air interfaces and add new air
      inter-faces; and to download new features and bug patches in software.

      Tier 3 SDR would retain the charac-teristics of Tier 2 but would eliminate analogue sources of distortion and noise;
      and Tier 4 SDR would be a lightweight version specifically for hand-sets. It would feature a single connector to deliver
      and accept information in the format desired by the user and support the delivery of control information that would
      reconfigure its existing software; the ability for users to switch from one air interface to another; and features such as
      GPS, smartcards and video.

      The SDR architecture, as defined by the SDR Forum, comprises "seven independent subsystems (see Figure 1 on
      page 52) interconnected by open interfaces". Each subsystem will con-tain hardware, firmware, an operating system
      and software modules - albeit the Forum admits that Figure 1 is generalised for the purposes of illustration. The
      Forum also compares the SDR implementation in wireless handhelds with that of the PC model (see Figure 2 on
      page 54), with the baseband implementations directly interfacing with the hardware layer in an attempt to eliminate
      performance constraints on execution and power consumption - using microcode or assembly code. Motorola` s
      regional manager, Federal Government and Defence, Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific, Jim Hendrickson,
      describes SDR as "fundamentally a computer with specialist software that controls the DSP componentry which
      provides the RF output, and all of the other things that you would normally associate with the radio are generated in
      software". This includes the frequency, the emission envelope, the data rate, encoding, error correction and
      encryp-tion and security features.

      While frequencies range from 2Mhz up to 2Ghz for military appli-cations, in the commercial arena those ranges might
      be limited to, for example, the PCS ranges of 900Mhz and 1800Mhz. At present, a military-strength SDR box that
      would support three or four channels at once would probably weigh up to 60kg. While that sounds somewhat over the
      top for a radio base station, when you consider that the US Navy is replacing 17 racks of equipment with two racks of
      SDR, the statistics suddenly become a little more impressive.

      "Whereas previously they had to carry around 20 different radio types for all the tasks they had to do, they can now
      carry one type of radio, but 20 different software loads to emulate [the different types of radio, for example, UHF radio,
      or ship to shore radio]: Hendrickson said.

      The advantages of SDR could be legion. To start with, SDR could potentially reduce the cost of ownership for the
      net-work on several levels: lower labour costs (no need to hire or train staff for the support of a particular network); the
      holding of inventory for one type of net-work rather than several - likewise with R&D expenditure; and network
      upgrades would not be contingent on significant capital outlays. Also, upgrades may be delivered to all base stations
      simultane-ously, rather than in increments.

      "The cost of ownership is significant-ly cheaper than existing systems: Hendrickson said. And while that might sound
      counter-intuitive when you start thinking about a channel costing around $US400,000 to deploy, the US Navy will now
      have just the one radio on its ship. Another advantage for military applications is the fact that security and encryption is
      held within the device itself, as opposed to being a stand-alone box attached by cables -long regarded as a point of
      failure. Then there would be the ability to change the type of network being offered, or to offer two different air
      interfaces in two different parts of the same network, in response to changing business models.
      It could be supposed that as a conse-quence of deploying an SDR mobile communications network, commercial
      operators would achieve a degree of future proofing, in addition to backwards compatibility with their legacy networks.
      This interoperability also has rele-vance to the military arena, where not all the ships within a fleet may be operating
      the same type of radio system. It would be possible, on the part of the network equipment manufacturers, to develop a
      product or a feature once, and to then be able to port the product to the different air interfaces, rather than develop
      different products for different air interfaces.

      Also, as discussed in a Motorola white paper, Software Defined Radio -the Defining Tool of Future Informa-tion
      Services, SDR could also deliver functionality such as simulcasting, bridging and routing. For instance, to enable
      simulcast-ing, an SDR system would be able to combine the transmission capabilities of several modems to deliver
      informa-tion from a single Source at high speed over a number of radio frequen-cy (RF) or wireline channels, using
      something called a Compact Personal Computer Interface (CPCI). The CPCI would interconnect the central
      microprocessor of the black box itself, with modems and other inter-networking devices.

      The SDR Forum claims that radios built using SDR concepts will offer the following:
      . A standard architecture for multiple communications products;
      . Non-restrictive wireless roaming; Uniform communications across commercial, civil, federal and mili-tary
      . The potential for significant life-cycle cost reductions; and
      . Over the air down loads of features and services, and software patches.
      "SDR gives you increased capability - it is a hybrid between a computer, a radio and a network device; it can do high
      speed communications where legacy radios just can`t: Hendrickson said.

      It’s also a technology that could be used as a device for interoperability on the edge of an operators cellular net-works,
      supporting multiple cellular stan-dards and triggering a migration back to the core, or conversely, being deployed
      initially in the core and enabling carriers to migrate their older equipment on the edge of their networks.

      SDR could enable carriers to deliver quality of service at the wireless layer, according to Advanced Communications
      Technologies` Chief Technology Officer, Simon Cleary, because these attribut-es would then be defined in software.
      "So you could have the generic low end user who is willing to accept that their mobile phone call quality is not great,
      but most of the time they get a signal and a voice channel" Cleary said. On the other hand, high end users, who are
      willing to pay more, can be provisioned to receive higher QoS. "The other thing that SDR should include by its nature
      is scalability", Cleary added. "If you have a frame-work of generic software modules doing the modulation and you
      reach the capacity limit because you don `t have the processing power, you should just be able to add more
      processing power."

      Once an operator deploys SDR, it opens up the possibilities for network management styles, for example, spa-tial
      improvements on the receiving of information - something that is already possible in the GSM world through the
      deployment of software that sits in the network stack to enable pseudo fast handover. This feature helps to elimi-nate
      the effects of signal loss through building shadow, for example.

      SDR might find its market niche sooner rather than later. For example, SDR also enables whatever branch of the
      military might be involved in international operations to plug into the local communications networks. Then the
      fragmentation of the 3G standards activities, particularly in the US, might also prove to be a sell-ing point. While some
      of the goals of 3G may still be realised by UMTS and IMT-2000 and the various other ini-tiatives, SDR could very well
      realise the global roaming objectives. In future, it`s likely the technology will take hold in the base stations initially,
      where its current weight and size is not an impediment.

      While Hendrickson considers SDR to be at too early a stage of development for it to be included in the current round
      of moves in the commercial market, Cleary disputes this. He maintains that SDR offers no greater risk than 3G and
      that SDR "can offer a very real, attractive solution in the very near future".
      Very few companies are willing to go on the record about their SDR development activities. All the big names in
      mobile communications handsets and networking are members of the SDR Forum - Nortel, Ericsson, Motorola,
      Lucent Technologies, NEC, Qualcomm - as are a number of carriers, including NTT DoCoMo, Orange PCS, Sonera,
      Sprint, France Telecom and Telefonica.
      But it’s the smaller companies like Advanced Communications Technolo-gies (Melbourne) and AirNet
      Commu-nications (Florida, US), or companies like Motorola that have an immediately addressable market in the
      military, that are doing all the early running.

      For companies the size of Advanced Communications Technologies and AirNet Communications, the inertia of the
      traditional telecomms equipment
      vendors in the area of SDR is working to their advantage. "It`s clear the operators want the technology ," AirNet
      Communications president and CEO, Dr Lee Hamilton said, supporting his statement with the information that his
      company has five large operators in Asia, Africa and North America, trialling AirNet`s AdaptaCell base station.

      However, ADC Telecommunica-tions` vice president, Global ConsuJting Services, David Hislop, commented that
      SDR has not seemed to develop a high profile even though the technology started to attract mainstream attention
      about 12 months ago. "It sounds great from a hardware vendor point of view - make simple handsets, put a lot of effort
      into soft-ware that can be configured, that is modular and can be downloaded into the handset - but I cannot help the
      feeling that there are a lot of infra-structure issues", Hislop said.
      ADC`s interest in SDR lies in the technology being what the vendor terms a "Horizon Three" opportunity -an area
      where the business opportunity is yet to be determined. "The reason it has an impact on us is that there are some
      fundamental changes happening in wireless technology - some of which have resulted in the 3G standards", Hislop
      said. "In order to avoid implementation problems for us and our customers one of the things we need to look for was
      that it makes our implementations more difficult and our sales more difficult if every 3G vendor we run across has
      significantly different operational requirements and inter-oper-ational requirements."
      And if SDR can eliminate that kind of complexity, ADC would be interested in it - even if it is at this stage a Hori-zon
      Three opportunity.

      Motorola representatives attended the very first MMITS Task Group meeting. Ten years later, the vendor has
      commercialised SDR technology as the Wireless Information Transfer System (WITS) product line. It has also won two
      contracts with the US Navy Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) for its AN/USC-61 Digital
      Modular Radio, worth a total of $US95.6 million, and a third system has been ordered by the Australian Depart-ment
      of Defence, which is evaluating the technology. While Motorola`s target markets for SDR are at present the military,
      possibly extending into emergency services, the vendor has also done work with GSM, AMPS (US) and also with
      I-Den, its integrated digital enhanced network technology - which may take it into the commercial sector. "The WITS is
      ready to go in the commercial market now", Hendrick-son said. "All that would need to hap-pen is the commercial
      waveforms would have to be written."

      While Motorola is initially targeting the military and emergency services markets, Advanced Communications
      Technologies - an Australian company that has developed its own SDR sys-tern, called SpectruCell - has the
      commercial sector firmly in its sights. SpectruCell comprises a hardware platform, support for a number of air
      interfaces through a generic air inter-face, and an application framework which Cleary says will enable develop-ers to
      build their own air interfaces. The company has not announced any contracts with customers nor will its equipment be
      type approved or commer-cially available until the end of this year. "We are in production and develop-ment of
      equipment for third parties and developers and later this year we will be into test networks, carrying live data for
      customers", Cleary said.

      AirNet Communications has been shipping broadband software defined base stations since May 1997, targeting the
      GSM market rather than supporting multiple air interfaces, chiefly because more than half of the world`s mobile phone
      users ,subscribe to a GSM ser-vice, according to Dr Hamilton. Its technology provides for a soft-ware upgrade to full
      speed GPRS, with software for EDGE and adaptive array antennas due for release later this year. The deployment
      scenario is incremen-tal, rather than tear-out, with operators able to deploy both the full-speed GPRS and later, the
      EDGE software on their existing hardware. The com-pany is also planning the development of a software upgrade to
      Wideband CDMA (W-CDMA) which is the 3G migration path for GSM.

      AirNet Communications is com-pletely focussed on the base station business, with SDR handsets being a kettle of
      fish the vendor is unlikely to stir. Its strategy has been to gain a foothold in the market via sales to
      smaller, more nimble and entrepreneur-ial telcos, build up the reference sites, then go into trial with larger operators,
      turn those trials into customers and thus "leverage our way into being a serious player in the marker`. "Along the way
      we are going to be taking a big enough chunk of the [base station market that the bigger vendors are going to try to
      get into the market" Dr Hamilton said.

      But SDR still has away to go. There are the infrastructure issues that Hislop alluded to, including unforeseen
      prob-lems with response times resulting from the changes in network hardware that will be required in order to
      properly distribute software. Then there is the seeming lack of support among the traditional telecom-munications
      equipment suppliers, and a general softness and uncertainty in the telecommunications market as a whole that has
      created an environment where risk-taking is anathema - and taking the plunge into SDR might be construed as a risk.
      The SDR market may be at an early stage of development, but it`s a market worth watching.
      schrieb am 14.06.01 13:35:33
      Beitrag Nr. 78 ()
      Hier ist leider wieder die Bestätigung für einen erneuten nicht zusatnde gekommenen deal / eine Ankündigung, die wieder nicht eingehalten wurde...


      In reference to your recent queries regarding AGC revenues and carrier licences I have prepared the following

      AGC Revenues

      The revenue figures were based on a contract the company had attempted to execute. Unfortunately this did not
      materialise as planned and the expected revenues were accordingly not achieved.

      Carrier Licences

      These licences were linked to our operations with WorldIP. Please refer to our SEC filings for documentation on our
      relationship with WorldIP.

      Jason Webster
      Manager-Corporate Communication
      Advanced Communications Technologies (Australia) Pty Ltd
      schrieb am 14.06.01 14:21:18
      Beitrag Nr. 79 ()
      Frage: Sid irgendwann in der nächsten Zeit Optionscheine fällig von ADVC?

      schrieb am 15.06.01 00:02:23
      Beitrag Nr. 80 ()


      ADVC ist ein OTC:BB stock !!!
      schrieb am 15.06.01 17:02:35
      Beitrag Nr. 81 ()
      Was für eine Scheisse ...…

      Eine one-man-show, war es so schwer das zuzugeben ?

      Mann, und was Prouty so macht, das sieht alles nach Scam aus ...

      ACT-Aus o.k., S/C auch, aber ADVC ?

      Mir geht es auf den Kecks ...

      schrieb am 16.06.01 00:05:25
      Beitrag Nr. 82 ()

      komm, lass gut sein. Lohnt sich doch nicht, sich aufzuregen. Scheint so, als liefe alles auf Spectrucell hinaus. Funktioniert das Teil sind wir im grünen Bereich, "funzt" es nicht, dann sind wir geliefert.

      Alles andere ist doch egal.

      Klar hast Du recht, ADVC hat mittlerweile noch rein gar nichts erreicht. Ich weiß auch gar nicht, wofür die eigentlich Mitarbeiter beschäftigen. Aber durch ACT-AUS profitieren wir dann doch exorbitant vom SC-Erfolg - und das nicht zu knapp.

      Viel mehr Sorgen machen mir die anstehenden 5 Mio. stocks, die demnächst "off restriction" kommen.

      Da geht es erstmal völlig nach unten.

      schrieb am 16.06.01 05:13:23
      Beitrag Nr. 83 ()
      ....ich meinte Optionen auf Aktien die zu irgendwelchen Finanzierungen ausgegeben wurden...

      schrieb am 18.06.01 23:42:29
      Beitrag Nr. 84 ()
      Wenn man das nur glauben könnte...


      The most recent conference call provides the best indication of upcoming events, namely: funding from bank-led
      syndicate, potential reverse merger, agreement with military contractor, release of independent validation report of
      Spectrucell, release of development tool suite and further patent filings.

      In reference to your queries about a potential reverse merger, our discussions are proceeding well with recent events
      serving to enhance our prospects of completing such a deal. Our patent application process continues to forge
      ahead with further preliminary documents being filed this week. I expect we will able to post news of new filings in the
      near future.

      The event you refer to may closer than many think. To my mind this can come from an independent validation or a
      partnering with a substantial entity. We have the independent validation in hand and it is only a matter of time before
      we can release it. The second event also looks promising, with the group in question instantly recognisable to US

      Jason Webster
      Manager-Corporate Communication
      Advanced Communications Technologies (Australia) Pty Ltd

      Reply to Post #89287 on ADVC by VisionGreen

      Previous Message Follows:

      Jwebster: Can you please give us an update on events to come? what excatly is going on with reverse merger?? is it
      still on the plate?? Patents, havent heard much about lately , when are we going to file one each week as promised
      by Roger . And one more thing is ADVC about to have a once for all an event that will shut down all the fears the is
      shared on this board. I just feel IMO that as hard as you folks claim to be working on S/C us shareholders have been
      dissapointed on several issues, and it seems same cycle over and over.... when will see the lighttttttttttt!!!! Jwebster,
      ask Roger if you cant answer that question???? its been cloudy , hazy and well raining too ;)


      concerned shareholder!!


      This was referred to in the last conference call. The agreement is being negotiated at present. We hope to have full
      details available in the not too distant future.

      Jason Webster
      Manager-Corporate Communication
      Advanced Communications Technologies (Australia) Pty Ltd

      Reply to Post #89301 on ADVC by VisionGreen

      Previous Message Follows:

      Mr WEBSTER : thanks for your response I have one last questions, YOU STATED "agreement with military
      contractor" AS OF WHEN I must have missed out on that, hope that is validated I think that alone, will lift us off the
      handicap chair and we can start walking again.Further merger agreements and pattents will sky rocket us to venus.

      best Regards


      Birger :)
      schrieb am 19.06.01 09:47:06
      Beitrag Nr. 85 ()
      ACT June Newsletter

      The June edition of the ACT newsletter is now available on the company websites under investor relations - news section.

      Jason Webster
      Manager-Corporate Communication
      Advanced Communications Technologies (Australia) Pty Ltd
      schrieb am 20.06.01 14:32:32
      Beitrag Nr. 86 ()
      schrieb am 20.06.01 16:18:02
      Beitrag Nr. 87 ()

      0.27 low heute !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



      Bitte comments zum Stand der Dinge. War es das ?

      schrieb am 20.06.01 17:41:59
      Beitrag Nr. 88 ()
      Optimist ...

      zum Glück war ich darauf eingestellt, so von wg. der ganzen 144er ... es zu sehen schmerzt jedoch trotzdem sehr ....


      schrieb am 20.06.01 18:17:15
      Beitrag Nr. 89 ()
      hallo alle da oder alle, die noch da sind.

      zum stand der dinge, kann ich leider nicht´s zum besten geben, meine informationen beziehe ich von hier,
      über den ddinvestor newsletter, und über das agoraboard von mr. data und twojuggler.
      ich bin also genauso wissen/unwissend wie ihr.

      long, ohh jaaa, das bin ich, denn nach 18 monaten bin ich jetzt wieder bei sagenhaften + - null% (0,33$)

      für mich ist das:
      1. ein grund mich kräftig über mich selbst zu ärgern
      2. anlass die frage zu stellen, hat sich was gegenüber vor 18 monaten geändert?

      vor 18 monaten..
      ..wusste niemand was über advc
      ..gab es keine cooperationen
      ..war es wesentlich schwerer irgendwas über advc in erfahrung zu bringen
      ..muss allen, die investiert haben, klar gewesen sein, dass das eine satte 0-nummer werden könnte

      heute wissen wir, dass ..
      ..das management eher bescheiden kompetent agiert
      ..sich mindestens zwei seriöse firmen auf advc eingelassen haben (NEC und diese marketing firma, deren name mir jetzt nicht einfällt, die aber auch ein paar recht bekannte firmen betreut (siehe homepage -in irgendeinem dieser "threats" angegeben, wie auch immer man das schreibt). mit advc hätte ziemlich reich werden können, wenn man denn verkauft hätte mit advc ziemlich dumm aus der wäsche gucken kann, wenn man denn falsch gekauft hat
      ..wir über die S/C technik im grunde genommen genausoviel wissen wie vor 18 Monaten immer noch eine nullnummer werden kann

      ABER wir wissen auch, dass es immer noch the big deal sein kann, auch wenn´s langsam keinen spass mehr macht
      und es immer schwerer fällt daran zu glauben.

      mein persönliches FAZIT:
      bei advc ging es noch nie, um begriffe wie "sicheres investment", "fundamental begründet" oder "zuverlässiges management" sondern advc war, ist und wird es bis zur validierung/nicht validierung auch sein......richtig...eine glaubensfrage oder mittlerweile viel eher eine hoffnungsfrage.
      ich bin nicht gerade mit geld als student, aber ich verliere lieber mein eh geringes spielgeld, als
      mich nachher krumm zu ärgern, eine grosse chance verpasst zu haben.

      LONG bis nie mehr spekulieren
      LONG bis nie mehr arbeiten

      die letzten drei zeilen machen die sache eigentlich recht einfach, man muss sich nur erstmal an den gedanken gewöhnen.
      lassst´s euch gut gehen und entspannt euch, es gibt weiss gott wichtigeres zum drüber aufregen

      postern wie diva, techs, birger möchte ich noch danke für´s posten posten

      es hat euch nun genug gelangweilt
      schrieb am 21.06.01 13:21:34
      Beitrag Nr. 90 ()
      Die News kommen wirklich keinen Tag zu früh:

      Thursday June 21, 7:13 am Eastern Time
      Press Release
      Advanced Communications Technologies -- Alliance with Lockheed Martin/Tenix Subsidiary RLM Systems
      LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 21, 2001--Advanced Communications Technologies Inc (OTCBB:ADVC - news; ACT-US) today announced that its Australian based affiliate Advanced Communications Technologies (Australia) Pty Ltd (ACT-Australia) had finalized an initial agreement to form a strategic business alliance with RLM Systems Pty Ltd (RLM), a joint venture owned by Lockheed Martin (NYSE:LMT - news) and Tenix Australia Pty Ltd, on the 20th June, 2001. The alliance initially provides for ACT-Australia to utilize a large number of RLM`s highly skilled engineers to accelerate the completion of the commercial model of ACT`s SpectruCell multiple protocol wireless base station technology.

      The first phase of this significant strategic alliance provides for RLM to assign the services of up to 40 engineers to the SpectruCell project with that number increasing progressively up to as many as 300 engineers during the next 18 to 24 months. The commitment of the additional resources envisaged by the alliance will enable ACT-Australia and RLM to jointly finalize the development of ACT`s SpectruCell technology in order to bring the multiple protocol base station production model to market in a more efficient time frame.

      Due to the sensitivity and complexity of the potential scope of the alliance, full details will be announced as specific terms and conditions for each phase are completed.

      About Advanced Communications Technologies

      Advanced Communications Technologies Inc. (OTCBB:ADVC - news) is a leader in the field of Software Defined Radio (SDR) that in conjunction with its Australian based affiliate has developed a proprietary, multiple-protocol wireless base station -- SpectruCell. Through eliminating the use of Qualcomm (Nasdaq:QCOM - news) chipsets, protocol specific hardware and by conducting all signal processing in software, SpectruCell provides for simultaneous support of multiple mobile communications protocols (CDMA, WCDMA, UMTS, GSM & 3G) all in the same base station. Support for additional protocols is achieved through the uploading of additional software modules. By implementing the company`s SpectruCell technology, network providers will be able to maintain service to their existing customer base and preserve the full utilization of their existing network infrastructure while at the same time securing a highly flexible migration path for evolving 3G-based protocols such as WCDMA and UMTS. SpectruCell is complemented by several other wireless technologies currently under development in Australia. Advanced Communication Technologies Inc. plans to market these products throughout North, South and Central America. For more information regarding Advanced Communications Technologies, visit

      About RLM Systems Pty Ltd

      RLM is an equal joint venture between Lockheed Martin (NYSE:LMT - news) and Tenix Australia Pty Ltd that has significant experience in complex engineering tasks such as the Jindalee operational radar network.

      RLM specializes in the design, production, integration, test and support of large, complex, state-of-the-art, software intensive systems. Employing approximately 600 people, the company is based in Melbourne, Australia and has operations in several States. Founded on a skilled and proven workforce, and with the backing of two major technology and defense partners, RLM is the new high technology force in the region.

      About Tenix Australia Pty Ltd

      With an annual turnover of A$1.2B and employing more than 5,000 people, the Tenix Group is Australia`s largest and most successful defense and technology contractor. Operating in Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, the Philippines and the United States, Tenix has comprehensive skills and facilities, and close, mature links with international technology leaders.

      Major subsidiaries include:

      Tenix Defense Systems, the leading Australian force in
      defense, providing systems integration and development for the
      complex weapon, sensor and control and communications
      equipment required for military and paramilitary platforms.

      Tenix Industries, Enetech, a national engineering and

      maintenance contractor specialising in the utilities and

      infrastructure sectors, and Rossair, a progressive aviation

      industry company offering a wide range of services.

      In a Business Review Weekly survey of Australian private companies in August 2000, Tenix recorded the fifth-largest revenue increase of all companies surveyed, (increased earnings by more than 100% in that period to a projected A$1B in 1999-2000, excluding joint ventures). The financial strength of the Tenix Group includes, total assets of more than A$1 billion, full ownership of extensive facilities and forward orders of approximately A$2 billion.

      About Lockheed Martin

      Lockheed Martin is a global leader in the design, development, manufacturing and integration of advanced technology systems, products and services for government and commercial customers. Business areas span aeronautics, space, systems integration and technology services. The Corporation`s core business areas are systems integration, aeronautics, space, technology services and global telecommunications. Lockheed Martin`s vision is to be the world`s best systems integrator in aerospace, defense and technology services. Lockheed Martin had sales in 2000 surpassing $25 billion and employs approximately 130,000 people.

      The foregoing contains forward-looking information within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve certain risks and uncertainties. The actual results may differ materially from such forward-looking statements. The company does not undertake to publicly update or revise its forward-looking statements even if experience or future changes make it clear that any projected results (expressed or implied) will not be realized.
      schrieb am 21.06.01 14:24:02
      Beitrag Nr. 91 ()
      ...die Wende?

      schrieb am 22.06.01 15:20:44
      Beitrag Nr. 92 ()
      Wenn man da mal 3 Tage nicht da ist, überschlagen sich gleich mal die Ereignisse...

      wie tief waren wir?
      Und bei was für einem Umsatz?

      Waren das die Nancy-shares?


      Übrigens heute schon wieder eine kleine news:

      *** ADVC NEWS ***

      Important ADVC investor news as posted today on Businesswire today:


      Advanced Communications Technologies - CEO Television Interview and
      Investor Conference Call

      LOS ANGELES-June 22, 2001-Advanced Communications Technologies Inc
      (OTCBB:ADVC) (ACT-USA) today announced that its Chairman and CEO Roger May
      has recorded a television interview with Emerging and that the
      company will hold a conference call with Mr May on Wednesday June 27, 2001
      at 7.00pm Eastern Standard Time (EST).

      The television interview with Don Baillargeon, Executive Producer of
      Emerging Company report, will begin airing on Friday June 22 at 11:00pm
      EST. Interested parties are advised to check the Emerging Company
      Report`s web site at for both channel
      details within their city and an internet version of the interview.

      The interview will be broadcast to more than 30 million cable TV homes in
      300 US cities and will be re-broadcast on June 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 28th.

      In the interview, Mr May will be addressing recent key developments
      relating to the operations of Advanced Communications Technologies
      including the company`s landmark strategic alliance with the Lockheed
      Martin/Tenix subsidiary RLM Systems Pty Ltd.

      In addition to the in-depth interview, ACT-USA (ADVC) will be profiled in
      the Emerging Company Report Newsletter. An on-line version of the latest
      Emerging Company Report can be found at the following web address

      New CEO Conference Call

      The company will be hosting a conference call with Mr May on Wednesday
      June 27, 2001 at 7:00pm EST which will provide a valuable forum for
      investors to discuss the company`s recent developments since the last
      conference call such as:

      - The strategic alliance with Lockheed Martin/Tenix subsidiary RLM Systems
      Pty Ltd.
      - The company`s progress regarding NASDAQ national market status
      - Advances in the testing and developing of the company`s software defined
      mobile wireless network base station-SpectruCell
      - Updates on forthcoming patent filings
      - Status of the company`s third party software defined radio development
      - Advances in the company`s operations in the UK and Europe
      - Updates on the roll out of Automated Meter Reading technologies for
      power utilities in the USA and;
      - The company`s negotiations with major telecommunications companies in
      the United States

      Parties wishing to participate in the conference call will be required to
      dial toll free (877) 407-9225 and input the confirmation number 4132349.

      About Advanced Communications Technologies

      Advanced Communications Technologies Inc. (OTCBB:ADVC) is a leader in the
      field of Software Defined Radio (SDR) that in conjunction with its
      Australian based affiliate has developed a proprietary, multiple-protocol
      wireless base station -- SpectruCell. Through eliminating the use of
      Qualcomm (Nasdaq:QCOM) chipsets, or any other protocol specific hardware,
      and by conducting all signal processing in software, SpectruCell provides
      for simultaneous support of multiple mobile communications protocols
      (CDMA, WCDMA, UMTS, GSM & 3G) all in the same base station. Support for
      additional protocols is achieved through the uploading of additional
      software modules. By implementing the company`s SpectruCell technology,
      network providers will be able to maintain service to their existing
      customer base and preserve the full utilization of their existing network
      infrastructure while at the same time securing a highly flexible migration
      path for evolving 3G-based protocols such as WCDMA and UMTS. SpectruCell
      is complemented by several other wireless technologies currently under
      development in Australia. Advanced Communication Technologies Inc. plans
      to market these products throughout North, South and Central America. For
      more information regarding Advanced Communications Technologies, visit .

      The foregoing contains forward-looking information within the meaning of
      The Private Securities Litigation Act of 1995. Such forward-looking
      statements involve certain risks and uncertainties. The actual results may
      differ materially from such forward-looking statements. The company does
      not undertake to publicly update or revise its forward-looking statements
      even if experience or future changes make it clear that any projected
      results (expressed or implied) will not be realized.

      For further information contact:

      Advanced Communications Technologies Inc.
      Roger May - Chairman & CEO
      T:61 3 8080 8888
      M:61 411 189 931


      Jason Webster
      Manager - Corporate Communications
      Advanced Communications Technologies
      T: 61 2 9327-2579
      M: 61 403 199 811
      schrieb am 22.06.01 15:27:11
      Beitrag Nr. 93 ()
      Date Open High Low Close Volume

      06/19/01 0.370 0.370 0.345 0.355 202,400
      06/20/01 0.345 0.355 0.270 0.350 904,300
      06/21/01 0.420 0.460 0.380 0.430 654,000
      schrieb am 22.06.01 20:44:06
      Beitrag Nr. 94 ()
      Hier noch die Ankündigung durch den TV-Sender:

      Friday June 22, 11:04 am Eastern Time

      Press Release

      SOURCE: Emerging Company Report

      Emerging Company Report - Precision Cleaning with Ice Blasting;
      Software Defined Radio Telecommunications

      HOLLYWOOD, Calif., June 22 /PRNewswire/ -- Emerging Company Report is the nationally syndicated television
      program profiling emerging-growth companies (, featuring informative interviews with the
      CEOs, insights into their operations and outlooks for their futures.

      Featured companies this week include:

      Rory Clarke, Chairman of Universal Ice Blast, Inc. (OTC: UIBI - news) spoke of his company`s patented ice-blasting
      technology, whereby precision industrial cleaning is performed by blasting tiny particles of ice instead of sand. ``The process
      is much more environmentally friendly,`` said Clarke. ``We have an agreement with Ford Motor Company, which has been
      testing and proving our process in their transmission facility. We are expecting our first P.O. from Ford soon.``

      Roger May, CEO of Advanced Communications Technologies, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: ADVC - news) appeared on the
      program via satellite from Melbourne, AU and spoke of his company`s Software Defined Radio technology platform for next
      generation wireless telecommunications products, known as SpectruCell. ``Through eliminating the use of QUALCOMM
      chipsets, SpectruCell provides for simultaneous support of multiple mobile communications protocols,`` he said. May also
      announced the company had finalized an initial agreement to form a strategic business alliance with RLM Systems Pty Ltd, a
      joint venture owned by Lockheed Martin and Tenix Australia Pty Ltd.

      Free information packages from the featured companies can be requested by sending an email to

      Viewers of Emerging Company Report can receive free information in the mail about featured companies by calling the
      toll-free phone number on their TV screen. The weekly television program debuted in 1996 and is seen nationally on Friday
      evenings at 11:00 ET, 8:00 PT, Saturdays at 4:00 PM ET, 1:00 PM PT and Sunday mornings at 11:00 ET, 8:00 PT. It also
      airs in New York on Thursdays at 11:30PM and Saturdays at 6:00PM. The program is broadcast to over 30 million cable
      TV homes in more than 300 cities nationwide.

      A complete menu of cable TV channels is available at the Emerging Company Report web site,, where the weekly program may also be viewed ``On-Demand`` on any computer.

      Emerging Company Report television program, Copyright 2001, all rights reserved. Emerging Company Report does not
      provide an analysis of companies` financial positions and is not soliciting to purchase or sell securities of the companies, nor
      are we offering a recommendation of featured companies or their stocks. Information discussed herein has been provided by the companies and should be
      verified independently with the companies and a securities analyst. Emerging Company Report has been paid a cash fee of $11,500.00 by the featured
      companies, does not accept company stock as payment for services, does not hold any positions, options or warrants in featured companies and the
      information herein is not an endorsement by the producers, publisher or parent company of Emerging Company Report.

      SOURCE: Emerging Company Report
      schrieb am 22.06.01 20:53:35
      Beitrag Nr. 95 ()
      @ Buzuk

      ich bin ursprünglich auch bei 0,33 $ auf Giligan´s Tip hin eingestiegen. Ist schon eine Schande, dass man jetzt wieder auf Null ist, gell?

      Trotz der tollen news scheint sich am Kurs ja rein gar nichts zu tun. Echt merkwürdig.

      Ich schätze, die Sache läuft erst richtig an, wenn wir tatsächlich

      + Amelio haben
      + NASDAQ notiert sind
      + independent evaluation durch das Bankenkonsortium bekommen
      + den Prototypen vorstellen können.

      Dank der letzten PR wird das dann wohl zumindest im geplanten Zeitplan stattfinden können, aber wer weiß das schon.

      Ansonsten sprichst Du mir aus der Seele. :)

      schrieb am 24.06.01 11:04:43
      Beitrag Nr. 96 ()
      Here is the interview section where Roger describes the Lockheed Martin deal:

      Question to describe the new Lockheed Martin agreement:
      “We are talking about 120 engineers. We are anxious to get SpectruCell into the marketplace. As I said
      previously, SpectruCell is the evolving communications platform standard – Qualcomm had the old one,
      and still does. We were looking to increase our resources, our software engineers substantially, to bring
      the product to market even earlier. Even though we think we have a significant (timing) advantage, we’d
      like to capitalize further on that. There is a company in Australia called RLM, most people call it (Really?)
      Lockheed Martin. RLM did a significant military project over the last ten years involving some 500
      engineers in a top secret installation. That project is almost finished. They spent a lot of money putting this
      facility together.

      We have talked to them initially about the military applications for SpectruCell software radio, which are
      enormous – the military applications in some ways make the commercial communications applications
      look fairly small by comparison. So, for some time we have had their engineers looking at our software
      defined radio operating platform and we’ve established…. Basically we’ve come to an agreement, which
      was signed only yesterday… its an initial agreement, it’s a Letter of Intent, to go forward and formulate
      many things involved around that… but the initial phase, which we HAVE agreed on, is to utilize their
      engineers in the forward development of the commercial model of the SpectruCell multiple protocol wireless
      base station.

      After the next question he continues:
      "I think we’re about to burst forth. We’ve had three and a half years of struggling to get recognition and
      credibility. As much as we’ve had it from many companies, it hasn’t been public. This is public. Everyone
      knows who Lockheed-Martin is. This is a major thing for us, and plus, in essence, we are not spending
      money on engineers we’re going to utilize initially 20-40 of their engineers, expanding constantly up to the
      number of 300 engineers over a period that will give us an enormous asset … some of the leading
      engineers in the world….

      Plus, there are several phases of this agreement, this is just the first one. There will be further
      announcements as we progress with some of the other things, the military applications, other stuff we’re
      planning to do and negotiate with Lockheed Martin, both the telecomm and the network side. Marketing the
      product in some countries where we have no infrastructure and would normally not go into.. like China,
      India, Africa, where they (Lockheed Martin )have structure… it really varies, none of that has been agreed
      on yet.

      But we HAVE agreed on the initial phase – to utilize their engineers to finish up SpectruCell, which is our
      highest priority. It’s one of those things that makes sense for both companies – they’ve got a major facility
      working (or running) down , we’re looking for extra facilities. And instead of spending cash we – the basis
      of this agreement is they actually provide in kind and take some equity in return for providing a lot of
      facilities, resources and engineers.”

      End of Stockpro transcript.
      schrieb am 25.06.01 00:47:43
      Beitrag Nr. 97 ()

      tja, die verruchte 0,33$ ;-)

      ich kann dir aber eider nur in drei von den vier punkten recht geben:

      + nasdaq
      + evaluation
      + prototyp

      amelio, da weiss ich nicht so recht, was ich davon halten soll. seien wir doch mal ehrlich, bisher gab´s mehr gerüchte über ihn als uns allen lieb sein kann, denn gerüchte bedeuten unsicherheit und das kann hier wirklich niemand brauchen. einzig positiv war die aussage, dass er über den merger verhandelt bzw, die kontakte dazu geknüpft hat..aber da wissen wir ja auch nix genaues.
      andererseits muss ich zugeben, wenn tatsächlich eine dicke news kommt, die auf seinem mist gewachsen ist, dann kann man seine arbeitsweise durchaus als sehr professionell bezeichnen. news erst dann rausgeben, wenn die sache perfekt ist, da könnte sich ein gewisser herr may mal ein scheibchen von abschneiden.

      so, da ich ja mehr ein leser, denn ein schreiberling bin, werde ich mich nun wieder auf meinen feldherrenhügel zurückziehen und beobachten, wie die schlacht läuft. posten tue ich natürlich, wenn ich das bedürfnis dazu verspüre.
      und nochmal, danke für die tolle arbeit, hier, es beruhigt doch ein bisschen zu sehen, dass man nicht alleine bangt.

      schrieb am 25.06.01 22:56:22
      Beitrag Nr. 98 ()
      TV Interview transcript:
      Below is a transcript of the television interview conducted by with

      We now have EmergingCompany`s permission to post this.

      It may be useful to watch the TV replay on their web site and read the transcript at the same time.

      Don Baillargion:
      Joining us via satellite from Melbourne Australia is Mr. Roger May. He’s the CEO Of a company called Advanced
      Communications Technology Incorporated. The stock symbol in this country is ADVC, Roger, welcome to the

      Roger May:
      Thanks Don.

      Don Baillargion:
      It’s good to have you here, Roger, Advanced Communications Technology describes itself as leader in the field of
      Software Defined Radio, that in conjunction with it’s Australian has developed a proprietary multi protocol wireless
      base station knowm as SpectruCell. Can you give us a general overview of the company please?

      Roger May:
      Yeah sure, the company was officially started here in February 1999. We’ve worked on this project for about a year
      and a half, two years, in close conjunction with Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, or RMIT University.
      It was an idea sent down from America originally but didn’t work and in the course of establishing that we came up
      with what’s now called SpectruCell.
      At this stage, SpectruCell is the only multiple protocol wireless base station in the world that is pure form Software
      Defined Radio. Traditional communications hardware or equipment has been all hardware defined., all the
      processing, routing has been done in channel base, cards, boards, it’s in a hardware environment. Where once you
      establish a switch, to change the processing or protocol or the application to that switch, you really7 had to change the
      boards, the cards, the processors. So as new protocols evolve or new applications in the communications industry, for
      the carriers to catch up they really have to upgrade the equipment which is very expensive, it’s been part of the
      ongoing problem the enormous cost of the carriers upgrading equipment.
      What we’ve done and it’s not just us that’s recognized this, we perhaps recognized it earlier than most. The new
      evolving communications industry platform is Software Defined Radio. There has been a lot of press recently from the
      FCC in America about establishing Software Defined Radio standards. What Software Defined Radio means is that
      instead of all your processing, routing, channeling being done in boards, cards, chips, it’s done in software programs.
      So, if you need to change that it’s just a slight programming modification. It can be done on the fly. You can change
      your routing, and in addition to that, because it’s a Software Defined Radio, you can actually upgrade that base
      station, or base station/switch in or case, to take other protocols, other applications, so, in essence it has a future
      proof quality about it, but for the carriers and that’s our primary market is the large communications carriers, it’s a God
      Apart from that, at present, in the hardware environment, if you want to run CDMA which is the predominant protocol in
      the United States, you need a CDMA network. If you want to run GSM and a lot of the companies are now running
      GSM because GSM is by far the most predominant protocol in the rest of the world, then you have to have a GSM
      With the SpectruCell base station you can run GSM and CDMA all over the same network.

      Don Baillargion:
      Roger the company says that by eliminating the use of Qualcomm chipsets, and by conducting all signal processing in
      software, SpectruCell provides for simultaneous support of multiple mobile communications and protocols, now,
      explain to us what that means and why it’s a benefit, to everyone of course except for Qualcomm.

      Roger May:
      It’s an enormous benefit I think I’ve publicly stated this now for eight months. Qualcomm has never refuted that and
      we’ve had discussions with Qualcomm. We first became aware of it when we were at Qualcomm in July last year.
      As I said earlier, all these traditional processing communications and CDMA especially is done in a hardware defined
      environment. Qualcomm’s patent around CDMA which you know, in essence, they’ve had a very strong position for
      many years now, with their licenses and royalties based around, they patented almost every way you can get to a
      CDMA application in a hardware environment . How we bypassed their patent is we’re not in the same environment.
      They’re in old communications equipment style in hardware, and that will still be around for some time. But clearly the
      evolving communications platform for the next century, this century is Software Defined Radio.
      Our patents apply to Software Defined Radio. We’ve filed four patents, there are others coming out, we have thirty five
      programmed right now in our roadmap.
      The patents we are filing are far more encompassing than Qualcomm.
      Qualcomm’s patents relate to CDMA. Our patents relate to several things, both CDMA, GSM, UMTS and other
      evolving 3G applications and perhaps more importantly the underlying operating system that will process these
      protocols and evolving 3G protocols and applications in these Software defined Radio environments. Recently we’ve
      had well known companies dealing with all of the manufacturers in the mobile environment tell us we are at least two
      years ahead of anybody in the world, eighteen months to two years in the development and implementation of
      Software Defined Radio platform, especially because we do a pure form of Software Radio where it’s not part
      hardware, part software, it’s all software, all the processing is done in the DSP’s
      We’ve worked on this the last three and a half years, we didn’t aim the technology to where it was but where it’s going.
      In relation to the Qualcomm patents, clearly we are not in the same arena. Their patents relate to the hardware defined
      applications, Qualcomm hasn’t done anything in the Software defined Radio. In our discussions with them they made
      that obvious. They’ve done nothing in Software Defined Radio and, you know, Qualcomm’s in a very strong position,
      they’ve got patents on CDMA which will survive for many, many years.

      Don Baillargion:
      We are talking with Advanced Communications Technology, stock symbol is ADVC
      If you would like more information about this company give us a call right now on 888 259-4449. the people at
      Advanced Communications would be happy to send you free information in the mail.
      Roger, I know there is some exciting news that you’ve wanted to talk about for some time. You’ve been talking about
      negotiations to contract significant additional R&D staff from as a yet un named major US based military contractor. I
      understand now, you can tell us about that, who’s the contractor and what’s the deal?

      Roger May:
      We’ve got about one hundred and twenty engineers and we are anxious to get SpectruCell to the marketplace and as
      I said, clearly SpectruCell is the evolving communications platform standard whereas Qualcomm had the old one, still
      We were loking to increase our resources, our software engineers substantially, to bring the product to market even
      earlier even though we think we have a significant advantage, we’d like to capitalize further on that.
      There is a company in Australia called RLM, most people call it “Really Lockheed Martin” RLM did a significant
      military project over the last ten years involving some five hundred engineers in a top secret installation. That project is
      almost finished, they’ve spent a lot of money putting this facility together.
      We had talked to them initially about the military applications for SpectruCell Software Defined Radio which are
      enormous. The military applications in some ways make the commercial applications look fairly small by comparison.
      For some time we’ve had engineers looking at the operating platform, the Software Defined Radio operating platform
      and we’ve established basically we’ve come to an agreement which was signed only yesterday. It’s an initial
      agreement, it’s a letter of intent to go forward and formulate many things that involve around that but the initial phase
      which we have agreed on is to utilize their engineers in the final development of the commercial model of the
      SpectruCell multiple protocol wireless base station.

      Don Baillargion”
      Roger we are almost out of time and we ask this of every CEO, why is this a good time for people to now take a
      closer look at your company Advanced Communications Technology?

      Roger May:
      I think we are about to burst forth, we’ve had three and a half years struggling to get recognition and credibility, as
      much as we’ve had it from many companies, it hasn’t been public. This is public. Everyone knows who Lockheed
      Martin is. This is a major thing for us and plus, in essence, we’re not spending money on engineers, we’re going to
      utilize initially twenty to forty of their engineers expanding constantly up to a number of three hundred engineers over a
      period that will give us enormous asset, some of the leading engineers in the world, plus there are several phases of
      this agreement. This is just the first one. There will be further announcements as we progress with some of the other
      things on military applications, other stuff we’re planning to do or negotiate with Lockheed Martin on the telecom and
      the network side, marketing the product in some countries where we have no infrastructure and would not normally go
      into like China, India, Africa where they have structure.
      It’s the early days, none of that’s been agreed on yet but we have agreed on the initial phase utilizing engineers to
      finish off SpectruCell which is our highest priority.
      It’s one of those things that make sense to both companies. They’ve got a major facility running down. We are looking
      for extra facilities and instead of spending cash, part of the basis for this agreement is that they actually provide in
      kind and they take some equity in return for providing a lot of facilities, resources and engineers.

      Don Baillargion:
      We are out of time, that was an exciting development with Lockheed Martin and I want to congratulate you on that.
      Once again the company is Advanced Communications Technology Inc. ADVC is the stock symbol and give us a call
      now on 888 259-4449 to receive free information in the mail. To find out about this company’s agreement with
      Lockheed Martin give us a call.
      schrieb am 28.06.01 22:14:01
      Beitrag Nr. 99 ()

      In letzter Zeit war ich ein wenig mit JasonWebster im e-mail Austausch, da ich mir schon auch ein wenig Sorgen mache um unser Investment. Nachdem heute morgen klar wurde, dass Amelio wohl nicht dazustossen wird, war ich schon ziemlich geschockt, v.a. im ZH mit der letzten mail von Jason. Ich habe dann gleich heute zurückgemailt:

      Hi Jason,
      I am getting desperate here: In your last e-mail, you answered my question
      ("If you tell me, Spectrucell is in fact for real, I am going nowhere but
      stay in here.") with the sentence:

      "I feel the involvement of Dr Amelio with ACT should provide
      outside investors with some comfort."

      Well, I do not feel comforted right now. And I get the impression, you were
      trying to tell me: If Amelio does not show up, I should sell all of my
      I do not know what to do now, really. I guess, after yesterday´s CC we will
      fall below .20$ and all of the former PR´s were hoaxes. This is really
      frustrating. Every single deal is falling into pieces. Nothing gets
      accomplished. Lockheed Martin is only a Letter Of Intent...

      I could go on and on.

      Please advise.

      Birger :)

      Hier kommt die Antwort, die ich heute fast unmittelbar bekommen habe. Das finde ich extrem positiv, dass er sich so engagiert für uns Aktionäre. Leider macht RM dass alles immer wieder zunichte...


      Your interpretation of my statement is an interesting one but fortunately
      not the one I intended. I referenced Dr Amelio as it was a readily
      identifiable, public validation of the company and its technology. Since
      then we`ve received an independent validation of Spectrucell (which cannot
      be made public yet) and more importantly (due to the fact that it IS public)
      is the deal with RLM. There appears to be some confusion as to the status of
      this deal but the fact is that the intial stage for the use of 40 engineers
      and RLM`s facilities is complete. The agreement is multi-stage however and
      the details for each phase are yet to be bedded down and no doubt won`t be
      bedded down until we get further along the development path. This is where
      the letter of intent comes in as the latter stages of the agreement are
      still in negotiation.

      In terms of things being accomplished I think you really need to focus on
      Spectrucell as this what will ultimately drive revenues and price
      appreciation for ACT-US. We have lodged numerous patent applications and
      will continue to do so, we do have a working prototype and continue to make
      solid progress in development of the commercial Spectrucell model and we are
      building solid relationships with industry players such as RLM. The
      potential of the RLM agreement should not be underestimated. In striking the
      alliance we have opened up Spectrucell to military use and given ACT-US
      presides over the largest military market in the world we have the potential
      to generate very significant revenues from this sector.

      Jason Webster
      Manager-Corporate Communication
      Advanced Communications Technologies (Australia) Pty Ltd

      Naja, vielleicht war das doch ganz gut, dass RM sich von Amelio nicht hat abzocken lassen. RM geht schon irgendwie seinen Weg, oder? Orbcomm hat er trotz Vorabankündigung ge"canceled", Amelio ebenfalls. Naja, ich werde am WE dann mal den transcript lesen. Mal schauen, was er so erzählte...

      Birger ;)
      schrieb am 30.06.01 02:02:11
      Beitrag Nr. 100 ()
      Hallo an alle,

      so einen habe ich auch schon länger nichtmehr gelesen ... tut zur Abwechslung mal richtig gut ... "

      Royalty Stream is the gold mine here - not the Smart antennas, which are only the small end, as is all of the equipment. ADVC is blessed by not having to raise money for people and equipment during the development or R&D part of this effort. ADVC is bringing money into the effort via ACT-AUS. & Aus Gov. ADVC would not qualify for GOV. Funds down under. We only need to concern our selves with the selling of the product and building the Royalty flow that will come from it.
      Manufacturing is a slave operation and after the sale no more profit. When you sell a system that pays Royalty`s over and over, month after month, year after year, decade after decade - That is the real long term gold mine.
      We have no R&D costs and no long term debt which is now crippling most other companies. RM knows full well what he is doing. Dr. Gil is not needed and at this point and we are better off without him.
      The situation with the shorting is small potatoes and the games that brokers play if you give them the opportunity to do so. Nickel and dimers. Roger said it and I believe that we will be re-listed soon. That will not end the shorting but the effects of it will be less.
      To me the most important things mentioned in the CC was the 300,000 unit order from a Middle or Far Eastern Country. The statement of potential orders for base stations and;
      The Check due in July from the ASU. Gov.;
      Large orders for information memory terminals.
      The fact that they have reduced the cost of a base station by 20% to 25% and;
      The fact that in order to duplicate the connection to a house, cost others up to 28$ per month as opposed to 15$ per year and that we only need to supply the antenna.
      As I said before we should stay focused on developing an ongoing cash flow which can not be done by just equipment sales. Once the production is going by anyone, - our Royalty stream will dwarf the one time profits realized by the one time sales.
      Royalty streams last for 15 years plus and those monthly checks add up to much more than the manufacturers will ever make from an equipment sale which we get part of anyway.
      What if Erricson or Nokia made a royalty from every call placed on one of their phones. They don`t and that is why they are now laying off workers, moving their production to 3rd. world countries. We will be in a much better position then any of them without all of the overhead, responsibility, payroll, debt, labor relations, etc, etc.
      As far as joining all of the companies together, I think it is not to our advantage but to the other companies advantage.

      Keeping the Royalty flow for ADVC holders is to our advantage and the other companies will get to wanting some for themselves. North, South, Central America is the real bread basket. We should not care who makes the stuff as long as we get the Royalty flow and commissions on the equipment and services sales.
      Just ask QCOM where most of their cash comes from.
      As far as production goes we could not have a better partner than [ML and Ass]. They can do what not many others can and I feel very very good about their capabilities and relationships with Governments and their militaries.
      As RM is looking for companies to operate the systems in both the US and UK, that will be interesting.
      As to the patents and all of the chatter - Relax - there is nothing wrong with the current applications. They do provide protections and actually extend the time of the protection by an additional year. We can use that time to prefect the science, make additions as they develop, add file new patents as needed and it will all serve us well.
      We should all be partying over what RM has done to date and the extra add on`s mentioned in the CC will be of much added value to the original thought and investment as well as to the BOOK VALUE of each share. All of these advancements and agreements have a value and can be calculated which goes to the bottom line and BOOK VALUE. This thing keeps getting better as we go along and the time will soon come when the bashers/shorts will be killed like the scrap eating dogs they are. This stock has the potential to, and will, jump far one afternoon and it will not look back for anyone to cover. That is the risk a short takes. It is not beyond reality for the stock to jump up several dollars per share while the shorts are on the beach some afternoon and all of their nickels and dimes can vanish in a few hours.
      You can not be late in the event of a large move up like the one that is coming.
      We are most likely just one good PR away. The entire picture can change very quickly from later to now. As to when it will come - that is the question and the only logical thing to do is take a LONG POSITION and Wait, unless you like to be glued to the screen min. by min. Good luck to all of the longs - you will be well rewarded. once you have a large enough position, Go fishing and enjoy life for a month or two. Let RM keep do his thing."…

      Es grüßt

      Diva .... long .... mit ein paar grauen Haaren mehr ;)
      schrieb am 30.06.01 17:14:23
      Beitrag Nr. 101 ()
      Hier ein paar Kostproben aus dem letzten CC, falls es überhaupt noch jemanden interessiert, was RM erzählt, da er ja 90% sowieso nicht einhält...


      Hey Roger, is it for certain that we`re going to have a reverse merger with ADVC? I see a lot of that on the Raging Bull.

      Roger May:
      It`s for certain that we`re going to get on the NASDAQ. There are a number of ways of doing that. Given the present business environment, that would seem to be.., there are many companies out there with assets, with facilities, with cash in the bank that, because of market conditions, their NASDAQ status is somewhat threatened by the reduction in share price. We have things that the community is looking for. We are beginning to generate revenues. We`re in a mode where, next year, we will generate revenues. We have a leading edge technology. And, I think, some of the associations - strategic associations, that will become evident in the next period - will make it very positive for some of these companies to merge with us, to get what we want and to also get what they want. So, yeah, I think that that`s a strong possibility. That`s .. the negotiations we`re at, at present, it`s not a reverse merger. It`s more like a merger. But, reverse merger, merger, yeah, that`s a strong possibility and our highest priority right now. Does that answer your question?

      Can you update ADVC`s process regarding the NASDAQ status and the names of potential NASDAQ candidates?

      Roger May:
      No, it would not be appropriate for me to name potential NASDAQ candidates. I can`t say that. For obvious reasons I think it would change things. But, we`ve signed initial paperwork with one company that`s sitting with excess of $50 million in the bank. It was involved in the sale of equipment for spectrum in the United States where four of the five companies are now bankrupt and the spectrum is in essence is in jail and until the Government sorts it out they have no business. They have technical facilities that are very conducive to us on the East and the West coast. They have the appropriate technical staff, programming staff, they would be very conducive to us for implementing SpectruCell and AMR and some of the other technologies. We`re very keen to basically, it would be a, you know, off the shelf company in all aspects of what we would need in the American marketplace.

      They are not the easiest people to negotiate with but their stock has suffered dramatically from a high of nearly $50 to down to below a dollar right now in the six months, based on the fact that they`ve got money and no business. I think we both think initially it`s a very good association but it`s perhaps appropriately not going quickly. We`ve had calls every day for the last three or four days with them, conference calls, another one booked for tonight with the chief technical officer and some technical groups about this. It`s a process we are going through carefully but it`s an ideal candidate and it`s the same candidate I was talking about the last conference call. We`ve been really talking to them for about two months. That has accelerated dramatically. It will either happen or not happen I`d say in the next 14 to 21 days. I`m giving a time frame, I`m probably going to be held to here that, that`s my expectation at this stage that it will be crystallized. But it`s, it won`t involve any dilution, it would be a very, be a merger of resources. They are a NASDAQ National Market company. There will be no dilutory factors or stuff like that.What we`re looking to do is not just get a NASDAQ shell, not just get a company with money in it, but get a company that will give us an instant operational base in the United States.

      OK, On another topic, I know back in December I think you had mentioned that you wanted to get somebody on board who could take the company to another level in terms of financing, in terms of access to Wall Street and I assume that the Gil Amelio attempt was that kind of a person that could bring the company to another level. If Gil never does return your phone calls, or get back to you, is there any plan B to bring someone else on board who could fill a role similar to what you envisioned for Gil Amelio?

      Roger May:
      I think that one of the attractions of the people we are talking to as far as the NASDAQ company is concerned, is that purely by co-incidence, Lockheed Martin has a director on the board of their company. Lockheed Martin America owns part of the company. The technology of that company was Lockheed Martin technology initially they developed for the commercial marketplace. The management of that company is very high level, they have been successful in Wall Street. They did raise $100 million last year.

      As I said, as far as the reverse merger, merger.. we`re not just looking and maybe it`s frustrating because as I see what happens to us in the market all the time but, we`re looking to establish a firm base for the U.S. operations. The company we are talking to brings all that, from a management level, from, most of the Board of Directors are all venture capitalists, Wall Street people. It`s a perfect fit. Which is why I`m persevering and taking our time to get. It answers, it really fills all the needs of the American company and really makes the American company operational. Fully operational and we are ready now to launch product in the American marketplace. Not just SpectruCell and the development tools, but other products, the MIM tel, the AMR, the Automatic Meter Reading and so on. But we need a facility to implement those and handle you know, all that side of it, as well as the corporate side. So, the company we have identified meets all of those criteria and it also meets some of our, purely by accident. Some of the other associations we have already formed and are continuing to expand on. So, you know, I`m very comfortable that this one vehicle would provide the answers to all the things we look for, far and beyond what Gil Amelio would have brought as an individual to the American operation.


      Roger May:
      The original structure of the company was that ACT and the SpectruCell unit was, we knew it would take time to get to market, we knew it would take a lot of funds, period to get that done, but, over here, we formed Australon, the remote metering company, we formed a network company as more immediate revenue generating arms to fuel the R&D of that company. We`ve now reflected the incorporation of both of those companies in the American market and we are now getting ready to roll product into those companies. I think part of the significance of the RLM relationship that I announced last week was to a large extent missed by the investment community. We have a very high level team of design engineers and very bright young people that can, in the words of RLM, we can do things they can`t do.

      Paul Staugaitis:
      Yeah, pretty much, yeah like we are sort of like the visionary aspect of the engineering and RLM take over the nuts and bolts of that. And there`s a crossover and gray area between those two things but that`s how we see the relationship happening.

      Roger May:
      It`s the single best thing that could have happened for us. They`ve got the level of engineers. They`ve got facilities. And that`s what they are used to doing, building it, and that`s a tremendous asset for us as far as getting SpectruCell to market. Also, I think I briefly mentioned, we cannot afford to develop the military applications for SpectruCell. There`s been a lot of talk about how America`s going to miss out and that`s complete BS, that`s not accurate, the structure`s been set up and as it`s set up, that`s what it will share depending on where those rollouts lie. It costs double or triple the price because of the top secrecy required in military development to do those products.

      We never even addressed the military aspects of SpectruCell because we knew ahead of time we couldn`t afford to do it and set up the facilities and it was more essential to concentrate on the commercial aspect of the SpectruCell Base Station switching for mobile networks. I think that`s accurate. Paul, isn`t it?

      Paul Staugaitis:
      Yeah that`s right. We`ve sort of identified the huge markets on 3G and left the military applications to the too hard basket.

      Roger May:
      Yes, so not only do we get a team of engineers that can build SpectruCell and get it to market more quickly than we could and make it work properly, but we`ve also opened up doors to the strong possibility to some development in the military aspects of SpectruCell that we would not normally be able to afford to do.

      I`m not going to get into specifics, nothing has been signed, written, as I`ve said before. There`s various phases of this project coming to fruition. There`ll be announcements about it. The announcement we put out last week was approved by RLM. Anything that comes out regarding anything to do with RLM or Lockheed Martin will be approved by them in advance. So, you know, everything is going very positive.

      Birger: Unten beim Abschnitt EVALUATION steht noch, dass vorgeschlagen wurde, sich mit einem Partner zusammenzutun, der SC fertigen und bauen kann. RLM ist dafür der optimale Partner.

      Roger May:
      I`ve said to RLM, we`ve done so much for so long with so little, to see your facilities here my mind boggles and as the Managing Director turned and said to me "yes, but we can`t do what you have done. We don`t have the ideas, the vision, the design teams that can do what you can do, we can build it."


      Roger, assuming everything goes well with RLM, are you willing to project at all when SpectruCell will be ready for market?

      Roger May:
      We`re still aiming for the end of the first quarter, second quarter next year. But, we`re aiming with a much improved model of SpectruCell with a lot more in it than we first planned. We still feel that time frame`s appropriate. But it will be I think, wouldn`t you agree Paul, a much improved model on what we`d initially projected?

      Paul Staugaitis:
      Yes, first quarter of next year. That`s the sort of thing we are looking at and with a marked sort of increase in the scope of the project, like we`ve, initially, you know, 18 months ago we had sort of plans for a certain level of functionality out of SpectruCell. We then started discovering all the potential capabilities of Software Radio as we went through that development and now we`re going to be hitting the market with a very, very advanced product.


      Yeah, Hi again Roger, can you update us on what the status is of the independent evaluation and whether you will be able to release any parts of it in the near future?

      Roger May:
      That`s finished, it`s been finished for nearly 4 weeks. It was commissioned by the bank and until we are finished with that bank, I don`t think it`s appropriate to release it publicly. I`m not sure they`d approve of that. I`m sure they wouldn`t. From discussions, we have released it to several other companies including Mitsui and NEC, US Sprint, Qualcomm, NTL, Motorola, so on and so on.

      We`ve released it to a number of other people we are talking about strategic relationships with. As part of, when the evaluation is made public, you`ll see that one of the recommendations is that we develop a relationship with someone who could greatly assist us in building it. Well, we`ve already done that. We`ve done it with RLM. And it`s probably beyond the scope of what was suggested in the evaluation. But until the funding issues are finished, I, it`s a matter of, you know, it won`t be released publicly until we get permission from the bank who commissioned it.


      I`m constantly challenged on time frames and have been asked to address time frames. You know, time frames are set by a number of circumstances. We don`t always meet the time frames a lot of times because people, giving us time frames, don`t meet those as well. We were given a time frame by a manufacturer on certain aspects of the SpectruCell third party development tools. That didn`t happen because, well, that`s not true, it hasn`t not happened yet. We`re still there but, the manufacturer made a mistake in the application of resources and came back saying he needed two more months. I didn`t know that when I made the announcement. But, we also then have an opportunity to apply more resources for them from other outside sources to help with that, fortunately. But, one of the major banks came to us in February, said they`d negotiate something in a certain time frame, they are now four weeks outside of that. Should I say, well, you haven`t kept your time frames therefore we don`t want to talk to you? Business doesn`t work like that all of this total rubbish content about time frames not keeping. Nothing, there is no constant in business. There`s no constant in Wall Street and you work within the time frames as best you can. They are not written in stone, they never have been. To be criticized for them, when we make our best efforts and give our best estimations, is inappropriate and unfair to say the least. But, you know, it`s part of the game. We are also reliant on other people giving us time frames when we make statements.


      I was wondering, I realize the stock price is really fallen off. But I was wondering, can you give an estimate on what you would think the book value should be?

      Roger May:
      The KPMG valuation we`ve got in process down here now, we believe will come in, in excess of over $350 million for the entire assets of the company here. Clearly the American company owns 20% of that. As I`ve said previously, if someone, there`s been some criticism of the percentage owned by the American company. The American company hasn`t yet paid all of the money it paid for the first 20%. And there`s a friendly relationship there but, secondly, we look at SpectruCell or the underlying operating system for Software Defined Radio, the third party tools, the NEC board we talked about, as being basically being a new operating system for communications industries.

      In fact we weren`t the first to claim that, I think one of the press people first said it, it`s like the MS DOS of the communications industry. Now, if someone had offered an American public company, the exclusive rights for MS DOS, Windows, you know, Microsoft products for North, South, Central America, and in addition, they offered 20% of the parent company as well, it would be an enormous thing. People don`t conceive of the American company`s relationship as being that. But, irrespective of that perception, that`s exactly what it is. And it hasn`t finished there, I made that clear, as things progress, and things evolve, that may very well change and become a larger percentage. It may very well be best to put it all into a vehicle in America and take it from there, at the appropriate time. People are always second guessing and doing things, but, I believe that, you know, it`s very sound.
      schrieb am 02.07.01 09:57:47
      Beitrag Nr. 102 ()
      I`ve spent the last 2 days going thru the CC transcript with a fine-toothed comb. Word for word.

      I`ve boiled it down, condensed it, stripped off the bark, whittled on it, and squeezed out the essential remnants of the message - and there are a lot.

      I`ll post it in 2 parts. Each post contains about 1/2 of the CC. This is the first 1/2. I`ll type my notes for the 2nd half later. This is hard work for a 2 fingered typer and a computer illiterate hack.

      I have to say - I have never heard Roger sound so positive, so confident, so in charge and in command before!
      The word has gotten out, they`re knocking on OUR door, the pieces of the puzzle are being drawn together for assembly, and it`s all coming together.
      Everytime a door has been closed( PLFM, Orbcomm, GA and Benaventure) - several more Superior ones are opened!

      Keep the faith, and be PATIENT.

      June 27/01 CC SUMMARY

      PAGE 2

      - RM candidate more of a merger than a RM.
      - presently is our highest priority
      - 1 for 1 merger. NO dilution - as always stated.
      - GA still on boards in Aus. No communication with him
      since last CC.Not returning calls or mail. RM not losing
      sleep over it. We`ll carry on without him!

      PAGE 3

      - forming relationships in direct funding and relationships-in-kind.
      - utilizing RLM engineers to escalate SC completion is only about 5% of total facets and phases of ACT/ADVC/RLM relationship - once negotiated.
      - also 3 major fundings in place.
      - AUS - letter of intent to take over Public Co for network assets. Has 10 mill in bank.
      - finalizing large bank financing based on GIBSON QUAI REPORT.( Independant eval. by bank led synd.?).
      - UK - heavy into discussions with several Co`s.
      - verification of large orders for MIT (memory info terminals).
      - talking to US Co`s to run MIT and AMR(auto meter reading) in US and UK.
      - possible alliance with UK 2nd tier carrier to fund marketing there.
      - heavy negotiations with major US Co. to develop base stn switches for US.

      PAGE 4

      - should get 2nd round of funding from AUS Gov`t grant in July.
      - applied for OTHER Gov`t funding as well.
      - ACT has no debt.
      ADVC - to be break-even profitable by end of year with only 1 order. Have SEVERAL potential orders. Low overhead and highly profitable arm in US.

      PAGE 5

      NASDAQ - RM

      - signed initial papers with NAS RM Co.
      - has 50 mill in bank. Is involved with spectrum equipment in US. Has tech facilities on E and W coasts. Very compatible with ADVC re SC and AMR.
      - went from $50 to <$1 in crunch as 4 out of 5 of their clients went under - so - no sales for them.
      - slow, careful negotiations by both sides are ongoing.
      - this is the same candidate as in last CC.
      - talks have accellerated dramatically.
      - it`ll be settled 1 way or the other in 2 to 3 weeks.
      - will be NO DILUTION. More of a merger of resources than a RM.
      - they`re on NAS national(big cap)
      - we don`t want a RM just for listing or $$ in bank. We want INSTANT OPERATIONAL BASE IN US.

      PAGE 6

      - AMR is trunked radio - VHF and UHF.
      - AUS - cost comparison - AMR is $15/year vs $28/mo for Co`s that have 40% of AUS marketshare!
      - UK - heavy interest in AMR. Expect positive rev`s next Q.(July - Sept).
      - potential order for 10,000 units this week. Paper work is en route.
      - letter of intent with CA. Co. to roll out 300,000 meters to Middle East Country. Received signed off letter of intent from them. This will be 50/50 thru ADVC.


      PAGE 7


      - is the best thing that could have happened to ACT and ADVC.
      - costs are 2 to 3X for Military development due to secrecy and specs. RLM IS SET UP FOR IT ALREADY.
      - ACT had initially left out the Military aspect due to time and cost constraints. Now we have it all - with RLM!
      - we`re taking a very serious approach with the RLM relationship.
      - all PR`s concerning RLM will be pre-approved by them.


      - IS95 filter for CDMA Base Station to be filed by July 2 - tomorrow.
      - anyone using CDMA on a SDR Platform will have to use it for cost efficiencies.
      - most significant Patent filing to date!

      PAGE 9

      - SC is a constantly changing, evolving technology. We have new application ideas already. SC still to be out by Mar/Apr 2002, but with a very advanced model over that first planned.


      - contracts already ISSUED in US and AUS which are immediate.
      - very large contracts, and very long in duration - which is good for stabilization in all aspects - esp. engineering.

      ADC Board ( Analog Digital Converter)

      - product nearly ready to go.
      - for Cell, Satellite, and Wireless Local Loop Systems.
      - has big potential.

      - a whole ramp of Development Tools still scheduled to begin rollout in July.

      - Pondell Wilkinson hasn`t been involved for months.




      RB 92684
      schrieb am 02.07.01 10:02:06
      Beitrag Nr. 103 ()
      June 27 CC SUMMARY - PART 2

      PAGE 11

      - independant evaluation by bank-led syndicate was completed 4 weeks ago(Gibson Quai?).
      - it`s been released to Mitsui, NEC, US Sprint, Qualcom,Motorola, and more.
      - also released to strategic relationship candidates.
      ***one of the recommendations in the evaluation was to get into a relationship with a Co to help us build it(time to market). WE`RE ALREADY THERE - RLM.


      *** RM Co`s technology was LM`s originally, for commercial market.
      *** most of BOD in RM Co are venture capitalists - Wall St people. Perfect fit for us!
      - ready NOW to launch product in US including SC(almost), development tools, MIM Tel, AMR, etc.

      PAGE 12

      - Gil Amelio not on payroll. Still a director in AUS.
      - into 6 months of negotiations with major US Telco re SC, etc in CDMA networks.
      - signed NDA months ago.
      - ACT PRODDING TELCO TO ORDER SOMETHING so as to form a basis.
      - they`re highly interested.
      - more than 2 Telcos in US are interested presently. 1 of which we`re quite sure to get an order from in Mar/Apr.
      - takes up to 3 months to nail down the specs.

      PAGE 13


      - NTL of UK is one of the largest broadband comm. Co`s in the world.
      - ACT is in discussions with them.
      - people from NTL were in AUS last week.
      - we can deliver Multiple Protocol SDR for 20-25% less than others with SINGLE PROTOCOL HARDWARE DEFINED BASE STATION!

      AUS GOV`T

      - has a " Full Contestability" regulation pending.
      - people and Co`s can buy power from ANY Provider they want, but they must be able to provide 1/2 hour interval meter readings. ENTER ACT and AMR! This concept will likely come to US.

      PAGE 14

      - we`ve been advised that there is a shorting program going on by a Co with dubious Russian connections.

      PAGE 15
      - International awareness of ACT/ADVC/SC is rapidly escalating.
      - with our new patents, ACT/ADVC is setting up to be the Qualcom of the future.


      - ACT doesn`t have millions in the bank - BUT - we also have no debt.

      PAGE 16

      - KPMG evaluation of ACT is 350 million(AUS?).ADVC owns 20%.


      - is like a new Operating System for Commercial Industry.
      - like the MS DOS of Commercial Industry.
      - Roger eluding to increasing ADVC`s stake in ACT, or even lumping ACT all into a US entity - at the right time - as he has always stated - it`s not carved in stone, and is flexible depending on conditions.

      PAGE 17


      - ACT is working hard on it in the background.
      - SEM produces 8 to 10X the capacity on a Microwave Link - WITHOUT BUYING EXTRA SPECTRUM!


      - was initially just a Multiple Protocol Base Station.
      - NOW - it is a Generic Signal Processing Platform and Operating System to deploy ANY Radio Technology!


      - used for Wireless Local Loop,Broadcasting, Space Research, and Military App`s.
      - also for Virtual Network Operations Environment
      - competitive operators can still save by sharing networks.

      PAGE 18


      - a Co called WSI produces advanced power amplifiers. They will accept ANY Radio Prodtocol.
      - a good fit for SC.
      - eliminates the need for multiple amplifiers.
      - super-conducter filters aren`t necessary in SC Base Stn. Not economical enough to justify the benefits.

      - if the RM fails - there are other candidates.ADVC will rollout and market our Alliances regardless.

      HOWEVER - a RM with the candidate complete with facilities, requirements, NAS listing, and cash in the bank - is a perfect 1HIT FIT!


      END OF CC

      RB 92692
      schrieb am 03.07.01 10:27:51
      Beitrag Nr. 104 ()
      Wie nicht anders zu erwarten:

      Patent Update

      As advised on the recent conference call ACT had expected to finalise its patent application filing by today. However, as this is a highly complex and innovative claim, we have been required to adjust the wording to ensure all aspects are covered so as to afford the highest level of protection. This re-drafting will be finalised shortly and the filing will proceed immediately after.

      Jason Webster
      Manager-Corporate Communication
      Advanced Communications Technologies (Australia) Pty Ltd

      RB 92735
      schrieb am 03.07.01 22:52:17
      Beitrag Nr. 105 ()
      Ja, "Update" ist schön formuliert.

      Ich bin schon ziemlich besorgt, weil ich der Ansicht bin, das jeder halbwegs vernunftbegabte Mensch es sehr schnell lernen sollte, von ständigen zeitgebundenen Ankündigungen Abstand zu nehmen, wenn er einsehen muß, daß er sie meist nicht einhalten kann.
      Lieber etwas weniger versprechen und dafür etwas mehr halten, das sollte doch die erfolgversprechende Schlußfolgerung sein.
      Wer immer so weitermacht, nährt den Verdacht, es handele sich eben doch nur um eine eloquente Hinhaltetaktik.

      Vielen Dank übrigens an Diva und Birger für eure Recherechearbeit.

      schrieb am 05.07.01 18:10:16
      Beitrag Nr. 106 ()

      LONGS: Bestandsaufnahme

      Wer ist noch da ?

      schrieb am 05.07.01 20:26:19
      Beitrag Nr. 107 ()
      dabei seit okt.99 und das wird wohl auch so bleiben.

      in der ruhe liegt die kraft, ich geh jetzt drei oder vier...

      ...undzwanzig bier trinken

      ahoi buzuk
      schrieb am 05.07.01 20:41:03
      Beitrag Nr. 108 ()

      finde ich schade, dass Du draußen bist, so ganz glaube ich Dir das aber auch nicht. ;)

      Take care

      Birger (wütend aber long)
      schrieb am 05.07.01 20:57:46
      Beitrag Nr. 109 ()
      Hallo Techs,

      hier und natürlich bin noch da ;)

      komischerweise mit einem besseren Gefühl als seit langem ...
      es wäre für mich nicht konsequent jetzt die Fliege zu machen ... es dauert zwar alles länger als erwartet, es ist z.B. auch nicht CSCO geworden .... aber es fügt sich m.E. .... was nicht heißen soll, daß es nicht nochmal noch gewaltiger in den Keller gehen kann ...

      Für mich stellt sich eher die Frage nach dem Kurs, in ca. 6-12 Monaten und solange ich da noch davon ausgehen kann, daß, sagen wir 2$ realistisch sein könnten, und 10$ nicht total aus der Luft gegriffen (sondern nur zu 99,999% ;) ) was soll ich jetzt da das Handtuch werfen???

      Muß jetzt leider weg


      Es grüßt

      schrieb am 05.07.01 22:26:25
      Beitrag Nr. 110 ()
      Hallo Leute,

      obwohl ich ADVC schon lange verfolgt habe, bin ich erst seit einigen Wochen zunächst mit recht kleiner Position dabei, die ich wohl sehr bald wesentlich ausbauen werde. Der LM-Deal und die Ausblicke des letzten CC haben mich jetzt vollends überzeugt, auch wenn wieder unnötig time frames genannt wurden, die nicht eingehalten wurden. Das "unseriöse" Auftreten von RM hake ich als typische Pennystock-Kinderkrankheit ab. Die Investor Relations lassen bei den Pennystocks meiner Erfahrung nach durchgängig zu wünschen übrig: RM`s Geschwätzigkeit und die regelmäßigen CC`s die diese Co. abhält sind mir allemal lieber als die Praxis der allermeisten kleinen und aufstrebenden Unternehmen, sich über die wichtigen Entwicklungen auszuschweigen, bis alles in trockenen Tüchern ist. Die Tatsache, dass dort über Monate keine News produziert werden, läßt die Investoren ebenso sehr oft frustriert aufgeben. Offenheit gegenüber den Anlegern zu zeigen, ist ein schmaler Grad, auf dem RM durch die eigene Ungeschicklichkeit regelmäßig abstürzt. Je näher die Spektrucell-Marktreife rückt, um so weniger wird der Mangel an echten Nachrichten durch Geschwätzigkeit kompensiert werden müssen!

      Entscheidend sind die Perspektiven, die mir hier so interessant erscheinen wie bei kaum einem anderen OTCBB-Wert, den ich kenne. Der Telekommunikations-Markt schreit nach der SDR-Technik, die ADVC anzubieten hat und dass deren System wirklich das zu leisten imstande sein wird, was uns Investoren immer versprochen wurde, steht für mich seit dem LM-Deal jetzt fest!

      Schade, dass Du angesichts dessen (vorerst?) ausgestiegen bist, Techs.

      Danke an Dich und die anderen Longs für Eure tolle Arbeit und die sachliche und ehrliche Diskussionskultur hier.

      schrieb am 06.07.01 07:36:24
      Beitrag Nr. 111 ()
      ich bin noch dabei und beibe dabei; das Ganze Hickhack stört mich nicht - ärgert mich nur. Mein Ausstieg erfolgt wenn:

      a) der Kurs entsprechend hoch ist, oder
      b) SC nicht funktioniert, oder
      c) SC zwar funktioniert, sich aber am Markt nicht
      durchsetzen kann.


      d_boese_wolf / infomi
      schrieb am 06.07.01 09:10:55
      Beitrag Nr. 112 ()
      Bin weiter dabei, auch wenn sich alles länger hinzieht als ursprünglich gedacht.

      Werde wohl mindestens weitere 2 Jahre dabeibleiben.
      Dann dürfte endlich klar sein ob SpectruCell DIE revolutionäre weltverändernde Technik ist, oder nur eine von vielen anderen auf dem Markt.

      Bin mir nach dem LM Deal auch wieder deutlich sicherer, das etwas dran ist.
      Und nach allem was ich recherchiert habe dürfte Triton der derzeitige Merger-Kandidat sein. (zumindest paßt alles was RM am CC darüber erzählt hat)

      Aber nicht alle jetzt da anrufen oder mails schreiben, wir wollen die doch nicht verschrecken, nachher sind noch wir dran schuld daß der Deal platzt.

      Immerhin wird es einem als ADVC Aktionär nicht langweilig....

      Viele Grüße
      schrieb am 06.07.01 11:44:59
      Beitrag Nr. 113 ()

      ne, nur`n bischen draussen.

      Man muss das Ding halt traden.
      Da habe ich aber keinen Bock drauf im Moment.

      Mal sehen, entweder es fällt auf 0.15, dann kann ich doppelt so viel nachkaufen ...
      oder geht wieder Richtung 0.50 ... wenn irgendeine Ankündigung
      realisiert werden sollte ...

      schrieb am 06.07.01 17:47:45
      Beitrag Nr. 114 ()
      hop oder drop!

      Bin bei 1$ rein und habe nicht verbilligt!

      Entweder sie gehen zum Mond oder sie verrecken!

      wenn sie bei 100$ stehen fragt sowieso keiner mehr nach! :)

      schrieb am 06.07.01 21:25:33
      Beitrag Nr. 115 ()
      Bin auch noch dabei.
      Der CC klang ja wieder vielversprechend, aber wir wissen ja alle, dass das noch gar nichts zu sagen hat...

      Nachkaufen will ich aber irgendwie nicht mehr.

      Gruß, Heiko
      schrieb am 06.07.01 21:32:14
      Beitrag Nr. 116 ()
      Heiko, geht mir auch so...


      Andre - da bin ich aber beruhigt...
      schrieb am 07.07.01 18:08:01
      Beitrag Nr. 117 ()

      Wow, das könnte echt hinkommen...



      In July 2000, we received net proceeds of approximately $86 million from the sale of 6.3 million common shares in an initial public offering. In addition, all
      outstanding convertible preferred shares were converted into 21,556,469 shares of common stock. The net proceeds from the public offering were initially
      invested in short-term and long-term securities. Until our initial public offering, we had financed our operations primarily through private sales of approximately
      $97.7 million of convertible preferred stock as well as through capital leases for capital equipment, furniture and software. As of March 31, 2001 cash and
      cash equivalents and short-term investments were $65.8 million.

      For the three months ended March 31, 2001, we used approximately $12.9 million of cash from operations. This cash use included our net loss, before
      non-cash provisions and amortization, of $7.9 million and a growth in receivables and inventory of $5.5 million. For the three months ended March 31, 2000,
      we used approximately $13.5 million of cash from operations primarily due to our net loss, before depreciation and amortization, of $10.0 million and growth
      of receivables and inventory of $3.3 million.


      Historically, we have incurred significant losses. As of March 31, 2001, we had an accumulated deficit of approximately $118.8 million. We expect to incur
      substantial losses for the foreseeable future. We also expect to incur significant research and development, selling, marketing and general and administrative
      expenses. As a result, we will need to generate significant revenues to achieve and maintain profitability. We may never achieve profitability.
      schrieb am 07.07.01 18:14:04
      Beitrag Nr. 118 ()
      Friday June 15, 6:30 pm Eastern Time

      Press Release

      Triton Network Systems, Inc. Announces Further Downsizing of Its

      ORLANDO, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 15, 2001--Triton Network Systems, Inc. (Nasdaq:TNSI - news), a
      provider of broadband fixed wireless access network products and ASIC design services and products, announced today a
      downsizing of its operations to position itself for an extended downturn in the U.S. CLEC business. The downsizing will
      include, among other things, a reduction in workforce of approximately 35% and facilities consolidation.

      These actions are in response to the uncertainty in the market for the Company`s products, which was created by the
      protracted and rapid deterioration of the U.S. CLEC market. During the last several months, three major broadband fixed
      wireless spectrum holders in the U.S. have filed for bankruptcy protection.

      ``The actions we are currently taking, combined with previously announced workforce reductions, will allow us to further
      control spending and conserve cash,`` stated Skip Speaks, President and Chief Executive Officer. ``We believe that we have
      prepared Triton to weather the downturn in the U.S. CLEC market. We will focus our sales efforts on Asia and on our
      ASIC design services and modem chip business, while continuing to support our current customer base.

      ``We remain convinced that wireless access will be a winning technology over time. It is unclear, however, when the demand
      to support high volume production of fixed wireless access products will materialize. Until we see a resolution to the
      bankruptcy proceedings with the spectrum holders in the U.S., we have elected to significantly reduce our spending by
      further downsizing our operations.``

      Triton`s revenue for the second quarter of 2001 will be significantly impacted by the rapid market downturn. Revenue is
      currently expected to be in the range of $1.5 million to $1.8 million, and cash and marketable securities should be in the
      range of $56 million to $58 million at the end of the second quarter.

      The Company will also be making a second quarter 2001 provision for the cost of these downsizing actions, which are
      expected to be in the range of $1.9 million to $2.6 million.

      About Triton Network Systems, Inc.

      Triton Network Systems(TM) is a provider of broadband fixed wireless network products. The company`s Invisible Fiber®
      high bandwidth carrier grade network products, with performance matching fiber optic systems, cover the 26, 28, 29, 31,
      38, and 39 GHz frequency bands. Triton Network Systems` broadband fixed wireless Invisible Fiber 155 & 622 Mbps
      SONET/SDH and 100 Mbps Fast Ethernet product lines are designed to be best deployed in self-healing, route-diverse
      consecutive point networks that bring highly reliable, cost effective high bandwidth to the local network -- a ``last mile``
      solution. The company`s products provide complete telephony, data and Internet network solutions, helping make
      broadband fixed wireless successful in the telephony marketplace and enabling an Internet revolution by delivering
      high-speed local connections to businesses offering up-and-coming Internet service applications. Triton Network Systems is traded publicly on the NASDAQ
      under ticker symbol TNSI. For more information visit the Web site at:
      schrieb am 07.07.01 18:17:48
      Beitrag Nr. 119 ()

      sorry ROLF


      Ich habe aber auch gar nichts dabei gedacht, das alles hier zu posten. Ich war nur überrascht, wie exakt alle CC Aussagen von RM auf Triton zutreffen...

      Aber wie ROLF schon gesagt hat, mailt Triton jetzt bloß NICHT an, es sind schon einige deals wegen übermotivierter Aktionäre nicht zustande gekommen.

      Also, Vernunft !

      Gruß Birger
      schrieb am 08.07.01 18:41:41
      Beitrag Nr. 120 ()
      Ich bin nochmal den CC-transcript durchgegangen.

      Bei einem Reverse-Merger soll es KEINE "dilution" geben...
      KEINE Kapitalverwässerung, wie soll das denn gelingen?

      Nehmen wir mal unsere 90 Millionen ADVC Aktien: Die ergeben bei einem Kurs von zuletzt 0,31 $ :( eine Market-Cap von ca. 27 Millionen $.

      Der Reverse Merger Kandidat habe 35 Millionen Aktien bei einem Kurs von 0,85 $ also eine Market-Cap von ca. 30 Millionen $.

      Der RM-Kandidat soll ca. 50 Millionen $ in cash haben, ist aber dennoch nur 30 Millionen wert, da es wohl kein richtiges Geschäftsmodell mehr gebe und ziemlich viele Verluste eingefahren werden.

      Also nun zur Rechnung:
      27 Millionen und 30 Millionen ergibt zusammen eine MarketCap von 57 Mio. $.
      Die Frage ist, wie viele Aktien es dann wohl geben wird?
      Bei Umtausch 1:1 wären es insgesamt 125 Mio. Aktien, was einem Kurs von 0,45$ entspräche. Damit würden die RM-Kandidat-Aktionäre schlecht und wir gut fahren, stünde unser Kurs dann doch um einiges höher. Allerdings droht die neu entstandene Company dann schnell wieder aus der NASADQ rauszufliegen, da sie unter 1$ notiert !!!

      Was dann der Markt mit dem Kurs macht ist völlig unklar !!!

      Dilution hätten wir aber dennoch, da unser Anteil an der Firma doch dramatisch sinkt !
      Bsp.: Ich halte 3000 ADVC Aktien. Sind zur Zeit ca. 0,000033 % von Advanced Communications.
      Nach dem Merger halte ich mit 3000 Aktien nur noch ca. 0,000024 % der Company.

      Kann mir mal jemand erklären, wie das funktionieren soll, so ohne "Dilution" ?

      Birger :)
      schrieb am 09.07.01 23:52:46
      Beitrag Nr. 121 ()
      Hallo an alle,

      "Kann mir mal jemand erklären, wie das funktionieren soll, so ohne "Dilution" ?" ... Nööö .... ADVC wird wohl kaum 50 Mille einfach so geschenkt bekommen ... ???

      Ansonsten: Wo suchen die nur nach den Worten, die dieses blöde Patent beschreiben sollen .... lächerlich!!

      Es grüßt

      schrieb am 10.07.01 07:12:18
      Beitrag Nr. 122 ()
      SpectruCell deal to speed up base stations


      SpectruCell deal to speed up base stations
      Adrian Lynch
      10 July 2001

      TWO leading defence firms have agreed to help commercialise a
      promising mobile base station technology developed in Australia.

      Advance Communications Technologies` (ACT`s) SpectruCell is a
      software-based base station that can handle numerous protocols.

      Last week, ACT formed a business alliance with RLM Systems, a joint
      venture between defence science firms Lockheed Martin and Tenix Australia.

      RLM engineers will work with ACT engineers on making the base station
      "commercially ready".

      Initially, RLM will supply 40 engineers for the project, but within
      24 months, RLM will be supplying as many as 300 engineers.

      ACT`s technology obviates the need for Qualcomm`s chip sets and
      phone-protocol specific hardware.

      SpectruCell uses specially designed signal-processing software.

      A SpectruCell base station can handle code division multiple access
      (CDMA), wideband CDMA (WCDMA), universal mobile telephony service (UMTS),
      group special mobile (GSM) and third generation (3G) mobile phone signals.

      Future mobile telephone signalling protocols can be accommodated by
      installing compliant modules in the base stations.

      ACT claims that the introduction of its SpectruCell system will allow
      mobile telephony network providers to maintain service to their existing
      customer base and utilise their existing network infrastructure, while
      securing a flexible migration path for agreed 3G-based protocols such as
      WCDMA and UMTS.

      Locally, mobile carriers are scrambling to put in place network
      carriage infrastructure for the introduction of 3G networks.

      Last month, Hutchison Telecoms Australia announced an $830 million
      deal with Ericsson Australia and Motorola to build a WCDMA network.

      Hutchison has a federal licence for 3G transmission spectrum tranches
      covering the mainland state capitals.

      Ericsson is the lead infrastructure supplier for the project.

      The Hutchison service is expected to be launched in late 2002.

      Motorola will supply radio network controllers (RNCs) for the network
      in Sydney and Brisbane, while Ericsson will supply the RNC in Melbourne.
      No decision has been made on which company will supply the RNCs in
      Adelaide and Perth.

      (Article from Australian IT,,3811,2289… )
      schrieb am 10.07.01 23:00:02
      Beitrag Nr. 123 ()
      Ressort : Bluebull News Germany Deutsch, 10.07.2001 15:09:51

      Siemens und NEC schließen Test von sieben UMTS-Netzen erfolgreich ab

      Berlin (Bluebull) – Siemens und der japanische Partner NEC vermelden den erfolgreichen Test von sieben UMTS-Mobilfunknetzen in Europa. In Italien, Deutschland, Österreich, Monaco und Finnland wurden Sprachtelefonate über UMTS-Testnetze geführt oder Verbindungen von den UMTS-Netzen mit den bestehenden GSM-und Festnetzen hergestellt. Bei den Testläufen wurden seriennahe Mobiltelefone verwendet. Auf der Isle of Man wurden neben Sprache auch Live-Bilder von Endgerät zu Endgerät übertragen.
      "Mit den erfolgreichen Testläufen hat UMTS endgültig das Laborstadium verlassen und den Praxistest bestanden. Daß diese Tests auf der Technik von Siemens und NEC liefen, belegt eindrucksvoll unsere Spitzenposition als Ausrüster für die Mobilfunktechnik der Zukunft", so Lothar Pauly, Mitglied des Bereichsvorstand von Siemens IC Mobile.
      Siemens und NEC haben bereits 17 Vereinbarungen mit Mobilfunkbetreibern zur Lieferung und Installation von UMTS-Netzen abgeschlossen und belegen damit einen Spitzenplatz als UMTS-Ausrüster. /tws
      schrieb am 11.07.01 13:08:45
      Beitrag Nr. 124 ()
      Techseeker - RMIT clarification,

      RMIT only provided the initial evaluation of the original Spectrucell concept. What Spectrucell is today is solely the work of ACT. Importantly, ACT retains all IP in relation to Spectrucell and RMIT receives no share of any Spectrucell revenues. In addition, the AusIndustry grant was made solely to ACT. How you manage to include both parties in this I`m not sure.

      The pattern of your questions and some of your statements (such as the ones I`m replying to) indicate that much of the source of your frustration is due to the fact that you are drawing conclusions based on imperfect information. ACT management make their best efforts to ensure the correct information is conveyed but while this forum may make it appear that any and all information can be imparted instantaneously, please be aware this is neither practical nor prudent busines practice.

      The fact of the matter is that the ultimate success of this company will be judged on its ability to generate revenues. We are drawing very close to time and as such we will shortly be able to definitvely demonstrate the true potential of this company.

      Jason Webster
      Manager-Corporate Communications
      Advanced Communications Technologies (Australia) Pty Ltd

      "... to definitvely demonstrate the true potential of this company." ..... wäre ja mal was, oder???

      RB Nr.:94203
      schrieb am 11.07.01 16:52:42
      Beitrag Nr. 125 ()
      Leider haben sie die Worte immer noch nicht gefunden, die so ein Patent beschreiben könnten :(

      Advanced Communications Technologies -- SpectruCell 3G Multiple Protocol


      LOS ANGELES, Jul 11, 2001 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Advanced Communications
      Technologies Inc (OTCBB:ADVC) (ACT-US) today announced that the company is on
      track to deliver its SpectruCell software defined radio mobile wireless base
      station in first quarter of 2002 and that the company expected to generate
      initial revenues from the SpectruCell technology in late 2001.

      The company`s development efforts have recently received a major boost from the
      formation of an alliance between its Australian based research and development
      operations and RLM Systems Pty Ltd (RLM), a joint venture subsidiary company
      jointly owned by Lockheed Martin (NYSE:LMT) and Tenix Australia Pty Ltd.

      RLM`s high level skill set and experience in building out complex projects
      provides the ideal complement to ACT`s world leading innovation in software
      defined radio and communications technologies. This powerful combination of
      leading edge technical resources is expected to provide the company with a
      significant reduction of the SpectruCell project lead times and is expected to
      ensure that ACT has the first third generation (3G) ready software defined
      mobile wireless base station in the market at the end of the first quarter of

      In addition to its commercial applications, ACT is also negotiating initial
      development of military applications for SpectruCell. This augurs exceptionally
      well for the company`s U.S. operations where military spending on communications
      in calendar year 2000 alone was in excess of $US16 billion.

      ACT is also making significant in-roads towards initial sales of the SpectruCell
      technology with the upcoming release of the company`s software defined radio
      development tools and development suite. Designed to allow third parties to
      develop applications for the SpectruCell software defined radio platform, the
      suite is receiving substantial interest from communications developers of 3G
      applications who are keen to obtain access to a highly flexible 3G application
      development platform that is capable of being easily modified via software
      upgrades to the comply with any evolving predominant 3G protocol. Such
      flexibility is not currently available in presently available hardware specific
      3G development platforms. The first of the 3G development platform technologies
      within this suite, an analogue to digital converter board, will be available to
      developers from early August 2001.

      The company is also pursuing orders for the SpectruCell base station unit from
      major U.S. and UK/European based carriers. Negotiations to date have centered
      around two major network providers in the U.S. mobile market with the company
      now looking to firm up an order for delivery in early 2002.

      SpectruCell -- Virtual /Shared Network Facilities

      Perhaps most importantly, SpectruCell`s architecture allows it to act as a
      Virtual Network Operator (VNO). This feature is particularly relevant as many
      network operators around the world are now looking to share network
      infrastructure in order to reduce the network roll out costs associated with
      supporting 3G services. The use of SpectruCell`s VNO capabilities essentially
      means that a network operator can provide network support for other carriers on
      the one network infrastructure regardless of whether those providers are using
      different protocols or spectrum. This provides an exceptional level of network
      functionality and generates significant time and cost savings.

      The exceptional flexibility of the SpectruCell base station has generated
      significant interest from carriers who are looking for solutions to help them
      deal with difficulties arising from both spectrum shortages and the myriad of
      communications standards that prevail in the U.S. and U.K. mobile communications

      Protection of the company`s significant intellectual property is naturally
      paramount and to this end the company is ensuring that its research and
      development operations file a steady stream of patent applications. To date
      these filings have centered around innovative technologies ranging from methods
      for implementing communications protocols (GSM, CDMA, etc) on a software defined
      radio platform to the core design of a software radio platform itself. A key
      patent filing has recently been delayed due to the complexity of the claim,
      however the company expects to make additional filings in the next seven days.
      Full details will be announced upon lodgment of the respective claims.

      About Advanced Communications Technologies

      Advanced Communications Technologies, in conjunction with its Australian based
      affiliate ACT (Australia) Pty Ltd, is a leader in the field of Software Defined
      Radio and has developed a proprietary, multiple-protocol wireless base station
      -- SpectruCell. Through eliminating the use of Qualcomm (Nasdaq:QCOM) chipsets
      and protocol specific hardware, and by conducting all signal processing in
      software, SpectruCell provides for simultaneous support of multiple mobile
      communications protocols (CDMA, WCDMA, UMTS, GSM & 3G) all in the same base
      station. Support for additional protocols is achieved through the uploading of
      additional software modules.

      By implementing the company`s SpectruCell technology, network providers will be
      able to maintain service to their existing customer base and preserve the full
      utilization of their existing network infrastructure while at the same time
      securing a highly flexible migration path for evolving 3G-based protocols such
      as WCDMA and UMTS. SpectruCell is complemented by several other wireless
      technologies currently under development in Australia. Advanced Communication
      Technologies plans to market these products throughout North, South and Central
      America. For more information regarding Advanced Communications Technologies,

      About RLM Systems Pty Ltd

      RLM is an equal joint venture between Lockheed Martin (NYSE:LMT) and Tenix
      Australia Pty Ltd that has significant experience in complex engineering tasks
      such as the Jindalee operational radar network.

      RLM specializes in the design, production, integration, test and support of
      large, complex, state-of-the-art, software intensive systems. Employing
      approximately 600 people, the company is based in Melbourne, Australia and has
      operations in several States. Founded on a skilled and proven workforce, and
      with the backing of two major technology and defense partners, RLM is the new
      high technology force in the region.

      The foregoing contains forward-looking information within the meaning of The
      Private Securities Litigation Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements
      involve certain risks and uncertainties. The actual results may differ
      materially from such forward-looking statements. The company does not undertake
      to publicly update or revise its forward-looking statements even if experience
      or future changes make it clear that any projected results (expressed or
      implied) will not be realized.

      CONTACT: Advanced Communications Technologies Inc.
      Roger May, 61 3 9672 8888 or 61 411 189 931 (Chairman)
      Jason Webster, 61 2 9327-2579 or 61 403 199 811
      (Manager-Corporate Communication)

      Today`s News On The Net - Business Wire`s full file on the Internet
      with Hyperlinks to your home page.

      Copyright (C) 2001 Business Wire. All rights reserved.



      (Public Company & Wall Street & Business & High Tech)

      A service of the Financial Data Cast Network (FDCN) and
      Window On WallStreet Inc.
      schrieb am 16.07.01 12:43:47
      Beitrag Nr. 126 ()
      Cutler M Richard [ Director - Advanced Communications Technologies Inc ]

      released on Thursday, 7/12/1, a 1-document, 4-page "4" --

      Statement of Change in Beneficial Ownership of Securities -- Form 4 --

      for the period ended Thursday, 5/31/1

      filed as of Friday, 7/13/1, with respect to

      Advanced Communications Technologies Inc [ formerly Smart Investment Com Inc ]

      This filing: 4 --$/SEC/Filing.asp?D=1ZXuj.4f8bz&CIK=11…

      Reporting owner: Cutler M Richard [ Director - Advanced Communications Technologies Inc ] --$/SEC/Registrant.asp?CIK=1101530

      Subject company: Advanced Communications Technologies Inc [ formerly Smart Investment Com Inc ] --$/SEC/Registrant.asp?CIK=1100820
      schrieb am 16.07.01 15:56:47
      Beitrag Nr. 127 ()
      Es geschehen noch Zeichen und Wunder...

      Monday July 16, 7:21 am Eastern Time
      Press Release
      Advanced Communications Technologies -- New Patent Filing Holds Key to SDR Implementation of CDMA and 3G Applications
      LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--July 16, 2001--Advanced Communications Technologies Inc. (OTCBB:ADVC - news; ACT-US), today announced that its Australian-based affiliate, Advanced Communications Technologies (Australia) Pty Ltd (ACT-Australia), has filed a key patent application relating to the company`s 3G ready SpectruCell multiple protocol base station technology. The new patent filing directly addresses the implementation of CDMA (IS-95) on a software defined radio (SDR) platform. ACT-US holds the exclusive rights for SpectruCell in North, South and Central America.

      In addition to several other key elements, this latest patent filing documents a method developed by ACT-Australia engineers for the software implementation of a Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter utilized by the CDMA (IS-95) system on the company`s software defined mobile wireless base station technology -- SpectruCell.

      Whilst existing CDMA based technologies, like those patented by QUALCOMM (Nasdaq:QCOM - news), implement these filters in hardware, SpectruCell`s design calls for an implementation in software radio via use of a digital signal processor (DSP). In order to reduce the processing resources required of the DSP, the filter has to be implemented as efficiently as possible.

      The granting of this patent application, relating to ACT`s new method of implementing IS-95 FIR (CDMA) on software defined radio, may remove the necessity to use chipsets from vendors like Qualcomm to perform the FIR function as it is done in conventional hardware based solutions.

      This implementation of IS-95 FIR on software radio has been uniquely achieved by the ACT-Australia engineers. This was achieved by developing a process that results in a very efficient FIR 24-tap filter that replaces two filters, namely the baseband and phase equalisation filters, on the forward CDMA (IS-95) link. Perhaps most importantly, in addition to being extremely efficient the filter also satisfies all CDMA (IS-95) specifications for transmission filtering. Existing technologies, which can require as many as 70 taps (a process executed in software) normally consume too great a portion of the DSP`s processing power to enable an appropriate solution capable of meeting the CDMA standard`s specifications.

      ``ACT`s development of this technological application has the potential to provide a significant roadblock for any competitor seeking to implement CDMA on an SDR platform,`` said Roger May, Chairman of ACT-US. ``This and the other leading edge developments initiated by our engineering team only serve to further demonstrate the company`s global leadership in software defined radio development and implementation for wireless communications infra-structure. With the SpectruCell technology now receiving much more recognition from both network operators and industry regulators in the USA and Europe, ACT`s solid technological lead in SDR technology development and implementation should provide investors with an exciting new opportunity to capitalise on the potential of the rapidly expanding demand for SDR solutions in the global communications network infra-structure marketplace.``

      ``The company has made enormous progress in all facets of the development of the SpectruCell SDR multiple protocol wireless base station since the successful testing of the prototype in October 2000. In addition, several other key communications platform based products (Third party 3G software development kit, core SDR processor engine, front end analog receiver card, and a digital up/down converter and switching card) with broad based market potential have also evolved from the development of the SpectruCell technology. It is therefore perhaps somewhat disappointing that the successful achievement of so many substantial and important new milestones by the company have not been reflected yet in the stock price of ACT-US (ADVC).``

      May added, ``I believe that the market place has not completely realized the full impact of the new relationship with the Lockheed Martin subsidiary RLM Systems in Melbourne, Australia. While the ACT engineers have been instrumental in the design, development and successful testing of the SpectruCell technology, we have been very fortunate in engaging the services of RLM to actually build the SpectruCell commercial product. RLM has an impeccable history of successfully building complex products that few companies have been able to achieve.``

      This latest new patent application, perhaps the most important to date, is in addition to ACT`s existing patent filings which include: a method for implementing GSM on an SDR platform, a method for quadrature modulation and the core design of a software defined radio operating platform. With approximately an additional 30 proposed patent applications still to be filed, ACT-US expects to be in an extremely sound and secure position to generate substantial revenues from the licensing and royalty fees that can be generated by the protection of proprietary rights to new and evolving leading edge technologies.
      schrieb am 16.07.01 21:56:09
      Beitrag Nr. 128 ()
      Na also, läuft doch ... :)

      schrieb am 17.07.01 07:04:49
      Beitrag Nr. 129 ()
      AUR Article from "The AGE" RE: Metering

      The following article was published today in one of Melbourne, Australia`s
      newspapers, "The AGE". Subscriptions are available at .

      This article has been posted on our site on the AUR message board for ease
      of access for investors in Advanced Communications Technologies, Inc.


      "Smart meter tots bills, saves power"

      Author: ADAM TURNER
      Date: 17 Jul 2001
      Words: 667
      Publication: The Age
      Section: Computers
      Page: 6

      HAVING the meter-reader drop by to open up your power box could soon be
      relegated to urban folklore along with visits from the milkman and the

      Melbourne-based wireless communications developer Australon is set to
      expand its trial of remotely monitored "smart meters" in the
      inner-Melbourne suburb of Richmond. The company has also formed a joint
      venture with power utility TXU to run a larger-scale Melbourne trial of
      its high-tech meters in the second half of this year.

      Australon`s smart meter is designed to send household energy consumption
      data over the power lines to a data concentrator at the electricity
      distribution substation. Each substation services from 100 to 220 homes.
      >From there the consumption data is collated and sent via by radio link to
      the network operations centre. The system can also be used to remotely
      connect and disconnect supply.

      Australon was established in 1999, before which it was Gawler Gold and
      Mineral Exploration. The company`s majority shareholder is communications
      developer Advanced Communications Technologies (ACT).

      The company has developed a portable smart meter for demonstration
      purposes which can be activated and monitored over the Internet. The
      Richmond trial can be accessed via Australon`s website.

      Australon`s solution is based on a communications protocol called LonWorks
      developed by US company Echelon. It uses the ANSI/EIA 709.1 protocol,
      accepted by many groups as the de facto standard for home and building
      automation. LonWorks enables everyday devices - from the light switches
      and movement sensors in homes to valves and switches on a production line
      - to be made intelligent and to communicate with one another. The protocol
      can be embedded into any processor, from 8-bit microcontrollers to 32-bit

      Due to Australon`s use of LonWorks, the smart meters have the potential to
      become a gateway into the home for a variety services, says ACT chief
      technology officer Jason May.

      ``It`s a portal to the house. This smart meter is able to then use the
      existing wiring in the house to communicate with appliances," May says.

      ``If you have electric hot water, your utility provider could remotely
      turn that off for 15 minutes of every hour, so that gives them savings in
      terms of consumption. This gives the utilities a method with which to
      start cycling devices or load shifting."

      This is possible because electric hot water services usually operate on a
      separate circuit but May says white goods manufacturers such as
      Westinghouse and Samsung are developing LonWorks-compatible household
      appliances. In the meantime, LonWorks adaptors are under development to
      sit between appliances and the power supply.

      ``For example, the power company might come to you and say, `If you let us
      control when your dishwasher goes on, we will give you a discount on that
      power`. So you`d set it up before you went to bed and the power company
      would turn in on when they had the spare capacity."

      The meter transmits consumption data at 15-minute intervals, allowing
      utility providers to develop detailed consumption profiles and more
      accurately match supply with demand.

      Australia`s electricity industry will see the introduce of Full Retail
      Contestability on January 1, 2002, with consumers free to choose their
      power supplier. The ability to closely monitor power consumption will be a
      key component, says Australon general manager Michael Stephens. The
      company is in discussions with most of Australia`s utility providers along
      with meter manufacturers and data management providers.

      ``From a utility`s point of view, if we can present an end-to-end solution
      that simply presents the data into their billing system, that`s a
      hassle-free solution for them which presents a whole host of benefits,"
      Stephens says.

      ``They can plan their consumption better and utilise things like load
      shifting. It also gives them the ability to go to a 30-day billing cycle,
      which frees up a lot of working capital."

      http// "
      schrieb am 18.07.01 21:42:26
      Beitrag Nr. 130 ()
      Wie wäre es mit ein bißchen träumen?

      Wednesday July 18, 2:45 pm Eastern Time

      Investor, Lockheed to develop Portugal wireless net

      (UPDATE: recasts lead paragraph, adds details, analyst comments)

      By Elisabete Tavares

      LISBON, July 18 (Reuters) - A leading Portuguese entrepreneur said Wednesday his holding company would spend two billion euros (US.73 billion) and join
      forces with Lockheed Martin Corp (NYSE:LMT - news) to develop a high-speed wireless network.

      Joao Pereira Coutinho, chairman of the SGC Group, told Reuters the system for Portugal being developed
      with Lockheed Martin, a U.S. aerospace giant, would include wireless interactive digital TV and video,
      voice, Internet access and two-way data transmission.

      ``SGC`s investment in the overall telecommunications project is 400 billion escudos (two billion euros) and
      will be spent, mostly, in a period of five or six years,`` Pereira Coutinho told Reuters.

      Speaking on the fringe of a news conference on SGC`s terrestrial digital TV plans, he said SGC had
      already contacted Portuguese and foreign banks that were willing to finance the project.

      ``But in the first year, SGC Group won`t need financing,`` Pereira Coutinho said.

      Lockheed Martin said in a statement that the system would start in the first quarter of 2002. Its shares
      were up 20 cents at $36.96 in afternoon New York Stock Exchange trading.

      Pereira Coutinho`s SGC has holdings in automotive, telecoms, real estate and agriculture. He is a major investor in Banco Comercial Portugues , Portugal`s
      biggest non-state bank.

      The system will function in the 28 gigaHertz spectrum. SGC said a 30-cm (12-inch) rooftop antenna could service customers in an entire building.

      Lindsay Schroth, an analyst with the Yankee Group consultancy in Boston, said the technology that SGC planned to use could be affected by rain. It has a
      maximum effective range of about five km (three miles), she added.

      ``It`s really only a technology that can be used in dense metropolitan areas,`` she said.

      The state communications agency said a panel had picked an SGC-led consortium as the favorite to win a digital terrestrial television license . The group
      includes SIC TV of the Impresa media group and state TV network RTP.

      The other candidate is a consortium grouping Oni, the telecoms unit of power company Electricidade de Portugal , and the TVI network of Media Capital.
      SGC said in a statement that it would welcome TVI joining its consortium.

      Impresa closed up 10.7 percent at 2.48 euros. Electricidade de Portugal finished up 0.71 percent at 2.85 euros.

      Q1 2002, bis dahin soll Spectrucell doch fertig sein...

      schrieb am 20.07.01 19:04:11
      Beitrag Nr. 131 ()
      AUR Filing - New Appointments

      The following filing was made with the ASX in Australia today.


      New Appointments of Director/CEO & General Manager
      Announced on: 19 Jul 2001 11:11:31 AM
      Part: A
      Words: 442
      Status: Not market sensitive (N)
      Industry Sub Group: High Technology (228)


      HOMEX - Melbourne

      The Board of Directors of Australon Limited ("Australon") is pleased to
      announce the recent appointments of Mr Rodman W Branson as a Director and
      Chief Executive Officer and Mr Michael J Stephens as General Manager of
      the Company. It is also envisaged that Mr Branson will assume the role of
      Chairman at the appropriate time.

      Mr Branson is an experienced energy industry executive, having most
      recently held the senior position of General Manager, Strategic
      Investments with major international utility TXU Australia. His
      responsibilities also included those for TXU`s underground gas storage
      project. He has formerly held senior production and management positions
      with Allgas Energy, Apache Energy and as Chief Executive of the Gas
      Transmission Corporation.

      Mr Branson has served as a Director of oil and gas explorer Petroz NL in
      addition to serving on a number of industry associations. He brings to the
      Board of Australon important experience in the utilities industry, which
      will prove valuable in the commercialisation of the Company`s wireless
      automated meter reading technology.

      The Company believes that Mr Branson`s extensive experience in the
      utilities industry will be instrumental in it achieving early positive
      results in the rollout of Australon`s unique wireless automated meter
      reading technology to the power utilities throughout Australia. A live
      field trial of Australon`s automated Meter reading technology, which is
      being conducted in Victoria, can be viewed at .

      The Board is also pleased to announce the appointment of Michael
      Stephens to the position of General Manager of the Company. He comes to
      Australon most recently from Motorola, where he held the position of
      General Manager, Service & Engineering for their Personal Communications
      business, managing the engineering functions associated with product
      introduction and post-sales support, consumer interaction and support and
      channel management activities associated with providing customer service,
      and support.

      Prior to his association with Motorola, Mr Stephens spent over 19 years
      in Telstra/Telecom in a number of roles concluding as the National Service
      Manager for the mobile communications business.

      The Board believes that Mr Stephen`s extensive engineering and
      manufacturing experience will be invaluable in managing the production of
      the Company`s increasing range of innovative products.

      The Board regrets to announce the resignation of Dr Elizabeth Monger as
      a Director of the Company for personal reasons. The Board would like to
      thank Dr Monger for the contribution made by her to the Company during her
      period of service as a Director.

      Should you have any questions in relation to this announcement, please
      do not hesitate to contact me on (03) 8080 8080 or Mr Toni Howitt, Company
      Secretary, on Melbourne telephone (03) 8080 8788.

      R T May

      schrieb am 22.07.01 15:28:22
      Beitrag Nr. 132 ()
      Ich melde mich mal wieder zu Wort:

      Ich muß sagen, ich bin ganz zufrieden mit der letzten Woche: Die NEWS kam wie versprochen, der Aktienkurs ist endlich mal wieder etwas gestiegen und hat dann das Niveau sogar gehalten.

      Jwebster postet im RB-Board, dass die Reverse Merger Verhandlungen weiterlaufen und dass der Countdown für die ersten ADVC revenues läuft...

      Ich gehe demnächst in Urlaub und würde mich natürlich freuen, falls ADVC Nasdaq notiert wäre, wenn ich zurückkomme. Oder zumindest falls der Merger beschlossen wurde und nur noch durch die HV genehmigt werden muss...


      schrieb am 24.07.01 10:09:56
      Beitrag Nr. 133 ()
      Hallo an alle,

      das 7`01 update ist da:

      Es grüßt

      schrieb am 25.07.01 12:01:59
      Beitrag Nr. 134 ()

      Kommentare zu:
      ""Despite these losses, five new information technology millionaires joined the list. These included Infomedia s Richard Graham and
      Myer Herszberg, worth $205 million and $162 million respectively; Roger May, head of Advanced Communications Technologies; Ken
      Hansen from Hansen Technologies and John Mactaggart of Technology One."
      "The entry point for the list also fell marginally by $5 million to $80 million."



      May 14, 2001 edition of the
      Australian Financial Revue

      Come what May, Australon plugs on

      Roger May, the flamboyant leader of listed technology
      outfit Australon, isn`t about to let the tech wreck
      impinge too much on his lifestyle.

      In between commuting from either his mansion at
      Macedon north west of Melbourne, his trendy Carlton
      penthouse or his boats at the St Kilda marina, May
      steers a company that produces remote monitoring
      and control systems, but which has yet to deliver the
      goods to shareholders.

      Australon was formed from the shell of the former
      Gawler Gold in January and is part of a bigger Mays
      group, headed by Advanced Communications

      But things may not be all they are cracked up to be in
      the Australon camp. Creditors are starting to grumble
      about increasing payment lags and the ASX has
      queried the company`s cash position.

      Since refloating at 20¢, Australon has traded down to
      7¢, and bounced back last week to 10¢.

      Australon responded to questions about its finances by
      saying it`s trying to raise $4 million through a private
      placement. "

      Dafür, das er mit IRS bancrupt gegangen ist ... hat er sich ja wieder gut berappelt.
      Der hat doch wohl keine 144er beiseite geschafft, oder ?

      Mach mir ein bisschen angst ...

      schrieb am 30.07.01 16:02:46
      Beitrag Nr. 135 ()
      Today’s PR - RE: Negotiations for SpectruCell

      ADVC related investor news as posted today on Businesswire today:

      Advanced Communications Technologies Inc - 3G Shared/Virtual Networks utilizing SpectruCell SDR Base Stations

      LOS ANGELES-July 30, 2001-Advanced Communications Technologies Inc (OTCBB:ADVC) (ACT-US) today confirmed that the company`s Australian affiliate Advanced Communications Technologies (Australia) Pty Ltd is currently negotiating with several major UK and European carriers to provide SpectruCell based Virtual or Shared Networking infrastructure for the rollout of third generation (3G) networks.

      ACT`s software defined radio (SDR) SpectruCell technology is ideally suited to provide common infrastructure for multiple network operators. In planned 3G network rollouts, carriers can both minimize network establishment costs as well as remove technical and compatibility issues that up until now have prevented network operators from sharing a single mobile wireless network infrastructure.

      ACT`s SpectruCell SDR based Virtual/Shared networking will be able to provide major cost savings and crucial competitive advantages for network operators as telecommunications regulators globally seek to implement sharing of network infrastructure as a means to speed up and ensure the roll out of 3G mobile services.

      SpectruCell lowers infrastructure costs for network operators by allowing them to share common equipment and backhaul services and provides next generation management and accounting facilities to ensure quality of service between carriers. These features significantly lowers the total cost of ownership for a network provider.

      This key ability is derived from SpectruCell`s SDR operating system (patent pending), which allows network operators to simultaneously support multiple communications standards (GSM, CDMA, W-CDMA, 3G etc) on the one network infrastructure. Importantly, this support can be achieved using the same or different bands of radio spectrum over the one SpectruCell based infrastructure. Unlike present hardware based 3G solutions, any additional protocol support requires relatively minor software upgrades to the SpectruCell SDR Base Station.

      "The planned rollout of 3G networks is placing an incredible financial burden on network operators around the globe", said Roger May, Chairman of ACT-US. "As a consequence, concerned industry regulators are increasingly turning to infrastructure sharing to reduce the cost and ensure the rollout of 3G services. ACT`s SpectruCell SDR base station is the only known technology that will be available in early 2002 that has the ability to provide secure seamless simultaneous support for multiple communications standards for several competing carriers on the one network infrastructure".

      This unique proprietary capability of the SpectruCell base station is particularly suited to the massive US market where regulators are encountering many 3G rollout difficulties and also in the European market where network operators have outlaid tens of billions of dollars for 3G spectrum. One major European mobile carrier plans to implement some forty thousand (40,000) base stations in their 3G rollout, compared to the ten thousand (10,000) in their current 2G network. This global requirement to increase the number of cell sites in order to roll out 3G services is requiring both regulators and operators to move to a shared network model for 3G network rollouts. The company believes that SpectruCell is the only technology, expected to be available in early 2002, that can support planned 3G shared network infrastructure and that has the ability to comply with proposed FCC standards.

      "The pressure on the US market to secure 3G spectrum is immense with everything from Presidential directives to specialist FCC reports being issued to combat the problem. SpectruCell`s ability to be dynamically reconfigured in real time provides the ideal solution in that it could simultaneously support 3G services in existing spectrum that is presently used for a 2G service like CDMA or GSM", said May.

      Recent statements from both the US Department of Commerce`s National Telecommunications and Information Association, NTIA and the UK regulator for the telecommunications industry, OFTEL, have confirmed that infrastructure sharing will be increasingly championed as the solution to expensive 3G network rollouts. This powerful industry pressure and high cost of existing hardware based solutions is providing ACT with an exceptional opportunity to generate substantial revenues from the increasing global demand for next generation 3G network upgrades. ACT is also currently negotiating with one major US carrier to implement SpectruCell SDR base stations in their current mobile network and their planned provision of third generation services.

      ACT`s SpectruCell technology is supported by several patent applications and the recent securing of development alliance with RLM Systems, a joint venture between Lockheed Martin (NYSE:LMT) and Tenix Australia.

      About Advanced Communications Technologies ..........
      schrieb am 31.07.01 00:05:51
      Beitrag Nr. 136 ()
      tja, ich sag nur USXP: + 330% nur heute.....
      so einen Tag wünsche ich mir auch für unsere ADVC....

      aber, wir haben Gott sei Dank einen Superhelden als CEO,
      der das zum Glück vereitelt.
      schrieb am 01.08.01 11:56:32
      Beitrag Nr. 137 ()
      Hi Leute!

      Weiß eigentlich jemand wer bei 0,3 $ seit Tagen den Deckel drauf hat? Würde mich echt interessieren, da ohne diesen der Kurs schon wesentlich höher wäre. Charttechnisch könnten wir bei 0,27 Euro einen doppelten Boden ausbilden. Was dazu fehlt wäre ein nachhaltiges brechen der GD38 was sich in der letzten Zeit aber als nahezu unmöglich herausgestellt hat.
      schrieb am 03.08.01 16:30:57
      Beitrag Nr. 138 ()
      Niemand mehr da? Die 0,3 $ ist gefallen und der Deckel befindet sich jetzt bei 0,31 $. Weiß niemand wer da an einem niedrigen Kurs interessiert ist?

      **Today’s PR - Vision Corporate Consulting Hired
      ADVC related investor update as posted today on Businesswire today:


      Vision Corporate Consulting Appointed

      IRVINE, CA-August 2, 2001 - - Consistent with current initiatives to raise
      its visibility with the brokerage and investment community, Advanced
      Communications Technologies Inc. (OTCBB:ADVC), (ACT-U.S.) today announced
      that it has retained Vision Corporate Consulting, a leading investor
      relations firm focused on servicing small and micro-cap publicly traded

      Vision Corporate Consulting (VCC) has offices in New York, Los Angeles,
      and Europe and specializes in representing emerging micro-cap companies
      and assisting them with moving onto to major stock exchanges. In
      addition, by creating increased support directly from the brokerage and
      investment communities most of VCC`s clients have experienced significant
      appreciation in market capitalization.

      "Our specialty is working with under-followed, relatively undiscovered
      public companies that have the potential to become market leaders in
      focused growth markets. We believe that ACT, Inc. has tremendous potential
      and fits perfectly into this profile. We look forward to representing
      them to the brokerage and investment community," stated Laurel Moody,
      Vision`s CEO.

      "As we rapidly achieve new milestones in our technological development and
      come closer to commercialization of our products, it is imperative that we
      inform and make the U.S. investment community aware of who we are and of
      our leading technologies. Vision`s primary focus will be on developing
      relationships with the brokerage and investment communities to ensure that
      these key audiences are fully briefed on ACT`s current and future
      successes. We believe these relationships will prove a powerful tool in
      achieving a more appropriate valuation of our company``, added Roger May,
      Chairman of ACT-U.S.
      schrieb am 03.08.01 21:27:17
      Beitrag Nr. 139 ()
      Deckel? Da sammelt einer kräftig ein.
      Mal wieder Frontrunning vor einer positiven News? ;)
      schrieb am 04.08.01 00:18:37
      Beitrag Nr. 140 ()
      @ HBraun

      Das verstehe ich unter einem Deckel. Hier will jemand noch billig an Aktien kommen. Vielleicht war die Bewegung heute der Anfang und es kommen wirklich News. Mich würde eine Bekanntgabe über einen europäischen Partner nicht wundern. So etwas wurde ja schon angedeutet.

      Wir werden bestimmt in der nächsten Woche gewissheit darüber haben. :)
      schrieb am 04.08.01 11:55:57
      Beitrag Nr. 141 ()
      Habt Ihr das hier gesehen? 200,000,000 Aktien? Oh Mann, wenn das positive News werden sollen, bin ich aber gespannt.

      **Shareholder`s Meeting Announcement**

      August 6, 2001

      To the Holders of Common Stock of
      Advanced Communications Technologies, Inc.

      NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Meeting of Stockholders (the
      "Special Meeting") of Advanced Communications Technologies, Inc. (the "Company")
      will be held at 19200 Von Karman Avenue, Suite 500, Irvine, California 92604 on
      September 11, 2001 at 9:30 a.m., for the following purposes:

      1. To increase the Company`s authorized shares of Common Stock from 100,000,000 shares to 200,000,000 shares.

      2. To provide for a class of 25,000,000 shares of Preferred Stock which will have such terms as the Board of Directors shall determine from time to time.

      3. To amend the Company`s Articles of Incorporation to provide for indemnification of the Company`s officers, directors, employees and agents to the full extent permitted by law.

      4. To consider and act upon such other business as may properly come before the meeting or any adjournment thereof.
      schrieb am 06.08.01 16:29:15
      Beitrag Nr. 142 ()
      Hallo kann mir einer helfen.ich hab advc auch gekauft unter wkn 923286 und da steht jetzt aber an stadt advc, mediaforum intl bei der dab und dann steht das der handelsparnter nicht erreichtbar ist oder das aktie von handel ausgesetzt wurde.Also warum wurde advc name in mediaforum umgetauscht und warum kannich sie nicht handel?Der letzte kurs steht bei der dab beim depotmanager bei0,38.
      schrieb am 06.08.01 19:15:51
      Beitrag Nr. 143 ()
      hallo junior 16,

      mediaforum ist der alte name von advc, laut aussage eines netten dab beraters, auch bei mir steht seit geraumer zeit mediaforum im depot, vorher natürlich advc.
      allso kein grund zur sorge.

      sorge bereitet mir vielmehr, das wir mit neuen aktien zugeschüttet werden können o. warum behalten sich unsere firmenbosse das recht vor,die anzahl der aktien auf 200 mio zu erhöhen

      soll das ein schutz vor einer möglichen übernahme/aufkauf durch einen bigplayer sein?!?!? o.was
      ich denke da gibt es andere möglichkeiten

      bitte um kurze einschätzung!

      mfg tomja
      schrieb am 13.08.01 12:44:41
      Beitrag Nr. 144 ()
      Hallöchen, ich bin zurück aus dem Urlaub und gerade am Nachlesen, da hat sich ja mal wieder enorm viel getan (leider nicht am Kurs :( )

      Das habe ich zu den zusätzlichen 100 Mio. Aktien gefunden, sie sollen anscheinend für eine Kapitalerhöhung oder Private Placement genutzt werden, auch für den Reverse Merger wären sie denkbar...

      From the filing:

      "The Board of Directors believes that it is in the best interest of the
      Company and its stockholders to increase the number of authorized shares of
      Common Stock in order to have additional shares available for issuance to meet
      various business needs as they may arise and to enhance the Company`s
      flexibility in connection with possible future actions. The primary use of the
      shares will be to raise financing to fund the Company`s operations. Other
      business needs and actions may include stock dividends, stock splits, employee
      benefit programs, corporate business combinations, funding of business
      acquisitions, and other corporate purposes.

      The authorization of additional shares of Common Stock pursuant to this
      proposal will have no dilutive effect upon earnings per share or the
      proportionate voting power of the present stockholders of the Company. However,
      to the extent that shares are subsequently issued in connection with any
      corporate action to persons other than the present stockholders, such issuance
      could have a dilutive effect on the earnings per share and voting powers of
      present stockholders.

      The Company is planning to use approximately 50,000,000 shares for sale in
      private placements and/or public offerings to fund its operations. The actual
      number of shares issued will depend on various factors, including the market
      price of the Company`s stock at the time of such transactions."
      schrieb am 13.08.01 13:38:30
      Beitrag Nr. 145 ()
      Interessantes Posting von tin-mattpro darüber, was wohl mit den zusätzlichen Aktien geschehen soll:

      Speculative common sense dictates that we will see an investment by RLM`s parent company Lockheed Martin in
      ADVC`s stock. Before the end of the year I would also expect to see an investment by at least one telecommunication
      company - and really stretching after that an investment by a leading software company. Also Mitsui is surely still
      following us and worldwide distribution as a reseller is not completely out of the picture.

      Again this is all speculative, but I am sure if we could peek at the completed bank evaluation something similar to this
      scenario was in their blue print. ADVC`s actions are all unfolding according to this plan step by step - in a natural

      An investment by an electric company would be nice for Australon when their metering box and ancillary products hit
      the U.S. market. By that time, hopefully, we will have our offices and infrastructure in place in the U.S. for rapid
      deployment of said products.

      With these expected developments on the horizon the necessity for more shares becomes quite obvious. The next
      year should be quite interesting for ADVC as their SpectruCell product becomes commercially available.

      The timing of the shareholders meeting is relevant and makes me believe that ADVC has a clear visible path in their
      execution of their business plan. The meeting is designed to be we`re great - you`re great - we`re all great - this is what
      we plan to do and this is how we are going to do it.

      The devil is always in the details, but the focus is clear on the end goal. The first company to deploy to the commercial
      market with a patented Software Defined Radio operating system will have a monstrous effect on the
      telecommunications sector.

      (Voluntary Disclosure: Position- Long)

      Und die Antwort von Roger May darauf:

      Thank you for some clear and mainly very accurate insights - it is especially refreshing for me.

      Thank you,

      Roger May
      schrieb am 16.08.01 13:00:20
      Beitrag Nr. 146 ()
      Sagt mal, wo seid Ihr denn alle, schon alle verkauft ?

      Habt Ihr den neuen S1 gelesen ?

      Kann es noch schlimmer kommen als das ?

      Ich denke mal, das war`s wirklich, oder ?

      PS: Naja, vielleicht kann man ja da mal Urlaub machen, British Virgin Islands, durch diese OTC:bbs bekommt man immer so schöne Anregungen.
      schrieb am 16.08.01 19:04:52
      Beitrag Nr. 147 ()
      Yepp, alles verkauft!

      Wünsch Dir viel Glück mit ADVC.
      schrieb am 16.08.01 20:43:15
      Beitrag Nr. 148 ()
      Advanced Communications Technologies -- Receives $A3.4M in Second Tranche of Research Grant

      LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 16, 2001--

      $A3.4M is Second Tranche of Total $A13M Government Research Grant From AusIndustry
      Advanced Communications Technologies Inc.(OTCBB:ADVC) (ACT-US) today announced that its Australian-based affiliate, Advanced Communications Technologies Pty. Ltd. (ACT-Australia) has received $A3.4 million from AusIndustry, the research and innovation support agency of the Australian government. The funding, which was contingent upon ACT-Australia successfully reaching certain milestones in the development of its SpectruCell software defined mobile network base station, comprises the second tranche of a $A13 million grant recently awarded to the Company.
      "ACT-US`s unique outsourcing of all its research and development work to its Australian affiliate has proved astoundingly successful in isolating the Company from the funding shocks recently experienced by others in the U.S. public markets and in helping to preserve shareholder value. This valuable government assistance helps to provide us with the security and capability to meet our goals of getting SpectruCell to market in the shortest possible timeframe and maintaining our leadership in the development of software defined radio base stations," said Roger May, Chairman of ACT-US.
      May added, "AusIndustry commissioned a third-party expert to evaluate our progress in SDR technology. The results of this report validate that we have achieved milestones beyond those originally projected for this time period. AusIndustry`s satisfaction with this progress and subsequent approval of this latest funding is yet another confirmation of ACT`s leadership in this rapidly growing global market."
      ACT expects to release details of the independent expert`s report in the near future.
      This latest success adds to ACT`s recent achievements, which include filing a patent application for a method of implementing CDMA (IS-95) on a SDR platform and securing a development alliance with RLM Systems, a joint venture between Lockheed Martin (NYSE:LMT) and Tenix Australia.
      About Advanced Communications Technologies

      Advanced Communications Technologies Inc. (ACT) is a world leader in the development of software-defined radio (SDR), an innovative technology that allows for exceptional flexibility in commercial and military wireless communications. The Company`s flagship product -- SpectruCell, is a SDR multiple protocol wireless base station consisting of hardware and software, that enables network providers to install a single base station and configure it to any or all protocols (GSM, CDMA, UMTS, W-CDMA, etc). Without SpectruCell, network providers would need to install separate base stations for each desired protocol. SpectruCell is supported by several patent filings that bypass 90% of Qualcomm`s (Nasdaq:QCOM) patents on CDMA via hardware solutions. ACT holds the exclusive rights to SpectruCell throughout the North, South and Central American markets and to other current and future products developed by its Australian research and development affiliate, which is 20% owned by ACT-US. For more information regarding Advanced Communications Technologies, visit
      About AusIndustry

      AusIndustry is the Australian Government`s principal agency for delivering information, programs and services that support industry, research and innovation. An agency of the Commonwealth Department of Industry, Science and Resources (ISR), AusIndustry serves the needs of Australian businesses in the manufacturing, resources and services sectors seeking to enhance innovative activities and improve competitiveness. AusIndustry does this by providing a range of commercial incentives and information services for Australian businesses. For more information visit the AusIndustry website at
      CONTACT: Advanced Communications Technologies Inc.
      Roger May, 61 3 8080 8080 or 61 411 189 931 (Chairman)
      Jason Webster, 61 2 9327-2579 or 61 403 199 811
      (Manager-Corporate Communications)
      Vision Corporate Consulting
      Laurel Moody, 212/484-5313
      schrieb am 17.08.01 09:48:52
      Beitrag Nr. 149 ()
      O.k., gute News und die 144er (wie immer):

      Aquatours PTY LTD.

      Letzte Kommentare zu diesem 144 ?

      schrieb am 17.08.01 10:00:55
      Beitrag Nr. 150 ()

      geht der MicroBob genauso auf den Keks wie mir ?

      mfg N.N. aka Marsattacks
      schrieb am 17.08.01 12:26:35
      Beitrag Nr. 151 ()
      MBob ist o.k., wenn am mit ihm geredet hat, weiss man
      was ihn bewegt zu posten.

      Wer ist eigentlich Mr.Greedy aus Oestereich ?

      Ich bin mal auf die Erklärung zu den 144 gespannt.

      Fühle mich schon verarscht von der Geschäftsleitung ...

      Naja, man wird sehen, was passiert wnn S/C so langsam fertig wird.

      Bis denne, Techs
      schrieb am 20.08.01 14:25:10
      Beitrag Nr. 152 ()
      Hallo an alle,

      auf einer Kurzstipvisite mal wieder zu Hause ... rein nach den Kursen ... nichts Neues unter der Sonne :( ..... also fahre ich wohl wieder, diesmal in die Berge (ob das was hilft??), oder das:?

      Today’s PR - ADVC listed in Key 3G Index

      ADVC related investor update as posted today on Businesswire today:


      Advanced Communications Technologies in Key 3G Index

      Included in index along with such industry leaders as AT&T Wireless, Verizon, Nokia and Motorola

      LOS ANGELES - August 20, 2001--Advanced Communications Technologies Inc. (OTCBB:ADVC) (ACT-US) today announced that it has been included in the 3G-30 Index, an index of 30 companies that represent the next generation wireless world as chosen by the 3G Newsroom, a leading wireless industry publication.

      According to 3G Newsroom, the Index was created in order to define in one list, those companies which will have the greatest impact on the future of wireless communications. Companies within the Index are in various wireless industry consumer and commercial markets and include: AT&T Wireless; British Telecommunications; Convergys Corporation; Ericsson; Motorola; Nokia; Siemens; Verizon Communications; and Vodafone.

      "Advanced Communications Technologies was included in our 3G-30 Index because of its advanced development of software radio technology", said Patrick Yuen, Site Manager for the 3G Newsroom. "With the development of a large number of digital standards around the world, software radio has huge potential to dynamically and flexibly adapt to different radio environments. Software radio will play an important part in the future of 3G in allowing multiple standards to work together. This was one of the major reasons why Advanced Communications Technologies was chosen".

      The 3G-30 Index is already attracting strong interest from the brokerage community and financial press who are keen to use it as a benchmark for the performance of the next generation wireless industry. Formal agreements for use of the Index are expected to be finalized in the coming months.

      "We are pleased to receive such high level recognition of our achievements in the leading edge development of software defined radio for both commercial and military applications", said Roger May, Chairman of ACT-US. "The shift to 3G technologies is inevitable but infrastructure costs remain the main challenge to the industry`s growth. ACT`s SpectruCell technology can generate tremendous savings for wireless carriers by reducing the cost of providing a 3G network service by up to two thirds over a traditional network roll out. This powerful advantage is derived from the fact that by implementing SpectruCell, network operators need only install the one software-based radio rather than multiple hardware defined radios that are only compatible with one protocol. We believe these features are the key reasons why major European and American wireless carriers have expressed strong interest in installing SpectruCell into their next-generation networks".

      The full 3G-30 Index as well an article regarding the index, 30 Stocks That Can Change Wireless Communication can be found at .

      About Advanced Communications Technologies


      we will see

      Es grüßt

      Diva, und ja ;) immer noch long, immer wieder zw. Himmel und Hölle, aber noch long
      schrieb am 20.08.01 14:35:41
      Beitrag Nr. 153 ()
      ADC Telecommunications
      [Nasdaq: ADCT]
      Advanced Communications Technologies
      [OTCBB: ADVC]
      Agilent Technologies
      [NYSE: A]
      [NYSE: ALA]
      [NYSE: DOX]
      AT&T Wireless
      [NYSE: AWE]
      British Telecommunications
      [NYSE: BTY]
      Comverse Technology
      [Nasdaq: CMVT]
      CTS Corporation
      [NYSE: CTS]
      Convergys Corporation
      [NYSE: CVG]
      Crown Castle
      [NYSE: CCI]
      Deutsche Telekom
      [NYSE: DT]
      France Telecom
      [NYSE: FTE]
      [Nasdaq: ERICY]
      [NYSE: HIT]
      Lucent Technologies
      [NYSE: LU]
      [NYSE: MOT]
      NEC Corporation
      [Nasdaq: NIPNY]
      [NYSE: NOK]
      Nortel Networks
      [NYSE: NT]
      Parthus Technologies
      [Nasdaq: PRTH]
      Powerwave Technologies
      [Nasdaq: PWAV]
      Qualcomm Incorporated
      [Nasdaq: QCOM]
      RF Micro Devices
      [Nasdaq: RFMD]
      [NYSE: SI]
      [NYSE: SNE]
      Sprint PCS
      [NYSE: PCS]
      Texas Instruments
      [NYSE: TXN]
      Verizon Communications
      [NYSE: VZ]
      Vodafone Group
      [NYSE: VOD]

      ADVC ist der einzige OTCBB Wert und die anderen sind ja wirklich "Riesen"!
      schrieb am 20.08.01 19:57:28
      Beitrag Nr. 154 ()
      I am impressed !

      Aber davon können wir uns nichts kaufen, viel lieber wäre mir ein satter Kursgewinn !!!

      Übrigens erscheint die News nicht im Yahoo news ticker...


      schrieb am 20.08.01 20:43:39
      Beitrag Nr. 155 ()
      aber angeführt ist sie doch!

      schrieb am 20.08.01 22:47:01
      Beitrag Nr. 156 ()
      Also Triton fällt als Übernahmekandidat dann wohl weg...

      Monday August 20, 3:05 pm Eastern Time

      Press Release

      SOURCE: Triton Network Systems

      Triton Network Systems, Inc. Announces Plans to Liquidate

      ORLANDO, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 20, 2001--Triton Networks Systems, Inc. (Nasdaq:TNSI - news)
      announced today that its Board of Directors has unanimously voted to liquidate and dissolve the Company, subject to
      approval by the holders of a majority of its outstanding shares. Subject to stockholder approval of a Plan of Liquidation and
      Dissolution, the Company plans to sell its assets, including inventory, property and equipment and intellectual property,
      discharge its liabilities, and distribute the net proceeds to stockholders. Based on current information, the Company estimates
      that assets available for distribution to stockholders will be between $0.75 and $0.95 per share.

      Pending final stockholder action, the Company has begun making preparations for the orderly wind down of its operations,
      including headcount reductions, securing continuing support for its existing customers, seeking purchasers for the sale of its
      intellectual property and other tangible and intangible assets, and providing for its outstanding and potential liabilities.
      Additionally, the Company is evaluating an expression of interest received today from a third party for the cash purchase of
      all of the outstanding stock of the Company. Since the prospective purchaser must first complete its investigation of the
      Company`s business, these discussions may not result in a purchase offer.

      In light of the Board of Directors` decision, Skip Speaks, President and Chief Executive Officer; Mark Johnson, Chief
      Operating Officer; Michael Clark, Vice President of Engineering and Dan Gulliford, Vice President of Product Development
      have resigned effective August 20, 2001. Mr. Speaks has agreed to remain on the Company`s Board of Directors. The
      Company`s Chief Financial Officer, Ken Vines, has been appointed Chief Executive Officer.

      Subject to the outcome of the discussions with the prospective third party purchaser, the Board currently intends to call a
      special meeting of the stockholders, expected to be held in early October 2001, to approve the Plan of Liquidation and
      Dissolution. A Proxy statement describing the Plan would be mailed to stockholders approximately 30 days prior to the

      In reaching its decision that the liquidation and dissolution of the Company would be in the best interests of the stockholders,
      the Board of Directors considered a number of factors, including the Company`s recent financial performance, prevailing
      economic conditions and unsuccessful efforts to sell or merge the Company. Early this year there was a rapid deterioration in
      the market for fixed broadband wireless access equipment, particularly in the U.S. By the second quarter, three of the four
      major fixed wireless CLEC`s in the U.S. had filed for bankruptcy protection. The Company`s revenue had declined from
      $9.5 million in the fourth quarter of 2000 to $1.9 million in the second quarter of 2001, and the net loss for the first half of
      2001 was $(40.6) million. Based on these conditions, the Company significantly downsized its operations to reduce costs
      and conserve cash, while reviewing alternative business strategies.

      In January 2001, the Company engaged Broadview International to assist in identifying and evaluating strategic alternatives, including the sale or merger of the
      Company. Broadview contacted a large number of prospective acquirers or merger partners, both domestic and international. Discussions were held with a
      number of companies. After a careful review, the Board of Directors concluded that none of the acquisition or merger opportunities available to the Company
      would be likely to provide stockholders with as much liquidity or value as could be achieved through a liquidation and dissolution. As stated above, the
      Company has not had time to evaluate the expression of interest received today from a prospective purchaser.

      The Board of Directors also considered whether to continue the current strategy of maintaining operations, managing expenses and waiting for a market
      recovery. There were a number of risks associated with such a strategy. Timing of a market recovery remains cloudy, and it now appears likely that there will
      be a protracted period of weak demand for the Company`s products. At the current time, the Company has a minimal backlog of customer orders, and
      prospects for material revenue over the next few quarters is limited. Although the Company has the financial resources to weather a lengthy market downturn,
      significant amounts of cash would be required to continue operations and remain competitive, including significant expenditures to develop international sales
      channels and to support research and development activities needed to enhance existing products and develop new products. Furthermore, employee retention
      would continue to become increasingly difficult. In light of these risks, there is a substantial possibility that a strategy of waiting for a market recovery would
      cause a continued erosion of the Company`s cash, asset value and employee base, thus reducing stockholder value without any assurance of a future recovery.
      In addition, the Company`s stock is trading below the anticipated cash liquidation value of the shares. For these reasons, the Board of Directors concluded that
      liquidation and dissolution of the Company would have the highest probability of returning the greatest value to the stockholders.

      If the Company`s stockholders approve the Plan of Liquidation and Dissolution, the Company will file a Certificate of Dissolution promptly after the
      stockholders vote, and stockholders will then be entitled to share in the liquidation proceeds based upon their proportionate ownership at that time. Under
      Delaware law, the Company will remain in existence as a non-operating entity for three years from the date the Company files a Certificate of Dissolution in
      Delaware, and will maintain a certain level of liquid assets to cover any remaining liabilities and pay operating costs during the dissolution period. During the
      dissolution period, the Company will attempt to convert its remaining assets to cash and settle its liabilities as expeditiously as possible.

      Assuming stockholder approval of the Plan, the Board of Directors currently anticipates that an initial distribution of liquidation proceeds will be made to
      stockholders within 75 days after the stockholders` meeting. A portion of the Company`s assets will be held in a contingency reserve, and the Board of
      Directors anticipates that stockholders could periodically receive additional distributions subsequent to the initial distribution.

      Forward-Looking Statements

      Except for the historical information contained herein, the matters discussed in this press release are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the
      Securities Exchange Act of 1934,and involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in such forward looking
      statements. Such statements include statements about the business outlook and estimates of liquidation proceeds. In particular, estimates of liquidation proceeds
      involve assumptions about the Company`s ability to recover for various non-cash assets and the cost of resolving the Company`s various contractual and other
      liabilities. The Company assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof. Further
      information regarding these and other risks is included in Triton Network Systems` Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2000, and
      its other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
      schrieb am 22.08.01 14:52:32
      Beitrag Nr. 157 ()

      New Executive Appointment & Key SDR/3G Conference Presentation

      Business Editors

      LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--August 22, 2001--Advanced Communications Technologies Inc. (OTCBB:ADVC) (ACT-US) today announced that it has appointed Mr. Gary Ivaska as Executive Vice-President in charge of international corporate and business development.

      Mr. Ivaska has over 20 years of marketing and senior management experience serving both start-up and established international enterprises in the telecommunication, aerospace, computer networking, government, industrial automation, internet and security markets.

      Most recently, Mr. Ivaska served as the Chief Executive Officer & President for ThemeWare Corporation, a company recognized for their innovative and successful approach in providing internet and traditional based business solutions in communications, consulting, e-commerce, financing, software, support and websites.

      In the three years prior to 1999 Mr. Ivaska served as Worldwide Director for Alcatel in creating and implementing a global partnership with UNISYS for system integration and consulting involving of 500+ international sales, system and field engineers. Prior to this Mr. Ivaska was recognized for business development of prestigious programs and market share growth with Cisco Systems, Hughes Aircraft, and Rockwell International in national and regional management capacities.

      Mr. Ivaska received a B.S. degree in International Finance and Marketing from the University of Southern Illinois in 1981. He has formal education in electronics engineering and corporate provided education in financial, media management, sales, and technology areas.

      "Gary`s appointment is of major importance to the ongoing development and expansion of ACT`s Spectrucell business and the marketing and distribution of the group`s other products such as the Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) device and Mobile Information Manager (MIM) terminal. These products are now ready for marketing throughout the United States where we have identified substantial opportunities for their application," said Roger May, Chairman of ACT-US.

      Commenting on his appointment, Mr. Ivaska stated, "I enjoy the passion and velocity of a high tech company and ACT is at the centre of one of the fastest growing industries today. When I was offered the opportunity to join ACT-US and Roger May`s senior team, the choice was easy."

      ACT Selected for Key Conference Presentation

      The company also wishes to advise that representatives of the company`s Australian affiliate, ACT Australia, have been chosen to present at the upcoming Networld+Interop Conference being held in Melbourne, Australia from September 5-7. ACT`s presentation will be part of a special event organised by the Australian Telecommunications Users Group (ATUG), Australia`s premier telecommunications industry body. The event`s theme is BROADBAND - RHETORIC TO REALITY and the company`s paper will address the many solutions software defined radio can provide for broadband services in a mobile wireless environment. The company expects that the paper will provide an excellent opportunity to showcase the ability of software defined radio to provide a viable and competitive means for sharing mobile network infrastructure. Following presentation, a copy of ACT`s paper will be made available on the company`s web sites.

      The company wishes to advise that as a result of latest management restructure, Mr Jeremy Norton, Vice-President of International Business Development has resigned for personal reasons.


      schrieb am 24.08.01 17:12:20
      Beitrag Nr. 158 ()
      @ techseeker

      Was meinst du mit 144er? Was ist das? Bin gerade dabei mich mit ADVC zu beschäftigen und das scheint mir einer der Gründe zu sein warum die Aktie nicht steigt.

      Wäre dir oder jemand anderem sehr dankbar für eine Antwort. :)
      schrieb am 25.08.01 02:43:57
      Beitrag Nr. 159 ()

      Na komm.Jetzt lass`die Katze aus dem Sack.
      Was ist/war mit Gary ?

      mfg Mars
      schrieb am 25.08.01 02:51:32
      Beitrag Nr. 160 ()
      @ nihil
      alter Lateiner. auch noch wach ?
      Sei doch nicht so neugierig , als alter long müßtest
      du doch Geduld haben, oder?

      schrieb am 26.08.01 00:59:14
      Beitrag Nr. 161 ()
      Thema 144


      ADVC`s 144er:

      Die 200.000 144er Aktien von Aquatours sind noch nicht gelistet.

      144er Aktien sind die Bezahlmittel von Firmen, falls sie keine Kohle haben. Dann sind die Dinger 1 Jahr gesperrt, bis man dann danach verkaufen will.

      schrieb am 26.08.01 01:21:38
      Beitrag Nr. 162 ()

      Gary ist interessant,nicht die 144s. ;c)

      Schon gemerkt, daß Jason sich am RB auf einmal
      raushält ?

      Die Sache mit Aquatours ist die letzte Sauerei.

      Läuft Roger eigentlich noch unter Ch.7 durch die
      Welt ?

      mfg Mars
      schrieb am 26.08.01 21:33:00
      Beitrag Nr. 163 ()
      Interessanter Artikel, den Mr._Data da gefunden hat:

      Chameleon Systems and Lockheed Martin--MUST READ!!

      Chameleon aims at reconfigurable computing
      By Crista Souza
      (08/21/01, 05:45:58 PM EST)

      The promise of reconfigurable computing -- to allow wireless basestation circuitry to dynamically adapt to air traffic
      patterns -- has been limited by the lack of silicon and development tools that are up to the task.

      OEMs looking for alternatives were faced with the high cost of designing custom ICs, or the relatively low
      performance of field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs).

      Enter Chameleon Systems Inc. The San Jose company, one of a handful of startups touting a reconfigurable solution
      that claims to combine the best features of all possible approaches, has upped the ante by releasing its C~SIDE
      development tools, along with a prototyping board containing the first generation of its Reconfigurable
      Communications Processor (RCP), the CS2112.

      According to one customer, the commercial availability of tools makes all the difference, particularly when the design
      is a closely guarded secret.

      "Another startup came in to market their product to us, but they wanted to do the whole design themselves. That was
      unacceptable to us," said Neil Furukawa, director of the Broadband Wireless Systems Group at defense contractor
      LockheedMartin Corp. in Sunnyvale, Calif.

      Besides putting an OEM`s intellectual property at risk, having to later send out a redesign to the chip supplier negates
      the point of instantaneous reconfigurablility, said Furukawa, who declined to describe the application his group is

      Chameleon claims it`s the only supplier of communications-specific reconfigurable chips to allow OEMs to maintain
      strict control over their algorithms -- the secret sauce that defines how a base station will handle certain air traffic.

      "As far as we are aware in all other reconfigurable camps -- if they actually have hardware -- the configurations are
      generated by the [supplier] itself, and not by the customer," said Raj Karamchedu, senior marketing manager for
      Chameleon. "If a customer needs other than a DSP, FPGA or ASIC, and wants to have complete control over their
      algorithms, we`re the only game in town."

      Chameleon`s RCP architecture is designed to be as flexible as an FPGA, and as easy to program as a digital signal
      processor (DSP), with real-time, visual debugging capability, Karamchedu said.

      The C-SIDE design system is a fully integrated tool suite, with C compiler, Verilog synthesizer, full-chip simulator, as
      well as a debug and verification environment -- an element not readily found in ASIC and FPGA design flows,
      according to Chameleon.

      "This allows customers to single-step the entire device, to take a simpler software-style approach to debug,"
      Karamchedu said.

      "A reconfigurable device is only as good as its tools, and that was one of our biggest concerns in deciding to go with
      a startup," noted Furukawa. "The feedback I got from my engineers was that, although the Chameleon tools are
      immature, they actually worked pretty well."

      Chameleon said it`s planning to build in an interface to high-level design tools typically used by communications
      OEMs, such as Matlab, SPW, and Ptolemy, as well as real-time operating system and automatic code generation

      Silicon samples of Chameleon`s RCP are available. Beta customers are using the chips in development boards.
      Production is slated for December.

      The C-SIDE tools are being offered on a floating license for $25,000, which includes a year of maintenance, updates,
      and support. The CT2112SDM development kit is priced at $5,000.
      schrieb am 26.08.01 22:00:16
      Beitrag Nr. 164 ()
      Hier sind noch ein paar interessante Infos über Gary (von Mr.Investor4 aus dem RB-Board, der angeblich eine e-mail von ihm bekommen haben soll):

      Text of Mr. Ivaska`s last email.

      Mr. XXXXX

      One more comment if I may to address the recent comments I saw on (b.boards)
      regarding my involvement in a company called Themeware and its relevance to
      ACT. A shame they forget to include the 15 yrs of my career that really is
      why I am best qualified to serve the shareholders.

      I have had the luxury, good luck and a bit of foresight to engage myself
      into industries and companies that are considered by most as very
      successful. My career has moved from Process Control, Industrial Automation
      (CIM), Computer Networking, Telecommunications,
      internet/ecommerce/commercial sectors and now back to technology with ACT.

      While at Hughes (Sytek), Rockwell (Allen-Bradley), and Alcatel(Xylan) all
      were acquired because I had found a diamond in the rough and subsequently
      went on to support the success of the acquirer. The only exception was my
      tenure with Cisco. At Cisco I had the opportunity to work with the early
      crew (really a startup in itself) and only until recently was the world`s
      golden child. Cisco was a rocket however I made a wise choice to leave for
      Xylan (now Alcatel). Xylan`s IPO was recognized as the hottest IPO in 1996
      contending with Netscape that year. I believe ACT is right where Cisco was
      in 1985 or I would not have dogged Roger May to get involved.

      Themeware was my chance to once again transition to an exciting and unknown
      opportunity that directly related to the hot internet sector (at the time).
      My tenure as CEO and President with Themeware was no different. I needed
      to be involved in the internet space and I found (and invested) in a company
      that had 3 people (grew to 100+) and developed it in 12 months generating
      revenues in excess of $13 million from 250,000 customers multiplying
      investors return by 4x with less than $2 mil of private investment.

      ACT-US is certainly a developing a powerful technology a huge market needs
      and in some ways I consider it a startup I can add value to . I believe my
      ability to be creative will help open the doors to opportunities someone
      with only a history in telecommunications could not understand.

      The pace at which Themeware moved was absolutely furious and I learned how
      to be an entrepreneur`s entrepreneur and will find unique and powerful ways
      to deliver the results respectful investors or potential investor like
      yourself deserve.


      schrieb am 30.08.01 21:34:22
      Beitrag Nr. 165 ()


      ACT-AUS hat scheinbar seine 10 Mio. Aktien zum Verkauf gefiled und die ACT-AUS Direktoren 2 Mio.

      Jason sagt, dass wäre als Sicherheit für ein Finanzierung ...

      Drakes sagt, das ist Quatsch, da macht man eher das
      Gegenteil um eine Sicherheit für den Geldgeber zu bieten.

      Klingt logisch und finde da stinkt was bei ADVC.



      schrieb am 30.08.01 21:48:41
      Beitrag Nr. 166 ()

      spätestens seit der Aquatours Sache geht
      mir der Laden auf den Keks.Das ewige
      "gefiled" heißt nicht "verkaufen"
      ist der Standardsatz an der OTC-BB und
      noch nie hat sich einer daran gehalten.

      May ist einfach unfähig eine saubere
      Finazierung hinzubekommen und bezahlt
      sogar mit Aktien.Na ganz toll.

      Ich seh` tief schwarz,werde aber dennoch nicht
      verkaufen.Weiß Gott warum.Vielleicht irre ich mich

      Und diese scheiß delays gehen mir auf den Sack.
      Dann wird auch noch der "independent" report
      überarbeitet...aha...nachbarin ick hör`dir

      alles scheiße im Moment

      mfg Marsattacks
      schrieb am 30.08.01 23:51:55
      Beitrag Nr. 167 ()

      mich nervt ADVC auch ziemlich, aber ich jammere nicht so lange und laut, ich meine das schadet ADVC mehr als dass es uns nützt.

      Ich bin eigentlich nur noch wegen JWebster drin, RM hat mich auf der ganzen Linie enttäuscht...

      Mal schauen, ob das noch etwas wird mit dem FEIERN auf BoraBora...


      P.S.: Dass ACT-AUS jetzt gefiled haben soll, kann ich nicht glauben, das wäre echt der Oberhammer, angeblich haben die doch Cash bekommen, dachte ich und ADVC hat dafür die shares schon längst verkauft oder täusche ich mich da?
      Das ist halt der Schei#, keiner weiß mehr was läuft...
      schrieb am 31.08.01 15:58:18
      Beitrag Nr. 168 ()

      ich glaube nicht, dass das Jammern auf RB oder hier
      ADVC schadet, die schaden sich selbst mehr als alles andere, o.k.
      144er und der Markt tut weiteres dazu. Aber letztendlich
      fährt Roger das Ding gerade selbst gegen die Wand. Oder
      das war von Anfang an geplant ... wer weiss dass denn noch so wie
      es jetzt aussieht ?

      1-2 Monate nach dem ASM kann es dann richtig hart werden.
      Wenn ACT-AUS 10 Mio. und dessen Direktoren 2 Mio. zum
      Verkauf registriert haben oder werden kann das Ende sein, oder ?

      Jasons Antwort darauf ist nicht zufriedenstellend.
      Man sollte ihn darauf nochmal festnageln und IMO,
      geht das nur mit nervenden, sich wiederholenden
      posts, um ihn aus der Reserve zu locken, damit er er
      Statement macht, um die posts (z.B. meine) öffentlich
      zu "korrigieren". Naja, zumindest versuche ich es so.

      Scheisse, das alles und dann dieses gehype von wegen
      "great news are ahead" ... die Teeny gang mit ihren
      10 aliases geht mir mit dem Gehype echt auf den Kecks.

      schrieb am 03.09.01 17:37:09
      Beitrag Nr. 169 ()
      Andre !

      gefühlsmäßig geht es mir exakt wie Dir ! Ich würde meinen Frust am liebsten auch genau wie Du herausschreiben und -schimpfen aber ich bin dennoch der Meinung, dass das ADVC nicht weiterbringt.

      Hoffentlich gibt es bald mal NEWS !

      Irgendetwas scheint auf jeden Fall im Busch zu sein, die shares werden ja nicht zum Spaß auf der HV genehmigt sondern sicherlich für etwas benötigt, LMT?

      schrieb am 05.09.01 14:00:05
      Beitrag Nr. 170 ()
      Endlich mal tolle handfeste News! Achtet mal besonders auf den folgenden Absatz der News:

      "It is currently planned that all intellectual property arising from the development of SpectruCell will eventually reside with Advanced Communications Technologies, Inc. (OTCBB:ADVC - news)."

      Das könnte größer als groß werden:-)!

      Wednesday September 5, 7:02 am Eastern Time
      Press Release
      SOURCE: Advanced Communications Technologies Inc.
      Formal Agreement Finalized With Lockheed Martin/Tenix Subsidiary RLM Systems
      LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sept. 5, 2001--Advanced Communications Technologies Inc. (OTCBB:ADVC - news) today announced that its Australian-based affiliate, Advanced Communications Technologies (Australia) Pty Ltd (ACT-Australia), has finalized the formal agreement regarding the Strategic Business Alliance with RLM Systems Pty Ltd (RLM), a subsidiary joint venture company owned by Lockheed Martin (NYSE:LMT - news) and Tenix Australia Pty Ltd. This completed agreement finalizes initial documentation originally executed in June of this year.

      The agreement provides for ACT-Australia to eventually utilize up to 300 of RLM`s highly skilled engineers to accelerate the completion of the commercial model of ACT`s multiple protocol wireless base station technology -- SpectruCell, scheduled for early 2002.

      ``The agreement now provides us access to RLM`s significant expertise and extensive engineering experience in building leading edge Digital Signal Processing systems and high level engineering projects. RLM also has an extensive and proven track record of on-time project delivery, second to none``, said Roger May, Chairman of ACT. ``The RLM/ACT agreement also allows the company to scale the SpectruCell project engineering requirements on an as-needed basis as resources are required. This facility is the ideal engineering resource for the company as it is extremely proactive and cost effective, while providing immediate access to one of the world`s most experienced and capable engineering teams. In addition to commercial applications of the product, RLM together with Lockheed Martin is evaluating the application of high level software defined radio (SDR) for the substantial global market for military communications systems``.

      May added, ``Perhaps most importantly the RLM/ACT alliance will ensure that the SpectruCell commercial model is brought to market in full compliance with all international communications standards and that it is completed in the earliest possible time frame``.

      Commenting on the newly completed alliance, Paul Johnson, Chief Executive Officer of RLM Systems stated, ``ACT`s SpectruCell technology is one of the most exciting projects we`ve come across in some time. RLM, through its own resources and that of its parent companies can bring substantial horsepower to the final development of this project to ensure that it is brought to market in the shortest possible time. ACT`s leadership in software defined radio development has created an excellent first mover advantage for this technology. The ACT/RLM alliance will help to ensure that we are able capitalize on this substantial opportunity``.

      RLM System`s engineering staff began initial familiarization work on the SpectruCell project immediately after completion of the Memorandum of Understanding completed in June this year. It is currently planned that all intellectual property arising from the development of SpectruCell will eventually reside with Advanced Communications Technologies, Inc. (OTCBB:ADVC - news).

      About Advanced Communications Technologies

      Advanced Communications Technologies Inc. (ACT) is a world leader in the development of software-defined radio (SDR), an innovative technology that allows for exceptional flexibility in commercial and military wireless communications. The Company`s flagship product -- SpectruCell, is a SDR multiple protocol wireless base station consisting of hardware and software, that enables network providers to install a single base station and configure it to any or all protocols (GSM, CDMA, UMTS, W-CDMA, etc). Without SpectruCell, network providers would need to install separate base stations for each desired protocol. SpectruCell is supported by several patent filings that bypass 90% of Qualcomm`s (Nasdaq:QCOM - news) patents on CDMA via hardware solutions. ACT holds the exclusive rights to SpectruCell throughout the North, South and Central American markets and to other current and future products developed by its Australian research and development affiliate, which is 20% owned by ACT-US. For more information regarding Advanced Communications Technologies, visit

      About RLM Systems Pty Ltd

      RLM is an equal joint venture between Lockheed Martin (NYSE:LMT - news) and Tenix Australia Pty Ltd that has significant experience in complex engineering tasks such as the Jindalee operational radar network.

      RLM specializes in the design, production, integration, test and support of large, complex, state-of-the-art software intensive systems. Employing approximately 600 people, the company is based in Melbourne, Australia and has operations in several States. Founded on a skilled and proven workforce, and with the backing of two major technology and defense partners, RLM is the new high technology force in the region.

      About Tenix Australia Pty Ltd

      With an annual turnover of A$1.2B and employing more than 5,000 people, the Tenix Group is Australia`s largest and most successful defense and technology contractor. Operating in Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, the Philippines and the United States, Tenix has comprehensive skills and facilities, and close, mature links with international technology leaders.

      Major subsidiaries include:

      Tenix Defense Systems, the leading Australian force in defense, providing systems integration and development for the complex weapon, sensor and control and communications equipment required for military and paramilitary platforms.

      Tenix Industries, Enetech, a national engineering and maintenance contractor specializing in the utilities and infrastructure sectors, and Rossair, a progressive aviation industry company offering a wide range of services.

      In a Business Review Weekly survey of Australian private companies in August 2000, Tenix recorded the fifth-largest revenue increase of all companies surveyed, (increased earnings by more than 100% in that period to a projected A$1B in 1999-2000, excluding joint ventures). The financial strength of the Tenix Group includes, total assets of more than A$1 billion, full ownership of extensive facilities and forward orders of approximately A$2 billion.

      About Lockheed Martin

      Lockheed Martin is a global leader in the design, development, manufacturing and integration of advanced technology systems, products and services for government and commercial customers. Business areas span aeronautics, space, systems integration and technology services. The Corporation`s core business areas are systems integration, aeronautics, space, technology services and global telecommunications. Lockheed Martin`s vision is to be the world`s best systems integrator in aerospace, defense and technology services. Lockheed Martin had sales in 2000 surpassing $25 billion and employs approximately 130,000 people.

      The foregoing contains forward-looking information within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve certain risks and uncertainties. The actual results may differ materially from such forward-looking statements. The company does not undertake to publicly update or revise its forward-looking statements even if experience or future changes make it clear that any projected results (expressed or implied) will not be realized.


      Advanced Communications Technologies Inc.
      Roger May, 61 3 8080 8080 or 61 411 189 931
      Jason Webster, 949/622-5566 or 949/500-6288
      Vision Corporate Consulting
      Laurel Moody, 212/484-5313
      schrieb am 05.09.01 16:13:47
      Beitrag Nr. 171 ()
      "Das könnte größer als groß werden:-)!"
      Kann den Spruch bei ADVC nicht mehr hören.
      schrieb am 05.09.01 19:40:08
      Beitrag Nr. 172 ()
      Und hier nochmal die Bestätigung von Jason Webster:

      "I can provide no further commentary on this arrangement until details are publicly disclosed in the appropriate manner. As the statement outlines, the intention is for ACT-US to own 100% of Spectrucell IP."…


      schrieb am 08.09.01 14:57:48
      Beitrag Nr. 173 ()
      The Special Meeting of Shareholders for Advanced Communications Technologies Inc will be held this Tuesday, September 11 2001 at 9:30am (Pacific) at the following venue:


      4500 MacArthur Boulevard

      Newport Beach, California, USA


      Tel: (949) 476-2001

      Toll Free: (800) 243-4141

      Fax: (949) 476-7099

      Please review the Proxy materials at the following url:…
      schrieb am 08.09.01 17:12:30
      Beitrag Nr. 174 ()
      Was haltet Ihr von dem gestrigen Kursanstieg? Kurspflege vor dem Meeting? Spekulation auf irgendwelche "Big News" vor dem Meeting?
      schrieb am 09.09.01 01:50:37
      Beitrag Nr. 175 ()
      Ich bin ja tierisch gespannt, ob vor dem Shareholder Meeting noch irgendein Deal (beispielsweise Beteiligung von LMT, etc.) bekanntgegeben wird. Für irgendwas müssen die 100.000.000 shares ja sein.

      Obwohl - ist wie Gelddrucken, gell? :)
      schrieb am 09.09.01 08:09:56
      Beitrag Nr. 176 ()
      die 100K können meiner Meinung nach nur für LMT sein, wenn alle zukünftigen Patente bei ADVC liegen sollen denn:

      1. nur dann würde LMT von ihrem Ressourcen-Input partizipieren,

      2. LMT wäre auch an dem wirtschaftlichen Erfolg im kommerziellen Sektor beteiligt und

      3. RM hat persönlich grösstes Interesse an einem ADVC-Anstieg


      schrieb am 09.09.01 09:16:24
      Beitrag Nr. 177 ()
      Birger, sorry 100m.eom
      schrieb am 09.09.01 12:40:03
      Beitrag Nr. 178 ()

      Das wäre natürlich klasse...

      Vielleicht hätte LMT aber ja auch ein anderes JV, das schon an der Börse ist und geeignet für einen Reverse Merger wäre, dann hätten sie plus ein paar Aktien mehr auch ihre Beteiligung...

      schrieb am 10.09.01 16:28:57
      Beitrag Nr. 179 ()
      Hallo ich habe ein proble.Zwar steht advc jetzt wieder unter dem richtigen namen im depot aber wenn ich zum beispiel verkaufen will und dab den handelspartner sucht kommt immer:das wertpapier ist zur zeit oder endgültig ausgesetzt,das wertpapier wird bei der dab nicht gehandelt wird.Wird advc noch gehandel an irgendeiner börse??Warum findet dab keinen handelspartner?Und hat einer von euch ähnliche probleme advc zu handel?

      schrieb am 11.09.01 10:18:41
      Beitrag Nr. 180 ()

      Hat jemand von Euch irgendwelche ADVC-Proxys von seiner deutschen Bank zugeschickt bekommen? Über Webstreet klappt es immer, nur die Comdirect scheint es einfach nicht auf die Reihe zu kriegen.

      Ich hoffe, daß Roger uns heute noch ein paar ordentliche News vermeldet bzw. ein paar Karten auf den Tisch legt. Ansonsten werden wir uns wohl ganz schnell wieder unter 0,3 bewegen...Auf dieses allgemeine Roger-Gelaber kann ich wirklich langsam verzichten!
      schrieb am 12.09.01 05:54:37
      Beitrag Nr. 181 ()
      Falls es irgendjemanden angesichts der gestrigen Vorkommnisse in den USA noch interessieren sollte:

      Today`s PR - SpectruCell to be sold to ADVC

      ADVC related investor update as posted today on PRNewswire today:


      September 11, 2001 18:44

      SpectruCell (SDR) Wireless Base Station Technology to Be Sold to USA Company

      LOS ANGELES, Sept. 11 /PRNewswire/ -- Advanced Communications Technologies Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: ADVC) (ACT-USA) today announced that it had completed a binding Letter of Intent (LOI) with Australian-based Advanced Communications Technologies (Australia) Pty Ltd (ACT-Australia), that provides for the sale of the ownership of the entire worldwide rights to the company`s software defined radio (SDR) multiple protocol wireless base station technology -- SpectruCell, to the US public company ACT-USA.

      The sale of ownership will also specifically include all proprietary rights to intellectual property associated with and arising from the final development of the commercial model of the SpectruCell SDR base station currently being built by ACT-Australia in an alliance with the Lockheed Martin subsidiary RLM Systems, in Melbourne, Australia. The agreement is specifically designed to make SpectruCell a USA based and owned network technology that should also enhance funding opportunities in the US marketplace.

      "This agreement is a major milestone for ACT-USA that is specifically aimed at bringing substantially increased value to the company and should also provide a significant foundation capable of facilitating increased shareholder value," said Roger May, Chairman of ACT-US. "Completion of this transaction should also position ACT-USA as a major technology player in the rapidly evolving global marketplace for 3G network infrastructure."

      The basis for the transaction stems from recently completed independent valuations of the SpectruCell technology by a Big Six accounting firm and provides for ACT-USA to seek a US$80 million capital raising to facilitate full global commercialization of the technology.

      The sale of ownership referred to in the LOI is subject to the execution of a formal agreement between the parties to be completed within the next sixty days. Full details of the final agreement will be made available upon completion.

      "Both the USA and Europe provide many exciting opportunities for the SpectruCell software defined radio wireless base station. With carriers having spent tens of billions of dollars for 3G Spectrum, the pressure is now on carriers to provide network rollouts capable of supporting 3G services. SpectruCell solves the key problems facing this market by providing the flexibility to support 3G services on existing network infrastructure and as it is essentially a software radio, it can simultaneously support multiple communications standards (CDMA, GSM, UMTS, etc) on the one network. This enables it to satisfy European regulators and the FCC`s requirements for competition in a network-sharing (virtual networks) environment, where multiple carriers will be able to share one network structure. The initiation of the agreement for ACT-USA to acquire the global rights to SpectruCell means that the substantial global sales potential of this market is now within the grasp of the US based company," said May.
      schrieb am 12.09.01 19:51:23
      Beitrag Nr. 182 ()
      Schiff berichtet vom shareholder meeting:

      Here`s what I got out of the shareholdrs meeting.
      I attended with 2 ADVC investor friends. There were maybe 15-18 investors present including Hiampss and The

      We started off with a moment of silent prayer for the victims of the tragedy.

      The 3 votes all passed. In round numbers in was something like 60 million for 100 million share increase, 14 million
      against, 94,000 abstaining. 39 million for pref. share increase, 14 million against, 94,000 abstaining. 73 million for
      indemnity for officers, 2 million against,I foret the abstains.

      This morning was supposed to bring a pr announcing ADVC obtaining 100% world-wide rights for S/C but, because
      of the tragedy, the release didn`t come out. After checking the legality, they decided it was ok to give us copies since
      they had done there job and given it to the media. The 100% s/c ownership will cost ADVC $100 million. ADVC is
      securing an $80 million loan. I forget from whom. ADVC will pay ACT-AUS $35 million and ADVC will keep $45
      million. The remaining $65 million is to be paid with equity (I think).

      L/T funding is out. Roger said that there were better options now.

      Development Tools are delayed 60 days. Roger said that they were having problems with sub-contractors.

      KPMG S/C valuation = $214 million

      Lots of good stuff about Australon.

      L M Global Telecom meetings back east 9/24-28

      Will post more later.

      schrieb am 12.09.01 19:53:27
      Beitrag Nr. 183 ()
      Von therainbow

      Todays shareholders meeting was very positive. A good summary was posted by schiff.

      It was noteable how concerned management was with the happenings in New York and Washington by making a brief
      statement and having the moment of silence for the civilians, volunteers and the professionals of the New York City
      Fire and Police departments that gave their lives.

      Discussion immediately after the official meeting was not on ADVC, but of the people hurt on the East Coast.

      As I type this news reports believe that people are still alive under the debris of the World Trade Center.

      God be with those that are still lost and I pray that no one must suffer.

      schrieb am 12.09.01 22:23:18
      Beitrag Nr. 184 ()

      Ich habe gedacht, ich poste mal die Powerpoint Präsentation vom Shareholders Meeting. Trotz traurigem Anlass gibt es einige interessante neue Fakten.

      schrieb am 13.09.01 04:27:23
      Beitrag Nr. 185 ()
      Was bedeutet das jetzt genau für uns ADVC shareholder! Hab das Firmengeflecht so schlecht im Kopf!
      Wenn ich mich recht erinnere ist ACT-US eine 100% tochter von ADVC!
      schrieb am 15.09.01 14:13:55
      Beitrag Nr. 186 ()
      Hallo an alle,

      ein paar Gedanken:

      es gibt also ein LOI zw. ACT/AUS und ACT/US ..... wg. dem CSCO-Debakel von Ende 2000?? Da dachte Roger auch schon, es wäre alles gut gelaufen.

      Vermutung: Es gibt einen Beteiligungsinteressenten (LM??) an ADVC, der übernimmt zumindest einen Teil der 100Mio neuen shares zu ca. 1$ ..... Nur, die waren bis zum 11.09 noch nicht bewilligt.

      Der Interessent will mehr für sein Geld sehen, der deal läuft also nur, wenn ADVC mehr vom Kuchen hat.

      RM will nun quasi diese Rechte nicht "verschenken", ADVC soll dafür bezahlen .... nur womit .... mit den neuen shares??

      Diese neuen shares mußten jedoch erst noch bewilligt werden, (geschah auf dem SSM) und deshalb zögert RM endgültig ADVC die gesamten Rechte zu übertragen -> LOI .....

      Die Anzahl wurde jetzt ja erfolgreich erhöht ..... also müßte jetzt alles in trockenen Tüchern sein!

      Der Käufer bekommt einen Teil von ADVC, ADVC hat Geld, kann ACT/AUS bezahlen, die können widerum weiter entwickeln und das LOI müßte gegessen sein.

      Gibt es gedankliche Fehler??

      es grüßt

      schrieb am 15.09.01 15:56:48
      Beitrag Nr. 187 ()
      Sorry Morchel, hätte ja auch gleich mitantworten können, momenant sieht`s noch so aus:

      Es grüßt

      schrieb am 17.09.01 22:39:06
      Beitrag Nr. 188 ()
      Hallo an alle, und schon wieder ich ;)…


      I cannot say at this point, however I would not completely discount the possibility.

      Jason Webster
      Manager-Corporate Communications
      Advanced Communications Technologies (Australia) Pty Ltd

      Reply to Post #103915 on ADVC by dullescookie1

      Previous Message Follows:

      JW: Will RLM or LM take a position on the BOD of ACT-USA or ACT-AUS?

      we will see

      Es grüßt

      schrieb am 18.09.01 16:59:37
      Beitrag Nr. 189 ()
      SpectruCell-SDR Military Applications -Formal Agreement- Lockheed Martin Subsidiary RLM Systems
      LOS ANGELES, Sept. 18 /PRNewswire/ -- Advanced Communications Technologies Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: ADVC - news; ACT-USA) today issued an update regarding potential military applications for its SpectruCell Software Defined Radio (SDR) technology. This follows the group`s completion of a strategic development agreement with RLM Systems Pty Ltd (RLM), a subsidiary joint venture company owned by Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT - news) and Tenix Australia Pty Ltd. The agreement provides for the company to utilize up to 300 of RLM`s high level engineers to accelerate the completion of the SpectruCell SDR multiple protocol wireless base station technology, due for commercial release in early 2002.

      ``The original concept of software radio evolved from the world of military applications``, said Roger May, Chairman of ACT-USA. ``SDR has been utilized extensively by the military for a number of years, albeit in a somewhat less sophisticated functionality than that developed by the ACT engineers. While ACT`s primary focus has been directed towards commercial wireless base station applications, the company has always recognized the enormous potential for the SpectruCell SDR platform in the military environment. ACT has engaged in an extensive evaluation of specific defense related applications and has had several initial discussions with significant global players in the military communications arena, including RLM and Lockheed Martin, TRW, and several other companies. While ACT has not finalized any specific agreements or commitments with any of these companies at this time, clearly ACT has confirmed the enormous potential for the SpectruCell SDR technology in the defense arena, and is confident about the positive outcome of these discussions.``

      About SDR-Military Applications

      The use of SDR in military environments contributes several significant improvements to current tactical communication systems. These include:

      * Flexible software systems that enable infrastructure to be reconfigured
      for different air interface standards, supporting inter-operability
      between military forces.

      * Ability to support existing legacy systems as well as inter-operability
      with civilian systems (GSM, CDMA, UMTS, etc.)

      * Ability to be reconfigured to support maximum information throughput
      for a given scenario for both voice and data and to be able to select
      optimum modulation schemes and manage spectrum more efficiently.

      * Support for the use of innovative management techniques to control
      radio interfaces enabling skillful operators to adjust and optimize
      network operating criteria to suit the environment and application.

      * The ability to use software enhancement through the use of processing
      algorithms such as beam forming in smart antennas.

      * Equipment such as Spectrucell can be used in multiple applications,
      such as base stations, repeaters, point-to-point links, intelligence
      gathering and analysis and tactical support (using high frequency
      wideband impulse signals to determine position of enemy) and
      inter-operability gateways (relays).

      ``Undoubtedly ACT with its proprietary SpectruCell SDR technology is very well positioned to capitalize on the enormous potential of this military communications systems marketplace,`` said May.

      SpectruCell-USA based Technology & IP

      In a recent announcement ACT-USA confirmed that an agreement with its Australian affiliate provided that 100% of the world wide proprietary rights to SpectruCell would be owned by the USA based public company ACT, Inc.
      schrieb am 19.09.01 14:10:53
      Beitrag Nr. 190 ()
      Die 144er sind übrigens seit gestern durch! Was meint ihr wie es weitergeht, bei 0,4 Widerstand??

      Form 144 for ADVANCED+COMMUNICATIONS+TECH filed on Sep 18 2001 5:18PM -- finally showed up on Edgar...

      Ticker Symbol ADVC
      Address 19 HICKSON RD
      Address SYDNEY AU 99999
      Phone 949 622-5566
      Filing Date Sep 18 2001
      Shares to be Sold 200,000
      Value 999,999,999,999.00
      Broker GLMF
      schrieb am 19.09.01 15:42:16
      Beitrag Nr. 191 ()
      Hallo an alle, Hallo SOX.X,

      ohne größere news sehe ich für die nächste Zeit ein Schwanken um diesen Wert, wenn sich LMT bewahrheitet sind wir erstmal fein raus .... we will see

      Es grüßt


      Today’s PR - Transfer of SpectruCell to ADVC (Re-issued*)

      ADVC related investor update as posted on the wire today:


      LOS ANGELES - September 19th, 2001--Advanced Communications Technologies Inc. (ACT-USA) (OTCBB:ADVC) today re-announced that it had finalized a binding Letter of Intent (LOI) to purchase the entire worldwide Intellectual Property (IP) rights to the SpectruCell software defined radio (SDR) multiple protocol wireless base station technology from Australian-based Advanced Communications Technologies (Australia) Pty Ltd (ACT-Australia).

      The transfer of ownership will specifically include all proprietary rights to intellectual property associated with and arising from the final development of the commercial model of the SpectruCell SDR base station currently being built by ACT-Australia in an alliance with the Lockheed Martin subsidiary RLM Systems in Melbourne, Australia. The agreement is specifically designed to make SpectruCell a USA based and owned network technology that should also enhance funding opportunities in the US marketplace.

      "This agreement is a major milestone for ACT-USA that is specifically aimed at bringing substantially increased value to the company and should also provide a significant foundation capable of facilitating increased shareholder value", said Roger May, Chairman of ACT-USA. "Completion of this transaction should also position ACT-USA as a major technology player in the rapidly evolving global marketplace for 3G network infrastructure".

      The basis for the transaction stems from a recently completed independent valuation of the SpectruCell technology by a Big Six accounting firm and provides for ACT-USA to seek a US$80 million capital raising to facilitate full global commercialization of the technology.

      The sale of ownership referred to in the LOI is subject to the execution of a formal agreement between the parties to be completed within the next sixty days. Full details of the final agreement will be made available upon completion.

      "Both the USA and Europe provide many exciting opportunities for the SpectruCell software defined radio wireless base station. With carriers having spent tens of billions of dollars for 3G spectrum, they are now under pressure to provide networks capable of supporting 3G services. SpectruCell solves the key problems facing this market by providing the flexibility to support 3G services on existing network infrastructure and as it is essentially a software radio, it can simultaneously support multiple communications standards (CDMA, GSM, UMTS, etc) on the one network. This enables it to satisfy European regulators and the FCC`s requirements for competition in a network-sharing (virtual networks) environment, where multiple carriers will be able to share one network structure. The initiation of the agreement for ACT-USA to acquire the global rights to SpectruCell means that the substantial global sales potential of this market is now within the grasp of the US based company", said May.

      schrieb am 19.09.01 23:35:48
      Beitrag Nr. 192 ()
      Hallo an alle,

      das soll ein Bild von S/C sein:

      es grüßt

      schrieb am 20.09.01 15:56:12
      Beitrag Nr. 193 ()
      Hallo an alle,

      Today’s PR - Results of Shareholders’ Meeting

      ADVC related investor update as posted on PRNewswire today:


      Affirmative Results at ACT-USA Special Meeting of Shareholders

      LOS ANGELES - September 20, 2001--Advanced Communications Technologies Inc. (ACT-USA) (OTCBB:ADVC) today announced that all three resolutions voted on at the Company`s special meeting of shareholders held on September 11, 2001 were passed with large majorities.

      The resolutions approved were as follows:

      - To increase the Company`s authorized shares of Common Stock from 100,000,000 shares to 200,000,000 shares.

      - To provide for a class of 25,000,000 shares of Preferred Stock, which will have such terms as the Board of Directors, shall determine from time to time.

      - To amend the Company`s Articles of Incorporation to provide for indemnification of the Company`s officers, directors, employees and agents to the full extent permitted by law.

      "The results of the vote clearly demonstrated that the majority of shareholders support management`s plans for expansion and development of the company", said Roger May, Chairman of ACT-USA. "We welcome this support and look forward to now being able to bring increased value and strong returns to shareholders".

      In addition to its capital restructure, the company has recently finalized a binding Letter of Intent (LOI) to purchase the entire worldwide Intellectual Property (IP) rights to the SpectruCell software defined radio (SDR) multiple protocol wireless base station technology from Australian-based Advanced Communications Technologies (Australia) Pty Ltd (ACT-Australia).

      The transfer of ownership will specifically include all proprietary rights to intellectual property associated with and arising from the final development of the commercial model of the SpectruCell SDR base station currently being built by ACT-Australia in an alliance with the Lockheed Martin subsidiary RLM Systems in Melbourne, Australia. The agreement is designed to make SpectruCell a USA based and wholly owned network technology. This action should also enhance funding opportunities in the US marketplace.

      "This initiative will provide a powerful catalyst for the company`s growth. SpectruCell`s software defined flexibility is already attracting substantial interest from mobile wireless carriers in both the United States and Europe and I returned to the United States to document and finalize field trial agreements and new strategic alliances initially agreed to with these carriers by our Australian operations. Securing field trials with major carriers will definitively prove the viability and flexibility of our SpectruCell technology. It will also significantly improve our ability to execute a merger with a NASDAQ listed partner and achieve our long stated goal of moving from the OTC Bulletin Board. Once we can finally achieve the move from the OTC BB, this will enable ACT to access an entirely new level of investor and allow us to appropriately leverage the exceptional development progress we have made during the last six months", said May.



      Es grüßt

      schrieb am 24.09.01 15:38:13
      Beitrag Nr. 194 ()
      Und hier die neuesten Infos und PR:

      Protokoll des shareholder meeting:

      und die neue PR von heute:

      Also ADVC meint sie könnten QCOM retten, aber die wären zu arrogant um es zu begreifen.....

      Gruß ROLF_

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      ADVC - UMTS einfach durch Software Upgrade II