Grieg Seafood - noch eine norwegische Lachsaktie - 500 Beiträge pro Seite
eröffnet am 11.08.10 11:46:07 von
neuester Beitrag 14.04.21 15:02:11 von
neuester Beitrag 14.04.21 15:02:11 von
Beiträge: 25
ID: 1.159.285
ID: 1.159.285
Aufrufe heute: 0
Gesamt: 6.403
Gesamt: 6.403
Aktive User: 0
ISIN: NO0010365521 · WKN: A0MUHR · Symbol: GR8
+0,29 %
+0,0140 EUR
Letzter Kurs 16:07:51 Tradegate
Titel |
09.09.24 · globenewswire |
21.08.24 · globenewswire |
14.08.24 · globenewswire |
05.07.24 · globenewswire |
20.06.24 · globenewswire |
Werte aus der Branche Nahrungsmittel
Wertpapier | Kurs | Perf. % |
10,520 | +23,76 | |
1,0000 | +20,48 | |
46,82 | +19,99 | |
23,645 | +19,50 | |
13,100 | +19,09 |
Wertpapier | Kurs | Perf. % |
1,9700 | -18,60 | |
4,0500 | -19,96 | |
1,8025 | -27,61 | |
5,0000 | -29,58 | |
0,5472 | -68,37 |
wäre bei Q1 x 4 mit KGV unter 2 bewertet...
es gibt allerdings noch eine stark verwässernde Wandelanleihe, mit der sie sich wohl letztes Jahr haben retten lassen.
es gibt allerdings noch eine stark verwässernde Wandelanleihe, mit der sie sich wohl letztes Jahr haben retten lassen.
ich bin auch seid diesem Jahr in diese Aktie investiert. Ich hoffe, das sie mal genauso bekannt wird wie Marine Harvest.
Tschau igespenst
ich bin auch seid diesem Jahr in diese Aktie investiert. Ich hoffe, das sie mal genauso bekannt wird wie Marine Harvest.
Tschau igespenst
Ich lass mein Lachs lieber raushängen.Vielleicht beisst ja eine an.
Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.966.999 von VanGillen am 11.08.10 15:53:24Schön für Dich! Aber im Gegensatz zu Deinem Lachs, kann so ein Lachschart immer und immer höher steigen! Und der hier macht das ja offenbar seit anderthalb Jahren schon mal gar nicht schlecht!
HJ-Zahlen kamen gestern; pro Aktie ein Gewinn von 45c in 6 Monaten...
es scheint Bewegung in die Aktie zu kommen.
This information is subject of the disclosure
requirements acc. to §5-12 vphl (Norwegian Securities
Trading Act)
Oslo 14.09.2010
Grieg Holdings AS org. nr. 935133548 has today
acquired 3,000,000 Grieg Seafood ASA shares at Nok
18,25 per share.
Per Grieg is chairman of the board in Grieg Holdings
AS and chairman of the board in Grieg Seafood.
After this acquisition Grieg Holdings AS owns
51,608,010 in Grieg Seafood ASA. Including related
parties Grieg Holdings owns 55,317,467
shares in Grieg Seafood ASA.
Grieg Holdings AS has furthermore been granted an
option to acquire 2,000,000 shares in Grieg Seafood
The option period is until September 27th 2010. The
strike price for the option is between NOK 18,75 and
Tschau igespenst
es scheint Bewegung in die Aktie zu kommen.
This information is subject of the disclosure
requirements acc. to §5-12 vphl (Norwegian Securities
Trading Act)
Oslo 14.09.2010
Grieg Holdings AS org. nr. 935133548 has today
acquired 3,000,000 Grieg Seafood ASA shares at Nok
18,25 per share.
Per Grieg is chairman of the board in Grieg Holdings
AS and chairman of the board in Grieg Seafood.
After this acquisition Grieg Holdings AS owns
51,608,010 in Grieg Seafood ASA. Including related
parties Grieg Holdings owns 55,317,467
shares in Grieg Seafood ASA.
Grieg Holdings AS has furthermore been granted an
option to acquire 2,000,000 shares in Grieg Seafood
The option period is until September 27th 2010. The
strike price for the option is between NOK 18,75 and
Tschau igespenst
Fourth Quarter 2010 & Preliminary Results for 2010
Highlights Fourth Quarter 2010
Best ever quarterly results for Grieg Seafood.
EBIT before fair value adjustments of biomass increased from NOK 62.9m in 2009 to
NOK 246.9m in 2010, including a positive one-off items of NOK 72.4m.
A continued strong market combined with low supply-side growth resulted in record-high prices in
the last part of the quarter.
New sales company in Norway, Ocean Quality AS, started operation in Q4 2010.
Good and stable biological development in all regions. Production as planned despite somewhat
lower seawater temperatures.
Acquisition of the remaining 51.3% of Erfjord Stamfisk AS in January 2011.
Proposed dividend of NOK 1.35 per share.
Highlights - 2010
Strongly improved profits.
EBIT before fair value adjustments of biomass increased from NOK 153.9m in 2009 to
NOK 639.8m in 2010, including a positive one-off item of NOK 72.4m.
Good global demand combined with reduced supply led to record-high salmon prices throughout
Volume growth of 31.7% from 2009 to 2010.
An overall improvement in biological production.
Planned investment of NOK 200m in smolt production as part of Grieg Seafood s operational
improvement programme.
Establishment of a new sales company in Norway, Ocean Quality AS, in cooperation with
Bremnes Seashore AS.
Acquisitions in Scotland corresponding to annual production of 3 000 tons at a cost of
NOK 39.5m.
Solidity greatly improved. Equity ratio up from 38.5% to 48.9% and financial gearing reduced to
The fourth quarter was another record-strong quarter in the salmon market. Continued good demand
combined with stable volume development on the supply side resulted in record-high prices, especially
in the last part of the period. Prices in the American market which were relatively low in the third quarter
also showed an improvement towards the end of the year.
Highlights Fourth Quarter 2010
Best ever quarterly results for Grieg Seafood.
EBIT before fair value adjustments of biomass increased from NOK 62.9m in 2009 to
NOK 246.9m in 2010, including a positive one-off items of NOK 72.4m.
A continued strong market combined with low supply-side growth resulted in record-high prices in
the last part of the quarter.
New sales company in Norway, Ocean Quality AS, started operation in Q4 2010.
Good and stable biological development in all regions. Production as planned despite somewhat
lower seawater temperatures.
Acquisition of the remaining 51.3% of Erfjord Stamfisk AS in January 2011.
Proposed dividend of NOK 1.35 per share.
Highlights - 2010
Strongly improved profits.
EBIT before fair value adjustments of biomass increased from NOK 153.9m in 2009 to
NOK 639.8m in 2010, including a positive one-off item of NOK 72.4m.
Good global demand combined with reduced supply led to record-high salmon prices throughout
Volume growth of 31.7% from 2009 to 2010.
An overall improvement in biological production.
Planned investment of NOK 200m in smolt production as part of Grieg Seafood s operational
improvement programme.
Establishment of a new sales company in Norway, Ocean Quality AS, in cooperation with
Bremnes Seashore AS.
Acquisitions in Scotland corresponding to annual production of 3 000 tons at a cost of
NOK 39.5m.
Solidity greatly improved. Equity ratio up from 38.5% to 48.9% and financial gearing reduced to
The fourth quarter was another record-strong quarter in the salmon market. Continued good demand
combined with stable volume development on the supply side resulted in record-high prices, especially
in the last part of the period. Prices in the American market which were relatively low in the third quarter
also showed an improvement towards the end of the year.
Highlights – Fourth Quarter 2011
Continued high supply growth reduced salmon prices in all markets in Q4 2011.
EBIT before fair value adjustment of biomass was NOK -38.2m in 2011, including one-off items
and write-downs in Finnmark and BC with in total NOK 33.2m in the quarter.
Reduced cost of fish harvested in several regions, compared with Q3 2011.
Good sales performance and earnings from the Norwegian sales company Ocean Quality in a
demanding market.
New funding of minimum NOK 400m being established. Final approval pending in one of the
syndicate banks.
Higher than normal seawater temperatures, combined with good biological development resulted
in somewhat better seawater production than expected.
Highlights - Year 2011
A strong market characterised by reduced supply in the first half-year was replaced by strong
supply growth and low prices in the second half-year.
Acquisition of the remaining 51.3% of Erfjord Stamfisk AS and two licences in Shetland in the first
half of 2011.
EBIT before fair value adjustment of biomass was NOK 205.6m in 2011, a reduction from
NOK 639.8m in 2010. 2010 included positive one-off items of NOK 72.4m.
Good biological development and seawater production in Norway and Canada.
Significantly improved sales performance in Norway in the second half of 2011 after establishment
of the new Norwegian sales company Ocean Quality.
Significant investment programme in a.o. smolt production to reduce future production costs.
The record-high supply growth continued into the fourth quarter of the year, further strengthened by
good production conditions and high seawater temperatures. The lower salmon prices have started to
be reflected in prices to the consumers, which contributed to good growth in demand in most markets,
although the price reduction has still not been fully reflected in the end-user market.
The biological situation and the seawater production were good in all regions in the fourth quarter. Both
of the Norwegian regions, as well as Canada, showed a clear improvement in seawater production in
2011, while Shetland was affected by a weak generation that was harvested in the first half-year, in
addition to predator challenges which impacted negatively on seawater production.
The Q4 results in Finnmark were charged with one-off costs of NOK 19.0m related to write-downs of
biomass in two locations which had previously been affected by biological challenges, as well as writedowns of NOK 14.1m in BC related to an outbreak of furunculosis in the hatchery in Canada,
reorganization of brood stock production and a write-down on frozen fish inventory.
In all regions, the cost of fish harvested in the fourth quarter was lower than in the preceding quarter.
In the fourth quarter, Group EBIT before fair value adjustment of biomass fell from NOK 246.9m in 2010
to NOK -38.2m in 2011. The 2010 result included a positive one-off effect of NOK 72m related to
reversal of previous write-down of goodwill in Finnmark.
The Q4 2011 result includes write-downs and one-off items of in total NOK 33.2m. The corresponding figure for the year as a whole, was NOK 205.6m in 2011, against NOK 639.8m in 2010. The decline in EBIT was due to the sharp drop in prices in the second half of 2011.
The cash flow from operations in the fourth quarter was NOK -139.6m, and NOK 215.4m for the year as
a whole. The equity ratio stood at 40.5% at year-end, while net interest-bearing debt stood at
NOK 1 443.7m.
Two acquisitions were carried out in Scotland in 2011 for a total of NOK 39.5m which will increase the
annual harvested volume by 3 000 tons. In addition, the remaining 51.3% of Erfjord Stamfisk AS in
Norway was purchased at the start of 2011.
Continued high supply growth reduced salmon prices in all markets in Q4 2011.
EBIT before fair value adjustment of biomass was NOK -38.2m in 2011, including one-off items
and write-downs in Finnmark and BC with in total NOK 33.2m in the quarter.
Reduced cost of fish harvested in several regions, compared with Q3 2011.
Good sales performance and earnings from the Norwegian sales company Ocean Quality in a
demanding market.
New funding of minimum NOK 400m being established. Final approval pending in one of the
syndicate banks.
Higher than normal seawater temperatures, combined with good biological development resulted
in somewhat better seawater production than expected.
Highlights - Year 2011
A strong market characterised by reduced supply in the first half-year was replaced by strong
supply growth and low prices in the second half-year.
Acquisition of the remaining 51.3% of Erfjord Stamfisk AS and two licences in Shetland in the first
half of 2011.
EBIT before fair value adjustment of biomass was NOK 205.6m in 2011, a reduction from
NOK 639.8m in 2010. 2010 included positive one-off items of NOK 72.4m.
Good biological development and seawater production in Norway and Canada.
Significantly improved sales performance in Norway in the second half of 2011 after establishment
of the new Norwegian sales company Ocean Quality.
Significant investment programme in a.o. smolt production to reduce future production costs.
The record-high supply growth continued into the fourth quarter of the year, further strengthened by
good production conditions and high seawater temperatures. The lower salmon prices have started to
be reflected in prices to the consumers, which contributed to good growth in demand in most markets,
although the price reduction has still not been fully reflected in the end-user market.
The biological situation and the seawater production were good in all regions in the fourth quarter. Both
of the Norwegian regions, as well as Canada, showed a clear improvement in seawater production in
2011, while Shetland was affected by a weak generation that was harvested in the first half-year, in
addition to predator challenges which impacted negatively on seawater production.
The Q4 results in Finnmark were charged with one-off costs of NOK 19.0m related to write-downs of
biomass in two locations which had previously been affected by biological challenges, as well as writedowns of NOK 14.1m in BC related to an outbreak of furunculosis in the hatchery in Canada,
reorganization of brood stock production and a write-down on frozen fish inventory.
In all regions, the cost of fish harvested in the fourth quarter was lower than in the preceding quarter.
In the fourth quarter, Group EBIT before fair value adjustment of biomass fell from NOK 246.9m in 2010
to NOK -38.2m in 2011. The 2010 result included a positive one-off effect of NOK 72m related to
reversal of previous write-down of goodwill in Finnmark.
The Q4 2011 result includes write-downs and one-off items of in total NOK 33.2m. The corresponding figure for the year as a whole, was NOK 205.6m in 2011, against NOK 639.8m in 2010. The decline in EBIT was due to the sharp drop in prices in the second half of 2011.
The cash flow from operations in the fourth quarter was NOK -139.6m, and NOK 215.4m for the year as
a whole. The equity ratio stood at 40.5% at year-end, while net interest-bearing debt stood at
NOK 1 443.7m.
Two acquisitions were carried out in Scotland in 2011 for a total of NOK 39.5m which will increase the
annual harvested volume by 3 000 tons. In addition, the remaining 51.3% of Erfjord Stamfisk AS in
Norway was purchased at the start of 2011.
mit rund 50% Verlust glattgestellt
Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.432.240 von R-BgO am 27.07.12 18:07:38
hätte ich mal besser
behalten sollen...
Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 51.538.011 von R-BgO am 20.01.16 13:49:20auch in '16 Rekordergebnis
Hallo hier mal so die neusten Zahlen ziehmlich ruhig geworden hier im Forum…
Am 8.06 gabs die letzte Dividende…
Hier nochmal was aus dem 1 Quartal……
Am 8.06 gabs die letzte Dividende…
Hier nochmal was aus dem 1 Quartal…
heutige Jahreszahlen kamen mit +9% gut an;
das hier aus der Präsentation finde ich ganz interessant:
Werbung der DB für ihren Fisch-Index Fonds.
Stimmungsbild einer "Ausgewanderten"
und einige Trends/Fakten und Diagramme zur Fischzucht.
Grieg wird namentlch genannt.
Stimmungsbild einer "Ausgewanderten"
und einige Trends/Fakten und Diagramme zur Fischzucht.
Grieg wird namentlch genannt.
Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 60.124.374 von Solvis am 17.03.19 18:11:12Hallo mal so ein Tipp diese Woche im "Der Aktionär großer Bericht" über die Firma und hier nochmal ein anderer Link
Wer hat schonmal Dividende erhalten von der Firma und weiss wie das läuft?…
Wer hat schonmal Dividende erhalten von der Firma und weiss wie das läuft?…
Nachstehend ein weiterer Artikel, der über die Chancen von Grieg Seafood berichtet.…
Die Aktie hat im April schön im Kurs nachgegeben, so dass man definitiv von einer fairen Bewertung sprechen kann. Ab 10.25€ würde ich eine erste Position aufbauen. Anschliessend würde ich bei 9.25 nochmal nachlegen.…
Die Aktie hat im April schön im Kurs nachgegeben, so dass man definitiv von einer fairen Bewertung sprechen kann. Ab 10.25€ würde ich eine erste Position aufbauen. Anschliessend würde ich bei 9.25 nochmal nachlegen.
Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 60.471.725 von CasiMC am 02.05.19 14:26:15Schöne Performance in den letzten Wochen. Nachstehend noch ein Artikel. Der Trend is your friend...……
DIe sinkenden Lachspreise spiegeln sich sehr schön im Chart wieder. Ich hoffe, das ändert sich in Richtung Winter wieder. Dann könnte man auf Besserung hoffen.
Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 61.509.317 von AlbertGrabowski am 18.09.19 10:59:43Ich bin bei 13,00 drin. Bleibe aber optimistisch
Ein guter Quartalsbericht:
- Erntemenge von 21 000 Tonnen (16 900 Tonnen)
- EBIT / kg NOK 7,32, minus 22% gegenüber dem dritten Quartal 2018
- Ergebnis durch niedrigere Spotmarktpreise belastet
- Starke biologische Leistung in Norwegen und biologische Verbesserungen in British Columbia
- Eine verbesserte biologische Situation auf den Shetlandinseln führte zu geringeren Kosten
- Voraussichtliches Erntevolumen von 82 000 Tonnen im Jahr 2019, 10% Wachstum ab 2018
- 2020 bleibt eine Ernteleitung von 100 000 Tonnen
- Einführung der GSF 2025-Strategie mit dem Ziel einer Kostenführerschaft und eines Erntevolumens von über 150 000 Tonnen
- Dividende von 2,00 NOK je Aktie
Gesamter Bericht:
Folglich ist die Wachstumsstory intakt.
- Erntemenge von 21 000 Tonnen (16 900 Tonnen)
- EBIT / kg NOK 7,32, minus 22% gegenüber dem dritten Quartal 2018
- Ergebnis durch niedrigere Spotmarktpreise belastet
- Starke biologische Leistung in Norwegen und biologische Verbesserungen in British Columbia
- Eine verbesserte biologische Situation auf den Shetlandinseln führte zu geringeren Kosten
- Voraussichtliches Erntevolumen von 82 000 Tonnen im Jahr 2019, 10% Wachstum ab 2018
- 2020 bleibt eine Ernteleitung von 100 000 Tonnen
- Einführung der GSF 2025-Strategie mit dem Ziel einer Kostenführerschaft und eines Erntevolumens von über 150 000 Tonnen
- Dividende von 2,00 NOK je Aktie
Gesamter Bericht:
Folglich ist die Wachstumsstory intakt.
Holla die Waldfee... 😁
Bericht im Aktionär 25/2020
Kursziel bei 16 Euro.
Stopp 8,10 Euro.
Fazit, die Nachfrage nach Lachs wird weiter wachsen.
Ich habe eine erste Position aufgebaut.
Kursziel bei 16 Euro.
Stopp 8,10 Euro.
Fazit, die Nachfrage nach Lachs wird weiter wachsen.
Ich habe eine erste Position aufgebaut.
Kapitalerhöhung 2021 ?
Eben raus:Carnegie mener Grieg Seafood er «tom for kontanter og alternativer» i andre halvår av 2021 og anslår en kapitalinnhenting på 1-2 milliarder kroner.
Quelle: intrafish
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+0,04 | |
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+1,60 | |
-0,80 | |
+4,51 |
Wertpapier | Beiträge | |
201 | ||
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