
    B2Gold: Der Top-Performer im Goldsektor, WKN A0M889 - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 03.07.16 13:29:15 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 03.07.16 13:29:15
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Neues Forum zur B2Gold-Aktie, da ich das frühere Forum mit alten Bezeichnung "5BG" für ungeeignet halte, die Aktie bei Suchanfragen immer direkt zu finden und richtig zuzuordnen.

      Im alten Forum habe ich viele Posts veröffentlicht und daher finde ich, daß die Aktie ein Forum mit der aktuell korrekten Firmenbezeichnung verdient.

      Ich hoffe, daß viele Mitstreiter aus dem alten qualitativ hochwertigen Forum sowie neue Interessenten ihre Posts jetzt hier veröffentlichen.

      Zum Start und Reinkommen einige wesentliche Vorabinfos zu B2Gold basierend auf Posts des vorherigen Forums:

      cervical schrieb am 16.03.16 14:55:00
      Beitrag Nr. 247 (51.993.029)
      Fekola-Projekt durchfinanziert
      B2Gold – Aktie nach 200 Mio. USD-Finanzierung im Aufwind

      Um fast 9% schossen die Aktien der kanadischen B2Gold (WKN A0M889 / TSX BTO) nach oben, nachdem das Unternehmen zwei Deals mit einem Volumen von insgesamt mehr als 200 Mio. Dollar meldete. Damit hat B2Gold sein Goldprojekt Fekola bis zur Produktion durchfinanziert.

      Zum einen gab das Unternehmen einen Vorwärtsverkauf im Umfang von 120 Mio. USD mit den Banken, die B2Gold bereits unterstützen, bekannt. Dafür soll das Unternehmen 2017 und 2018 rund 86.200 Unzen Gold an das Konsortium liefern, die einen Gegenwert von rund 100 Mio. USD haben. Das stellt ungefähr 7% bzw. 5% der für 2017 bzw. 2018 vorhergesagten Produktion dar.

      Die Zahl der zu liefernden Unzen beruhe dabei auf einem Goldpreis von 1.248 USD pro Unze, erklärte B2Gold. Man gehe davon aus, für die restlichen 20 Mio. USD eine weitere Vorwärtsverkaufsvereinbarung abzuschließen, hieß es weiter.

      B2Gold erklärte zudem, dass man eine Vereinbarung mit Caterpillar im Wert von 81 Mio. USD über die Finanzierung der Fahrzeugflotte und anderen Equipments für Fekola, das Projekt gehört dem Unternehmen zu 90%, unterzeichnet habe. Diese Summe wird B2Gold für fünf Jahre zur Verfügung stehen und ist in 20 gleichen Quartalsraten zurückzuzahlen. Gleichzeitig erhöhte B2Gold seine Equipmentfinanzierung mit Caterpillar in Bezug auf die Goldmine Otjikoto in Namibia um 4,5 auf 45,4 Mio. USD.

      B2Gold hatte das Fekola-Projekt, das in Mali an der Grenze zum Senegal liegt, als Teil der 570 Mio. Dollar schweren Übernahme von Papillon Resources 2014 erworben. Die Lagerstätte weist 3,72 Mio. Unzen Gold bei durchschnittlich 2,35 Gramm Gold pro Tonne auf.

      Seit 2009 hat B2Gold Akquisitionen im Wert von 1,9 Mrd. Dollar getätigt. Das Unternehmen rechnet für 2016 mit einer Goldproduktion von 510.000 bis 550.000 Unzen. Diese soll 2018 dann 800.000 bis 850.000 Unzen betragen, wenn auch die Minen in Namibia, auf den Philippinen und in Nicaragua in Betrieb sind.…

      cervical schrieb am 22.03.16 15:31:22
      Beitrag Nr. 254 (52.035.437)
      Dieses Quartal geht in die Geschichtsbücher ein

      Lieber Leser,
      das kanadische Goldbergbau-Unternehmen B2Gold erlebte einen wahrhaften güldenen Spätherbst. Denn das Ergebnis für das Schlussquartal 2015 brach eine Vielzahl an Rekordmarken.

      Der erste Rekord betraf die Fördermenge. B2Gold konnte insgesamt 131.469 Unzen Gold zutage fördern. Damit übertraf man das Ergebnis aus dem Vergleichszeitraum des Vorjahrs um 18 %. Während dieser Zeit konnte das Unternehmen 127.482 Unzen Gold verkaufen und erlöste bei einem Durchschnittspreis von 1.090 Dollar insgesamt 139 Mio. Dollar.

      Förderkosten sind der Knüller

      Was aus meiner Sicht aber ein wirklicher Knüller ist, sind die Förderkosten, zu denen B2Gold operiert. So betrugen die operativen Betriebskosten lediglich 527 Dollar je Unze. Damit lag das Unternehmen 119 Dollar oder 18 % unter den Vorjahreskosten. Auch die Gesamtbetriebskosten verharrten bei branchenweit niedrigen 807 Dollar. Im Vorjahr zahlte man noch 139 Dollar mehr, was auf eine Kostenersparnis von 15 % hinauslief.

      Selbst bei niedrigem Goldpreis noch Rendite

      In der Praxis bedeutet dies, dass B2Gold auch bei einem niedrigen Goldpreis von 1.000 Dollar je Feinunze noch mit Gewinn wirtschaftet. Vor dieser Aufgabe musste die Konkurrenz in der Vergangenheit oft genug kapitulieren. Bei dem jetzt steigenden Goldpreis ist die Marge natürlich nochmals ungleich größer.

      Reichlich Cashflow für Investitionen

      Diese positive Entwicklung schlägt sich auch im Cashflow nieder. Der Barmittelzufluss wuchs um 7,4 Mio. Dollar (18 %) an und liegt nun bei 48,5 Mio. Dollar, was einer Quote von 5 Cent je Aktie entspricht. Mit diesem Kapital lässt sich nun kräftig investieren. So konnte B2Gold zu Jahresende zwei wichtige Kredite finanzieren, die zur vollständigen Übernahme der Fekola Mine in Mali dienen sollen.…

      iwanowski schrieb am 07.04.16 09:51:50
      Beitrag Nr. 264 (52.136.127)
      "...Fünf Goldaktien, die direkt am Goldpreis hängen

      RBC-Nordamerika-Goldaktien-Favorit bei einem Goldpreisanstieg auf 1.300 Dollar, Nummer zwei: B2Gold Corp. (WKN: A0M889, 2,12 Kanada-Dollar, 1,42 Euro)

      Nach zunächst starken Einbußen zum Jahresauftakt dürften sich die Aktionäre von B2Gold mittlerweile über eine bisher starke Performance-Bilanz in diesem Jahr freuen. Gemessen an dem am 25. Januar bei 0,90 Kanada-Dollar markierten Zwischentief hat der Aktienkurs des zu den Tier II-Produzenten zählenden Unternehmens seitdem um 135,6 Prozent zugelegt.

      Das Ende der Fahnenstange muss damit aber noch nicht erreicht sein. Selbst beim Basisszenario der RBC, das von einem langfristigen Goldpreis von 1.250 Dollar ausgeht, veranschlagen die Analysten das Kursziel auf 2,50 Kanada-Dollar. Der Berechnung bei einem Goldpreis von 1.300 Dollar zufolge, wären bei dieser Konstellation sogar 3,00 Dollar drin - ein potenzieller Anstieg von rund 65 Prozent. Wobei selbst das noch klar unter dem im April 2012 bei 4,50 Kanada-Dollar aufgestellten Rekordhoch liegen würde.

      Zur Begründung für die zuversichtliche Beurteilung der Aktie verweist RBC auf die Aussicht auf eine steigende Produktion, sinkende Kosten und dem Schub, der davon ausgehen wird, wenn 2018 die Fekola-Mine in Mali voll in Betrieb gehen dürfte. Für die ersten fünf Jahre wird die Produktion dort auf 350.000 Unten Gold zu Kosten von 525 Dollar je Feinunze geschätzt. Die Goldproduktion insgesamt würde sich dadurch dann im Jahr 2018 auf 860.000 Unten erhöhen.

      Durch jüngst vollzogene Kapitalmaßnahmen sei der Ausbau dieser Abbaustätte sichergestellt und dadurch sei viel Unsicherheit vom Aktienkurs genommen worden. Im Vergleich mit ähnlich großen Konkurrenten sei der Titel nach wie vor mit einem Bewertungsabschlag ausgestattet. Durch Aktivitäten in Namibia, den Philippinen, Nicaragua und Mali ist aber ein erhöhtes Länderrisiko bei dieser Gesellschaft zu beachten.

      Was die Unternehmensentwicklung angeht, hat B2Gold für das vierte Quartal 2015 eine rekordhohe Produktion von 131.469 Unzen gemeldet. Die Einnahmen aus dem Goldverkauf wurden auf 139 Million Dollar beziffert bei Verkaufspreisen von im Schnitt 1.090 Dollar pro Unze. Die konsolidierten operativen Kosten wurden auf 527 Dollar je Unzen beziffert, was verglichen mit dem vierten Quartal 2015 18 Prozent weniger waren. Die gesamten Produktionskosten beliefen sich auf 807 Dollar, eine Reduktion von 15 Prozent. Für 2016 werden die Gesamtproduktionskosten bei 895-925 Dollar je Unze gesehen und die Produktion zwischen 510.000 und 550.000 Unzen..."
      aus Börse-Online, April 2016

      edorado schrieb am 28.04.16 09:00:23
      Beitrag Nr. 272 (52.295.170)
      Q1-Meldung Frisch von Reuters:

      Markets | Thu Apr 28, 2016 2:15am EDT
      Related: Stocks, Markets
      BRIEF-B2gold Qtrly gold revenue of $144.3 million

      B2gold Corp

      * B2gold corp. Reports quarterly gold production for first quarter 2016

      * Qtrly consolidated gold production of 127,844 ounces; 10% greater than in same period in 2015

      * Qtrly gold sales of 120,899 ounces

      * Qtrly gold revenue of $144.3 million

      * Says on track to meet 2016 consolidated gold production guidance of between 510,000 to 550,000 ounces

      * Says masbate mine gold production exceeded budget by 16%

      edorado schrieb am 30.04.16 12:35:08
      Beitrag Nr. 274 (52.315.825)

      Hohes Kursplus. B2Gold wird seine Ergebnisse auf Veranstaltungen für Analysten & Fondsmanager präsentieren. Das sollte die Aktienkursentwicklung weiter positiv antreiben, denn die Quartalsergebnisse vom Donnerstag waren sehr gut. Zudem steigt der Goldpreis, woraus wiederum Ergebnissprünge bei Unternehmen und Aktienbewertung zu erwarten sind.

      Anbei angekündigte Teilnahmen von B2Gold an Konferenzen von Banken für Fondsmanager und Institutionelle Investoren:

      Bank of America Merrill Lynch 2016 Global Metals, Mining & Steel Conference - Miami
      Tuesday, May 10 - Thursday, May 12
      Fontainebleau Miami Beach, Miami Beach, Florida

      Q1 2016 Results Conference Call – Vancouver
      Thursday, May 12, 2016 10:00 AM PST
      Webcast and Conference Call Dial-In Details to follow

      AGM - Vancouver
      Friday, June 10, 2016 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
      Spanish Ballroom
      Rosewood Hotel Georgia, 801 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC

      RBC Capital Markets Global Mining & Materials Conference - Boston
      Tuesday, June 14 - Wednesday, June 15
      Boston Harbor Hotel, Boston, MA

      edorado schrieb am 18.05.16 10:30:40
      Beitrag Nr. 280 (52.428.552)
      Es hagelt Kaufempfehlungen. Gewinnschätzungen wurden noch mal erhöht. Aktuell dieses Quartal $0.01 (FY2016 earnings at $0.06 EPS), in FY 2018 dann $0.23 pro Jahr!!!!!
      Dundee Securities Comments on B2Gold Corp.’s Q2 2016 Earnings (BTO)
      Posted on May 18, 2016 by Matt Cooper in Analyst Articles - Estimates, Investing

      B2Gold Corp. logoB2Gold Corp. (TSE:BTO) – Stock analysts at Dundee Securities issued their Q2 2016 earnings per share (EPS) estimates for shares of B2Gold Corp. in a research report issued on Thursday, Zacks Investment Research reports. Dundee Securities analyst R. Stewart expects that the firm will earn $0.01 per share for the quarter. Dundee Securities currently has a “Buy” rating and a $2.50 target price on the stock. Dundee Securities also issued estimates for B2Gold Corp.’s FY2016 earnings at $0.06 EPS, FY2017 earnings at $0.12 EPS and FY2018 earnings at $0.23 EPS.

      Several other research firms have also recently weighed in on BTO. Canaccord Genuity upped their price target on shares of B2Gold Corp. from C$2.75 to C$3.50 in a report on Tuesday, May 3rd.
      National Bank Financial upped their price target on shares of B2Gold Corp. from C$2.75 to C$3.05 and gave the company an “outperform” rating in a report on Thursday, May 12th.
      CIBC upped their price target on shares of B2Gold Corp. from C$3.25 to C$3.50 in a report on Friday, May 13th.
      RBC Capital upped their price target on shares of B2Gold Corp. from C$3.00 to C$3.50 and gave the company an “outperform” rating in a report on Friday, May 13th. Finally,

      One equities research analyst has rated the stock with a hold rating, ten have assigned a buy rating and one has issued a strong buy rating to the stock.

      edorado schrieb am 29.06.16 16:14:49
      Beitrag Nr. 287 (52.723.498)
      Positive Ergebnisse bei Probebohrungen in B2Gold-Explorationslagerstätten!!!

      29.06.2016 | 09:34
      Marketwired·Mehr Nachrichten von Marketwired
      B2Gold 2016 Exploration Update: West Africa / Positive Drill Results for B2Gold's Fekola and Kiaka Projects

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwired) -- 06/29/16 -- B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO)(NYSE MKT: BTG)(NAMIBIAN: B2G) ("B2Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to announce an exploration update for its Fekola and Kiaka projects in West Africa (Mali and Burkina Faso, respectively). All dollar figures are in United States dollars unless otherwise indicated.

      Highlights of the new drill results include 15.50 metres at 8.49 g/t (grams per tonne) gold from a diamond drill hole north of the Fekola deposit; 26 metres at 5.44 g/t gold from reverse circulation drilling in a new zone of saprolite-hosted gold mineralization in the Fekola area; and 16 metres at 4.16 g/t gold, including 6 metres at 9.90 g/t gold, intersected in a new target area during the reconnaissance aircore drilling program in the Kiaka area.

      The significance of the highlighted (outlined below) and previous positive drill results (released in January this year) at the Fekola project is that they demonstrate the potential for the area to host additional zones of open-pittable gold mineralization similar to the Fekola deposit, as well as significant zones of saprolite-hosted gold mineralization. In addition, deeper drilling below the Fekola deposit returned positive results that indicate the potential for underground mining in the future. Based on the exploration potential and success to date, the Company is constructing the Fekola mine with a +25% design factor. This means that the throughput of ore at Fekola could reach up to 5 million tonnes per year in the initial years of production, beyond the optimized feasibility study's(1) estimated throughput of 4 million tonnes per year. This increase may only require approximately $15 million to $20 million of additional capital expenditure and could potentially increase annual production by up to 20% (subject to final mine planning), surpassing initial projections of approximately 350,000 ounces of gold per year.

      To date at the Kiaka project, the positive exploration drill results at the new Toega prospects near the Kiaka deposit indicate the presence of new, potentially higher-grade gold zones. Preliminary internal studies indicate that combining the potential higher-grade ore from the Toega zones with ore from the lower-grade Kiaka deposit could have a very positive effect on the economics of the project. An aggressive 2016 exploration drilling program is intended to further explore and conduct infill drilling at the new, higher-grade gold zones along with metallurgical testing and base line permitting work. The Company's objective is to release an initial resource estimate on the main Toega prospect by the end of 2016.

      Based on the positive drill results to date, the exploration budget for West Africa has been increased by $5.5 million, from $9.8 to approximately $15 million. The 2016 exploration budget at the Fekola and Kiaka projects is now $11.4 million and $3.6 million, respectively. B2Gold's total global exploration budget for 2016 is now $35.4 million.

      Exploration Results:
      ... (siehe Unternehmensmeldung, mehrere Seiten Report...)
      schrieb am 03.07.16 13:44:05
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Habe die WKN einpflegen lassen.
      schrieb am 03.07.16 14:31:26
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      B2Gold Corp. (BTO) Price Target Raised to C$3.75 at Raymond James
      Posted on June 28, 2016 by Robert Jamerson in Analyst Articles - CA, Investing

      B2Gold Corp. logoB2Gold Corp. (TSE:BTO) had its price target lifted by Raymond James from C$2.75 to C$3.75 in a research report sent to investors on Monday morning. :eek::eek::eek:
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 03.07.16 17:11:09
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 52.752.982 von edorado am 03.07.16 14:31:26Sind die wirklich nicht überbewertet? Wie sind die diversen Ratios (KGV, KCV, KBV, EV/Reserven etc.)?
      schrieb am 05.07.16 12:57:10
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Aus meiner Sicht unterbewertet, da das Unternehmen ein Wachstumsprogramm (Minenausbau und neue Minen) gestartet hat und bis 2018 eine Produktionserhöhung von 494.000 Unzen (2015) auf 850.000 Unzen (2018) erreichen will. Für 2016 ca. 550.000 Unzen.

      Gleichzeitig Kostensenkungsprogramm in schon produzierenden Minen.
      Zudem gleichzeitig steigender Goldpreis, womit die Umsätze in der GuV-Rechnung und der Cash Flow stark ansteigen.
      Gesamtproduktionskosten pro Unze liegen bisher mit den Wachstumsinvestitionen bei ca. 925$ pro Unze. Goldpreis zur Zeit bei ca. 1350$ pro Unze. Bleibt ein satter Gewinn...

      Für weitere Kennzahlen siehe
      Haben dort eine gute Corporate Presentation.

      Trading Spotlight

      Wo und warum genau jetzt zu Wochenbeginn positionieren?mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 06.07.16 16:04:43
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Passend zu meinen vorherigen Ausführungen heute nun die Erhöhung der Gewinnschätzungen durch Analysten.

      National Bank Financial Analysts Raise Earnings Estimates for B2Gold Corp. (BTO)
      Posted on July 6, 2016 by John Miller in Analyst Articles - Estimates, Investing

      B2Gold Corp. logoB2Gold Corp. (TSE:BTO) – Equities researchers at National Bank Financial raised their FY2016 earnings estimates for B2Gold Corp. in a report released on Thursday. National Bank Financial analyst S. Parsons now expects that the brokerage will post earnings per share of $0.14 for the year, up from their previous forecast of $0.12. National Bank Financial has a “Outperform” rating and a $3.05 price objective on the stock. National Bank Financial also issued estimates for B2Gold Corp.’s FY2017 earnings at $0.10 EPS and FY2018 earnings at $0.22 EPS.
      schrieb am 15.07.16 12:33:24
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Analyst erhöht 1 Tag vor Quartalszahlen das Kursziel von B2Gold um ca. 30%!!!!!
      Gerade noch geschafft vor den dann gemeldeten Spitzenergebnissen.
      Jaja, diese Experten haben den Durchblick ... :laugh::laugh::laugh:

      Während hier von mir und in einem weiteren Forum schon seit langem auf das enorme Gewinn- und Kurspotential der Aktie hingewiesen wird.

      B2Gold Corp. (BTO) Price Target Raised to C$4.75 at Canaccord Genuity
      Posted on July 12, 2016 by Jamal Genner in Analyst Articles - CA, Investing

      B2Gold Corp. (TSE:BTO) had its price objective raised by equities researchers at Canaccord Genuity from C$3.50 to C$4.75 in a research report issued to clients and investors on Tuesday.
      schrieb am 15.07.16 12:40:47
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Anbei die Ergebnismeldung zu 2Q von B2Gold.
      Läuft super: Rekordwerte!!!

      B2Gold (BTG) Announces Record Q2, H116 Production Results

      July 13, 2016 10:07 AM EDT

      BTG Hot Sheet
      Price: $3.01 --0%

      B2Gold Corp. (NYSE: BTG) announces record gold production and revenue for the second quarter and first half of 2016. All dollar figures are in United States dollars unless otherwise indicated.

      2016 Second Quarter Highlights

      -- Record quarterly consolidated gold production of 135,242 ounces, 4% (or

      5,697 ounces) above budget and 11% (or 13,676 ounces) greater than the

      same period in 2015

      -- Record gold revenue of $164.8 million on record sales of 130,829 ounces

      at an average price of $1,260 per ounce, an increase in revenue of 21%

      over the same period in 2015

      -- Masbate mine gold production of 57,188 ounces, 27% (or 12,159 ounces)

      above budget

      -- Company is on track to meet its 2016 annual guidance of 510,000 to

      550,000 ounces of gold production at cash operating costs of between

      $560 to $595 per ounce and all-in sustaining costs of between $895 to

      $925 per ounce

      -- Construction of the Fekola mine is progressing well, on schedule and on

      budget, to commence production in late 2017

      -- Additional positive exploration drill results reported for the Fekola

      and Kiaka projects

      -- Received 2015 Award for Social Responsibility in Nicaragua

      2016 First-Half Highlights

      -- Record half-year consolidated gold production of 263,086 ounces, 6% (or

      14,663 ounces) above budget and 11% (or 25,661 ounces) over the same

      period in 2015

      -- Record consolidated half-year gold revenue of $309.1 million on record

      sales of 251,728 ounces at an average price of $1,228 per ounce

      -- Masbate mine gold production of 109,915 ounces, 21% (or 19,403 ounces)

      above budget

      -- Completed a series of prepaid gold sales transactions totaling $120


      -- Signed commitment letter to enter into a Euro equivalent $80.9 million

      Equipment Facility with Caterpillar Financial SARL for the Fekola


      Gold Production

      Consolidated gold production in the second quarter of 2016 was another quarterly record of 135,242 ounces, 4% (or 5,697 ounces) above budget and 11% (or 13,676 ounces) higher than the second quarter of 2015. The increase in gold production was attributable to the continued strong operational performance of the Masbate mine in the Philippines. Gold production at the Otjikoto mine was in-line with expectations despite the previously reported pit slope failure on the Phase 1 pit access ramp on April 26, 2016. A new ramp was successfully constructed and mining of the Phase 1 pit resumed in mid-June.

      Consolidated gold production for the first half of 2016 was a half-year record of 263,086 ounces, 6% (or 14,663 ounces) above budget and 11% (or 25,661 ounces, including 18,815 ounces of pre-commercial production from the Otjikoto mine) higher than the same period in 2015.

      B2Gold is projecting another record year for gold production in 2016. Consolidated gold production in 2016 is expected to be in the range of 510,000 to 550,000 ounces. Gold production for the year is scheduled to be weighted to the second half of the year, mainly due to higher forecast grades at the Otjikoto, Libertad and Limon mines (as discussed in the "Operations" section below). Consolidated cash operating costs in 2016 are expected to be in the range of $560 to $595 per ounce, compared to $616 per ounce in 2015. The Company's consolidated all-in sustaining costs are also expected to be lower and be in the range of $895 to $925 per ounce, compared to $947 per ounce in 2015.

      Gold Revenue

      Consolidated gold revenue in the second quarter of 2016 was a quarterly record of $164.8 million on record sales of 130,829 ounces at an average price of $1,260 per ounce compared to $136.5 million on sales of 114,423 ounces at an average price of $1,193 per ounce in the second quarter of 2015. The 21% increase in gold revenue was mainly attributable to a 14% increase in gold sales volume and a 6% increase in the average realized gold price.

      Consolidated gold revenue for the first half of 2016 was a half-year record of $309.1 million on record sales of 251,728 ounces at an average price of $1,228 per ounce compared to $275.4 million (or $298.5 million including $23.1 million of pre-commercial sales from the Otjikoto mine) on sales of 229,222 ounces (or 247,688 ounces including 18,466 ounces of pre-commercial sales from the Otjikoto mine) at an average price of $1,201 per ounce in the first half of 2015.


      Mine-by-mine gold production in the second quarter and first half of 2016 was as follows:


      Mine Q2 2016 First-Half 2016 2016 Guidance

      Production Production (ounces)

      (ounces) (ounces)


      Masbate 57,188 109,915 175,000 - 185,000


      Otjikoto 36,172 71,875 160,000 - 170,000


      La Libertad 30,807 60,005 125,000 - 135,000


      El Limon 11,075 21,291 50,000 - 60,000



      B2Gold Consolidated 135,242 263,086 510,000 - 550,000


      Masbate mine - the Philippines

      The Masbate mine in the Philippines continued its very strong operational performance into the second quarter of 2016, producing 57,188 ounces of gold (the second highest quarterly production ever for the mine), 27% (or 12,159 ounces) above budget and 39% (or 15,952 ounces) higher than the second quarter of 2015. Gold production improved against budget mainly due to better grades from the Main Vein pit combined with higher throughput and recoveries driven by higher than budgeted oxide ore from the Colorado pit. Mill throughput for the second quarter of 2016 was 1,699,705 tonnes compared to a budget of 1,652,085 tonnes and 1,768,928 tonnes in the second quarter of 2015. The average gold grade processed was 1.40 g/t compared to a budgeted grade of 1.19 g/t and second quarter 2015 grades of 0.96 g/t. Mill recoveries averaged 75.0% which was better than budgeted recoveries of 71.3% and slightly below the second quarter of 2015 of 75.8%. Recoveries in the second quarter of 2016 were better than budget as the Company processed 31% oxide material and 69% sulfide/transitional material in the quarter versus a budget of 17% and 83%, respectively. The Company expects to mine a similar ratio of oxide ore (33%) and sulfide/transitional ore (67%) against a budget of 22% oxide ore and 78% sulfide/transitional ore in the third quarter of 2016. The trend of higher than budgeted grades from the Main Vein pit is also expected to continue into the third quarter.

      The Company is in the process of completing a process plant upgrade at the Masbate mine. The work will be completed in phases and is expected to be commissioned and in production by the end of the third quarter of 2016. Process plant upgrades consisting of additional leaching/adsorption tankage and an oxygenation system were brought online at the end of June. Further upgrades in progress include a carbon harvest screen, carbon regeneration kiln, and added tailings pumps. The purpose of the plant upgrade is to continue to promote improved gold recovery and higher throughput.

      Year-to-date, gold production at the Masbate mine was 109,915 ounces, significantly above budget by 21% (or 19,403 ounces) and 26% (or 22,438 ounces) higher than the first half of 2015.

      For full-year 2016, the Masbate mine's gold production is expected to meet or exceed the high end of its production guidance range of 175,000 to 185,000 ounces (at cash operating costs of $620 to $660 per ounce).

      On March 31, 2016, the extension of the Masbate mine's income tax holiday was approved for an additional year to June 2017.

      Otjikoto mine - Namibia

      The Otjikoto mine in Namibia produced 36,172 ounces of gold in the second quarter of 2016, comparable to budget (of 37,426 ounces) and 36,963 ounces produced in the second quarter of 2015. Gold production was largely unaffected despite the previously reported pit slope failure on the Phase 1 pit access ramp on April 26, 2016.

      Following the slope failure, a recovery plan to regain access to the Phase 1 pit was developed. The plan called for a temporary new access ramp to be established by mid-June to be utilized until the Phase 1 pit becomes depleted, expected in November 2016. The new ramp was successfully constructed and mining of the Phase 1 pit resumed in mid-June. During the construction of the new ramp, mill feed had been mainly sourced from the medium-grade ore stockpile, and supplemented with high-grade ore extracted from the Phase 2 pit (as part of the Phase 2 pre-stripping activities).

      With the successful completion of the plant expansion project in the third quarter of 2015, the budgeted annual throughput rate for 2016 was increased from 2.5 million tonnes per year to 3.3 million tonnes per year. For the second quarter of 2016, the Otjikoto mill achieved record quarterly throughput of 890,704 tonnes, 8% above budget (of 821,184 tonnes) and 25% higher than the second quarter of 2015 (of 711,462 tonnes). The average mill recoveries for the second quarter of 2016 were 98.0%, compared to a budget of 97.0% and recoveries during the same period of the previous year of 98.7%. The average gold grade processed was 1.29 g /t compared to a budget of 1.43 g /t and 1.63 g /t in the prior-year quarter. Gold grades were negatively impacted in the quarter by the ramp failure which had restricted access to the high-grade ore at the Phase 1 pit. However, gold production remained largely unaffected as higher mill throughput and recoveries offset the lower grades.

      During the first half of 2016, the Otjikoto mine produced 71,875 ounces of gold, approximately in-line with budget (of 73,079 ounces) and 6% higher compared to 68,097 ounces (including 18,815 ounces of pre- commercial production) produced in the first half of 2015.

      With access to the higher grade Phase 1 pit being re-established for the second half of 2016 and the positive mill throughput/recoveries, there is no impact to the Otjikoto mine's 2016 annual guidance of 160,000 to 170,000 ounces of gold production at cash operating costs of $400 to $440 per ounce. Gold production at Otjikoto is weighted to the second half of the year, due to higher anticipated grades as the Phase 1 pit is completed. The high-grade Wolfshag open pit, scheduled to enter production towards the end of the fourth quarter of 2016, is expected to increase production in 2017 and beyond. A new life of mine plan, based on the new grade model and geotechnical data including mining from the open-pit component of the Wolfshag deposit, is expected to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2016. Following the promising results of an internal scoping study, a detailed engineering study of Wolfshag underground mining will commence in the third quarter of 2016, with results to be delivered in 2017.

      La Libertad mine - Nicaragua

      In the second quarter of 2016, La Libertad mine in Nicaragua produced 30,807 ounces of gold, approximately 7% (or 2,423 ounces) below budget. Mining from the higher grade Jabali Antena pit was scheduled to commence in the second quarter of 2016. However, the Company has experienced additional delays in relocation and permitting activities. As a result, average process grades for the quarter were lower than anticipated (1.75 g/t compared to budget of 1.90 g/t). The Company now anticipates that the Jabali Antena pit will enter the production stream in late 2016, upon completion of the resettlement activities and receipt of remaining mining permits. Gold production in the second quarter of 2016 was 11% (or 3,126 ounces) higher than the second quarter of 2015. During the second quarter of 2016, La Libertad had better grade than the same period in 2015, mainly due to the processing of higher grades from the Jabali Central pit and Mojon underground. The mill continues to operate well processing 579,756 tonnes (Q2 2015 - 573,807 tonnes) with gold recoveries averaging 94.8% (Q2 2015 - 94.5%). Both throughput and recoveries were as budgeted.

      In the first half of 2016, La Libertad mine produced 60,005 ounces of gold, slightly above budget (of 59,214 ounces) and 13% higher compared to 53,007 ounces produced in the first half of 2015.

      By modifying the 2016 mine schedule to mine additional material from Jabali Central and Mojon underground, the Company expects that any 2016 production shortfalls arising from delays in accessing ore at the Jabali Antena pit can be offset. Therefore, La Libertad still expects to meet its 2016 guidance of between 125,000 to 135,000 ounces of gold in 2016 at cash operating costs of approximately $650 to $680 per ounce. Gold production at La Libertad is expected to be weighted towards the second half of the year, due to higher forecast processed grades. Under the 2016 modified mine plan, La Libertad's mill feed in the second half of the year is forecast to contain a higher percentage of high-grade ore from Jabali Central and Mojon underground (replacing low-grade spent ore) versus the first half of the year.

      On May 5, 2016, the Company received the 2015 Award for Social Responsibility in Nicaragua related to its work on the settlement project to date. The award recognizes the Company's commitment to social development projects that benefit the local communities in which it operates.

      El Limon mine - Nicaragua

      El Limon open-pit and underground mine in Nicaragua produced 11,075 ounces of gold in the second quarter of 2016, 2,785 ounces below budget and 4,611 ounces lower than the same quarter last year. Gold production was lower than budget due to 20% lower (than planned) mill throughput (99,947 tonnes compared to budget of 126,477 tonnes). The reduced throughput partly reflects the timing for downtime (13 days) related to the SAG ring gear change-out which had been originally planned for the first quarter of 2016 but was deferred to the second quarter. The mill restart on April 24 after completion of the planned work has been without issue. Fleet haulage equipment availability during the quarter also affected the quantity of ore available for process during May and June. The delivery of two additional haulage trucks is expected in early August. The average mill recoveries for the second quarter of 2016 were 94.5%, compared to a budget of 93.5% and recoveries during the same period of the previous year of 94.4%. The average gold grade processed was 3.65 g /t compared to a budget of 3.65 g /t and 4.13 g /t in the prior-year quarter. Gold production at El Limon in the second quarter of 2015 reflected higher processed grades and throughput.

      For the first half of 2016, El Limon mine produced 21,291 ounces of gold, 4,327 ounces below budget and 7,553 ounces lower than the first six months of 2015.

      With the higher grade areas now accessible and improvements in haulage, the Company expects that El Limon, which represents approximately 10% of B2Gold's 2016 consolidated gold production, will be able to meet its 2016 guidance. El Limon mine is projected to produce approximately 50,000 to 60,000 ounces of gold in 2016 at cash operating costs of approximately $610 to $650 per ounce. Gold production in the mine plan is weighted to the second half of the year, reflecting improving grades in July through December, 2016.


      Fekola project - Mali

      In the second quarter of 2016, B2Gold's construction team continued to develop the Fekola project in Mali which remains on schedule and on budget to commence production in late 2017. Significant activities during the quarter included:

      -- Working on the spillway at the water dam;

      -- Diversion ditch and settlement pond completed on the west side of the


      -- Removal of material from the pit for construction of the RoM Pad;

      -- Concrete pouring in the mill area has commenced (mill, tanks, reclaim

      tunnel, crusher);

      -- Structural steel has started arriving at site;

      -- Power plant construction has commenced;

      -- Detailed engineering and ordering of long lead items remain on schedule;

      -- Increased workforce to approximately 800 employees and contractors.

      On June 11, 2015, the Company announced robust results from the optimized Feasibility Study at the Fekola project. According to the Feasibility Study, the current average annual gold production for the first seven years will be approximately 350,000 ounces per year at average cash operating costs of $418 per ounce (based on low-grade stockpiling in the initial years of operation) and for the life of mine plan approximately 276,000 ounces per year at average cash operating costs of $552 per ounce.

      On June 29, 2016, the Company announced an exploration update for its Fekola project. Based on the positive drill results to date (at both surface and underground) and exploration potential, the Company is constructing the Fekola mine with a +25% design factor. This means that the throughput of ore at Fekola could reach up to 5 million tonnes per year in the initial years of production, beyond the optimized feasibility study's estimated throughput of 4 million tonnes per year. This increase may only require approximately $15 million to $20 million of additional capital expenditure and could potentially increase annual production by up to 20% (subject to mine planning), surpassing initial projections of approximately 350,000 ounces of gold per year.
      schrieb am 15.07.16 12:46:21
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Kommentar von Mining Weekly:

      B2Gold stock rises to new 52-week high on buoyant Q2 production

      14th July 2016

      TORONTO ( – The TSX-listed stock of miner B2Gold on Wednesday rose to a new 52-week high of C$4 apiece after the company reported record output for the three months to June.

      Vancouver-based B2Gold said Wednesday it achieved a new consolidated gold production record of 135 242 oz, 4%, or 5 697 oz, above budget and 11%, or 13 676 oz, more than the same period in 2015.

      Not surprisingly, B2Gold reported record gold revenue of $164.8-million on record sales of 130 829 oz at an average price of $1 260/oz, an increase in revenue of 21% over the same period in 2015.

      The Masbate mine, in the Philippines, produced 27% more gold, or 12 159 oz more than planned at 57 188 oz.

      The company advised that it was on track to meet its 2016 production guidance of 510 000 oz to 550 000 oz at cash operating costs of between $560/oz and $595/oz and all-in sustaining costs of between $895/oz and $925/oz.

      Meanwhile, construction of the 350 000 oz/y Fekola mine, in Mali, was progressing well, on schedule and on budget, with first production slated for late 2017.
      schrieb am 15.07.16 12:48:48
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Erste positive Analysteneinschätzung nach Ergebnismeldung.

      Scotiabank Reiterates “Outperform” Rating for B2Gold Corp. (BTO)
      Posted on July 15, 2016 by John Miller in Analyst Articles - CA, Investing

      B2Gold Corp. (TSE:BTO)‘s stock had its “outperform” rating reissued by equities research analysts at Scotiabank in a research report issued on Wednesday.
      schrieb am 15.07.16 12:57:30
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Und noch zu gemeldeten Rekordergebnis von B2Gold ein deutschsprachiger Kommentar:

      B2Gold – Rekordproduktion schickt Aktie auf 52 Wochenhoch, Björn Junker | 14.07.2016, 10:41

      Die Aktie des kanadischen Goldproduzenten B2Gold (WKN A0M889) erreichte am gestrigen Mittwoch zwischenzeitlich ein neues 52-Wochenhoch von 4 CAD, nachdem das Unternehmen für das zweite Quartal einen Produktionsrekord meldete.

      B2Gold teilte mit, dass man in den drei Monaten bis Ende Juni insgesamt 135.242 Unzen des Gelben Metalls produzierte. Das sind 4% oder 5.697 Unzen mehr als geplant sowie 11% oder 13.676 Unzen mehr als im gleichen Zeitraum 2015.

      Entsprechend meldete das Unternehmen auch einen Rekordumsatz in Höhe von 164,8 Mio. Dollar aus dem Verkauf von 130.829 Unzen Gold zu einem durchschnittlichen Verkaufspreis von 1.260 Dollar pro Unze. Das stell einen Umsatzanstieg gegenüber dem zweiten Quartal 2015 von 21% dar.

      Dabei produzierte die Masbate-Mine auf den Philippinen mit 57.188 Unzen Gold 27% oder 12.159 Unzen mehr als geplant.

      B2Gold teilte – wenig verwunderlich – mit, dass man auf dem besten Wege sei, das Produktionsziel für 2016 von 510.000 bis 550.000 Unzen Gold zu erreichen. Das Unternehmen rechnet dabei mit operativen Cashkosten von 560 bis 595 Dollar pro Unze sowie so genannten „all-in sustaining costs“ (AISC) zwischen 895 und 925 Dollar pro Unze.

      Darüber hinaus gab man bekannt, dass die Fekola-Mine in Mali, die 350.000 Unzen Gold pro Jahr produzieren soll, wie geplant – im Zeit- und Budgetrahmen – voranschreite. Ende 2017 soll dort das erste Gold produziert werden.
      schrieb am 15.07.16 13:08:39
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Achtet mal auf die wesentlichen Details in den vorherigen Posts zu den Quartalsergebnissen:

      - Rekord-Produktion

      - Rekord-Umsatz

      - Coole Gewinnspanne: All in Costs 895-925$, Verkaufspreis Gold im 2. Quartal ca 1260$, seitdem ist der Goldpreis aktuell aber um ca. 100$ gestiegen und wird noch weiter steigen!

      - B2 Gold hat mit den Ergebnissen seine eigene bisherige Quartalsplanung übertroffen. D.h. wenn es so weiter läuft, werden auch die nächsten Quartale und das Jahresergebnis in seinen Prognosen übertroffen!!!
      schrieb am 15.07.16 13:24:27
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Interessant und sehr positiv ist die fallende Short-Ratio bei B2gold.
      Wie bei jeder Aktie, spekulieren auch hier einige - allerdings wenige - Shorties. Doch in letzter Zeit ziehen sich diese wenigen Shorties aus B2Gold immer mehr zurück, da sie keine fallenden sondern weiterhin steigende Kurse von der Aktie und dem Goldpreis erwarten.

      Die fallende Short-Ratio ist also für Aktionäre positiv und ein technischer Indikator für weiter steigende Aktienkurse bei B2gold!

      Short Interest in B2Gold Corp (BTG) Decreases By 48.1%
      Posted on July 15, 2016 by Matt Cooper in Investing, Options Articles

      B2Gold Corp (NYSE:BTG) saw a significant drop in short interest in June. As of June 30th, there was short interest totalling 8,660,310 shares, a drop of 48.1% from the June 15th total of 16,698,033 shares. Based on an average trading volume of 7,176,803 shares, the short-interest ratio is currently 1.2 days. Approximately 1.0% of the company’s stock are short sold.

      Several brokerages have recently weighed in on BTG. Scotiabank restated an “outperform” rating and set a $3.25 target price on shares of B2Gold Corp in a research note on Friday, July 1st. Zacks Investment Research raised shares of B2Gold Corp from a “hold” rating to a “strong-buy” rating.
      schrieb am 22.07.16 12:52:50
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Goldaktien-Favorit von Canaccord, Nummer 3: B2Gold Corp.

      Canaccord hat für diesen Titel das Kursziel um 36 Prozent von 3,50 Kanada-Dollar auf 4,75 Kanada-Dollar erhöht. Das birgt ein Aufwärtspotenzial von 34,2 Prozent. Außerdem wurde der Nettoinventarwert von 3,20 Kanada-Dollar je Aktie auf 3,99 Kanada-Dollar nach oben angepasst. Die Schätzungen für den Gewinn je Aktie in diesem Jahr wurde von 0,06 Kanada-Dollar auf 0,08 Kanada-Dollar erhöht und für den Cash Flow je Aktie von 1,58 Kanada-Dollar auf 1,65 Kanada-Dollar.

      Neben Agnico Eagle ist dieser Titel aus dem Edelmetallsektor in der hauseigenen Focus List enthalten. Begründet wird das nicht zuletzt mit dem Hebel, über den der Wert bei einem steigenden Goldpreis verfügt. Hinzu komme signifikantes Explorationspotenzial und ein organisches Produktionswachstum. Die Kaufempfehlung besteht ansonsten auch deshalb, weil man im zweiten Halbjahr 2016 mit positiven Überraschungen bei einigen der verfolgten Projekten rechnet. Mit Blick auf die Aktivitäten auf den Philippinen wird nicht mit negativen Auswirkungen durch den jüngst vollzogenen politischen Wechsel gerechnet, weil B2Gold die Anforderungen an Minenunternehmen erfüllen sollte.…
      schrieb am 23.07.16 13:53:28
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Der Vollständigkeit halber eine Ratingabstufung (allerdings mit erhöhtem Kursziel!).

      Ich persönlich bewerte B2Gold positiver und sein Kurspotential wesentlich höher als der Analyst. Nur meine Meinung

      15.07.16 14:47
      National Bank Financial

      Montreal ( - B2Gold-Aktienanalyse des Analysten Steve Parsons von National Bank Financial:

      Laut einer Aktienanalyse rechnet Analyst Steve Parsons vom Investmenthaus National Bank Financial in Bezug auf die Aktien des kanadischen Goldproduzenten B2Gold Corp. (ISIN: CA11777Q2099, WKN: A0M889, Ticker-Symbol: 5BG, TSE-Symbol: BTO) nur noch mit einer sektorkonformen Kursentwicklung.

      Im Rahmen einer Branchenstudie zur Edelmetallindustrie seien die Bewertungsmodelle im Zuge der anstehenden Quartalsberichtssaison angepasst worden. Die Analysten von National Bank Financial weisen auf ein anhaltend positives Momentum und einen abnehmenden Kostendruck hin. Zudem würden sich die Bilanzen auf dem Weg der Besserung befinden. Auf breiter Front könnten sich die Bewertungen in der nächsten Zeit weiter erholen.

      Analyst Steve Parsons ist der Ansicht, dass im zweiten Quartal EBITDA-Niveaus erreicht worden sein könnten, die seit 2013/2014 nicht mehr gesehen worden seien. Für 2017/2018 werde nun ein Goldpreis von 1.400 USD je Unze unterstellt. Updates zu Explorationen könnten für weiteres Vertrauen sorgen.

      Analyst Steve Parsons senkt aber die Anlageeinschätzung für die Aktien von B2Gold Corp., erhöht aber das Kursziel von 3,85 auf 4,20 CAD.

      Die Aktienanalysten von National Bank Financial stufen in ihrer B2Gold-Aktienanalyse den Titel von "outperform" auf "sector perform" zurück.
      schrieb am 23.07.16 14:00:28
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      B2Gold startet Gold-Exploration in Finnland!

      Aurion, B2Gold begin field exploration in Finland

      2016-07-15 12:09 ET - News Release

      News Release (C-AU) Aurion Resources Ltd

      Mr. Mike Basha of Aurion reports


      Aurion Resources Ltd. and its partner, B2Gold Corp., have initiated an 2016 field exploration program in northern Finland.

      The 2016 field program entails field mapping, prospecting, surface geochemical sampling, trenching and drilling. The inaugural drill program will commence in late summer or early fall and will focus on the greater than 5,000-metre-long Kutuvuoma trend, which is the highest-priority target area. A request for tenders has been submitted to several drilling contractors.

      Reconnaissance prospecting, geological mapping and trenching are also being conducted on several other targets within the joint venture area of interest during this field season. Additionally, following several months of data compilation and analysis, 78 specific exploration targets have been identified. The efforts of the 2016 field program will be to ground truth, expand and/or refine many of these targets. This includes Ahvenjarvi, where, to date, a total of 384 rock-chip/grab and channel samples collected from outcrop, suboutcrop, angular boulders and trenches over an area measuring 2,300 metres long and up to 700 metres wide assayed up to 28.8 grams per tonne gold and averaging 0.81 gram per tonne gold.

      Mike Basha, president and chief executive officer of Aurion, commented: "We are very encouraged to have encountered such a robust and extensive gold system early in this program on the joint venture. Moreover, we are very pleased to have generated so many targets for additional follow-up elsewhere. We are looking forward to a very busy and exciting 2016 as we move this project forward aggressively with our partner, B2Gold."

      The 2016 field program is fully financed by B2Gold under an agreement whereby B2Gold can earn up to an undivided 75-per-cent interest from Aurion in a project area of approximately 25,000 hectares in northern Finland by completing $15-million in exploration expenditures, a positive feasibility study and issuing 550,000 B2Gold shares (see Aurion news release dated Jan. 20, 2016, for details). On the first anniversary (Aug. 12, 2016) of the option and earn-in agreement, B2Gold will issue 100,000 B2gold shares to Aurion.

      In the second quarter, Aurion Resources was granted an additional 225,000 hectares of exploration licences prospective for precious and base metals in northern Finland.


      The Kutuvuoma trend has very few natural bedrock exposures; however, with a limited amount of exploration work (and time in the field), trenching, soil sampling, base of till sampling and prospecting have defined an open-ended mineralized trend greater than five kilometres long east and west of the Kutuvuoma deposit, where only limited drilling was conducted in the past, over a distance of 175 metres and to a depth of 175 metres.

      The Kutuvuoma deposit is a high-grade, shear-zone-hosted gold deposit that was discovered in the mid-1990s by the Finnish state entity, Outokumpu Oy, while exploring for base metals. Outokumpu drilled 47 shallow core and reverse circulation drill holes totalling 3,425 metres, testing only a very small area. Prior to Aurion, no other exploration has been conducted since the mid-1990s. Numerous high-grade drill intercepts, including 7.2 grams per tonne gold over 19.4 metres from 60 metres down hole, 13.2 grams per tonne gold over five metres from 88 metres down hole and 12.6 grams per tonne gold over seven metres from 26 metres down hole were recorded from the historical drilling. True width of the mineralization is estimated to be approximately 70 per cent to 80 per cent of drill intercepts.

      The best results to date came from trench K15-02, a 310-square-metre excavation completed in 2015 located 370 metres west of the Kutuvuoma deposit. A total of 31 individual 0.85-metre-to-three-metre-long channel samples assayed from 0.39 gram per tonne gold to 63.1 grams per tonne gold. The best length-weighted average intervals reported were 6.5 grams per tonne gold over 9.8 metres, including 11.3 grams per tonne gold over three metres, 21.7 grams per tonne gold over three metres, including 63.1 grams per tonne gold over 0.9 metre, and 3.20 grams per tonne gold over 10.9 metres, including five grams per tonne gold over 5.6 metres. The T2 excavation made approximately 100 metres east of Kutuvuoma Main, assayed on average 4.93 grams per tonne gold over 10.94 metres, including 35 grams per tonne gold over 1.2 metres.

      Prospecting in 2015 approximately 1.6 kilometres to the west and along strike of Kutuvuoma identified a new zone of mineralization over a distance of approximately 400 metres. The area is generally overburden covered, but 51 grab samples from outcrop and subcrop assayed up to 21.2 grams per tonne gold, including four samples assaying 5.5 grams per tonne gold, 11.6 grams per tonne gold, 14.8 grams per tonne gold and 21.2 grams per tonne gold. This mineralization also lies 500 metres southeast of a 1.5-kilometre-long gold-in-till geochemical anomaly with individual tills assaying from up to 1.3 grams per tonne gold.

      Preliminary metallurgical analysis of surface samples collected in 2015 from trenches 100 metres east and 370 metres west of the Kutuvuoma deposit were favourable. The metallurgical tests were undertaken to examine the response of two composite surface trench samples to various processes for the concentration and recovery of the contained gold and to get a general view of the project metallurgy. The response of the samples to whole ore cyanide leaching and to concentration by froth flotation and gravity separation was examined at by SGS Canada Inc. at its Lakefield Ontario laboratory. The samples responded well to all of the processes tested, with gold recoveries by a combination of methods in excess of 98 per cent for both samples, including 80-per-cent-to-84-per-cent recovery by gravity method alone. The material tested indicates the two areas tested would not require any treatment out of the ordinary. A much more extensive program would be required as the project develops.
      schrieb am 23.07.16 14:04:12
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Gewinnschätzungen erneut von Analysten heraufgesetzt.

      B2Gold Corp. Expected to Earn FY2016 Earnings of $0.26 Per Share (BTO)
      Posted on July 17, 2016 by Robert Jamerson in Analyst Articles - Estimates, Investing

      B2Gold Corp. (TSE:BTO) – Equities researchers at Clarus Securities increased their FY2016 EPS estimates for B2Gold Corp. in a research note issued on Thursday. Clarus Securities analyst J. Spratt now anticipates that the brokerage will earn $0.26 per share for the year, up from their previous forecast of $0.18.
      Clarus Securities also issued estimates for B2Gold Corp.’s FY2017 earnings at $0.25 EPS and FY2018 earnings at $0.44 EPS.
      schrieb am 23.07.16 14:08:41
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Namibia: B2gold 2nd Quarter Output Stable

      B2Gold's Otjikoto mine near Otjiwarongo produced 36,172 ounces of gold in the second quarter of 2016, almost in line with budget forecast of 37,426 ounces and production in last year's 2nd quarter of 36,963 ounces. The goldminer states in its latest production update that gold production was largely unaffected despite the previously reported pit slope failure on the Phase 1 pit access ramp on 26 April this year. Following the slope failure, a recovery plan to regain access to the Phase 1 pit was developed. The plan called for a temporary new access ramp to be established by mid-June to be utilized until the Phase 1 pit becomes depleted, expected in November 2016. The new ramp was successfully constructed and mining of the Phase 1 pit resumed in mid-June. During the construction of the new ramp, mill feed had been mainly sourced from the medium-grade ore stockpile, and supplemented with high-grade ore extracted from the Phase 2 pit (as part of the Phase 2 pre-stripping activities). With the successful completion of the plant expansion project in the third quarter of 2015, the budgeted annual throughput rate for 2016 was increased from 2.5 million tonnes per year to 3.3 million tonnes per year. For the second quarter of 2016, the Otjikoto mill achieved a record quarterly throughput of 890,704 tonnes, 8% above budget (of 821,184 tonnes) and 25% higher than the second quarter of 2015 (of 711,462 tonnes). The average mill recoveries for the second quarter of 2016 were 98%, compared to a budget of 97% and recoveries during the same period of the previous year of 98.7%. The average gold grade processed was 1.29 g/t compared to a budget of 1.43 g/t and 1.63 g/t in the prior-year quarter.

      Gold grades were negatively impacted in the quarter by the ramp failure which had restricted access to the high-grade ore at the Phase 1 pit. However, B2 Gold stated that gold production remained largely unaffected as higher mill throughput and recoveries offset the lower grades. For the first semester of 2016, the Otjikoto mine produced 71,875 ounces of gold, approximately in line with budget (of 73,079 ounces) and 6% higher compared to the 68,097 ounces (including 18,815 ounces of pre-commercial production) produced in the first half of 2015. B2 Gold said "with access to the higher-grade Phase 1 pit being re-established for the second half of 2016 and the positive mill throughput and recoveries, there is no impact to the Otjikoto mine's 2016 annual guidance of 160,000 to 170,000 ounces of gold production at cash operating costs of US$400 to US$440 per ounce. Gold production at Otjikoto is weighted to the second half of the year, due to higher anticipated grades as the Phase 1 pit is completed. "The high-grade Wolfshag open pit, scheduled to enter production towards the end of the fourth quarter of 2016, is expected to increase production in 2017 and beyond. A new life of mine plan, based on the new grade model and geotechnical data including mining from the open-pit component of the Wolfshag deposit, is expected to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2016." Following the promising results of an internal scoping study, a detailed engineering study of Wolfshag underground mining will commence in the third quarter of 2016, with results to be delivered in 2017.
      schrieb am 23.07.16 14:11:08
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      B2Gold Corp (NYSE:BTG) Expected to Post Earnings of $0.02 Per Share
      Posted on July 23, 2016 by Robert Jamerson in Consensus Rating Articles, Investing

      Brokerages forecast that B2Gold Corp (NYSE:BTG) will report earnings of $0.02 per share for the current quarter, according to Zacks Investment Research. Zero analysts have issued estimates for B2Gold Corp’s earnings. The firm is scheduled to announce its next quarterly earnings results before the market opens on Thursday, August 4th.
      schrieb am 30.07.16 13:19:15
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Am Freitag in Frankfurt +6,38% im Vorfeld des Ergebnisberichtes für das 2. Quartal am 4.8.!!!

      B2Gold to release Q2 results, hold call Aug. 4

      2016-07-29 16:38 ET - News Release

      Mr. Clive Johnson reports


      B2Gold Corp. will release its second quarter and first half 2016 results before the North American markets open on Aug. 4, 2016.

      B2Gold executives will host a conference call to discuss the results on Aug. 4, 2016, at 10 a.m. PST/1 p.m. EST. You may access the call by dialling the operator at 416-340-8527 or toll-free at 800-355-4959 prior to the scheduled start time, or you may listen to the call by webcast. A playback version of the call will be available for one week after the call at 905-694-9451 or toll-free at 800-408-3053 (passcode 4588463).
      schrieb am 10.08.16 23:59:39
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      04.08.2016 | 11:24

      B2Gold Corp.: Quartalszahlen für Q2 16 - Rekordumsatz

      B2Gold Corporation gab gestern die Zahlen des zweiten Quartals 2016 bekannt. Wie daraus hervorgeht, hat das Unternehmen einen den Aktionären zurechenbaren Nettoverlust in Höhe von 10,3 Mio. USD bzw. 0,01 USD je Aktie verzeichnet. Im gleichen Zeitraum des Vorjahres hatte dieser bei 21,2 Mio. USD bzw. 0,02 USD je Aktie gelegen.

      Weiterhin wurde ein adjustierter Nettogewinn von 29,0 Mio. USD bzw. 0,03 USD je Aktie gemeldet, verglichen mit einem adjustierten Nettoverlust von 1,4 Mio. USD im Vorjahreszeitraum.

      Während der drei Monate von April bis Juni generierte B2Gold durch den Verkauf von 130.829 Unzen Gold einen Rekordumsatz von 164,8 Mio. USD, verglichen zu 136,5 Mio. USD ein Jahr zuvor.

      Der operative Cashflow erreichte 67,6 Mio. USD, nach 34,3 Mio. USD im zweiten Quartal 2015.

      Zum Ende des Quartals verfügte das Unternehmen über Barmittel und Barmitteläquivalente in Höhe von 99,8 Mio. USD.

      Für 2016 rechnet B2Gold auch weiterhin mit einer Produktion von 510.000 bis 550.000 Unzen Gold zu Cash-Betriebskosten von 560 bis 595 USD je Unze, wobei man die Kosten inzwischen im unteren Bereich dieser Spanne sieht.
      schrieb am 11.08.16 00:07:55
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()

      B2Gold Corp. Reports Second Quarter 2016 Results;
      Operating Cash Flows Double on Record Gold Production,
      Higher Realized Prices and Lower Costs

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwired) -- 08/03/16 -- B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO)(NYSE MKT: BTG)(NAMIBIAN: B2G) ("B2Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to announce its operational and financial results for the three and six months ended June 30, 2016. The Company previously released its gold production and revenue results for the second quarter of 2016 (see news release dated 07/13/16). All dollar figures are in United States dollars unless otherwise indicated.

      2016 Second Quarter Highlights

      -- Record quarterly consolidated gold production of 135,242 ounces, 4% (or
      5,697 ounces) above budget and 11% (or 13,676 ounces) greater
      than the
      same period in 2015
      -- Consolidated gold revenue a quarterly record of $164.8 million on sales
      of 130,829 ounces at an average price of $1,260 per ounce, an increase
      in revenue of 21%
      over the same period in 2015
      -- Consolidated cash operating costs a quarterly record low of $494 per
      ounce, $90 per ounce (or 15%) below budget and $183 per ounce (or 27%
      below the prior-year quarter
      -- Consolidated all-in sustaining costs of $731 per ounce, $232 per ounce
      (or 24%) below budget and $325 per ounce (or 31%)
      below the prior-year
      -- Cash flow from operating activities of $67.6 million ($0.07 per share),
      almost doubling from $34.3 million ($0.04 per share) generated in the
      prior-year quarter
      -- Strong cash position of $99.8 million at quarter-end
      -- Masbate Mine gold production of 57,188 ounces at cash operating costs of
      $396 per ounce

      -- Company is on track to meet its 2016 annual production guidance range of
      510,000 to 550,000 ounces of gold
      -- Consolidated cash operating costs/all-in sustaining costs are now
      expected to be at the lower end of the Company's annual cost guidance

      range of $560 to $595 per ounce and $895 to $925 per ounce, respectively
      -- Construction of the Fekola mine is progressing well, on schedule and on
      , and is expected to commence production in late 2017
      -- Additional positive exploration drill results reported for the Fekola
      and Kiaka projects
      -- Subsequent to June 30, 2016, on August 2, 2016, the Company approved an
      $18 million budget for the expansion of the Fekola mill from 4 million
      tonnes per year to 5 million tonnes per year, expected to be completed
      in late 2017 and commissioned in conjunction with the main plant

      2016 First-Half Highlights

      -- Record half-year consolidated gold production of 263,086 ounces, 6% (or
      14,663 ounces) above budget and 11% (or 25,661 ounces) over the same
      period in 2015
      -- Consolidated gold revenue a half-year record of $309.1 million on sales
      of 251,728 ounces at an average price of $1,228 per ounce
      -- Consolidated cash operating costs a half-year record low of $497 per
      ounce, $93 per ounce (or 16%) below budget and $191 per ounce (or 28%)
      below the same period last year
      -- Consolidated all-in sustaining costs of $801 per ounce, $230 per ounce
      (or 22%) below budget and $271 per ounce (or 25%) below the same period
      last year
      -- Cash flow from operating activities of $239.2 million ($0.26 per share),
      including $120 million proceeds from Prepaid Sales transactions
      -- Masbate Mine gold production of 109,915 ounces at cash operating costs
      of $425 per ounce
      -- Signed commitment letter to enter into a Euro equivalent $80.9 million
      Equipment Facility with Caterpillar Financial SARL for the Fekola

      2016 Second Quarter and First-Half Operational Results

      Consolidated gold production in the second quarter of 2016 was another quarterly record of 135,242 ounces, 4% (or 5,697 ounces) above budget and 11% (or 13,676 ounces) higher than the second quarter of 2015. The increase in gold production was attributable to the continued strong operational performance of the Masbate Mine in the Philippines. Gold production at the Otjikoto Mine was in-line with expectations despite the previously reported pit slope failure on the Phase 1 pit access ramp on April 26, 2016. A new ramp was successfully constructed and mining of the Phase 1 pit resumed in mid-June.

      In the second quarter of 2016, consolidated cash operating costs were a quarterly record low of $494 per ounce, $90 per ounce (or 15%) below budget and $183 per ounce (or 27%) below the prior-year quarter. This was mainly the result of lower fuel costs and higher gold production. Cash operating costs also benefited from a weaker Namibian dollar than budgeted. Consolidated all-in sustaining costs in the quarter were $731 per ounce, $232 per ounce (or 24%) below budget and $325 per ounce (or 31%) lower than the second quarter of 2015. The lower all-in sustaining costs were primarily driven by the same factors impacting the reduction in cash operating costs per ounce as well as lower than budgeted capital expenditures at several mine sites due to the timing of land purchases, pre-stripping and underground development activity.

      Consolidated gold production for the first-half of 2016 was a half-year record of 263,086 ounces, 6% (or 14,663 ounces) above budget and 11% (or 25,661 ounces, including 18,815 ounces of pre-commercial production from Otjikoto) higher than the same period in 2015.

      For the six-month period ended June 30, 2016, consolidated cash operating costs were a half-year record low of $497 per ounce, $93 per ounce (or 16%) below budget and $191 per ounce (or 28%) lower than the first-half of 2015. Consolidated all-in sustaining costs in the first-half of 2016 were $801 per ounce, below both budget of $1,031 per ounce and $1,072 per ounce in the first-half of 2015.

      B2Gold is projecting another record year for gold production in 2016. Consolidated gold production in 2016 is expected to be in the range of 510,000 to 550,000 ounces. Gold production for the year is scheduled to be weighted to the second-half of the year, mainly due to higher forecast grades at the Otjikoto, Libertad and Limon mines. Based on the Company's strong operational performance in the first-half of 2016, consolidated cash operating costs for the full-year 2016 are now expected to be at the lower end of the Company's annual guidance range of $560 to $595 per ounce, compared to $616 per ounce in 2015. The Company's consolidated all-in sustaining costs are also now expected to be at the lower end of the fiscal 2016 guidance range of $895 to $925 per ounce, compared to $947 per ounce in 2015.

      2016 Second Quarter and First-Half Financial Results

      Consolidated gold revenue in the second quarter of 2016 was a quarterly record $164.8 million on record sales of 130,829 ounces at an average price of $1,260 per ounce compared to $136.5 million on sales of 114,423 ounces at an average price of $1,193 per ounce in the second quarter of 2015. The 21% increase in gold revenue was mainly attributable to a 14% increase in gold sales volume and a 6% increase in the average realized gold price.

      In the second quarter of 2016, the Company's cash flow from operating activities almost doubled to $67.6 million ($0.07 per share) from $34.3 million ($0.04 per share) in the prior-year quarter, driven by higher gold production, higher realized sales prices, and lower operating costs.

      Adjusted net income was $29.0 million ($0.03 per share) in the second quarter of 2016 compared to an adjusted net loss of $1.4 million ($0.00 per share) in the prior-year quarter. Adjusted net income in the second quarter of 2016 mainly excluded a non-cash mark-to-market loss of $37.4 million relating to the overall change in fair value of the Company's convertible senior subordinated notes. The Company generated a net loss of $11.8 million (negative $0.01 per share) in the quarter compared to a net loss of $22.8 million (negative $0.02 per share) in the second quarter of 2015.

      Consolidated gold revenue for the first-half of 2016 was a half-year record of $309.1 million on record sales of 251,728 ounces at an average price of $1,228 per ounce compared to $275.4 million (or $298.5 million including $23.1 million of pre-commercial sales from Otjikoto) on sales of 229,222 ounces (or 247,688 ounces including 18,466 ounces of pre-commercial sales from Otjikoto) at an average price of $1,201 per ounce in the first-half of 2015.

      Year-to-date, cash flow from operating activities was $239.2 million ($0.26 per share) compared to $93.0 million ($0.10 per share) in the first-half of 2015. The increase included $120 million of proceeds received from Prepaid Sales transactions (see "Liquidity and Capital Resources" section below).

      Adjusted net income for the first-half of 2016 was $47.8 million ($0.05 per share) compared to $9.5 million ($0.01 per share) in the first-half of 2015. For the six months ended June 30, 2016, the Company generated a net loss of $5.2 million (negative $0.00 per share) compared to a net loss of $16.4 million (negative $0.02 per share) in the comparable period of 2015.

      Liquidity and Capital Resources

      As at June 30, 2016, the Company remained in a strong financial position with working capital of $105.9 million including unrestricted cash and cash equivalents of $99.8 million. In addition, the Company has $175 million of undrawn capacity on its revolving credit facility and a commitment letter, subject to satisfaction of certain conditions precedent, to enter into a Euro equivalent of $80.9 million term Equipment Facility with Caterpillar Financial SARL. The Company believes that this liquidity coupled with continued strong operating cash flows from its existing mine operations, will provide adequate resources both to maintain operations and fund the construction of the Fekola Project through completion (forecast to be late 2017) based on current assumptions, including the completion of the term Equipment Facility and current gold prices.

      In March 2016, the Company entered into a series of Prepaid Sales transactions totalling $120 million with its revolving credit facility bank syndicate. The Prepaid Sales transactions, in the form of metal sales forward contracts, allow the Company to deliver predetermined volumes of gold on agreed future delivery dates in exchange for upfront cash pre-payment. The Prepaid Sales transactions have a term of 33 months, which commenced in March 2016, and settlement will be in the form of physical deliveries of approximately 103,300 ounces of unallocated gold from any of the Company's mines in 24 equal monthly instalments during 2017 and 2018 (estimated to represent approximately 9% and 5%, respectively, of the forecast production in those years).


      Mine-by-mine gold production in the second quarter and first-half of 2016 was as follows:

      Q2 2016 First-Half 2016
      Production Production 2016 Guidance
      Mine (ounces) (ounces) (ounces)
      Masbate 57,188 109,915 175,000 - 185,000
      Otjikoto 36,172 71,875 160,000 - 170,000
      La Libertad 30,807 60,005 125,000 - 135,000
      El Limon 11,075 21,291 50,000 - 60,000

      B2Gold Consolidated 135,242 263,086 510,000 - 550,000


      Mine-by-mine cash operating costs in the second quarter and first-half of 2016 was as follows:

      Q2 2016 First-Half 2016
      Cash Operating Cash Operating
      Costs Costs 2016 Guidance
      Mine ($ per ounce) ($ per ounce) ($ per ounce)
      Masbate $396 $425 $620 - $660
      Otjikoto $386 $384 $400 - $440
      La Libertad $717 $672 $650 - $680
      El Limon $733 $753 $610 - $650

      B2Gold Consolidated $494 $497 $560 - $595


      Masbate Gold Mine - Philippines

      The Masbate Mine in the Philippines continued its very strong operational performance into the second quarter of 2016, producing 57,188 ounces of gold (the second highest quarterly production ever for the mine), 27% (or 12,159 ounces) above budget and 39% (or 15,952 ounces) higher than the second quarter of 2015. Gold production improved against budget mainly due to better grades from the Main Vein pit combined with higher throughput and recoveries driven by higher than budgeted oxide ore from the Colorado pit. Mill throughput for the second quarter of 2016 was 1,699,705 tonnes compared to a budget of 1,652,085 tonnes and 1,768,928 tonnes in the second quarter of 2015. The average gold grade processed was 1.40 g/t compared to a budgeted grade of 1.19 g/t and second quarter 2015 grades of 0.96 g/t. Mill recoveries averaged 75.0% which was better than budgeted recoveries of 71.3% and slightly below the second quarter of 2015 of 75.8%. Recoveries in the second quarter of 2016 were better than budget as the Company processed 31% oxide material and 69% sulfide/transitional material in the quarter versus a budget of 17% and 83%, respectively. The Company expects to mine a similar ratio of oxide ore (33%) and sulfide/transitional ore (67%) against a budget of 22% oxide ore and 78% sulfide/transitional ore in the third quarter of 2016. The trend of higher than budgeted grades from Main Vein pit is also expected to continue into the third quarter.

      Masbate's second quarter cash operating costs were a record low $396 per ounce, $198 per ounce (or 33%) below budget and $386 per ounce (or 49%) below the prior-year quarter. This was mainly the result of higher gold production and lower fuel and energy costs. All-in sustaining costs in the quarter were $556 per ounce, significantly below both budget of $837 per ounce and $1,199 per ounce in the prior-year quarter, reflecting the favourable cash operating costs as well as lower than budgeted pre-stripping costs.

      Year-to-date, gold production at Masbate was 109,915 ounces of gold, significantly above budget by 21% (or 19,403 ounces) and 26% (or 22,438 ounces) higher than the first-half of 2015.

      Masbate's first-half cash operating costs were a record low $425 per ounce, $167 per ounce (or 28%) below budget and $300 per ounce (or 41%) below the same period last year. All-in sustaining costs in the first-half of 2016 were $595 per ounce, significantly below both budget of $855 per ounce and $1,029 per ounce in the first-half of 2015.

      Capital expenditures in the second quarter of 2016 totaled $8.8 million which consisted mainly of $5.3 million for the plant expansion and $1.7 million in mobile equipment purchases. Year-to-date capital expenditures totaled $17.4 million, consisting mainly of $9.7 million for the plant expansion, $2.1 million in mobile equipment purchases and $1.7 million in pre-stripping.

      The Company is in the process of completing a process plant upgrade at the Masbate Mine. The work will be completed in phases and is expected to be fully commissioned and in production by the end of the third quarter of 2016. Process plant upgrades consisting of additional leaching/adsorption tankage and an oxygenation system were brought online at the end of June. Further upgrades in progress include a carbon harvest screen, carbon regeneration kiln, and added tailings pumps. The purpose of the plant upgrade is to continue to promote improved gold recovery and maintain higher throughput.

      On February 19, 2016, the Masbate Mine received ISO 14001 accreditation which confirms that the Environmental Management System is certified to ISO standards, as required by Philippine law.

      For full-year 2016, Masbate's gold production is expected to meet or exceed the high end of its production guidance range of 175,000 to 185,000 ounces of gold while cash operating costs are expected to be below or at the low end of its cost guidance range of $620 to $660 per ounce.

      Otjikoto Mine, Namibia

      The Otjikoto Mine in Namibia produced 36,172 ounces of gold in the second quarter of 2016, comparable to budget (of 37,426 ounces) and 36,963 ounces produced in the second quarter of 2015. Gold production was largely unaffected despite the previously reported pit slope failure on the Phase 1 pit access ramp on April 26, 2016.

      Following the slope failure, a recovery plan to regain access to the Phase 1 pit was developed. The plan called for a temporary new access ramp to be established by mid-June to be utilized until the Phase 1 pit becomes depleted, expected in November 2016. The new ramp was successfully constructed and mining of the Phase 1 pit resumed in mid-June. During the construction of the new ramp, mill feed had been mainly sourced from the medium grade ore stockpile, and supplemented with high grade ore extracted from the Phase 2 pit (as part of the Phase 2 pre-stripping activities).

      With the successful completion of the plant expansion project in the third quarter of 2015, the budgeted annual throughput rate for 2016 was increased from 2.5 million tonnes per year to 3.3 million tonnes per year. For the second quarter of 2016, the Otjikoto mill achieved record quarterly throughput of 890,704 tonnes, 8% above budget (of 821,184 tonnes) and 25% higher than the second quarter of 2015 (of 711,462 tonnes). The average mill recoveries for the second quarter of 2016 were 98.0%, compared to a budget of 97.0% and recoveries during the same period of the previous year of 98.7%. The average gold grade processed was 1.29 g /t compared to a budget of 1.43 g /t and 1.63 g /t in the prior-year quarter. Gold grades were negatively impacted in the quarter by the ramp failure which had restricted access to the high grade ore at the Phase 1 pit. However, gold production remained largely unaffected as higher mill throughput and recoveries offset the lower grades.

      Otjikoto's second quarter cash operating costs were $386 per ounce, $63 per ounce (or 14%) below budget and $99 per ounce (or 20%) below the prior-year quarter. This was mainly the result of lower fuel prices and a weaker Namibian dollar/US dollar foreign exchange rate. All-in sustaining costs in the quarter were $570 per ounce, below both budget of $795 per ounce and $611 per ounce in the prior-year quarter, reflecting lower cash operating costs as well as lower than budgeted capital expenditures due to timing differences between the first and second quarter.

      During the first-half of 2016, the Otjikoto Mine produced 71,875 ounces of gold, approximately in-line with budget (of 73,079 ounces) and 6% higher compared to 68,097 ounces (including 18,815 ounces of pre-commercial production) produced in the first-half of 2015.

      Otjikoto's first-half cash operating costs were $384 per ounce, $84 per ounce (or 18%) below budget and $99 per ounce (or 20%) below the same period last year. All-in sustaining costs in the first-half of 2016 were $702 per ounce compared to budget of $819 per ounce and $615 per ounce in the first six months of 2015.

      Capital expenditures in the second quarter of 2016 totaled $7.6 million and included pre-stripping costs of $4.0 million and mobile equipment costs of $3.3 million. Net capital expenditures for the six months ended June 30, 2016 totaled $26.3 million and included pre-stripping costs of $9.4 million and mobile equipment costs of $16.1 million.

      With access to the higher grade Phase 1 pit being re-established for the second-half of 2016 and the positive mill throughput/recoveries, there is no impact to Otjikoto's 2016 annual guidance of 160,000 to 170,000 ounces of gold production at cash operating costs of $400 to $440 per ounce. Gold production at Otjikoto is weighted to the second half of the year, due to higher anticipated grades as the Phase 1 pit is completed. The high-grade Wolfshag open pit, scheduled to enter production towards the end of the fourth quarter of 2016, is expected to increase production in 2017 and beyond. A new life of mine plan, based on the new grade model and geotechnical data including mining from the open pit component of the Wolfshag deposit, is expected to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2016. Following the promising results of an internal scoping study, a detailed engineering study of Wolfshag underground mining is expected to commence in the third quarter of 2016, with results to be delivered in 2017.

      La Libertad Gold Mine - Nicaragua

      In the second quarter of 2016, La Libertad Mine in Nicaragua produced 30,807 ounces of gold, approximately 7% (or 2,423 ounces) below budget. Mining from the higher grade Jabali Antenna pit was scheduled to commence in the second quarter of 2016. However, the Company has experienced additional delays in relocation and permitting activities. As a result, average process grades for the quarter were lower than anticipated (1.75 g/t compared to budget of 1.90 g/t). The Company now anticipates that the Jabali Antenna pit will enter the production stream in late 2016, upon completion of the resettlement activities and receipt of remaining mining permits. Gold production in the second quarter of 2016 was 11% (or 3,126 ounces) higher than the second quarter of 2015. During the second quarter of 2016, La Libertad had better grade than the same period in 2015, mainly due to the processing of higher grades from the Jabali Central pit and Mojon underground. The mill continues to operate well processing 579,756 tonnes (Q2 2015 - 573,807 tonnes) with gold recoveries averaging 94.8% (Q2 2015 - 94.5%). Both throughput and recoveries were as budgeted.

      La Libertad's cash operating costs in the second quarter of 2016 were $717 per ounce, $28 per ounce (or 4%) above budget but $96 per ounce (or 12%) lower compared to the prior-year quarter. These variances were mainly due to differences in grades processed (as discussed above). All-in sustaining costs in the quarter were $942 per ounce, below both budget of $1,075 per ounce and $1,120 per ounce in the prior-year quarter. All-in sustaining costs in the quarter reflect lower than budgeted pre-stripping costs at Jabali Central and lower capital expenditures due to delays in accessing the Jabali Antenna zone.

      In the first-half of 2016, La Libertad Mine produced 60,005 ounces of gold, slightly above budget (of 59,214 ounces) and 13% higher compared to 53,007 ounces produced in the first-half of 2015.

      Year-to-date, La Libertad's cash operating costs were $672 per ounce, $26 per ounce (or 4%) below budget and $154 per ounce (or 19%) below the same period last year. All-in sustaining costs in the first-half of 2016 were $991 per ounce, below both budget of $1,295 per ounce and $1,164 per ounce in the first-half of 2015.

      By modifying the 2016 mine schedule to mine additional material from Jabali Central and Mojon underground, the Company expects that any 2016 production shortfalls arising from delays in accessing ore at the Jabali Antenna pit can be offset. Therefore, La Libertad still expects to meet its 2016 guidance of between 125,000 to 135,000 ounces of gold in 2016 at cash operating costs of approximately $650 to $680 per ounce. Gold production at La Libertad is expected to be weighted towards the second half of the year, due to higher forecast processed grades. Under the 2016 modified mine plan, Libertad's mill feed in the second half of the year is forecast to contain a higher percentage of high grade ore from Jabali Central and Mojon underground (replacing low grade spent ore) versus the first-half of the year.

      On May 5, 2016, the Company received the 2015 Award for Social Responsibility in Nicaragua related to its work on the Jabali Antenna settlement project to date. The award recognizes the Company's commitment to social development projects that benefit the local communities in which it operates.

      El Limon Gold Mine - Nicaragua

      El Limon open pit and underground mine in Nicaragua produced 11,075 ounces of gold in the second quarter of 2016, 2,785 ounces below budget and 4,611 ounces lower than the same quarter last year. Gold production was lower than budget due to 20% lower (than planned) mill throughput (99,947 tonnes compared to budget of 126,477 tonnes). The reduced throughput partly reflects the timing for downtime (13 days) related to the SAG ring gear change-out which had been originally planned for the first quarter of 2016 but was deferred to the second quarter. The mill restart was successfully completed on April 24th. Fleet haulage equipment availability during the quarter also temporarily affected the quantity of ore available for process during May and June but has now been rectified. The average mill recoveries for the second quarter of 2016 were 94.5%, compared to a budget of 93.5% and recoveries during the same period of the previous year of 94.4%. The average gold grade processed was 3.65 g /t compared to a budget of 3.65 g /t and 4.13 g /t in the prior-year quarter. Gold production at El Limon in the second quarter of 2015 reflected higher processed grades and throughput.

      El Limon's second quarter cash operating costs were $733 per ounce, $66 per ounce (or 10%) above budget and $118 per ounce (or 19%) higher compared to the prior-year quarter. The increase was mainly due to the mill downtime outlined above. All-in sustaining costs in the quarter were $1,121 per ounce compared to budget of $1,073 per ounce and $1,179 per ounce in the prior-year quarter.

      For the first-half of 2016, El Limon Mine produced 21,291 ounces of gold, 4,327 ounces below budget and 7,553 ounces lower than the first six months of 2015.

      El Limon's first-half cash operating costs were $753 per ounce, $71 per ounce (or 10%) above budget and $82 per ounce (or 12%) higher than the first-half of 2015. All-in sustaining costs in the first-half of 2016 were $1,124 per ounce compared to budget of $1,131 per ounce and $1,259 per ounce in the first six months of 2015.

      Capital expenditures in the second quarter of 2016 totaled $1.6 million which consisted mainly of $0.7 million of underground development and $0.3 million for a pumping project. Year-to-date capital expenditures totaled $3.0 million, consisting mainly of $1.7 million of underground development and $0.3 million for a pumping project.

      With the higher grade areas now accessible and improvements in haulage, the Company expects that El Limon, which represents approximately 10% of B2Gold's 2016 consolidated gold production, will be able to meet its 2016 guidance. El Limon mine is projected to produce approximately 50,000 to 60,000 ounces of gold in 2016 at cash operating costs of approximately $610 to $650 per ounce. Gold production in the mine plan is weighted to the second half of the year, reflecting improving grades in July through December, 2016.


      Fekola Development Project - Mali

      In the second quarter of 2016, B2Gold's construction team continued to develop the Fekola project in Mali which remains on schedule and on budget to commence production in late 2017. Significant activities during the quarter included:

      -- Working on the spillway at the water dam;
      -- Diversion ditch and settlement pond completed on the west side of the
      -- Removal of material from the pit for construction of the RoM Pad;
      -- Concrete pouring in the mill area has commenced (mill, tanks, reclaim
      tunnel, crusher);
      -- Structural steel has started arriving at site;
      -- Power plant construction has commenced;
      -- Detailed engineering and ordering of long lead items remain on schedule;
      -- Increased workforce to approximately 800 employees and contractors.

      Capital expenditures in the three and six months ended June 30, 2016 totaled $51.0 million and $97.4 million, respectively, versus a construction budget of $44.4 million and $106.3 million, respectively. Expenditures on the Fekola project to date are $226.8 million, including $37.9 million of preconstruction expenditures, compared with a budget to date of $221.4 million. The variance was mainly due to the timing of payments for some key pieces of equipment. The project remains on schedule and on budget.

      On June 11, 2015, the Company announced robust results from the optimized Feasibility Study at the Fekola project. According to the Feasibility Study, the estimated average annual gold production for the first seven years will be approximately 350,000 ounces per year at an average cash operating cost of $418 per ounce (based on low grade stockpiling in the initial years of operation) and for the 12.5 year life of mine plan approximately 276,000 ounces per year at average cash operating costs of $552 per ounce.

      On June 29, 2016, the Company announced an exploration update for its Fekola project. Based on the positive drill results to date (at both new near surface targets and underground below the main Fekola pit) and exploration potential, the Company is constructing the Fekola mine with a +25% design factor. This means that the capacity for throughput of ore at Fekola could reach up to 5 million tonnes per year in the initial years of production, beyond the optimized feasibility study's estimated throughput of 4 million tonnes per year, for relatively low additional capital cost. On August 2, 2016, the Company decided to proceed with the mill expansion and approved an $18 million expansion budget (for additional items including a pebble crusher and one additional generator). With this additional capital investment, the Fekola mill expansion is expected to be completed in late 2017 and commissioned in conjunction with the main plant commissioning. This mill capacity increase from 4 million tonnes per year to 5 million tonnes per year could potentially increase annual production by up to 20% (subject to mine planning), surpassing initial projections of approximately 350,000 ounces of gold per year.

      During the first quarter of 2016, the Company increased its 2016 exploration budget for Mali by $4.5 million from $6.9 million to $11.4 million. The Company is approximately half-way through a 98,500 metre diamond, reverse circulation, auger and air core drill program to follow up on the successful 2015 program.

      Kiaka Development Project - Burkina Faso

      On June 29, 2016, the Company announced positive exploration drill results at the new Toega prospects near the Kiaka deposit. These indicate the presence of new, potentially higher-grade gold zones. Preliminary internal studies indicate that combining the potential higher-grade ore from the Toega zones with ore from the lower-grade Kiaka deposit could have a very positive effect on the economics of the project. The Company has increased the budget for the areas around the Kiaka deposit by $3 million to a total of $5.6 million on the strength of these results. The additional funds will be used to further explore and conduct infill drilling at the new higher-grade gold zones along with completing detailed metallurgical sampling and testing and base line permitting work.

      The Company continues to evaluate its timeline for updating the Kiaka feasibility study. An updated study will include key items such as optimizing the plant throughput rate, new cost estimates based on current economic conditions, alternative sources of electrical power and exploration success near Kiaka. During the second quarter of 2016, the Company approved an additional budget of $7.5 million for updated feasibility study work to be undertaken during the remainder of 2016. The Company is currently targeting mid-2017 for completion of the updated Kiaka study, subject to further delineation of the size of the deposit.


      B2Gold is projecting another record year for gold production in 2016. Consolidated gold production in 2016 is expected to be in the range of 510,000 to 550,000 ounces. Gold production for the year is scheduled to be weighted to the second-half of the year, mainly due to higher forecast grades at the Otjikoto, Libertad and Limon mines. Based on the Company's strong operational performance in the first-half of 2016, consolidated cash operating costs for the full-year 2016 are expected to be at the lower end of the Company's annual guidance range of $560 to $595 per ounce, compared to $616 per ounce in 2015. The Company's consolidated all-in sustaining costs are also expected to be at the lower end of the fiscal 2016 guidance range of $895 to $925 per ounce, compared to $947 per ounce in 2015. The improvement in consolidated cash operating and all-in-sustaining costs against both budget and prior year reflects lower fuel costs at all sites and better than budgeted production at the Masbate Mine. In the first-half of 2016, the Masbate Mine had better than budgeted throughput, grades and recoveries. Cash operating costs also benefited from a weaker Namibian dollar than budgeted.

      In March 2016, the Company put several new funding measures in place. A total of $120 million was received from Prepaid Sales arrangements and the Company signed a commitment letter for an $81 million Equipment Facility with Caterpillar Financial SARL. In addition, higher realized gold prices and better operating cost performance from the Company's mines continue to significantly improve operating cash flows. In the second quarter of 2016, operating cash flows from the Company's mining operations totaled $67.6 million, almost doubling from the prior year quarter. The Company expects that the combination of the new funding measures and continued strong performance from operations will provide sufficient liquidity and resources to maintain operations and ensure that, based on current assumptions, construction of the Fekola Project is fully funded through to completion (forecast to be late 2017).

      The core activities of the Company remain its current mining operations and the construction of its Fekola Project. In addition to its development of Fekola, the Company is also focused on maintaining strategic development expenditures on core projects such as the Masbate Mine process plant upgrade. These core project investments should continue to contribute to the Company's overall operating cost improvements, operational efficiencies and production growth profile. Sustainable organic growth also requires a continued focus on exploration, including both brownfield exploration at the Company's existing projects and additional greenfield opportunities. The most significant areas of exploration focus for the Company are in West Africa. As part of the 2016 budget, the Company originally allocated $30 million for exploration activities. Since the beginning of 2016, the Company has committed additional funds totaling approximately $15 million to pursue additional greenfield exploration targets in both Mali and Burkina Faso and to update the Kiaka Feasibility study.

      The Company's ability to secure funding for the construction of the Fekola Project on attractive terms without a dilutive equity financing, combined with a strong growth in the Company's production profile, clearly demonstrates that its cost effective growth strategy is working. It is this strategy that continues to strengthen the Company via accretive acquisitions, exploration success and the demonstrated ability to reduce operating costs. The Company's Otjikoto Mine was a key contributor towards the Company's overall production growth profile in 2015, and is projected to be the Company's lowest cost producing mine in 2016. The Fekola Project is currently in construction and scheduled to commence production in late 2017. The Company has recently approved an $18 million budget for the expansion of the Fekola mill from 4 million tonnes per year to 5 million tonnes per year which is expected to be brought on-line in late 2017 in conjunction with the main plant commissioning. Fekola is expected to be another low-cost mine and should enable the Company to significantly increase its production base while at the same time reduce its consolidated cash operating costs per gold ounce and all-in sustaining costs per gold ounce. The Company also has a well-established track record of exploration success and the strategic allocation of funds to pursuing exploration targets is also expected to be a primary contributor to the Company's ongoing growth profile.

      Based on current assumptions and updates to the Company's long-term mine plans, the Company is projecting gold production in 2016 of between 510,000 to 550,000 ounces, 540,000 to 580,000 ounces in 2017 and significantly increasing to between 900,000 to 950,000 ounces in 2018 with the planned first full-year of production from the Fekola Project.

      About B2Gold

      Headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, B2Gold Corp. is one of the fastest growing intermediate gold producers in the world. Since its inception in 2007, B2Gold has evolved into an international gold mining company, with four operating mines, one mine under construction and numerous exploration projects across four continents in various countries, including Nicaragua, the Philippines, Namibia, Mali and Burkina Faso. Construction of B2Gold's Fekola mine in southwest Mali is on schedule and on budget, and is projected to commence production at the end of 2017. As a result, B2Gold is well positioned to maintain its low cost structure and growth profile.

      Second Quarter 2016 Financial Results - Conference Call Details

      B2Gold Corp. will release its second quarter 2016 financial results before the North American markets open on Thursday, August 4, 2016.

      B2Gold executives will host a conference call to discuss the results on Thursday, August 4, 2016 at 10:00 am PDT / 1:00 pm EDT. You may access the call by dialing the operator at 416-340-8527 or toll free at 800-355-4959 prior to the scheduled start time or, you may listen to the call via webcast by clicking A playback version of the call will be available for one week after the call at 905-694-9451 or toll free at 800-408-3053 (passcode: 4588463).

      Qualified Person

      Peter D. Montano, P.E., the Project Director of B2Gold, a qualified person under NI 43-101, has approved the scientific and technical information contained in this news release.


      "Clive T. Johnson"

      President and Chief Executive Officer

      For more information on B2Gold please visit the Company website at

      The Toronto Stock Exchange neither approves nor disapproves the information contained in this news release.

      This news release includes certain "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" (collectively, "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable Canadian and United States securities legislation, including projections of future financial and operational performance; statements with respect to future events or future performance; production estimates and guidance, including the Company's projected gold production of between 510,000 to 550,000 ounces in 2016 and production being weighted towards the second half of 2016; anticipated revenue; projected operating and production costs and guidance; estimates of capital expenditures and planned investments; and statements regarding anticipated exploration, development, construction, production, permitting and other activities of the Company, including: the development and production from the Fekola Project by late 2017 and the Fekola Project being on schedule, on budget and fully funded; the potential throughput at Fekola of up to five million tonnes per year in the initial years of production, the estimated capital expenditures required to reach such throughput and the potential to increase estimated production at Fekola; completion of a life of mine plan and engineering study for the Otjikoto Mine incorporating the Wolfshag zone; the commencement of a detailed engineering study of Wolfshag in the third quarter of 2016, with results to be delivered in 2017; updating the Kiaka Project feasibility study; the projections included in existing technical reports, economic assessments and feasibility studies, including the Feasibility Study for the Fekola Project;

      the potential for expansion of production capacity, including the expansion of gold production at the Otjikoto Mine and anticipated production from the adjacent Wolfshag zone in late 2016 accessing higher grades and increasing production at Otjikoto in 2017 and beyond; completion of the planned upgrade of the Masbate plant by the end of the third quarter in 2016; the completion of permitting and resettlement activities in respect of the Jabali Antenna Pit; production from the Jabali Antenna Pit in late 2016 and the expectation for gold production at Wolfshag to increase in 2017; production shortfalls as a result of delays in accessing ore at Jabali being fully offset; mill feed at Masbate in the second half of 2016 containing higher percentage of higher grade ore; planned exploration and exploration budgets, including the planned exploration at Fekola and Kiaka and the results thereof and the potential identification of new mineralization or discoveries there and the effect of adding mineralization from the Toega prospect on the economics of the Kiaka project; the delivery of ounces under the Prepaid Sales arrangements; the adequacy of capital for continued operations; and the satisfaction of conditions precedent and completion of funding under the Equipment Facility with Caterpillar Financial SARL. Estimates of mineral resources and reserves are also forward-looking statements because they constitute projections, based on certain estimates and assumptions, regarding the amount of minerals that may be encountered in the future and/or the anticipated economics of production, should a production decision be made. All statements in this news release that address events or developments that we expect to occur in the future are forward-looking statements.

      Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, although not always, identified by words such as "expect", "plan", "anticipate", "project", "target", "potential", "schedule", "forecast", "budget", "estimate", "intend" or "believe" and similar expressions or their negative connotations, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could", "should" or "might" occur. All such forward-looking statements are based on the opinions and estimates of management as of the date such statements are made. Forward-looking statements necessarily involve assumptions, risks and uncertainties, certain of which are beyond B2Gold's control, including the uncertainty of estimates regarding the costs of construction and the timing and amount of production; risks associated with the volatility of metal prices and currencies; risks and dangers inherent in exploration, development and mining activities; uncertainty of reserve and resource estimates; financing risks; risks related to hedging activities; the ability to obtain and maintain any necessary permits, consents or authorizations required for mining activities; shortages or cost increases in necessary equipment, supplies and labour; regulatory, political and country risks; litigation risk; risks related to environmental regulations or hazards and compliance with complex regulations associated with mining activities; the ability to replace mineral reserves and identify acquisition opportunities; unknown liabilities of companies acquired by B2Gold; fluctuations in exchange rates; availability of financing and financing risks; risks related to operations in foreign countries and compliance with foreign laws; risks related to remote operations and the availability adequate infrastructure; fluctuations in price and availability of energy and other inputs necessary for mining operations; risks related to reliance upon contractors, third parties and joint venture partners; challenges to title or surface rights;

      dependence on key personnel; the risk of an uninsurable or uninsured loss; changes in tax laws; community support for our operations including risks related to strikes and the halting of such operations from time to time; as well as other factors identified and as described in more detail under the heading "Risk Factors" in B2Gold's most recent Annual Information Form and B2Gold's other filings with Canadian securities regulators and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"), which may be viewed at and, respectively. The list is not exhaustive of the factors that may affect the Company's forward-looking statements. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results, performance or achievements could differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, these forward-looking statements. Accordingly, no assurance can be given that any events anticipated by the forward-looking statements will transpire or occur, or if any of them do, what benefits or liabilities B2Gold will derive therefrom. The Company's forward-looking statements reflect current expectations regarding future events and operating performance and speak only as of the date hereof and the Company does not assume any obligation to update forward-looking statements if circumstances or management's beliefs, expectations or opinions should change other than as required by applicable law. For the reasons set forth above, you should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

      The disclosure in this news release regarding mineral properties was prepared in accordance with Canadian National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101"), which differ significantly from the mineral reserve disclosure requirements of the SEC set out in Industry Guide 7. In particular, NI 43-101 permits companies to use the term "resources", which are not "reserves". U.S. companies subject to the disclosure requirements of the SEC are not normally permitted to disclose mineralization unless they constitute "reserves" by U.S. standards in documents filed with the SEC. Accordingly, while mineral resources are recognized and required to be disclosed by NI 43-101, the SEC's disclosure standards normally do not permit U.S. companies to disclose mineral resources in their filings with the SEC. Investors are specifically cautioned not to assume that any part or all of "measured mineral resources", "indicated mineral resources" or "inferred mineral resources" will ever be converted into SEC defined mineral reserves. Further, while NI 43-101 permits companies to disclose economic projections contained in preliminary economic assessments and pre-feasibility studies, which are not based on "reserves", U.S. companies are not normally permitted to disclose economic projections for a mineral property in their SEC filings prior to the establishment of "reserves". In addition, the definitions of "reserves" and related terms under NI 43-101 and the SEC's Industry Guide 7 differ significantly. Under SEC standards, mineralization may not be classified as a "reserve" unless the determination has been made that the mineralization could be economically and legally produced or extracted at the time the reserve determination is made. Among other things, all necessary permits would be required to be in hand or issuance imminent in order to classify mineralized material as reserves under the SEC standards. As a result, reserves disclosed by the Company may not qualify for reserves as defined in the SEC's Industry Guide 7. For the above reasons, information contained in this news release that describes the Company's mineral reserve and resource estimates or that describes the results of pre-feasibility or other studies is not comparable to similar information made public by U.S. companies subject to the reporting and disclosure requirements of the SEC.

      Non-IFRS Measures

      This news release includes certain terms or performance measures commonly used in the mining industry that are not defined under International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"), including "cash operating costs", "all-in sustaining costs", "adjusted net income" and "adjusted net loss". Non-IFRS measures do not have any standardized meaning prescribed under IFRS, and therefore they may not be comparable to similar measures employed by other companies. The data presented is intended to provide additional information and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for measures of performance prepared in accordance with IFRS and should be read in conjunction with B2Gold's consolidated financial statements. Readers should refer to B2Gold's management discussion and analysis, available under B2Gold's corporate profile at or on its website at, under the heading "Non-IFRS Measures" for a more detailed discussion of how B2Gold calculates such measures and reconciliation of measures to IFRS terms.

      B2GOLD CORP.



      (Expressed in thousands of United States dollars, except per share amounts)


      For the three For the three For the six For the six
      months ended months ended months ended months ended
      June 30, 2016 June 30, 2015 June 30, 2016 June 30, 2015


      Gold revenue $ 164,803 $ 136,506 $ 309,055 $ 275,398


      Cost of sales

      costs (66,146) (76,096) (127,790) (153,919)
      and depletion (38,938) (35,008) (73,251) (67,803)
      Royalties and
      taxes (5,565) (5,761) (11,421) (10,756)


      Total cost of
      sales (110,649) (116,865) (212,462) (232,478)


      Gross profit 54,154 19,641 96,593 42,920

      General and
      administrative (8,174) (10,352) (15,662) (20,060)
      payments (2,087) (3,647) (7,472) (9,135)
      Write-off of
      interests (3,867) - (3,867) -
      Provision for
      input taxes (787) (637) (1,029) (611)
      Foreign exchange
      losses (2,147) (1,166) (1,785) (2,915)
      Other (2,049) (1,057) (3,584) (1,786)


      Operating income 35,043 2,782 63,194 8,413

      Loss on fair
      value of
      notes (37,434) (8,364) (43,393) (6,671)
      Gain on sale of
      property - - - 2,192
      relations (958) (1,089) (1,845) (1,938)
      Interest and
      expense (2,906) (8,259) (5,932) (9,967)
      Realized losses
      on derivative
      instruments (3,752) (1,994) (9,247) (2,548)
      losses on
      instruments (650) (5,727) (10,100) (5,820)
      Write-down of
      investments (182) (517) (182) (1,855)
      Other (414) (271) (1,325) 333


      Loss before
      taxes (11,253) (23,439) (8,830) (17,861)

      Current income
      withholding and
      other taxes
      recovery (3,990) (1,728) (8,335) 568
      Deferred income
      tax recovery 3,437 2,383 12,010 850


      Net loss for the
      period $ (11,806) $ (22,784) $ (5,155) $ (16,443)


      Attributable to:
      Shareholders of
      the Company $ (10,330) $ (21,185) $ (2,013) $ (14,923)
      interests (1,476) (1,599) (3,142) (1,520)


      Net loss for the
      period $ (11,806) $ (22,784) $ (5,155) $ (16,443)


      Loss per share
      to shareholders
      of the Company)
      Basic $ (0.01) $ (0.02) $ (0.00) $ (0.02)
      Diluted $ (0.01) $ (0.02) $ (0.00) $ (0.02)

      Weighted average
      number of
      common shares
      outstanding (in
      Basic 930,235 923,035 928,690 920,022
      Diluted 930,235 923,035 928,690 920,022

      B2GOLD CORP.



      (Expressed in thousands of United States dollars)


      For the three For the three For the six For the six
      months ended months ended months ended months ended
      June 30, 2016 June 30, 2015 June 30, 2016 June 30, 2015


      Net loss for
      the period $ (11,806) $ (22,784) $ (5,155) $ (16,443)
      settled (66) (310) (98) (444)
      charges 84,015 58,303 132,610 96,990
      Changes in non-
      cash working
      capital (4,010) 787 (10,069) 15,868
      Proceeds from
      prepaid sales - - 120,000 -
      Changes in
      value added
      receivables (529) (1,681) 1,869 (2,993)


      Cash provided
      by operating
      activities 67,604 34,315 239,157 92,978


      drawdowns net
      of transaction
      costs - 168,854 50,000 168,854
      Repayment of
      facility - (150,000) (100,000) (150,000)
      equipment loan
      drawdowns net
      of transaction
      costs 9,807 - 11,043 3,883
      Repayment of
      equipment loan
      facility (2,043) (1,717) (3,823) (3,433)
      Repayment of
      loans (427) (380) (932) (752)
      Interest and
      fees paid (6,718) (5,648) (9,800) (7,138)
      Common shares
      issued for
      cash 6,777 58 6,795 540
      Restricted cash
      movement (1,119) 31 (1,169) (400)


      Cash provided
      (used) by
      activities 6,277 11,198 (47,886) 11,554


      Expenditures on
      Otjikoto Mine,
      capital (7,618) (6,007) (26,326) (19,533)
      Masbate Mine,
      capital (8,836) (11,940) (17,350) (16,066)
      Libertad Mine,
      capital (2,920) (5,343) (11,700) (11,482)
      Limon Mine,
      capital (1,581) (5,807) (2,961) (11,204)
      development (50,998) - (97,439) -
      exploration (2,753) (3,338) (2,816) (6,788)
      development (7,800) (27,362) (12,833) (51,625)
      Purchase of
      interest - - (6,000) (6,138)
      Acquisition of
      rights - (4,000) - (4,000)
      Other (115) (284) 639 843


      Cash used by
      activities (82,621) (64,081) (176,786) (125,993)


      (decrease) in
      cash and cash
      equivalents (8,740) (18,568) 14,485 (21,461)

      Effect of
      exchange rate
      changes on cash
      and cash
      equivalents (527) 109 174 (1,385)

      Cash and cash
      beginning of
      period 109,069 128,177 85,143 132,564


      Cash and cash
      end of period $ 99,802 $ 109,718 $ 99,802 $ 109,718


      B2GOLD CORP.


      (Expressed in thousands of United States dollars)


      As at As at
      June 30, December 31,
      2016 2015

      Cash and cash equivalents $ 99,802 $ 85,143
      Accounts receivable and prepaids 10,726 11,532
      Value-added and other tax receivables 18,231 20,597
      Inventories 100,020 86,324


      228,779 203,596

      Long-term investments 14,090 10,163

      Value-added tax receivables 26,427 24,804

      Mining interests
      Owned by subsidiaries 1,813,524 1,723,366
      Investments in joint ventures 45,740 42,394

      Other assets 21,459 20,059


      $ 2,150,019 $ 2,024,382


      Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 57,421 $ 58,744
      Current taxes payable 6,500 10,686
      Current portion of long-term debt 14,137 11,726
      Current portion of derivative instruments
      at fair value 14,031 10,618
      Current portion of mine restoration
      provisions 483 483
      Current portion of prepaid sales 29,556 -
      Other 784 6,663


      122,912 98,920

      Derivative instruments at fair value 24,790 18,968

      Long-term debt 448,119 451,466

      Prepaid sales 90,444 -

      Mine restoration provisions 69,432 63,539

      Deferred income taxes 57,454 68,939

      Employee benefits obligation 6,928 6,814

      Other long-term liabilities 3,939 3,197


      824,018 711,843


      Shareholders' equity

      Share capital

      Issued: 933,915,046 common shares (Dec 31,
      2015 - 927,073,436) 2,051,964 2,036,778

      Contributed surplus 69,990 70,051

      Accumulated other comprehensive loss (92,762) (96,254)

      Deficit (708,904) (706,891)



      1,320,288 1,303,684

      Non-controlling interests 5,713 8,855


      1,326,001 1,312,539


      $ 2,150,019 $ 2,024,382


      Ian MacLean
      Vice President, Investor Relations

      Katie Bromley
      Manager, Investor Relations & Public Relations
      schrieb am 11.08.16 00:14:20
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Die gestrigen Rekordergebnisse kommen bei Analysten gut an und führen zu höheren Kurszielen!

      B2Gold Corp. (BTO) Price Target Increased to C$5.50 by Analysts at RBC Capital Markets
      Posted on August 5, 2016 Analyst Articles - CA, Investing

      B2Gold Corp.. (TSE:BTO) had its price objective increased by RBC Capital Markets from C$5.00 to C$5.50 in a note issued to investors on Friday.
      The brokerage presently has an “outperform” rating on the stock. RBC Capital Markets’ price objective would indicate a potential upside of 25.57% from the company’s previous close.
      schrieb am 11.08.16 22:04:45
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Neues um 35% erhöhtes Kursziel!

      TD Securities Raises B2Gold Corp. (BTO) Price Target to C$5.50
      Posted on August 5, 2016 by Robert Jamerson in Analyst Articles - CA, Investing

      B2Gold Corp. (TSE:BTO) had its price objective upped by analysts at TD Securities from C$4.00 to C$5.50 in a note issued to investors on Friday.
      The brokerage currently has a “buy” rating on the stock. TD Securities’ price target points to a potential upside of 25.57% from the company’s current price.
      schrieb am 11.08.16 22:07:39
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Gewinnschätzungen wurden von Analysten verdoppelt!

      Q3 2016 EPS Estimates for B2Gold Corp. (BTO) Boosted by Cormark
      Posted on August 8, 2016 by Matt Cooper in Analyst Articles - Estimates, Investing

      B2Gold Corp. (TSE:BTO) – Cormark lifted their Q3 2016 earnings per share (EPS) estimates for B2Gold Corp. in a research report issued on Friday.
      Cormark analyst R. Gray now expects that the brokerage will post earnings per share of $0.04 for the quarter, up from their prior forecast of $0.02.
      Cormark also issued estimates for B2Gold Corp.’s Q4 2016 earnings at $0.04 EPS and FY2016 earnings at $0.14 EPS.
      schrieb am 11.08.16 22:12:24
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      B2Gold-Aktie: eines der besten Profile im Goldsektor! - Aktienanalyse

      08.08.16 16:13
      TD Securities

      Toronto ( - B2Gold-Aktienanalyse von Analyst Steven Green von TD Securities:

      Aktienanalyst Steven Green vom Investmenthaus TD Securities bestätigt im Rahmen einer Aktienanalyse seine Kaufempfehlung für die Aktien des kanadischen Goldproduzenten B2Gold Corp. (ISIN: CA11777Q2099, WKN: A0M889, Ticker-Symbol: 5BG, TSE-Symbol: BTO).

      Das von B2Gold Corp. im abgelaufenen Quartal erzielte EPS habe die Prognose übertroffen ebenso wie die Konsensschätzung. Die Produktionsdaten seien schon vorab bekannt gegeben worden. An der Guidance habe sich nichts geändert. B2Gold habe aber Kosten am unteren Ende der Planungsspanne angekündigt.

      Die Cash flow-Generierung sei solide gewesen. Der Free Cash flow sei aber wegen der Fekola-Entwicklung mit 11 Mio. EUR im negativen Bereich gewesen. Ohne die Ausgaben in Höhe von 51 Mio. USD hätte sich der Free Cash flow auf 40 Mio. USD belaufen. Angesichts der positiven Bohrergebnisse bei Fekola plane B2Gold eine Ausweitung der dortigen Minenaktivitäten.

      Die Analysten von TD Securities setzen die NAV-Projektion je Aktie von 2,52 auf 2,77 CAD herauf. Nach Ansicht von Analyst Steven Green bietet B2Gold eines der besten Produktionsprofile in der Goldbranche. Im Vergleich zu anderen hochqualitativen Produzenten sehe die Bewertung vergleichsweise vernünftig aus.

      Die Aktienanalysten von TD Securities stufen in ihrer B2Gold-Aktienanalyse den Titel weiterhin mit "buy" ein und erhöhen das Kursziel von 4,00 auf 5,50 CAD.
      schrieb am 11.08.16 22:15:32
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Weiteres von Analysten erhöhtes Kursziel!

      B2Gold Corp. (BTO) Price Target Raised to C$5.50 at Royal Bank Of Canada
      Posted on August 9, 2016 by Matt Cooper in Analyst Articles - CA, Investing

      B2Gold Corp. (TSE:BTO) had its price objective upped by Royal Bank Of Canada from C$5.00 to C$5.50 in a report published on Monday, reports.
      The brokerage currently has an outperform rating on the stock.
      schrieb am 11.08.16 22:19:19
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Noch eine weitere Heraufsetzung des Kursziels durch Bankanalysten!

      B2Gold Corp. (BTO) PT Raised to C$5.50 at BMO Capital Markets
      Posted on August 9, 2016 by Jamal Genner in Analyst Articles - CA, Investing

      B2Gold Corp. (TSE:BTO) had its target price hoisted by equities research analysts at BMO Capital Markets from C$4.25 to C$5.50 in a note issued to investors on Friday.
      BMO Capital Markets’ target price would indicate a potential upside of 22.22% from the stock’s previous close.
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 11.08.16 22:23:58
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Q3 2016 EPS Estimates for B2Gold Corp. Raised by National Bank Financial (BTO)
      Posted on August 9, 2016 by Robert Jamerson in Analyst Articles - Estimates, Investing

      B2Gold Corp. (TSE:BTO) – Equities researchers at National Bank Financial increased their Q3 2016 EPS estimates for B2Gold Corp. in a report issued on Thursday.
      National Bank Financial analyst S. Parsons now expects that the brokerage will post earnings of $0.07 per share for the quarter, up from their prior estimate of $0.05.
      National Bank Financial currently has a “Sector Perform” rating and a $4.50 price objective on the stock. National Bank Financial also issued estimates for B2Gold Corp.’s FY2018 earnings at $0.28 EPS and FY2020 earnings at $0.24 EPS.
      schrieb am 11.08.16 23:32:40
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.043.688 von edorado am 11.08.16 22:19:19Also ich weiß nicht. EV/Reserven überschreitet bald die 500, EV/Jahresprod. steht um die 7000 - ich kann da kaum was teureres finden.

      Kann aber durchaus auch bis 10 CAD laufen, alles möglich.
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 12.08.16 19:39:43
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.044.138 von startvestor am 11.08.16 23:32:40Die Analysten von TD Securities setzen die NAV-Projektion je Aktie von 2,52 auf 2,77 CAD herauf. Nach Ansicht von Analyst Steven Green bietet B2Gold eines der besten Produktionsprofile in der Goldbranche. Im Vergleich zu anderen hochqualitativen Produzenten sehe die Bewertung vergleichsweise vernünftig aus.

      Woher kommen Deine Zahlen? Eigene Berechnung oder Quelle?
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 12.08.16 19:42:49
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      09.08.16 14:22

      Bad Marienberg ( - B2Gold-Aktie: neue Analysten-Empfehlungen nach Quartalszahlen! - Aktiennews

      Die Analysten verschiedener Investmenthäuser haben sich nach der Vorlage der Q2-Quartalszahlen zu den Aktien des Goldproduzenten B2Gold Corp. (ISIN: CA11777Q2099, WKN: A0M889, Ticker-Symbol: 5BG, TSE-Symbol: BTO) geäußert.

      Die Analysten von National Bank Financial stufen die Aktien von B2Gold Corp. weiterhin mit "sector perform" ein. Das Kursziel wird von 4,20 auf 4,50 CAD heraufgesetzt.

      Das Analystenteam um Jeff Killeen von CIBC World Markets hebt das Kursziel für die B2Gold-Aktie von 4,00 auf 5,00 CAD an und bestätigt das Rating "sector performer".

      Canaccord Genuity hält am "buy"-Votum fest und erhöht das Kursziel von 4,75 auf 5,25 CAD.

      Das Investmenthaus Clarus Securities setzt die Anlageeinschätzung von "hold" auf "buy" herauf.

      RBC Capital Markets bleibt beim "outperform"-Votum. Das Kursziel wird von 5,00 auf 5,50 CAD nach oben gesetzt.
      schrieb am 12.08.16 19:46:49
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      Gewinnschätzungen wurden erhöht!

      FY2017 Earnings Forecast for B2Gold Corp. (BTO) Issued By Clarus Securities
      Posted on August 9, 2016 by Justin Garson in Analyst Articles - Estimates, Investing

      B2Gold Corp. (TSE:BTO) – Analysts at Clarus Securities upped their FY2017 earnings per share (EPS) estimates for shares of B2Gold Corp. in a research note issued on Friday.
      Clarus Securities analyst J. Spratt now expects that the firm will post earnings of $0.31 per share for the year, up from their prior forecast of $0.25.
      Clarus Securities has a “Buy” rating on the stock.

      Clarus Securities also issued estimates for B2Gold Corp.’s FY2018 earnings at $0.50 EPS. :eek::D
      schrieb am 12.08.16 19:48:26
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      B2Gold Corp. (BTO) Price Target Raised to C$5.00
      Posted on August 11, 2016 by John Miller in Analyst Articles - CA, Investing

      B2Gold Corp. (TSE:BTO) had its price target upped by CIBC from C$4.00 to C$5.00 in a research report report published on Friday. They currently have a sector perform rating on the stock.
      schrieb am 12.08.16 20:55:23
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.051.278 von edorado am 12.08.16 19:39:43EV/Reserven = 471 und EV/Jahresprod. = 6.659 auf Basis folgender eigener Berechnungen auf Basis von Präsi und letztem Quartalsbericht von B2Gold:

      MK: 3218 Mio. USD
      Nettoschulden: 311 Mio. USD
      EV: 3529 Mio. USD

      Reserven: 7,5 Moz
      Jahresprod.: 0,53 Moz

      Wie die Analysten ihre NAV's und Gewinnziele konkret berechnen, würde mich mal interessieren. Oft dürften sie Excel-Tabellen haben, die sie dem Kursverlauf anpassen!
      schrieb am 15.08.16 22:04:20
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      Neue Kaufempfehlung

      B2Gold Corp (BTG) Earns “Buy” Rating from Canaccord Genuity
      Posted on August 12, 2016 by Justin Garson in Analyst Articles - US, Inv

      Canaccord Genuity reissued their buy rating on shares of B2Gold Corp (NYSE:BTG) in a research report report published on Monday.
      The firm currently has a $5.25 price target on the stock, up from their previous price target of $4.75.
      schrieb am 15.08.16 22:11:01
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Weitere Kaufempfehlung mit neuem höheren Kursziel

      B2Gold Corp’s (BTG) Outperform Rating Reiterated at RBC Capital Markets
      Posted on August 12, 2016 by Stefani Robinson in Analyst Articles - US, Investing

      RBC Capital Markets restated their outperform rating on shares of B2Gold Corp (NYSE:BTG) in a report published on Monday morning.
      RBC Capital Markets currently has a $5.50 price objective on the stock, up from their previous price objective of $5.00.

      A number of large investors recently modified their holdings of the company. Bank of Montreal Can bought a new stake in shares of B2Gold Corp during the second quarter valued at $17,662,000. :eek:
      Acadian Asset Management LLC bought a new stake in shares of B2Gold Corp during the second quarter valued at $1,082,000.
      CIBC World Markets Inc. increased its stake in shares of B2Gold Corp by 21.3% in the second quarter. CIBC World Markets Inc. now owns 387,688 shares of the company’s stock valued at $973,000 after buying an additional 67,960 shares during the period.
      Finally, Shell Asset Management Co. increased its stake in shares of B2Gold Corp by 27.2% in the second quarter. Shell Asset Management Co. now owns 101,540 shares of the company’s stock valued at $329,000 after buying an additional 21,700 shares during the period.

      Several other equities analysts have also commented on the company. National Bank Financial reaffirmed a sector perform rating and issued a $4.50 price target (up previously from $4.20) on shares of B2Gold Corp in a research note on Monday. Clarus Securities raised B2Gold Corp from a hold rating to a buy rating in a research note on Monday. CIBC reissued a sector perform rating and set a $5.00 target price (up previously from $4.00) on shares of B2Gold Corp in a research note on Monday. Canaccord Genuity reissued a buy rating and set a $5.25 target price (up previously from $4.75) on shares of B2Gold Corp in a research note on Monday. ...
      schrieb am 15.08.16 22:17:39
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      Aktienausgabe für Investitionen in neue Minenprojekte.

      B2Gold launches $100m at-the-market offering

      13th August 2016

      VANCOUVER ( – Canadian midtier gold producer B2Gold announced on Friday that it would distribute an at-the-market offering of $100-million worth of common shares from time to time through designated broker-dealers at prevailing market prices.

      The news resulted in the fast-growing Vancouver-based miner’s TSX-listed stock rising by as much as 2.43% on Friday morning.

      The Vancouver-based company had entered into equity distribution agreements with US- and Canada-based subsidiaries of Canaccord Genuity and HSBC Securities, through which it will sell newly issued shares into the secondary trading market.

      B2Gold, which has four operating mines in Namibia, Philippines and Nicaragua, said it would use the proceeds of the offering to fund accelerated exploration at the Fekola project, in Mali, and exploration and feasibility work at the Kiaka project, in Burkina Faso, as well as for ongoing general corporate expenditures and discretionary capital programmes.

      A prefeasibility study completed on the Fekola project has confirmed a large-scale, low-cost and robust project.

      The project hosts a mineral resource of 54.97-million tonnes, grading 2.38 g/t gold.

      The project is planned as an openpit mine and a conventional carbon-in-leach processing circuit to process four-million tonnes a year during steady-state production.

      It will produce an average of 350 000 oz/y for the first seven years of production at an average operating cash cost of $418/oz. The life-of-mine plan is to produce about 276 000 oz/y at an average operating cash cost of $552/oz.

      Created in 2007, B2Gold had relatively quickly grown to a market capitalisation of C$4.22-billion, expecting 2016 to be another record year for gold production in the range of 510 000 oz to 550 000 oz.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 24.08.16 23:38:12
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      TD Securities Reaffirms “Buy” Rating for B2Gold Corp (BTG)
      Posted on August 15, 2016 by Justin Garson in Analyst Articles - US, Investing

      B2Gold Corp TD Securities reiterated their buy rating on shares of B2Gold Corp (NYSE:BTG) in a report released on Wednesday. TD Securities currently has a $5.50 price target on the stock, up from their previous price target of $4.00.

      Several large investors have recently bought and sold shares of the stock. Bank of Montreal Can purchased a new stake in B2Gold Corp during the second quarter valued at about $17,662,000.
      Shell Asset Management Co. increased its stake in shares of B2Gold Corp by 27.2% in the second quarter. Shell Asset Management Co. now owns 101,540 shares of the company’s stock valued at $329,000 after buying an additional 21,700 shares during the period.
      CIBC World Markets Inc. increased its stake in shares of B2Gold Corp by 21.3% in the second quarter. CIBC World Markets Inc. now owns 387,688 shares of the company’s stock valued at $973,000 after buying an additional 67,960 shares during the period.
      Finally, Acadian Asset Management LLC bought a new stake in shares of B2Gold Corp during the second quarter valued at $1,082,000.
      schrieb am 24.08.16 23:41:12
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      Aurion and B2Gold to Commence Maiden Drill Program at Kutuvuoma

      ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR -- (Marketwired) -- 08/22/16 -- Aurion Resources Ltd. ("Aurion") (TSX VENTURE: AU) and its partner B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO)(NYSE MKT: BTG)(NSX: B2G); ("B2Gold") are pleased to report the initiation of their maiden drill program at Kutuvuoma on or about August 29th, 2016. The 2016 drill program will primarily test the along strike continuity of the Kutuvuoma deposit.

      Aurion also gratefully acknowledges the receipt of the first anniversary (August 12th) option payment of 100,000 B2Gold shares. The exploration expenditure required under the second year of the option and JV agreement is $1 million. B2Gold will also assume operatorship in accordance with the agreement.

      Under the agreement, B2Gold Corp. ("B2Gold"), can earn up to an undivided 75% interest from Aurion in a project area of approximately 25,000 hectares in Northern Finland by completing $15 million in exploration expenditures, a positive feasibility study and issuing 550,000 B2Gold shares (see Aurion news release of January 20, 2016 for details).


      The Kutuvuoma deposit is a high-grade, shear zone hosted gold deposit that was discovered in the mid-1990's by the Finnish state entity Outokumpu Oy while exploring for base metals. Outokumpu completed limited drilling testing only a very small area over a distance of 175 m and to a depth of 175 m. Prior to Aurion no other exploration has been conducted since the mid-1990's. Numerous high-grade drill intercepts including 7.2 g/t Au over 19.4m from 60m downhole, 13.2 g/t Au over 5.0m from 90m downhole and 12.6 g/t Au over 7.0m from 26m downhole were recorded from the historical drilling. Assays reported above are un-cut. True width of the mineralization is estimated to be approximately 70-80% of drill intercepts.

      Aurion conducted trenching along strike to the east and west of the deposit confirming continuity of the system at surface, within a target area greater than 5 km long. The best results include Trench K15-02, a 310m2 excavation located 370 m west of the Kutuvuoma deposit where assays of length weighted average intervals reported were 6.5 g/t Au over 9.8m, including 11.3 g/t Au over 3.0m, 21.7 g/t Au over 3.0m, including 63.10 g/t Au over 0.9 m and 3.20 g/t Au over 10.9m, including 5.0 g/t Au over 5.6 m. The T2 excavation made approximately 100m east of Kutuvuoma Main, assayed on average 4.93 g/t Au over 10.94 m including 35.0 g/t Au over 1.2 m. Assays above are un-cut. Further trenching in 2016 has been hampered by an abnormally wet summer with a high water table.

      Preliminary metallurgical analysis of two surface samples collected from trenches at Kutuvuoma were favourable. The samples responded well with gold recoveries by a combination of methods in excess of 98% for both samples, including 80-84% recovery by gravity method alone. Whole ore cyanide leaching and concentration by froth flotation and gravity separation was examined at by SGS Canada Inc. at their Lakefield Ontario laboratory. A much more extensive program would be required as the project develops.
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 03.09.16 18:16:00
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.131.665 von edorado am 24.08.16 23:41:12Gute Arbeit von Dir.......danke. Ich bin mit einen größeren Einsatz schon seit Ende 2015 dabei.....sehr
      schöne Gewinne......werde mich jetzt öfter hier rumtreiben;)
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 04.09.16 17:22:14
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.200.389 von Aktiengeier_1 am 03.09.16 18:16:00Danke und willkommen in unserem Forum.
      schrieb am 04.09.16 17:27:25
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      War im Urlaub und hatte ein Limit für Nachkauf bei 2,40 plaziert. Hat wunderbar funktioniert.
      Steckten ja in einer netten Konsolidierung wegen FED und Zinsen. Das ist jetzt erst mal wieder vom Tisch.
      Erwarte eine Erholung des Aktienkurses. Die B2Gold-Aktie wird uns bei aller Volatilität noch viel Freude machen.
      schrieb am 04.09.16 21:02:45
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      aus BOL:

      ,,,,Das gelbe Edelmetall reagiert traditionell sehr heftig auf mögliche Zinsveränderungen. Da Gold keine Zinsen abwirft, konkurriert es mit denjenigen Anlagen, die Zinsen einbringen und wird daher weniger attraktiv bei möglicherweise steigenden Zinsen. Obwohl sich aus der Wortwahl von Frau Yellen höchstens graduelle Änderungen ergeben haben, wann wir mit einer Zinsanhebung zu rechnen ist, hat der Goldpreis eine Konsolidierung aufgenommen. Wahrscheinlich lag dies aber auch am vorhergehenden Preisanstieg und dem sehr großen Optimismus. Möglicherweise aber auch daran, dass einige potentielle Krisenherde ihren Schrecken verloren haben und diejenigen Investoren, die "nur" einen Krisenschutz suchen, Positionen aufgelöst haben.

      Trotz der genannten Belastungen hat der Goldpreis seinen Aufwärtstrend der P & F Technik verteidigt. Wie Ihnen die gelassene Chartform zeigt, ist die wichtige und nach wie vor aufsteigende Trendgerade völlig intakt. Ebenfalls wird aber deutlich, daß für die Bullen nicht mehr viel Spielraum besteht bevor ein Verkaufssignal generiert und der gültige Aufwärtstrend attackiert wird.

      Wie Sie an der rechten und nach unten wandernden 0-Achse erkennen, hat sich der Goldpreis im August (Ziffer 8) von 1.370 auf etwa 1.320 reduziert. Unterhalb 1.320 würde sich ein Verkaufssignal ereignen, da dann die aktuelle 0- Spalte unter die vorhergehende wandern würde. Auf diesem Niveau wäre dann der aktuelle Verkaufsdruck größer als noch vor einigen Tagen. Auf der anderen Seite notieren wir derzeit in unmittelbarer Nähe der bereits angesprochenen Trendgeraden. Aktuell ist der Goldpreis also auf doppelte Weise unterstützt, weshalb wir jetzt möglicherweise eine attraktive Einstiegsgelegenheit erleben. Vorsichtige Anleger sollten aber auf jeden Fall abwarten, ob der Preis nicht doch noch unterhalb das Niveau von 1.300 bis 1.310 US-Dollar fällt. Sollte sich der Preis des gelben Edelmetalls auf dem jetzigen halten können, wäre mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit auch die heftige Korrektur im Sektor der Goldminenaktien beendet. Da ich, wie oben angedeutet dazu tendiere, daß die Zinsen frühestens im Dezember angehoben werden, gehe ich von einer guten Einstiegsgelegenheit aus.
      schrieb am 18.09.16 11:41:28
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      Im 75% Gemeinschaftsunternehmen mit Aurion hat man einen Volltreffer gelandet und bei Exploration eine High-Gold-Area entdeckt.

      Siehe Meldung von Aurion:

      Aurion and B2Gold Discover New High Grade Gold Zone at Ahvenjarvi in Finland

      ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR -- (Marketwired) -- 09/06/16 -- Aurion Resources Ltd. ("Aurion") (TSX VENTURE: AU) and its partner B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO)(NYSE MKT: BTG)(NSX: B2G); ("B2Gold") are pleased to report that prospecting and reconnaissance mapping has resulted in the discovery of new high grade gold mineralization at the Ahvenjarvi project in Northern Finland.

      Quartz-tourmaline-pyrite veins in angular boulders, sub outcrop and outcrop occurring over a distance of greater than 2.0 km have assayed from nil to 33.0 g/t Au. Vein widths range from 5 cm to greater than 1.5 m wide. The most significant mineralization occurs in a 200m by 200m area ("Plateau Prospect") where 54 rock samples of intensely veined, brecciated and sulfide/oxide mineralized material assayed from nil to 33.0 g/t Au including 6 samples which assayed greater than 10 g/t Au (33.0, 17.4, 16.5, 15.7, 14.4 and 13.2 g/t Au). The aforementioned samples are "grab" samples.

      Much of this new mineralization forms several parallel trends greater than 500 m long over a greater than 2 km distance in a NE-SW orientation. This trend of mineralization appears to be associated with an interpreted fault system along or parallel to the NE-SW oriented axial plane or center line of a folded sequence of quartzites and mafic volcanics. A fold axis is often an ideal geological setting for the location of shear zones developed along the axial plane of a major fold. Please see attached maps.

      Previously a wide zone of gold mineralization to the west of this new mineralization was outlined over an area measuring 2,300m long and up to 700m wide, assaying up to 28.8 g/t Au and averaging 0.81 g/t Au, in a generally north-south orientation, however, the structural control of this mineralization was not understood.

      Mike Basha, President and CEO of Aurion commented: "We are very excited to have encountered this new mineralization comprised of generally larger veins and more robust mineralization than we have typically encountered at Ahvenjarvi in the past. Moreover, we are equally pleased to have potentially identified the structural controls to this extensive gold system at Ahvenjarvi. As B2Gold has now assumed operatorship of the joint venture we look forward to evaluating/advancing the many targets we hold on our wholly owned ground."

      The 2016 field program is fully funded by B2Gold Corp. ("B2Gold"), under an agreement whereby B2Gold can earn up to an undivided 75% interest from Aurion in a project area of approximately 25,000 hectares in Northern Finland by completing $15 million in exploration expenditures, a positive feasibility study and issuing 550,000 B2Gold shares (see Aurion news release of January 20, 2016 for details). On the 1st Anniversary (August 12th) of the option and earn-in agreement, B2Gold issued 100,000 B2gold shares to Aurion. B2Gold has also assumed operatorship of the joint venture. Drilling commenced on Kutuvuoma on August 29th.

      Quality Assurance and Quality Control

      All samples were delivered to Labtium Oy's facility in Sodankyla, Finland. The samples were analysed for gold using procedures 704P (Detection Limit - 0.01 gold; Upper Limit - 100.00 g/t gold) - 25g fire assay with AAS finish or using procedures 705P (Detection Limit - 0.005 gold; Upper Limit - 100.00 g/t gold) - 50g fire assay with AAS finish. Multi-element analysis was completed using procedure 511. This procedure detected 31 elements by aqua regia acid digestion, HCl leach followed by ICP-OES and ICP-MS analysis. Labtium is a Finnish, accredited, certified laboratory group. They are monitored by an internal QAQC program and include the inclusion of blank material, duplicates and certified reference material.

      Qualified Person

      Mike Basha, P.Eng., P.Geo., Aurion's President and CEO, is a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects and has approved the technical disclosure and verified the technical information in this news release.

      Forward-Looking Statement

      Certain statements contained in this release constitute forward-looking information. These statements relate to future events or future performance. The use of any of the words "could", "intend", "expect", "believe", "will", "projected", "estimated" and similar expressions and statements relating to matters that are not historical facts are intended to identify forward-looking information and are based on the Companies' current belief or assumptions as to the outcome and timing of such future events. Actual future results may differ materially. The forward-looking information contained in this release is made as of the date hereof and Aurion is not obligated to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities laws. Because of the risks, uncertainties and assumptions contained herein, investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. The foregoing statements expressly qualify any forward-looking information contained herein.

      On behalf of the Board,

      Mike Basha, President & CEO

      For further information on these projects please visit our website at
      schrieb am 20.09.16 21:41:16
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      B2Gold upgraded to Buy at Dundee on upbeat guidance
      Sep 20 2016, 11:57 ET | About: B2Gold Corp. (BTG) | By: Carl Surran, SA News Editor [Contact this editor with comments or a news tip]

      B2Gold (BTG +1.8%) is upgraded to Buy from Neutral with a C$4.50 price target, up from C$4.25, at Dundee Capital, after saying it expected to be at the top end of its 2016 production guidance and at the low end of expectations on costs.

      BTG's presentation at the Denver Gold Forum indicated the production should be at the top end of guidance of 510K-550K oz. in 2016, while costs should come in at the low end of guidance of $560-$595/oz.

      Dundee says it always has liked BTG's liquidity, leverage and low-cost profile; after offering its production profile, the firm says it also likes BTG's valuation.

      The firm also notes that BTG's at-the-market equity offering provides an additional $100M, cleaning up any near-term balance sheet concerns.
      schrieb am 13.10.16 21:01:22
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      Ganz frisch vor 2 Minuten gemeldet: Rekordergebnisse!!!!! :D:D:D

      B2Gold Corp. Achieves Record Third Quarter/Year-to-Date 2016 Gold Production and Revenue

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwired) -- 10/13/16 -- B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO)(NYSE MKT: BTG)(NAMIBIAN: B2G) ("B2Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to announce record gold production and record gold revenue for the third quarter and first nine months of 2016. All dollar figures are in United States dollars unless otherwise indicated.

      2016 Third Quarter Highlights

      -- Record quarterly consolidated gold production of 146,686 ounces, 6% (or
      7,988 ounces) above budget and 18% (or 22,315 ounces) greater than the
      same period in 2015
      -- Record gold revenue of $193 million on record sales of 145,029 ounces at
      an average price of $1,331 per ounce, an increase in revenue of 39% (or
      $53.7 million) over the same period in 2015
      -- Masbate Mine's 2016 annual production guidance increased to between
      200,000 to 210,000 ounces of gold (up from its original guidance range
      of between 175,000 to 185,000 ounces of gold)
      -- Masbate Mine achieves approximately 6 million man-hours (or 353 days)
      without a "Lost-Time-Injury" as at September 30, 2016
      -- Otjikoto Mine achieves record quarterly production of 47,564 ounces of
      -- The Company is now on track to meet a revised annual consolidated
      production guidance range of between 535,000 to 575,000 ounces of gold
      in 2016 (up from the original consolidated guidance range of between
      510,000 to 550,000 ounces of gold)
      -- Consolidated cash operating costs/all-in sustaining costs are expected
      to be below or near the low end of the Company's annual cost guidance
      range of between $560 to $595 per ounce and between $895 to $925 per
      ounce, respectively
      -- Construction of the Fekola mine is progressing well, on schedule and on
      budget, and is expected to commence production in the fourth quarter in

      2016 First Nine Months Highlights

      -- Record year-to-date consolidated gold production of 409,772 ounces, 6%
      (or 22,651 ounces) above budget and 13% (or 47,976 ounces) over the same
      period in 2015
      -- Record year-to-date consolidated gold revenue of $502.1 million on
      record sales of 396,757 ounces at an average price of $1,266 per ounce
      -- Completed a series of prepaid gold sales transactions totaling $120
      -- Signed a Euro equivalent $80.9 million Equipment Facility with
      Caterpillar Financial SARL for the Fekola project (funding subject to
      satisfaction of conditions precedent)
      -- Additional positive exploration drill results reported for the Company's
      Mali and Burkina Faso greenfield targets
      -- Received 2015 Award for Social Responsibility in Nicaragua on May 5,

      Gold Production

      Consolidated gold production in the third quarter of 2016 was another quarterly record of 146,686 ounces, 6% (or 7,988 ounces) above budget and 18% (or 22,315 ounces) higher than the same period in 2015. The excellent quarter highlights the continued very strong performance of the Masbate Mine and record quarterly production from the Otjikoto Mine. Following another very strong operational quarter at the Masbate Mine, its 2016 annual production guidance has been increased to between 200,000 to 210,000 ounces of gold (significantly up from its original guidance range of between 175,000 to 185,000 ounces of gold). The Company's other operating mines remain on track to meet their full-year production guidance.

      Consolidated gold production for the first nine months of 2016 was a year-to-date record 409,772 ounces, 6% (or 22,651 ounces) above budget and 13% (or 47,976 ounces, including 18,815 ounces of pre-commercial production from Otjikoto) higher than the same period in 2015.

      B2Gold is projecting another record year for gold production in 2016. Following the uplift in guidance for Masbate, the Company is now on track to meet a revised annual consolidated production guidance range of between 535,000 to 575,000 ounces of gold in 2016 (up from the original consolidated guidance range of between 510,000 to 550,000 ounces of gold). The Company's third quarter 2016 consolidated financial statements will be released on November 3, 2016. Details of the consolidated cash operating costs/all-in sustaining costs (see "Non-IFRS measures" below) will also be released at that time. However, the Company expects consolidated cash operating costs/all-in sustaining costs to be below or near the low end of its annual cost guidance range of between $560 to $595 per ounce and between $895 to $925 per ounce, respectively.

      Gold Revenue

      Consolidated gold revenue in the third quarter of 2016 was a quarterly record $193 million on record sales of 145,029 ounces at an average price of $1,331 per ounce compared to $139.3 million on sales of 124,481 ounces at an average price of $1,119 per ounce in the third quarter of 2015. The 39% (or $53.7 million) increase in gold revenue was mainly attributable to a 17% increase in gold sales volume and a 19% increase in the average realized gold price.

      Consolidated gold revenue for the first nine months of 2016 was a nine-month record of $502.1 million on record sales of 396,757 ounces at an average price of $1,266 per ounce compared to $414.6 million (or $437.7 million including $23.1 million of pre-commercial sales from Otjikoto) on sales of 353,703 ounces (or 372,169 ounces including 18,466 ounces of pre-commercial sales from Otjikoto) at an average price of $1,172 per ounce in the first nine months of 2015.


      Mine-by-mine gold production in the third quarter and first nine months of 2016 was as follows:

      First Nine
      Months 2016 2016
      Q3 2016 2016 Updated Original
      Production Production Guidance Guidance
      Mine (ounces) (ounces) (ounces) (ounces)
      Masbate 47,676 157,591 200,000 - 210,000 175,000 - 185,000
      Otjikoto 47,564 119,439 160,000 - 170,000 160,000 - 170,000
      La Libertad 37,261 97,266 125,000 - 135,000 125,000 - 135,000
      Limon 14,185 35,476 50,000 - 60,000 50,000 - 60,000

      Consolidated 146,686 409,772 535,000 - 575,000 510,000 - 550,000

      Masbate Gold Mine - Philippines

      The Masbate Mine in the Philippines continued its very strong operational performance into the third quarter of 2016, producing 47,676 ounces of gold, 4% (or 1,806 ounces) above budget and 18% (or 7,308 ounces) higher than the third quarter of 2015. Masbate's strong quarter was driven by better-than-expected grades from the Main Vein Stage 1 pit and higher recoveries arising from higher-than-budgeted oxide ore from the Colorado pit. In addition, recoveries were positively impacted by the newly completed process plant upgrades (adding residence time and additional oxygen to the CIL circuit to achieve optimum leach performance). For the full-year 2016, the Masbate Mine is now forecast to produce between 200,000 to 210,000 ounces of gold (significantly up from its original guidance range of between 175,000 to 185,000 ounces of gold).

      Throughout 2016, the trend of better-than-expected grades in Main Vein Stage 1 pit combined with more oxide ore than modelled from the Colorado pit has continued. In the third quarter of 2016, high grade ore tonnes and grade mined from the Mein Vein Stage 1 pit were both significantly above budget by 68% (1,299,351 tonnes versus 772,507 tonnes budget) and 24% (1.48 g/t versus 1.19 g/t budget), respectively. High grade ore tonnes mined from the Colorado pit in the quarter were also significantly above budget by 39% (1,068,467 tonnes @ 0.99 g/t versus 769,941 tonnes @ 1.01 g/t budget). Of the high grade ore mined in the quarter from the Colorado pit, 99%was oxide material compared to budget of 46%.

      Mill throughput in the third quarter of 2016 was 1,604,176 tonnes compared to budget of 1,727,603 tonnes and 1,669,355 tonnes in the third quarter of 2015. Mill throughput in the quarter was affected by a six day plant shutdown to tie-in various plant upgrades. This shutdown had been originally planned for October but was moved up to late September. Mill head grade in the quarter was 1.20 g/t, 7% higher than budget of 1.12 g/t and 20% higher compared to 1.00 g/t in the third quarter of 2015. Mill head grade was lower compared to the second quarter of 2016 of 1.40 g/t as a result of a change in the mine plan (discussed in the paragraph below) which now prioritizes lower grade Colorado ore as mill feed for the remainder of 2016. Mill recoveries averaged 77.2% which was better than budget of 73.9% and 75.0% in the third quarter of 2015.

      In August 2016, Masbate's mine plan was adjusted to optimize the mine's development sequence/gold production through to 2017 and beyond. These adjustments included accelerated mining in the Main Vein Stage 1 pit, expanding the Colorado pit and commencing site preparations for later Main Vein stages. In addition, the lower grade (but higher recovery) Colorado pit ore has now been prioritized as mill feed ahead of the higher grade Main Vein ore, largely due to the higher than budgeted oxide ore content being sourced from the larger Colorado pit. The excess higher grade ore from Main Vein Stage 1 pit will now be stockpiled and processed in 2017. The modified mine plan provides for continued strong gold production in the fourth quarter of 2016 while optimizing production in 2017 and beyond.

      Masbate's process plant upgrades have now been substantially completed with most process improvements integrated into operation slightly ahead of the original schedule. The tie-in of the plant upgrades undertaken during the six-day shutdown in September involved screens, cyclones, pump drives, grinding circuit improvements, additional cooling capacity and additional pumps. The plant upgrades are expected to improve gold recoveries and sustain throughput on harder ore types.

      Year-to-date, gold production at Masbate was 157,591 ounces of gold, significantly above budget by 16% (or 21,209 ounces) and 23% (or 29,746 ounces) higher than the first nine months of 2015. The Company is pleased to announce that as at September 30, 2016 the Masbate operations had completed approximately 6 million man-hours (or 353 days) without a "Lost-Time-Injury". This achievement was attained by staff, workers, and contractors who are truly committed to working safely.

      As previously reported by the Company on September 27, 2016, recently in the Philippines the results of mine audits were announced by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and DENR spokespersons have advised the Company that the Masbate project will receive a Show-Cause Order related to its operations. The Company has not yet received the Show-Cause Order but is working diligently to immediately address the three main findings that have been communicated to date by the DENR. The personnel at the DENR and the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MBG) have been highly cooperative and supportive in helping to resolve these matters. None of the findings communicated involve any environmental or social issues. They are related to administrative issues only. B2Gold is confident that these issues will be resolved in a timely manner and operations continue uninterrupted.

      Otjikoto Mine, Namibia

      The Otjikoto Mine in Namibia produced a quarterly record 47,564 ounces of gold in the third quarter of 2016, 10% (or 4,191 ounces) above budget and 24% (or 9,312 ounces) higher than the third quarter of 2015. The increased production was mainly due to higher mill throughput. Mill throughput exceeded budget mainly due to the benefits associated with several debottlenecking initiatives undertaken during the year and was also higher than the prior year quarter due to the completion of Otjikoto's mill expansion project earlier in September 2015 (which has increased plant capacity from 2.5 million tonnes per annum to 3.0 million tonnes per annum). Head grade and recoveries in the quarter were 1.66 g/t (Q3 2015 - 1.71 g/t) and 98.0% (Q3 2015 - 99.1%), respectively, and were both approximately in-line with budget.

      Ore for the third quarter of 2016 was mined from the Otjikoto Phase 1 pit which was reopened after the new access ramp was completed in June 2016. In the fourth quarter of 2016, the majority of ore produced will continue to be sourced from the Otjikoto Phase 1 pit, with minor ore tonnage from the Otjikoto Phase 2 pit and the new Wolfshag starter pit. Development of the Wolfshag starter pit is progressing on schedule, with the first ore expected before the end of 2016.

      During the first nine months of 2016, the Otjikoto Mine produced 119,439 ounces of gold, 3% (or 2,987 ounces) above budget and 12% higher compared to 106,349 ounces (including 18,815 ounces of pre-commercial production) produced in the same period last year.

      The Otjikoto Mine is on track to meet its annual production guidance of between 160,000 to 170,000 ounces of gold in 2016. Gold grade is expected to increase slightly during the fourth quarter of 2016, as the higher grade ore near the bottom of the Otjikoto Phase 1 pit is mined out and the first ore from the Wolfshag starter pit is produced. Wolfshag will continue to produce higher than average grade ore for three to five years, depending on the transition to underground mining. Life-of-mine production plans for the Otjikoto project, incorporating the Wolfshag open pit and underground mines, have been completed for various options and will be further refined as the detailed geotechnical, hydrogeological, and design studies are completed in the fourth quarter of 2016 (open pit) and first-half of 2017 (underground).

      La Libertad Gold Mine - Nicaragua

      Gold production at La Libertad Mine in Nicaragua was 37,261 ounces in the third quarter of 2016, 9% (or 3,014 ounces) above budget and 19% (or 6,027 ounces) higher than the prior-year quarter. The increase was due to better grade. Mill head grade in the quarter was 2.19 g/t, 13% above budget (of 1.93 g/t) and 23% higher than the third quarter of 2015 (of 1.78 g/t). During the quarter, La Libertad's mine schedule was modified to mine additional high grade ore from the Jabali Central pit to offset permitting delays at the Jabali Antenna pit. Mining from the Jabali Antenna pit, previously scheduled to begin in the second quarter of 2016, is now expected to commence in 2017 upon completion of the resettlement activities and receipt of the remaining mining permits. The mill continues to operate well processing 556,730 tonnes (Q3 2015 - 581,597 tonnes) with recoveries of 95.2% (Q3 2015 - 94.0%). Mill throughput was 29,850 tonnes below budget in the quarter due to the additional "harder" Jabali Central ore being processed.

      For the nine months ended September 30, 2016, La Libertad produced 97,266 ounces of gold, 4% (or 3,805 ounces) above budget and 15% (or 13,025 ounces) higher than the first nine months of 2015.

      La Libertad's full-year production is expected to be at the high end of its guidance range of between 125,000 to 135,000 ounces in 2016.

      El Limon Gold Mine - Nicaragua

      El Limon open pit and underground mine in Nicaragua produced 14,185 ounces of gold in the third quarter of 2016, slightly below budget (of 15,208 ounces), but consistent with the prior-year quarter of 14,517 ounces. The mill continues to operate well processing 128,809 tonnes (Q3 2015 - 128,002 tonnes) with recoveries averaging 94.5% (Q3 2015 - 94.1%). Both throughput and recoveries were slightly above budget. Mill head grade was 3.63 g/t (Q3 2015 - 3.75 g/t) compared to budget of 3.93 g/t. Although underground-sourced grade was better than anticipated (4.58 g/t versus budget of 4.20 g/t), mill feed was supplemented in the quarter with lower grade material from surface stockpiles due to fleet availability and maintenance program changes. During the quarter, two haul trucks and a long-hole drill were added.

      Year-to-date, El Limon produced 35,476 ounces of gold compared to budget of 40,826 ounces and 43,361 ounces produced in the same period last year.

      For full-year 2016, El Limon is on track to meet the low end of its 2016 production guidance range of between 50,000 to 60,000 ounces of gold.


      Fekola Development Project - Mali

      In the third quarter of 2016, B2Gold's construction team continued to develop the Fekola project in Mali which remains on schedule and on budget to commence production in the fourth quarter of 2017. Significant activities during the quarter included:

      -- Earthwork and surface water control structures largely completed;
      -- Primary crusher concrete nearing completion;
      -- Reclaim concrete complete;
      -- Mill concrete nearing completion;
      -- Conveyor structure installation in progress;
      -- Leach tank erection complete, structural and mechanical installation in
      -- Power plant concrete pouring in progress;
      -- Permanent camp complete and operational;
      -- All design and procurement items remain on schedule;
      -- Workforce maintained at approximately 800 employees and contractors.

      On June 11, 2015, the Company announced robust results from the optimized Feasibility Study at the Fekola project. According to the Feasibility Study, and subject to the qualifications and assumptions therein, the current average annual gold production for the first seven years is estimated to be approximately 350,000 ounces per year at average cash operating costs of $418 per ounce (based on low-grade stockpiling in the initial years of operation) and for the life of mine plan approximately 276,000 ounces per year at average cash operating costs of $552 per ounce.

      On June 29, 2016, the Company announced an exploration update for its Fekola project. Based on the positive drill results to date (at both new near surface targets and underground below the main Fekola pit) and exploration potential, the Company is constructing the Fekola mine with a +25% design factor. This means that the capacity for throughput of ore at Fekola could reach up to 5 million tonnes per year in the initial years of production, beyond the optimized Feasibility Study's estimated throughput of 4 million tonnes per year, for relatively low additional capital cost. On August 2, 2016, the Company elected to proceed with the mill expansion and approved an $18 million expansion budget (for additional items including a pebble crusher and one additional generator). With this additional capital investment, the Fekola mill expansion is expected to be completed in late 2017 and commissioned in conjunction with the main plant commissioning. This mill capacity increase from 4 million tonnes per year to 5 million tonnes per year could potentially increase annual production by up to 20% (subject to mine planning), surpassing initial projections of approximately 350,000 ounces of gold per year.

      During the first quarter of 2016, the Company increased its 2016 exploration budget for Mali from $6.9 million to $11.4 million. The Company is approximately 70% through a 98,500 metre diamond, reverse circulation, auger and air core drill program to follow up on the successful 2015 program.

      About B2Gold

      Headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, B2Gold Corp. is one of the fastest-growing intermediate gold producers in the world. Founded in 2007, today, B2Gold has four operating mines, one mine under construction and numerous exploration projects in various countries, including Nicaragua, the Philippines, Namibia, Mali and Burkina Faso. Construction of B2Gold's Fekola mine in southwest Mali is on schedule and on budget, and is projected to commence production at the end of 2017. As a result, B2Gold is well positioned to maintain its low-cost structure and growth profile.

      The Company would like to confirm that it is progressing with the process to consider offers for the sale of its 49% interest in the Gramalote Joint Venture development project in Colombia and that it is not considering selling its Nicaraguan assets at this time.

      Based on current assumptions and updates to B2Gold's current year guidance and long-term mine plans, the Company is projecting consolidated gold production in 2016 of between 535,000 to 575,000 ounces; in 2017 of between 520,000 to 570,000 ounces; and in 2018 (significantly increasing to) of between 900,000 to 950,000 ounces, with the inclusion of the anticipated first full year of production at the Fekola mine.

      Third Quarter 2016 Financial Results - Conference Call Details

      B2Gold Corp. will release its third quarter 2016 financial results before the North American markets open on Thursday, November 3, 2016.

      B2Gold executives will host a conference call to discuss the results on Thursday, November 3, 2016 at 10:00 am PST / 1:00 pm EDT. You may access the call by dialing the operator at 416-340-2218 or toll free at 866-225-0198 prior to the scheduled start time or, you may listen to the call via webcast by clicking A playback version of the call will be available for one week after the call at 905-694-9451 or toll free at 800-408-3053 (passcode: 9532466).

      Qualified Person

      Peter D. Montano, P.E., the Project Director of B2Gold, a qualified person under NI 43-101, has approved the scientific and technical information contained in this news release.


      "Clive T. Johnson"

      President and Chief Executive Officer

      For more information on B2Gold please visit the Company website at

      The Toronto Stock Exchange neither approves nor disapproves the information contained in this news release.

      This news release includes certain "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" (collectively, "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable Canadian and United States securities legislation, including projections of future financial and operational performance, statements with respect to future events or future performance, production estimates and guidance, anticipated operating and production costs and revenue and guidance, and estimates of capital expenditures and statements regarding anticipated exploration, development, construction, production, permitting and other activities of the Company, including production from the Fekola mine commencing in late 2017; completion and funding under the $80.9 million Equipment Facility with Caterpillar Financial SARL; mine plans; expected ore sources, ratios and grades; the modified mine plan for Masbate resulting in strong gold production and optimized production in 2017 and beyond and the completion of the plant upgrades at Masbate and the upgrades improving gold recoveries and sustaining throughput; the anticipated results of the DENR audit in the Show Cause Order and the resolution of the issues raised by the audit and contained in the Show Cause Order; anticipated grade increasing at Otjikoto in the fourth quarter of 2016, the Wolfshag starter pit producing ore before the end of 2016 and Wolfshag producing higher than average grade ore for three to five years; refinement of a new mine plan for Otjikoto, including the Wolfshag deposit and underground mining, and completion of associated studies in the fourth quarter of 2016; the Jabali Antenna pit at La Libertad entering the production stream in 2017, upon completion of resettlement activities and receipt of remaining mining permits; the exploration potential in the Fekola area and the potential increase of throughput processing at the Fekola project, completion of the Fekola mill expansion by the end of 2017 and the estimated capital expenditures required to do so, and the related potential increase in projected annual production; the projections and estimates included in the Fekola Feasibility Study; and the Company maintaining its low-cost structure and growth profile and being on track to meet its 2016 production guidance.

      Estimates of mineral resources and reserves are also forward looking statements because they constitute projections, based on certain estimates and assumptions, regarding the amount of minerals that may be encountered in the future and/or the anticipated economics of production, should a production decision be made. All statements in this news release that address events or developments that we expect to occur in the future are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, although not always, identified by words such as "expect", "plan", "anticipate", "project", "target", "potential", "schedule", "forecast", "budget", "estimate", "intend" or "believe" and similar expressions or their negative connotations, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could", "should" or "might" occur. All such forward-looking statements are based on the opinions and estimates of management as of the date such statements are made. Forward-looking statements necessarily involve assumptions, risks and uncertainties, certain of which are beyond B2Gold's control, including the uncertainty of estimates regarding the costs of construction and the timing and amount of production; risks associated with the volatility of metal prices and currencies; risks and dangers inherent in exploration, development and mining activities; uncertainty of reserve and resource estimates; financing risks; risks related to hedging activities; the ability to obtain and maintain any necessary permits, consents or authorizations required for mining activities; shortages or cost increases in necessary equipment, supplies and labour; regulatory, political and country risks; litigation risk; risks related to environmental regulations or hazards and compliance with complex regulations associated with mining activities; the ability to replace mineral reserves and identify acquisition opportunities; unknown liabilities of companies acquired by B2Gold;

      fluctuations in exchange rates; availability of financing and financing risks; risks related to operations in foreign countries and compliance with foreign laws; risks related to remote operations and the availability adequate infrastructure; fluctuations in price and availability of energy and other inputs necessary for mining operations; risks related to reliance upon contractors, third parties and joint venture partners; challenges to title or surface rights; dependence on key personnel; the risk of an uninsurable or uninsured loss; changes in tax laws; community support for our operations including risks related to strikes and the halting of such operations from time to time; as well as other factors identified and as described in more detail under the heading "Risk Factors" in B2Gold's most recent Annual Information Form and B2Gold's other filings with Canadian securities regulators and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"), which may be viewed at and, respectively. The list is not exhaustive of the factors that may affect the Company's forward-looking statements. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results, performance or achievements could differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, these forward-looking statements. Accordingly, no assurance can be given that any events anticipated by the forward-looking statements will transpire or occur, or if any of them do, what benefits or liabilities B2Gold will derive therefrom. The Company's forward looking statements reflect current expectations regarding future events and operating performance and speak only as of the date hereof and the Company does not assume any obligation to update forward-looking statements if circumstances or management's beliefs, expectations or opinions should change other than as required by applicable law. For the reasons set forth above, you should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

      The disclosure in this news release regarding mineral properties was prepared in accordance with Canadian National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101"), which differ significantly from the mineral reserve disclosure requirements of the SEC set out in Industry Guide 7. In particular, NI 43-101 permits companies to use the term "resources", which are not "reserves". U.S. companies subject to the disclosure requirements of the SEC are not normally permitted to disclose mineralization unless they constitute "reserves" by U.S. standards in documents filed with the SEC. Accordingly, while mineral resources are recognized and required to be disclosed by NI 43-101, the SEC's disclosure standards normally do not permit U.S. companies to disclose mineral resources in their filings with the SEC. Investors are specifically cautioned not to assume that any part or all of "measured mineral resources", "indicated mineral resources" or "inferred mineral resources" will ever be converted into SEC defined mineral reserves. Further, while NI 43-101 permits companies to disclose economic projections contained in preliminary economic assessments and pre-feasibility studies, which are not based on "reserves", U.S. companies are not normally permitted to disclose economic projections for a mineral property in their SEC filings prior to the establishment of "reserves". In addition, the definitions of "reserves" and related terms under NI 43-101 and the SEC's Industry Guide 7 differ significantly. Under SEC standards, mineralization may not be classified as a "reserve" unless the determination has been made that the mineralization could be economically and legally produced or extracted at the time the reserve determination is made. Among other things, all necessary permits would be required to be in hand or issuance imminent in order to classify mineralized material as reserves under the SEC standards. As a result, reserves disclosed by the Company may not qualify for reserves as defined in the SEC's Industry Guide 7. For the above reasons, information contained in this news release that describes the Company's mineral reserve and resource estimates or that describes the results of pre-feasibility or other studies is not comparable to similar information made public by U.S. companies subject to the reporting and disclosure requirements of the SEC.

      Non-IFRS Measures

      This news release includes certain terms or performance measures commonly used in the mining industry that are not defined under International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"), including "cash operating costs" and "all-in sustaining costs". Non-IFRS measures do not have any standardized meaning prescribed under IFRS, and therefore they may not be comparable to similar measures employed by other companies. The data presented is intended to provide additional information and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for measures of performance prepared in accordance with IFRS and should be read in conjunction with B2Gold's consolidated financial statements. Readers should refer to B2Gold's management discussion and analysis, available under B2Gold's corporate profile at or on its website at, under the heading "Non-IFRS Measures" for a more detailed discussion of how B2Gold calculates such measures and a reconciliation of certain measures to IFRS terms.

      Kerry Suffolk

      Katie Bromley
      Manager, Investor Relations & Public Relations
      schrieb am 13.10.16 23:14:13
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()

      A strong quarter from BTO, with Otjikoto showing what's it's capable of now and Libertad on the way back. Here's how the market reacted:
      schrieb am 14.10.16 14:46:28
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      Bei dem Goldpreis ist hier tote Hose angesagt.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 14.10.16 14:52:07
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      Warten auf Y heute Abend.
      schrieb am 14.10.16 19:29:22
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      This a paste-out from a Bloomie terminal report earlier today. I'll leave you to consider the specific ramifications, but I know what I think. TY to reader A. Person, kind of you.


      (BFW) Some Philippine Miners Who Failed Audit Won’t Be Suspended:Lopez


      BFW 10/14 03:20 MORE: Philippines Suspends Miner Austral-Asia Environment Permit
      BFW 10/14 02:58 Philippines Suspends Century Project’s Environment Permit


      Some Philippine Miners Who Failed Audit Won’t Be Suspended:Lopez
      2016-10-14 03:48:16.408 GMT

      By Norman P. Aquino

      (Bloomberg) -- Some of the 20 miners recommended to halt operations because they failed a govt audit won’t be suspended as they only need “a little fixing,” Environment Secretary Gina Lopez says at briefing in Manila.

      * Lopez says she’s meeting officials from each miner telling them to fix problems
      * Environment Department stopped 20 quarrying operations in Mt. Banahaw, impounded backhoes and cargo trucks, arrested at least 30 personnel: Undersecretary Art Valdez…
      schrieb am 14.10.16 19:32:46
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.479.257 von specku am 14.10.16 14:46:28
      Zitat von specku: Bei dem Goldpreis ist hier tote Hose angesagt.


      Verstehst du B2 wirklich?
      schrieb am 14.10.16 19:35:59
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      GLD gold inventories are rising again

      schrieb am 15.10.16 17:01:27
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      B2Gold Corp (BTG) Given Average Rating of “Buy” by Analysts
      October 14th, 2016 -

      B2Gold Corp logoShares of B2Gold Corp (NYSE:BTG) have been given an average rating of “Buy” by the ten analysts that are presently covering the firm.
      Three equities research analysts have rated the stock with a hold recommendation and seven have assigned a buy recommendation to the company.
      The average 12 month price target among brokerages that have covered the stock in the last year is $5.07.

      Institutional investors have recently bought and sold shares of the stock. Schroder Investment Management Group purchased a new position in B2Gold Corp during the second quarter valued at about $2,188,000.
      I.G. Investment Management LTD. raised its position in B2Gold Corp by 2.8% in the second quarter. I.G. Investment Management LTD. now owns 8,483,386 shares of the company’s stock valued at $21,277,000 after buying an additional 234,402 shares during the last quarter.
      TD Asset Management Inc. raised its position in B2Gold Corp by 50.3% in the second quarter. TD Asset Management Inc. now owns 9,434,900 shares of the company’s stock valued at $23,538,000 after buying an additional 3,155,875 shares during the last quarter.
      Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Province of Alberta as represented by Alberta Investment Management Corp raised its position in B2Gold Corp by 130.4% in the second quarter. Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Province of Alberta as represented by Alberta Investment Management Corp now owns 2,080,180 shares of the company’s stock valued at $6,740,000 after buying an additional 1,177,270 shares during the last quarter.
      Finally, Emerald Acquisition Ltd. bought a new position in B2Gold Corp during the second quarter valued at $1,862,000.
      schrieb am 15.10.16 17:03:32
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      BRIEF-B2Gold says construction of Fekola mine is progressing on schedule

      Oct 13 B2Gold Corp :

      * Says quarterly consolidated gold production of 146,686 ounces 18% greater than same period in 2015

      * "Construction of Fekola mine is progressing well, on schedule and on budget[/b]"
      schrieb am 18.10.16 15:02:35
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      GLD bullion inventories keep going up

      Gold price flatlines, but somebody somewhere doesn't care. The buying in GLD gold continues, the inventory level swells.

      I happened to mention the trend on Friday, since then another 5.64 metric tonnes of gold has been added to the pot.…
      schrieb am 18.10.16 15:42:54
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      Sehr guter Artikel über B2:

      B2Gold is one of the fastest-growing gold miners on the planet. Next year, it estimates steady production between 520,000 and 570,000 ounces, but once Fekola comes on-line in 2018, this is expected to increase significantly to 900,000-950,000 ounces, while also reducing the company's total all-in sustaining costs. Meanwhile, Fekola is fully funded to production.…
      schrieb am 18.10.16 16:14:30
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.065.341 von edorado am 15.08.16 22:17:39
      Zitat von edorado: Aktienausgabe für Investitionen in neue Minenprojekte.

      B2Gold launches $100m at-the-market offering

      13th August 2016

      VANCOUVER ( – Canadian midtier gold producer B2Gold announced on Friday that it would distribute an at-the-market offering of $100-million worth of common shares from time to time through designated broker-dealers at prevailing market prices.

      Es wäre jetzt interessant zu wissen wieviele davon jetzt schon über die Ladentheke gewandert sind!

      Nachdem die Probleme auf den Philippinen hoffentlich ausgeräumt sind, siehe Posting vorher, dürfte ,wenn das Marktumfeld mitspielt, die Tür zu neuen Höhen offen stehen!
      schrieb am 18.10.16 18:42:41
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      Na wenn die Anal ysten es schon sagen....

      Scotiabank Reiterates “Outperform” Rating for B2Gold Corp. (BTO)…

      schrieb am 18.10.16 21:53:16
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      Nach Meinung dieses Schreibers besteht die Gefahr auf Masbate (Philippinen) immer noch, ich verstehe die oben angeführte Nachricht auf Bloomberg, aber eher als Entwarnung! Jedoch wer weiß... ein gewisses Rückschlagpotential besteht natürlich - trotz Kursrückgang direkt nach der Nachricht bezüglich der Konzession- immer noch. Duerte sollte man vielleicht nicht unterschätzen.

      Was der Autor - nach meinem Verständnis - aber nicht korrekt darstellt ist der Grund für die Probleme. Er spricht von Problemen die Umwelt betreffend, B2 spechen in ihrer Erwiderung lediglich von verwaltungstechnischen Problemen.

      Most recently the company encountered some environmental problems related to its Masbate mine, located in Philippines. Together with 20 other miners B2 Gold is endangered with suspension of its flagship property. I am monitoring the situation but, unfortunately, it looks like the new secretary of DENR (Department of Environment and Natural Resources) wants to turn the Philippines resource sector upside down. In my opinion, Masbate is in serious danger and, due to the fact that this mine delivers the highest amount of gold for the company, its suspension would have a significant, negative impact on B2 Gold performance:

      Hier die Verteilung:

      Trotzdem seine Schlussfolgerung:

      Well, I think that B2 Gold is one of the world's best miners and is the core element of my Top Five Picks portfolio.…
      schrieb am 19.10.16 11:30:03
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      B2Gold Corp.: Notice of Philippines DENR (Department of Environment and Natural Resources) Audit Results 18.10.16 - 23:30 Uhr…

      We have received and analyzed the comprehensive Audit Report findings and determined that they are broadly consistent with the Preliminary Notice and the action plan developed to date. The points raised are principally related to administrative and regulatory compliance issues which B2Gold is confident will be resolved by continuing to work closely with the appropriate government agencies. The Company is well positioned to respond to the matters raised in the Audit Report and expects to do so by Friday, October 21, 2016, which is within the seven-day timeframe provided in accordance with DENR guidelines.
      schrieb am 19.10.16 19:38:15
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      Bodenbildung und erste Gegenbewegung nach der Konsolidierung beim Goldpreis.
      Tut auch dem Aktienkurs gut.
      Mal sehen wie weit es nach oben geht.
      Bin neben meinem Long-Investment jetzt auch mit einer weiteren Trading-Position dabei.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 19.10.16 19:50:33
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.510.778 von edorado am 19.10.16 19:38:15
      Zitat von edorado: Bodenbildung und erste Gegenbewegung nach der Konsolidierung beim Goldpreis.

      Soweit ich es sehe, hatten wir nach dem Anstieg seit Jahresbeginn das 50er Retracement auch schon erreicht, ein gewaltiger Brocken bezüglich der Korrektur ist auf jeden Fall mal weg.
      schrieb am 23.10.16 15:00:05
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      Die Aufregung um Masbate und die Philippinen lastet natürlich immer noch auf der Aktie, solche NAchrichten machen es natürlich auch nicht besser:…
      schrieb am 28.10.16 14:07:05
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      B2Gold Corp (BTG) Upgraded to Buy at Zacks Investment Research
      October 19th, 2016

      Zacks Investment Research upgraded shares of B2Gold Corp (NYSE:BTG) from a sell rating to a buy rating in a report released on Tuesday.
      schrieb am 28.10.16 14:10:49
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      B2Gold Corp. (BTO) Rating Reiterated by Scotiabank
      October 24th, 2016

      B2Gold Corp. (TSE:BTO)‘s stock had its “outperform” rating restated by analysts at Scotiabank in a report released on Thursday.
      They currently have a C$4.75 target price on the stock. Scotiabank’s price objective suggests a potential upside of 28.73% from the company’s current price.
      schrieb am 28.10.16 14:14:28
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      Ergebnis- und Gewinnschätzung erhöht!

      FY2016 Earnings Estimate for B2Gold Corp. Issued By Raymond James Financial (BTO)
      October 26th, 2016

      B2Gold Corp. (TSE:BTO) – Raymond James Financial lifted their FY2016 EPS estimates for shares of B2Gold Corp. in a report released on Tuesday.
      Raymond James Financial analyst C. Thompson now forecasts that the firm will earn $0.15 per share for the year, up from their previous forecast of $0.13.
      Raymond James Financial currently has a “Outperform” rating and a $5.00 price objective on the stock.
      Raymond James Financial also issued estimates for B2Gold Corp.’s FY2017 earnings at $0.15 EPS.
      schrieb am 28.10.16 20:42:19
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      I love the FBI:D
      schrieb am 28.10.16 22:44:15
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()
      B2Gold Corp.: Third Quarter and Year-to-Date 2016 Results - Conference Call
      B2Gold Corp.

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - Oct 28, 2016) - B2Gold Corp. (TSX:BTO)(NYSE MKT:BTG)(NAMIBIAN:B2G) ("B2Gold" or the "Company") will release its third quarter and year-to-date 2016 results before the North American markets open on Thursday, November 3, 2016.

      B2Gold executives will host a conference call to discuss the results on Thursday, November 3, 2016 at 10:00 am PST / 1:00 pm EDT. You may access the call by dialing the operator at 416-340-2218 or toll free at 866-225-0198 prior to the scheduled start time or, you may listen to the call via webcast by clicking A playback version of the call will be available for one week after the call at 905-694-9451 or toll free at 800-408-3053 (passcode: 9532466).

      About B2Gold Corp.

      Headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, B2Gold Corp. is one of the fastest-growing intermediate gold producers in the world. Founded in 2007, today, B2Gold has four operating mines, one mine under construction and numerous exploration projects in various countries, including Nicaragua, the Philippines, Namibia, Mali and Burkina Faso. Construction of B2Gold's Fekola mine in southwest Mali is on schedule and on budget, and is projected to commence production in Q4 2017. As a result, B2Gold is well positioned to maintain its low-cost structure and growth profile.

      Based on current assumptions and updates to B2Gold's current year guidance and long-term mine plans, the Company is projecting consolidated gold production of between 535,000 to 575,000 ounces in 2016; between 520,000 to 570,000 ounces in 2017; and (significantly increasing to) between 900,000 to 950,000 ounces in 2018, with the inclusion of the anticipated first full year of production at the Fekola mine.
      schrieb am 02.11.16 20:05:26
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      Die Performance heute unter aller letzten kanone!
      schrieb am 03.11.16 06:27:37
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()
      B2Gold (BTG) ( 3q16 financials

      B2Gold (BTG) ( reported this evening (RegFs filed to SEDAR, no news release yet) and here are just two charts of several hundred we'll do at the weekend:

      Operating earnings per share came in at 7.6c, slightly down on the IKN forecast of 8.4c but that's because I got the depreciation/depletion/amortization charge low (which is non-cash in the end), so no biggie.

      A better bit of guesswork over at the balance sheet, we're the IKN estimate was for working capital of U$115m and the reality is U$114.885...that's a win for the house model, but more importantly shows the strong liquidity levels and free cash flow generation going on here.

      All in all a fine looking quarter from The Clive & Co. As long as gold prices don't dump on us tomorrow B2 should go higher on these numbers.…
      schrieb am 03.11.16 20:34:22
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      Gute Zahlen von B2 heute:

      B2Gold Corp. Reports Q3 2016 Results; Operating Cash Flows Significantly Higher on Record Gold Production, Record Low Costs and Higher Gold Prices; 2016 Guidance Favourably Revised

      2016 Third Quarter Highlights

      Record quarterly consolidated gold production of 146,686 ounces, 6% (or 7,988 ounces) above budget and 18% (or 22,315 ounces) greater than the same period in 2015
      Consolidated gold revenue a quarterly record of $193 million on record sales of 145,029 ounces at an average price of $1,331 per ounce, an increase in revenue of 39% (or $53.7 million) over the same period in 2015
      Consolidated cash operating costs a quarterly record low of $491 per ounce, $73 per ounce (or 13%) below budget and $93 per ounce (or 16%) below the prior-year quarter
      Consolidated all-in sustaining costs of $702 per ounce, $134 per ounce (or 16%) below budget and $173 per ounce (or 20%) below the prior-year quarter
      Cash flow from operating activities of $90.3 million ($0.10 per share), up 266% from $33.9 million ($0.04 per share) in the third quarter of 2015
      Strong cash position of $123.8 million at quarter-end
      Masbate Mine's 2016 guidance revised favourably; for full-year 2016, the Masbate Mine is now forecast to produce between 200,000 to 210,000 ounces of gold (up from the previous range of 175,000 to 185,000 ounces) at cash operating costs of between $465 to $505 per ounce (reduced from the previous range of $620 to $660 per ounce)
      Masbate Mine achieves approximately 6 million man-hours (or 353 days) without a "Lost-Time-Injury" as at September 30, 2016
      Otjikoto Mine achieves record quarterly gold production of 47,564 ounces at record low cash operating costs of $344 per ounce
      Otjikoto Mine's 2016 annual cash operating cost guidance revised lower to $365 to $405 per ounce (previously was $400 to $440 per ounce)
      Revised consolidated 2016 production guidance; for full-year 2016, consolidated gold production is now forecast to be between 535,000 to 575,000 ounces (up from the previous range of 510,000 to 550,000 ounces of gold)
      Revised consolidated 2016 cost guidance; for full-year 2016, consolidated cash operating costs are now forecast to be between $500 to $535 per ounce (reduced from the previous range of $560 to $595 per ounce) and all-in sustaining costs are now expected to be between $780 to $810 per ounce (reduced from $895 to $925 per ounce)
      Construction of the Fekola mine is progressing well, on schedule and on budget, and is expected to commence production in the fourth quarter in 2017…

      Als kleines Leckerli noch das dazu:

      Calibre has agreed to purchase all of B2Gold's 51% interest in the Property in consideration for $3,283,000 and a 1.5% net smelter returns royalty (the "Royalty") on production from the Property (the "Purchase Price").
      5 Antworten
      schrieb am 07.11.16 15:55:55
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.615.976 von trobs am 03.11.16 20:34:22Juck keinen, Performance grotenschlecht :D
      4 Antworten
      schrieb am 07.11.16 16:49:34
      Beitrag Nr. 74 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.636.973 von specku am 07.11.16 15:55:55
      Zitat von specku: Juck keinen, Performance grotenschlecht :D

      Versteht ich nicht! Meinst du B2s Q3??
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 07.11.16 16:58:38
      Beitrag Nr. 75 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.637.372 von trobs am 07.11.16 16:49:34Ich meine den Kursverlauf. Meiner meinung nach voll Überkauft. Soll 50%-100% abschmieren dann kann man hier einsteigen... die Zahlen sind top, na und es juckt keine Sau. wenn Clinton die Wahlen gewinnt, wovon ich ausgehe, wird das Gold samt Biotechs abschmieren. B2Gold mit dabei.
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 07.11.16 17:03:50
      Dieser Beitrag wurde von MadMod moderiert. Grund: Namensverunglimpfung
      schrieb am 07.11.16 18:50:37
      Dieser Beitrag wurde von MadMod moderiert. Grund: Namensverunglimpfung
      schrieb am 07.11.16 19:22:26
      Dieser Beitrag wurde von MadMod moderiert. Grund: Korrespondierendes Posting wurde entfernt
      schrieb am 07.11.16 20:28:08
      Dieser Beitrag wurde von MadMod moderiert. Grund: Provokation
      schrieb am 10.11.16 10:51:13
      Dieser Beitrag wurde von MadMod moderiert. Grund: Provokation
      schrieb am 11.11.16 16:41:31
      Beitrag Nr. 81 ()
      So ist gut, nächste Station 2-2,50$, wenn Gold natürlich weiter schwächelt. Dann werdet ihr mich hier herzlich und mit offenen Händen als B2G-Aktionär in diesem Forum begrüßen dürfen.
      schrieb am 17.11.16 18:58:38
      Beitrag Nr. 82 ()
      War im Urlaub. Hier Aktualisierung der News zu B2G.

      B2Gold Corp (BTG) Given “Buy” Rating at TD Securities
      November 6th, 2016 -

      B2Gold Corp (NYSE:BTG)‘s stock had its “buy” rating restated by equities researchers at TD Securities in a research report issued to clients and investors on Sunday.
      They currently have a $5.50 price target on the stock.
      TD Securities’ target price indicates a potential upside of 90.31% from the company’s previous close. :eek::D
      schrieb am 17.11.16 19:06:28
      Beitrag Nr. 83 ()
      Calibre Mining agreement for remainder of Borosi

      2016-11-16 16:06 ET - Property Agreement

      See Property Agreement (C-CXB) Calibre Mining Corp

      The TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation in connection with a letter agreement between Calibre Mining Corp. and B2Gold Corp. dated Nov. 2, 2016, pursuant to which Calibre has agreed to purchase B2Gold's 51-per-cent joint venture interest in the Borosi property in Nicaragua such that on closing Calibre will hold a 100-per-cent interest in the Borosi property.
      As consideration, Calibre will issue 23.45 million common shares to B2Gold and B2Gold will be entitled to a 1.5-per-cent net smelter return royalty on production generated from the Borosi property following closing of the transaction.

      Insider participation: B2Gold is an insider of Calibre by virtue of holding 11.3 per cent of the issued shares of Calibre before closing of the transaction.
      schrieb am 24.11.16 11:20:08
      Beitrag Nr. 84 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.637.489 von specku am 07.11.16 16:58:38
      es ist anders gekommen
      schrieb am 25.11.16 21:32:27
      Beitrag Nr. 85 ()
      schrieb am 28.11.16 21:59:26
      Beitrag Nr. 86 ()
      Jetzt dachte ich schon, dass Spacko die Show hier schmeißt und hatte mich zurückgezogen, aber außer dem üblichen Dünnsch... kam dann doch nix:D

      The "Clive" im Interview mit Andy und mit einigen beruhigenden Worten zu den Philippinen:…

      Interessant folgender Chart:

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 28.11.16 22:45:03
      Beitrag Nr. 87 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.787.951 von trobs am 28.11.16 21:59:26Jetzt kann es wieder aufwärts gehen. 2 Euro wären mir lieber. Aber man kann ja nicht alles haben :D
      schrieb am 12.12.16 18:00:44
      Beitrag Nr. 88 ()
      Aus einem amerikanischen Forum, da positionieren sich die Schnäppchenjäger:


      B2Gold has corrected 35% from its 52-week highs.

      Despite gold being 5% below its October lows, B2Gold is 5% above its October lows.

      The company has the highest production growth profile of all intermediate producers over the next 2 years.

      October was not a pleasant month for gold investors, but November has thus far been catastrophic. The price of gold is down more than $80/oz so far this month, with the Gold Miners Index (NYSEARCA:GDX) seeing a waterfall decline of over 16%. Despite bullish sentiment on gold (NYSEARCA:GLD) being at the lowest levels since last December, the bleeding has not stopped yet. Those that have been following me know that I exited my gold position at $1,229/oz last month, but still remain in several of my mining positions. I have been very careful adding exposure the past couple weeks, as I believe the $1,180/oz level is very important for gold. Not only is the $1,180 level the 61.8% retracement of this year's rally, it also represents a clean break of the $1,200/oz support.

      I have no problem with gold testing the $1,180/oz level as it did this morning, but a close below here would open up the door for more selling. My accounts are primarily momentum-based, therefore I have not been making any new entries recently. The only position I've added is Mariana Resources (OTCPK:MRLDF) which is at new highs, despite the GDX making new lows. Having said that, I have recently found a reason to begin opening new positions in my value account. I only begin adding positions in my value accounts when I see stocks trading 30% below fair value.

      My value account differs from my momentum accounts, as I add in tranches in my value account. My value accounts currently hold a 2/3 position in Torex Gold (OTCPK:TORXF), as well as a 1/3 position in Roxgold (OTC:ROGFF) and Guyana Goldfields (OTCPK:GUYFF). As of this week another gold stock has dipped low enough to be considered in my value account. My newest addition to my gold positions is B2Gold (NYSEMKT:BTG), where I already hold a half position from $1.35.

      In March of this year I unveiled my new B2Gold position and explained why B2Gold was a strong buy. Due to the fact that I already hold a position in my momentum account, I have chosen to simply average up on the position. I added 30% to my BTG position yesterday and have moved my average cost up from $1.35 to $1.64.

      To be fully transparent I have shown a road map of my B2Gold trade thus far this year above. As you can see I bought the stock in March and gave the stock a fair value of $3.00 on the shares. Once B2Gold met my target price at $3.00 in August, I exited half of my position for a 124% gain. I have averaged up on this position as of yesterday, but my trade plan shown on the right side of the chart remains.

      1) Exit the stock on a close below the $2.18 level

      2) Double my position on a close above the $3.15 level.

      Now that I have explained my positioning in B2Gold, I will dig further into why I chose B2Gold over other gold producers.

      Putting A Valuation On B2Gold

      B2Gold has the most impressive growth in its production profile of all intermediate gold producers and is the epitome of a growth stock. While most intermediate producers are lucky to be seeing 25-30% growth over the next 2 years, B2Gold's 2018 production levels will be 70% higher than its 2016 full-year production. Due to the company's impressive all-in sustaining cash costs, as long as gold holds $1,100/oz, the company should be able to see 50% earnings growth for 2018.
      schrieb am 16.12.16 12:38:26
      Beitrag Nr. 89 ()
      B2Gold kauft weitere 23.450.000 Stammaktien von Calibre Mining Corp.
      B2Gold Corporation hat am 8. Dezember weitere 23.450.000 Stammaktien von Calibre Mining Corporation erworben. Die Transaktion, welcher eine Vereinbarung von B2Gold, Minera Glencairn S.A., einem zu 100% eigenem Tochterunternehmen von B2Gold, Calibre und CXB Nicaragua S.A., einem zu 100% eigenem Tochterunternehmen von Calibre, zugrunde liegt, war bereits im November angekündigt worden. Pro Aktie zahlte B2Gold demnach 0,14 CAD und damit insgesamt 3.283.000 CAD.

      Im Rahmen der Vereinbarung verkaufte B2Gold seine Anteile an den Konzessionen der Borosi-Liegenschaft in Nicaragua gegen 23.450.000 Stammaktien von Calibre und eine Netto-Schmelz-Royalty in Höhe von 1,5% für die bei dem Projekt erzielte Produktion.

      B2Gold hat seine Anteile an Calibre damit auf 53.450.000 Stammaktien bzw. 18,5% der ausstehenden Aktien erhöht.

      B2Gold acquires 23.45 million Calibre shares

      2016-12-15 17:52 ET - News Release

      Also News Release (C-CXB) Calibre Mining Corp

      Mr. Clive Johnson of B2Gold reports


      B2Gold Corp. acquired an additional 23.45 million common shares of Calibre Mining Corp. on Dec. 8, 2016, pursuant to the terms of a letter agreement dated Nov. 2, 2016, among the company, Minera Glencairn SA, a wholly owned indirect subsidiary of the company, Calibre and CXB Nicaragua SA, a wholly owned subsidiary of Calibre, at a deemed price of 14 cents per share for an aggregate deemed price of $3,283,000.

      Under the agreement, the company sold its interest in the mining claims and mining leases comprising the Borosi concessions located in Nicaragua, in return for consideration of 23.45 million common shares of Calibre and a 1.5-per-cent net smelter returns royalty on production generated on the property.

      This acquisition brings the total holdings in the common shares of Calibre by the company to 53.45 million common shares, representing approximately 18.5 per cent of the outstanding common shares of Calibre. Immediately before the acquisition, the company held 30 million common shares of Calibre, representing 15.2 per cent of the issued and outstanding common shares of Calibre.

      The common shares of Calibre that the company acquired were acquired pursuant to the agreement and are currently being held for investment purposes. In the future, the company or its affiliates may acquire additional common shares of Calibre or dispose of such shares subject to a number of factors, including general market and economic conditions and other investment and business opportunities available.
      schrieb am 02.02.17 15:21:58
      Beitrag Nr. 90 ()
      B2Gold Corp.: Notice of Philippines DENR Audit Results
      B2Gold Corp. Vancouver, February 2, 2017 - B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO) (NYSE MKT: BTG) (NSX: B2G) ("B2Gold" or the "Company") reports that the DENR has announced the results of the Philippines Mine Audit. Masbate Gold Project ("MGP") is not among the mines to be suspended or closed. MGP will continue to work closely with the DENR to maintain compliance with regulations and continue to promote improved quality of life in the communities where we operate. Operations remain as normal at the mine.…
      schrieb am 03.02.17 01:58:49
      Beitrag Nr. 91 ()
      schrieb am 05.02.17 11:14:01
      Beitrag Nr. 92 ()
      Am 12.12.2016 schrieb ich hier in diesem Forum: "Schnäppchenjäger positionieren sich"!
      Kurs damals 2,22€.

      Seitdem innerhalb von sieben Wochen Kursanstieg auf 3,05€ in der Spitze am 2.2.2017!!!!!

      Kurs aktuell am 3.2.: 2,89€

      Rock´n Roll
      schrieb am 05.02.17 11:38:24
      Beitrag Nr. 93 ()
      Goldminenexperte von Der Aktionär empfiehlt aktuell B2Gold
      Starke Unternehmensperformance, Kostensenkung, Kurs hat charttechnische Widerstandsmarke nach oben durchbrochen, Minen-Projekte in Afrika und auf den Philippinen laufen gut ...


      "Experte Bußler: B2Gold sieht wirklich, wirklich spannend aus"
      schrieb am 07.02.17 05:05:27
      Beitrag Nr. 94 ()
      Exzellente Ergebnismeldung 2016 mit Rekordzahlen
      B2Gold Corp. erreicht 2016 Rekordproduktion und -umsatz
      B2Gold Corporation veröffentlichte soeben die Produktions- und Umsatzergebnisse für das vierte Quartal und das Geschäftsjahr 2016. Ebenso hat das Unternehmen eine Vorgabe für 2017 formuliert. Es folgt eine Zusammenfassung mit den wichtigsten Zahlen (Quelle Rohstoffwelt):

      Höhepunkte des vierten Quartals 2016

      Das Unternehmen erzielte eine Goldproduktion von 140.651 Unzen und verzeichnete damit im Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum eine Steigerung von 7%.

      Es wurde ein Umsatz in Höhe von 181,2 Mio. USD generiert, basierend auf dem Verkauf von 151.524 Unzen Gold zu im Schnitt 1.196 USD je Unze.

      Die Minenkonstruktion bei Fekola ist dem Zeitplan voraus, die Produktion könnte im Oktober 2017 beginnen.

      Höhepunkte des Geschäftsjahres 2016

      Im Gesamtjahr 2016 erreichte die Goldproduktion mit 550.423 Unzen einen neuen Rekord.

      Durch den Verkauf von 548.281 Unzen Gold zu einem Durchschnittspreis von 1.246 USD je Unze generierte B2Gold einen Rekordumsatz in Höhe von 683,3 Mio. USD.

      Produktions- und Kostenvorgabe für 2017

      Das Unternehmen visiert für 2017 eine Produktion von 545.000-595.000 Unzen Gold an. Es wird mit Cashbetriebskosten von 610-650 USD je Unze gerechnet.
      schrieb am 09.02.17 16:59:16
      Beitrag Nr. 95 ()
      B2Gold ( (BTG) news

      According to two separate sources (thank you both), B2Gold ( (BTG) is close to selling its 49% of the Gramalote project in Colombia to AngloGold Ashanti (the 51% owner). It's no secret that B2 has wanted to dispose and monetise its minority position in Gramalote for a while, what's changed recently is Anglo's return to reasonable financial health that's now allowing it to do a deal, plus their new enthusiasm for Colombia and the desire to "get a win" in order to show the country that La Colosa will work.

      The final price is the last point of negotiation and they're down to the details, shouldn't take more than a couple of weeks to sort out so maybe this is being timed as an announcement for PDAC.

      @Otto IKN
      schrieb am 13.02.17 18:35:19
      Beitrag Nr. 96 ()
      B2Gold's 2017 Exploration Update: West Africa…
      schrieb am 14.02.17 17:51:08
      Beitrag Nr. 97 ()
      Cormark upgrades on B2Gold ( (BTG)

      Cormark just upgraded B2Gold ( (BTG) to a C$7.50 target, that's 70.5% higher than last night's close :eek:and not many operating miners get that type of whack on targets). Richard Gray, along with many other on the trip, was impressed by what he saw on the Africa site visit beano.

      schrieb am 18.02.17 15:40:23
      Beitrag Nr. 98 ()
      Analysten geben neue Empfehlungen nach Quartalszahlen ab! - Aktiennews

      Die Analysten verschiedener Investmenthäuser haben sich nach der Vorlage der Q4-Quartalszahlen zu den Aktien des Goldproduzenten B2Gold Corp. (ISIN: CA11777Q2099, WKN: A0M889, Ticker-Symbol: 5BG, TSE-Symbol: BTO) geäußert.

      Die Analysten von Raymond James stufen die Aktien von B2Gold Corp. weiterhin mit "outperform" ein. Das Kursziel wird bei 4,00 CAD gesehen.

      RBC Capital Markets bleibt beim "outperform"-Votum. Das Kursziel wird von 4,50 auf 5,00 CAD nach oben korrigiert.

      Die Analysten von Scotia Capital halten am "outperform"-Votum fest und veranschlagen ein Kursziel von 4,50 CAD.

      Aktienanalyst Steven Green vom Investmenthaus TD Securities bestätigt seine Kaufempfehlung und setzt das Kursziel von 4,75 auf 5,00 CAD herauf.
      schrieb am 18.02.17 15:46:57
      Beitrag Nr. 99 ()
      Neue Bohrergebnisse von Exporationsprojekten in Westafrika. Sieht sehr gut aus.

      13.02.2017: B2Gold's 2017 Exploration Update: West Africa

      Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - February 13, 2017) - B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO) (NYSE MKT: BTG) (NSX: B2G) ("B2Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to announce positive exploration results for its Kiaka and Fekola projects in West Africa (Burkina Faso and Mali, respectively). All dollar figures are in United States dollars unless otherwise indicated.

      Following recent successes by the regional exploration programs in Burkina Faso and Mali, B2Gold has budgeted $19.95 million in 2017 for ongoing exploration of the Company's West African projects, an increase of $2.65 million over the 2016 budget.

      Recent results from the 2016 programs include:

      Burkina Faso

      Toega Prospect, Kiaka Regional Program

      B2Gold has recently increased the footprint of known mineralization at the Toega prospect, as part of the Kiaka deposit regional exploration program in Burkina Faso. In 2016, a total of 19,433 metres of combined reverse circulation and diamond drilling was completed, to better define the limits of this discovery and to explore the immediate area for additional mineralization. Last year's drilling expanded the known extents of mineralization at Toega to over 900 metres long, by up to 425 metres wide, with intersections of variable thickness occurring as deep as 250 metres below surface. Mineralization remains open down dip and down plunge at Toega. Drilling is ongoing. Due to the increased size of the Toega zone, the Company now expects to release the initial mineral resource for Toega in the third quarter of 2017.

      Gold mineralization in the Toega zone is hosted by an easterly-dipping metasedimentary sequence, overprinted by shallowly northeast plunging folds. Mineralized intervals in excess of 100 metres of core length (e.g. NKRD020, 125 m at 1.66 g/t gold) are localized in a plunging, high-grade "keel" to the mineralization, which may be related to structural thickening by folding. Mineralized zones are characterized by disseminated pyrite, pyrrhotite, rare chalcopyrite and locally, by fine visible gold, in association with quartz veining.

      Highlights from recent 2016 drilling at Toega zone include:
      Hole ID From (m) To (m) Length (m) Gold (g/t)
      NKRC088 134.00 153.00 19.00 5.47
      NKDD014 94.00 178.00 84.00 3.09
      Incl. 133.05 177.00 43.95 4.96
      NKRC099 93.00 111.00 18.00 6.56
      NKRC101 141.00 160.00 19.00 1.87
      NKDD015 220.00 277.10 57.10 1.73
      Incl. 220.00 262.00 42.00 2.18
      NKDD016 85.00 99.00 14.00 2.26
      NKDD017 74.00 205.00 131.00 1.61
      Incl. 85.00 97.00 12.00 3.97
      and 128.40 178.00 49.60 2.42
      NKDD013 99.00 161.00 62.00 1.66
      Incl. 143.90 161.00 17.10 3.53
      and 185.00 244.00 59.00 2.80
      NKRC102 126.00 177.00 51.00 1.90
      Incl. 138.00 165.00 27.00 3.02
      NKRC105 180.00 201.00 21.00 1.08
      and 207.00 217.00 10.00 3.40
      NKRD020 60.00 185.00 125.00 1.66
      NKDD024 93.80 147.00 53.20 1.89
      Incl. 116.00 147.00 31.00 2.79

      Note: Bedrock-hosted intervals reported above are >0.3 g/t gold, with a maximum of 5 m internal waste. Intervals reported are core lengths. True width is estimated to be between 85% and 90% of core length.

      A follow-up program of 5000 metres of diamond drilling is currently underway at Toega, with additional assay results pending. More drill results will be released as they become available.

      Toega Development Study

      Based on the positive results to date, B2Gold is undertaking initial mineral resource modeling. Once mineral resource estimates are available, in-house evaluations will commence to determine whether Toega constitutes a potential source of higher-grade feed for the Kiaka deposit or potentially a standalone project. Metallurgical, environmental and social baseline studies were initiated at Toega in 2016, and these programs are planned to continue throughout 2017. The 2017 development budget for Toega is $0.84 million.

      Kiaka Project

      About Kiaka:

      The Kiaka project is located in southcentral Burkina Faso, approximately 140 kilometres southeast of the capital Ouagadougou. Kiaka is one of the largest undeveloped gold resources in West Africa, and contains measured mineral resource estimates of 27.3 million tonnes at 1.09 g/t gold for 953,000 ounces; indicated mineral resource estimates of 96.8 million tonnes at 0.96 g/t gold for 2.99 million ounces; and inferred mineral resource estimates of 27.3 million tonnes at 0.93 g/t for 815,000 ounces1.

      Further engineering studies were completed in 2016 to assess the optimum throughput rate for the Kiaka project and upgrading projected capital and operating costs.

      The current plan is to update the mineral-resource block model later this year based on ongoing drilling and then use that model as the basis for additional project evaluation. This will include re-evaluating project economics and the potential impact of higher-grade ore being added from the Toega zone. The 2017 development budget for Kiaka is approximately $2.7 million.


      Kiwi Zone, Fekola Regional Program

      B2Gold's technical team believes that the large Fekola project has the potential to host additional large Fekola-style gold deposits. The Company's work to date has identified multiple targets. The Kiwi zone adjoins mineralization currently contained within the proposed pit limits of the Fekola deposit. Extending north from the pit for approximately 640 metres, Kiwi hosts near-surface gold mineralization, which has recently been infilled with an additional 18 reverse circulation drill holes, totalling approximately 2400 metres. Assay results are pending. This near-surface exploration, combined with the planned follow up of FKD_188 at depth (4.60 m at 11.80 g/t gold from 240.10 metres - refer to B2Gold news release dated June 29, 2016), is part of an initiative to advance near-term exploration targets that are proximal to existing and planned Fekola mine infrastructure, with the goal of increasing the Fekola mine life.

      Anaconda/Adder Zones, Fekola Regional Program

      Within the Fekola region, exploration has defined a significant zone of saprolite-hosted gold mineralization across two contiguous target areas known as Anaconda and Adder. At present, the footprint of the combined Anaconda-Adder saprolite zone extends over 4.5 kilometres of strike and up to 500 metres wide at Anaconda and up to 200 metres wide at Adder. Within these zones, saprolite occurs in flat-lying horizons varying from several metres to over 40 metres thick. Mineralized intervals within the saprolite are variable in thickness, but across both zones average approximately 13.5 metres in true width. In 2016, 72,671 metres of combined aircore, reverse circulation and diamond drilling were completed. At both Anaconda and Adder, drilling has been completed on 40 metre x 40 metre spaced centres and locally, infilled by reverse circulation and/or diamond holes at either 20 metre x 20 metre, or 5 metre x 5 metre centres to test the short range variability of mineralization. A program of select aircore hole twinning by PQ diameter diamond core was completed in late 2016/early 2017. The initial results of the twin diamond drilling program favourably confirm the results of previous aircore drilling.

      Highlights from recent reverse circulation and diamond drilling infill drilling include:
      Hole ID From (m) To (m) Length (m) Gold (g/t)
      MSR_101 0 60 60 3.23
      MSR_103 2 48 46 1.75
      MSR_144 1 45 44 1.81
      MSR_145 3 44 41 1.97
      MSR_146 2 43 41 2.16
      MSR_147 24 48 24 2.63
      MSR_148 17 34 17 2.37
      MSR_150 0 38 38 3.72
      MSR_151 1 41 40 1.49
      MSR_153 0 24 24 3.17
      MSR_155 0 49 49 1.20
      MSR_156 5 43 38 1.59
      MSR_157 7 36 29 1.33
      MSR_162 4 41 37 3.44
      MSR_171 0 33 33 1.79
      MSR_175 12 27 15 2.46
      MSR_178 1 56 55 1.71
      MSR_179 3 41 38 1.59
      MSR_183 5 50 45 1.29
      MSR_203 16 30 14 3.19
      MSD_043 13.50 38.70 25.20 5.52
      MSD_047 3.60 43.10 39.50 1.30
      MSD_054 0.00 49.00 49.00 2.75

      Note: Saprolite-hosted intervals reported above are >0.2 g/t gold, with a maximum of 3 m internal waste. Assays are uncapped. Intervals reported are core lengths and may locally include minor amounts of gold-bearing laterite from the regolith profile.

      Saprolite Development Study

      The Anaconda zone has the potential to be a low-cost operation due to shared infrastructure and services from the nearby Fekola mine; soft "free digging" ore, requiring no drilling and blasting; an unusually low strip ratio; and very low milling requirements, due to the large percentage of fines in the highly-weathered material. Preliminary in-house estimates indicate that Anaconda could potentially produce between 80,000 and 100,000 ounces per year, for several years.

      A conceptual engineering study is underway for Anaconda. Fekola capital and operating cost information is being used as a basis for the cost estimates. A base case of four million tonnes per year will be developed, and then larger and smaller cases will be factored depending on the estimated mineral resource. Metallurgical test programs have been completed and will form the basis of the design criteria for the processing plant. Environmental and social baseline studies are underway and will continue throughout 2017. The development budget for Anaconda is approximately $2.2 million for 2017.

      Bedrock-hosted Mineralization

      At Anaconda and Adder, exploration for Fekola-type gold-bearing structures in the underlying bedrock is ongoing. The 2016 exploration program has potentially identified several of the bedrock structures that have weathered to create the extensive zone of saprolite-hosted gold mineralization at Anaconda and Adder. Drilling has intersected intervals of sulphide-related gold mineralization up to 22 metres in length in the bedrock underlying both the Adder and Anaconda target areas. The full extent of these mineralized structures is currently unknown and is subject to follow-up drilling that is ongoing.

      Highlights from the 2016 Anaconda/Adder bedrock drilling program include:
      Hole ID From (m) To (m) Length (m) Gold (g/t)
      MSR_132 42.00 63.00 21.00 6.84
      and 142.00 164.00 22.00 1.19
      MSD_007 16.00 35.80 19.80 1.65
      Incl. 28.70 35.80 7.10 3.65
      MSD_009 105.00 118.00 13.00 1.53
      MSR_169 32.00 45.00 13.00 2.77
      Incl. 37.00 45.00 8.00 4.26
      MSR_171 45.00 56.00 11.00 1.56
      MSR_173 27.00 42.00 15.00 4.37
      MSR_217 35.00 46.00 11.00 1.69

      Note: Bedrock-hosted intervals reported above are >0.6 g/t gold, with a maximum of 5 m internal waste. Intervals reported are core lengths.

      Approximately one kilometre to the east of Anaconda and Adder, new mineralization has also been intersected in the Mamba zone. Previously, saprolite-hosted gold mineralization was reported for Mamba (refer to B2Gold's news release dated June 29, 2016), but recent exploration in this area has shown the potential for significant bedrock-hosted gold mineralization.

      Recent highlights include:
      Hole ID From (m) To (m) Length (m) Gold (g/t)
      MSR_247 74.00 84.00 10.00 2.22
      MSR_239 58.00 68.00 10.00 1.76
      MSD_046 149.60 155.30 5.70 2.90
      and 243.66 253.10 9.44 4.26

      Note: Bedrock-hosted intervals reported above are >0.6 g/t gold, with a maximum of 5 m internal waste. Intervals reported are core lengths.
      schrieb am 17.03.17 21:55:21
      Beitrag Nr. 100 ()
      schrieb am 28.03.17 22:02:42
      Beitrag Nr. 101 ()
      Wachstumsstory geht weiter!!!

      B2Gold meldet gute Finanzergebnisse
      B2Gold Corp.
      B2Gold Corporation gab heute die Betriebs- und Finanzergebnisse des Gesamtjahres 2016 sowie des Dezemberquartals bekannt. In den zwölf Monaten wurde ein Nettogewinn in Höhe von 38,6 Mio. $ bzw. 0,04 $ je Aktie verzeichnet (2015: Nettoverlust 145,1 Mio. $ bzw. 0,16 $ je Aktie).
      Im Quartal lag der Nettogewinn bei 8,1 Mio. $ bzw. 0,01 $ je Aktie (2015: Nettoverlust von 115,1 Mio. $ bzw. 0,13 $ je Aktie).

      Die konsolidierten Einnahmen aus den Goldverkäufen beliefen sich im Jahr insgesamt auf 683,3 Mio. $ und erreichten damit einen Rekordwert. Es wurden 548.281 oz Gold zum Durchschnittspreis von 1.246 $/oz verkauft. Im vierten Quartal generierte das Unternehmen mit dem Verkauf von 151.524 oz Gold Umsätze in Höhe von 181,2 Mio. $. Der Preis lag hier im Schnitt bei 1.196 $/oz.

      Die All-In Sustaining Costs (AISC) lagen 2016 bei 794 $/oz und damit innerhalb der vom Unternehmen zwischenzeitlich reduzierten Planung von 780-810 $/oz. Im Dezemberquartal lagen die AISC bei 877 $/oz.

      Insgesamt produzierte B2Gold im vergangenen Jahr eine Rekordmenge von 550.423 oz Gold und konnte die Produktionsleistung des Vorjahres damit um 12% übertreffen. Auch im Quartal lag die Goldgewinnung mit 140.651 oz über der Produktion des Vorjahreszeitraums (+7%).
      schrieb am 28.03.17 22:06:05
      Beitrag Nr. 102 ()
      Der ausführliche Bericht:

      B2Gold earns $38.6-million (U.S.) in fiscal 2016

      2017-03-16 06:40 ET - News Release

      Mr. Clive Johnson reports


      B2Gold Corp. has released its operational and financial results for the fourth quarter and year ended Dec. 31, 2016. The company previously released its gold production and gold revenue for the fourth quarter and full-year 2016, as well as its production and cash cost guidance for 2017 (see news release dated Feb. 5, 2017). All dollar figures are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise indicated.

      2016 fourth quarter highlights

      Consolidated gold production of 140,651 ounces, 7 per cent (or 9,182 ounces) greater than the same period in 2015;
      Consolidated gold revenue of $181.2-million on record sales of 151,524 ounces at an average price of $1,196 per ounce, an increase in revenue of 30 per cent (or $42.2-million) over the same period in 2015;
      Consolidated cash operating costs of $546 per ounce (Q4 2015 -- $527 per ounce) and consolidated all-in sustaining costs (AISC) of $877 per ounce (Q4 2015 -- $807);
      Cash flow from operating activities of $82.3-million (nine cents per share), an increase of $33.8-million (or 70 per cent) compared with the fourth quarter of 2015;
      Strong cash position of $144.7-million at year-end;
      Fekola project mine construction is three months ahead of schedule for an anticipated Oct. 1, 2017, production start and remains on budget;
      Subsequent to Dec. 31, 2016, on March 14, 2017, the company received a binding letter of commitment from the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce to participate in the company's revolving credit facility, thereby increasing the aggregate amount of the facility from $350-million to $425-million.

      2016 full-year highlights

      Record annual consolidated gold production of 550,423 ounces of gold, achieving revised production guidance (of 535,000 to 575,000 ounces) and surpassing initial guidance (of 510,000 to 550,000 ounces);
      Masbate mine achieved record annual gold production of 206,224 ounces, 17 per cent (or 30,421 ounces) higher than 2015;
      Otjikoto mine achieved record annual gold production of 166,285 ounces, 14 per cent (or 20,562 ounces) higher than 2015;
      Record annual consolidated gold revenue of $683.3-million on record sales of 548,281 ounces at an average price of $1,246 per ounce;
      Consolidated cash operating costs an annual record low of $508 per ounce, at the low end of the company's reduced cost guidance range (of between $500 and $535 per ounce) and well below initial guidance (of between $560 and $595 per ounce);
      Consolidated AISCs of $794 per ounce, near the midpoint of the company's reduced cost guidance range (of between $780 and $810 per ounce) and well below initial guidance (of between $895 and $925 per ounce);
      Cash flow from operating activities (including $120-million of proceeds received from prepaid sales transactions), an annual record of $411.8-million (44 cents per share), an increase of $236.4-million (or 135 per cent) compared with 2015;
      Net income of $38.6-million (four-cent earnings per share) and adjusted net income of $99.0-million (11-cent adjusted earnings per share) for full-year 2016;
      Signed a 71.4-million-euro equipment facility with Caterpillar Financial SARL for the Fekola project;
      Additional positive exploration drill results reported for the company's Mali and Burkina Faso greenfield targets;
      2017 outlook provides for forecast annual consolidated gold production of between 545,000 and 595,000 ounces (including estimated Fekola precommercial production of between 45,000 and 55,000 ounces) with expected higher forecast cash operating costs and AISCs (as compared with 2016) of between $610 and $650 per ounce and between $940 and $970 per ounce, respectively;
      2018 outlook provides for very strong production growth, with the planned first full year of production from the Fekola project, consolidated annual gold production is expected to increase significantly and be between 900,000 and 950,000 ounces (including estimated Fekola production of between 365,000 to 375,000 ounces) with cash operating costs and AISCs expected to approximate the company's 2016 revised cost guidance ranges (of $500 to $535 per ounce for cash operating costs and $780 to $810 per ounce for AISCs).

      2016 full-year and fourth quarter operational results

      B2Gold achieved another record year of consolidated gold production in 2016 (for the eighth straight year) producing 550,423 ounces of gold, near the midpoint of its revised production guidance range (of 535,000 to 575,000 ounces) and surpassing its initial guidance range (of 510,000 to 550,000 ounces). Gold production for the year also increased by 12 per cent (or 57,158 ounces) over 2015. The record performance in 2016 reflects the record performances from the company's Masbate and Otjikoto mines, both setting new annual production records in 2016. The company's La Libertad mine also met its production guidance, with 2016 production near the high end of its production guidance range. In the fourth quarter of 2016, consolidated gold production was 140,651 ounces, an increase of 7 per cent (or 9,182 ounces) over the same period last year.

      For full-year 2016, consolidated cash operating costs were an annual record low of $508 per ounce, at the low end of the company's reduced cost guidance range (of between $500 and $535 per ounce) and well below initial guidance (of between $560 and $595 per ounce). Consolidated cash operating costs also decreased by $108 per ounce (or 18 per cent) compared with the prior year. This significant improvement reflects higher gold production, lower fuel prices/consumption and continuing cost optimization efforts. In the fourth quarter of 2016, consolidated cash operating costs were $546 per ounce (Q4 2015 -- $527 per ounce).

      Full-year consolidated all-in sustaining costs were $794 per ounce, near the midpoint of the company's reduced cost guidance range (of between $780 and $810 per ounce) and well below initial guidance (of between $895 and $925 per ounce). Consolidated AISCs also decreased by $153 per ounce (or 16 per cent) compared with the prior year. The lower consolidated AISCs were primarily driven by the same factors impacting the reduction in cash operating costs per ounce as well as lower-than-budgeted capital expenditures at several mine sites due to the timing of prestripping and underground development activities and land purchases. In the fourth quarter of 2016, consolidated AISCs were $877 per ounce (Q4 2015 -- $807 per ounce).

      2016 full-year and fourth quarter financial results

      For full-year 2016, consolidated gold revenue was a record $683.3-million on record sales of 548,281 ounces at an average price of $1,246 per ounce compared with $553.7-million (or $576.8-million including $23.1-million of precommercial sales from Otjikoto) on sales of 481,185 ounces (or 499,651 ounces including 18,466 ounces of precommercial sales from Otjikoto) at an average price of $1,151 per ounce in 2015. The 23-per-cent (or $129.6-million) increase in annual gold revenue was mainly attributable to a 14-per-cent increase in gold sales volume and an 8-per-cent increase in the average realized gold price. In the fourth quarter of 2016, consolidated gold revenue was $181.2-million on record sales of 151,524 ounces at an average price of $1,196 per ounce compared with $139-million on sales of 127,482 ounces at an average price of $1,090 per ounce in the fourth quarter of 2015.

      For full-year 2016, cash flow from operating activities was an annual record of $411.8-million (44 cents per share) compared with $175.4-million (19 cents per share) in 2015, an increase of $236.4-million (or 135 per cent). This increase was mainly due to a $129.6-million increase in gold revenue, $120-million of proceeds received from the prepaid sales transactions and a $23.9-million reduction in production costs, which were partially offset by a $15.9-million increase in income tax expense and an $18.6-million negative change in non-cash working capital. In the fourth quarter of 2016, cash flow from operating activities was $82.3-million (nine cents per share), an increase of $33.8-million (or 70 per cent) compared with the fourth quarter of 2015.

      Adjusted net income was $99.0-million (11-cent adjusted earnings per share) for the year compared with $13.3-million (one-cent earnings per share) in 2015. Adjusted net income in 2016 mainly excluded various unrealized mark-to-market adjustments (totalling a net loss of $24.0-million), non-cash mineral property write-offs of $15.0-million and non-cash share-based payments of $13.7-million. In the fourth quarter of 2016, adjusted net income was $2.5-million (nil per share) compared with $1.6-million (nil per share) in the fourth quarter of 2015.

      For full-year 2016, the company generated net income of $38.6-million (four cents per share) compared with a net loss of $145.1-million (negative 16 cents per share) in 2015. In the fourth quarter of 2016, the company generated net income of $8.1-million (one cent per share) compared with a net loss of $115.1-million (negative 13 cents per share) in the fourth quarter of 2015. During the fourth quarter of 2015, the company revised its long-term gold price assumption from $1,300 per ounce to $1,250 per ounce resulting in the company recording non-cash net impairment charges totalling $86.7-million.

      Liquidity and capital resources

      As at Dec. 31, 2016, the company remained in a strong financial position with cash and cash equivalents of $144.7-million compared with cash and cash equivalents of $85.1-million at Dec. 31, 2015. Working capital at Dec. 31, 2016, was $101.0-million compared with working capital of $104.7-million at Dec. 31, 2015. In addition, the company has $150-million of undrawn capacity on its $350-million revolving credit facility (RCF) and a 71.4-million-euro term equipment facility with Caterpillar Financial SARL. Subsequent to Dec. 31, 2016, on March 14, 2017, the company received a binding letter of commitment from the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce to participate in the company's RCF, thereby increasing the aggregate amount of the facility from $350-million to $425-million. The company believes that this liquidity coupled with continued strong operating cash flows from its existing mine operations, will provide adequate resources both to maintain operations and finance the construction of the Fekola project through completion (forecast to be Oct. 1, 2017) based on current assumptions, including current gold prices and life-of-mine plans.

      On Aug. 11, 2016, the company entered into an equity distribution agreement (ATM agreement) with two placement agents for the sale of common shares for aggregate gross proceeds of up to $100-million through at-the-market distributions under the company's shelf prospectus and at-the-market prospectus supplement (ATM offering). The ATM offering runs until the earlier of: (i) shares with aggregate gross proceeds of $100-million have been issued; (ii) Feb. 11, 2018; or (iii) termination by one of the parties in accordance with the ATM agreement. The placement agents, collectively, receive a placement fee of 2 per cent of the gross proceeds from each placement. During the year ended Dec. 31, 2016, the company issued 14.8 million shares for net proceeds for $44.2-million, under the ATM offering.

      In March, 2016, the company entered into a series of prepaid sales transactions totalling $120-million with its revolving credit facility bank syndicate. The prepaid sales transactions, in the form of metal sales forward contracts, allow the company to deliver predetermined volumes of gold on agreed future delivery dates in exchange for upfront cash prepayment. The prepaid sales transactions have a term of 33 months, which commenced in March, 2016, and settlement will be in the form of physical deliveries of 103,266 ounces of unallocated gold from any of the company's mines in 24 equal monthly instalments during 2017 and 2018 (estimated to represent approximately 9 per cent and 6 per cent, respectively, of the forecast production in those years).


      2016 2016
      updated original
      Q4 2016 Full-year 2016 production production
      Mine production production guidance guidance
      (ounces) (ounces) (ounces) (ounces)

      Masbate 48,633 206,224 200,000-210,000 175,000-185,000
      Otjikoto 46,846 166,285 160,000-170,000 160,000-170,000
      La Libertad 35,165 132,431 125,000-135,000 125,000-135,000
      El Limon 10,007 45,483 50,000-60,000 50,000-60,000
      consolidated 140,651 550,423 535,000-575,000 510,000-550,000


      Q4 2016 Full-year 2016
      cash cash 2016 2016
      operating operating updated original
      Mine costs costs cost guidance cost guidance
      ($ per ounce) ($ per ounce) ($ per ounce) ($ per ounce)

      Masbate $547 $463 $465-$505 $620-$660
      Otjikoto $367 $368 $365-$405 $400-$440
      La Libertad $661 $659 $650-$680 $650-$680
      El Limon $982 $781 $690-$730 $610-$650
      consolidated $546 $508 $500-$535 $560-$595

      Qualified person

      Peter D. Montano, PE, the project director of B2Gold, a qualified person under National Instrument 43-101, has approved the scientific and technical information related to operations and development matters contained in this news release. Tom Garagan, senior vice-president of exploration of B2Gold, a qualified person under NI 43-101, has approved the scientific and technical information related to exploration matters contained in this news release.

      Fourth quarter and full-year 2016 results -- conference call/webcast

      B2Gold will release its fourth quarter and full-year 2016 results before the North American markets open on Thursday, March 16, 2017.

      B2Gold executives will host a conference call to discuss the results on Thursday, March 16, 2017, at 10 a.m. PT/1 p.m. ET. You may access the call by dialling the operator at 1-416-406-0743 or toll-free at 1-800-806-5484 prior to the scheduled start time (passcode: 7458394) or you may listen to the call via webcast. A playback version of the call will be available for one week after the call at 1-905-694-9451 or toll-free at 1-800-408-3053 (passcode: 7435166).

      (in thousands, except per share)

      Three months ended Dec. 31, 12 months ended Dec. 31,
      2016 2015 2016 2015

      Gold revenue $181,189 $139,008 $683,293 $553,656
      Cost of sales
      Production costs (77,668) (70,148) (275,400) (299,317)
      Depreciation and depletion (54,839) (40,742) (172,324) (144,294)
      Royalties and production taxes (6,232) (6,913) (25,493) (23,016)
      Total cost of sales (138,739) (117,803) (473,217) (466,627)
      Gross profit 42,450 21,205 210,076 87,029
      General and administrative (17,119) (7,562) (40,918) (36,392)
      Share-based payments (2,216) (3,002) (13,651) (15,215)
      Gain (loss) on sale of mineral properties (1,338) - (9,886) 2,192
      Writedown of mineral property interests - (7,978) (5,068) (16,095)
      Foreign exchange (losses) gains (847) 1,202 (2,737) (3,169)
      Provision for non-recoverable input taxes (1,259) (77) (2,767) (660)
      Impairment of long-lived assets - (107,984) - (107,984)
      Other (4,493) (1,872) (8,791) (4,479)
      Operating income (loss) 15,178 (106,068) 126,258 (94,773)
      Unrealized (loss) gain on fair value of convertible
      notes 5,927 1,061 (46,742) 6,903
      Community relations (2,529) (1,713) (5,051) (4,687)
      Interest and financing expense (1,959) (3,075) (10,184) (16,104)
      Realized loss on derivative instruments (1,451) (1,928) (13,962) (5,367)
      Unrealized gain (loss) on derivative instruments 20,265 (8,477) 22,697 (23,487)
      Writedown of long-term investments (2,671) (1,537) (2,856) (6,752)
      Other (222) 296 (1,630) 823
      Income (loss) before taxes 32,538 (121,441) 68,530 (143,444)
      Current income tax, withholding and other taxes (10,065) (4,836) (25,064) (9,171)
      Deferred income tax (expense) recovery (14,396) 11,192 (4,866) 7,502
      Net income (loss) for the period 8,077 (115,085) 38,600 (145,113)
      Attributable to
      Shareholders of the company 6,221 (119,941) 39,131 (149,946)
      Non-controlling interests 1,856 4,856 (531) 4,833
      Net income (loss) for the period 8,077 (115,085) 38,600 (145,113)
      Earnings (loss) per share (attributable to
      shareholders of the company)
      Basic 0.01 (0.13) 0.04 (0.16)
      Diluted 0.00 (0.13) 0.04 (0.16
      schrieb am 29.03.17 09:11:03
      Beitrag Nr. 103 ()
      Moin :)

      So weit so gut aber ... hier kann geliefert und berichtet werden was will ... Minen sind aktuell nicht gesucht. Im Gegenteil , hab inzwischen den Eindruck EM Preise spielen bei der Kursfindung bei den Minern keine Rolle mehr. Vor einem Monat standen alle Miner bei Silber über 18 und Gold über 1250 weit aus höher. Heut ist es sogar so, dass gern mal 5% abgegeben wird trotz steigender EM Preise. :confused:

      Total verrückt und frustrierend. Möchte mal wissen was passieren muss das wieder Kurssteigerungen erfolgen.
      schrieb am 01.04.17 14:28:25
      Beitrag Nr. 104 ()
      Dein Frust ist verständlich.
      Kursentwicklung bei Minen und Rohstoffpreisen zuweilen bizarr, was aber auch immer mal wieder Tradingmöglichkeiten bietet.

      Bei B2Gold gibt es zu der Goldpreisentwicklung aber immer noch die starke Wachstumsoption bei Umsatz und Ergebnis, die aber eher mittel- bis langfristig was beim Kurs bringt.
      schrieb am 18.04.17 09:12:06
      Beitrag Nr. 105 ()
      das ist heute
      eine harte nummer
      schrieb am 19.04.17 23:34:46
      Beitrag Nr. 106 ()

      Auswirkungen B2

      by Kevin Muir — on gold , GDXJ , VanEck , GDX 19 Apr 2017…
      schrieb am 20.04.17 09:38:19
      Beitrag Nr. 107 ()
      Super Zahlen!!!! Fekola mehr als im Plan!! Frage ist jetzt nur wie lange uns die Indexumstellung noch beschäftigt!!

      B2Gold Corp. Reports Strong First Quarter 2017 Gold Production Results

      Fekola Project Mine Construction Remains on Target for an October 2017 Production Start

      Vancouver, April 19, 2017 - B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO) (NYSE MKT: BTG) (NSX: B2G) ("B2Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to announce its gold production and gold revenue for the first quarter of 2017. All dollar figures are in United States dollars unless otherwise indicated.

      2017 First Quarter Highlights

      Consolidated gold production of 132,736 ounces, 6% (or 7,955 ounces) above budget and 4% (or 4,892 ounces) higher than the same period in 2016
      Consolidated gold revenue of $146.3 million on sales of 119,937 ounces at an average price of $1,219 per ounce
      Company is on track to meet its 2017 annual guidance of between 545,000 to 595,000 ounces of gold production
      Fekola Project mine construction remains 3 months ahead of schedule for an anticipated October 1, 2017 production start and remains on budget
      On March 29, 2017, received the 2016 Award for "Friend of the Environment" and the 2016 Award for "Exporter of the Year" in Nicaragua

      Gold Production

      Consolidated gold production in the first quarter of 2017 was 132,736 ounces, 6% (or 7,955 ounces) above budget and 4% (or 4,892 ounces) higher than the first quarter of 2016. Gold production from the Company's Masbate, Otjikoto and La Libertad mines all exceeded expectations. The Otjikoto Mine had a very strong start to the year with first quarter gold production of 42,774 ounces, significantly above budget by 20% (or 7,082 ounces) and also 20% (or 7,071 ounces) greater than the first quarter of 2016. The Masbate Mine also continued its very strong operational performance producing 52,562 ounces of gold, 5% (or 2,569 ounces) above budget and comparable with the prior-year quarter.


      For full-year 2017 (including the Fekola pre-commercial production period), consolidated cash operating costs (see "Non-IFRS Measures") are expected to be between $610 and $650 per ounce and all-in-sustaining costs ("AISC") (see "Non-IFRS Measures") are expected to be between $940 and $970 per ounce. In comparison to 2016, 2017 forecast sustaining capital expenditures are anomalously high as a result of Masbate's planned mining fleet replacement and expansion and as a result of anticipated higher average strip ratios at Otjikoto (which are expected to be lower in 2018 and 2019). Consolidated cash operating costs per ounce and AISC per ounce are expected to be lower in the second-half of 2017 compared to the first-half, reflecting higher expected gold production, lower expected average strip ratios, and lower capital expenditures in the second-half.

      Looking forward to 2018, with the planned first full-year of production from the Fekola Project (based on current assumptions and updates to the Company's long-term mine plans), the Company is projecting its consolidated gold production to increase significantly and to be between 900,000 and 950,000 ounces. The Fekola Project is expected to be a large low-cost producer and should enable the Company to significantly reduce its forecast longer term cash operating costs per ounce and AISC per ounce. The Company's forecast consolidated cash operating costs per ounce and AISC per ounce are expected to decrease in 2018 (compared to 2017) and be comparable to the Company's 2016 revised cost guidance ranges (of $500 to $535 per ounce for cash operating costs and $780 to $810 per ounce for AISC).…
      schrieb am 20.04.17 09:54:54
      Beitrag Nr. 108 ()
      schrieb am 23.04.17 16:37:55
      Beitrag Nr. 109 ()
      Super Ergebnisse und weiterer anstehender Wachstumsschub in 2018 durch neue Fekola-Mine. Fast Verdopplung der Produktion!!!
      Und wir reden hier von einem großen etablierten erfolgreichen Goldproduzenten mit hohem Cash Flow sowie entsprechend durchfinanzierten Projekten und nicht einer mickrigen kleinen Hoffnungs-Explorer-Klitsche, die dann erst noch Finanzmittel für die Erschliessung besorgen muß ...
      Seht den Unterschied und das fundierte Potential!

      B2Gold: 1Q Output Rises; Fekola On Track For Oct. Start
      Thursday April 20, 2017 08:24

      B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO; NYSE MKT: BTG; NSX: B2G) reports that first-quarter gold production was 132,736 ounces, which was 7,955 ounces above plans and 4,892 ounces higher than the same period in 2016.
      The company says it is on track to meet its 2017 annual guidance of between 545,000 and 595,000 ounces. Gold revenue of $146.3 million in the January-March period came from sales of 119,937 ounces at an average price of $1,219 per ounce.
      B2Gold also says Fekola mine construction is on budget and remains three months ahead of schedule for an anticipated Oct. 1 production start.
      In 2018, with the planned first full-year of production from Fekola, the company currently projects its consolidated gold production will increase to between 900,000 and 950,000 ounces.
      schrieb am 23.04.17 16:40:03
      Beitrag Nr. 110 ()
      21.04.17 15:10
      Canaccord Genuity

      Vancouver B2Gold-Aktienanalyse des Analysten Rahul Paul von Canaccord Genuity:

      Analyst Rahul Paul vom Investmenthaus Canaccord Genuity empfiehlt die Aktien des kanadischen Goldproduzenten B2Gold Corp. (ISIN: CA11777Q2099, WKN: A0M889, Ticker-Symbol: 5BG, TSE-Symbol: BTO) im Rahmen einer Aktienanalyse unverändert zum Kauf.

      B2Gold Corp. habe starke Produktionsdaten zum ersten Quartal vorgelegt. Das konsolidierte Volumen habe die Prognose um 11% übertroffen.

      Angesichts des großartigen Starts in das neuen Jahr und der überplanmäßigen Fortschritte bei Fekola sei das Unternehmen auf einem sehr guten Weg die Ziele für das Gesamtjahr zu erreichen, so der Analysten Rahul Paul.

      Die Aktienanalysten von Canaccord Genuity bekräftigen in ihrer B2Gold-Aktienanalyse das "buy"-Rating und sowie das Kursziel von 5,00 CAD.
      schrieb am 26.04.17 01:04:26
      Beitrag Nr. 111 ()
      Sieht erst mal nach Konsolidierung aus.
      Der Goldpreis und die anderen Goldminen stecken auch in der Konsolidierung, eine Entwicklung gegen den Branchentrend seh ich ich hier momentan nicht. Zudem haben sich auch die politischen Schauplätze (Brexit, Frankreich, Trump, ...) vorerst beruhigt, was nicht gut für den Goldpreis ist.

      Aber keine Sorge, auch das ändert sich wieder.

      Zudem wird B2Gold im zweiten Halbjahr 2017 mit Produktionsstart Fekola eine Sonderentwicklung starten.
      schrieb am 04.05.17 14:12:20
      Beitrag Nr. 112 ()
      B2Gold Corp. Reports Strong First Quarter 2017 Results Exceeding its Budget Guidance
      Fekola Project Mine Construction Remains on Target for an October 1, 2017 Production Start

      Vancouver, May 3, 2017) - B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO) (NYSE MKT: BTG) (NSX: B2G) ("B2Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to announce its operational and financial results for the first quarter of 2017. The Company previously released its gold production and gold revenue for the first quarter of 2017 (see news release dated 04/19/17). All dollar figures are in United States dollars unless otherwise indicated.

      2017 First Quarter Highlights

      Consolidated gold production of 132,736 ounces, 6% (or 7,955 ounces) above budget and 4% (or 4,892 ounces) higher than the same period in 2016
      Consolidated gold revenue of $146.3 million on sales of 119,937 ounces at an average price of $1,219 per ounce
      Consolidated cash operating costs (see "Non-IFRS Measures") of $564 per ounce, $80 per ounce (or 12%) below budget
      Consolidated all-in sustaining costs ("AISC") (see "Non-IFRS Measures") of $889 per ounce, $262 per ounce (or 23%) below budget
      Cash flow from operating activities (after non-cash working capital changes) of $39.6 million ($0.04 per share)
      Strong cash position of $103.2 million at quarter-end
      Company is on track to meet its 2017 annual guidance of between 545,000 to 595,000 ounces of gold production
      Fekola Project mine construction remains 3 months ahead of schedule for an anticipated October 1, 2017 production start and remains on budget
      On March 29, 2017, received the 2016 Award for "Friend of the Environment" and the 2016 Award for "Exporter of the Year" in Nicaragua…
      schrieb am 07.05.17 20:42:03
      Beitrag Nr. 113 ()
      CC Q1 2017…

      UNGLAUBLICH!! Auf dem Weg zu einem 2 Mio Unzen Producer!!

      The "CLIVE" spricht von einer neuen Fekola:eek::eek:!!!

      Clive Johnson:

      - Yes, well, then you know what? We might have another Fekola, one more. Then in the meantime, we'll go out and look for other accretive things when the time is right.

      - Well, we're looking for growth again as we were a few months ago. We think we can be the company with more attractive potential and reward the shareholders just coming.

      - So we will continue to look to grow the companies through exploration around existing assets. Also, we will look for a few additional joint ventures or high quality projects. So we have one in Limon and the model there is to earn an interest.

      - Our actual M&A interest we're looking at developer project for more so basis expression or production, we are always looking.

      - So we're looking for things that can probably be 200,000 ounces per year potential where we got the team to build anywhere around the world, so that's definitely attractive to us.

      - So always looking for long-term goal, we've said it before is to we think this group is more than capable of taking our additional acquisitions and drilling additional mines or acquiring production, et cetera. All of it has to be accretive to become a two plus million ounce producer. Even though I never put a timeframe on that, as I think that's a mistake... . So we're going to continue this dramatic growth that we have from no production in 2008 to ounces by the end of this year.
      schrieb am 18.05.17 22:42:09
      Beitrag Nr. 114 ()
      Der meint das mit dem starken Wachstum ernst! Ich traue es ihm zu.
      Wird gut für die Aktionäre sobald die Käufe bzw. Übernahmen durchgeführt werden.
      schrieb am 18.05.17 22:46:56
      Beitrag Nr. 115 ()
      Auch interessant ...

      B2Gold output to benefit from “golden bookend” Fekola
      May 5, 2017

      B2GOLD, the Toronto-listed company developing Mali’s Fekola mine, was expected to upgrade 2017 production guidance currently estimated at between 545,000 to 595,000 ounces.

      Guidance includes some 50,000 oz in pre-commercial production from Fekola, a $441.7m project which is forecast to produce between 375,000 to 400,000 oz/year on average for the first five years of its productive life, from 2018 to 2022. Consolidated cash operating costs were expected to be between $610 and $650/oz and consolidated all-in sustaining costs of $940 to $970/oz, the company said.

      The company also said that once completed and contributing cash flow, the Fekola gold project would provide a platform for more acquisitions.

      JP Morgan said in a report on B2Gold’s first quarter results announcement that the gold firm’s production guidance was conservative which was “the right thing to do” given uncertainty over the ramp-up of Fekola as well as grade controls at Otjikoto, a mine B2Gold operates in Namibia.

      “Yet we suspect that the market will look through the practicalities of the mining industry and anticipate upgrades to the 2017 forecast after this result,” said JP Morgan.

      Fekola is running some three months ahead of budget and is therefore expected to contribute to B2Gold from October. It was also under budget with capital spend at some $439m including about $40m on pre-construction expenditure.

      The mine might therefore function as “a golden bookend” to B2Gold’s 2017 financial year, said JP Morgan.

      B2Gold also operates mines in the Philippines (Masbate) and Nicaragua in El Limon and La Libertad. Including a fully ramped-up Fekola, total production for 2018 is estimated at as much as 950,000 oz.

      In addition to Fekola, B2Gold also said it had targeted organic growth in west Africa, including the development of a satellite deposit at Fekola – Anaconda – and a higher grade portion of its Kiaka project in Burkina Faso.

      Commenting in its first quarter figures, it said: “The most significant areas of exploration focus for the company are in West Africa where the company expects to complete initial resource estimates for its new Anaconda and Toega prospects in 2017”. Exploration budget for this year is $53m including a $7m increase it approved during the quarter.

      The completion of Fekola – which would lift B2Gold’s 2016 production about 65% – would put the company “in a strong position to pursue additional accretive acquisitions”.

      “To date, B2Gold’s dramatic production profile has been achieved through a series of accretive acquisitions, on time and budget project developments and exploration success,” it said. “The company’s objective is to continue its successful growth strategy, irrespective of the gold cycle.”

      B2Gold posted adjusted net income of $19.4m, equal to 2 US cents per share, for the first quarter which compares to $18.9m in the prior-year quarter. Cash and cash equivalents totalled $103.2m compared to $144.7m as of December 31.

      Production for the quarter came in at 132,736 oz, some 4% higher than the first quarter of 2016 by dint of out-performance against budget of its Masbate, Otjikoto and La Libertad mines.
      schrieb am 18.05.17 22:49:17
      Beitrag Nr. 116 ()
      B2Gold-Aktie bietet eines der besten Profile im Goldsektor! - Aktienanalyse

      08.05.17 16:43
      TD Securities

      Toronto ( - B2Gold-Aktienanalyse von Analyst Steven Green von TD Securities:

      Aktienanalyst Steven Green vom Investmenthaus TD Securities bestätigt im Rahmen einer Aktienanalyse seine Kaufempfehlung für die Aktien des kanadischen Goldproduzenten B2Gold Corp. (ISIN: CA11777Q2099, WKN: A0M889, Ticker-Symbol: 5BG, TSE-Symbol: BTO).

      B2Gold Corp. habe dank der Minen Masbate und Otjikoto einen starken Auftakt in das neue Jahr erwischt. Das adjustierte EPS sei wegen niedrigerer operativer Kosten etwas höher ausgefallen als erwartet. Der Free Cash flow sei wegen der Fekola-Entwicklung negativ gewesen. Die Entwicklung laufe weiterhin besser als von B2Gold geplant.

      Die Analysten von TD Securities loben das im Vergleich zur Branche mit am besten aussehendste Produktionsprofil. Gegenüber anderen Produzenten von hoher Qualität sehe die Bewertung der B2Gold-Aktie sehr vernünftig aus, so die Einschätzung des Analysten Steven Green.

      Die Aktienanalysten von TD Securities stufen in ihrer B2Gold-Aktienanalyse den Titel weiterhin mit "buy" ein und bekräftigen das Kursziel von 5,50 CAD.
      schrieb am 01.07.17 14:27:58
      Beitrag Nr. 117 ()
      B2Gold releases Fekola resource estimate

      2017-06-15 14:20 ET - News Release

      Mr. Clive Johnson reports


      B2Gold Corp. has released its maiden mineral resource estimate for the Anaconda area of the Fekola project located in southwestern Mali and new exploration drill results from beneath the saprolite and for Anaconda. This initial inferred mineral resource estimate is 21.59 million tonnes at 1.11 grams per tonne gold for 767,000 ounces. The estimate is reported within a series of pit shells and above a 0.35-gram-per-tonne gold cut-off grade. This saprolite-hosted gold mineralization remains open, and B2Gold's exploration group is continuing to explore the edges of the known zones and test for additional saprolite-hosted mineralized zones and Fekola-style mineralization within the bedrock.


      The Anaconda mineral resource includes the Anaconda, Adder, Cobra, Cascabel, Mamba and Boomslang zones, which occur as flat-lying to slightly dipping mineralized zones within saprolite and saprock. This resource occurs near surface and remains open along strike.
      At present, the combined Anaconda-Adder saprolite zone extends over 4.5 kilometres along strike, and up to 500 metres wide at Anaconda and up to 200 metres wide at Adder. Within these zones, mineralized saprolite varies from several metres to over 40 metres thick, with an average true thickness of approximately 13.5 metres.
      A conceptual engineering study is under way for Anaconda to determine the economics of mining and processing the soft saprolite material. Initial results indicate the potential for a stand-alone operation.
      The 2016 exploration program identified several bedrock structures, below the saprolite, that may have weathered to create the extensive zones of saprolite-hosted gold mineralization. These mineralized bedrock structures have the potential to host new additional Fekola-style zones. Further drilling is continuing to test these zones.
      Recent significant drill results at the Kiwi zone to the north of the projected Fekola pit include up to 2.14 grams per tonne over 25 metres in FSER_173.

      Anaconda resource estimation details

      The effective date of the mineral resource estimate is March 22, 2017. A total of 2,007 drill holes (107,048 metres of drilling) were used in the estimate. Of the total, there are 1,629 aircore drill holes (66,550 metres), 266 reverse circulation (RC) holes (31,778 metres) and 112 diamond drill (DD) core holes (8,720 metres). Much of the area is drilled at 40-metre-by-40-metre spacing, with local areas infilled to 20 metres by 20 metres and some areas drilled to 80 metres by 80 metres. A twin drilling program of 37 pairs of aircore to RC or aircore to DD were completed, and results between aircore and DD and RC twins were comparable. Additionally, three 20-metre-by-20-metre areas were infill drilled at five-metre-by-five-metre drill spacing with diamond drill core to test for grade continuity and to compare core results versus aircore and RC.


      Gold cut-off grade Gold grade Contained metal
      (g/t) Tonnes (g/t) (ounces)

      0.2 32,340,000 0.83 866,000
      0.3 26,170,000 0.97 815,000
      0.35 21,590,000 1.11 767,000
      0.4 17,500,000 1.28 718,000
      0.5 13,700,000 1.51 664,000
      0.6 12,540,000 1.60 644,000
      0.7 12,050,000 1.64 634,000
      0.8 11,500,000 1.68 621,000
      0.9 10,640,000 1.74 597,000
      1.0 9,720,000 1.82 569,000

      (1) Mineral resources have an effective date of March 22, 2017, and are
      reported on a 100-per-cent ownership basis.
      (2) The qualified person for the estimate is Tom Garagan, PGeo, B2Gold's
      senior vice-president of exploration.
      (3) Resources are reported within a conceptual Lerchs-Grossmann pit
      shell assuming the following parameters: gold price of $1,400 (U.S.) per
      ounce, gold recovery of 95 per cent, mining cost of $1.75 (U.S.) per
      tonne, processing cost of $8.10 (U.S.) per tonne mill feed, general and
      administrative cost of $2.75 (U.S.) per tonne mill feed, and 35-degree
      pit slope angles.
      (4) Inferred mineral resources are reported at a cut-off grade of 0.35
      gram per tonne gold.
      (5) Mineral resources have been classified using the 2014 Canadian
      Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum definition standards for
      mineral resources and mineral reserves. Mineral resources that are not
      mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.
      (6) Due to the uncertainty that may be attached to inferred mineral
      resources, it cannot be assumed that all or any part of an inferred
      mineral resource will be converted to indicated or measured mineral
      resources as a result of continued exploration.
      (7) Figures are rounded and may not sum.

      The Regolith model, including bases of laterite, saprolite and saprock, was built in 3-D from detailed drill hole logging of weathering intensity and lithology. Mineralization zones at nominal grade thresholds of 0.2 gram per tonne gold and 0.6 gram per tonne gold were built in 3-D and were used to control the gold grade estimates.

      Gold assays were capped prior to compositing to two metres, with capping at 2.5 grams per tonne for the 0.2-gram-per-tonne shell, 16 grams per tonne for the 0.6-gram-per-tonne shell and two grams per tonne for laterite. Capping levels were based on statistics and spatial consideration of the high-grade assays. Block model gold grades were estimated into 20-metre-by-20-metre-by-two-metre blocks using ordinary kriging. Composite sharing across the mineralization zone and laterite contacts was not warranted.

      A total of 1,641 bulk density measurements using the water displacement method on dried laterite, saprolite and saprock samples were completed at the project site. The average densities used for tonnage and contained metal estimates are 2.07 tonnes per cubic metre for laterite, 1.44 tonnes per cubic metre for saprolite and 1.9 tonnes per cubic metre for saprock.

      Inferred mineral resources are supported by a nominal drill hole spacing of 80 metres by 80 metres; however, 90 per cent of the reported resource has been drilled to the tighter 40-metre-by-40-metre drill spacing.

      The block model estimates were checked against input composite data visually on screen and on paper plots. Additional checks completed include swath plots, and comparison of original and declustered composites versus kriged block model results by domain.

      West African exploration update

      In April, 2017, the company's board of directors approved an additional $7-million worth of proposed exploration expenditures, which increases the West African exploration budget to approximately $27-million for 2017. These additional proceeds will allow for the advancement of prospects that are currently over and above the focus of continuing exploration programs.

      Mali exploration results

      Drilling is currently under way at the Kiwi zone, which is located directly to the north of, and along strike of, the current Fekola deposit pit boundary. The Kiwi zone sits above the Fekola Deeps zone and is open to the north, where previous deeper drilling had intersected wide zones of good-grade mineralization (see the attached table). Prior to the Kiwi drilling, the company assumed the Fekola Deeps zone could have the potential to be mined from underground in later years. If the Kiwi zone continues to intercept gold mineralization at depth, then the potential would be to extend the Fekola pit to the north and mine a portion of Kiwi and Fekola Deeps by open pit. Recent highlights from Kiwi zone drilling include those shown in the attached table.

      From To Length Gold
      Hole ID Zone (m) (m) (m) (g/t) Horizon

      FSER_172 Kiwi 3.00 22.00 19.00 1.43 Regolith
      And Kiwi 22.00 38.00 16.00 1.47 Rock
      FSER_173 Kiwi 21.00 46.00 25.00 2.14 Rock
      FSER_174 Kiwi 28.00 52.00 24.00 1.19 Rock
      FSER_175 Kiwi 10.00 28.00 18.00 1.64 Regolith
      And Kiwi 29.00 46.00 17.00 1.86 Rock
      FSER_176 Kiwi 0.00 33.00 33.00 0.92 Regolith
      And Kiwi 33.00 42.00 9.00 1.33 Rock
      FSER_177 Kiwi 6.00 29.00 23.00 0.99 Regolith
      And Kiwi 34.00 39.00 5.00 1.22 Rock
      FSER_178 Kiwi 22.00 44.00 22.00 1.81 Rock
      FSER_179 Kiwi 7.00 25.00 18.00 1.94 Regolith
      And Kiwi 25.00 32.00 7.00 2.38 Rock
      FSER_181 Kiwi 7.00 25.00 18.00 1.19 Regolith
      FKD_201 Kiwi 238.40 244.75 6.35 2.21 Rock

      (1) Drilling continues on the Kiwi zone.


      From To Length Gold
      Hole ID (m) (m) (m) (g/t)

      FKD_148 421.30 454.30 33.00 2.90
      Including 488.60 507.60 19.00 3.88
      And 515.50 529.19 13.69 1.95
      FKD_181 425.20 470.58 45.38 4.77
      Including 425.20 434.60 9.40 10.70
      And 438.60 444.80 6.20 9.23
      FKD_182 457.30 473.10 15.80 2.98
      Including 467.25 472.10 4.85 4.41
      FKD_183 445.10 479.30 34.20 3.27
      Including 463.00 471.00 8.00 8.33
      FKD_184 490.00 515.05 25.05 2.37
      Including 499.70 508.00 8.30 3.54

      For the remainder of 2017, in addition, drilling will continue to explore multiple targets along the Fekola trend and adjacent to and under the saprolite-hosted gold resources at Anaconda. A sample of recent bedrock drill results under the saprolite-hosted gold zones are shown in the attached table.


      From To Length Gold
      Hole ID (m) (m) (m) (g/t)

      MSR_132 42.00 63.00 21.00 6.84
      And 142.00 164.00 22.00 1.19
      MSD_007 16.00 35.80 19.80 1.65
      Including 28.70 35.80 7.10 3.65
      MSD_009 105.00 118.00 13.00 1.53
      MSR_169 32.00 45.00 13.00 2.77
      Including 37.00 45.00 8.00 4.26
      MSR_171 45.00 56.00 11.00 1.56
      MSR_173 27.00 42.00 15.00 4.37
      MSR_217 35.00 46.00 11.00 1.69
      MSD_040 (1) 89.80 101.60 11.80 1.60
      And 142.40 158.80 8.40 1.98
      MSD_106 (1) 48.10 68.15 20.05 1.05

      (1) Indicates new drill results.


      From To Length Gold
      Hole ID (m) (m) (m) (g/t)

      MSR_247 74.00 84.00 10.00 2.22
      MSR_239 58.00 68.00 10.00 1.76
      MSD_046 149.60 155.30 5.70 2.90
      And 243.66 253.10 9.44 4.26
      MSR_228 (1) 171.00 181.20 10.20 1.32

      (1) Indicates new drill results.


      From To Length Gold
      Hole ID (m) (m) (m) (g/t)

      MSD_040 89.80 101.60 11.80 1.60
      And 142.40 158.80 8.40 1.98
      MSD_106 48.10 68.15 20.05 1.05
      MSR_259 122.00 130.00 8.00 1.27
      MSR_228 171.00 181.20 10.20 1.32
      MSR_259 (1) 122.00 130.00 8.00 1.27
      MSR_243 (1) 137.00 149.00 12.00 1.10
      Including 138.00 145.00 5.00 1.97
      And 165.00 178.00 13.00 1.66
      Including 166.00 170.00 4.00 3.75

      (1) Indicates new drill results.

      Burkina Faso

      Drilling is continuing at the Toega prospect in Burkina Faso. Three drill rigs are currently on site with the objectives of expanding known mineralization at Toega and stepping out to test for additional mineralization at other targets in the region. Highlights from recent drilling include NKDD030, which intersected 22.4 metres at 5.2 grams per tonne gold, from 242 metres. A maiden mineral resource estimate for Toega is scheduled for completion in the third quarter of 2017.

      Quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) measures on assaying and sample preparation include regular insertion of certified reference, field duplicate and blank sample materials prior to submission of samples to the laboratory. QA/QC sample insertion rates are 1:35 for standards and blanks. QA/QC data are reviewed on a continuous basis and before data are imported into the database. Comprehensive QA/QC reports are generated and reviewed monthly by senior staff. Data imported into the project database are subject to validation, which includes checks on surveys, collar co-ordinates, lithology data and assay data. Sample security measures include moving all samples from the drill site to the Toega and Fekola camp yards at the end of each drill shift, and tracking of sample shipments using industry standard procedures.

      About B2Gold Corp.

      Headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, B2Gold is one of the fastest-growing intermediate gold producers in the world. Founded in 2007, today, the company has four operating mines, one mine under construction and numerous exploration projects in various countries, including Nicaragua, the Philippines, Namibia, Mali, Burkina Faso and Finland. Construction of the company's Fekola mine in southwest Mali is approximately three months ahead of schedule and on budget, and is projected to commence production on Oct. 1, 2017.

      Based on current assumptions and updates to B2Gold's current-year guidance and long-term mine plans, the company is projecting consolidated gold production in 2017 of between 545,000 and 595,000 ounces (including estimated precommercial production from the Fekola mine of between 45,000 and 55,000 ounces), and in 2018 significantly increasing to between 900,000 and 950,000 ounces, with the inclusion of the anticipated first full-year of commercial production at the Fekola mine.
      schrieb am 07.07.17 13:24:55
      Beitrag Nr. 118 ()
      B2Gold (BTG) Investor Presentation - Slideshow
      Jun.19.17 | About: B2Gold Corp. (BTG)
      The following slide deck was published by B2Gold Corp. in conjunction with this event.

      Ich empfehle Seite 8 in der IR-Präsentation. Wenn das so kommt ...
      schrieb am 24.07.17 11:48:46
      Beitrag Nr. 119 ()
      Weiss einer Mehr...?

      B2Gold soll mehr als nur an dem Explorationsunternehmen Sabina Gold & Silver interessiert sein...

      Habe ich als "Meinungsäußerung" im Sabina-Forum gelesen.
      schrieb am 25.07.17 08:26:10
      Beitrag Nr. 120 ()
      Gibt es dazu einen Link ? Von wem wurde das geäußert?
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 25.07.17 09:24:10
      Beitrag Nr. 121 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 55.389.192 von Toni_Trade am 25.07.17 08:26:10
      von Forumteilnehmer Szween am 20.07. eingestellt....

      "...Könnte einen kleinen Wettbewerb geben um die Firma .. Eigentlich gilt ja Agnico Eagle als logischer Käufer aber es wurde auch B2Gold - BTO in die Runde geworfen , das die vielleicht auch Interesse haben könnten ihr Geld aus der letzen Kapitalerhöhung in Sabina zu investieren .. Könnte gut sein für die Aktionäre so ein kleiner Bieterwettkampf..."

      Sabina Silver die nächste Kursrakete!!! | - Vollständige Diskussion unter:…
      schrieb am 31.07.17 18:01:22
      Beitrag Nr. 122 ()
      Hab hier eben mal ein paar abgestaubt. Der Kurs ist doch ziemlich weit zurück gekommen.
      schrieb am 10.08.17 08:05:14
      Beitrag Nr. 123 ()
      Hallo Zusammen,

      gestern News von B2Gold... wie bewertet ihr diese ?
      schrieb am 21.08.17 17:28:40
      Beitrag Nr. 124 ()
      Naja, aus Chronistenpflicht poste ich das mal hier von Finanztrends, die amerikanischen Medien recherchieren aber besser...
      Fakt ist, es gab Probleme in 2 Minen, die das Ergebnis belasteten. Wenn aber Fekola kommt, gibt das so einen Umsatz-Schub, daß diese 2 schwächeren Minen kaum noch ins Gewicht fallen.
      Aber nichtsdestotrotz, Kurs erstmal schwächer, weil das Management ist wohl so mit Fekola beschäftigt, daß Ihnen diese 2 anderen Minen außer Sicht und Kontrolle geraten sind, das darf nicht passieren.

      B2Gold mit Wachstumssorgen!

      20.08.17 18:00

      Liebe Leser,

      in der letzten Woche hat Marc Nitzsche berichtet, dass die Aktie verstärkt unter Druck geraten war.

      Der Stand! Am vergangenen Freitag schienen sich die Anleger nicht gerade zufrieden zu zeigen, denn trotz eines stabilen Goldpreises war die Aktie unter verstärkten Abgabedruck geraten.
      Der Grund! Grund dafür könnten die zuvor veröffentlichten Zahlen gewesen sein, auch wenn diese gar nicht so schlecht ausgefallen sind.
      Die Zahlen! Im zweiten Quartal hat das Unternehmen unterm Strich 19,3 Mio. USD verdient – nach einem Verlust 11,8 Mio. USD im Juni-Vierteljahr 2016. Der Nettogewinn belief sich in den ersten sechs Monaten 2017 immerhin auf 14,7 Mio. USD und die All-In-Sustaining-Kosten lagen bei 929 USD je Unze.
      Die Performance! Das Unternehmen hat im zweiten Quartal 131.737 Unzen Gold zu einem Durchschnittspreis von 1.247 USD je Unze verkauft, dafür aber nur 121.448 Unzen produziert – sich operativ also zurückentwickelt.
      Der Ausblick! Die Unterstützung könnte bei gut 2,00 Euro getestet werden, vor allem wenn Gold nicht mehr so dynamisch ansteigen sollte.

      Wie wird es mit der B2Gold weitergehen? Wir halten Sie weiter auf dem Laufenden.
      schrieb am 21.08.17 17:34:32
      Beitrag Nr. 125 ()
      Anbei Artikel aus USA.
      Libertad und El Limon verhageln Performance

      I've previously expressed bullishness on B2Gold stock.
      The company is a gold growth stock as it aims to grow its production by nearly 100% over the next few years, organically.
      I discuss B2Gold's Q2 results, recent developments and if the company is still on track.
      This article was first available to subscribers of the Gold Bull Portfolio, a premium service offered by Gold Mining Bull.

      B2Gold Q2 Earnings Analysis

      B2Gold (BTG) has reported its second-quarter 2017 financial results, so I think it's a good time to revisit the bullish case for the stock to see if the story has changed at all.
      For some background, I previously stated that I felt this year would be a critical one for the growth-focused gold miner. I said the following back in April:
      "While the company performed quite well in 2016 and provided a decent outlook for 2017, I think that managing cash costs and developing the Fekola project are going to be the two keys going forward."
      At the time, I said I thought investors should consider buying shares on weakness and as I expected the stock's outperformance to continue, assuming no issues with its Fekola development project.

      I'm not entirely pleased with how the company performed operationally in Q2, as I felt it was mostly a mixed quarter. However, I'm optimistic things will turn around in the second half of the year as Fekola comes online. This is still a growth stock to target.

      Here are some of the highlights, and my updated thoughts on the stock at the bottom.
      • Gold production of 121,448 ounces, 1% above its budget. For the full year 2017, B2Gold has revised its production guidance range slightly lower, however, by 4%, to between 530,000 to 570,000 ounces. I'll discuss this below.
      • Revenue of $164.3 million, cash flow from operations of $48 million, or $.05 per share.
      • All-in sustaining costs of $974 per ounce, which was $185 per ounce below budget (16%).
      • The company ended the quarter with $88.2 million in cash and is three months ahead of schedule and on budget at its Fekola project, with an anticipated October 1, 2017 production start.

      So, production and cash costs were both strong this quarter, above budget. However, guidance has been lowered for the full-year, as a result of lower expected production at El Limon (normal levels of production are expected there by Q4 2017).
      There were also some operational issues at La Libertad. According to the company, production was 16% below budget in Q2 and 27% below Q2 2016. This was blamed on grades and ore tonnage underperformance from the lower portion of the Jabali Central Pit.
      Head grades averaged 1.37 g/t compared to budget of 1.61 g/t at La Libertad. So, the company is shifting its focus to developing and permitting the San Juan and San Diego open pits at the mine, bringing them into production in Q3 2017, ahead of the Jabali Antenna Pit. AISC at the mine rose to $1,089 in Q2. Production is now expected to be between 90,000 to 100,000 ounces of gold, down from 110,000 to 120,000 ounces.
      El Limon also suffered from lower grades in Q2. The company's processed grade was 2.43 g/t vs. a budget of 3.45 g/t. Production continued to be negatively affected by water control issues, which reduced high grade ore flow from Santa Pancha underground, according to the company.
      Year-to-date, AISC is $1,727 at this mine, which is clearly unacceptable as it is losing money for the company. The El Limon Mine is now forecast to produce between 40,000 to 50,000 ounces of gold (original guidance was 50,000 to 60,000 ounces), with AISC between $1,415 - $1,455 per ounce (up from $1,065 to $1,095).

      The reason B2Gold's results weren't nearly as bad as they could have been: Masbate and Otjikoto.
      Masbate produced close to 50,000 ounces of gold in Q2, 13% above budget with all-in sustaining costs of $869 per ounce, below budget by $106. Annual guidance has been raised to be between 180,000 to 185,000 ounces of gold (original guidance was 175,000 to 185,000 ounces).
      Meanwhile, Otjikoto produced 41,163 ounces of gold, 15% above budget, with AISC of just $668 per ounce, below budget of $726 per ounce, with cash costs falling $138 year over year.

      This was an amazing quarter for Otjikoto as cash operating costs were $524 per ounce, significantly below budget by $200 per ounce, mainly due to higher production and lower fuel prices. B2Gold expects higher production, between 170,000 to 180,000 ounces of gold (original guidance was 165,000 to 175,000 ounces), at Otjikoto.

      The best part of this earnings release was the update on Fekola, however. It remains 3 months ahead of schedule and investors can expect an Oct. 1 production start, with the project currently 90% complete.
      As I've pointed out before, I'm a fan of this project as I see it as a future low-cost mine. Annually, it should produce up to 400,000 ounces of gold per year (from 2018-22) with an initial mine life of 10 years. That's going to provide a huge production boost for B2Gold, which expects to produce 900,000 to 950,000 ounces of gold with Fekola at commercial production.

      More importantly, Fekola projects to be B2Gold's lowest cost mine. The feasibility study estimates cash costs of $319 per ounce and AISC should fall under $700. The mine carries a net present value (5% discount) of $796 million using a conservative gold price of $1,200. Using the current gold price of $1,300, the NPV jumps to just over $1 billion. B2Gold's market cap is currently around $3 billion.
      I'd also like to point out that B2Gold is currently updating the financial analysis for Fekola, to include updated reserves, mining production schedule, current costs (which should be lower with lower fuel prices) and other updates to the study which could improve its economics. The updated cost model is expected to be completed by the end of the third quarter of 2017.

      In conclusion, while two of B2Gold's mines have been giving it issues, I still believe in the long-term growth potential of this company. The stock has had an up-and-down kind of year, advancing by 5.5%, compared to a 10% gain in the VanEck gold miners index (GDX), and this underperformance can mainly be attributed to the struggles at the two mines mentioned above. I think the stock is likely to perform better, however, once Fekola is in production and the issues at either La Libertad or El Limon get resolved
      schrieb am 30.08.17 19:49:20
      Beitrag Nr. 126 ()
      schrieb am 05.09.17 19:58:50
      Beitrag Nr. 127 ()
      Hallo hier mal die aktuellen Quartalszahlen von der Firma B2 Gold ....und die aktuelle Presentation wie seht ihr die Zahlen?……
      schrieb am 25.09.17 14:12:14
      Beitrag Nr. 128 ()
      schrieb am 25.09.17 14:12:40
      Beitrag Nr. 129 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 55.817.613 von Mineral-deposits666 am 25.09.17 14:12:14Ich bin mal heut eingestiegen.. .
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 03.10.17 17:04:26
      Beitrag Nr. 130 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 55.817.619 von Mineral-deposits666 am 25.09.17 14:12:40Willkommen im Club!
      schrieb am 03.10.17 17:10:58
      Beitrag Nr. 131 ()
      Aus amerikanischem Forum:
      Why B2Gold Is About To Be Re-Rated Higher
      Sep.19.17 | About: B2Gold Corp. (BTG)


      The valuation of BTG has declined over the last 6 months, and the lofty market cap was a factor that was also holding me back at the time.

      There is also a major bullish catalyst about to hit, as the company's Fekola mine will commence production in less than two weeks.

      Other developments help to further support my bull thesis.

      I'm buying BTG as I believe the stock will see a 30-35% gain from current levels.

      I have been avoiding B2Gold (BTG) for a while now because I saw better valuations, more upside potential, and lower near-term risks in other names. Recently, though, I have turned bullish on the company, and I'm much more constructive on the stock. There are five reasons for my change in position:

      1. The Valuation Has Declined

      BTG has been on the more expensive end since the summer of 2016. Back in February of this year, the stock was actually re-testing its highs from the previous August. It was only 2% from its peak, even though the rest of the mining sector was still down significantly on average.
      Chart BTG data by YCharts

      At the time, I felt that a company like Gold Fields (GFI) and other gold stocks were much better bargains. Since then, BTG is down over 24%, the HUI is down about 3%, and Gold Fields is up 29%. In other words, BTG's valuation has been aggressively contracting while others have been roughly flat to aggressively expanding - making B2Gold much cheaper on a relative basis than it has been in a while.
      Chart BTG data by YCharts

      2. There Is A Major Positive Catalyst About To Hit

      The company's Fekola mine will commence production in less than two weeks (October 1). This will result in a substantial increase in output next year, as Fekola is expected to average 375,000 to 400,000 ounces of gold per year for the first five years of production (2018 to 2022) and 365,000 to 390,000 ounces per year over the first seven years of production (2018 to 2024). All total, B2Gold will be producing just under 1 million ounces of gold in 2018, with AISC expected to be between $780 to $810 per ounce. I remember when this company was just a 100,000 ounce producer, as they only had the El Limon and La Libertad mines in their portfolio. The growth over the last seven years has been astounding.

      (Source: B2Gold)

      Fekola is on budget and actually three months ahead of schedule. The mine is expected to contribute possibly 55,000 ounces of gold production in Q4 of this year.

      B2Gold has been expending quite a bit of cash on Fekola over the last two years, which means free cash flow has been suffering greatly. Total capex for the three and six months ended June 30, 2017, was $75.0 million and $142.8 million, respectively. To date, the company has spent $513.9 million on the Fekola project, and that includes $41 million of preconstruction expenditures.

      The good news is, construction is now basically complete. So while Fekola has been a negative catalyst for the last 1-2 years, it's about to flip to a positive one. Free cash flow will dramatically improve starting next quarter, and it will continue to build as Fekola ramps up. The shares aren't pricing in this drastic increase in production and cash flow. A re-rating will likely occur over the next several months as the mine enters production and starts contributing to FCF - instead of being a drain on it.

      There is still upside to Fekola, as more ounces are being discovered in and around the deposit. The Kiwi zone, which isn't part of the mine plan, is just north of the proposed pit limits of the Fekola Deposit and contains high-grade gold at very shallow depths. B2Gold has also had very strong intercepts at Fekola Deeps. Grade in this deeper extension of the Fekola deposit is solid and widths are impressive as well. It remains open down plunge.

      (Source: B2Gold)

      3. Concerns About Masbate Have Eased

      Last year, the Masbate mine was under threat of being shut down. A new President had been elected in the Philippines, and he had warned that he could cancel mining projects that were causing environmental harm. Not that Masbate was doing such thing, but there was concern that many mines in the country might have been, and Masbate was being grouped in with all of these.

      In the mining audit released back in February by the Philippine government, Masbate was not among the mines announced to be suspended or closed. Although B2Gold still hasn't received any formal written notice from the DENR, so this matter isn't resolved entirely.

      However, according to B2Gold:

      The Masbate operations were recently presented with the DENR's Saringaya Award for its contribution to environmental protection, conservation, and management in the regions surrounding the Masbate Mine. The Saringaya Award is considered the DENR's most prestigious regional environmental award.

      It would seem odd to award Masbate with the highest environmental award and then shut it down for environmental reasons. In other words, while this was a concern last year, recent developments seem to indicate that Masbate is highly likely to remain in production. I would also like to point out that the government appears to have softened its stance and is more open to mining companies operating in the country - providing they are meeting the strict environmental regulations. As a result of these developments, the jurisdictional risk for Masbate has been greatly reduced.

      4. Masbate And Otjikoto Are Outperforming

      B2Gold took down guidance for the year back in July, as production for 2017 is now expected to be 530,000-570,000 ounces of gold compared to 545,000-595,000 ounces in the original guidance.

      The culprits are the Nicaraguan mines, as La Libertad and El Limon are underperforming. To me, this is inconsequential as La Libertad and El Limon aren't nearly as important as they were before. In fact, it was reported last year that B2Gold was looking to sell these two mines. I wouldn't be surprised if they did jettison these assets in the near future. What investors should instead be focused on, is that Masbate and Otjikoto are actually coming in at the top end of guidance or slightly exceeding it. These are the two largest operations currently in production. Going forward, what matters most to the company is Fekola, Masbate, and Otjikoto. As long as those are performing well, then so will the stock price. I do also want to point out that gold production at El Limon is expected to return to more normal levels by the fourth quarter of 2017, and La Libertad's production is expected to increase in 2018 and 2019. I don't know if these two assets will still be in the portfolio in a year or two, but if they are, they are at least expected to see a turnaround.

      (Source: B2Gold)

      The outperformance from Masbate and Otjikoto is also allowing B2Gold to maintain cost guidance even though production was lowered for the year. Their outlook for AISC is still between $940 and $970 per ounce.

      While the Nicaraguan mines are seeing much higher than expected AISC, it's being offset by the strength at Masbate and Otjikoto. Masbate's full-year AISC are expected to be between $935 and $975 per ounce. The original guidance was $1,020 to $1,050 per ounce. Otjikoto's full-year AISC are now expected to be between $725 and $765 per ounce, compared to the original guidance of $855 to $885 per ounce.

      The Otjikoto mine is showing very strong performance against the forecasted model. Production is coming in well above expectations as the grade and ore tonnage from the Wolfshag pit is better than anticipated. The mill throughput is also higher than planned.

      Year to date, gold production at the Otjikoto Mine was 83,937 ounces, that's 17% above budget (or 12,355 ounces). The average gold grade processed in Q2 was 1.50 g/t (1.38 g/t was expected), as all ore processed from the oxide and transition portions of the Wolfshag pit are coming in higher than the resource model. B2Gold is analyzing whether this positive reconciliation continues throughout the Wolfshag orebody.

      B2Gold is also seeing solid exploration potential at depth (down plunge) at Otjikoto. This is an important asset for the company and it's not only performing extremely well, but there is still upside to this mine.

      5. The Chart Is Bullish

      The stock was looking especially precarious this past April as it broke down below the 200-day moving average. At the time, I warned subscribers of The Gold Edge about how it would likely retest the December lows of around $2.10, given the breakdown. BTG did in fact almost retest $2.10 a few weeks later.

      Since then, it has rebounded, and the chart is more bullish. The series of higher lows, combined with the continuous sideways trading pattern and recent recapture of the MA (200), has better defined the technical picture and parameters. The shares are just below the 200-day at the moment, but this isn't a breakdown yet. The stock is still in a good position for a move to the previous highs from last year.


      Negative Factors

      1. B2Gold's balance sheet isn't as strong as it has been in the past because of the buildout of Fekola. Cash and cash equivalents last quarter were just $88.19 million, while debt has climbed to over $580 million in order to fund construction of this important project.
      Chart BTG Cash and Equivalents (Quarterly) data by YCharts

      However, while the cash balance is low, the company still has ample borrowing capacity. After the quarter closed, they upped the size of their revolver by an additional $75 million (giving them $250 million left of undrawn capacity). I don't believe the company will need most of these funds (unless they wanted to repay some of the convertible notes outstanding), but it should relieve any concerns about short-term liquidity.

      Also, assuming that Fekola ramps up as expected, this trend of increasing net debt will abruptly reverse later this year and continue to show great improvement in 2018. As shown above, the company will be producing roughly 925,000 ounces of gold next year at an AISC of ~$800 per ounce. At $1,300 gold, that's roughly $450 million of pre-tax cash flow (adjusting for a 90% ownership in Fekola). B2Gold should be spinning off some serious free cash flow by that time, and this debt will just melt away. I wouldn't be surprised if the company extinguished half of this debt by the end of 2018.

      2. The Fekola operation is 90% owned by B2Gold and 10% owned by the Malian government. The government has the option to purchase another 10% at "fair market value." It seems likely that Mali will acquire that additional ownership stake, which would dilute B2Gold a bit more. However, the company should receive some compensation in return.

      3. The jurisdictional risks remain significant for B2Gold. Namibia, Mali, Philippines, Nicaragua, and Burkina Faso aren't exactly top mining regions. Each has its own issues that BTG must deal with. But the company's M.O. since inception is to enter regions of the world that it believes offer compelling upside and manageable risks. So far that strategy has worked, and the company maintains (for the most part) good relations with all Governments in these regions. Investors should still be aware of the elevated risks that come with this portfolio of assets.

      (Source: B2Gold)

      BTG Is Now A Buy As A Re-Rating Should Occur

      In summary, I'm much more bullish on BTG than I have been in a while. Especially considering the valuation has compressed on a relative basis. The stock should be re-rated higher in the near-term as Fekola is going to have a major impact on production, AISC, cash flow, and debt repayment. With Masbate and Otjikoto also outperforming, this trio of mines will be a powerful combination. There are still some risks on the table (mostly jurisdictional, as BTG doesn't operate in top mining regions), but they are diminished compared to last year.

      While I didn't go into detail about the company's other assets, B2Gold does own several highly prospective projects that it's looking to advance/develop. There is plenty of organic growth in the pipeline.

      As for the chart, the 200-day is still important, but not as vital at this point like it was back in March. Even though BTG has broken below that support, it doesn't mean it's going to $2.10 this time around. The series of higher lows remaining intact is what really matters. I'm paying close attention to the $2.30-$2.40 level. If that doesn't hold, then BTG would experience a technical breakdown. I believe that scenario would only occur if gold declined further. As long as gold at least stays flat over the next several months, I see no reason why BTG won't retest the $3.60 level in short order. That's a 30-35% gain from current levels. I don't expect it to stop there either as I believe it could take out those highs. If gold should instead decline, then I expect BTG to outperform the sector given Fekola will be in production in less than two weeks and cash flow will begin to increase next quarter.
      schrieb am 03.10.17 17:14:11
      Beitrag Nr. 132 ()
      :eek::D B2Gold Corp. Completes Mill Construction More Than Three Months Ahead of Schedule and Announces an Expanded and Updated Mine Plan for the Fekola Mine Located in Southwestern Mali

      Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - September 25, 2017) - B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO) (NYSE AMERICAN: BTG) (NSX: B2G) ("B2Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the Company has completed construction of the Fekola mill and commenced ore processing, more than three months ahead of schedule and on budget, at the Fekola Mine. Gold is now in the circuit and the first gold pour is anticipated by mid-October 2017. The Company expects to achieve commercial production and produce between 50,000 to 55,000 ounces of gold by the end of 2017. In addition, the Company announces it has completed a new Life of Mine ("LoM") plan for the Fekola deposit that projects higher mill throughput and annual gold production, and lower projected operating costs per ounce and all-in sustaining costs ("AISC") per ounce of gold than the original (4 million tonnes per annum ("MTPA")) plan in the Optimized Feasibility Study ("OFS"). The new LoM plan was completed based on the expanded 5 MTPA mill throughput and takes into account an early start-up, increased processing throughput, and improved open-pit design and scheduling versus the OFS (see table below).

      New Fekola LoM Plan Highlights:

      A comparison of the OFS and LoM is as follows:
      Parameters1 OFS - 4 MTPA
      (June 2015) New LoM - 5 MTPA (September 2017)
      LoM Gold Production (million ounces) 3.45 3.45
      LoM (years) 12.5 10
      Gold Production: LoM ('000 ounces) 276 345
      Gold Production: Years 1-3 ('000 ounces) 333 400
      Gold Production: Years 1-7 ('000 ounces) 350 374
      Operating Cash Cost: LoM (US$/oz) 552 428
      Operating Cash Cost: Years 1-3 (US$/oz) 464 357
      Operating Cash Cost: Years 1-7 (US$/oz) 418 391
      AISC: LoM (US$/oz) 752 664
      AISC: Years 1-3 (US$/oz) 717 604
      AISC: Years 1-7 (US$/oz) 661 643

      No material change to Feasibility Mineral Reserves with the new resource model, pit and phase designs, and production plan. The contained Mineral Reserve remains 3.34 million ounces2 contained in 43.8 million tonnes at an average grade of 2.37g/t

      No material change to mining production or fleet size

      Processing throughput increased to 5 Mtpa vs. 4 Mtpa in the OFS

      Significant upside in mine life and ounces produced exists within current resource, with further potential as adjacent and other targets are developed

      1Gold production, cash operating costs and AISC are presented on an average annual basis
      2Mineral Reserves are reported on a 90% attributable basis

      The Fekola Project has been built using the same construction team that had previously completed four gold mines, on schedule and on budget, for B2Gold's predecessor company (Bema Gold Corporation) and B2Gold. Prior to construction, the Company recognized the exploration potential beyond the initial reserves and decided to build the Fekola mill with a 25% design capacity to allow for future expansion of the mill throughput from 4 MTPA to 5 MTPA for an additional expenditure of approximately $18 million. Due to the success of the Fekola Mine construction (more than three months ahead of schedule and on budget) and further exploration success at Fekola, the Company decided to expedite the expansion and complete it during the construction phase rather than post construction. The Fekola Project remains on budget; total cumulative forecast construction costs for the project (from inception to completion) include pre-construction sunk costs of approximately $41 million, feasibility study construction costs of $462 million and $18 million additional costs for the mill expansion to 5 MTPA. Additionally, another $20 million is expected to be spent on relocating the village of Fadougou.

      In 2018, the Fekola Mine is now projected to produce between 400,000 and 410,000 ounces of gold at an operating cost of approximately $354 and AISC of $609 per ounce of gold.


      B2Gold's exploration team believes the expansive Fekola property has the potential to host additional large Fekola-style gold deposits. Surface exploration, regional drilling and geophysics to date have identified numerous targets.

      The Company has drilled approximately 2,800 aircore, reverse circulation and diamond drill holes totalling 180,000 metres. Approximately 75% of the drilling has focused on exploration drilling with the remainder on in-fill drilling. Based on the successful results to date, the Fekola Mine and regional exploration budgets for 2017 have been increased by $3.8 million to $15.4 million.

      The resource identified to date from drilling below and to the north of the Fekola reserve boundary combined with the near-pit portion of the Kiwi zone (to the north) could add 900,000 ounces (2/3 in the indicated category) and is being further drilled to potentially move resources from the inferred category into the measured and indicated categories. Drilling further to the north of the reserve pit boundary has identified additional gold mineralization near surface and in some deeper holes. This indicates the potential to increase the gold resources and ultimately expand the planned Fekola reserves further to the north.

      Deeper below the Kiwi zone is the down-plunge extension of the main Fekola ore body. Drilling in this zone (Fekola Deeps) has intercepted Fekola-type gold grades over large intervals. If the on-going drilling between the near surface Kiwi zone and Fekola Deeps continues to encounter good grade gold mineralization, there is the potential for the Fekola pit to ultimately become much larger to exploit both the Kiwi zone and a portion of Fekola Deeps by open pit. The Fekola Deeps zone remains open further to the north further down dip and has the potential to be exploited by underground mining.

      The Company anticipates another large exploration budget (approximately $15 million) for Fekola in 2018, for in-fill drilling, further exploration drilling at the Kiwi and Fekola Deeps zones and regional exploration. The Company anticipates announcing results from the 2017 drilling program in November 2017.

      Update on the Fekola Shareholder Agreement and Mining Convention

      In 2016, pursuant to applicable mining law, the Company formed a new 100% owned subsidiary company, Fekola SA, which now holds the Company's interest in the Fekola Project. Upon signing of a shareholder's agreement between the Company and the State of Mali (the "Fekola Shareholder Agreement"), the Company will contribute a 10% free carried interest in Fekola SA to the State of Mali. The State of Mali also has the option to purchase an additional 10% of Fekola SA which it has confirmed its intent to exercise. The Company has signed a mining convention in the form required under the 2012 Mining Code (the "Fekola Convention") that relates to, among other things, the ownership, permitting, reclamation bond requirements, development, operation and taxation applicable to the Fekola Project with the State of Mali. The Company recently finalized certain additional agreements with the State of Mali including the Fekola Shareholders Agreement and an amendment to the Fekola Mining convention to address and clarify certain issues under the 2012 Mining Code. The Fekola Mining Convention, as amended, will govern the procedural and economic parameters pursuant to which the Company will operate the Fekola Project.

      About B2Gold Corp.

      Headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, B2Gold Corp. is one of the fastest-growing intermediate gold producers in the world. Founded in 2007, today, B2Gold has five operating mines (four in production and one in pre-production), and numerous exploration and development projects in various countries including Finland, Nicaragua, the Philippines, Namibia, Mali and Burkina Faso.

      Based on current assumptions and updates to B2Gold's current year guidance and long-term mine plans, the Company is projecting consolidated gold production in 2017 of between 530,000 and 570,000 ounces (including estimated pre-commercial production from the Fekola Mine of between 50,000 and 55,000 ounces); and in 2018, significantly increasing to between 925,000 and 975,000 ounces, with the inclusion of the anticipated first full-year of commercial production at Fekola.
      schrieb am 03.10.17 17:16:19
      Beitrag Nr. 133 ()
      B2Gold (BTG) Presents At 2017 Denver Gold Forum - Slideshow
      Sep.26.17 | About: B2Gold Corp. (BTG)

      The following slide deck was published by B2Gold Corp. in conjunction with this event.…
      schrieb am 03.10.17 17:43:48
      Beitrag Nr. 134 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 55.872.091 von edorado am 03.10.17 17:14:11THX... Deswegen bin ich eingestiegen. Wird der Highflyer wenn Gold wieder anzieht
      schrieb am 11.10.17 19:54:37
      Beitrag Nr. 135 ()
      B2Gold pours first gold at Fekola mine in Mali

      New operation expected to add up to 410,000 ounces of gold to the company's annual output.
      Cecilia Jamasmie | about 6 hours ago

      Mid-tier Canadian miner B2Gold (TSX, NYSE: BTO) has poured its first gold at its Fekola mine, in south-western Mali, about three months ahead of schedule and said is on track to begin commercial production before the end of the year.

      The Vancouver-based company expects production of between 50,000 and 55,000 ounces of gold from its new mine in West Africa to bring its total metal production for 2017 to between 530,000 and 570,000 ounces of gold.
      "Once in operations later this year, Fekola will bring B2Gold's total output for 2017 to between 530,000 and 570,000 ounces of gold."

      B2Gold already operates four gold mines — two in Nicaragua, one in the Philippines, and another in Namibia. Having a fifth operating mine next year would boost B2Gold’s annual production more than 70% to between 925,000 and 975,000 ounces of gold.

      Fekola alone is expected to yield between 400,000 to 410,000 ounces of low-cost gold production in 2018.

      B2Gold believes the Fekola property, near Mali’s border with Senegal, and about 520 km from the country’s capital, Bamako, has the potential to host additional Fekola-style gold deposits, and surface exploration, regional drilling and geophysics have identified a number of targets.

      Hoping to prove how gold-rich the asset is, B2Gold hiked its budget for Fekola and regional exploration to $15.8 million, up from its previous budget of $11.6 million.

      Next year the company expects to spend about $15 million on exploration at Fekola, which will include both infill and exploration drilling.
      schrieb am 08.11.17 15:09:32
      Beitrag Nr. 136 ()
      schrieb am 12.11.17 14:18:31
      Beitrag Nr. 137 ()
      B2Gold Reports Strong Third Quarter 2017 Results

      New Fekola Mine Achieves First Gold Pour on October 7, 2017 & Gold Production of 40,286 Ounces to October 31 during Ramp-up Phase; Commercial Production at Fekola Anticipated by End of November

      VANCOUVER, Nov. 07, 2017 - B2Gold Corp. (TSX:BTO)(NYSE AMERICAN:BTG) (NSX:B2G) (“B2Gold” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce its operational and financial results for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2017. The Company previously released its gold production and gold revenue results for the third quarter of 2017 (see news release dated 10/13/17). All dollar figures are in United States dollars unless otherwise indicated. In addition, the Company is pleased to announce that the ramp up to full scale production at the Fekola Mine is ahead of schedule with gold production well above budget in September and October. The Company now expects the Fekola Mine to achieve commercial production by the end of November.

      2017 Third Quarter Highlights

      Consolidated gold production of 135,628 ounces, including 6,340 ounces of pre-commercial gold in-circuit production from Fekola, exceeding (original) budget by 2% (or 2,254 ounces) and reforecast production by 15% (or 17,372 ounces)
      Consolidated gold revenue of $154.1 million on sales of 121,597 ounces at an average price of $1,267 per ounce
      Otjikoto Mine achieved record quarterly production of 55,151 ounces
      Fekola Mine construction completed, and processing of ore commenced more than three months ahead of schedule, in September 2017
      First gold pour at the Fekola Mine achieved on October 7, 2017
      In October 2017, subsequent to the third quarter, the Fekola Mine produced 33,946 ounces of gold in the month (significantly surpassing budget of 15,100 ounces) and is now expected to achieve commercial production (four months ahead of original schedule) by the end of November
      Consolidated cash operating costs (see “Non-IFRS Measures”) of $563 per ounce, $28 per ounce (or 5%) below budget
      Consolidated all-in sustaining costs (“AISC”) (see “Non-IFRS Measures”) of $921 per ounce, $66 per ounce (or 8%) above budget, due to the timing of capital expenditures, but year-to-date AISC of $927 per ounce remained well below budget
      Cash flow from operating activities (after non-cash working capital changes) of $41.8 million ($0.04 per share)
      Strong cash position of $89.7 million at quarter-end combined with additional liquidity of $175 million available for draw down on the Company’s upsized corporate revolving credit facility
      In July 2017, the Masbate operations were presented with the Philippine Department of Environment and Natural Resources’ (“DENR”) prestigious Saringaya Award for its contribution to environmental protection, conservation and management in the regions surrounding the Masbate Mine
      In July 2017, the Company secured a $500 million upsized corporate revolving credit facility, representing a $75 million increase from the existing facility
      For full-year 2017, the Company is on track to meet the high end of its revised annual consolidated production guidance range of between 530,000 and 570,000 ounces of gold and be at the lower end of its guidance ranges for cash operating costs (of between $610 to $650 per ounce) and AISC (of between $940 to $970 per ounce)
      2018 outlook provides for dramatic production growth of approximately 70%, with the planned first full year of production from the Fekola Mine, consolidated annual gold production is expected to increase significantly to between 925,000 and 975,000 ounces with cash operating costs and AISC expected to decrease and be approximately $525 per ounce and $800 per ounce, respectively

      2017 Third Quarter and First Nine Months Operational Results

      Consolidated gold production in the third quarter of 2017 was 135,628 ounces, including 6,340 ounces of pre-commercial production from the newly constructed Fekola Mine in Mali (attributable to the increase in its gold in-circuit inventory in September), exceeding (original) budget by 2% (or 2,254 ounces) and reforecast production by 15% (or 17,372 ounces). The better than budgeted and reforecast consolidated gold production reflects the continued very strong operational performances of both the Masbate Mine in the Philippines and the Otjikoto Mine in Namibia as well as the successful early start-up of the Fekola Mine in September (see “Operations” section below).

      On September 25, 2017, the Company announced that it had completed construction of the Fekola mill on budget and commenced ore processing at the Fekola Mine, more than three months ahead of schedule. Commissioning of the mill is ongoing and is expected to ramp up quickly to achieve commercial production by the end of November 2017, four months ahead of the original schedule. The Fekola mill started processing ore on September 24, 2017, and treated 57,695 tonnes of ore at a grade of 3.54 g/t over the remainder of the month of September with a gold recovery of 96.6%, producing 6,340 ounces of in-circuit gold inventory (nil ounces budgeted). The first pour at the Fekola Mine was achieved on October 7, 2017.

      In October 2017, the first full month of ramp up and pre-commercial production, the Fekola mill treated 324,525 tonnes of ore (budgeted – 225,804 tonnes) at an average grade of 3.40 g/t (budgeted – 2.33 g/t) with a gold recovery of 95.4% (budgeted – 90.0%), producing a total of 33,946 ounces of gold in the month (surpassing budget of 15,100 ounces). Mill availability was 75% (budgeted – 50%) and the mill was operating at design throughput (of 607 tonnes per hour) during the latter half of the month. For 2017, the Company is projecting gold production from Fekola to exceed its reforecast production guidance range of between 50,000 and 55,000 ounces (at an expected cash operating cost of $580 to $620 per ounce). 2018 is scheduled to be the first full year of gold production at Fekola, yielding 400,000 to 410,000 ounces for the year at a cash operating cost of approximately $354 per ounce of gold and AISC of $609 per ounce of gold.

      In the third quarter of 2017, consolidated cash operating costs were $563 per ounce (Q3 2016 – $491 per ounce), $28 per ounce (or 5%) below budget. The favourable variance against budget reflects higher than budgeted gold production at the Masbate and Otjikoto mines combined with slightly lower production costs at the Masbate and Otjikoto mines. Consolidated AISC in the quarter were $921 per ounce (Q3 2016 – $702 per ounce), $66 per ounce (or 8%) above budget. The increase was mainly a result of higher than budgeted capital expenditures at the Otjikoto Mine due to the timing of the purchase of mobile equipment during the third quarter, which was originally planned for earlier in 2017. However, year-to-date, consolidated AISC remained well below budget.

      Consolidated gold production in the first nine months of 2017 was 389,812 ounces (YTD 2016 – 409,772 ounces), 3% (or 11,820 ounces) better than (original) budget and 5% (or 17,372 ounces) better than reforecast production.

      Year-to-date, consolidated cash operating costs were $585 per ounce (YTD 2016 – $495 per ounce), $62 per ounce (or 10%) below budget, and consolidated AISC were $927 per ounce (YTD 2016 – $765 per ounce), $122 per ounce (or 12%) below budget.

      For full-year 2017, B2Gold is projecting another year of solid growth with forecast production for the year expected to be at the upper end of the Company's revised guidance range of 530,000 to 570,000 ounces and to be at the lower end of its guidance ranges for cash operating costs (of between $610 to $650 per ounce) and AISC (of between $940 and $970 per ounce). The Company expects continued strong performances from Masbate and Otjikoto, combined with Fekola’s early September 24, 2017, pre-commercial production start, to offset any lower production from La Libertad and El Limon.

      Looking forward to 2018, with the planned first full year of production from the Fekola Mine (based on current assumptions and updates to the Company’s long-term mine plans), the Company is projecting its consolidated gold production to increase by over 70% and to be between 925,000 and 975,000 ounces. The Fekola Mine is projected to be a large low-cost producer that will result in a significant reduction in the Company’s forecast cash operating costs per ounce and AISC per ounce. The Company’s forecast consolidated cash operating costs per ounce and AISC per ounce are expected to decrease in 2018 (compared to 2017) and be approximately $525 per ounce and $800 per ounce, respectively.

      These increased production levels and low costs are expected to dramatically increase B2Gold’s production revenues, cash from operations and cash flow for many years, based on current assumptions (including a gold price assumption of $1,275 per ounce). On average over the next three years, beginning in 2018, the Company is projecting per annum gold sales revenues of approximately $1.2 billion, cash flow from operations of approximately $0.5 billion and a significant increase in free cash flow (operating cash flows less investing cash flows).

      2017 Third Quarter and First Nine Months Financial Results

      Consolidated gold revenue in the third quarter of 2017 was $154.1 million on sales of 121,597 ounces at an average price of $1,267 per ounce compared to $193.0 million on sales of 145,029 ounces at an average price of $1,331 per ounce in the third quarter of 2016. The 20% (or $38.9 million) decrease in revenue was mainly attributable to a 16% decrease in gold sales volume, due to lower production and the timing of gold shipments, and a 5% decrease in the average realized gold price. The decrease in sales volumes reflects a 12% decrease in gold production (excluding in-circuit Fekola pre-commercial production ounces). In addition, the timing of gold shipments at several sites impacted the available gold for sale in the third quarter of 2017. These ounces will be sold in the fourth quarter of 2017.

      Consolidated gold revenue in the three and nine months ended September 30, 2017, included $15 million and $45 million, respectively, relating to the delivery of gold into the Company’s Prepaid Sales contracts (deferred revenue) associated with the Company’s Prepaid Sales transactions entered into in March 2016. Proceeds from the Prepaid Sales transactions, used to fund the Fekola Mine construction, were originally received in March 2016 and are being recognized in revenue as the underlying Prepaid Sales ounces are delivered into. During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2017, 12,908 ounces and 38,724 ounces, respectively, were delivered under these contracts.

      Cash flow provided by operating activities (after non-cash working capital changes) was $41.8 million ($0.04 per share) in the third quarter of 2017 compared to $90.3 million ($0.10 per share) in the third quarter of 2016. The decrease reflected the delivery of 12,908 ounces of gold into the Company’s Prepaid Sales contracts in the quarter (representing $15 million of gold sales revenue for which no cash proceeds were received in the current quarter), lower gold sales revenue (as previously described above) and higher operating costs. In 2018, the Company’s cash flow from operations is expected to increase significantly (relative to 2017) driven by new gold production from the Fekola Mine.

      The Company generated net income of $12.4 million ($0.01 per share) in the quarter compared to net income of $35.7 million ($0.04 per share) in the same quarter last year. Adjusted net income (refer to “Non-IFRS Measures”) was $13.9 million ($0.01 per share) in the third quarter of 2017 compared to $48.6 million ($0.05 per share) in the prior-year quarter. The decrease in adjusted net income was mainly attributable to lower gold sales revenue (as previously described above) and higher operating costs.

      Consolidated gold revenue for the first nine months of 2017 was $464.7 million on sales of 373,271 ounces at an average price of $1,245 per ounce compared to $502.1 million on sales of 396,757 ounces at an average price of $1,266 per ounce in the first nine months of 2016.

      Year-to-date, cash flow from operating activities (after non-cash working capital changes) was $129.4 million ($0.13 per share) compared with $329.5 million ($0.35 per share) in the first nine months of 2016. Included in the prior-year period was $120 million of proceeds received from the Company’s Prepaid Sales transactions in March 2016.

      For the nine months ended September 30, 2017, the Company generated net income of $27.1 million ($0.03 per share) compared to net income of $30.5 million ($0.04 per share) in the comparable period of 2016. Adjusted net income for the nine months ended September 30, 2017, was $46.1 million ($0.05 per share) compared to $96.5 million ($0.10 per share) for the nine months ended September 30, 2016. The decrease in adjusted net income was mainly attributable to lower gold sales revenue (as previously described above) and higher operating costs.

      Liquidity and Capital Resources

      At September 30, 2017, the Company remained in a solid financial position with working capital of $35.2 million including unrestricted cash and cash equivalents of $89.7 million. In addition, the Company had drawn $325 million under its $500 million amended revolving credit facility, leaving an undrawn and available balance at September 30, 2017, of $175 million. At September 30, 2017, the Company also had Euro 36.4 million of undrawn capacity on its Fekola equipment loan facility and $9.1 million of undrawn capacity on its Masbate equipment loan facility.


      Mine-by-mine gold production in the third quarter and first nine months of 2017 was as follows:
      Mine Q3 2017
      (ounces) YTD 2017
      (ounces) 2017
      Annual Production
      (ounces) 2017
      Annual Production
      Masbate 46,557 149,049 180,000 – 185,000 175,000 – 185,000
      Otjikoto 55,151 139,088 170,000 – 180,000 165,000 – 175,000
      La Libertad 16,487 67,641 90,000 – 100,000 110,000 – 120,000
      El Limon 11,093 27,694 40,000 – 50,000 50,000 – 60,000
      Subtotal 129,288 383,472 480,000 – 515,000 500,000 – 540,000
      Fekola (pre-commercial) 6,340 6,340 50,000 – 55,000 45,000 – 55,000

      B2Gold Consolidated

      135,628 389,812 530,000 – 570,000 545,000 – 595,000

      Masbate Gold Mine – Philippines

      The Masbate Mine in the Philippines continued to exceed expectations, producing 46,557 ounces of gold in the third quarter of 2017, 20% (or 7,799 ounces) above both (original) budget and reforecast production, and comparable with the prior-year quarter. Gold production exceeded budget and reforecast production due to better than expected throughput and recoveries mainly driven by significantly higher than budgeted oxide ore from the Colorado Pit. As mining advances in the Colorado Pit, the trend of more oxide ore than modelled has continued. The Masbate Mine has continued its outstanding safety performance, achieving two years without a “Lost-Time-Injury” on October 12, 2017.

      Mill throughput in the quarter was 1,704,723 tonnes compared to budget of 1,619,060 tonnes and 1,604,176 tonnes in the third quarter of 2016. Mill recoveries averaged 77.4% which was better than budget of 68.9% and 77.2% in the third quarter of 2016. The average grade processed was 1.10 g/t compared to budget of 1.08 g/t and 1.20 g/t in the third quarter of 2016. As expected, grades were higher in the prior-year quarter attributable to the high-grade ore from the Main Vein Stage 1 Pit which is no longer active.

      Masbate’s third quarter cash operating costs were $541 per ounce (Q3 2016 – $466 per ounce), significantly below budget by $203 per ounce (or 27%). This favourable variance was mainly the result of higher than expected production and lower than expected production costs (due to cost savings in most areas) and stockpile adjustments. Masbate’s AISC in the third quarter were $717 per ounce (Q3 2016 – $650 per ounce), significantly below budget by $339 per ounce (or 32%). AISC were below budget as a result of lower cash operating costs and sustaining capital expenditures due to the timing of mobile equipment purchases which were expected in the third quarter of 2017 but are now expected to occur in the fourth quarter of 2017.

      Year-to-date, gold production at Masbate was 149,049 ounces (YTD 2016 – 157,591 ounces), significantly above (original) budget by 12% (or 16,043 ounces) and 6% (or 7,799 ounces) more than reforecast production.

      Masbate’s cash costs remained significantly below budget in the first nine months of the year with cash operating costs of $527 per ounce (YTD 2016 – $437 per ounce), $161 per ounce (or 23%) below budget, and AISC of $800 per ounce (YTD 2016 – $612 per ounce), $256 per ounce (or 24%) below budget. Compared to the prior-year period, Masbate’s AISC increased, reflecting higher fuel costs as well as its 2017 planned mine fleet replacement and expansion program. However, in 2018, Masbate’s mine equipment purchases are planned to significantly decrease (relative to 2017).

      Capital expenditures in the third quarter of 2017 totaled $6.1 million including pre-stripping costs of $1.6 million, mobile equipment costs of $1.2 million and powerhouse upgrade costs of $1.0 million. Year-to-date capital expenditures totaled $36.5 million, consisting mainly of mobile equipment costs of $17.2 million, pre-stripping costs of $6.1 million, powerhouse upgrade costs of $3.4 million and processing plant upgrades of $3.1 million.

      For full-year 2017, the Masbate Mine is well on track to meet or exceed the high end of its previously increased production guidance range of between 180,000 to 185,000 ounces of gold (original guidance was 175,000 to 185,000 ounces) while meeting the low end of its guidance range for cash operating costs of between $595 to $635 per ounce and AISC of between $935 and $975 per ounce.

      The Masbate operations were recently presented with the DENR’s Saringaya Award for its contribution to environmental protection, conservation, and management in the regions surrounding the Masbate Mine. The Saringaya Award is considered the DENR’s most prestigious regional environmental award.

      The Philippine Mining Industry Coordinating Council ("MICC") (the MICC is the oversight committee for the DENR) has voted to rescind the existing Department Administrative Order which bans new open-pit mines (does not apply to current Masbate operations). They have indicated that the order may be lifted provided that mining laws, rules and regulations are strictly enforced.

      Otjikoto Gold Mine – Namibia

      The Otjikoto Mine in Namibia produced a quarterly record 55,151 ounces of gold in the third quarter of 2017, 14% (or 6,793 ounces) above both (original) budget and reforecast production, and 16% (or 7,587 ounces) higher than the third quarter of 2016. As mining advances into the consolidated rock in the Wolfshag Phase 1 Pit, the amount of high-grade ore tonnage mined from Wolfshag continues to be significantly higher than modelled. Analysis of the Wolfshag model is ongoing to determine whether this positive variance in the amount of high-grade ore tonnage continues throughout the entire Wolfshag orebody.

      The average gold grade processed in the quarter was 1.99 g/t compared to budget of 1.85 g/t and 1.66 g/t in the third quarter of 2016. Grade exceeded budget due to the higher amount of high-grade ore being sourced from Wolfshag which increased the overall average mill feed grade at Otjikoto. Mill throughput for the quarter was 873,516 tonnes compared to budget of 832,784 tonnes and 910,036 tonnes in the third quarter of 2016. Mill recoveries remained high and averaged 98.5%, slightly above both budget and the prior-year quarter.

      Otjikoto’s third quarter cash operating costs were $447 per ounce, slightly better than budget. Compared to the prior-year quarter, cash operating costs were $103 per ounce higher as the prior-year quarter had benefited from a weaker Namibian dollar and lower fuel prices. Otjikoto’s AISC in the third quarter were $809 per ounce (Q3 2016 – $474 per ounce), above budget by $160 per ounce. The increase over budget was mainly attributable to the timing of the purchase of mobile equipment during the third quarter which was originally planned for earlier in 2017. However, year-to-date, Otjikoto’s AISC remained significantly below budget.

      During the first nine months of 2017, the Otjikoto Mine produced a year-to-date record 139,088 ounces of gold, 16% (or 19,148 ounces) above (original) budget and 5% (or 6,793 ounces) more than reforecast production, and 16% (or 19,649 ounces) higher compared to the same period last year.

      Otjikoto’s cash costs were significantly below budget in the first nine months of 2017 with cash operating costs of $459 per ounce (YTD 2016 – $368 per ounce), $101 per ounce (or 18%) below budget, and AISC of $756 per ounce (YTD 2016 – $611 per ounce), $235 per ounce (or 24%) below budget.

      Capital expenditures in the third quarter of 2017 totaled $20.9 million consisting of $9.0 million for mining equipment, $4.8 million for installation of a solar power plant, $3.1 million for capitalized equipment rebuilds and $3.0 million for pre-stripping. For the nine months ended September 30, 2017, capital expenditures totaled $36.1 million consisting of $11.9 million for mobile equipment purchases, $9.5 million for pre-stripping, $6.4 million for capital repairs and $4.8 million for installation of the solar power plant. Total capital expenditures for the year are expected to be under budget due to a combination of lower pre-stripping costs and a slight delay in the solar plant construction.

      For full-year 2017, the Otjikoto Mine remains well on track to meet or exceed the high end of its previously increased production guidance range of between 170,000 to 180,000 ounces of gold (original guidance was 165,000 to 175,000 ounces) while meeting the low end of its guidance range for cash operating costs of between $480 to $520 per ounce and AISC of between $725 and $765 per ounce.

      Geotechnical, hydrogeological and design studies for Wolfshag have been completed. These studies, coupled with an updated resource model, indicate that a larger open pit, which is the Company’s preferred option, have similar positive economics to the underground option. In addition, the Wolfshag resource remains open down-plunge which may be exploitable in the future by underground mining.

      La Libertad Gold Mine – Nicaragua

      La Libertad Mine in Nicaragua produced 16,487 ounces of gold in the third quarter of 2017 (Q3 2016 – 37,261 ounces), approximately in-line with revised guidance (but lower than originally budgeted as gold production at La Libertad was negatively impacted by permitting delays for new mining areas). Year-to-date, gold production at La Libertad was 67,641 ounces (YTD 2016 – 97,266 ounces), approximately in-line with reforecast but 18,679 ounces lower than (original) budget.

      As previously released, the Company has changed its planned sequencing for bringing the Jabali Antenna Pit into the mine plan (originally forecast to enter production in the third quarter of 2017). With strong support from the Nicaraguan government, the Company is now focused on bringing the San Juan and San Diego open pits into production in the second half of 2017 ahead of the Jabali Antenna Pit. In September 2017, the San Juan mining permit was received, and it is anticipated that the San Diego mining permit will also be received by early December (following public consultation). Mining has already commenced in the San Juan Pit and is expected to commence in the San Diego Pit upon receipt of its permit. The Company has also made significant progress in resettlement and permitting activities at the high-grade Jabali Antenna Pit and is expecting to receive its permit in time to start production from the pit in the third quarter of 2018.

      La Libertad’s third quarter cash costs, on a per ounce basis, were impacted by the lower than planned production with cash operating costs of $788 per ounce (Q3 2016 – $637 per ounce) and AISC of $1,187 per ounce (Q3 2016 – $788 per ounce), both well above the original budget. Year-to-date, La Libertad’s cash operating costs were $780 per ounce (YTD 2016 – $658 per ounce) and AISC were $1,019 per ounce (YTD 2016 – $913 per ounce).

      Total capital expenditures in the third quarter of 2017 were $5.9 million, consisting primarily of $2.7 million in project development costs related to the new San Juan and San Diego open pits and underground development costs of $2.5 million. For the nine months ended September 30, 2017, capital expenditures totaled $18.1 million, consisting primarily of underground development costs of $4.9 million, La Esperanza Tailings Dam expansion of $4.7 million, project development costs of $4.5 million and land acquisitions of $3.1 million.

      For full-year 2017, La Libertad’s production is expected to be at the low end of its revised production guidance range of between 90,000 to 100,000 ounces of gold (original guidance was 110,000 to 120,000 ounces) and to be at the upper end of its cash operating costs (of between $795 to $835 per ounce) and AISC (of between $1,075 and $1,115 per ounce) guidance ranges. Inclusion of the newly permitted open pits is expected to increase gold production in the fourth quarter of 2017, resulting in total 2017 production near the lower end of revised guidance. With the permitting of Jabali Antenna (currently scheduled for Q2 2018) gold production for 2018 is expected to reach original 2017 guidance, up to 120,000 ounces. The Company has a successful track record of converting its mineral resources to reserves. Permitting and development of San Juan, San Diego and Jabali Antenna Permits, combined with successful conversion of underground resources to reserves at Mojon and Jabali, have the potential to extend the LoM at La Libertad for an additional two years (past 2018). Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. In addition, exploration continues at La Libertad for additional open pit or underground mineral targets.

      El Limon Gold Mine – Nicaragua

      El Limon Mine in Nicaragua produced 11,093 ounces of gold in the third quarter of 2017 (Q3 2016 – 14,185 ounces), in-line with revised guidance and a significant improvement compared to 7,740 ounces produced in the second quarter of 2017. Throughout the year, El Limon’s production had been negatively affected by water pumping issues which had reduced high-grade ore flow from Santa Pancha Underground. However, with the successful rehabilitation of the Santa Pancha 1 dewatering well at the beginning of the third quarter, mine output and production grade are now improving. Year-to-date, gold production at El Limon was 27,694 ounces (YTD 2016 – 35,476 ounces).

      During the quarter, four Environmental Impact Assessments (“EIA”) were presented to the Nicaraguan government for approval relating to both open pit and underground mining projects: Mercedes – Aparejo, Veta Nueva, Santa Emilia South and Mercedes South. The EIA for the Mercedes South Pit has been approved and the permit process is now advancing to the public consultation phase. Development of this pit is anticipated to commence in the fourth quarter of 2017 and is expected to provide an open-pit source to complement underground operations for the duration of 2018.

      El Limon’s third quarter cash costs, on a per ounce basis, were impacted by the lower than planned production with cash operating costs of $901 per ounce (Q3 2016 – $682 per ounce) and AISC of $1,409 per ounce (Q3 2016 – $1,067 per ounce), both well above budget. Year-to-date, El Limon’s cash operating costs were $1,050 per ounce (YTD 2016 – $725 per ounce) and AISC were $1,599 per ounce (YTD 2016 – $1,101 per ounce).

      Capital expenditures in the third quarter of 2017 totaled $4.5 million which consisted mainly of underground development costs for Santa Pancha of $2.3 million, mining development/project costs of $0.7 million and mobile equipment costs of $0.7 million. For the nine months ended September 30, 2017, capital expenditures totaled $11.0 million which consisted mainly of underground development costs for Santa Pancha of $5.9 million, mobile equipment costs of $2.2 million and mining development/project costs of $1.5 million.

      The Company anticipates gold production from Santa Pancha 1 to continue to increase and El Limon’s cash operating costs to decrease in the fourth quarter of 2017. For full-year 2017, El Limon’s production is expected to be at the low end of its revised production guidance range of between 40,000 to 50,000 ounces of gold (original guidance was 50,000 to 60,000 ounces) with cash operating costs and AISC expected to be at the high end of guidance (of between $815 to $855 per ounce and between $1,415 and $1,455 per ounce, respectively). In 2018, El Limon’s gold production is expected to return to more normal levels and be between 50,000 and 60,000 ounces.

      Ongoing El Limon Exploration and Development

      In 2017, El Limon’s exploration budget was increased to $7 million to include 28,600 metres of drilling (over 157 holes) with a focus on El Limon Vein system. The system comprises of the Pozo Bono, Limon Sur, Limon Central, Limon North and Tigra-Chaparral zones, most of which were previously partially mined by both open pit and underground methods. Drilling to date has identified a new large good grade near-surface zone that the Company believes could be exploitable by open-pit mining. This has the potential to significantly extend the current mine life at El Limon and may support an expansion of El Limon’s milling and production capacity. In November 2017, the Company expects to announce the results of its 2017 drill campaign.

      In 2017, an initial study was completed regarding the potential re-processing of the old tailings at El Limon. Based on historic mill and drilling records, the tailings contain an estimated 9 million to 11 million tonnes with a potential gold grade of 0.80 g/t to 1.0 g/t. An ongoing drilling program is underway as part of a Feasibility Study which will confirm resources and grades, the optimum grind size, capital costs and final project economics. Based on the initial study completed in 2017, the Company believes that the project has the potential to produce an average of approximately 20,000 to 25,000 ounces of gold and 70,000 to 80,000 ounces of silver per year for approximately 9 to 11 years. The concept is to regrind the old tailings to a much finer grind size, process them through a new CIP plant and place the tailings in a new lined tailings storage facility. The potential quantity and grade included in the initial study is conceptual in nature and there has been insufficient exploration to date to define a mineral resource and it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the target being delineated as a mineral resource.

      Fekola Gold Mine – Mali

      On September 25, 2017, the Company announced that it had completed construction of the Fekola mill on budget and commenced ore processing at the Fekola Mine, more than three months ahead of schedule. Commissioning of the mill is ongoing and is expected to ramp up quickly to achieve commercial production by the end of November 2017, four months ahead of the original schedule. The Fekola mill started processing ore on September 24, 2017, and treated 57,695 tonnes of ore at a grade of 3.54 g/t over the remainder of the month of September with a gold recovery of 96.6%, producing 6,340 ounces of in-circuit gold inventory (nil ounces budgeted). The first pour at the Fekola Mine was achieved on October 7, 2017.

      In October 2017, the first full month of ramp up and pre-commercial production, the Fekola mill treated 324,525 tonnes of ore (budgeted – 225,804 tonnes) at an average grade of 3.40 g/t (budgeted – 2.33 g/t) with a gold recovery of 95.4% (budgeted – 90.0%), producing a total of 33,946 ounces of gold in the month (surpassing budget of 15,100 ounces). Mill availability was 75% (budgeted – 50%) and the mill was operating at design throughput (of 607 tonnes per hour) during the latter half of the month. For 2017, the Company is projecting gold production from Fekola to exceed its reforecast production guidance range of between 50,000 and 55,000 ounces (at an expected cash operating cost of $580 to $620 per ounce). 2018 is scheduled to be the first full year of gold production at Fekola, yielding 400,000 to 410,000 ounces for the year at a cash operating cost of approximately $354 per ounce of gold and AISC of $609 per ounce of gold.

      Based on the new LoM plan, the Fekola Mine is projected to produce approximately 400,000 ounces of gold annually for the first three years at cash operating costs of $357 per ounce and AISC of $604 per ounce. For the first seven years, the Fekola Mine is projected to produce approximately 374,000 ounces of gold annually with cash operating costs of $391 per ounce and AISC of $643 per ounce. Over the initial ten-year LoM, Fekola is projected to produce an average of 345,000 ounces per annum at cash operating costs of $428 per ounce and AISC of $664 per ounce.

      Fekola Project capital expenditures for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2017 totaled $65.3 million and $208.1 million, respectively, versus a total budget of $64.7 million and $210.6 million, respectively. Expenditures for the Fekola Project to date were $579.2 million, including construction costs, Fekola mill expansion, Fadougou relocation, pre-stripping, additional mine fleet purchases and $41 million of preconstruction expenditures. The total Fekola Project costs to date of $579.2 million are approximately $8 million less than the project budget to date of $587.0 million.

      Ongoing Fekola Exploration

      Based on exploration to date, B2Gold’s exploration team believes there is significant potential to increase the mine life of Fekola through further exploration drilling. The $15 million 2017 exploration drill program is ongoing at the Fekola property and regional area. The drilling is focused on testing the potential extension of the Fekola deposit to the north and the mineralized bedrock zones beneath the Anaconda saprolite resource on the Fekola Project area.

      Infill drilling continues on the resources outlined immediately below the Fekola reserve boundary, immediately to the north of the boundary and the near-surface portion of the Kiwi zone (to the north, now part of Fekola). The Company estimates that it could add up to 900,000 ounces of gold, consisting of 720,000 ounces from the existing indicated category and 180,000 from the existing inferred category to the Fekola Mine plan with further infill drilling. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. Exploration drilling at Fekola has included step out drilling to the north of the Fekola resource to begin testing the ultimate size potential of the Fekola deposit. Results from these drill programs will be released shortly.


      In addition to another strong quarter of operating and financial results, B2Gold achieved a major milestone that is transformative for the Company, when it completed construction of the large Fekola Mine, in southwest Mali, in late September 2017. Ore processing commenced on September 24, with the first gold poured on October 7. The mine is now in the commissioning stage, ramping up to full scale, commercial production. The ramp up has gone very well and the Company expects to achieve commercial production by the end of November, four months ahead of the original schedule and one month ahead of the revised schedule.

      During ramp up, the mine and mill facilities have performed well, significantly beating budget for ore-grade mill throughput, gold recoveries and gold produced. Including the last few days of September and the full month of October, the Fekola Mine has produced 40,286 ounces of gold, beating the budgeted production of 15,100 ounces by 167% (or 25,186 ounces). The Company previously projected 50,000 to 55,000 ounces of gold production from Fekola, during the ramp up from October to year-end 2017. Based on the mine’s strong operating performance to date, the Company now expects to exceed the upper level of Fekola’s production guidance for the fourth quarter.

      In 2018, the first full year of Fekola production, the Company is projecting approximately 400,000 to 410,000 ounces of gold from the Fekola Mine with low projected cash operating costs and AISC of approximately $354 per ounce and $609 per ounce, respectively. This additional gold production for B2Gold increases projected consolidated 2018 production to between 925,000 to 975,000 ounces with consolidated projected cash operating costs and AISC of approximately $525 and $800 per ounce of gold respectively.

      These impressive production levels and low costs will dramatically increase B2Gold’s production revenues, cash from operations and cash flow for many years, based on current assumptions (including a gold price assumption of $1,275 per ounce). On average over the next three years, beginning in 2018, the Company is projecting per annum gold sales revenues of approximately $1.2 billion, cash flow from operations of approximately $0.5 billion and a significant increase in free cash flow (operating cash flows less investing cash flows).

      Looking forward, the Company will remain focused on continuing its impressive performance from existing mines while maintaining the priorities of safety, environmental management and efficient responsible mining. In addition, B2Gold will continue with its successful strategy of growing as a profitable gold producer through the exploration and development of existing projects, and the potential acquisition of accretive development stage projects or producing mines.

      For the foreseeable future, the Company’s strategy will be to focus on the Fekola Mine, ramp up to full production, aggressive exploration to determine the ultimate size of the Fekola deposit, test other exploration targets in the Fekola area, and exploration and development studies at its other mines and identified targets. Positive results from the aggressive 2017 exploration drilling programs at Fekola will be released shortly.

      About B2Gold

      Headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, B2Gold Corp. is one of the fastest-growing intermediate gold producers in the world. Founded in 2007, today, B2Gold has five operating gold mines and numerous exploration and development projects in various countries including Nicaragua, the Philippines, Namibia, Mali, Burkina Faso, Colombia and Finland.

      Based on current assumptions and updates to B2Gold’s current year guidance and long-term mine plans, the Company is projecting consolidated gold production in 2017 of between 530,000 and 570,000 ounces (including estimated pre-commercial production from the new Fekola Mine of between 50,000 and 55,000 ounces). In 2018, production is forecast to increase significantly to between 925,000 and 975,000 ounces with the inclusion of the anticipated first full year of commercial production at Fekola.

      Qualified Persons

      Peter D. Montano, P.E., the Project Director of B2Gold, a qualified person under NI 43-101, has approved the scientific and technical information related to operations matters contained in this news release.

      Tom Garagan, Senior Vice President of Exploration of B2Gold, a qualified person under NI 43-101, has approved the exploration information contained in this news release.

      John Rajala, Vice President of Metallurgy of B2Gold, a qualified person under NI 43-101, has approved the El Limon development information contained in this news release.

      Third Quarter 2017 Financial Results - Conference Call Details

      B2Gold Corp. will release its third quarter 2017 financial results before the North American markets open on Wednesday, November 8, 2017.

      B2Gold executives will host a conference call to discuss the results on Wednesday, November 8, 2017, at 10:00 am PST / 1:00 pm EST. You may access the call by dialing the operator at +1 (647) 788-4919 (local or international) or toll free at +1 (877) 291-4570 prior to the scheduled start time or you may listen to the call via webcast by clicking A playback version of the call will be available for one week after the call at +1 416-621-4642 (local or international) or toll free at +1 800-585-8367 (passcode 1308311).

      On Behalf of B2GOLD CORP.

      “Clive T. Johnson”
      President and Chief Executive Officer

      For more information on B2Gold please visit the Company website at or contact:
      Ian MacLean Katie Bromley
      Vice President, Investor Relations Manager, Investor Relations & Public Relations
      604-681-8371 604-681-8371
      schrieb am 17.11.17 12:42:32
      Beitrag Nr. 138 ()
      B2Gold Corp.: Finanzergebnisse des Septemberquartals 2017

      B2Gold Corporation meldete gestern die Ergebnisse des dritten Quartals 2017.
      Der Nettogewinn des Quartals belief sich auf 12,4 Mio. USD bzw. 0,01 USD je Aktie, verglichen mit einem Gewinn von 35,7 Mio. USD bzw. 0,04 USD je Aktie im Vorjahresquartal.

      Die Umsätze erreichten in den drei Monaten 154,1 Mio. USD, basierend auf dem Verkauf von 121.597 oz Gold zum durchschnittlichen Preis von 1.267 USD/oz. Im Vorjahresquartal war ein Rekordumsatz von 193,0 Mio. USD erzielt worden. Der operative Cashflow lag im Septemberquartal 2017 bei 41,8 Mio. USD, verglichen mit 90,3 Mio. USD im Vergleichszeitraum 2016.

      Per 30. September verfügte B2Gold zudem über Barmittel und Barmitteläquivalente in Höhe von 89,7 Mio. USD.

      Die Goldproduktion des Unternehmens erreichte im dritten Quartal 2017 135.628 oz. Die konsolidierten All-In Sustaining Costs lagen nach Unternehmensangaben bei 921 USD je oz Gold.
      schrieb am 17.11.17 12:45:26
      Beitrag Nr. 139 ()
      VANCOUVER ( – Canadian multinational gold miner B2Gold has reported a stronger-than-expected third-quarter profit, despite its headline net profit – excluding special items – falling 71% year-over-year.

      The Vancouver-headquartered company reported an adjusted net income for the three months ended September of $13.9-million, or $0.01 a share, down from $48.6-million, or $0.05 a share, in the comparable quarter of 2016. Analysts had on average expected headline earnings of nil per share, on revenue of $151.81-million.

      Consolidated gold revenue came to $154.1-million on sales of 121 597 oz of gold, at an average price of $1 267/oz, which was 5% lower year-on-year. B2Gold advised that the 20%, or $38.9-million, decrease in revenue, was mainly attributable to the 16% decrease in gold sales volume, owing to lower output and the timing of gold shipments.

      For the third quarter, the company generated net income of $12.4-million, or $0.01 a share, compared with a net income of $35.7-million, or $0.04 a share, in the same period a year ago.

      Consolidated gold output in the quarter was 135 628 oz, including 6 340 oz of pre-commercial production from the newly constructed Fekola mine, in Mali, which was 2% above plan and 15% above the reforecast production profile. The better-than-budgeted reforecast consolidated gold output reflected the continued strong operational performances of both the Masbate mine, in the Philippines, and the Otjikoto mine, in Namibia, as well as the successful early start-up of the Fekola mine in September.

      The miner, which has five producing mines spread across Namibia, the Philippines, Nicaragua and Mali, reported consolidated cash operating costs of $563/oz, 5% lower than budget, but 15% more than in the third quarter of 2016. Higher output at the Masbate and Otjikoto mines boosted the planned output and was partially offset by the lower ouput from La Libertad and El Limon mines, both in Nicaragua.

      All-in sustaining costs (AISC) rose 8% quarter-on-quarter to $921/oz, compared with the planned $855/oz and $702/oz for the prior-year quarter. The increases were the result of higher-than-expected capital expenditures at the Otjikoto mine, owing to the timing of buying mobile equipment in the period, which was deferred from earlier this year.

      For full-year 2017, B2Gold is projecting output to come in at the upper end of the company's revised guidance range of 530 000 oz to 570 000 oz and to be at the lower end of its cash operating costs guidance of $610/oz to $650/oz and AISC of between $940/oz and $970/oz. The strong operational performance is underpinned by continued strong performances from Masbate and Otjikoto which, combined with Fekola preprodution output, offset lower output from La Libertad and El Limon.

      In 2018, with the planned first full-year of production from Fekola mine, B2Gold is projecting its consolidated gold output to rise 70% year-on-year to between 925 000 oz and 975 000 oz.

      B2Gold’s TSX-listed stock closed up 3.67% on Wednesday, at C$3.39 a share, up 6.27% since the start of the year.
      schrieb am 29.11.17 13:47:45
      Beitrag Nr. 140 ()
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 29.11.17 16:39:07
      Beitrag Nr. 141 ()
      28.11.17 14:56
      Eight Capital

      Toronto ( - B2Gold-Aktienanalyse des Analysten Craig Stanley von Eight Capital:

      Analyst Craig Stanley vom Investmenthaus Eight Capital empfiehlt die Aktien des kanadischen Goldproduzenten B2Gold Corp. (ISIN: CA11777Q2099, WKN: A0M889, Ticker-Symbol: 5BG, TSE-Symbol: BTO) laut einer Aktienanalyse weiterhin zum Kauf.

      Die Analysten von Eight Capital haben das Bewertungsmodell für die Aktien von B2Gold Corp. einer Überarbeitung unterzogen.

      Die Entwicklung bei der Flaggschiff-Mine Fekola habe die Erwartungen bei weitem übertroffen.

      Analyst Craig Stanley setzt das Kursziel für die B2Gold-Aktie von 4,50 auf 4,75 CAD herauf.

      Die Aktienanalysten von Eight Capital bekräftigen in ihrer B2Gold-Aktienanalyse das Votum "buy".
      schrieb am 29.11.17 16:44:22
      Beitrag Nr. 142 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 56.310.494 von pickuru am 29.11.17 13:47:45Danke.
      Interessantes Video.
      schrieb am 04.12.17 12:49:55
      Beitrag Nr. 143 ()

      B2Gold Achieves Commercial Production at the Fekola Mine Ahead of Schedule; Gold Production to date During Ramp Up is Approximately 80,000 Ounces, 158% Above Budget(1)

      Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - December 4, 2017) - B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO) (NYSE AMERICAN: BTG) (NSX: B2G) ("B2Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the Fekola Mine in Mali achieved commercial production on November 30, 2017, one month ahead of the revised schedule and four months ahead of the schedule announced in the Optimized Feasibility Study ("OFS"). Ramp up to full-scale production at Fekola remains ahead of schedule with gold production well above budget in each of the ramp-up months, beating original recovery, grade and plant availability estimates in the OFS design. To November 30, 2017, the Fekola Mine has produced approximately 80,000 ounces of gold1, approximately 158% above budget (31,000 ounces). Gold production from the Fekola Mine in 2017 is now forecast to be between 100,000 and 110,000 ounces, far surpassing the upper end of the original guidance of 45,000 to 55,000 ounces. Based on current assumptions and updates to B2Gold's current year guidance and long-term mine plans, the Company is now projecting consolidated gold production in 2017 of between 580,000 and 625,000 ounces.

      In 2018, consolidated gold production is forecast to be between 925,000 and 975,000 ounces. This represents an increase in annual consolidated gold production of approximately 58% for B2Gold in 2018 versus 2017.
      Annual consolidated cash operating costs (see "Non-IFRS Measures") and all-in sustaining costs ("AISC") (see "Non-IFRS Measures") for 2018 are forecast to decrease in 2018 to approximately $525 per ounce and $800 per ounce, respectively.

      B2Gold has declared commercial production at the Fekola Mine based on an internal commercial production measure of 30 consecutive days of mill throughput at 65% or greater of nameplate capacity (607 dry tonnes per hour). During the 30 consecutive-day commercial test, the mill achieved an average throughput of 626 dry tonnes per hour. This included an availability for the mill of 95% (budget was 70%) for the test period and a recovery that exceeded 95% (budget was 91%).

      The Fekola mill started processing ore more than three months ahead of schedule on September 25, 2017, (see news release dated 09/25/2017) with the first pour at the Fekola Mine achieved on October 7, 2017. In October, the first full month of ramp-up and pre-commercial production, the Fekola mill treated 324,525 tonnes of ore (budgeted — 225,804 tonnes) at an average grade of 3.40 g/t (budgeted — 2.33 g/t) with a gold recovery of 95.4% (budgeted — 90.0%), producing a total of 33,946 ounces of gold in the month (surpassing budget of 15,100 ounces). Gold production at Fekola in November 2017 was approximately 40,000 ounces1 from 426,836 tonnes of ore (budgeted 316,000 tonnes) at an average grade of 3.05 g/t (2.33 g/t budgeted) with gold recoveries of 95.5% (budget 91%). The higher than budgeted grade is a result of the early start to mining (April 2017), allowing the site to stockpile ore and blend mill feed for optimal production.

      The estimated overall production from the Fekola Mine for 2017 is now projected to be between 100,000 and 110,000 ounces. Commercial gold production in 2017 will include a projected 25,000 ounces in December 2017. This number is lower than the production in October and November 2017, due to a planned shutdown to finalize operational changes. The routine shutdown is expected to last six to seven days.

      Based on the life of mine ("LoM") plan in 2018, the first full year of Fekola production, the Company is projecting production of approximately 400,000 to 410,000 ounces of gold from the Fekola Mine with low projected cash operating costs and AISC of approximately $354 per ounce and $609 per ounce, respectively.

      For the first three years, the Fekola Mine is projected to produce approximately 400,000 ounces of gold annually at cash operating costs of $357 per ounce and AISC of $604 per ounce. For the first seven years, Fekola is projected to produce approximately 374,000 ounces of gold annually with cash operating costs of $391 per ounce and AISC of $643 per ounce. Over the initial ten-year LoM, Fekola is projected to produce an average of 345,000 ounces per annum at cash operating costs of $428 per ounce and AISC of $664 per ounce.


      Positive drill results from the Company's $15.4 million 2017 exploration program at the Fekola area (see news release dated 11/9/2017) indicated that the main Fekola deposit, with additional drilling, could extend significantly to the north. In addition, drilling below the extensive saprolite resource at the Anaconda, Adder and Mamba zones has discovered three, well mineralized bedrock (sulphide) zones, indicating the potential for large, Fekola-style mineralized zones.

      Drilling is ongoing to further test the Fekola North Extension zone, infill the Fekola resource and further test the new bedrock mineralization beneath the Anaconda, Adder and Mamba saprolite resource. The Company is planning additional, aggressive exploration drilling programs on these targets in 2018.

      1. Production numbers are considered approximate because monthly production has not been reconciled yet for November 2017.

      Qualified Person

      Tom Garagan, Senior Vice President of Exploration of B2Gold, a qualified person under NI 43-101, has approved the exploration information contained in this news release.

      Peter D. Montano, P.E., the Project Director of B2Gold, a qualified person under NI 43-101, has approved the scientific and technical information contained in this news release.

      About B2Gold Corp.

      Headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, B2Gold Corp. is one of the fastest-growing intermediate gold producers in the world. Founded in 2007, today, B2Gold has five operating gold mines and numerous exploration and development projects in various countries including Nicaragua, the Philippines, Namibia, Mali, Burkina Faso, Colombia and Finland.

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 04.12.17 14:15:25
      Beitrag Nr. 144 ()
      Auch Otto Rock ist von der Nachricht angetan:…

      B2Gold ( (BTG): This is good


      Vor einigen Wochen habe ich entnervt meine Barrick Gold verkauft und gegen B2Gold eingetauscht.
      Scheint keine schlechte Entscheidung gewesen zu sein...

      Freundliche Grüße
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 05.12.17 14:41:44
      Beitrag Nr. 145 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 56.357.574 von supernova1712 am 04.12.17 14:15:25Nochmals Otto:

      My new theory about B2Gold ( (BTG)
      Posted: 04 Dec 2017 06:39 PM PST
      On considering the combination of...

      1) The news out of BTO this morning.
      2) The share price reaction to this news.

      ...I have formulated a new theory about this company, which goes like this:
      "If B2Gold announces tomorrow morning that it has discovered the lost city of El Dorado, its shares will trade unchanged on the day on average volumes."
      Thank you for your attention.
      schrieb am 15.12.17 11:37:32
      Beitrag Nr. 146 ()
      Aus dem Investor Magazin vom 14.12.2017

      B2Gold ist einer unserer absoluten Favoriten für 2018.
      Aus unerklärlichen Gründen wird der Wert derzeit
      von Anlegern links liegen gelassen.
      2018 plant B2Gold zwischen 925.000 und 950.000 Unzen Gold (+58% im
      Vergleich zu 2017) zu All-In Kosten von rund 800 US-Dollar je Unze zu
      produzieren. Wachstumstreiber wird die neue Fekola-Mine in Mali sein. Schon
      jetzt schlägt Fekola alle Performancewerte und liegt weit über Erwartungen
      des Managementteams. So veröffentlichte B2Gold jüngst ein Update, dass
      Fekola 158% über Plan produziert. Ursprünglich rechnete man mit einer Produktion von maximal 55.000 Unzen in 2017. Nun sollen es bis zu 110.000 Unzen Gold werden. Mit einer Bewertung
      von 3,5 Mrd. CAD hat B2Gold gehörig Luft nach oben. Lediglich eine größere Akquisition und einhergehende Verwässerung könnte kurzfristig für einen Dämpfer sorgen.

      Kaufen Sie auf aktuellem Niveau. Stopp: 2,80 CAD.
      schrieb am 29.12.17 21:42:58
      Beitrag Nr. 147 ()
      Ja, in der Aktionärs-Ausgabe von dieser Woche ist B2Gold auch als Top-Investment für 2018 mit einem eigenen Bericht drin.
      Goldexperte Bussler springt auf den Zug auf, da B2Gold eine positive Kursperformance aufweist, im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen seiner Goldaktien-Empfehlungen ...:laugh::laugh::laugh:
      Wir haben doch hier schon sehr lange vor ihm entdeckt welches Potential in B2Gold steckt.
      schrieb am 29.12.17 21:45:38
      Beitrag Nr. 148 ()
      B2Gold-Aktie kommt auf die Favoritenliste! - Aktienanalyse

      Nachtrag 13.12.17 15:58
      Raymond James

      St. Petersburg ( - B2Gold-Aktienanalyse des Analysten Chris Thompson von Raymond James:

      Laut einer Aktienanalyse äußert Analyst Chris Thompson von Raymond James in Bezug auf die Aktien des kanadischen Goldproduzenten B2Gold Corp. (ISIN: CA11777Q2099, WKN: A0M889, Ticker-Symbol: 5BG, TSE-Symbol: BTO) weiterhin die Erwartung einer überdurchschnittlichen Kursentwicklung.

      Die Analysten von Raymond James fügen die Aktien von B2Gold Corp. ihrer kanadischen Favoritenliste hinzu.

      Das Unternehmen steht nach Ansicht des Analysten Chris Thompspn an der Schwelle zu einem bedeutenden Produktionswachstum und niedrigeren operativen Kosten.

      Die Aktienanalysten von Raymond James bekräftigen in ihrer B2Gold-Aktienanalyse das Votum "outperform" sowie das Kursziel von 5,00 CAD.
      schrieb am 29.12.17 21:49:21
      Beitrag Nr. 149 ()
      Research Report aus London 22.12.2017

      ...Earnings Highlights and Summary

      B2Gold saw revenues of $154.11 million in Q3 FY17 compared to $193.05 million in Q3 FY16, declining by 20.17% on a y-o-y basis. The reported quarter's revenue numbers' fell short of analysts' estimates of $172.50 million.

      B2Gold reported consolidated gold production of 135,628 ounces, including 6,340 ounces of pre-commercial gold in-circuit production from Fekola, exceeding budget by 2% and reforecast production by 15%. The Company posted consolidated gold revenue of $154.1 million on sales of 121,597 ounces at an average price of $1,267 per ounce.

      During Q3 FY17, B2Gold posted consolidated cash operating costs of $563 per ounce, $28 per ounce or 5% below budget. The Company' consolidated all-in sustaining costs were of $921 per ounce, $66 per ounce or 8% above budget, due to the timing of capital expenditures.

      B2Gold's gross profit was $37.24 million in the reported quarter compared to $71.03 million in Q3 FY16, showing a decrease of 47.58%. The Company's operating income reflected a decline of 55.62% to $21.25 million in Q3 FY17 compared to $47.89 million. The Otjikoto mine achieved record quarterly production of 55,151 ounces of gold.

      B2Gold had a net income of $12.39 million in Q3 FY17 compared to $35.68 million in Q3 FY16. The Company's diluted earnings were $0.00 per share in the reported quarter compared to $0.04 per share in Q3 FY16. B2Gold's adjusted earnings were $0.01 per share in Q3 FY17 which beat Wall Street's estimates of breakeven earnings.

      B2Gold's Segment Details

      The Otjikoto Project segment had external gold revenues of $64.52 million compared to $60.06 million in Q3 FY16, advancing by 7.43% on a y-o-y basis. This segment's net income was $6.88 million in the reported quarter compared to $25.15 million in Q3 FY16, reflecting a decline of 72.63% on a y-o-y basis.

      The Masbate Mine segment had external gold revenues of $56.49 million in Q3 FY17 compared to $75.65 million in Q3 FY16, decreasing by 25.33% on a y-o-y basis. Net income of this segment was $13.10 million in the reported quarter compared to $30.21 million in Q3 FYF16, declining by 56.64%.

      The Libertad Mine segment posted external gold revenues of $16.72 million in Q3 FY17 compared to $41.89 million in Q3 FY16, showing a deep decline of 60.10%. The segment's net loss was $3.88 million in Q3 FY17 compared to net income of $3.17 million in Q3 FY16.

      The Company's Limon Mine segment had external gold revenues of $1.37 million in Q3 FY17 compared to $15.45 million in Q3 FY16, declining steeply by 91.11%. The segment's net loss was $3.64 million in Q3 FY17 compared to a net income of $0.05 million in Q3 FY16.

      Cash Matters

      B2Gold had cash and cash equivalents of $89.71 million in Q3 FY17 compared to $123.76 million in Q3 FY16. The cash inflow from operating activities was $41.77 million in Q3 FY17 compared to $90.32 million in Q3 FY16. B2Gold held long-term debt of $634.42 million on September 30, 2017, compared to $472.85 million on September 30, 2016.


      In full fiscal 2018, B2Gold expects per annum gold sales revenues of approximately $1.20 billion with cash flow from operations of approximately $0.50 billion. The Company also anticipates its annual gold production to increase significantly in the range of $0.93 million - $0.98 million ounces with cash operating costs and AISC to decrease $525.00 per ounce and $800.00 per ounce respectively.

      Stock Performance Snapshot

      December 21, 2017 - At Thursday's closing bell, B2Gold's stock marginally rose 0.35%, ending the trading session at $2.89.

      Volume traded for the day: 2.30 million shares.

      Stock performance in the last month - up 9.47%; previous three-month period - up 9.47%; past twelve-month period - up 36.32%; and year-to-date - up 21.94%

      After yesterday's close, B2Gold's market cap was at $2.83 billion.
      schrieb am 04.01.18 17:15:02
      Beitrag Nr. 150 ()
      B2 Gold Corporate Presentation December 2017…
      schrieb am 07.01.18 19:20:02
      Beitrag Nr. 151 ()
      "These Are The Gold Companies That Will Outperform In 2018 - BMO"

      Neils Christensen | Tuesday, December 26, 2017 14:14…
      schrieb am 10.01.18 15:20:38
      Beitrag Nr. 152 ()
      Cormark and analyst Richard Gray's call to make B2Gold (BTG) ( a 'Top Pick' this morning (and raising the target price from C$6.25 to C$6.75)::

      Upgrading To Top Pick
      Fekola is a transformational asset and given the strong track record of the operating team and the history of successful ramp ups at B2Gold, we have confidence that the Fekola ramp up will continue to go smoothly and that investors will be rewarded over the next 3-6 months as free cash flow turns positive and the asset can show off its high margins. Currently trading at 1.06x NAV and 5.6x CF, B2Gold is our preferred name in the sector and we are upgrading the stock to a Top Pick rating (from Buy).
      schrieb am 11.01.18 14:01:07
      Beitrag Nr. 153 ()
      B2Gold Reports Record Fourth Quarter and Full-Year Gold Production in 2017; New Fekola Mine Produces 111,450 Ounces in 2017 During Ramp-up, 123% Above Budget
      2018 Outlook Provides for Very Strong Production Growth with Forecast Gold Production of Between 910,000 and 950,000 Ounces

      VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Jan. 11, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- B2Gold Corp. (TSX:BTO) (NYSE AMERICAN:BTG) (NSX:B2G) (“B2Gold” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce its gold production and gold revenue for the fourth quarter and full-year 2017 in addition to its production and cash cost guidance for 2018. All dollar figures are in United States dollars unless otherwise indicated.

      2017 Full-Year Highlights

      Record annual consolidated gold production, for the ninth consecutive year, of 630,565 ounces of gold, (including 79,243 ounces of pre-commercial production from Fekola), exceeding the upper end of the revised guidance range (of 580,000 to 625,000 ounces) and surpassing the top end of the original guidance range (of 545,000 to 595,000 ounces)
      Annual consolidated gold revenue of $638.7 million (or an annual record of $739.5 million, including $100.9 million of pre-commercial sales from Fekola)
      Full-year consolidated cash operating costs per ounce (see “Non-IFRS Measures”) and all-in sustaining costs (“AISC”) per ounce (see “Non-IFRS Measures”) are expected to be at, or below, the low end of their cost guidance ranges of between $610 and $650 per ounce and between $940 and $970 per ounce, respectively
      Fekola Mine construction successfully completed in late September 2017, more than three months ahead of the original schedule
      Fekola Mine achieved commercial production on November 30, 2017, one month ahead of the revised schedule and four months ahead of the original schedule
      Fekola Mine gold production was 111,450 ounces in 2017 (including 79,243 ounces of pre-commercial production), far surpassing the upper end of its original guidance range (of 45,000 to 55,000 ounces) due to its early start-up and strong ramp-up performance
      With the planned first full year of production from the Fekola Mine, the outlook for 2018 provides for dramatic production growth of approximately 300,000 ounces versus 2017, as consolidated annual gold production is expected to increase significantly to between 910,000 and 950,000 ounces with cash operating costs and AISC of between $505 and $550 per ounce and between $780 and $830 per ounce, respectively

      2017 Operating Results

      For B2Gold, 2017 was an outstanding year of performance, with the achievement of another record year of consolidated gold production (for the ninth straight year), and the successful construction and commissioning of its flagship Fekola Mine in southwest Mali which achieved commercial production on November 30, 2017, one month ahead of the revised schedule and four months ahead of the original schedule. With the large, low-cost Fekola Mine now in production, B2Gold is well positioned in achieving transformational growth in 2018. In 2018, with the planned first full year of production from the Fekola Mine, consolidated gold production is forecast to be between 910,000 and 950,000 ounces (see “2018 Production Outlook and Cost Guidance” section). This represents an increase in annual consolidated gold production of approximately 300,000 ounces for B2Gold in 2018 versus 2017.

      For full-year 2017, B2Gold’s consolidated gold production was an annual record of 630,565 ounces (including 79,243 ounces of pre-commercial production from Fekola), exceeding the upper end of its revised guidance range (of 580,000 to 625,000 ounces) and surpassing the top end of its original guidance range (of 545,000 to 595,000 ounces). Consolidated gold production for the year also increased by 15% (or 80,142 ounces) over 2016. B2Gold’s record performance in 2017 reflected the early start-up and strong ramp-up performance of the new Fekola Mine and the continued, very strong operational performances of both the Masbate Mine in the Philippines and Otjikoto Mine in Namibia. The Company expects its full-year 2017 consolidated cash operating costs per ounce and AISC per ounce to be at, or below, the low end of their cost guidance ranges of between $610 and $650 per ounce and between $940 and $970 per ounce, respectively. B2Gold will release its 2017 year-end consolidated financial statements before the North American markets open on March 15, 2018. Details of the consolidated cash operating costs per ounce and AISC per ounce will also be released at that time.

      In the fourth quarter of 2017, B2Gold’s consolidated gold production was a quarterly record of 240,753 ounces (including 72,903 ounces of pre-commercial production from Fekola), exceeding reforecast production by 5% (or 10,473 ounces) and significantly exceeding budget by 28% (or 52,141 ounces). Consolidated gold production for the quarter also increased by 71% (or 100,102 ounces) over the same quarter in 2016.

      Mine-by-mine gold production in the fourth quarter and full-year 2017 was as follows:
      Mine Q4 2017
      Gold Production
      (ounces) Full-year 2017
      Gold Production
      (ounces) 2017
      Annual Production Guidance
      (ounces) (2) 2017
      Annual Production Guidance
      (ounces) (2)
      Fekola 105,110 (1) 111,450 (1) 100,000 - 110,000 45,000 - 55,000
      Masbate 53,419 202,468 180,000 - 185,000 175,000 - 185,000
      Otjikoto 52,446 191,534 170,000 - 180,000 165,000 - 175,000
      La Libertad 14,696 82,337 90,000 - 100,000 110,000 - 120,000
      El Limon 15,082 42,776 40,000 - 50,000 50,000 - 60,000

      B2Gold Consolidated 240,753 (1) 630,565 (1) 580,000 - 625,000 545,000 - 595,000

      Fekola’s fourth quarter and full-year 2017 gold production includes 72,903 ounces and 79,243 ounces, respectively, of gold produced during its pre-commercial production period.
      All production results and guidance are presented on a 100% attributed basis.

      On September 25, 2017, the Company announced that it had completed construction of the Fekola mill on budget and commenced ore processing at the Fekola Mine, more than three months ahead of the original schedule. The first gold pour at the Fekola Mine was achieved on October 7, 2017. On November 30, 2017, the Fekola Mine achieved commercial production, one month ahead of the revised schedule and four months ahead of the original schedule. Throughput ran above nameplate capacity during the 30-day test period (on average) with significantly better than expected plant availability, mill feed grades, and recoveries. Gold production from the Fekola Mine in 2017 was 111,450 ounces (including 79,243 ounces of pre-commercial production), far surpassing the upper end of its original guidance range (of 45,000 to 55,000 ounces) due to its early start-up and strong ramp-up performance. In the fourth quarter of 2017, the Fekola Mine produced 105,110 ounces of gold (including 72,903 ounces of pre-commercial production).

      The Masbate Mine in the Philippines achieved another very strong year in 2017, producing 202,468 ounces of gold, the second-highest annual production ever for the mine (only slightly below its annual production record of 206,224 ounces of gold, achieved in the prior year). Masbate’s 2017 gold production exceeded the upper end of both its revised and original production guidance ranges by 9% (or 17,468 ounces). The higher production was due to better than expected recoveries and grades, mainly driven by significantly higher than budgeted oxide ore tonnage from the Colorado Pit. The Masbate Mine also continued its outstanding safety performance, achieving over two years (810 days) without a Lost-Time-Injury at year-end. In the fourth quarter of 2017, the Masbate Mine produced 53,419 ounces of gold, significantly above both budgeted and reforecast production by 24% (or 10,498 ounces).

      In July 2017, the Masbate operations were presented with the Philippine Department of Environment and Natural Resources’ prestigious Saringaya Award for its contribution to environmental protection, conservation, and management in the regions surrounding the Masbate Mine

      The Otjikoto Mine in Namibia had a record year in 2017, producing an annual record of 191,534 ounces of gold which exceeded the upper end of its revised production guidance range by 6% (or 11,534 ounces) and the top end of its original production guidance range by 9% (or 16,534 ounces). Gold production was also 15% (or 25,249 ounces) higher versus 2016. Otjikoto’s outperformance in 2017 was mainly the result of better than expected high-grade ore tonnage from the Wolfshag Phase 1 Pit and higher than expected mill throughput. In the fourth quarter of 2017, the Otjikoto Mine produced 52,446 ounces of gold, exceeding both budgeted and reforecast production by 10% (or 4,655 ounces).

      In Nicaragua, for full-year 2017, gold production from La Libertad Mine and El Limon Mine was 82,337 ounces and 42,776 ounces, respectively, for a combined total of 125,113 ounces. This was slightly below the low end of their combined revised guidance ranges. During 2017, gold production at La Libertad was negatively impacted by permitting delays for new mining areas while El Limon’s production was affected by water pumping issues which had reduced high-grade ore flow from Santa Pancha Underground. In the fourth quarter of 2017, mining operations at El Limon returned to budgeted (normal) production rates with the successful rehabilitation of the Santa Pancha 1 dewatering well. At La Libertad Mine, the Company has made significant progress in advancing its mine permits. In September 2017, La Libertad Mine received the San Juan mining permit, and it is anticipated that the San Diego mining permit will also be received shortly. Mining has already commenced in the San Juan Pit and is expected to commence in the San Diego Pit upon receipt of its permit. For the Jabali Antenna Pit, the Company is expecting to receive its permit in time to start production from the pit in the third quarter of 2018. In the fourth quarter of 2017, gold production from La Libertad Mine and El Limon Mine was 14,696 ounces and 15,082 ounces, respectively.

      Gold Revenue

      For the full-year 2017, consolidated gold revenue was $638.7 million (or an annual record of $739.5 million, including $100.9 million of pre-commercial sales from Fekola) on sales of 510,966 ounces (or an annual record of 590,209 ounces including 79,243 ounces of pre-commercial sales from Fekola) at an average price of $1,250 per ounce compared to $683.3 million on sales of 548,281 ounces at an average price of $1,246 per ounce in 2016. The decrease in annual gold revenue (excluding pre-commercial sales from Fekola) was attributable to a 7% decrease in gold sales volume due to the timing of gold shipments.

      Consolidated gold revenue in the fourth quarter of 2017 was $174.0 million (or a quarterly record of $274.9 million including $100.9 million of pre-commercial sales from Fekola) on sales of 137,695 ounces (or a quarterly record of 216,938 ounces including 79,243 ounces of pre-commercial sales from Fekola) at an average price of $1,264 per ounce compared to $181.2 million on sales of 151,524 ounces at an average price of $1,196 per ounce in the fourth quarter of 2016.

      Consolidated gold revenue for the fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2017, included $15 million and $60 million, respectively, relating to the delivery of gold into the Company's Prepaid Sales contracts (deferred revenue) associated with the Company's Prepaid Sales transactions entered into in March 2016. Proceeds from the Prepaid Sales transactions, used to fund the Fekola Mine construction, were originally received in March 2016 and are being recognized in revenue as the underlying Prepaid Sales ounces are delivered into. During the fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2017, 12,909 ounces and 51,633 ounces, respectively, were delivered under these contracts.

      2018 Production Outlook and Cost Guidance

      In 2018, with the planned first full year of production from the Fekola Mine, consolidated gold production is forecast to be between 910,000 and 950,000 ounces. This represents an increase in annual consolidated gold production of approximately 300,000 ounces for B2Gold in 2018 versus 2017. The Fekola Mine is projected to be a large, low-cost producer that will also result in a significant reduction in the Company’s forecast cash operating costs per ounce and AISC per ounce. The Company’s forecast consolidated cash operating costs per ounce and AISC per ounce are both expected to decrease in 2018 by approximately 15% compared to 2017 and be between $505 and $550 per ounce and between $780 and $830 per ounce, respectively.

      These increased production levels and low costs are expected to dramatically increase B2Gold’s production, revenues, cash from operations and cash flow for many years, based on current assumptions (including a gold price assumption of $1,300 per ounce). On average over the next three years, beginning in 2018, the Company is projecting per annum gold sales revenues of approximately $1.2 billion, cash flow from operations of approximately $0.5 billion and a significant increase in free cash flow (operating cash flows less investing cash flows) (see “Non-IFRS Measures”).

      Mine-by-mine 2018 ranges for forecast gold production, cash operating costs per ounce and AISC per ounce are as follows:
      Mine 2018 Forecast
      Gold Production
      (ounces) (1) 2018 Forecast
      Cash Operating Costs
      ($ per ounce) 2018 Forecast
      ($ per ounce)
      Fekola 400,000 - 410,000 $345 - $390 $575 - $625
      Masbate 180,000 - 190,000 $675 - $720 $875 - $925
      Otjikoto 160,000 - 170,000 $480 - $525 $700 - $750
      La Libertad 115,000 - 120,000 $745 - $790 $1,050 - $1,100
      El Limon 55,000 - 60,000 $700 - $750 $1,135 - $1,185

      B2Gold Consolidated 910,000 - 950,000 $505 - $550 $780 - $830

      B2Gold’s production guidance is presented on a 100% attributed basis.

      Fekola Mine, Mali

      The Fekola Mine is expected to produce between 400,000 and 410,000 ounces of gold in 2018, the first full year of production. Cash operating costs are expected to be between $345 and $390 per ounce and AISC between $575 and $625 per ounce.

      In 2018, the Fekola Mine is budgeted to process a total of 5.0 million tonnes of ore at an average grade of 2.69 grams per tonne (“g/t”) and process recovery of 92.7%.

      Sustaining capital costs in 2018 at the Fekola Mine are budgeted to total $33.8 million, including $26.3 million for pre-stripping. Non-sustaining capital costs are budgeted to total $33.3 million, including $15 million for relocating the village of Fadougou.

      Based on the new life of mine (“LoM”) plan (see news release dated 9/25/2017), the Fekola Mine is projected to produce approximately 400,000 ounces of gold annually for the first three years at cash operating costs of $357 per ounce and AISC of $604 per ounce. For the first seven years, the Fekola Mine is projected to produce approximately 374,000 ounces of gold annually with cash operating costs of $391 per ounce and AISC of $643 per ounce. Over the initial ten-year LoM, Fekola is projected to produce an average of 345,000 ounces per annum at cash operating costs of $428 per ounce and AISC of $664 per ounce.

      Masbate Mine, the Philippines

      The Masbate Mine is expected to produce between 180,000 and 190,000 ounces of gold in 2018, primarily from the higher grade Main Vein pit, at cash operating costs of between $675 and $720 per ounce and AISC of between $875 and $925 per ounce.

      In 2018, Masbate is budgeted to process a total of 6.8 million tonnes of ore at an average grade of 1.26 g/t and process recovery of 65.9%. The increase in grade and decrease in recovery versus 2017 is due to the change in ore source from the Colorado oxide ore (lower grade and higher recovery) to the Main Vein ore (higher grade and lower recovery).

      Sustaining capital costs in 2018 at the Masbate Mine are budgeted to total $16.6 million. Non-sustaining capital costs are budgeted to total $32.5 million, including $23 million for the expansion of the Masbate processing plant.

      A detailed capital cost estimate of $25.5 million was recently completed by Lycopodium for the expansion of the Masbate processing plant to 8 million tonnes per year ($23 million in 2018 and $2.5 million in 2019). The expansion primarily consists of adding a third ball mill and upgrading the existing crushing circuit. No addition to the mining fleet is required as the additional feed will come from the lower grade material that is currently in the mine plan and scheduled to be stockpiled. When the expansion is on line (expected in early 2019), it is expected to keep Masbate’s annual gold production near 200,000 ounces per year during the mining phase, and is expected to keep gold production above 100,000 ounces per year when the low grade stockpiles are processed at the end of the project life.

      Otjikoto Mine, Namibia

      The Otjikoto Mine is expected to produce between 160,000 and 170,000 ounces of gold in 2018, primarily from the Otjikoto Pit, at cash operating costs of between $480 and $525 per ounce and AISC of between $700 and $750 per ounce.

      In 2018, Otjikoto is budgeted to process a total of 3.3 million tonnes of ore at an average grade of 1.59 g/t and process recovery of 98%. The slight drop in grade versus 2017 is due to a negligible amount of Wolfshag ore being mined in 2018 as phase 2 of the Wolfshag Pit is being developed. Ore production is planned to resume from the Wolfshag Pit in 2019 which is expected to provide higher grade open-pit mill feed in the future.

      Sustaining capital costs in 2018 at the Otjikoto Mine are budgeted to total $16.6 million. Non-sustaining capital costs are budgeted to total $28.5 million, including $26.6 million for Wolfshag pre-stripping and $1.7 million to complete phase one of the solar power project which is expected to decrease fuel oil consumption and power costs starting in the second quarter of 2018.

      La Libertad Mine, Nicaragua

      La Libertad Mine is expected to produce between 115,000 and 120,000 ounces of gold in 2018 at cash operating costs of between $745 and $790 per ounce and AISC of between $1,050 and $1,100 per ounce. La Libertad’s production forecast assumes that production will start from the Jabali Antenna Pit in the third quarter of 2018 (dependent upon the successful completion of resettlement activities and receipt of the remaining mining permits).

      In 2018, La Libertad is budgeted to process a total of 2.3 million tonnes of ore at an average grade of 1.76 g/t and process recovery of 94%. The significant increase in grade versus 2017 is due to mining the high-grade Jabali Antenna, San Diego and San Juan pits, augmented by production from the Mojon and Jabali West underground mines.

      Sustaining capital costs for La Libertad are planned to total $28.5 million, mainly for pre-stripping and underground development/infrastructure. Non-sustaining capital costs are budgeted to total $2 million.

      El Limon Mine, Nicaragua

      In 2018, El Limon is expected to produce between 55,000 and 60,000 ounces of gold at cash operating costs of between $700 and $750 per ounce and AISC of between $1,135 and $1,185 per ounce.

      El Limon Mine is budgeted to process 0.5 million tonnes of ore at an average grade of 3.96 g/t gold with gold recoveries averaging 94%. Approximately 28% of the process ore is expected to be sourced from the Mercedes Pit, with the remainder from underground operations at Santa Pancha. The mining permit for the Mercedes Pit was recently received, and development of the pit has commenced.

      The Company plans to undertake sustaining capital expenditures at El Limon totaling $15.3 million in 2018, of which $6.1 million relates to underground development at Santa Pancha. Non-sustaining capital costs are budgeted to total $2.8 million.

      Historically and looking forward, El Limon operates best when it combines both underground and open-pit ore sources. With the Mercedes Pit mining permit in place and development underway, Mercedes is expected to supply good grade, open-pit ore for the mill in 2018, combined with underground ore. The result is expected to maximize mill throughput, increase gold production, and reduce operating costs.

      The recent discovery of the El Limon Central Zone, with its potential to host a large, good-grade, open-pittable deposit, could have a very significant long-term, positive impact on El Limon’s gold production, operating costs and mine life and may support an expansion of El Limon’s milling and production capacity. An initial El Limon Central Resource estimate is scheduled to be released in February 2018.

      In addition, an initial study was completed in 2017 regarding the potential re-processing of the old tailings at El Limon. Based on historic mill and drilling records, the tailings contain an estimated 9 million to 11 million tonnes with a potential gold grade of 0.80 g/t to 1.0 g/t. An ongoing drilling program is underway as part of a feasibility study which will confirm resources and grades, the optimum grind size, capital costs and final project economics. Based on the initial study completed in 2017, the Company believes that the project has the potential to produce an average of approximately 20,000 to 25,000 ounces of gold and 70,000 to 80,000 ounces of silver per year for approximately 9 to 11 years. The concept is to regrind the old tailings to a much finer grind size, process them through a new CIP plant and place the tailings in a new lined tailings storage facility. The potential quantity and grade included in the initial study is conceptual in nature and there has been insufficient exploration to date to define a mineral resource and it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the target being delineated as a mineral resource.

      2018 Exploration Guidance

      B2Gold has a 2018 exploration budget of approximately $52.4 million. West Africa and Nicaragua will be the primary areas of focus in 2018.

      West African Exploration

      2018 will see approximately $25.0 million being spent on exploration in Mali, Burkina Faso and Ghana.

      Exploration on the licenses in Mali will see expenditures of $15.1 million, focusing on the Fekola North Extension zone and sulphide targets below the Anaconda saprolite. The 2018 budget for Mali envisions completing 20,000 metres of diamond drilling, 48,000 metres of reverse circulation (“RC”) drilling, 22,000 metres of aircore drilling and 8,500 metres of auger drilling. Positive drill results from the Company’s 2017 exploration program at the Fekola area (see news release dated 11/9/2017) indicated that the main Fekola deposit, with additional drilling, could extend significantly to the north. In addition, drilling below the extensive saprolite resource at the Anaconda, Adder and Mamba zones has discovered three, well mineralized bedrock (sulphide) zones, indicating the potential for large, Fekola-style mineralized zones.

      In Burkina Faso, the 2018 exploration budget is $9.1 million for the Toega prospect and the Kiaka Regional district that saw exploration success in 2017. Burkina Faso will see 14,500 metres of planned diamond drilling, 29,000 metres of planned RC drilling and 28,000 metres of combined planned aircore and auger drilling. An initial Resource estimate for Toega, based on the positive 2017 exploration results, is scheduled to be released before the end of January 2018.

      Nicaragua Exploration

      El Limon’s exploration budget for 2018 is approximately $7.0 million for a total of 25,000 metres of planned diamond drilling. The program largely consists of infill drilling of the recently-discovered Central Zone.

      La Libertad’s exploration budget for 2018 is approximately $4.8 million for a total of 9,000 metres of planned diamond drilling. The program is split between brownfields (near mine) drilling and drilling on several regional targets.

      Masbate Mine, the Philippines

      The Masbate exploration budget for 2018 is approximately $5.1 million including 12,000 metres of diamond drilling. The drilling is divided into brownfields drilling to upgrade resources within the mine licence and on regional targets.

      Namibia Exploration

      The total exploration budget for Namibia in 2018 is $5.1 million. Exploration in 2018 will include 17,000 metres of diamond drilling and 4,000 metres of RAB drilling split between the Otjikoto Project and the Ondundu joint venture.

      Finland Joint Venture

      Finland has a 2018 budget of $2.6 million and will complete 500 metres of drilling on targets defined from work completed in 2017.


      Looking forward, the Company will remain focused on continuing its impressive operational and financial performance from existing mines and continue with aggressive exploration and development programs to unlock the potential of its existing portfolio of properties.
      schrieb am 11.01.18 21:11:32
      Beitrag Nr. 154 ()
      B2Gold (BTG) ( and Cormark: Four things

      Four things about Cormark and analyst Richard Gray's call to make B2Gold (BTG) ( a 'Top Pick' this morning (and raising the target price from C$6.25 to C$6.75)::

      1) Here's a bit of the intro:

      Upgrading To Top Pick
      Fekola is a transformational asset and given the strong track record of the operating team and the history of successful ramp ups at B2Gold, we have confidence that the Fekola ramp up will continue to go smoothly and that investors will be rewarded over the next 3-6 months as free cash flow turns positive and the asset can show off its high margins. Currently trading at 1.06x NAV and 5.6x CF, B2Gold is our preferred name in the sector and we are upgrading the stock to a Top Pick rating (from Buy).

      2) Gray seems keen on getting in front of the Q4 production results news release, coming very soon. From what this desk has picked up, that's a smart decision.

      3) This is my fave bit of the Bloomie wire note that's out on the call:

      "In the past seven years and 10 months, Cormark has rated B2Gold buy three times and market perform twice. The shares were flat in the periods rated buy and rose an average 160 percent in the periods rated market perform."

      4) However, this time Gray is right and what's more, right for the right reasons. His zeroing in on the NAV multiple in the note's intro means he's got it. BTO is cheap today and the only issue is that it's been that way for months, with nobody noticing.…

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 11.01.18 21:13:00
      Beitrag Nr. 155 ()
      schrieb am 12.01.18 20:21:38
      Beitrag Nr. 156 ()
      mal eine kleine Position aufgebaut, Zahlen sehen nett aus. Schauen wir was geht:-) Und in 2 Std. 3% Plus, lach.
      schrieb am 15.01.18 01:54:54
      Beitrag Nr. 157 ()
      Hallo hier mal die neusten Zahlen der Firma...…

      Die All-In Sustaining Costs werden sich 2017 voraussichtlich im unteren Bereich der Vorgabe von 940-970 $/oz bewegen.

      Was sagt ihr zu den Kosten bleibt nicht viel Gewinnmarge über?

      Weiss jemand weiviele Schulden B2 Gold hat und wie lange man braucht diese abzubezahlen?
      schrieb am 19.01.18 14:39:00
      Beitrag Nr. 158 ()

      B2Gold meldet bislang bestes Produktionsergebnis und höheres Ziel für 2018

      B2Gold Corp. gab gestern die operativen Ergebnisse des vergangenen Jahres und die Produktionsplanung für 2018 bekannt. Mit einer Fördermenge von 630.565 oz Gold verzeichnete das Unternehmen im Gesamtjahr 2017 den neunten Rekord in Folge. Gegenüber 2016 konnte die Produktion somit um 15% gesteigert werden. Die All-In Sustaining Costs werden sich 2017 voraussichtlich im unteren Bereich der Vorgabe von 940-970 $/oz bewegen.

      Im vierten Quartal wurde ebenfalls eine Rekordproduktion von 240.753 oz Gold erreicht. Dies entsprach einem Plus von 71% gegenüber dem Vorjahreszeitraum.

      Da an der Mine Fekola im Südwesten von Mali Ende November 2017 die kommerzielle Produktion erreicht wurde, hat das Unternehmen sein Produktionsziel in diesem Jahr deutlich erhöht: 2018 strebt B2Gold eine konsolidierte Goldproduktion von insgesamt 910.000 - 950.000 oz an.
      Zudem sollen die All-In Sustaining Costs auf 780-830 $/oz sinken.

      schrieb am 19.01.18 14:42:26
      Beitrag Nr. 159 ()
      B2Gold-Aktienkurs hat noch mehr Luft nach oben! - Aktienanalyse

      16.01.18 14:58
      National Bank Financial

      Montreal ( - B2Gold-Aktienanalyse des Analysten Don DeMarco von National Bank Financial:

      Laut einer Aktienanalyse rechnet Analyst Don DeMarco vom Investmenthaus National Bank Financial in Bezug auf die Aktien des kanadischen Goldproduzenten B2Gold Corp. (ISIN: CA11777Q2099, WKN: A0M889, Ticker-Symbol: 5BG, TSE-Symbol: BTO) weiterhin mit einer überdurchschnittlichen Kursentwicklung.

      Nach eindrucksvollen Geschäftszahlen bleiben die Analysten von National Bank Financial hinsichtlich der Perspektiven von B2Gold Corp. positiv gestimmt.

      Analyst Don DeMarco setzt das Kursziel für die B2Gold-Aktie von 6,00 auf 6,50 CAD herauf. Mehrere Katalysatoren dürften den Aktienkurs antreiben.

      Die Aktienanalysten von National Bank Financial stufen in ihrer B2Gold-Aktienanalyse den Titel unverändert mit "outperform" ein.
      schrieb am 19.01.18 14:44:59
      Beitrag Nr. 160 ()
      B2Gold-Aktie: neuer Garant für die Zukunft! - Aktienanalyse

      16.01.18 16:18
      Haywood Securities

      Vancouver - B2Gold-Aktienanalyse von Analyst Geordie Mark von Haywood Securities:

      Aktienanalyst Geordie Mark vom Investmenthaus Haywood Securities bestätigt im Rahmen einer Aktienanalyse seine Kaufempfehlung für die Aktien des kanadischen Goldproduzenten B2Gold Corp. (ISIN: CA11777Q2099, WKN: A0M889, Ticker-Symbol: 5BG, TSE-Symbol: BTO).

      B2Gold Corp. habe mit dem Produktionsvolumen und dem Absatzes in Q4/17 im Rahmen der Erwartungen abgeschnitten. Die Analysten von Haywood Securities glauben, dass die Fekola-Mine der Eckpfeiler für eine langfristige, kostengünstige Produktion ist.

      Die Produktions- und Kostenplanungen für 2018 würden weitgehend den Prognosen entsprechen. Analyst Geordie Mark schättz das Goldproduktionsvolumen auf 937.000 Unzen und die Gesamtkosten auf 877 USD pro Unze.

      Die Aktienanalysten von Haywood Securities stufen in ihrer B2Gold-Aktienanalyse den Titel weiterhin mit "buy" ein und bekräftigen das Kursziel von 5,00 CAD.
      schrieb am 24.01.18 13:56:33
      Beitrag Nr. 161 ()
      müßte normalerweise schon auf 3 euro stehen
      schrieb am 25.01.18 14:03:43
      Beitrag Nr. 162 ()…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…

      B2Gold-Aktie: bestes Jahr der Unternehmensgeschichte steht bevor!
      23.01.18 15:32
      Analyst Rahul Paul vom Investmenthaus Canaccord Genuity empfiehlt die Aktien des kanadischen Goldproduzenten B2Gold Corp. (ISIN: CA11777Q2099, WKN: A0M889, Ticker-Symbol: 5BG, TSE-Symbol: BTO) laut einer Aktienanalyse weiterhin zu kaufen.

      Die Analysten von Canaccord Genuity äußern im Rahmen einer Branchenstudie zum Goldminensektor die Auffassung, dass das Jahr 2018 mit einem vorteilhaften Ausblick für Goldaktien beginnt. Das Momentum verbessere sich. Trotz der zuletzt moderaten Kursgewinne würden sich die Bewertungen im Goldsektor nahe den historischen Tiefs bewegen. Angesichts des Booms bei Kryptowährungen und Cannabis sei die Branche weitgehend vergessen worden. Es stelle sich nun die Frage wann die Zeit komme, bis von Cannabis und Krypto wieder zu Gold gewechselt werde. Angesichts der Erwartung, dass es in Richtung Jahresende zu einer Goldrallye kommen könnte, scheine es ratsam mit dem Aufstocken von Positionen zu beginnen, so die Einschätzung des Analysten Tony Lesiak.

      Die Outperformance der Aktien von B2Gold Corp. dürfte sich weiter fortsetzen. Die Flaggschiff-Mine Fekola befinde sich nun im Produktionsstadium. Der Hochlauf funktioniere besser als angenommen. Die Analysten von Canaccord Genuity äußern die Auffassung, dass sich 2018 als das beste Jahr für B2Gold seit der Gründung herausstellen könnte. Angesichts der bereits bekannten Q4-Produktionsdaten dürften die endgültigen Gesamtjahreszahlen kaum Überraschungen bergen. Es werde davon ausgegangen, dass B2Gold die Planungen zu den Cash-Kosten und Gesamtkosten mehr als erfüllen könne. Das Q4/17-EPS werde auf 0,02 USD geschätzt.

      Der Titel bleibe ein Top Pick im Sektor. Das Kursziel werde von 6,00 auf 6,50 CAD heraufgesetzt.

      Die Aktienanalysten von Canaccord Genuity bekräftigen in ihrer B2Gold-Aktienanalyse das Votum "buy".

      Freundliche Grüße
      4 Antworten
      schrieb am 29.01.18 11:22:43
      Beitrag Nr. 163 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 56.825.356 von supernova1712 am 25.01.18 14:03:43
      wer glaubt wird
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 29.01.18 18:16:40
      Beitrag Nr. 164 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 56.859.764 von lamaro am 29.01.18 11:22:43wer glaubt wird

      In der langen Reihe kompetenter Beiträge von lamaro…

      war das wieder mal ein absolutes Highlight.

      Mehr davon, großer Meister! :cry:
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 29.01.18 19:32:42
      Beitrag Nr. 165 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 56.864.834 von supernova1712 am 29.01.18 18:16:40
      man sagt du wärst
      ein schwachmat
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 29.01.18 22:06:42
      Beitrag Nr. 166 ()
      B2Gold im Goldproduzentenvergleich
      Nachdem ich eine Übersicht zur Silberproduktion erstellt hatte, lege ich nun kurz vor den Q4/2017-Zahlen die Quartalsdaten der Quartale Q1 bis Q3/2017 für ausgewählte Goldproduzenten vor.


      - Barrick Gold
      - Goldcorp
      - Agnico Eagle Mines
      - Yamana Gold
      - IAMGOLD
      - Centerra Gold
      - Kirkland Lake Gold
      - Detour Gold
      - B2Gold
      - Alamos Gold
      - New Gold
      - Torex Gold
      - Eldorado Gold
      - Semafo
      - Asanko Gold
      - Roxgold
      schrieb am 29.01.18 22:08:12
      Beitrag Nr. 167 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 56.865.812 von lamaro am 29.01.18 19:32:42Ich hab dir einen Daumen für deinen Beitrag gegeben.
      (Mittelfinger geht ja leider nicht.)
      Beenden wir das Gespräch?
      schrieb am 30.01.18 18:41:09
      Beitrag Nr. 168 ()
      Kursrücksetzer, aber technischer Aufwärtstrend nach wie vor intakt.
      schrieb am 30.01.18 19:13:30
      Beitrag Nr. 169 ()
      Der hier wurde auch noch nicht eingestellt:…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…

      06.01.2018 - 13:00 Uhr - Markus Bußler - Redakteur
      B2Gold: Gold-Highflyer auf der Überholspur

      Gold ist tot? So scheint es auf den ersten Blick. Der Goldpreis notiert zwar auf Jahressicht nach wie vor im Plus. Die vergangenen Monate waren für die Anleger aber eine reine Streckfolter gewesen. Doch es gibt Hoffnung: Zuletzt haben die Commercials an den Terminmärkten in einer geradezu atemberaubenden Geschwindigkeit ihre Netto-Short-Positionen abgebaut (siehe Rohstoffcheck Seite 86). Dazu kommt: Vor allem bei den Minen-Aktien haben wichtige Unterstützungen gehalten. Der Goldminen-ETF GDX zum Beispiel konnte die wichtige Marke von 21 Dollar verteidigen. Zudem hat die Vergangenheit gezeigt: Die größten Aufwärtsbewegungen bei Gold und Goldminen erwuchsen stets aus einem extrem negativen Sentiment.

      B2Gold: Aufholpotenzial

      Dieses negative Sentiment der vergangenen Wochen führte dazu, dass selbst sehr gute Nachrichten von Goldunternehmen nicht mehr honoriert wurden. Doch das eröffnet mutigen Anlegern Chancen. Der Goldproduzent B2Gold beispielsweise erklärte für seine Fekola-Mine in Mali die kommerzielle Produktion. Bislang hat man bereits 80.000 Unzen auf dem Projekt produziert und liegt damit 158 Prozent über dem, was man eigentlich vorgesehen hatte. Zudem hat man die Produktion deutlich vor dem Zeitplan erreicht – in der Minenbranche etwas, das man eher selten erlebt.

      B2Gold hat daraufhin die konzernweite Produktionsprognose für das laufende Jahr noch einmal angehoben: 2017 sollen zwischen 580.000 und 625.000 Unzen Gold produziert werden, im kommenden Jahr soll dann die Produktion dank Fekola auf 925.000 bis 975.000 Unzen steigen. Der einstmals kleine Produzent kratzt also mittlerweile an der magischen Marke von einer Million Unzen. Die Kosten sollen im kommenden Jahr ebenfalls sinken. B2Gold geht davon aus, dass die Gesamtkosten einschließlich des Unterhalts der Minen auf rund 800 Dollar fallen werden.

      Kommt eine weitere Übernahme?

      Durch die Bank also gute Nachrichten von B2Gold. Die Aktie hat dennoch in den vergangenen Wochen kaum darauf reagiert. Doch als Gold ein erstes Lebenszeichen sendete, ist auch B2Gold angesprungen. Und das sollte erst der Anfang sein. Der Konzern war noch nie in seiner Geschichte so gut aufgestellt wie aktuell. Und das wird im Kurs noch nicht berücksichtigt.

      Ein Gerücht hält sich beständig im Markt: Nachdem Fekola in Produktion ist, soll B2Gold Interesse an Sabina Gold & Silver haben. Und das belastet sicherlich aktuell ein wenig. Die Aktie ist kein Schnäppchen und ein Kauf dürfte für B2Gold-Aktionäre eine weitere Verwässerung bedeuten. Dennoch gilt: Das Papier ist auf dem aktuellen Niveau zu günstig.

      Comeback winkt

      Gold wird wieder einmal abgeschrieben. Doch Chart und COT-Daten signalisieren ein Comeback. Mit B2Gold setzen Anleger auf einen aufstrebenden Juniorproduzenten, der sich der magischen Produktion von einer Million Unzen Gold nähert.

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 15.02.18 11:01:02
      Beitrag Nr. 170 ()
      Arbeiten uns nach der Gesamt-Korrektur wieder nach oben.
      schrieb am 01.03.18 13:45:15
      Beitrag Nr. 171 ()
      B2Gold Announces Positive Initial Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate for the Toega Project in Burkina Faso

      Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - February 22, 2018) - B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO) (NYSE AMERICAN: BTG) (NSX: B2G) ("B2Gold" or the "Company") announces a positive initial Inferred Mineral Resource estimate for the Toega Project located in Burkina Faso.


      Initial Inferred Mineral Resource estimate of 17,530,000 tonnes of 2.01 grams per tonne ("g/t"), containing 1,130,000 ounces of gold, indicates the potential to be an open-pittable deposit

      Toega mineralized zone now extends 1,200 metres along strike, and is 430 metres wide and up to 400 metres deep.

      Toega mineralized zone remains open along strike to the north-northeast and down dip

      Recent drilling has intersected good grade in a potential new mineralized zone. Drilling is ongoing to infill and determine the ultimate size of the Toega zone, and to further test the new mineralized zone

      Initial Resource Estimation Details

      The effective date of the Mineral Resource estimate is January 8, 2018. A total of 165 drill holes (37,776 metres of drilling) were used in the estimate. Inferred Mineral Resources are supported by a nominal drill hole spacing of 100 by 100 metres; however, 65% of the reported resource has been drilled to a 50 by 50 metre, or tighter, drill hole spacing.

      Inferred Mineral Resources reported at different gold cutoff grades are presented as a sensitivity case.
      Sensitivity to Gold Cutoff Grade
      Inferred Mineral Resources Reported at variable gold cutoffs within a $1,400 pit shell
      Cutoff Grade
      g/t Gold Tonnes Grade
      g/t Gold Ounces1
      0.3 22,070,000 1.68 1,190,000
      0.4 19,930,000 1.82 1,170,000
      0.6 17,530,000 2.01 1,130,000
      0.8 16,120,000 2.12 1,100,000
      1.0 14,750,000 2.24 1,060,000

      1. Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability

      Mineralization zone models at nominal grade thresholds of 0.2 g/t gold and 0.8 g/t gold were built using lithology, mineralization and structural measurements to control the 3D modeling. Assays were capped at 2.5 g/t within the 0.2 g/t shell and 18.0 g/t within the 0.8 g/t shell. Capping levels were based on statistics and spatial consideration of the high-grade assays. Gold assays were capped prior to compositing to 2 metres. Grade variability within the mineralization zones is relatively low. Block model grades were estimated using Ordinary Kriging within the two mineralization domains.

      A total of 6,343 bulk density measurements using the water-displacement method on dried core samples were completed at the project site. For tonnage and metal estimates, densities were estimated to the block model for fresh rocks; density for each regolith type was assigned a constant value.

      The Toega Inferred Mineral Resources are amenable to open-pit mining methods and are reported within a pit shell run using a gold price of US$1,400/oz., an average gold recovery of 86.2 % (based on preliminary metallurgical testwork), an assumed pit slope parameter of 50 degrees and preliminary costs based on input from other B2Gold mining operations. Costs used for pit generation are a mining cost of US$2.50 per tonne mined, processing cost of US$10.00 per tonne and G&A cost of US$2.10 per tonne processed.

      Mineral Resources have been classified using the 2014 CIM Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves. All tonnage, grade and contained metal content estimates have been rounded. Rounding may result in apparent summation differences between tonnage, grade and contained metal content.

      The Mineral Resource estimate was prepared in-house at B2Gold with Tom Garagan, P.Geo., B2Gold's Senior Vice President of Exploration, serving as the Qualified Person.

      Mineral Resources are reported in accordance with NI 43-101 and the 2014 Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum "Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves" (CIM Definition Standards). Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.

      Recent Drilling

      In 2017, over 20,000 metres of combined reverse circulation and diamond drilling were completed in 72 holes.

      Recently, reverse circulation drill hole NKRC039, collared immediately west of the current resource pit boundary, was deepened by diamond drilling and intersected a new zone of mineralization grading 3.24 g/t gold over 22.20 metres, including 14.0 metres at 4.78 g/t gold, starting at a depth of 175.80 metres down hole. Diamond drill hole NKDD092, drilled at the northern end of the resource pit, intersected 32.5 metres, grading 5.09 g/t gold at 306.5 metres down the hole. Diamond drill hole NKDD089, drilled 200 metres down plunge of the main Toega mineralization, intersected an extension to mineralization, grading 5.89 g/t gold over 9.64 metres, starting at a depth of 421.36 metres down hole. Drill hole NKDD080, which returned 4.11 g/t gold over 47.10 metres from 300.91 metres (including 10.0 metres at 7.99 g/t gold) is at the lower boundary of the current resource.

      QA/QC on Sample Collection and Assaying

      Three laboratories were used for gold assaying of Toega samples, including ALS (Ouagadougou and Johannesburg), Actlabs Burkina Faso SARL and BV Abidjan. Senior project staff periodically visit the assay labs for review of procedures.

      Quality assurance and quality control ("QA/QC") measures on assaying and sample preparation performance include regular insertion of certified reference (CRM), field duplicate, preparation duplicate and blank sample materials prior to submission of samples to the laboratory. Approximately 16% of the samples submitted for assay are QA/QC type samples. QA/QC data is reviewed on a continuous basis and before data is imported into the database. Comprehensive QA/QC reports are generated and reviewed monthly by senior staff. Data imported into the project database are subject to validation which includes checks on surveys, collar coordinates, lithology data and assay data. Quarterly or bi-annual samples are submitted to a secondary lab for check analysis; these results are reviewed upon receipt to mitigate potential biases with the primary assay lab. Sample security measures include moving all samples from the drill site to the Toega camp yard at the end of each drill shift, with sample shipment tracking coordinated between B2Gold and the lab.

      Metallurgical Testwork

      Initial metallurgical testwork was completed by SGS Minerals Services in Lakefield, Ontario, on two master composites and 12 variability samples. Bench-scale gravity tests using a combination of a Knelson concentrator and Mozley mineral separator, followed by whole ore cyanidation of the gravity tails were used to evaluate the master and variability composites. The testwork produced metallurgical recoveries ranging from 77.1 to 93.2, with an average recovery of 86.2%.

      Qualified Persons

      Tom Garagan, Senior Vice President of Exploration at B2Gold, a qualified person under NI 43-101, has approved the exploration information and mineral resource estimate contained in this news release.

      John Rajala, P.E., Vice President of Metallurgy at B2Gold, a qualified person under NI 43-101, has approved the metallurgical information contained in this news release.

      About B2Gold

      Headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, B2Gold Corp. is the world's new senior gold producer. Founded in 2007, today, B2Gold has five operating gold mines and numerous exploration and development projects in various countries including Nicaragua, the Philippines, Namibia, Mali, Burkina Faso, Colombia and Finland. With the large, low-cost Fekola Mine now in production, B2Gold is well positioned in achieving transformational growth in 2018. In 2018, with the planned first full year of production from the Fekola Mine, consolidated gold production is forecast to be between 910,000 and 950,000 ounces. This represents an increase in annual consolidated gold production of approximately 300,000 ounces for the Company in 2018 versus 2017.


      "Clive T. Johnson"
      President and Chief Executive Officer

      For more information on B2Gold please visit the Company website at or contact:

      Ian MacLean
      Vice President, Investor Relations

      Katie Bromley
      Manager, Investor Relations & Public Relations
      schrieb am 01.03.18 13:47:10
      Beitrag Nr. 172 ()
      B2Gold Announces Positive Initial Open-Pit Resource at the Newly-Discovered El Limon Central Zone, Nicaragua

      Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - February 23, 2018) - B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO) (NYSE AMERICAN: BTG) (NSX: B2G) ("B2Gold" or the "Company") announces a positive initial open-pit resource at the newly-discovered El Limon Central zone, at the El Limon property in Nicaragua, of 5,130,000 tonnes at a grade of 4.92 grams per tonne ("g/t") of gold containing 812,000 ounces of gold (refer to table below). This large, good grade new zone has the potential to decrease the El Limon Mine's cash operating costs and all-in sustaining costs per ounce, dramatically increase the El Limon mine life, and could lead to an expansion of the El Limon mill to a higher throughput rate which could potentially double annual gold production.

      The El Limon Central zone, at its closest location, is approximately 150 metres from the El Limon mill facility, extending southeast and northwest, adjacent to existing plant and administrative infrastructure. Historical records indicate that parts of the Central zone had been mined underground in past decades. B2Gold's recent exploration work indicates the underground mining was much more limited than previously thought.

      The El Limon central vein structure has been drill tested along a 2.2-kilometre strike length so far, and remains open to depth and along strike, and will be further drill tested during 2018. This structure has experienced some limited historic mining along its length. Further north, the structure extends along strike and this area is being drill tested at present.

      Highlighted results within the pit include 19.70 metres at 24.24 g/t gold (LIM-17-4119), 24.80 metres at 11.65 g/t gold (LIM-17-4112), 5.66 metres at 64.76 g/t gold (LIM-16-3984) and 15.70 metres at 20.04 g/t gold (LIM-17-4069).

      Below and beyond the resource pit limits to the north, drill highlights include 2.0 metres at 13.43 g/t gold (LIM-17-4184) and 20.35 metres at 3.0 g/t gold, including 4.1 metres at 6.85 g/t gold (LIM-17-4198). All widths noted are true widths.

      The Mineral Resource estimate was prepared in-house at B2Gold. A total of 248 drill holes (35,871 metres of drilling) were used in the gold grade estimate with more than 75% of the drill meterage (28,078 metres) coming from diamond drilling, completed by B2Gold. The remainder of the drilling was completed by previous owners during the late 1990s through early 2000s.

      Inferred Mineral Resources reported at different gold cutoff grades are presented as a sensitivity case.
      Cutoff Grade
      g/t gold Tonnes Grade
      g/t gold Ounces1
      0.8 5,560,000 4.62 825,000
      1.0 5,330,000 4.78 819,000
      1.2 5,130,000 4.92 812,000
      1.4 4,950,000 5.05 804,000

      1.Mineral Resources are reported in accordance with NI 43-101 and the 2014 Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum "Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves" (CIM Definition Standards). Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability

      Inferred Mineral Resources are amenable to open-pit mining methods and are reported within a pit shell run using a gold price of US$1,400/oz., an average gold recovery of 83.8% (based on preliminary metallurgical testwork), and recent EL Limon Mine cash operating costs.

      The 2017 El Limon budget was increased to USD$7.00 million and included over 30,000 metres of drilling in 157 holes with a focus on the El Limon vein. The 2018 El Limon budget is USD$7.00 million and will include 24,900 metres in 132 holes, again, with a focus on the El Limon vein.

      B2Gold is currently conducting additional metallurgical testing on the El Limon Central ore and a study to evaluate the potential to expand the El Limon throughput to significantly increase annual gold production and reduce cash operating costs. The study is expected by mid-2018.

      El Limon Tailings Project Update

      In 2017, an initial study was completed regarding the potential re-processing of the old tailings at the El Limon Mine. Based on historic mill and drilling records, the tailings contain an estimated 9 million to 11 million tonnes with a potential gold grade of 0.80 g/t to 1.0 g/t. An ongoing drilling program is underway as part of a feasibility study which will confirm resources and grades, the optimum grind size, capital costs and final project economics. Based on the initial study completed in 2017, the Company believes that the project has the potential to produce an average of approximately 20,000 to 25,000 ounces of gold and 70,000 to 80,000 ounces of silver per year for approximately 9 to 11 years. The concept is to regrind the old tailings to a much finer grind size, process them through a new CIP plant and place the tailings in a new lined tailings storage facility. The potential quantity and grade included in the initial study is conceptual in nature, and there has been insufficient exploration to date to define a Mineral Resource, and it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the target being delineated as a Mineral Resource.

      The El Limon Mine has produced over 3 million ounces of gold since 1941, principally from the veins of El Limon, Talavera and Santa Pancha, the current focus of production. B2Gold purchased the mine in 2009, with the acquisition of Central Sun Mining, and the 19,200-hectare El Limon Mine is 95% B2Gold and 5% IMISA. The 2018 production forecast is between 55,000 to 60,000 ounces of gold.

      B2Gold's Quality Assurance/Quality Control

      The primary laboratory for El Limon drilling program is Bureau Veritas Minerals in Vancouver, Canada. Core samples are prepared at El Limon preparation facility with the pulp sent to Vancouver and analysed using 30g fire assay with atomic absorption finish as well as multi-element ICP-MS analyses. SGS Laboratories in Medellin, Colombia, is the umpire laboratory.

      Quality assurance and quality control procedures include the systematic insertion of blanks, standards and duplicates into the core sample strings. The results of the control samples are evaluated on a regular basis with batches re-analysed and/or resubmitted as needed. All results stated in this announcement have passed B2Gold's quality assurance and quality control ("QA/QC") protocols.

      Tom Garagan, Senior Vice President of Exploration, is the Qualified Person as defined under National Instrument 43-101, who has reviewed and approved the contents of this news release.

      About B2Gold

      Headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, B2Gold Corp. is the world's new senior gold producer. Founded in 2007, today, B2Gold has five operating gold mines and numerous exploration and development projects in various countries including Nicaragua, the Philippines, Namibia, Mali, Burkina Faso, Colombia and Finland. With the large, low-cost Fekola Mine now in production, B2Gold is well positioned in achieving transformational growth in 2018. In 2018, with the planned first full year of production from the Fekola Mine, consolidated gold production is forecast to be between 910,000 and 950,000 ounces. This represents an increase in annual consolidated gold production of approximately 300,000 ounces for the Company in 2018 versus 2017.


      "Clive T. Johnson"
      President and Chief Executive Officer

      For more information on B2Gold please visit the Company website at or contact:

      Ian MacLean
      Vice President, Investor Relations

      Katie Bromley
      Manager, Investor Relations & Public Relations
      schrieb am 15.03.18 13:32:26
      Beitrag Nr. 173 ()
      B2Gold Reports Strong Fourth Quarter and Full-Year 2017 Results; 2018 Outlook Provides for Very Strong Production Growth with Forecast Gold Production of Between 910,000 and 950,000 Ounces

      VANCOUVER, British Columbia, March 15, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- B2Gold Corp. (BTG) (TSX:BTO) (NYSE AMERICAN:BTG) (NSX:B2G) (“B2Gold” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce its operational and financial results for the fourth quarter and year-end December 31, 2017. The Company previously released its gold production and gold revenue results for the fourth quarter and full-year 2017, in addition to its production and cash cost guidance for 2018 (see news release dated 1/11/18). All dollar figures are in United States dollars unless otherwise indicated.

      2017 Full-Year Highlights

      Record annual consolidated gold production, for the ninth consecutive year, of 630,565 ounces of gold (including 79,243 ounces of pre-commercial production1 from Fekola), exceeding the upper end of the revised guidance range (of 580,000 to 625,000 ounces) and well above the upper end of the original guidance range (of 545,000 to 595,000 ounces)

      Annual consolidated gold revenue of $638.7 million (or an annual record of $739.5 million, including $100.9 million of pre-commercial production sales from Fekola)

      Fekola Mine construction successfully completed in late September 2017, more than three months ahead of the original schedule

      Fekola Mine achieved commercial production on November 30, 2017, one month ahead of the revised schedule and four months ahead of the original schedule

      Fekola Mine gold production was 111,450 ounces in 2017 (including pre-commercial production), far surpassing the upper end of its original guidance range (of 45,000 to 55,000 ounces)
      Fekola Mine achieves cash operating costs (see “Non-IFRS Measures”) of $277 per ounce and all-in sustaining costs (“AISC”) (see “Non-IFRS Measures”) of $419 per ounce (including pre-commercial results)

      Masbate Mine achieves near-record annual gold production of 202,468 ounces and Otjikoto Mine achieves record annual gold production of 191,534 ounces

      B2Gold’s full-year consolidated cash operating costs of $542 per ounce (including Fekola’s pre-commercial production results) were well below guidance of between $610 and $650 per ounce

      B2Gold’s full-year consolidated AISC of $860 per ounce (including Fekola’s pre-commercial production results) were well below guidance of between $940 and $970 per ounce

      Cash flow from operating activities (after non-cash working capital changes) of $155.0 million ($0.16 per share); additionally, sales of pre-commercial production from Fekola, which were included in investing activities rather than cash flow from operating activities, generated net proceeds of $73.4 million ($100.9 million of sales revenue net of related production costs of $27.5 million)

      Strong cash position of $147.5 million at year-end

      With the planned first full year of production from the Fekola Mine, the Company’s outlook for 2018 provides for dramatic production growth, with consolidated production expected to be between 910,000 and 950,000 ounces of gold; cash operating costs and AISC are expected to remain low and be between $505 and $550 per ounce and between $780 and $830 per ounce, respectively

      Beginning in 2018, on average over the next three years, the Company is projecting per annum gold sales revenues of approximately $1.2 billion, cash flow from operations of close to $0.5 billion and a significant increase in free cash flow (operating cash flows less investing cash flows)

      In 2018, B2Gold’s strategy will focus on organic growth through the expansion of its existing mines and further brownfields exploration and grassroots exploration…
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 26.03.18 01:31:56
      Beitrag Nr. 174 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 57.287.464 von KMST am 15.03.18 13:32:26Was haltet ihr von den Zukunftsaussichten der Firma

      Hier nochmal ein Video……
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 26.03.18 18:15:06
      Beitrag Nr. 175 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 57.383.633 von freddy1989 am 26.03.18 01:31:56Hallo ,
      im Moment reichen vermutlich 2 Worte :
      Mali , Fekola .

      Davon abgesehen , nach Studium aller bekannten Fakten zu B2Gold meiner Meinung nach
      wohl absolut kaufenswert.

      LG , ewre
      schrieb am 29.03.18 20:55:14
      Beitrag Nr. 176 ()
      B2Gold im Vergleich mit 30 anderen Goldproduzenten bzgl. Produktionsmenge, Produktionskosten sowie Finanzergebnis für die Quartale Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 und das Gesamtjahr 2017.


      Viel Spaß beim Studieren!
      schrieb am 11.04.18 12:29:56
      Beitrag Nr. 177 ()
      B2Gold Reports Record First Quarter Gold Production and Revenue in 2018; Quarterly Gold Production Increase of 81% to 240,000 Ounces and Revenues More than Double to $344 Million

      Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - April 11, 2018) - B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO) (NYSE AMERICAN: BTG) (NSX: B2G) ("B2Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to announce its gold production and gold revenue for the first quarter of 2018. All dollar figures are in United States dollars unless otherwise indicated.

      First Quarter 2018 Highlights

      Record quarterly consolidated gold production of 239,684 ounces, a significant increase of 81% (or 106,948 ounces) over the same period last year, and 7% (or 16,252 ounces) above budget, due to the continued strong performances of the Fekola Mine in Mali, Masbate Mine in the Philippines and the Otjikoto Mine in Namibia
      Record quarterly consolidated gold revenue of $344.3 million, a significant increase of 135% (or $198.0 million) over the same period last year
      Fekola Mine continued to operate above plan since achieving commercial production on November 30, 2017, producing 114,142 ounces of gold in the quarter, 11% (or 11,228 ounces) above budget
      B2Gold is well on target to achieve transformational growth in 2018 and meet its annual guidance of between 910,000 and 950,000 ounces of gold production in 2018 at cash operating costs (see “Non-IFRS Measures”) of between $505 and $550 per ounce and all-in sustaining costs (“AISC”) (see “Non-IFRS Measures”) of between $780 and $830 per ounce

      Gold Production

      With the large, low-cost Fekola Mine now in production, consolidated gold production in the first quarter of 2018 was a quarterly record of 239,684 ounces, a significant increase of 81% (or 106,948 ounces) over the same period last year, and 7% (or 16,252 ounces) above budget. In its first full quarter of operations (after achieving commercial production on November 30, 2017, within only 60 days from start-up), the new Fekola Mine continued to operate above plan, producing 114,142 ounces of gold in the first quarter of 2018, 11% (or 11,228 ounces) above budget. The Masbate Mine and Otjikoto Mine also had a solid start to the year with both mines exceeding their targeted production levels for the quarter.

      B2Gold is well on target to achieve transformational growth in 2018. For full-year 2018, with the planned first full year of production from the Fekola Mine, consolidated gold production is forecast to be between 910,000 and 950,000 ounces. This represents an increase in annual consolidated gold production of approximately 300,000 ounces in 2018 from 2017. The Company's forecast consolidated cash operating costs are expected to remain low in 2018 and be between $505 and $550 per ounce, and AISC are expected to decrease by approximately 6% from 2017 and be between $780 and $830 per ounce.

      The Fekola Mine is the Company's largest and lowest-cost producer. The resulting increase in production levels combined with low costs are projected to dramatically increase B2Gold's production, revenues, cash from operations and cash flow for many years, based on current assumptions (including a gold price assumption of $1,300 per ounce). On average over the next three years, beginning in 2018, the Company is projecting per annum gold sales revenues of approximately $1.2 billion, cash flow from operations of approximately $0.5 billion and a significant increase in free cash flow (operating cash flows less investing cash flows).

      Gold Revenue

      Consolidated gold revenue in the first quarter of 2018 was a quarterly record of $344.3 million on record sales of 259,837 ounces at an average price of $1,325 per ounce compared to $146.3 million on sales of 119,937 ounces at an average price of $1,219 per ounce in the first quarter of 2017. This significant increase in revenue of 135% (or $198.0 million) was attributable to the new production from the Fekola Mine, as well as a 9% increase in the average realized gold price and the timing of gold shipments (including 27,450 ounces sold in the quarter which related to Fekola's December 31, 2017, finished gold inventory).

      Consolidated gold revenue for the first quarter of 2018 included $15 million relating to the delivery of gold into the Company's Prepaid Sales contracts (accounted for as deferred revenue). During the quarter, 12,908 ounces of gold were delivered under these contracts.


      Mine-by-mine gold production in the first quarter of 2018 was as follows:
      Mine Q1 2018
      Gold Production
      (ounces) (1) 2018
      Annual Production Guidance
      (ounces) (1)
      Fekola 114,142 400,000 - 410,000
      Masbate 53,147 180,000 - 190,000
      Otjikoto 39,499 160,000 - 170,000
      La Libertad 19,367 115,000 - 120,000
      El Limon 13,529 55,000 - 60,000

      B2Gold Consolidated 239,684 910,000 - 950,000

      (1) B2Gold's Q1 2018 production results and 2018 annual production guidance are presented on a 100% basis

      Fekola Gold Mine — Mali

      In its first full quarter of operations (after achieving commercial production on November 30, 2017, within only 60 days from start-up), the new Fekola Mine in Mali continued to demonstrate strong, sustained operational performance by running above plan on mill feed grade, throughput and recoveries. This resulted in the Fekola Mine producing 114,142 ounces of gold in the first quarter of 2018, 11% (or 11,228 ounces) above budget. Mill feed grade, throughput and recoveries were 2.84 grams per tonne ("g/t") (compared to budget of 2.76 g/t), 1,316,818 tonnes (compared to budget of 1,249,474 tonnes) and 94.8% (compared to budget of 92.7%), respectively. Throughout the quarter, the operation continued to improve with many construction personnel making the transition to operations, together with training and skills development in all departments. Currently, there are approximately 1,848 employees on site and, of these, approximately 93% are Malian. The Fekola Mine also continued its outstanding safety performance, achieving 694 days without a Lost-Time-Injury by quarter-end.

      Fekola's very rapid and successful ramp-up has surpassed the Company's expectations. On September 25, 2017, the Company announced that its in-house construction team had completed construction of the Fekola mill on budget and commenced ore processing at the Fekola Mine, more than three months ahead of the original schedule. The first gold pour at the Fekola Mine was achieved on October 7, 2017. On November 30, 2017, the Fekola Mine achieved commercial production, one month ahead of the revised schedule and four months ahead of the original schedule. Gold production from the Fekola Mine in 2017 was 111,450 ounces (including 79,243 ounces of pre-commercial production), more than doubling the upper end of its original 2017 guidance range (of 55,000 ounces) due to its early start-up, high-quality construction and faster than expected ramp-up.

      For full-year 2018, the Fekola Mine is forecast to produce between 400,000 and 410,000 ounces of gold at cash operating costs of between $345 and $390 per ounce and AISC between $575 and $625 per ounce.

      Positive drill results from the Company's 2017 exploration program at the Fekola area (see news release dated 11/9/2017) indicated that the main Fekola deposit, with additional drilling, could extend significantly to the north. In addition, drilling below the extensive saprolite resource at the Anaconda zones has discovered four, well-mineralized bedrock (sulphide) zones, indicating the potential for large, Fekola-style mineralized zones.

      The Company's 2018 exploration budget for Mali is approximately $15.1 million, focusing on the Fekola North Extension zone and sulphide targets below the Anaconda saprolite zones. The Company expects to release the results from a series of additional drill holes from its Mali exploration program before the end of April 2018. In addition, the Company anticipates releasing more drill results for the Fekola North Extension zone and Anaconda zones around mid-year.

      Masbate Gold Mine — Philippines

      The Masbate Mine in the Philippines continued its strong operational performance into the first quarter of 2018, producing 53,147 ounces of gold, 12% (or 5,854 ounces) above budget and 1% (or 585 ounces) higher compared to the prior-year quarter. The increase was mainly due to higher than expected oxide ore tonnage from Vein 5 of the Colorado Pit which positively impacted processing recoveries and throughput. Oxide ore represented 78% of the processed tonnage for the quarter versus budget of 50%. The Masbate Mine also continued its outstanding safety performance, achieving almost two and a half years (898 days) without a Lost-Time-Injury by quarter-end.

      For the quarter, mill throughput was 1,792,579 tonnes (compared to budget of 1,706,064 tonnes and 1,704,001 tonnes in the first quarter of 2017) and gold recoveries averaged 78.5% (compared to budget of 72.1% and 74.8% in the first quarter of 2017). The average grade processed was 1.17 g/t compared to budget of 1.20 g/t and 1.28 g/t in the first quarter of 2017. As expected, grades were higher in the prior-year quarter which was attributable to the high-grade ore from the Main Vein Stage 1 Pit which is no longer in production as scheduled.

      For full-year 2018, the Masbate Mine is expected to produce between 180,000 and 190,000 ounces of gold at cash operating costs of between $675 and $720 per ounce and AISC of between $875 and $925 per ounce.

      A detailed capital cost estimate of $25.5 million was recently completed by Lycopodium Ltd., working with the Company's engineering team, for the expansion of the Masbate processing plant to 8 million tonnes per year ($23 million in 2018 and $2.5 million in 2019). The expansion, which is being conducted by B2Gold's in-house team, primarily consists of adding a third ball mill and upgrading the existing crushing circuit. The ball mill is currently on site, with preliminary works planned to commence in the second quarter of 2018. No addition to the mining fleet is required as the additional feed will come from the lower-grade material that was in the original mine plan but was scheduled to be stockpiled. When the expansion is online (expected in early 2019), it is projected to keep Masbate's annual gold production near 200,000 ounces per year during the mining phase, and is expected to keep gold production above 100,000 ounces per year when the low-grade stockpiles are processed at the end of the open-pit mine life.

      The Company has a successful track record of adding reserves and resources at its operations (and thereby extending mine life) through exploration. The Masbate exploration budget for 2018 is approximately $5.1 million, including 12,000 metres of diamond drilling. The drilling is divided into brownfields drilling to upgrade resources within the mine licence and on regional targets.

      Otjikoto Gold Mine — Namibia

      The Otjikoto Mine in Namibia also had a strong start to the year (following a record year of gold production in 2017) with first quarter gold production of 39,499 ounces which was above budget by 6% (or 2,174 ounces). Mill throughput, recoveries and processed grade were all slightly above budget, as the mine continues to incrementally optimize its operations. Compared to the prior-year quarter, gold production was lower by 8% (or 3,275 ounces), as planned, due to a negligible amount of Wolfshag ore being mined in 2018 while Phase 2 of the Wolfshag Pit is being developed. Ore production is planned to resume again from the Wolfshag Pit in 2019 which is projected to provide higher grade open-pit mill feed. The Otjikoto mill continued to operate well, processing 827,227 tonnes (Q1 2017 — 832,805 tonnes) in the quarter at an average grade of 1.51 g/t (Q1 2017 — 1.62 g/t) with gold recoveries averaging 98.7% (Q1 2017 — 98.6%).

      For full-year 2018, the Otjikoto Mine is expected to produce between 160,000 and 170,000 ounces of gold, primarily from the Otjikoto Pit, at cash operating costs of between $480 and $525 per ounce and AISC of between $700 and $750 per ounce.

      Geotechnical, hydrogeological and design studies for Wolfshag have been completed, based on an updated resource model, resulting in a larger open pit than previously reported. Mining at Wolfshag commenced in late 2016 and Wolfshag ore provided a significant component of the Otjikoto mill feed in 2017. Updated Wolfshag mineral reserves and resources were reported in the Company's recent Annual Information Form, dated March 23, 2018, with 372,000 ounces of Probable Mineral Reserves (4.29 million tonnes at an average grade of 2.70 g/t, on a 90% attributable basis) remaining in the Wolfshag open pit, as at December 31, 2017. This updated reserve, based on the larger Wolfshag open-pit design, includes an additional 132,000 ounces of Probable Mineral Reserves (1.42 million tonnes at an average grade of 2.88 g/t, on a 90% attributable basis) within Wolfshag Phase 4. In addition, the Wolfshag mineral resource remains open down-plunge and may be exploitable in the future by underground mining.

      The Company's total exploration budget for Namibia in 2018 is $5.1 million. Exploration in 2018 will include 17,000 metres of diamond drilling and 4,000 metres of RAB drilling, split between the Otjikoto Project and the Ondundu joint venture.

      La Libertad Gold Mine — Nicaragua

      La Libertad Mine in Nicaragua produced 19,367 ounces of gold in the first quarter of 2018, 10% (or 2,128 ounces) below budget and 32% (or 9,172 ounces) lower than the first quarter of 2017. Gold production at La Libertad has been affected by permitting delays for new mining areas. However, mine permits are now in place for all open pit and underground operations with the exception of the Jabali Antenna Pit. The San Diego mining permit was received in February 2018 and the pit is now fully operational. Gold production at La Libertad was slightly above budget for the month of March, as the mill benefitted from increased sources and volume of open-pit ore. Jabali Antenna Underground remains under development with the planned ventilation raise now complete. Access ramp development has advanced approximately two months ahead of original schedule for 2018, as a result of an early start by the underground mining contractor. The Company expects to begin processing ore from Jabali Antenna Underground in July.

      For full-year 2018, La Libertad Mine is expected to produce between 115,000 and 120,000 ounces of gold at cash operating costs of between $745 and $790 per ounce and AISC of between $1,050 and $1,100 per ounce. La Libertad's production forecast assumes that production will start from the Jabali Antenna Pit in the third quarter of 2018 (dependent upon the successful completion of resettlement activities and receipt of the remaining mining permits). Current plans at La Libertad include mining and processing into 2020, with a combination of mineral reserves and mineral resources. The Company has a successful track record of converting its mineral resources to reserves, and exploration of additional mineral targets continues. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not yet have demonstrated economic viability.

      La Libertad's exploration budget for 2018 is approximately $4.8 million for a total of 9,000 metres of planned diamond drilling. The program is split between infill (near-mine) drilling and drilling on several regional targets.

      El Limon Gold Mine — Nicaragua

      El Limon Mine in Nicaragua produced 13,529 ounces of gold in the first quarter of 2018, slightly below budget (of 14,405 ounces) and 53% (or 4,668 ounces) higher than the first quarter of 2017. During 2017, El Limon's production was affected by operational issues, including underground water pumping breakdowns, which had delayed high-grade ore flow from Santa Pancha Underground. Management changes were made at El Limon and mining operations returned to budgeted (normal) production rates in the fourth quarter of 2017, with operational improvements including the successful rehabilitation of the Santa Pancha 1 dewatering well. The mining permit for the new Mercedes Pit was recently received in December 2017, and the pit is now fully operational, accounting for over 30% of the mined ounces for the quarter.

      For full-year 2018, El Limon is expected to produce between 55,000 and 60,000 ounces of gold at cash operating costs of between $700 and $750 per ounce and AISC of between $1,135 and $1,185 per ounce.

      On February 23, 2018, the Company announced the newly-discovered El Limon Central zone. Historical records had indicated that parts of the Central zone had been mined underground in past decades. However, the Company's recent exploration success at the Central zone demonstrated that underground mining was much more limited than previously thought. As a result, on February 23, 2018, the Company announced a positive initial open-pit Inferred Mineral Resource at El Limon Central zone of 5,130,000 tonnes at a grade of 4.92 g/t of gold containing 812,000 ounces of gold (100% basis) (see news release dated 2/23/18). The Central zone, at its closest point, is approximately 150 metres from El Limon mill facility, extending southeast and northwest, adjacent to existing plant and administrative infrastructure. This large, good grade, resource has the potential to decrease El Limon's cash operating costs per ounce and AISC per ounce, and significantly increase its mine life and potentially lead to mill expansion. The Company is currently conducting additional metallurgical testing on El Limon Central ore samples and a study to evaluate the potential to expand El Limon throughput to significantly increase annual gold production. The study results are expected by mid-2018.

      El Limon central vein structure has been drill tested along a 2.2-kilometre strike length so far, and remains open to depth and along strike, and will be further drill tested during 2018. El Limon's exploration budget for 2018 is approximately $7.0 million for a total of 25,000 metres of planned diamond drilling to further infill at the Central zone and to further explore the structure along strike where it remains open.


      Looking forward, the Company will remain focused on continuing its impressive operational and financial performance from existing mines, pursuing expansion opportunities at existing operations and continuing with aggressive exploration and development programs to unlock the potential of its existing portfolio of properties.
      schrieb am 18.04.18 15:02:14
      Beitrag Nr. 178 ()
      B2Gold Announces Positive Exploration Drill Results from Fekola North Extension Zone and Resource Infill Drilling

      VANCOUVER, B.C., April 18, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- B2Gold Corp. (BTG) (TSX:BTO) (NYSE AMERICAN:BTG) (NSX:B2G) (“B2Gold” or the “Company”) announces positive exploration drill results from the Fekola North Extension Zone extending gold mineralization to one kilometer north of the Fekola Reserve pit boundary and continuing successful resource infill drilling.


      This news release should be read in conjunction with the Fekola and Fekola North Extension schematic long section (see below or on our website with today’s news release at

      Recent positive drilling results in the Fekola North Extension significantly increases resource potential of the Fekola Deposit extending mineralization up to one kilometre north of the reserve pit.

      Good-grade gold mineralization is hosted in shallow, north-plunging shoots, the same structural setting as higher-grade ore shoots in the Fekola Deposit, and remains open to the north.

      New drill results to the North of the Fekola Resource pit boundary indicate the main higher-grade Fekola ore shoot is thicker and extends closer to surface than previously projected.

      New good-grade drill results from infill drilling within the resource pit boundary continue to convert inferred resources to indicated category.

      Fekola North Extension Exploration

      A total of approximately 10,000 metres of diamond drilling have now been completed this year in the Fekola North extension. These drill results, combined with previous results, continue to convert resources to reserves within the resource pit boundary and further expand the Fekola North extension zone mineralization to now at least one km north of the Fekola reserve pit boundary, and approximately 900 metres north of the current resource pit boundary. (see longitudinal section, in the news release, and the B2Gold website (

      These drill results along with previous results confirm the potential for the Fekola deposit to increase in size significantly to the north, and indicate the potential, with further drilling for a larger open-pittable resource and reserve.

      Fekola Resource Conversion
      (See longitudinal section)

      Infill drilling is ongoing at Fekola and continues to convert inferred resources to indicated category within the resource pit boundary. The current resource pit boundary extends beyond the Fekola reserve pit boundary approximately 50 metres below the reserve, 150 metres to the north and approximately 600 metres to the north (formerly Kiwi zone), from surface to 50 metres depth. The resource pit extension contains 720,000 ounces in the indicated category and 180,000 ounces in the inferred category, for a total potential increase of 900,000 ounces of gold1.

      The recent drilling intercepted higher gold grades, in wider intercepts, than had been projected from previous drill results.

      Hole ID From (m) To (m) Length (m) Gold (g/t)
      FKD_242 317.30 396.00 78.70 3.20
      FKD_241 308.20 395.00 86.80 3.95
      FKD_239 307.00 374.00 67.00 3.10
      FKD_244 246.00 295.00 49.00 1.39
      FKD_246 240.70 264.00 23.30 1.60

      Infill drilling is ongoing.

      Fekola North Extension

      The Fekola North Extension adjoins the Fekola resource pit and extends up to one kilometre north of the Fekola reserve pit. The structural setting at Fekola North Extension is identical to that hosting the bulk of the high-grade ore in the Fekola Deposit. Recent drilling beyond the resource pit boundary to the north, along with previous drilling, has confirmed that the higher-grade Fekola mineralized shoot extends further north, in holes such as 248, 245, 250, and 253. Holes 250 and 253 are approximately 750 metres from the resource pit boundary (see table below). In addition, holes 264, 254, 261, 262 256, 258, 251 and 255 demonstrate the higher-grade shoot extends closer to surface than previously modelled, positively filling a portion of the gap between the higher-grade shoot and the shallow mineralization above, in the resource pit.

      Highlights of Fekola North extension drill results:

      Hole ID From (m) To (m) Length (m) Gold (g/t)
      FKD_238 328.00 390.40 62.40 2.66
      FKD_243 260.00 331.40 71.40 1.40
      FKD_245 344.00 394.40 50.40 2.41
      FKD_248 392.00 433.00 41.00 2.71
      FKD_250 528.00 554.00 26.00 1.18
      FKD_251 412.00 477.00 35.00 1.95
      FKD_253 486.20 517.00 30.80 4.10
      FKD_254 270.00 319.10 49.10 2.59
      FKD_255 397.30 445.77 48.47 1.23
      FKD_256 285.00 319.00 34.00 2.01
      FKD_258 304.00 339.20 35.20 2.06
      FKD_261 265.70 278.00 12.30 2.23
      FKD_262 302.00 342.00 43.00 2.29
      FKD_264 293.00 340.30 47.30 2.63

      Fekola and Fekola North Extension Schematic Long Section Map

      To view an enhanced version of this map, please visit:…

      Drilling continues, and will be ongoing through the rest of 2018, to further define the Fekola North extension and further infill drill the Fekola resource. The Company will continue to release material drill results, as they become available and expects to release an updated Fekola mineral resource in the third quarter of 2018.

      In addition to Fekola, the 2018 Mali exploration budget includes $7.5 million for further drilling on the Anaconda zones, in the Fekola region. The drill program is well underway and is returning positive additional results from the near-surface saprolite zones and the good gold grade bedrock zones, beneath the saprolite. Further results will be released later in the year.
      schrieb am 10.05.18 14:08:41
      Beitrag Nr. 179 ()
      B2Gold Reports Strong First Quarter 2018 Results; Significant Beat Against Budget for Cash Operating Costs and AISC and Dramatic Increase in Cash Flows from Operating Activities to $147 Million

      Record Quarterly Gold Production of 240,000 ounces and Record Quarterly Revenues of $344 Million" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 11.07.18 11:57:04
      Beitrag Nr. 180 ()

      Jul 11, 2018
      B2Gold Reports Continued Very Strong Second Quarter & First-Half 2018 Gold Production
      Second Quarter Gold Production Doubles to 240,000 Ounces;
      Gold Revenues Increase by $121 Million to $285 Million

      Freundliche Grüße
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 11.07.18 12:35:24
      Beitrag Nr. 181 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 58.185.590 von supernova1712 am 11.07.18 11:57:04beat and raise...stark!
      schrieb am 12.07.18 08:41:31
      Beitrag Nr. 182 ()
      Super Zahlen und was macht der Kurs :confused:
      4 Antworten
      schrieb am 13.07.18 08:47:28
      Beitrag Nr. 183 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 58.193.801 von Ludmilla59 am 12.07.18 08:41:31
      sehr niedrige Produktionskosten!!!
      Produktionsergebnisse für Q2 2018 bekannt
      B2Gold Corp. B2Gold Corp. veröffentlichte gestern die Zahlen seiner Goldproduktion und der daraus generierten Umsätze für das zweite Quartal dieses Jahres und des ersten Halbjahres 2018.

      Diesen Daten zufolge produzierte das Unternehmen im Quartal 240.093 Unzen Gold, ein deutlicher Anstieg von 98% im Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum. Des Weiteren konnte man durch den Verkauf von Gold insgesamt 285 Millionen US-Dollar erwirtschaften; eine Zunahme von 73% verglichen zu Q2 2017.

      Im ersten Halbjahr 2018 wurden somit bisher 479.777 Unzen Gold produziert, was im Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum einen Anstieg von 89% darstellt. Weiterhin wurden im selben Zeitraum 629 Millionen US-Dollar durch den Verkauf von 480.575 Unzen Gold zu einem durchschnittlichen Preis von 1.309 US-Dollar je Unze erwirtschaftet.

      B2Gold hat aufgrund dieser Ergebnisse sein Jahresproduktionsziel von Gold auf 920.000 bis 960.000 Unzen erhöht. Die operativen Kosten sollen zwischen 505 US-Dollar und 550 US-Dollar je Unze und die AISC zwischen 780 US-Dollar und 830 US-Dollar je Unze liegen.
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 13.07.18 08:53:20
      Beitrag Nr. 184 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 58.203.842 von Wienfahrt am 13.07.18 08:47:28
      Gold ist momentan völlig out und damit auch die Minenaktien. Aber auf diesem Nivau kann man zb.B2gold beruhigt schon mal einsammeln....was mir hier ausgesprochen gut gefällt sind die geringen Produktionskosten...
      schrieb am 15.07.18 13:44:01
      Beitrag Nr. 185 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 58.203.842 von Wienfahrt am 13.07.18 08:47:28Marktkap. 3,14 Mrd.
      KGV 24,37

      Hi weiss jemand mit wieviel die Assets Bewertet sind? und ob die Market cap dafür gerechtfertig ist ? finde 24 KGV schon etwas hoch ....
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 15.07.18 14:13:48
      Beitrag Nr. 186 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 58.217.643 von freddy1989 am 15.07.18 13:44:01Mit dem KGV kommst du bei Goldminen nicht weiter, das weisst du doch selber. MK < 2,5 Mrd. USD und Prod. fast 1 Moz pa, das ist schon gut. Habe schon länger nicht mehr geschaut, früher lagen die Reserven bei ca. 7 Moz und die Ressourcen um die 15 Moz, das wäre dann recht wenig.

      Minen in Nicaragua und auf den Phillipinen sieht man jetzt auch nicht so gerne. Gewinn und Cashflow aus Q2 würde ich dann auch noch gerne sehen. AISC von 800 ist o.k. (wie geplant), aber auch nicht supergut.
      schrieb am 08.08.18 13:14:21
      Beitrag Nr. 187 ()" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">

      B2Gold Reports Positive Second Quarter & First-Half 2018 Results; Strong Growth in Gold Production/Revenues and Operating Cash Flows; Significant Beat Against Budget for Cash Operating Costs and AISC

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 08.08.18 20:04:50
      Beitrag Nr. 188 ()
      Sehr gut, nur die news aus den Philippinen und Nicaragua liegen hier schwer auf dem Kurs, operativ ist B2Gold einfach klasse
      schrieb am 03.10.18 19:53:19
      Beitrag Nr. 189 ()

      B2Gold Corp. Announces Repayment of its $259 Million Convertible Senior Subordinated Notes; New Executive Appointed

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 12.10.18 13:29:03
      Beitrag Nr. 190 ()
      B2Gold Reports Record Third Quarter 2018 Gold Production; Quarterly Gold Production Increase of 78% to 242,000 oz as Gold Revenues Increase by 110% ($170 M) to $324 M Over the Same Period in 2017

      Außerdem gibt es Übernahmegerüchte…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 12.10.18 14:48:42
      Beitrag Nr. 191 ()
      so geht goldmining
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 12.10.18 14:51:38
      Beitrag Nr. 192 ()
      verkauf der america minen an leagold und danach merger mit endeauvor wäre wirklich eine überlegung wert
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 12.10.18 15:45:45
      Beitrag Nr. 193 ()
      schrieb am 13.10.18 22:38:56
      Beitrag Nr. 194 ()
      schrieb am 14.10.18 12:12:17
      Beitrag Nr. 195 ()
      Danke Popeye
      schrieb am 14.10.18 15:22:58
      Beitrag Nr. 196 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 58.943.214 von KMST am 12.10.18 14:48:42SO geht goldmining

      Solche Aussagen finde ich immer ein "bisschen lustig".

      Ist voll OK, aber ich sage Dir mal Warum.

      Hört sich, für Mich, so an als ob Das hauptsächlich von "Kompetenz" abhängig ist.
      Klar, ist es, auch.
      Aber Du kannst auch Der Schlaueste Typ auf Erden sein: Wenn Du ein "ScheXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXss Stück" Land bekommst, dann nutzt Dir Das exakt: NULL.
      Und Ähnliches ist Womit Viele, Viele, Viele zu kämpfen haben.

      Du kannst "einfach erstmal nur mit Dem arbeiten Was im "Boden drin ist" ".
      Datt sein auch so "ppm/ppb" Spiel.

      Das ist Jetzt arg vereinfacht, aber vielleicht verstehst Du den gestrikten Punkt.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 15.10.18 10:22:59
      Beitrag Nr. 197 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 58.954.995 von Popeye82 am 14.10.18 15:22:58ich weis was du meinst aber so vereinfacht kann ich genau so gut sagen:

      der schlaueste typ auf erden wie du ihn nennst wechselt nicht in ein unternehmen mit nur einem scheiß stück land. und wechselt dann auch das unternehmen wenn er nach 1-2 jahren mitbekommt das das land oder das unternehmen dann doch nicht so gut ist wie gedacht.
      und die schlauesten typen der welt holen eben auch aus nur guten oder mittelmässigen sachen das maximale raus. und dumme menschen fahren auch weltklasse projekte vor die wand

      nichts für ungut ;)
      schrieb am 15.10.18 12:31:07
      Beitrag Nr. 198 ()
      dann lag ich FALSCH. Sorry.
      schrieb am 23.10.18 10:21:15
      Beitrag Nr. 199 ()
      B2Gold Corp. Announces Positive Results from the Expansion Study at El Limon Mine in Nicaragua and that a Renewed Collective Agreement has been Signed with El Limon Labour Unions

      VANCOUVER, Oct. 22, 2018 - B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO, NYSE AMERICAN: BTG, NSX: B2G) ("B2Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to announce positive results of an expansion study for El Limon Mine located in Nicaragua and that the Company has signed a renewed two-year Collective Agreement with the labour unions.

      The expansion study was conducted to evaluate the life-of-mine ("LoM") options for combining the remaining underground Inferred Mineral Resources with the new El Limon Central zone open-pit Inferred Mineral Resource. The results of this study recommend the expansion of the existing plant from 485,000 tonnes per annum ("tpa") to 600,000 tpa and addition of a third stage of milling to achieve a fine grind. The result would be a much longer mine life with significantly higher gold production and lower cash operating costs (see non-IFRS Measures) and all-in sustaining costs ("AISC") (see non-IFRS Measures). The third stage of milling also allows for the reprocessing of old tailings at the end of the mine life. All dollar figures are in United States dollars unless otherwise indicated.

      Highlights of El Limon Expansion Study Results

      Projected annual processing rate increase to 600,000 tpa
      LoM is estimated to be extended over 10 years, based on Inferred Mineral Resources from open pit and underground sources with an additional 11+ years by processing historic mine tailings
      Estimated significant increase in average annual gold production to approximately 75,000 ounces per year during approximately 10 years of mining. In addition, production would average over 18,000 ounces of gold per year for 11+ years when subsequently processing tailings from historic high-grade mining
      Projected total gold production over 10 years of mining approximately 750,000 ounces of gold
      Projected total gold production of approximately 985,000 ounces of gold over 21+ years
      Lower estimated average direct cash operating costs per ounce below $600 and reduced projected AISC of approximately $900 per ounce of gold (excluding expansion capital costs)
      Estimated expansion capital cost of approximately $35 million over a period of approximately 16 months for plant upgrades and expansion
      Forecast LoM after-tax net cash flow of over $235 million at a gold price of $1,300 per ounce
      Forecast after-tax net present value of over $135 million at a 5.0% discount rate and gold price of $1,300 per ounce, generating an after-tax internal rate of return of approximately 28%
      Ongoing drilling continues to extend El Limon Central zone to the north. Mineralization remains open to the north and at depth

      Project Size Trade-off Studies
      El Limon expansion study was evaluated at throughput rates ranging from 500,000 tpa to 1,100,000 tpa. Metallurgical test results indicate that the existing plant could be expanded to a production level of 600,000 tpa by upgrading the crushing system, adding a pebble crusher, adding a new thickener, and upgrading the cyclones and leach circuit. Expansion to 1,100,000 tpa would require an upgrade of the existing plant as well as the construction of a new 500,000 tpa plant.

      Metallurgical testing was also completed to evaluate the optimum grind size for both El Limon Central ore and the Santa Pancha underground ore sources. Results indicate that there would be a significant improvement in recovery for El Limon Central pit ore and also an improvement for the Santa Pancha recoveries at finer grind sizes (80% passing 30 microns). The finer grind would be achieved by adding a third stage of grinding to the milling circuit. The fine grind capability would also allow for the retreatment of old tailings at the end of the mine life with only minor plant modifications. High-level production scenarios, capital cost estimates and operating cost estimates were developed for various cases ranging from 500,000 tpa to 1,100,000 tpa with both coarse and fine grinding.

      According to the study, the 600,000 tpa fine grind case with the processing of old tailings ("600FwT") would result in the best current project economics. The significant additional capital costs associated with building a second new plant for the 1 million + tpa cases are not justifiable based on the existing Inferred Mineral Resource. However, these cases may become viable as future further expansion opportunities if the Mineral Resource is expanded by further positive drilling results. El Limon Central zone mineralization continues to be extended to the north by drilling, and remains open to the north and at depth.

      The 600FwT expansion would consist of upgrading the crushing system, installing a pebble crusher in the SAG mill circuit, adding a third stage of grinding, replacing the pre-leach thickener, adding power generating capacity and making improvements to the gold recovery circuits. The initial capital cost estimates for these improvements would be approximately $35 million. It has been assumed that open-pit mining will be done by contract mining using established contactors. The study assumes the processing of old tailings will begin after the underground and open-pit resources have been depleted.

      Basis of the Study
      In February 2018, the Company announced a positive initial open-pit Inferred Mineral Resource at the newly-discovered El Limon Central zone at El Limon property in Nicaragua of 5,130,000 tonnes at a grade of 4.92 grams per tonne ("g/t") of gold containing 812,000 ounces of gold (see news release dated 02/23/2018). This resource has provided the open-pit resources for the expansion study. Total Inferred Mineral Resources from underground and open-pit sources included in this study consist of approximately 6.0 million tonnes at a grade of 4.3 g/t, containing approximately 829,000 ounces. Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.

      A consistent mix of underground and open-pit ore feeding the plant has always provided the optimum operating conditions for El Limon Mine, and the new Mineral Resources at El Limon Central zone will provide long term, open-pit feed to blend with the underground ore. Approximately 60% of the plant feed is planned to come from open pits which have an overall strip ratio in the range of 16 tonnes of waste to 1 tonne of mill feed. At the end of the mine life, plant feed is expected to come from the old tailings at a rate of 600,000 tpa.

      Processing of historic tailings is based on an Indicated Mineral Resource estimate containing 7.3 million tonnes of historic tailings at average grades of 1.12 g/t gold and 4.17 g/t silver, containing approximately 263,000 ounces of gold and 982,000 ounces of silver. Of that resource, approximately 6.9 million tonnes was included in the study at gold and silver grades of 1.15 g/t and 4.11 g/t respectively, containing approximately 255,000 ounces of gold and 916,000 ounces of silver. Annual production rates during the processing of the tailings from historic high-grade mining are estimated to average over 18,000 ounces of gold and 64,000 ounces of silver. Cash operating costs per ounce and AISC per ounce for the processing of the old tailings are forecast to be slightly lower compared to processing the open pit and underground ore resources.

      Upside Potential
      Positive drilling results continue to expand El Limon Central zone to the north, indicating the potential to expand the Mineral Resources. The zone is also open to depth, indicating the potential to produce ore from underground in El Limon Central area once open-pit mining is completed.

      B2Gold's technical team is currently updating El Limon Inferred Mineral Resource to include recent additional drilling results and conducting mine optimization studies with a view to potentially improve the positive economics for El Limon expansion. These studies are expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2019.

      Renewed Collective Agreement with El Limon Mine Union Workers
      Today, representatives of B2Gold Management and the Labour Unions at El Limon Mine renewed the existing Collective Agreement for two years. The renewal ensures the continuance of stable labour relations and coincides with the positive news regarding the long-term prospects of El Limon Mine.
      schrieb am 23.10.18 10:52:32
      Beitrag Nr. 200 ()
      Gutes Timing für die Studie ! ;)
      schrieb am 23.10.18 20:29:07
      Beitrag Nr. 201 ()
      schrieb am 25.10.18 10:48:55
      Beitrag Nr. 202 ()
      Wieder sehr gute News von B2Gold !!!

      Hier der Link zur Original-Meldung:…

      Eine sehr schöne Entwicklung.
      Ich denke wir können da noch so einiges erwarten.
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 25.10.18 14:54:56
      Beitrag Nr. 203 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 59.051.569 von Der_Allgeier am 25.10.18 10:48:55

      Jaja, immer Diese Brad Pitt Bildchen als "it's Me" ausgeben.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 25.10.18 18:58:15
      Beitrag Nr. 204 ()
      schrieb am 01.11.18 17:23:36
      Beitrag Nr. 205 ()
      schrieb am 02.11.18 12:16:36
      Beitrag Nr. 206 ()
      Unternehmen ist gut, doch schlapper Goldpreis belastet.
      Aber die aktuell potentiellen Krisenherde (Italien, Brexit, USA-China-Handelskrieg, Emerging Countries Kredit-/Währungskrise) sind zukünftig für einen Börsencrash gut und dann boomt Gold und die Goldaktien.
      Be prepared
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 02.11.18 12:21:38
      Beitrag Nr. 207 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 59.122.646 von edorado am 02.11.18 12:16:36Hallo weiss jemand die hier der Schuldenstand ist nicht das die Firma dadurch in bedrängnis gerät
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 03.11.18 07:16:16
      Beitrag Nr. 208 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 59.122.691 von freddy1989 am 02.11.18 12:21:38
      Zitat von freddy1989: Hallo weiss jemand die hier der Schuldenstand ist nicht das die Firma dadurch in bedrängnis gerät

      Habe jetzt gerade keine Lust, noch einmal im letzten Finanzbericht nachzuschauen. Zuletzt (war es Oktober?) wurde gerade erst eine millionenschwere Anleihe zurückgezahlt. Bei dem aktuellen Cahsflow der Company mache ich mir über den Schuldenstand ZERO ZERO ZERO Sorgen.

      schrieb am 03.11.18 09:46:19
      Beitrag Nr. 209 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 59.054.089 von Popeye82 am 25.10.18 14:54:56Hallo Popeye82,
      hast mich erwischt, wollte einmal gut ausschauen...:(

      Übrigens, bald wissen wir mehr.
      VANCOUVER, Nov. 1, 2018 - B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO, NYSE AMERICAN: BTG, NSX: B2G) ("B2Gold" or the "Company") will release its third quarter and year-to-date 2018 financial results after the North American markets close on Tuesday, November 6, 2018.

      Hier der Link zur Originalmeldung:…
      schrieb am 07.11.18 03:16:46
      Beitrag Nr. 210 ()
      Es ist angerichtet :cool:
      Hier der Link zu Meldung:…
      schrieb am 07.11.18 16:17:20
      Beitrag Nr. 211 ()
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 07.11.18 16:45:14
      Beitrag Nr. 212 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 59.159.544 von Popeye82 am 07.11.18 16:17:20…
      schrieb am 11.11.18 01:10:58
      Beitrag Nr. 213 ()
      Tja, super Zahlen, aber eine äußerst verhaltene Reaktion vom Markt.
      Hätte da eigentlich mehr erwartet.
      schrieb am 30.11.18 14:56:02
      Beitrag Nr. 214 ()
      schrieb am 23.12.18 18:06:10
      Beitrag Nr. 215 ()
      Einfaches Einfügen von wallstreetONLINE Charts: So funktionierts.
      schrieb am 16.01.19 17:27:37
      Beitrag Nr. 216 ()
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 18.01.19 13:50:16
      Beitrag Nr. 217 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 59.645.705 von Popeye82 am 16.01.19 17:27:37
      gute Ergebnisse
      Klingt doch sehr gut...warum die Verluste jetzt in den letzten beiden Tagen???Der Goldpreis liegt knapp vor der 1300 ..

      2019 Production Outlook and Cost Guidance

      In 2019, B2Gold remains well positioned for continued strong operational and financial performance with consolidated gold production forecast to be in the range of between 935,000 and 975,000 ounces.

      Consolidated cash costs are projected to remain low in 2019 with cash operating costs forecast to be between $520 and $560 per ounce (2018 guidance was between $505 and $550 per ounce) and AISC forecast to be between $835 and $875 per ounce (2018 guidance was between $780 and $830 per ounce). The budgeted 6% increase in AISC per ounce over 2018 guidance, mainly relates to slightly higher forecast cash operating costs and higher expected pre-stripping sustaining capital costs at Otjikoto.

      If a gold price assumption of $1,250 per ounce is used, the Company expects to generate cash flow from operations of approximately $360 million in 2019.

      Mine-by-mine 2019 ranges for forecast gold production, cash operating costs per ounce and AISC per ounce are presented in the following tables below (presented on a 100% basis). Consolidated gold production, cash operating costs per ounce and AISC per ounce are all forecast to vary through the year. Consolidated gold production is expected to be weighted towards the second-half of 2019 (approximately 14% higher than the first-half), reflecting the development of open pits in the first-half of the year and subsequent ore production from those pits in the second-half. Consolidated cash operating costs are expected to be approximately 9% lower and AISC are expected to be approximately 21% lower, respectively, in the second-half of 2019 versus the first-half of the year.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 20.01.19 17:02:29
      Beitrag Nr. 218 ()
      schrieb am 20.01.19 17:41:59
      Beitrag Nr. 219 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 59.661.875 von Wienfahrt am 18.01.19 13:50:16Ich denke, die Kostenseite bei B2Gold ist enttäuschend, da hatte man besseres erwartet als AISC weit über 800. KGV über 20. MK von 2,66 Mrd. USD für fast 1 Moz Prod. ist o.k. Aber eine Phantasy-Aktie ist es nicht mehr, ist schon realistischer als früher bewertet. Politische Risiken sind aber vermutlich auch noch genug drin.
      schrieb am 21.01.19 02:07:10
      Beitrag Nr. 220 ()
      Für mich sind das herausragende Ergebnisse und Fekola ist eine Cash-Cow erster Güte.

      Wenn jetzt der Goldpreis zurückkommt, wird BTO wie andere Minen auch noch einmal im Kurs zurückkommen. Macht aber mittelfristig überhaupt nichts, da meiner festen Überzeugung nach einerseits mittelfristig der Goldpreis deutlich anziehen und andererseits BTO ohnehin übernommen werden wird.
      schrieb am 25.01.19 16:40:32
      Beitrag Nr. 221 ()
      nur der kurs
      spiegelt das nicht wieder
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 25.01.19 16:44:16
      Beitrag Nr. 222 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 59.712.543 von lamaro am 25.01.19 16:40:32
      Zitat von lamaro: spiegelt das nicht wieder

      Ja, für alle, die bereits voll investiert sind, ist das natürlich enttäuschend, wenn auch grds. nicht zwingend überraschend. Aber für diejenigen, die noch nicht oder nicht voll investiert sind, sind das doch wunderbare Kaufkurse ... imho.....

      Only time (and patience!) will tell ....

      Schönes Wochenende!
      schrieb am 07.02.19 17:45:28
      Beitrag Nr. 223 ()
      B2Gold will Arbeiten aggressiv vorantreiben! - Aktienanalyse

      Canaccord Genuity

      Vancouver ( - B2Gold-Aktienanalyse des Analysten Rahul Paul von Canaccord Genuity:

      Analyst Rahul Paul vom Investmenthaus Canaccord Genuity empfiehlt die Aktien des kanadischen Goldproduzenten B2Gold Corp. (ISIN: CA11777Q2099, WKN: A0M889, Ticker-Symbol: 5BG, TSE-Symbol: BTO) laut einer Aktienanalyse weiterhin zu kaufen.

      Die Produktionsergebnisse von B2Gold Corp. seien sehr stark ausgefallen. Die Schlüsselminen Fekola und Masbate hätten sich in starker Verfassung präsentiert. Dank des von Fekola generierten Cash flows habe sich die bilanzielle Lage erheblich verbessert.

      Nach einem erfolgreichen Jahr 2018 würden für die Explorationsaktivitäten auch in 2019 die Zeichen günstig stehen. B2Gold wolle aggressiv zu Werke gehen, so der Analyst Rahul Paul.

      Die Aktienanalysten von Canaccord Genuity bekräftigen in ihrer B2Gold-Aktienanalyse das Votum "buy" sowie das Kursziel von 6,00 CAD.
      schrieb am 10.02.19 12:59:47
      Beitrag Nr. 224 ()
      schrieb am 13.03.19 09:53:04
      Beitrag Nr. 225 ()" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">

      B2Gold Reports Positive 2018 Fourth Quarter/Annual Results; Record Annual Gold Production of 953,504 Oz, Revenue of $1.2 B & Operating Cash Flows of $451 M ($0.46/share); Cash Operating Costs of $495/oz & AISC of $758/oz


      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 13.03.19 12:14:06
      Beitrag Nr. 226 ()
      Guten Morgen,

      ich war jetzt einige Jahre nicht bei Gold-und Silberminen investiert (die Rally im ersten Halbjahr 2016 habe ich verpasst, da ich von 2010 bis 2018 nur im "normalen Aktienbereich" wie Bluechips und deutsche Nebenwerte aktiv war).

      Für mich ich die Zeit gekommen wieder Gold- und Silberminen zu kaufen. So habe ich in den letzten Wochen Aktien von First Majestic, Wheaton Pre., Pan American Silver, SSR und Minaurum gekauft.

      Bei den Goldminen habe ich Agnico, B2Gold, Harmony und Kirkland gekauft, dazu eine gute Position A12CCL von VanEck.

      Jetzt habe ich 3 bis 5 Jahre Zeit - bei fallenden Kursen (wovon ich eher nicht ausgehe) würde ich nochmal nachlegen.

      Ich würde mich über einen regelmäßigen, sachlich und informativen Austtausch zu Edelmetallaktien freuen. Aus diesem Grund habe ich mich heute bei WO angemeldet.


      schrieb am 13.03.19 15:42:00
      Beitrag Nr. 227 ()
      schrieb am 13.03.19 15:53:52
      Beitrag Nr. 228 ()
      schrieb am 13.03.19 16:01:13
      Beitrag Nr. 229 ()
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 13.03.19 18:15:46
      Beitrag Nr. 230 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 60.090.486 von Popeye82 am 13.03.19 16:01:13…
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 14.03.19 17:40:45
      Beitrag Nr. 231 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 60.091.974 von Popeye82 am 13.03.19 18:15:46…
      schrieb am 14.03.19 19:02:33
      Beitrag Nr. 232 ()
      CEO von "B2Gold" Clive Johnson im Interview vom 14. März 2019…
      schrieb am 15.03.19 19:25:11
      Beitrag Nr. 233 ()
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 15.03.19 19:51:39
      Beitrag Nr. 234 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 60.114.607 von Lennypenny am 15.03.19 19:25:11Sorry, falscher Thread.

      schrieb am 20.03.19 14:54:35
      Beitrag Nr. 235 ()
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 20.03.19 18:38:43
      Beitrag Nr. 236 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 60.151.482 von Popeye82 am 20.03.19 14:54:35
      Zitat von Popeye82:…

      dein Statement dazu ?
      schrieb am 27.03.19 08:06:48
      Beitrag Nr. 237 ()
      B2Gold Corp. Announces Very Positive Results from the Expansion Study Preliminary Economic Analysis for the Fekola Mine in Mali (owned 80% B2Gold: 20% State of Mali)

      B2Gold's Directors have approved the Expansion

      VANCOUVER, March 26, 2019 - B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO, NYSE AMERICAN: BTG, NSX: B2G) ("B2Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to announce very positive results from the Expansion Study Preliminary Economic Assessment ("PEA") for the Fekola Mine located in Mali and that the Company is proceeding with an expansion project to increase processing throughput by 1.5 million tonnes per annum ("Mtpa") to 7.5 Mtpa from the current base rate of 6 Mtpa. All dollar figures are in United States dollars unless otherwise indicated.

      The Expansion Study PEA was conducted to evaluate the life-of-mine ("LoM") options for expanded mining and processing to maximize the value of the substantially increased Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resource at the Fekola Mine (see news release dated October 25, 2018) (see also the Company's current AIF, filed on SEDAR on March 20, 2019, which reflects 2018 gold production). Results of this study recommend an expansion of the existing plant to process an additional 1.5 Mtpa, resulting in a baseline capacity of 7.5 Mtpa without requiring an additional ball mill or additional power generation capacity. Based on the new optimized mine plan, the mining rate at Fekola will also be increased, along with additional mining equipment to accelerate the supply of higher-grade ore to the expanded processing facilities. As a result of the project and Mineral Resource expansion, the Fekola Mine will produce more gold over a longer life, with more robust economics and higher average annual gold production, revenues and cash flows than the previous LoM.

      Mineral Resources which are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. The Expansion Study PEA is preliminary in nature and includes Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resources. Inferred Mineral Resources are considered too speculative geologically to have economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as Mineral Reserves. Consequently, there is no certainty that the Expansion Study Preliminary Economic Assessment will be realized.

      Highlights of Fekola Expansion Study PEA

      Assuming an effective date of January 1, 2019, a gold price of $1,300 per ounce and a discount rate of 5%, Project Economics highlights from the Expansion Study PEA include:

      Estimated optimized LoM extended into 2030, including significant estimated increases in average annual gold production to over 550,000 ounces per year during the five-year period 2020-2024 and over 400,000 ounces per year over the LoM (2019-2030).

      Projected gold production of approximately five million ounces over the new mine life of 12 years of mining and processing (including 2019). Prior to 2019, the Fekola Mine produced more than 550,000 ounces. The Fekola Mineral Resource remains open to the north.

      An increase in project NPV of approximately $500 million versus the comparable amounts in the Company's latest AIF Mineral Reserve LoM model (filed on SEDAR on March 20, 2019).

      Forecast LoM pre-tax net cash flow of approximately $2.8 billion.

      Forecast LoM pre-tax net present value of over $2.2 billion.

      Revised projected LoM cash operating cash costs (see Non-IFRS Measures) and all-in-sustaining-costs ("AISC") (see Non-IFRS Measures) remain low, below $500 and $700 per ounce respectively despite mining a larger open pit at slightly lower gold grade. This is due to economies of scale arising from increased mining and processing rates and the new optimized mining schedule. During the five-year period 2020-2024 under the new optimized LoM, AISC are expected to average approximately $630 per ounce.

      Forecast expansion capital payback period of less than one year.

      Estimated processing plant expansion capital cost of approximately $50 million over a period of approximately 18 months for processing expansion and upgrades (through Q3 2020). Half of this capital is expected to be spent in 2019 with the remaining half in 2020. It is anticipated that this will be financed from existing Fekola Mine cash flows.

      Projected annual mining rate increased to a baseline of approximately 54 Mtpa and subsequently stepped up to approximately 76 Mtpa to support the increased processing and stockpiling necessary to maintain plant feed grade.

      Staged mining fleet additions totalling approximately $56 million over the LoM are expected to be equipment loans/lease financed over respective 5-year periods, on terms similar to the existing Fekola fleet loan/lease terms.

      Projected annual processing rate increased to a baseline of 7.5 Mtpa (current capacity of 6 Mtpa plus 1.5 Mtpa).

      Ongoing drilling continues to infill the existing Inferred Mineral Resources to Indicated Mineral Resources. Mineralization remains open to the north and down plunge, indicating the potential to further increase Fekola Mineral Resources and Reserves. A large exploration drilling program will commence in Q3 2019 to further test the Fekola North, Cardinal and Anaconda zones.

      During the expansion study other upside opportunities were identified and are currently under review. These will be incorporated into an updated Fekola LoM plan when related studies are complete and if they show an increase in overall project value. Upside opportunities identified to date include renewable energy (focused on a solar plant), alternative tailings storage (co-disposal, paste, dry stack, and others), waste mining (various fleet options vs. in-pit crushing and conveying) and the potential incorporation of material from the Anaconda Mineral Resource.

      Basis of the Study

      On October 25, 2018, the Company announced a substantial increase in the Mineral Resource for the Fekola Mine, and positive results from the conceptual stage of the expansion study. B2Gold reported an Indicated Mineral Resource of 92.8 million tonnes at a grade of 1.92 grams per tonne ("g/t") containing 5.73 million ounces and an Inferred Mineral Resource of 26.5 million tonnes at a grade of 1.61 g/t containing 1.37 million ounces (see news release dated 10/25/2018) (see also the Company's current AIF, filed on SEDAR on March 20, 2019, which reflects 2018 gold production). This expanded resource, coupled with positive results of an internal conceptual study, formed the basis of, and motivation for, the Expansion Study PEA. Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.

      Based on positive results of the conceptual Fekola expansion study the Company continued testing and design with the same Lycopodium-Brisbane team which performed engineering and design work for the current Fekola mill and infrastructure, and contracted Whittle Consulting ("Whittle") to work together with the Company's technical team to conduct an Enterprise Optimization study of the Fekola Project. Results have confirmed the value of the processing expansion and recommend a corresponding increase in mining capacity. Whittle evaluated mining production rates, pit and phase scheduling, dynamic cut-off grades, ore stockpiling, blending, and dynamic processing throughput and recovery to maximize project NPV. These parameters will continue to be optimized during the next phases of project design and implementation. In the meantime, the Company is nearing completion on Front-End Engineering and Design ("FEED") for the expansion with a focus on long lead items. The project schedule indicates that the processing expansion will be fully operational by Q4 2020. B2Gold is currently investigating the potential to accelerate this schedule based on the availability of long lead items.

      As currently envisioned, the processing upgrade will focus on increased ball mill power, with upgrades to other components including a new cyclone classification system, pebble crushers, and additional leach capacity to support the higher throughput and increase operability. The capital costs of this mill expansion are estimated to be less than $50 million, with spending evenly split between 2019 and 2020. Critical path items include ball mill motors and the lime slaker, both of which will be commissioned in Q3 2020. In parallel with the expansion, B2Gold is studying the addition of a solar power plant, which would reduce operating costs and greenhouse gas emissions. The current on-site power plant has sufficient capacity to support the expanded processing throughput, with or without the solar plant.

      The current mining fleet consists of four Caterpillar 6020B excavators with haul trucks, drills, and support equipment to match, and mines an average of 36 Mtpa. The Whittle results currently indicate that mining production rates ranging from 54 Mtpa to 76 Mtpa are optimal to support the expanded processing rates over the LoM and optimize head grade during the period 2020-2024. Increased production will be achieved with the addition of two to four excavators with corresponding trucks, drills, and support equipment. Large front-end loaders would also be included to maintain fleet flexibility. Mine fleet expansion timing and scale will be optimized during Q2 2019 and will generally be equipment loan/lease financed over a five-year period. The study has included $28 million for expansion to 54 Mtpa and an additional $28 million (for a total of $56 million) to go to 76 Mtpa. In parallel with the Whittle study, B2Gold is reviewing in-pit crushing and conveying as a means to reduce operating costs and potentially implement tailings and waste co-disposal at the Fekola Mine. B2Gold is also considering the option of transporting the nearby Anaconda saprolite material to Fekola for processing (see news release dated 06/15/2017).

      With the combination of the increased Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resource, and implementation of the processing expansion and mining expansion, the Fekola Mine will see a substantial increase in annual and LoM gold production and revenues. Revised LoM cash operating cash costs and AISC are estimated at below $500 and $700 per ounce respectively despite mining a larger open pit at slightly lower gold grade. Under the PEA, low costs are forecast to be maintained through the new extended Fekola mine life due to economies of scale arising from increased mining and processing rates, and the optimized mining schedule. During the five-year period 2020-2024 under the new optimized LoM, AISC are expected to average approximately $630 per ounce.

      Current PEA expansion estimates indicate approximate annual gold production averaging over 400,000 ounces per year over the new LoM (including 2019) with over 550,000 ounces per year over the five-year period 2020-2024. Total processed tonnage currently included in the Expansion Study PEA consists of approximately 84 million tonnes processed over the LoM period 2019-2030 at a grade of 1.9 g/t, producing approximately 5.0 million ounces (prior to 2019, the Fekola Mine produced more than 550,000 ounces from its operations since inception. The Fekola Resources remain open to the north and down plunge). Head grade may be optimized to an average of up to 2.3 g/t over the period 2020-2024 with an increased mining rate and ore stockpiling. Under the current Expansion Study PEA assumptions, mine life extends to 12 years including 2019 (into 2030) even with the increased processing rate of 7.5 Mtpa. Mineral Resources which are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.

      Upside Potential

      B2Gold's technical team, along with Lycopodium, Whittle Consulting, and others, continues to study and optimize several components of the Fekola Mine. Ongoing studies include optimizing the mine production schedule and stockpile strategy, adding solar power, reviewing various tailings and waste disposal strategies and the potential to process material from the Anaconda Project, located to the north, through the Fekola plant. These studies will continue through Q2 2019 and will be incorporated into a revised Fekola LoM plan which is expected to be available by the end of Q1 2020.

      Since January 2019, up to seven drill rigs have completed 27 drill holes focussed on infill drilling the inferred portion of the new Fekola Mineral Resource (21%) to Indicated so that an updated geologic and grade model can be completed in late 2019. This will allow the engineering group to complete an updated design pit and new Mineral Reserves, along with an updated Fekola LoM plan by the end of Q1 2020.

      Once infill drilling is completed at the end of Q2 2019, B2Gold plans to immediately dedicate exploration drill rigs to test several targets with the potential to expand the Mineral Resources. These targets include the Fekola North area beyond the current resource boundary that remains open along strike and down plunge, the Cardinal structures west of the operating mine and the Fekola South area where previous wide spaced drilling has shown potential for additional mineralization below the main Fekola orebody.

      In addition, in early Q3, drill rigs will be mobilized to the Anaconda region to continue efforts to expand the previously announced shallow saprolite resource as well as further tests for hard rock mineralization targets below the saprolite resource.
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 27.03.19 12:32:59
      Beitrag Nr. 238 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 60.204.687 von KMST am 27.03.19 08:06:48Deine Meinung zur Study, Meldung ??
      schrieb am 27.03.19 13:08:53
      Beitrag Nr. 239 ()
      high risk mit nur einer pea in produktion zu gehen.
      b2g weis aber wie es geht, haben fekola under time and budged gebaut und betreiben fekola recht erfolgreich. einer der wenigen miner denen ich sowas zutraue
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 27.03.19 19:45:15
      Beitrag Nr. 240 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 60.204.687 von KMST am 27.03.19 08:06:48…
      schrieb am 30.03.19 20:03:56
      Beitrag Nr. 241 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 60.208.197 von KMST am 27.03.19 13:08:53Yeppppp, kommt wahrscheinlich gut Hin.
      schrieb am 18.04.19 20:20:56
      Beitrag Nr. 242 ()
      wieder mal Top Zahlen für den A.... :keks: Aktie fällt weiter :keks:
      schrieb am 19.04.19 03:28:16
      Beitrag Nr. 243 ()
      schrieb am 13.05.19 11:44:55
      Beitrag Nr. 244 ()
      B2Gold has Filed a Technical Report for the Fekola Mine Expansion Confirming Very Positive Results from the Expansion Study PEA for the Fekola Mine in Mali (owned 80% B2Gold: 20% State of Mali)

      VANCOUVER, May 13, 2019 /PRNewswire/ - B2Gold Corp. (BTG) ("B2Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that, further to its news release dated March 26, 2019, announcing results from the Expansion Study Preliminary Economic Assessment ("PEA") for the Fekola Mine located in Mali, on May 10, 2019, the Company filed a National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects technical report entitled "Fekola Gold Mine Mali NI 43-101 Technical Report" with an effective date of March 26, 2019 (the "Report"). The Report was prepared by Mr. Tom Garagan, P.Geo., Mr. Peter Montano, P.E., Mr. John Rajala, P.E. and Mr. Ken Jones, P.E. of B2Gold. There are no material differences in the Mineral Reserves, the Mineral Resources or the results of the PEA in the Report and those contained in the March 26, 2019, news release.

      For additional details, please refer to the Report which may be found under B2Gold's corporate profile on SEDAR at

      Fekola Expansion Technical Report Highlights:

      As currently envisioned, the Fekola Mine Expansion will include a mine fleet expansion and a processing plant upgrade. The plant upgrade will focus on increased ball mill power, with upgrades to other components including a new cyclone classification system, pebble crushers, and additional leach capacity to support the higher throughput and increase operability

      Assuming an effective date of January 1, 2019, a gold price of $1,300 per ounce and a discount rate of 5%, project economics highlights from the Expansion Study PEA include:

      Estimated optimized life of mine ("LoM") extended into 2030, including significant estimated increases in average annual gold production to over 550,000 ounces per year during the five-year period 2020 - 2024 and over 400,000 ounces per year over the LoM (2019 - 2030)

      Projected gold production of approximately 5,000,000 ounces over the new mine life of 12 years of mining and processing (including 2019). Prior to 2019, the Fekola Mine produced more than 550,000 ounces. The Fekola Mineral Resource remains open to the north

      An increase in project pre-tax NPV of approximately $500 million versus the comparable amounts in the Company's latest Annual Information Form ("AIF") Mineral Reserve LoM model (filed on SEDAR on March 20, 2019)

      Forecast LoM pre-tax net cash flow of approximately $2.8 billion and post-tax net cash flow of approximately $2.2 billion

      Forecast LoM pre-tax net present value of over $2.2 billion and post-tax net present value of approximately $1.7 billion

      Based on the post-tax cash flow results in the Expansion Study PEA, B2Gold is projecting LoM cash operating costs of approximately $465 per ounce (see Non-IFRS Measures) and all-in sustaining costs ("AISC") (see Non-IFRS Measures) of approximately $725 per ounce. Cash costs and AISC remain low despite mining a larger open pit at a slightly lower gold grade. This is due to economies of scale arising from increased mining and processing rates and the new optimized mining schedule

      Forecast expansion capital payback period of less than one year

      Estimated processing plant expansion capital cost of approximately $50 million over a period of approximately 18 months for processing expansion and upgrades (through Q3 2020). Half of this capital is expected to be spent in 2019 with the remaining half in 2020. It is anticipated that this will be financed from existing Fekola Mine cash flows. To date this year, the Company has ordered long lead items totaling approximately $12 million including all items on the critical path for commencement of increased throughput in Q3 2020

      Projected annual mining rate increased to a baseline of approximately 54 million tonnes per annum ("Mtpa") and subsequently stepped up to approximately 76 Mtpa to support the increased processing and stockpiling necessary to maintain plant feed grade

      Staged mining fleet additions totalling approximately $56 million over the LoM are expected to be equipment loans financed over respective five-year periods, on terms similar to the existing Fekola fleet loan terms

      The Company continues to work on further optimizing the PEA and expects to incorporate these results into an updated Fekola LoM study which will be available in Q4 2019

      Projected annual processing rate increased to a baseline of 7.5 Mtpa (current capacity of 6 Mtpa plus 1.5 Mtpa)

      Ongoing drilling continues to infill the existing Inferred Mineral Resources to Indicated Mineral Resources. Mineralization remains open to the north and down plunge, indicating the potential to further increase Fekola Mineral Resources and Reserves (see news release dated October 25, 2018) – an updated Mineral Resource will be announced in Q4 2019. A large exploration drilling program will commence in Q3 2019 to further test the Fekola North, Fekola South, Cardinal and Anaconda zones

      The Expansion Study PEA is preliminary in nature and includes Inferred Mineral Resources that are considered too speculative geologically to have the economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as Mineral Reserves. There is no certainty that the PEA will be realized. Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.
      schrieb am 22.05.19 23:00:06
      Beitrag Nr. 245 ()
      Ja in der Goldbranche ist es eigentlich Sinnlos gute zahlen zu schreiben, dass sieht man jedes mal bei B2 Gold ….. :keks:
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 22.05.19 23:16:06
      Beitrag Nr. 246 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 60.627.850 von goldfinger69 am 22.05.19 23:00:06Nee, EPS von 0,02 USD in Q1 - viel schlechter als letztes Jahr. Da schauen viele nicht tiefer rein und mir reichen die 5 Minuten Recherche auch. B2Gold ist damit noch besser als viele andere, aber doch nicht gut.
      schrieb am 20.06.19 13:25:44
      Beitrag Nr. 247 ()
      nachdem hier 3 Jahre rumgeboselt wurde, geht das geschriebene nun tatsächlich in die Relevanz.

      Zum 30.06 Gewinn und Cash Flow und wohin wird das gelenkt.

      Die Ausgangssituation ist erstmal im der Balance Sheet nicht äußerst konfortabel
      und sollte nun dringenst verbessert werden.

      Das Management hat wenig Spielraum mit der Geduld der Investoren die echte Investoren sind.
      Ihre Herde Folower dürfte das Management schon haben, aber bei 1 Milliarde Shares m,achen die
      keinen Kohl fett. Die brauchen schon die -dostos-
      schrieb am 21.06.19 13:22:36
      Beitrag Nr. 248 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 58.943.256 von KMST am 12.10.18 14:51:38KMST: schrieb am 12.10.18 14:51:38 Beitrag Nr. 192 ( 58.943.256 ) verkauf der america minen an leagold und danach merger mit endeauvor wäre wirklich eine überlegung wert

      B2Gold: Der Top-Performer im Goldsektor, WKN A0M889 | - Vollständige Diskussion unter:…

      ersteres wäre schön, aber Leagold ist nicht so blöd und tuts, außer für 1 Dollar.

      Das Zweite wäre eher eine mittlere Katastrophe, eine Überschätzte Mining-Company wie End-Min.
      mit 1 Milliarde + Verbindlichkeiten auf der Schulter,
      das wird sich BTG nicht aufbürden wollen
      B2Gold | 2,580 €
      schrieb am 21.06.19 21:20:28
      Beitrag Nr. 249 ()
      warum hat B2Gold die Rallye gestern voll verschlafen …..und heute sogar minus …. :rolleyes:
      B2Gold | 3,850 C$
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 22.06.19 13:08:20
      Beitrag Nr. 250 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 60.864.523 von goldfinger69 am 21.06.19 21:20:28
      Zitat von goldfinger69: warum hat B2Gold die Rallye gestern voll verschlafen …..und heute sogar minus …. :rolleyes:

      wen der Goldpreis so bleibt oder sogar noch weiter steigt, wird das nachgeholt + 10 %:)
      B2Gold | 2,564 €
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 24.06.19 01:36:30
      Beitrag Nr. 251 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 60.867.331 von pimon am 22.06.19 13:08:20Bin ich gespannt …eigentlich läuft der Laden doch besser als viele anderen Miner ....andere Miner wie Hecla machen in so einer Zeit 50% up kurzer Zeit .....B2Gold ist schon sehr zäh nach oben mitgelaufen ....verstehen kann man das nicht mehr :rolleyes:
      B2Gold | 3,890 C$
      schrieb am 24.06.19 07:36:27
      Beitrag Nr. 252 ()
      vielleicht verkaufen
      sie shareholder vorbei
      B2Gold | 3,890 C$
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 24.06.19 17:52:42
      Beitrag Nr. 253 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 60.873.873 von lamaro am 24.06.19 07:36:27verstehe nicht was du meinst :confused:

      Gold schon über 1415 ... B2 Gold und Co :keks:

      ich kann nur noch den Kopf schütteln was am Minen Markt abläuft
      B2Gold | 3,970 C$
      schrieb am 24.06.19 18:58:51
      Beitrag Nr. 254 ()
      Parabolic SAR: Kaufsignal

      EFI: Bärische Divergenz, Verkaufsignal

      MACD: Kaufsignal

      B2Gold | 4,010 C$
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 28.06.19 11:25:39
      Beitrag Nr. 255 ()
      Am 05.08.2019 kommen glaube ich die Zahlen 2Q 2019, ist nicht mehr Lange hin!!
      B2Gold | 2,611 €
      schrieb am 28.06.19 16:29:01
      Beitrag Nr. 256 ()
      Ja mal sehen wie weit sie mit Schuldenabbau vorankommen.
      Der entscheidende Moment für ein neues momentum
      B2Gold | 3,910 C$
      schrieb am 28.06.19 16:32:29
      Beitrag Nr. 257 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 60.879.729 von SchenkFinancial am 24.06.19 18:58:51Der Kurs wird jetzt fundamental über die Bilanz gemacht, der chart wird dieser Entwicklung folgen
      B2Gold | 3,910 C$
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 29.06.19 13:09:50
      Beitrag Nr. 258 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 60.914.511 von dosto am 28.06.19 16:32:29
      Zitat von dosto: Der Kurs wird jetzt fundamental über die Bilanz gemacht, der chart wird dieser Entwicklung folgen

      Die Aussage hat sicherlich ihre Richtigkeit. Beide Analysemethoden haben akzeptable Gründe, genutzt zu werden. Wenn man den Chartverlauf von B2Gold betrachet, sieht man letztendlich die Reflexion der Emotionen der Käufer und der Verkäufer. Bei Hinzuziehung der Unternehmskennzahlen kann man dadurch definitiv profitable Investitionsentscheidungen treffen.
      B2Gold | 2,670 €
      schrieb am 29.06.19 18:14:01
      Beitrag Nr. 259 ()…

      das wird den Euro Hoch treiben, mal sehen was dann der Goldpreis macht
      B2Gold | 3,980 C$
      schrieb am 02.07.19 13:22:49
      Beitrag Nr. 260 ()
      VANCOUVER, July 2, 2019 /CNW/ - B2Gold Corp. (TSX.BTO. NYSE AMERICAN: BTG. NSX: B2G) ("B2Gold") and Calibre Mining Corp. (TSX-V: CXB) (the "Company" or "Calibre") (jointly the "Partners") are pleased to announce that on July 2, 2019, the Partners entered into a binding agreement (the "Agreement") for B2Gold to restructure its interests in, and for Calibre to acquire, the producing El Limon and La Libertad Gold Mines (the "Nicaragua Mines"), the Pavon Gold Project and additional mineral concessions in Nicaragua (collectively, the "Nicaragua Assets") held by B2Gold for aggregate consideration of US$100 million (the "Purchase Price"), which Purchase Price will be paid with a combination of cash, common shares and a convertible debenture (the "Transaction"). Following the completion of the Transaction, B2Gold will own an approximate 31% direct equity interest in Calibre. B2Gold's ongoing commitment to continuing involvement with the Nicaraguan operations will be secured by its significant equity interest in Calibre, its right to appoint one director to the Board of Calibre and its participation in an Advisory Board to the main Board of Calibre

      The El Limon and La Libertad Mines have produced in excess of 1.4 million ounces of gold since 2010. Their combined 2019 gold production is projected to be between 150,000 and 160,000 ounces (see: B2Gold MD&A for period ended March 31, 2019 filed on B2Gold's profile on SEDAR).

      In connection with the Transaction, Calibre has entered into an agreement with Canaccord Genuity Corp. and Sprott Capital Partners LP (together, the "Lead Agents") in respect of a private placement of up to 167,000,000 subscription receipts (the "Subscription Receipts") for gross proceeds of up to CDN$100 million (the "Concurrent Private Placement").

      The closing of the Transaction will be subject to certain conditions including majority of minority shareholder approval, the successful negotiation and execution of a definitive agreement (the "Definitive Agreement") by B2Gold and Calibre, the closing of the Concurrent Private Placement by Calibre and satisfactory due diligence by Calibre. In connection with the closing of the Transaction, Calibre intends to apply to graduate to the Toronto Stock Exchange (subject to Toronto Stock Exchange approval and meeting the initial listing requirements of the Toronto Stock Exchange).

      Clive Johnson, President and Chief Executive Officer of B2Gold stated: "We are pleased to join forces with Calibre in Nicaragua to continue our legacy of 10 years of responsible exploration, development and gold production. We are pleased to become a large shareholder of Calibre and through our roles on their Advisory Board and Board of Directors, we look forward to assisting Calibre's experienced executive team and the combined B2Gold/Calibre management team in Nicaragua.

      With Calibre and the combined Nicaraguan management team focussing on the El Limon and La Libertad Mines and other opportunities, B2Gold will focus on continuing to optimize responsible production at our other existing mines in Mali, Namibia and the Philippines as well as advancing our impressive pipeline of development and exploration projects. In addition, B2Gold will continue to pursue additional greenfield and advanced exploration opportunities."
      B2Gold | 2,609 €
      schrieb am 02.07.19 20:55:43
      Beitrag Nr. 261 ()
      Der Rotz in nic ist hoffentlich weg
      B2Gold | 3,910 C$
      schrieb am 08.07.19 23:57:13
      Beitrag Nr. 262 ()
      Kursziel BMO Capital Markets: 5,50 CAD

      Kursziel Canaccord Genuity:. 6,25 CAD
      B2Gold | 3,960 C$
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 09.07.19 17:33:10
      Beitrag Nr. 263 ()
      Gold Producer to Divest Nicaraguan Mines

      Source: Streetwise Reports
      July 8, 2019…
      B2Gold | 4,010 C$
      schrieb am 13.07.19 15:41:27
      Beitrag Nr. 264 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 60.980.980 von Videomat am 08.07.19 23:57:13Die Weihnachtsmänner sind unwichtig, die schreiben jederzeit jede Zahl. Die sie ausgeknobelt haben am Tresen.

      Erst muss es über 4.50 und dann ist wichtig was das management von b2 liefert und was sie gedenken umzusetzen.
      Entscheidend ist wie sich die Bilanz verändert, tut sich da nix positives kann der Kurs einpacken.

      We want See money, not only onzes, und kein un organisches wachstum.

      Dann geht auch der Kurs nach oben.
      B2Gold | 2,782 €
      schrieb am 07.08.19 05:40:38
      Beitrag Nr. 265 ()
      B2Gold | 4,630 C$
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 07.08.19 06:18:14
      Beitrag Nr. 266 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 61.191.582 von Mineral-deposits666 am 07.08.19 05:40:38Guten Morgen und vielen Dank für die Info! Das könnte ja heute ein d`grüner Tag für B2Gold werden: gute Zahlen, Gold im Plus und Widerstand (hoffentlich) geknackt!

      B2Gold | 4,630 C$
      schrieb am 07.08.19 06:58:12
      Beitrag Nr. 267 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 61.191.630 von Lennypenny am 07.08.19 06:18:14Moin. Gern Geschehen. Die Woche werden 1500 geknackt. 😁 Teranga hab ich gestern geschmissen. B2Gold bleibt so oder so im Depot. Die 1500 geben einem ne Chance sich nochmal neu zu orientieren.
      B2Gold | 4,630 C$
      schrieb am 07.08.19 11:26:56
      Beitrag Nr. 268 ()

      Aug 6, 2019
      B2Gold Reports Strong Second Quarter 2019 Results; Record Quarterly Gold Production of 246,000 oz, 8% Above Budget; Beat Against Budget for Cash Operating Costs and AISC

      Freundliche Grüße
      B2Gold | 3,200 €
      schrieb am 07.08.19 16:07:08
      Beitrag Nr. 269 ()
      Für das die Aktie heute 14% im Plus liegt ist es hier ja sehr ruhig .... 😎

      Gerne kann sie aber im Stillen so explodieren 🤠
      B2Gold | 5,320 C$
      schrieb am 09.08.19 21:41:31
      Beitrag Nr. 270 ()
      Schade vom Hoch 4,02 am 7, Aug. bereits schon fast 10% wieder weg :keks::keks::keks:
      B2Gold | 4,850 C$
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 10.08.19 10:19:46
      Beitrag Nr. 271 ()…
      B2Gold (BTG)

      Shares of B2Gold (NYSEAMERICAN:BTG) stock are breaking up and out of a sideways consolation range going back to 2016, rising nearly 60% off of the lows set in late May to return to its post-IPO highs set back in 2012 and 2013. The company continues to expand operations at its facilities in Nicaragua and Colombia.

      The company will next report results on Nov. 5 after the close. Analysts are looking for earnings of five cents per share one revenues of $349.2 million. When the company last reported on Aug. 6 earnings of five cents beat estimates by two cents on a 10.3% rise in revenues.
      Freundliche Grüße
      B2Gold | 3,280 €
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 10.08.19 11:14:09
      Beitrag Nr. 272 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 61.220.984 von supernova1712 am 10.08.19 10:19:463 von den 4 Empfehlungen habe ich nur Kinross nicht mehr …. :look:

      alle drei sehr gut gelaufen nur Iam Gold hat mir letzte Woche einige Tausend Euro Gewinne schmelzen lassen ….:rolleyes:
      B2Gold | 3,280 €
      schrieb am 13.08.19 14:30:13
      Beitrag Nr. 273 ()
      B2Gold Could Benefit Considerably From A Bullish Gold Price
      Aug. 12, 2019…

      Freundliche Grüße
      B2Gold | 3,383 €
      schrieb am 22.08.19 22:36:18
      Beitrag Nr. 274 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 61.219.082 von goldfinger69 am 09.08.19 21:41:31
      Zitat von goldfinger69: Schade vom Hoch 4,02 am 7, Aug. bereits schon fast 10% wieder weg :keks::keks::keks:

      was geht den bei B2G ab....inzwischen vom Hoch im August schon fast 18% wieder entfernt und das obwohl wir immer noch bei ca. 1500 stehen ....:rolleyes:

      Dabei habe ich die jetzt als Basis Investment im Depot ....und nun losen die gegenüber dem Goldpreis so ab ....Zahlen neulich auch gut gewesen ....keine Ahnung wo es hier zwickt :rolleyes:
      B2Gold | 3,081 €
      schrieb am 22.08.19 23:57:43
      Beitrag Nr. 275 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 61.322.743 von goldfinger69 am 22.08.19 22:36:18...nenne mir bitte einen Miner, der momentan nahe 52 Wo. Hoch steht! ...Außer Leagold😎 Ich hoffe Du merkst langsam, dass Dein Jammern teilweise unberechtigt ist. ...die meisten Minen sind nämlich mindestens 18% vom Verlaufshoch entfernt...warum nicht auch B2Gold? Gruß Lenny
      B2Gold | 4,530 C$
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 23.08.19 07:30:23
      Beitrag Nr. 276 ()
      neuer mali mining code tut sein übriges...nicht sehr hilfreich die behörden dort
      B2Gold | 4,530 C$
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 23.08.19 09:08:07
      Beitrag Nr. 277 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 61.323.091 von Lennypenny am 22.08.19 23:57:43
      Zitat von Lennypenny: ...nenne mir bitte einen Miner, der momentan nahe 52 Wo. Hoch steht! ...Außer Leagold😎 Ich hoffe Du merkst langsam, dass Dein Jammern teilweise unberechtigt ist. ...die meisten Minen sind nämlich mindestens 18% vom Verlaufshoch entfernt...warum nicht auch B2Gold? Gruß Lenny

      Also Lennypenny langsam wirst du mir sehr unsympathisch und es gelinde auszudrücken ....

      Ich habe hier lediglich hinterfragt wo es zwickt ...worauf KMST ein gute Antwort gegeben hat.

      Ich sehe nicht das mein Beitrag was mit "Jammern" zu tun hat .... Ab heute werde ich auch deine Beiträge entsprechend kommentieren .... :keks:
      B2Gold | 3,080 €
      schrieb am 23.08.19 15:34:42
      Beitrag Nr. 278 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 61.323.496 von KMST am 23.08.19 07:30:23Du meinst das hier "habe mal eine Übersetzung unten eigestellt" :( Die Rechte für Minenunternehmen in solch Staaten werden immer mehr geschnitten .... :rolleyes:

      Das malische Bergbauministerium kündigte am Mittwoch ein neues Bergbaugesetz an, nach dem Bergbauunternehmen, die in der westafrikanischen Nation tätig sind, während der Produktion nicht mehr von der Mehrwertsteuer befreit sind und eine kürzere Schutzdauer vor steuerlichen Änderungen haben.

      Die Regierung sagte, der neue Kodex versuche, die "Mängel" eines Gesetzes von 2012 zu beheben, indem der Beitrag des Bergbausektors zur Wirtschaft "erheblich erhöht" werde.

      Mit dem neuen Kodex wurde die „Stabilitätsperiode“ verkürzt, in der die bestehenden Investitionen der Bergbauunternehmen vor Änderungen der Steuer- und Zollvorschriften geschützt sind. Zuvor war die Stabilitätsklausel 30 Jahre.

      Zu den Unternehmen, die an industriellen Goldminen in Mali beteiligt sind, gehören Barrick Gold Corp, AngloGold Ashanti, B2Gold und Hummingbird Resources. :eek::(

      Mali ist Afrikas drittgrößter Goldproduzent. Mit neuen Entdeckungen von Bergbauunternehmen stieg die industrielle Goldproduktion laut dem Bergbauministerium im Jahr 2018 um 23%. Entdeckungen anderer Mineralien wie Bauxit und Silber haben die Einnahmen des Bergbausektors gesteigert.…
      B2Gold | 3,150 €
      schrieb am 23.08.19 17:01:39
      Beitrag Nr. 279 ()
      Ja und das wird weltweit weiter gehen, einer der nächsten Kandidaten ist Mexiko
      B2Gold | 4,600 C$
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 23.08.19 17:26:37
      Beitrag Nr. 280 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 61.329.016 von KMST am 23.08.19 17:01:39
      Zitat von KMST: Ja und das wird weltweit weiter gehen, einer der nächsten Kandidaten ist Mexiko

      erst Investoren in ein Land locken und später dann mit kranken Vorstellungen und Gesetzesänderungen die Unternehmen abzocken wollen ...:O

      Ärgerlich, Minenunternehmen werden von den Kaktus N. Staaten ganz schön verarscht :rolleyes:

      eigentlich sollte man doch nur noch in Gold investieren und wenn man einen Hebel haben möchte dann ein gehebeltes Goldprodukt .... :rolleyes:
      Aber jetzt habe ich nun mal so viel Minen :rolleyes:

      Gold gerade vorhin 2% hochgeschossen B2Gold 1,3% im Plus :rolleyes:
      B2Gold | 4,600 C$
      schrieb am 06.09.19 09:57:03
      Beitrag Nr. 281 ()
      B2Gold auf dem Titelbild des neuen "Der Aktionär"

      Freundliche Grüße
      B2Gold | 3,129 €
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 06.09.19 20:55:03
      Beitrag Nr. 282 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 61.425.158 von supernova1712 am 06.09.19 09:57:03oje oje ist wohl kein gutes Zeichen der Aktionär ist doch schon immer ein Kontraindikator :keks:….gestern ist der rausgekommen seit dem B2 Gold schon 10% verloren …. :rolleyes:

      Über das Titelfoto möchte ich erst gar nichts sagen ….:keks:
      B2Gold | 4,435 C$
      schrieb am 07.09.19 07:04:50
      Beitrag Nr. 283 ()
      Aktionär hin oder her...B2Gold ist ein gutes Invest! Alle Miner korrigieren momentan ...stehen die auch im Aktionär drin? Gruß Lenny
      B2Gold | 4,420 C$
      4 Antworten
      schrieb am 07.09.19 10:30:56
      Beitrag Nr. 284 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 61.432.271 von Lennypenny am 07.09.19 07:04:50sollte auch eher eine Spitze gegen das Magazin sein und nicht gegen B2 Gold ….
      Was für verlogenes Titelfoto in der neuen Aussage :keks:

      zu B2 Gold teile ich ja deine Meinung ;)
      B2Gold | 3,034 €
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 07.09.19 10:43:18
      Beitrag Nr. 285 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 61.433.045 von goldfinger69 am 07.09.19 10:30:56Ja, wobei ich mich über den Aktionär nicht beklagen kann! Den lese ich zwar seit einigen Jahren nicht mehr, aber Anfang der 2000er hat der mir ordentlich Gewinne beschert! Da war das Internet und deren Aktien Foren noch nicht so weit, dass man sich dort gut austauschen konnte.
      Auch heute ist es so, dass der Aktionär als erstes von den "Boulevardblättern" Trends aufschnappt.
      Aber egal,...! Lege mir bei B2Gold wieder `ne Kaufzone zurecht. Bin hier ja bei ca. 3,40€ raus.
      Denke Mali kann gut kompensiert aktuell auch kein Thema mehr!

      B2Gold | 3,034 €
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 07.09.19 11:17:10
      Beitrag Nr. 286 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 61.433.090 von Lennypenny am 07.09.19 10:43:18
      Zitat von Lennypenny: Ja, wobei ich mich über den Aktionär nicht beklagen kann! Den lese ich zwar seit einigen Jahren nicht mehr, aber Anfang der 2000er hat der mir ordentlich Gewinne beschert! Da war das Internet und deren Aktien Foren noch nicht so weit, dass man sich dort gut austauschen konnte.
      Auch heute ist es so, dass der Aktionär als erstes von den "Boulevardblättern" Trends aufschnappt.
      Aber egal,...! Lege mir bei B2Gold wieder `ne Kaufzone zurecht. Bin hier ja bei ca. 3,40€ raus.
      Denke Mali kann gut kompensiert aktuell auch kein Thema mehr!


      hm also Bussler in der Aktionär ist schon gut ….möchte ja nicht alles schlecht reden ;)
      vielleicht tue ich den Blättchen ja auch etwas unrecht 😎 aber das Titelfoto ein absolutes no go für mich

      Ich habe keine B2Gold verkauft :rolleyes:
      B2Gold | 3,034 €
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 16.09.19 11:18:49
      Beitrag Nr. 287 ()

      B2Gold and AngloGold Ashanti to Amend Ownership and Management of the Gramalote Project, Colombia

      Freundliche Grüße
      B2Gold | 2,929 €
      schrieb am 16.09.19 17:01:11
      Beitrag Nr. 288 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 61.433.267 von goldfinger69 am 07.09.19 11:17:10
      Zitat von goldfinger69:
      Zitat von Lennypenny: Ja, wobei ich mich über den Aktionär nicht beklagen kann! Den lese ich zwar seit einigen Jahren nicht mehr, aber Anfang der 2000er hat der mir ordentlich Gewinne beschert! Da war das Internet und deren Aktien Foren noch nicht so weit, dass man sich dort gut austauschen konnte.
      Auch heute ist es so, dass der Aktionär als erstes von den "Boulevardblättern" Trends aufschnappt.
      Aber egal,...! Lege mir bei B2Gold wieder `ne Kaufzone zurecht. Bin hier ja bei ca. 3,40€ raus.
      Denke Mali kann gut kompensiert aktuell auch kein Thema mehr!


      hm also Bussler in der Aktionär ist schon gut ….möchte ja nicht alles schlecht reden ;)
      vielleicht tue ich den Blättchen ja auch etwas unrecht 😎 aber das Titelfoto ein absolutes no go für mich

      Ich habe keine B2Gold verkauft :rolleyes:

      ich habe am Fr. für 3,13 USD noch etwas aufgestockt ....:rolleyes:
      B2Gold | 4,230 C$
      schrieb am 17.09.19 11:07:23
      Beitrag Nr. 289 ()
      Sep 16, 2019
      B2Gold Announces Positive Exploration Results from the Anaconda Area and the Fekola Deposit and an Update on the Fekola Mine Expansion

      Freundliche Grüße
      B2Gold | 2,933 €
      schrieb am 06.11.19 09:17:03
      Beitrag Nr. 290 ()
      B2Gold Corp. Announces Strong Third Quarter and Year-to-Date 2019 Results and Declares its First Quarterly Dividend
      VANCOUVER, Nov. 5, 2019 /CNW/ - B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO, NYSE AMERICAN: BTG, NSX: B2G) ("B2Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to announce its operational and financial results for the third quarter and first nine months of 2019. All dollar figures are in United States dollars unless otherwise indicated. B2Gold is also pleased to announce that, as part of the Company's long-term strategy to maximize shareholder value, the board of directors of the Company (the "Board of Directors") declared B2Gold's first dividend of $0.01 per common share, and expects to declare future dividends quarterly at the same level, which on an annualized basis would amount to $0.04 per common share (see "B2Gold Declares First Dividend" section below).

      On October 15, 2019, B2Gold and Calibre Mining Corp. ("Calibre") completed the transaction for B2Gold to restructure its interests in, and for Calibre to acquire, El Limon and La Libertad mines (see "B2Gold and Calibre Join Forces in Nicaragua" section below). Accordingly, the Company has classified its El Limon and La Libertad mines as discontinued operations for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2019 and 2018 for financial reporting purposes.
      B2Gold | 3,149 €
      schrieb am 14.11.19 12:53:25
      Beitrag Nr. 291 ()
      B2Gold Updates Record Date for First Quarterly Dividend

      VANCOUVER, Nov. 13, 2019 /CNW/ - B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO, NYSE AMERICAN: BTG, NSX: B2G) ("B2Gold" or the "Company") announced on November 5, 2019, that its Board of Directors declared its first quarterly dividend for the fourth quarter of 2019 of $0.01 per share. The Company has updated the record date for the dividend such that the shareholders of record as of the close of business on Wednesday, November 27, 2019, will be entitled to receive payment on Friday, December 13, 2019. This dividend is designated as an "eligible dividend" for the purposes of the Income Tax Act (Canada). Dividends paid by B2Gold to shareholders outside Canada (non-resident investors) will be subject to Canadian non-resident withholding taxes.

      Freundliche Grüße
      B2Gold | 3,196 €
      schrieb am 27.11.19 10:44:26
      Beitrag Nr. 292 ()
      ... B2Gold now holds 110,950,333 Calibre Shares,
      approximately 33.83% of the issued and outstanding Calibre Shares ...

      Freundliche Grüße
      B2Gold | 3,281 €
      schrieb am 09.12.19 14:56:23
      Beitrag Nr. 293 ()
      Dec 9, 2019
      B2Gold Announces Positive Year-End Exploration Drill Results for the Fekola Property and Anaconda Area in Mali

      Freundliche Grüße
      B2Gold | 3,350 €
      schrieb am 02.01.20 11:06:02
      Beitrag Nr. 294 ()
      Nachdem der Aktionär darüber schrieb.
      B2Gold | 3,600 €
      schrieb am 02.01.20 11:43:35
      Beitrag Nr. 295 ()

      Sehenswertes Video!

      So stelle ich mir richtige Entwicklungshilfe vor. Einbeziehung der gesamten Bevölkerung in die Entscheidungen, Weitergabe von Wissen und handwerklichen Fähigkeiten ohne gleich was zu fordern.

      Solche Menschen sind glücklich in ihrer Heimat und haben kein Bedürfniss nach Europa zu kommen!
      B2Gold | 3,619 €
      schrieb am 16.01.20 08:47:02
      Beitrag Nr. 296 ()
      B2Gold Reports Record 2019 Annual Gold Production of 980,219 Ounces and 2020 Budget Guidance Including Forecast Gold Producti...

      VANCOUVER, Jan. 15, 2020 /CNW/ - B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO, NYSE AMERICAN: BTG, NSX: B2G) ("B2Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to announce its consolidated gold production and gold revenues for the fourth quarter and full-year 2019, in addition to its production and budget guidance for 2020. All dollar figures are in United States dollars unless otherwise indicated.

      2019 Gold Production and Revenue Highlights

      Fourth quarter consolidated gold production of 234,416 ounces (including 6,010 ounces from discontinued operations)(1) or 245,140 ounces (including 10,724 ounces relating to B2Gold's attributable share of ounces from Calibre)(2)
      Fourth quarter consolidated gold revenues from continuing operations of $314 million on sales of 211,800 ounces; consolidated gold revenues (see "Non-IFRS Measures") of $324 million on sales of 218,437 ounces, including gold sales from the discontinued operations
      Record annual consolidated gold production of 969,495 ounces (including 118,379 ounces from discontinued operations) or 980,219 ounces (including 10,724 ounces relating to B2Gold's attributable share of ounces from Calibre), which exceeded the upper end of the Company's guidance range (of between 935,000 and 975,000 ounces), and marks the eleventh consecutive year that B2Gold achieved record annual consolidated gold production
      Annual gold production from the Fekola Mine, Masbate Mine and Otjikoto Mine all exceeded the upper end of their 2019 production guidance ranges
      Annual consolidated gold revenues from continuing operations of $1,156 million on sales of 827,800 ounces; annual consolidated gold revenues (see "Non-IFRS Measures") of $1,318 million on sales of 943,465 ounces, including gold sales from discontinued operations
      Consolidated cash costs (see "Non-IFRS Measures") are projected to remain low for 2019 with cash operating costs forecast to be at or below the lower end of the Company's $520 and $560 per ounce guidance range and all-in sustaining costs ("AISC") (see "Non-IFRS Measures") to be within the Company's $835 and $875 per ounce guidance range
      In December 2019, the Fekola Mine exceeded one million ounces of gold production (since the commencement of ore processing began in September 2017), achieving this milestone a full year ahead of the original production schedule (2015 Technical Report)
      B2Gold is also pleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Liane Kelly to its Board of Directors effective January 1, 2020
      2020 Budget Highlights

      For 2020, B2Gold remains well positioned for continued strong operational and financial performance with production guidance of between 1,000,000 and 1,055,000 ounces of gold (including attributable ounces of between 45,000 and 50,000 from Calibre) with forecast cash operating costs of between $415 and $455 per ounce and AISC of between $780 and $820 per ounce
      The Fekola Mine expansion project to increase Fekola's processing throughput by 1.5 million tonnes per annum ("Mtpa") to 7.5 Mtpa from an assumed base rate of 6 Mtpa is scheduled to be completed by the end of the third quarter of 2020
      New large-scale off-grid Fekola solar plant project is scheduled for completion in August 2020; expected to provide significant operating cost reductions (estimated to reduce Fekola's processing costs by approximately 7%)
      B2Gold plans to complete a final feasibility study for the joint venture Gramalote Gold Project in Colombia by December 31, 2020
      Following a very successful year for exploration in 2019, B2Gold is planning another year of aggressive exploration in 2020 with a budget of approximately $51 million
      Based on current assumptions, including a gold price of $1,500 per ounce, the Company expects to generate cashflows from operating activities of approximately $700 million in 2020 and to repay the remaining outstanding balance of its revolving credit facility ("RCF") of $200 million during the year…
      B2Gold | 3,656 €
      schrieb am 16.01.20 11:14:52
      Beitrag Nr. 297 ()
      sehr gute zahlen mit potential auch über 2020 hinaus
      B2Gold | 3,659 €
      schrieb am 17.01.20 11:37:19
      Beitrag Nr. 298 ()
      VANCOUVER, Jan. 16, 2020
      B2Gold Corp. is pleased to announce an updated Fekola Mineral Resource estimate including a substantial increase in Indicated Mineral Resources at the Fekola Mine following a successful infill drill program in 2019.

      Freundliche Grüße
      B2Gold | 3,680 €
      schrieb am 17.01.20 12:14:42
      Beitrag Nr. 299 ()
      B2Gold | 3,699 €
      schrieb am 21.01.20 13:40:00
      Beitrag Nr. 300 ()
      B2Gold Corp. Announces Positive Results from the Updated Preliminary Economic Assessment for the Gramalote Project in Colombia and Assumes Role of Manager of the Gramalote Joint Venture

      Freundliche Grüße
      B2Gold | 3,770 €
      schrieb am 06.02.20 20:35:05
      Beitrag Nr. 301 ()
      Läuft und läuft und läuft ...
      B2Gold | 5,655 C$
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 11.02.20 14:10:01
      Beitrag Nr. 302 ()
      “We are clearly in elephant country,” says B2Gold’s Johnson of Fekola exploration
      Brendan Ryan -
      February 5, 2020

      THE B2Gold stock price has soared to record levels above C$5 a share thanks to the successful delivery of the Fekola gold mine in Mali, but the firm’s CEO, Clive Johnson, told delegates at the Investment in Africa Mining Indaba on Tuesday he expected further production growth from exploration work north of the new mine.

      “When we bought Fekola we believed there was significant potential for more Fekola-style mineralisation in an area about 20km to the north called Anaconda which had already been identified by Papillon”.

      B2Gold acquired Fekola in 2014 when it took over Australian junior Papillon Resources in a share deal worth $500m for which Johnson commented: “We were widely criticised for at the time”.

      Johnson added that: “Last year, drilling operations there hit some significant sulphide intercepts below the mineralised saprolite zone and those intercepts are giving us the same kind of grades as the ones we saw in the early days on the main Fekola deposit when Papillon was drilling it.

      “It’s early days, but we are spending $20m on exploration in Mali this year to extensively drill multiple targets in that area. We are clearly in elephant country here when it comes to new gold mines and we are looking aggressively.”

      The original Fekola feasibility study estimated annual production averaging 276,000 ounces over a 12.5 year life-of-mine but the group’s 2020 production guidance is now looking at output of between 590,000 oz and 620,000boz at all-in sustaining costs (AISC) of between $555/oz and $595/oz following a decision to expand the mine.

      Fekola is expected to produce an average of 400,000oz of gold annually over a 12-year lifespan with production during the first five years averaging 550,000 oz annually.

      One of the immediate benefits of this performance is that B2Gold expects to become debt-free during the third quarter of 2020 down from $700m in debt in 2017.

      Johnson said the group’s organic exploration pipeline meant that B2Gold was not interested in getting involved in any merger and acquisition activity because it did not need to.

      Asked if B2 Gold itself could become an M&A target Johnson replied that was unlikely because – given the success at Fekola – the company’s shareholders were likely to demand a high premium in any takeover deal which major gold groups would be unwilling to pay because of the likely negative impact on the value of their own shares.
      B2Gold | 3,858 €
      schrieb am 19.02.20 09:55:33
      Beitrag Nr. 303 ()
      2020 B2Gold spendet 1.000 Unzen Gold an die Naturschutzinitiative
      B2Gold spendet 1.000 Unzen Gold an die Naturschutzinitiative zum Schutz gefährdeter schwarzer Nashörner im südlichen Afrika

      B2Gold | 4,219 €
      schrieb am 28.02.20 11:51:02
      Beitrag Nr. 304 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 62.607.727 von edorado am 06.02.20 20:35:05
      Zitat von edorado: Läuft und läuft und läuft ...

      ..bei mir nicht mehr so, liegt bestimmt am PC.;)
      B2Gold | 3,400 €
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 28.02.20 13:10:58
      Beitrag Nr. 305 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 62.822.093 von iam57 am 28.02.20 11:51:02
      Zitat von iam57:
      Zitat von edorado: Läuft und läuft und läuft ...

      ..bei mir nicht mehr so, liegt bestimmt am PC.;)

      musst halt mal etwas mehr Geld in die Hand nehmen und in einen gescheiten PC investieren ... :laugh:

      läuft auch weiter nur halte jetzt mit voller Geschwindigkeit in eine andere Richtung ....:rolleyes:
      B2Gold | 3,450 €
      schrieb am 08.04.20 20:02:33
      Beitrag Nr. 306 ()
      ..ok, bin dabei und das ist gut so.:look:
      B2Gold | 5,100 C$
      schrieb am 10.04.20 11:22:33
      Beitrag Nr. 307 ()
      Klingt doch sehr gut :)

      Wenn Ich Goldpreis 1680 nehme und AISC 780 ansetzte ...Wären das ja aktuell ca. 900 USD Gewinn
      was ja fast 1 Mrd. Gewinn wären ...gut

      B2Gold meldet Quartalsproduktion von 262.632 Unzen Gold
      B2Gold Corp. veröffentlichte heute die Zahlen seiner Goldproduktion sowie Goldumsatzes für das erste Quartal 2020. Aus diesen Daten geht hervor, dass das Unternehmen in Q1 insgesamt 262.632 Unzen Gold produzieren konnte.

      Der Rekordumsatz seiner drei operierenden Minen belief sich zudem auf 380 Millionen Dollar, ein deutlicher Anstieg von 44% im Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum.

      Für das Gesamtjahr strebt das Unternehmen eine konsolidierte Goldproduktion zwischen 1.000.000 und 1.055.000 Unzen Gold an, mit konsolidierten Kapitalkosten zwischen 414 und 455 Dollar je Unze sowie konsolidierten All-In Sustaining Costs zwischen 780 und 820 Dollar je Unze.
      B2Gold | 3,725 €
      schrieb am 10.04.20 11:31:39
      Beitrag Nr. 308 ()
      B2Gold hält außerdem noch 33,8% der Calibre-Mining. Und die gingen gestern um 19% nach oben!

      Also ein netter Turbo-Beschleuniger für diese Aktie! :lick:
      B2Gold | 3,725 €
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 10.04.20 14:08:06
      Beitrag Nr. 309 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 63.296.482 von Candlestick_2 am 10.04.20 11:31:39
      Zitat von Candlestick_2: B2Gold hält außerdem noch 33,8% der Calibre-Mining. Und die gingen gestern um 19% nach oben!

      Also ein netter Turbo-Beschleuniger für diese Aktie! :lick:

      Bei so einen Goldpreis und so einen niedrigen AISC und über 1 Mio Unzen und Beteiligungen an anderen Miner müsste die B2G eigentlich wesentlich höher stehen ....ich hoffe die Aktie gibt noch so richtig Gas und B2G wird nicht bei so Witzkursen übernommen ....:rolleyes:
      B2Gold | 3,725 €
      schrieb am 16.04.20 14:06:49
      Beitrag Nr. 310 ()
      B2Gold Corp. BTG
      B2Gold Corp. BTG : Die Zacks-Konsensschätzung für das Ergebnis des in Vancouver, Kanada, ansässigen Unternehmens für das Geschäftsjahr 2020 geht von einem Wachstum von 200% gegenüber dem vorherigen Geschäftsjahr aus. Das Unternehmen übertraf die Schätzungen in den letzten vier Quartalen im Durchschnitt um 23,8%. Die Aktie hat einen Zacks-Rang 2 und einen VGM-Wert von B. Das Unternehmen hat eine langfristig geschätzte Gewinnwachstumsrate von 6,8%.

      B2Gold | 4,359 €
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 22.04.20 17:08:18
      Beitrag Nr. 311 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 63.347.458 von audo am 16.04.20 14:06:49FYI…
      B2Gold | 6,830 C$
      schrieb am 25.04.20 10:34:56
      Beitrag Nr. 312 ()
      ab Min 6.45 Bußler zu B2Gold

      B2Gold | 4,991 €
      schrieb am 29.04.20 07:16:30
      Beitrag Nr. 313 ()
      B2 Gold hat sein Toega Gold Deposit an West African verkauft. Nach den Verkäufen an Calibre ist das jetzt wieder ein Verkauf mittlerer Deposits an einen Small Cap Miner. Was hat B2 Gold auf lange Sicht vor? Hübschen die sich für eine Übernahme auf, oder wollen die etwas Großes kaufen?

      B2Gold | 7,360 C$
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 29.04.20 13:14:13
      Beitrag Nr. 314 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 63.491.195 von Lennypenny am 29.04.20 07:16:30Hallo zusammen,
      ich bin in der vergangenen Wochen in verschiedene Gold Positionen eingestiegen (FSX, KL und JAG).
      Hab auch schon länger B2G auf dem Schirm.

      Die Zahlen gefallen mir. Lenny, ich verstehe aus deinen Nachrichten, dass du B2G generell Bullish siehst?

      Ich erwarte auch noch einen deutlichen Rücksetzer für den gesamten Aktienmarkt. Da werden die Goldaktien mMn zuerst noch einen Dämpfer bekommen. Danach werden die aber richtig gas geben...

      Euch gute Geschäfte,
      B2Gold | 4,917 €
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 29.04.20 17:23:07
      Beitrag Nr. 315 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 63.497.702 von RoccoStark am 29.04.20 13:14:13Als Dickschiff sehe ich B2 Gold sehr positiv. Mein Depot besteht allerdings aus Small und Mid Cap Minern, die, so ist mein Gedanken, wohl besser performen werden.
      Einen Rücksetzer, wie im März, sehe ich allerdings nicht mehr. Kannst ja mal bei "Prallhans" im Thread vorbei schauen, da bekommst du gute Infos über alles Mögliche.

      B2Gold | 7,160 C$
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 30.04.20 08:38:10
      Beitrag Nr. 316 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 63.502.577 von Lennypenny am 29.04.20 17:23:07Danke Lenny.
      Beim Prallhans lese ich auch schon mit. "Leider" ist dort schon viel Off-Topic.
      Aber das ist wohl das normale Störfeuer in einem recht generellen Thread.
      Werde aber mein Augenmerk auch dort hinlegen.

      Sehe es wie du dass die kleinen mehr Potential haben. Bin auch bei Fosterville South drin. Deinen Ansatz sich bei den Minen rundum zu beteiligen finde ich sehr interessant. Chalice ist ja im letzten Monat abgegangen.

      Genug off topic von mit. Allen B2Goldern alles gute

      B2Gold | 4,949 €
      schrieb am 06.05.20 08:52:10
      Beitrag Nr. 317 ()
      B2Gold meldet starke Zahlen für Q1 2020
      08:32 Uhr |

      B2Gold Corp. veröffentlichte heute die Ergebnisse für das erste Quartal 2020. Aus diesen geht hervor, dass das Unternehmen in diesem Zeitraum eine konsolidierte Goldproduktion von 250.632 Unzen verzeichnen konnte.

      Man machte einen konsolidierten Rekordumsatz im Quartal von 380 Millionen Dollar, 44% mehr als im Vorjahreszeitraum. Das Nettoeinkommen belief sich zudem auf 72 Millionen Dollar oder 0,07 Dollar je Aktie.

      Das Unternehmen erwartet, dass es 2020 insgesamt einen operativen Cashflow in Höhe von 700 Millionen Dollar erreichen wird, wenn man von einem durchschnittlichen Goldpreis von 1.500 Dollar je Unze ausgeht.

      Die konsolidierte Jahresproduktion wird auf ungefähr 950.000 Unzen Gold zu All-In Sustaining Costs von 825 Dollar je Unze geschätzt.
      B2Gold | 5,090 €
      4 Antworten
      schrieb am 07.05.20 17:04:16
      Beitrag Nr. 318 ()…


      B2Gold released its Q1 results on Tuesday with exceptional performance, and has maintained its FY-2020 production and cost guidance.

      The company continues to be a leading African gold producer based on exceptional annual EPS growth and growing production, and the company saw record consolidated quarterly production in Q1.

      The cherry on top of the report was a further dividend increase, with the annual dividend doubled to $0.08 per share, or a 1.5% forward yield at current prices.

      Based on the company's industry-leading margins, B2Gold remains a top-3 African gold producer, but I continue to believe a move above $5.85 would be an area to book some profits.


      B2Gold veröffentlichte am Dienstag seine Ergebnisse für das erste Quartal mit einer außergewöhnlichen Entwicklung und hat seine Produktions- und Kostenprognose für das GJ-2020 beibehalten.

      Das Unternehmen ist weiterhin ein führender afrikanischer Goldproduzent, basierend auf einem außergewöhnlichen jährlichen EPS-Wachstum und einer wachsenden Produktion, und das Unternehmen verzeichnete im Q1 eine konsolidierte Quartalsproduktion in Rekordhöhe.

      Das Sahnehäubchen des Berichts war eine weitere Dividendenerhöhung mit einer Verdoppelung der jährlichen Dividende auf $ 0,08 pro Aktie bzw. einer Dividendenrendite von 1,5% bei aktuellen Preisen.

      Basierend auf den branchenführenden Margen des Unternehmens bleibt B2Gold ein Top-3-Goldproduzent Afrikas, aber ich glaube weiterhin, dass eine Bewegung über 5,85 $ hinaus ein Bereich wäre, in dem Gewinne zu realisieren wären.

      Übersetzt mit (kostenlose Version)
      B2Gold | 7,530 C$
      schrieb am 12.06.20 13:39:09
      Beitrag Nr. 319 ()
      Alle Firmen kürzen oder streichen ihre Dividenden.


      Es gibt Ausnahmen! :D :D :D

      B2Gold Corp. Declares Second Quarter 2020 Dividend; Increased by 100% to $0.02 per Share

      Freundliche Grüße
      B2Gold | 4,615 €
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 12.06.20 13:44:33
      Beitrag Nr. 320 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 63.998.328 von supernova1712 am 12.06.20 13:39:09Nachtrag:

      Firmenpräsentation vom Mai 2020
      B2Gold | 4,564 €
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 25.06.20 22:30:12
      Beitrag Nr. 321 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 63.998.385 von supernova1712 am 12.06.20 13:44:33Hi das klingt doch cool wieviel Prozent vom Gewinn schüttet die Firma an die Aktionäre den aus?
      B2Gold | 4,666 €
      schrieb am 13.07.20 13:12:18
      Beitrag Nr. 322 ()
      Läuft alles bestens, oder?

      B2Gold Reports Quarterly Gold Production of 241,593 Oz and Record Quarterly Revenue of $442 M for Q2 2020;
      On Track to Meet Annual Production Guidance of 1,000,000 to 1,055,000 Oz

      Freundliche Grüße
      B2Gold | 5,298 €
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 22.07.20 22:14:12
      Beitrag Nr. 323 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 64.386.848 von supernova1712 am 13.07.20 13:12:18Besser kann´s eigentlich nicht laufen. Ich sehe gerade, da gibt es anscheinend (fast) keine Investoren?!
      B2Gold | 9,010 C$
      schrieb am 28.07.20 21:09:19
      Beitrag Nr. 324 ()
      B2Gold Announces the Launch of its Namibian Rhino Gold Bar Campaign in North America to Support the Conservation and Protection of the Critically Endangered Black Rhinos…

      Tue Gutes und rede darüber... :D

      Aber der Aktienkurs steigt ja auch... :)

      Freundliche Grüße
      B2Gold | 9,200 C$
      schrieb am 06.08.20 10:40:53
      Beitrag Nr. 325 ()

      Die ZWEITE Verdoppelung der Dividende in diesem Jahr!
      :D :D :D

      B2Gold Reports Strong Q2 2020 Results and Doubling Quarterly Dividend to $0.04 per Share; Quarterly Records for Gold Revenue and Operating Cash Flows; Cash Operating Costs and AISC Less than Budget

      VANCOUVER, August 5, 2020

      Goldige Grüße :)
      B2Gold | 6,300 €
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 06.08.20 10:54:40
      Beitrag Nr. 326 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 64.664.572 von supernova1712 am 06.08.20 10:40:53
      Die Firmenpräsentation vom Juli
      B2Gold | 6,300 €
      schrieb am 06.08.20 18:08:16
      Beitrag Nr. 327 ()
      B2Gold | 9,660 C$
      schrieb am 19.08.20 09:51:14
      Beitrag Nr. 328 ()
      Natürlich haben die politischen Entwicklungen in Mali Verunsicherung bei den Aktionären ausgelöst.

      B2Gold nimmt Stellung:

      News Release Issued: Aug 19, 2020 (3:30am EDT)
      B2Gold Continues to Operate Unimpeded at its Fekola Mine in Mali

      VANCOUVER, Canada, Aug. 19, 2020 /CNW/ - B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO) (NYSE AMERICAN: BTG) (NSX: B2G) ("B2Gold" or the "Company") announces that the Company continues to monitor the evolving political situation in Mali. B2Gold's mining operations at its Fekola Mine have not been affected in any way and the Company continues mining and milling operations as normal. The Fekola Mine has sufficient supplies on hand to maintain its budgeted activities through the end of the third quarter and beyond if needed. The Fekola mill expansion remains on schedule. No operational days have been lost due to the political situation in the country and all of B2Gold's mine personnel are safe.

      B2Gold will continue to monitor the situation and work to ensure that its mining operations continue normally, providing economic benefits and job creation both to the communities around the mine and to regional and national governments. Foreign investment and political stability in Mali are crucial for the country.

      B2Gold has enjoyed a positive relationship with the Government of Mali from the beginning of its investment in the country, including, most recently, partnering with the government to assist the people of Mali in facing the challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the mining sector.

      As one of the largest Canadian investors in Mali, B2Gold has enjoyed strong support for its investment which now totals nearly US$1 billion. With more than 2,200 employees in Mali (more than 93% Malians), B2Gold has provided major economic benefits, training and capacity building to Malians, providing more than US$37 million in salaries for employees in 2019 alone. As a vital commercial enterprise in Mali, the Fekola Mine generated almost US$134 million in revenue for the Government of Mali in 2019.

      The State of Mali has a 20% ownership in the Fekola Mine, in addition to benefitting from royalties and taxes.

      Freundliche Grüße
      B2Gold | 5,626 €
      schrieb am 25.08.20 22:55:56
      Beitrag Nr. 329 ()
      Kein Problem.
      Bei Goldpreisen über 1.800 US$ .
      Für Investoren wird es eine Dividendenerhöhung wohl geben.
      B2Gold | 5,262 €
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 25.08.20 23:35:56
      Beitrag Nr. 330 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 64.881.464 von Inderhals am 25.08.20 22:55:56
      Zitat von Inderhals: Kein Problem.
      Bei Goldpreisen über 1.800 US$ .
      Für Investoren wird es eine Dividendenerhöhung wohl geben.

      mir wäre ja eine gewaltige Erholung von der politischen Situation in Mali lieber .... als die Div. .....
      B2Gold | 8,200 C$
      schrieb am 11.09.20 09:30:28
      Beitrag Nr. 331 ()

      B2Gold Reports Successful Commissioning of Fekola Mill Expansion ahead of Schedule; Maintains 2020 Production Guidance and Continues Debt Reduction; Declares Third Quarter Dividend of $0.04 per Share

      VANCOUVER, Sept. 10, 2020…

      Freundliche Grüße
      B2Gold | 5,528 €
      schrieb am 17.09.20 12:36:06
      Beitrag Nr. 332 ()
      Sep 17, 2020
      B2Gold Announces Positive Exploration Drill Results from Near Fekola and Anaconda Area Exploration Drilling…

      Freundliche Grüße
      B2Gold | 5,700 €
      schrieb am 26.09.20 15:46:12
      Beitrag Nr. 333 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 63.576.384 von audo am 06.05.20 08:52:10
      Wir werden...
      bei den Explorern, Minern, Producern, Streamern und Royalties etlichge Neubewertungen sehen, erstmalige Dividenden sowie Sonderdividenden sowie raketenhafte Kurssteigerungen, so meine Einschätzung für den Zeithorizont von einem Jahr. Und darauf habe ich mein Depot ausgerichtet: >45% EM-AKTIEN im Depot, überwiegend nach Fraser-Kriterien😎

      Viel Erfolg euch!

      +++ Keine Handlungsempfehlung +++
      B2Gold | 8,500 C$
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 26.09.20 16:33:37
      Beitrag Nr. 334 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 65.201.941 von TrustN01 am 26.09.20 15:46:12
      Wenn Du schon themenfremd spamst: :D

      Was sind diese "Fraser-Kriterien" und welche Aktien hast Du?

      Neugierige Grüße
      B2Gold | 8,500 C$
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 26.09.20 17:19:03
      Beitrag Nr. 335 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 65.202.184 von supernova1712 am 26.09.20 16:33:37
      Themenfremd? wohl kaum...
      die Fraser-Kriterien finden Interessierte hier:…

      B2Gold, Wesdome, Kinross, Chalice (neulich Teilverkauf🤣😂), McEwen, Calibre, Centerra, Centamin, EMX, Group Ten,..., usw. -davon etliche seit JAHREN übrigens und über die Zeit die Posis verstärkt und neue aufgebaut. Also "voll i, Thema"
      B2Gold | 8,500 C$
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 27.09.20 11:35:07
      Beitrag Nr. 336 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 65.202.316 von TrustN01 am 26.09.20 17:19:03Keiner versteht meinen Humor! :cry: :cry: :cry:

      Vielen Dank für den Link! Interessanter Lesestoff für Regentage wie heute!

      Das ist tatsächlich nicht themenfremd.
      Sehr hilfreich ist vor allem der Vergleich der Länder, Bundesstaaten, Provinzen etc. hinsichtlich ihrer "Minenfreundlichkeit".

      Und jetzt noch der Schwenk zu B2Gold:
      Obwohl Mali bei Fraser nicht überragend gut wegkommt -
      B2Gold macht dort wohl trotzdem einen recht guten Job!

      Oder ist jemand anderer Meinung?

      Freundliche Grüße
      B2Gold | 5,476 €
      schrieb am 15.10.20 12:52:12
      Beitrag Nr. 337 ()
      B2Gold Reports Quarterly Gold Production of 263,813 Oz and Record Quarterly Revenue of $487 M for Q3 2020; On Track to Meet Annual Production Guidance of 1,000,000 to 1,055,000 Oz

      VANCOUVER, BC, October 15, 2020…

      Freundliche Grüße
      B2Gold | 5,950 €
      schrieb am 15.10.20 13:29:45
      Beitrag Nr. 338 ()
      Stark und SCHULDENFREI
      Höhepunkte des dritten Quartals 2020 Konsolidierte Goldproduktion von 248.733 Unzen aus den drei operativen Minen des Unternehmens, über dem Budget um 1% (2.929 Unzen) und ein deutlicher Anstieg von 17% (35.455 Unzen) gegenüber dem dritten Quartal 2019 (ohne aufgegebene Geschäftsbereiche von El Limon und La Libertad) Die gesamte Goldproduktion von 263.813 Unzen (einschließlich 15.080 Unzen zurechenbarer Produktion von Calibre Mining Corp. ("Calibre")) Rekordquartal konsolidierter Goldumsatz von 487 Mio. USD, ein deutlicher Anstieg von 176 Mio. USD (57%) gegenüber dem dritten Quartal 2019 ( ohne nicht fortgeführte Aktivitäten) Die Fekola-Mine ist weiterhin ungehindert in Betrieb und es sind keine Betriebstage aufgrund der jüngsten politischen Entwicklungen und Demonstrationen bei Vorfällen mit MaliNo Lost-Time-Injury ("LTI") in den Betriebsminen des Unternehmens verloren gegangen, was die Anzahl der Tage verlängert ohne LTI auf 255 Tage für Fekola, 684 Tage für Masbate und 918 Tage für Otjikoto zum 30. September 2020 Am 5. August 2020 kündigte das Unternehmen eine 100% ige Erhöhung seines Quars an Dividende auf 0,04 USD je Aktie (oder voraussichtlich 0,16 USD je Aktie auf Jahresbasis), die sich in der Dividendenzahlung des dritten Quartals widerspiegelte Am 10. September 2020 gab das Unternehmen die erfolgreiche Inbetriebnahme der Erweiterung der Fekola-Mühle auf 7,5 Millionen Tonnen pro Jahr bekannt ("Mtpa") (eine Erhöhung von 1,5 Mtpa von einem angenommenen Basiszinssatz von 6 Mtpa) vor dem geplanten Fertigstellungstermin am 30. September 2020; Die Fekola-Mühle hat das Potenzial, die annualisierte Durchsatzrate von 7,5 Mtpa zu überschreiten. Derzeit wird eine Analyse durchgeführt, um die optimale Durchsatzrate zu ermitteln. B2Gold verfügt über eine starke Finanzlage und Liquidität. Das Unternehmen ist jetzt schuldenfrei (abgesehen von Darlehen und Leasingverträgen für Bergbaumaschinen in Höhe von insgesamt rund 50 Mio. USD zum 30. September 2020), nachdem der ausstehende Saldo der revolvierenden Kreditfazilität (RCF) in Höhe von 425 Mio. USD im dritten Quartal 2020 vollständig zurückgezahlt wurde Der volle Betrag des 600 Millionen US-Dollar teuren RCF ist jetzt nicht in Anspruch genommen und verfügbar
      B2Gold | 6,000 €
      schrieb am 15.10.20 14:13:54
      Beitrag Nr. 339 ()
      Nächster Schritt
      Als nächstes werden wohl Aktienrückkäufe kommen. Die sind jetzt komplett schuldenfrei und das Managnent sowie der Gründer seit über 20 Jahren im selben Betrieb. Wir werden hier nicht nur höhere Kurse sondern auch ständig steigende Dividenden sehen. Habe heute meinen Bestand ausgebaut. Liegenlassen und freuen ist hier die Devise!!!!!!
      B2Gold | 6,000 €
      schrieb am 04.11.20 10:12:22
      Beitrag Nr. 340 ()
      Nov 3, 2020
      B2Gold Reports Strong Q3 2020 Results; Quarterly and Year-to-date Records for Gold Revenues and Operating Cash Flows; Cash Operating Costs and AISC Lower than Budget…

      Freundliche Grüße
      B2Gold | 5,770 €
      schrieb am 04.11.20 20:41:04
      Beitrag Nr. 341 ()
      B2Gold meldet Rekordergebnisse für Q3 2020 👍 ....und fällt dafür fast 6% :rolleyes::keks:…
      B2Gold | 8,380 C$
      4 Antworten
      schrieb am 04.11.20 20:48:01
      Beitrag Nr. 342 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 65.597.888 von goldfinger69 am 04.11.20 20:41:04Das verstehe wer will, ich jedenfalls nicht.
      B2Gold | 8,380 C$
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 04.11.20 21:11:35
      Beitrag Nr. 343 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 65.597.924 von Hart-Mann am 04.11.20 20:48:01
      Zitat von Hart-Mann: Das verstehe wer will, ich jedenfalls nicht.

      Ja verstehe ich auch nicht ...heute ist zwar ein roter Minen Tag aber gut bei den Zahlen hätte ich trotzdem einen grünen Tag bei B2G erwartet ....
      B2Gold | 8,410 C$
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 06.11.20 15:25:19
      Beitrag Nr. 344 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 65.598.107 von goldfinger69 am 04.11.20 21:11:35
      Cash Maschine
      Abwarten eben wieder bestätigt auf der Goldmesse online B2 Gold ist eine Cash Maschine und schuldenfrei😜
      B2Gold | 5,940 €
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 18.11.20 11:13:32
      Beitrag Nr. 345 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 65.619.611 von Claudioraimondo am 06.11.20 15:25:19Ich habe nochmalig zugekauft. Sollte der Kurs weiter absacken, werde ich wohl "abermals in die Mühle fahren".

      Es wird derzeit Geld gedruckt ohne Ende. Da kann man doch einfach nur zesehen.
      B2Gold | 4,981 €
      schrieb am 20.11.20 19:29:56
      Beitrag Nr. 346 ()
      :confused:Und- schon in den Miesen.
      Vorerst mal....
      B2Gold | 7,450 C$
      schrieb am 20.11.20 20:57:46
      Beitrag Nr. 347 ()
      hab mal einen kleinen Call gekauft ;)
      B2Gold | 7,440 C$
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 20.11.20 21:05:13
      Beitrag Nr. 348 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 65.789.238 von senna7 am 20.11.20 20:57:46Könnte funzen.
      B2Gold | 7,410 C$
      schrieb am 24.11.20 16:54:39
      Beitrag Nr. 349 ()
      Zeit Long zu gehen :D

      ISIN: DE000MC845L8
      B2Gold | 7,005 C$
      schrieb am 24.11.20 17:00:52
      Beitrag Nr. 350 ()
      sehe ich auch so , kann also wegen meiner losgehen.......
      B2Gold | 6,965 C$
      schrieb am 25.11.20 16:08:17
      Beitrag Nr. 351 ()
      Kam soeben per Mail:

      B2Gold Corp. is pleased to announce that its Board of Directors (the "Board") has declared a cash dividend for the fourth quarter of 2020 of $0.04 per share (or an expected $0.16 per share on an annualized basis), payable on December 18, 2020, to shareholders of record as of December 8, 2020.
      B2Gold | 7,040 C$
      schrieb am 25.11.20 17:05:40
      Beitrag Nr. 352 ()
      3% in etwa auf Jahr , dürfte 2021 dann Richtung 4% gehen
      B2Gold | 6,950 C$
      schrieb am 27.11.20 11:33:00
      Beitrag Nr. 353 ()
      Bußler zu B2 Gold ab Minute 5,28

      B2Gold | 4,696 €
      schrieb am 30.11.20 11:35:54
      Beitrag Nr. 354 ()
      So, bin seit dem Absturz am Freitag auch mit von der Partie. Wollte mir schon eine gute Zeit einen Miner ins Portfolio legen und der Freitag kam mir diesbezüglich sehr gelegen.

      Ob der Goldpreis jetzt phasenweise bis Mitte Dezember noch nachgibt lässt sich schwer sagen - auf lange Sicht gesehen kann man hier meiner Meinung nicht viel falsch machen, da ich auch von einem steigenden Goldpreis 2021-22 ausgehe. Dafür ist die gedruckte Geldmenge einfach zu groß, die Probleme noch nicht absehbar. Natürlich ist der Kurs bei Gold nicht so "durchsichtig" - aber bei den Zahlen von B2Gold, der Dividendenaussicht und aktuellen Bewertung zu Gold.

      Man vergleiche den Kursverlauf - im Juni diesen Jahres das letzte mal so tief gestanden. Nimmt man den generellen April Absturz raus, bewegen wir uns in einem sehr schönen Aufwärtstrend der mit gutem Zahlen untermauert wird.

      Sehr schönes und gutes Investment.

      Uns allen noch viel Erfolg.
      B2Gold | 4,540 €
      schrieb am 03.12.20 11:17:26
      Beitrag Nr. 355 ()
      B2Gold Recognized as Industry-Leading Responsible Miner…

      Freundliche Grüße
      B2Gold | 4,748 €
      schrieb am 17.12.20 16:58:40
      Beitrag Nr. 356 ()
      Nun schau`n´Wir mal die kommenden Tage. Ich bin jetzt stark investiert und harre "der Dinge".
      B2Gold | 7,340 C$
      schrieb am 18.12.20 13:58:53
      Beitrag Nr. 357 ()
      Tue Gutes und rede darüber :)…

      B2Gold Completes Sale of Rhino Gold Bars to Support Community-Backed Black Rhino Conservation in Namibia

      The Rhino Gold Bar initiative began in early 2020 when B2Gold announced the ground-breaking donation of 1,000 ounces of gold produced from the Company's Otjikoto mine in Namibia to support the preservation of the black rhino population in the country and the communities that protect them.

      Freundliche Grüße
      B2Gold | 4,778 €
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 18.12.20 19:12:13
      Beitrag Nr. 358 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 66.119.842 von supernova1712 am 18.12.20 13:58:53Sag mal, hier tut sich ja überhaupt Nichts.
      Keine Investoren, oder nur Spanner?
      B2Gold | 7,295 C$
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 22.12.20 21:43:58
      Beitrag Nr. 359 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 66.124.960 von Inderhals am 18.12.20 19:12:13Nein, bin selber investiert und wundere mich jeden Tag darüber, warum sich an den Kursen nichts tut, obwohl tierische Gewinne eingefahren werden und das Unternehmen kerngesund ist. Die Welt ist bekloppt geworden, aber das wird schon wieder ...
      B2Gold | 7,130 C$
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 23.12.20 14:53:48
      Beitrag Nr. 360 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 66.168.841 von Reibkuchen am 22.12.20 21:43:58Der "zyklische Markt" hat enorm zugelegt. Und Wir hier auf der antizyklischen Seite gehen anscheinend Heuer zu Weihnachten leer aus.:confused:

      Irgendwie läuft es für mich etwas Quer.
      B2Gold | 4,622 €
      schrieb am 23.12.20 15:42:34
      Beitrag Nr. 361 ()
      Gold steht kurz vor der Richtungsentscheidung, etwas Geduld. Das erste Quartal im neuen Jahr dürfte richtig spannend und interessant werden, wovon auch die Minen profitieren werden ...
      B2Gold | 4,570 €
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 24.12.20 09:29:33
      Beitrag Nr. 362 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 66.179.059 von Reibkuchen am 23.12.20 15:42:34Mal sehen, ob es denn so kommt. Der HYPE in diesem Jahr beim Goldpreis muss ja erstmal verdaut werden.

      Spannend dürfte es ohnehin werden, da ja die Gelddruckmaschine unablässig auf Hochtouren läuft.
      In den USA kommt der Helikopter mal wieder und wird Scheinchen unter die Leute.
      Das Geld hat seine eigentliche Funktion verloren.
      B2Gold | 4,619 €
      schrieb am 05.01.21 11:14:03
      Beitrag Nr. 363 ()
      Sehe ich genau so, viel frisches Geld im Umlauf - der nächste "Hype" steht an... sollte, wenn es so weitergeht wieder zügig auf ~5,5 laufen. Geht also alles in die richtige Richtung momentan. Wird schon ;)
      B2Gold | 4,901 €
      schrieb am 07.01.21 18:52:57
      Beitrag Nr. 364 ()
      Ownership, Earn-In and Licensing
      The Ondundu Exclusive Prospecting Licence (“EPL 3195”) for base, rare and precious metal exploration is held 100% by Razorback Gold Mining Company (Pty) Limited (“Razorback”). Razorback is a 51% owned subsidiary of Westport Resources Namibia (Pty) Ltd.(“Westport”), which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company. EPL 3195 expired on February 3, 2019 and was renewed until February 3, 2021.

      On August 31, 2015 Omajete Mining Company (Proprietary) Limited, a 70% owned subsidiary of Westport executed a Heads of Agreement Earn-in on EPL3195 with B2Gold Mining Investments Limited and B2Gold Namibia (Proprietary) Limited (together “B2Gold”). On January 11, 2016, an Amended and Restated Heads of Agreement Earn-In was executed replacing the original agreement and the deadlines for the 75% earn-in and call option for the balance of the shares in Razorback were both extended by letter agreement dated October 2, 2018. The Company was paid an Earn-in extension fee of US$150,000 in 2018 and a further payment of US$100,000 in 2019 (‘Extension Fees”).

      The Earn-In gives B2Gold the option to earn up to a 100% interest in EPL 3195. On January 1, 2018, B2Gold earned a 49% interest in Razorback (refer to note 10) by making cumulative expenditures of US$2,000,000. B2Gold has the option to increase its interest to 75% by making expenditures of US$1,300,000 by November 30, 2020 and by making a subsequent election to so increase its shareholding.

      B2Gold has a call option exercisable to January 2, 2022 to increase its existing shareholding in Razorback to a 100%. The consideration for exercise of this call option is US$8,500,000 less the Extension Fees and other payments made by B2Gold to buy-out interests in EPL 3195 amounting to US$ 434,000. The consideration can be a 100% cash payment or, at B2Gold’s option, 50% cash payment with the balance paid by the issue of B2Gold common shares based on a 5-day VWAP prior to the exercise date.

      If B2Gold elects to increase its shareholding in Razorback to a 75% interest, the Company has an option for a period of one year from such increase to put its remaining 25% interest to B2Gold for the consideration outlined above.

      If B2Gold withdraws from the agreement, B2Gold will transfer to Westport Resources Namibia (Pty) Ltd.(“Westport”), which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, all ordinary shares held by B2Gold in Razorback for nil consideration. Westport would then hold 100% of the shares in Razorback.

      Historical Drilling Results

      Discovered in 1917, it is located in the Northern Zone of the Neoproterozoic Damara Orogen in north-central Namibia. Ondundu is a sediment-hosted, structurally controlled, mesothermal gold deposit belonging to a family of deposits that includes some of the world’s most significant gold resources including Muruntau (+100m oz), Telfer (+26 m oz), and Kumtor (+4m oz) and locally the Navachab Mine (+4m oz) and the Otjikoto Deposit (+1m oz).

      ​Project Highlights:

      Historical resource of approximately 500 K ounces of gold (4.5 MMt at 3.387 g/t); Goldfields 1989

      2,868 surface samples analyzed yield average of 7.7 g/t (historical trenching by Goldfields (Tsumeb Exploration) on the veins and parallel to the veins)

      5,583 m of drill samples analyzed yield mean of 8.5 g/t (Goldfields drilling from 1980’s)

      Gold mineralization identified along a 2.5 km by 0.5 km ridge protruding approximately 60 m above grade surroundings (due to silicification of host rocks)

      Open pitable shallow dipping stratiform deposit
      B2Gold | 7,310 C$
      schrieb am 13.01.21 16:00:58
      Beitrag Nr. 365 ()
      Völlig "Gaga", was mit hochprofitablen Goldminen am Markt passiert, da die Gewinne sprudeln und sogar Dividenden bezahlt werden. Die meisten sind nur noch am zocken und ich sage FOMO und das wird auf Dauer nicht gutgehen 😉:…
      B2Gold | 6,610 C$
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 14.01.21 06:15:22
      Beitrag Nr. 366 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 66.421.652 von Reibkuchen am 13.01.21 16:00:58da währe ich mir nicht so sicher das der krypto schnell endet jetzt steigen große doch erst ein wie es mit gold weiter geht das weiß keiner ,deswegen die unsicherheit bei minen ,ich frag mich wo sollen neue impulse für gold herkommen ?
      B2Gold | 6,570 C$
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 14.01.21 10:39:47
      Beitrag Nr. 367 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 66.430.619 von goldroller am 14.01.21 06:15:22Spätestens dann, wenn die gesamte Wirtschaft und insbesondere Banken kollabieren. Ist nur eine Frage der Zeit. Wie ich gelesen habe, stehen mehrere tausend kleinere und mittelgroße Banken in der EU vor der Pleite und Abwicklung. Die BaFin sucht händerringend nach Abwickler für Banken. Man muss nur etwas die Augen aufmachen ...
      B2Gold | 4,240 €
      schrieb am 20.01.21 16:16:37
      Beitrag Nr. 368 ()
      Jetzt ist für mich eine gute Gelegenheit hier meine erste Position einzugehen ...
      B2Gold | 6,440 C$
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 20.01.21 17:06:22
      Beitrag Nr. 369 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 66.525.446 von senna7 am 20.01.21 16:16:37Derzeit bei nahezu allen Minen und Explorern geile Kaufpreise :lick:
      B2Gold | 6,450 C$
      schrieb am 20.01.21 18:49:43
      Beitrag Nr. 370 ()
      Aber heute im Verhältnis zum Rest eher maue Performance 🤷‍♂️
      B2Gold | 6,490 C$
      4 Antworten
      schrieb am 20.01.21 20:44:29
      Beitrag Nr. 371 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 66.528.524 von Chris0605 am 20.01.21 18:49:43Ist bei vielen Minen und Explorern so. Wenn sich der Goldpreis stabilisiert und noch höher kommt, ziehen in der Regel die Minen und Explorer eine Woche später nach. Direkt synchon zum Goldpreis gehen zumeist nur die ganz Großen wie Barrick etc..
      B2Gold | 6,485 C$
      schrieb am 21.01.21 08:46:42
      Beitrag Nr. 372 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 66.528.524 von Chris0605 am 20.01.21 18:49:43
      Zitat von Chris0605: Aber heute im Verhältnis zum Rest eher maue Performance 🤷‍♂️

      Genau der Kurs hat den aktuellen Goldpreisanstieg noch nicht mitgemacht ... wenn Gold sich wieder über die 1900 geht , wird das hier dann richtig nachgeholt ....

      der Kurs muss nun erst mal einen Boden bilden , danach springen erst die Großen wieder auf ...

      Aktuell ist B 2 Gold ÜBERVERKAUFT !!!
      deshalb hab ich mir nun die erste Position hier gegönnt --- 😎 👍👍👍 ( gehört halt etwas Mut dazu )

      ich hoffe ihr versteht was ich meine ...;););)

      B2Gold | 4,240 €
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 21.01.21 12:17:23
      Beitrag Nr. 373 ()
      B2Gold meldet Rekordproduktion für 2020…
      B2Gold | 4,300 €
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 21.01.21 13:19:08
      Beitrag Nr. 374 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 66.540.344 von senna7 am 21.01.21 12:17:23Na, da steht ja die nächste Dividendenerhöhung ins Haus!

      Das sind ja "glänzende Aussichten"!
      B2Gold | 4,346 €
      schrieb am 21.01.21 13:31:41
      Beitrag Nr. 375 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 66.535.511 von senna7 am 21.01.21 08:46:42Gutes Niveau zum Einkauf nach dem Anstieg. Ich habe meine aber verkaufen müssen weil ich Geld für REITs brauchte. U.S. Appartements waren im Oktober so billig das ich nicht anders konnte.50% unter NAV für Topwerte wie AVB, ESS, EQR, MAA, UDR usw.bin ja eh schon bei 60% des Portfolio in Edelmetalle und Minen. Die Erfolgsgeschichten kennst du ja also mal bisl breiter streuen in betongold :D
      B2Gold | 4,341 €
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 21.01.21 14:08:40
      Beitrag Nr. 376 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 66.541.853 von KMST am 21.01.21 13:31:41Ich habe da ein "schönes Packerl"!-Oder besser, Paket!
      B2Gold | 4,300 €
      schrieb am 21.01.21 15:58:42
      Beitrag Nr. 377 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 66.535.511 von senna7 am 21.01.21 08:46:42Wenn sich Gold und Silber endlich mal durchsetzen könnten wäre es sehr gut.
      Bin seit € 5,00 an Bord und warte nur dass es los geht 🚀
      B2Gold | 6,420 C$
      schrieb am 22.01.21 18:43:54
      Beitrag Nr. 378 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 66.540.344 von senna7 am 21.01.21 12:17:23Derzeit Shoppingpreise, total unterbewertet, hochpofitabel und man muss echt einen Schuss an der Waffel haben, sich nicht ein paar Stücke ins Depot zu legen :laugh:. Habe auch ein schönes Paket seit ein paar Monaten und es werden pünktlich die Dividenden bezahlt. Was wünscht man sich mehr?
      B2Gold | 6,420 C$
      schrieb am 24.01.21 20:14:12
      Beitrag Nr. 379 ()
      Auch Bußler meinte heute im Facebookstream, dass sie extrem günstig bewertet ist und mit 3% Dividende mittlerweile sogar eine Value-Aktie ist 😎
      Ich wünsch uns allen eine schöne Woche

      B2Gold | 6,430 C$
      schrieb am 26.01.21 12:33:19
      Beitrag Nr. 380 ()
      Hab mir ein paar gegönnt. Irgendwann muss der Markt doch auf die Perlen stoßen.
      B2Gold | 4,220 €
      4 Antworten
      schrieb am 26.01.21 13:05:16
      Beitrag Nr. 381 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 66.612.035 von tutinix am 26.01.21 12:33:19Ich denke, es wird noch eine Weile dauern, bis die Minen aufwachen.
      Noch wird Geld in Standard-Werte massenhaft eingetrichtert. Da muss erst eine Korrektur kommen.

      Macht aber überhaupt nichts, da ich bei einem weiteren Absacker nochmals Geld in die Hand nehmen werde. Wenn ich dann im Mittel unter die 4,50 komme, bin ich erstmal ruhig gestellt.
      B2Gold | 4,218 €
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 02.02.21 14:40:45
      Beitrag Nr. 382 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 66.612.677 von Inderhals am 26.01.21 13:05:16wenn man sich den kurs(chart ) von b2 gold ansieht könnte man meinen das ist eine pleitefirma da kann man nur noch sagen rot oder schwarz wie im casino
      B2Gold | 4,137 €
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 02.02.21 22:08:50
      Beitrag Nr. 383 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 66.771.973 von goldroller am 02.02.21 14:40:45B2 ist hoffnungslos unterbewertet und inzwischen eine Value-Aktie. Eigentlich unglaublich, aber derzeit sind zu viele Zocker aufgrund grenzenloser Gier im großen Casino der Tech-Werte unterwegs. Die Aktie wird wieder zurückkommen, wenn sich die gewaltigste Blase seit 1929 auflöst 😉
      B2Gold | 6,350 C$
      schrieb am 03.02.21 10:44:29
      Beitrag Nr. 384 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 66.771.973 von goldroller am 02.02.21 14:40:45Wer auch immer in Minen-Aktien investiert war, weiß, das er ein gewisses Maß an Leidensfähigkeit mitzubringen hat.

      Ich denke, Wir müssen da noch ein Weilchen warten.
      B2Gold | 4,108 €
      schrieb am 09.02.21 14:21:29
      Beitrag Nr. 385 ()
      Sehe ich genauso: "Das aktuelle Goldpreisniveau dürfte bei vielen Goldproduzenten aber nur Achselzucken hervorrufen. Ob 20 US-Dollar mehr oder weniger für eine Unze erzielt werden, macht nur einen kleinen Unterschied aus. Qualitätstitel wie Barrick Gold, AgnicoEagle oder B2Gold fahren derzeit Gewinnmargen von mehr als 50 Prozent ein. Das dürften die nun im Februar anstehenden Finanzzahlen bei vielen Produzenten zeigen. Wir sind gespannt, ob nach Newmont nun mehr Unternehmen nicht nur die Dividenden erhöhen, sondern auch Aktienrückkäufe beschließen. Für goldaffine Anleger scheinen derzeit die Aktien der Goldproduzenten jedenfalls weit attraktiver zu sein als ein Direkt-Investment. Das gilt auch beim Blick auf die historisch niedrige Beweertung vieler Goldminer-Aktien."…
      B2Gold | 4,247 €
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 09.02.21 16:48:05
      Beitrag Nr. 386 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 66.904.232 von Reibkuchen am 09.02.21 14:21:29Da muss man einfach nur da sitzen und abwarten, bis sich die Gelddrehung wieder beschleunigt, die dann auch die Inflation anheizt. Dann aber geht´s hier ab.
      B2Gold | 6,540 C$
      schrieb am 10.02.21 18:53:25
      Beitrag Nr. 387 ()
      Heute: Wie gesagt, dasitzen, abwarten und NICHT handeln. Es geht nochmalig in den Keller.
      Nicht zappeln. Da spielen ganz Andere, die sehr viel Geld haben.
      Der Goldpreis wird weiter absacken. Gemach.
      B2Gold | 6,340 C$
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 10.02.21 19:11:28
      Beitrag Nr. 388 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 66.935.726 von Inderhals am 10.02.21 18:53:25dann sind wir hier unter 4 euro wenn gold wieder absackt
      B2Gold | 6,360 C$
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 10.02.21 20:18:15
      Beitrag Nr. 389 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 66.936.221 von goldroller am 10.02.21 19:11:28... und bei 4 % Dividendenrendite. Lange werden wir dort, wenn überhaupt, nicht bleiben.
      B2Gold | 6,395 C$
      schrieb am 11.02.21 09:44:52
      Beitrag Nr. 390 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 66.936.221 von goldroller am 10.02.21 19:11:28Da ich hier ja schon ein erkleckliches Paket habe, sehe ich einfach zu, auch wenn der Kurs fällt. Steigt er, sehe ich auch zu. Bei meinen Newmont-Aktien halte ich ebenfalls still.
      B2Gold | 4,199 €
      schrieb am 11.02.21 18:57:32
      Beitrag Nr. 391 ()
      Hier ergeben sich gewaltige Chancen für Neueinsteiger.

      Ich aber würde noch ein Weilchen abwarten, denn der Goldkurs sackt (nach meiner Meinung) weiter ab.Das entwickelt sich zu einem Drama.
      B2Gold | 6,330 C$
      6 Antworten
      schrieb am 13.02.21 08:04:48
      Beitrag Nr. 392 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 66.961.319 von Inderhals am 11.02.21 18:57:32ich sehe Bitcoin und co als Gefahr immer mehr firmen legen ihr Geld dort an
      B2Gold | 4,136 €
      5 Antworten
      schrieb am 24.02.21 06:03:04
      Beitrag Nr. 393 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 66.989.186 von goldroller am 13.02.21 08:04:48Da wird er dir zustimmen, der Olaf Scholz. Für solch einen ist Bitcoin Teufelszeug.
      Mein Weggefährte ist so einer nicht!
      Was uns Goldleute betrifft:
      Soll er doch crashen, -der Bitcoin, ich hab kaum noch welche. Und wenn, dann gäbs die Tesla wieder günstig und auch eine Square läg wieder im Depot.
      Und all die Angst vor Crash und Inflationsgespenst, -Gold war schon immer die beste Spritze gegen
      Finanzkrisen und vor allem Inflation.
      Darum bin ich hier und auch bei Newmont fett investiert, und es wird schön nachgelegt bei jedem dip. Falls der Goldpreis mal wieder nicht so will...dann harre ich aus, und das lange, -gibt ja schöne Dividende!
      B2Gold | 6,110 C$
      4 Antworten
      schrieb am 24.02.21 08:33:06
      Beitrag Nr. 394 ()
      B2Gold (NYSEMKT:BTG): Q4 Non-GAAP EPS of $0.14 beats by $0.01; GAAP EPS of $0.16 beats by $0.03.

      Revenue of $480M (+53.0% Y/Y) in-line.

      Total gold production of 270,469 ounces (including 14,150 ounces of attributable production from Calibre Mining).…
      B2Gold | 4,039 €
      schrieb am 24.02.21 13:58:54
      Beitrag Nr. 395 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.168.524 von untodt am 24.02.21 06:03:04Ja bin auch in Gold , Silber und Minen aber ein bisschen in Bitcoin kann auch nicht Schaden man weiß ja nie die Anleger sind in Corona bzw. Gelddruckzeiten unberechenbar
      B2Gold | 4,055 €
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 24.02.21 14:32:55
      Beitrag Nr. 396 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.176.984 von goldroller am 24.02.21 13:58:54Auf alle Fälle sind sie das, ganz zu schweigen von Zentralbanken und manchen Regierungen. Bitcoin kann
      mal irgendwann reguliert werden, Goldbesitz wieder verboten, -beim Kauf gibt's ja schon Beschränkungen, - und der Mond auf die Erde fallen.
      Daher mache ich das ebenfalls wie du, -bin breit diversifiziert. Silber und Silberminen sollte man auf jeden Fall besitzen, will ja auch morgen noch Brot kaufen können.
      Was mir bei BTG und NEM so gut gefällt, ist, dass sie mittlerweile ganz schön viel auschütten. Das kann sich natürlich mal wieder ändern, aber Stand jetzt, -wie hier oder drüben auch schon angemerkt wurde- sind es Value Aktien.

      PS: cooler Nick, den du hast!
      B2Gold | 4,050 €
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 24.02.21 14:52:30
      Beitrag Nr. 397 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.177.686 von untodt am 24.02.21 14:32:55Dividende immer gerne ist ja auch ein Zeichen von Qualität , Die Zeit für unsere Edelmetalle wird kommen,....
      Auf zur finanziellen Unabhängigkeit
      B2Gold | 4,036 €
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 24.02.21 15:20:28
      Beitrag Nr. 398 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.178.100 von goldroller am 24.02.21 14:52:30Exakt, so soll' s sein!
      B2Gold | 4,018 €
      schrieb am 24.02.21 16:09:15
      Beitrag Nr. 399 ()
      wer jetzt nicht kauft ( was ich ebn unter 6 Dollar getan habe ) ist selbst schuld :laugh::laugh:

      mehr sog i net 😎

      B2Gold | 5,960 C$
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 24.02.21 17:57:41
      Beitrag Nr. 400 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.179.732 von senna7 am 24.02.21 16:09:15Sehe ich auch so, Schnäppchenpreis für einen echten Value-Wert, Wahnsinn 👍
      B2Gold | 6,080 C$ | im Besitz: Ja | Meinung: kaufen
      schrieb am 24.02.21 21:22:52
      Beitrag Nr. 401 ()
      Schaut Mal das KGV und die Divi Rendite an...
      Besser als manch DAX Titel ...und dann nach dieser langen Konsolidierung beim Goldpreis...
      Sobald der Goldpreis wieder nach oben dreht...und das wird er bald ... geht hier die Luzi ab ....
      Ich verstehe gar nicht warum Investoren lieber bei solch Schrott Buden wie Tesla hinterher laufen ,anstatt soliden Gewinne zu kassieren...

      Tesla ist nur ein Hype und schlicht zigfach überbewertet...
      hier viel zu unterbewertet..
      Und Leute schlicht Dumm
      B2Gold | 6,145 C$
      schrieb am 25.02.21 09:54:26
      Beitrag Nr. 402 ()
      B2Gold | 3,987 €
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 25.02.21 09:57:28
      Beitrag Nr. 403 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.193.094 von senna7 am 25.02.21 09:54:26Danke, wenn das mal nicht überzeugt, dass weiß ich auch nicht. Höchstprofitable und wird es auch bei diesen Goldkursen bleiben!
      B2Gold | 3,987 €
      schrieb am 25.02.21 09:58:41
      Beitrag Nr. 404 ()
      Nicht nur schlicht dumm muss man sein, wenn man es einfach nicht begreift!
      Vollkommen verrückt muss sein, wer solch Schrottbuden wie Tesla nachstellt.
      Dabei ist es doch ganz einfach, willst du wirklich einmal Tesla fahren, dann investier in BTG und auch NEM!
      B2Gold | 3,987 €
      schrieb am 25.02.21 10:39:14
      Beitrag Nr. 405 ()
      Keine Kaufempfehlung, aber...

      ...rund 50% Kurspotential zum letztjährigen Hoch...

      ...darüber kann man mal nachdenken... :kiss:

      Freundliche Grüße
      B2Gold | 3,987 €
      schrieb am 25.02.21 11:04:27
      Beitrag Nr. 406 ()
      für mich sind auch einfach diese ETF mitschult ... das hier der Kurs zur Zeit seitwärts , abwärts läuft ...

      wankelmütige Investoren in Gold ETFs gehen jetzt raus und lieber auf das schwankenden Bitcoin Schiff ... tja kann man machen , aber ich sehe diese Deppen bald weinen ...

      "wäre ich nur bei meinen Gold geblieben "

      B2Gold | 3,999 €
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 25.02.21 11:48:41
      Beitrag Nr. 407 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.194.585 von senna7 am 25.02.21 11:04:27
      ETF bilden über den jeweiligen Index lediglich den Gesamtmarkt ab;
      Zitat von senna7: für mich sind auch einfach diese ETF mitschult ... das hier der Kurs zur Zeit seitwärts , abwärts läuft ...

      daher sind es wohl eher die Börsenlemminge schuld. ETFs verstärken deren Einfluss natürlich.

      Rechne persönlich auch mit einem starken Anstieg bei Gold/Silber. Denke allerdings, daß es nochmal einen Dip gibt(s. Elliot-Waves), den ich zum Nachkaufen nutzen möchte, bevor es dann richtig losgeht.
      B2Gold | 3,992 €
      schrieb am 25.02.21 15:22:27
      Beitrag Nr. 408 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.194.585 von senna7 am 25.02.21 11:04:27
      Zitat von senna7: für mich sind auch einfach diese ETF mitschult ... das hier der Kurs zur Zeit seitwärts , abwärts läuft ...

      wankelmütige Investoren in Gold ETFs gehen jetzt raus und lieber auf das schwankenden Bitcoin Schiff ... tja kann man machen , aber ich sehe diese Deppen bald weinen ...

      "wäre ich nur bei meinen Gold geblieben "

      ja denke auch das die vielen Abflüsse auf GDX und Co eine Rolle spielen ...da muss der Portfolio Manager aus den WP Bestand gewichtet Cash schaffen und da spielt es keine Rolle ob B2Gold spottbillig ist oder nicht .... leider .... :rolleyes:
      B2Gold | 4,010 €
      schrieb am 25.02.21 16:07:54
      Beitrag Nr. 409 ()
      Ich hab auch gerade nochmal aufgestockt - bei dem Preis fast ein Muss 🤷‍♂️
      Bin auch noch bei Endeavour Mining am überlegen, ist doch auch ein Schnäppchen derzeit - Meinungen diesbezüglich sind sehr gerne willkommen 🤘
      B2Gold | 6,070 C$
      schrieb am 25.02.21 16:26:50
      Beitrag Nr. 410 ()

      genau das ist es was ich meine ... bei der NullZINSPOLITIK rennen alle in ETFs weil einfach und angeblich TOTAL Sicher ... kennt Ihr die Werbung mit den Schweizer Fries oder wie der TYp heisst ...

      manche werden sich noch umschauen wenn das System kippt :D:D
      oder manche Techologie Blasen platzen ...


      MEHR Inflation und trotzdem NULL Zinsen ( weil man es ja die Großverschuldung sonst gar nicht mehr in den Griff bekommt )

      wird manchen die Augen öffnen:eek::eek::eek::eek:
      B2Gold | 5,990 C$
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 25.02.21 19:27:54
      Beitrag Nr. 411 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.201.518 von senna7 am 25.02.21 16:26:50
      Zitat von senna7: @goldfinger
      manche werden sich noch umschauen wenn das System kippt :D:D
      oder manche Techologie Blasen platzen ...

      Ganz genau, -und ganz besonders diese Tesla Deppen!
      Den disziplinierten Goldinvestor hingegen wird all dies nicht schrecken,
      -der hat ja schon lange vorgesorgt!
      Denn eine Sache ist schon jetzt gewiss,
      mein Tesla parkt dann vor der Tür, bezahlt mit 1/4 Krügerrand! :eek:
      Und ich scherze nicht, -wenn nicht sogar noch viel günstiger.
      B2Gold | 5,865 C$
      schrieb am 25.02.21 20:12:26
      Beitrag Nr. 412 ()
      Was für ein Gemetzel heute wieder bei den Goldproduzenten, unglaublich...
      Mir soll es recht sein, bei 3,90€ konnte ich nicht widerstehen :-)
      B2Gold | 5,860 C$
      schrieb am 25.02.21 20:29:57
      Beitrag Nr. 413 ()
      Schnäppchenpreise, Wahnsinn ...
      B2Gold | 5,890 C$ | im Besitz: Ja | Meinung: kaufen
      schrieb am 25.02.21 21:12:26
      Beitrag Nr. 414 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.201.155 von Chris0605 am 25.02.21 16:07:54
      Zitat von Chris0605: Ich hab auch gerade nochmal aufgestockt - bei dem Preis fast ein Muss 🤷‍♂️
      Bin auch noch bei Endeavour Mining am überlegen, ist doch auch ein Schnäppchen derzeit - Meinungen diesbezüglich sind sehr gerne willkommen 🤘

      Ja, es stimmt schon, dass beide Unternehmen fundamental super aussehen. Man sollte jedoch nicht vergessen, dass deren Minen tendenziell eher in politisch riskanten Regionen sind und daher mit einem Abschlag gehandelt werden.

      Wenn alles gut läuft, dann wird der Hebel hier hoch sein. Ich würde dennoch empfehlen auch in Bezug auf die Regionen zu diversifizieren. Obwohl vielleicht gerade Nordamerika aufgrund von Umweltauflagen und evtl. höheren Abgaben vielleicht auch aus Investorensicht unsicherer ist als man denkt (aber ein Totalausfall wie in einem Bürgerkriegsland ist eben unwahrscheinlicher).

      In Anbetracht der ansteigenden Förderkosten (Inflation, Inflation, Inflation) müssten eigentlich streaming Unternehmen wie Franco-Nevada besser abschneiden oder? Denn diese kaufen zu einem festen Preis das geförderte Gold ab, bzw. erhalten Anteile der Förderung im Gegenzug einer Anschubfinanzierung.
      Bisher fand ich deren Geschäftsmodell irgendwie komisch und habe einen Bogen darum gemacht, aber mit ist aufgefallen, dass Inflations-Absicherungsfonds tendenziell solche Gold Aktien ins Portfolio nehmen.

      Letzten Endes ist es auch egal was man kauft- alles fällt oder steigt in Abhängigkeit von den EM-Preisen und im Moment sind eigentlich alle Goldminen auf eine gewisse Weise Schnäppchen.
      B2Gold | 5,880 C$
      schrieb am 26.02.21 15:39:24
      Beitrag Nr. 415 ()
      2000 Stück zu 3.88€ Mitgenommen! Danke an den Verkäufer.

      Bis 2024 wird dieser Wert im Tresor verschwinden...
      B2Gold | 3,750 €
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 26.02.21 20:20:20
      Beitrag Nr. 416 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.221.549 von MaxTownDown am 26.02.21 15:39:24
      Zitat von MaxTownDown: Bis 2024 wird dieser Wert im Tresor verschwinden...

      Warum 2024 und nicht 2034? Zeitschloss defekt?
      B2Gold | 5,570 C$
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 26.02.21 21:36:35
      Beitrag Nr. 417 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.227.063 von untodt am 26.02.21 20:20:20
      Zitat von untodt:
      Zitat von MaxTownDown: Bis 2024 wird dieser Wert im Tresor verschwinden...

      Warum 2024 und nicht 2034? Zeitschloss defekt?

      Diese Art von Humor mag ich :)

      Der Produktionsforecast bei B2G besagt, dass deren Produktion in 2022/23 leicht runter geht und den nächsten Aufwärtstrend bei 2024 auf 1,1M OZ. mit dem Gramalote Projekt, zu rechnen ist - vorausgesetzt man schluckt einen Nachbarn vorher nicht auf.

      Falls die ASIC bei 788$(auch wenn die sogar auf die Q4 - 926$ hoch geht) bleibt, wird das Unternehmen in 3 Jahren erheblich höher stehen - auch wenn Gold jetzt wieder schwächelt, wovon ich absolut nicht ausgehe!

      Wie immer - just my 2 cents!
      B2Gold | 5,525 C$
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 26.02.21 21:40:06
      Beitrag Nr. 418 ()
      so nun zum Handelsschluß kaufen wohl wieder einige zu ...

      B2Gold | 5,525 C$
      schrieb am 26.02.21 22:40:04
      Beitrag Nr. 419 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.228.197 von MaxTownDown am 26.02.21 21:36:35Du hast mich halt stimuliert...:kiss:...:laugh:
      Musste nach deinem comment sofort wieder nachlegen zu 4.35$,
      -will hier nichts verpassen!
      Zwar nicht viel, die Taschen sind ja schon randvoll,
      aber im Garten wird sich schon noch ein Plätzchen finden.
      B2Gold | 3,634 €
      schrieb am 02.03.21 21:23:33
      Beitrag Nr. 420 ()
      ich hoffe wir haben nun den Boden gefunden ...


      B2Gold | 5,750 C$
      schrieb am 02.03.21 21:27:41
      Beitrag Nr. 421 ()
      die zwei hohen Umsätze könnte darauf schließen ...

      was meint Ihr ???

      B2Gold | 5,770 C$
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 02.03.21 22:36:23
      Beitrag Nr. 422 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.274.115 von senna7 am 02.03.21 21:27:41
      Zitat von senna7: die zwei hohen Umsätze könnte darauf schließen ...

      was meint Ihr ???

      Sehe es auch so! Man muss aber vorsichtig sein, denn der Goldpreis ist nicht 100% Stabil.

      Die Richtig wird sicher klarer nach Powells auftritt am Donnerstag...
      B2Gold | 3,778 €
      schrieb am 03.03.21 17:42:15
      Beitrag Nr. 423 ()
      Die Hoffnung stirbt zu letzt 😜
      B2Gold | 5,550 C$
      schrieb am 03.03.21 21:37:02
      Beitrag Nr. 424 ()
      Die Einschnitte im Chart werden tiefer. Kommen hier bald die 4US Dollar, kann man sich wenigstens mit
      4% Dividendenrendite trösten. Immerhin!
      Stichwort Dividende: letzten Freitag bei Centamin eingestiegen. Goldproducer mit ~8,40% Ausschüttung.
      Keine Schleichwerbung! Aber vielleicht ist der Wert ja für den einen oder anderen von Interesse.
      B2Gold | 5,520 C$
      schrieb am 05.03.21 09:49:40
      Beitrag Nr. 425 ()
      Wann zahlt Centamin Dividende?
      B2Gold | 3,711 €
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 05.03.21 15:07:47
      Beitrag Nr. 426 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.321.428 von goldroller am 05.03.21 09:49:40Ist noch nicht genau bekannt, wird voraussichtlich erst am 22.03. bekanntgegeben.

      Freuen wir uns bis dato auf den 16.03., dann gibt's nämlich hier Cash.
      B2G gestern stark bei schwachen Aktienmarkt, -genau so soll und muss das sein!
      Deshalb sind wir hier investiert.
      Und den Fed Clown betreffend, der sich anschickt den Goldpreis auf den tiefsten Stand seit neun Monaten zu drücken,-
      auf den Grill damit!
      B2Gold | 3,783 €
      schrieb am 09.03.21 20:00:28
      Beitrag Nr. 427 ()
      Extrem schwache Performance heute im Gegensatz zu den restlichen Minen 🤮
      B2Gold | 5,680 C$
      4 Antworten
      schrieb am 12.03.21 12:59:43
      Beitrag Nr. 428 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.385.168 von Chris0605 am 09.03.21 20:00:28Gold schon wieder im Rückwärtsgang ,frage mich langsam wieviel ich noch an B2 Aktien kaufen soll ?wenn es kein klumpen Risiko gäbe würde ich alles was ich habe .............
      B2Gold | 3,829 €
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 12.03.21 14:39:00
      Beitrag Nr. 429 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.432.493 von goldroller am 12.03.21 12:59:43Klumpenrisiko bei Gold? Ausgeschlossen!
      Gerade bei Gold kann der Klumpen nicht gross genug sein. :)
      Gross genug ist aber noch nicht der Unmut und die Verzweiflung,
      die darauf folgende wohltuende Stille hier im Forum.
      Dann ist der Moment gekommen, weiter klammheimlich einzusammeln,
      und nicht erst, wenn alles ruft und jubelt.
      B2Gold | 3,800 €
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 12.03.21 16:42:45
      Beitrag Nr. 430 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.433.972 von untodt am 12.03.21 14:39:00Bei Gold nicht aber bei Firmen ,/Aktien kann ja immer was sein,das meinte ich.
      B2Gold | 5,600 C$
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 13.03.21 03:25:47
      Beitrag Nr. 431 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.436.402 von goldroller am 12.03.21 16:42:45Schon klar, war doch nur ein kleines Späßchen!
      Auch wenn B2Gold ein solider Producer ist,
      Haus und Hof, oder gar die eigene Frau :eek:,
      sollte man hier natürlich nicht verwetten.
      B2Gold | 5,650 C$
      schrieb am 15.03.21 16:49:48
      Beitrag Nr. 432 ()
      Hallo untodt hätte eine Frage zu Centamin der Kurs Knickt ja mächtig ein , kannst mir schreiben warum?
      B2Gold | 5,730 C$
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 15.03.21 18:17:49
      Beitrag Nr. 433 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.464.959 von goldroller am 15.03.21 16:49:48Weiss jetzt nicht genau, was du meinst. Bin am 26.02. zu 1,19 € eingestiegen und gerade steht der Kurs in Frankfurt bei 1,25 €, in London heute auch ein kleines Plus.
      Oder meinst du den Absturz letzten Herbst? Da wurde wegen Sanierungsarbeiten der Minenbetrieb verschoben
      =>70000 weniger Unzen=>Prognosesenkung=>Absturz.
      Es sieht momentan eher nach Bodenbildung aus. Risiko bei Centamin ist das z.Z. nur eine Mine betrieben wird + Politisches wegen der Lage in Ägypten, bin bisher nur mit einer kl. Position dabei.
      B2Gold | 5,740 C$
      schrieb am 16.03.21 09:47:00
      Beitrag Nr. 434 ()
      Ich moechte nicht unhoeflich sein aber koennen wir hier B2G Themen behandeln und nicht Centamin?!

      B2Gold | 3,881 €
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 16.03.21 13:35:47
      Beitrag Nr. 435 ()
      Sorry du hast ja Recht ,..
      B2Gold | 3,895 €
      schrieb am 16.03.21 15:21:16
      Beitrag Nr. 436 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.473.377 von MaxTownDown am 16.03.21 09:47:00Bist du nicht, wollte nur hilfsbereit sein.
      Hoffen wir, dass es nachhaltig ist, dass Gold bei ~1680 gedreht hat, Bitcoin zuletzt auch etwas schwächer.
      Gut für unsere B2G, die kämpft sich seit 5 Tagen wieder nach oben.
      Mit >1Mio (!) produzierten oz. natürlich ein ganz anderes Kaliber als eine Centamin (:D), die werde ich hier nicht noch einmal erwähnen. Versprochen!
      B2Gold | 3,811 €
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 16.03.21 15:54:07
      Beitrag Nr. 437 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.479.272 von untodt am 16.03.21 15:21:16Ehrlich gesagt, finde ich es nicht schlimm, wenn man sich auch mal kurz über andere Aktien hier austauscht. Schließlich soll man sich ja breit aufstellen und nicht nur auf ein Pferd setzen. Ist ja nicht so, dass sich seitenweise über Centamin, in die ich auch investiert bin, geschrieben wurde. Dort ist es ja fast totenstill im Thread.
      B2Gold | 5,705 C$
      schrieb am 16.03.21 17:19:45
      Beitrag Nr. 438 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.479.272 von untodt am 16.03.21 15:21:16Danke für deine Infos ,
      B2Gold | 5,640 C$
      schrieb am 17.03.21 10:47:50
      Beitrag Nr. 439 ()
      Der Tag wird sehr Kursentscheidend sein fuer uns.

      Nach EZB wird die FED denke ich heute mit nachziehen und wir sehen den Goldpreis und damit B2G wieder in Richtung 4€ laufen.

      Eure Meinungen sind sehr willkommen!
      B2Gold | 3,880 €
      4 Antworten
      schrieb am 17.03.21 10:52:01
      Beitrag Nr. 440 ()
      We Hope 🧘‍♀️
      B2Gold | 3,880 €
      schrieb am 17.03.21 15:57:45
      Beitrag Nr. 441 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.490.660 von MaxTownDown am 17.03.21 10:47:50Ich denke die Ware Inflation wird weiter verheimlicht,aber die FED wird weiter Anleihen kaufen (müssen) . Gold wird keine großen Sprünge machen zumindest noch nicht. B2 dann wohl auch nicht,...... unsere Zeit wird kommen bald,,... alles nur meine Einschätzung
      B2Gold | 5,780 C$
      schrieb am 18.03.21 17:43:50
      Beitrag Nr. 442 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.490.660 von MaxTownDown am 17.03.21 10:47:50
      Zitat von MaxTownDown: Der Tag wird sehr Kursentscheidend sein fuer uns.

      Tja, nur in welche Richtung?
      Mit Ansteigen der 10-jährigen US Anleiherenditen geht' s bei Gold heute schon wieder zurück auf Los.
      Auf längere Sicht bin ich aber den Goldpreis betreffend zuversichtlich:
      Nullzinsbedingte Inflation, aufgeblähte Kapitalmärkte und auch der neue Friedensengel im weißen Haus
      werden unserem 'Angst'-Metall schon wieder auf die Sprünge helfen.
      Da können wir ganz unbesorgt sein, m.M.n..
      B2Gold | 5,860 C$
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 20.03.21 10:50:44
      Beitrag Nr. 443 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.515.218 von untodt am 18.03.21 17:43:50ich werde am Montag All In gehen d.h. was ich noch an Papier habe wird in Minen getauscht ,Grund die Umsätze zu Handelsschluss bei Barrick und Newmont bzw. die Charts sehen für mich nach steigenden Kursen aus .....................aber wiegesagt es kann natürlich alles anders kommen ........... .................Marktkommentar von Claus Vogt sollte sich auch jeder mal durchlesen ,kostet ja nix Gruß an alle investierte und tolles WE ..............PS: nächste Woche könnte interessant werden ,ich war schon lange nicht mehr so bullisch für Edelmetalle + Minen ,aber erst seit Gestern

      natürlich alles nur meine Einschätzung ! Corona und Politik sollte man auch nicht aus den Augen verlieren die können ...............
      B2Gold | 3,960 €
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 20.03.21 13:32:46
      Beitrag Nr. 444 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.536.824 von goldroller am 20.03.21 10:50:44Den Marktkommentar von Claus Vogt habe ich noch nicht gelesen, aber seine HP besucht.
      Da steht u.a. auch:
      "Wer an den Märkten langfristig erfolgreich sein will, sollte über ein diszipliniertes Risikomanagement verfügen. Dies bedeutet in erster Linie, nicht alles auf eine Karte zu setzen. So ist es ratsam, bei jedem einzelnen Investment höchstens 1% zu riskieren."

      Bullish bzgl. Gold bin ich ebenso und nat. bzgl. B2G, -allein schon wegen der Unterbewertung und der Gewinnaussichten, aber all-in zu gehen würde ich nicht riskieren. Ich saß selbst schon jahrelang auf totem Kapital, und es heißt ja nicht umsonst "Jeder ist seines Glückes Schmied".
      B2Gold | 3,960 €
      schrieb am 20.03.21 16:40:27
      Beitrag Nr. 445 ()
      War etwas falsch geschrieben habe ja nicht nur Minen , aber werde alles an Cash was ich nicht unbedingt brauche in Minen investieren , und hoffe das ich richtig liege,,,.. hatte vor ca. 1-2jahren fast alles in 2 Aktien muss zugeben man schläft nicht ganz so gut l
      B2Gold | 5,860 C$
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 20.03.21 18:14:16
      Beitrag Nr. 446 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.539.521 von goldroller am 20.03.21 16:40:27Naja war wohl etwas zu Vorlaut , ein Risiko gibt es die Zinsen ,und bei einer Inflation glaube ist Gold leider noch nie richtig gestiegen ?:confused:
      B2Gold | 5,860 C$
      schrieb am 20.03.21 18:54:37
      Beitrag Nr. 447 ()
      BeMetals enters the Japan gold scene,
      B2Gold steps up as a strategic investor

      ...BeMetals will be issuing 17.05M shares priced at C$0.44 per share to B2Gold (BTO.TO, BTG) which will become BeMetals’ largest corporate shareholder with a stake of 19%.

      Freundliche Grüße
      B2Gold | 5,860 C$
      schrieb am 30.03.21 09:57:25
      Beitrag Nr. 448 ()…

      B2Gold Provides Update on the Menankoto Permit

      ... located 20 kilometres north of the Fekola Mine license area...

      Since the Company commenced its investment in Mali, B2Gold has enjoyed a positive and mutually beneficial relationship with the Government of Mali, including the ongoing grant and renewal of several exploration and other permits in the country. ...


      Freundliche Grüße
      B2Gold | 3,770 €
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 30.03.21 10:42:25
      Beitrag Nr. 449 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.648.408 von supernova1712 am 30.03.21 09:57:25Das Genehmigungsverbot betrifft zwar glücklicherweise nur eine Randmine, und nicht die Fekola Mine.
      Bedenklich ist es aber schon, stammen doch ca. >60% der Produktion (530 – 560 Koz) aus Mali.
      Vielleicht sollte B2Gold mal den Umzug nach Japan forcieren, jedenfalls ein sicheres Pflaster.
      B2Gold | 3,731 €
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 30.03.21 11:03:25
      Beitrag Nr. 450 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.648.999 von untodt am 30.03.21 10:42:25
      Zitat von untodt: Das Genehmigungsverbot betrifft zwar glücklicherweise nur eine Randmine, und nicht die Fekola Mine.
      Bedenklich ist es aber schon, stammen doch ca. >60% der Produktion (530 – 560 Koz) aus Mali.
      Vielleicht sollte B2Gold mal den Umzug nach Japan forcieren, jedenfalls ein sicheres Pflaster.

      Japan ist zudem deutlich angenehmer, die klimatischen Bedingungen betreffend.
      Da schwitzt es sich nicht so beim Goldbuddeln. :D
      Das garantiert nachhaltigeres Arbeiten.
      B2Gold | 3,731 €
      schrieb am 30.03.21 20:06:06
      Beitrag Nr. 451 ()
      Mit Verlaub...

      Ich habe gerade wieder mal nachgekauft

      ...und- ich hoffe, es gibt noch mal so eine Möglichkeit!

      Ich denke...ja
      B2Gold | 5,310 C$
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 04.04.21 19:20:43
      Beitrag Nr. 452 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.657.999 von Inderhals am 30.03.21 20:06:06komme auf der Homepage nicht ganz zurecht ,vielleicht kann mir wer schreiben wieviel Cash B2 Gold hat
      B2Gold | 4,500 $
      schrieb am 05.04.21 11:08:06
      Beitrag Nr. 453 ()
      Laut letzter Veröffentlichung 480 Mio.…
      B2Gold | 3,817 €
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 11.04.21 12:37:25
      Beitrag Nr. 454 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.702.978 von Inderhals am 05.04.21 11:08:06danke ,hätte noch was könnte jemand bei AbraSilber (neue Seite ) einen Thread eröffnen bei mir funktioniert es nicht bin am verzweifeln
      B2Gold | 3,962 €
      schrieb am 16.04.21 06:57:09
      Beitrag Nr. 455 ()
      B2Gold Corp. Reports Continued Strong Gold Production for Q1 2021; Quarterly Total Gold Production of 220,644 oz, 9% Above Budget; On Track to Meet Annual Guidance of 970,000 to 1,030,000 oz of Total Gold Production

      B2Gold Corp. Reports Continued Strong Gold Production for Q1 2021; Quarterly Total Gold Production of 220,644 oz, 9% Above Budget; On Track to Meet Annual Guidance of 970,000 to 1,030,000 oz of Total Gold Production

      Canada NewsWire

      VANCOUVER, April 15, 2021

      VANCOUVER, April 15, 2021 /CNW/ - B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO) (NYSE AMERICAN: BTG) (NSX: B2G) ("B2Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to announce its gold production and gold revenue for the first quarter of 2021. All dollar figures are in United States dollars unless otherwise indicated.

      2021 First Quarter Highlights

      Total gold production of 220,644 ounces (including 15,001 ounces of attributable production from Calibre Mining Corp. ("Calibre")), 9% (18,542 ounces) above budget, and consolidated gold production of 205,643 ounces from the Company's three operating mines, 9% (17,291 ounces) above budget
      Consolidated gold revenue was $362 million on sales of 202,330 ounces at an average price of $1,791 per ounce
      No Lost-Time-Injury ("LTI") incidents at the Company's operating mines in the first quarter of 2021, extending the number of days without an LTI to 437 days for Fekola, 866 days for Masbate and 154 days for Otjikoto as at March 31, 2021
      Following the successful completion of the Fekola mill expansion to 7.5 million tonnes per annum ("Mtpa") in September 2020, Fekola's mill throughput was a quarterly record of 2.07 million tonnes in the first quarter of 2021, 9% above budget and 19% higher than the first quarter of 2020
      For full-year 2021, B2Gold remains well positioned for continued strong operational and financial performance with total gold production guidance of between 970,000 - 1,030,000 ounces (including 50,000 – 60,000 attributable ounces projected from Calibre) with total consolidated forecast cash operating costs of between $500 - $540 per ounce (see "Non-IFRS Measures") and total consolidated all-in sustaining costs ("AISC") (see "Non-IFRS Measures") of between $870 - $910 per ounce
      Based on current assumptions, including a gold price of $1,800 per ounce, the Company expects to generate cashflows from operating activities of approximately $630 million for the full-year 2021
      Selected as the recipient of five additional mining industry awards in the Philippines and Mali
      The Company continues to address the COVID-19 pandemic and minimize its potential impact at B2Gold's operations. B2Gold places the safety and well-being of its workforce and all stakeholders as its highest priority and continues to encourage input from all its stakeholders as the COVID-19 situation evolves. The Company continues to implement measures and precautionary steps to manage and respond to the risks associated with COVID-19 to ensure the safety of B2Gold's employees, contractors, suppliers and surrounding communities where the Company works while continuing to operate. The Company is continually updating these plans and response measures based on the safety and well-being of its workforce, the severity of the pandemic in areas where it operates, global response measures, government restrictions and extensive community consultation. The Company is working closely with national and local authorities, including labour unions, and continues to closely monitor each site's situation, including public and employee sentiment to ensure that stakeholders are in alignment with continued safe operation of its mines.

      Gold Production

      Total consolidated gold production in the first quarter of 2021 was 220,644 ounces (including 15,001 ounces of attributable production from Calibre), above budget by 9% (18,542 ounces), with solid performances from the Company's three operating mines which all exceeded their budgeted production for the quarter. The Fekola Mine in Mali continued its strong operational performance through the first quarter of 2021, producing 125,088 ounces of gold, 7% (8,088 ounces) above budget, as the Fekola processing facilities continued to outperform. Following the successful completion of the Fekola mill expansion to 7.5 Mtpa (an increase of 1.5 Mtpa from an assumed base rate of 6 Mtpa) in September 2020, mill throughput was a quarterly record of 2.07 million tonnes in the first quarter of 2021, 9% above budget and 19% higher than the first quarter of 2020. The Masbate Mine in the Philippines also had a strong start to the year with first quarter gold production of 57,513 ounces, well-above budget by 14% (6,852 ounces). The Otjikoto Mine in Namibia performed well during the first quarter of 2021, producing 23,042 ounces of gold, 11% (2,351 ounces) above budget, with processed tonnes, grade and recoveries all slightly better than budget. As expected, compared to the first quarter of 2020, total consolidated gold production was lower by 17% (44,218 ounces), due to planned significant waste stripping campaigns at both the Fekola and Otjikoto mines, scheduled for the first half of 2021 (for Phase 5 and Phase 6 of the Fekola Pit, and Phase 3 of the Wolfshag and Otjikoto pits). Gold production is expected to significantly increase in the second half of 2021, when mining at Fekola reaches the higher-grade zones of the Fekola Pit and mining at Otjikoto reaches the higher-grade zone at the base of the Wolfshag Pit.

      The Company was recently selected as the recipient of five mining industry awards in the Philippines and Mali, including:

      In the Philippines, the two companies that comprise the Masbate Gold Project, Filminera Resources Corporation and Phil. Gold Processing & Refining Corp., received four awards in the recently-concluded 2020 Presidential Mineral Industry Environmental Awards ("PMIEA"), in the "Best Mining Forest and Safest Mine" categories. The PMIEAs are given to mining companies that exhibit best practices in safety and health management, environmental protection and community development.
      In Mali, a subsidiary of the Company, B2Gold Mali SARL, was recognized by Le Baromètre, a citizen watch organization that monitors the performance of public and private sector organizations, as Mali's "Best Mining Company of 2020".
      For full-year 2021, the Company's total gold production is forecast to be between 970,000 - 1,030,000 ounces (including 50,000 - 60,000 attributable ounces projected from Calibre), with total consolidated cash operating costs forecast to be between $500 - $540 per ounce and total consolidated AISC forecast to be between $870 - $910 per ounce. The Company's 2021 production guidance does not include the potential upside to increase Fekola's gold production in 2021 from the nearby Cardinal resource and processing capacity currently being investigated.

      For full-year 2021, the Company's consolidated gold production from its three operating mines is expected to be significantly weighted to the second half of 2021 due to planned significant waste stripping at both the Fekola and Otjikoto mines in the first half of 2021. For the first half of 2021, consolidated gold production is expected to be between 365,000 – 385,000 ounces, which is expected to increase significantly to between 555,000 – 585,000 ounces during the second half of 2021 when mining reaches the higher grade portion of Phase 5 of the Fekola Pit and Phase 3 of the Wolfshag Pit. Based mainly on the weighting of production and timing of stripping, consolidated cash operating costs are expected to be between $620 - $660 per ounce in the first half of 2021, before significantly improving to between $380 - $420 per ounce during the second half of 2021. In addition, consolidated AISC are expected to be between $1,040 - $1,080 per ounce in the first half of 2021, before significantly improving to between $745 - $785 per ounce during the second half of 2021.

      Gold Revenue

      For the first quarter of 2021, consolidated gold revenue was $362 million on sales of 202,330 ounces at an average price of $1,791 per ounce, compared to $380 million on sales of 239,500 ounces at an average price of $1,588 per ounce in the first quarter of 2020. The decrease in gold revenue of 5% ($18 million) was 16% attributable to the decrease in gold ounces sold (mainly due to the lower gold production), partially offset by an 11% impact from the increase in the average realized gold price.


      Mine-by-mine gold production in the first quarter of 2021 (including the Company's estimated 33% share of Calibre's production) was as follows:


      Q1 2021
      Gold Production
      First-Half 2021
      Gold Production
      2021 Forecast
      Gold Production
      2021 Forecast
      Gold Production
      220,000 - 230,000
      310,000 - 330,000
      530,000 - 560,000
      100,000 - 105,000
      100,000 - 105,000
      200,000 - 210,000
      45,000 - 50,000
      145,000 - 150,000
      190,000 - 200,000
      B2Gold Consolidated (1)
      365,000 – 385,000
      555,000 – 585,000
      920,000 – 970,000

      Equity interest in Calibre (2)
      25,000 - 30,000
      25,000 - 30,000
      50,000 - 60,000

      390,000 – 415,000
      580,000 – 615,000
      970,000 – 1,030,000

      "B2Gold Consolidated" - gold production is presented on a 100% basis, as B2Gold fully consolidates the results of its Fekola, Masbate and Otjikoto mines in its consolidated financial statements (even though it does not own 100% of these operations).
      "Equity interest in Calibre" - represents the Company's approximate 33% indirect share of the operations of Calibre's El Limon and La Libertad mines. B2Gold applies the equity method of accounting for its 33% ownership interest in Calibre.
      Fekola Gold Mine - Mali

      The Fekola Mine in Mali continued its strong operational performance through the first quarter of 2021, producing 125,088 ounces of gold, 7% (8,088 ounces) above budget, as the Fekola processing facilities continued to outperform. Following the successful completion of the Fekola mill expansion to 7.5 Mtpa (an increase of 1.5 Mtpa from an assumed base rate of 6 Mtpa) in September 2020, mill throughput was a quarterly record of 2.07 million tonnes in the first quarter of 2021, which was 9% above budget and 19% higher than the first quarter of 2020. Fekola's higher-than-budgeted mill throughput was mainly due to favourable ore fragmentation and hardness, and optimization of the grinding circuit. As expected, compared to the first quarter of 2020, gold production was lower by 24% (38,923 ounces), as a result of the planned significant waste stripping and lower mined ore grades, as Phases 5 and 6 of the Fekola Pit are developed during the first half of 2021. Mined ore tonnage and grade continue to reconcile well with the Fekola resource model, and ore production is expected to significantly increase in the second half of 2021 when mining reaches the higher-grade zones of the Fekola Pit. As at March 31, 2021, the Fekola Mine had achieved 437 days without a LTI.

      For the first quarter of 2021, mill feed grade was 1.99 grams per tonne ("g/t") compared to budget of 2.03 g/t and 3.11 g/t in the first quarter of 2020; mill throughput was 2.07 million tonnes compared to budget of 1.91 million tonnes and 1.75 million tonnes in the first quarter of 2020; and gold recovery averaged 94.4% compared to budget of 94.0% and 93.8% in the first quarter of 2020. Processed grade was lower compared to the first quarter of 2020, mainly as a result of the focus on higher mill feed grade and the stockpiling strategy used during the mill expansion activities in the first quarter of 2020, in addition to the aforementioned lower mined ore grades in the first quarter of 2021as Phases 5 and 6 of the Fekola Pit are developed.

      The Fekola mill has the potential to run above the expanded annualized throughput rate of 7.5 Mtpa and analysis is currently underway to determine the optimum throughput rate. For 2021 budgeting purposes, the Company has assumed a throughput rate of 7.75 Mtpa. Mill processing trials conducted in the fourth quarter of 2020 demonstrate the potential to optimize the grind-throughput capacity of the expanded facility and increase hard-rock throughput, and support the addition of saprolite ore tonnage in excess of the hard-rock capacity. Based on positive results to date, Fekola's annualized throughput rate is expected to continue to remain above 8.0 Mtpa.

      Production planning for the nearby Cardinal resource, located within 500 metres of the current Fekola resource pit, is currently underway (the initial Inferred Mineral Resource estimate for Cardinal is 640,000 ounces of gold in 13.0 million tonnes of ore at 1.54 g/t gold). Grade control drilling at Cardinal has been completed, and preparations for a bulk sample are underway with sampling expected to begin in the second quarter of 2021. An Environmental and Social Impact Assessment has been completed and submitted to the Malian authorities. Approval of the addition of Cardinal to the Fekola environmental permit is expected shortly and following this, an application will be made to add mining at Cardinal to the Fekola Mine plan.

      For full-year 2021, the Fekola Mine is expected to produce between 530,000 - 560,000 ounces of gold at cash operating costs of between $405 - $445 per ounce and AISC of between $745 - $785 per ounce. Additional mining from Cardinal and processing capacity are currently being investigated (as discussed above), with the potential to increase Fekola's budgeted 2021 and longer-term gold production.

      As a result of the planned waste stripping and lower mined ore grades in the first half of 2021, as Phase 5 and 6 of the Fekola Pit are developed, production is expected to be significantly weighted to the second half of 2021 (when mining reaches the higher grade portion of Phase 5 of the Fekola Pit). For the first half of 2021, Fekola's gold production is expected to be between 220,000 – 230,000 ounces, which is expected to increase significantly to between 310,000 – 330,000 ounces during the second half of 2021. Based mainly on the weighting of production and timing of waste stripping, Fekola's cash operating costs are expected to be between $530 - $570 per ounce in the first half of 2021, before significantly improving to between $315 - $355 per ounce during the second half of 2021. In addition, Fekola's AISC are expected to be between $850 - $890 per ounce in the first half of 2021, before significantly improving to between $670 - $710 per ounce during the second half of 2021.

      Fekola Solar Plant

      Following the temporary suspension of solar plant construction activities in April 2020 due to COVID-19 restrictions, site activities recommenced on October 2, 2020, and construction progress is now approximately 95% complete. On January 5, 2021, a fire in the solar storage yard destroyed approximately 25% of the solar panels for the project. Replacement panels have been sourced and are scheduled to arrive on site by mid-May 2021. Approximately 25% of the solar field came online on January 28, 2021 and solar production reached 75% of full installed capacity by the end of March 2021 when the plant was turned over to the Fekola operations team. Solar power production with only 75% installed capacity has exceeded daily baseline targets for the full project, with several days of fuel cost savings of over $32,000 versus a goal of $25,000 per day, and replacement of up to 20% of the total daily power versus a baseline goal of 18%.

      The schedule for installation of the remaining 25% is contingent on the delivery of the replacement panels, but full construction completion is now projected by the end of the second quarter of 2021. The Company does not anticipate any significant impact on Fekola's 2021 budgeted cash operating costs as a result of the delay in completion of the solar plant. The existing heavy fuel oil ("HFO") and diesel power plant have an installed capacity of 64 megawatts while Fekola's expanded mill facilities require only approximately 40 megawatts for continuous operations. The solar plant is therefore not a necessary component to sustain the higher process plant production rate but is expected to reduce Fekola's operating costs and emissions by decreasing power plant fuel consumption and maintenance costs. When the plant is fully commissioned, it is expected to reduce HFO consumption by over 13 million litres per year and lower carbon dioxide emissions by an estimated 39,000 tonnes per year.

      Masbate Gold Mine – the Philippines

      The Masbate Mine in the Philippines also had a strong start to the year with first quarter gold production of 57,513 ounces, well-above budget by 14% (6,852 ounces). Gold production improved against budget mainly due to higher-than-budgeted mill recoveries (10% above budget) and included processed ore from two main sources. In the first quarter of 2021, recoveries relating to mill feed sourced from high-grade sulfide ore mined from Main Vein Pit Phases 4 and 5 in the quarter were 8% above budget, while recoveries relating to processed low-grade stockpile tonnage, originally mined from the Colorado Pit, were 7% above budget. In addition, oxide ore processed during the quarter was 4% higher-than-budget which also contributed to the higher recoveries. Compared to the first quarter of 2020, gold production in the first quarter of 2021 was higher by 28% (12,641 ounces), mainly due to higher mined ore grades in the quarter, as a result of mining through a higher-grade zone of the Main Vein Pit. The Masbate Mine continued its remarkable safety performance, extending the number of days without an LTI to 866 days as at March 31, 2021.

      For the first quarter of 2021, mill feed grade was 1.10 g/t compared to budget of 1.06 g/t and 0.90 g/t in the first quarter of 2020; mill throughput was 1.95 million tonnes compared to budget of 1.95 million tonnes and 1.87 million tonnes in the first quarter of 2020; and gold recovery averaged 83.6% compared to budget of 75.7% and 83.2% in the first quarter of 2020.

      For full-year 2021, the Masbate Mine is expected to produce between 200,000 - 210,000 ounces of gold at cash operating costs of between $650 - $690 per ounce and AISC of between $955 - $995 per ounce. Masbate's gold production is scheduled to be relatively consistent throughout 2021.

      Otjikoto Gold Mine - Namibia

      The Otjikoto Mine in Namibia performed well during the first quarter of 2021, producing 23,042 ounces of gold, 11% (2,351 ounces) above budget, with processed tonnes, grade and recoveries all slightly better than budget. As expected, compared to the first quarter of 2020, gold production was significantly lower by 45% (18,707 ounces), as processed ore is primarily being sourced from existing stockpiles while significant waste stripping operations continue at both the Wolfshag and Otjikoto pits. Mined ore tonnage and grade continue to reconcile well with Otjikoto's resource model, and ore production is forecast to significantly increase in the second half of 2021 when mining reaches the higher-grade zone at the base of the Wolfshag Pit. The Otjikoto Mine has a remarkable safety record, with no LTI's for the period from March 27, 2018 until October 29, 2020, when an LTI for a fractured ankle occurred. As at March 31, 2021, the Otjikoto Mine had achieved 154 days without an LTI.

      For the first quarter of 2021, mill feed grade was 0.82 g/t compared to budget of 0.79 g/t and 1.54 g/t in the first quarter of 2020; mill throughput was 0.89 million tonnes compared to budget of 0.84 million tonnes and 0.86 million tonnes in the first quarter of 2020; and gold recovery averaged 97.6% compared to budget of 97.3% and 98.4% in the first quarter of 2020.

      Development of the Wolfshag underground mine continues to progress on schedule. In the fourth quarter of 2020, development of the portal was completed, and development of the primary underground ramp commenced. Development continued during the first quarter of 2021, and stope ore production is expected to commence in early 2022, in-line with original estimates. The initial underground Mineral Reserve estimate for the down-plunge extension of the Wolfshag orebody included 210,000 ounces of gold in 1.2 million tonnes of ore at 5.57 g/t gold.

      For full-year 2021, the Otjikoto Mine in Namibia is expected to produce between 190,000 - 200,000 ounces of gold, as high-grade ore is scheduled to be sourced from Phase 3 of the Wolfshag Pit in the second half of 2021. Otjikoto's cash operating costs are forecast to be between $480 - $520 per ounce and AISC to be between $830 - $870 per ounce.

      Approximately 70% of the gold produced in 2021 is expected to be mined from Phase 3 of the Wolfshag Pit, with material ore production starting early in the third quarter of 2021 following the waste stripping campaign. As a result of the timing of this high-grade ore mining, Otjikoto's production is expected to be significantly weighted to the second half of 2021. For the first half of 2021, Otjikoto's gold production is expected to be between 45,000 – 50,000 ounces, before increasing significantly to between 145,000 – 150,000 ounces during the second half of 2021. Based mainly on the weighting of the planned production and timing of higher waste stripping, Otjikoto's cash operating costs are expected to be between $940 - $980 per ounce in the first half of 2021, before significantly improving to between $330 - $370 per ounce during the second half of 2021. In addition, Otjikoto's AISC are expected to be between $1,600 - $1,640 per ounce in the first half of 2021, before significantly improving to between $580 - $620 per ounce during the second half of 2021. In the first quarter of 2021, gold production at Otjikoto was forecast to be lower and costs forecast to be higher than the second quarter of 2021, due to the significant amount of waste stripping and lower stockpile grades processed early in the year.

      Otjikoto's higher 2021 gold production level of between 190,000 – 200,000 ounces is expected to continue through to 2024, with production from Wolfshag underground expected to commence in early 2022 to supplement ore from the Otjikoto Pit as well as existing medium and low-grade stockpiles for approximately three years based on current estimates.


      The Company is pleased with its first quarter 2021 production results as outlined in this news release. Based on a strong first quarter, the Company is on track to meet its annual gold production guidance for 2021 of between 970,000 - 1,030,000 ounces (including 50,000 - 60,000 attributable ounces projected from Calibre) with total consolidated cash operating costs of between $500 - $540 per ounce and total consolidated AISC of between $870 - $910 per ounce.

      First Quarter 2021 Financial Results - Conference Call Details

      B2Gold will release its first quarter 2021 financial results after the North American markets close on Tuesday, May 4, 2021.

      B2Gold executives will host a conference call to discuss the results on Wednesday, May 5, 2021, at 10:00 am PST/1:00 pm EST. You may access the call by dialing the operator at +1 (778)-371-9827 / +1 (647)-427-7450 (Vancouver/Toronto) or toll free at +1 (888)-231-8191 prior to the scheduled start time or you may listen to the call via webcast by clicking: A playback version will be available for two weeks after the call at +1 (416)-849-0833 (local or international) or toll free at +1 (855)-859-2056 (passcode 5695701).

      About B2Gold Corp.

      B2Gold is a low-cost international senior gold producer headquartered in Vancouver, Canada. Founded in 2007, today, B2Gold has operating gold mines in Mali, Namibia and the Philippines and numerous exploration and development projects in various countries including Mali and Colombia. B2Gold continues to forecast total consolidated gold production of between 970,000 and 1,030,000 ounces in 2021.

      Qualified Persons

      Bill Lytle, Senior Vice President of Operations, a qualified person under NI 43-101, has approved the the scientific and technical information related to operations matters contained in this news release.


      "Clive T. Johnson"
      President and Chief Executive Officer

      For more information on B2Gold please visit the Company website at or contact:

      Ian MacLean
      Katie Bromley

      Vice President, Investor Relations
      Manager, Investor Relations & Public Relations


      The Toronto Stock Exchange and NYSE American LLC neither approve nor disapprove the information contained in this news release.

      Production results and production guidance presented in this news release reflect total production at the mines B2Gold operates on a 100% project basis. Please see our Annual Information Form dated March 30, 2021 for a discussion of our ownership interest in the mines B2Gold operates.

      This news release includes certain "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" (collectively forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable Canadian and United States securities legislation, including: projections; outlook; guidance; forecasts; estimates; and other statements regarding future or estimated financial and operational performance, gold production and sales, revenues and cash flows, and capital costs (sustaining and non-sustaining) and operating costs, including projected cash operating costs and AISC, and budgets on a consolidated and mine by mine basis; the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on B2Gold's operations, including any restrictions or suspensions with respect to our operations and the effect of any such restrictions or suspensions on our financial and operational results; the ability of the Company to successfully maintain our operations if they are temporarily suspended, and to restart or ramp-up these operations efficiently and economically, the impact of COVID-19 on the Company's workforce, suppliers and other essential resources and what effect those impacts, if they occur, would have on our business, our planned capital and exploration expenditures; future or estimated mine life, metal price assumptions, ore grades or sources, gold recovery rates, stripping ratios, throughput, ore processing; statements regarding anticipated exploration, drilling, development, construction, permitting and other activities or achievements of B2Gold; and including, without limitation: B2Gold generating operating cashflows of approximately $630 million in 2021; remaining well positioned for continued strong operational and financial performance for 2021; projected gold production, cash operating costs and AISC on a consolidated and mine by mine basis in 2021, including production being weighted heavily to the second half of 2021; total consolidated gold production of between 970,000 and 1,030,000 ounces in 2021 with cash operating costs of between $500 and $540 per ounce and AISC of between $870 and $910 per ounce; the Fekola mill being expected to run at an annualized throughput rate of 8.0 Mtpa; the anticipated cost, timing and results for the addition of a solar plant to the Fekola Mine, including the completion of construction by the end of the third quarter of 2021, contingent on receiving replacements for the damaged components the Cardinal zone bulk sampling expected to begin in the second quarter of 2021 and being added to the Fekola environmental and mining permits; the development of the Wolfshag underground mine at Otjikoto, including the results of such development and the costs and timing thereof; stope ore production at the Wolfshag underground mine at Otjikoto commencing in early 2022; the potential payment of future dividends, including the timing and amount of any such dividends, and the expectation that quarterly dividends will be maintained at the same level; the availability of the RCF for future drawdowns; and B2Gold's attributable share at El Limon and La Libertad. All statements in this news release that address events or developments that we expect to occur in the future are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, although not always, identified by words such as "expect", "plan", "anticipate", "project", "target", "potential", "schedule", "forecast", "budget", "estimate", "intend" or "believe" and similar expressions or their negative connotations, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could", "should" or "might" occur. All such forward-looking statements are based on the opinions and estimates of management as of the date such statements are made.

      Forward-looking statements necessarily involve assumptions, risks and uncertainties, certain of which are beyond B2Gold's control, including risks associated with or related to: the duration and extent of the COVID-19 pandemic, the effectiveness of preventative measures and contingency plans put in place by the Company to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, including, but not limited to, social distancing, a non-essential travel ban, business continuity plans, and efforts to mitigate supply chain disruptions; escalation of travel restrictions on people or products and reductions in the ability of the Company to transport and refine doré; the volatility of metal prices and B2Gold's common shares; changes in tax laws; the dangers inherent in exploration, development and mining activities; the uncertainty of reserve and resource estimates; not achieving production, cost or other estimates; actual production, development plans and costs differing materially from the estimates in B2Gold's feasibility and other studies; the ability to obtain and maintain any necessary permits, consents or authorizations required for mining activities; environmental regulations or hazards and compliance with complex regulations associated with mining activities; climate change and climate change regulations; the ability to replace mineral reserves and identify acquisition opportunities; the unknown liabilities of companies acquired by B2Gold; the ability to successfully integrate new acquisitions; fluctuations in exchange rates; the availability of financing; financing and debt activities, including potential restrictions imposed on B2Gold's operations as a result thereof and the ability to generate sufficient cash flows; operations in foreign and developing countries and the compliance with foreign laws, including those associated with operations in Mali, Namibia, the Philippines, Colombia and Burkina Faso and including risks related to changes in foreign laws and changing policies related to mining and local ownership requirements or resource nationalization generally, including in response to the COVID-19 outbreak; remote operations and the availability of adequate infrastructure; fluctuations in price and availability of energy and other inputs necessary for mining operations; shortages or cost increases in necessary equipment, supplies and labour; regulatory, political and country risks, including local instability or acts of terrorism and the effects thereof; the reliance upon contractors, third parties and joint venture partners; the lack of sole decision-making authority related to Filminera Resources Corporation, which owns the Masbate Project; challenges to title or surface rights; the dependence on key personnel and the ability to attract and retain skilled personnel; the risk of an uninsurable or uninsured loss; adverse climate and weather conditions; litigation risk; competition with other mining companies; community support for B2Gold's operations, including risks related to strikes and the halting of such operations from time to time; conflicts with small scale miners; failures of information systems or information security threats; the ability to maintain adequate internal controls over financial reporting as required by law, including Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act; compliance with anti-corruption laws, and sanctions or other similar measures; social media and B2Gold's reputation; risks affecting Calibre having an impact on the value of the Company's investment in Calibre, and potential dilution of our equity interest in Calibre; as well as other factors identified and as described in more detail under the heading "Risk Factors" in B2Gold's most recent Annual Information Form, B2Gold's current Form 40-F Annual Report and B2Gold's other filings with Canadian securities regulators and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"), which may be viewed at and, respectively (the "Websites"). The list is not exhaustive of the factors that may affect B2Gold's forward-looking statements

      B2Gold's forward-looking statements are based on the applicable assumptions and factors management considers reasonable as of the date hereof, based on the information available to management at such time. These assumptions and factors include, but are not limited to, assumptions and factors related to B2Gold's ability to carry on current and future operations, including: the duration and effects of COVID-19 on our operations and workforce; development and exploration activities; the timing, extent, duration and economic viability of such operations, including any mineral resources or reserves identified thereby; the accuracy and reliability of estimates, projections, forecasts, studies and assessments; B2Gold's ability to meet or achieve estimates, projections and forecasts; the availability and cost of inputs; the price and market for outputs, including gold; foreign exchange rates; taxation levels; the timely receipt of necessary approvals or permits; the ability to meet current and future obligations; the ability to obtain timely financing on reasonable terms when required; the current and future social, economic and political conditions; and other assumptions and factors generally associated with the mining industry.

      B2Gold's forward-looking statements are based on the opinions and estimates of management and reflect their current expectations regarding future events and operating performance and speak only as of the date hereof. B2Gold does not assume any obligation to update forward-looking statements if circumstances or management's beliefs, expectations or opinions should change other than as required by applicable law. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results, performance or achievements could differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, these forward-looking statements. Accordingly, no assurance can be given that any events anticipated by the forward-looking statements will transpire or occur, or if any of them do, what benefits or liabilities B2Gold will derive therefrom. For the reasons set forth above, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements.

      Non-IFRS Measures

      This news release includes certain terms or performance measures commonly used in the mining industry that are not defined under International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"), including "cash operating costs" and "all-in sustaining costs" (or "AISC"). Non-IFRS measures do not have any standardized meaning prescribed under IFRS, and therefore they may not be comparable to similar measures employed by other companies. The data presented is intended to provide additional information and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for measures of performance prepared in accordance with IFRS and should be read in conjunction with B2Gold's consolidated financial statements. Readers should refer to B2Gold's Management Discussion and Analysis, available on the Websites, under the heading "Non-IFRS Measures" for a more detailed discussion of how B2Gold calculates certain of such measures and a reconciliation of certain measures to IFRS terms.

      Cision View original content:…

      SOURCE B2Gold Corp.

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      B2Gold | 6,250 C$
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 21.04.21 14:40:25
      Beitrag Nr. 456 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.838.486 von 666-2004 am 16.04.21 06:57:09Bei dieser Aktie sehe ich weiteres Aufwärtspotenzial.

      Nun sollte halt der Goldpreis endlich wieder über die 1.800ter Marke laufen.
      B2Gold | 4,311 €
      schrieb am 03.05.21 19:36:12
      Beitrag Nr. 457 ()
      B2Gold hat sich dazu entschlossen, seine größte Mine auf Solarenergie umzustellen.…
      B2Gold | 6,210 C$
      schrieb am 05.05.21 10:18:02
      Beitrag Nr. 458 ()…

      B2Gold Reports Strong Q1 2021 Results;
      Quarterly Total Gold Production of 220,644 oz, 9% Above Budget;
      Cash Operating Costs and All-In Sustaining Costs Lower than Budget
      VANCOUVER, BC, May 4, 2021

      Freundliche Grüße
      B2Gold | 4,167 €
      4 Antworten
      schrieb am 05.05.21 17:01:14
      Beitrag Nr. 459 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 68.059.484 von supernova1712 am 05.05.21 10:18:02Bin 'raus!!

      Gewinnmitnahmen haben noch nie geschadet!!!;)
      B2Gold | 5,990 C$
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 07.05.21 01:06:37
      Beitrag Nr. 460 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.897.610 von Inderhals am 21.04.21 14:40:25... ist ja heute passiert - wir werden sehen ob das was bringt und ob der Anstieg nachhaltig ist
      Stay LONG - Stay STRONG 💪
      B2Gold | 6,250 C$
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 07.05.21 09:53:27
      Beitrag Nr. 461 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 68.094.449 von Chris0605 am 07.05.21 01:06:37Ja, das sieht alles ganz gut aus.
      Auch meine Newmont fangen nun langsam an zu laufen.
      Aber auch die Fortescure Metals (Eisenerz) entwickeln sich prächtig.

      Es war doch richtig, auf die Minen umzuschachten.
      B2Gold | 4,349 €
      schrieb am 11.05.21 10:06:28
      Beitrag Nr. 462 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 68.067.080 von Videomat am 05.05.21 17:01:14Die verdienen dieses Jahr über ne Milliarde........
      Ich habe über die letzten Monate stetig gekauft.
      Sonst kaufe ich nur aus einem Gebiet aber bei B2
      habe ich eine Ausnahme gemacht.
      B2Gold | 4,170 €
      schrieb am 14.05.21 14:47:33
      Beitrag Nr. 463 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 68.067.080 von Videomat am 05.05.21 17:01:14
      Zitat von Videomat: Bin 'raus!!

      Gewinnmitnahmen haben noch nie geschadet!!!;)

      Äh.. wow... und Dein Gewinn beläuft sich auf... 10% oder was?

      Na ob sich das wirklich gelohnt hat... 🤔
      B2Gold | 4,151 €
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 14.05.21 22:19:16
      Beitrag Nr. 464 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 68.190.685 von MilleniumFalke am 14.05.21 14:47:33ich mach es genau andersrum bin hier mehr fürs kaufen, Gruß an alle investierten ............wann gibt es eigentlich wieder Dividende :D
      B2Gold | 4,196 €
      schrieb am 15.05.21 13:39:08
      Beitrag Nr. 465 ()
      Wo seht Ihr denn B2Gold bei einem Goldpreis von 2.000 Dollar? B2Gold scheint immer noch günstig zu sein. Mein EK liegt bei 3,80 Euro. Nachkaufen?
      B2Gold | 4,196 €
      schrieb am 15.05.21 16:34:04
      Beitrag Nr. 466 ()
      Zitat von Marcus1973: Wo seht Ihr denn B2Gold bei einem Goldpreis von 2.000 Dollar? B2Gold scheint immer noch günstig zu sein. Mein EK liegt bei 3,80 Euro. Nachkaufen?

      Das Hoch letztes Jahr war bei ca. 6.4 Euro - auf einen ähnlichen Niveau würde ich die Aktie wieder sehen bei entsprechendem Goldpreis und keinen Problemen. Der bisherige Einstiegspreis sollte keine Rolle spielen. Was zählt ist hier und Jetzt. Die Frage ist doch eher wie hoch Dein Anteil im Depot ist. Ich habe die auch im Depot, aber die produzieren immerhin u.a. in Mali, da würde ich nicht alles auf eine Karte setzen und eher diversifizieren. Z. b. Kirkland spielt in einer ähnlichen Liga und hat auch sehr niedrige Produktionskosten. Die haben Minen in Kanada und Australien. Damit hättest du z.b. eine weitere Diversifikation bzgl. der Regionen.
      B2Gold | 6,190 C$
      schrieb am 17.05.21 10:37:56
      Beitrag Nr. 467 ()
      Apropos Mali, hier wird offenbar gestreikt. Ob ausländische Minenbetreiber betroffen sind ist unklar - im Dezember gab es auch einen Streik, da waren die Miner nicht betroffen. Wahrscheinlich wird man das diese Mal erst so richtig wissen, wenn die nächsten Produktionszahlen veröffentlicht werden.…
      B2Gold | 4,299 €
      schrieb am 20.05.21 20:40:01
      Beitrag Nr. 468 ()
      Offenbar ist b2gold von Streik in Mali kaum betroffen:…
      B2Gold | 6,340 C$
      schrieb am 26.05.21 07:27:43
      Beitrag Nr. 469 ()
      Warum gehen die Kurse der Goldminen-Betreiber gestern runter (B2Gold, SSR, Barrick), wenn der Goldpreis steigt? Kann mir jemand das sachlich erläutern? Ich verstehe das Marktverhalten nicht. Dachte zunächst bei B2Gold hätte das mit dem Konflikt in Mali zu tun.
      B2Gold | 6,170 C$
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 26.05.21 08:45:29
      Beitrag Nr. 470 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 68.301.890 von Marcus1973 am 26.05.21 07:27:43Das Marktverhalten ist doch grundsätzlich immer das Gleiche: verarsche den Kleinanleger. 🤣
      B2Gold | 4,236 €
      schrieb am 26.05.21 12:56:35
      Beitrag Nr. 471 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 68.301.890 von Marcus1973 am 26.05.21 07:27:43
      Zitat von Marcus1973: Warum gehen die Kurse der Goldminen-Betreiber gestern runter (B2Gold, SSR, Barrick), wenn der Goldpreis steigt? Kann mir jemand das sachlich erläutern? Ich verstehe das Marktverhalten nicht. Dachte zunächst bei B2Gold hätte das mit dem Konflikt in Mali zu tun.

      Gute Frage, auf die ich auch keine eindeutige Antwort finde.
      Aber- nicht nur B2, sondern auch Newmont Mininng dümpelt dahin.

      Der komplette Minensektor gestern litt unter einem Schwächeanfall.

      Ich denke mal der wurde gezielt auf´s Korn genommen und abgehedgt. Mal sehen, ob der Goldkurs seinen rasanten Anstieg so weiterfahren kann.
      B2Gold | 4,249 €
      schrieb am 27.05.21 09:51:25
      Beitrag Nr. 472 ()…

      B2Gold's Operations at its Fekola Mine in Mali Continue Unimpeded

      VANCOUVER, BC, May 26, 2021

      ...that the Company is monitoring the evolving political situation in Mali.

      B2Gold's mining operations at its Fekola Mine have not been affected in any way and the Company has continued normal mining and milling operations.


      Freundliche Grüße
      B2Gold | 4,187 €
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 27.05.21 18:21:27
      Beitrag Nr. 473 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 68.317.643 von supernova1712 am 27.05.21 09:51:25Herzlichen Dank supernova.

      Übersetzt durch Google:

      Der Betrieb von B2Gold in der Fekola-Mine in Mali wird ungehindert fortgesetzt
      VANCOUVER, BC, 26. Mai 2021 / CNW / - B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO) (NYSE AMERICAN: BTG) (NSX: B2G) ("B2Gold" oder das "Unternehmen") gibt bekannt, dass das Unternehmen die Entwicklung der Politik überwacht Situation in Mali. Der Bergbaubetrieb von B2Gold in der Fekola-Mine wurde in keiner Weise beeinträchtigt, und das Unternehmen hat den normalen Bergbau- und Mahlbetrieb fortgesetzt. Das Unternehmen geht nicht davon aus, dass aufgrund der politischen Situation im Land Betriebstage verloren gehen, und hat bestätigt, dass alle Mitarbeiter von B2Gold in Sicherheit sind. Die Fekola-Mine soll 2021 530.000 bis 560.000 Unzen Gold produzieren.

      Darüber hinaus wurde das Unternehmen darauf aufmerksam gemacht, dass die National Union of Travailleurs du Mali (die nationale Union der malischen Arbeitnehmer) die nationale Streikaktion im Land zum 25. Mai 2021 beendet hat, die bislang keine nennenswerten Auswirkungen hatte Auswirkungen auf die Geschäftstätigkeit von B2Gold in Mali.

      B2Gold wird weiterhin die sich entwickelnde Situation überwachen und daran arbeiten, die Sicherheit seines Personals zu gewährleisten und sicherzustellen, dass der Bergbau in Fekola normal fortgesetzt wird, was sowohl den Gemeinden rund um die Mine als auch den regionalen und nationalen Regierungen wirtschaftliche Vorteile und die Schaffung von Arbeitsplätzen bietet. Ausländische Investitionen und politische Stabilität in Mali sind für das Land von entscheidender Bedeutung.

      B2Gold engagiert sich für die Zusammenarbeit mit den Regierungsbehörden in Mali, um auf den bisher engen Beziehungen aufzubauen. Das Unternehmen wird weiterhin transparent arbeiten, um die Fortsetzung der positiven und für beide Seiten vorteilhaften Partnerschaft zwischen B2Gold und der malischen Regierung zum Nutzen des malischen Volkes und aller Beteiligten sicherzustellen. Dies beinhaltet die Fortsetzung der laufenden Diskussionen über die Erneuerung der Menankoto-Explorationsgenehmigung, zu deren Erhalt das Unternehmen nach ordnungsgemäßer Anwendung des malischen Rechts berechtigt ist.

      B2Gold ist einer der größten kanadischen Investoren in Mali und der Fekola-Mine, an der der Bundesstaat Mali zu 20% beteiligt ist, und eine Flaggschiff-Investition in den Bergbausektor des Landes. Im Jahr 2020 produzierte B2Gold 622.518 Unzen Gold, geschätzte 27% der industriellen Goldproduktion Malis, aus der Fekola-Mine und erwirtschaftete für Mali Einnahmen in Höhe von ca. 300 Mio. USD, die sich aus Steuern und Dividenden zusammensetzten. Seit Beginn der Produktion der Fekola-Mine im Jahr 2017 wurden für Mali Einnahmen in Höhe von rund 580 Millionen US-Dollar erzielt.

      Die Gesamtinvestition des Unternehmens in Mali beträgt bis heute mehr als 1 Milliarde US-Dollar, und B2Gold ist ein bedeutender Arbeitgeber mit mehr als 2.200 Mitarbeitern, von denen mehr als 93% malische Staatsangehörige sind. Das Unternehmen zahlte im Jahr 2020 Gehälter und Leistungen für Mitarbeiter in Höhe von rund 64 Millionen US-Dollar. Durch seine Investition hat B2Gold bedeutende wirtschaftliche Vorteile erzielt, darunter die Schaffung von Arbeitsplätzen, Ausbildung, Kapazitätsaufbau und Investitionen in die Gemeinschaft, einschließlich eines kürzlich angekündigten Signature Agricultural Business Community Project in Höhe von 10 Millionen US-Dollar den lokalen Gemeinschaften zugute kommen und künftig nachhaltige Lebensgrundlagen schaffen.

      Seit Beginn der Investition des Unternehmens in Mali unterhält B2Gold stets eine positive und für beide Seiten vorteilhafte Beziehung zur Regierung von Mali. Zuletzt hat B2Gold eine Partnerschaft mit der Regierung von Mali geschlossen, um die Menschen in Mali bei den Herausforderungen zu unterstützen, die sich aus der COVID-19-Pandemie und ihren Auswirkungen auf den Bergbausektor ergeben. B2Gold untersucht weiterhin zusätzliche Möglichkeiten, wie es der Regierung helfen könnte, mit den Auswirkungen der Pandemie umzugehen.

      Über B2Gold Corp.

      B2Gold ist ein kostengünstiger internationaler Senior-Goldproduzent mit Hauptsitz in Vancouver, Kanada. B2Gold wurde 2007 gegründet und betreibt heute Goldminen in Mali, Namibia und den Philippinen sowie zahlreiche Explorations- und Entwicklungsprojekte in verschiedenen Ländern, darunter Mali, Kolumbien, Burkina Faso, Finnland und Usbekistan. B2Gold prognostiziert für 2021 eine konsolidierte Gesamtgoldproduktion zwischen 970.000 und 1.030.000 Unzen.

      ...Das war also der Grund für diese Schwächephase. Ich habe kurzentschlossen nochmalig nachgekauft.
      Danke für diese Information - genau zur richtigen Zeit!
      B2Gold | 6,110 C$
      schrieb am 30.05.21 10:25:27
      Beitrag Nr. 474 ()
      Also ein wenig Sorgen bereitet mir der Putsch in Mali schon. Im Moment scheint es stabil weiter zu laufen, beim ersten Putsch ist auch nicht viel passiert. Dieses Mal könnte Mali jedoch in Richtung Islamismus abdriften, wenn es dumm läuft.
      Mal schauen wie sich das ganze so entwickelt.. ich bin mit einer kleinen Position drin und überlege umzuschichten.

      Schade, dass in der Region einfach keine Ruhe einkehrt.…
      B2Gold | 4,187 €
      schrieb am 30.05.21 10:28:38
      Beitrag Nr. 475 ()
      Hier die Bezug zu den Befürchtungen bzgl. Islamismus mit entsprechenden Folgen.…
      B2Gold | 4,187 €
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 31.05.21 19:36:29
      Beitrag Nr. 476 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 68.348.486 von GameOverMan42 am 30.05.21 10:28:38Danke nochmals, ich hab´s gelesen. Das dürfte aber keine allzu großen Auswirkungen haben..-derzeit.
      B2Gold | 6,215 C$
      schrieb am 11.06.21 13:14:01
      Beitrag Nr. 477 ()
      B2Gold | 4,113 €
      schrieb am 25.06.21 15:50:48
      Beitrag Nr. 478 ()
      Kann mir mal bitte IRGENDJEMAND erklären - warum zum Teufel diese Krücke so garnicht in die Puschen kommt 😡
      Alle anderen Minen im Plus B2 im Minus — WARUM
      B2Gold | 5,300 C$
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 25.06.21 16:06:45
      Beitrag Nr. 479 ()
      Mali !noch Fragen
      B2Gold | 5,265 C$
      schrieb am 25.06.21 17:49:09
      Beitrag Nr. 480 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 68.615.497 von Chris0605 am 25.06.21 15:50:48naja letztendlich hat es viele Minen förmlich zerfetzt..:keks: da kenne ich einige ....schau dir mal eine Harmony Gold an ....Null Mali Null schlechte Meldung und steht jetzt über 40% unter dem Kurs im Mai ..... dabei Gewinne schöne Dividende ...usw....Das irre was momentan bei den Minen abgeht, kann mir keiner erklären ....💩:keks: ....und bei B2Gold so wie die gefallen ist, ist der Wert der Mine in Mali eh bald komplett abgeschrieben ....dabei wurde B2Gold ja von den Putschisten bis jetzt nicht bedroht ....... ohne Worte :rolleyes:
      B2Gold | 5,190 C$
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 02.07.21 14:20:06
      Beitrag Nr. 481 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 68.616.754 von goldfinger69 am 25.06.21 17:49:09Apropos Mali:

      Übersetzt durch Google-Übersetzer

      Imbroglio über Mineralgenehmigung zwingt B2Gold, die Regierung von Mali zu übernehmen. zum internationalen gerichtshof
      B2Gold Corp
      3,53 EUR 0,00%
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      Das kanadische Goldminenunternehmen B2Gold wird ein internationales Schiedsverfahren gegen die malische Regierung einleiten, nachdem ihr mitgeteilt wurde, dass sie keine einjährige Verlängerung einer Bergbaugenehmigung in der Nähe ihrer Goldmine Fekola erhält. Die betreffende Genehmigung gilt für den Zugang zum Menankoto-Teil von die Lagerstätte Anaconda, etwa 20 km von Fekola entfernt. B2Gold hat in den letzten sieben Jahren bisher 27 Millionen US-Dollar für die Exploration auf das Projekt ausgegeben und dieses Jahr weitere 8,4 Millionen US-Dollar für die Exploration vorgesehen – ungefähr ein Drittel seines Explorationsbudgets von 26,4 Millionen US-Dollar für Mali. das Unternehmen scheint derzeit im Fadenkreuz der politischen Aufregung Malis zu stehen. Nach dem Rücktritt von Präsident Ibrahim Boubacar Keita im August letzten Jahres wird das Land vor den demokratischen Wahlen im nächsten Jahr von einer Militärjunta regiert Minister wurden festgenommen. Die Junta hat sich inzwischen wieder zu ihrem Zeitplan für die Wahlen verpflichtet, aber der Streit mit B2Gold deutet auf einen institutionellen Verfall hin. Laut B2Gold unterliegt seine Menankoto-Genehmigung der Bergbaukonvention des Landes und den Stabilitätsklauseln des Bergbaugesetzes von 2012. Es reichte dennoch die Genehmigungserweiterung im Sinne des Mining Code 2019 ein, wurde jedoch anschließend informiert, dass ein Teil des Explorationsgebiets an einen Dritten vergeben wurde. Diese Maßnahme wurde im März 2021 etwa acht Monate nach dem ersten Antrag von B2Gold, dann jedoch am 18. , wurde der Anspruch des Dritten wiederhergestellt. Diese letztgenannte Entscheidung beruhte, argumentierte die malische Übergangsregierung, auf der Tochtergesellschaft von B2Gold – Menankoto S.a.r.l. – am Ende einer ungünstigen Gerichtsentscheidung im Zusammenhang mit der Genehmigung. B2Golds Erwiderung am Donnerstag bestand darin, dass die von der Interimsregierung erwähnte Klage eine Funktion ihrer rechtlichen Reaktion auf die anfängliche Ablehnung der Verlängerung der Genehmigung von Menankoto war, und dass das Gericht in jedem Fall nicht entschieden hatte. B2Gold sagte, es werde weiterhin mit der malischen Regierung zusammenarbeiten. Es bekräftigte seinen guten Ruf, durch die Produktion von Fekola, die 27% der industriellen Goldproduktion Malis im Jahr 2020 ausmachte, 300 Millionen US-Dollar an Staatseinnahmen erzielt zu haben und etwa 2.200 Menschen in Mali zu beschäftigen, von denen die Mehrheit Malier waren Genehmigung waren nicht Teil der aktuellen Lebensdauer der Mine oder der Produktionsschätzungen von Fekola – voraussichtlich 530.000 bis 560.000 Unzen im Jahr 2021 –, aber ein fehlender Zugang zum Konzessionsgebiet könnte das Mineralpotenzial von Fekola beeinträchtigen. Im Februar sagte CEO Clive Johnson auf einer Konferenz: „Als wir? Fekola gekauft haben, glaubten wir, dass in einem Gebiet etwa 20 km nördlich namens Anaconda, das bereits von Papillon identifiziert wurde, ein erhebliches Potenzial für weitere Mineralisierungen vom Typ Fekola besteht“, sagte er den Delegierten der Investment in Africa Mining Indaba dort wurden einige bedeutende Sulfidabschnitte unterhalb der mineralisierten Saprolitzone gefunden, und diese Abschnitte geben uns die gleichen Gehalte wie der hier s sahen wir in den frühen Tagen auf der Hauptlagerstätte Fekola, als Papillon sie bohrte. Die Erzgenehmigung nach Imbroglio zwingt B2Gold dazu, die Mali-Regierung einzunehmen. vor internationalem Gericht erschien zuerst auf Miningmx.
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      B2Gold | 3,625 €
      schrieb am 08.07.21 20:15:02
      Beitrag Nr. 482 ()
      so hab jetzt mal zugegriffen ...:D
      B2Gold | 4,980 C$
      schrieb am 08.07.21 20:16:05
      Beitrag Nr. 483 ()
      unter 5 Dollar ist zu verlockend hier :lick::lick::lick:

      B2Gold | 4,980 C$
      schrieb am 13.07.21 08:37:57
      Beitrag Nr. 484 ()
      Guten Morgen,

      also wer jetzt nicht kauft, Kopf schüttel,

      sämtliche Indikatoren im Üververkauftmodus
      Minen verdienen aktuell richtig gut

      denkt dran, in der Dpression entsteht die nächste Hausse
      Billiger wid es kaum, unglaublich von 6,35 auf 3,29...........und das bei Gewinnverdopplung
      B2Gold | 3,403 €
      schrieb am 13.07.21 08:38:48
      Beitrag Nr. 485 ()
      Guten Morgen,

      also wer jetzt nicht kauft, Kopf schüttel,

      sämtliche Indikatoren im Üververkauftmodus
      Minen verdienen aktuell richtig gut

      denkt dran, in der Dpression entsteht die nächste Hausse
      Billiger wid es kaum, unglaublich von 21,60 auf 11,80.........und das bei Gewinnverdopplung
      B2Gold | 3,403 €
      schrieb am 13.07.21 08:40:03
      Beitrag Nr. 486 ()
      Guten Morgen,

      also wer jetzt nicht kauft, Kopf schüttel,

      sämtliche Indikatoren im Üververkauftmodus
      Minen verdienen aktuell richtig gut

      denkt dran, in der Dpression entsteht die nächste Hausse
      Billiger wid es kaum, unglaublich von 8,10 auf 4,29...........und das bei Gewinnverdopplung
      B2Gold | 3,403 €
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 13.07.21 12:46:17
      Beitrag Nr. 487 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 68.756.753 von Tigerslady am 13.07.21 08:40:03Nur in das derzeit fallende Messer zu greifen wirkt auch nicht gerade brickelnd.

      Charttechnisch deutet derzeit nichts auf einen Turnaround hin. Eher noch mehr downside.
      B2Gold | 3,390 €
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 13.07.21 21:36:57
      Beitrag Nr. 488 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 68.759.693 von gtschind am 13.07.21 12:46:17
      Zitat von gtschind: Nur in das derzeit fallende Messer zu greifen wirkt auch nicht gerade brickelnd.

      Charttechnisch deutet derzeit nichts auf einen Turnaround hin. Eher noch mehr downside.

      Ja, insbesondere wenn die Märkte allgemein fallen, weil beispielsweise die FED doch Schritte zur Liquiditätsverknappung einleitet, dann wird es weiter nach unten gehen, wohl auch die Minen...

      Ich bin in diesem Bereich gut investiert, halte aber für den Fall der Fälle gut Cash in der Hinterhand...
      B2Gold | 5,000 C$
      schrieb am 15.07.21 20:09:59
      Beitrag Nr. 489 ()
      läuft Chart mit Volumen AMEX und TSX

      B2Gold | 5,290 C$
      schrieb am 16.07.21 09:54:58
      Beitrag Nr. 490 ()

      Jul 15, 2021 (11:27pm EDT)
      B2Gold Corp. Reports Continued Strong Total Gold Production for Q2 2021 of 211,612 oz, 5% Above Budget; On Track to Meet or Exceed the Upper End of its Annual Guidance Range of 970,000 to 1,030,000 oz

      Freundliche Grüße
      B2Gold | 3,601 €
      schrieb am 16.07.21 10:57:51
      Beitrag Nr. 491 ()
      Es gibt viele Miner die gute Berichte abliefern. Aber ich habe den Eindruck der Markt will`s gar nicht mehr wissen.:confused:

      Seid Wochen ist so gut wie alles im Abflug obwohl sich die Indizes nicht oder unwesentlich verändert haben. Umsatz Plus und Unzen Plus wird mit "Abverkauf" bestraft aber auf breiter Front. :confused: Ich kann mir keinen Reim drauf machen. Allerdings ist das Gift für mich weil ich nicht weiß was hier gerade abläuft am Markt.
      Investiere ich noch oder lieber lassen oder gar glatt stellen. :confused:
      B2Gold | 3,557 €
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 20.07.21 13:01:44
      Beitrag Nr. 492 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 68.795.411 von Megastuhls am 16.07.21 10:57:51B2 hat einmal mehr gute Zahlen abgeliefert. Irgendwann dreht der Markt, dann springen Alle wieder auf. Zunächst jedoch sehe ich kaum Chancen für eine Erholung, dazu sind die anderen Segmente noch viel zu stark. Da muß erst ein richtig böser Einschlag kommen. Und wenn es so kommt, dürfte das Abwärtspotenzial bei den Minen begrenzt sein. Die KGV´ bei den Minens verbessern sich von Tag zu Tag. Schon deshalb ertrage die diese ausgebombten Kurse.
      B2Gold | 3,419 €
      schrieb am 31.07.21 22:47:03
      Beitrag Nr. 493 ()

      3 unterbewertete Aktien an der kanadischen Börse…

      B2Gold | 3,526 €
      schrieb am 05.08.21 11:29:51
      Beitrag Nr. 494 ()…

      B2Gold Reports Strong Q2 2021 Results with Continued Strong Total Gold Production of 211,612 oz, 5% Above Budget; On Track to Meet or Exceed the Upper End of its Annual Production Guidance Range of 970,000 to 1,030,000 oz

      Freundliche Grüße
      B2Gold | 3,449 €
      schrieb am 07.08.21 15:35:29
      Beitrag Nr. 495 ()
      Jetzt ist B2 Gold ein klarer Kauf. Alles schlechte ist eingepreist
      und es kann - wenn Gold mitspielt-zu schnellen 50 % Gewinn kommen.
      Die fördern eine Million Unzen im Jahr und die Guidance hat das bestätigt.
      B2Gold | 3,286 €
      schrieb am 07.08.21 17:33:47
      Beitrag Nr. 496 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 68.987.788 von stephansdom am 07.08.21 15:35:29
      Zitat von stephansdom: Jetzt ist B2 Gold ein klarer Kauf. Alles schlechte ist eingepreist
      und es kann - wenn Gold mitspielt-zu schnellen 50 % Gewinn kommen.
      Die fördern eine Million Unzen im Jahr und die Guidance hat das bestätigt.

      Jo,...und wenn Gold die 1750$ reißt, wird sich B2 dem nicht entziehen können. Fundamentales hat momentan bei Minen nichts zu suchen. Gruß Lenny
      B2Gold | 4,860 C$
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 07.08.21 19:21:23
      Beitrag Nr. 497 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 68.988.184 von Lennypenny am 07.08.21 17:33:47

      Warum nennen wir die aktuelle Schwäche an der Börse nicht einfach...


      Freundliche Grüße
      B2Gold | 4,860 C$
      schrieb am 11.08.21 06:58:55
      Beitrag Nr. 498 ()
      Hat jemand Infos von Marin Katusa Research oder Nick Rule über B2Gold ?
      Beide schwärmten damals von der Qualität des B2Gold Teams …. Ich überlege mir einzusteigen. Danke
      B2Gold | 4,670 C$
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 03.09.21 21:19:11
      Beitrag Nr. 499 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 69.016.121 von salon-segur am 11.08.21 06:58:55Bedenke aber das Mali-Problem. Ein Grund, warum B2 soweit hinterherhinkt.
      B2Gold | 5,030 C$
      schrieb am 11.09.21 13:09:41
      Beitrag Nr. 500 ()…

      B2Gold Declares Third Quarter 2021 Dividend of $0.04 per share

      Etwa 3,4% laufende Divendenrendite, wenn ich mich nicht irre... :)

      Freundliche Grüße
      B2Gold | 3,102 €
      4 Antworten
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      B2Gold: Der Top-Performer im Goldsektor, WKN A0M889