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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 22.12.02 20:05:26
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Es geht um Southwall
      Wkn 873566

      Hier mal ein intressanter Auszug!!!
      was für möglichkeiten!!!!!

      Kapazität des Fenster-Filmes, Glas durch Bill Zalud zu schützen Vom Vandalismus und von den Naturkatastrophen zu den Terroristangriffen, ist eins der verletzbarsten und möglicherweise gefährlichsten Elemente eines Gebäudes das Glas in den Fenstern. Ein festes Produkt, das helfen kann, Beschädigung und Verletzungen herabzusetzen, ist Sicherheit Fenster film?and, das solche Produkte in den Umbausituationen ein natürliches sind. Vorhandenes Glas in den Gebäuden wurde nicht entworfen, um Wind durchgebranntem Rückstand, Erdbeben, Maschinengewehr, Zwangseintragung, Explosionen und Terroristangriffen zu widerstehen. Abhängig von solchen Drücken bricht vorhandenes Glas häufig in lebensgefährliche Shards und in Fälle oder wird vom Fensterrahmen geschleudert und gefährdet Gebäudeinhaber und passers durch defektes Glas verursacht auch Beschädigung des Gebäudes, das nicht hatte das Glas blieb in seinem Rahmen aufgetreten sein würde. Das Halten des Energie Sicherheit Fensterfilmes kann die Fähigkeit des vorhandenen Glases verbessern, die Auswirkung der explosiven Kraft abzuschwächen und durchgebrannten Rückstand zu wickeln. Die Primärfunktion des Sicherheit Filmes ist, Glas intact zu halten im Falle von ihr brechend. Wenn ein Fenster mit Sicherheit Fensterfilm bricht, hält der Film die Glasshards intakt, sie an werdenem lebensgefährlichem Fliegen oder an fallenden Geschossen verhindernd. In einigen Fällen kann das Glas intact zerbrechen aber in seinem ursprünglichen Rahmen bleiben. Nach einer Reihe Naturkatastrophen und internationalen Terroristangriffen während der späten neunziger Jahre und dem Kulminieren im Schlag von September 11. die Notwendigkeit, Glas in den Gebäuden besser zu schützen ist geschärft worden. Z.B. entsprechend der niederwerfenden Einschätzung, resultierte ein nicht klassifizierter Report durch die VEREINIGTE STAATEN Sekretärin der Verteidigung, gebrochenes Glas in der Terroristbombardierung der Khobar Aufsätze, ein Gehäuse-Service am US Luftwaffenstützpunkt in Dhahran, Saudia Arabien, innen über 330 Verletzungen und 19 Verhängnissen. Die Reportschätzungen 80-90 Prozent jener Verletzungen wurden durch defektes Glas verursacht. Allgemeine Ereignisse über seltenen Terrorismusereignissen hinaus, die meisten Verletzungen vom Glas, sagt das Houston, Tex.-based V-Kool, Inc., eine Quelle von den reflektierenden und Sicherheit aufgetragenen Filmen, Mitte auf den Leuten, die in oder durch eine Scheibe des Glases gehen. Bis eine Einzelperson feststellt, daß er in das Glas gegangen ist, hat er bereits das Glas gebrochen und nicht genügende Zeit hat denselben Weg zurüczukverfolgen. Sobald das Glas defekt ist, fällt es und verursacht Verletzungen zum Knie und zum oberen Bein. Statistisch ist der folgende meiste wahrscheinliche Bereich der Verletzung zum Kopf, zum Ansatz und zur Schulter. Es gibt ungefähr 150.000 Glas-in Verbindung stehende Unfälle in den VEREINIGTEN STAATEN jährlich. Keine Angelegenheit die Ursache der Beschädigung, dort sind Produkte, die die Gefahr der Verletzung und des Todes vom Glas verringern können. Eine Wahl ist lamelliertes Glas. Dieses ist, wo es zwei oder mehr Stücke Glas abgebunden durch eine butyral (PVB) Plastikpolyvinylzwischenlage gibt, die in den architektonischen Glasprodukten und in den Automobil- und Flugzeugwindschutzscheiben benutzt wird. Viele Hersteller einschließlich des Wächters, des Kardinals und der Southwall Technologien bilden lamelliertes Glas. Lamelliertes Glas kann Isolierung und Solarreflexionsvermögen plus erhöhten Widerstand zu Zwangseintragung, zu Wind durchgebrannter Rückstand-, seismischer und explosiverkraft zur Verfügung stellen. Nicht alle Fensterrahmen können das Gewicht und die Stärke des lamellierten Glases stützen. Mit lamelliertem Glas gibt es einen Kompromiß zwischen Energie und safety/security Leistung. Widerstand zur Kraft behindert auch die Fähigkeit, lamelliertes Glas für Dringlichkeitseingang oder Egress zu brechen, obwohl solche Interessen nicht in den hohen Aufstieg Anwendungen relevant sind. Eine andere Wahl ist Sicherheit Fensterfilm. Überlagerter Schutz-Sicherheit Fensterfilm wird entweder optisch von den freien, abgetönten oder reflektierenden Schichten des Polyester-Filmes enthalten (von 4-mil zu 15-mil in der Stärke) die einen Kleber auf einer Seite haben, damit sie die Innenoberfläche des vorhandenen Glases angehaftet werden kann. Die mehrfachen Schichten des Filmes können zusammen lamelliert werden, wenn die im Handel erhältlichen gesamten Stärken von zwei reichen, bis 15 Mil. Das Material wird in den Rollen, mit einer maximalen vorhandenen Breite von 72 Zoll verpackt. Es wird normalerweise auf dem Gebiet mit das Glas und Rahmen bereits im Platz angewendet. Gelegentlich wird Film auf neuem Glas vorher aufgetragen, daß Glas angebracht worden ist. Typische Filminstallationen umfassen den sichtbaren Teil der Innenoberfläche des Glases vollständig zum Rand des Rahmens, aber verlängern nicht auf den Glasrand innerhalb des Rahmens. Film kann einzelne Scheibe und viele Arten isolierendes Glas. Korrekte Anwendung des passenden Filmes zu isolierendem Glas wirkt nicht Vollständigkeit des isolierenden Glasdichtungsmittels aus oder erzeugt thermischen Druck zum Glas von der ungleichen Hitzeabsorption. Jedoch sogar kann korrekte Filminstallation Glas- und Fensterherstellergarantien ungültig erklären. Sicherheit Film mit Solarsteuerung und andere Energieeinsparungfähigkeit schwankt groß abhängig von der Art von des vorhandenen Glases, an der sie angewendet wird. Angewandter Sicherheit Fensterfilm ist mit und ohne Solarsteuerfähigkeiten vorhanden. Wenn er richtig angebracht wird, bildet dieser Film eine unsichtbare schützende Schicht über dem Glas. An wann das Glas bricht, hält der Film die Glasshards intakt und verhindert sie werdenes lebensgefährliches Fliegen oder fallende Geschosse. In einigen Fällen kann das Glas intact zerbrechen aber in seinem ursprünglichen Rahmen bleiben. Saugt Schläge, auch, weil Sicherheit Fensterfilm die Fähigkeit hat, auszudehnen, ohne heftig zu zerreißen, es kann einen bedeutenden Grad der Stoßwelle einer Explosion aufsaugen auf. Wie diese explosive Kraft in Richtung zum Glas und es schließlich gedrückt Innere, die Sprünge des Glases und Brüche bewegt. Jedoch fährt der Sicherheit Film, der hinter dieser Scheibe des Glases aufgetragen wird fort, die Stoßwelle aufzusaugen und dehnt aus, bis er den Punkt erreicht, daß er den Druck nicht mehr tragen kann, zu welcher Zeit er birst. In einigen Fällen ist die Stoßwelle, wenn groß genug, das Glas zu brechen, nicht genug, zum des Sicherheit Filmes zu scheren. Dieses ergibt die Scheibe des Glases, das intact gebrochen ist, aber durch den Film gehalten ist. In diesen Fällen gibt nicht nur es keine Verletzungen, aber es gibt keine Beschädigung der Eigenschaft innerhalb des Gebäudes. In anderen Fällen ist die Stoßwelle genügend, das Glas zu brechen und den Film zu scheren. Mit in vielen dieser Fälle, stürzt das Glas in einem ein Stapel, der zum Sicherheit Film minimale Beschädigung und Verletzungen angebracht wird. In den Multigeschichte Gebäuden kann Sicherheit Film auch verhindern, daß Glas aus seinen Rahmen heraus zur Straße unten fällt. Beide lamellierten Glas, wenn sie richtig in die Fensterrahmen angebracht werden, die zum Stützen seines Gewichts fähig sind, und Sicherheit Fensterfilm, wenn er richtig in vorhandene Fensterrahmen angebracht wird, kann die Auswirkung von Explosionen, von Zwangseintragung, von Wind durchgebranntem Rückstand und seismischen von Kräften abschwächen, die durch Erdbeben erzeugt werden. Von es ist wichtig, zu merken, daß die Fähigkeit lamelliertes Glas und Sicherheit Fensterfilm, die Auswirkung von von Explosionen, von von Wind, von von Erdbeben und von von gezwungener Eintragung abzuschwächen in einem großen Umfang vom Verhältnis das Glas und Film zu den stützenden Fensterrahmen abhängt. Das Fenster-Feld, das im Kasten des lamellierten Glases, der Fensterrahmen wichtig ist, muß das Gewicht des Glases stützen damit das Gesamtglas- und Fenstersystem, um die Fähigkeit zu erhöhen, abzuschwächen Explosivstoff und andere Kräfte. Lamelliertes Glas in vorhandene Fensterrahmen gerade anbringen kann möglicherweise nicht verhindern, daß das Glas von den Rahmen sich trennt, wenn Kraft erfahren ist. Ähnlich können die Fähigkeit des Sicherheit Fensterfilmes, vorhandenes Glas und Fenster, um Explosivstoff abzuschwächen und andere Kräfte zu bevollmächtigen sich erhöhen, wenn der Film nicht nur am Glas aufgetragen wird, aber außerdem angebracht zum Rahmen. Viele Fensterfilmhersteller, -verteiler und -installateure haben Umbaufilm-Zubehöreinheiten für das Befestigen des Filmes an den Fensterrahmen entwickelt. Solche Einheiten umfassen das Sichern der Stäbe, Rand-zu-Rand der trockenen Laminierungtechniken und der eigenen Rahmen und der Dichtungsmittel. Eine abschließende Filmtorsion: V-Kool vermarktet einen spektral vorgewählten Sicherheit Film, der auch Hitze beim Übertragen der normalen Niveaus des Lichtes blockiert. Über dem Helfen hinaus, Glasbruchbeschädigung herabzusetzen, speichert diese Annäherung Energiedollar, indem sie herabsetzt die Überhitzung beim Isolieren gegen den Wärmeverlust.
      schrieb am 22.12.02 20:18:32
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Hier der Link…

      in englisch

      Window Film`s Capacity to Protect Glass
      By Bill Zalud

      From vandalism and natural disasters to terrorist attacks, one of the most vulnerable and potentially dangerous elements of a building is the glass in windows. One solid product that can help minimize damage and injuries is security window film—and such products are a natural in retrofit situations. Existing glass in buildings was not designed to resist wind blown debris, earthquakes, gunfire, forced entry, explosions and terrorist attacks. Subject to such stresses, existing glass often breaks into lethal shards and falls or is hurled from the window frame, endangering building occupants and passers by. Broken glass also causes damage to the building that would not have occurred had the glass remained in its frame.

      Holding Power
      Security window film can improve the ability of existing glass to mitigate the impact of explosive force and wind blown debris. The primary function of security film is to hold glass intact in the event of it being broken. If a window with security window film breaks, the film holds the glass shards intact preventing them from becoming lethal flying or falling projectiles. In some cases, the glass may shatter but remain intact in its original frame. The need to better protect glass in buildings has been sharpened after a series of natural disasters and international terrorist attacks during the late 1990s and culminating in the shock of September 11th. For example, according to the Downing Assessment, an unclassified report by the U.S. Secretary of Defense, broken glass in the terrorist bombing of Khobar Towers, a housing facility at the US Air Force base in Dhahran, Saudia Arabia, resulted in over 330 injuries and 19 fatalities. The report estimates 80-90 percent of those injuries were caused by broken glass.

      Common Incidents
      Beyond rare terrorism incidents, most injuries from glass, says the Houston, Tex.-based V-Kool, Inc., a source from reflective and security applied films, center on people walking into or through a pane of glass. By the time an individual realizes that he has walked into the glass he has already broken the glass and does not have sufficient time to backtrack. As soon as the glass is broken, it falls and causes injuries to the knee and upper leg. Statistically, the next most likely area of injury is to the head, neck and shoulder. There are about 150,000 glass-related accidents in the U.S. annually. No matter the cause of damage, there are products that can reduce the danger of injury and death from glass. One option is laminated glass. This is where there are two or more pieces of glass bonded by a polyvinyl butyral (PVB) plastic interlayer used in architectural glass products and in automotive and aircraft windshields. Many manufacturers including Guardian, Cardinal and Southwall Technologies make laminated glass. Laminated glass can provide both insulation and solar reflectivity plus increased resistance to forced entry, wind blown debris, seismic and explosive force. Not all window frames can support the weight and thickness of laminated glass. With laminated glass, there is a trade off between energy and safety/security performance. Resistance to force also impedes the ability to break laminated glass for emergency entrance or egress though such concerns are not relevant in high rise applications. Another option is security window film.

      Layered Protection
      Security window film is comprised of either optically clear, tinted or reflective layers of polyester film (from 4-mil to 15-mil in thickness) that have an adhesive on one side so that it can be adhered to the interior surface of existing glass. Multiple layers of film can be laminated together, with commercially available overall thicknesses ranging from two to 15 mils. The material is packaged in rolls, with a maximum available width of 72 inches. It is usually applied in the field with the glass and frame already in place. Occasionally film is applied on new glass before that glass has been installed. Typical film installations cover the visible portion of the interior surface of the glass all the way to the edge of the frame, but do not extend to the glass edge within the frame. Film can be applied to both single pane and many types of insulating glass. Proper application of appropriate film to insulating glass does not impact integrity of insulating glass sealant or generate thermal stress to glass from uneven heat absorption. However, even proper film installation may invalidate glass and window manufacturer warranties. Security film with solar control and other energy saving capability greatly varies depending on the type of existing glass to which it is applied. Applied security window film is available with and without solar control capabilities. When properly installed, this film forms an invisible protective coating over the glass. When the glass breaks, the film holds the glass shards intact, preventing them from becoming lethal flying or falling projectiles. In some cases, the glass may shatter but remain intact in its original frame.

      Absorbs Shocks, Too
      Because security window film has the ability to stretch without tearing, it can absorb a significant degree of the shock wave of an explosion. As this explosive force moves toward the glass and pushed it inward, the glass eventually cracks and breaks. However, the security film applied to the rear of this pane of glass continues to absorb the shock wave and stretches until it reaches the point that it can no longer bear the pressure, at which time it will burst. In some cases, the shock wave, when great enough to break the glass, is not enough to shear the safety film. This results in the pane of glass being broken but held intact by the film. In these cases, not only are there no injuries, but there is no damage to the property inside the building. In other cases, the shock wave is sufficient to break the glass and shear the film. In many of these cases, the glass collapses in one pile attached to the security film with minimal damage and injuries. In multi-story buildings, security film may also prevent glass from falling out of its frames to the street below. Both laminated glass, if properly installed in window frames capable of supporting its weight, and security window film, if properly installed in existing window frames, may mitigate the impact of explosions, forced entry, wind blown debris and seismic forces generated by earthquakes. It is important to note that the ability of both laminated glass and security window film to mitigate the impact of explosions, wind, earthquakes and forced entry depends to a great extent on the relationship of the glass and film to the supporting window frames.

      Window Frame Important
      In the case of laminated glass, the window frame must support the weight of the glass in order for the total glass and window system to increase the ability to mitigate explosive and other forces. Just installing laminated glass in existing window frames may not prevent the glass from separating from the frames when force is experienced. Similarly, the ability of security window film to empower existing glass and windows to mitigate explosive and other forces may increase if the film is not only applied to the glass, but attached to the frame as well. Many window film manufacturers, distributors and installers have developed retrofit film attachment mechanisms for securing the film to the window frame. Such mechanisms include securing bars, edge-to-edge dry lamination techniques and proprietary frames and sealants. One final film twist: V-Kool markets a spectrally selective security film that also blocks heat while transmitting normal levels of light. Beyond helping to minimize glass break damage, this approach saves energy dollars by minimizing overheating while insulating against heat loss.

      Bill is the Editor of Security Magazine, and he can be reached at (630) 694-4029.
      schrieb am 22.12.02 20:22:13
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      zu 2

      wurde v-kool erwähnt!

      hier der link zu v-kool

      das patent stammt von southwall;)
      schrieb am 22.12.02 20:22:16
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Sieht auf den ersten Blick sehr gut aus (fundamentale Daten). Werde den Wert mal genauer unter die Lupe nehmen!

      schrieb am 22.12.02 20:26:02
      Beitrag Nr. 5 (),2163,14761,00.html

      Southwall Technologies has developed a protective layer. The company makes thin-film coatings for auto glass, electronic displays, and architectural uses. The films absorb, reflect, and transmit energy such as UV light rays. Films for auto glass account for 45% of sales; customers include automakers such as DaimlerChrysler, Renault, and BMW. Southwall also makes films that reduce computer-screen glare, as well as ones used in LCDs, phones, and ATMs; its principal customers for electronic display films are Japanese chemical firms such as Mitsubishi and Mitsui. The company`s architectural films are used on glass to protect interiors from UV light damage. Countries outside the US account for nearly 90% of sales.

      Trading Spotlight

      Nurexone Biologic
      0,4360EUR +1,40 %
      InnoCan startet in eine neue Ära – FDA Zulassung!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 23.12.02 01:07:32
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      nicht zu verachten ist:das es im moment nur insiderkäufe gibt!!!!

      2002-10-25 -
      2002-10-28 SEDGWICK, WALTER C.
      Director 94,000 Purchase at $2.12 - $2.14 per share.
      (Cost of about $200,000)
      2002-08-13 REAGAN, JOSEPH B.
      Chairman 10,000 Purchase at $2.486 per share.
      (Cost of $24,860)
      2002-08-12 LIPSCOMB, JOHN
      Vice President 5,000 Purchase at $2.40 per share.
      (Cost of $12,000)
      2002-08-12 -
      2002-08-20 LIPSCOMB, JOHN
      Vice President 10,000 Purchase at $2.40 per share.
      (Cost of $24,000)
      2002-08-09 SEDGWICK, WALTER C.
      Director *46,300 Purchase at $2.46 per share.
      (Cost of $113,898)
      schrieb am 23.12.02 01:22:16
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Southwall and BERLINER GLAS Announce New Product Designed Into Hewlett-Packard`s New Tablet PC

      PALO ALTO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dec. 17, 2002--Southwall Technologies Inc. (Nasdaq:SWTX) and BERLINER GLAS, Berlin, Germany, revealed today that the new Compaq 1000 Tablet PC`s LCD display benefits from a high performance film to glass laminate produced by the two companies. Combining Southwall`s anti-reflective film with Berliner Glas` anti-glare technical glass greatly reduces unwanted reflected light and provides a smooth, strong writing surface. Both are important needs for Tablet PC users.

      The Compaq 1000 is a fully functional PC in a slate like design on the display of which the user is able to write to take notes or access files. The unit can be used flat on a desk like a pad of paper, or held at an angle. Southwall`s sputter coated thin film ARC2 product provides high visible transmission to maintain optical clarity, while greatly reducing reflected ambient light and significantly improving the viewing experience for LCD users.

      The glass finished by BERLINER GLAS is etched in order to avoid reflection and to guarantee clear, true colors. The glass can be etched single or double sided in a thickness of 1mm - 6 mm with various levels of surface roughness and gloss values. Additionally, the panel is chemically strengthened and laminated with Southwall`s anti-reflective film. Finally, the silk screen printing provides functional support and accentuate the design of the Tablet PC.

      "The Southwall anti-reflective film allows us to achieve the critical optical and mechanical performance demands for the Compaq Tablet PC display glass," stated Jorg Bannicke, Vice President of Berliner Glas. "Laminating the Southwall Technologies film to our glass easily integrates into our manufacturing process."

      "The ARC2 high performance anti-reflective film enhances the Berliner Glas anti-glare glass providing the highly desirable surface characteristics for the new Compaq 1000 Tablet PC," said Thomas G. Hood, President and CEO, Southwall Technologies. "This application is complementary with other high performance films we have employed in electronic displays to reduce reflection. This new and exciting application showcases our ability to quickly develop high performance antireflective solutions to satisfy the display industry`s increasing needs for improved optical performance. We are pleased to be partnering with Berliner Glas."

      According to several industry sources, tablet PC units sold by all manufacturers are expected to reach at least 7 million over the next year, depending on, among other market factors, the rate of early adoption.

      About Southwall Technologies Inc.

      Southwall Technologies ( designs and produces thin film coatings that selectively absorb, reflect or transmit light. Southwall products are used in a number of automotive, electronic display and architectural glass products to enhance optical and thermal performance characteristics, improve user comfort and reduce energy costs. Southwall exports advanced thin film coatings to over 25 countries around the world for use in products manufactured by such companies as Audi, BMW, DaimlerChrysler, Renault, Peugeot-Citroen, Volvo, Saint-Gobain Sekurit, Pilkington, and Mitsubishi Electric.


      BERLINER GLAS offers display panels made of glass or plastics with various functional features like single or double-sided optical or chemical anti-reflection layers, lamination with coated films, mesh films to avoid electromagnetic radiation (EMC), PVB films and silk screen printing with 2-component, UV or frit-ink colors. Furthermore, BERLINER GLAS offers a wide range of options for glass refinement. These panels constitute an important component for all applications in which making information visible is involved.

      BERLINER GLAS supplies precision optics and technical glass to top suppliers in the strategic market segments of information technology and communications, industrial sensors, the semiconductor industry, as well as medical technology and biotechnology, and offers solutions for all areas of industry making use of light. The BERLINER GLAS Group employs around 630 people today in Germany, Switzerland and the USA.

      This press release may contain forward-looking statements (as that term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995), including, without limitation, statements regarding the Company`s expectations, beliefs, intentions or strategies regarding the future. All forward-looking statements in this press release are based on information available to the Company on the date hereof, and the Company assumes no obligation to update any such forward-looking statements. These statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those presented. These risks include the possibility that Compaq will decide to use another supplier of anti-reflective films for some or all of its Tablet PC in the future, that the number of Tablet PCs sold will be significantly fewer than expected, that production costs at the company`s facilities will increase, that Southwall will experience manufacturing or quality problems in the future that will impair its ability to produce or provide sufficient quantities of product for Compaq, that actual orders for products or revenues to Southwall for use in Tablet PCs will be materially lower than expected, that Southwall will experience significant warranty or indemnification obligations in connection with the product produced for Compaq, that Southwall`s costs to produce product for Compaq will be higher than anticipated, that the agreement will not be profitable to Southwall, that Southwall will be directly or indirectly harmed by negative developments for Compaq and/or Berliner Glas, as well as risks associated with Southwall`s failure to meet covenants under credit facilities and strains on the company`s liquidity. Further risks are detailed in the Company`s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including those set forth in the Company`s most recent Form 10-K filed on April 1, 2002 and its most recent Form 10-Q filed on November 13, 2002.

      Southwall Technologies
      Sicco W. T. Westra, 650/962-9111
      John J. O`Reilly, 650/962-9111
      Fax: 650/967-8713
      Jorg Bannicke, +49 (0)30 60 90 5-0
      Astrid Freiding, +49 (0)30 60 90 5-0
      Fax: +49 (0)30 60 90 5-100

      "Safe Harbor" Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Statements in this press release regarding Southwall Technologies` business which are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements" that involve risks and uncertainties. For a discussion of such risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements, see "Risk Factors" in the Company`s Annual Report or Form 10-K for the most recently ended fiscal year.
      schrieb am 07.01.03 12:37:43
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      klasse news!!!!!
      6,5 million$ order aus china!!!!!

      Southwall Signs Chinese Supply and Manufacturing Agreement
      Monday January 6, 9:15 am ET

      PALO ALTO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 6, 2003--Southwall Technologies Inc. (Nasdaq:SWTX - News) announced today that it signed a new, four-year supply and manufacturing agreement with Xinyi Group (Glass) Co. Ltd. of China. Under the contract Southwall agreed to supply Xinyi with Southwall`s automotive and architectural XIR® films products through September 2006. During the term of the agreement, Southwall will license Xinyi to manufacture laminated glass units using XIR® film. Southwall has agreed that it will not appoint other companies to manufacture laminated glass units using XIR® films in Peoples Republic of China, including Hong Kong and Macau, during the term of the agreement, so long as Xinyi purchases minimum annual amounts of XIR film. Based on current pricing and assuming Xinyi purchases the minimum required amounts, sales volumes of Southwall products shipped to Xinyi over the life of the contract are expected to grow significantly year-to-year, and totaling at least $6.5 million over the contract term.

      The XIR®-based glass products manufactured under the new agreement were officially launched by Xinyi on January 6, 2003, at the opening of their new tempering facility in Shenzhen, China.

      "This is our first agreement with respect to our automotive XIR® films in mainland China, and we are very pleased to be doing business with Xinyi," stated Thomas G. Hood, President and CEO of Southwall. "Xinyi will not only export the glass units, but also sell them domestically. China has a burgeoning passenger vehicle market that has shown astounding growth this year, with sales numbers running at a 40% increase over 2001 numbers. Presently 95% of the passenger cars sold in China are built there."

      "Our high performance XIR® products block near infrared and ultraviolet energy," Hood continued, "while allowing visible light to pass through. Consumers with XIR® films in their autos and residences will enjoy clear unobstructed views, with less sun damage while also receiving the benefits of comfort and energy savings."

      About Southwall Technologies Inc.

      Southwall Technologies ( designs and produces thin film coatings that selectively absorb, reflect or transmit light. Southwall products are used in a number of automotive, electronic display and architectural glass products to enhance optical and thermal performance characteristics, improve user comfort and reduce energy costs. Southwall exports advanced thin film coatings to over 25 countries around the world for use in products manufactured by such companies as Audi, BMW, DaimlerChrysler, Renault, Peugeot-Citroen, Volvo, Saint-Gobain Sekurit, Pilkington, HP and Mitsubishi Electric.

      About Xinyi

      Xinyi Group (Glass) Co., Ltd., founded in Shenzhen, China in 1989, is one of the leading manufacturers of automobile glass products in the world and is an OEM glass supplier for automobile manufacturers in China. The company specializes in manufacturing glass for automobile, architecture, furniture, electronic, bulletproof, and other safety glass products. It can produce over 15,000 models of auto glass and has the largest laminated windshield workshop in China with annual capacity of 3 million pieces. With an enterprising spirit Xinyi has the largest tempered glass workshop in China with annual consumption of more than 80,000 tons of float glass in 2002. Since its inception, Xinyi has invested 850 million RMB and currently covers an area of 296,000 square meters. Xinyi is the largest safety glass manufacturer in China and one of the largest automobile glass suppliers in the world. For more information contact Mr. Zhenguo Wang, XIR Project Manager, +86-755-28631333,,

      This press release may contain forward-looking statements (as that term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995), including, without limitation, statements regarding the Company`s expectations, beliefs, intentions or strategies regarding the future. All forward-looking statements in this press release are based on information available to the Company on the date hereof, and the Company assumes no obligation to update any such forward-looking statements. These statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those presented. These risks include the possibility that the agreement between Southwall and Xinyi will be terminated by either party, that provisions of the agreement may be declared unenforceable, that customer demand for the products covered by the agreement will be less than expected, that production costs at the company`s facilities will increase, that Southwall will experience manufacturing or quality problems in the future that will impair its ability to produce or provide sufficient quantities of product under the agreement with Xinyi, that actual orders for products or revenues to Southwall under the agreement with Xinyi will be materially lower than those described above, that Xinyi will not purchase the minimum amounts set forth In the agreement, that Southwall will experience significant warranty or indemnification obligations in connection with the agreement, that Southwall`s costs to produce product for Xinyi will be higher than anticipated, that the agreement will not be profitable to Southwall, that Southwall will be directly or indirectly harmed by negative developments for Xinyi and/or that the exclusivity provisions applicable to Southwall will have a negative affect, as well as risks associated with doing business in China and Hong Kong and/or Southwall`s failure to meet covenants under credit facilities and strains on the company`s liquidity. Further risks are detailed in the Company`s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including those set forth in the Company`s most recent Form 10-K filed on April 1, 2002 and its most recent Form 10-Q filed on November 13, 2002.

      Southwall Technologies Inc.
      Sicco W. T. Westra, 650/962-9111
      John J. O`Reilly, 650/962-9111

      Source: Southwall Technologies Inc.

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