
    Neuste Empfehlung von HOT STOCKS - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 20.10.03 18:35:52 von
    neuester Beitrag 13.01.04 22:38:39 von
    Beiträge: 63
    ID: 787.751
    Aufrufe heute: 0
    Gesamt: 4.628
    Aktive User: 0


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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 20.10.03 18:35:52
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      500% Gewinn mit unentdeckter Biotech-Perle!Liebe Leserin,Lieber Leser,In den vergangenen 6 Monaten hat sich das gesamtwirtschaftliche Umfeld stark verbessert – mit der Konsequenz, dass sich bei einer Vielzahl von Firmen im laufenden Jahr ein dramatischer Turnaround ergeben wird! Wer hier als Investor auf Perlen setzt, die vom Markt noch weitgehend unentdeckt sind, wird ein Vermögen verdienen können. Den grössten Hebel weisen natürlich diejenigen Gesellschaften auf, die einen echten Ertragsswing verzeichnen, d.h. bei denen nach einer Verlustphase in den vergangenen Jahren jetzt ein Durchbruch in die Gewinnzone erfolgt. Wenn Sie dann einen Titel in der Nähe der Tiefs kaufen, können Sie in spektakulärer Weise von einer Neubewertung profitieren. Nachdem wir Ihnen zuletzt an dieser Stelle mit US 1 INDUSTRIES eine vergleichsweise defensive Aktie vorgestellt haben, die von Rekord zu Rekord läuft (seit unserer Empfehlung zu USD 1.85 innert 14 Tagen fast 50% auf USD 2.50 nach USD 2.90 im Hoch), stellen wir Ihnen nachfolgend für Anleger, die sich damit schwer tun, Aktien auf Höchstständen zu kaufen, eine extrem spannende Turn-around-Situation vor. Es handelt sich um einen Biotech-Wert, den Sie quasi noch für einen Apfel und ein Ei bekommen. Weitere siedendheisse Nasdaq-Empfehlungen lesen Sie in unserem Informationsdienst HOT STOCKS INVESTOR (! Betrachten Sie sich bitte die dramatische Ausgangssituation bei der US-amerikanischen SYNBIOTICS! Die Gesellschaft wurde bereits 1982 gegründet und bietet eine breite Palette an diagnostischen, pharmazeutischen und biotechnologischen Produkten an, die selbst entwickelt, hergestellt und vertrieben werden. Während für die SYNBIOTICS-Aktie in den achtziger Jahren noch Spitzenkurse von bis zu USD 16 gezahlt wurden, schwankte der Kurs in den neunziger Jahren zwischen USD 2 und USD 8. Im Januar 2000 unternahm die Gesellschaft mit dem Kauf von W3COMMERCE einen Abstecher ins Internetgeschäft, was dem Unternehmen viel Geld kostete. Ende 2000 wurde W3COMMERCE wieder an die ehemaligen Eigentümer zurückverkauft und man konzentrierte sich wieder auf das Kerngeschäft. Dennoch: Der Aktienkurs fiel auf USD 0.50 zurück, was angesichts der Ergebnisse nicht verwundert: Die Gesellschaft erwirtschaftete 1999 und 2000 hohe Verluste. Im Jahr 2001 gelang es, einen kleinen Überschuss zu erzielen, im vergangenen Jahr musste aber wieder ein hoher Verlust von USD 14 Mio. ausgewiesen werden, wobei die Hälfte davon aber auf eine Umstellung der Bilanzierungsmethode zurückzuführen ist. Also ist der Kursrückgang von USD 16 auf USD 0.50 gerechtfertigt? Mitnichten: Für das laufende Jahr zeichnet sich nämlich ein bislang vom breiten Anlegerpublikum unbemerkter aber dafür umso spektakulärer Turn-Around ab, der die Aktie wieder in die alte Trading-Range von USD 2 bis USD 8 zurückkatapultieren sollte! Schauen wir uns dazu die Ergebnisse in den ersten 6 Monaten des laufenden Jahres an: Nach einem Plus von satten USD 1.4 Mio. im ersten Quartal wurde auch im zweiten Quartal ein Nettogewinn erzielt. In der Summe betrug das Plus im ersten Halbjahr bereits gut USD 1.6 Mio!. Was das bei einer aktuellen Marktkapitalisierung von USD 7 Mio. für das Unternehmen bedeutet, können Sie leicht ausrechnen: Selbst wenn im zweiten Halbjahr 2003 kein einziger Cent verdient werden sollte, beträgt das KGV lächerliche 4! Wir halten diese Annahme sogar noch für zu konservativ. Es ist nämlich unwahrscheinlich, dass die Gesellschaft in dem derzeit noch besseren wirtschaftlichen Umfeld als in den ersten 6 Monate des laufenden Jahres keine Gewinne erzielt haben sollte. Wenn wir davon ausgehen, dass in der zweiten Jahreshälfte genauso viel verdient wird wie in der ersten, so würde per Jahresende ein Nettogewinn von USD 3.2 Mio. zu Buche stehen – und dies bei einer Marktkapitalisierung von derzeit gerade einmal USD 7 Mio.! Das KGV läge bei unglaublichen 2! Und dass selbst dies noch zu toppen ist zeigt die Vergangenheit, als SYNBIOTICS regelmässig Quartalsgewinne von bis zu 27 Cents pro Aktie reportete. Das bedeutet aufs Jahr hochgerechnet Gewinne von bis zu USD 1 pro Aktie. Damit steckt in SYNBIOTICS eine enorme Ertragskraft, die in den nächsten ein, zwei Jahren zurückgewonnen werden soll. Noch können Sie zu ausgebombten Kursen einen Fuss in diese spannende Story setzen. Denn: Die aktuelle Bewertung von SYNBIOTICS ist geradezu lächerlich! Es ist nur eine Frage der Zeit bis die Aktie wieder mindestens USD 2 kostet, längerfristig sind selbst USD 4, USD 6 und noch höhere Kurse nicht ausgeschlossen. Aktuell können Sie den Titel noch immer im Bereich von USD 0.60 kaufen. Bei einem Umsatz von über USD 20 Mio. beträgt das Kurs-Umsatz-Verhältnis 0.3, das KGV wird für das laufende Jahr zwischen 2 und 4 liegen. Vergleichbare Unternehmen werden ohne weiteres mit dem Fünf- bis Zehnfachen bewertet! Fazit also: Der Wert ist natürlich spekulativ und nicht für jedermann geeignet. Gelingt aber der Turn- Around, werden risikofreudige Anleger ihr Geld vervielfachen können. Da schon in Kürze die Quartalszahlen per 30.9. veröffentlicht werden, sollten sich spekulativ orientierte Anleger umgehend eine Erstposition ins Depot legen! Wir empfehlen den Kauf in Berlin, wobei wir bis EUR 0.70 bedenkenlos mitgehen würden. Die WKN von SYNBIOTICS lautet 871 502.
      schrieb am 20.10.03 18:51:18
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Hot Stock kommt aus dem gleichen Hause wie EMI!!!!!!!

      und letzteren Super-Empfehlung war Cash (mittlerweile
      schrieb am 20.10.03 18:54:38
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Was mich wirklich ärgert bei diesen "heissen Empfehlungen" ist dieser einseitige Tunnelblick. Hier wird mit keinem Wort ein Risiko erwähnt...der Leser glaubt sich im Schlarraffenland und die Gier katapultiert den Wert in die Höhe. Investments im Biotech-Sektor sollten berücksichtigen, dass diese Werte in den USA verdammt gut gelaufen sind und dass hier auch mal in der gesamten Branche Gewinnmitnahmen anstehen könnten.
      schrieb am 20.10.03 19:09:23
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Das ist Lemming-Abzocke pur... :mad:
      schrieb am 20.10.03 19:10:59
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Seid doch froh für die kostenlosen Tipps. Braucht
      doch nicht zu kaufen.
      Ich hab die schon ne ganze Weile und werd vor 2 Euro nicht verkaufen - und das kann jetzt ganz schnell gehen.
      Von den Zahlen gefällt mir das Unternehmen besser als die meisten NM-Klitschen.:)

      Trading Spotlight

      InnoCan Pharma
      0,1900EUR +2,98 %
      Aktie kollabiert! Hier der potentielle Nutznießer! mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 20.10.03 19:26:13
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Ich gründe drei Börsenbriefe.

      Einer bullish, einer bearish und der dritte propagiert eine Seitwärtsstrategie. Oder einer pro Hightech, der andere pro Gold und der nächste pro Anleihen. Irgendwas läuft schließlich immer.

      Dann werde ich mit dem, der richtig liegt, die Lemminge wie die Fliegen anlocken. Ich kann auf die Erfolge jahrlange verweisen und das Musterdepot wird noch lange im absoluten Plus bleiben und so beworben werden können, meine Werbeeinahmen sind mir sicher, vielleicht bezahlen die Leser sogar für meine `Prognosen`.

      Um die anderen Börsenbriefe wird sich trotzdem eine treue Leserschaft kümmern. Wir haben ja schon mehrfach gesehen, dass selbst abgrundtief schlechte Analysen ihre Fans haben. Und im Noftfall werden die schlechten Newsletter einfach eingestellt.

      Gewinnen tue ich in jedem Fall. Wenn alles ausgereizt ist, gehts wieder von vorne los, unter anderem Namen, in anderer Aufmachung usw.

      Geld verdienen kann so einfach sein.
      schrieb am 20.10.03 19:31:01
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()

      kostenlos... so kostenlos wie privatfernsehen...
      schrieb am 20.10.03 19:56:31
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      ziemlich heißes eisen
      52 wochen tief war 0,04 $
      ich denke eine spur zu heiß.
      außerdem ist der kurs in d-land 15 % zu hoch mindestens.
      verwunderlich ist das handelsvolumen hier, was 3 x so hoch ist als in ami-land .
      wünsche viel spaß
      schrieb am 20.10.03 20:17:36
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Das ist viieeeellll besser!!!!


      Consolidated Real-time Market Quote*
      Last Change (%) After Hours Chg (%)** Trade Time Bid Ask
      -- -- -- -- -- --

      Exchange QuoteLast Change (%) Trade Time Bid (size) Ask (size)
      1.23 0.10 (8.85) 13:56 1.23 (5) 1.24 (5)
      Latest Ticks Prev Close Open Low High
      =++= 1.13 1.145 1.14 1.29
      Day Volume Avg Day Vol VWAP 52 Wk Low 52 Wk High
      1,623,100 458,400 1.231 0.12 1.135
      # of Trades Last Size Avg Trade Size P/E Ratio Market Cap (mil)
      496 2,500 3,272 0 50
      schrieb am 21.10.03 11:53:48
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Bei ariva gibts einen Thread von physik über bezahlte Analysen, den sollte man sich in Zusammenhang mit kostenlosen Börsenbriefen mal zu Gemüte führen...
      schrieb am 21.10.03 18:36:48
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Man kann sagen was man will,kurzfristig hätte man schon wieder 20% mitnehmen können falls man das Papier vor der Empfehlung gehabt hätte.
      Die 15% gestern sind allein darauf zurückzuführen.
      schrieb am 21.10.03 19:49:09
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      das teil ist heissgelaufen und schreit nach einer korrektur!;)

      ...bekommen wir wieder für die hälfte;)
      schrieb am 21.10.03 20:27:41
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Ahhhh ist hier jemand traurig, dass er nicht rechtzeitig rein ist?

      den 50 er Bereich hast du heute zum letzten mal gesehen!!
      schrieb am 21.10.03 21:01:14
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()

      KK 0,45$ VK 0,62$

      alles klar;)
      schrieb am 22.10.03 19:12:16
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      + 10% wie lange kann das noch so weitergehen
      schrieb am 22.10.03 19:17:49
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      ;) ;) ;) bis 6 dollar:lick: :lick: :lick: :lick: :lick:
      schrieb am 23.10.03 16:16:31
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Und die wilde Fahrt geht weiter + 10%,bin bei 0,59 rein sonst noch jemand?
      schrieb am 23.10.03 16:24:30
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      da bin ich wieder raus:mad:
      schrieb am 23.10.03 16:47:21
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()

      bin vorgestern auch reingehüpft...
      frag mich die ganze zeit ob ich nen stop loss setzen soll und am besten auf welcher marke?
      Man merkt das Papier hat etliches aufzuholen - soll wohl nur ein kleiner vorgeschmack auf die zahlen werden?

      Im Bid stehen 0,74 € in Berlin und die Amis scheinen das Ding weiter zu kaufen. Wir sehen an der OTCBB heute besitmmt noch die 0,94 $ - das macht dann in € ??

      Good luck
      Cu @ 2€ or more

      schrieb am 23.10.03 16:49:47
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      @ all

      und schwups

      ask Berlin 0,83 €

      das geht schneller als ich dachte...

      schrieb am 23.10.03 16:53:22
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      SYNBIOTICS CORP. Registered Shares o.N.

      23.10.03 16:49:12

      0,80 EUR

      +25,00% [+0,16]
      Börse: Berlin



      Aktuell 0,80
      Zeit 23.10.03 16:49:12
      Diff. Vortag +25,00%
      Tages-Vol. 313.212
      Geh. Stück 448.660

      Geld 0,77
      Brief 0,84
      Zeit 23.10.03 16:50:13
      Geld Stk. --
      Brief Stk. --

      Vortag 0,64
      Eröffnung 0,67
      Hoch 0,80
      Tief 0,66


      ISIN US8715661059
      WKN 871502

      Letzte Kurse
      Kurs Zeit

      0,80 16:49:12
      0,79 16:48:49
      0,78 16:45:38
      0,76 16:43:03
      0,77 16:39:21
      0,77 16:34:26
      0,76 16:32:34
      0,76 16:31:45
      0,75 16:21:35
      0,75 16:19:18

      schrieb am 23.10.03 16:59:59
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      SBIO läuft einfach weiter....die gehen noch auf 1,20 Dollar ohne probleme. Die sind jetzt einfach angestochen und laufen immer weiter.....meinungen?
      schrieb am 23.10.03 17:05:28
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      @ Datek21

      also heute wird die Aktie in Amerika weiter gekauft.
      Mein KZ heute an der OTCBB
      bleibt nach wie vor

      0,95 $ für heute Abend

      Bis denn dann


      schrieb am 23.10.03 17:30:54
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      @ all

      wenn die scheine an der OTCBB 0,92$ kosten dann müssten sie bei uns 0,81 € stehen haben. jetzt kann man sie noch billiger in berlin bekommen...

      schrieb am 23.10.03 17:38:36
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      nein leider nicht....0,92 sind umgerechnet 0,78 E
      schrieb am 23.10.03 18:23:29
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      Bin auch erstaunt über die Performance aber beim ersten Rücksetzer der wohl sehr hart ausfallen wird bin ich raus.
      schrieb am 23.10.03 18:28:11
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()

      Weisst Du wann die ihre Zahlen vorlegen,meiner Meinung nach sind die letzten Zahlen der Grund für den Anstieg
      schrieb am 03.11.03 16:30:57
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      ...wird in berlin geschlachtet:mad:
      schrieb am 03.11.03 18:11:24
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Das Förtsch Imperium schlägt zurück :mad:
      schrieb am 03.11.03 18:14:27
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      viel zu starker anstieg in den letzten wochen... ;)
      schrieb am 03.11.03 18:51:37
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      es läuft immer gleich, ohne weitere Worte... :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 03.11.03 18:51:45
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      kann mir einer sagen was hier abgeht,gibt es news,ist das unternehmen pleite.:confused:
      schrieb am 03.11.03 18:54:50
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      aktienplatzierung, insiderverkäufe etc. die amis drehen durch!!! finger weg

      zur zeit ist diese aktie zu bevorzugen;)

      FORBES Wirtschaftsmagazin auf eine Liste mit den 200 erfolgreichsten Aktiengesellschaften aufgenommen wurde. Ausgewählt wurde unter 19.000 (!) ausserhalb der USA gehandelten Werte mit einem Umsatz unter 1 Mrd. USD.

      InnoConcepts N.V. ( ISIN NL0000361145 )

      Holdinggesellschaft mit aktuell deutlichem Bewertungsabschlag !


      Die 1995 gegründete und in den Niederlanden ansässige Holdinggesellschaft InnoConcepts N.V. erwirbt, entwickelt und vermarktet Patente, die unter anderem im Haushalts- und Automobilzulieferbereich umgesetzt werden. Die Basiskompetenz dieser Marketingorganisation liegt in der Bildung einer Brücke zwischen Produkt, Innovation und Markt. InnoConcepts vermarktet diverse Erfindungen von Dritten bzw. nimmt Mehrheitsbeteiligungen in innovativen Unternehmen auf, wobei das jeweilige Management meist unter der Leitung der ursprünglichen Initiatoren bzw. Erfinder steht. Bei der Auswahl der Beteiligungen liegt der Hauptfokus auf Businesskonzepten aus dem Bereich " Sicherheit und Umwelt" . InnoConcepts sichert sich dabei stets einen Teil des intellektuellen Eigentums, d.h. der Patentrechte. Zudem legt die Muttergesellschaft Wert auf einen relativ schnellen Gewinnbeitrag sowie eine langfristige und plausible Wachstumsstrategie der jeweiligen Beteiligung. Die Aktivitäten von InnoConcepts bzgl. Der jeweiligen Beteiligungen gehen weit über selbige anderer konventioneller Holding-Companies hinaus und umfassen u.a. folgende Dienstleistungen, die vor allem von jungen, innovativen Unternehmen, die oftmals unzureichend finanziert sind, gerne in Anspruch genommen werden: Marketing im weitesten Sinn, Hilfestellung bei der Sicherung intellektuellem Eigentums, juristische und kommerzielle Rundumbetreuung sowie rechtzeitige Markteinführung zur Sicherung von Wettbewerbsvorteilen. Diese umfangreichen Dienstleistungen bekommt InnoConcepts dadurch entlohnt, dass sich aus der ein oder anderen Beteiligungsfirma eine wahre Perle mit großem Wert entwickelt. Somit ist die Win-Win-Situation perfekt. Die Aktivitäten von InnoConcepts werden in verschiedenen Tochterunternehmen wie InnoEssentials, Innoseal, I-Pac oder InnoCleaning Concepts umgesetzt. Die Ergebnisse dieser einzelnen Holdings spiegeln sich in der Bilanz der Muttergesellschaft wider. Welche oft beeindruckenden Werte hinter den jeweiligen Tochtergesellschaften stehen, zeigt eindrucksvoll der jüngste spinn-off der Beteiligung an der Verpackungsperle I-Pac Technologies. I-Pac soll in einen bestehenden Börsenmantel eingebracht werden und an der Börse mit einem Gutachterwert von etwa 80 Mio. Euro bewertet werden. InnoConcepts hält 65,5% an I-Pac, so dass alleine diese Beteiligung einen Wert von 52,4 Mio. Euro aufweist. Bei einer aktuellen Börsenbewertung von nur knapp 60 Mio. Euro der Muttergesellschaft InnoConcepts, wird schnell ersichtlich, dass hier eine markante Diskrepanz besteht, berücksichtigt man noch die anderen aussichtsreichen Beteiligungen. Anders formuliert: mit dem aktuellen Kurs von 4,50 Euro bezahlen Sie fast vollkommen die Tochtergesellschaft I-Pac, die Muttergesellschaft einschließlich der anderen Tochterunternehmen erhalten Sie aktuell gratis in Ihr Depot!

      risikolose, sichere 100% bis weihnachten
      schrieb am 03.11.03 18:57:37
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      0,39 $ !!! :eek: :mad: :mad:
      schrieb am 03.11.03 19:02:25
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      bid 0,35 $ :eek: :eek:
      schrieb am 03.11.03 20:24:59
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      Warum soll es bei Innoconcepts anders laufen als hier??? Die Masche ist doch immer gleich, möglichst enge Werte behypen und dann fallen lassen...
      schrieb am 03.11.03 21:26:40
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()

      nicht nur kaufen was ein schmierblättchen schreibt, selbst mal nachforschungen betreiben!;)
      schrieb am 06.11.03 17:42:00
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      ami schmierblätter geben sbio den rest:cry:
      schrieb am 06.11.03 18:08:03
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      0,25:eek: :eek:
      schrieb am 07.11.03 10:00:18
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      schrieb am 10.11.03 08:22:39
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      auf eine erfolgreiche woche:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 11.11.03 09:08:21
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()

      Quarterly Report

      Results of Operations

      Our net sales for the third quarter 2003 decreased by $352,000 or 8% from the third quarter of 2002. The decrease reflects a decrease in our diagnostic product sales of $498,000, offset by an increase in our instrument product sales of $146,000. Our net sales for the nine months ended September 30, 2003 decreased by $1,789,000 or 11% from the nine months ended September 30, 2002. The decrease reflects a decrease in our diagnostic product sales of $2,070,000 offset by an increase in our instrument product sales of $281,000. Sales of our diagnostic products decreased due to the termination of our supply agreement under which Agen Biomedical, Ltd. ("Agen") supplied us with certain of our Witness diagnostic products, as discussed below. The decrease in sales of our Witness diagnostic products was offset in the third quarter of 2003 by increased sales of tuberculin diagnostic products to the USDA, and increased sales of poultry diagnostic products in Europe and the Middle East. Our instrument product sales increased primarily due to increased placements of our SCA 2000™ blood coagulation timing instrument, and the resulting sales of the related consumables.

      In April 2003, we were notified by Agen that Agen was terminating its supply agreement with us due to late payment of invoices for test kits. Agen manufactured certain of our Witness in-clinic diagnostic products including canine heartworm, feline leukemia, feline heartworm and canine parvovirus. These Witness products represented $475,000 and $1,339,000 of our net sales during the three months ended September 30, 2003 and 2002, respectively, $3,924,000 and $6,704,000 of our net sales during the nine months ended September 30, 2003 and 2002, respectively, and $8,069,000 of our net sales during the year ended December 31, 2002. We have notified Agen that Agen did not have the right to terminate the Agreement, and that it acted wrongfully in terminating the Agreement.

      We have identified a U.S.-based alternate contract manufacturer of the same Witness products previously manufactured for us by Agen. We are in the process of licensing the alternate-source Witness canine heartworm product with the USDA, and we anticipate having this product available for sale later in 2003. We also anticipate having the alternate-source Witness feline leukemia and canine parvovirus products available for sale in the first quarter of 2004. In addition to the material impact during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2003, we also believe that our results of operations will be materially adversely affected for at least the remainder of 2003; and our results of operations and financial condition could be materially adversely affected beyond that period if we are unable to successfully reintroduce the alternate-source products into the market in the anticipated timeframe.

      In September 2003, Agen filed a lawsuit against us, in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, asking for a declaratory judgment that Agen`s canine heartworm diagnostic test kit does not infringe our U.S. Patent No. 4,789,631 pertaining to heartworm detection technology, and also asking for a declaratory judgment that Claim 5 of our U.S. Patent No. 4,789,631 is invalid. We filed a motion with the Court to transfer the lawsuit to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California. A hearing was held on November 7, 2003, and the Court granted our motion.

      Agen is attempting to introduce into the U.S. market a canine heartworm diagnostic product which is essentially identical to our Witness canine heartworm diagnostic test kit, including our patented biological components. In September 2003, we filed a patent infringement lawsuit against Agen claiming that Agen has willfully infringed our U.S. Patent No. 4,789,631 pertaining to heartworm detection technology. In addition to seeking unspecified damages, we are asking for a temporary restraining order and a preliminary injunction against Agen, preventing Agen from importing, selling or offering for sale their canine heartworm diagnostic test kit in the United States. We are awaiting Agen`s response to the lawsuit.

      Should Agen prevail in either of these lawsuits, our future sales of canine heartworm diagnostics products in general, and especially our Witness canine heartworm diagnostic product, may be materially adversely affected due to market competition from Agen`s product.

      We recognize revenue from product sales when title and risk of loss transfers to our customer, which is generally upon shipment. Amounts we charge to our customers for shipping and handling are included in our net sales. We provide promotional discounts and rebates to certain of our distributors. Based upon the structure of these rebate programs and our past history, we are able to accurately estimate the amount of rebates at the time of sale. These rebates are recorded as a reduction of our net sales. We recognize license fee revenue ratably over the license term when we have further performance obligations to our licensee. In the event that we have no further performance obligations to our licensee, we recognize license fee revenue upon receipt.

      Our cost of sales as a percentage of our net sales was 49% and 48% during the third quarter of 2003 and 2002, respectively, and was 49% and 46% during the nine months ended September 30, 2003 and 2002, respectively. Our gross margins were negatively impacted during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2003 by the decrease in our sales, promotional programs in 2003 involving free goods, an increase in foreign currency exchange rates in 2003 compared to 2002, and the fact that a significant portion of our manufacturing costs are fixed.

      Among our major products, our DiroCHEK canine heartworm diagnostic products are manufactured at our facilities, whereas our WITNESS in-clinic canine heartworm and feline leukemia diagnostic products and our SCA 2000™ instrument products are manufactured by third parties. In addition to affecting our gross margins, outsourcing of manufacturing renders us relatively more dependent on the third-party manufacturers. Agen, the previous manufacturer of certain of our Witness products, has ceased to supply us with those products. We have identified a U.S.-based alternate contract manufacturer of the same Witness products previously manufactured for us by Agen, and we believe that the cost of these products will be lower than the cost of those manufactured for us by Agen.

      Our research and development expenses decreased by $33,000 or 9% during the third quarter of 2003 as compared to the third quarter of 2002, and decreased by $167,000 or 16% during the nine months ended September 30, 2003 as compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2002. The decreases are a result of a cost reduction program that was implemented at the end of the third quarter of 2002. Our research and development expenses as a percentage of our net sales were 8% during the third quarter of 2003 and 2002, and were 6% during the nine months ended September 30, 2003 and 2002.

      Our selling and marketing expenses decreased by $27,000 or 3% during the third quarter of 2003 as compared to the third quarter of 2002, and decreased by $399,000 or 12% during the nine months ended September 30, 2003 as compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2002. The decreases are a result of a cost reduction program, including reductions in headcount, that were implemented at the end of the third quarter of 2002. Our selling and marketing expenses as a percentage of our net sales were 24% and 23% during the third quarter of 2003 and 2002, respectively, and were 20% during the nine months ended September 30, 2003 and 2002.

      Our general and administrative expenses during the third quarter of 2003 decreased by $628,000 or 40% as compared to the third quarter of 2002, and decreased by $4,769,000 or 64% during the nine months ended September 30, 2003 as compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2002. The decrease is primarily due to a cost reduction program, including reductions in headcount, that was implemented at the end of the third quarter of 2002, and favorable effects of foreign currency exchange rates on our intercompany balances. In addition, the decrease during the nine months ended September 30, 2003 was also attributable to the non-recurrence of $3,682,000 of retention bonuses that became payable in the first quarter of 2002. Our general and administrative expenses as a percentage of our net sales were 23% and 35% during the third quarter of 2003 and 2002, respectively, and were 18% and 44% during the nine months ended September 30, 2003 and 2002, respectively. Excluding the first quarter 2002 bonus expense our general and administrative expenses would have been $3,730,000 or 22% of our net sales during the nine months ended September 30, 2002.

      As previously mentioned, we are currently involved in patent litigation with Agen. As a result, we will be incurring litigation expenses.

      In November 1998, we filed a lawsuit against Heska Corporation in the United States District Court for the Southern District of California alleging that Heska infringed our U.S. Patent No. 4,789,631 relating to heartworm diagnostic technology. In March 2003, we entered into settlement and license agreements with Heska which resolved all outstanding claims in the lawsuit. As

      part of those agreements, each party has licensed certain intellectual property rights from the other party, including Heska licensing from us the patent relating to the heartworm diagnostic technology. In addition, we received $250,000 in April, 2003, we will receive $265,000 in 24 monthly installments of $11,000 beginning in January 2004 and we receive royalty payments on sales of licensed canine heartworm diagnostic products beginning April 2003. As a result, we recorded a one-time credit to operating expenses totalling $515,000 during the first quarter of 2003.

      Our net interest expense decreased by $50,000 or 30% during the third quarter of 2003 as compared to the third quarter of 2002, and decreased by $133,000 or 25% during the nine months ended September 30, 2003 as compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2002. The decreases are due to decreases in the prime rate, and to decreases in the outstanding principal balances of our bank debt. In September 2003, we entered into a letter agreement with Comerica Bank – California whereby, effective August 1, 2003, our monthly principal payments were reduced from $125,000 per month to $45,000 per month from August 1, 2003 through January 1, 2004.

      We recognized a provision for income taxes of $6,000 during the nine months ended September 30, 2003 as compared to a provision for income taxes of $171,000 during the nine months end September 30, 2002. The change is primarily due to the treatment of the retention bonuses as permanent differences between income for financial reporting purposes and tax reporting purposes in 2002. We are limited in the utilization of certain of our Federal and state net operating loss carryforwards. As a result of this limitation, $15,999,000 of our Federal net operating loss carryforwards, and $969,000 of our state net operating loss carryforwards, may expire before they can be utilized. In addition, California has placed a moratorium on the utilization of net operating loss carryforwards for 2003.

      In the first quarter of 2002, we adopted Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 142 ("FAS 142"), "Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets". In connection with the adoption of FAS 142, we performed a transitional goodwill impairment assessment. As a result of this impairment assessment, we recorded an impairment of $7,649,000, net of income tax benefit of $106,000, which is classified as a cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle in the first quarter of 2002. FAS 142 requires that we perform subsequent impairment assessments on annual basis, or on an interim basis if events occur that may cause an impairment of our goodwill and other intangible assets.

      Financial Condition and Liquidity

      The following table summarizes the future cash payments related to our contractual obligations (other than trade payables) as of September 30, 2003 (amounts are in thousands):

      Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Thereafter
      ------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ----- ------------
      Long-term debt $ 4,969 $ 135 $ 4,834
      Operating leases 4,936 199 810 $ 829 $ 668 $ 426 $ 2,004
      Other long-term obligations 2,500 1,000 1,500

      We believe that our present capital is insufficient to meet our working capital needs and meet our contractual obligations for at least the next twelve months, given that our bank loan has a $4,789,000 balloon payment which is due on January 25, 2004, which is within that twelve-month period. Aside from the bank loan balloon payment, we believe our present working capital resources would be sufficient for our operations for at least the next twelve months. We currently expect that we will be able to extend or refinance the bank loan, and it is absolutely essential to us that we do so. However, our bank has given us no indication that it will extend or refinance the loan.

      As previously mentioned, Agen, who manufactured certain of our Witness in-clinic diagnostic products including canine heartworm, feline leukemia, feline heartworm and canine parvovirus, has ceased to supply us with these products. These Witness products represented $475,000 and $1,339,000 of our net sales during the three months ended September 30, 2003 and 2002, respectively, $3,924,000 and $6,704,000 of our net sales during the nine months ended September 30, 2003 and 2002, respectively, and $8,069,000 of our net sales during the year ended December 31, 2002. We have notified Agen that Agen did not have the right to terminate the Agreement, and that it acted wrongfully in terminating the Agreement.

      We have identified a U.S.-based alternate contract manufacturer of the same Witness products previously manufactured for us by Agen. We are in the process of licensing the alternate-source Witness canine heartworm product with the USDA, and we

      anticipate having this product available for sale later in 2003. We also anticipate having the alternate-source Witness feline leukemia and canine parvovirus products available for sale in the first quarter of 2004. In addition to the material impact during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2003, we also believe that our results of operations will be materially adversely affected for at least the remainder of 2003; and our results of operations and financial condition, and our ability to extend or refinance the bank loan, could be materially adversely affected beyond that period if we are unable to successfully reintroduce the alternate-source products into the market in the anticipated timeframe.

      Our operations are seasonal due to the sales of our canine heartworm diagnostic products. Our sales and profits tend to be concentrated in the first half of the year, as our distributors prepare for the heartworm season by purchasing diagnostic products for resale to veterinarians. The operations of SBIO-E have reduced our seasonality as sales of their large animal diagnostic products tend to occur evenly throughout the year. In addition, sales of our SCA 2000™ instruments and supplies and our poultry diagnostic products reduce our seasonality.

      Certain Risk Factors

      Our future operating results are subject to a number of factors, including:

      In addition to the necessity of extending or refinancing our bank loan due in January 2004, we may need additional capital in the future

      We will not be able to repay the $4,789,000 balloon payment on our bank loan when it comes due in January 2004, and we will have to restructure the note with Comerica or refinance it with another lending source. Comerica has given us no indication that it will extend or refinance the existing loan. We may also need to raise additional funds if our estimates of revenues (as a result of, for example, delay in our schedule for introducing our alternate-source in-clinic diagnostic products), working capital and/or capital expenditure requirements change or prove inaccurate or in order for us to respond to unforeseen technological or marketing hurdles or to take advantage of unanticipated opportunities.

      Further, our future capital requirements will depend on many factors beyond our control or ability to accurately estimate, including continued scientific progress in our product development programs, the cost of manufacturing scale-up, the costs involved in preparing, filing, prosecuting, maintaining and enforcing patent claims, the cost involved in patent infringement litigation, competing technological and market developments, and the cost of establishing effective sales and marketing arrangements. Such funds may not be available at the time or times needed, or available on terms acceptable to us. If adequate funds are not available, or are not available on acceptable terms, we may not be able to take advantage of market opportunities, to develop new products, or to otherwise respond to competitive pressures. This inability could materially harm our business.

      If we are unable to successfully reintroduce to the market the Witness products which were previously manufactured by Agen, it could also hinder our ability to restructure or refinance our bank loan, or obtain any other necessary additional capital.

      We may be unable to successfully reintroduce our key Witness products

      Agen was the supplier of certain of our Witness in-clinic diagnostic products, representing 38% of our 2002 net sales. Agen ceased supplying these products in April 2003. We are in the process of licensing the alternate-source Witnesscanine heartworm product with the USDA (now to be supplied by another contract manufacturer), and we anticipate having this product available for sale later in 2003. We also anticipate having the alternate-source Witness feline leukemia and canine parvovirus products available for sale in the first quarter of 2004. In addition to the risks that the alternate-source products will be delayed, will experience quality issues, cannot be supplied reliably, etc., we cannot ensure that after our products have been off the market for several months we will necessarily be able to regain our previous market share and our previous price points.

      The market in which we operate is intensely competitive, even with regard to our key canine heartworm diagnostic products, and many of our competitors are larger and more established, and we are facing unfair competition from Agen in this market

      The market for animal health care products is extremely competitive. Companies in the animal health care market compete to develop new products, to market and manufacture products efficiently, to implement effective research strategies, and to obtain

      regulatory approval. Our current competitors include IDEXX Laboratories, a significantly larger company, and Heska Corporation. These companies have greater financial, manufacturing, marketing, and research resources than we do. IDEXX Laboratories` combination in-clinic diagnostic test has gained some market share from our in-clinic canine heartworm diagnostic tests. In addition, IDEXX Laboratories prohibits its distributors from selling competitors` products, including ours. Further, additional competition could come from new entrants to the animal health care market. Agen has announced that it is actively seeking to supply veterinary diagnostic products to the U.S. market through alternative distribution partners. We cannot assure you that we will be able to compete successfully in the future or that competition will not harm our business.

      Our canine heartworm diagnostic products constituted 28% of our sales for the nine months ended September 30, 2003. In addition to our historic competition with IDEXX Laboratories, the sales leader in this product category, our sales have been substantially affected since 1999 by a heartworm product from Heska. Agen has publicly announced that it intends to enter this market too (with, we believe, a product which would infringe our heartworm patent). Additional competition from Agen in this key market with this product would seriously damage us. It is essential the we prevail in our patent litigation to remove this infringing product from the U.S. market.

      As previously mentioned, as a result of Agen ceasing to supply us with Witness products we believe that our sales will continue to be materially adversely affected for the remainder of 2003, and could be materially adversely affected beyond that period if we are unable to successfully reintroduce the alternate-source products into the market in the anticipated timeframe. The Witnessproducts previously manufactured by Agen represented 38% of our net sales for the year ending December 31, 2002. There can be no assurances that we will be able to achieve our previous sales levels of these in-clinic products.

      We have a history of losses and an accumulated deficit

      We did not achieve profitability for the years ended December 31, 2002 and 2000, and we have had a history of annual losses. We have incurred a consolidated accumulated deficit of $44,972,000 at September 30, 2003. We may not achieve annual profitability again, and if we are profitable in the future there can be no assurance that profitability can be sustained.

      We rely on third party distributors for a substantial portion of our sales

      We have historically depended upon distributors for a large portion of our sales, and we may not have the ability to establish and maintain an adequate independent sales and marketing capability in any or all of our targeted markets. Distributor agreements render our sales exposed to the efforts of third parties who are not employees of Synbiotics and over whom we have no control. Their failure to generate significant sales of our products could materially harm our business. Reduction by these distributors of the quantity of our products which they distribute would materially harm our business. Also, the distributors are not bound to us by long-term agreements, and a decision by any major distributor to stop doing business with us could materially hurt our revenues. IDEXX Laboratories` prohibition against its distributors carrying competitors` products, including ours, has made, and could continue to make, some distributors unavailable to us. In the past, we have lost major distributors to IDEXX Laboratories.

      We depend on key executives and personnel, but we have experienced executive turnover

      Our future success will depend, to a significant extent, on the ability of our management to operate effectively, both individually and as a group. Competition for qualified personnel in the animal health care products industry is intense, and we may not be successful in attracting and retaining such personnel. There are only a limited number of persons with the requisite skills to serve in those positions and it may become increasingly difficult to hire such persons. The loss of the services of any of our key personnel or the inability to attract or retain qualified personnel could harm our business. At the end of the third quarter of 2002, our chief executive officer and our chief financial officer both resigned. We replaced our chief financial officer by promoting our corporate controller, and we hired Paul Hays, our new president, at the end of December 2002. In May 2003, we hired Kent Luther, our new vice president of sales and marketing, to replace our former vice president who resigned in April 2003.

      We depend on third party manufacturers, and may experience problems in obtaining supplies of our key products

      We contract for the manufacture of some of our products, including our Witness in-clinic canine heartworm and feline leukemia diagnostic products and our SCA 2000™instrument products. We also expect that some of our anticipated new products will be manufactured by third parties, including our alternate-source in-clinic diagnostic products. In addition, some of the products

      manufactured for us by third parties are licensed to us by their manufacturers. There are a number of risks associated with our dependence on third-party manufacturers including:

      • the potential for a decision by the manufacturer to cease
      supplying us and/or to make and market competing products;

      • reduced control over delivery schedules;

      • quality assurance;

      • manufacturing yields and costs;

      • whether the manufacturer maintains financial and operational stability;

      • the potential lack of adequate capacity during periods of excess demand;

      • limited warranties on products supplied to us;

      • increases in prices and the potential misappropriation of our
      intellectual property; and

      • limited negotiating leverage in the event of disputes with the
      third-party manufacturers.

      If our third party manufacturers fail to supply us with an adequate number of finished products, our business would be significantly harmed. We have no long-term contracts or arrangements with any of our vendors that guarantee product availability, the continuation of particular payment terms or the extension of credit limits.

      If we encounter delays or difficulties in our relationships with our manufacturers, the resulting problems could have a material adverse effect on us.

      As mentioned above, Agen, the previous manufacturer of certain of our Witness in-clinic products, has ceased to supply us with those products, and is trying to enter the market with competing products.

      We rely on new and recent products

      We rely to a significant extent on new and recently developed products, and expect that we will need to continue to introduce new products to be successful in the future. There can be no assurance that we will obtain and maintain market acceptance of our products. There can be no assurance that future products, including our alternate-source in-clinic diagnostic products, will meet applicable regulatory standards, be capable of being produced in commercial quantities at acceptable cost or be successfully commercialized.

      There can be no assurance that new products can be manufactured at a cost or in quantities necessary to make them commercially viable. If we are unable to produce internally, or to contract for, a sufficient supply of our new products on acceptable terms, or if we should encounter delays or difficulties in our relationships with manufacturers, the introduction of new products would be delayed, which could have a material adverse effect on our business.

      Our canine heartworm business is seasonal

      Our operations are seasonal due to the timing of sales of our canine heartworm diagnostic products. Our sales and profits tend to be concentrated in the first half of the year as our distributors prepare for the heartworm season by purchasing diagnostic products for resale to veterinarians. One effect of this is a need to devote large amounts of cash to building canine heartworm diagnostic products inventory in preparation for the canine heartworm selling season at a time when our working capital is relatively low.

      Any failure to adequately establish or protect our proprietary rights may adversely affect us

      We rely on a combination of patent, copyright, and trademark laws, trade secrets, and confidentiality and other contractual provisions to protect our proprietary rights. These measures afford only limited protection. We currently have 13 issued U.S. patents and one pending patent application. Our means of protecting our proprietary rights in the U.S. or abroad may not be adequate and competitors may independently develop similar technologies. Our future success will depend in part on our ability to protect our proprietary rights and the technologies used in our principal products. Despite our efforts to protect our proprietary rights, unauthorized parties may attempt to copy aspects of our products or to obtain and use trade secrets or other information that we regard as proprietary. In addition, the laws of some foreign countries do not protect our proprietary rights as fully as do the laws of the United States. Issued patents may not preserve our proprietary position. Even if they do, competitors or others may develop technologies similar to or superior to our own. If we do not enforce and protect our intellectual property, our business will be harmed. From time to time, third parties, including our competitors, have asserted patent, copyright, and other intellectual property rights to technologies that are important to us. We expect that we will increasingly be subject to infringement claims as the number of products and competitors in the animal health care market increases.

      The results of any litigated matter are inherently uncertain. In the event of an adverse result in any litigation with third parties that could arise in the future, we could be required to:

      • pay substantial damages, including treble damages if we are
      held to have willfully infringed;

      • cease the manufacture, use and sale of infringing products;

      • expend significant resources to develop non-infringing technology; or

      • obtain licenses to the infringing technology.

      Licenses may not be available from any third party that asserts intellectual property claims against us on commercially reasonable terms, or at all.

      Also, litigation is costly regardless of its outcome and can require significant management attention.

      In September 2003, Agen filed a lawsuit against us, in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, asking for a declaratory judgment that Agen`s canine heartworm diagnostic test kit does not infringe our U.S. Patent No. 4,789,631 pertaining to heartworm detection technology, and also asking for a declaratory judgment that Claim 5 of our U.S. Patent No. 4,789,631 is invalid. We filed a motion with the Court to transfer the lawsuit to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California. A hearing was held on November 7, 2003, and the Court granted our motion.

      In September 2003, we filed a patent infringement lawsuit against Agen claiming that Agen has willfully infringed our U.S. Patent No. 4,789,631 pertaining to heartworm detection technology. In addition to seeking unspecified damages, we are asking for a temporary restraining order and a preliminary injunction against Agen, preventing Agen from importing, selling or offering for sale their canine heartworm diagnostic test kit in the United States. We are awaiting Agen`s response to the lawsuit.

      Should Agen prevail in either of these lawsuits, our future sales of canine heartworm diagnostics products in general, and especially our Witness canine heartworm diagnostic product, may be materially adversely affected due to market competition from Agen`s product. Additionally, we will be incurring litigation expenses.

      Also, because our patents and patent applications cover novel diagnostic approaches:

      • the patent coverage which we receive could be significantly
      narrower than the patent coverage we seek in our patent
      applications; and

      • our patent positions involve complex legal and factual issues
      which can be hard for patent examiners or lawyers asserting
      patent coverage to successfully resolve.

      Because of this, our patent position could be vulnerable and our business could be materially harmed. In any event, our important United States canine heartworm diagnosis patent will expire in December 2005.

      The U.S. patent application system also exposes us to risks. In the United States, the first party to make a discovery is granted the right to patent it and patent applications are generally maintained in secrecy for 18 months. For these reasons, we can never know if we are the first to discover particular technologies. Therefore, we can never be certain that our technologies will be patented and we could become involved in lengthy, expensive, and distracting disputes concerning whether we were the first to make the disputed discovery. Any of these events would materially harm our business.

      Our business is regulated by the United States and various foreign governments

      Our business is subject to substantial regulation by the United States government, most notably the United States Department of Agriculture, and the French government. In addition, our operations may be subject to future legislation and/or rules issued by domestic or foreign governmental agencies with regulatory authority relating to our business. There can be no assurance that we will continue to be in compliance with any of these regulations.

      For marketing outside the United States, we and our suppliers are subject to foreign regulatory requirements, which vary widely from country to country. There can be no assurance that we and our suppliers will meet and sustain compliance with any such requirements.

      We use hazardous materials

      Our business requires that we store and use hazardous materials and chemicals. Although we believe that our procedures for storing, handling, and disposing of these materials comply with the standards prescribed by local, state, and federal regulations, the risk of accidental contamination or injury from these materials cannot be completely eliminated. If any of these materials were mishandled, or if an accident with them occurred, the consequences could be extremely damaging and we could be held liable for them. Our liability for such an event would materially harm our business and could exceed all of our available resources for satisfying it.

      schrieb am 13.11.03 11:59:06
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      wenn emi oder sonstige schundblätter nichts empfehlen habt ihr keinen arsch in der hose fundamental unterbewertete aktien zu kaufen! das spiegelt unsere gesellschaft wieder:cry:
      schrieb am 14.11.03 09:44:26
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      hammernews werden laut EMI folgen!:eek:

      erst auf kauf denn auf verkauf nun wieder auf kauf aber diesmal mit 1000% :laugh:

      schrieb am 20.11.03 08:49:45
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      5.000 0,4
      11.000 0,34
      19.050 0,32
      20.050 0,31
      20.550 0,3
      Weitere: 8
      Best Ask
      Quote Volumen
      - -

      Verkauf Orders
      Limit Überhang
      0,41 500
      0,42 3.000
      0,47 13.800
      0,48 14.175
      0,5 24.775
      schrieb am 27.11.03 08:31:10
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      Hammernews stehen noch an:lick:

      kurs ist in lauerstellung;)

      EMI-Hotline raucht:D
      schrieb am 28.11.03 22:44:15
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      hallo jumanii,
      wo bleiben denn die hammernews.?? wenn du was weisst, dann
      rück doch mit den informationen raus und halte sie nicht hintern berg.
      :mad: :mad:
      schrieb am 28.11.03 22:48:45
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      @4 Muscheln

      Warum so verärgert, investiere in LAMP und deine Verluste sind bald wieder ausgeglättet


      schrieb am 28.11.03 23:53:55
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      sag mir dochmal die wkn.
      gruss 4muscheln:)
      schrieb am 28.11.03 23:57:11
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      Threadtitel (Seitenansicht) Postings Ansicht Autor Letzte Antwort
      Neuste Empfehlung von HOT STOCKS 49 Leeroy Brown 28.11.03 23:53:55
      Was ist denn nun mit LAMP? 14255 lapaz 28.11.03 23:53:43
      LAM PHARMACEUTICAL der Zwerg in Richtung AMEX, heute 0,18 Dollar 630 js200 28.11.03 23:52:46
      Die Europäischen LAMPINHABER--LISTE 517 js200 28.11.03 23:42:41
      Hartcourt ein klarer Kauf !!! 2659 Brasil 28.11.03 23:23:22

      Was brauchst du mehr, fast jeden Tag in den Top-TEN

      schrieb am 29.11.03 17:05:22
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      SBIO erinnert mich irgendwie an AMLN und ATIS.
      Solange nix richtig läuft, herscht Phantasie und das Papierchen kann fast unbegrenzt laufen.
      Siehe hierzu den Kursverlauf von AMLN der letzten 5 Jahre ($ 0,25 - über 30,-). Es läuft immer noch nix richtig und der Kurs hält sich bei 28.
      Vergleiche ATIS ebenfalls 5 Jahre. Kursverlauf $ 2,50, 5,-, 1,-, 13,- und danach crash - pleite.
      Was ist bei ATIS passiert? Erstmal nichts als Phantasie bis 13. Danach kurz vor dem Durchbruch die Ernüchterung 6-8$. Danach mit überdimensionalen Kosten gegen die Wand gefahren (Absicht?). Konkurs und Übernahme aller Produktrechte durch S&N (fürn Appl un Ei) :mad:

      schrieb am 05.12.03 09:33:51
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      leute greift zu es gibt keinen wert der unterbewerteter ist als sbio!;)

      KZ 1 - 10€
      schrieb am 08.12.03 08:52:45
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      0.42 US Dollar = 0.35531 Euro :eek:

      der wert ist eine perle oder muss erst frick kommen das der wert steigt:confused:
      schrieb am 09.12.03 08:41:16
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      0.42 US Dollar :eek:
      schrieb am 09.12.03 21:07:15
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      :look: Ja, ich denke auch die Aktie hat sich stabilisiert und hat nun Luft nach oben. Ich bin ueberzeugt, dass der Kurs sich schon mittelfristig deutlich nach oben bewegen wird.:laugh:

      Guenstiger Einstiegskurs, m.E.
      schrieb am 17.12.03 18:37:03
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      jetzt günstig abgreifen und ....<% einfahren!;)


      schrieb am 06.01.04 20:10:09
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      hallloooo die nächsten 500% fahren ab! :lick:
      schrieb am 06.01.04 20:35:21
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      :look: die NAECHSTEN 500 % wann gab es die denn die vorigen ? ich glaube noch nie....auch wenn die Aktie es dies Jahr einmal kurz von 0,06 auf 0,93 geschafft hat.

      100 % wuerden mir bescheidenem Wesen ja schon genuegen, kurzfristig. Langfristig koennen es von mir aus ja ruhig irgendwann mal die unglaublichen 1000 % sein !:laugh:
      schrieb am 06.01.04 21:16:46
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      denke im Januar 1 Euro wird drin sein.
      Warte auf Empfelungen Zahlen etc.
      Langfristig sicher weit über 2 Euro zu holen.

      schrieb am 12.01.04 07:05:34
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      meines erachtens sind 1000% noch immer zu wenig!:lick:
      schrieb am 13.01.04 21:08:57
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      Hallo alle SYNBIOTICS - Interessierten!

      Was hat der heutige Anstieg in USA ( + 17%) zu bedeuten???

      Hat ravemaster doch recht?

      schrieb am 13.01.04 21:42:25
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      leider bisher recht dünner Umsatz!
      Aber denke wie bei Nettel! Sehen wir 0,45 ist der Ausbruch
      perfekt!Absolut unterbewertet!
      Chart,Stochastik+MACD sehen sehr gut aus!
      Etwas Geduld,sichere Gewinne winken!
      schrieb am 13.01.04 22:38:39
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      Die + 17 Prozent sind dem Intraday-Chart zufolge anscheinend auf einen einzigen Kauf zurueck zufuehren.

      Vielleicht ist ja ein Fond eingestiegen. Aber um auf den Euro zukommen, braucht es noch einige solcher Spruenge - aber die Richtung stimmt ja schon mal ;)

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      Neuste Empfehlung von HOT STOCKS