
    UGRD - REBOUNDCHANCE! - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 04.07.04 13:03:24 von
    neuester Beitrag 03.01.05 08:02:05 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 04.07.04 13:03:24
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      @ all!

      In den Thread geht es um eine Aktie, die in der letzten Zeit etwas aus dem Blickfeld der Anleger geraten ist (vielleicht zurecht).

      UGRD - Ultraguard Watersystems Corp. - WKN: 769118

      Seit der PopUp-Werbung im letzten Jahr ist die Aktie auf ein neues Allzeittief von $ 0,02 gefallen. Auf diesem Nivau scheint sie sich zuletzt stabilisiert zu haben. Die aktuelle Marktkapitalisierung beträgt noch $ 453.000 bei ca. 15 Millionen ausgegebenen Aktien.

      Auf Grund des zuletzt starken Kursverfalls ist die Aktie für mich ein Reboundkanidat, auch wenn sich die Anzahl der ausgegebenen Aktien seit dem letzten Jahr um 5 Millionen erhöht hat. Mein Kursziel für die nächsten drei Monate beträgt $ 0,06. Die Marktkapitalisierung würde dann bei ca. $ 1.000.000 liegen, was m.E. vertretbar wäre.

      Worum geht es bei URGD?

      Hier mal die PopUp-Werbung aus dem letzten Jahr (zum Überblick):

      Die Experten von "Oberbayerischer Börsenbrief" stufen die Aktie von Ultraguard Watersystems (ISIN US90400B1026 / WKN 769118) mit "strong buy" ein.

      Der Trinkwassermarkt sei ein sehr schnell wachsendes Multi-Milliarden-Dollar Geschäft. Bereits seit geraumer Zeit höre man oft davon, dass das sogenannte "Blaue Gold" der Rohstoff der Zukunft bzw. das kostbarste Gut schlechthin werde. Ultraguard Watersystems Corp. habe sich in diesem Markt clever positioniert, indem das Unternehmen sowohl Privathaushalten, als auch industriellen Nutzern, eine Lösungsmöglichkeit anbiete, um der sich immer verschlechternden Trinkwasserqualität Herr zu werden. Innerhalb der vergangenen Jahrzehnte würden Konsumenten zunehmend auf den Verzehr von Wasser direkt aus der Leitung verzichten, unter der Fehlannahme, dass abgefülltes Trinkwasser besser sei, als das aus dem Wasserhahn. Unabhängigen Studien zufolge sei ein Großteil des in Flaschen abgefüllten Wassers jedoch von einer gleichwertigen oder sogar schlechteren Qualität. Mithilfe der Ultraguard-Systeme verbessere sich dieses Ergebnis nochmals nachhaltig zugunsten des Leitungswassers, welches zu einem Bruchteil der Kosten zu haben sei. Hauptfokus der in British Columbia, Kanada ansässigen Ultraguard Watersystems Corp. seien hierbei die sogenannten "Point of Use"- bzw. "Point of Entry"-Systeme, durch welche eine kostengünstige sowie bequeme Alternative zum Kauf von in Flaschen abgefülltem Mineralwasser geschaffen worden sei. Beide Systeme würden einen mit Hilfe Ultravioletter Strahlen verbundenen Reinigungsmechanismus in Verbindung mit speziellen Filtrierungs-Technologien beinhalten.

      Allgemeine Eckdaten zu Ultraguard:

      Symbol: UGRDSymbol (Deutschland): UGWWKN: 769118
      Marktkapitalisierung: $ 1.600.000Anzahl ausstehender Aktien: 10.882.565

      Der grundlegende Unterschied zwischen den beiden von Ultraguard entwickelten Systemen sei, dass beim "Point-of-Entry"-System diese Technologie bereits an der Stelle eingesetzt werde, an der die städtische Wasserversorgung an die jeweilige hauseigene Hauptleitung ansetze. Beim "Point-of-Use"-System hingegen werde das Reinigungsgerät direkt am Wasserhahn bzw. an der jeweiligen Spüle installiert. Die beiden Systeme würden den Namen UltraFlo tragen. Das Resultat sei saubereres und sogar besser schmeckendes Trinkwasser, mit einem erheblichen Kostenvorteil gegenüber abgefülltem Mineralwasser. Besonders zugute kämen Ultraguard Watersystems die jüngsten, sehr strengen Richtlinien der Europäischen Kommission. Diese würden auf eine konsequente Verbesserung der Trinkwasserqualität aller EU-Mitgliedsstaaten abzielen. Sämtliche EU-Länder müssten ab sofort sicherstellen, dass deren heißes, wie auch kaltes Trinkwasser für den direkten Gebrauch bzw. Verzehr am Wasserhahn diesen strengen Regularien in Bezug auf Bakterien und chemischen Bestandteilen vollständig entspreche. Genau hier setze die sogenannte "point of use"-Technologie von Ultraguard an, wodurch sich für Ultraguard ein riesiger europäischer Markt öffne.

      In den Augen der Experten habe die Aktie nicht zuletzt aufgrund der neuen europäischen Gesetzgebungen deutliches Potenzial.

      Grüße Inkmarker
      schrieb am 05.07.04 03:00:00
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Natürlich wird das ein hammerharter Rebound !
      Wichtiger Tip
      Heute abend um 22:05 auf 1+ Sendung anschauen: "Die Geldquelle" Sauberes Wasser wird durch internationale Konzerne beherrscht
      UGRD ist für die so gefährlich, wie in Deutschland die Windräder für die Stromkonzerne
      schrieb am 05.07.04 03:05:09
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Habe gerade noch die elektronische Programmzeitschrift aufgerufen:"
      Sorina lebt mit ihren sechs Kindern in einem Slum in Manila. Die Cholera haben sie nur knapp überlebt. Das verschmutzte Leitungswasser hatte sie infiziert. Und Mineralwasser in Flaschen kann sich Sorina nicht leisten.
      schrieb am 05.07.04 10:33:48
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Hier nochmal ein Interview mit dem Vorstand von UGRD vom Anfang 2004:

      Interview Ultraguard Watersystems

      Seit April 2003 wird die Aktie des auf Trinkwasseraufbereitung spezialisierten kanadischen Unternehmens Ultraguard Watersystems [ WKN 769 118 ] in Deutschland im Freiverkehr gehandelt. Vom Oberbayrischen Börsenbrief wird die Aktie mit „strong Buy“ eingestuft.
      Bisher sieht die Performance der Aktie jedoch trotz der guten operativen Entwicklung des Unternehmens eher bescheiden aus.

      Das Geschäftsmodell des Unternehmens setzt auf die zunehmende Nachfrage nach qualitativ hochwertigem Trinkwasser. Das Unternehmen liefert zwei unterschiedliche Systeme, die mit Hilfe ultravioletter Strahlung und spezieller Filterungstechnologien die Wasserqualität deutlich steigern können. Das „Point of Entry“-System wird dabei an der Stelle eingesetzt, an der die städtische Wasserversorgung an die jeweilige Leitung von Privathaushalten ansetzt. Das so genannte „Point of Use“-System wird hingegen direkt am Wasserhahn installiert.

      Im Januar 2004 stieg das Handelsvolumen der Aktien sowohl am Haupthandelsplatz als auch in Deutschland gegenüber Dezember 2003 deutlich an. Traders:briefing sprach mit Herrn Kenneth E. Fielding, CEO, um Hintergründe und Neuigkeiten über die Geschäftsentwicklung des Unternehmens zu erfahren.

      Herr Fielding, bei welchem Aktienkurs halten Sie Ihr Unternehmen für angemessen bewertet?
      In Moment ist unser Unternehmen unterbewertet (0.08 $ pro Aktie). Wir haben über 3 Millionen USD in die Entwicklung des Wasserreinigers investiert, eingeschlossen das Testmarketing, die Produktzuverlässigkeitstests und das Verkaufsprogramm. Mit 15 Millionen ausgegebenen Aktien und Ausständen sollten wir heute relativ bei etwa 0.20$ liegen.

      Herr Fielding, wie will Ultraguard Water in den kommenden Jahren expandieren ?
      Aktuell haben wir nur ein Produkt im Markt und wir sind konzentriert, unseren Vertrieb durch Firmen in China, Hongkong, Taiwan, Panama, Costa Rica, Mexiko und Österreich zu vergrößern.

      Wir haben geplant mit dem ultravioletten Wasserreiniger Spezialindustrien, die sauberes Wasser benötigen sowie Ärzte, Krankenhäuser, Fotolabore, Essenszubereiter, Lebensmittelläden, Restaurants etc. zu versorgen. Sobald unser R&D mit den Testresultaten herauskommt, starten wir die Abwasserreinigungsanlage in Kanada zum Testlauf. Des Weiteren planen wir unsere Magnesiumkrafttreibstoffzelle in anderen Bereichen einzusetzen, nicht nur in unseren internen Wasserreinigern.

      Herr Fielding, welche Verkaufszahlen für Ihre Produkte können Sie zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt nennen?
      Wir beginnen das “Point of Entry “- System zu liefern, um in British Columbia und in Kanada vertrieben zu werden. Anfänglich haben wir ca. 10.000 Aufträge durch den ansässigen Vertrieb verkauft.

      Herr Fielding, zahlreiche Großkonzerne sind permanent auf der Suche nach neuen Technologien und Patenten. Sehen Sie Ihr Unternehmen als ein potentielles Übernahmeziel ?
      Nicht heute, wir sind eine kleine Firma, mit einem einzigartigen Produkt, welches aus unserem eigenen Designingenieurteam stammt. Wenn wir unsere festen Verkaufsziele erreichen und alle unsere Produkte integriert haben, werden wir vielleicht ein Übernahmeziel sein.

      Beabsichtigt das Unternehmen Kapital in den nächsten 12 Monaten aufzustocken?
      Ja, wir beabsichtigen ca. 3.000.000 $ durch eine Infusion des Aktienkapitals aufzustocken, damit die Nachfrage nach Teilen auch durch Verkäufe gesichert werden kann und um unsere R&D für unsere Magnesiumkraftstoffzelle weiterzuentwickeln.
      Wenn die erste Finanzierung vollständig abgeschlossen ist, werden wir innerhalb eines Jahres in der Lage sein, über 100.000 Einheiten pro Monat zu niedrigeren Kosten, also mit höherem Profit, zu liefern. Wir erwarten diesen Gewinn im Laufe des Jahres 2005.

      Herr Fielding, mit welchen jährlichen Wachstumsraten rechnen Sie für die Zukunft ?
      Unsere Wachstumsrate ist zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht feststellbar, aber für die nächsten paar Jahre erwarten wir ein jährliches Wachstum von mind. 25%.

      Herr Fielding, vielen Dank für das Gespräch.
      schrieb am 05.07.04 15:53:16
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Auch in Ffm steigt der Kurs langsam. Heute schon gute 20% im plus.

      Der R E B O U N D läuft!


      Trading Spotlight

      Nurexone Biologic
      0,4260EUR -0,93 %
      InnoCan startet in eine neue Ära – FDA Zulassung!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 05.07.04 16:41:38
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()

      Da wird noch einiges Wasser die Donau hinabfließen, bis UGRD hochkommt. Dein "Rebound" war ein Deal mit 10000 Stk zu 0,03. Wert Euro 300,- .

      Aber, wenn UGRD das Produkt endlich ordentlich vermarktet und betreibt, kann vielleicht was draus werden.

      Vg Loggy
      schrieb am 05.07.04 17:08:42
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()

      Alles richtig. Aber man darf nicht vergessen, dass es sich bei UGRD mehr oder weniger um ein StartUp-Unternehmen handelt, so dass man hinsichtlich einer groß angelegten Vermarktung noch etwas Geduld mitbringen muss.

      Lt. dem Interview werden die Filter ja erst in wenigen Ländern vertrieben.

      Na ja der Umsatz wird in Ffm erst richtig anspringen, wenn das Teil an der OTC richtig abgeht.

      Aber jeder Rebound fängt langsam an.

      schrieb am 06.07.04 18:53:08
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Leute, ich habe meine 20K gerade für 0,03 in FRa wieder verkauft. Habe bei weiteren Recherchen Erkenntnisse erlangt, die mir UGRD als dubioses Unternehmen erscheinen lassen; aber bildet Euch selbst eine Meinung:

      Bei EBAY Canada ist im Moment ein Verkäufer aktiv, mit dem Usernamen "ultraguard04". Unter anderem bietet er im Moment das "REVERSE OSMOSIS 5 STAGE WATER FILTER SYSTEM" für $198 an; z.B. Itemnr. 5907014484. Schaut Euch auch die anderen Artikel an. teilweise sind die Carbonfilter und diverses Zubehör zu marktgerechten Preisen im Angebot; das Käuferinteresse für diese Artikel ist denoch fast Null, was natürlich Gründe hat.

      Betrachten wir hier noch einmal das "Schlachtschiff" das "REVERSE OSMOSIS 5 STAGE WATER FILTER SYSTEM" für $198. Eine anderer Seller; Username "soumiknight" bietet das "Reverse Osmosis 6 Stage DI Water Filter R1006C" zum Startpreis von $49.95 an (In der Regel gehen die dann für 70-80$ über den Tisch). Und noch ein Beispiel: Der User "aquasafecanada" bietet mit dem Artikel 4310826891 ein "Reverse Osmosis 6 Stage DI Water Filter R1006C" für BuyITNow $99 an; Starting Bid steht immer noch bei 74,99$.

      Lustig ist auch der Feedbackscore von Ultraguard04 von -1. Der Buyer "ctr1000" schreibt am 2.5.04 "Seller would not complete transaction, claimed reserve not met ". Interessant ist auch, wer sich hinter dem EBAY-User "ultraguard04" verbirgt; es ist F.O.B. Coquitlam B.C.

      Das Geschäftsfeld von UGRD ist füe mich nach wie hoch interessant, aber mit dieser Firma ich nicht. Ist wohl doch was dran mit dem stinkendem Fisch.
      schrieb am 19.07.04 10:23:18
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Vielleicht bringt die Meldung den Kurs ja mal wieder etwas nach oben.;jsessionid=A7Eb6…

      In Kurzform:
      Wasseraufbereitungssysteme von UltraGuard lassen sich direkt an der Zapfstelle (Point-of-Use) installieren und bieten so eine kostengünstige Lösung für die Millionen Haushalte in aller Welt mit einer unzureichenden öffentlichen Wasserversorgung. Gelingt die aktuelle Produktoffensive, bietet die stark zurückgekommene Aktie nach Einschätzung der Analysten von MIDAS Research ein attraktives, spekulatives Potenzial
      schrieb am 19.07.04 17:13:11
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Habe gerade mal reingeschaut in das Research:

      Midas hält die Aktie für einen spekulativen Kauf. Ferner wird die Aktie als unterbewertet angesehen, wobei der faire Wert $ 0,20 angesetzt wird.

      Es werden zudem Angaben über die ausgegebenen Aktien gemacht. Deren Anzahl soll bei 23 Millionen liegen.

      Nach den Schätzungen von Midas liegt das KGV für 2006 bei unter 2!

      Ferner wird vermeldet, dass der Umsatz für das erste Halbjahr 2004 bei 604 Einheiten angesetzt wird, wobei in Zukunft der Umsatz auf 5.000 Einheiten pro Monat hochgefahren werden soll.

      Klingt alles sehr positiv, finde ich. Auch der Kurs in Ffm ging schon leicht nach oben.

      Grüße Inkmarker
      schrieb am 23.09.04 09:00:45
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Bin gerade drauf gestoßen beim stöbern.

      Hier die Quartalszahlen vom letzten Quartal:




      Quarterly Report

      The following discussion and analysis should be read in conjunction with our Financial Statements and the Notes attached. Information discussed in this report may include forward-looking statements regarding events or our financial performance and are subject to a number of risks and other factors, which could cause the actual results to differ materially from those, contained in the forward-looking statements. Among such factors are, 1) general business and economic conditions, 2) customer acceptance and demand for our products, 3) our overall ability to design, test and introduce new products on a timely basis, 4) the nature of the markets addressed by our products, and, 5) other risk factors listed from time to time in documents filed by our Company with the SEC.

      The following discussion and analysis should be read in conjunction with our Financial Statements and the Notes attached. Information discussed in this report may include forward-looking statements regarding events or our financial performance and are subject to a number of risks and other factors, which could cause the actual results to differ materially from those, contained in the forward-looking statements. Among such factors are, 1) general business and economic conditions, 2) customer acceptance and demand for our products, 3) our overall ability to design, test and introduce new products on a timely basis, 4) the nature of the markets addressed by our products, and, 5) other risk factors listed from time to time in documents filed by our Company with the SEC.


      The financial statements include accounts of Ultraguard Water Systems Corp. and its 100% owned subsidiary, Innovative Fuel Cell Technologies Inc.


      Our company was incorporated in Nevada in August 1990 and was inactive until eight Canadian and European individuals acquired it in July 1995. The investor`s intent was to develop the company into the United States marketing arm of UV Systems Technology Inc., which was incorporated in British Columbia, Canada in 1993. Our company issued 1,600,000 shares of its restricted common stock ("Common Stock") to certain individual stockholders and one of our officers, as repayment of cash paid to others for expenses related to the acquisition.

      In an effort to further advance our marketing objective, in September 1995, we entered into a marketing distribution agreement (embodying an earlier oral agreement) with UV Systems Technology Inc., for marketing rights for the UltraGuardR system in eight Western states. In July 1996 we entered into a funding agreement with UVS. During this period, we structured an agreement with two principals and certain minority shareholders and exchanged common stock to acquire 50.69% of UVS. Under subsequent agreement dated February 14, 2000 with the two principal shareholders Working Opportunity Fund and MDS Ventures Pacific, Inc., (49.39%) we acquired the remaining 49.31% of common stock and all outstanding preferred stock of UVS.

      During the year ended August 31, 1999, the Company entered into a development to reconfigure its UV system. In the quarter ended February 29, 2000, the Company produced the prototype of a new UV product line, the Ultra-Flow SLR. This product, with a designed disinfection capacity of up to 1.0 million gallons per day per lamp, will incorporate the Company`s patented flow reactor chamber, the proprietary low pressure, high intensity UV lamp and the patented flow balanced weir. It encompasses layout flexibility; infinite automatic flow control and monitoring, future expansion can be easily accomplished. The client can monitor system and component performance locally or remotely. Additional features include full password- protected, Internet-based, web-monitored, microprocessor control, which will permit monitoring of the Ultra-Flow SLR UV system from the Company `s plant or from any location equipped with an Internet connection.

      On January 26, 2001 the Company entered into a Strategic Alliance Agreement, and related agreement with US Filter`s Wallace Tiernan Products Group, under which US Filter has the exclusive right to market the Company`s Ultra Guard UV system in North, South and Central America, and the Caribbean. See "Our Products:

      In September 2001 we licensed the Korean company, VITROSYS, the exclusive rights to manufacture and sell our SLR Ultraviolet disinfection systems within the Republic of Korea and a non-exclusive right to manufacture for sale into other territories not currently represented by the Company`s agents. VITROSYS will pay a royalty on each UV system sold. The royalty fee is variable, dependant on the selling price of the UV system. Under the License Agreement, the Company provided full manufacturing drawings, software technology and expertise, and a specified number of hours of training at the Company`s facilities. As a requirement of the License Agreement, VITROSYS will be required to purchase from the Company, a key component for each SLR system. This key component is defined as the royalty verification component. Its purchase will trigger a sale and resultant royalty payment liability. The Korean market for UV has increased as a result of legislation that requires all municipal and Industrial wastewater to be disinfected.
      Royalty revenues are payable by Vitzrosys from the sale of any UV system sold. During the first quarter of 2004 royalties in the amount of $12,500 were received as payment for 25 UV systems manufactured and delivered in Korea during 2003. Additional sales have occurred and marketing of the UV technology is ongoing. These activities provide an expectation that additional royalty revenue will be received in the future.

      In September 1999 the formal order for a project in Toronto, Canada was secured for about C$ 685,000 (approximately $466,000). The project is now delivered and operating on demand. As this system is used only when high rainfall and storm runoff occurs, demand for it`s operating is infrequent. Since installation, we are informed of two storm events, which required the UV system to be activated. This UV system delivered to Toronto is part of a C$50 million combined storm overflows (CSO) project (the world largest submersible CSO pumping station) and is used for disinfection of CSO before discharge into Lake Ontario. During this quarter, at the request of the customer Clearwater Industries (our product manufacturing licensee) replaced the computer operating system with a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). This decision was taken to permit service of the UV System to be performed by a number of service companies versed in maintaining PLC control systems. This action provides the customer more flexibility and available service options and reflects the direction being taken by Clearwater on new system sales. Clearwater Industries reports that the UV System remedial work is complete. Final testing will not be conducted until spring 2003 as this site operates only during summer storm events. Tests conducted during 2002 were not successful, as effluent delivered to the UV system did not meet the design standards. The client requested an undertaking by Clearwater Industries to provide assurance of long-term support services. Clearwater was not prepared to provide those assurances although this was a requirement of the Joint Venture Agreements signed by the Company and Clearwater. As a result of that failure, the Client had the UV systems removed from the site.

      After successful PDU testing in September & October 1998 at the City of Peterborough wastewater treatment plant, we received an order in March 1999 valued at over C$1,100,000 (approximately $748,000.). The UV system will disinfect effluent flow in excess of 36 million gallons per day. The UV system delivery was completed in January 2002 and installed during February and March for operation starting May 15, 2002. Problems were encountered with the field wiring which affected the operating software. As well, problems were encountered with the installation of some of the structural components. In the second quarter, four of the five channels (48 of the 60 lamps) had been operated for about 30 days using the non-flow paced computer system. Clearwater reported that during this period, performance requirements were being met. Negotiation of the work and guarantees required by the customer to complete the balance of the system was being conducted between the City of Peterborough, Clearwater, our product-manufacturing licensee and with USFilter and Clearwater. These negotiations have been unsuccessful. In November we received notification that the City of Peterborough was cancelling our UV system contract. We have advised the City that we do not accept this cancellation and will strenuously defend our rights under the contract purchased order. We have made the appropriate loss provisions in our financial statements to reflect this cancellation.

      Purchase orders for two additional UV systems valued at approximately C$150,000 approximately were produced during the 2000-2001 period and delivered into the Province of Ontario. The system in Ontario was removed from the site as a result of the failure of Clearwater to provide the required support and warranty services. Additional orders for shipment to Louisiana and Virginia were received, with an aggregate value of about $258,000. These two systems were delivered in 2001 as part of the USFilter Strategic Alliance. Maintenance and warranty was the responsibility of USFilter and was performed by USFilter. These two systems were tested, accepted and remain in place and in full operation. During the first quarter of 2002 the Company took actions to reduce its overheads. Having completed the

      delivery of the UV systems that were produced during 2000 and up to January 26, 2002, we searched for a partner to work with for production of future UV systems orders. The Company identified Clearwater Technologies Inc., based in Langley, B.C. Canada ("Clearwater") to perform these and other activities. Clearwater is engaged in the water industry, targeting the treatment of potable water for smaller towns to which they provide complete packaged treatment plants. Clearwater agreed to assume the manufacturing of any new UV project sold to our Strategic Alliance partner, USFilter. Clearwater was also required to provide warranty services on the previously delivered UV products discussed in the preceding. The Company was to be paid a royalty on sales, the percentage scaled upward as the total sale volume increases. This association with Clearwater as our manufacturing partner permitted the company to move from its` factory and reduce staff level in production, engineering and support. A number of key production staff moved to the Clearwater facility to assist in setting up for this manufacturing responsibility. The remaining staff at the Company worked in a liaison and support role between USFilter and Clearwater.
      This change of manufacturing strategy in the first quarter of 2002 significantly reduced our monthly operational costs. UVS became inactive with no further operations. Activities of UVS were limited to accounting functions, recording of accounts receivable collections and advising Clearwater and USFilter on project completion activities.

      The Strategic Alliance Agreement with USFilter referred to above, and various other agreements were entered into on January 25, 2001 with US Filter/Wallace & Tiernan, Inc ("USFilter "). In general, the Strategic Alliance Agreement provides that U.S. Filter will market, offer and sell the Company`s UltraGuard ultraviolet disinfection systems (the "Systems"), including aftermarket components and spare parts, on an exclusive basis for ten years throughout a territory consisting of North America, Central America (including the Caribbean Zone) and South America (the "Territory"). To insure adequate understanding of this Alliance, reference should be made to the various agreements filed on Form 8-K, February 27, 2001, which provide full details of these agreements.

      On October 1, 2002 the directors mandated a debt and corporate restructuring of the Company. This mandate included the disposing of UVS and its associated debt, and the reduction of all other debt carried by the Company. Given the Company`s inability to raise the additional funds necessary to continue the operations of UVS and with UVS liabilities exceeding assets by a significant amount, the board of directors and investors determined that by selling UVS the Company could continue viable operations pursuing a new product focus (see Our Products). On December 31, 2002 the Company entered into various agreements to complete the disposition of UVS and to remove of the excessive UVS liabilities carried on the Company`s financial statements. Manufacturing and marketing of the UVS technology had been discontinued by the Company and was licensed to Clearwater Industries in early 2002. The purchasers of UVS were 659999 BC Ltd a corporation controlled by two officers and directors of UltraGuard. Terms of the sale included the transfer by UVS to the Company of all current and future revenue that may accrue as a result of the UVS technology, which was all revenue the Company could have accrued had it not sold UVS. The intent of 659999 BC Ltd is to keep UVS inactive. Full details of these agreements are available on Form 8K filed with the SEC on January 15, 2003.

      On December 20, 2002 the Company negotiated the repayment of debt in the amount of $593,077 owed to the Elco Bank Clients in exchange for 593,077 common shares.

      On August 27, 2003, prior to the expiration of the three year Termination Period, USFilter advised the Company they were terminating the Agreement, alleging that the Company had breached the Agreement in signing a manufacturing Agreement with Clearwater Technologies Inc and had failed to deliver Trust documents related to the manufacturing technology for the UV system as was required by the Agreements. The Company is reviewing these allegations and has had verbal communication on the matter with USFilter principals. As Clearwater is responsibility for manufacturing and sale of product worldwide and USFilter became Clearwater`s marketing agent, the effect of this termination should be minimum as sales through USFilter have been significantly lower then was anticipated at the time of signing the Strategic Marketing Agreement in January 2001

      Future revenue was expected from the wastewater technology through royalties expected from Clearwater, as a result of sales made to USFilter. As a result of the failure of Clearwater to perform in accordance with its contractual requirements, which resulted in USFilter cancelling our Strategic Alliance, royalties will not be received through this venue.

      The Company has initiated a law suit amounting to about C$ 675,000 ($514,700) in specified damages against Clearwater, plus unspecified losses to recover monies owed under the Licence Agreement, and the Joint Venture, and as a result of Clearwater`s failure to comply and Clearwater`s breach of the various agreements.
      As a result of USFilter`s termination of the Agreement, the Company will explore the possibility of sale of licenses of the Single Lamp Reactor UV wastewater system to others within the terminated territory, which included North America, Central America (including the Caribbean Zone) and South America.

      Recent US and world events as well as the increasing worldwide requirement for higher quality water for industry, health and human consumption, is accelerating the use of ultraviolet and other water purifications products. To capitalize on this market opportunity, our Company changed its market focus, moving away from manufacturing of our wastewater products, which we will continue to have marketed by others; to drinking water UV products and purification systems.

      During the year 2002 we completed the development of a UV product to be used in drinking water applications. UV units for the drinking water market will target application such as point of entry (POE) and point of use (POU). POE UV systems will treat water at the entry point into residences, industry or any location requiring safe drinking water. POU systems will treat water at selected points within the home or establishment, using a system installed at the water faucet. Both POE and POU may be sold as stand-alone units or in combinations with various filters. Ultraviolet will not penetrate the envelope or the wrappings to disinfect the contents of the package but is applicable to external surface disinfection. Independent testing of the POU UV System, including CSA and UL approval is yet to accomplished. Test tests are to be conducted subject to availability of adequate resources.

      On December 30, 2002. the Company issued six million shares of its common stock to the shareholders of Innovative Fuel Cell Technologies Inc ("Innovative") for 100% of Innovative, a Nevada Incorporated company, the holder of an option to purchase a worldwide license from MagPower Systems Inc (MagPower) for their air magnesium fuel cell technology (Fuel Cell). The purchase price in the option agreement was C$100,000,and 400,000 shares of the Company`s common stock, increased respectively in March 2003 to C$102,500 and 500,000 shares of the Company`s common stock at which time a worldwide License Agreement was signed for the manufacture and sale of the Fuel Cell . The increase in the price and the number of shares of common stock was as a result of negotiations to extend the use right to include ancillary uses among other things lighting and radio in areas where a UV disinfection systems has been installed. The Fuel Cell will provide the necessary power to operate ultraviolet disinfection systems, lighting and radio in areas of the world where no other forms of electrical power is unavailable. The product has applications in remote areas of all countries worldwide. Applications in developing countries such as Africa, some of the Middle East countries and China, where large numbers of the population are not serviced by an electrical grid and do not have a safe water supply, are market areas. As a requirement of the License Agreement, MagPower was to provide the manufacturing technology for then Fuel Cell. Due to delays in MagPower`s development program, this information was incomplete, which curtailed any opportunity the Company may have had to market the products. By the end of 2003 the company had paid a portion of the License fee, leaving C$88,800 remaining unpaid and 200,000 common share not delivered.

      On February 2, 2004, the Company and MagPower entered into a amendment to the License Agreement. Under the amendment the Company agreed to sublicense the Company`s ultraviolet products to MagPower for Africa and the countries of Asia including; India, China, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea and Japan ("Territory"), for sale and use by MagPower (or its sublicenses) with MagPower`s magnesium fuel cell. The amendment provided the Company the right to enter into sublicensing agreements in any country within the Territory if MagPower had not previously signed an agreement in that country. As well, the February 2nd, 2004 amendment provided for issuance and delivery of the remaining 200,000 common shares (100,000 common shares from trust and 100,000 common shares from treasury), and cancellation by MagPower of the remaining C$88,800 owing by the Company to MagPower.

      During 2004, MagPower has signed licensing rights in Australia and China for the Fuel Cell, has completed its prototype development and has leased manufacturing facilities in British Columbia, Canada for the manufacturing of the Fuel Cell. Production units are scheduled to be available in forth quarter of 2004. MagPower`s progress will be closely monitored. As soon as product is availability the Company can seriously market its point of use UV system with the Fuel cell.

      Included in the Innovative assets was the Austrian Company, UltraGuard Water Systems GmbH ("GmbH). The incorporation of GmbH was made by Innovative in contemplation of its sale of Innovative to the Company. GmbH is set up to manufacture and market Point of Use UV produces in Germany and the European Union Countries ("EU") to exploit the EU and other European markets potential. In the third quarter of 2003 the Company closed its GmbH operation and wrote off its investment due to the inability to raise sufficient capital to continue funding the GmbH operations.
      During the quarter ended June 30, 2004, the Company commenced business in the bottled water industry sector. Working with The Water Clinic, a 20 year old company located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, the Company has purchased and installed its first bottled water-dispensing unit, the AquaPure system. The AquaPure system dispenses pure and safe drinking water, treated by reverse osmosis and disinfected by ultraviolet. The unit is coin operated and configured to refill 4.9 -gallon water bottles. The AquaPure system will be leased to and placed in convenience stores, gas bars, car washes, and other location, which offer ready access for the public. Revenues from the sales are split between the Company and the Leasor; 70% for the Company, 30% to the Leasor. After a test-marketing period, and assuming the program generates reasonable revenue, the Company will sign up other locations that have approached the Company for AquaPure system leases.

      Commencing in June 2004, the Company instituted a marketing program for its filtration products including point of use reverse osmosis units and various other water treatment systems and components. Using eBay Canada (eBay) as the marketing venue, sales have occurred and are slowly increasing. eBay was chosen as the marketing means to provide wide exposure of the Company`s products for the general consumer and to provide an opportunity to the Company`s shareholder base, to have direct access to these products.

      During 2004, the Company is focusing its efforts on the following markets and products.

      º The licensing of the UltraGuard Single Lamp Reactor wastewater UV system

      º The Magnesium Air Fuel Cell with UV for remote application

      º The Point of Entry and Point of Use UV/Filtration system

      º Other water disinfection, cleaning and related business opportunities


      Six months ended June 30, 2004 compared to the six months ended June 30, 2003

      Revenues. During six months ended June 30, 2004, we reported revenues of $14,519 compared to revenue of $23,438 being reported in the six months of fiscal 2003, a decrease of 38%. The decrease is as a result of very low UV system components sales offset by royalty revenue.

      Direct Project Costs. Project costs recorded during the six months of fiscal 2004 amounted to $728 compared to $18,813 recorded during the six months of fiscal 2003. The decrease in cost was due to the low direct costs associated with royalty sales.

      Gross Profit. Gross profit increased by $9,166 from $13,791during the six months of fiscal 2004, compared to $4,625 recorded during the comparable period of fiscal 2003 or 198%. The increase was mainly as a result of with the low direct costs associated with royalty sales.

      General and Administrative Expense. For the six months ended June 30, 2004, we reported general and administrative expense of $401,003, an increase of $143,509 or 56% from $257,493 reported in the comparable period of the prior year. This increase resulted primarily from the increased consulting fees paid for product marketing.

      Interest. For the six months ended June 30, 2004, we reported interest of $16,051, a decrease of $5,682 or 26%, from $21,733 reported in the comparable prior fiscal period. The decrease was as a result of a reduction in the rate of interest on loans outstanding in the six months of 2004 compared to the six month of 2003.

      Stock Based Compensation Expense. For the six months ended June 30, 2004, we reported stock compensation expense of $56,735, the same amount as reported in the comparable six months of 2003. Stock based compensation is as a result of the Strategic Alliance signed with USFilter/WT.
      Net Loss for the Period. For the six months ended June 30, 2004, we reported a net loss for the period of $459,998, an increase of $128,661, or 39% over $331,336 in the comparable period of fiscal 2003. The increase in net loss was primarily due to the increase cost of consulting fees included in general and administrative expense.

      Net Loss per Share. For the six months ended June 30, 2004, we reported a net loss per share for the period of $0.02 compared to $0.03 reported during the comparable period of the prior year. The decrease in loss per shares is primarily as a result of the greater number of shares outstanding at June 30, 2004


      Three months ended June 30, 2004 compared to the three months ended June 30, 2003

      Revenues. During three months ended June 30, 2004, we reported revenues of $ 100 compared to revenue of $ nil being reported in the three months ended June 30,2003.

      Direct Project Costs. Project costs recorded during the three months ended June 30, 2004 amounted to $nil compared to $nil recorded during the comparable three months of fiscal 2003.

      Gross Profit. Gross profit increased by $100 for the three months ended June 30, 2004 from $nil during the comparable three months of fiscal 2003.

      General and Administrative. For the three months ended June 30, 2004, we reported general and administrative expense of $207,635, an increase of $70,548 or 51% from $137,087 reported in the comparable period of the prior year. This increase resulted primarily from the increased consulting fees paid for product marketing.

      Interest. For the three months ended June 30, 2004, we reported interest of $8,306, a decrease of $990 or 11%, from $9,296 reported in the comparable prior fiscal period. The decrease was as a result of a reduction in the rate of interest on loans outstanding in the three months of 2004 compared to the three month of 2003.

      Stock Based Compensation Expense. For the three months ended June 30, 2004, we reported stock compensation expense of $56,735, the same amount as reported in the comparable three months of 2003. Stock based compensation is as a result of the Strategic Alliance signed with USFilter/WT.

      Net Loss for the Period. For the three months ended June 30, 2004, we reported a net loss for the period of $244,309, an increase of $ 69,557, or 40 % over $174,750 in the comparable period of fiscal 2003. The increase in net loss was primarily due to the increase cost of included in general and administrative expense.

      Net Loss per Share. For the three months ended June 30, 2004, we reported a net loss per share for the period of $0.01 compared to $0.01 reported during the comparable period of the prior year. Although the net loss for the period had increased, no change in net loss per share was recorded due to the greater number of shares outstanding as at June 30, 2004


      The nature of our business may be expected to include a normal lag time between the incurring of operating expenses and the collection of contract receivables. In addition, we are dependent on sales by licensees for any royalty revenue and will depend on sales from distributors, licensees and sales agents for product sales. For these and other reasons, we may experience periods of limited working capital and may be expected to require financing for working capital during those periods.

      In addition, we will require financing over and above our current resources to sustain our operations and expand our marketing efforts. We cannot assure that the additional financing can be obtained on a timely basis, on terms that are acceptable or if at all.

      . . .
      schrieb am 20.12.04 10:44:15
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Habe gerade 50.000 Stück für € 0,002 bekommen, obwohl mein Limit sogar bei € 0,011 lag.

      Warum der Kurssturz heute? Wollte jemand nur vor dem Jahresende raus?
      schrieb am 20.12.04 11:46:17
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      ist doch egal

      hauptsache ich habe 500 % gemacht

      schrieb am 20.12.04 11:51:48
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      urgs Ch. 11 wohl
      schrieb am 20.12.04 13:44:06
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()

      Vermutung oder Tatsache?

      Habe übrigens noch nie gehört das ein Wert dieser Größe an der OTC Ch. 11 gezogen hat. Das macht wohl eher bei NASDAQ-Werten Sinn.

      Auch die letzten Quartalszahlen sahen m.E. nicht so schlecht aus.

      Ich werde das filing gleich mal reinstellen.

      Übrigens, Saftladen, 500% sind ja o.k., aber bei den Umsätzen auch nicht wirklich der Bringer. Ich werde meine Stücke erstmal ein ganzes Stück halten.

      Grüße Inmarker
      schrieb am 20.12.04 13:52:59
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Ihr Glücklichen! Zu 0,002 EUR welche geschenkt bekommen! Verstehe aber nicht, dass euer Limit ein Vielfaches höher war und ihr trotzdem zu dem Kurs bedient worden seid....

      schrieb am 20.12.04 13:56:20
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Hier das filing (meines Wissens das aktuelleste neben einem weitern, welches allerdings wohl keine Aussage enthält(?)):


      Mit dem link macht es mehr Sinn.
      schrieb am 20.12.04 14:05:05
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()

      Ich kann mir die Sache nur so erklären, dass Consors (mein Brocker) die Stücke mittels "bester Ausführung" gekauft hat.

      Das ganze ist vielleicht der Ausgleich für den Petrel-Abschlag von wieder 14% heute. :)
      schrieb am 20.12.04 14:46:44
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Also für 0,002 EUR nehme ich auch ne Million!
      schrieb am 20.12.04 14:53:00
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Wie ist eigentlich die MK bei 0,002 EUR?
      schrieb am 20.12.04 16:56:28
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Na da heute früh wohl jemand einen Fehler gemacht und ohne Limit verkauft.

      Der Kurs an der OTC ist stabil.

      Wohl mal Glück gehabt.
      schrieb am 30.12.04 10:40:15
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      :cool:kommt langsam der rebound?:cool:
      schrieb am 30.12.04 13:50:55
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      :cool:in drei stunden + 60,00%

      wie gut dass ich heute noch zu 0,011 nachgelegt habe:cool:
      schrieb am 30.12.04 17:12:21
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()

      OTCBB: UGRD: +250%
      schrieb am 30.12.04 17:18:18
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      OTCBB:UGRD: +370%
      schrieb am 30.12.04 23:38:12
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      Heute kam es zu wahnsinnigen Kursaufschlägen. In der Spitze ging es hoch auf $ 0,08. Am Ende lag der Kurs noch mit 135% im plus bei $ 0,04.

      Das Gute ist, dass es weiter aufwärts gehen wird. Indiz dafür dürfte sein, dass die Umsätze auf hohem Kursnivau stattfanden und die Marktkapitalisierung gerademal $ 1.000.000 beträgt.

      Weiterhin düfte aus aktuellem Anlaß das Thema "Wasserfilter" auch in naher Zukunft eine große Rolle spielen.

      Also dann, laßt uns hoffen.
      schrieb am 31.12.04 11:29:53
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Schon jemand wach, außer mir?
      schrieb am 01.01.05 13:44:16
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Auch allen Lesern dieses Threads wünsche ich ein erfolgreiches und gesundes neues Jahr!

      Kurze Zusammenfassung vom gestrigen Handel:

      Der Kurs schoß schnell auf sein Tageshoch von $ 0,09. Dann folgten Umsätze auf der Basis von $ 0,07 bis $ 0,08. Gegen Handelsende wurde der Kurs dann durch zwei oder drei Aufträge wieder auf $ 0,05 gedrückt.

      Ich glaube hier will noch einer auf dem Nivau einsammeln. Das bid ist bei $ 0,05 prall gefüllt.

      Der Schlusskurs war jedenfalls bei $ 0,05.

      Grüße Inkmarker
      schrieb am 03.01.05 08:02:05
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()

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