
     327  0 Kommentare Capstone Mining 2018 Second Quarter Production Results - Seite 2

                                         Pinto Valley          Cozamin            Minto
                                        Q2     YTD 2018    Q2    YTD 2018    Q2    YTD 2018
        Contained Production [(1)]
        - Copper (tonnes)                 13,420   24,841    3,519    7,805     3,090     6,621
        - Zinc (tonnes)                        -        -    1,548    2,342         -         -
        - Molybdenum (tonnes)                 19       48        -        -         -         -
        - Lead (tonnes)                        -        -      308      329         -         -
        - Silver (ounces) [(2)]           76,920  147,355  252,922  503,097    29,583    64,987
        - Gold (ounces) [(2) (3)]            401      575        -        -     2,605     5,059
        Payable Copper Production
        [(1) ](tonnes)
        (in concentrate and cathode)      12,963   24,000    3,373    7,488     2,990     6,406
        - Ore (tonnes) - open pit      4,562,092 9,627,796       -      -     72,402    546,951
        - Waste (tonnes)               6,815,118 13,604,255      -      -      1,991  1,314,504
        - Ore (tonnes) - underground           -         - 227,643 442,585    79,588    170,509
        - Tonnes processed             4,627,904 9,462,338  224,216 437,127  288,432    655,011
        - Tonnes processed per day        50,856   52,278    2,464    2,415    3,170      3,619
        - Copper grade (%) [(4)]            0.33     0.30     1.66     1.87     1.23       1.19
        - Zinc grade (%)                       -        -     1.04     0.84        -          -
        - Molybdenum grade (%)             0.006    0.006        -        -        -          -
        - Lead grade (%)                       -        -     0.29     0.18        -          -
        - Silver grade (g/t)                   *        *    45.28    45.11      4.2        4.1
        - Gold grade (g/t)                     *        *        -        -     0.38       0.36
        - Copper (%)                     86.2 [(4)]  84.8 [(4)]  94.61    95.51     86.8      84.7
        - Zinc (%)                             -        -    66.44    64.01        -         -
        - Lead (%)                             -        -    48.10    40.69        -         -
        - Silver (%)                           *        *    77.49    79.36     76.4      75.7
        - Gold (%)                             *        *        -        -     63.8      59.2
        - Copper concentrate (dmt)        47,881   91,728   13,581   29,391    8,152    17,142
                       Copper (%)           27.3     26.2    25.91    26.55     37.9      38.6
                       Silver (g/t)            *        *      517      501      113       118
                       Gold (g/t)              *        *        -        -      8.6       8.2
        - Zinc concentrate (dmt)               -        -    3,259    4,926        -         -
                       Zinc (%)                -        -    47.48    47.55        -         -
        - Molybdenum concentrate
        (dmt)                                 38       96        -        -        -         -
        - Lead concentrate (dmt)               -        -      494      532        -         -
                       Lead (%)                -        -    62.32    61.75        -         -
                       Silver (g/t)            -        -    1,717    1,745        -         -
        Payable Copper Shipped
        (tonnes)                          11,190   23,321    3,194    7,025        -     3,984
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    Capstone Mining 2018 Second Quarter Production Results - Seite 2 VANCOUVER, British Columbia, July 11, 2018 /PRNewswire/ - Capstone Mining Corp. ("Capstone") (TSX: CS) today announced production results for the three and six months ended June 30, 2018. Combined production totalled 20,000 and 39,200 tonnes of …

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