CARMAT to Provide a Half-Year Update on July 9, 2024 - Seite 2
This press release may contain forward-looking statements by the Company regarding its objectives and prospects. These forward-looking statements are based on the current estimates and anticipations of the Company's management and are subject to risk factors and uncertainties, including those described in its universal registration document filed with the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) under number D.24-0374 and available on Carmat's website.
Readers' attention is particularly drawn to the fact that the Company's current financing horizon is limited to the end of September 2024, the Company being subject to other risks and uncertainties, such as the Company's ability to implement its strategy, the pace of development of CARMAT's production and sales, the pace and results of ongoing or planned clinical trials, technological evolution and competitive environment, regulatory changes, industrial risks, and all risks associated with the company's growth management. The Company's forward looking statements mentioned in this press release may not be achieved due to these elements or other risk factors and uncertainties, unknown or not considered material and important by the Company to date.
Aeson is an active implantable medical device commercially available in the European Union and other countries recognizing CE marking. The Aeson total artificial heart is intended to replace the ventricles of the native heart and is indicated as a bridge to transplant for patients suffering from end-stage biventricular heart failure (INTERMACS classes 1-4) who cannot benefit from maximal medical therapy or a left ventricular assist device (LVAD) and who are likely to undergo a heart transplant within 180 days of implantation. The decision to implant and the surgical procedure must be carried out by healthcare professionals trained by the manufacturer. The documentation (clinician manual, patient manual, and alarm booklet) should be carefully read to understand the features of Aeson and the information necessary for patient selection and proper use (contraindications, precautions, side effects). In the United States, Aeson is currently exclusively available as part of an Early Feasibility Study approved by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA).
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The CARMAT Stock at the time of publication of the news with a raise of 0,00 % to 2,608EUR on Lang & Schwarz stock exchange (07. Juli 2024, 18:58 Uhr).