Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd. Releases Monthly Net Asset Value and Performance Report for July 2024
Regulatory News:
Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd. (LN:PSH) (LN:PSHD) (NA:PSH) today released the following regular monthly Net Asset Value (NAV) and Performance Report for the month of July 2024. The information has also been posted to the PSH website, Monthly net asset value and performance are calculated at the close of business on the last business day of the month.
Portfolio Update
YTD 2024
(2) Reflects the number of positions in issuers in which the Company has previously publicly disclosed an investment. Cash, cash equivalents, direct or indirect currency or other hedges and income/expense items are excluded. Multiple financial instruments (for example, common stock and derivatives on common stock) associated with one (1) issuer count as one (1) position. A position that is included in the number of positions will be removed from the table only if the investment becomes 0.0% of the portfolio.
(3) For the purpose of determining the equity and debt exposures, investments are valued as follows: (a) equity or debt is valued at market value, (b) options referencing equity or debt are valued at market value, (c) long call options and short put options (or vice-versa, short call options and long put options) held on the same underlying issuer and with the same strike and same expiry are grouped together and treated as synthetic equity positions, and are valued at the market value of the equivalent long equity position (or vice-versa, the equivalent short equity position), and (d) swaps or forwards referencing equity or debt are valued at the market value of the notional equity or debt underlying the swaps or forwards. Whether a position is deemed to be long or short is determined by whether an investment has positive or negative exposure to price increases or decreases. For example, long puts are deemed to be short exposure.
(4) Includes all issuer equity, debt, and derivatives related to issuer equity and debt, and associated currency hedges. Cash, cash equivalents, direct or indirect currency or other hedges and income/expense items are excluded. The market values of associated currency hedges are included as part of the associated investment. In the event that there is a change in market cap category with respect to any non-publicly disclosed position, this information is not updated until such position is publicly disclosed.
(5) Portfolio composition is reflective of the publicly disclosed portfolio positions as of the date of this report. A position in an issuer is only assigned to a sector once it has been publicly disclosed.
(6) “Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd. AUM” equals the net assets of Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd. calculated in accordance with GAAP without deducting amounts attributable to accrued performance fees, while adding back the principal value of the Company’s debt outstanding ($1.8 billion and €500 million translated into USD at the prevailing exchange rate at the reporting date, 1.08). Any performance fees crystallized as of the end of the year will be reflected in the following period’s AUM.
(7) “Total Core Strategy AUM” equals the net assets of Pershing Square, L.P., Pershing Square International, Ltd. and Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd. (collectively, the “Core Funds”) calculated in accordance with GAAP without deducting amounts attributable to accrued performance fees, while adding back the principal value of the Company’s debt outstanding ($1.8 billion and €500 million translated into USD at the prevailing exchange rate at the reporting date, 1.08). Redemptions effective as of the end of any period (including redemptions attributable to crystallized performance fees, if any) will be reflected in the following period’s AUM.
(8) “Total Firm AUM” equals "Total Core Strategy AUM" as defined in footnote 7, plus the net assets of PS VII Master, L.P. and PS VII A International, L.P. (together, the “PSVII Funds”) calculated in accordance with GAAP, without double counting investments made by any Core Fund in the PSVII Funds. The PSVII Funds operate as co-investment vehicles investing primarily in securities of (or otherwise seeking to be exposed to the value of securities issued by) Universal Music Group N.V.
In addition, under the Company’s Articles of Incorporation, a person is required to notify the Company of the number of the Public Shares it holds or is deemed to hold (through such person’s direct or indirect holding of financial instruments) if this number reaches, exceeds or falls below 3%, 4%, 4.25%, 4.50%, 4.75% or 5% of the total number of outstanding Public Shares.
About Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd.
Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd. (LN:PSH) (LN:PSHD) (NA:PSH) is an investment holding company structured as a closed-ended fund.
Category: (PSH:MonthlyNAV)
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Pershing Square Holdings Ltd Public at the time of publication of the news with a fall of -0,77 % to 45,30EUR on Lang & Schwarz stock exchange (01. August 2024, 22:58 Uhr).