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    Cisco: Sustainability 101 - How Hybrid Work Can Advance Sustainability in the Workforce

    by Luca FerraroDo you feel a bit lost when people refer to certain environmental sustainability topics and aren't sure where to start when it comes to learning more? Sustainability 101 is a blog series that you can turn to for information about …

    by Luca Ferraro

    Do you feel a bit lost when people refer to certain environmental sustainability topics and aren't sure where to start when it comes to learning more? Sustainability 101 is a blog series that you can turn to for information about different environmental terms that may come up at work, during discussions with friends, and even at your annual holiday gathering.

    NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / August 13, 2024 / "The Gartner1Q24 Global Labor Market Survey found that 44% of workers worldwide have a hybrid work model, outnumbering the 39% of workers who work full-time in the office full-time."*

    Hybrid work is a model that combines in-office and remote work. Some companies set specific days for on-site work, while others allow employees to manage their own schedules. Hybrid work models can be associated with less frequent commutes which can lower emissions from motor vehicles.

    But hybrid work can also be a key factor in advancing sustainability in the workforce - helping to create workplace environments where employees are healthy, engaged, and productive.

    These practices can be a key component of a company's overall environmental, social, and governance (ESG) program, which often includes the well-being and development of employees.

    Let's explore hybrid work trends and how these models can foster inclusive and productive workforces.

    From Perk to Expectation

    While flexible work models have been around for a while, remote work became commonplace during the pandemic, which led to the increased popularity of hybrid work. Many employees prefer a hybrid approach versus a full-time return to the office, seeing it as a way to support their work-life balance and general well-being.

    Meanwhile, employers are also finding that flexible work models can be an important way to attract, support, and retain employees.

    In a 2022 Cisco Global Hybrid Work Study, 28,000 full-time employees across 27 markets were surveyed and conveyed support for hybrid work with a collaborative approach:

    • 62% of employees agree that their ability to work from anywhere impacts whether they stay at or leave a job

    • 61% believe their quality of work has improved

    • 60% have seen their productivity increase

    How Cisco Powers Hybrid Work

    At the heart of successful hybrid work is collaborative technology that reaches corporate headquarters and home offices - from video conferencing to messaging applications to real-time document sharing.

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    Cisco: Sustainability 101 - How Hybrid Work Can Advance Sustainability in the Workforce by Luca FerraroDo you feel a bit lost when people refer to certain environmental sustainability topics and aren't sure where to start when it comes to learning more? Sustainability 101 is a blog series that you can turn to for information about …