New fixed-rate bonds - Nykredit Realkredit A/S
To Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S
13 September 2024
New fixed-rate bonds
Nykredit opens the following new fixed-rate bonds.
- 3.5% 30-years annuity
- 3.5% 20-years annuity
The new bonds will be used to fund lending in Totalkredit A/S and Nykredit Realkredit A/S.
The opening of new bonds is driven by the recent decline in interest rates. The current 20-year bond with a 4 per cent coupon is trading above par today, and at the same time, the 30-year bond is approaching a level where there's a risk it will close for new loan offers. By opening two new bonds, we ensure that we can offer customers a fixed-rate product with amortization in both maturities.
The Final Bond Terms will be published in separate stock exchange announcement.
Questions may be addressed to Christian Mauritzen, tel +45 44 55 10 14, or Lars Mossing Madsen, tel +45 44 55 11 66.