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    Result of AGM


    ( the “Company”)

    Legal Entity Identity number: 21380013CXOR8N6OD977

    AGM Results Statement

    The board of the Company (“Board”) is pleased to announce that at the Annual General Meeting of the Company held on 17 September 2024, all of the resolutions were passed on a show of hands. The voting was as follows:

    Resolution Votes For
    (including discretion)
    % Votes Against % Votes Withheld
    Resolution 1 - To receive the Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2023. 414,549 100.00 0 0.00 0
    Resolution 2 - To approve the Directors' Remuneration Policy 370,921 95.84 43,628 4.16 195,498
    Resolution 3 - To approve the Directors' Remuneration Report. 367,963 97.01 46,586 2.99 303
    Resolution 4 - To re-elect Ernie Richardson as a Director. 381,220 100.00 19,905 0.00 0
    Resolution 5 - To re-elect Tim Dowlen as a Director. 369,087 97.27 32,037 2.73 0
    Resolution 6 - To re-elect Carol Thompson as a Director. 401,012 98.87 113 1.13 0
    Resolution 7 - To reappoint Deloitte LLP as auditor and to authorise the directors to fix the auditor's remuneration 386,106 78.54 28,280 21.46 0
    Resolution 8 – Authority to Allot Shares 386,520 100.00 27,866 0.00 303
    Resolution 9 – Disapplication of Pre-emption Rights 385,836 98.15 28,224 1.85 196,280
    Resolution 10 – Authority to Make Market Purchases of Own Shares 394,249 98.97 20,138 1.03 303

    The Board is pleased that all resolutions were duly passed but notes the proportion of votes cast against Resolution 7 was over 20%. The Board is pleased that Resolution 7 was passed with the support of the majority of the Company's shareholders, however, as the views of all the Company's shareholders is extremely important to the Board, it will engage with investors on this Resolution to better understand the reasons behind their dissent. An update will be published on that engagement within six months.

    For further information, please contact:
    Company Secretary
    Foresight Group LLP
    Contact: Gary Fraser Tel: 0203 667 8181

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    Verfasst von globenewswire
    Result of AGM FORESIGHT TECHNOLOGY VCT PLC ( the “Company”) Legal Entity Identity number: 21380013CXOR8N6OD977 AGM Results Statement The board of the Company (“Board”) is pleased to announce that at the Annual General Meeting of the Company held on 17 …