AGRANA Beteiligungs: Major EBIT Drop Expected in 2024/25 Financial Year
AGRANA anticipates a challenging financial year ahead, with a projected EBIT drop exceeding 50% due to sugar market pressures and operational setbacks in the Starch segment.
- AGRANA expects a very significant EBIT decline of more than 50% for the 2024/25 financial year.
- The forecasted EBIT decline is due to higher sugar inventories, falling sugar prices, and increased campaign costs in the Sugar segment.
- The Starch segment also faced challenges due to production stoppage at the Pischelsdorf plant, primarily caused by flooding damages in Austria.
- AGRANA's operating profit before exceptional items is expected to be between €55 million and €75 million.
- The results for the first three quarters of 2024/25 will be published on 14 January 2025.
- The announcement is available in both German and English on AGRANA's website.
The next important date, Quarterly report, at Agrana Beteiligungs is on 14.01.2025.
The price of Agrana Beteiligungs at the time of the news was 11,000EUR and was down -3,51 % compared with the previous
57 minutes after the article was published, the price was 10,950EUR this corresponds to a minus of -0,45 % since
+0,46 %
-0,90 %
+5,29 %
-8,75 %
-21,36 %
-37,93 %
-39,97 %
-39,90 %
+2,55 %
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