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    INDUS Holding AG (von NuWays AG): Buy

    Für Sie zusammengefasst
    • INDUS Holding AG: Kaufempfehlung mit Ziel 34 EUR
    • Starke FCF von über 110 Mio. EUR in FY24 erwartet
    • M&A-Pipeline gut gefüllt, weitere Deals in Sicht
    Original-Research - INDUS Holding AG (von NuWays AG): Buy

    Original-Research: INDUS Holding AG - from NuWays AG

    19.11.2024 / 09:00 CET/CEST
    Dissemination of a Research, transmitted by EQS News - a service of EQS Group AG.
    The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this research. The result of this research does not constitute investment advice or an invitation to conclude certain stock exchange transactions.

    Classification of NuWays AG to INDUS Holding AG

    Company Name: INDUS Holding AG
    ISIN: DE0006200108

    Reason for the research: Update
    Recommendation: Buy
    from: 19.11.2024
    Target price: EUR 34.00
    Target price on sight of: 12 months
    Last rating change:
    Analyst: Christian Sandherr

    RT feedback: Strong FCF and well filled M&A pipeline

    Topic: On Monday we hosted a digital roundtable with INDUS, here are our key takeaways.

    M&A pipeline well filled: INDUS expects to see another deal to sign within the Infrastructure segment this year. However, the purchase price is likely not to be paid until FY25e. Further, INDUS has in prospect to spend around EUR 50-70m on M&A next year. Considering the recent decline in acquisition multiples for German SME's, it is now a good time for INDUS to expand its portfolio in our view.

    Infrastructure shows a solid development in FY24 (10.2% EBIT margin in 9M, +1.9ppts yoy), which is expected to continue for FY25e. In addition, the Engineering segment should improve at least slightly next year. As communicated by management in the Q2 CC, product mix in H2'24e is much more favorable than in H1. Consequently, the operating margin in Q3 already improved considerably compared to H1'24 (9.0% vs. 5.2% in H1). In our view H2'24e should be a better reference point for FY25e than the muted H1.

    On the other hand, Materials should be more challenging next year. While the medical companies show resilience, companies in the metal production and processing sectors are more affected by the current difficult macro environment. In addition, order backlog in Materials decreased over the last year, which puts further pressure on the top-line (EUR 120m backlog in 9M'24 vs. EUR 153m end of FY23).

    Strong Free Cashflows: INDUS continues to expect above EUR 110m in FCF this year (eNuW: EUR 115m), delivering a strong FCFY'24e of c. 10% (eNuW). Beyond that, a further reduction in working capital for FY25e looks plausible, which is however dependent on the sales development next year. This should support free cashflows in FY25e. Already in 9M, working capital decreased c. EUR 33m yoy to EUR 506m (vs. EUR 538m end of 9M'23; EUR 618m end of 9M'22), thanks to an ease of supply chains, muted sales growth and an active working capital management.

    We continue to like the stock and confirm INDUS as one of NuWays' Alpha Picks. Reiterate BUY with an unchanged PT of EUR 34, based in FCFY'24e.

    You can download the research here: http://www.more-ir.de/d/31361.pdf For additional information visit our website: www.nuways-ag.com/research

    Contact for questions:
    NuWays AG - Equity Research
    Web: www.nuways-ag.com
    Email: research@nuways-ag.com
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/nuwaysag
    Adresse: Mittelweg 16-17, 20148 Hamburg, Germany
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    Offenlegung möglicher Interessenskonflikte nach § 85 WpHG beim oben analysierten Unternehmen befinden sich in der vollständigen Analyse. ++++++++++

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    2032767 19.11.2024 CET/CEST


    INDUS Holding

    +0,24 %
    +1,20 %
    -0,94 %
    -2,33 %
    -2,78 %
    -37,96 %
    -46,43 %
    -45,85 %
    +48,06 %


    Zusätzliche Unternehmensinformationen zur INDUS Holding Aktie

    Die INDUS Holding Aktie wird zum Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung der Nachricht mit einem Plus von 0,00 % und einem Kurs von 20,65 auf Tradegate (19. November 2024, 08:29 Uhr) gehandelt.

    Auf 7 Tage gesehen hat sich der Kurs der INDUS Holding Aktie um +1,20 % verändert. Der Verlust auf 30 Tage beträgt -0,94 %.

    Die Marktkapitalisierung von INDUS Holding bezifferte sich zuletzt auf 564,81 Mio..

    Rating: Hold
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    Original-Research INDUS Holding AG (von NuWays AG): Buy ^ Original-Research: INDUS Holding AG - from NuWays AG 19.11.2024 / 09:00 CET/CEST Dissemination of a Research, transmitted by EQS News - a service of EQS Group AG. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this research. The result of …