AI Core Theme of 2025 ISG Software and Services Research
Information Services Group (ISG) (Nasdaq: III), a leading global technology research and advisory firm, will publish nearly 200 studies evaluating service providers and software platforms in 2025, adding important new subject areas, including the major impact AI is having on enterprise technology, to its influential ISG Provider Lens and ISG Buyers Guide reports.
The ISG Research 2025 Report Plan unifies for the first time ISG Provider Lens service provider evaluations and ISG Buyers Guide software assessments into one agenda, providing an integrated view into the unrivaled scope and depth of ISG’s software and service provider research. The agenda encompasses reports on the most important software tools and managed services transforming enterprises, giving insights into key trends, including the growing adoption of AI.
The 2025 agenda includes 50 ISG Provider Lens studies, expanding the leading series of provider evaluation reports into new subject areas, including services for the aerospace and defense industry and the rapidly changing VMware ecosystem, and more than 135 ISG Buyers Guides on software providers and products, including new categories such as real-time data and sovereign cloud.
“Our combined 2025 portfolio of research and reports will provide a comprehensive view of the software and services available to enterprises transforming themselves for faster growth and greater competitiveness,” said John Boccuzzi, Jr., partner and president, ISG Research. “As rapid advances in AI unlock unprecedented levels of productivity in software and services, organizations are exploring new vendor and provider partnerships to help them attain key business objectives.”
The ISG Provider Lens and ISG Buyers Guide reports align to five categories: Artificial Intelligence, Business & Technologies, Ecosystem Intelligence, Information Technology and Vertical Industries. Each report focuses on a specific area of ISG’s expertise and analysis, offering actionable insights to help enterprises make informed strategic decisions in the relevant area.
In 2025, the ISG Provider Lens series will include nine new studies covering additional vertical industries, technologies, types of services and provider ecosystems. Reports on aerospace and defense, agribusiness, medical devices and the public sector will focus on providers serving the specific technology and business challenges of these industries. Other new studies will explore services for global capability centers (GCCs), which serve as engines of digital transformation in a growing number of organizations, and enterprise service management (ESM). New ISG Provider Lens studies will also survey additional provider ecosystems, including those supporting and extending the use of the Guidewire, Duck Creek, Snowflake and VMware platforms.