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    The Platform Group AG Acquires FirstWire Financial Platform

    The Platform Group AG has made a strategic move by acquiring a majority stake in FirstWire GmbH, a key player in B2B financing. This acquisition marks their debut in the financial platforms sector.

    The Platform Group AG Acquires FirstWire Financial Platform
    • The Platform Group AG has acquired 50.1% of FirstWire GmbH, a digital platform for B2B financing solutions.
    • FirstWire's primary customers include municipalities, large real estate asset managers, and investors from Germany and abroad.
    • The transaction is expected to close in January 2025, with the purchase price undisclosed.
    • FirstWire aims to integrate new partners in 2025, anticipating lower interest rates and an increase in the transaction market.
    • The Platform Group AG is a software company active in 24 sectors, with 16 locations across Europe, and achieved pro-forma sales of EUR 441 million in 2023.
    • This acquisition marks The Platform Group AG's first entry into the financial platforms sector, aligning with their anti-cyclical investment strategy.

    The price of The Platform Group at the time of the news was 7,5800EUR and was up +0,26 % compared with the previous day.

    The Platform Group

    +1,14 %
    +6,33 %
    +17,47 %
    +7,64 %
    +25,94 %
    -52,24 %
    -67,87 %

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    Verfasst von wO Newsflash
    The Platform Group AG Acquires FirstWire Financial Platform The Platform Group AG has made a strategic move by acquiring a majority stake in FirstWire GmbH, a key player in B2B financing. This acquisition marks their debut in the financial platforms sector.