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    Westwing Boosts Value: Acquires 1.2M Treasury Shares in Buyback

    Westwing Group SE recently completed a successful share buyback, acquiring 1.2 million shares. This move, representing 5.74% of its total shares, highlights Westwing's strategic financial maneuvers.

    • Westwing Group SE acquired approximately 1.2 million treasury shares during its public share buyback offer.
    • A total of 1,823,256 shares were tendered by shareholders, exceeding the maximum buyback amount of 1,200,000 shares.
    • The allocation ratio for the accepted shares was approximately 65.8%, meaning not all tendered shares were bought back.
    • The total number of shares bought back represents around 5.74% of all Westwing Group SE shares.
    • The purchase price for the tendered shares is expected to be available in custodian bank accounts by December 19, 2024.
    • Westwing is Europe's leading e-commerce platform for beautiful living, operating in 12 countries with a GMV of EUR 481 million in 2023.

    The next important date, Publication of the 2024 Annual Report, at Westwing is on 27.03.2025.

    The price of Westwing at the time of the news was 7,8000EUR and was up +0,39 % compared with the previous day.
    5 minutes after the article was published, the price was 7,9600EUR this corresponds to a plus of +2,05 % since publication.


    +0,28 %
    -8,31 %
    -4,21 %
    +2,25 %
    -4,59 %
    -62,76 %
    +76,27 %
    -71,76 %

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    Verfasst von wO Newsflash
    Westwing Boosts Value: Acquires 1.2M Treasury Shares in Buyback Westwing Group SE recently completed a successful share buyback, acquiring 1.2 million shares. This move, representing 5.74% of its total shares, highlights Westwing's strategic financial maneuvers.