Mobilezone Cuts 2024 Forecast: Dividend Confirmed, Join Today's 9:15 AM Call!
Mobilezone has revised its 2024 earnings outlook, forecasting lower profits but anticipating growth in recurring sales and its MVNO customer base. Despite challenges, the company remains optimistic.
- Mobilezone has lowered its earnings forecast for 2024, expecting sales between CHF 960 to CHF 990 million and adjusted EBIT of CHF 52 to CHF 57 million, down from at least CHF 68 million.
- The company anticipates a 5.6% growth in recurring sales to CHF 143 million and a net increase in the MVNO customer base to around 370,000 by the end of 2024.
- In Switzerland, mobilezone expects a decline in sales in the mobile phone contract and accessories business by nearly 10% and 5% respectively, but a positive development in MVNO, B2B, and refurbishing/repair/jusit business areas.
- In Germany, consumer sentiment remains pessimistic, with online contract business sales expected to increase by over 3%, but overall profitability is lower due to high pressure on contribution margins.
- Negative one-off effects will impact EBIT 2024 by CHF 6.0 million, including CHF 2.4 million for severance payments and CHF 1.1 million for an out-of-court settlement in Germany.
- The Board of Directors confirms a dividend of CHF 0.90 per registered share, and the company plans to communicate target margins per segment in 2025, with a video conference scheduled for December 13, 2024.
The next important date, Quarterly report, at mobilezone holding is on 07.03.2025.
+0,67 %
+5,22 %
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-46,84 %
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