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    ESPG's Legally Binding Plan: Spotlight on Operations

    ESPG AG is poised for a transformative journey as its restructuring plan gains legal approval. With a renewed focus on expanding its science park portfolio, ESPG aims to revolutionize its property management. The company is set to enhance its offerings in life sciences, green tech, and digital sectors. This strategic pivot marks a promising chapter for ESPG's growth and innovation.

    • ESPG AG's restructuring plan has become legally binding after the Cologne Regional Court dismissed an immediate appeal against it.
    • The company will focus on implementing the restructuring measures and developing its property portfolio.
    • ESPG plans to invest in its science park portfolio to reduce vacancy rates and increase rental income over the next two years.
    • The company specializes in science parks, targeting tenants in sectors like life sciences, green technologies, and digital transformation.
    • ESPG currently operates 16 science parks across Europe, covering a total area of 126,000 square meters.
    • The successful conclusion of the StaRUG proceedings positions ESPG for a stable and economically successful future.

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    ESPG's Legally Binding Plan: Spotlight on Operations ESPG AG is poised for a transformative journey as its restructuring plan gains legal approval. With a renewed focus on expanding its science park portfolio, ESPG aims to revolutionize its property management. The company is set to enhance its …