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[posting]60993323[/posting]Größter Betrug in der Finanzgeschichte: USA ermitteln wegen 1MDB-Skandal gegen Deutsche Bank
Epoch Times / 11. Juli 2019 / Aktualisiert: 11. Juli 2019 9:15

Das US-Justizministerium hat einem Medienbericht zufolge Ermittlungen gegen die Deutsche Bank im Zusammenhang mit dem Finanzskandal um den malaysischen Staatsfonds 1MDB eingeleitet.

Die Behörde prüfe, ob das Geldinstitut durch seine Arbeit für den Fonds gegen Korruptions- und Anti-Geldwäsche-Gesetze verstoßen habe, berichtete das „Wall Street Journal“ am Mittwoch. Die Deutsche Bank erklärte, sie kooperiere vollauf mit den Behörden und sei von 1MDB in die Irre geführt worden.

Der malaysische Staatsfonds 1MDB steht im Zentrum eines der größten Betrugsskandale der Finanzgeschichte. Bis zu drei Milliarden Dollar (2,6 Milliarden Euro) sollen nach Angaben von malaysischen und US-Justizbehörden zwischen 2009 und 2014 veruntreut worden sein, unter anderem von malaysischen Spitzenpolitikern.

Wichtige Bankgeschäfte für den Fonds wickelte die US-Investmentbank Goldman Sachs ab, gegen die Ermittlungen in den USA eingeleitet wurden.

Deutsche Bank half bei der Beschaffung von 1,2 Milliarden Dollar

Die Deutsche Bank hatte dem Staatsfonds laut „Wall Street Journal“ noch 2014 bei der Beschaffung von 1,2 Milliarden Dollar geholfen, als es bereits Bedenken wegen der Leitung und der Finanzdaten von 1MDB gegeben habe.

Die Ermittlung gegen die Deutsche Bank wurde demnach vom ehemaligen Goldman-Sachs-Banker Tim Leissner unterstützt, der sich in dem Skandal schuldig bekannte. ...

Die Staatsanwaltschaft interessiert sich demnach für eine frühere Kollegin Leissners, eine ehemalige Mitarbeiterin der Deutschen Bank im Asien-Pazifik-Raum. ...




Financial Times•4 hours ago
How Deutsche killed the banking model

”, Olaf Storbeck, FT.com July 10), but it’s past practice by Deutsche that led to it, and that needs to be highlighted for bank investors. More than 10 years ago, after having studied bank pay and becoming involved in bank remuneration regulation, a German senior manager at Deutsche told me he was embarrassed at how much he was paid. ...



A. July 9 2019 The Big Call, Bruce: Thebigcall.net: 712-770-4016 pin123456#

1. On Sat-Sun July 6-7 the Redemption Centers were still working out problems. The QFS system had not been connected globally. A number of countries were not in compliance and connected. Indonesia and Malaysia were the last two to come on board. They came in today July 9. ...

... That was what they were going to try to finish up over the weekend and even into Monday, yesterday. What happened was we had a number of countries that were not connected and were not in compliant with the QFS System. The Quantum Financial System needed be fully connected and operational. Even it came down to the last two countries that needed the connectivity and the compliance. Those were Indonesia and Malaysia. They were the last two to come on board, and they got it done and were in the process today our time, yesterday their time, taking a bank holiday and letting their people know why that is because they were connecting to a new banking system, the QFS. We believe that is taken care of and that is out of the way.


1. The Chinese were still waiting for a representative of the military and US Treasury to show up.

4. It will happen. It is not an “if,”it’s a “when.” The Chinese have everything in place to “do it.”


2. Three sources confirmed to Tony that the reason was there were some bank system issues. The computers were not updating like they were supposed to and the rates were not standardized.

3. It would be another 12 to 24 hours to work out the problems so all could be on the same page.

5. When it did go be aware that different major Tier 1 banks may have as much as a $.30 cent difference in the rates they offered.

6. Bankers were in this to make money. They were going to try to sell you different things during your exchange. Be aware of the numbers and careful in your decisions.


MZ: Last night on Brents call he did talk about how Trump would step down as Corporate President and then step into President of the Restored Republic……you can listen to Brents replay for that explanation ...

Member: Imagine debt forgiveness...people will be amazed...hopefully this is part of Trump's " big announcement...and it will be...pleasant." ...

Member: GM! Looks like the epstein rabbit hole is getting huge. i hope this is the camo to release the RV

MZ: About Epstein….The rabbit hole will affect both parties….so its possible your favorite congressman may get implicated…WE need to be supportive of the truth…..…I think this Epstien indictment is the first part of a roll out of a lot of others getting revealed. ...

... :rolleyes: ... Währungstausch vs Urlaub ...



"Major Victory" - Fulford Report - 7.8.19
7/11/2019 12:52:00 AM Fulford, Intel, News

Weekly Geo-political News and Analysis

Major victory as all three power obelisks fall: Washington, London and Rome

By Benjamin Fulford, White Dragon Society


...Pentagon sources say, “The special-purpose nuclear Russian submarine Losharik may have been fried by a directed energy weapon that failed to trigger WW3, but its cabal controllers may have reaped instant karma with not just one but two quakes at China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station in Southern California.” Seismographs of the California quakes bear the distinctive signs of being the result of explosions and not natural forces. Please start at the 2:28 second mark on this video to confirm.

The Russian submarine controlled a Russian doomsday nuclear unmanned underwater drone, and the officers died preventing it from being launched, Russian sources say. That’s why the families of the dead Russian soldiers were told their relatives averted a “planetary disaster.”


The base that was attacked was part of the Nazi Paperclip base complex that includes the notorious Area 51, Pentagon sources say.

It is interesting in this context that Nazi Jeb Bush put out the following Tweet just hours before Trump announced victory of the Deep State:

“It is a fact of American history that three of the five Founding Father Presidents died on the Independence Day anniversary. But was it just a coincidence?”

Bush was undoubtedly angry and scared, since his parents Barbara and Herbert Walker Bush were executed and his brother George Bush Jr. arrested. One can assume Jeb has also been arrested following this treasonous Tweet.

“The takedown of Israel, pedos, and Zionist blackmail operation began July 6 with Mossad agent Jeff Epstein arrested for the sex trafficking of minors, and this may lead to many more arrests,” Pentagon sources say.

A look at Epstein’s little black book reveals, among many others, the following names: Tony Blair, Richard Branson, Edgar Bronfman, Bill Clinton, Prince Pierre d’Arrenberg, Steve Forbes, Dustin Hoffman, Mick Jagger, Michael Jackson, Senator Edward Kennedy, Henry Kissinger, Rupert Murdoch, Jessica and Hannah Rothschild (English side) and Evelyn and Edward de Rothschild (French side), Prince Salman Saud, Larry Summers, and Ivanka Trump.

While being in Epstein’s black book itself is not a crime, it is a good indicator that people in the book were tempted with underage sexual partners and subsequently filmed and blackmailed if they succumbed to this temptation. Donald Trump was also a visitor to this island, and presumably time will tell if he resisted temptation or not.

Since Trump’s Russia investigator Robert Mueller was close to Epstein, and since fired FBI director James Comey’s daughter is part of the team that arrested Epstein, we can be sure Trump’s involvement (if any) will not be glossed over. ...

In any case, despite victory in the West, the battle for the planet as whole is far from over. It now looks like the Khazarians are activating their Iranian sleeper cells to start World War III. Remember, Marc Rich of Glencore Commodities (pardoned by Bill Clinton) was paying both Iranian and Israeli government officials from the profits of the “bomb Iran” oil futures manipulation scam for decades.

What this scandal has revealed is that there are Khazarian mafia fifth columnists at the highest level of the Iranian government. That’s probably why certain Iranian government officials are now suddenly making nuclear threats in tandem with their Khazarian counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel.

The German Khazarian faction and their EUSSR are still probably going to try to stir up trouble in the Ukraine and other parts of Eastern Europe as well. Last week they showed the whole world that the EU was not a democratic institution by ignoring the EU Parliament and imposing German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leven as President of the European Commission. ...




Epstein – Das Schauspiel nähert sich der Klimax, dem Höhepunkt, auf den so viele warten
11. Juli 2019

Ein hübsches Foto mit fünf badenden, fröhlich dreinschauenden Herren sieht man hier. Das Wetter lädt zum Schwimmen in der Lagune ein. Was gibt es Schöneres, als ein erfrischendes Bad mit Seinesgleichen an einem solch herrlichen Tag?

Die von Soros finanziell gepushte Korrektiv-Seite Snopes eilte schnell herbei, um zu erklären, dass der hier anwesende George Nader zwar so heiße, aber nichts mit dem Pädophilen gleichen Namens zu tun habe. Clinton würde hier gerade Urlaub in der Dominikanischen Republik machen.

Klar, sieht man doch auf den ersten Blick, oder?

Außerdem soll er selbst glaubwürdig in einem offiziellen Statement folgendes erklärt haben:

„I did not.. have sexual relations.. with those underage girls.. on Jeffrey Epstein’s Sex Island.. during the times I visited.. and I visited 4 times.. but those were business trips.. so it’s cool“

Auf Deutsch: „Ich hatte keine … sexuelle Beziehung… mit minderjährigen Mädchen…auf Jeffrey Epsteins Sex-Insel… während der Zeit, als ich sie besuchte … und ich besuchte sie 4 Mal .. aber das waren Geschäftsreisen…“

OK, das war von einem Parodie-Twitter-Account, wir geben es zu. Das bedeutet, es muss nicht stimmen.

Aber so oder ähnlich hat es sich tatsächlich zugetragen.

Nur – wieso sollte er sowas denn überhaupt sagen?

Ganz einfach deshalb, weil Bill Clinton gerade versucht, sich selbst an seinen Haaren aus dem Sumpf zu ziehen, in den er sich brachte, ...

aus der Diskussion: Devils Tower vs Trump Tower
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): teecee1  (11.07.19 13:00:28)
Beitrag: 548 von 972 (ID:61003553)
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