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"Virus Fear Porn" - Fulford Report (Excerpt) - 1.27.20
1/27/2020 10:34:00 AM Fulford, Intel, News

Weekly Geo-political News and Analysis

Khazarian mob using virus fear porn in desperate attempt to keep control over its 200-plus “nation states”

January 27, 2020
By Benjamin Fulford

The Khazarian mob is fighting for its life and stoking pandemic fear porn in a desperate attempt to keep its control grid over humanity, multiple sources say. This is happening because they cannot meet a payments deadline (temporarily extended into February) for the United States of America Corporation, the sources involved in the negotiations say. One of the aims of the negotiations is to restore sovereignty to the people and the Republic of the United States of America. This will also result in the unveiling of the secret space program, they add.

We will talk more about this later, but first, let us look at the cabal’s pandemic survival gambit. As most of our readers are probably already aware, it is highly unlikely the “Coronavirus” outbreak in China was a naturally occurring event. There are many signs this pandemic was planned in advance in an attempt to extort money from China for the U.S. Corporation.

First of all, there was a systematic attack on all Internet sites that provide news suppressed by the corporate propaganda media. For example, Natural News, with its long history of exposing vaccine-related scandals, was shut down. Jimstone Freelance was also hit harder than usual. Other journalists are being hit with bogus criminal charges.


This site too has come under severe attack. Our former webmaster suddenly lost his mind and displayed signs of severe PCP poisoning. Now he has “committed suicide.” Following this, we were locked out of our own site until white hats in the NSA helped restore it. We are also under serious financial attack.

These attacks came just before the coronavirus pandemic emerged and was given sensational fear-mongering and saturation coverage in the corporate media. In addition to being blackmail, this appears to be an attempt to reinsert fear and hate as the controlling narrative of our public discourse.

It looks like they had a rehearsal on October 18, 2019, when a huge exercise was held in the U.S. simulating a pandemic and the resulting economic collapse. The sponsors of this event were the World Economic Forum (Davos), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Bloomberg School of Public Health at John Hopkins University. In other words, Cabal Central. Then just as the World Economic Forum was having its annual meeting in Davos on January 21-24, 2020, a real pandemic broke out and ...



Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Host Pandemic Exercise and Livestream

Underscoring immediate need for global public-private cooperation to mitigate severe world-wide economic and societal impacts of pandemics

October 16, 2019 03:18 PM Eastern Daylight Time

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, with the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, will host Event 201, a multimedia global pandemic exercise on Friday, Oct. 18, 2019, in New York City. The public may register and participate in the simultaneous virtual exercise in English, 8:50 a.m.-12:30 p.m. EDT at centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/. The exercise underscores the need for global public-private cooperation to mitigate economic and societal impacts of severe pandemics.


#Event201 pandemic exercise and livestream this Friday! Follow the story as global business and government leaders make critical response decisions in real-time. More info and register at centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/. Hosts @JHSPH_CHS @wef & @gatesfoundation


In recent years, the world has seen a growing number of epidemic events, about 200 per year, which strain limited resources. A large global pandemic would be disruptive to health, economies, and society. Economic studies show that pandemics could be the cause of an average annual economic loss of 0.7% of global GDP—or $570 billion.

Event 201, played by 15 leaders of businesses, governments, and public health, will illustrate realistic policy problems that must be addressed under pressure during a pandemic. At the video-driven exercise, players will be presented with a scenario that reveals unresolved and controversial policy and economic issues that could be solved with sufficient political will, financial investment, and attention.

In addition to challenging health and health systems, pandemics can cause severe cascading economic and societal consequences,” said Tom Inglesby, MD, director of the ...



Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, Weltwirtschaftsforum und Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation veranstalten Pandemiebereitschaftsübung mit Livestreaming

Betonung des dringenden Bedarfs an einer globalen öffentlich-privaten Zusammenarbeit zur Eindämmung schwerer weltweiter wirtschaftlicher und gesellschaftlicher Konsequenzen einer Pandemie.

October 16, 2019 09:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Das Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security veranstaltet zusammen mit dem Weltwirtschaftsforum und der Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation ein Event 201. Dabei handelt es sich um eine multimediale weltweite Pandemiebereitschaftsübung, die am Freitag, den 18. Oktober 2019 in New York stattfindet. Interessenten können sich anmelden und an der simultanen virtuellen Übung teilnehmen, die von 8:50 Uhr bis 12:30 EDT unter centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/ auf Englisch abgehalten wird. Die Bereitschaftsübung unterstreicht den Bedarf einer globalen öffentlich-privaten Zusammenarbeit zur Eindämmung wirtschaftlicher und gesellschaftlicher Konsequenzen von schweren Pandemien.

„Der Ausbruch von Infektionskrankheiten ist unvermeidlich, aber der davon verursachte wirtschaftliche Schaden kann vermieden werden“

In den vergangenen Jahren ist weltweit eine zunehmende Zahl an Epidemien aufgetreten, rund 200 pro Jahr, die eine Belastung begrenzter Ressourcen darstellen. Eine große globale Pandemie wäre mit ernsten Folgen für die Weltgesundheit, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft verbunden. Wirtschaftsstudien zufolge könnten Pandemien einen durchschnittlichen jährlichen wirtschaftlichen Verlust von 0,7 Prozent des weltweiten BSP bzw. 570 Milliarden US-Dollar verursachen.

Event 201veranschaulicht unter Mitwirkung von 15 Führungskräften aus dem Geschäftsleben, Regierungskreisen und dem öffentlichen Gesundheitswesen, realistische politische Probleme, die während einer Pandemie unter erhöhtem Druck zu bewältigen sind. In einer videobasierten Übung werden die Akteure mit einem Szenario konfrontiert, das ungelöste und umstrittene politische und wirtschaftliche Fragen aufdeckt, die mit einem ausreichenden politischen Willen, finanziellen Ressourcen und Sorgfalt behoben werden könnten.

„Zusätzlich zu der erheblichen Belastung der Gesundheit und des Gesundheitswesens können Pandemien auch schwere Kettenreaktionen wirtschaftlicher und gesellschaftlicher Konsequenzen nach sich ziehen“, erklärte ...

Die Bereitschaftsübung wird mit Mitteln aus dem „Open Philanthropy Project“ finanziert.

Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie unter:



Bill Gates downplays relationship with Jeffrey Epstein

Their ties come up again in a detailed New York Times story published Saturday that says the two met many times. Gates says Epstein misrepresented the nature of those meetings.

Michelle Meyers
October 13, 2019 12:49 PM PDT

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is playing down his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein following a lengthy New York Times article published Saturday that details their many meetings.

Gates publicly addressed his relationship with the late financier last month, days after The New Yorker reported that Epstein helped secure donations from several parties, including Gates. Gates told The Wall Street Journal then that he had meetings with Epstein, but only because of the convicted sex offender's connections to wealthy people. And he said he didn't have a business relationship or friendship with him.

Saturday's Times story, however, challenges that premise, saying that beginning in 2011, Gates "met with Mr. Epstein on numerous occasions -- including at least three times at Mr. Epstein's palatial Manhattan townhouse, ...



... :rolleyes: ... private Gesundheitsversorgung, Impfprogramm: ... W. Buffet, JP Morgen,ect. ...


Aufgedeckt: Menschenhandel in Kuwait leicht gemacht mit Facebook & Co. (Video)
6.11.2019 • 06:30 Uhr https://de.rt.com/20rj

Laut einer BBC-Recherche gibt es in Kuwait regen Onlinehandel mit Haushaltshilfen. Die Aktivitäten finden völlig legal auf der Facebook-Tochter Instagram statt. Dort kann man Frauen, zumeist von den Philippinen und aus Indonesien, ansehen, auf sie bieten und erwerben.

Auch nach Bekanntwerden dieses Handels wurde das kriminelle Treiben bisher nicht unterbunden. Es sind andere Themen, die im Silicon Valley Priorität genießen. Bei unliebsamen politischen oder vermeintlich sexuellen Äußerungen kennen die Technologie-Unternehmen keine Gnade. Waffen und islamistische Propaganda bleiben hingegen ebenso frei zugänglich wie ...

aus der Diskussion: Devils Tower vs Trump Tower
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): teecee1  (28.01.20 10:07:06)
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