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[posting]62538203[/posting](OpDis) A Public Request Related to Bill Gates
1/30/2020 10:47:00 PM Corruption, Disease, Eugenics, Health, Speculation, Vaccinations

A Public Request Related to Bill Gates

A Call to Action to All Investigative Journalists and Independent Researchers

January 30, 2020

Operation Disclosure | By Agatha Christie, Guest Writer

Attention: to all Patriot digital soldiers.

As people from nations around the world we can no longer pretend to trust agencies who claim protecting our children. PLEASE make this VIRAL and show what a ViRUS really does....Connect (asp) with groups of people, within a short time limit that this call will reach ALL INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISTS and INDEPENDENT RESEARCHERS: THIS IS A CALL TO ACTION.

The media has failed to properly investigate the Media Blackout on Bill & Melinda Gates’s House for possessing over 6000 Images of Child Porn ...

Join the open source investigation and follow @Schestowitz of techrights.org


Earlier this year, over 16,000 dead pigs were found floating in the Huangpu river, which supplies one in five Shanghai residents with drinking water. The pigs were dumped by farmers upstream in Jiaxing, a major pig-farming region in neighbouring Zhejiang province. A few weeks later, the same area saw the outbreak of a new bird flu virus, H7N9, which has so far killed 37 people.

Both examples show the dire effects of a farming industry run for profit: unsafe and over-crowded conditions, abuse of antibiotics and other chemicals. Researchers have uncovered abusive use of antibiotics in large quantities at major pig farms, with cocktails of drugs used. Some farmers feed organic arsenic to pigs as it makes them look pink and shiny, meaning more profits, despite the fact organic arsenic is a carcinogen!


Anyone with a basic knowledge of public health can testify that a combination of mind-boggling (non-) sanitation, plus strong germicides, plus other toxic chemicals routinely dumped in the feces lagoons, will cause human disease.

People at the CDC had to be well aware of this. ...


Vaccine Investigations

Robert Kennedy Jr helps Pres. Trump to referee families whose children have brain damaged (autism) or killed by vaccines!


Vaccine Preventable Diseases Spread Among the Vaccinated

The Council’s report found that the most highly vaccinated populations are also those with the greatest number of outbreaks for those same infectious diseases. This was especially the case for measles, mumps, rubella, polio and pertussis outbreaks. The US, Canada, the European Union, Australia and New Zealand, and Japan, each with the highest number of mandated vaccines; led the list of nations.

The Office of Medical and Scientific Justice…analyzed the report…(and offered) several possibilities to explain the report:

1) vaccines are increasingly becoming ineffective and causing “immune dysfunction,” and
2) “vaccine antigen responses” may be reprogramming viruses while weakening the immune systems of the most vaccinated individuals.


On Jan 15, 2020, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons filed a suit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. against Adam Schiff who has abused government power and infringed free-speech rights.

Rep. Schiff contacted Google, Facebook, and Amazon, to encourage them to de-platform or discredit what Schiff asserted to be inaccurate information on vaccines. He then posted the letters and press release on the House.gov website.

Schiff’s letter to Amazon dated Mar 1, 2019, Amazon removed the popular videos Vaxxed and Shoot ’Em Up: the Truth About Vaccines. Under a policy announced in May 2019, Twitter includes a pro-government disclaimer placed above search results for an AAPS article on vaccine mandates: “Know the Facts" and on Facebook, a search for an AAPS article on vaccines produces search results links to the World Health Organization (WHO), the National Institutes of Health, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


AAPS Sues Rep. Adam Schiff for Censoring ...

Under the First Amendment, Americans have the right to hear all sides of every issue and to make their own judgments about those issues without government interference or limitations. Content-based restrictions on speech are presumptively unconstitutional, and courts analyze such restrictions under strict scrutiny.”



The W.H.O. Just Prioritized $$ Over Human Life
194,537 views • Premiered Jan 30, 2020

As an aside, this is not the first time that WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has potentially not told the 'whole truth'. As The NY Times reports, he was accused in 2017 of covering up three cholera epidemics in his home country, Ethiopia, when he was health minister.



Coronavirus Contains "HIV Insertions", Stoking Fears Over Artificially Created Bioweapon

by Tyler Durden
Fri, 01/31/2020 - 17:35



Vir Biotech files for IPO to raise ~$134M
Sep. 30, 2019 2:45 PM ET|About: Vir Biotechnology, Inc. (VIR)|By: Liz Kiesche, SA News Editor

- Vir Biotechnology (VIR) files for an initial public offering of 7.14M its shares and estimates the IPO price of $20.00-$22.00 per share.

- Expects to grant greenshoe option for up to an additional 1.07M shares.

- Sees proceeds of $134M, based on the midpoint of the price range, or $154.9M if underwriters excise the over-allotment option in full.

- The company describes itself as a clinical-stage immunology company focused on combining immunologic insights with cutting-edge technologies to treat infectious diseases.

- Intends to use proceeds to fund R&D of product candidates and development programs.

- The company's current development pipeline consists of product candidates targeting hepatitis B virus, or HBV, influenza A, human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, and tuberculosis, or TB.

- VIR-2218, an HBV-targeting siRNA, is in an ongoing Phase 1/2 clinical trial and initial data have demonstrated substantial reduction of hepatitis B virus surface antigen, or HBsAg. Based on initial data, VIR-2218 has been generally well-tolerated. Additionally, Vir has initiated a Phase 1/2 clinical trial for VIR-2482, a monoclonal antibody, or mAb, designed for the prevention of influenza A.

- In addition, current grants from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will fund the manufacture and early clinical development of two other products, VIR-1111, an HIV T cell vaccine, and VIR-2020, a TB T cell vaccine.

- Now read: Vir Biotechnology Files U.S. NWO IPO Plan »[ /i]https://seekingalpha.com/news/3502681-vir-biotech-files-for-…


Traditionelle chinesische Medizin

Die Chinesische Medizin umfasst die heilkundliche Theorie und Praxis von der vormedizinischen Heilkunde des 1. Jahrtausends v. Chr. bis zur heutigen Medizin in China und in der Tradition chinesischer Heilkunde ausgeübter Heilverfahren weltweit.[1]

Als traditionelle chinesische Medizin, TCM oder chinesische Medizin (chinesisch 中醫 / 中医, Pinyin zhōngyī – „chinesische Medizin“)[2][3] wird jene Heilkunde bezeichnet, die sich in China seit mehr als 2000 Jahren entwickelt hat. Ihr ursprüngliches Verbreitungsgebiet umfasst den ostasiatischen Raum, insbesondere Vietnam, Korea und Japan. Auf dieser Grundlage entwickelten sich spezielle Varianten in diesen Ländern. Besonders bekannt ist die japanische Kampo-Medizin.[4]

Der Begriff zhōngyī (中醫 / 中医)[2][3] ist sowohl mit chinesische Medizin als auch TCM-Arzt übersetzbar. Die im Westen gebräuchliche Bezeichnung traditionelle chinesische Medizin, also TCM, ist im sprachlichen Gebrauch in China unüblich. Daher fehlt gewöhnlich im Chinesischen Ausdruck meist das Wort traditionell.

Zu den therapeutischen Verfahren der chinesischen Medizin zählen vor allem die ...



... \ud83d\udca9 ... gegen Dummheit wächst kein Kraut ... :keks: ...

aus der Diskussion: Vir Biotechnology applying multiple platforms to address public health risk from Wuhan coronavirus
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): teecee1  (01.02.20 13:38:24)
Beitrag: 7 von 33 (ID:62552609)
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