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[posting]63910739[/posting]Candace Owens: George Floyd was a Violent Criminal Felon
Thursday, June 4, 2020

Source: Natural News | By Mike Adams

Thursday, June 04, 2020

Candace Owens: George Floyd was a violent criminal felon, and racially-motivated police brutality against blacks is a fabricated media myth

Candace Owens, one of the most elucidating voices in black America, has declared she does not support George Floyd, whom she describes as a repeat felony criminal who carried out a multitude of violent crimes, including threatening a pregnant woman with a gun held to her torso. Floyd was sentenced to five years in prison for that armed robbery crime.

The lying corporate-controlled media doesn’t tell the public anything negative about George Floyd because he has to be shaped into a cultural hero in order to support the mass rioting now taking place across the country. So the media withholds the real facts about Floyd, including the fact that he was high on two different drugs (including fentanyl) at the time of his arrest.

While explaining that she does not in any way support the actions of the arresting officers who killed George Floyd, Candace Owens says that she also doesn’t support the black community making heroes out of its lowest criminals who are despicable human beings. No other race, she explains, chooses its most vile criminals and tries to transform them into heroes through media lies and propaganda. Only the black community does that, and the practice needs to stop, she says.

Black America has plenty of real heroes who are upstanding, successful, non-violent individuals. Owens asks why black America can’t honor its moral, ethical and law-abiding heroes instead of glorifying the lowest low-life scraped from the bottom of the heap of humanity.

Owens says she held back on releasing this video for several days due to the emotional environment surrounding the George Floyd murder and the left-wing riots.

Watch Candace Owens in this Brighteon.com video, and share everywhere you can:




"A Safe Space To Practice Aggression": Veritas Infiltrates Antifa 'Fight Club' In NYC

by Tyler Durden
Fri, 06/05/2020 - 10:30

One day after infiltrating the violent Rose City Antifa cell in Portland, Oregon, Project Veritas has done it again - this time in New York City, where an undercover journalist recorded the young radicals receiving martial arts instruction on fighting techniques for riots.

Operating out of "The Base Anarchist Political Center," Antifa fight instructor Chris describes how best to injure an opponent, giving them time to 'run away' or 'really put a beating on them if you want to make it personal.' ...

#EXPOSEANTIFA PART II: NYC Fight Club Training "Break one of the floating ribs..."
59,994 views • Jun 5, 2020

Project Veritas
498K subscribers



A. Fri. 5 June 8:04 am EDT Fleming’s Military Intel Contact:

6. The now 200 FBI Joint Terrorism Task Forces in the cities of this nation have been joining ATF and DEA agents finding and arresting over 3,000 Antifa criminal organizers for whom there was proof that AG Barr and DOJ have demonstrating that Deep State Democrats like Pelosi, Schumer, Maxine Waters, Kamala Harris and Deep State Republicans like Romney, etc have actually directed and coordinated these criminal Antifa organizers to spread violence and looting in multiple cities and states.

7. Mr. Fleming's source said, "I heard Trump signed off on some high level arrests Tues. night 2 June to make the Chinese happy. All seems to be pushing forward now."

8. There were nine countries which were still disconnected from the Deep State SWIFT system and would be transitioned by Sat. 6 June to the QFS digital ledgering system. These countries included North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, Argentina, Ecuador and three other countries. This too, has delayed our start this past week.

9. On Sat. 6 June an announcement was expected about Mass Arrests including 3,000 of those believed connected to terrorists groups. The announcement could contain a possible nationwide shutdown stay-at-home order for two weeks.

10. Contrary to some concerns that globalist NWO Deep State leaders like Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, Prince Charles and the IMF were controlling the GCR / RV release, this was not true. Trump, Xi and Putin were controlling the GCR release happening NOW and not in 2021.

11. Trump was not a NWO globalist and that the WEF was only riding the coat-tails of the Alliance, Trump, Putin and the Chinese pushing out the RV right now. The Deep State would never be in control of the GCR release, but only Trump, DoD and the Alliance.

12. Trump, DOJ and DoD would make public the arrest of the Obamagate Deep State criminals in due time when the DoD and Trump agreed it was the right time and the right way to do so in a way that avoided repeat of the Deep State directed Antifa riots that devastated our cities over the past two weeks.

13. There was a Military Plan being followed. QAnon, who represented the Military behind Trump, has been hinting at that Plan all along to bring down the Deep State Swamp. ...



Freitag, 5. Juni 2020
X-22 Report vom 4.6.2020 - Terroristen wurden überwacht - Im Moment der Zerstörung werden die Menschen den Willen zur Veränderung finden - Episode 2191b

Übersetzung von Dirk Dietrich* und dem Team von QlobalChance.

Der Deep State, die Massenmedien und die Demokraten, sie brauchen diese Unruhen. Die Bürgermeister der Städte, in denen die schwersten Ausschreitungen stattfinden, gehören alle zu den Demokraten, und sie tun nichts, um die Lage zu entschärfen. Im Gegenteil, sie befeuern die Chaoten sogar noch. Dabei geht es natürlich nicht um George Floyd, es geht ihnen um Chaos, Zerstörung und Angst. Und dass sie daraus die Kontrolle wiedererlangen können, denn ihre Corona-Veranstaltung ist fürs Erste gescheitert. Und sie wollen Trump stürzen. Sie waren schon auf dem Weg ins Weiße Haus. Glaubst Du wirklich, dass sie dort nur friedlich demonstrieren wollten? Nein, sie wollten das Weiße Haus stürmen. Sie wollten dort eindringen, vielleicht sogar das Weiße Haus in Brand stecken. Und warum? Weil wir über den tiefen Staat sprechen. Wir reden davon, dass sie um jeden Preis die Kontrolle zurückgewinnen wollen. Und deshalb glaube ich, dass sie von der Pandemie bis zu den Wahlen ein Ereignis nach dem anderen inszenieren werden. Q hat uns gesagt, der einzige Weg nach vorn sei jetzt das Militär. Es geht nicht darum, die einfachen kleinen Demonstranten da draußen aufzuhalten oder sie in Schach zu halten. Es geht darum, das Land jetzt vor dem tiefen Staat zu schützen, weil es denen egal ist, wen und wie viele sie verletzen. Es ist ihnen egal, was sie zerstören. Es ist ihnen gleichgültig.

Lasst uns heute einsteigen bei Minute 9:34.


Kommen wir zu den aktuellen Q-Posts.

Post 4399 https://qmap.pub/read/4399

Q gibt uns einen Twitterlink zu Eric Schmidt:

"In einer erstaunlichen Entwicklung hat unser Büro erfahren, dass jeder einzelne der in St. Louis verhafteten Plünderer und Randalierer von der örtlichen Staatsanwältin Kim Gardner wieder auf die Straße entlassen wurde."

Q sagt:

Sichere Zone(n) bekannt.Koordiniert.Q

---Und wir können die sicheren Zonen sehen, wo die Antifa sich ungestört austoben kann. Natürlich können wir auch sehen, wo sie sich befinden. Q, die Trump-Regierung, Generalstaatsanwalt Bill Barr, das FBI, sie alle wissen viel mehr, aber wir können es auch mit unseren eigenen Augen sehen.

"Der amtierende Leiter des Heimatschutzes Tschad Wolf sagte, dass Bundesbeamte der Strafverfolgungsbehörden Verfahren gegen Führer der Antifa und anderer Organisationen eröffnet haben, von denen angenommen wird, dass sie hinter den gewalttätigen Ausschreitungen stecken, die die Innenstädte des Landes heimsuchen." ...

1. ... \ud83c\udf85 ... autonomes Fahren ... vs ... autonomes Strafverfahren ... 4G ... 5G ... Bewegungsprotokoll ... toll ... TESLA ... Autopilot ... kraaachhh ...

2. ... QFS Blockchain ... The digital processing is done by the QFS, the quantum financial system. ...



Rinus Verhagen: Repairing a Broken System
6/04/2020 10:33:00 PM NESARA, News

By Rinus Verhagen
June 4, 2020

The old CABAL system cannot be repaired, it will have to be replaced.

To replace the system, a script called NESARA has been written.

National Economic Security and Reform Act.

Since this applies to all connected countries, it is called GESARA.

Global Economic Security and Reform Act.

I dedicate this article to those people who have a lot of questions, and feel that the un is not good, they are worried.

Some people who think they are awake lack background information.

The world's population is about to be freed from Cabal fascism.

The metaphor captured in the image already shows many correlations of the Deep State structure.

The power structure that has been built up over the centuries is now rapidly being dismantled in order to carry out the transition according to the script of NESARA / GESARA.

Most people now know that the Fiat Money system is a debt slave system, where money is created out of nothing, provided that the money is paid back with interest.

So there is nothing, they type in a number, and have an agreement signed to repay the money that never existed, and pay it back with interest for the service and goodwill of the crooks.

If such a system is used long enough, the interest on interest can never be paid back.

For repaying loans with new loans and interest has systematically plundered the population, with the help of the governments, who have been appointed as slave-drivers to suck the population out of their labour energy.

With the Banker in the cart, the population is strained to try to grab a sausage, as a 30-year mortgage.

In this way, the strength and energy in your life is extracted to serve the 1% as a slave.

The old Fiat fractional banker system with the SWIFT payment protocol Secure File Transfer Protocol, was linked to the central and commercial banks that were conjure up money out of nowhere for a very long time.

In the run-up to GESARA this SWIFT system has been disconnected from the Cabal Banks as of 1 June 2020.

Instead, the CIPS protocol is now in operation, Cross-border Inter Pay System.

The FED, IMF and World Bank infrastructure has been replaced by The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) which works with the CIPS system.

The digital processing is done by the QFS, the quantum financial system.



We've already read that in Austria, the SWIFT system has been disconnected from the Cabal.

This means that there can no longer be abused by banks with the accounts and assets of their customers. ...

In the QFS BOX, all transactions are processed in the accounts, with the various connected accounts increasing or decreasing in digital value, this is recorded transparently, and criminal actions or laundering of drugs, weapons, or human trafficking funds are immediately blocked and frozen. ...

The MONOPOLY game forced upon us is now changing.

In this adapted Patriot Edition, the awakening population can see the reality and the course of the transition, which the dormant population is now facing in the transition phase. ...

aus der Diskussion: Devils Tower vs Trump Tower
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): teecee1  (05.06.20 19:21:03)
Beitrag: 868 von 972 (ID:63918416)
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