
    MATTHEWS (905720, MATW) - alles für den Tod - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 08.05.07 07:45:45 von
    neuester Beitrag 14.11.08 07:07:50 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 08.05.07 07:45:45
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()

      ich bin gestern bei MATTHEWS International eingestiegen, einer US-Firma, die ihr Geld mit dem Tod verdient.
      MATW (an der Nasdq notiert) ist der Weltmarktführer bei allem, was man zur Beerdigung von Menschen und Tieren braucht. Wenn es eine Branche gibt, die konjunkturresistent ist, dann wohl diese! Gestorben wird immer. Das mag für den einen oder anderen makaber sein (außer für Gruftis...:laugh:), sein geld in so eine Firma zu stecken, jedoch gehört auch der Tod zum Leben. ich habe damit kein Problem.
      Matthews steht als Firma bestens da, keine Verschuldung hoher cashflow, ein Aktienrückkaufprogramm läuft, Expansion weltweit. Zudem ist die Aktie fair bewertet. Die Dividendenrendite ist mit 1% mager, aber das stört mich nicht. Wenn sie mit ihrem cash weiterhin Aktien zurückkaufen oder investieren, ist mir das lieber. Es wird in den nächsten 5 Jahren ein Wachstum von rd. 13 - 15% per anno prognostiziert, das KGV 2008 liegt bei 16.

      Hier ein link zur website des Unternehmens mit einem Überblick:

      Hier der Langfristchartseit 1995, da war Erstnotierung (sieht gut aus, keine Frage!):

      schrieb am 09.05.07 09:43:42
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Daher gabs letzten auch mal den 6%igen Kurssprung:

      Matthews to Join S&P MidCap 400 Index
      Wednesday April 25, 6:20 pm ET
      Matthews International to Replace Swift Transportation on S&P MidCap 400 Index

      NEW YORK (AP) -- Standard & Poor's said Wednesday memorial maker Matthews International Corp. will replace freight carrier Swift Transportation Co. in the S&P MidCap 400 index.
      Swift Transportation is being acquired by its former chairman and chief executive Jerry Moyers.

      The date of the change has yet to be announced.

      Matthews International shares rose $2.10, or 5.1 percent, to $42.99 in electronic after-hours trading. During regular hours, the shares fell 21 cents to end at $40.89.

      Swift Transportation shares rose 10 cents to close at $31.14.

      Both stocks trade on the Nasdaq Stock Market.
      schrieb am 11.05.07 10:51:47
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Hab mich wegen deiner Aktivitäten bei BB hierher bewegt.

      Auf den 1. Blick ein gutes Unternehmen. Aber wäre mir bei EK-Renditen um ca. 18 %, welche auch noch über die Jahre ganz langsam zurückgehen zu einer Gewinnrendite um die 5 % (KGV=20) deutlich zu teuer.
      Von daher habe ich mir das Unternehmen nicht näher betrachtet.
      schrieb am 11.05.07 11:05:07
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.265.555 von iwiw am 11.05.07 10:51:47Danke iwiw für Deinen Beitrag. Ja, kann Deine Einwände schon verstehen. Qualität hat eben ihren Preis. MATW wächst unheimlich konstant, zudem schuldenfrei und einen guten cashflow.
      Mir gefällt eben auch die Sparte. In den nächsten jahren könnte es sich auszahlen in solchen Branchen, die konjunkturresistent sind, investierzt zu sein. Die Zykliker haben ihre besten zeiten gesehen, da ist irgendwann mit ner Korrektur zu rechnen, insbesondere in Deutschland.

      Gruss space
      schrieb am 11.05.07 11:10:56
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Gestern MATW übrigens 1,6% im Plus an der Nasdaq an diesem schwachen tag...
      Gruss space

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1480EUR +0,68 %
      Kennen wir bei East Africa bislang nur die Spitze des Goldberges?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 11.05.07 11:19:28
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.265.555 von iwiw am 11.05.07 10:51:47iwiw, wenn Du Unternehmen suchst, in die man investieren kann, dann schau mal beim Thread Thread: Gewinnerbranchen der Jahre 2006 bis 2040v vorbei. Da stellen wir so viele Unternehmen vor, dass man schon Geld dafür verlangen sollte....
      Gruss space
      schrieb am 11.05.07 11:50:38
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.266.071 von spaceistheplace am 11.05.07 11:19:28@spaceistheplace:

      Danke für den Hinweis. Kannte ich aber schon. Finde ich mehr durchwachsen, wobei einige wirklich sehr interessanten Beiträge dabei sind. Ich denke das Problem ist momentan dass viele gute Unternehmen einigermaßen fair bewertet sind, aber absolut keinerleit Frust im Markt, so dass es keine Schnäppchen gibt. Genaugenommen bin ich nur an attraktiven Werten zu wirklich attraktiven Kursen interessiert und versuche "nur" faire Einstiegskurse zu vermeiden.

      Interessant finde ich deine Einstellung zu USA und USD. Zwar haben wir hier keine Übereinstimmung, aber bei vielen Werten hat sich in den USA seit 2000 eine mittlerweile einigermaßen faire Bewertung eingestellt. Kann gut sein, dass bei einer Enttäuschung über die US-Konjunktur ganz schnell gerade dort einer der attraktivsten Märkte entsteht. Wäre sehr zu wünschen. Mit mehr oder weniger Exportanteil kann man auch ziemlich interessante Währungsabsicherungen nachbilden.
      schrieb am 11.05.07 12:01:34
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.266.664 von iwiw am 11.05.07 11:50:38ja iwiw, ich sehe den US-Markt und da besonders die großen Multis wie GE, JNJ oder auch eine Medtronic für rel günstig bewertet an. Auch der cashflow ist z.T. hervorragend. Für mich eine der wichtigsten Größen, denn der cashflow kann kaum manipuliert werden wie andere kennzahlen.
      Zudem der Dollar, der könnte ne Renaissance erfahren in der nächsten zeit, denn der Euro ist für mich klar überbewertet, auch bei vielen DAX-Unternehmen und insbesondere MDAX-Werten ist es einfach schon zu gut gelaufen. Kommt es zu ner Korrektur in der nächasten zeit, wird der DAX doppelt so stark leiden wie der S&P, da mach ich ne Wette. Zudem könnte dann sogar noch der Dollar positiv wirken.

      Gruss space
      schrieb am 11.05.07 12:43:14
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.266.857 von spaceistheplace am 11.05.07 12:01:34Habe nochmal etwas in dem von dir empfohlenen thread gelesen. Auszugsweise ist der doch recht ok.

      Komme die nächste Woche nicht dazu, aber du wirst mir nachsehen dass ich mir noch etwas ansehe was du so treibst. Was ich bisher gesehen habe scheinst du tatsächlich längerfristig zu investieren und gute Unternehmen zu selektieren.

      Offenbar bin ich bei den Einstiegsbewertungen anspruchsvoller als du (was klar auch seine Nachteile hat - wie alles 2 Seiten), aber die Art der Unternehmen (auch der Hinweis auf CF gefiel mir) die du auswählst würde ich auf den 1. Blick auch nicht "von der Bettkante werfen".

      Genauso interessant welche Unternehmen gewählt werden ist für mich die Methodik und die Hilfsmittel.
      schrieb am 11.05.07 13:13:36
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.267.540 von iwiw am 11.05.07 12:43:14Offenbar bin ich bei den Einstiegsbewertungen anspruchsvoller als du (was klar auch seine Nachteile hat - wie alles 2 Seiten), aber die Art der Unternehmen (auch der Hinweis auf CF gefiel mir) die du auswählst würde ich auf den 1. Blick auch nicht "von der Bettkante werfen".

      danke iwiw für Deinen Zuspruch. Ja klar kein Problem weiter achzuforschen. Auch Deine Beiträge im BB-Thread finde ich sehr gut, fundiert und von großem Sachverstand und Erfahrung geprägt.
      Ja, ich bin zum Großteil meines Depots Langfristinvestor. Für mich spielt der Einstiegszeitpunkt nicht so ne große Rolle bei den von mir favorisierten Titeln. Wenn man über jahre investiert ist, spielen 20% höher oder tiefer nicht die große Rolle. Zudem steigt man vielleicht nicht ein, weil man niedrigere Kurse haben will und dann läuft das teil und muss höheren Kursen hinterherrennen.
      Klar ist es schön, wenn man "billig" rein kommt. Aber meist gelingt es nicht und bleibt dann womöglich außen vor, was viel schlimmer ist.
      Schau Dir die langfristcharts von Stryker, Gilead oder Bank of Nova Scotia an, die waren nie billig zu haben, da musste man meist zum Höchstkurs zugreifen. ne 20% ige Korrektur gabs da kaum, nicht mal im Crash.

      Okay, so long, machs gut
      Gruss space
      schrieb am 25.05.07 12:32:53
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Hallo zusammen,

      ich melde mich jetzt schon mal für 2 Wochen ab, ich bin ab Morgen mal in Urlaub nach dem ganzen Börsenstreß und werde keinen Zugriff auf WO oder auch mein Depot haben. Ich habe auch keinerlei stop-losses oder so ein Zeugs gemacht, warum auch....
      Also machts gut, bis dann...

      Gruss space
      schrieb am 12.06.07 09:48:23
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Hallo zusammen, ich bin wieder zurück vom Urlaub und ich sehe, dass nix groß passiert ist die 2 Wochen.

      Werde die tage mal die Nachrichtenlage durchkämmen, ob ich noch was Interessantes finde.

      Gruss und bis bald
      schrieb am 15.06.07 12:33:35
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      hier eine bißchen ältere Meldung, aber interessant, was das Aktienrückkaufprogramm angeht. Ohne cashflow ist sowas natürlich nicht möglich...

      Gruss space

      20.04.2007 14:40
      Matthews International Corporation Announces Continuation of Its Stock Repurchase Program

      PITTSBURGH, April 20 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Matthews International Corporation (Nachrichten) announced today that its Board of Directors approved a continuation of the Company's stock repurchase program. Previously, on five separate occasions, the Board had approved repurchasing a total of ten million shares, or two million shares for each authorization. Approximately 500,000 shares remain to be purchased under the most recent of these authorizations (April 2004). The new authorization allows Matthews to purchase up to an additional 2,500,000 shares of the Company's common stock, extending the total authorization to 12,500,000 shares.

      Joseph C. Bartolacci, President and Chief Executive Officer, stated that, "The repurchase program continues to be important element in the Company's fiscal management. Given the current value of Matthews common stock, the Company's consistent financial performance, and our long-term earnings growth outlook, we believe the program is an effective use of the Company's financial resources."

      The repurchase program is designed to increase shareholder value, enlarge the Company's holdings of its common stock, and add to earnings per share. Repurchased shares may be retained in treasury, utilized for acquisitions, or reissued to employees or other purchasers. Since the inception of this program, the Company has purchased approximately 22 percent of its total outstanding shares.

      Matthews International Corporation, headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is a designer, manufacturer and marketer principally of memorialization products and brand solutions. Memorialization products consist primarily of bronze memorials and other memorialization products, caskets and cremation equipment for the cemetery and funeral home industries. Brand solutions include graphics imaging products and services, marking products, and merchandising solutions. The Company's products and services include cast bronze memorials and other memorialization products; caskets; cast and etched architectural products; cremation equipment and cremation-related products; mausoleums; brand management, printing plates, pre-press services, and imaging systems for the primary packaging and corrugated industries; marking equipment and consumables, and industrial automation products for identifying, tracking and conveying various consumer and industrial products, components and packaging containers; and merchandising display systems and marketing and design services.
      schrieb am 19.07.07 19:38:59
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      aktuelle Quartalszahlen, im Rahmen der Erwartungen:

      Matthews International Announces Third Quarter Earnings Release and Declares Quarterly Dividend

      Last Update: 12:27 PM ET Jul 19, 2007

      PITTSBURGH, July 19, 2007 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- Matthews International Corporation (MATW : Matthews International Corp
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      Last: 44.61-0.03-0.07%

      1:22pm 07/19/2007

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      MATW44.61, -0.03, -0.1%) today announced earnings for the third fiscal quarter ended June 30, 2007. Net income for the quarter was $12.0 million versus $17.7 million for the same quarter last year. Earnings per share for the third quarter of fiscal 2007 were $0.38. The results of the fiscal 2007 third quarter were unfavorably impacted by special charges totaling $10.7 million, or $0.21 per share. These special charges principally included the acceleration of earnout payments and related costs in the resolution of employment agreements from the acquisition of Milso Industries. Special charges for the current quarter also included severance and other costs related to restructuring activities in several of the company's businesses. Earnings per share for the fiscal 2006 third quarter were $0.55. Sales in the quarter were $185.5 million, compared to $181.8 million a year ago.
      Net income for the nine months ended June 30, 2007 was $44.5 million, compared to $47.5 million for the same period last year. Earnings per share for the first nine months of fiscal 2007 were $1.40. Special charges for the first nine months of fiscal 2007 totaled $12.9 million, or $0.25 per share. Earnings per share for the first nine months of fiscal 2006 were $1.47. Sales for the nine months ended June 30, 2007 increase 5.8 percent to $563.9 million, compared to $533.0 million a year ago.
      In discussing the financial results for the quarter and nine months ended June 30, 2007, Joseph C. Bartolacci, President and Chief Executive Officer, stated:
      "As we cautioned in the discussion of our results last quarter, the fiscal 2007 third quarter proved to be extremely challenging. While the transition resulting from the expiration of the contract with our largest independent casket distributor has been progressing steadily, the pace has been a little slower than initially anticipated. In addition, other segments of the Company's business experienced softness in their markets, particularly the North American and U.K. Graphics businesses and the Merchandising Solutions segment. To address these challenges, the Company took certain restructuring actions in several of its businesses with the objective of improving margins going forward. The most significant of these initiatives was taken in our U.K. Graphics operations to better align its cost structure with its level of sales. We also implemented actions in our Casket, North American Graphics and Merchandising Solutions businesses to improve their cost structures."
      Mr. Bartolacci further stated, "For the first nine months of fiscal 2007, the Company's earnings excluding special charges were within the guidance range we provided early in the fiscal year and within our long-term growth objectives. At present, we are expecting some of the recent softness in our businesses to continue into the fourth quarter. As a result, we are currently projecting earnings for the fiscal 2007 fourth quarter in the range of $0.55 per share to $0.58 per share. As we look forward into fiscal 2008, our current estimates continue to project growth within our long-term objective of 12 percent to 15 percent."
      The Board of Directors of Matthews International Corporation also declared at its regularly scheduled meeting today a dividend of $0.055 per share on the Company's common stock for the quarter ended June 30, 2007. The dividend is payable August 14, 2007 to stockholders of record July 31, 2007.
      Matthews International Corporation, headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is a designer, manufacturer and marketer principally of memorialization products and brand solutions. Memorialization products consist primarily of bronze memorials and other memorialization products, caskets and cremation equipment for the cemetery and funeral home industries. Brand solutions include graphics imaging products and services, marking products, and merchandising solutions. The Company's products and services include cast bronze memorials and other memorialization products; caskets; cast and etched architectural products; cremation equipment and cremation- related products; mausoleums; brand management, printing plates, pre-press and imaging services for the primary packaging and corrugated industries; marking and coding equipment and consumables, and industrial automation products for identifying, tracking and conveying various consumer and industrial products, components and packaging containers; and merchandising display systems and marketing and design services.

      (In Thousands, except Share Data)

      Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended
      6/30/06 6/30/07 6/30/06 6/30/07
      Sales $181,804 $185,477 $532,981 $563,880
      Operating Profit 30,523 21,129 82,002 76,958
      Income before Taxes 28,375 19,277 76,066 71,315
      Income Taxes 10,669 7,248 28,601 26,814
      Net Income $17,706 $12,029 $47,465 $44,501
      Earnings per Share * $0.55 $0.38 $1.47 $1.40
      Weighted Average
      Shares 32,295,130 31,715,590 32,332,168 31,853,637

      * Earnings per share for the quarter and nine months ended June 30, 2007 included special charges of $0.21 per share and $0.25 per share, respectively.
      Any forward-looking statements contained in this release are included pursuant to the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause the Company's actual results in future periods to be materially different from management's expectations. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, no assurance can be given that such expectations will prove correct. Factors that could cause the Company's results to differ materially from the results discussed in such forward-looking statements principally include economic, competitive, and technological factors beyond the Company's control.
      Contact: Steven F. Nicola
      schrieb am 19.07.07 19:44:02
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.765.198 von spaceistheplace am 19.07.07 19:38:59und noch der Ausblick:

      Matthews International Issues 4Q Outlook
      Thursday July 19, 1:09 pm ET
      Matthews International Issues 4Q Outlook, Cites Continuing Softness in Market

      PITTSBURGH (AP) -- Memorial maker Matthews International Corp. on Thursday reported a steep drop in third-quarter earnings and expects softness in its businesses to continue into the fourth quarter.
      The company expects fourth-quarter earnings of between 55 cents and 58 cents per share, compared with 59 cents per share in the year-ago period.

      Matthews reported third-quarter net income of $12 million, or 38 cents per share, compared with $17.7 million, or 55 cents per share, last year. The recent period's results included $10.7 million, or 21 cents per share, in charges mostly from accelerated payments and related costs in the resolution of employment agreements from the acquisition of Milso Industries.

      Sales rose to $185.5 million from $181.8 million.

      Shares of Matthews fell 32 cents to $25.28 in afternoon trading.
      schrieb am 23.07.07 15:32:19
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Matthews International Announces Settlement Agreement with Yorktowne Caskets, Inc.

      Last Update: 8:53 AM ET Jul 23, 2007

      PITTSBURGH, July 23, 2007 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- Matthews International Corporation announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, The York Group, Inc. ("York"), reached a settlement agreement after the close of business on July 20, 2007 with Yorktowne Caskets, Inc. and its shareholders ("Yorktowne") with respect to all outstanding litigation between the parties. In exchange for the mutual release, the principal terms of the settlement include the assignment by Yorktowne of certain customer and employment-related contracts to York and the purchase by York of certain assets of Yorktowne. Specific financial terms of the settlement were not disclosed.
      Joseph C. Bartolacci, President and Chief Executive Officer of Matthews International Corporation, stated: "We are pleased to have reached this agreement with Yorktowne. In addition to ending this dispute between our two organizations, which have a long-standing relationship, this settlement will allow customers in the Yorktowne territory to continue to have uninterrupted access to the York product line."
      Matthews International Corporation, headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is a designer, manufacturer and marketer principally of memorialization products and brand solutions. Memorialization products consist primarily of bronze memorials and other memorialization products, caskets and cremation equipment for the cemetery and funeral home industries. Brand solutions include graphics imaging products and services, marking products, and merchandising solutions. The Company's products and services include cast bronze memorials and other memorialization products; caskets; cast and etched architectural products; cremation equipment and cremation- related products; mausoleums; brand management, printing plates, pre-press and imaging services for the primary packaging and corrugated industries; marking and coding equipment and consumables, and industrial automation products for identifying, tracking and conveying various consumer and industrial products, components and packaging containers; and merchandising display systems and marketing and design services.
      SOURCE Matthews International Corporation
      schrieb am 14.08.07 10:36:21
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Ein Wahnsinn die Volatilität in Matthews die letzten tage, als wäre es ein pennystock. Bald 10%ige Sprünge täglich, jedoch keine Nachrichten etc. pp., die das begründen könnten. Eine Wahnsinns Hektik ist gerade im US-markt auch in anderen Werten.
      Fallen sie noch mal auf 38 dollar, stocke ich auf.

      Gruss space
      schrieb am 15.10.07 17:43:12
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Mark Headley Assumes Role as Chief Investment Officer at Matthews International Capital Management

      Last Update: 11:00 AM ET Oct 15, 2007
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      SAN FRANCISCO, Oct 15, 2007 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Matthews International Capital Management, LLC, advisor to the Matthews Asian Funds, recently announced that Mark W. Headley has been appointed the firm's Chief Investment Officer. G. Paul Matthews, who has served as Chief Investment Officer since he founded the firm in 1991, will remain the firm's Chairman and a portfolio manager.
      "Mark has played a key role in our company's growth and done an outstanding job--most recently as Chief Executive Officer--but also as a portfolio manager," said Matthews. "I believe that Mark is ideally equipped to lead our growing team of investment professionals and guide our investment process." In addition to his new role as CIO, Headley is the lead portfolio manager of the Matthews Pacific Tiger Fund and Matthews Korea Fund.
      Headley's appointment as CIO is one of a number of recent changes at Matthews intended to strengthen and broaden the company's management team as it continues to participate in the ongoing evolution of Asia's financial markets. Matthews recently announced that William J. Guilfoyle joined the firm as Co-Chief Executive Officer to enable Headley to devote his time to managing portfolios and the investment team, while continuing as Co-CEO. Guilfoyle's appointment as Co-CEO was also designed to complement the addition of William J. Hackett who joined the company as President earlier this year.
      "This expanded management team will enable Matthews to further enhance our overall capabilities as we strive to create value for our clients through Asia's continued economic growth," added Matthews.
      Since its inception in 1991, Matthews International Capital Management, LLC has focused solely on investing in Asia and as of September 30, 2007 managed more than $12 billion in assets. Matthews is the investment advisor to the nine no-load Matthews Asian Funds. For more information please visit
      Investing in foreign securities may involve certain additional risks, including exchange-rate fluctuations, less liquidity, greater volatility and less regulation. Single-country and sector funds may be subject to a higher degree of market risk than diversified funds because of concentration in a specific sector or geographic region.
      You should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the Matthews Asian Funds carefully before making an investment decision. A prospectus with this information and other information about the Funds may be obtained by calling 1-800-789-ASIA or by visiting Please read the prospectus carefully before investing as it explains the risks associated with investing in international markets.
      Matthews Asian Funds are distributed by PFPC Distributors, Inc.
      SOURCE: Matthews International Capital Management, LLC
      schrieb am 18.10.07 16:56:49
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Matthews International Corporation Increases Quarterly Dividend

      Last Update: 10:27 AM ET Oct 18, 2007
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      PITTSBURGH, Oct 18, 2007 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- The Board of Directors of Matthews International Corporation (MATW:
      Matthews International Corp
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      Last: 44.35+0.20+0.45%
      10:40am 10/18/2007
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      MATW 44.35, +0.20, +0.5%) today declared a quarterly dividend of $0.06 per share on the Company's common stock. The quarterly dividend has been increased one-half cent per share (9.1%) from $0.055 to $0.06. The dividend is payable November 14, 2007 to stockholders of record October 31, 2007.
      Joseph C. Bartolacci, President and Chief Executive Officer, stated, "The dividend increase is a result of our confidence in the Company's growth outlook and is a reflection of our solid cash flow and financial position." Mr. Bartolacci reported that Matthews has increased its dividend every year since becoming a publicly traded stock in July 1994.
      Matthews International Corporation, headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is a designer, manufacturer and marketer principally of memorialization products and brand solutions. Memorialization products consist primarily of bronze memorials and other memorialization products, caskets and cremation equipment for the cemetery and funeral home industries. Brand solutions include graphics imaging products and services, marking products, and merchandising solutions. The Company's products and services include cast bronze memorials and other memorialization products; caskets; cast and etched architectural products; cremation equipment and cremation-related products; mausoleums; brand management, printing plates, pre-press and imaging services for the primary packaging and corrugated industries; marking and coding equipment and consumables, and industrial automation products for identifying, tracking and conveying various consumer and industrial products, components and packaging containers; and merchandising display systems and marketing and design services.
      SOURCE Matthews International Corporation
      schrieb am 14.11.07 07:24:36
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      hier die aktuellem MATW-Zahlen von gestern, waren ganz okay.

      Matthews International Announces Earnings for Fiscal 2007

      Last Update: 2:17 PM ET Nov 13, 2007
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      PITTSBURGH, Nov 13, 2007 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- Matthews International Corporation (MATW:
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      MATW, , ) today announced financial results for the fourth quarter and fiscal year ended September 30, 2007. For the fiscal 2007 fourth quarter, net income was $20,225,000, or $0.64 per share, compared to $18,979,000 or $0.59 per share for the fourth quarter a year ago. Sales in the fiscal 2007 fourth quarter were $185,472,000 compared to $182,910,000 in the same quarter last year. Operating profit for the quarter ended September 30, 2007 was $34,866,000 versus $31,882,000 for the fiscal 2006 fourth quarter. Operating profit for the fiscal 2007 fourth quarter was favorably impacted by unusual items of approximately $4.1 million ($0.08 per share net of tax), representing proceeds received (net of legal costs incurred) in connection with the settlement of certain litigation within the Company's casket segment and a gain on the sale of the Company's marketing consultancy business, which was a small operation within the Merchandising Solutions segment. Operating profit for the fiscal 2006 fourth quarter was favorably impacted by unusual items of approximately $1.0 million ($0.04 per share net of tax), representing a gain on the sale of a facility offset partially by certain asset impairments and related costs.
      For the year ended September 30, 2007, the Company reported net income of $64,726,000 compared to $66,444,000 for fiscal 2006. Earnings per share for fiscal 2007 were $2.04 per share, compared to $2.06 per share for fiscal 2006. The results for fiscal 2007 were impacted by unusual items, which had a net unfavorable pre-tax effect of $8.8 million ($0.17 per share net of tax). Fiscal 2007 unusual items included the net favorable impact of the fiscal 2007 fourth quarter matters noted above and special charges recorded earlier in the fiscal year. These special charges principally included costs incurred in the resolution of earn-out payments under the employment agreements in connection with the 2005 acquisition of Milso Industries and severance and other expenses associated with cost structure initiatives in several of the Company's businesses. Earnings for fiscal 2006 were favorably impacted by the unusual items noted above in the pre-tax amount of approximately $1.0 million ($0.04 per share net of tax). Sales for the year ended September 30, 2007 were $749,352,000, compared to sales of $715,891,000 in fiscal 2006. Operating profit for fiscal 2007 was $111,824,000, compared to $113,884,000 a year ago.
      Joseph C. Bartolacci, President and Chief Executive Officer, stated: "Excluding unusual items, the Company's consolidated results for the fiscal 2007 fourth quarter were within our targeted range. On an adjusted basis for the fourth quarters of both fiscal 2007 and 2006, our results for the current period were slightly ahead of a year ago. Operating profit for the current quarter improved over a year ago in the Bronze, Graphics Imaging and Marking Products segments, which was offset by declines in our Casket and Merchandising Solutions businesses. However, the declines were expected in both of these segments as a result of the continued transition in the territory served by Yorktowne Caskets, Inc. and the impact of a reduction in volume in our Merchandising Solutions business.
      For the year, we were generally satisfied with our consolidated operating results, in light of the challenges in several of our businesses. Despite these issues, our earnings were still higher than last year on an adjusted basis for both periods, although not quite at the level of our long-term growth objectives. Further, excluding unusual items, all of our business segments reported operating profit improvement over fiscal 2006. Our Bronze Division continued to generate improved profits, despite the continued escalation in bronze ingot costs, and our Casket Division reported higher operating results as well, excluding the one-time charges. The Merchandising Solutions and Marking Products businesses also reported improved year-over-year earnings, principally as a result of higher sales."
      Mr. Bartolacci further stated: "Fiscal 2007 can certainly be characterized as a period of transition for the Company. Importantly, we believe all of our businesses are evolving in the right direction. The recent transition of distribution strategy in several territories of our Casket Division has been challenging, but we are now better positioned for growth in this segment's profitability. Additionally, our recent cost structure initiatives in the Graphics Imaging and Merchandising Solutions segments should also allow us to achieve improved margins in fiscal 2008. As such, I remain encouraged about our ability to achieve our growth objectives in fiscal 2008 and, as a result, we are currently projecting earnings per share in the range of $2.48 to $2.54, which represents growth in the 12% to 15% range over our fiscal 2007 results on an adjusted basis. Please note that this projection also excludes the impact of unusual items, if any, which may occur in fiscal 2008."
      Matthews International Corporation, headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is a designer, manufacturer and marketer principally of memorialization products and brand solutions. Memorialization products consist primarily of bronze memorials and other memorialization products, caskets and cremation equipment for the cemetery and funeral home industries. Brand solutions include graphics imaging products and services, marking products, and merchandising solutions. The Company's products and services include cast bronze memorials and other memorialization products; caskets; cast and etched architectural products; cremation equipment and cremation-related products; mausoleums; printing plates, pre-press services and imaging systems for the corrugated and primary packaging industries; marking equipment and consumables, and industrial automation products for identifying, tracking and conveying various consumer and industrial products, components and packaging containers; and merchandising display systems and marketing and design services.




      (In Thousands, except Share Data)

      Three Months Ended Year Ended
      9/30/07 9/30/06 9/30/07 9/30/06

      Sales $185,472 $182,910 $749,352 $715,891
      Operating Profit 34,866 31,882 111,824 113,884
      Income before Taxes 32,401 29,342 103,716 105,408
      Income Taxes 12,176 10,363 38,990 38,964
      Net Income $20,225 $18,979 $ 64,726 $ 66,444
      Earnings per Share $0.64 $0.59 $ 2.04 $ 2.06
      Weighted Average
      Shares 31,327,286 32,019,943 31,679,616 32,251,724

      Any forward-looking statements contained in this release are included pursuant to the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause the Company's actual results in future periods to be materially different from management's expectations. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, no assurance can be given that such expectations will prove correct. Factors that could cause the Company's results to differ materially from the results discussed in such forward-looking statements principally include economic, competitive, and technological factors beyond the Company's control.
      SOURCE Matthews International Corporation

      Copyright (C) 2007 PR Newswire. All rights reserved End of Story
      schrieb am 11.02.08 13:24:54
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      hier noch ein älterer Artikel zu MATW, aber interessant Aus FORBES

      Financial Columnists
      Boring All the Way to the Bank
      John Rogers 04.09.07


      I also own stock in Matthews International (nasdaq: MATW - news - people ) (39, MATW ). Founded in 1850, the company is the second-biggest manufacturer of caskets and cremation products. It's the largest maker of cast bronze memorials for grave sites, mausoleums and statues. This bronze segment is a nice one, with an operating margin (Ebit, that is) of 30%.

      Matthews also stands to benefit from long-term cremation trends. Today some 30% of those dying choose cremation, up from a mere 6% in 1975. What's more, 46% of Americans say they plan to choose cremation when their time comes. Like taxes, there will always be a market for Matthews. The stock trades at a 15% discount to my $46 estimate of its intrinsic worth.

      schrieb am 12.02.08 16:44:37
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      hier der Vollständigkeit halber noch die nun etwas älteren Quartalszahlen vom januar:

      24.01.2008 19:52
      Matthews International 1Q profit rises

      SAN FRANCISCO (Thomson Financial) - Matthews International Corp. (News) on Thursday reported fiscal first-quarter net earnings of $17.4 million, or 56 cents a share, up 25% from $14 million, or 44 cents a share, in the year-ago period.

      Earnings for the fiscal 2008 first quarter included the favorable effect of a one-time adjustment of 6 cents a share to income tax expense, the Pittsburgh-based maker of memorial products, caskets and cremation equipment said.

      Revenue in the period ended Dec. 31 rose 3.9% to $182.3 million from $175.4 million.

      The company also reaffirmed its fiscal 2008 earnings forecast of $2.48 to $2.54 a share.

      Shares of Matthews rose 1.4% to $48.77.
      schrieb am 26.02.08 17:12:13
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      news von der Sargfirma:

      25.02.2008 19:07
      Matthews International Corporation Signs Definitive Agreement for the Purchase of a Majority Interest in Saueressig GmbH & Co. KG

      PITTSBURGH, Feb. 25 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Matthews International Corporation (News) today announced that the Company has signed a definitive agreement for the purchase of a 78% ownership interest in Saueressig GmbH&Co. KG ("Saueressig"). Saueressig is a leading European provider of pre-press services and gravure printing forms. Saueressig is headquartered in Vreden, Germany and has manufacturing operations in Germany, Poland, England and Jordan. Its products and services are sold principally within Europe. The acquisition is designed to expand Matthews' products and services in the global graphics imaging market.

      Joseph C. Bartolacci, President and Chief Executive Officer of Matthews, stated, "The combination of our existing Graphics businesses and Saueressig will increase our international presence and provide a framework for continued growth in the global graphics industry."

      Franz J. Schwarz, Matthews' President, Graphics Europe, stated, "Saueressig is a highly respected company in the European graphics market and enjoys an outstanding reputation with its customers. In addition, Saueressig brings new capabilities to Matthews, particularly in gravure printing technology, which will result in a broader product offering to our customers."

      Kilian Saueressig, President of Saueressig, stated, "We are excited about the opportunity to become part of the Matthews' group. Matthews has an excellent reputation in Europe and I expect the combination of our businesses will provide a good platform for growth in current and new global markets." Mr. Saueressig will maintain a 22% ownership interest in Saueressig following the transaction.

      The purchase price for Matthews to acquire a 78% ownership interest in Saueressig will be approximately euro 76 million (U.S.$110 million) on a cash- free, debt-free basis. Other terms of the acquisition were not immediately disclosed. Saueressig reported sales of approximately euro 90 million (U.S.$130 million) in calendar 2007 and has approximately 900 employees.

      The transaction, which is subject to regulatory approval in Germany, is expected to close during Matthews' 2008 third fiscal quarter.

      Matthews International Corporation, headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is a designer, manufacturer and marketer principally of memorialization products and brand solutions. Memorialization products consist primarily of bronze memorials and other memorialization products, caskets and cremation equipment for the cemetery and funeral home industries. Brand solutions include graphics imaging products and services, marking products, and merchandising solutions. The Company's products and services include cast bronze memorials and other memorialization products; caskets; cast and etched architectural products; cremation equipment and cremation- related products; mausoleums; brand management; printing plates, pre-press services and imaging services for the primary packaging and corrugated industries; marking and coding equipment and consumables, and industrial automation products for identifying, tracking and conveying various consumer and industrial products, components and packaging containers; and merchandising display systems and marketing and design services.
      schrieb am 27.03.08 08:46:58
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Guten Morgen miteinander,

      will mich mal melden, denn ich habe Euch was mitzuteilen:

      Ich werde mich ab sofort aus WO und aus dem ganzen Börsengeschehen mehr oder minder zurückziehen. Ich habe mir das schon länger überlegt und bin jetzt über Ostern zu diesem Schluss gekommen.

      Ich habe gestern fast komplett meinen Aktienbestand verkloppt. Ich habe mit meiner Bank, bei der ich einen Kredit über unser Haus laufen habe, ein große Sondertilgung vereinbart und werde diese in diesen Tagen durchführen. Da fließt das Geld hinein. Lieber meinen Kredit tilgen bzw. abbezahlen als auf im Endeffekt höhere Renditen am Markt spekulieren. Das kann böse in die Hose gehen bzw. ich denke, das eben die Renditen an den Märkten in den nächsten jahren nicht zum Himmel wachsen. Nummer Sicher, fertig...

      Ein sehr kleiner Rest ist noch nicht über die Spekufrist (sind aber eh keine großen Gewinne drauf), warte diese aber ab. Bis Ende des Jahres wird dann der Rest des Kredites abbezahlt.

      Zudem bin ich auch zum Schluss gekommen, hier bei WO meine Aktivitäten einzustellen. Ich hatte ja schon öfters geschrieben, dass ich zu viel Zeit aufwende und dann doch immer wieder in die gleiche Schiene verfallen bin, einfach zu viel Zeit dafür aufzuwenden, oft auch einfach zu verbissen war, was ich als nicht gut empfinde. Daher werde ich jetzt komplett aufhören und mich auch abmelden, sonst wird das wieder nix.

      Also macht es gut, haltet den Thread auch ohne mich als Threadgrünmder warm…
      Liebe Grüße an alle
      schrieb am 16.07.08 09:17:52
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Hallo zusammen,

      I'm back on board bei WO zwar unter einem anderen Usernamen, aber immer noch der Gleiche mit den gleichen Favoriten. Ich wüsste auch nicht, was sich grundsätzlich an diesen Unternehmen groß geändert haben sollte, Krise hin oder her....

      Ich poste hier, damit der Thread nicht einschläft und werde mich gegebenfalls einbringen, wenn ich es für notwendig erachte. Die "Versorgung" mit news hier werde ich aber so nicht mehr wie gewohnt durchführen, allein schon wegen Zeitmangels.
      Vornehmlich werde ich aber im Gewinnerthread " Gewinnerbranchen der Jahre 2006 bis 2040" posten.

      Gruss space
      schrieb am 16.07.08 09:40:02
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()

      so, ich habe mir jetzt wieder den alten Namen freischalten lassen von WO, bin also wieder wie gewohnt unter dem namen "spaceistheplace" on board.

      schrieb am 16.10.08 18:45:56
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      16.10.2008 17:03
      Matthews International Corporation Increases Quarterly Dividend

      PITTSBURGH, Oct. 16 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- The Board of Directors of Matthews International Corporation (News) today declared a quarterly dividend of $0.065 per share on the Company's common stock. The quarterly dividend has been increased one-half cent per share from $0.06 to $0.065. The dividend is payable November 14, 2008 to stockholders of record October 31, 2008.

      Joseph C. Bartolacci, President and Chief Executive Officer, stated, "The Company's strong financial position and continued growth in profit performance has enabled Matthews to once again increase its dividend." Mr. Bartolacci noted that this was the Corporation's 14th dividend increase since Matthews became a publicly traded stock in July 1994.

      Matthews International Corporation, headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is a designer, manufacturer and marketer principally of memorialization products and brand solutions. Memorialization products consist primarily of bronze memorials and other memorialization products, caskets and cremation equipment for the cemetery and funeral home industries. Brand solutions include graphics imaging products and services, marking products, and merchandising solutions. The Company's products and services include cast bronze memorials and other memorialization products; caskets; cast and etched architectural products; cremation equipment and cremation-related products; mausoleums; brand management, printing plates and cylinders, pre-press services and imaging services for the primary packaging and corrugated industries; marking and coding equipment and consumables, and industrial automation products for identifying, tracking and conveying various consumer and industrial products, components and packaging containers; and merchandising display systems and marketing and design services.
      schrieb am 14.11.08 07:07:50
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Matthews International Announces Earnings for Fiscal 2008

      Last update: 4:38 p.m. EST Nov. 13, 2008
      PITTSBURGH, Nov 13, 2008 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- Matthews International Corporation (MATW:
      Matthews International Corp
      News, chart, profile, more
      Last: 42.90+3.36+8.50%
      4:00pm 11/13/2008
      Delayed quote data
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      MATW 42.90, +3.36, +8.5%) today announced financial results for the fourth quarter and fiscal year ended September 30, 2008. For the fiscal 2008 fourth quarter, net income was $20,392,000, or $0.66 per share, compared to $20,225,000, or $0.64 per share for the fourth quarter a year ago. Sales in the fiscal 2008 fourth quarter were $219,178,000, compared to $185,472,000 in the fiscal 2007 fourth quarter. Operating profit for the quarter ended September 30, 2008 was $35,048,000, compared to $34,866,000 in the same quarter last year. Operating profit for the fiscal 2007 fourth quarter was favorably impacted by unusual items of approximately $4.1 million ($0.08 per share net of tax), representing the benefit of favorable litigation settlements (net of legal costs incurred) in the casket segment and a gain on the sale of the Company's marketing consultancy business.
      Net income for the year ended September 30, 2008 was $79,484,000, compared to $64,726,000 for fiscal 2007. Earnings per share for fiscal 2008 were $2.55 per share, compared to $2.04 per share last year. Operating profit for the year ended September 30, 2008 was $132,952,000, compared to $111,824,000 in fiscal 2007. Earnings per share for fiscal 2008 included the favorable effect of a one-time adjustment (recorded in the fiscal 2008 first quarter) of $0.06 per share to income tax expense. This adjustment represented the impact on deferred income taxes resulting from income tax rate reductions in certain European countries. The results for fiscal 2007 were impacted by unusual items, which had a net unfavorable pre-tax effect of $8.8 million ($0.17 per share net of tax). Fiscal 2007 unusual charges principally included the resolution of earnout provisions under the Milso acquisition-related agreements in our Casket segment and cost structure initiatives in several of the Company's segments. These charges were partially offset by the net favorable impact of the fiscal 2007 fourth quarter matters noted above. Sales for the year ended September 30, 2008 were $818,623,000, compared to $749,352,000 for fiscal 2007. A significant factor in the increase in sales for the 2008 fourth quarter and fiscal year was the acquisition in our Graphics Imaging segment of Saueressig GmbH & Co. KG in May 2008.
      In discussing the financial results for the quarter and fiscal year, Joseph C. Bartolacci, President and Chief Executive Officer, stated:
      "I am pleased to report that the Company's results for the quarter ended September 30, 2008 were in line with our internal expectations. As we anticipated, however, the fiscal 2008 fourth quarter was challenging. Volatility in commodity costs, such as bronze, fuel and steel, continued to challenge our Memorialization businesses and the weakening U.S. economy affected our Brand Solutions businesses. In addition, fourth quarter volume in our Bronze and Casket segments declined slightly from a year ago. Despite these issues, excluding the unusual items from the fiscal 2007 fourth quarter, our Company was able to report solid growth from a year ago on higher consolidated sales and improvements in the productivity and cost structure of several of our businesses.
      "For the fiscal year, the Company's results were also in line with our internal expectations and, excluding unusual items from both years, within our long-term 12% to 15% growth objective. On a comparable basis (excluding unusual items), five of our six businesses reported operating profit growth for the year. The Casket segment benefited from its manufacturing and distribution infrastructure initiatives and our Cremation segment reported operating profit growth on higher sales and cost improvements. Our Merchandising Solutions business also reported improvement in its operating margins and this trend is expected to continue in fiscal 2009."
      Mr. Bartolacci further stated, "As we begin fiscal 2009, the weakness in the U.S. economy has deepened. We have seen a recent slowdown in both our Memorialization and Brand Solutions businesses. Additionally, the strengthening of the U.S. dollar will unfavorably impact fiscal 2009 reported results for our overseas operations, when compared to fiscal 2008. The challenges of the current market environment have continued into our fiscal 2009 first quarter and, as a result, will impact our results in the near term. Each of our businesses, however, continues to work to improve their productivity. We hope to see conditions improve as the fiscal year progresses and, at this time, we are targeting earnings per share for fiscal 2009 in the range of $2.62 to $2.74 (excluding unusual items) based on our current projections. This range represents an increase of 5% to 10% over fiscal 2008, excluding the impact of any unusual items in fiscal 2009 and the one-time tax benefit in fiscal 2008. In addition, assuming that market conditions improve, we continue to target our long-term growth rate in the range of 12% to 15%."
      Matthews International Corporation, headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is a designer, manufacturer and marketer principally of memorialization products and brand solutions. Memorialization products consist primarily of bronze memorials and other memorialization products, caskets and cremation equipment for the cemetery and funeral home industries. Brand solutions include graphics imaging products and services, marking products, and merchandising solutions. The Company's products and services include cast bronze memorials and other memorialization products; caskets; cast and etched architectural products; cremation equipment and cremation-related products; mausoleums; brand management; printing plates and cylinders; pre-press services and imaging services for the primary packaging and corrugated industries; marking and coding equipment and consumables, and industrial automation products for identifying, tracking and conveying various consumer and industrial products, components and packaging containers; and merchandising display systems and marketing and design services.

      (In Thousands, except Share Data)

      Three Months Ended Year Ended
      9/30/07 9/30/08 9/30/07 9/30/08
      Sales $185,472 $219,178 $749,352 $818,623
      Operating Profit 34,866 35,048 111,824 132,952
      Income before Taxes 32,401 30,761 103,716 121,572
      Income Taxes 12,176 10,369 38,990 42,088
      Net Income $20,225 $20,392 $64,726 $79,484
      Earnings per Share $0.64 $0.66 $2.04 $2.55
      Weighted Average
      Shares 31,327,286 31,003,437 31,679,616 31,158,303

      Any forward-looking statements contained in this release are included pursuant to the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause the Company's actual results in future periods to be materially different from management's expectations. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, no assurance can be given that such expectations will prove correct. Factors that could cause the Company's results to differ materially from the results discussed in such forward-looking statements principally include economic, competitive, and technological factors beyond the Company's control.
      SOURCE Matthews International Corporation

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      MATTHEWS (905720, MATW) - alles für den Tod