
    Dr. Kalliwoda Research GmbH  269  0 Kommentare BayWa AG.: Buy recommendation

    BayWa in Bullet Points: Date of publishing 22th May 2023.
    BayWa Group reported a slight increase in Q1 2023 revenues year on year to €6.3 billion, with a decrease in EBIT to €91.8 million one off factors of 2022. Q1 2023 EBIT is nevertheless an above-average result. The Renewable Energies and Agricultural Equipment Segments showed strong demand, while the Global Produce Segment saw a decline in earnings due to Cyclone Gabrielle.

    BayWa Group's total assets rose 3.8% to €13,471.0 million, mainly due to seasonal factors, higher prepayments, and assets under construction. Equity increased by 0.5% to €1,917.7 million, and current liabilities rose by 8.9%.

    Driven by some segments but offset by decreases in others, resulting in a lower gross profit compared to the previous year. The Group's earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) also decreased, while personnel and operating expenses increased, and net interest fell, resulting in a positive consolidated net result of €10.4 million, which is lower than the same period last year.

    BayWa Mobility Solutions and Vattenfall have agreed to a master agreement to construct fast-charging infrastructure across Germany.

    In BayWa Group's Renewable Energies Segment had a good start, while the Energy Segment saw a decline in sales volumes. Cefetra Group saw balanced supply and demand and Agri Trade and Service segment had mixed development, while the Global Produce segment faced negative effects due to weather conditions. The Building Materials Segment had negative EBIT result typical of the season, but is expected to benefit from rising demand for materials used in energy-efficient modernization. The Innovation & Digitalisation Segment saw revenue growth, while Other Activities had a negative EBIT but showed improvement.

    We reiterate our buy-recommendation with a fair value per share of €56.

    Dr. Norbert Kalliwoda, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter, Managing Owner, Dipl.-Kfm., Dipl.-Hdl. CEFA-Analyst (Certified European Financial Analyst, DVFA), 60325 Frankfurt Westend und 64839 Münster bei Darmstadt

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    Dr. Norbert Kalliwoda
    geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Dr. Kalliwoda
    Research GmbH, CEFA-Analyst, Dipl.-Kfm.
    Steinstraße 24
    D-60839 Münster
    Arndtstraße 47
    D-60325 Frankfurt
    Tel 069-97205853
    Tel 06071 6345118


    Offenlegung möglicher Interessenskonflikte nach §34b Abs. 1 WpHG und FinAnV. Bei der oben analysierten Aktiengesellschaft ist folgender möglicher Interessenkonflikt gegeben: 6 und 7; die Liste möglicher Interessenkonflikte ist im Anhang der Studie zu finden.
    Dr. Kalliwoda Research GmbH BayWa AG.: Buy recommendation BayWa in Bullet Points: Date of publishing 22th May 2023. BayWa Group reported a slight increase in Q1 2023 revenues year on year to €6.3 billion, with a decrease in EBIT to €91.8 million one off factors of 2022. Q1 2023 EBIT is nevertheless an …