
    Jetzt die Chance nutzen billiger Platin / Gold Explorer - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 11.07.06 20:09:19 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 11.07.06 20:09:19
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      An der Londoner Börse gelistet

      Partner von AngloGold Ashanti

      KZ 0,40 Pence bis Jahresende

      beste Projekte in Arbeit

      ein Projekt beginnt nächstes Jahr die Produktion

      Meinunugen erbeten!

      EURASIA ENTDECKT REINES PLATIN-ALLUVIAL ABLAGERUNG AN WESTKYTLIM, URALS, RUSSLAND Eurasia, das plc gewinnt, freut sich, um über die Entdeckung von einem vorher unbekanntem zu berichten und unmined alluvial Platinablagerung auf Teilen der Tylai Flußterrassen in seiner Westkytlim Lizenz in den zentralen Urals von Rußland. Bohrgerätresultate vom ersten Quer über dem Terrassedurchschnitt 335 Milligramme pro Kubikmeßinstrument (mg/m3 - die Standardmethode des Berichtens über Bohrgerät resultiert für alluvial Ablagerungen), über einer Oberflächenbreite von 320 Metern (M) und einer durchschnittlichen Stärke der Details 3.2m. der Resultate werden auf der Web site der Firma zur Verfügung gestellt. Die Ablagerung liegt unter 1 - 8m von unfruchtbarem Flußsediment, das bisher die Ablagerung von der vorhergehenden gewinnentätigkeit verborgen hat. Die Resultate sind mit Erforschungmodell Eurasias gleichbleibend, das dieses Ziel als seiend ungefähr 5 Kilometer lang auf der Südseite von diesem Fluß mit einem geschätzten Gesamtpotential von 5.1 Million Kubikmeßinstrumenten gekennzeichnet hat. Ein Sekunde bis jetzt ungetestetes Ziel bleibt, auf der Nordseite des Tylai Flusses erforscht zu werden. Zusätzlich zu dieser reinen Entdeckung und gefunden worden nahe den Oberläufen des Tylai Flusses, hat eine zweite Bohrgerätdurchquerung bei Bolshoya Sosvovka das Material gekennzeichnet, das beide Rückstände von einem früheren ausbaggernden Betrieb enthält und Blöcke des Restes unmined Material, dem Durchschnitte 320 mg/m3 Oberfläche von den Überstärken 3.6 to15.3 m. Eurasias der Arbeit ein mögliches Volumen von 3.7 Million m3 über einer Oberflächenbreite von ca. 200 m und von möglicher Länge von 2 Kilometern anzeigt. Ein intensives bohrenprogramm fährt mit dem Ziel des Abgrenzens der Blöcke während fort dieses (2006) Sommers mit einem Betrieb Test-gewonnen zu werden und verarbeitet worden der Mineralisierung,, der von Eurasia konstruiert worden ist. Zusätzliche Zielbereiche innerhalb des Lizenzbereichs haben, schon festgesetzt zu werden. Kommentierend die Resultate, sagte geschäftsführender Geschäftsführer christliches Schaffalitzky: "wir freuen uns, die Früchte unserer Arbeit bei Westkytlim zu sehen. Zwei mögliche Bereiche der Produktion sind gekennzeichnet worden. Da die Hauptkosten für das Bergbau dieser Projekte bescheiden sind, geholfen, indem sie die Ausrüstung verwenden, die von unserem lokalen Partner besessen wird, erwartet Eurasia, Bargeldumlauf 2007 zu sehen, wenn eine Bergbauerlaubnis rechtzeig zu der Sommerjahreszeit erreicht wird. Wir beabsichtigen ein Projekt, das würde produzieren mindestens 15.000 Unzen Platin pro Jahr." Ein lokalisierter ungefähr 350 Kilometer Norden von Ekaterinburg in der Urals Region von Westrußland, das Westkytlim Projekt wird innerhalb des Urals alluvial Platinriemens aufgestellt, der historisch das drittgrößte Platin war, Region der Welt nach dem Bushveld in Südafrika und Norilsk in Rußland produzierend. Der Kytlim Bezirk selbst hat ungefähr 50 Tonnen (1.6 Million Unzen) alluvial Platin bis jetzt produziert. Eurasia und Angloplatin, der größte Platinproduzent in der Welt, arbeiten gemeinsam auf dem Urals Programm durch ihr begrenztes 50:50 die Joint Venture Firma Urals Alluvial Platin. Angloplatin finanziert 100% von Kosten bis zur Beendigung einer Durchführbarkeitsanalyse. Die Joint Venture hält ein 75% Interesse am Westkytlim Projekt, wenn das restliche Interesse von Production gehalten ist, Artel Yuzhno-Zaozersky Priisk, ein lokales erfolgreiches Platin und Goldminenfirma. Die Erforschunglizenz umfaßt einen Bereich von 171 KM2 über einem Entwässerungssystem, das teilweise für alluvial Platin in der Vergangenheit durch die ausbaggernden und manuellen Methoden bearbeitet wurde. Die Joint Venture zielt vorher unbearbeiteten und ungetesteten Terrassekies, sowie die Rückstände von der letzten Produktion, die überarbeitet werden kann, um Restplatin mit modernen Verfahrenstechniken zurückzugewinnen. Die Erforschunglizenzbezeichnung läuft im Dezember 2008 ab, währenddessen eine Bergbaulizenz sie ersetzen würde. Ein konkurrenzfähiges Erforschung- und Entwicklungsprogramm ist unterwegs auf dem Bereich, zum der frühen Entwicklung zu erleichtern. Die ausführliche Bohrung für eine Durchführbarkeitsanalyse auf zwei Zielbereichen begann im September 2005 und die ersten Bohrgerätresultate haben eine einleitende Einschätzung des Hilfsmittelpotentials erlaubt. Testbergbau wird aufgenommen, um beim Bergbau verwendet zu werden Betriebsmittel und die Verarbeitungsmethoden zu bestätigen die. Die Zielsetzung ist, Produktion 2007, anmaßende erfolgreiche Bewilligung einer Bergbauerlaubnis zu beginnen. Die Verarbeitung des alluvial Sediments ist prinzipiell einfach, mit Aushöhlung und dem Waschen der Platin-Lager Sedimente durchgeführt, damit ein schweres Mineralkonzentrat produziert wird. Dieses Konzentrat besteht aus Platin-reichen Partikeln sowie andere schwere Mineralien wie Chromeisenerz und Magnetit. Dieses Konzentrat wird weiter verarbeitet, um das Platinkonzentrat zu verlassen, das hauptsächlich aus einer Minerallegierung besteht, die isoferroplatinum genannt wird. Die Platinkonzentration dieser Legierung reicht von 78 bis 89%, mit Eisen und das Kupfer, das die meisten vom Rest, mit Spur Gold, Silber und anderem Platin enthält, gruppiert Metalle. Dieses Material wird direkt an Raffinerien verkauft, wenn die Zahlung auf dem zurückgewonnenen Metall basiert ist. Da dieses Material hoher Grad ist, sind die Raffinierung Kosten verglichen mit den Sulfid-reichen Materialien minimales, die den Hauptteil der Platinproduktion der Welt bilden. Hilfsmittelschätzungen für alluvial Projekte werden unterschiedlich zu denen konstruiert, die auf Mineralablagerungen des harten Felsens errechnet werden. Die Grade werden als das zurückgewonnene Gewicht des Platinkonzentrates gemessen gegen das Volumen der probierten oder extrahierten Sedimente berichtet. Die Bohrung der Proben fährt auf ein Rasterfeld fort, das für Zustimmung der Reserven durch die russischen Behörden - ein wesentlicher Schritt für das Erreichen einer Bergbauerlaubnis bestimmt wird. Bei Westkytlim stellen zwei drillhole Profile, eins auf jedem Zielbereich, eine frühe Anzeige über den Grad des Platins, die Verteilung des Metalls in den Sedimenten und die Stärke und der Umfang einer mineralisierten Schichten zur Verfügung. Eine Anzahl von kleinen Produzenten in den Urals extrahieren ökonomisch Platin an den Graden von 100 bis 150 mg/m3. Eurasia wird über die Hilfsmittelschätzungen berichten, die bei den russischen Behörden eingereicht werden und diese werden durch Eurasia und Angloplatin zu diesem Zweck revidiert. Ein Entwicklung Plan wird gründete auf diesen Schätzungen produziert und, dem Bewilligen der notwendigen Erlaubnis folgend, kann Produktion sofort beginnen. Die durchgeführte Arbeit und die technischen Informationen stellten in dieser Freigabe sind überprüft worden von EurGeol Christian Schaffalitzky, PGeo, FIMMM, CEng, das eine qualifizierte Person unter Börseregelungen ist und autorisiert worden durch Urals das Alluvial Platin zur Verfügung, das begrenzt wurde, um diese Freigabe zu bilden. Eurasia ist eine Mineralerforschungfirma, die auf Platin und Golderforschung in Rußland sich spezialisiert. Zusätzlich zu seinen Urals Erforschunginteressen Eurasia Einflüssen drei Lizenzen, die 475 quadratische Kilometer auf der Kolabaum-Halbinsel in Nordwestrußland zusammenzählen, die abhängig von einer ähnlichen Joint Venture mit Angloplatin sind. Die Firma läßt auch ein Erforschungbündnis von AngloGold Ashanti hinsichtlich ist der Golderforschung finanzieren in Ostsibirien.

      Wir beabsichtigen ein Projekt, das würde produzieren mindestens 15.000 Unzen Platin pro Jahr." …

      so nun laßt mal hören
      schrieb am 11.07.06 22:41:06
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 22.528.128 von hainholz am 11.07.06 20:09:19Urals alluvial joint venture/Russia
      Key facts
      Eurasia working in joint venture with Anglo Platinum,
      world's largest platinum mining company
      Anglo earning 50% interest by funding work to completion of feasibility study
      Project area identified with resource for test mining

      An alluvial platinum programme in the Urals is being worked in joint venture with Anglo Platinum. Anglo is earning a 50% interest in the joint venture by funding 100% of costs up to the completion of a Feasibility Study.

      Following satisfactory resolution of licensing issues, the Company resumed an exploration work programme in August 2005 ahead of planned test mining for platinum on its West Kytlim licence in the central Urals. Earlier work carried out in the area established grades of up to 500 milligrams per cubic metre (mg/m3) - well above the 100 mg/m3 required to be economic.

      Initial work will focus on drilling and trenching to assess the extent and grade of platinum within metal bearing sediments in two river systems running through the 251-square kilometre licence. Both systems - the Tylai and the Kosva - include river terraces potentially containing un-mined platinum-bearing sediments, as well as 'tailings' of earlier mining operations which can be reworked to recover residual platinum using modern processing technologies.

      In parallel with the drilling and trenching programme, bulk sampling and trial ore processing of up 10,000 cubic metres is planned, using a mobile concentrator rig which has been constructed by the Eurasia team.
      schrieb am 12.07.06 15:00:38
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 22.532.255 von hainholz am 11.07.06 22:41:06vielen Dank für die vielen Antworten:kiss:
      schrieb am 12.07.06 20:57:36
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      schrieb am 13.07.06 16:31:13
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 22.549.566 von hainholz am 12.07.06 20:57:36
      Hallo hainholz, habe heute auch keine bekommen.

      Gruß Walter

      Trading Spotlight

      Grounded People Apparel
      0,3720EUR +3,33 %
      6.500% Wachstum! Morgen mehr als Verdopplung drin?mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 03.08.06 19:04:45
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 22.568.938 von walterdergenaue am 13.07.06 16:31:13feine Ergebnisse

      immer daran denken : Angl Platimum mit an Bord

      In May 2006, Eurasia announced an agreement whereby Anglo Platinum is providing


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      lse announcements - news story
      The information on this page is updated via a feed from the London Stock Exchange's Regulatory News Service.
      Eurasia Mining PLC - Drilling Report

      RNS Number:1745H
      Eurasia Mining PLC
      03 August 2006


      Eurasia Mining plc, the AIM-quoted platinum metals exploration group, is pleased
      to announce substantial progress on its drilling programmes in Russia. This
      drilling forms part of Eurasia's $3 million work programmes for 2006, currently
      wholly funded by the world's largest platinum producer, Anglo Platinum.

      In the Kola Peninsula in north-west Russia, drilling programmes continue on
      Eurasia's three projects: West Imandra, Volchetundra and Monchetundra. Each has
      intersected horizons where geological conditions suggest platinum group metals
      (PGMs) may be present.

      In the central Urals, drilling at West Kytlim also continues to outline two
      alluvial platinum resources that the company hopes to develop in 2007. Assays
      from each of these areas are currently outstanding.

      Eurasia Managing Director Christian Schaffalitzky said: 'We are looking forward
      to the first assay results from our Kola projects which will enable us to begin
      more advanced definition of their potential. In the meantime we are also looking
      forward to the next set of sample results from our West Kytlim project where
      additional traverses across the alluvial terraces and river channels have been

      At West Imandra in the Kola Peninsula, Eurasia has now completed drilling a
      total of 2,300 metres in eight drill holes. These constitute the first drill
      profile across the ultramafic intrusion comprising the core of the licenced
      area. The profile is designed to locate PGM-bearing horizons in bedrock beneath
      the glacial cover soils. The first target tested a zone of PGM mineralisation,
      the presence of which was suggested in at least one horizon from surface outcrop
      sampling. Here a chromite layer gave an assay of 1 gram per tonne of platinum
      prior to the commencement of Eurasia's drill programme. Near this location, two
      drill holes intersected four chromite horizons, with associated disseminated
      sulphide mineralisation. Early drill samples have been submitted for assay in St
      Petersburg. The turnaround time is long, due to heavy workloads during the
      summer period, but initial results are expected in the near future, with further
      results arriving through to the end of the year.

      Drilling work has also commenced on the other two Kola projects, Volchetundra
      and Monchetundra. In both of these areas, sulphide mineralisation has been
      encountered and the programmes are continuing. Eurasia plans to drill a total of
      4,000 metres on the two areas during 2006.

      At West Kytlim in the central Urals, three drill rigs have been working on two
      areas defined for resource drilling as part of a feasibility study underway
      since October 2005. Work is progressing well, with 154 holes completed in the
      first six months of 2006 totaling 2,100 metres of drilling. Also bulk sample
      testing is underway on trench sample material stockpiled at the end of the 2005
      field season, following modifications to the wash plant aimed at improving the
      recovery of fine platinum. This plant is designed to simulate the recoveries of
      a full-scale operating plant being considered for the development.

      In May 2006, Eurasia announced an agreement whereby Anglo Platinum is providing
      funding of up to $10 million for the Kola project in return for an initial
      interest of 40%. At West Kytlim, Anglo Platinum has a 50-50 joint venture with
      Eurasia and is funding all the work up to the completion of a feasibility study.
      schrieb am 03.08.06 19:20:09
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      nun sollte man nicht mehr länger warten.
      schrieb am 03.08.06 20:30:29
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 23.303.233 von hainholz am 03.08.06 19:20:09Kursziel bis Ende 2006 40 Pence in London;)
      schrieb am 04.08.06 14:53:20
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Eurasia Mining says making 'substantial progress' on Russian drilling programme AFX UK Focus
      LONDON (AFX) - Eurasia Mining PLC, the AIM-quoted platinum metals exploration group, said it has made "substantial progress" on its drilling programme in Russia that forms part of a 3 mln usd programme for the year being funded by Anglo Platinum Ltd.

      The group said drilling at three projects on the Kola Peninsula in northwest Russia has found indicators of the presence of platinum group metals.

      It also said surveys on the West Kytlim site in the central Urals are showing "outstanding" results.

      "We are looking forward to the first assay results from our Kola projects which will enable us to begin more advanced definition of their potential," said managing director Christian Schaffalitzky. "In the meantime we are also looking forward to the next set of sample results from our West Kytlim project." cw
      schrieb am 04.08.06 15:42:01
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      die Projekte sind wirklich vom Feinsten;)
      schrieb am 11.08.06 14:19:54
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 23.318.208 von hainholz am 04.08.06 15:42:01auch die Investoren

      SHAREHOLDER Holding
      Firebird Global Master Fund Ltd 11.29%
      Golden Prospect Plc 5.70%
      Gartmore Growth Opportunities Plc 4.79%
      R B Rowan 4.48%
      El Oro and Exploration Company Plc 3.83
      schrieb am 11.08.06 15:18:08
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Christian Schaffalitzky (MD)

      Eurasia Mining plc is a precious metals exploration and development company working in the former Soviet Union, mainly in Russia. The company is working on one project close to mining and four others at various stages of exploration. In the Urals, Eurasia is proving up an alluvial platinum project where production is expected to start in 2007, assuming the necessary permits are obtained. In the Kola peninsula, the company is working on three bedrock platinum targets in layered ultramafic complexes. Both areas are being explored in joint venture with Anglo Platinum who currently fund all exploration. A gold exploration programme is co-funded by AngloGold Ashanti in Eastern Siberia.
      schrieb am 11.08.06 15:57:04
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 23.400.851 von hainholz am 11.08.06 15:18:08ein Projekt startet 2007 die Produktion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
      schrieb am 12.08.06 07:11:02
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()

      Urals Platinum Exploration

      Following the re-issue of the exploration licence, test-pitting and trial bulk processing of material has commenced on the Tylai area, where initial indications are very positive. Reconnaissance work to the north of the current licence area has also been encouraging, with target generation indicating potential of further unexploited alluvial deposits. Further land acquisition is currently receiving attention in areas that have characteristics favourable for placer platinum development. Eurasia Mining plc is Anglo Platinum’s partner in this joint venture and is the project manager.
      schrieb am 06.09.06 13:39:48
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 22.528.128 von hainholz am 11.07.06 20:09:19The AIM-quoted platinum and gold exploration group Eurasia Mining (AIM symbol:
      EUA) is pleased to announce that it has appointed King & Shaxson Capital Limited
      (K&S) as joint broker alongside WH Ireland Ltd, Eurasia's nominated advisor and

      K&S, which has considerable experience in the mineral and mining sector, and
      whose parent company, PhillipCapital Group, is based in Singapore, assisted Loeb
      Aron & Company Ltd with Eurasia's £930,000 fundraising announced last week.

      Eurasia Mining is now working in three regions in Russia, two of which are the
      focus of exploration for platinum group metals - in the Kola Peninsula in the
      north-west, and the Urals. Eurasia's exploration projects in these two areas are
      currently funded by Anglo Platinum, the world's largest platinum producer. The
      third project is for gold exploration in eastern Siberia and is funded by
      AngloGold Ashanti.
      schrieb am 06.09.06 13:56:56
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 22.528.128 von hainholz am 11.07.06 20:09:19immer bedenken


      Anglo Platinum
      Anglo Gold Ashanti
      schrieb am 19.09.06 18:42:46
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 22.528.128 von hainholz am 11.07.06 20:09:19…

      alles da was Rang und Namen hat
      schrieb am 20.09.06 14:26:42
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      der Ausbruch kommt,wie das Amen in der Kirche!!

      zumal nächstes Jahr die erste Produktion beginnt.

      Also legt euch ein paar rein;)
      schrieb am 29.09.06 16:08:58
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 24.061.357 von hainholz am 20.09.06 14:26:42nach Geschäftsbericht in London gut dabei +15%%
      schrieb am 07.10.06 19:46:20
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 24.281.966 von hainholz am 29.09.06 16:08:58neuer Minesite Artikel:eek::eek:

      October 04, 2006
      Eurasia Is A Small Player With Big Ambitions In Platinum

      By Rob Davies

      Many investors regard the platinum group metals as the ultimate commodities because their properties are unique and substitution is very difficult, if not impossible. On top of that their distribution in the earth’s crust is extremely restricted and economic quantities are limited to Southern Africa and northern Russia. It is no surprise then that so many companies are keen to explore for this group of metals. Once such is Eurasia run by two veterans of the junior market Christian Schaffalitsky and Michael Martineau.

      While the company is only capitalised at £8 million it has three projects that have the potential to transform its fortunes. The largest is in the Kola Peninsula of north-west Russia, where it is seeking in situ PGMs at three targets: West Imandra, Volchetundra and Monchetundra. It is also exploring for alluvial platinum in the Urals and its third project is exploring for gold with AngloGold Ashanti in Siberia.

      Most effort is being directed to the Kola Peninsula where Anglo Platinum is funding the first US$10million of exploration costs in return for earning a 40 per cent interest. At West Imandra Eurasia is spending US$3million of Anglo Plat’s money on a 2,300metre, eight hole drill programme. So far an outcropping chromite horizon carrying 1 g/t of platinum has been located and four chromite horizons have been detected in two drill holes. A backlog in the assay labs means that results are not yet available. The other two project areas are being drilled and have revealed sulphide mineralisation.

      More unusual is the alluvial platinum exploration programme in the Urals at West Kytlim near the town of Ekaterinburg. This region has historically produced 500 tonnes of platinum with 50 tonnes from West Kytlim alone. Here 154 drill holes and bulk sampling of materials recovered from trenches is underway to assess the areas potential. Eurasia’s interest is 75 per cent and is fully funded by Anglo Platinum to the feasibility study stage.

      Finally, in Siberia Eurasia was working with AngloGold Ashanti but the major pulled out this month because of a conflict of interest. Anglo Gold had agreed to fund the first US$2million but in the end only spent half that. Unfortunately, working in such remote areas scattered over large distances makes it hard for executives to keep in touch with the market so Minesite was unable to get any more in-depth news from the company. However, it is to be hoped that the company will be communicating with the market on progress at its platinum projects in the very near future.
      schrieb am 09.10.06 22:06:20
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 22.528.128 von hainholz am 11.07.06 20:09:19das macht der Nachbar auf der Kolahalbinsel

      Russian mining firm Norilsk Nickel has announced that it anticipates its platinum and palladium production levels will be higher than previously stated.

      The company has revealed that it is raising its production forecast for platinum by 4.5 per cent, while it has increased its palladium production estimates by 3.2 per cent.

      That means Norilsk's production levels for palladium will reach between 3,150,000 and 3,190,000 ounces in 2006.

      According to the company, the reason for this increase is down to decreasing production inventories, as well as "achieving actual metal recoveries in excess of plans".

      Norilsk has also released its production levels for the third quarter of 2006, which has seen the company produce 768,000 ounces of palladium and 179,000 ounces of platinum at its Polar Division and Kola operations.Last month a senior executive at Norilsk revealed that the firm was seeing an almost insatiable demand for its precious metals, with the Asian jewellery industry driving sales.
      schrieb am 10.10.06 19:55:25
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()

      so sieht es aus
      schrieb am 24.10.06 23:04:15
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Platin ist eines der am seltensten vorkommenden Metalle und galt Anfang 2006 mit Preisen über 1.000 Dollar pro Feinunze mit Abstand als das teuerste der vier Edelmetalle. Gründe hierfür sind die weltweit knappen Vorkommen und die relativ aufwendigen Methoden zur Förderung. Um eine Unze Platin mit 95% Reinheitsgehalt (handelsüblicher Standard in Europa und USA) zu erhalten, erfordert es zehn Tonnen Erz und einen 5-monatigen Veredelungsprozess.

      Reine Platinbergwerke gibt es vor allem in Südafrika, ansonsten fällt Platin hauptsächlich als Nebenprodukt bei der Förderung von Buntmetallen an. Als wichtigste Fördernationen belegt Südafrika mit großem Abstand (80%) Rang Eins, gefolgt von Russland und Kanada.

      Platin hat einen hohen Siedepunkt, ist leicht verformbar und verfügt über eine sehr gute elektrische Leitfähigkeit. Darüber hinaus ist das Edelmetall widerstandsfähig gegenüber Wasser, Luft und bestimmten Säuren. Als Legierung mit dem Metall Iridium weist Platin eine sehr harte und temperaturbeständige Struktur auf. Auf Grund seiner besonderen Eigenschaften wird Platin zwar in zahlreichen Industriebranchen (Chemieindustrie, Petroleumraffinerie und Elektronikindustrie) eingesetzt. Als bedeutendste Einsatzgebiete haben sich in der Vergangenheit allerdings vor allem die Bereiche Schmuck und Automobil-Katalysatoren herauskristallisiert.

      Verglichen mit Gold und Silber hat Platin eine relativ kurze Geschichte. Erst 1856 gelang dem deutschen Chemiker und Apotheker Wilhelm Carl Heraeus Platin in einer Knallgasflamme zu schmelzen und dadurch besser nutzbar zu machen.

      Platin hat sehr ähnliche Eigenschaften wie Palladium. Deshalb rechnen Experten bei einer Platinknappheit oder einem hohen Platinpreis mit einer Substitution durch Palladium. Eine Ausnahme ist die Schmuckindustrie, in der sich Palladium bis heute nicht durchsetzten konnte.

      Platin wird an der New York Mercantile Exchange, an der Tokyo Commodity Exchange, sowie am London Buillon Market gehandelt.
      schrieb am 25.10.06 14:59:01
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 24.834.590 von hainholz am 24.10.06 23:04:15heute in London auffällig viele Umsätze!!
      schrieb am 04.11.06 23:10:20
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 24.844.532 von hainholz am 25.10.06 14:59:01Thursday November 2, 10:51 PM
      FACTBOX-Foreign investors in Russian mining
      MOSCOW, Nov 2 (Reuters) - Barrick Gold Corp. , the world's largest gold miner, will raise its stake in Highland Gold Mining Ltd. , Russia's fourth-largest gold miner, to 34 percent from 20 percent, Highland said on Thursday [ID:nL02267673].

      Highland will also acquire Barrick's interest in exploration ventures in Russia and Kyrgyzstan and appoint Barrick executives to its senior management team in a deal that merges the companies' operations in the former Soviet Union.

      Despite tightening Kremlin control of strategic assets, as seen in sectors such as oil and aviation, and a delayed draft law that could limit foreign access, Russia has welcomed foreign miners.

      The world's two largest mining houses, BHP Billiton Plc./Ltd. and Rio Tinto Plc./Ltd. , this year signed separate agreements with Norilsk Nickel to explore for metals in different parts of Russia.

      Ownership of many potentially large deposits is structured so that Russian entities retain majority control. Junior miners are also developing smaller projects across Russia.

      Following is an updated list of mining and exploration projects involving foreign mining companies.

      To see an ANALYSIS on foreign mining exploration in Russia, click on [ID:nL0744539].

      * BHP Billiton and Norilsk Nickel in June signed a deal to explore for minerals in northwest Russia and western Siberia. Norilsk will hold 50 percent plus one share of any local joint ventures that might result from exploration work.

      * Rio Tinto and Norilsk Nickel in January formed an exploration and development joint venture, owned 51 percent by Norilsk, that will operate in eastern Siberia and the Russian Far East.

      * Anglo American Plc. , the world's third-largest mining group, in October signed a joint venture with steel maker Severstal to exlore for nickel, copper and zinc in the Republic of Karelia and Murmansk region in northwest Russia. The alliance could later be widened to other regions.

      * Barrick Gold Corp. is raising its stake in Highland Gold Mining to 34 percent from 20 percent. London-listed Highland has two operational gold mines in the Russian Far East -- Mnogovershinnoye and Darasun. It has its own development and exploration projects and is also acquiring full ownership of the Taseyevskoye joint venture project with Barrick and several other exploration licences previously owned by Barrick.

      * South Africa's AngloGold Ashanti Ltd. in September agreed a 50-50 joint venture with Polymetal, Russia's second-largest gold and biggest silver miner, to explore and develop new mines in Siberia and the Russian Far East. AngloGold also agreed to pay UK-listed Trans-Siberian Gold Plc. about $40 million for two assets with exploration and development licences in Krasnoyarsk region.

      * Trans-Siberian Gold is also developing a gold mine on the Kamchatka peninsula with output scheduled to start in 2008. AngloGold Ashanti has part-financed exploration through a $10 million loan.

      * Lundin Mining Corp. , a Canada-based company with Swedish management, in September signed a deal with Russia's IFC Metropol investment house to buy a 49 percent stake in the Ozernoye zinc and lead deposit in Buryatia, ranked the world's sixth-largest such deposit by its owner. Lundin has agreed to merge with EuroZinc Mining Corp. .

      * Bema Gold Corp. operates the Julietta gold mine in Magadan region and owns 75 percent of the large Kupol project in Chukotka region, due to start production in 2008. Consolidated Puma Minerals Corp. , a subsidiary of Bema, is exploring for platinum and palladium on the Kola peninsula.

      * Peter Hambro Mining , Russia's third-largest gold miner and the largest foreign-based producer, operates two mines in eastern Russia and has several exploration projects. Many of the company's managers are Russian and its assets are entirely in Russia.

      * Aricom Plc. is developing titanium and iron ore deposits in the Amur region and the Jewish autonomous region in the Russian Far East. At one of the deposits, Bolshoi Sejm, the London-listed company has a 49 percent interest and a company related to Interros, the major shareholder in Norilsk Nickel, has 51 percent.

      * Amur Minerals Corp. raised $5.6 million in an initial public offering in London on March toward developing a nickel, copper and platinum group metals deposit in the far eastern Russian province of the same name.

      * London-listed Eurasia Mining Plc. is drilling three platinum deposits on northwest Russia's Kola peninsula and plans to start developing alluvial deposits in the Ural mountains in 2007. Anglo Platinum Ltd. , the world's top platinum producer, is funding exploration.
      * Canada's High River Gold has an 85 percent stake in Russian gold miner Buryatzoloto developing several mines in eastern Siberia. It is also developing separately Berezitovy gold deposit in the Amur region in the far east of Russia.
      schrieb am 08.11.06 18:13:15
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 24.474.421 von hainholz am 07.10.06 19:46:20kennt ihr Peter Hambro Mines?

      Eurasia steht in den Startlöchern es ihnen gleich zu tun
      schrieb am 09.11.06 20:05:45
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      man sollte hier mal genauer hinsehen!! …
      schrieb am 09.11.06 21:18:22
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Eurasia could be producing 15 000 ounces of platinum a year on its West Kytlim licence in the Urals by next year provided it could obtain a mining licence, Schaffalitzky said.
      schrieb am 21.11.06 15:59:57
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Reine Platin und Palladium Explorer gibt es wenige!

      durch die ETF Sache geht der Preis durch die Decke und Eurasia wird immer wertvoller:eek::eek:

      Platinum rockets 10% to record high
      Heather D'Alton
      Tue, 21 Nov 2006
      The price of platinum has rocketed just short of 10 percent, its biggest jump in one day, to a record high.

      By early trade on Tuesday, platinum soared to $1367.50 an ounce. According to analysts, the metal was boosted by the rumours that a new platinum exchange traded fund (ETF) will be launched.

      Noelani King Conradie, economist at NKC Independent Economists on Tuesday said, "ETFs, often backed by the physical commodity, enable investors to trade securities on an exchange and give investors return based on commodities prices, without need to trade futures or to take physical delivery."

      Christmas buying

      Further support came from speculative buying on concerns of supply shortages, while demand was likely to increase from jewellers ahead of Christmas, King Conradie added.

      The launch of an ETF has in the past also boosted the price of a metal, when the silver price saw its biggest leap in 11 years on reports that Barclays would launch a silver ETF in April this year.

      The JSE's platinum mining index rocketed on the metal's gain, trading 8.18 percent in the black on Monday, with AngloPlat surging nine percent and Impala Platinum advancing 8.1 percent.

      Palladium also gained a solid two percent, to trade at $324.50 an ounce, while gold inched up 0.1 percent, to trade at $623.10 a troy ounce in early trade on Tuesday.

      Eurasia ever more valuable
      schrieb am 21.11.06 16:26:07
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      Metals - Platinum hits new all time record on speculation over launch of ETF
      11.21.2006, 07:02 AM
      schrieb am 21.11.06 17:27:58
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 25.566.681 von hainholz am 21.11.06 16:26:07

      o ha
      schrieb am 21.12.06 11:50:05
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 25.568.194 von hainholz am 21.11.06 17:27:58warum ist es hier so ruhig ?
      schrieb am 21.12.06 18:12:28
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.367.128 von hp40 am 21.12.06 11:50:05weil dieser Wert noch unenddeckt ist!

      dabei ist Eurasia einer der wenigen aussichtsreichen Platinexplorer.
      schrieb am 08.01.07 20:08:11
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.376.388 von hainholz am 21.12.06 18:12:28Hallo hainholz, unsere eurasia ist heute in berlin um 9% gestiegen.

      das macht doch freude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;)

      Gruß Walter
      schrieb am 08.01.07 20:22:11
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.775.871 von walterdergenaue am 08.01.07 20:08:11ja das ist schön zu sehen.

      laß die mal dieses Jahr mit der ersten Verwertung beginnen,dann ist es für viele zu spät;)
      schrieb am 08.01.07 20:28:52
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 24.526.792 von hainholz am 09.10.06 22:06:20da war doch noch was!!

      erwartet Eurasia, Bargeldumlauf 2007 zu sehen, wenn eine Bergbauerlaubnis rechtzeig zu der Sommerjahreszeit erreicht wird. Wir beabsichtigen ein Projekt, das würde produzieren mindestens 15.000 Unzen Platin pro Jahr."
      schrieb am 08.01.07 20:42:21
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.776.383 von hainholz am 08.01.07 20:28:52
      Hallo hainholz, ich habe mir heute 40 000Stck WCM gekauft wkn 780100 nach dem ich alle threads gelesen habe, bin ich der meinung hier ist was zu holen , in dem die firma insolvent ist kann der verwalter die forderungen der finanzämter drücken und das genau ist
      der punkt der mich zu einem kauf veranlasst hat

      Gruß Walter
      schrieb am 14.01.07 20:12:12
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      Putin hebt Beschränkungen beim Export von Edelsteinen und -metallen auf

      Präsident Wladimir Putin hat das Dekret "Über die Vervollkommnung der staatlichen Regulierung bei der Ein- und Ausfuhr von Edelsteinen- und Metallen nach und aus Russland" unterschrieben, teilte der Pressedienst des Kremls mit. Das Dekret wurde angenommen, "um die staatliche Regulierung bei der Ein- und Ausfuhr von wertvollen Metallen und Diamanten zu vervollkommnen".

      In dem Dokument wird festgehalten, dass natürliche Diamanten (mit Ausnahme unikaler Edelsteine und solcher Edelsteine, die die Form "Bort" oder "Drilling" haben), Platin und Metalle der Platin-Gruppe in allen Formen und Konzentrationen ohne quantitative Begrenzung ausgeführt werden dürfen, wenn dafür eine Lizenz des Handels- und Wirtschaftsministeriums vorliegt und die Edelsteine und -metalle ordnungsgemäß verzollt werden.

      Das Dekret tritt mit seiner Unterzeichnung in Kraft
      schrieb am 15.01.07 22:18:37
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      Platinum Exports Secured as Russia Repeals Quotas
      By Robin Paxton
      Russia's removal of precious-metal export quotas will eliminate the threat of supply disruptions from Norilsk Nickel, the world's largest palladium miner, industry officials and analysts said Monday.

      The scrapping of export quotas clears the way for Norilsk to continue shipments after the Dec. 31 expiration of a five-year quota on platinum, rhodium and ruthenium, while also removing a barrier to Russia's entry to the World Trade Organization.

      "It's good news for Norilsk Nickel. It removes the bureaucratic red tape and any possibility that delays in renewing quotas will happen in the future," Deutsche UFG metals and mining analyst Olga Okunyeva said.

      President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree allowing unlimited exports of platinum group metals, or PGMs, uncut diamonds and other metals and ores subject to an Economic Development and Trade Ministry license.

      Previously, long-term quotas were set. As well as the expired five-year platinum quota, Norilsk has a 10-year quota to export palladium that expires in 2008. The company does not disclose the volumes of these quotas.

      "We consider this news positive for Norilsk Nickel, for which PGMs account for 20 percent of total revenues," Alfa Bank said in a research note.

      Norilsk accounts for 12 percent of the world's mined platinum and more than half its palladium, a metal used in jewelry and vehicle exhausts that rose 30 percent in value last year. Market sources said platinum exports had not been disrupted by the lapse in the quota at the end of 2006.

      "The company continues to carry out export activity and fulfill its production obligations to customers," Norilsk's press service said. Norilsk called the removal of quotas a "very important and positive step toward the full liberalization of the precious metals market, which until now has remained one of the most conservative and was regulated as it was in Soviet times."

      Although no longer subject to quotas, all Russian PGM exports will continue to be booked through state diamond trader Almazyuvelirexport. "This hasn't changed," said Sergei Gorny, the state trader's deputy general director.

      "The system existed under Soviet rule and afterward. All platinum group metals sold abroad, irrespective of where they're produced -- and we have several producers, though none as big as Norilsk -- are exported through our group by law," Gorny said.

      "It's the eradication of one of the last bits of Soviet-era legislation, which makes for a more transparent market," said Rob Edwards, director of mining and metals research at Renaissance Capital. "It's strongly linked to the WTO. You can't have a WTO member pulling strings on precious metals exports, particularly on platinum and palladium, which don't have a wide liquid market and where Russia features very highly in terms of world supply."
      schrieb am 16.01.07 19:48:54
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      das macht der" kleine Nachbar"

      16.01.07 Norilsk Nickel Restarts Export of Precious Metals

      MOSCOW, January 16. /FIS/. Russian government revoked quotas for the export of natural diamonds, metals of platinum group and precious metal ores. The company that was pleased the most with the governmental decision is Norilsk Nickel, which starting from January 1 stopped exports of platinum, palladium and other precious metals because of the earlier introduced quotas.
      Revocation of quotas implies that the company will not have any problems with exports as was the case in earlier years when the state granted five-year quotas for platinum export and ten-year quotas for palladium export.
      schrieb am 19.01.07 13:56:42
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      endlich mal eine Empfehlung
      schrieb am 19.01.07 14:20:06
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      Growth Equities & Company Research

      Speculative Buy.

      From GE&CR Stentor 2
      We initiated our coverage of Eurasia Mining at 3.625p in July 2005 and followed it up with a further detailed note in late September 2006 - the day of interim results. The shares now trade at 3.875p, a price at which does not reflect the positive newsflow from the company or the underlying value which we continue to believe is at least 9.1p per share. The shares have eased marginally over the past month in line with the sector.

      This is a company which is now poised to commence production of Platinum Group Metals (PGMs) during 2007 from its alluvials operation at West Kytlim which would see the company generating cashflow, albeit on a fairly modest scale. But still, the key to Eurasia's fortunes will be its exploration activities, most notably in the Kola peninsula in North West Russia and the ability of the management to leverage further corporate deals.

      Both strands of this dual strategy have the potential to increase shareholder value dramatically. In the shorter term, it will be from Kola where the good news will come. In mid-November it announced that its first drilling results from its Monchetundra license had encountered grades of between 1.7g/t and 8.4g/y platinum and palladium. This is very encouraging and with most of the strike length unexplored there is every reason for optimism ahead of a 4,000 metre drilling programme planned for 2007. Further drilling results from Kola will be announced over the coming months and we expect more news shortly.

      Our model is heavily risk-weighted, valuing the company's exploration assets at Kola at little more than the cash commitment of its larger partner to the various projects. Thus, if there is further positive drilling news from Kola there is the potential to increase our valuation very significantly. We would also be surprised if chief executive Christian Schaffalitzky were not to announce additional corporate deals over the coming year. Our 9.1p per share valuation should be regarded as very much a base case. All exploration stocks carry inherent risks and operating in the FSU carries additional political risks. Nevertheless, at 3.875p we continue to see huge upside and with more drilling results from Kola due imminently, the potential for a significant re-rating is very real. Speculative buy
      schrieb am 20.01.07 13:27:42
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      Von GE&CR Stentor 2 leiten wir unsere Deckung von Eurasia gewinnend an 3.625p im Juli 2005 und Weiterverfolgen ihm mit einer weiteren ausführlichen Anmerkung in spätem September 2006 - der Tag der Zwischenzeitsresultate ein. Die Anteile handeln jetzt an 3.875p, an dem ein Preis nicht das positive newsflow von der Firma reflektiert, oder der zugrundeliegende Wert, dem wir fortfahren, zu glauben, mindestens 9.1p pro Anteil ist. Die Anteile haben am Rand Überschuß der letzte Monat in Übereinstimmung mit dem Sektor erleichtert. Dieses ist eine Firma, die jetzt balanciert wird, um Produktion der Platin-Gruppe Metalle (PGMs) während 2007 von seinem alluvials Betrieb bei Westkytlim, das die Firma Cashflow sehen würde, zu erzeugen, auf einer ziemlich bescheidenen Skala obwohl zu beginnen. Aber noch, ist der Schlüssel zu den Vermögenn Eurasia\\s seine Erforschungtätigkeiten, vornehmlich in der Kolabaumhalbinsel in Nordwestrußland und in der Fähigkeit des Managements zu den korporativen Abkommen der Hebelkraft weiter. Beide Fasern dieser Doppelstrategie haben das Potential, Aktionärwert drastisch zu erhöhen. In der kürzeren Bezeichnung ist es vom Kolabaum, wohin die guten Nachrichten kommen. Im MittlerNovember verkündete es, daß seine ersten bohrenresultate von seiner Monchetundra Lizenz Grade zwischen des Platins 1.7g/t und 8.4g/y und des Palladiums angetroffen hatten. Dieses regt sehr an und mit die meisten der Schlaglänge, die gibt es nicht erforscht ist, jeden Grund für Optimismus vor einem 4.000-Meter-bohrenprogramm, das für 2007 geplant wird. Weitere bohrenresultate vom Kolabaum sind verkündeter Überschuß die kommenden Monate und wir erwarten mehr Nachrichten kurz. Unser Modell ist schwer nach dem Risikogehalt gewichtet und bewertet die Erforschungwerte der company\\s am Kolabaum an wenig mehr als die Bargeldverpflichtung seines größeren Partners zu den verschiedenen Projekten. So wenn ist es weiter positive bohrennachrichten vom Kolabaum gibt, dort das Potential, unsere Schätzung sehr erheblich zu erhöhen. Wir würden auch überrascht, wenn Hauptgeschäftsführer christliches Schaffalitzky nicht zusätzlichen korporativen Abkommenüberschuß das kommende Jahr verkünden sollten. Unser 9.1p pro Bewertung einer Aktie sollte als eine Ausgangssituation sehr viel angesehen werden. Alle Erforschungaktien tragen zugehörige Gefahren und das Funktionieren im FSU trägt zusätzliche politische Gefahren. Dennoch an 3.875p fahren wir fort, sehr große Oberseite zu sehen und mit mehr bohrenresultaten vom Kolabaum, der in bedrohlicher Weise passend ist, ist das Potential für eine bedeutende Re-Bewertung sehr real. Spekulativer Kauf

      Aktionärswert drastisch zu erhöhen!!!!
      schrieb am 22.01.07 18:02:21
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      dann kommt Eurasia zur rechten Zeit!!!!!!!!!!

      Positive outlook for platinum to 2012
      RBCCM’s latest global PGM book, “Dirty Is the New Clean”, is out, with bullish news for investors.

      Barry Sergeant
      Posted: Mon, 22 Jan 2007 08:00 | © Moneyweb Holdings Limited, 1997-2006

      The valuation of the PGM (platinum-group-metal) equity universe is, argues Mark Smith, an analyst at RBC Capital Markets, primarily a call on the underlying commodity. Given that, investors can take heart from RBCCM’s expectation that platinum prices are set to remain above $1 000 an ounce for the next two years, then to ease marginally but still maintain a $900 an ounce long-term price, up from RBCCM’s previous $800 an ounce price level.

      The latest RBCCM global PGM book finds that palladium, platinum’s key sister metal, is likely to experience rising prices from current levels on the back of continued demand, achieving a sustainable long-term price of $425 an ounce. Assuming that current commodity prices and exchange rates persist through 2007–2008, RBCCM argues that the most leveraged equities in terms of return on invested capital and net asset value are Lonmin and Aquarius Platinum.

      Both stocks have operations situated in South Africa, as do Ridge Mining, Platinum Group Metals, Platmin, Impala Platinum, Anglo Platinum, and Northam. RBCCM also covers two North American PGM stocks, Stillwater Mining and North American Palladium. There is also Russia’s Norilsk which produces significant ounces of platinum and especially palladium, but as byproducts to nickel. Norilsk, indeed, produces more palladium that the rest of the world put together.

      On metal fundamentals, RBCCM argues that the global PGM market needs new metal. This will be met, Smith argues, principally by new projects being developed by the South African juniors. Such junior equities – Ridge Mining, Platinum Group Metals and Platmin – “offer compelling investment returns, in our opinion, given their risk-reward profiles”.

      RBCCM anticipates a “change in fortune for palladium”, but over a longer time horizon than originally forecast. The platinum to palladium price differential is seen as a key influence on PGM demand in both the jewellery and autocatalyst markets. Autocatalysts absorb the single biggest portion of platinum production, anticipated to have been around 7,8m ounces in total in 2006. It’s estimated that 4,3m ounces of platinum went into autocatalysts in 2006, followed by 1,7m into jewellery.

      Last year’s global production of palladium is estimated at 9,2m ounces, of which 4,1m was taken up by autocatalysts, followed by 1,1m that went into electronics. Autocatalysts have traditionally represented the single largest end-use of PGMs, and in certain applications, platinum and palladium may be switched.

      In 2005, autocatalysts accounted for 51% and 49% of total global demand for platinum and palladium, respectively. In contrast, the corresponding figures were 26% and 18%, respectively, for jewellery and 23% and 33%, respectively, for industrial demand. RBCCM anticipates that these proportions are set to “alter only slightly in the years to 2012”.

      On fundamental supply and demand, it’s thought that the apparent global palladium surplus for 2006 was around 1,6m ounces (after accommodating other demand, such as dental and chemical). The global palladium market has been in apparent annual surplus since 2001, and is anticipated to remain in surplus until at least 2009.

      Global platinum markets have been in apparent deficit since at least 2002, and are anticipated to remain in deficit until at least 2012. However, if all new production comes on stream as and when promised, platinum markets could be in slight surplus from 2007.

      On the recommendations, RBCCM anticipates that the stock price of the world’s biggest PGM miner, Anglo Platinum, will “underperform” going forward. Anglo Platinum operates 11 platinum mines in South Africa, focused in the Bushveld Complex, and one in Zimbabwe. RBCCM believes that Anglo Platinum will continue to face a challenging outlook, “including simultaneously developing a number of new mines, addressing the black economic empowerment (BEE) charter requirements and addressing the continued escalation in operating costs”.

      It’s thought that Anglo Platinum has not met the empowerment charter requirements and may have to sell off assets to meet required black ownership. RBCCM believes that the stock continues to look expensive; the company may have an aggressive growth profile, “but cost containment and preventing value leakage through further empowerment transactions will be very challenging”.

      Northam Platinum, South Africa’s number four PGM producer, also rated “underperform”, operates its mine at the upper end of the Western limb of the Bushveld Complex. Northam is also in the final stage of purchasing a 50% interest in the Booysendal project (Eastern limb) from Mvelaphanda Resources. While Northam is seen as having the potential to grow its production base through the Booysendal transaction, RBCCM sees the deal as already largely factored into the current stock price. RBCCM adds that it is “not attributing any significant premium for potentially achieving black empowerment investment vehicle status, as the BEE landscape is very competitive, with other BEE platinum companies in the market”.

      RBCCM ranks Lonmin, Aquarius Platinum and Stillwater Mining as “outperform”, along with developers Ridge Mining, Platinum Group Metals and Platmin. “Sector perform” recommendations are accorded to Impala Platinum and North American Palladium.
      schrieb am 07.02.07 15:38:41
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      da könnte auch was für Eurasia abfallen!!!;)

      Angloplat plans expansion
      Anglo accounts for 40% of global platinum production
      Anglo Platinum Ltd - the world`s biggest platinum producer - plans to spend R10 billion (US$1.38 billion) expanding its operations in 2007, according to its parent Anglo American plc.

      The spending is part of a plan to increase the annual output of the company from 2.7-2.8 Moz this year and up to 3.3 Moz by 2010, the acting chief executive of Anglo American`s South African unit, Phillip Baum, told delegates at the Indaba mining conference in Cape Town.

      "Anglo Platinum alone this year will spend R10 billion on capex, some R850 million/mth," said Reuters, citing Mr Baum`s speech.

      Anglo American - which accounts for around 40% of global platinum production - is the largest private sector investor in South Africa and the third-biggest mining group in the world.

      In addition, Mr Baum said Anglo plans to increase annual coal production by 50% to 90 Mt, if all projects receive the appropriate approvals - although he did not give a time frame for the expansion.

      Iron ore output is expected to grow to 55 Mt from 31 Mt, based on approved projects, and could rise by an additional 161% to 81 Mt if all projects under consideration go ahead, he added.

      Related links:
      schrieb am 11.02.07 21:10:36
      Beitrag Nr. 46 () …

      Die Chefs haben schön aufgestockt!!!!
      schrieb am 12.02.07 17:36:51
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.639.242 von hainholz am 11.02.07 21:10:36die wissen wohl warum!!!!
      schrieb am 13.02.07 16:01:12
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.664.195 von hainholz am 12.02.07 17:36:51NEWS

      J.P.Morgan strong in Eurasia Mining

      die wissen auch warum:eek::eek:

      RNS Number:1606R Eurasia Mining PLC 13 February 2007

      Eurasia Mining plc
      ("Eurasia" or the "Company")
      Notification of Change of Interest

      Following the change in the Company's total voting rights, announced on 20 January 2007, Eurasia has received notification of the following change of interest in voting rights in the Company's share capital:

      JP Morgan Chase & Co indirectly holds 10,700,000 ordinary shares of 5p each in the Company, through its nominee account, JP Morgan Asset Management (UK) Limited. This holding now represents 7.60% of the total voting rights of the Company.

      For more information please contact:

      Christian Schaffalitzky, Eurasia Mining plc Tel: +44 (0) 20 7495 4877
      schrieb am 13.02.07 17:14:53
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.682.911 von hainholz am 13.02.07 16:01:12man muß bedenken,das sie dieses Jahr produzieren wollen!!!!
      schrieb am 13.02.07 21:09:46
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.682.911 von hainholz am 13.02.07 16:01:12

      Hallo hainholz, wieviel Aktien gibts von Eurasia?

      Gruß Walter
      schrieb am 13.02.07 22:28:13
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      Hi Walter 140 Mio

      Inova Holding ist ne interessante Sache;)
      schrieb am 13.02.07 22:47:15
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.692.434 von hainholz am 13.02.07 22:28:13

      dann werde ich morgen auf einkaufen gehen:lick:
      schrieb am 14.02.07 14:40:48
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.692.657 von walterdergenaue am 13.02.07 22:47:15da wir ja Weitblick haben,wird das ein gutes Investment;)
      schrieb am 14.02.07 16:46:57
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.703.078 von hainholz am 14.02.07 14:40:48sie wollen dieses Jahr mit kleiner Produktion beginnen,damit sie vom Erlöß die anderen Liegenschaften bearbeiten können.
      schrieb am 18.02.07 14:37:33
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.706.447 von hainholz am 14.02.07 16:46:57am Freitag in London aufwärts;)
      schrieb am 18.02.07 22:37:00
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 22.528.128 von hainholz am 11.07.06 20:09:19From The Sunday TimesFebruary 18, 2007

      Russians covet Anglo GoldJohn Waples
      RUSSIA’S Polyus Gold, which is preparing for a London listing, has approached Anglo American to buy its £2.25 billion stake in another mining company Anglo Gold Ashanti.

      If this were to happen, it would turn Polyus into one of the world’s most powerful gold producers. Polyus has indicated it would like to buy part or all of the stake.

      One option under consideration is for Anglo, which owns 41% of Anglo Gold, to take a minority stake in an enlarged company. Tony Trahar, Anglo American’s outgoing chief executive, has made it clear the group’s entire stake in the South African gold company is up for sale. Polyus is one of several companies that have made approaches to buy it.

      The sale forms part of Anglo American’s strategic plan to sell noncore assets. The other big asset being offloaded by the mining giant is Mondi, its paper-and-packaging business which, including debt, is worth some £4 billion. The intention was to demerge this, with a primary listing on the London stock market.

      The proposal has met resistance from South African-based investors and the country’s treasury department. To pacify these concerns Trahar has now quietly put forward a new proposal to conduct a dual listing of Mondi shares in London and Johannesburg. Sir John Parker has already been recruited as chairman and if the dual listing is acceptable the float could take place in the middle of this year.

      Anglo American’s big rivals BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto have both looked hard at whether a takeover of the company is feasible. This speculation has resulted in a huge outperformance in Anglo’s shares that has in effect put it out of reach.

      Analysts say that Anglo has headroom to increase borrowings and finance a large acquisition. The group could be debt free within four months.

      das könnte auch Eurasia betreffen!!
      schrieb am 20.02.07 18:19:56
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      langsam aber stetig aufwärts in London;)
      schrieb am 21.02.07 17:33:19
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      wer etwas für die Rente machen will,legt sich hiervon ein paar K rein
      schrieb am 21.02.07 17:46:45
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 22.528.128 von hainholz am 11.07.06 20:09:19

      nun legt es wieder los:eek:
      schrieb am 22.02.07 18:34:22
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      auch heut wieder auffi in London :D
      schrieb am 22.02.07 21:45:52
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.905.318 von hainholz am 22.02.07 18:34:22zum Ende in London nochmal hoch!!

      in zwei Tagen 12%
      schrieb am 23.02.07 18:28:48
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()

      das kann Kohle geben für Eurasia

      Partner will investieren

      Posted: 22/02/2007 ANGLO AMERICAN has $6.9 billion of approved projects in its pipeline and $10-15 billion of future projects undergoing the company's stringent evaluation process against the backdrop of a booming commodity cycle.
      schrieb am 25.02.07 20:39:59
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 22.528.128 von hainholz am 11.07.06 20:09:19Platin - Mit Kaufsignal!

      Der Platinkurs hat in dieser Woche eine wichtige Hürde genommen. Nach einer Konsolidierungsphase im November und Dezember 2006 mit Tiefstständen bei 1.100 USD konnte die 1.200 USD-Marke zurückerobert werden.

      Die boomende Automobilindustrie in China gibt dem Platinkurs derzeit den wohl größten Auftrieb. Kein Wunder, denn die meisten Fahrzeuge werden mit einem Katalysator ausgestattet. Rund die Hälfte der Weltförderung des Metalls findet bei der Herstellung der Abgasfilter Verwendung. China ist im Jahre 2006 zum zweitgrößten Automarkt der Welt aufgestiegen. Die Automobilverkäufe haben in diesem Zeitraum um 37% zugenommen. Experten schätzen, dass der jährliche Neuwagenabsatz in China im Jahre 2010 bereits sieben Mio. Fahrzeuge betragen könnte. Ein gigantischer Ausstoß, wenn man bedenkt, dass in ganz Deutschland jährlich ca. 3,4 Mio. Fahrzeuge abgesetzt werden.

      Defizit weitet sich aus

      Experten rechnen in Folge dieser Entwicklung mit einem weiteren Anstieg des Defizits auf dem Platinmarkt. Die Angebotslücke wird sich aller Voraussicht nach von heute 300.000 Unzen auf 1,3 Mio. Unzen im Jahre 2015 ausweiten. Das würde der 1,5- fachen Produktionsmenge von Russland entsprechen. Das Land ist momentan der zweitgrößte Platinförderer der Welt

      schrieb am 26.02.07 19:32:41
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.965.542 von hainholz am 25.02.07 20:39:59und wieder a bisserl höher;)
      schrieb am 27.02.07 17:54:14
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      hier geht es auch wieder los

      schrieb am 03.03.07 14:45:42
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      LONDON (AFX) - Eurasia Mining PLC said it continues independently to seek projects that will add value to the portfolio and in this regard the company is working with a potential Russian partner to jointly acquire advanced gold development and exploration properties.

      The comments came alongside results for 2005 which showed a pretax loss of 1.44 mln stg compared with 1.49 mln the prior year.

      During the year, Eurasia completed the acquisition of four platinum projects that will see substantial investment this year at no cost to shareholders, the board said.

      Eurasia is managing these projects together with partner Anglo Platinum Ltd and is starting new gold ventures, partly in alliance with AngloGold Ashanti Ltd.

      In the Urals, if work progresses as planned this summer the group said it hopes to lodge an application for a mining licence for production in 2007.

      The aim of the programme is to design a project capable of producing 15,000 ounces of platinum per annum, beginning in 2007. Further exploration work will also be focused on other targets in the licence area, which could add to the potential, the company said.

      The plan in the coming year is to build on the company's solid platform and use the imminent revenue from production to strengthen and expand the portfolio.
      schrieb am 04.03.07 17:50:06
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()

      so kann es bei kommenden News losgehen!!!
      schrieb am 04.03.07 17:58:34
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      verdammt wenig Handel, das ist nich gut RE
      schrieb am 04.03.07 18:34:45
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.112.184 von RaimondoEntertainment am 04.03.07 17:58:34ja noch,aber wenn,dann aber:lick:
      schrieb am 04.03.07 20:22:47
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.113.026 von hainholz am 04.03.07 18:34:45push hier ned dum rum
      schrieb am 04.03.07 22:55:35
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.114.850 von hacho18 am 04.03.07 20:22:47von hacho18

      Du mußt erstmal lernen,informieren und pushen zu unterscheiden.
      Aber dazu hast du noch viel Zeit und kannst noch viel Lehrgeld bezahlen.
      schrieb am 06.03.07 17:32:17
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.116.993 von hainholz am 04.03.07 22:55:35es kann jeden Tag die Meldung über eine zu beginnende Produktion kommen!!
      schrieb am 06.03.07 17:46:39
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 22.528.128 von hainholz am 11.07.06 20:09:19hier heißt es weiterhin,zeitig dabei sein:lick:
      schrieb am 22.03.07 21:28:23
      Beitrag Nr. 74 ()

      Fonds steigen ein

      Eurasia Mining PLC
      22 March 2007

      Eurasia Mining plc

      ("Eurasia" or the "Company")

      Notification of Interest

      In accordance with the Financial Services Authority's Disclosure and Transparency Rules Eurasia has received the following notification of current interests in the voting rights in the Company's share capital:

      Firebird Global Master Fund Limited holds the voting rights associated with
      11,188,572 ordinary shares of the Company, representing 7.9% of the total voting rights of the Company. Firebird Republics Fund Limited holds the voting rights associated with 1,818,571 ordinary shares of the Company, representing 1.29% of the total voting rights of the Company.Firebird Avrora Fund Limited holds the voting rights associated with 2,470,000 ordinary shares of the Company, representing 1.75% of the total voting rights of the Company.

      FGS Advisors LLC, the investment manager of Firebird Global Master Fund Limited, is controlled by James Passin. Firebird Management LLC is the investment manager of Firebird Republics Fund Limited and Firebird Avrora Advisors LLC is the investment manager of Firebird Avrora Fund Limited. Each of Firebird Management LLC and Firebird Avrora Advisors LLC is controlled by Harvey Sawikin.

      In total, therefore, as all these parties are connected, Firebird Global Master Fund Limited, Firebird Republics Fund Limited, Firebird Avrora Fund Limited, FGS Advisors LLC, Firebird Management LLC, James Passin and Harvey Sawikin each disclose an interest (either directly or indirectly) in 15,477,143 ordinary shares, representing 10.99% of the total voting rights of the Company.

      For more information please contact:

      David Youngman, WH Ireland Limited Tel: +44 (0) 161 832 2174

      This information is provided by RNS
      The company news service from the London Stock Exchange END HOLEALDFADDXEFE
      schrieb am 25.03.07 19:45:54
      Beitrag Nr. 75 ()
      is it a new investor : about 10% of the company...
      Eurasia Mining plc

      ('Eurasia' or the 'Company')

      Notification of Interest

      In accordance with the Financial Services Authority's Disclosure and
      Transparency Rules Eurasia has received the following notification of current
      interests in the voting rights in the Company's share capital:

      Firebird Global Master Fund Limited holds the voting rights associated with
      11,188,572 ordinary shares of the Company, representing 7.9% of the total voting
      rights of the Company. Firebird Republics Fund Limited holds the voting rights
      associated with 1,818,571 ordinary shares of the Company, representing 1.29% of
      the total voting rights of the Company.Firebird Avrora Fund Limited holds the
      voting rights associated with 2,470,000 ordinary shares of the Company,
      representing 1.75% of the total voting rights of the Company.

      FGS Advisors LLC, the investment manager of Firebird Global Master Fund Limited,
      is controlled by James Passin. Firebird Management LLC is the investment
      manager of Firebird Republics Fund Limited and Firebird Avrora Advisors LLC is
      the investment manager of Firebird Avrora Fund Limited. Each of Firebird
      Management LLC and Firebird Avrora Advisors LLC is controlled by Harvey Sawikin.

      In total, therefore, as all these parties are connected, Firebird Global Master
      Fund Limited, Firebird Republics Fund Limited, Firebird Avrora Fund Limited, FGS
      Advisors LLC, Firebird Management LLC, James Passin and Harvey Sawikin each
      disclose an interest (either directly or indirectly) in 15,477,143 ordinary
      shares, representing 10.99% of the total voting rights of the Company.

      For more information please contact:

      David Youngman, WH Ireland Limited Tel: +44 (0) 161 832 2174
      schrieb am 26.03.07 18:29:24
      Beitrag Nr. 76 ()
      Angloplatinum & Eurasia NEWS

      LONDON (AFX) - Eurasia Mining PLC said it has found thick zones of platinum group metals (PGM) mineralisation while drilling at its 60 pct-owned Volchetundra project in Russia.

      "We are particularly encouraged by the occurrence of two types of higher unit value, and the upper thick unit being palladium dominant. Such differences are typical of major deposits such as the Bushveld or the deposits under evaluation by Puma and Barrick 70 km to the east of Volchetundra," said managing director Christian Schaffalitzky.

      The drilling results across three zones revealed 1.7 grammes per tonne of platinum and palladium, 1.9 g/t and 11 g/t of platinum and palladium, respectively.

      Eurasia is the manager of the project, while Anglo Platinum, the world's largest platinum producer, is funding the first 10 mln usd of exploration spending in return for a 40 pct stake in the joint venture. This is expected to underpin operations until at least the end of 2008, Eurasia added. jro/bsd
      schrieb am 26.03.07 19:37:41
      Beitrag Nr. 77 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.504.589 von hainholz am 26.03.07 18:29:24
      Hallo hainholz , wir sind ja dabei also auf nach Norden:cool:
      schrieb am 26.03.07 19:40:22
      Beitrag Nr. 78 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.506.140 von walterdergenaue am 26.03.07 19:37:41nur komisch,das vorher Fonds einsteigen,die wissen schon warum und um welche Perle es sich bei Eurasia handelt.
      schrieb am 26.03.07 19:43:25
      Beitrag Nr. 79 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.506.195 von hainholz am 26.03.07 19:40:22hier die News nochmal auf Bubbledeutsch

      Angloplatinum U. Eurasia NACHRICHTEN LONDON (AFX) - Eurasia, das PLC gewinnt, sagte, daß es starke Zonen von Mineralisierung der Platingruppe Metall (PGM) bei der Bohrung an seinem 60 pct-besessenen Volchetundra Projekt in Rußland gefunden hat. "wir werden besonders durch das Auftreten von zwei Arten höherer Maßeinheit Wert und die obere starke Maßeinheit angeregt, die das dominierende Palladium ist. Solche Unterschiede sind von den Hauptablagerungen wie dem Bushveld oder von den Ablagerungen unter Auswertung durch Puma und Barrick 70 Kilometer zu östlich Volchetundra, "besagter geschäftsführender Geschäftsführer Christ Schaffalitzky typisch. Die bohrenresultate über drei Zonen deckten 1.7 Gramm pro Tonne Platin und Palladium, 1.9 g/t und 11 g/t des Platins und des Palladiums, beziehungsweise auf. Eurasia ist der Manager des Projektes, während Angloplatin, der größte Platinproduzent der world\s, das erste 10 mln usd der Erforschungausgabe in der Rückkehr für eine 40 pct Stange in der Joint Venture finanziert. Dieses wird erwartet, Betriebe bis mindestens das Ende 2008, Eurasia zu untermauern addiertes jro/bsd
      schrieb am 26.03.07 21:49:33
      Beitrag Nr. 80 ()
      schrieb am 27.03.07 10:00:26
      Beitrag Nr. 81 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.508.494 von hainholz am 26.03.07 21:49:33das wird noch ein gutes Jahr für Eurasia;)
      schrieb am 02.04.07 17:38:08
      Beitrag Nr. 82 ()
      Platinum group metal exploration roundup 2nd April 2007

      Read more about the platinum group metals markets in Johnson Matthey's bi-annual reviews click here.
      March has seen a number of discoveries of platinum group metals (pgms) away from the traditional regions in Africa, with exploration firms in the Americas and Australia also reporting strong pgm finds.

      Hinterland announced in March the extent of pgms available at its Plateau PGE Project in Canada. The company announced assay results of eight holes bored at the project and discovered a broad platinum and palladium zone, of up to 31.1 metres wide. Weighted average intersections of the zone reached 1.07 grams per tonne of platinum group metals, with maximum individual values up to 2.52 grams per tonne pge, the company announced.

      "We expected the drilling to define a narrow pge layer but instead we have encountered a broad zone of mineralization," explained Hinterland President and Chief Executive, Mark Fekete.

      South America has also seen the discovery of pgm deposits, with Largo Resources announcing strong platinum and palladium deposits in Bahia, in Brazil.

      Largo's systematic sampling programme has returned initial results of up to 2.37 grams of platinum per tonne and 0.65 grams of palladium per tonne at the site.

      Eurasia Mining has announced that its first drilling efforts at Volchetundra in north-west Russia have revealed a new platinum group metals discovery. The project, which is part-funded by Anglo Platinum, has revealed several zones of platinum mineralisation, the company has announced.

      Grades of between 1.9 and 11 grams per tonne of platinum and palladium were discovered at the site.

      Eurasia Managing Director Christian Schaffalitzky announced: "We are delighted with these first drill results from Volchetundra which indicate a discovery of new mineralisation which appear to be contained in well defined layers. We look forward to the next phase of work on this promising zone."

      Meanwhile, in Australia, a completely unique platinum discovery has continued to amaze experts. Mineweb has reported that the Polar Bear prospect has provided high grade platinum group metals assays. Samplings from fresh rock and gossans have produced significant assays for numerous less common pgms. The results have found that rhodium, ruthenium, osmium and iridium are all present in substantial proportions at the project.

      Polar Bear was taken on by Platina Resources last year and its preliminary findings suggest that it was an excellent investment for the company. PGM assays of up to 21.2 grams per tonne were discovered at the Halls Knoll project, as well as 2.5 grams per tonne of rhodium and 6.4 grams per tonne of ruthenium.

      Robert Mosig, Executive Chairman at Platina, told Mineweb that Polar Bear has different mineralised characteristics to anything he has seen in the past.

      In South Africa, Jubilee Platinum's Chief Executive has revealed that there is a promising outlook for his company's operations at the Tjate project in Limpopo, South Africa. Speaking to Mining Weekly in March, Colin Bird commented that there have been "positive" early results at the operation, in which Jubilee has a 48 per cent stake.

      Mr Bird said that latest results from Tjate "look especially good taking into account the current high metal prices".

      Anglo Platinum's efforts to secure nine licences to prospect for platinum in South Africa have been turned down by the government. An official has told Mining Journal that the government and Anglo Platinum are still in talks about the licences, but did not elaborate on why they had been refused.

      Wesizwe has announced that a prefeasibility study has confirmed the viability for an mine at its Frisch-Ledig complex on the Bushveld complex. The company stated that it believes there is scope for a mine producing 180,000 tonnes per month of platinum, palladium, rhodium and gold.
      schrieb am 02.04.07 19:37:27
      Beitrag Nr. 83 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 22.528.128 von hainholz am 11.07.06 20:09:19

      ein Ausbruchskandidat hoch 3
      schrieb am 16.04.07 17:49:45
      Beitrag Nr. 84 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.628.139 von hainholz am 02.04.07 19:37:27hab ich doch gesagt!!!

      heute big News in London

      30%%%% auffi
      schrieb am 16.04.07 17:52:40
      Beitrag Nr. 85 ()

      lse announcements - news story
      The information on this page is updated via a feed from the London Stock Exchange's Regulatory News Service.
      Eurasia Mining PLC - Drilling Report

      RNS Number:8693U
      Eurasia Mining PLC
      16 April 2007

      Eurasia Mining plc ('Eurasia' or 'the Company')

      Drilling results - Second Platinum Discovery confirmed at Kola

      April 16, 2007: Eurasia Mining plc is pleased to confirm its second platinum
      group metals (PGM) discovery on the Kola Peninsula in north-west Russia.

      Like the earlier discovery, announced last month, it lies in acreage where the
      first US $10 million of exploration spending is funded by the world's largest
      platinum producer, Anglo Platinum, Eurasia's joint venture partner.

      The latest results show very encouraging platinum plus palladium values between
      1 and 2.9 gram per tonne (g/t). They follow drilling undertaken during the
      second half of 2006 on the joint venture Monchetundra licence, near the town of

      Eurasia Managing Director Christian Schaffalitzky said: 'Coming so soon after
      our earlier discovery announcement at nearby Volchetundra, this is a very
      encouraging set of results.'

      Mr Schaffalitzky added: 'We now plan a programme of grid drilling to identify a
      mineral resource with economic potential.'

      Eurasia's joint venture with Anglo Platinum covers the Monchetundra,
      Volchetundra and West Imandra licences which together cover a total of 450 sq km
      on the Kola Peninsula.

      These licences lie on an extension of a geological trend where the Canadian
      groups Barrick Gold and Consolidated Puma Minerals Corporation are carrying out
      advanced exploration and feasibility studies on nearby deposits. The area has an
      established mining and mineral processing infrastructure and a mining history
      of over 80 years.

      Last month's results from Volchetundra showed the presence of platinum and
      palladium with grades of between 1.9 and 11 grams per tonne. Initial appraisal
      work is also under way at West Imandra.

      Drilling at Monchetundra in the second half of 2006 focused on earlier results
      that had identified a mineralised zone with wide intercepts of low grade
      platinum group metals (PGM). The program has confirmed the presence of this zone
      both on strike and down dip.

      To date the zone is seen in two fault blocks, with a NW-SE strike extent of 1100
      and 400 metres respectively. No drilling has been done yet beyond these limits.
      On the table below, the principal results can be seen. The detailed analytical
      results for all relevant holes with location maps can be seen on the company's

      Results include 15.3m at 2,20gm/t Pt+Pd, 11.3m at 2.93gm/t Pt+Pd, 21.3m at
      1.92gm/t Pt +Pd and 18m at 1.66gm/t Pt+Pd

      The intersections represent at least two separate PGM bearing horizons that have
      been traced so far for several hundred metres and remain open both at depth and
      along strike. In view of the broad widths, apparent continuity and low sulphide
      content Eurasia is targeting an open pit scenario with concentration by
      flotation to produce a marketable high grade concentrate.

      This zone of mineralisation has been targeted for further drilling n 2007, both
      to seek extensions on strike and to confirm internal continuity and investigate
      possible repetition.

      Anglo Platinum, the world's largest platinum producer, is funding the first
      US$10 million of exploration spending in return for a 40% stake in the joint
      venture - expected to underpin operations until at least the end of 2008.
      Eurasia holds the remaining 60% stake in the joint venture.

      The results from the drilling are as follows:

      Hole No. From (m) To (m) Width (m) Pd+Pt (g/t) Pd:Pt ratio

      UM-39 115.4 120.9 5.5 1.37 2.2
      UM-7 83.0 89.7 6.7 1.81 1.9
      UM-7 112.7 128.0 15.3 2.20 1.6
      MT-11 19.1 26.0 6.9 2.40 1.4
      MT-11 53.6 64.7 11.1 2.54 1.7
      MT-11 77.7 80.3 2.6 1.15 2.4
      MT-5 54.7 56.3 1.6 1.44 2.3
      MT-5 62.5 67.5 5.0 1.06 2.2
      MT-6 43.7 61.7 18.0 1.66 2.4
      MT-15 164.8 181.6 16.8 0.88 1.7
      MT-15 205.3 211.3 6.0 1.12 2.3
      UM-9 38.2 40.7 2.5 2.19 1.0
      UM-9 46.6 67.9 21.3 1.92 1.4
      MT-12 116.9 118.0 1.1 1.83 1.3
      MT-12 121.0 142.1 21.1 1.06 1.6
      MT-14 163.5 174.8 11.3 2.93 1.3

      Consent for release

      Christian Schaffalitzky, FIMMM, PGeo, CEng, is a director of the Company. He has
      reviewed the update and consents to the inclusion of the exploration information
      in the form and context in which it appears here. He is a Competent Person for
      the reporting of these results.

      For further information contact:

      Christian Schaffalitzky, Michael Martineau or
      schrieb am 16.04.07 18:30:14
      Beitrag Nr. 86 ()
      hier noch gewaltig unter pari
      schrieb am 16.04.07 22:30:45
      Beitrag Nr. 87 ()
      Platinum rises to five-month high on planned ETF
      Bloomberg / Mumbai April 17, 2007

      Platinum prices rose for a second day to their highest in almost five months in Asia on speculation that demand will exceed supply after the introduction of an exchange-traded fund. Platinum futures in Tokyo reached a record high.

      Zuercher Kantonalbank, the biggest of Switzerland’s 24 government-controlled cantonal lenders, will introduce exchange-traded funds (ETFs) for three precious metals, including platinum, the bank said in a statement on April 13. This may be the first for platinum, according to Mark Bedford of Johnson Matthey.

      Prices of platinum, used in auto catalysts and jewellery, have risen for the past four years and reached a record $1,402.50 on November 21 on speculation about a new exchange-traded fund.

      So-called ETFs purchase and store metal, allowing investors to trade assets without owning them.

      “News of the ETF is the driving force behind platinum today, the market is quite firm on the back of the news,’’ said Jonathan Barratt, managing director of Commodity Broking Services in Sydney, said by phone today.

      Platinum for immediate delivery rose as much as $15.5, or 1.2 per cent, to trade at $1,286.5 an ounce, the highest since November 21, and traded at $1,280 at 5:05 pm Singapore time.

      “The markets have got to work out where they are getting it from and have they got enough and all those sorts of things,’’ Barratt said.

      The Swiss bank plans to list the new ETFs, based on silver, platinum and palladium, on the SWX Swiss Exchange and trading is scheduled to start on May 10, the bank said. The new investment products are designed for wealthy private clients and institutional investors, it said.

      “It’s the first that I’m aware of,’’ said Bedford, director of precious metals marketing at Johnson Matthey in Royston, UK. The ETF news came at a time when the market saw strong demand for the metal used in catalytic converters to reduce emissions from diesel vehicles under tough environmental regulations and from oil refineries, said Shuji Sugata, research team manager at Mitsubishi Corporation Futures in Tokyo.

      In Japan, platinum for delivery in February 2008 rose as much as 98 yen, or 2.1 per cent, to 4,864 yen a gram ($1,267 an ounce) and closed at 4,828 yen on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange. The maximum daily price fluctuation limit for platinum is 100 yen.

      “It’s because of the rise in platinum prices in markets overseas, as well as the weakening of the yen against the dollar,’’ said Kazuhiko Saito, chief analyst at Interes Capital Management in Tokyo. “There has been fund buying.’’

      The yen, which is near the lowest in six weeks against the dollar, traded at 119.44 a dollar at 4:30 pm in Tokyo, compared with 119.25 in late New York on April 13. Palladium for delivery in February 2008 also gained as much as 38 yen, or 2.7 per cent, to 1,472 yen a gram, the highest since May 2002, before closing at 1,468 yen in Tokyo.

      Palladium for immediate delivery rose as much as $3.50, or 0.9 per cent, to $380.5 an ounce, the highest since May 17, and traded at $377.5 at 4:53 pm Singapore time.
      schrieb am 17.04.07 17:40:41
      Beitrag Nr. 88 ()
      nach den News heut nochmal 12 % hoch in London

      hier gewaltig unter Pari
      schrieb am 17.04.07 21:07:41
      Beitrag Nr. 89 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.862.001 von hainholz am 17.04.07 17:40:41hier fast 3 Cent unter Pari:confused:
      schrieb am 18.04.07 17:32:17
      Beitrag Nr. 90 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.862.001 von hainholz am 17.04.07 17:40:41und wieder geht es weiter in London ,heut nochmal 6,75%%
      schrieb am 18.04.07 19:10:07
      Beitrag Nr. 91 ()
      Mon 07:04 Eurasia Mining PLC - Drilling Report RNS
      RNS Number:8693U Eurasia Mining PLC 16 April 2007

      Eurasia Mining plc ("Eurasia" or "the Company")
      Drilling results - Second Platinum Discovery confirmed at Kola

      April 16, 2007: Eurasia Mining plc is pleased to confirm its second platinum group metals (PGM) discovery on the Kola Peninsula in north-west Russia.

      Like the earlier discovery, announced last month, it lies in acreage where the first US $10 million of exploration spending is funded by the world's largest platinum producer, Anglo Platinum, Eurasia's joint venture partner.

      The latest results show very encouraging platinum plus palladium values between 1 and 2.9 gram per tonne (g/t). They follow drilling undertaken during the second half of 2006 on the joint venture Monchetundra licence, near the town of Monchegorsk.

      Eurasia Managing Director Christian Schaffalitzky said: "Coming so soon after our earlier discovery announcement at nearby Volchetundra, this is a very encouraging set of results."

      Mr Schaffalitzky added: "We now plan a programme of grid drilling to identify a mineral resource with economic potential."

      Eurasia's joint venture with Anglo Platinum covers the Monchetundra, Volchetundra and West Imandra licences which together cover a total of 450 sq km on the Kola Peninsula.

      These licences lie on an extension of a geological trend where the Canadian groups Barrick Gold and Consolidated Puma Minerals Corporation are carrying out advanced exploration and feasibility studies on nearby deposits. The area has an established mining and mineral processing infrastructure and a mining history of over 80 years.

      Last month's results from Volchetundra showed the presence of platinum and palladium with grades of between 1.9 and 11 grams per tonne. Initial appraisal work is also under way at West Imandra.

      Drilling at Monchetundra in the second half of 2006 focused on earlier results that had identified a mineralised zone with wide intercepts of low grade platinum group metals (PGM). The program has confirmed the presence of this zone both on strike and down dip.

      To date the zone is seen in two fault blocks, with a NW-SE strike extent of 1100 and 400 metres respectively. No drilling has been done yet beyond these limits. On the table below, the principal results can be seen. The detailed analytical results for all relevant holes with location maps can be seen on the company's website

      Results include 15.3m at 2,20gm/t Pt+Pd, 11.3m at 2.93gm/t Pt+Pd, 21.3m at 1.92gm/t Pt +Pd and 18m at 1.66gm/t Pt+Pd

      The intersections represent at least two separate PGM bearing horizons that have been traced so far for several hundred metres and remain open both at depth and along strike. In view of the broad widths, apparent continuity and low sulphide content Eurasia is targeting an open pit scenario with concentration by flotation to produce a marketable high grade concentrate.

      This zone of mineralisation has been targeted for further drilling n 2007, both to seek extensions on strike and to confirm internal continuity and investigate possible repetition.

      Anglo Platinum, the world's largest platinum producer, is funding the first US$10 million of exploration spending in return for a 40% stake in the joint venture - expected to underpin operations until at least the end of 2008. Eurasia holds the remaining 60% stake in the joint venture.

      The results from the drilling are as follows:

      Hole No. From (m) To (m) Width (m) Pd+Pt (g/t) Pd:Pt ratio
      UM-39 115.4 120.9 5.5 1.37 2.2
      UM-7 83.0 89.7 6.7 1.81 1.9
      UM-7 112.7 128.0 15.3 2.20 1.6
      MT-11 19.1 26.0 6.9 2.40 1.4
      MT-11 53.6 64.7 11.1 2.54 1.7
      MT-11 77.7 80.3 2.6 1.15 2.4
      MT-5 54.7 56.3 1.6 1.44 2.3
      MT-5 62.5 67.5 5.0 1.06 2.2
      MT-6 43.7 61.7 18.0 1.66 2.4
      MT-15 164.8 181.6 16.8 0.88 1.7
      MT-15 205.3 211.3 6.0 1.12 2.3
      UM-9 38.2 40.7 2.5 2.19 1.0
      UM-9 46.6 67.9 21.3 1.92 1.4
      MT-12 116.9 118.0 1.1 1.83 1.3
      MT-12 121.0 142.1 21.1 1.06 1.6
      MT-14 163.5 174.8 11.3 2.93 1.3

      Consent for release

      Christian Schaffalitzky, FIMMM, PGeo, CEng, is a director of the Company. He has reviewed the update and consents to the inclusion of the exploration information in the form and context in which it appears here. He is a Competent Person for the reporting of these results.

      For further information contact:

      Christian Schaffalitzky, Michael Martineau or
      Michael de Villiers, Eurasia Mining Plc: +44 (0) 20 7495 4877
      Laurie Beevers, W H Ireland: +44 (0) 7903 164 004
      Allan Piper, First City Financial Public Relations: +44 (0) 20 7242 2666
      Nicholas Bealer, King & Shaxson Capital Limited +44 (0) 20 7426 5975
      This information is provided by RNS
      The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



      26-03-07 Eurasia finds platinum mineralisation at Volchetundra JV in Russia AFX UK Focus
      LONDON (AFX) - Eurasia Mining PLC said it has found thick zones of platinum group metals (PGM) mineralisation while drilling at its 60 pct-owned Volchetundra project in Russia.

      "We are particularly encouraged by the occurrence of two types of higher unit value, and the upper thick unit being palladium dominant. Such differences are typical of major deposits such as the Bushveld or the deposits under evaluation by Puma and Barrick 70 km to the east of Volchetundra," said managing director Christian Schaffalitzky.

      The drilling results across three zones revealed 1.7 grammes per tonne of platinum and palladium, 1.9 g/t and 11 g/t of platinum and palladium, respectively.

      Eurasia is the manager of the project, while Anglo Platinum, the world's largest platinum producer, is funding the first 10 mln usd of exploration spending in return for a 40 pct stake in the joint venture. This is expected to underpin operations until at least the end of 2008, Eurasia added. jro/bsd
      schrieb am 02.05.07 18:19:05
      Beitrag Nr. 92 ()
      schöner Bericht auf Minesite

      Eurasia Mining Makes Second Platinum Discovery

      By Rob Davies

      AIM listed Eurasia Mining has had very quiet few months and the shares have ticked along at around 5p putting a value on the company of just under £8million. No one has been more frustrated by this than Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Christian Schaffalitzky. However, after reporting a second platinum discovery in the Kola Peninsula of Russia he is sounding much more upbeat. The first discovery was announced in March when Hole VT17 encountered three platinum group metal intersections over a variety of lengths.

      Kola Peninsula
      The three most significant were 44.6 metres of 1.97 g/t platinum and palladium, 18.5 metres of 1.9 g/t platinum and palladium and one metre that returned 11 g/t of the two metals. This hole was located at the Volchetundra property where Eurasia is working with Anglo Platinum and earlier trenching work had already provided some encouraging data on PGM mineralisation in the ultramafic body. This commits the major to spend the first US$10million to earn a 40 per cent interest. After that is has an option to acquire a further 20 per cent by the payment of US$6million. Christian says that so far Anglo Platinum has spent about US$4million so there is plenty of firepower left.

      The second PGM discovery is on the nearby Monchetundra license that has the same option terms. Drilling here has revealed intersections of 15.3metres at 2.2 g/t Pt and Pd, 11.3metres at 2.93gm/t Pt and Pd, 21.3metres at 1.92gm/t Pt +Pd and 18metres at 1.66gm/t Pt+Pd. While the grades are not high the lengths are very encouraging. What excites Christian is their consistency and the proof they provide of continuity of the mineralization. He says these results show there are two horizons several hundred metres long open along strike and down dip. So far they have been traced over a total of 1,500 metres in two fault blocks, both trending north-west – south east. One of them has a strike extent of 1,100 metres and the other 400 metres. At 80 degrees they are steep dipping and Christian thinks would be amenable to extraction via an open pit. These discoveries will give the 2007 programme a renewed focus and a drilling campaign is now being designed to follow up these results in the most effective manner. Christian expects the budget for this year to be about US$3million on these two targets and the West Imandra chromite target.

      The second programme Eurasia is working on in Russia is in the Urals where it is again working with Anglo Platinum, but this time on an alluvial deposit. A reserve estimate is being prepared and Christian says is due shortly. He is hoping to be able to report an average grade about three times the 100 milligrammes per cubic metre cut-off grade they are working on. Both these PGM plays give Eurasia a lot of upside should either develop into commercial deposits. While a Russian discount needs to be applied to both prospects the current valuation does not seem to have recognized these two PGM discovery holes with their width and consistency.
      schrieb am 04.05.07 14:15:26
      Beitrag Nr. 93 ()
      NEWS :eek::eek:

      Barcleys Capital steigt ein !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      NS Number:0917W
      Eurasia Mining PLC
      04 May 2007

      Eurasia Mining plc

      ("Eurasia" or the "Company")

      Notification of Interest

      In accordance with the Financial Services Authority's Disclosure and Transparency Rules, Eurasia has received the following notification of current interests in the voting rights in the Company's share capital:

      Barclays plc, through Barclays Stockbrokers Ltd, has an indirect interest in
      7,225,461 ordinary shares of 5p each in the Company, representing approximately
      5.13 per cent. of the voting rights of the Company.

      For more information please contact:

      Christian Schaffalitzky, Eurasia Mining plc
      schrieb am 09.05.07 14:39:41
      Beitrag Nr. 94 ()
      BIG NEWS

      Eurasia Mining plc ("Eurasia" or "the Company")


      May 9, 2007: AIM-quoted Eurasia Mining plc has completed an exploration drilling programme on a portion of its West Kytlim licence area in the Urals, Russia.

      The drilling programme was fully funded by Eurasia's 50:50 joint-venture partner, Anglo Platinum, the world's largest platinum producer and was carried out on one of two large potential areas of production on virgin alluvial territory discovered by Eurasia in the West Kytlim area 13 months ago. Early drilling indicated average grades of platinum as high as 335 milligrams per cubic metre (mg/m3) - in a region where small producers are already extracting alluvial platinum economically at grades as low as 100 mg/m3.

      The completion of the latest drilling programme, which focussed on the area most likely to form part of the first stage of mining at West Kytlim, is an important milestone in the completion of the bankable feasibility study. Eurasia expects to complete a reserve report shortly which can be lodged with the relevant authorities, a necessary step once the conversion of the exploration licence into a mining permit is required.

      Feasibility studies continue and upon the completion of a bankable study the joint venture will examine how best to implement the project. Issues currently under consideration include the use of mining plant owned by a local partner, Production Artel Yuzhno-Zaozersky Priisk, investment in a new washing plant and project finance options. Plans are meanwhile advancing for further bulk testing to be carried out this summer.

      Alluvial mining is a significant component of the mining industry in Russia, with over forty operators in gold and less than six in platinum. Approximately 120,000 ounces of platinum was produced from alluvial mining in 2006, while allivial gold production is estimated at 2 million ounces for the same year.

      Consent for release

      Christian Schaffalitzky, FIMMM, PGeo, CEng, is a director of the Company. He has reviewed the update and consents to the inclusion of the exploration information in the form and context in which it appears here. He is a Competent Person for the reporting of these results.

      For further information contact:

      Christian Schaffalitzky, Michael Martineau or
      schrieb am 09.05.07 14:40:49
      Beitrag Nr. 95 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 22.528.128 von hainholz am 11.07.06 20:09:19die gehen strong ihren Weg zur Produktion;)
      schrieb am 17.05.07 15:33:48
      Beitrag Nr. 96 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 22.528.128 von hainholz am 11.07.06 20:09:19Wirtschaftsnews - 16.04.07

      Eurasia Mining bestätigt zweiten Platinfund auf russischer Kola-Halbinsel

      London 16.04.2007 (
      Die Eurasia Mining Plc. bestätigte heute den Fund eines zweiten Platinvorkomnmens auf der Kola-Halbinsel im Nordwesten Russlands. Der Fundort befindet sich in einer Gegend, in der der Joint Venture- Partner Anglo Platinum 10 Mio. USD für die Exploration investiert hat. Die neuesten Analysen deuten auf eine Platin- und Palladiumkonzentration von 1 - 2,9 Gramm/Tonne hin, so Eurasia Mining. Dort will das Unternehmen einen Tagebau errichten.

      An dem Joint Venture auf der Kola-Halbinsel ist Eurasia Mining zu 60 % und die Anglo Platinum zu 40 % beteiligt.
      schrieb am 24.05.07 20:13:21
      Beitrag Nr. 97 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.357.955 von hainholz am 17.05.07 15:33:48Hallo,

      hab Eurasia Mining schon länger auf der WL, falls du es weißt, könntest du mal posten bis wann die Produktionsaufnahme von statten gehen soll, wie groß die Minerallager sind, und wie das Explorationsprogramm aussieht, danke, falls nicht muss ich mich mal selbst dahinter klemmen, scheint langsam loszugehen, werd bald einsteigen.
      schrieb am 28.06.07 15:04:53
      Beitrag Nr. 98 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.357.955 von hainholz am 17.05.07 15:33:48hainholz , du bist ja hier mehr als present .
      da steckt sicher eine menge eigeninteresse dahinter .:D
      schrieb am 28.06.07 18:51:03
      Beitrag Nr. 99 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.368.154 von kennedyy am 28.06.07 15:04:53Hi

      Ja da hast du Recht,aber auch viel Sendungsbewußtsein

      da paßt es sich das Eurasia heute Resultate bringt und die sind nicht schlecht

      lse announcements - news story
      The information on this page is updated via a feed from the London Stock Exchange's Regulatory News Service.
      Eurasia Mining PLC - Final Results

      RNS Number:1528Z
      Eurasia Mining PLC
      28 June 2007

      Eurasia Mining Plc

      ('Eurasia' or the 'Company)


      Chairman's Statement

      This year it is my pleasure to report that your Company has made major progress
      both on its platinum and its gold projects.

      On the platinum front we completed the acquisition of three exploration licences
      on the Kola Peninsula in NW Russia where Barrick and Puma have both outlined
      important resources on which they are currently completing feasibility studies
      with a view to initiating production. Through our joint venture with Anglo
      Platinum, we immediately initiated drilling. Early in 2007 we reported that
      through this drilling we have already made discoveries of platinum
      mineralisation of potentially economic grade on two of these three areas. This
      is a remarkably fast and unusually high success rate and we await the results of
      the follow-up work to be conducted this year. Anglo Platinum has agreed to fund
      the US$3 million programme for 2007 to define the size of these potentially
      important resources. This expenditure forms part of their commitment to spend
      $10 million to earn an initial 40% in the Kola projects.

      In the Urals, also covered by the joint venture with Anglo Platinum, your
      Company's drilling has provided the basis for achieving near term production at
      the West Kytlim project. The key items on our agenda here are to obtain approval
      from the Russian authorities for our reserves and for the production plan and
      from this to obtain a mining licence. Whilst we receive every co-operation from
      the Russian authorities and are grateful for this, the precise timing is not in
      our hands. We have the authority for bulk sampling and can usefully use the time
      to test and improve our equipment, to work with our Russian partner Artel
      Yuzhno-Zaoersky Priisk, to plan a power supply and equipment utilisation and
      also to expand the reserves through continued exploration along the previously
      untested river terraces.

      On the gold side, your Company has continued with the programme that it
      initiated through a joint venture with AngloGold Limited. Whilst we regretted
      their departure to pursue an alliance with the Russian gold producer Polymetal,
      we greatly benefitted from the US$1 million that they contributed to fund our
      data compilation and field studies. We have recently applied for a number of
      licences in areas that we believe to be highly prospective for gold. Competition
      for areas, even at the exploration stage, is becoming intense so we are also
      working with Russian partners to look to jointly acquire both advanced
      properties with identified reserves or resources and key exploration properties.

      In summary, the Directors of your Company believe Eurasia has made excellent
      progress in 2006, which continues in 2007. We are confident that the continuing
      success on the technical side will be reflected in the enhancement of value in
      the company. The support of Anglo Platinum in our platinum projects has been a
      key to our survival and to our recent successes and is gratefully acknowledged.

      It remains for me to thank our hard working staff, particularly those in Russia
      who, excepting our tireless manager Bill Anderson, are almost exclusively
      Russian, for their efforts and to congratulate them on their successes. Without
      their efforts your Company would be nothing; with them I believe that Eurasia
      has a great future.

      Dr. Michael Martineau

      Operations Report

      Kola projects

      We selected our three licence areas in the Monchegorsk region of the Kola
      Peninsula on the basis of the presence of rocks containing platinum values in
      excess of

      1 gram/tonne. The mineralisation is characteristic of a recently defined new
      class of PGM (platinum group metals) deposit known as low sulphide,
      contact-related and breccia-hosted type. The similarity in the geological
      setting and style of mineralisation at Monchetundra to that developed in the
      Finnish deposits is striking, especially that developed in the Portimo Complex.
      Also, there are some similarities with 'Platreef' rocks seen in the Bushveld
      complex of South Africa.

      The Kola region has a long history of mining and metal refining, principally of
      nickel and copper with PGM as a by-product, but PGM exploration has only been
      carried out since the mid 1990s.


      The Monchetundra licence covers an area of 36.2 km2 and is situated immediately
      to the west of the town of Monchegorsk. Much of the licence area is covered by
      glacial till which hides the geology.

      Three mineralised zones are recognised within the project area, two of which
      have been prioritised for exploration; namely zones 2 and 3.

      Zone 2 comprises a sequence of ultramafic rocks; the highest-grade intersection
      in the zone is 8.4 grams/tonne (g/t) PGM over 3.6m with a Palladium (Pd):
      Platinum (Pt) ratio of 2:1 (Hole UM-3). The highest single grades obtained by
      fire assay in this intersection included 26g/t Pd and 12g/t Pt over 0.4m.

      Zone 3 is characterised by frequent interlayering of ultramafic rocks of varying
      grain-size; anomalous PGM values are generally associated with sulphide
      disseminations. Thickness of the zone is up to 70m, with PGM values ranging from
      0.1 to 19.6 g/t. Intersections define at least two separate PGM bearing horizons
      which have been traced for more than 1 kilometre to date and remain open both at
      depth and along strike. In view of the broad widths, apparent continuity and low
      sulphide content the Joint Venture is targeting open pit resources with
      concentration by flotation to produce a marketable high grade concentrate.

      Drill results received to date include the following intercepts:

      Hole No Interval (m) Pt+Pd (g/t) Pd:Pt ratio

      MT-14 11.3 2.93 1.3

      MT-13 1.2 5.8 1.4

      MT-12 21.1 1.06 1.6

      UM-9 21.3 1.92 1.4

      MT-15 6.0 1.12 2.3

      MT-6 18.0 1.66 2.4

      MT-11 6.9 2.40 1.8

      MT-11 11.1 2.54 1.7

      UM-7 6.7 1.81 1.9

      UM-39 5.5 1.37 2.2

      MT-17 13.1 1.9 1.9

      A programme of 4,500m of diamond drilling is planned for 2007, including a
      combination of reconnaissance traverses along strike to the southeast and
      northwest of the main Loypishnyun target, as well as some infill drilling within
      the main target to help define the limits and continuity of the mineralisation
      discovered to date.


      The Volchetundra licence area, which covers approximately 210km2, lies to the
      northwest of Monchegorsk town.

      The host mafic intrusion is some 40km long and varies in width from 1-4km. The
      principal target for PGM is a 20-300 m wide sulphide bearing (approximately 2%),
      Marginal Zone which runs along the eastern contact of the massif. Work carried
      out in 2006 included mapping and trenching at Nickel Creek, Yukspor and Kutskol;
      and deep geochemical sampling at the Somnitelny site and drilling at the Olche
      and Kutskol locations.

      Wide zones of PGM mineralisation were first discovered in Drill-hole VT-17
      located in the northern part of the licence area during the 2006 programme. The
      hole intersected three zones of mineralisation. The shallowest extends from
      68.35 to 112.95 metres (44.6m at an average grade of 1.7 g/t Pt+Pd, within this
      interval, 27.55m averaged 2.2g/t). The Pd: Pt ratio varies from 1.5 to 3:1.

      A second intersection extends from 144.9 to 163.4m (18.5 metres at 1.9 g/t
      Pt+Pd, including 4.4m at 3.6g/t Pt+Pd and 7.3 m grading 2.6 g/t). The ratio of
      Pd: Pt varies from 0.3-1.1:1.

      A third zone of interest was located at 170.2m, with a 1m section assaying 11g/t
      Pt+Pd. The ratio Pd: Pt is 0.8:1.

      Systematic drilling in the vicinity of VT-17 will be prioritised in 2007.
      Mapping, trenching and drilling will also continue along the untested remaining
      27km of the Marginal Zone with emphasis on the Yukspor and Olche areas.

      West Imandra

      The West Imandra licence covers an area of 229km2 situated to the S-SW of
      Monchegorsk, adjacent to the Murmansk to St Petersburg highway; it covers the
      westerly strike extensions of the Imandra layered intrusion which has been
      broken by faulting into the Ostrovskoy, Yalgeny and Mayavr-Devichya Massifs.

      In 2006 the exploration which included mapping, trenching, drilling, till
      geochemistry and magnetic surveys was focused on the Mayavr-Devichya Massif.
      Trench sampling of the Upper Zone returned values of 1g/t Pt+Pd over 4m.
      Drilling in 2007 will test this zone as well as the un-explored lower contact of
      the Ostrovsky Massif.


      West Kytlim

      Ore reserve delineation drilling (Russian category C2) continued throughout 2006
      on the 171km2 licence area at West Kytlim. West Kytlim is located in the Central
      Urals, a region which has yielded some 500 tonnes (16 million ounces), of
      alluvial platinum since production first commenced in 1824. The Kytlim district
      itself has produced approximately 50 tonnes (1.6 million ounces) to date.

      Alluvial mining has always been a significant component of the mining industry
      in Russia, with currently over forty operators in gold and less than six in
      platinum. Approximately 120,000 ounces of platinum was produced from alluvial
      mining in 2006, while alluvial gold production was estimated at 2 million ounces
      during the same period. Processing of alluvial sediment is simple in principle,
      usually based on gravity separation

      by washing and production of a heavy minerals concentrate which is sold directly
      to refineries; payment is based on the recovered metal. The simplicity of ore
      processing generally contributes to very low unit capital and operating costs.

      As was reported in April 2006, the Joint Venture has discovered previously
      unworked alluvial platinum occurrences, as well as extensions of previously
      worked deposits and associated tailings deposits which can be reworked to
      recover residual platinum.

      To expedite production it has been necessary to complete sufficient drilling and
      trenching work on close spaced traverses matching the requirements for ore
      reserve approval under Russian regulations as the basis to apply for reissue of
      the entire licence area as a comprehensive mining licence. This detailed work
      has been focused on the Bolshaya Sosnovka area which hosts a combination of new
      discovery buried placers as well as extensions of known shallow placers and
      tailings. The area selected for detailed ore reserve assessment measures
      approximately 2000m x 200m width with potential to contain between 500 and
      1000kg platinum.

      Work during 2006 progressed well, with 194 holes completed totalling 2,220

      metres of drilling: this was by far the most productive period in the history of
      the Joint Venture. Detailed reserve delineation drilling will be completed in
      early 2007 after which a reserve report will be prepared and lodged for approval
      by the relevant authorities. The Joint Venture is aiming to commence pilot
      production in 2007 however this is dependent on obtaining all the necessary
      federal and local government permits in a timely way.

      Bulk sample processing through the Joint Venture test plant, conducted in
      parallel with detailed drilling during 2006, indicates that double deck sluicing
      would provide a satisfactory processing method for near surface placers at
      Bolshoya Sosnovka. The tests indicated the grain size of more than 80% of the
      contained platinum exceeded 0.25mm and up to 90% of it was recovered by two
      stages of sluicing. This plant is designed to simulate the recoveries of a
      full-scale operation. Bulk testing of deeper placer material is continuing.

      We are continuing with feasibility studies into how best to implement the
      project. Issues currently under consideration include the use of mining plant
      owned by our local partner, investment in a new washing plant and project
      finance options.

      Detailed close spaced ore reserve delineation is now in progress on the Tylai
      terraces to the south of the Bolshaya Sosnovka area; numerous additional target
      areas within the licence area have yet to be assessed.

      The Joint Venture is also actively seeking new alluvial and hard rock platinum
      opportunities in the Urals.

      Other Urals Projects

      Eurasia continues to work on its own account at the 75% owned Baronskoye project
      where the company discovered Palladium-Gold mineralisation in 2001. Testing of
      metallurgical options for an area that may have potential as a small open pit
      project has been deferred till 2007 due to a requirement for summer access to
      obtain sufficiently representative sample material.

      Gold Exploration

      The company has remained a participant in the application process for five
      licences in the highly prospective Trans Baikalian Region of Eastern Siberia.
      The prospects were identified prior to and during the alliance with Anglo Gold
      Ashanti. This alliance was terminated in 2006, after expenditure by Anglo Gold
      Ashanti of approximately $1 million, due to a possible conflict of interest
      after they formed a new Russia wide venture with the country's second largest
      gold producer Polymetal.

      Three of the five areas have been listed for licencing in mid 2007. Our
      objective is participation in the rapid advancement of a number of projects
      towards feasibility study on our own account or with partners. The company also
      continues to seek projects that will add value to our portfolio by reviewing and
      potentially bidding for both prospective mineral ground as well as advanced
      stage projects elsewhere in the country. We continue to work with several
      potential Russian partners to jointly acquire advanced gold development and
      exploration properties.

      C Schaffalitzky

      Managing Director

      For further information contact:
      Michael Martineau / Christian Schaffalitzky, Eurasia
      Mining Plc +44 (0) 20 7495 4877
      Michael De Villiers, Eurasia Mining plc: +44 (0) 7899 917 096
      David Youngman/Katy Mitchell, W H Ireland: +44 (0) 161 819 8724
      Nick Bealer, King & Shaxson Capital Ltd +44 (0) 7426 5950
      Allan Piper, First City Financial Public Relations +44 (0) 20 7242 2666

      Consolidated Profit and Loss Account

      For the year ended 31 December 2006
      Total Total

      2006 2005
      £ £
      Impairment of assets (29,129) (156,925)
      Other administrative expenses (649,810) (933,374)
      ----------------------------- -------- --------
      Administrative expenses and operating loss (678,939) (1,090,299)
      Share of operating loss in joint venture (98,017) (477,602)
      ----------------------------- -------- --------
      Total operating loss: group and share of joint
      ventures (776,956) (1,567,901)
      Interest receivable and similar items 22,715 127,849
      Interest payable and similar items (262,255) -
      ----------------------------- -------- --------
      Loss on ordinary activities before taxation (1,016,496) (1,440,052)
      Taxation - -
      ----------------------------- -------- --------
      Loss on ordinary activities after taxation (1,016,496) (1,440,052)
      Minority interest 26,974 (1,693)
      ----------------------------- -------- --------
      Loss for the financial year (989,522) (1,441,745)
      Loss per share (basic and diluted) (0.81)p (1.43)p
      ----------------------------- -------- --------
      All the operations of the group are classed as continuing.

      Consolidated Balance Sheet

      At 31 December 2006
      2006 2005
      £ £
      Fixed assets
      Intangible - exploration, development and
      production interests 859,613 1,280,810
      Tangible 33,601 41,172
      Interest in joint venture
      -------- --------
      Share of gross assets 2,126,251 502,855
      Share of gross liabilities (1,230,941) (305,445)
      -------- --------
      895,310 197,410
      Other investments 324,871 146
      ----------------------------- -------- --------
      Total fixed assets 2,113,395 1,519,538
      ----------------------------- -------- --------
      Current assets
      Debtors 217,685 202,410
      Cash at bank 1,130,981 198,201
      ----------------------------- -------- --------
      Total current assets 1,348,666 400,611
      Creditors - amounts falling due within one year (556,426) (213,019)
      ----------------------------- -------- --------
      Net current assets 792,240 187,592
      ----------------------------- -------- --------
      Total assets less current liabilities 2,905,635 1,707,130
      ----------------------------- -------- --------
      Creditors - amounts falling due after more than
      one year (499,998) (93,251)
      ----------------------------- -------- --------
      Net assets 2,405,637 1,613,879
      ----------------------------- -------- --------
      Capital and reserves
      Called-up share capital 7,042,805 5,188,086
      Share premium account 7,020,549 7,034,374
      Other reserves 49,167 -
      Capital redemption reserve 3,539,906 3,539,906
      Profit and loss account (15,191,856) (14,114,787)
      ----------------------------- -------- --------
      Equity shareholders' funds 2,460,571 1,647,579
      Minority interest (54,934) (33,700)
      ----------------------------- -------- --------
      2,405,637 1,613,879
      ----------------------------- -------- --------

      Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

      For the year ended 31 December 2006
      2006 2005
      £ £
      Net cash outflow from operating activities (315,265) (902,244)
      Returns on investments and servicing of finance (17,807) 6,257
      Capital expenditure and financial investment (419,901) 132,901
      ----------------------------- -------- --------
      Net cash outflow before financing (752,973) (763,086)
      Issue of ordinary shares 1,067,542 871,500
      Issue of convertible loan stock 655,000 -
      ----------------------------- -------- --------
      Increase in cash in the period 969,569 108,414
      ----------------------------- -------- --------

      Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds
      Increase in cash in the period 969,569 108,414
      Translation difference (36,789) 6,625
      ----------------------------- -------- --------
      Movement in net funds in the period 932,780 115,039
      Net funds at 1 January 198,201 83,162
      ----------------------------- -------- --------

      Net funds at 31 December 1,130,981 198,201
      ----------------------------- -------- --------

      Reconciliation of Operating Loss to Operating Cash Flows
      Operating loss (776,956) (1,567,901)
      Depreciation charges 6,413 5,413
      Loss on sale of marketable securities - 5,476
      Impairment charge 29,129 156,925
      Loss attributable to joint venture 98,017 477,602
      (Increase) / decrease in debtors (15,275) 44,664
      Increase / (decrease) in creditors 343,407 (24,423)
      ----------------------------- -------- --------
      Net cash outflow from operating activities (315,265) (902,244)
      ----------------------------- -------- --------

      1 The financial information set out above does not constitute statutory
      accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The
      consolidated profit and loss account, balance sheet and cash flow statement
      have been extracted from the Group's 2006 statutory financial statements
      upon which the auditors' opinion is unqualified.
      2 The loss per share is calculated by reference to the loss for the year of
      £989,522 (2005: £1,441,745) and the weighted average number of Shares in
      issue during the year of 122,848,396 (2005: 100,644,594). There is no
      dilutive effect of share options or warrants.
      3 The financial information has been prepared under the historical cost
      convention and in accordance with applicable accounting standards.
      In common with many exploration companies, the Company raises finance for
      its exploration and appraisal activities in discrete tranches to finance
      its activities for limited periods only. Further funding is raised as and
      when required.
      The Directors are of the opinion that the Company will require to raise
      additional financial resources to enable the group to undertake an optimal
      programme of exploration and appraisal activity over the next twelve
      months. Accordingly, the Directors intend either to raise further funds or
      to engage an additional funding partner as appropriate during the course of
      the next twelve months.
      Whilst the Directors are confident that the Group will be able to secure
      additional funding to enable it to continue to meet its debts as they fall
      due and to undertake the programme described above for at least the next
      twelve months from the date of approval of these financial statements,
      there can be no guarantee that this will be the case.
      The financial statements do not include any adjustments, particularly in
      respect of fixed assets, investments, loans and provisions for winding up,
      which would be necessary if the Company and Group ceased to be a going
      4 Copies of the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December
      2006 will be posted to shareholders by 30 June 2007 and will be available,
      free of charge, from the Company's registered office at 1 Hay Hill, London,
      W1J 6DH, for a period of 14 days from the date of their posting and, at any
      time from the date of posting, from the Company's website - The Company's Annual General Meeting will be held
      at The East India Club, 16 St James Square, London SW1Y 4LH on 8 August
      2007 at 11:00 am.

      This information is provided by RNS
      The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

      schrieb am 28.06.07 19:40:15
      Beitrag Nr. 100 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.373.380 von hainholz am 28.06.07 18:51:03diese Final Results habe ich heute früh auch gelesen , nicht schlecht.
      leider zur zeit kein handel in D und die briten machen fast gar nichts.
      schrieb am 29.06.07 15:25:30
      Beitrag Nr. 101 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.374.562 von kennedyy am 28.06.07 19:40:15na da schau einer her !!

      Bewegung im Kurs und das gewaltig ,aber so soll es auch sein bei Eurasias Zukunft.
      schrieb am 29.06.07 15:33:39
      Beitrag Nr. 102 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.393.294 von hainholz am 29.06.07 15:25:3030000 Stücke zu 0,10 sind ne Stolze Angelegenheit:eek::eek::eek:
      schrieb am 29.06.07 16:15:57
      Beitrag Nr. 103 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.393.491 von hainholz am 29.06.07 15:33:39gut so ,
      volumen muss noch zunehmen.
      behalte eurasia im auge :D
      drücke dir die daumen
      schrieb am 29.06.07 16:18:50
      Beitrag Nr. 104 ()
      wenn sie von den Russen ( mit denen sie gut zusammenarbeiten )die Abbaugenehmigung bekommen,könnten sie schon Probeweise beginnen.:eek:
      schrieb am 29.06.07 19:09:47
      Beitrag Nr. 105 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.394.507 von hainholz am 29.06.07 16:18:50das wollen wir hoffen, denn dann sehen wir schnell ganz andere kurse hier. leider habe ich nicht soviele wie ich gewollt habe,
      schoenen abend noch und viel freude, hp
      schrieb am 30.06.07 14:08:25
      Beitrag Nr. 106 ()
      Die Liegenschaften sind vom Feinsten

      schrieb am 01.07.07 17:57:39
      Beitrag Nr. 107 ()
      schrieb am 01.07.07 18:22:11
      Beitrag Nr. 108 ()
      reducedEurasia Finals - losses for Russia
      Friday, June 29, 2007, 08:18 AM
      Eurasia Mining PLC (AIM:EUA) announced its Finals Results for 2006, reduced admin expenses and halved operating losses contributed to reduced full-year pretax losses

      The company reported that it has made progress on its platinum and its gold projects and it is working with possible Russian partners to acquire advanced gold exploration and development prospects.

      Dr. Michael Martineau, Chairman of Eurasia Mining said

      "The Directors of your Company believe Eurasia has made excellent progress in 2006, which continues in 2007. We are confident that the continuing success on the technical side will be reflected in the enhancement of value in the company. The support of Anglo Platinum in our platinum projects has been a key to our survival and to our recent successes and is gratefully acknowledged."
      schrieb am 02.07.07 19:30:44
      Beitrag Nr. 109 ()
      Neue Einschätzung in UK

      Valuation Update Summary

      Our valuation of Eurasia Mining is based on a sum of the parts basis. We maintain our previous £2 million valuation of the company’s alluvial PGM production prospects in the Urals, as well as the £0.5 million nominal value of Eurasia’s Urals hard rock properties. The company has cash at bank approximately £0.6 million. It has a very modest cash burn rate of around £40,000-£50,000 per month, which covers operational costs in FSU, corporate costs in London and expedition work for new projects.

      We have increased our Kola properties valuation from £8.9 million to £12 million as a result of the drilling progress the company has made over last year and the continuing grid drilling programme currently underway. Our sum of the parts valuation now comes to £15.1 million, or 10.7p per share, up from 8.9p in our previous note. Any exploration success or the conclusion of further corporate deals could see that valuation increase significantly. At 4.25p our recommendation remains a speculative buy with a fair value of 10.7p.
      schrieb am 03.07.07 17:46:29
      Beitrag Nr. 110 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 22.528.128 von hainholz am 11.07.06 20:09:19;);)
      London 16.04.2007 (
      Die Eurasia Mining Plc. bestätigte heute den Fund eines zweiten Platinvorkomnmens auf der Kola-Halbinsel im Nordwesten Russlands. Der Fundort befindet sich in einer Gegend, in der der Joint Venture- Partner Anglo Platinum 10 Mio. USD für die Exploration investiert hat. Die neuesten Analysen deuten auf eine Platin- und Palladiumkonzentration von 1 - 2,9 Gramm/Tonne hin, so Eurasia Mining. Dort will das Unternehmen einen Tagebau errichten.

      An dem Joint Venture auf der Kola-Halbinsel ist Eurasia Mining zu 60 % und die Anglo Platinum zu 40 % beteiligt.
      schrieb am 04.07.07 14:34:48
      Beitrag Nr. 111 ()
      die letzten Tage in London zunehmendes Interesse!!
      schrieb am 10.07.07 16:24:19
      Beitrag Nr. 112 ()
      in London ist zunehmendes Interesse vorhanden;)
      schrieb am 11.07.07 19:34:08
      Beitrag Nr. 113 ()
      a ja, wieder jemand mit Weitblick zugestiegen;)
      schrieb am 12.07.07 18:50:15
      Beitrag Nr. 114 ()
      der Taxt sich da einen zurecht,das geht auf keine Kuhhaut:mad:
      schrieb am 12.07.07 22:07:17
      Beitrag Nr. 115 ()
      heut in London die 5 Pence erreicht !!!!
      schrieb am 13.07.07 14:48:14
      Beitrag Nr. 116 ()
      Russian billionaire Abramovich buys gold mine in Chukotka -paper
      12:00 | 13/ 07/ 2007

      MOSCOW, July 13 (RIA Novosti) - Millhouse Capital, an investment vehicle for Russia's number one on the Forbes list, Roman Abramovich, has bought its first gold mine in the Chukotka Region, governed by the billionaire, a respected business daily said.

      Vedomosti quoted sources close to Millhouse as saying the London-based investment company had bought the Dvoinoye gold mine in the northeast of Russia, which experts said was small but had vast reserves and could have cost $50-70 million. Millhouse spokesman John Mann confirmed the deal.

      The paper cited a top manager of the Chukotka gold miner, a previous owner of the field, as saying Abramovich, who is best known outside Russia as the owner of the Chelsea soccer club, might buy several small gold mines in Chukotka and then move on to gold assets in neighboring regions.

      Abramovich's first deputy in the Chukotka administration, Andrei Gorodilov, told Vedomosti that the development strategy of the region until 2020 provided for raising gold production from 4.5-5 metric tons to 30-50 tons per year.

      "For this purpose, we attract investors to the region and welcome such an investor as Millhouse," he said.

      Abramovich, 40, topped the Forbes Russia list for a third time with a fortune of $19.2 billion in April.

      vielleicht auch mal Eurasia :laugh::laugh:
      schrieb am 13.07.07 15:40:07
      Beitrag Nr. 117 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.669.943 von hainholz am 13.07.07 14:48:14
      hainholz ich habe meine Anzahl der Aktien erhöht.

      Gruß Walter
      schrieb am 08.08.07 23:12:25
      Beitrag Nr. 118 ()
      beste NEWS heut

      RNS Number:7066B Eurasia Mining PLC 08 August 2007

      Eurasia Mining plc
      ("Eurasia Mining" or the "Company")
      Discovery confirmed in Kola JV with Anglo Platinum

      Eurasia is pleased to announce further confirmation of a platinum group metals (PGM) discovery on the Kola Peninsula in north-west Russia.

      Anglo Platinum, the world's largest primary platinum producer is funding the exploration programs up to US$10million and these results complement the two previously announced discoveries in areas covered by the joint venture.

      Confirmation of the discovery on the Monchetundra licence follows completion of 2,339 metres of drilling in 12 holes to the end of July. Platinum grades of up to 10.7 grams per tonne (g/t) and palladium of up to 2.88 g/t were identified within a one metre section of the mineralised zone measuring 17 metres in thickness.

      Eurasia Managing Director Christian Schaffalitzky said: "We are of course delighted by these latest results which confirm an continuation of the mineralised zone identified in our initial Monchetundra discovery. We are now drilling to seek further extensions."

      Drilling work is also continuing on the neighbouring Volchetundra licence, and by the end of July a total of 851 metres was completed in four holes to follow up the initial discovery announced in March 2007. The holes have yet to be assayed but summary logging indicates the mineralised zone appears to continue both along strike and down dip.

      Eurasia's joint venture with Anglo Platinum covers the Monchetundra, Volchetundra and West Imandra licences which together cover a total of 450 sq km on the Kola Peninsula. The licences lie on an extension of a geological trend where the Canadian groups Barrick Gold and Consolidated Puma Minerals Corporation are carrying out advanced exploration and feasibility studies on nearby deposits..

      Results from the earlier discoveries on the Volchetundra and Monchetundra licences showed the presence of platinum and palladium with grades of up to 11 grams per tonne. Initial appraisal work is also under way at West Imandra.

      The technical information and opinions contained in this announcement have been reviewed by Christian Schaffalitzky, the Company's Managing Director who is a Professional Geologist and Chartered Engineer and a member of the Institute of Materials Metals and Mining and the Institute of Geologists of Ireland.

      For further information contact:

      Christian Schaffalitzky, Michael Martineau or
      Michael de Villiers, Eurasia Mining Plc: +44 (0) 20 7495 4877
      Laurie Beevers, W H Ireland: +44 (0) 7903 164 004

      Allan Piper, First City Financial Public Relations: +44 (0) 20 7242 2666
      Nicholas Bealer, King & Shaxson Capital Limited +44 (0) 20 7426 5975

      Background details follow:

      Detailed drill results

      Confirmation of the discovery on the Monchetundra licence follows completion of 2,339 metres of drilling in 12 holes to the end of July. Of these, three holes intersected the mineralised zone, the best hole (MT-38) intersecting, 17 metres grading 3.2 grams per tonne (g/t) platinum and palladium, where the Pt:Pd ratio is 1:1.5. Significantly, two high grade zones were also identified within this section, with 1 metre grading 8.8 g/t Pt and 2.05 g/t Pd, with a second 1 metre interval grading 2.88 g/t Pt and 10.7 g/t Pd. These high grade intervals indicate a potential new target with a different strike and dip from the original discovery. The other drillholes were testing other parts of the belt and did not give any significant grades. Details of MT-38 are provided in Appendix 1, along with MT-39 which had a mineralised interval of 5.5 metres with 1.37 g/t Pt+Pd, at a ration of 1:2.2, and MT-18, with a 15.6 metre intercept at 1.2g/t Pt+Pd.

      On the neighbouring Volchetundra licence, Eurasia has contracted a drill rig mounted on a tracked, all-terrain vehicle to cope with the hilly conditions. It is capable of potentially completing 2,000 metres per month and to work through the winter, and will allow planned completion of some 3,000 metres of drilling this year.

      DRILL HOLE MT-38

      Interval Thick Pt g/t Pd g/t Pt+ Pd/Pt Pt + Pd
      ness Pd
      From to
      128,7 129,6 0,90 0,025 0,08 0,11
      129,6 130,7 1,10 0,30 0,51 0,81 1,70
      130,7 131,7 1,00 0,2 0,38 0,61 1,65
      131,7 132,7 1,00 0,6 0,90 1,54 1,41
      132,7 133,7 1,00 0,5 0,74 1,21 1,57
      133,7 134,7 1,00 0,8 0,82 1,63 1,01
      134,7 135,7 1,00 1,4 1,91 3,27 1,40 17m @
      135,7 136,7 1,00 1,2 1,78 3,00 1,46 3.2g/t
      136,7 137,7 1,00 8,8 2,05 10,83 0,23
      137,7 138,7 1,00 1,4 2,05 3,49 1,42
      138,7 139,7 1,00 2,40 3,50 5,90 1,46
      139,7 140,7 1,00 1,6 2,32 3,92 1,45
      140,7 141,7 1,00 0,5 0,62 1,09 1,32
      141,7 142,7 1,00 0,8 1,05 1,82 1,36
      142,7 143,7 1,00 0,48 0,71 1,19 1,48
      143,7 144,7 1,00 0,1 0,23 0,36 1,77
      144,7 145,7 1,00 0,39 0,52 0,91 1,33
      145,7 146,7 1,00 2,88 10,7 13,58 3,72
      146,7 147,7 1,00 0,025 0,08 0,11

      DRILL HOLE MT-39

      Interval, m Thick- Pt Pd Pt+Pd Pd/Pt Pt +
      ratio Pd
      ness m g/t g/t g/t
      From to
      42,20 43,10 0,90 0,03 0,08 0,11
      43,10 43,90 0,80 0,03 0,01 0,04
      43,90 44,90 1,00 1,10 1,99 3,09 1,8 2.8 g
      44,90 45,90 1,00 0,86 1,46 2,32 1,7 /t /5
      45,90 46,90 1,00 1,30 2,48 3,78 1,9 m
      46,90 47,90 1,00 1,04 1,86 2,90 1,8
      47,90 48,90 1,00 0,83 1,31 2,14 1,6
      48,90 50,30 1,40 0,03 0,07 0,10
      61,30 62,00 0,70 0,14 0,39 0,53 2,8 1.2 g
      62,00 62,80 0,80 0,61 1,15 1,76 1,9 /t /
      62,80 63,30 0,50 0,03 0,14 0,17 7.0 m
      63,30 64,30 1,00 0,10 0,36 0,46 3,6
      64,30 64,80 0,50 0,09 0,35 0,44 3,9
      64,80 65,40 0,60 0,53 1,11 1,64 2,1
      65,40 66,30 0,90 0,51 0,79 1,30 1,5
      66,30 67,30 1,00 0,46 0,81 1,27 1,8
      67,30 68,30 1,00 0,89 1,64 2,53 1,8
      68,30 69,10 0,80 0,03 0,07 0,10
      69,10 70,00 0,90 0,03 0,03 0,06
      70,00 71,00 1,00 0,03 0,01 0,04
      71,00 71,50 0,50 0,26 0,57 0,83 2,2
      71,50 72,50 1,00 0,40 0,78 1,18 2,0
      72,50 73,50 1,00 0,27 0,50 0,77 1,9
      73,50 74,50 1,00 0,25 0,49 0,74 2,0
      74,50 75,50 1,00 0,32 0,74 1,06 2,3
      75,50 76,5 1,00 0,03 0,28 0,31
      76,50 77,40 0,90 0,03 0,21 0,24
      77,40 78,30 0,90 0,35 0,67 1,02 1,9
      78,30 79,10 0,80 0,03 0,01 0,04
      79,10 79,90 0,80 1,16 2,06 3,22 1,8
      79,90 80,80 0,90 0,03 0,05 0,08
      80,80 81,70 0,90 0,03 0,02 0,05
      81,70 82,40 0,70 0,03 0,32 0,35
      82,40 83,30 0,90 0,03 0,06 0,09
      83,30 84,30 1,00 0,29 0,67 0,96 2,3
      84,30 85,20 0,90 0,42 1,18 1,60 2,8
      85,20 86,80 1,60 0,06 0,22 0,28 3,7
      86,80 87,80 1,00 0,09 0,35 0,44 3,9
      87,80 88,40 0,60 0,54 1,48 2,02 2,7
      88,40 89,40 1,00 0,21 0,52 0,73 2,5
      89,40 90,10 0,70 0,14 0,39 0,53 2,8
      90,10 91,20 1,10 0,31 0,61 0,92 2,0
      91,20 92,40 1,20 0,03 0,05 0,08
      92,40 93,60 1,20 0,15 0,18 0,33 1,2
      93,60 94,60 1,00 0,15 0,48 0,63 3,2
      94,60 95,60 1,00 0,11 0,36 0,47 3,3
      95,60 96,10 0,50 0,03 0,12 0,15
      96,10 96,90 0,80 1,70 3,46 5,16 2,0 1.0 g
      96,90 98,20 1,30 0,03 0,01 0,04 /t /
      98,20 99,20 1,00 0,20 0,30 0,50 1,5 10.8
      99,20 100,30 1,10 0,31 0,91 1,22 2,9 m
      100,30 101,10 0,80 0,03 0,01 0,04
      101,10 102,00 0,90 0,36 0,62 0,98 1,7
      102,00 102,80 0,80 0,03 0,01 0,04
      102,80 103,40 0,60 0,63 1,11 1,74 1,8
      103,40 103,80 0,40 0,03 0,10 0,13
      103,80 105,00 1,20 0,03 0,01 0,04
      105,00 106,00 1,00 0,38 0,77 1,15 2,0
      106,00 106,90 0,90 0,35 0,91 1,26 2,6
      106,90 107,70 0,80 0,33 0,46 0,79 1,4
      107,70 108,70 1,00 0,11 0,15 0,26 1,4
      108,70 109,70 1,00 0,03 0,01 0,04
      109,70 110,90 1,20 0,03 0,01 0,04
      110,90 111,40 0,50 0,03 0,04 0,07
      111,40 112,40 1,00 0,03 0,01 0,04
      112,40 113,70 1,30 0,03 0,04 0,07
      113,70 114,90 1,20 0,03 0,02 0,05
      114,90 116,10 1,20 0,07 0,14 0,21 2,0
      116,10 117,10 1,00 0,03 0,17 0,20
      117,10 118,10 1,00 0,06 0,23 0,29 3,8
      118,10 119,10 1,00 0,20 0,39 0,59 2,0
      119,10 120,10 1,00 0,09 0,16 0,25 1,8
      120,10 121,00 0,90 0,06 0,12 0,18 2,0
      121,00 121,60 0,60 0,03 0,02 0,05
      121,60 122,40 0,80 0,03 0,02 0,05
      122,40 123,40 1,00 0,03 0,08 0,11
      123,40 124,80 1,40 0,03 0,06 0,09
      124,80 125,50 0,70 0,84 2,33 3,17 2,8 1,0/
      125,50 126,50 1,00 0,16 0,36 0,52 2,3 3,5
      126,50 127,30 0,80 0,03 0,01 0,04
      127,30 127,80 0,50 0,19 0,25 0,44 1,3
      127,80 128,30 0,50 0,27 0,45 0,72 1,7
      128,30 129,30 1,00 0,07 0,31 0,38 4,4
      129,30 130,30 1,00 0,10 0,21 0,31 2,1
      130,30 131,30 1,00 0,17 0,91 1,08 5,4
      131,30 132,30 1,00 0,07 0,17 0,24 2,4
      132,30 133,30 1,00 0,06 0,09 0,15 1,5
      133,30 134,20 0,90 0,18 0,36 0,54 2,0
      134,20 135,2 1,00 0,12 0,31 0,43 2,6

      DRILL HOLE MT-18

      Interval, m Thickness m Pt+ Pd/Pt Pt + Pd
      Pt Pd Pd g/t
      g/t g/t
      From to
      23,00 24,00 1,00 0,025 0,01 0,04
      24,00 24,90 0,90 0,24 0,34 0,58 1,42
      24,90 25,70 0,80 0,64 0,94 1,58 1,47
      25,70 26,50 0,80 0,48 0,61 1,09 1,27
      26,50 27,50 1,00 0,41 0,52 0,93 1,27
      27,50 28,70 1,20 0,63 0,81 1,44 1,29
      28,70 30,00 1,30 0,42 0,69 1,11 1,64
      30,00 30,60 0,60 0,32 0,61 0,93 1,91
      30,60 31,60 1,00 0,51 1,09 1,60 2,14 15.6 m @
      31,60 32,60 1,00 0,57 1,36 1,93 2,39 1.2 g/t
      32,60 33,60 1,00 0,66 0,88 1,54 1,33
      33,60 34,60 1,00 0,49 0,88 1,37 1,80
      34,60 35,60 1,00 0,53 0,84 1,37 1,58
      35,60 36,60 1,00 0,41 0,53 0,94 1,29
      36,60 37,60 1,00 0,35 0,46 0,81 1,31
      37,60 38,6 1,00 0,30 0,44 0,74 1,47
      38,6 39,60 1,00 0,29 0,53 0,82 1,83
      39,60 40,60 1,00 0,025 0,05 0,08
      This information is provided by RNS
      The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


      schrieb am 11.10.07 22:24:39
      Beitrag Nr. 119 ()
      Abend was gibts neues von dieser Aktie?
      schrieb am 18.11.07 00:50:51
      Beitrag Nr. 120 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 31.947.776 von MoniDjango am 11.10.07 22:24:39bald Produzent :eek::eek::eek:

      Eurasia Mining 'to start pgm production in Urals next summer' - 7th November 2007

      Read more about the platinum group metals markets in Johnson Matthey's bi-annual reviews click here.
      Eurasia Mining hopes to commence production of platinum group metals (pgms) at its West Kytlim operation in the Urals next summer, the firm's Managing Director has stated.

      Production is set to begin once mining licences are granted by Russia's central government, according to Christian Schaffalitzky.
      The AIM-listed firm has targeted annual production of 15,000 oz of pgms from the operation, resulting in revenues of between £250,000 and £1.5 million for the next ten years, reports.

      Anglo Platinum is expected to fund a bankable feasibility study at the site, and in so doing accrue a 50 per cent interest.

      This would leave Eurasia with a 38 per cent stake in the project.

      Mr Schaffalitzky also confirmed that Eurasia's three licence areas in its 60 per cent-owned operation in the Kola region had yielded encouraging grades and that a new find at the Volchetundra site has shown intersections of 44.6 metres at 1.7 grammes of pgms per tonne of ore and 2.5 metres at 4.7 grammes per tonne.


      Eurasia plans for production, 06/11/07…
      schrieb am 18.11.07 16:30:28
      Beitrag Nr. 121 ()
      October 31, 2007
      Eurasia Still Operating Below The Radar

      By Rob Davies

      Christian Schaffalitzky, managing Director and chief executive of AIM listed Eurasia Mining, says that there is an art to operating in Russia. He says it pays to stay small, avoid the spotlight and keep out of view of local interests. AIM has plenty of examples of companies that have grown rapidly and then fallen out with the locals. Companies like Celtic Resources and Trans-Siberian Gold are just two that have experienced pressure from Russians in various ways. Christian is happy to report that Eurasia is not attracting any unwelcome attention so far. While that is good news a junior resource company needs some publicity and news flow to remind investors it still exists. But with a £5million market capitalisation Eurasia is in danger of slipping too far as many people seem unaware of it.

      That would be a shame because it is not far from joining that select group of companies that can call themselves miners of platinum group metals. In addition to that, its discovery rate of new PGMs in the Kola Peninsula of Russia is well deserving of attention. In the Urals Eurasia hopes to convert its exploration licence at West Kytlim into a mining permit so that mining can start by the middle of 2008. That permit is dependent on filing a reserve report with the authorities and Eurasia expects to do that this month.

      While this alluvial operation won’t be big, Christian expects 5,000 ounces a year to start, he is optimistic that output could triple over time. Apart from finalising the drilling for the report Eurasia is also in talks with its local partner about the merits of contract or in-house mining. Anglo Platinum is funding the work up to the completion of the feasibility study.

      On the Kola Peninsula, home to Norilsk, Eurasia continues to extend the known areas of platinum group mineralisation at both the Monchetundra and Volchetundra targets. These are still small but what encourages Christian is that they are encountering low PGM grades over wide intersections. He thinks these bigger targets will be easier to drill up to resource status than low volume high grade zones. At Monchetundra work on extending the known mineralisation is continuing along strike and to depth. These data confirm that grades of 1 to 2.9 g/t platinum and palladium persist over substantial widths in two separate horizons.

      Over at Volchetundra the most recent data from a new target area showed PGM mineralisation in three zones. Drilling at its third target at West Imandra will start later this year. Some encouragement is provided by local Russian gossip that Barrick has identified three million ounces of PGMs in its licence area to the east of the town of Monchegorsk and that Consolidated Puma east of Barrick has also made some discoveries. Even though Eurasia has the backing of Anglo Platinum, which is spending US$10million to earn a 40 per cent stake, it will be hoping that any local interest will be directed to those two prospects rather than its own. Good news is good, but in Russia it can make sense not to get too carried away with self-promotion.

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