

    eröffnet am 31.08.04 14:13:06 von
    neuester Beitrag 27.10.04 15:11:55 von
    Beiträge: 62
    ID: 898.929
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 31.08.04 14:13:06
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      schrieb am 31.08.04 14:14:48
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      schrieb am 31.08.04 14:15:37
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Corporate Profile


      New York Community Bancorp, Inc. is the $24.1 billion holding company for New York Community Bank, and the fifth largest thrift in the nation, based on total assets at June 30, 2004.

      Founded in 1859, the Bank today serves its customers through a network of 142 branches spanning the New York metro region, including all five boroughs of New York City, Long Island and Westchester County, and Essex, Hudson, and Union counties in New Jersey.

      With $10.0 billion of deposits at June 30, 2004, the Bank is one of the leading depositories in its market. The Bank is also the region`s leading supermarket banking franchise, with 52 of its 142 offices located in-store.

      The branch network of New York Community Bank operates through seven community divisions, each one enjoying a strong local identity: Queens County Savings Bank, Roslyn Savings Bank, Richmond County Savings Bank, Roosevelt Savings Bank, CFS Bank, First Savings Bank of New Jersey, and Ironbound Bank.

      Ranked the top-performing large thrift in the U.S., based on its 1995 – 2003 performance*, the Company reported a 41% increase in 2003 earnings to $323 million and a 32% increase in diluted earnings per share to $1.65.

      In the second quarter of 2004, the Company repositioned its balance sheet, improving its interest rate risk profile significantly. Excluding a $94.9 million, or $0.35 per share repositioning charge, the Company`s second quarter earnings were $137.6 million, or $0.51 per share

      Historically, the Company’s growth has been fueled by multi-family loan production and by successful merger transactions with other area banks. In 2003, the Company`s growth was fueled by a record volume of loan originations totaling $4.3 billion, including $3.4 billion of multi-family loans. In the first six months of 2004, loan originations totaled $3.2 billion; multi-family loans accounted for $2.2 billion of this amount. The Company is a leading producer of multi-family loans in New York City, with a portfolio of $8.5 billion at June 30, 2004.

      In addition to its significant niche as a multi-family lender in New York City, the Company is a leading producer of residential subdivision construction loans to Long Island-based developers.

      The Company also generates revenues through the sale of third-party investment products and financial services.

      * SNL Financial
      schrieb am 31.08.04 15:07:43
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      schrieb am 31.08.04 15:58:14
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Danke schön. Jetzt müssen wir nur noch zusehen, dass wir den Thread mit hoffentlich positiven Nachrichten füllen können.

      Trading Spotlight

      Grounded People Apparel
      0,8650EUR +25,36 %
      Extreme Wachstumsstory! Wo man jetzt noch rein will…mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 31.08.04 16:09:51
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      schrieb am 31.08.04 17:00:20
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      DAS ist das was ich an den Berlinern so liebe!
      auf der einen Seite machen die Werbung weil sie ja anscheinend schon mehr oder weniger "alle" Aktien von der ganzen Welt gelistet haben, aber auf der anderen können sie nicht mal eine (unverbindliche!) Taxe stellen!
      Da lob ich mir die Münchener wieder! Deren Quotemachine läuft immer mit!

      New York Community Bancorp. Inc.
      Skontroführer: Berliner Freiverkehr Aktien (1170)

      Best Bid
      Volumen Taxe
      - -

      Kauf Orders
      Stücke Limit
      - -
      - -
      - -
      - -
      - -
      Weitere: 0
      Best Ask
      Taxe Volumen
      - -

      Verkauf Orders
      Limit Stücke
      - -
      - -
      - -
      - -
      - - natürlich realtime laut "offenes Orderbuch"!
      schrieb am 31.08.04 17:12:54
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Meine Meinung zu dieser Aktie.

      ISIN US6494451031, WKN 889375
      Einschätzung: Kaufen unter 18€
      Branche: Saving & Loan Bank
      Bei dieser Bank haben wir es, mit einer der am Besten geführten Banken der USA zu tun. Doch wie überall im Leben passieren auch hier Fehler. Es war die falsche Einschätzung der Zinsentwicklung, welche dem Unternehmen einen nicht unerheblichen Schaden zugefügt hat. Dieser ist jedoch bei weitem nicht Existenz gefährdend. Somit ist das eingetreten, worauf ich ständig warte. Ein gutes Unternehmen erleidet durch einen temporären Fehler einen Kurseinbruch. Für mich eine Gelegenheit, sich für verhältnismäßig wenig Geld an einer hervorragenden Bank zu beteiligen. Diese Anlage betrachte ich als einer meiner langfristigen mit einem Zeithorizont von mehreren Jahren. Derzeit errechnet sich zudem eine Dividendenrendite von ca. 5%. Dies dürfte die Wartezeit bis zur Kurserholung versüßen.
      schrieb am 31.08.04 17:16:09
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Bei den ausländischen Aktien bedarf es nicht unbedingt einer Kursstellung, da die Order nach Amerika weitergeleitet wird. Ausschlaggebend sind die Kurse in New York.
      schrieb am 31.08.04 17:20:25
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      ist es soo schwierig einen Computer an die Handelszahlen(bid ask) der ausl. Werte "daranzuhängen" und einfach mitlaufen zu lassen?
      schrieb am 31.08.04 17:23:36
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Ich denke schon.

      Die einzelnen Börsen wollen ja, dass bei ihnen gehandelt wird. Somit sind alle Konkurrenten.
      schrieb am 31.08.04 19:17:42
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      ob das so stimmt!

      bsp cek!

      man merkt doch hier schon dass fra die Leitbörse ist!
      alle anderen Börsen setzen die taxe immer wie fra. außer es ist eine Order drin. so wie heute z b in stu!

      in muc funktioniert es dohc auch mit den ausl. Werten!


      schrieb am 31.08.04 19:54:17
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      An den kleineren Börsen gibt es vielfach kein Angebot und auch keine Nachfrage. Also übernimmt man die Angaben der Leitbörse Frankfurt oder die Kurse von Xetra.

      NYB ist bei der Comdirect nur über die NASDAQ oder über Berlin-Bremen zu kaufen.

      München wird nicht aufgeführt.
      schrieb am 31.08.04 20:04:09
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      als du die aktien in ber gekauft hattest war ja auch kein echtes gegenangebot da! der makler besorgte sich die stücke in amerika! ob über nyse oder schon über einer anderen plattform! nasdaqwerte werden oft gar nicht über nasdaq gehandelt! sondern über achepilegio usw.!
      auch der münchener hätte sie auch nciht wenn er diesen wert gelistet hätte! aber er stellt einen verbindlichen an und verkaufkurs der fast identisch ist mit der Leitbörse(im dem fall nyse!) so gesehen ist es nicht gerade toll wenn ber so stark werbung macht sie handeln (fast) alle werte! und auf der anderen seite stellen sie keine kurse!
      schrieb am 31.08.04 22:42:23
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()

      Kann jemand ganz kurz umreissen, wass NYCB machen? ;)

      schrieb am 01.09.04 07:46:47
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Die New York Community Bancorp Incorporated ist dem Bankensektor zuzuordnen. Das in Westbury ansässige Unternehmen offeriert seiner Kundschaft in erster Linie Finanzdienstleistungen in den Bereichen Geldanlage, Asset Management sowie Finanzierungen im Raume New York, New Jersey und Connecticut

      so stehts in kURZFORM bei wo
      schrieb am 01.09.04 12:22:43
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      In Deutschland würde NYB unter Sparkasse laufen.

      Davon gibt es in Amerika erfolgreiche und weniger erfolgreiche. NYB zählte bisher zu den erfolgreichsten, jedenfalls bis zu dieser Fehleinschätzung der jüngsten Zinsentwicklung. Das hat Geld und Vertrauen gekostet.

      Die Bilanz ist jedoch nach wie vor weit überdurchschnittlich und auch das ROA liegt mit zuletzt über 2% an der Spitze dieser Branche.

      Ich denke der Kursrückschlag wird korrigiert und dann geht es mit dem Wachstum in bekannter Manie weiter.
      schrieb am 15.09.04 15:57:58
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Lehman Brothers 2004 Financial Services Conference…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…

      Hier gibt es eine Aufzeichnung der Konferenz. Leider ist die Klangqualität nicht sonderlich gut und es ist nicht alles verständlich. Grundsätzlich gibt sich CEO Joseph R. Ficalora sehr zuversichtlich, was die weitere wirtschaftliche Entwicklung der Bank angeht.
      Da NYB stark als multifamily lender, also in der Finanzierung von Mehrfamilienhäusern tätig ist, wird näher auf das Geschäftsmodell eingegangen.
      schrieb am 16.09.04 08:57:29
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      vielleicht sollte ich auch mal ein paar Stück erwerben!
      schrieb am 16.09.04 09:53:40
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Ich hoffe darauf, dass es im Laufe des Septembers bzw. Oktobers noch zu Kursrückschlägen kommt. Das war in den letzten Jahren immer wieder so. Dann wird noch mal kräftig aufgestockt.
      schrieb am 16.09.04 15:56:48
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      gerade hat jemand 150 gekauft!

      ich habe gerade 1500 zu 17 drin!
      schrieb am 16.09.04 16:15:33
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Die 150 sind an mich gegangen. Nur ein Probekauf. Die kleinen Börsen rechnen wirklich gnadenlos bis zum Limit ab. Da muss man echt aufpassen.

      1500 mal 17 sind über 25.000€. Jetzt muss ich mich aber wundern.
      schrieb am 16.09.04 16:49:46
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      (schön wenn man seine eigene Börse hat!)

      150 Stück zu 17,85€!
      Um wieviel war das über den tatsächlichen aktuellen Wert in Euro in der NYSE?! 12 cent müßten es gewesen sein!


      1500 Stück...ja warum nicht? Der Kurs könnte aber m M noch etwas fallen! Aber es ist schon ein großer Happen für mich (zumindest!)

      aber bei 17 läuft heute gar nichts mehr!
      schrieb am 16.09.04 16:52:13
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      was meinst Du mit gnadenlos bis zum Limit??
      schrieb am 16.09.04 17:23:48
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Deine Schätzung mit den 12 Cent müsste hinkommen. Ich hatte den $ Kurs auf Euro umgerechnet und bin auf ca. 17,75 gekommen. Mein Limit lag bei 17,85 und für diesen Preis habe ich meine Aktien auch bekommen. Ich möchte wetten, hätte ich 18,50 als Limit gesetzt, dann wäre auch zu diesem Kurs ausgeführt worden. Die Differenz schiebt sich der Makler ein.

      Ich hätte dich nicht für so finanzkräftig gehalten, dass du gleich 25 Riesen auf eine Karte setzen könntest. Da habe ich mich wohl verschätzt.

      Ich hoffe du achtest auf eine angemessene Streuung deiner Anlagen. Damit verringert man zwar seine Chancen, dafür geht aber auch das Risiko ein wenig zurück.
      schrieb am 16.09.04 17:29:39
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      naja es ist schon viel, aber wie gesagt 17 wird heut eh nich drin sein!


      Die Streuuung ist wichtig! Eigentlich ein Grundsatzk, alles andere ist Spielerei und keine Anlage!
      schrieb am 16.09.04 17:32:37
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      spread ist z Zt. 2,11 %!
      für ber wenig für mun groß!
      aber nur auf ber handelbar!
      (altes thema , werd ich aber jetzt nicht mehr aufgreifen!)

      Muss arbeiten!
      das Teil welches ich bearbeite ist so alt wie die Stadt New York; sofern man das in diesem Thread hinzufügen darf:)
      schrieb am 16.09.04 17:34:27
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      New York City – Indianerland, von Niederländern besiedelt
      Ursprünglich war die Gegend um das heutige New York von Irokesen und Algonquin (auch Algonkin) bewohnt. 1524 landete der erste Europäer, der Florentiner Seefahrer Giovanni da Verrazzano, der im Auftrag des französischen Königs Franz I. von Angoulême segelte, an der New York Bay. Er entdeckte so nicht nur Manhattan, das die dortigen Einwohner "Manahatta" nannten, sondern auch den später nach Henry Hudson benannten Hudson River. Um 1620 errichtete die Niederländische Westindische Gesellschaft die Kolonie Nieuw Nederland und beauftragte den in ihren Diensten stehenden Deutschen Peter Minnewit 1626 mit der Gründung der Handelsstation Nieuw Amsterdam auf der Südspitze der Insel Manhattan. Um diesen Handelsposten wurden bis zur Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts weitere Siedlungen angelegt, aus denen sich später die Stadtteile Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens und Staten Island entwickelten. 1664 kapitulierte Peter Stuyvesant, damals Gouverneur der Kolonie, vor den Engländern, die die Stadt zu Ehren des Herzogs von York in New York umbenannten. Fünf Jahre später wurde die Kolonie von den Niederländern zurückerobert, 1674 jedoch endgültig an England übergeben. 1683 wird die erste Stadturkunde von New York erstellt.

      gut geschätzt von mir
      schrieb am 17.09.04 10:28:36
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      hast wieder 200 Stück drin!
      schrieb am 17.09.04 15:37:31
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      Nein, aber es gibt ein paar Leute die auf meine Empfehlungen hin kaufen.
      schrieb am 17.09.04 17:49:37
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      und wird nicht mal bedient obwohl der Kurs schon längst gesunken ist!

      ich sag nur Berlin!
      schrieb am 20.09.04 11:15:47
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      und noch immer sind die 200 drin!

      mal schauen ob es den Berliner Makler heute zur Ausführung reicht! Vielleicht sollte der Kurs um halb vier noch ein wenig fallen damit er es für angebracht sieht den Kunden kräfig übers Ohr zu hauen!

      vielleicht färbt der Regierungssitz auf die Hauptstadtbörse ein wenig ab
      schrieb am 20.09.04 13:09:41
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      Wenn man sich in Deutschland umsieht, so färben unsere Herren in Bonn schon gewaltig auf die Bevölkerung ab. Jeder nimmt mit was geht und die Moral bleibt auf der Strecke.
      schrieb am 20.09.04 13:29:21
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      schrieb am 20.09.04 13:36:31
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      Ja sind die denn umgezogen? Und die Frauen habe ich ja total vergessen.

      Ich sollte unbedingt mal Urlaub machen.
      schrieb am 20.09.04 14:25:17
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()

      na dann hab ich was für Dich!
      schrieb am 20.09.04 14:40:03
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      5.000 km am besten noch in zwei Wochen. Das nenne ich Erholung.

      Unser Rekord in Kanada lag mal bei 12.000 km in vier Wochen.

      Kanada ist einfach riesig.
      schrieb am 20.09.04 14:42:25
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      wahnsinn wie sich das Orderbuch jetzt füllt!
      schrieb am 20.09.04 14:47:32
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      was ich nicht verstehe ist warum der Makler das beste Kaufangebot nicht "direkt" als Kurs incl. Stückzahl reinstellt, sondern nur als Überhang!
      schrieb am 20.09.04 14:49:08
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      Ich kann keine Füllung finden.
      schrieb am 20.09.04 16:23:52
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      na die 300 Stück halt!
      schrieb am 20.09.04 16:34:33
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      In New York gehen durchschnittlich 2,5 Mio. Aktien am Tag um, da machen die 300 das Kraut auch nicht fett.
      schrieb am 20.09.04 18:57:55
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      war ja ein Scherz(bzw. wenn Monatelang nichts geht ist das viel...!)

      weist Du warum ebB dahinter steht?

      nachdem doch alle Orders ausgeführt worden sind müßte doch b dorten stehen
      schrieb am 20.09.04 19:45:34
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      Das B deutet darauf hin, dass mehr angeboten als gehandelt wurde. Die Makler veröffentlichen ganz offensichtlich nur das was sie wollen.
      schrieb am 20.09.04 20:21:06
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      b oder ohne Zusatz bezahlt Alle Aufträge sind ausgeführt;
      bG bezahlt Geld Die zum festgestellten Börsenpreis limitierten Kaufaufträge müssen nicht vollständig ausgeführt sein; es bestand weitere Nachfrage;
      bB bezahlt Brief Die zum festgestellten Börsenpreis limitierten Verkaufsaufträge müssen nicht vollständig ausgeführt sein; es bestand weiteres Angebot;
      ebG etwas bezahlt Geld Die zum festgestellten Börsenpreis limitierten Kaufaufträge konnten nur zu einem geringen Teil ausgeführt werden;
      ebB etwas bezahlt Brief Die zum festgestellten Börsenpreis limitierten Verkaufsaufträge konnten nur zu einem geringen Teil ausgeführt werden;
      ratG rationiert Geld Die zum Börsenpreis und darüber limitierten sowie die unlimitierten Kaufaufträge konnten nur beschränkt ausgeführt werden;
      ratB rationiert Brief Die zum Börsenpreis und niedriger limitierten sowie die unlimitierten Verkaufsaufträge konnten nur beschränkt ausgeführt werden;
      * Sternchen Kleine Beträge konnten ganz oder teilweise nicht gehandelt werden.

      schrieb am 20.09.04 20:22:30
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      versteh ich nicht ganz!

      es waren einmal 100 Stück drin
      und 200 Stück

      beide wurden bedient!

      also müßte doch ein b dorten stehen

      schrieb am 20.09.04 20:33:03
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      Oder es stehen noch Aktien zum Verkauf, nur sagt der Makler nicht wie viele es sind.

      Mir ist es schön öfter passiert, dass plötzlich Kurse zustande gekommen sind, wo vorher aus den gemachten Angaben in keiner Weise ersichtlich war, woher die Stücke eigentlich stammten.

      Die Makler können mit Aktien aus ihren eigenen Beständen handeln, ohne angeben zu müssen, zu welchen Kursen sie wie viele verkaufen wollen.
      schrieb am 20.09.04 20:36:47
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()

      das würde aber dem offenen Orderbuch nicht entsprechen!


      obwohl ich mir auch nicht vorstellen kann das ein Makler solche Aktien hat! (nur vom #Gefühl her!)

      die Orders die drin waren sind ausgeführt! Nach meinem Wissen her müßte dann b dorten stehen!

      mal schauen was das Kursblatt heute dazu sagt. Leidr ist noch das vom Freitag drin (auf Seite 127 müßte es dann dorten stehen!)
      schrieb am 20.09.04 20:54:02
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      Na was soll`s. Spätestens wenn sich die Aktie verdoppelt hat, wird man sehen, dass es auf ein paar Cent mehr oder weniger eh nicht ankommt.
      schrieb am 21.09.04 08:08:07
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      so kann man es nicht sehen weil der Makler ja immer "zuviel" verlangt!
      schrieb am 21.09.04 09:00:22
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      auf seite 118 steht 2 mal eB dahinter!
      schrieb am 21.09.04 09:07:40
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      Zur #50

      Die armen Makler wollen halt auch von irgendwas leben.
      schrieb am 28.09.04 11:22:55
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      wie gut dass es noch nicht zur Ausführung gekommen ist!

      Ich denke die Preise gehen nochmals runter!

      schrieb am 28.09.04 18:06:06
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      Law Offices Of Charles J. Piven, P.A. Announces Class Action Lawsuit Against New York Community Bancorp Inc. -- NYB

      BALTIMORE, Sep 27, 2004 (PRIMEZONE via COMTEX) -- Law Offices Of Charles J.
      Piven, P.A. today announced that a securities class action was commenced on
      behalf of shareholders who purchased, converted, exchanged or otherwise acquired
      the common stock of New York Community Bancorp Inc. (NYSE:NYB) between June 27,
      2003 and May 9, 2004, inclusive (the "Class Period").

      The case is pending in the United States District Court for the Eastern District
      of New York. The action charges that defendants violated federal securities laws
      by issuing a series of materially false and misleading statements to the market
      throughout the Class Period, which statements had the effect of artificially
      inflating the market price of the Company`s securities.

      No class has yet been certified in the above action. Until a class is certified,
      you are not represented by counsel unless you retain one. If you are a member of
      the proposed class, you may move the court no later than November 23, 2004 to
      serve as a lead plaintiff for the proposed class. In order to serve as a lead
      plaintiff, you must meet certain legal requirements. To be a member of the
      proposed class you need not take any action at this time, and you may retain
      counsel of your choice.

      If you acquired shares of New York Community Bancorp Inc. during the Class
      Period indicated and want to discuss your legal rights, you may e-mail or call
      Law Offices Of Charles J. Piven, P.A. who will, without obligation or cost to
      you, attempt to answer your questions. Charles J. Piven has been involved in
      securities litigation for approximately 20 years. You may contact Law Offices Of
      Charles J. Piven, P.A. at The World Trade Center-Baltimore, 401 East Pratt
      Street, Suite 2525, Baltimore, Maryland 21202, by email at
      or by calling 410/986-0036.
      schrieb am 18.10.04 18:47:02
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      Weiss & Yourman Law Office Announces Class Action Lawsuit against New York Community Bancorp, Inc.

      NEW YORK, Oct 14, 2004 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- A class action lawsuit against New
      York Community Bancorp, Inc. ("NYB" or the "Company") (NYSE:NYB) and its
      officers was commenced in the United States District Court, Eastern District of
      New York, on behalf of purchasers of NYB securities. If you purchased NYB
      securities between June 27, 2003 and May 9, 2004, please read this notice.

      The complaint charges the defendants with violations of the Securities Exchange
      Act of 1934, alleging that defendants issued false and misleading statements
      which artificially inflated stock.
      schrieb am 19.10.04 18:03:15
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      möchte da jemand seine 1000 Stück los werden?
      schrieb am 20.10.04 18:26:29
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      ein wenig lang, ...


      New York Community Bancorp, Inc. Reports 3rd Quarter 2004 Diluted GAAP EPS of $0.38 and Diluted Cash EPS of $0.40 -1-; 2004 Diluted GAAP EPS Projected to Range from $1.34 to $1.36 Board Declares $0.25 Per Share Dividend

      WESTBURY, N.Y., Oct 20, 2004 (BUSINESS WIRE) --

      3rd Quarter 2004 Highlights


      -- Loan originations totaled $1.5 billion, including $1.1

      billion of multi-family loans

      -- Multi-family loans grew at an annualized rate of

      32.2%, to $9.2 billion

      -- Deposits grew at an annualized rate of 7.4%, to $10.2


      -- Core deposits represented 63% of total deposits at


      -- Securities declined $945 million to $7.5 billion,

      representing 31.8% of total assets

      -- Wholesale borrowings declined $773 million to $9.2

      billion, representing 38.7% of total assets

      -- Tangible stockholders` equity equaled 5.12% of

      tangible assets, up 61 basis points, linked-quarter

      -- NPAs equaled 0.12% of total assets

      -- The efficiency ratio equaled 23.91%


      New York Community Bancorp, Inc. (NYSE: NYB) today reported third quarter 2004
      net income of $98.8 million, up $26.6 million, or 36.9%, from the level recorded
      in the third quarter of 2003. The 2004 amount was equivalent to $0.38 on a
      diluted per share basis; in the third quarter of 2003, the Company recorded
      diluted earnings per share of $0.40.(2)

      For the three months ended September 30, 2004, the Company reported cash
      earnings of $105.9 million, or $0.40 per diluted share, representing a
      year-over-year increase of $25.6 million or 31.9%.(1)

      For the nine months ended September 30, 2004, the Company reported net income of
      $271.6 million, equivalent to diluted earnings per share of $1.01. These amounts
      reflect the impact of a $94.9 million, or $0.35 per diluted share, after-tax
      charge in the second quarter, in connection with the repositioning of the
      balance sheet announced on July 1, 2004. Excluding the charge, the Company would
      have reported net income of $366.5 million, or $1.37 per diluted share, for the
      current nine-month period, as compared to $211.3 million, or $1.15 per diluted
      share, for the nine months ended September 30, 2003.(3)

      The Company also reported cash earnings of $317.6 million, or $1.18 per diluted
      share, for the current nine-month period, including the repositioning charge.
      Absent the charge, the Company`s nine-month 2004 cash earnings would have
      totaled $412.5 million, or $1.54 per diluted share, as compared to nine-month
      2003 cash earnings of $237.2 million.(4)

      Commenting on the quarter, President and Chief Executive Officer Joseph R.
      Ficalora stated, "This is the first earnings release we`ve issued that reflects
      the full-quarter impact of the balance sheet repositioning we undertook at the
      end of June. While earnings growth was tempered as a result of that action, the
      benefit is reflected in the quality of our balance sheet today.

      "As our balance sheet clearly indicates," Mr. Ficalora noted, "we have held to
      our business model, and made important progress toward our stated goals. We grew
      our loans in the last three months, with originations totaling $1.5 billion,
      including $1.1 billion of multi-family loans. We funded that growth with $1.1
      billion of cash flows from securities, as we had stated, and from a $186 million
      increase in deposits, as well.

      "At the same time, we reduced our wholesale borrowings by $773 million, and our
      securities portfolio by $945 million, since the end of June. In keeping with our
      repositioning plan, securities were reduced to 31.8% of total assets, and
      wholesale borrowings to 38.7%," Mr. Ficalora said. "More importantly, due to the
      significant flattening of the yield curve over the course of the quarter, we
      refrained from growing our balance sheet.

      "Our capital was also strengthened over the course of the quarter," Mr. Ficalora
      added, "and we saw measurable improvement in our capital ratios. At quarter-end,
      tangible stockholders` equity represented 5.12% of tangible assets, an
      improvement of 61 basis points."

      Commenting on the Company`s earnings, Mr. Ficalora further stated, "The
      year-over-year increase in third quarter 2004 net income reflects the record
      volume of loans produced over the past four quarters, and the benefit of the
      Company`s merger with Roslyn Bancorp on October 31st of last year. The growth in
      earnings was tempered by the balance sheet repositioning, as mentioned, which
      included the extension of $2.4 billion of borrowings to an average maturity of
      three years, with an average cost of 3.32%. The extension accounted for 19 basis
      points of the margin compression recorded in the third quarter; of greater
      importance, however, was the flattening of the yield curve over the past three
      months. In fact, the benefit of the widening spread on our core mortgage
      business was markedly outweighed by the significant reduction in long-term
      interest rates, which affected our reinvestment of cash flows.

      Company Projects 2004 Diluted GAAP EPS of $1.34 to $1.36

      "While short-term rates rose approximately 100 basis points, slightly ahead of
      our expectations, long-term rates declined at a time when they were widely
      expected to rise," Mr. Ficalora said. "With the yield curve significantly
      flatter than had been expected, we have revised our 2004 earnings guidance and
      are projecting diluted GAAP earnings per share in the range of $1.34 to $1.36.
      For 2005, we expect continued growth in loan originations funded by cash flows
      from our securities portfolio and increased deposits, continued tight control of
      expenses, and continued strong credit quality. However, due to the uncertainty
      of the timing and direction of long-term interest rates, which has a significant
      effect on our spreads and margins, we will no longer provide a full-year
      earnings per share outlook for 2005."

      Board Declares $0.25 Per Share Dividend, Payable on November 16th

      "Reflecting the strength of our capital and of our third quarter GAAP and cash
      earnings," Mr. Ficalora continued, "the Board of Directors declared a $0.25 per
      share dividend at last night`s meeting, payable on November 16, 2004 to
      shareholders of record at November 1, 2004. The current dividend is 33% higher
      than the dividend paid last November, and represents a yield of 4.9% based on
      last night`s closing price. We firmly believe that dividends are a key component
      of our share value, and are committed to maintaining our dividend at the current
      level while we position our business model to enhance earnings over time."

      Third Quarter 2004 Earnings Summary

      Net Interest Income

      The Company recorded net interest income of $172.0 million in the current third
      quarter, up $56.5 million, or 48.9%, from the year-earlier amount. The increase
      stemmed from a $109.1 million, or 64.8%, rise in interest income to $277.6
      million, which more than offset a $52.6 million, or 99.3%, rise in interest
      expense to $105.6 million.

      The year-over-year increase in third quarter 2004 interest income reflects the
      assets acquired in the Roslyn merger, and the Company`s production of $6.6
      billion of loans over the past twelve months. The average balance of
      interest-earning assets rose $9.1 billion, or 80.1%, to $20.6 billion, which
      offset the impact of a 50-basis point decline in the average yield to 5.40%. The
      reduction in yield stemmed from a variety of factors, including the decline in
      long-term interest rates in the current third quarter and the replacement of
      higher yielding assets with assets reflecting lower market rates. In addition,
      the repositioning of the balance sheet at the end of the trailing quarter
      included the sale of $5.1 billion of securities with an average yield of 4.62%.

      In addition to the liabilities acquired in the Roslyn merger, the year-over-year
      increase in interest expense reflects the Company`s increased use of borrowings
      in the first and second quarters, and the increase in short-term interest rates
      in the third quarter of 2004. In addition, the Company embarked on a campaign to
      grow deposits in the current third quarter, bringing its rates more in line with
      the marketplace. While the Company reduced its borrowings by $5.1 billion at the
      end of the second quarter, the average balance of interest-bearing liabilities
      rose $9.1 billion, or 83.9%, to $19.9 billion in the current third quarter, and
      the average cost of funds rose 17 basis points to 2.13%. In addition to the
      preceding factors, the higher average cost of funds reflects the extension of
      $2.4 billion of short-term borrowings to an average maturity of three years with
      an average cost of 3.32% at the end of the second quarter, in connection with
      the aforementioned balance sheet repositioning.

      While net interest income rose year-over-year despite the impact of these
      factors, the Company`s interest rate spread and net interest margin contracted
      during this time. The majority of the compression occurred between the second
      and third quarters, as expected, with the spread and margin each declining 49
      basis points. The aforementioned extension of borrowings at the end of the
      second quarter accounted for 20 and 19 basis points, respectively, of the
      third-quarter spread and margin declines.

      On a linked-quarter basis, the spread and margin compression were accompanied by
      a reduction in net interest income, with the third quarter 2004 level declining
      $63.2 million from the level recorded in the second quarter of the year. While
      the impact of the repositioning of the balance sheet on net interest income was
      expected to be substantial, the reduction was exacerbated by the significant
      flattening of the yield curve during this time. It is currently management`s
      expectation that the margin will continue to be under pressure in this type of
      rate environment.

      Provision for Loan Losses

      The provision for loan losses was suspended in the current third quarter,
      consistent with the Company`s practice since the third quarter of 1995. Please
      see the discussion of "Asset Quality".

      Non-interest Income

      Excluding net securities gains in the respective quarters, the Company recorded
      non-interest income of $26.1 million in the third quarter of 2004, up $1.3
      million from the level recorded in the third quarter of 2003. The increase
      stemmed from a $4.5 million, or 59.3%, rise in other income to $12.2 million,
      which served to offset a $3.3 million decline in fee income to $13.9 million.
      While a decline in prepayment penalties accounted for the latter reduction, the
      increase in other income reflects growth in various revenue sources, including
      the Company`s investment in Bank-owned Life Insurance ("BOLI"), its sale of
      third-party investment products throughout the branch network, and its 100%
      equity interest in an investment advisory firm.

      Non-interest Expense

      The Company recorded non-interest expense of $50.3 million in the current third
      quarter, signifying a $13.6 million increase from the year-earlier amount. The
      amortization of core deposit intangibles ("CDI") accounted for $2.9 million and
      $1.5 million, respectively, of non-interest expense in the current and
      year-earlier third quarters, with the increase reflecting the CDI amortization
      stemming from the Roslyn merger on October 31, 2003.

      Operating expenses represented $47.5 million and $35.3 million of non-interest
      expense in the respective quarters, and were equivalent to 0.80% and 1.11% of
      average assets, respectively. The increase in operating expenses was largely
      attributable to the expansion of the branch network in connection with the
      Roslyn merger, and the subsequent addition of three de novo banking offices. At
      September 30, 2004, the Company had 142 locations serving the New York metro
      region, representing a net increase of 34 locations over the twelve-month

      Reflecting the cost of staffing and managing a larger financial institution,
      third quarter 2004 compensation and benefits expense rose $3.5 million
      year-over-year to $23.3 million; on a linked-quarter basis, compensation and
      benefits expense reflected a $245,000 decline. Occupancy and equipment expense
      rose $4.6 million year-over-year and $1.1 million linked-quarter, reflecting the
      network expansion, as well as upgrades to certain branches and the Company`s
      systems technology. General and administrative ("G&A") expense rose $3.2 million
      year-over-year to $11.2 million, largely reflecting the merger with Roslyn; on a
      linked-quarter basis, G&A expense was down $1.1 million, notwithstanding the
      costs of a network-wide marketing campaign. Other expenses totaled $2.1 million
      in the current third quarter, consistent with the linked-quarter level, but up
      $904,000 from the third quarter 2003 amount.

      The year-over-year increase in operating expenses and the simultaneous decline
      in non-interest income were sufficiently offset by the rise in net interest
      income to produce a 27-basis point improvement in the efficiency ratio to 23.91%
      in the third quarter of 2004. In the second quarter of the year, the efficiency
      ratio equaled 17.94%, excluding the impact of the aforementioned repositioning
      charge. The linked-quarter increase in the efficiency ratio reflects the impact
      on net interest income of the aforementioned balance sheet repositioning and

      Income Tax Expense

      The Company recorded income tax expense of $49.4 million in the current third
      quarter, up $12.5 million from the third quarter 2003 amount. The increase was
      due to a $39.1 million rise in pre-tax income to $148.2 million, and reflects an
      effective tax rate of 33.3%. In the third quarter of 2003, the effective tax
      rate was 33.8%.

      Earnings Summary for the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004

      Net Interest Income

      The Company recorded net interest income of $620.7 million in the current
      nine-month period, signifying a $288.6 million, or 86.9%, increase from the
      level recorded in the first nine months of 2003. The increase was attributable
      to a $405.3 million, or 81.5%, rise in interest income to $902.6 million, which
      more than offset a $116.7 million, or 70.6%, rise in interest expense to $281.9

      In addition to the interest-earning assets acquired in the Roslyn merger, the
      year-over-year increase in interest income reflects the record volume of loans
      produced over the past four quarters, and the growth of the securities portfolio
      in the first half of 2004. As a result, the average balance of interest-earning
      assets rose $11.1 billion, or 101.6%, to $22.0 billion in the current nine-month
      period, offsetting a 60-basis point decline in the average yield to 5.46%.

      The year-over-year increase in nine-month interest expense reflects the addition
      of Roslyn`s interest-bearing liabilities, together with the Company`s increased
      use of borrowings in the first half of the year. To a lesser extent, the
      increase reflects the extension of $2.4 billion of borrowings to an average
      three-year maturity with an average cost of 3.32% at the end of the second
      quarter; the increase in short-term interest rates over the course of the
      current third quarter; and an increase in deposits during this time of rising
      rates. The average balance of interest-bearing liabilities thus rose $11.0
      billion, or 106.8%, year-over-year to $21.3 billion; the increased balance was
      partly offset by the impact of a 38-basis point reduction in the average cost of
      funds to 1.76%.

      The same combination of factors that contributed to the third quarter
      compression of the Company`s spread and margin contributed to their compression
      in the current nine-month period. For the first nine months of 2004, the
      Company`s spread and margin were equal to 3.70% and 3.75%, respectively, down 22
      and 30 basis points, respectively, from the measures in the year-earlier nine
      months. The reduction in margin also reflects the allocation of $272.9 million
      toward share repurchases in the first half of the year.

      Non-interest (Loss) Income

      Excluding net securities losses and gains in the respective periods, the Company
      recorded non-interest income of $84.6 million in the nine months ended September
      30, 2004, as compared to $67.9 million in the nine months ended September 30,
      2003. The 24.6% increase stemmed from a $2.3 million, or 5.3%, rise in fee
      income to $45.9 million and from a $14.4 million, or 59.2%, rise in other income
      to $38.7 million.

      Non-interest Expense

      The Company recorded non-interest expense of $150.7 million in the current
      nine-month period, as compared to $107.6 million in the first nine months of
      2003. The amortization of CDI accounted for $8.6 million and $4.5 million of the
      respective totals, with operating expenses representing the remaining $142.2
      million and $103.1 million, respectively. The latter amounts were equivalent to
      0.75% and 1.12% of average assets during the first nine months of 2004 and 2003,

      The same factors that caused the rise in third quarter 2004 operating expenses
      contributed to the increase in the current nine-month period: the expansion of
      the Company pursuant to the Roslyn merger, including an increase in the number
      of personnel and branch locations; upgrades to the Company`s information systems
      and branches; and the implementation of a network-wide marketing campaign.

      The increase in operating expenses spanned all four categories, with
      compensation and benefits expense rising $13.4 million to $72.0 million;
      occupancy and equipment expense rising $12.4 million to $30.1 million; G&A
      expense rising $11.2 million to $34.2 million; and other expenses rising $2.0
      million to $5.8 million.

      Excluding the second quarter 2004 repositioning charge from the calculation, the
      efficiency ratio was 19.86% in the current nine-month period, as compared to
      24.41% in the nine months ended September 30, 2003.

      Income Tax Expense

      Income tax expense totaled $136.1 million in the current nine-month period, up
      $32.5 million from the total recorded in the first nine months of 2003. The
      increase was attributable to a $92.8 million rise in pre-tax income to $407.8
      million, and an increase in the effective tax rate to 33.4% from 32.9%.

      Balance Sheet Summary

      The Company recorded total assets of $23.6 billion at September 30, 2004, down
      $463.1 million from the June 30, 2004 total, as expected, but up $183.3 million
      from the balance at December 31, 2003. Consistent with the repositioning plan
      outlined early in the third quarter, the Company utilized the cash flows
      generated by redemptions and sales of securities to increase loan production
      and, at the same time, increased its deposits and reduced its wholesale
      borrowings. Loans totaled $12.6 billion at the third quarter-end, up $2.1
      billion, or 19.7%, from the year-end 2003 balance, including a $693.8 million,
      or 5.8%, increase from the balance recorded at June 30, 2004. At the same time,
      securities totaled $7.5 billion, down $2.0 billion, or 20.9%, from the year-end
      2003 balance, including a $945.2 million, or 11.2%, reduction from the balance
      recorded at June 30, 2004.

      Deposits totaled $10.2 billion at September 30, 2004, down $126.9 million from
      the year-end 2003 balance, but up $185.9 million from the balance recorded at
      the linked quarter-end. At $10.0 billion, borrowed funds were consistent with
      the year-end 2003 balance, but down $772.1 million, or 7.2%, from the June 30,
      2004 amount, as planned.

      Stockholders` equity totaled $3.1 billion at September 30, 2004, up $277.6
      million from the year-end 2003 total, including a $106.0 million increase from
      the balance recorded at June 30, 2004. Tangible stockholders` equity totaled
      $1.1 billion at the close of the current third quarter, up $252.8 million and
      $109.4 million, respectively, from the totals recorded at the earlier dates.


      The Company recorded total loans of $12.6 billion at September 30, 2004,
      representing a $2.1 billion, or 19.7%, increase from the balance recorded at
      December 31, 2003. The increase was the net effect of originations totaling $4.6
      billion and repayments totaling $2.5 billion during the nine-month period.
      Third-quarter originations accounted for $1.5 billion of the nine-month total,
      signifying a $637.5 million, or 77.9%, increase from the volume produced in the
      third quarter of 2003.

      Multi-family loans represented $3.3 billion, or 71.5%, of year-to-date
      originations, and $1.1 billion, or 75.1%, of loan originations in the third
      quarter of 2004. At the close of the quarter, multi-family loans totaled $9.2
      billion, representing 73.4% of loans outstanding, a 25.1% increase from $7.4
      billion, which represented 70.2% of loans outstanding, at December 31, 2003. At
      September 30, 2004, the average multi-family loan had a principal balance of
      $3.0 million and a loan-to-value ratio of 56.8%.

      Multi-family loans typically feature a term of ten years, with a fixed rate in
      the first five years of the mortgage and a rate that adjusts annually in years
      six through ten. Loans that refinance in years one through five are subject to
      prepayment penalties ranging from five points to one point of the loan balance
      as the loan progresses. However, the Company`s multi-family lending niche is
      largely a refinancing business, and the typical multi-family loan refinances
      within the first five-year period. Accordingly, the portfolio of multi-family
      loans had an expected weighted average life of 3.4 years at September 30, 2004.

      The majority of the Company`s multi-family loans are secured by rent-controlled
      and -stabilized buildings in the five boroughs of New York City. Because the
      rents on the apartments are typically below market, the buildings tend to be
      fully occupied, even during times of economic adversity. The Company`s asset
      quality has been supported by such multi-family credits, which have not incurred
      a loss for more than twenty years.

      Among the multi-family loans originated in the current third quarter was a
      $250.0 million multi-family loan made to Riverbay Corporation - Co-op City on
      September 29th. The 20-year loan had a loan-to-value ratio of 20.7% at
      inception, and features a five-year adjustable rate of interest, with a floor of
      5.20% in years one through five, a floor of 6.20% in years six through ten, and
      a floor of 6.70% beginning in the 11th year.

      The $250.0 million loan is part of a $480.0 million financing package which also
      includes a $230.0 million construction loan. The first $50.0 million of the
      construction loan features the same term and rates as the multi-family component
      and was originated on the same date. The remaining $180.0 million of the
      construction loan will be advanced over a 42-month period at a floating rate of
      interest equal to 150 basis points above prime. Advances will be made as various
      stages of construction are completed, as certified by a consulting engineer
      engaged by the Company. On each anniversary of the original loan, the funds
      advanced under the construction component during the prior twelve-month period
      will be combined with the multi-family credit. When the loan has been fully
      funded, the loan-to-value ratio will be 33.2%, based on the current appraised
      value of the underlying property.

      Including the aforementioned Co-op City loan, construction loans represented
      $455.0 million, or 9.8%, of year-to-date originations, and $194.9 million, or
      13.4%, of originations in the third quarter of 2004. At September 30, 2004,
      construction loans totaled $759.2 million, up $6.3 million from the June 30,
      2004 balance, and up $115.7 million, or 18.0%, from the balance at year-end
      2003. Construction loans are typically originated for terms of 18 to 24 months,
      with a floating rate of interest that is tied to various economic indices.

      Commercial real estate loans accounted for $693.2 million, or 15.0%, of
      year-to-date originations, and $123.9 million, or 8.5%, of originations in the
      third quarter of 2004. The portfolio of commercial real estate loans totaled
      $1.9 billion at quarter-end, representing 15.2% of loans outstanding, and was up
      $52.6 million and $466.5 million, respectively, from the balances recorded at
      June 30, 2004 and December 31, 2003. At September 30, 2004, the average
      commercial real estate loan had a principal balance of $1.9 million and a
      loan-to-value ratio of 57.9%. The expected weighted average life of the
      portfolio was 3.8 years at September 30, 2004.

      Since December 1, 2000, the Company has maintained a policy of originating
      one-to-four family and consumer loans on a conduit basis, selling them to a
      third party within ten business days of the loans being closed. The loans in
      these portfolios have primarily been acquired through merger transactions, or
      were originated by the Company before the adoption of said policy. At September
      30, 2004, the balance of one-to-four family loans totaled $548.9 million,
      representing 4.4% of loans outstanding, down $182.1 million, or 24.9%, from the
      balance recorded at December 31, 2003. The balance of other loans also fell
      during this time, to $128.5 million, signifying a $183.1 million reduction over
      the nine-month period. While the decline in one-to-four family loans was
      entirely attributable to repayments, the decline in other loans reflects
      repayments and the sale of $129.9 million of home equity loans during the first
      quarter of 2004.

      At the present time, the Company has a pipeline of $1.3 billion, with
      multi-family loans representing 78% of that amount. Based upon the net loan
      growth achieved in the first nine months of the year, it is currently
      management`s expectation that mortgage loans will grow at an annual rate of 25%
      by the end of December, fueled by an increase in multi-family loans.

      Asset Quality

      The third quarter of 2004 was the Company`s 40th consecutive quarter without any
      net charge-offs against the allowance for loan losses, an indication of its
      consistent asset quality. At September 30, 2004, non-performing assets totaled
      $28.6 million, a $5.1 million improvement from the June 30, 2004 level and a
      $5.8 million improvement from the balance recorded at December 31, 2003.
      Non-performing assets represented 0.12% of total assets at the close of the
      current third quarter, as compared to 0.14% and 0.15% at the respective earlier

      At September 30, 2004, non-performing loans accounted for $28.4 million of total
      non-performing assets, and were equivalent to 0.23% of total loans. At June 30,
      2004 and December 31, 2003, non-performing loans respectively totaled $22.5
      million and $34.3 million, and were equivalent to 0.19% and 0.33% of total
      loans, respectively. Other real estate owned accounted for the remaining
      $268,000 of total non-performing assets at the close of the current third
      quarter, representing a $176,000 increase from the year-end 2003 balance, but an
      $11.0 million reduction from the balance recorded at June 30, 2004.

      As expected, the linked-quarter improvement in other real estate owned reflects
      the sale of property collateralizing a non-accrual loan that had been acquired
      in the Roslyn merger. The Company sold the property for $13.0 million and
      incurred no loss on the sale.

      Reflecting the current quality of the Company`s assets, the provision for loan
      losses was suspended in the current third quarter, consistent with the Company`s
      practice since the third quarter of 1995. In the absence of any provisions or
      net charge-offs, the allowance for loan losses was maintained at $78.3 million,
      consistent with the December 31, 2003 allowance, and was equivalent to 276.07%
      of non-performing loans and 0.62% of total loans at September 30, 2004.


      Consistent with the plan set forth by management at the start of the third
      quarter, the Company realized a meaningful reduction in its securities portfolio
      at September 30, 2004 from the levels recorded at June 30, 2004 and December 31,
      2003. Securities totaled $7.5 billion at September 30, 2004, representing 31.8%
      of total assets, as compared to $8.5 billion, representing 35.1% of total
      assets, at the close of the second quarter, and $9.5 billion, representing 40.5%
      of total assets, at the end of last year.

      Available-for-sale securities represented $3.3 billion, or 43.5%, of total
      securities at the close of the current third quarter, down from $3.9 billion and
      $6.3 billion, respectively, at June 30, 2004 and December 31, 2003.
      Held-to-maturity securities represented the remaining $4.3 billion of the
      September 30, 2004 total, and were down $279.2 million from the second
      quarter-end level, but up $1.0 billion from the year-end 2003 amount. The latter
      increase corresponds to the second quarter 2004 reclassification of $1.0 billion
      of available-for-sale securities as held-to-maturity securities.

      Reflecting the lower balance and a reduction in market interest rates over the
      course of the quarter, the net unrealized loss on securities available for sale
      improved to $30.3 million at September 30, 2004 from $84.4 million at June 30,
      2004. At December 31, 2003, the net unrealized loss on available-for-sale
      securities was $34.6 million.
      schrieb am 20.10.04 23:25:05
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      Der Ausblick ist ja etwas gedrückt, also eine gute Zeit zu kaufen. 2006 geht`s mit dem Wachstum dann wieder weiter.
      schrieb am 27.10.04 11:36:01
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      neues 52 Wo tief
      schrieb am 27.10.04 12:02:57
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      Das heißt, man konnte seit einem Jahr nicht mehr so billig einkaufen, wie jetzt.
      schrieb am 27.10.04 13:38:18
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      das ist sicherlich die "vorteilhafteste Ansicht" der Situation
      schrieb am 27.10.04 15:11:55
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      Sorry Freunde,
      da bleibe ich weg. Nicht wegen Risiko - ist mir zu kompliziert.
      Viel Glück für better + Mannerl.

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