
    Nanologix - Meine Aktie des Jahrzehnts - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 10.05.06 18:05:11 von
    neuester Beitrag 07.12.06 15:03:20 von
    Beiträge: 24
    ID: 1.059.241
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    Gesamt: 4.775
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    ISIN: US6300761078 · WKN: A0EQWW · Symbol: NNLX
    +900,00 %
    +0,0000 USD
    Letzter Kurs 11.05.24 Nasdaq OTC

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 10.05.06 18:05:11
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Hallo Leute,
      seit einiger Zeit habe ich NNLX im Depot und sehe in diesem Wert einen der Shootingstars dieses Jahrzehnts.
      NNLX hat ein Verfahren entwickelt, das es ermöglicht, aus Bioabfällen Wasserstoff herzustellen. Soweit mir bekannt ist, gibt es weltweit kein weiteres Unternehmen, das in diesem Bereich so weit fortgeschritten ist.
      Im März 2006 wurde der erste Bioreaktor in Betrieb genommen, der aus den Abfällen einer Fruchtplantage Wasserstoff erzeugt.…
      Heute kam die sehlichst erwartete Meldung, dass die Anlage funktioniert und Wasserstoff produziert:…

      Wenn man sich scheinbar nebensächliche Zeilen wie:
      The dependence upon fossil fuels is drawing to a close with the achievement of alternative fuel from waste streams from manufacturing facilities worldwide.

      mal auf der Zunge zergehen lässt, kann man nur zu einer Entscheidung gelangen: Kaufen und liegenlassen

      Es gibt z.Zt. 100.000.000 authorized shares.
      Diese Anzahl soll in diesem Jahr noch auf 200.000.000 erhöht werden.
      Outstanding sind 48 Mio Shares -> MK z.Zt. ca. 16 Mio USD

      Überlegt mal: Ein Unternehmen, das ein völlig neues Verfahren zur Wasserstoffgewinnung entwickelt hat, die erste kommerzielle Anlage nach diesem Verfahren betreibt, ist an der Börse mit 16 Mio USD bewertet.

      Der Kursverlauf heute in den USA ist mir ein absolutes Rätsel, da wir um den Schlusskurs von gestern herum pendeln.
      Schaut euch den Wert auf jeden Fall einmal näher an und entscheidet dann selbst.
      Bei den Amis wird der Wert jedenfalls lebhaft diskutiert:
      schrieb am 10.05.06 18:21:48
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.509.649 von ichwillsjetztwissen am 10.05.06 18:05:11haste noch mal sonne 800% rakete auf lager???????:laugh::laugh:
      schrieb am 10.05.06 18:26:46
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.509.959 von Charly306 am 10.05.06 18:21:48Wenn NNLX innerhalb der nächsten Monate nur um 800% steigen würde, wäre ich ziemlich enttäuscht
      schrieb am 10.05.06 18:55:25
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.510.050 von ichwillsjetztwissen am 10.05.06 18:26:46Hallo,
      bin auch schon ne Weile investiert.
      Allerdings mit konservativen Erwartungen, denn erst muss ein marktfähiges Produkt entwickelt werden. Deshalb ist der Kurs von solchen Unternehmen erstmal zweitrangig, kommt das Produkt geht die Aktie durch die Decke, wenn nicht? mal sehen.
      schrieb am 10.05.06 19:07:31
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.510.572 von bewefra am 10.05.06 18:55:25Es handelt sich bei Welch um eine kommerzielle Anlage, nicht um einen ausgelagerten Laborversuch.
      Mit Bret T. Barnhizer hat man sich einen Experten ins Boot geholt, der u.a. für Chevron und BP tätig war.
      Der alles entscheidene Schritt ist meiner Meinung nach durch die heutige Meldung vollzogen.

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1480EUR +0,68 %
      Hat East Africa bisher nur an der Oberfläche gekratzt?! mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 10.05.06 19:11:27
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Für mich sieht es z.Zt. danach aus, dass UBSS und STGI massiv short sind in dem Wert und offenbar das Glück haben, da kaum einer den Wert kennt, nicht in einen Squeeze zu laufen
      schrieb am 10.05.06 19:13:18
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.510.777 von ichwillsjetztwissen am 10.05.06 19:07:31zurücklehnen und abwarten.
      Schau mer mal, dann werden wir schon sehen.
      schrieb am 10.05.06 19:20:12
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.509.649 von ichwillsjetztwissen am 10.05.06 18:05:11mich macht alles stutzig.

      Erstens der Name:laugh:

      Zweitens die Idee, ich wüsste mal gerne, wieviel Prozent Wasserstoff die aus den Bioabfällen gewinnen.
      Und ich kenne massig Firmen die das besser können.
      Mein Onkel entwickelt Anlagen, die aus Hausmüll 30% Wasserstoff herstellen können, die Reste sind andersweitig verwendbare Gase plus niedrige bis keine Emmisionen ausstoßen(CO2, Schwefelverbindungen etc. - ich bin kein Chemiker!), ergo handelt es sich um einen modifizierter Holzvergaser.

      Diese Firma will nur eines, euer Geld ...und schmückt sich mit einem Nano - Lach

      Ach ja OTC, jetzt ist alles klar. :laugh:
      schrieb am 10.05.06 19:27:50
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()

      The most abundant element in the universe, hydrogen, also has the highest energy content per unit weight of any known fuel. The bad news is that it rarely occurs by itself in nature, mostly found combined with other elements such as oxygen (for water) and carbon (for fossil fuels) from which it must be harvested. The good news is that once separated, hydrogen is the ultimate clean and highly compacted energy carrier.

      Most economists and scientists agree that hydrogen will progressively replace oil in the economy of the future. Unfortunately, the biggest issue is the cost to produce hydrogen. In almost all cases, it needs energy (such as gas or electricity) to produce hydrogen. The cost of generating hydrogen from clean, renewable electricity is in the range of $4.00-5.00 per equivalent gallon of gasoline.

      Currently, hydrogen production is 48% from natural gas, 30% from oil, 18% from coal, and 4% from water electrolysis - all at a cost.

      Now this is where NNLX comes to play.


      NanoLogix, formerly Infectech, Inc., is a biotechnology company founded in 1989 for the development of diagnostic kits for infectious human diseases, microbial remediation of toxic materials, and now the development and commercialization of biological-based technologies for the production of alternative sources of fuel, namely hydrogen.

      Through the combination of biotechnology and nanotechnology, NNLX is the first company owns a commercially available patented technology to massively produce hydrogen at the least cost without consuming any kind of energy.

      NanoLogix methodology for hydrogen generation is being developed for the limitless production of hydrogen from organic waste and wastewaters. Once fully proven at the large scale Welch production facility, this technology has the potentiality for solving the world energy crisis from any waste organic byproduct, including sewage, and agricultural and food manufacturing waste. The Welch production facility has finished construction, it is beginning to generate hydrogen as of early April 2006. Dr. Sergey Gazenko, an internationally respected Microbiologist, is hired to fine-tune parameters to increase efficiency and assists commerical demos at the Welch facility.

      Last year NanoLogix announced the results of a study that confirmed laboratory proof that its bioreactor system generates hydrogen in high yields via the use and adaptation of its intellectual property. In this study, the bioreactor produced biogas consisting of 50% hydrogen by volume, without any trace of methane, which eliminates an additional costly step.

      After last year's study results were revealed, the Company signed a feasibility study with the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering of Gannon University in Erie, PA to develop a bioreactor that utilizes NanoLogix's intellectual assets. The project team compromises a distinguished cohort of scientists and university professors who share a common vision.

      In July of last year NanoLogix signed an agreement to generate hydrogen from a scale-up bioreactor system installed at Mobilia Fruit Farms in rural Pennsylvania utilizing waste organic matter from the farm Arrowhead Wines unit.

      After the success testing at Mobillia Fruit Farms, a bigger scale-up agreement, to install a hydrogen generation system using Welch Food's waste organic matter, followed shortly. Welch, of course, is the world's leading producer of grape and other fruit-based food products, giving NanoLogix virtually unlimited scale-up access to the waste-organics.

      Bioreactor is essentially a high-tech fermentation vessel in which microorganisms carry out a biological reaction. In this case production of a hydrogen-rich biogas. The bacterial reaction is self propagating, as the number of bacterias doubles every 24 minutes.

      ***** There are already a number of major players are interested the technology, such as BP and Northern Power. *****

      ***** Bulletin Board application: the financial audit is being completed and it's anticipated that the stock should be traded on OTC BB soon. *****
      schrieb am 10.05.06 19:41:32
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Hier mal ein treffendes Statement aus I-HUB

      With the Welch facility, NNLX is showing the world hydrogen that can be generated at a large scale facility cost-effeciently. Folks have been waiting for this news for weeks, and finally it is confirmed.

      They intend to license the technology to rich oil companies like Exxon and others. The Welch facility will be the showcase. In the years to come, NNLX will collect licensing fee from these companies. Imaging the folks bought the Coca-Cola stock at the beginning. Coca-Cola does nothing but collect licensing from the bottling companies. I feel this same about NNLX at this level.

      This is a very good news. With the OS and float has no change for the past couple weeks, this stock will eventually go up as the float is being taken by serious investors.
      schrieb am 10.05.06 19:44:46
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.511.005 von MrRipley am 10.05.06 19:20:12Zu deiner Frage nach dem Wirkungsgrad:

      Last year NanoLogix announced the results of a study that confirmed laboratory proof that its bioreactor system generates hydrogen in high yields via the use and adaptation of its intellectual property. In this study, the bioreactor produced biogas consisting of 50% hydrogen by volume, without any trace of methane, which eliminates an additional costly step.
      schrieb am 10.05.06 19:51:37
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.511.005 von MrRipley am 10.05.06 19:20:12Zu deinem: Schmückt sich mit Nano:
      Through the combination of biotechnology and nanotechnology, NNLX is the first company owns a commercially available patented technology to massively produce hydrogen at the least cost without consuming any kind of energy.
      schrieb am 10.05.06 19:59:38
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.511.005 von MrRipley am 10.05.06 19:20:12Zitat:
      Und ich kenne massig Firmen die das besser können

      Kannst du mal ein paar Namen der Firmen sowie deren Technologie nennen?
      schrieb am 10.05.06 21:39:44
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.511.738 von ichwillsjetztwissen am 10.05.06 19:59:38lass dich mal nicht von jedem Basher verrückt machen, der dir erzählt, dass seine Oma in der Waschküche schon bessere Resultate erzielt hätte.
      schrieb am 10.05.06 21:52:20
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.513.430 von bewefra am 10.05.06 21:39:44Hat mich auch nicht weiter beschäftigt, da ich von NNLX felsenfest überzeugt bin. Ich will nur nicht, dass sich andere dadurch verunsichern lassen, da der aktuelle Kursverlauf sein übriges dazu beiträgt.
      Hab nur selten ein Posting gelesen, wo sich jemand mit ein paar Sätzen dermaßen disqualifiziert hat.
      Wollte ihm das ein wenig näher bringen.
      schrieb am 10.05.06 22:21:22
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.513.659 von ichwillsjetztwissen am 10.05.06 21:52:20und jetzt haben die MM´s erfolgreich den Kurs um 10% gedreht.
      Für mich ein gutes Zeichen, da man versucht noch günstig einzusteigen.
      schrieb am 10.05.06 22:30:33
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.514.231 von bewefra am 10.05.06 22:21:22Ich habe heute jedenfalls nochmals aufgestockt.
      Bei NNLX wird es nichts geben, was sich in der Mitte befindet.
      Entweder wird das der absolute Brüller, oder ein Totalverlust.
      Mein Anlagehorizont geht bei diesem Wert über mehrere Jahre.
      1. Ziel ist Listing an der OTC
      2. Ziel ist Amex/Nasdaq
      3. Ziel ist S&P 500
      schrieb am 19.06.06 16:36:39
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Interessante Neuigkeiten bei NanoLogix:…

      Offenbar sind die u.a. für Welch entwickelten Methoden so effektiv, dass man sich das patentieren lässt.
      Sehr interessant ist auch der Auszug aus der heutigen PR:
      ...The recent extensive innovations created by the NanoLogix scientists should greatly help us in obtaining a successful partnership with multinational energy concerns with whom we are negotiating....
      Da dürfte noch einiges kommen
      schrieb am 22.06.06 23:55:20
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.511.452 von ichwillsjetztwissen am 10.05.06 19:44:46Und weiter geht's:
      NanoLogix Signs Agreement for a Hydrogen Bioreactor at the City of Erie Wastewater Treatment Plant…
      "We are proud to have the City of Erie in the forefront of the technological fight for American energy independence. Our collective success could permanently change the worldwide energy paradigm."
      schrieb am 02.08.06 14:44:40
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Zur Info:
      Nanologix wurde im US-Anlegerblätchen "The Florida Investor" quasi als unendeckte Perle empfohlen. Einige Textbausteine errinnern allerdings sehr an schon gepostete Nachrichten. D.h. der Status ist weiter, dass sie mit verschiedenen Gross-Firmen in Verhandlungen stehen.

      Ich kann mir gar nicht vorstellen, dass da überhaupt nichts bei rumkommt... Und dann geht die Post ab.

      Was meint Ihr?
      P.S. Bin (noch) nicht investiert.

      "According to the company, NanoLogix is presently in negotiations with multiple large corporations for the joint venture development of hydrogen bioreactors as a viable fuel source. A completion of such a joint venture would dramatically accelerate the time in which the alternative fuel source becomes mainstream and the value of the stock.

      "In our opinion, NanoLogix is an attractive investment at this juncture due to the fact that the company is, frankly, an undiscovered company in an area that is about to explode on the upside. Can you imagine, our future fuel resource coming from wastewater, waste organic material (citrus), or your garbage can? Well, that is exactly what NanoLogix is up to and all signs point to success."

      Direkt zum Artikel:
      schrieb am 10.08.06 22:52:57
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 23.282.704 von Verteilnix am 02.08.06 14:44:40Ich nutze jedenfalls das aktuelle Niveau um suczessive aufzustocken. Je länger ich mich mit dem Wert beschäftige, desto mehr komme ich zu der Überzeugung, dass mir diese Firma in naher Zukunft ein (finaziell) sorgenfreies Leben bescheren wird
      schrieb am 11.08.06 13:40:51
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Schon ein paar Tage her:

      NanoLogix Receives $1 Million to Accelerate Biohydrogen Research & Development
      August 07, 2006

      NanoLogix, a nano-biotechnology company engaged in the development and commercialization of technologies for the creation of hydrogen bioreactors, has received $1 million in interim funding from a California financial group. Terms of the financing were not disclosed.

      Net proceeds will be used to further the research and development of its proprietary hydrogen bioreactor technology, processes and applications. NanoLogix is currently focused on producing hydrogen from industrial and municipal wastewater streams, and is researching the potential of agricultural feedstock to create new sources of hydrogen.

      In June, the company signed an agreement for the construction and operation of a prototype hydrogen bioreactor at the City of Erie wastewater treatment plant. (Earlier post.) nanologix is also operating a hydrogen bioractor at a Welch’s Food plant.

      NanoLogix, originally founded in 1989 as InfecTech for the development of diagnostic kits for infectious diseases, uses its patented bacterial culturing methods with Clostridia bacteria for hydrogen production.

      In a natural fermentative process, some of the hydrogen produced by Clostridia would be used (inter-species transfer) by methane-producing bacteria (methanogens) in the inoculum. Reducing or eliminating the methanogens is one approach to increasing the ultimate yield of hydrogen.

      Researchers have found that heat treatment is one of the effective techniques for accomplishing that. A Clostridium bacterium will form a bacterial spore in the presence of heat, and survive. The methanogens are non-spore-forming; the heat kills them. The application of the heat process thus effectively selects for the Clostridia population and so for production of hydrogen while eliminating the competing process of methanogenesis.

      NanoLogix’ process is based on combining the bacterial production of hydrogen with excess industrial heat.

      In studies of a prototype, NanoLogix found that the bioreactor produced biogas consisting of 50% hydrogen by volume, without any trace of methane.

      schrieb am 07.11.06 22:18:54
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Die Jungs bei NNLX haben's offensichtlich drauf:

      NanoLogix Scientists Make Progress in Research and Development for Biohydrogen Production

      2006-11-07 15:23 ET - News Release

      SHARON, Pa., Nov. 7 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Nanologix, Inc., , a nano-biotechnology company engaged in the research, development and commercialization of technologies for alternative sources of fuel, today announced that its team of microbiologists have recently discovered a reliable and simple way to produce hydrogen gas that can be used to power cars, homes and businesses without polluting the environment.

      Dr. Sergey Gazenko and Ben Feldmann, microbiologists at NanoLogix' Cincinnati laboratory, succeeded in using a proprietary NNLX microbiological methodology to convert various nutrients into hydrogen gas. When the proprietary bacteria are allowed to grow under anaerobic conditions, they metabolize sugars and convert them into carbon dioxide and hydrogen at a 1:1 ratio. The carbon dioxide is then removed by passing the gas mixture through a concentrated solution of sodium hydroxide, and pure hydrogen is all that remains.

      Scientists have previously known about the capabilities of bacteria to produce hydrogen in an anaerobic system. The challenge has been to build a bioreactor that uses an inexpensive, renewable nutrient media and food which the bacteria can consume and change into an energy source that can be used by humans.

      For this purpose, the NanoLogix team has combined switchgrass, a fast- growing grass that can survive in poor soil conditions, and a solution of 3% grape juice waste. Combining the two nutrient sources was shown to increase the gas production of the bacteria 3-fold over just using switchgrass or grape juice waste alone. This can be explained by the addition of sugars (fructose and glucose) from the grape juice waste to the nutrients in the switchgrass, which creates an optimal nutrient mixture for the proprietary NNLX microbiological methodology to thrive and thus produce large amounts of hydrogen.

      To produce this hydrogen, the nutrient mixture is first prepared by a simple proprietary pre-preparation process. It is then pumped into a continuous feed, multi-channel, closed bioreactor containing immobilized cultures. The bacteria use the nutrient media in their normal metabolism and produce a mixture of hydrogen and carbon dioxide gas. The gases are then passed through a sodium hydroxide solution, which combines with the carbon dioxide and removes it from the system. The hydrogen gas which remains is pumped into a storage container or immediately used for fuel.

      Mitchell Felder, M.D., NanoLogix Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, stated, "We at NanoLogix believe that this may be a significant step forward in achieving an economical, efficient source of hydrogen from waste streams. Attaining this goal would change the world energy paradigm. We are very proud of the accomplishments Dr. Gazenko and our team of microbiologists have made at our Cincinnati laboratory."

      NanoLogix's patent-pending process carries a host of advantages First, it relies on nutrient sources that are readily available and can be easily and quickly grown/produced. And if switchgrass and grape juice waste are not available locally, the system is flexible and can be adapted for numerous other kinds of biomass, such as corn, wastewater or waste byproducts. Second, the bacteria needed to drive hydrogen production in the bioreactor can be easily cultured in any laboratory and used immediately. There is no need for expensive and time-consuming procedures that alter the genome of the organism so it can be used in industrial processes. Third, the closed bioreactor system is virtually self-maintaining. By using a continuous feed bioreactor, nutrients are continually fed to the bacteria, and wastes are continually flushed out of the system. This allows the organisms to sustain their growth and metabolic processes, which in turn means they are constantly producing hydrogen gas that can be used for fuel. The channels of the bioreactor can easily be changed if they become contaminated or the bacterial cultures happen to die out.

      On the whole, this new-age bioreactor is a simple, extremely cost- effective way to produce green power. It utilizes inexpensive materials, is easy to build and maintain, and can manufacture massive amounts of fuel without polluting our precious ecosystems. Ultimately, NanoLogix hopes it will help to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, paving the way for a cleaner, more energy-efficient tomorrow.

      Wenn jetzt noch Volumen in den Wert kommt, steigt hier eine richtige Party.
      schrieb am 07.12.06 15:03:20
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Aktuell aus dem IHUB Board:

      Hello. I would like to introduce myself to the investors following Nanologix as it tries to push its technology from the realm of potential into commercial success. I am a professional engineer. I work for Alcoa in Davenport, IA. Both myself, and my company, have an abiding interest in cutting costs and reducing waste. Alcoa is deeply committed to protecting the environment, even while pursuing profitable growth. If NNLXs technology can be successfully tested, scaled up and installed at facilities like mine, I see the potential for a huge market. I have been talking with Dr. Felder over the last few weeks and we have scheduled an introductory meeting to discuss how his technology could be tested on some of our waste streams. As the Utilities Engineer for the largest integrated sheet and plate mill (aluminum) in the world, I am well positioned to offer NNLX a vast panorama of waste from which to choose. Consider the possibilities I see: wastewater discharged to the Mississippi River, industrial waste (essentially oily water), cafeteria food wastes, lawn clippings, old wood (pallets), blowdown treatment facility solid wastes now landfilled, sewage, contaminated soil, garbage, etc. Add to this mix large quantities of waste heat, a key ingredient to the patented NNLX process and you have a vast playground from which to pick and choose the most promising sites for testing. While there is no contract in place at this time between our companies, there is a mutual commitment to work together to assess potential and move the technology forward, if at all possible. Further, I have called colleagues at many other large companies including Affymetrix, Kodak, Toyota, Lockheed Martin and others. I have called an associate at MIT and suggested that he and his research colleagues get themselves up to speed on this emerging technology. I tell you these things so that the investors of the world have access to the same information that I have regarding the company and to spread the word that it the spotlight is going to shine on this company in the coming year. Whether the technology will be able to stand the glare remains to be seen, but I believe that it will be able to. Where technical gaps exist that need to be closed to effect commercialization, I will help to close them to whatever extent I can commensurate with company plans and objectives. The demand for technology like this is unlimited to large manufacturing concerns like my plant. Have no doubt of the potential market size. Whether NNLX proves to be the answer to the energy puzzle remains to be seen. I hope they are. But wherever the project stream decides to go, I will keep you updated periodically, assuming that you are truly interested in following the company's efforts in Iowa. Regards, and happy investing,

      Daniel Bedell, P.E.

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      Nanologix - Meine Aktie des Jahrzehnts