
    GBDX - Möglicher Buyout - mehrere 100% möglich - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 11.04.07 23:52:34 von
    neuester Beitrag 12.07.07 09:33:16 von
    Beiträge: 178
    ID: 1.123.953
    Aufrufe heute: 0
    Gesamt: 6.877
    Aktive User: 0

    ISIN: US3789771025 · WKN: A0LBDX · Symbol: GBDX
    0,00 %
    0,0000 USD
    Letzter Kurs 12.03.24 Nasdaq OTC

    Werte aus der Branche Finanzdienstleistungen

    WertpapierKursPerf. %
    WertpapierKursPerf. %


    Begriffe und/oder Benutzer



     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 11.04.07 23:52:34
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Kurs: Aktuell 0,007 $
      Kürzel: GBDX

      Handelbar nur in USA

      Natürlich keine Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung ;)
      Und Totalverlust bei OTC-Werten auch nicht ausgeschlossen ;)


      Hier die letzte News vom 4. April 2007:

      Global Diamond Exchange: Message From The Chairman
      Wednesday April 4, 7:00 am ET

      NEW YORK, April 4 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Global Diamond Exchange Inc. (OTC: GBDX - News) would like to present to you a statement from Company CEO and Chairman Mr. Alexey Cherebkov:

      Dear Shareholders:

      I would like to give you a brief update as to what's happening with our company. First the business of the company is continuing in a normal fashion. We are growing at a manageable rate, with a steady increase in shipment value as witnessed by our latest press release. I would like to clarify a key point from several emails that I have recently received. We are a wholesale company. We only sell to other wholesalers, and we do not currently have a retail location. Our business is predicated on selling lots or a composite grouping of cut and polished stones. We sell these lots to established wholesale clients only, not to individuals or unknown unproven wholesalers. The business model is simple but the misconceptions are enormous. Shareholders want to look at the facility and see the stones as they arrive. This is impractical for security and insurance reasons.

      The potential takeover/merger: The due diligence process is proceeding as planned. The corporate attorneys are en route to meet with the potential suitor and finalize the points of the transaction within a reasonable period of time. We are not assigning a "drop dead" date to the potential transaction nor do we want it to linger in details. You the shareholders want and deserve a clear explanation of the potential transaction. The attorneys will provide that once the process is complete, including all material facts such as record dates and pay dates.

      Our goal is to maximize shareholder value and satisfy the suitor's demands. At the end of the day the suitor wants to exit from the public market. Global will cease to exist as a publicly traded company if the transaction proceeds as planned. When the company entered the public arena we did not realize the burden of the public sector. The potential suitor does not want the additional work necessary to maintain a public company nor in our estimation do they need to be in the capital markets. Consequently, all shares held by the public will ultimately have to be surrendered if the transaction can be consummated. The legal team is working to satisfy the government requirements and inquisitions from filing the form TO.

      Additionally, there have been inquiries about certain individual(s) and unsubstantiated rumors involving the company. The individual(s) in question are in no way affiliated with this organization and these rumors and innuendos only hurt you the shareholder and the company's credibility, as well as running up the corporate legal bill. I further urge you to ignore all the speculation about this takeover/merger. No one knows the final details and everything right now is considered hearsay. As soon as we are allowed, you will know exact details and what you the shareholder will gain from this transaction.



      Fips :cool:
      schrieb am 12.04.07 00:10:40
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Posted by: dustybutler1

      David... I believe the buyout price range is a good 10-15 times current price (to .07 - .12 range) so I expect the stock price to gap to the .04-.05 range the first day. I hope there is not a long delay til record date... no reason to delay it since the buying entity is taking the company private.

      Since the corporate attorneys were on their way last week to finalize the deal, then I think we could have news this week. If not, I can wait til the first of next week...

      :D ;)
      schrieb am 12.04.07 00:21:40
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()

      Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 5:22 PM
      GBDX imo, hearing deal is done just waiting for completion of money
      transferring from Russia which we guess should be done by end of week
      so it should be no later then early next week jmo.

      Next week should put some spring in out walk again.

      schrieb am 12.04.07 08:08:13
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      ja aber ist das sicher dass der preis 10 bis 15mal höher ist , als der derzeitige kurs?
      schrieb am 12.04.07 08:18:15
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.770.153 von Steines am 12.04.07 08:08:13Sicher ist an der Börse GARNIX.....


      Fips :cool:

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      schrieb am 12.04.07 08:46:19
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.768.930 von Fips4 am 11.04.07 23:52:34das Teil wird noch mächtig rocken!!!!!!


      schrieb am 12.04.07 08:57:46
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.770.452 von Exploser am 12.04.07 08:46:19Das will ich doch mal schwer hoffen......

      schrieb am 12.04.07 08:59:10
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.770.594 von Fips4 am 12.04.07 08:57:46Bin ja mal auf den Preis gespannt.......

      Dürfte aber sicher im Cent-Bereich liegen.......IMO

      Fips :cool:
      schrieb am 12.04.07 09:04:52
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.770.605 von Fips4 am 12.04.07 08:59:10Wie läuft so ein buyout eigentlich genau ab???

      - Preis wird festgelegt z.B. 0,05 $
      - Record Date wird festgelegt z.B. 25.04.07
      - Paydate wird festgelegt z.B. 30.04.07

      Das heißt dann also, dass man die Aktien am 25.04.07 in seinem Depot haben muss. Dann wird am 30.04.07 das Geld ins Depot gebucht und die Aktien ausgebucht........( Aktienzahl x 0,05)

      Ist das so richtig???????????????????????


      Fips :cool:
      schrieb am 12.04.07 09:15:07
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      liest sich nicht schlecht, aber:

      1. sollte der kurs nicht schon gen norden unterwegs sein da news schon relativ alt ist?

      2. das volumen ist auch nicht gerade hoch oder ist das teil recht unbekannt??

      danke für eure Meinungen
      schrieb am 12.04.07 09:26:16
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.770.839 von psycho214 am 12.04.07 09:15:07Solange niemand was vom Preis weiß.........
      Denke aber, dass das Ding in D auch relativ unbekannt ist.

      Aus der News vom 02.04.07 geht hervor, dass schon alleine der Auftrag ein Volumen von 2,1 Mio $ hat.

      Jetzt nur auf diesen Auftrag bezogen:

      2.100.000 $/ 355.000.000 Shares = 0,006 $

      Und die 0,006 beziehen sich jetzt nur auf diesen einen Auftrag

      Könnte sich also leicht verzehnfachen......meiner Meinung nach.

      Fips :cool:
      schrieb am 12.04.07 09:28:00
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.771.048 von Fips4 am 12.04.07 09:26:16Hier noch die Quelle zum Auftrag:

      Fips :cool:
      schrieb am 12.04.07 09:29:08
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      5 Cent sollten hier schon drin sein......IMO


      Fips :cool:
      schrieb am 12.04.07 09:52:20
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.771.094 von Fips4 am 12.04.07 09:29:08sehr gute Arbeit hier im GBDX-Thread von dir, Fips! Weiter so! ;)

      Denke, das wir mit GBDX noch viel Spaß haben werden. Bist du schon drin? :eek:
      schrieb am 12.04.07 09:54:14
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.771.512 von Exploser am 12.04.07 09:52:20Jepp......:D:D:D:D:D
      schrieb am 12.04.07 09:55:23
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.771.512 von Exploser am 12.04.07 09:52:20Schau Dir mal Posting # 9 an.....

      Ist das so korrekt????

      Fips :cool:
      schrieb am 12.04.07 09:59:40
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.771.559 von Fips4 am 12.04.07 09:55:23Genau so sehe ich es auch!

      Alles andere würde mich wundern....
      schrieb am 12.04.07 13:34:37
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Posted by: dustybutler1
      In reply to: pennypusher1 who wrote msg# 37749 Date:4/11/2007 5:18:01 PM
      Post #of 37797

      EOD BUYING... investors/traders know the PR announcing the finalization of the buyout and all terms will not be during business hours so I believe people are waiting til the end of the day to buy more shares. Trade other volatile stocks during the day but make sure you have the GBDX shares at the close.

      Just my thoughts...
      schrieb am 12.04.07 16:38:39
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Aktuell: + 21%

      schrieb am 12.04.07 16:48:36
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.779.012 von Fips4 am 12.04.07 16:38:39die Party beginnt erst.....!!

      schrieb am 13.04.07 07:30:03
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      denke ich auch,

      wenn ich mir deine anderen 2 threads anschaue , waren da immer über 100% drinnen

      denke das wird auch hier so sein,

      muss ja nicht an einem tag sein

      auf gute gewinne
      schrieb am 13.04.07 08:12:54
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      der Tag fing so gut an, dann überraschender Kursverlauf. Hätte nicht gedacht, das GBDX im Minus schließt.

      Bin trotzdem noch positiv gestimmt und rechne nächste Woche mit News zum Buyout! ;)
      schrieb am 13.04.07 11:09:12
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.787.885 von Steines am 13.04.07 07:30:03Ja....mindestens......:D

      - bei PMCL 200%
      - bei BHUB 1000%

      Mal schauen was GBDX macht, rechne mal mit gut 500% wenn der Buyout kommt.....;)

      Fips :cool:
      schrieb am 13.04.07 15:02:08
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.791.067 von Fips4 am 13.04.07 11:09:12er wird kommen!! :D

      (Sagt mein Bauchgefühl und die letzte PR war schon sehr positiv zu deuten) ;)
      schrieb am 15.04.07 11:05:31
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Posted by: 50plus
      In reply to: None Date:4/14/2007 7:46:10 PM
      Post #of 38453

      This buyout WILL go through...

      Contrary to what some bashers think, GBDX will definitely be taken private, IMO. Investor's Business Daily on Monday will have an editorial about the horrible effect of Sarbanes/Oxley on capital formation in the USA. Sib Almaz will flee the over-regulated U.S. markets like the rest of the world. In 2001, the last year before Sarb/Ox was passed, 50% of the world's IPOs were done in the U.S. By 2005 that was down to 5%. In 2005, the NYSE had only 6 new foreign listings. The London SE had 129.

      It is clear that Sib Almaz knows what it's doing by fleeing the Pink Sheet swamp and the U.S. capital markets altogether. Their motivation is clear, understandable, and irreversible, IMO. Estimated costs of Sarb/Ox to publically traded U.S. businesses in the past five years: over $1.1 TRILLION dollars. Why should the Russians let themselves be taken?

      The only thing left is when and by how much we profit from this buyout. Make it so, Sib Almaz. And make it SOON!


      schrieb am 16.04.07 22:46:31
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      Posted by: lem114933
      In reply to: h2omd0 who wrote msg# 38677 Date:4/16/2007 4:11:19 PM
      Post #of 38678

      Any real deal goes into a quiet period when it is close.

      We are in that quiet period now..IMO

      Next word we hear will be a done deal..

      schrieb am 18.04.07 09:16:54
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Posted by: davidam
      In reply to: negger0 who wrote msg# 38869 Date:4/17/2007 9:44:29 PM
      Post #of 38877

      Thats what it really boils down to Negger0. The pink sheet world has seen every trick in the book. Rarely to never does one actually get bought out especially at a high premium to the current share price. therefore no credit is given to GBDX.

      GBDX IMO is about ready to rock the pink sheet world!
      I know what these Russians can do in NYC diamond district. This buyout is a no brainer to me its like grabbing a full house in a 5 card stud game. I am all in !!

      schrieb am 18.04.07 09:19:17
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      I´m also all in

      schrieb am 18.04.07 15:41:27
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Posted by: pmg149
      In reply to: chucka who wrote msg# 38880 Date:4/18/2007 8:33:38 AM
      Post #of 38898

      Yes whoever banned oil trader good job. I'm sure we all had enough of him.

      Ok so the 1st time the merger/buyout was announced was March 7th which was 6 weeks ago from today. Exactly 2 weeks ago the corporate attorneys were en route. Everything has to be finalized by now and I expect a final PR this week IMO.

      Go Global!
      schrieb am 18.04.07 20:59:05
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()

      Posted by: RonnieD
      In reply to: None
      Date:4/18/2007 2:39:53 PM
      Post #of 86510

      GBDX update ! Look at this inventory ! :-))
      Rip out the calculators !!! GO GLOBAL. I love the 12.54 carat Emerald !

      Shape Size Color Clarity Cut Cert. Price
      Round 0.49 ct. I SI2 Good EGL $950
      Round 0.50 ct. F SI1 Premium GIA $1,500
      Round 0.50 ct. G SI1 Good EGL $1,250
      Round 0.50 ct. G VS1 Premium GIA $1,800
      Round 0.50 ct. E VS2 Premium GIA $1,900
      Round 0.50 ct. H SI1 Premium EGL $1,250
      Round 0.50 ct. E VS2 Good GIA $1,900
      Round 0.51 ct. F VS2 Ideal GIA $1,750
      Round 0.51 ct. F VS2 Good GIA $1,750
      Round 0.51 ct. E VS1 Ideal GIA $2,100
      Round 0.52 ct. F VS1 Premium GIA $2,000
      Round 0.52 ct. F VS2 Premium GIA $1,800
      Round 0.52 ct. F VVS2 Premium GIA $2,350
      Round 0.54 ct. E VVS2 Premium GIA $2,575
      Round 0.54 ct. E VS2 Premium GIA $2,050
      Round 0.54 ct. F SI1 Premium GIA $1,575
      Round 0.55 ct. D VS2 Ideal GIA $2,200
      Round 0.55 ct. E VVS2 Premium GIA $2,600
      Round 0.57 ct. F VS1 Premium GIA $2,200
      Round 0.58 ct F VS2 Premium GIA $2,100
      Round 0.61 ct E VS2 Premium GIA $2,400
      Round 0.66 ct D SI2 Good GIA $1,850
      Round 0.70 ct G SI2 Good EGL $2,200
      Round 0.70 ct H SI2 Premium EGL $2,100
      Round 0.70 ct E VS1 Premium GIA $3,550
      Round 0.70 ct G SI2 Good GIA $2,450
      Round 0.71 ct G SI2 Premium EGL $2,400
      Round 0.71 ct H SI1 Premium GIA $2,450
      Round 0.71 ct G SI1 Premium EGL $2,500
      Round 0.71 ct I SI1 Premium EGL $2,250
      Round 0.71 ct G SI2 Premium EGL $2,400
      Round 0.71 ct H VS2 Good EGL $2,500
      Round 0.72 ct F VVS2 Good GIA $3,675
      Round 0.75 ct G SI1 Premium GIA [SOLD]
      Round 0.75 ct H SI1 Premium GIA $2,650
      Round 0.76 ct G VS2 Premium GIA $3,050
      Round 0.76 ct H VS1 Premium GIA $3,050
      Round 0.78 ct F VS1 Premium GIA $3,900
      Round 0.78 ct H VS1 Premium GIA $3,050
      Round 0.82 ct D VS2 Premium GIA $4,300
      Round 0.90 ct E VS1 Good GIA $5,800
      Round 0.90 ct F VS1 Good GIA $5,500
      Round 0.90 ct E SI2 Ideal GIA $4,300
      Round 0.90 ct K VS2 Premium GIA $2,875
      Round 0.90 ct E SI2 Good EGL $3,800
      Round 0.90 ct I VS2 Premium GIA $4,000
      Round 0.90 ct I SI1 Premium GIA $3,400
      Round 0.90 ct H VS2 Premium GIA $4,300
      Round 0.90 ct E VS2 Premium GIA $5,500
      Round 0.90 ct E VS2 Ideal GIA $5,550
      Round 0.90 ct J VS2 Premium EGL $3,350
      Round 0.90 ct F SI2 Premium GIA $3,850
      Round 0.90 ct F SI2 Good GIA $3,800
      Round 0.91 ct G VS1 Ideal GIA $5,300
      Round 0.92 ct I SI2 Premium EGL $3,050
      Round 0.97 ct K VS1 Good EGL $3,075
      Round 1.00ct E SI1 Good GIA $5,800
      Round 1.00ct H SI1 Good EGL $5,000
      Round 1.00ct D SI1 Good GIA $6,300
      Round 1.00ct F VS2 Premium GIA $7,350
      Round 1.01ct H VS1 Premium GIA $6,125
      Round 1.01ct F VS1 Ideal GIA $7,900
      Round 1.01ct G SI1 Good GIA $5,225
      Round 1.01ct E VS2 Good EGL $7,250
      Round 1.01ct E SI2 Good EGL $5,000
      Round 1.01ct J SI1 Good EGL $3,750
      Round 1.01ct J SI1 Good EGL $3,750
      Round 1.01ct F VVS2 Premium GIA $9,600
      Round 1.02 ct E SI1 Good GIA $6,300
      Round 1.02 ct E VS2 Premium GIA $8,550
      Round 1.02 ct J VS2 Good EGL $3,950
      Round 1.03 ct J SI1 Good EGL $4,100
      Round 1.05 ct E SI1 Good GIA $6,475
      Round 1.05 ct J VS2 Good EGL $4,150
      Round 1.08 ct F SI1 Ideal GIA $6,400
      Round 1.09 ct H SI2 Fair GIA $4,500
      Round 1.09 ct I VS1 Good GIA $5,500
      Round 1.09 ct H SI2 Premium EGL $4,800
      Round 1.09 ct I SI2 Good EGL $4,300
      Round 1.11 ct H VS2 Premium GIA $6,400
      Round 1.12 ct J SI1 Good GIA $4,700
      Round 1.17 ct F SI1 Ideal GIA $7,250
      Round 1.17 ct F VS2 Good GIA $9,100
      Round 1.19 ct G VS2 Ideal GIA $8,400
      Round 1.20 ct I VS2 Premium GIA $6,000
      Round 1.20 ct F VS1 Premium GIA $10,500
      Round 1.20 ct F SI1 Premium GIA $7,900
      Round 1.20 ct F VS2 Ideal GIA $9,600
      Round 1.20 ct F VS1 Premium GIA $10,500
      Round 1,21 ct G VVS2 Ideal GIA $10,500
      Round 1,21 ct H VS2 Ideal GIA $7,000
      Round 1,21 ct K VS2 Premium GIA $4,650
      Round 1.22 ct J SI1 Premium EGL $4,850
      Round 1.22 ct I SI2 Premium GIA $5,450
      Round 1,23 ct G SI2 Ideal GIA $6,200
      Round 1,23 ct I SI1 Premium GIA $5,900
      Round 1.25 ct F SI1 Premium GIA $7,350
      Round 1.27 ct F SI2 Ideal GIA $7,050
      Round 1.28 ct F SI2 Premium GIA $6,750
      Round 1.29 ct J VS1 Ideal GIA $6,000
      Round 1.31 ct I VS1 Premium GIA $7,250
      Round !.33 ct J VS2 Premium GIA $5,800
      Round 1.34 ct H VS1 Premium EGL $7,600
      Round 1.35 ct E SI2 Premium EGL $6,600
      Round 1.35 ct I SI1 Premium EGL $6,275
      Round 1.40 ct G SI2 Good EGL $6,475
      Round 1.50 ct H SI1 Premium GIA $10,700
      Round 1.50 ct I VS1 Good GIA $10,500
      Round 1.50 ct G VS1 Premium GIA $14,400
      Round 1.50 ct G SI1 Premium GIA $11,700
      Round 1.50 ct E SI1 Premium GIA $13,600
      Round 1.50 ct G VS2 Premium GIA $13,450
      Round 1.50 ct H VS2 Good GIA $11,000
      Round 1.51 ct H VS2 Premium GIA $11,400
      Round 1.51 ct E VS1 Ideal GIA $17,400
      Round 1.51 ct J VS2 Ideal GIA $8,400
      Round 1.52 ct H SI2 Premium GIA $9,350
      Round 1.52 ct I VS1 Good GIA $10,600
      Round 1.53 ct G VVS2 Ideal GIA $15,700
      Round 1.54 ct F SI2 Premium EGL $9,100
      Round 1.54 ct D SI1 Ideal GIA $13,650
      Round 1.55 ct H SI1 Premium EGL $10,100
      Round 1.55 ct F SI2 Good EGL $9,400
      Round 1.56 ct H VS2 Premium GIA $11,800
      Round 1.57 ct D VS2 Premium GIA $16,500
      Round 1.60 ct K SI1 Premium GIA $6,900
      Round 1.61 ct E VS1 Good GIA $18,700
      Round 1.63 ct G VS1 Premium GIA $15,600
      Round 1.65 ct H SI1 Ideal GIA $11,700
      Round 1.70 ct H SI1 Premium EGL $11,000
      Round 1.70 ct D VS2 Premium GIA $19,500
      Round 1.70 ct F VVS2 Ideal GIA $22,350
      Round 1.70 ct H VS2 Ideal GIA $14,400
      Round 1.71 ct J VS1 Premium GIA $10,100
      Round 1.72 ct G SI1 Premium GIA $14,100
      Round 1.73 ct F SI2 Premium EGL $10,550
      Round 1.84 ct I VS2 Good GIA $14,100
      Round 1.94 ct F SI2 Good EGL $11,900
      Round 2.00 ct F VS2 Good GIA $27,900
      Round 2.00 ct G SI1 Fair EGL $18,400
      Round 2.00 ct F VS2 Premium GIA $28,200
      Round 2.01 ct I VS2 Premium EGL $17,600
      Round 2.01 ct I VVS2 Good EGL $18,000
      Round 2.01 ct G VS1 Premium EGL $26,800
      Round 2.01 ct F VS2 Premium GIA $28,100
      Round 2.01 ct G VS2 Good GIA $26,000
      Round 2.02 ct F VS2 Good GIA [SOLD]
      Round 2.02 ct F VS2 Good GIA $28,250
      Round 2.02 ct G SI1 Ideal GIA $22,400
      Round 2.04 ct H VS2 Good EGL $20,500
      Round 2.04 ct H SI2 Premium EGL $15,600
      Round 2.05 ct I VS2 Premium EGL $16,900
      Round 2.06 ct H VS1 Premium GIA $23,600
      Round 2.09 ct G SI2 Premium EGL $17,100
      Round 2.11 ct I SI2 Premium GIA $16,200
      Round 2.16 ct I VS2 Premium EGL [SOLD]
      Round 2.16 ct J SI1 Good EGL $13,600
      Round 2.18 ct J VS1 Ideal GIA $16,900
      Round 2.18 ct H VS1 Ideal GIA $24,900
      Round 2.19ct D SI1 Premium GIA $25,750
      Round 2.20 ct H VS2 Good EGL $22,250
      Round 2.22 ct G SI2 Good EGL $18,300
      Round 2.23 ct G VS2 Ideal GIA $29,700
      Round 2.25 ct G SI2 Good GIA $19,500
      Round 2.28 ct I VS2 Good EGL $18,850
      Round 2.28ct I SI1 Good EGL $17,400
      Round 2.30 ct G VS2 Good GIA $31,500
      Round 2.33 ct J SI2 Premium GIA $15,500
      Round 2,34 ct H VS2 Premium GIA $26,600
      Round 2.40 ct F SI2 Premium EGL $21,700
      Round 2.42 ct E SI2 Premium EGL $22,600
      Round 2.45 ct G SI1 Premium GIA $27,000
      Round 2.52 ct J VS2 Premium EGL $17,000
      Round 2.76 ct D SI2 Premium EGL $24,900
      Round 3.00 ct J SI2 Premium EGL $21,100
      Round 3.00 ct F SI1 Ideal GIA $47,600
      Round 3.00 ct H SI2 Good EGL $27,700
      Round 3.00 ct F VVS1 Good GIA $103,000
      Round 3.01 ct J VS1 Ideal GIA $33,000
      Round 3.01 ct J SI1 Premium EGL $23,700
      Round 3.18 ct I VS1 Premium GIA $42,000
      Round 3.20 ct J VS2 Ideal GIA $34,400
      Round 3.31 ct G VS1 Premium GIA $65,400
      Round 3.33 ct I VS2 Premium GIA $38,100
      Round 3.50 ct I SI2 Premium EGL $27,700
      Round 3.55 ct K VS2 Premium EGL $26,100
      Round 3.55 ct L VS2 Premium GIA $18,400
      Round 4.00 ct G VS1 Premium GIA $98,500
      Round 4.01 ct K VS2 Premium GIA $41,400
      Round 4.01 ct I VS2 Premium EGL $53,500
      Round 4.01 ct D VS2 Ideal GIA $108,300
      Round 4.02 ct J SI2 Good EGL $35,300
      Round 4.03 ct H VS2 Premium GIA $71,500
      Round 4.08 ct K VS2 Good GIA $41,400
      Round 4.73 ct H VS1 Good GIA [SOLD]
      Round 5.03 ct J SI1 Ideal EGL $55,300
      Round 5.10 ct G SI1 Premium GIA $112,500
      Round 5.53 ct I VVS2 Ideal GIA $145,000
      Round 6.34 ct H SI1 Ideal EGL $101,800
      Round 6.61 ct D SI1 Good GIA $135,000

      Shape Size Color Clarity Cert. Price
      Princess 0.64 ct E SI2 EGL $1,450
      Princess 0.67 ct F SI1 EGL $1,650
      Princess 0.70 ct I VS2 GIA $2,050
      Princess 0.71 ct F VS2 GIA $3,000
      Princess 0.75 ct G VVS2 GIA $3,350
      Princess 0.96 ct K SI3 EGL $2,150
      Princess 1.00 ct H SI1 GIA $4,300
      Princess 1.00 ct F VS1 GIA $6,200
      Princess 1.00 ct H VS2 EGL $3,850
      Princess 1.01 ct D VVS2 GIA $7,500
      Princess 1.01 ct G SI2 GIA $4,700
      Princess 1.01 ct H VS2 GIA $4,720
      Princess 1.01 ct I VS2 GIA $4,200
      Princess 1.02 ct H VS1 GIA $5,050
      Princess 1.02 ct G VS1 GIA $6,400
      Princess 1.02 ct E VVS2 GIA $6,900
      Princess 1.02 ct G VVS1 GIA $6,650
      Princess 1.03 ct E VVS2 GIA $6,950
      Princess 1.04 ct G VS1 GIA $6,100
      Princess 1.05 ct E VS1 GIA $6,850
      Princess 1.06 ct G SI2 GIA $4,650
      Princess 1.20 ct J VS1 GIA $4,650
      Princess 1.20 ct F SI1 GIA $7,950
      Princess 1.20 ct F SI1 GIA $8,400
      Princess 1.21 ct G VS2 GIA $7,000
      Princess 1,22 ct E VS1 GIA $8,500
      Princess 1.24 ct E VS2 GIA $8,050
      Princess 1.50 ct G SI2 GIA $9,000
      Princess 1.53 ct I VS1 EGL $7,700
      Princess 1.54 ct F VS1 GIA $11,950
      Princess 1.54 ct F VS2 GIA $12,250
      Princess 1.54 ct I SI3 EGL $5,000
      Princess 1.70 ct H SI1 GIA $10,250
      Princess 1.70 ct F SI1 GIA $12,500
      Princess 1.72 ct F VS1 GIA $15,000
      Princess 1.86 ct F VS1 GIA $16,200
      Princess 2.02 ct G VS1 GIA $22,600
      Princess 2.03 ct H VS1 GIA $18,000
      Princess 2.10 ct H VS2 GIA $17,650
      Princess 2.12 ct D SI2 GIA $16,600
      Princess 2.13 ct F VS2 GIA $23,850
      Princess 2.18 ct I VVS2 GIA $17,300
      Princess 2.19 ct E VS1 GIA $27,900
      Princess 2.36 ct E VS2 GIA $28,700
      Princess 2.36 ct F VS2 GIA $27,900
      Princess 3.00 ct G VS2 GIA $39,600
      Princess 3.00 ct H VS1 GIA $35,600
      Princess 3.00 ct H SI2 GIA $23,500
      Princess 3.01 ct I VS2 GIA $26,900
      Princess 3.09 ct F VS1 GIA $48,500
      Princess 3.45 ct I VVS1 GIA $38,550
      Princess 4.01 ct I SI1 GIA $43,500
      Princess 5.09 ct E VS2 GIA $128,500
      Princess 5.14 ct I SI1 GIA $67,700

      Shape Size Color Clarity Cert. Price
      Emerald 0.90 ct I SI1 EGL $3,000
      Emerald 0.92 ct E VS2 GIA $4,900
      Emerald 0.95 ct F VS1 GIA $5,000
      Emerald 0.96 ct J VS2 EGL $3,050
      Emerald 0.97 ct H SI2 EGL $3,200
      Emerald 1.01 ct F VS1 GIA $6,250
      Emerald 1.02 ct H VS2 GIA $4,500
      Emerald 1.02 ct G VVS2 GIA $6,300
      Emerald 1.05 ct E VVS2 GIA $7,000
      Emerald 1.06 ct H VS1 GIA $4,900
      Emerald 1.06 ct D VS2 GIA $6,650
      Emerald 1.10 ct H VVS2 GIA $5,450
      Emerald 1.11 ct I VVS2 GIA $4,900
      Emerald 1.26 ct E VS1 GIA $8,700
      Emerald 1.31 ct F VS1 GIA $9,200
      Emerald 1.34 ct J VVS1 GIA $5,100
      Emerald 1.41 ct F VS1 GIA $9,600
      Emerald 1.50 ct F VS1 EGL $11,600
      Emerald 1.50 ct F VS1 GIA $11,600
      Emerald 1.52 ct H VVS1 GIA $10,150
      Emerald 1.56 ct F SI1 EGL $10,150
      Emerald 1.64 ct F VVS2 GIA $13,550
      Emerald 1.69 ct H VVS1 GIA $11,900
      Emerald 1.70 ct I VVS1 GIA $9,650
      Emerald 1.72 ct E VS1 GIA $15,900
      Emerald 1.74 ct H VS2 GIA $11,500
      Emerald 1.77 ct H VS1 GIA $10,600
      Emerald 1.78 ct J VS2 GIA $8,300
      Emerald 1.85 ct G VS2 GIA $14,600
      Emerald 2.00 ct D VS2 GIA $25,500
      Emerald 2.00 ct H SI1 GIA $14,900
      Emerald 2.01 ct I VS1 GIA $14,950
      Emerald 2.09 ct F VVS1 GIA $28,400
      Emerald 2.09 ct F VVS1 GIA SOLD
      Emerald 2.23 ct G SI1 GIA $24,950
      Emerald 2.30 ct H VS1 GIA $25,700
      Emerald 2.32 ct F IF GIA $29,900
      Emerald 2.37 ct H VVS2 GIA $21,000
      Emerald 2.48 ct K VS1 EGL $12,500
      Emerald 2.59 ct G VVS1 GIA $33,800
      Emerald 3.01 ct I VS1 GIA $29,500
      Emerald 5.02 ct I VS1 EGL $67,500
      Emerald 5.34 ct G IF GIA $165,000
      Emerald 5.36 ct J VS2 EGL $61,000
      Emerald 5.86 ct J VS1 EGL $71,500
      Emerald 5.98 ct F VS1 GIA $205,000
      Emerald 6.19 ct J VS2 EGL $70,000
      Emerald 6.70 ct H VS2 GIA $139,000
      Emerald 8.68 ct H VS1 GIA $221,700
      Emerald 12.54 ct J SI1 GIA $171,000

      schrieb am 18.04.07 22:16:19
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      Posted by: TAKI
      In reply to: davidam
      Date:4/18/2007 4:11:48 PM
      Post #of 39043

      The revenues alone without the Buyout we should have .015 to .03 stock Price Imo.That inventory is huge.

      schrieb am 19.04.07 08:10:50
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.888.873 von Fips4 am 18.04.07 22:16:19Grüß dich, Fips!

      Ich hab ja gesagt, mit GBDX bekommt man noch viel Spaß!

      schrieb am 19.04.07 08:33:46
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.891.839 von Exploser am 19.04.07 08:10:50Grüss DICH......


      schrieb am 19.04.07 08:53:03
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.892.300 von Fips4 am 19.04.07 08:33:46der Kurssprung gestern kurz vor Handelssschluß lässt mich auf eine vorbörsliche News heute hoffen!!!
      schrieb am 19.04.07 14:00:03
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.892.757 von Exploser am 19.04.07 08:53:03Sehe ich etwas anders......zu geringes Volumen ;)
      schrieb am 19.04.07 14:08:24
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.898.505 von Fips4 am 19.04.07 14:00:03aber hoffen da man ja..... ;)
      schrieb am 20.04.07 14:50:12
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.898.655 von Exploser am 19.04.07 14:08:24From:
      Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 5:22 PM
      GBDX imo, hearing deal is done just waiting for completion of money
      transferring from Russia which we guess should be done by end of week
      so it should be no later then early next week jmo.

      Next week should put some spring in out walk again.


      2 wochen sind rum und nix news and updates.

      Sollte Mann nervös werden??
      schrieb am 20.04.07 15:10:40
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.918.294 von psycho214 am 20.04.07 14:50:12Sollte Mann nervös werden??

      Wenn du schwache Nerven hast: JA

      Wenn dir bewusst ist, dass es an der Börse nicht nur bergauf geht und du weiterhin vom Buyout überzeugt bist: NEIN
      schrieb am 23.04.07 13:24:10
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      Posted by: davidam
      In reply to: None Date:4/23/2007 6:40:10 AM
      Post #of 39972

      The good news is we wont be speculating on the price we will receive much longer. According to the PR pay date, price, and record date to come

      I got a message back from IR. He said many are impatient. A deal like this takes some time. He assured me we would have an update "very soon" and things are moving along as they stated in their previous release.

      IMO Buyout coming and my prediction is 0.05 at the lowest. Most likely 0.07 to .10 could even break a dime not out of the question

      any suggestion these guys are a scam is ludicrous and completely ignores the DD that safes, security system including man trap, furniture, security clearance for 8 to 10 new people recently granted, lease paid, insurance paid, renovations complete including a kitchen in the suite, all confirmed on the ground by security and the building manager. All the pr's must be lies too
      LOL you have got to be kidding me.

      Far far from a scam. scams move out not in especially under these circumstances
      Have a great day! Go GBDX


      Our time will come! :D:D
      schrieb am 24.04.07 20:39:12
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      Hallo Leute,

      da wir augenscheinlich vor "recht interessanten" Tagen stehen, habe ich den heutigen Kursabschlag zum Einstieg mit einer kleinen Position genutzt... ;)

      Möge uns GBDX viel Freude machen :D

      Bradetti :cool:
      schrieb am 25.04.07 08:27:52
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.978.251 von bradetti am 24.04.07 20:39:12ich sehe hier ebenfalls noch einiges an Potential nach oben.

      Aber so langsam aber sicher dürfte mal eine PR kommen...!!!
      schrieb am 25.04.07 08:51:15
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      reply to: Kelroz who wrote msg# 40307 Date:4/24/2007 8:22:23 PM
      Post #of 40328

      What we are concerned with is the next pr that will give us the price, record date, and pay date. The TA is working with the attorney to facilitate this transaction. Either believe the buyout will happen or dont. thats what this is all about currently. If it doesnt happen then we hold bags for a while. But only a while its a real company with huge things happening. If the buyout does take place massive gains potentially. The longs here are extremely confident the buyout will happen and very soon
      read the last PR.

      As far as the TA goes they always had an open door. Even when the company was issuing shares in the beginning. Then the company reduced the OS and the TA was there to verify those pr's. They only stopped giving info out when the buyer showed up and they began working on this transaction.
      schrieb am 25.04.07 09:27:12
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.982.038 von furfuryl am 25.04.07 08:51:15Hört sich doch gut an......!! :D:D;);)
      schrieb am 25.04.07 13:04:02
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()

      Posted by: TGTL2005
      In reply to: None Date:4/24/2007 6:37:16 PM
      Post #of 40337

      AURC is a good exemple for GBDX

      AURC was around 0.05$/share 7 days ago, they received an offer around 0.38 and refuse it.

      They want 0.68$/share knowing that the real value is 2$/share.

      I see the same picture for GBDX.

      0.0055 today, they will accept 0.07$/share knowing the real value for GBDX is 0.15/Share.

      So we are not dreaming by talking about a 15 BAGGER
      schrieb am 25.04.07 13:25:11
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      BDX -- Global Diamond Exchange, Inc.
      Com ($0.001)

      Global Diamond Exchange Completes Sale of Third Shipment; Talks Progressing With Suitor for Buyout/Merger

      NEW YORK, April 25, 2007 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- Global Diamond Exchange Inc. (OTC: GBDX) is pleased to announce that while it is in continued negotiations and working out the mechanics for the potential buyout/merger, it is still conducting its normal course of business. The company has just completed the sale of its third shipment with a total value that is in excess of $3 million in wholesale revenue.

      Global has also posted an inventory of available stones on its website --" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener"> The site currently lists over $5 million in inventory and is available only to qualified wholesale buyers. If you are a qualified wholesale buyer, please call 212-221-0910, leave a message and a sales representative will call you back.

      With regards to the buyout/merger -- things are proceeding as planned. Attorneys are currently working out the final details, which will include record and pay dates. Furthermore, a mechanism is being set up for tendering shares if and when this transaction is completed. We stress patience since this will take some time as the suitor is working out a way to take Global off the public markets and into the private sector. This is not an overnight process. Once additional information is given to us by the attorneys we will make it public and continue to keep you informed.

      About Global Diamond Exchange:

      Global Diamond Exchange originally opened their office on 2 West 46th street in the heart of the New York's Diamond District. After several years of operation at their New York office the company decided to shut down the operation due to low pricing and soft demand in North America. The company concentrated its efforts on exporting cut diamonds from the Russia Federation and European locations. The new company has reopened its sales offices in the original building ready to take on the increased demand for fine quality diamonds.

      NOTE: Safe Harbor for Forward-Looking Statements.

      This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (the "Act"). In particular, when used in the preceding discussion, the words "plan," "confident that," "believe," "scheduled," "expect," or "intend to," and similar conditional expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Act and are subject to the safe harbor created by the Act. Such statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties and actual results could differ materially from those expressed in any of the forward-looking statements. Such risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the ability of the Company to complete the planned bridge financing, market conditions, the general acceptance of the Company's products and technologies, competitive factors, timing, and other risks described in the Company's SEC reports and filings.

      SOURCE Global Diamond Exchange

      CONTACT: Alex Livak, +1-347-813-4664,,


      Copyright (C) 2007 PR Newswire. All rights reserved


      KEYWORD: New York

      schrieb am 25.04.07 17:52:20
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      Posted by: TGTL2005
      In reply to: None Date:4/25/2007 11:11:33 AM
      Post #of 40484


      Global Diamond Exchange Completes Sale of Third Shipment; Talks Progressing With Suitor for Buyout/Merger

      Global Diamond Exchange Inc is pleased to announce that while it is in continued negotiations and working out the mechanics for the potential buyout/merger, it is still conducting its normal course of business. The company has just completed the sale of its third shipment with a total value that is in excess of $3 million in wholesale revenue.

      Global has also posted an inventory of available stones on its website.

      The site currently lists over $5 million in inventory and is available only to qualified wholesale buyers. If you are a qualified wholesale buyer, please call 212-221-0910, leave a message and a sales representative will call you back.

      With regards to the buyout/merger -- things are proceeding as planned. Attorneys are currently working out the final details, which will include record and pay dates.

      Furthermore, a mechanism is being set up for tendering shares if and when this transaction is completed.

      We stress patience since this will take some time as the suitor is working out a way to take Global off the public markets and into the private sector.

      This is not an overnight process. Once additional information is given to us by the attorneys we will make it public and continue to keep you informed.

      1-The word "Excess" mean more than 3M$

      2-The word "Available stones" mean this stones are from SIB in Russia but are already ready to be reserved with a downpayment.

      3-Now we can say GBDX have 3M$ in cash, 5M$ inventory, and a licence with a value of 15 to 20M$ (words from pro of this biz)

      4-New regulation in Russia, Licence and strong experience of GBDX BOD in the NY area (17 years) give a total value of 45M$

      5-Worst case scenario, If we have 900M O/S = 45M/900M = 0.05$ PPS

      6-355 to 555M O/S is more realistic
      schrieb am 30.04.07 14:48:33
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      Posted by: TGTL2005
      In reply to: None Date:4/30/2007 7:52:28 AM
      Post #of 41358


      I'm trying to understand what's going on behind the scene with GBDX.

      Now, I come whit a theory.

      The 21 of February they release a PR stating :

      "Global Diamond Exchange Inc. (OTC: GBDX - News) is pleased to announce that due to recent decrees from the Russian government, the existing ceiling on the company's rough exports has been lifted"

      7 days before this news, GBDX shares was in heavy demand (+100M in volume)and again, after the news (7 days) another record volume day (+100M).

      It seem to me, that this news is the center of the game here.

      I suspect GBDX to have release 150M shares in order to help the MM short to cover the short position that they where having.

      At 0.014, MM have short the stock again.

      My conclusion is simple.

      Actually we have a float around 355M shares and 555M shares O/S (200M shares restricted.

      If GBDX accept an offer around 45M$, we should get around 0.085$ PPS.

      Actually they all stay mute (gaining time) in order to play some games with MM and the buyer, but GBDX deal is already closed.

      We are all waiting....
      schrieb am 30.04.07 15:26:29
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.072.304 von furfuryl am 30.04.07 14:48:33Naja.....

      diesem TGTL2005 würde ich jetzt auch nicht alles glauben......

      Fips :cool:
      schrieb am 02.05.07 10:51:15
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      Wieso sollte GBDX den MM helfen Ihre Short-Positionen glatt zu stellen?

      Eher das Gegenteil sollte der Fall sein. Wenn es wirklich zu einem Buyout kommen sollte sind die Shorties nämlich am Arsch!!

      Noch ist das Ganze mehr eine Wette als ein Investment. Ich für meinen Teil wette auf Buyout!!!

      Aber zu welchem Preis??? Keine Ahnung!!! Alles zwischen 0,01 und 0,20 scheint möglich! Aber alles nur Spekulation!

      Es gibt auf jeden Fall genügend Hinweise, das GBDX kein Scam ist und wirklich ein operatives Geschäft in New York auf die Beine stellt um den Diamantenmarkt aufzumischen.

      Ich denke, wir werden noch im Mai erfahren, was es mit dem Buyout auf sich hat.
      schrieb am 02.05.07 12:49:49
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.091.236 von Lucullus1970 am 02.05.07 10:51:15sehe ich auch so.

      Immer schön :cool: bleiben...!!
      schrieb am 07.05.07 23:46:52
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      Warten, warten und nochmals warten.....:cool: ;)
      schrieb am 08.05.07 23:03:41
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      Aber nicht mehr sehr lange!!! Hoffentlich!!!
      schrieb am 12.05.07 11:37:15
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      sehe Kaufkurs bei 0.004
      schrieb am 15.05.07 12:10:15
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      research :laugh:

      Dienstag, 15.5., 20.15 h Z D F

      Report über Diamantenförderung in Rußland; 99 % davon gehören nicht den Russen sondern den Jakutiern :D:laugh::D
      schrieb am 15.05.07 16:10:44
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      Wenn das Management seinem Turnus treu bleibt, ist morgen um 13.00 Uhr unserer Zeit eine neue Meldung fällig... Oder nächste Woche. Viel Glück uns allen!
      schrieb am 15.05.07 18:59:40
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.327.166 von kookabura am 15.05.07 16:10:44+17,02 % könnte gut sein das was im Anmarsch ist:rolleyes:

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 15.05.07 22:33:52
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.330.812 von capten am 15.05.07 18:59:40
      Hallo Capten!

      Habe im IHub gelesen in spätesten 8 Tagen würde der Deal bekannt gegeben, lass uns mal hoffen das es stimmt.

      Grüsse Rostha
      schrieb am 16.05.07 10:35:58
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.334.786 von rostha am 15.05.07 22:33:52Hi rostha;)

      Du auch hier investiert, hatte mir gestern ein Päckchen zu 0.0048 geholt, mal sehen was geschieht:rolleyes:

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 16.05.07 14:07:54
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.339.117 von capten am 16.05.07 10:35:58
      Bin mit 0.0055 rein vor 2 Wochen und ich wünsche uns allen viel Glück.

      Grüsse Rostha
      schrieb am 16.05.07 20:59:13
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      Habe ich gerade per Email bekommen von Willy:cool:

      GBDX Alert!!
      May 16, 2007

      Readers GBDX trading in regards to market makers have just moved heavy on the bid at .005. The bid went from 1 MM at .0047 to 7 MMs now bidding .005. Normally this indicates something could be leaking out about the Buyout possible being complete. I am watching for news about where we can Tender our shares and what price shareholders will receive for their shares. When this ness comes out it's not going to be a maybe its done deal but a real buyout. I strongly suggest everyone stay on alert!
      Full Disclaimer

      Sincerely, Hal Engel aka WillyWizard

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 17.05.07 11:37:39
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      Bin mitlerweile mit einer schönen Position drin und denke, es könnte bald was werden.

      Hier ein paar Gedanken von mir:

      1. GBDX hat ein operatives Geschäft und eine Lizens, die alleine schon ein vielfaches der MK wert sein dürfte.
      2. Anzahl Aktien liegt irgendwo zwischen 900 und 355 Millionen, wobei GBDX erklärt hat, das nur 355 Millionen ausgegeben wurden.
      3. Wenn ich mir den Chart anschaue wurde entweder fett abverkauft oder geshortet bis der Arzt kommt und ich wette meinen Arsch auf zweites. (Hab ich ja bereits durch meinen Kauf gemacht:laugh:)
      4. GBDX spielt nicht das übliche Pump und Dump Spielchen, ansonsten hätten wir längst was von einer Offerte in Höhe von 2,17$ gelesen. Stattdessen absolutes Stillschweigen über Details zum Buyout! Sehr gutes Zeichen meiner Meinung nach!

      Bei den ganzen Pinksheet wird man als Kleinanleger oft über den Leisten gezogen. Aber irgendwie werde ich das Gefühl nicht los, das es GBDX darauf abgesehen hat die Shorties fertig zu machen.

      Mein Fazit: Ich denke, wir werden hier in nächster Zeit den MEGA SHORT SQUEEZE sehen. GLTA!!!
      schrieb am 17.05.07 12:11:06
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()

      GBDX Update
      May 16, 2007

      Readers this update is about GBDX. I believe the buyout is very close to being announced completed. When news comes we should read about the 'date of record' and the process that we will need to go through to deliver our shares to the buyer. I assume our brokerage house's clearing firm will deliver shares to a specific entity such as the Transfer Agent and in return the Transfer Agent would then release funds to the clearing/brokerage firm. Once funds are received we should receive payment in our account.
      To make the above happen, at some point, our account holdings of GBDX would be frozen to allow a smooth transition. We can not expect GBDX to keep trading when we need to deliver shares to the buyer entity. According to the company there will be a 'record date'. In a recent press release the chairman commented we would have a clear explanation of the transaction, "The attorneys will provide that once the process is complete, including all material facts such as record dates and pay dates."

      I read a message board poster that said I must not have went through many buyouts. I have to ask all you that are reading this when was the last time you were involved in a complete Pink Sheet Company buyout where the buying entity is going to do a Tender Offer for your shares? I have never witnessed such an event in all the years I have been involved with Pink Sheet companies.

      Today I read a news release, by a company I will not name, where they said they were offered $.55 cents a share and they recommended to the shareholders to accept the offer. The stock had a surge in price and volume but came nowhere close to .55 share offered. It actually closed at .15 today. This company has had false starts and its sister company has done the same so shareholders were doing nothing but trading the bounces today not trusting the press release's content.

      Readers from what I can find out doing my DD GBDX insiders own well over 70% of the outstanding shares so when the buyout is announced they don't need to ask shareholders to accept the buyout price. All shareholders will need to do is tender their shares via our brokerage/clearing firms. We will have a 'date of record' and "pay dates" within the press release and shareholders should have complete clarity about what is taking place. All we will have to do is wait for those two dates to take place. I actually think it's going to be that simple. In my opinion the 'date of record' should be within a couple days of the press release and the 'pay date' in my opinion within 15 days of the 'record date'.

      I sent out an alert today because I watched 8 market makers all of a sudden move to .005 bid. To me this was not a regular pattern that I have been watching the last few weeks so it suggested something could be leaking out about a completed deal. A couple of these market makers have never been on the bids during the last few weeks. When I see something like this that is irregular trading action it alerts me to finality is very close.

      Thursday and Friday are going to be interesting trading days especially if word of a completed buyout is coming over the next week. We could see some strange upward price movement going into the weekend if no news comes out before the weekend. If we don't read news by after hours Friday I firmly believe next week is going to be exciting for GBDX shareholders.

      In addition I was told Ameritrade stopped online buying of GBDX today. I hope Ameritrade holds a huge short. Buyins, a short reported company, showed a 44% drop in short positions over the last month. I hope Ameritrade holds all of the remaining 56% of the short. I am like all pink sheet traders a little sick and tired of the brokerages stopping online trading of any stock and especially when they stop trading altogether. It's my money at risk not there money. My positions are nit on margin so I receive no margin calls. I am told ETrade isn't as hard as other firms when it comes to trading restrictions on stock s such as GBDX. Because of this non acceptable manipulative activity all pink sheet traders should diversify their accounts between numerous brokerage firms. Before you do this make calls to see which firms might be better then the others. Fight this Naked Shorting everyone diversify your trading accounts!

      Good luck everyone with "THE ONE", GBDX Global Diamond Exchange. I really believe GBDX is "THE ONE"!!
      Previous comments can be read here

      Full Disclaimer

      (shares held 5/16/07 2,648,300)

      Sincerely, Hal Engel aka WillyWizard

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 17.05.07 16:47:05
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      +27,27 %:cool:
      schrieb am 17.05.07 16:57:56
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      gefällt mir:cool::kiss::kiss::p:lick:

      hat vielleicht jemand einen rt-chart


      schrieb am 17.05.07 19:33:24
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      GBDX Morning Alert!
      May 17, 2007

      Stay alert everyone GBDX is heating up early today.
      "THE ONE"
      Currently market makers are seriously looking for shares and the volume is huge for this time of the day 17,153,837, current price .006 by .007. The way trading action was yesterday and so far today the buyout news looks like it is very close. I am absolutely not trying to trade this move. I do not want to get caught when news is released without my full position. Don't let the market makers have you shares and risk missing participation in the buyout or forcing yourself to buy back much higher. I'll report again later in the day.

      I am still looking for .05 to .08 realistically for a buyout price. This is just my opinion as a logical guess because .07 was a previous high so many own shares from .04 to .07 where GBDX traded last year for a few weeks.

      Possible Market Maker & Brokerage Short

      Also keep in mind Ameritrade stopped online buying yesterday so now you have to call in your orders (call them in if you need to). In my opinion their market makers they use are naked short. If and when this buyout news is announced someone is going to pay a premium for shares especially if they want my shares.

      Full Disclaimer

      I want to thank you all for participating as a subscriber for this news letter.

      Sincerely, Hal Engel aka WillyWizard LLC
      schrieb am 17.05.07 19:51:53
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      Danke Capten uns zu informieren

      Ich weiss nicht ob es stimmt, kenne TGTL2005 nicht, er behauptet
      nur mit dem GBDX-Office in Verbindung zu stehen. Wer weiss....

      Posted by: TGTL2005

      PR for the 23 of May.

      Buyout price from 0.07$ to 0.14$ (depend O/S)

      50MA explode today !!!!

      GBDX Office in Belgium
      Lange Herentalsestraat 62/70,
      Antwerpen B-2018 Belgium
      Tel: 011/32/3/234-9084
      Fax: 011/32/3/234-2307…

      Grüsse Rosthi
      schrieb am 19.05.07 09:57:14
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      schrieb am 20.05.07 09:56:13
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      Sieht momentan sehr gut aus für die nächste Woche. Deutet alles auf einen deutlichen Ausbruch nächste Woche hin. Die Rakete ist auf jeden Fall startklar. Hoffen wir, das eine positive PR veröffentlicht wird um zu zünden.
      schrieb am 24.05.07 06:13:25
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()


      Is this "The One"

      Readers the buzz is starting to spread around message boards. At Investor's Hub the boards are going wild with speculation the signing of the buyout is within days. I have no concrete proof of this but it seems highly possible these posters are in the know and have updated info about the buyout process and at what stage the two companies are currently in. It's been about two months since Global Filed their TO with the Securities Exchange Commission. It been about one month since Global gave us are last update so it's highly likely news is very near.

      Also keep in mind we are seeing no pump press releases from this company. This just adds more credibility to the buyout legitimacy. I am feeling the excitement when reading individuals I feel credible posting their information sharing with others that hold positions in GBDX. Yes, believe it or not, I have a lot of respect for a couple of these individuals that share on the GBDX Investors Hub message board. If you go there and read you will easily see a couple posters that are highly respected moderators showing their excitement.

      Here is a link to that message board for some exciting reading tonight while you relax with confident that a buyout is very close to completion and soon to be announced.


      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 24.05.07 13:50:28
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.444.762 von capten am 24.05.07 06:13:25

      Wer hat das geschrieben Capten?

      Grüsse Rosthi
      schrieb am 24.05.07 15:18:45
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.450.345 von rostha am 24.05.07 13:50:28Hi rostha;)

      Hal Engel aka WillyWizard from;)

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 24.05.07 17:53:38
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.451.725 von capten am 24.05.07 15:18:45

      Hallo Capten!

      Danke,hast Du einen Link damit ich mich auch einmal bei ihm anmelden kann, schönen Tag noch.

      schrieb am 25.05.07 08:46:49
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.454.825 von rostha am 24.05.07 17:53:38

      Danke Capten, hat sich schon erledigt.

      Grüsse Rostha
      schrieb am 31.05.07 15:13:15
      Beitrag Nr. 74 ()
      Mann spricht hier und da in den US Boards davon, das es keine Filings oder Reports von GBDX gibt und die Firma nicht wirklich existiert , hier werdet ihr eines besseren belehrt :cool:

      Global Diamond Exchange Inc. SEC EDGAR Filings…

      und es gibt noch eins

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 31.05.07 15:20:38
      Beitrag Nr. 75 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.557.276 von capten am 31.05.07 15:13:15Es gibt sogar 3 Filings:cool:…

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 31.05.07 18:07:40
      Beitrag Nr. 76 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.557.276 von capten am 31.05.07 15:13:15

      Hallo Capten!

      Natürlich gibt es die Company aber basher treiben sich überall rund

      Grüsse Rostha
      schrieb am 31.05.07 19:45:01
      Beitrag Nr. 77 ()
      Hallo Leute,

      klar gibt es die Firma, aber es wird trotzdem fleißig versucht die Schwachen rauszuschütteln.

      Da wir seit über einem Monat keine PR mehr erhalten haben werden viele langsam nervös und schmeißen die Brocken hin.

      Ich habe heute nochmal ein paar 100K zu 0,0046 abgestaubt.

      Wir brauchen aber scheinbar noch ein wenig Geduld, so eine Übernahme kann sich schlißlich über Monate hinziehen. Es wäre aber wünschenswert, wenn die Firma zum Stand der Dinge Stellung nehmen würde.
      schrieb am 31.05.07 20:25:30
      Beitrag Nr. 78 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.560.886 von rostha am 31.05.07 18:07:40Ich wollte auch nur für alle es mit Fakten untermauern das es so ist;)

      :cool:"Der OTC Tsunami naht mit großen schritten und steht kurz vor der Tür":cool:

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 02.06.07 13:36:19
      Beitrag Nr. 79 ()
      THE ONE is the majestic one of the heard. Hunters always are in search of THE ONE! As a stock trader I am always looking for THE ONE! It's that one stock of the year that can make up for any losses and set you free for the entire year. THE ONE will give investors a bank account that will allow you comfort and take away all financial stress. I seriously believe we have found THE ONE in our investment in GBDX!

      Total Outstanding Common Shares 355,054,517

      Buyout News Coming Soon

      This week,

      I don't have much to write this week. Thursday a poster attempted to scare longs holding stock. He did a good job posting his posts scaring edgy shareholders. Shareholders are very edgy waiting a month with no news. I would rather have no pump news and IR updating shareholders that the buyout is moving forward as fast as they can get it done. I absolutely don't want to see a company pump. If I did I would not hold GBDX in my portfolio. I'll wait this one out and admit I have no clue when the final buyout is announced. No this doesn't bother me I have done my DD.

      Previous Commentaries:


      I continue to be very excited about the buyout of GBDX by the Russian entity. GBDX has been quiet the last four weeks. Shareholders that are in the know because of their solid due diligence (DD) are getting very excited. There is some excellent DD available from press releases, SEC filings and shareholders that have actually taken the time to visit Global Diamonds Exchange office in New York. Everything is set in place for the buyer to make a smooth transition to a private company and shareholders are feeling the excitement that news is so close it could be any day. I agree with these individuals we could hear news at any time.

      GBDX Inventory Listed on Company Web Site

      Here is an excerpt from a April 25th press release, "With regards to the buyout/merger - things are proceeding as planned. Attorneys are currently working out the final details, which will include record and pay dates. Furthermore, a mechanism is being set up for tendering shares if and when this transaction is completed. We stress patience since this will take some time as the suitor is working out a way to take Global off the public markets and into the private sector. This is not an overnight process. Once additional information is given to us by the attorneys we will make it public and continue to keep you informed."

      Here is another excerpt from a March 8th press release naming the suitor, "NEW YORK, March 8 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - Global Diamond Exchange Inc. (OTC: GBDX - News) filed a Schedule TO with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 7, 2007, to inform of a potential tender offer. The Suitor, Sib Almaz of Amyrskaya Oblast, selo Skovorodeno Blagoveshensky c/t Andreyskoe, Russian Federation, is currently in negotiations with Global Diamond Exchange seeking to accomplish a friendly transaction."

      Read this quote from the Alrosa article, "Alrosa estimates its sales will remain flat at around $2.9 billion in 2007." This is why "The Suitor, Sib Almaz of Amyrskaya Oblast, selo Skovorodeno Blagoveshensky c/t Andreyskoe, Russian Federation" wants to buy Global Diamond Exchange. Russia has three export licenses and Debeers has one license but is not in favor at this time with the Russian Federation. Alrosa has another license and Global Diamond Exchange has the third license. What is the possible worth of these licenses? I think in the next couple weeks GBDX investors will find out what the suitor feels one of three export licenses is really worth. “Buy Low Sell High”

      Press Release Link

      (shares held 5/18/07 3,148,300)

      About Global Diamond Exchange:

      Global Diamond Exchange originally opened their office on 2 West 46th street in the heart of the New York's Diamond District. After several years of operation at their New York office the company decided to shut down the operation due to low pricing and soft demand in North America. The company concentrated its efforts on exporting cut diamonds from the Russia Federation and European locations. The new company has reopened its sales offices in the original building ready to take on the increased demand for fine quality diamonds.

      Press Releases & SEC Filings

      Few weeks ago Global put out two press releases about a Tender Offer and then in the next press release they identified the potential buyer. I believe this is 100% real and have very little doubt the deal would fall apart. This would be a big win for a Russian company to own a U.S. based diamond import business such as Global. Global is not new to the diamond arena so this would be a good deal for both parties if the Tender Offer is high enough. Also the Russian company would be buying a very valuable export license and have an office in the United States. In my opinion it will be well worth shareholders risk to own GBDX shares. The upside potential is present!

      More Information can be found at

      GBDX Tender/Buyout SEC Filings

      A formal beginning to the takeover/merger process.
      This proves the validity of this company.$/SEC/Filing....1b&CIK=1380222$/SEC/Registrant.asp?CIK=1380222

      Read these press releases and you will see a company moving in the right direction.

      Press Release Link

      More Information can be found at

      I like this chart. It shows we are getting close to something taking place one way or the other. Believing a buyout is very close to being completed I would make a guess we could see a dramatic increase over the next couple weeks as these two trend lines meet.
      schrieb am 08.06.07 05:34:13
      Beitrag Nr. 80 ()


      Is this "The One"

      Readers I am seriously watching for a press release from Global. Rumors are going around meetings in Russia are about to take place. If this is true I would expect the company is real close to finalizing the buyout. I don't think they will wait to long after this buyout is signed before they announce news.

      Readers nothing has changed for GBDX profile. I am still very confident the buyout is getting close. There was an up-tic to .0055 by .006 today buying was light but there wasn't much selling. I am holding firm possible adding towards the end of the week.

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 08.06.07 05:59:24
      Beitrag Nr. 81 ()
      Währ hier am längsten wartet wird am meisten bekommen, denn das hier mit den Nerven der Anleger gespielt wird um sie raus zu schütteln um so viel Aktien wie möglich billig rück zu kaufen, ist so klar wie Kloßbrühe:cool:

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 08.06.07 14:48:33
      Beitrag Nr. 82 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.697.163 von capten am 08.06.07 05:59:24
      Ich habe Zeit, von mir bekommen sie kein Stück

      schrieb am 11.06.07 20:25:27
      Beitrag Nr. 83 ()

      Sib Almaz Assumes Management of Global Diamonds' 46th Street Office

      NEW YORK, June 11 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Sib Almaz, the potential merger/take-over candidate of Global Diamond Exchange, Inc. (OTC: GBDX) is in the process of renovating and restructuring the office that Global Diamond Exchange currently occupies at 2 West 46th street, taking advantage of the historically slow summer months in the industry in order to be ready for the up-coming season. The process has already started with new furniture, fixtures, and equipment having been ordered.

      Global Diamond Exchange will use alternate secure storage facilities for inventory during the remodeling period. Sib Almaz has also requested their personnel be added to Global's Management team for oversight and assistance in making sure that this and any future transactions proceed smoothly. Global is in the process of formalizing these additions.

      Sib Almaz has also announced the opening of a regional office in Moscow at 46 Leninsky Prospect which will be operational after the Russian Federal Holidays on Wednesday, June 13, 2007. The buyout/merger details are still being negotiated, and there are still no guarantees a transaction will be finalized. Attorneys are currently working out the details; once more information is given to us from the attorneys it will be made public.

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 12.06.07 10:23:24
      Beitrag Nr. 84 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.829.578 von capten am 11.06.07 20:25:27Hallo Capten,

      diskutiert hier eigentlich niemand mehr. Das sind doch vielleicht wichtige Nachrichten. Was sind die Meinungen zu der PR hier. Im Ihub-Forum wird die Nachricht so gedeutet, dass morgen die endgültige PR rauskommt. Ich bin auch ganz optimistisch, dass sich da jetzt mal was Richtung Norden tut.

      Gruß Kooka:cool:
      schrieb am 12.06.07 10:40:37
      Beitrag Nr. 85 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.837.643 von kookabura am 12.06.07 10:23:24Hi kookabura

      Meiner Meinung nach ist alles schon in reinen Tüchern, sonnst würde man doch nicht in Moskau morgen den 13. das Büro offiziell eröffnen, wie in ihrer PR von gestern geäußert;)

      Sib Almaz Assumes Management of Global Diamonds' 46th Street Office

      NEW YORK, June 11 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Sib Almaz, the potential merger/take-over candidate of Global Diamond Exchange, Inc. (OTC: GBDX) is in the process of renovating and restructuring the office that Global Diamond Exchange currently occupies at 2 West 46th street, taking advantage of the historically slow summer months in the industry in order to be ready for the up-coming season. The process has already started with new furniture, fixtures, and equipment having been ordered.

      Global Diamond Exchange will use alternate secure storage facilities for inventory during the remodeling period. Sib Almaz has also requested their personnel be added to Global's Management team for oversight and assistance in making sure that this and any future transactions proceed smoothly. Global is in the process of formalizing these additions.

      Sib Almaz has also announced the opening of a regional office in Moscow at 46 Leninsky Prospect which will be operational after the Russian Federal Holidays on Wednesday, June 13, 2007. The buyout/merger details are still being negotiated, and there are still no guarantees a transaction will be finalized. Attorneys are currently working out the details; once more information is given to us from the attorneys it will be made public.

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 12.06.07 10:54:41
      Beitrag Nr. 86 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.837.988 von capten am 12.06.07 10:40:37Ja so sehe ich das auch. Ich denke morgen um 13 Uhr unserer Zeit kommt die finale PR. GBDX hat ja die wichtigen Nachrichten immer Mittwochs um 7 Uhr Ortszeit bekannt gegeben. Das passt also wunderbar. Irgendwie bin ich aber trotzdem noch skeptisch. Das wäre alles so einfach. Aber warum soll es nicht einmal einfach sein :laugh:
      schrieb am 12.06.07 20:56:13
      Beitrag Nr. 87 ()
      ich denke auch, das wir Mittwoch eine Pr bekommen, allerdings bin ich nicht 100%ig überzeugt, das es auf den Buyout hinausläuft.

      Ich glaube vielmehr, das es einen Merger geben wird. prinzipiell hätte ich nichts dagegen einzuwenden, wenn es sich bei Sib Almaz um eine renomierte große Firma handeln sollte, leider kann ich aber nirgendwo im Netz Infos zu Sib Almaz ergoogeln.

      Morgen wissen wir mehr!!!
      schrieb am 12.06.07 21:22:43
      Beitrag Nr. 88 ()
      Hab noch was vergessen:

      Seit 12 Handelstagen schließt der Kurs immer exakt mit 0,0055$ das ist schon wirklich sehr ungewöhnlich.

      Sieht wirklich so aus, als ob da jemand seine Finger im Spiel hat!!

      Natürlich nur meine persönliche Meinung!!!
      schrieb am 12.06.07 21:39:26
      Beitrag Nr. 89 ()
      Also ein Merger währ mir lieber und besser für den Kurs,Kurzfristig und langfristig :rolleyes:
      wenn dann wirklich 30-40 Mil.$ mit in das Boot kommen, brauche ich euch ja glaube ich nicht sagen wo der Kurs bei einem Float von 130,000,000 Mil. Aktien im Freiverkehr dann hingeht und in Zukunft noch hingehen wird;)es kann aber auch sein das sie in den letzten Wochen viele Aktien aus dem Markt gekauft haben so das in 1-2 Wochen nur noch ein Float 20,30 oder 40 Mil. Aktien im Markt befinden bei 30-40Mil.$, was das denn Kurzfristig für den Kurs bedeutet bei einer "Buyout News" kann sich ja wohl jeder ausmalen,das gibt der Megazock da sind dann 0.40+ - 0.60+ möglich:cool:

      Gruss Capten
      Ps.Der cool bleibt und wartet auf die Wirklichkeit:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 13.06.07 00:01:32
      Beitrag Nr. 90 ()
      @Capten: Klingt mir doch ein wenig zu optimistisch, aber hätte ich natürlich nichts dagegen!!! 0,60 - dann könnte ich ja fast in Rente gehen mit 37!!:laugh::laugh::laugh:
      schrieb am 13.06.07 08:24:29
      Beitrag Nr. 91 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.853.379 von Lucullus1970 am 13.06.07 00:01:32Guten Morgäään:cry::D

      Du solltest auch auf mein Ps. in meinem Posting achten:cool:

      Aber hier was von Willi von heute Morgen, der sich auch wieder mit einem dicken Pack eingedeckt hat,denn in seinen letzten Emails stand immer zum Schluss, das er nur Beobachter ist und kein Käufer ;)


      Is this "The One"

      The recent press release Monday suggests a buyout could be completed but not announced. I did a little snooping around and found out the company attorney is not coming home from Russia until the buyout is 100% completed with all money set up so a smooth transition can take place. Many expected the company attorney home Tuesday but it looks like he could stay in Russia for another week. From what I could find out a meeting is scheduled Thursday (Russian time) to set up escrow accounts that are needed to pay shareholders on the payout date.

      Readers I am very optimistic everything is going to happen such as buyout, news about buyout completion, date of recorded and pay date as we have read in past pres releases. Any other news is a non-event to me and I am 100% strong holding my entire position.

      It came to my awareness a few longs sold 1/2 of their positions because they didn't like the press release Monday. I suggest to those longs if you don't like company updates in press releases you shouldn't read them ROFL.

      Again readers hang in there because it's all good and imo we should have all our answers before the end of the month. I still believe this is a major deal and much bigger then most expect. I am still guessing a buyout price between .05 to .10 ranges. I remind you the high was .07 last year. I don't expect the company to take less then this high.


      (shares held 6/07/07 4,351,200)

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 14.06.07 09:29:32
      Beitrag Nr. 92 ()


      Is this "The One"

      I think when the deal is 100% consummated GBDX could see some serious buying before news. This is just my opinion but seems logical. I remain very upbeat and absolutely not looking back just looking ahead. I still believe by the end of June shareholders should have news about a completed buyout, no not a merger but a completed buyout.

      I read many on message boards that shouldn't be in the stock markets at all. I did my DD before I invested buying as many shares as I have. I am not much of a trader like many think they are. I try to roll with what takes place as company attempts to build infrastructure. It's not easy to build a company like GBDX has been doing especially when it comes to a major buyout in the MULTI-MILLIONS that management has orchestrated. There has to be some very smart people, on both sides, of this buyout to bring this to fruition.

      Link:" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">


      Lets all "GET READY TO RUMBLE!"

      Readers I am very optimistic everything is going to happen such as buyout, news about buyout completion, date of recorded and pay date as we have read in past pres releases. Any other news is a non-event to me and I am 100% strong holding my entire position.

      Again readers hang in there because it's all good and imo we should have all our answers before the end of the month. I still believe this is a major deal and much bigger then most expect. I am still guessing a buyout price between .05 to .10 ranges. I remind you the high was .07 last year. I don't expect the company to take less then this high.

      (shares held 6/07/07 4,351,200)

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 14.06.07 14:48:33
      Beitrag Nr. 93 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.885.475 von capten am 14.06.07 09:29:32
      Hallo Capten!

      Danke, hört sich sehr gut an, bin mal gespannt.

      Grüsse Rostha
      schrieb am 14.06.07 15:15:04
      Beitrag Nr. 94 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.890.786 von rostha am 14.06.07 14:48:33Und die Nachricht wird drüben in USA eine Welle auslösen,jetzt müssen die MM´s sich in den nächsten 35 Tagen eindecken :eek:

      BYE BYE GRANDPA!! Wooooo Hoooooo !!
      « Thread Started on Yesterday at 10:05am »
      A Historical Day !!

      SEC Votes To End Short-Selling 'Grandfather' Protections
      June 13, 2007 11:23 ET
      By Judith Burns

      WASHINGTON (Dow Jones)--The Securities and Exchange Commission voted Wednesday to
      approve a change to tighten rules intended to curb manipulative short sales,
      including so-called "naked" short sales.

      The change eliminates a controversial exception that shielded existing short
      positions from requirements to deliver hard-to-borrow shares within 13 days of
      settlement. Once the change takes effect, short positions previously protected by
      the grandfather clause must be closed out within 35 days.

      SEC Chairman Christopher Cox said persistent failures to deliver shares sold
      short seem to be due to the grandfather protections, which the SEC included in
      2004 to prevent stock-market volatility. Critics complained the protections
      undermined efforts to clean up abuses involving "naked" short sales.

      Short selling involves sales of borrowed securities, producing profits when
      prices decline. The practice is legal, but the SEC's Regulation SHO sought to
      prevent "naked" short sales, in which short sellers don't borrow securities they

      SEC officials said delivery failures have declined about 35% overall since
      Regulation SHO took effect and have fallen about 53% for hard-to-borrow stocks
      defined as "threshold" securities.

      -By Judith Burns, Dow Jones Newswires, 202-862-6692;
      (END) Dow Jones Newswires


      By: jay_adobe
      13 Jun 2007, 11:25 AM EDT
      Msg. 560220 of 560225
      Jump to msg. #
      The catalystic 'event' in the script has just occurred. Congratulations. Watch as it unfolds and ruffles some feathers. It had to occur this way. It was a long wait. 'Tis a good day to be a shareholder. Enjoy your day. imo

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 14.06.07 15:52:26
      Beitrag Nr. 95 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.891.315 von capten am 14.06.07 15:15:04Sorry richtig ist innerhalb der nächsten 60 Tage, ab gestern, müssen dir MM´s sich ausgleichen :rolleyes:

      amendments will be effective 60 days from the date of publication of
      the amendments in the Federal Register.

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 15.06.07 16:49:34
      Beitrag Nr. 96 ()

      hier aus dem Ihub:

      Posted by: TGTL2005
      In reply to: None Date:6/15/2007 10:05:12 AM
      Post #of 47017

      Just talk to Alex (IR)

      Basically he is not in charge anymore of GBDX.

      Now he is redirecting all the calls to Andre Rumiansev in Russia.

      Paper work should be completed before summer time.

      Well let's be patient.

      Andre Rumiansev of Sib Almaz, +7903 549 5906

      Also nächste Woche fängt der Sommer an:laugh:

      schrieb am 15.06.07 18:28:17
      Beitrag Nr. 97 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.943.192 von rostha am 15.06.07 16:49:34Hi rostha;)

      Das entspricht auch meinem Zeitfenster,in 1-2 Wochen,was ich am Anfang der Woche gepostet habe :cool:

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 21.06.07 13:04:18
      Beitrag Nr. 98 ()
      Hi @All:cool:
      Ein Posting aus dem IH

      From the Washington Post...

      "Actually, although there is no more need to obtain a license for quotas, it does not mean there are no more obstacles standing in the way of a flow of precious metals and diamonds overseas. Firstly, according to Valeriy Rudakov, the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia’s Federation Council, bureaucratic procedures involved in obtaining export licenses have not disappeared. In addition, between the exporters and Western purchasers a state agent still takes 1 percent off the top of a transaction. All this, in the opinion of market participants, ties their hands, and is a violation of their freedom of enterprise."

      This is why a company like GBDX is valuable to someone. They already hold an export license and have a flow of goods. For a company wanting to export it sounds like it could take a very long time to get thru the governmental red tape just to get set up to operate. With GBDX it's "ready made".

      Another reason a company would want to enter into the market ASAP instead of wading thru the red tape...

      From the same Washington Post article...

      "According to different appraisals, if the worth of a total volume of raw diamonds fluctuates near $5 billion to $6 billion, a total volume of brilliant (finished/polished)jewelry sales nowadays exceeds $50 billion."

      And now for the grand finale...from the same article...

      In 2006 Russia exported 35 million carats of diamonds worth $1.7 billion.
      Importers of Russian diamonds by country
      European Union 58% by weight 78% by value
      Israel 12% by weight 19% by value
      UAE* 12% by weight 3.4% by value
      9 other countries 11% by weight 7% by value

      NOTE: You do not see the USA listed. That tells me that they have not fully tapped this market and are looking to do so.

      The link to the Washington Post article:…

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 21.06.07 14:26:44
      Beitrag Nr. 99 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.091.366 von capten am 21.06.07 13:04:18das hört sich gut an!!

      Ich war schon am zweifeln, ob das mit GBDX überhaupt noch was wird.
      Aber nach reiflichen Überlegungen habe ich mich entschlossen, ruhig zu bleiben und auf die finale Abschluß-News zu warten, da ich weiterhin von der Story überzeugt bin!

      schrieb am 21.06.07 14:42:57
      Beitrag Nr. 100 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.092.935 von Exploser am 21.06.07 14:26:44
      cool bleiben, das wird schon!!!!!!!

      hier aus dem IHub:

      Posted by: TGTL2005
      In reply to: None Date:6/21/2007 7:46:20 AM
      Post #of 47618

      HOT NEWS !!



      Alrosa: 80% of Our Rough Will be Sold in Moscow

      With its sales contract to De Beers all but over, Russian diamond mining monopoly Alrosa plans to sell 80 percent of its rough diamonds in Moscow under long-term contracts.

      According to Alrosa president, Sergey Vorobyov quoted in RIA Novosti, De Beers could purchase rough diamonds from Alrosa in Moscow, because the city is not subject to European legislation.

      Market insiders say the European Commission’s ruling on trade between the two companies is most probably not limited to European jurisdiction.

      If Alrosa, the world's second-largest rough diamond supplier after De Beers, moves forward with the plan, only 20 percent of its goods will be made offered at their international sales offices, such as in Israel, Belgium and New York.

      It does, however, have a number of big local clients, including DTC Sightholder Kristall and Lev Leviev’s Ruiz Diamonds.

      Vorobyov did not say when Alrosa will start selling under the new scheme, but he did tell the newspaper that it will reduce the number of its clients. “[We will keep] only the big ones, whose policy is understandable and who will really support the market,” he said.

      Grüsse Rostha
      schrieb am 24.06.07 13:40:21
      Beitrag Nr. 101 ()
      Willy's Newsletter & Updates

      THE ONE is the majestic one of the heard. Hunters always are in search of THE ONE! As a stock trader I am always looking for THE ONE! It's that one stock of the year that can make up for any losses and set you free for the entire year. THE ONE will give investors a bank account that will allow you comfort and take away all financial stress. I seriously believe we have found THE ONE in our investment in GBDX!

      Total Outstanding Common Shares 355,054,517

      Buyout News Coming Within Next 30 Days (In My Opinion)


      Dig in everyone, in my opinion, this could take a few more weeks. I added a few more shares and I am holding my full position but from what I can find out Global's attorney is still in Russia. I understand this is taking longer then I anticipated but from all the information I can gather this deal is locked but we still have to wait because we are on the new boyz on the block's time frame.

      Readers I have zero doubt that Sib Alamaz is in full control of Global Diamond Exchange. This recent headline makes this pretty clear, "Sib Almaz Assumes Management of Global Diamonds' 46th Street Office"

      "Sib Almaz has also requested their personnel be added to Global's Management team for oversight and assistance in making sure that this and any future transactions proceed smoothly. Global is in the process of formalizing these additions.

      Sib Almaz has also announced the opening of a regional office in Moscow at 46 Leninsky Prospect which will be operational after the Russian Federal Holidays on Wednesday, June 13, 2007. The buyout/merger details are still being negotiated, and there are still no guarantees a transaction will be finalized. Attorneys are currently working out the details; once more information is given to us from the attorneys it will be made public."

      Press Release Link" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">

      (shares held 6/22/07 4,549,200)

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 25.06.07 18:25:58
      Beitrag Nr. 102 ()
      Geht es Los:eek:

      Last Price

      Change $

      Change %
      undefined 18.18% +
      schrieb am 25.06.07 20:45:58
      Beitrag Nr. 103 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.311.196 von capten am 25.06.07 18:25:58Hi Capten,

      also ich hätte nichts dagegen wenn es losgehen würde :rolleyes:

      Bin seit April auch investiert ;) :D

      Bradetti :cool:
      schrieb am 25.06.07 21:19:14
      Beitrag Nr. 104 ()
      Mir geht es auch so! Bradetti, so schnell sieht man sich wieder!
      schrieb am 25.06.07 21:46:53
      Beitrag Nr. 105 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.314.006 von Lucullus1970 am 25.06.07 21:19:14;)
      schrieb am 26.06.07 08:55:44
      Beitrag Nr. 106 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.271.809 von capten am 24.06.07 13:40:21Hauptsache das war gestern nicht nur ein Strohfeuer und GBDX sinkt heute wieder Richtung 0,0055.....:cry::cry::cry:

      Ich bleibe meinem Motto treu! Immer schön :cool: bleiben!!

      In diesem Sinne: allen Investierten einen schönen Tag!
      schrieb am 26.06.07 09:24:17
      Beitrag Nr. 107 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.318.461 von Exploser am 26.06.07 08:55:44Glaube ich nicht aber hier eine Meinung von Willy;)


      Is this "The One"


      I am sure GBDX is "The One". Today's volume and price increase gave us all a good hint "The One" is till alive. I search everywhere for a stock I can tag as "The One". When I find a stock that suggests higher possibilities then others I track that stock following it for a long time. Price swings are always going to take place but I continue with my relentless pursuit of "The One" until I capture it in the end hopefully as a HUGE Percentage Gainer.

      Many traders/investors pursue a stock just like a hunter pursues the targeted kill. A good hunter works slowly tracking and stalking his target, especially if it's "The One." A hunter is in no hurry, sometimes waiting weeks or months or maybe until the next season to kill The One. Readers we have waited since the 1st of March, some longer, relentlessly pursuing GBDX. This pursuit has been four months but understand a good stock man will wait while he makes a few trades in and out waiting for the big moment when he finally tags "The One".


      GBDX had 59,109,045 trading volume today. This was a huge jump from the 7 to 9 million volume days over the last few weeks. This volume didn't come just from retail buyers and traders. Traders sold many shares today thinking they once again can scalp for a few tics then buy back later at lower prices. I have a feeling this volume marks the beginning of a move higher before news comes out. If we see a breakout over .008 this would confirm something much bigger then a swing trade is taking place.

      I wrote in my Weekly Newsletter I believe in the next 30 days this is going to be over. I believe we should have news any day about "date of record", the "price per share" and "pay date". I have been building my position on a weekly basis preparing myself for this event. Today's trading indicates to me I have been doing the right thing building my position. I am in the pursuit of "The One" and will not give up selling like many are doing. Sell if you must but I am holding out to put my tag on "The One".


      Hold Tight for the BUYOUT!!!

      "The One"!!!

      THE ONE is the majestic one of the heard. Hunters always are in search of THE ONE! As a stock trader I am always looking for THE ONE! It's that one stock of the year that can make up for any losses and set you free for the entire year. THE ONE will give investors a bank account that will allow you comfort and take away all financial stress. I seriously believe we have found THE ONE in our investment in GBDX!

      Again readers hang in there because it's all good and imo we should have all our answers before the end of the month. I still believe this is a major deal and much bigger then most expect. I am still guessing a buyout price between .05 to .10 ranges. I remind you the high was .07 last year. I don't expect the company to take less then this high.

      (shares held 6/25/07 4,549,200)

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 26.06.07 10:12:22
      Beitrag Nr. 108 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.318.900 von capten am 26.06.07 09:24:17das hohe Volumen gestern stimmt mich sehr positiv. Vielleicht wissen da einige schon mehr.... ;)

      Ich finde es ist mal wieder Zeit für eine gute News!! Das lange warten nervt mich doch ein wenig.

      Am liebsten sollte in der News folgender Satz vorkommen:

      GBDX is proud to announce that the buyout price will be 0.2 per share!!!

      schrieb am 26.06.07 15:12:21
      Beitrag Nr. 109 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.319.875 von Exploser am 26.06.07 10:12:22Oder Mergert in einen Milliarden Umsatz rein:cool:

      "According to different appraisals, if the worth of a total volume of raw diamonds fluctuates near $5 billion to $6 billion, a total volume of brilliant (finished/polished)jewelry sales nowadays exceeds $50 billion."

      And now for the grand finale...from the same article...

      In 2006 Russia exported 35 million carats of diamonds worth $1.7 billion.
      Importers of Russian diamonds by country
      European Union 58% by weight 78% by value
      Israel 12% by weight 19% by value
      UAE* 12% by weight 3.4% by value
      9 other countries 11% by weight 7% by value

      The link to the Washington Post article:…

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 26.06.07 18:14:00
      Beitrag Nr. 110 ()
      Das habe ich aus dem wo es eigentlich nur um CMKM Diamond inc. geht:rolleyes:

      This was posted at PalTalk

      WillyWizard: : big meeting in London this week with all parties involoved..hasseltine is there also...which five companies are at the meeting..takes place all this week...only trading company is Global...the rest don't trade at this is my curent baby others many know if I mentioned them...
      WillyWizard: can't comment on the rest

      WillyWizard: very critical meetings this week

      WillyWizard: One will IPO on NYSE

      WillyWizard und Hasseltine sind auch beide in CMKX involviert wehr weiß was da kommt, der Super Merger mit IPO an der NYSE

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 28.06.07 19:36:20
      Beitrag Nr. 111 ()
      Eben bekommen von Willy:cool:

      Readers, "Must Read"!
      June 28, 2007

      I am 100% focused on GBDX. I believe we could hear something from the company at any time. Those of you that own GBDX should be very happy soon. I believe the buyout is completely signed.

      I added more GBDX shares today!:cool:

      Expecting a Major Price Surge!

      When a huge move starts taking place, I believe it will, don't get in a hurry to sell your shares cheaper then the actual buyout price.

      Price Target Still .05 to .10

      I am still targeting .05 to .10 for a reasonable figure for the buyout. GBDX is a must own a position stock play. I am writing about a very serious percentage return on your investment. These opportunities don't happen often so play this one like it's the last major play of your lifetime!!!!

      Current Shares Held

      (Shares Held as of 6/28/07 4,962,500 shares)

      Disclaimer Link

      Sincerely, Hal Engel aka WillyWizard

      Gruss Capten
      Ps.Der auch im Gefühl hat das wir in das Finale gehen;)
      schrieb am 28.06.07 21:04:21
      Beitrag Nr. 112 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.374.447 von capten am 28.06.07 19:36:20
      Habe das gleiche Gefühl, wünsche uns allen viel Glück

      Spannend, spannend ist die ganze Sache:laugh:

      Schönen Abend noch

      schrieb am 28.06.07 21:27:22
      Beitrag Nr. 113 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.376.566 von rostha am 28.06.07 21:04:21Hi rostha;)

      Ja das sagte willy mir gerade in einer neuen Email auch:cool:

      Soon Sub-Penny Will Be History
      I want every one of you to make a huge gain by holding GBDX. Any current price is ok for entry. This is about to get very serious! I know many of you are adding or buying today. I like the emails you are sending me.

      Soon sub-penny is going to be history, watch you will see what I am writing about. Don't get shook out for measly profits. Don't allow these slight swings scare you into selling. You will be seriously disappointed when you miss this buyout if you sell early! GBDX IS "THE ONE"!!!

      GBDX Going to be Huge

      I am personally loaded close to 5 mil shares. This is going to be HUGE!

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 28.06.07 22:29:48
      Beitrag Nr. 114 ()
      +29,31 % jetzt ist der Weg frei :cool:
      schrieb am 29.06.07 08:39:05
      Beitrag Nr. 115 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.378.673 von capten am 28.06.07 22:29:48nächste Woche gibt`s vorbörsliche News!!

      Sagt zumindestens mein Bauchgefühl....! ;)

      Mit welchem Buyout Price rechnet ihr?

      Mein Tipp: .04
      schrieb am 29.06.07 09:31:35
      Beitrag Nr. 116 ()

      Stay Strong! Don't Get Shook out Before Tender Is Completed!

      The carriage is NOW at the gate!

      Cinderella Stock

      What is The Real Value!

      I added to my position again today!

      (Shares Held as of 6/28/07 4,962,500 shares)

      Readers please understand I am doing everything I can to keep you from selling early. GBDX should really start running soon. Many are very happy now but when you read that .05 to .10 Tender Price the current .0075 will be looking very small.

      I am also watching closely for insider buying to start. We had a taste early this week when we watched 5 million share blocks trade Monday. The insider buying will take place to buy all the stock they get get under the Tender Offer Price. This makes total sense to me and it's something I have expected to take place when the deal is done.

      For those setting on the sidelines afraid to buy you should understand if you don't own a position you can't make the big bucks. You need to be fearless when buying a company's stock when a buyout is coming. I have been buying GBDX weekly for 3 months. You have all read where my position is increasing weekly. This stock buyout will heal many accounts that are in the red. Many people I speak to are in the red on many stocks they own. Myself I expect to wipe out my tax loss carry forward on this GBDX play.

      Readers it's not often you will have an opportunity such as the one I have presented to you in regards to GBDX. Maybe a couple times a year good percentage returns present themselves to investors. Sorry to say many watch real risk takers make the money when they could be right there themselves buying the stock making the big returns.


      Also, check this out, I could be wrong, but tax wise when you are forced to sell on a buyout your capial gains are in the long term 15% tax bracket. If you sell early your tax bracket is 30% or more as a short term capital gain. This is an enormous difference in capital gains. I would rather pay 15% then 30%+. You need to hold until the end not selling on the way up! I am fairly certain I am right on this tax issue. Check with your accountant for verification.

      Everything on this chart is BULLISH! Also I took a snap shot of the indicators I follow. This is a great looking chart and indicator play showing something is up with this company.

 LLC | P.O. Box 873474 | Vancouver | WA | 98587-3474

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 29.06.07 10:16:19
      Beitrag Nr. 117 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.386.103 von capten am 29.06.07 09:31:35Wer ist eigentlich dieser "Willy"?????

      Seine Statements lesen sich ja ganz gut und der scheint mit fast 5 Mio Shares ja mächtig dick in GBDX investiert zu sein!

      Wie lauten denn nun eure Tipps für den Buyout Price?
      schrieb am 29.06.07 10:29:50
      Beitrag Nr. 118 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.387.081 von Exploser am 29.06.07 10:16:19Hi Exploser;)

      Mach dir selber ein Bild und melde dich in der Mailing List an:cool:

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 29.06.07 10:35:04
      Beitrag Nr. 119 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.387.081 von Exploser am 29.06.07 10:16:19Ach ja der Buyout Price ist reine Spekulation und kann von niemanden voraus gesagt werden, da niemand, außer GBDX selber, die wirklichen Daten kennt aber zwichen 0.05+ und 0.50+ ist alles möglich:cool:
      schrieb am 29.06.07 10:48:30
      Beitrag Nr. 120 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.387.427 von capten am 29.06.07 10:35:04zwichen 0.05+ und 0.50+ ist alles möglich

      Du bist aber optimistisch!!! Irgendwas dazwischen und ich wäre ein glücklicher Mann!!
      schrieb am 29.06.07 11:09:06
      Beitrag Nr. 121 ()
      Wie wird es heute in den USA weitergehen?
      Eure Tipps?!
      schrieb am 29.06.07 12:20:33
      Beitrag Nr. 122 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.388.177 von cn1_3 am 29.06.07 11:09:06weiter aufwärts, evtl. kurz vor Handelsschluß Gewinnmitnahmen vor dem Wochenende.

      Nächste Woche vorbörslich News und dann knallt`s hier!!!

      schrieb am 29.06.07 12:39:14
      Beitrag Nr. 123 ()
      Ich möchte keine Vorraussage machen, bin aber über jeden cent den es über 0.01 gibt sehr glücklich.

      Wir werden sehen, es ist auf jeden Fall weiter spannend.

      schönen Tag noch

      schrieb am 29.06.07 13:40:17
      Beitrag Nr. 124 ()

      Posted by: davidam
      In reply to: None Date:6/29/2007 6:21:42 AM
      Post #of 48677

      Have a great day longs. It appears the beginning of GBDX re evaluation has begun. What are they worth? What will the buyout be?
      My guess is well over 0.07. That license they have is very valuable and hard to get. Its all about the export license dont take it lightly

      schrieb am 29.06.07 13:47:20
      Beitrag Nr. 125 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.387.703 von Exploser am 29.06.07 10:48:30Das ist kein Optimismus wir sind an der OTC und da ist alles möglich und meine Aussage sollte nur klar machen das wir uns keine Meinung über den Kurs machen können, den wir bekommen könnten :cool:

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 29.06.07 13:53:07
      Beitrag Nr. 126 ()
      Nur noch mal zur erinnerung;)

      "According to different appraisals, if the worth of a total volume of raw diamonds fluctuates near $5 billion to $6 billion, a total volume of brilliant (finished/polished)jewelry sales nowadays exceeds $50 billion."

      And now for the grand finale...from the same article...

      In 2006 Russia exported 35 million carats of diamonds worth $1.7 billion.
      Importers of Russian diamonds by country

      European Union 58% by weight 78% by value
      Israel 12% by weight 19% by value
      UAE* 12% by weight 3.4% by value
      9 other countries 11% by weight 7% by value

      The link to the Washington Post article:…

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 29.06.07 19:24:45
      Beitrag Nr. 127 ()
      Uuuuups - mal zwei Tage nicht reingeschaut :eek: :D

      Also auf die nächste Woche bin ich ja mal gespannt ;)

      Gruß an alle Investierten!
      Bradetti :cool:
      schrieb am 29.06.07 21:17:26
      Beitrag Nr. 128 ()
      Gerade von Willy bekommen;)

      GBDX "THE ONE!"
      June 29, 2007

      Readers, what a day today with GBDX. Traders are selling for scalping profits. Big Boyz gobbling up all shares. This is going to be huge! The Big Boyz buying up all these shares knowing what lies ahead for GBDX shareholders. In my opinion they have known for a long time!

      If Buyout Is To The High End Of My .05 to .10

      If buyout is to the high end of my .05 to .10 target smart traders will buy the price all the way to slightly under announced buyout price. If they don't the company will. The company can buy shares back cheaper then they will pay those that want to hold for maximum gains. That is that much less money they have to pay at the premium buyout offer. They are not stupid. I'll hold my shares for the premium buyout price. There definitely will be sellers all the way up to buyout price just like there will be buyers all the way to buyout price.

      Don't Allow Anyone To Shake You Out Of Your Shares!

      I hope you are all holding your shares tightly in your accounts. Don't allow anyone to shake you out of your shares!


      (Shares Held as of 6/29/07 5,062,500 shares)

      Disclaimer Link

      Sincerely, Hal Engel aka WillyWizard LLC

      Gruss Capten
      Ps.Der ein schönes WE wünscht:D
      schrieb am 29.06.07 21:21:08
      Beitrag Nr. 129 ()
      +33,33 % ob da welsche mehr wissen :cool:
      schrieb am 29.06.07 21:45:28
      Beitrag Nr. 130 ()
      +46,67 %
      schrieb am 30.06.07 08:39:06
      Beitrag Nr. 131 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.400.102 von capten am 29.06.07 21:45:28das wird eine interessante nächste Woche!! Ich bleibe bei meinem Tipp, dass es innerhalb der nächsten Handelstage eine vorbörsliche News von GBDX bezüglich des Buyout Angebotes gibt!

      Schönes WE euch allen!
      schrieb am 30.06.07 11:22:23
      Beitrag Nr. 132 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.400.102 von capten am 29.06.07 21:45:28Schlusskurs gestern 0,0115USD :eek: :D

      Schönes Wochende euch allen :cool:

      schrieb am 30.06.07 11:24:22
      Beitrag Nr. 133 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.406.333 von bradetti am 30.06.07 11:22:23Ohhh, sind "nur" 0,0114 :rolleyes:

      Dann ist es doch nicht soooo toll :laugh: ...
      schrieb am 30.06.07 11:32:48
      Beitrag Nr. 134 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.405.748 von Exploser am 30.06.07 08:39:06Obwohl die Ami´s ja nächsten Mittwoch ihren Intelpentiumsday haben, und zumindest bei meinen US-Kollegen spricht man nicht nur von einem Feiertag sondern von einer ganzen Urlaubswoche!!

      Dürfen gespannt sein, ob nächste Woche viel geht da drüben :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 02.07.07 16:28:59
      Beitrag Nr. 135 ()
      Frisch aus der Gerüchtenküche!!!!!:lick:

      Posted by: TGTL2005
      In reply to: None Date:7/2/2007 10:14:28 AM
      Post #of 49395

      Rumour out !

      Almaz have give an offer around 0.14$/share

      Almaz is buying shares with the help of ABLE + NITE

      schrieb am 02.07.07 17:35:15
      Beitrag Nr. 136 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.450.848 von rostha am 02.07.07 16:28:59Hi rostha;)

      Ich werde übrigens eine kleine Position an GBDX stehen lassen, weil ich im gefühl habe das sie so viel Aktien wie möglich vom Markt haben wollen, was natürlich durch einen buyout hervorragend geht, um dann an die AMEX zu gehen, wo es ja auch schon Gerüchte drüber gibt:cool:

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 02.07.07 17:41:53
      Beitrag Nr. 137 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.452.049 von capten am 02.07.07 17:35:15
      Hey Capten!

      Das verstehe ich nicht!
      Wenn es zu einem payout kommt und die Company geht von der Börse kannst Du doch keine Aktien in Deinem Depot lassen?
      Das trifft also nur dann zu, wenn es zu einem merger kommt.

      schrieb am 02.07.07 17:49:00
      Beitrag Nr. 138 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.452.173 von rostha am 02.07.07 17:41:53Das ist ja gerade der unlogische Punkt warum gründet man GBDX um dann fasst 1 Jahr später die Firma wieder zu känzeln, ich sehe hier noch kein payout, der Merger wär mir auch lieber;)

      GBDX Last: 0.019:eek: Change: +0.0076(+66.67%) :eek: Volume: 52.9 m Last Trade: 11:26

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 02.07.07 17:58:36
      Beitrag Nr. 139 ()
      Hier zur erinnerung das Gerücht :cool:

      Das habe ich aus dem

      This was posted at PalTalk

      WillyWizard: : big meeting in London this week with all parties involoved..hasseltine is there also...which five companies are at the meeting..takes place all this week...only trading company is Global...the rest don't trade at this is my curent baby others many know if I mentioned them...

      WillyWizard: can't comment on the rest

      WillyWizard: very critical meetings this week

      WillyWizard: One will IPO on NYSE

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 02.07.07 17:58:46
      Beitrag Nr. 140 ()
      Das Teil ist der Knaller ...

      Schnell übers Tageshoch, los, los...:D:D
      schrieb am 02.07.07 18:12:02
      Beitrag Nr. 141 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.452.459 von capten am 02.07.07 17:58:36

      Danke Capten!

      Wir werden sehen, aber eins steht fest, ich verkaufe nicht vor einer PR die Aufklärung gibt.

      schrieb am 02.07.07 18:21:58
      Beitrag Nr. 142 ()
      Hier noch mal die Daten über das riesige Geschäft;)

      In 2006 Russia exported 35 million carats of diamonds worth $1.7 billion.

      Importers of Russian diamonds by country

      European Union 58% by weight 78% by value
      Israel 12% by weight 19% by value
      UAE* 12% by weight 3.4% by value
      9 other countries 11% by weight 7% by value

      The link to the Washington Post article:…

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 02.07.07 19:06:41
      Beitrag Nr. 143 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.452.459 von capten am 02.07.07 17:58:36:)

      Hallo capten

      Das Teil ist momentan wie eine Rakete.
      Danke für den Tip.

      schrieb am 02.07.07 19:25:59
      Beitrag Nr. 144 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.453.736 von bregenzer am 02.07.07 19:06:41Hi bregenzer;)

      Das ist erst der Anfang, das Payout soll bei 0.14$ liegen :cool:

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 02.07.07 19:29:03
      Beitrag Nr. 145 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.454.189 von capten am 02.07.07 19:25:59Das sind zum jetzigen Niveau nochmals 700% plus. :eek: :eek:

      Und kaum einer bei WO weiß was davon.
      schrieb am 02.07.07 19:30:08
      Beitrag Nr. 146 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.454.189 von capten am 02.07.07 19:25:59:)

      Dann werde ich morgen nochmals zulegen.

      schrieb am 03.07.07 14:47:01
      Beitrag Nr. 147 ()
      Why Payout??????????

      Merger is very very much better

      In 2006 Russia exported 35 million carats of diamonds worth $1.7 billion.…

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 03.07.07 15:35:47
      Beitrag Nr. 148 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.452.173 von rostha am 02.07.07 17:41:53Hi rostha;)

      Ein Missverständnis,bei GBDX geht es nicht um eine "Payout", sondern ein "Buyout", was heißen müsste das GBDX bestehen bleibt und so mit die Möglichkeit besteht einen kleinen Teil an Aktien zu behalten, da in meinen Augen die Wahrscheinlichkeit sehr hoch ist, das GBDX sich nach einem Merger an die AMEX geht, was natürlich auf längere Sicht einen viel höheren Kurs bedeuten würde:rolleyes:

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 03.07.07 15:48:39
      Beitrag Nr. 149 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.470.713 von capten am 03.07.07 15:35:47

      Hi Capten!

      Ich dachte das währe das gleiche, habe es noch nie mitgemacht und wusste nicht dass da ein Unterschied besteht.

      Aber in einer PR steht:
      Attorneys are currently working out the final details, which will include record and pay dates. Furthermore, a mechanism is being set up for tendering shares if and when this transaction is completet.

      Wir werden sehen, überigens morgen ist in Amerika die Börse geschlossen und ich glaube heute nur bis Mittag.

      Grüsse Rostha
      schrieb am 03.07.07 15:55:58
      Beitrag Nr. 150 ()
      Laut Sib Almaz soll die Firma aber delistet werden, da kein Interesse besteht die Firma als börsennotiertes Unternehmen weiter zu führen!

      Dem Käufer geht es um die Exprotlizens von GBDX und nicht um eine Börsennotierung!
      schrieb am 03.07.07 16:06:32
      Beitrag Nr. 151 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.471.000 von rostha am 03.07.07 15:48:39Nein ist es nicht, ich lass eine kleine Position stehen, dann werde ich es ja sehen aber meiner Meinung nach kaufen die so viele Aktien aus dem Markt wie möglich, was natürlich durch die schnellen 5-10 cent hervorragend klappt bei den meisten, ich habe ein Bauchgefühl was mir sagt das ich mit der kleinen Position in 1-2 Jahren 10 mal so viel Geld machen kann wie mit der Großen jetzt:cool:
      schrieb am 03.07.07 16:09:54
      Beitrag Nr. 152 ()
      Sieht so aus, als sei das Gewitter jetzt erst mal vorbei.
      Auf nach oben!
      schrieb am 03.07.07 16:24:06
      Beitrag Nr. 153 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.471.176 von Lucullus1970 am 03.07.07 15:55:58Eine Aussage über "delistet" war mir neu:rolleyes:

      Es ist noch gar nicht raus was wirklich geschehen soll, hier noch mal eine alte News:cool:

      NEW YORK, March 7 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Global Diamond Exchange Inc. (OTC: GBDX) is pleased to announce that management has been approached by another company that is viewing Global Diamond as a merger or buyout prospect.

      Meine These beruht natürlich auf einen Merger, der mir auch lieber wäre mit anschießendem Listing an die AMEX, was ich glaube auch geschehen wird und auch logisch ist, also ich würde doch keine Firma gründen um dann alle Aktien wieder ein zu sammeln und zum Schluss noch mit einem buyout eine menge Geld aus zu geben, ne hier wird mit allen mitteln eingesammelt:cool:
      schrieb am 03.07.07 16:31:44
      Beitrag Nr. 154 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.471.762 von capten am 03.07.07 16:24:06Ja was wird es jetzt merger oder buyout :rolleyes: wo haben nicht wir den größten nutzen, sonder Sie, die Firma, das Management, die groß Investoren, wir müssen uns in ihre Lage versetzen :cool:

      Ich sage "Merger" mit neuem Listing an die AMEX:cool:

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 03.07.07 16:33:10
      Beitrag Nr. 155 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.471.762 von capten am 03.07.07 16:24:06
      Hier ist ein Ausschnitt aus der PR. vom 4.April

      Our goal is to maximize shareholder value and satisfy the suitor's demands. At the end of the day the suitor wants to exit from the public market. Global will cease to exist as a publicly traded company if the transaction proceeds as planned. When the company entered the public arena we did not realize the burden of the public sector. The potential suitor does not want the additional work necessary to maintain a public company nor in our estimation do they need to be in the capital markets. Consequently, all shares held by the public will ultimately have to be surrendered if the transaction can be consummated. The legal team is working to satisfy the government requirements and inquisitions from filing the form TO.

      schrieb am 03.07.07 16:37:36
      Beitrag Nr. 156 ()
      PR vom 25.04.07:

      We stress patience since this will take some time as the suitor is working out a way to take Global off the public markets and into the private sector!

      Aber ehrlich gesagt kommt es mir darauf nicht an, den ich bin sowohl mit einem Merger als auch mit einem Buyout >0,05 zufrieden.
      schrieb am 03.07.07 16:57:15
      Beitrag Nr. 157 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.471.973 von rostha am 03.07.07 16:33:10Oh die kannte ich noch nicht, dann ist wohl klar das wir nicht in einen Merger gehen, schade hätte mir viel besser gefallen wenn wir in einen großen Umsatz von mehreren Firmen rein gemergert hätten:( na ja dann ein buyout zwischen 5-10 cent:lick:
      schrieb am 04.07.07 14:48:39
      Beitrag Nr. 158 ()
      Hi @All

      Tanja Gräff aus Korlingen wird vermisst - Video

      Hier mal eine nicht Börsliche aber sehr ernste Sache, sendet dieses Vermisten Video bitte an alle Leute die ihr kennt,auch in das nahe Ausland, die Junge Frau wird seit einigen Wochen vermist, vielleicht
      haben wir das Glück zur Aufklärung bei zu tragen…

      Gruss Capten[/b]
      schrieb am 06.07.07 09:23:47
      Beitrag Nr. 159 ()
      Hi @All:cool:

      GBDX Friday Major Watch Alert
      July 06, 2007

      THE ONE!!!

      Readers GBDX has been treating us good but, in my opinion, you have seen nothing. The strength I am seeing in daily volume suggests the buyout is completed or very close to be completed. I am watching for news at any time.

      800% to 1000% Returns Still Possible!

      I am still expecting 800% to 1000% plus possible for all of us holding from current trading price, closing Thursday strong at .0155. For those that have taken some profits congratulations you made a nice percentage return already. Personally I am holding out for the Tender and the huge BANK I expect to make.

      Bullish CandleStick Thursday…
      Thursday's trading was bullish with a candle stick with a long wick closing at the top of the wick showing BULLS IN CONTROL!


      You'll see I really care about every one of you.

      Sincerely, Hal Engel aka WillyWizard LLC

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 06.07.07 16:02:15
      Beitrag Nr. 160 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.516.657 von capten am 06.07.07 09:23:47

      Hallo Capten!

      Die MMs müssen noch covern
…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…

      schrieb am 06.07.07 16:08:04
      Beitrag Nr. 161 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.516.657 von capten am 06.07.07 09:23:47moin zusammen ,

      willy hat willy zu sehr gereizt , hab heute einige stücke gekauft und nun auch noch liebe bekannte , rostha und capten .. halleluja ..
      schrieb am 06.07.07 16:38:10
      Beitrag Nr. 162 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.523.649 von rostha am 06.07.07 16:02:15Hi @ wilfonx;)
      Hi @ rotha;)

      Ja ich weiß, ich glaube die geht heute noch richtig ab:cool:

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 06.07.07 17:05:06
      Beitrag Nr. 163 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.523.758 von wilfonx am 06.07.07 16:08:04
      Hallo wilfonx,
      glaube Du wirst Deinen Einstieg nicht bereuen

      schrieb am 07.07.07 14:21:08
      Beitrag Nr. 164 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.452.459 von capten am 02.07.07 17:58:36

      Hallo Capten!

      Lese Dir doch mal durch was Acca auf einige Fragen antworten kann.

      Er erwähnt auch GBDX in Bezug auf Verhandlungen.So wie ich es verstehe bezieht es sich auch auf das was Willy geschrieben hat.
      Ob da ein Zusammenhang besteht?
      Wie siehst Du es?…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…

      schönen Tag noch

      schrieb am 09.07.07 11:18:27
      Beitrag Nr. 165 ()

      Friday's close .0185 Booyah! Friday's high .021! "Lets Get Ready to Rumble!"

      +300% and just getting warmed up!


      I am going to leave what I wrote last week. Just about every sentence applied to last weeks trading and my thinking remains the same about what lies ahead for those that continue to hold. I still believe it's the company's best interest to accumulate shares as cheaply as possible.

      Readers GBDX has given you close to 300% so far. It's only going to get better and better and better over the next 10 to 15 days. IHUB Boyz write, "THE ACCUMULATOR" is accumulating. IHUB has a great bunch of longs posting great DD. GBDX longs have teamwork in place, everyone is excited! I am one of those excited longs! Remember that song "We in the money, We in the money" LOL sing it and feel the enthusiasm it gives you! You have every reason to feel excited because what lies ahead is going to get you even more enthusiastic.


      Stock Manipulators are at Work.

      Most of you aren't familiar with the methods used by stock traders. They allow pumping once they buy a position as the stock moves higher they start bashing on message boards and in chat rooms. As the stock moves higher they sell then attempt to scare investors into selling. This took place Friday in a big way at IHUB and Paltalk. I have written a lot about why to own GBDX and what I think about the huge returns headed our way. Understand one thing, trading scalpers only care about short term gains. I have been asked to remain above everyone in my commentaries but these same individuals allow members to manipulate GBDX and many other stocks in their trading rooms. This costs many a lot of our hard earned cash when we are pumped n dumped on or we are frightened into selling early. I was told today GBDX was being ridiculed in a PalTalk room by a well know stock trader, DODGE, so I figured I would visit that room and update them about current events. I made about two posts and DODGE went off on me telling me off. They didn't want me to tell anyone the good that was coming their way in regards to GBDX. One of the admins bounced me fast because I could have told members I believed a stock buyback was in place and I think good support was present. If I was allowed to update listeners the disgusting manipulation a few were trying to pull of might not have happened Readers this is taking place at more places then just PalTalk Chat Rooms. IHUB has it's share of bashing also. A select few are the only ones that run these trader scalps and it's taking place big time NOW! I am very knowledgeable about internet promotion. GBDX is no promotion but it is a huge stock in play and traders need to scare you into selling. It's much easier to scare someone into selling then convince them they are riding a grand slam or they are holding "THE ONE". The spreads are so tight you need to sell a few million shares to even think of buying back if you want to make more then $50 bucks. The big scalpers are the only ones that win and they are the ones always telling you when to sell, after they sold, and seldom when to buy because they want to buy back ahead of you.

      Now on the good side, many newsletters and websites are picking up on GBDX at this time. Here is a excerpt that was sent to me today by one of our members., "Hi Hal, just thought you might like to see this. It is in the Quality Stock Newsletter I received, "Monday's top Story in The Daily Newsletter leader was Global Diamond Exchange, Inc. (GBDX) previously at $0.0155 up 19% at $0.0185 with 41,965,708 shares traded. (GBDX) is a favorite of Willy Wizard and was also highlighted today by Bull in Advantage,, and"

      Readers, GBDX has everyone watching, bashers and good newsletters. Excitement is at it's highest level for any OTCBB/Pink stock at this time. As GBDX continues higher the excitement will mushroom to highs many of you have never seen. It's going to be very exciting and you and I are going to be right in the middle of it all. These huge plays are very rare and we are in the front of THE ONE!

      Here is more of what is being sent to me daily from readers.

      "Hal,What a great pick this was! I invested $2500 and within a week its now almost $9000!!!I have a feeling we'll get word on the payout and buyout before next week is over. xxx"

      "Thanks Willy for GBDX and some other good picks."

      "Hi Hal, I am hanging on to GBDX with all my shares. It is difficult to see a stock which is giving me pretty good profit from pay point as I sit and wait for the Magic of the sale.But, I am holding on as I feel your advise about this ( THE ONE ) stock can, and will, do as you say it will.I have enjoyed watching it inch up, and see that a lot of shareholders are getting out, as many more are gitting in.I think there will be a lot of short profit people very sorry they let it go without letting it finish the run..Oh well, such is the game."

      "Dear Sir, I live in Northern Ireland describe myself as a very very small investor I have joined ur site and thank you for letting me do so."

      "Willy, Thanks for all of your info.I enjoy the tips and the updates."

      "Hi Hal:I just wanted to thank you once again for this email. It means alot to me,and is most appreciated. Thank you for THE ONE,can't wait to follow it Monday. Friday was very exciting."

      "Hal, Thanks, my friend, for the words. I feel I am blessed to have stumbled onto your site,and to have a person who offers us your expertise, and ensight without payment.You bring a freshness to the stock investment community. I believe ALL things happen for a reason.I sincerely thank you for the stock knowledge, and experience you so freely share with all your site followers."

      "Hi Hal, I can't believe that GBDX traded over a penny today! What a awsome trade for the day! I was excited but did not sell early. Still waiting on the buy out PR."

      Readers, I have dozen more emails just like what you read above. GBDX is exciting and emails like these get me excited just reading/feeling the mailer's excitement. Do you feel the excitement like these individuals do? and like I do? I think you all do.

      Next week I look for The Accumulator to continue supporting selling offs and continue moving the stock price higher as they accumulate the the majority of the outstanding shares at much cheaper prices then the actual buyout. Astute traders/investors are commenting about The Accumulator's method being used to shake out shares from weak holder's and scalpers, not allowing many opportunities for scalpers to make much money.

      Previous Comments


      I started profiling GBDX when it was WWCD over a year ago. It's been a long tough road for many. WWCD was trading under a penny and when Global Diamonds reversed into WWCD the name was changed from World Wide Cannery to Global Diamond Exchange. Some of my readers and PalTalk Room members made a big hit because the stock price went to .07 high last year. Some cashed in, some held and some trading it over the last 8 to 12 months as it bounced up and down into a lower trend moving it down to .0025 range. Some traders still dwell on the negative and the fact I have stuck with this company all that time as I watched it grow to the point it is now.

      I have done some serious DD over the last twelve months as I followed GBDX. It has been in and out of the top section of this newsletter a few times but for the last 8 months has remained in this section of this newsletter. I hope many of you are know seeing my DD has been done meticulously and I have been accurately writing about this company reporting everything I can dig up. I spend many hours writing this newsletter each week. I call it a labor of love for you subscribers and for the companies I cover.

      We Are So Close




      I hope you all are noticing the volume and share price increase. This was just the start of a major buyout at much higher prices. I am as serious as I can be you are going to make HUGE BANK! You need guts and need to start understanding GBDX isn't lying to their shareholders. I think when you read the real buyout numbers you will about faint if you still hold your position. LOL I think even those that have sold will actually faint deservingly rofl.

      Readers you need to be tough. This is a huge hit forming right in front of you. Even at current pricing GBDX is very cheap. In my opinion you will still see 800% to 1000% return on your investment. I think the bottom line is HOLD THOSE SHARES UNTIL YOU ARE FORCED through the buyout to give them up. Sellers will pay short term tax and those that are forced to Tender are considered long term holders so tax rate is only 15%. But if you sell the 15% is void! Regardless of this I want all my buyout money not just part of it because I sold early.

      Some of you are reading this probably laughing but soon I will laugh all the way to buyout land lol. I think those that have read GBDX's last press release understand the buyout is completed only formalities are left.


      Ask yourself this question. If you were the buyer, say .10 cents, and the stock price was at .01 why would you not buy stock all the way up to the actual buyout price then present a Tender for the remaining shares. Doesn't this make sense? I think this is what is now taking place. I can't say this for a fact but I am a businessman and this is what I would do. I believe Sib Almaz is buying stock at this time. This only makes sense. I know many of you are buying a lot of shares but not as many as we see trading. It takes big bucks, like Sib Almaz has, to buy and support bids. The daily trend is a few buys at open, then let sellers sell. Then MM ABLE moves up on bids and starts taking out all good till cancel sell orders. Also retail buying shows up when they realize the price is moving higher. I expect this type trading daily for the next week or maybe a little longer. Then I expect we will Tender our remaining shares to the buyer, Sib Almaz.

      Please Don't Use 'Good Till Cancel Orders' on this buyout play. In my Opinion MM love to Steal Your Stock then Move the price up above your GTC order making you sick you sold.


      (Shares Held as of 7/07/07 5,062,500 shares) and not for sale!!!

      Fridays Close .0185!!!


      GBDX shares under accumulation since April

      This week's chart is awesome

      GBDX went through the 200 day EMA, a very bullish move. This entire chart and indicators are all suggesting a serious move higher next week. This shows The Accumulator knows what he is doing. It looks like The Accumulator is going to walk this right up to the buyout price.

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 10.07.07 10:50:17
      Beitrag Nr. 166 ()

      What you read in this email is verified as factual with link provided

      Hal Engel aka WillyWizard


      To: xxxxxxxxxxx

      Subject:RED ALERT GBDX JACKPOT !!!!!!

      Date:Monday, July 09, 2007 6:34:48 PM

      [View Source]

      WE GOT IT !

      I want you to stop thinking, stop asking, stop fearing and open your laptop to pass a massive order on GBDX !

      Why ?

      GBDX have officialy change Director, ALEXEY CHEREBKOV is not in the game anymore !

      VECHESLAVA BEURIKOV (Boss of Almaz) is the new GBDX president.

      THE PR with this news should hit the wires anytime now !

      Buy all you can tomorrow morning !


      Link ------>…


      WillyWizard Disclaimer:

      Thank you,

      Hal Engel aka WillyWizard

      Great Reading about GBDX

      This was an email I received from a very smart member. Might not be
      exactly correct but it's worth sending to those members I have that
      are holding GBDX.

      Once again please understand a company buyback is taking place.

      That's the word on the street.

      Great Reading about GBDX


      I am sure with the results of todays bidding complete, and GBDX
      taking a small step backwards,that many are a little down, and
      indecisive. This is a little understandable, however, I would like to
      make a observation which should set traders minds at ease a bit.
      If you step back, and look at the big picture with GBDX, you will be
      able to clearly see the layout I believe to be taking place.
      Sib Almaz is a very Crafty, Shrewd, Intelligent business man. He is
      pretty much the MM for GBDX play right now It seems obvious, and
      logical that he is backing off buying blocks at this time. This
      accomplishes two things. It makes those indecisive, easily swayed
      holders worry that the stock is not moving fforward so maybe they
      should sell and get out of the stock with some profit intact. This in
      chain reaction causes the stock to regress. This, of course, is what
      He wants to happen at this time. Why, very simply put dollars and
      cents.. If the stock declines in share price, he can buy it much
      cheaper. When it declines even a couple of points, that translates
      into hundreds of thousands of dollars he will save by not having to
      pay the inflated price for the stock. I believe this is a power play,
      coreographed by a very clever director who basically now has pretty
      much complete control of what the market does regarding GBDX I
      suggest that the rest of this community do not fall into the pit he
      is digging for those who do not have the stamina to maintain control
      of their shares. As you have so very vividly pointed out to us on
      several occasions, many MM wanna Be's will do almost anything at this
      point to try to dig us our of our shares of ( THE ONE ). If they win
      this tug o war, they REALLY win, and those who fall weakly down in
      front of the steamrollers will most assuredly be dug under, and left
      wanting. Once that great ship sales without having held on to our
      tickets, there is no catching it. It will go full steam ahead leaving
      the late ticket buyers far behind.
      Purely my own interpretation, of course. Many years in the Business
      world, in full chain of command, and some ownerships of my Own have
      taught me you must look at things in a logical manner, make your best
      decision, and stand behind it 100%. If all DD is done, there is not
      much left to chance. Scared money never wins.



      WillyWizard Disclaimer:

      Thank you,

      Hal Engel aka WillyWizard

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 10.07.07 12:33:03
      Beitrag Nr. 167 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.609.923 von capten am 10.07.07 10:50:17

      Hallo Capten!

      Spannend, spannend.....

      Also nach Willy kein buy-out sondern neuer Direktor mit viel Geld?

      schrieb am 10.07.07 15:35:29
      Beitrag Nr. 168 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.611.805 von rostha am 10.07.07 12:33:03Hi rostha

      Das hatte ich schon mal überall in die Boards gesetzt, es hatte aber keiner verstanden was ich meinte:rolleyes:

      Meine Aussage war, das es keinen buy-out geben wird, der hatte in meinen Augen nur die Funktion so viel Aktien vom Markt zu kaufen wie es möglich ist, das ging mir von Anfang an nicht in den Kopf warum man einen Firma gründet um sie dann durch einen buy-out wieder auf zu lösen:rolleyes:

      Durch die buy-out PR sind so viel Aktien wie möglich vom Markt genommen worden :cool:

      VECHESLAVA BEURIKOV (Boss of Almaz)ist der neue GBDX President.:cool:

      Wir Mergern jetzt in einen Milliarden Umsatz von 4 Firmen,wie die Gerüchte es sagen, ich schätze das es keine 30-40 Mil.$ sein werden sonder 300-400 Mil.$:cool:

      Jetzt last euch mal alle Indizien durch den Kopf gehen, wenn kein buy-out kommt und wir wirklich in so einen großen Umsatz Mergern,werden wir ende des Jahres über 1$ und mehr stehen:rolleyes:

      Gruss Capten
      Ps.Der nur mal laut nach gedacht hat :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 10.07.07 15:43:09
      Beitrag Nr. 169 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.615.215 von capten am 10.07.07 15:35:29

      wie immer spannend

      bis später Rostha
      schrieb am 11.07.07 18:21:28
      Beitrag Nr. 170 ()

      Wednesday, July 11 2007 12:15 PM, EST

      Global Diamond Exchange Announces Corporate Changes

      PR Newswire "US Press Releases "

      NEW YORK, July 11 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Global Diamond Exchange Inc. (OTC: GBDX) is announcing that CEO Alexey Cherbekov has resigned and that he has been replaced as of today by Mr. Slava Beurikov. Furthermore, Global would like to announce a second addition of Ms. Elena Voushva as Corporate Secretary.

      Both Mr. Beurikov and Ms. Voushva come to Global after spending considerable time in the diamond industry. Mr. Beuikov has over 23 years experience in the diamond industry. He has held various positions from buying, sales, and corporate management. Ms. Vousheva has over 20 years of experience in the diamond industry at the corporate and administration levels. Their appointments can be viewed on the official State of Nevada Secretary of State's website.

      Mr. Beurikov and Ms. Vousheva we chosen from a list of candidates presented by Sib Almaz for new management. Sib Almaz has been identified as the potential merger/takeover candidate and Global agreed upon new management as part of the ongoing due diligence process.

      About Global Diamond Exchange:

      Global Diamond Exchange originally opened their office on 2 West 46th street in the heart of the New York's Diamond District. After several years of operation at their New York office the company decided to shut down the operation due to low pricing and soft demand in North America. The company concentrated its efforts on exporting cut diamonds from the Russia Federation and European locations. The new company has reopened its sales offices in the original building ready to take on the increased demand for fine quality diamonds.

      NOTE: Safe Harbor for Forward-Looking Statements.

      This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (the "Act"). In particular, when used in the preceding discussion, the words "plan," "confident that," "believe," "scheduled," "expect," or "intend to," and similar conditional expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Act and are subject to the safe harbor created by the Act. Such statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties and actual results could differ materially from those expressed in any of the forward-looking statements. Such risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the ability of the Company to complete the planned bridge financing, market conditions, the general acceptance of the Company's products and technologies, competitive factors, timing, and other risks described in the Company's SEC reports and filings.…
      SOURCE Global Diamond Exchange Inc.

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 11.07.07 18:26:09
      Beitrag Nr. 171 ()
      Sympatiche Frau;)
      Elena Voloshina

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 11.07.07 21:21:21
      Beitrag Nr. 172 ()
      Bei der Firma gab es auch ein buy-out:cool:

      Gruss Capten
      Ps.Der heute nur ein großes raus schütteln sieht vor dem nächsten runn ;)
      schrieb am 11.07.07 21:48:30
      Beitrag Nr. 173 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.640.836 von capten am 11.07.07 21:21:21:confused::confused::confused: Gründe für den Kurssturz????? Sieht doch vordergründig eigentlich ganz gut aus oder ist das ein Irrtum??:confused::confused:
      schrieb am 11.07.07 22:01:44
      Beitrag Nr. 174 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.641.651 von Puskas am 11.07.07 21:48:30Normales raus schütteln nach fasst 400% Steigerung in den letzten zwei Wochen, schätze ende der Woche werden wir wieder höher sein, wenn nicht sogar die 0.02 klar überschreiten, immer :cool: bleiben;)

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 11.07.07 22:07:00
      Beitrag Nr. 175 ()
      Hi @All Habe gerade von Willy bekommen, der die gleiche Meinung hat:rolleyes:

      Stay Strong! Don't Get Shook out Before Tender Is Completed!

      Cinderella Stock


      I have written many times Global Diamond Exchange is a Cinderella Company/Stock. The carriage is NOW at the gate!

      The gate is open Cinderella is about to step out!!

      Readers, I am sure many were shook out today. I held through that shake but even for a veteran trader it was tough. Here is today's news showing investors the companies are certainly coming together. As all this is completed then we will read a Tender Offer for our shares. I still maintain my target of .05 to .10 and I actually feel I am low. I'd rather be low then high so if it is higher then .10 I'll be very happy.

      Sib Almaz has Completely taken Control of their buyout company. This what they are tell everyone in today's press release.

      Today's News!

      Global Diamond Exchange Announces Corporate Changes
      Wednesday July 11, 12:16 pm ET

      NEW YORK, July 11 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Global Diamond Exchange Inc. (OTC: GBDX - News) is announcing that CEO Alexey Cherbekov has resigned and that he has been replaced as of today by Mr. Slava Beurikov. Furthermore, Global would like to announce a second addition of Ms. Elena Voushva as Corporate Secretary.

      Both Mr. Beurikov and Ms. Voushva come to Global after spending considerable time in the diamond industry. Mr. Beuikov has over 23 years experience in the diamond industry. He has held various positions from buying, sales, and corporate management. Ms. Vousheva has over 20 years of experience in the diamond industry at the corporate and administration levels. Their appointments can be viewed on the official State of Nevada Secretary of State's website.

      Mr. Beurikov and Ms. Vousheva we chosen from a list of candidates presented by Sib Almaz for new management. Sib Almaz has been identified as the potential merger/takeover candidate and Global agreed upon new management as part of the ongoing due diligence process.

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 11.07.07 22:41:20
      Beitrag Nr. 176 ()
      Sib hat mit dieser PR offiziell das Zepter bei GBDX übernommen!Aber noch wissen wir nichts über die Bedingungen und das gefällt mir momentan nicht. Details wären wünschenswert gewesen!Aber da ich meine Aktien sozusagen umsonst bekommen habe werde ich das Risiko mit der verbliebenen Hälfte meiner Aktien eingehen!

      Noch ist alles möglich und wenn ich mir die fetten Trades anschaue, die nach 19 Uhr noch über den Tisch gegangen sind, dann dürfte es morgen wieder interessant werden!

      Noch ist hier von 0,002 bis 0,20 alles drin!!!
      schrieb am 12.07.07 09:30:41
      Beitrag Nr. 177 ()

      Jetzt kommt das von Willy was ich schon vor zwei Wochen gesagt habe, kein buy-out sondern merger in einen mega Millionen Umsatz und dann Listing in ein höheres Segment wie AMEX:cool:

      Jetzt seit mal ehrlich wo mache ich wohl mehr Geld, bei einem buy-out
      wo ich Millionen von Dollars raus schmeiße oder ich kaufe so viel Aktien wie möglich zu einem Preis von 1-5 cent, merger dann mit einen
      Mega Millionen Umsatz zusammen und geh dann an die AMEX.
      Von Willy heute Morgen:rolleyes:

      After GBDX is totally bought out or trading room will be moving towards
      Nasdaq, NYSE, FOREX and yes we will still play some pinkies/OTCBBs. But
      we need to preserve our profits from our GBDX play.

      Don't be bashful we welcome new participants.

      Come in and feel the excitement as GBDX runs! You'll love it!

      Congrats to those that have taken profits. I serious mean that you already made bank.

      Now for those that are still holding,

      Congrats you didn't get shook out on the panic selling today. Believe me many were shook out hard today. Also many are realizing they messed up falling for the newbe shake. Oh well they better hurry and BUY BACK WHAT THEY SOLD EVEN IF IT IS LESS SHARES then they sold.

      Today there was a gut wrenching intra day correction, I can't believe some would sell on the news GBDX put out today but they did. Understand panic set in and some were so afraid they sold nice size positions and many at a loss. Those that sold will feel bad soon as The Accumulator takes the share price to the next level. Yes, this is exactly what I think will happen very soon.

      Once the panic subsided today buyers showed slowly moving the share price upward. All in all the close was acceptable at .013. I am looking for continued upward movement the next couple days now that weak traders were flushed out of their positions today. I do expect some that sold today to buy back some of the positions they sold today.

      Today some unscrupulous people were working the message boards and chat rooms. My room at PalTalk has been being worked for a few days trying to scare people into selling. An individual I banned is IMing people in the room saying GBDX was going lower. This took place today and I know one guy that sold and then this guy IMed me asking me what price he should buy back at. Sorry he is on his on now. Bashers at IHUB bashers came out of nowhere bashing again. Yes this does happen. It's all about money! Money makes people do weird things, so sad.

      I wrote this paragraph in my Weekly Newsletter. I suggest everyone slowly read it again.

      "Ask yourself this question. If you were the buyer, say .10 cents, and the stock price was at .01 why would you not buy stock all the way up to the actual buyout price then present a Tender for the remaining shares. Doesn't this make sense? I think this is what is now taking place. I can't say this for a fact but I am a businessman and this is what I would do. I believe Sib Almaz is buying stock at this time. This only makes sense. I know many of you are buying a lot of shares but not as many as we see trading. It takes big bucks, like Sib Almaz has, to buy and support bids. The daily trend is a few buys at open, then let sellers sell. Then MM ABLE moves up on bids and starts taking out all good till cancel sell orders. Also retail buying shows up when they realize the price is moving higher. I expect this type trading daily for the next week or maybe a little longer. Then I expect we will Tender our remaining shares to the buyer, Sib Almaz."

      I mean what I wrote in that paragraph. I believe something huge is now taking place. You're seeing all selling taken in by Market Makers. Sure there is a slight fluctuation as a few sellers panic but the shares they sell are being absorbed by buyers. I can't think of very many entities that can AFFORD TO BUY THESE SHARES!

      Readers, The CEO resigning is an important step allowing Sib Amaz a clean company so they could replace everyone with officers that will form the new company.

      It's carzy some take Sib Almaz putting in their own personnel as negative. This should just solidify the buyout/merger is in process and once everything is completed shareholders should read an announcement of a TENDER OFFER from the newly formed company. Also listen up all this is being filed State of Nevada Secretary of State's website.

      Gruss Capten
      Ps.Der richt das hier ein riesen Ding gebacken wird:cool:
      schrieb am 12.07.07 09:33:16
      Beitrag Nr. 178 ()
      :cool:Mr. Beurikov and Ms. Vousheva we chosen from a list of candidates presented by Sib Almaz for new management. Sib Almaz has been identified as the potential merger/takeover candidate and Global agreed upon new management as part of the ongoing due diligence process.:cool:

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