
    GATA Konferenz in Durban - Kampf ums Gold - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 06.05.01 17:49:13
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Geschrieben von R.Deutsch am 06. Mai 2001 10:45:38:

      By Adam Hamilton
      May 4, 2001

      While the gold price appears to be calm and placid,
      powerful forces war behind the scenes in a life-or-
      death struggle to shape the gold market of the new

      The world gold markets are embroiled in a raging gold
      information war. The stakes are stupendously high, as
      the state of the gold market and the price of gold do
      not exist in a vacuum. Virtually every other important
      capital market in the world, from the mammoth currency
      foreign exchange markets to the critical international
      bond markets, is affected directly or indirectly by the
      price of gold.

      Unlike past economic/financial wars, the current war on
      gold has not degenerated into actual physical conflict.
      At the dawn of the Information Age, this latest gold
      war is not being fought with Kalishnakovs and M-16s but
      with fantastic new communication technologies centering
      around the wondrous Internet. It is, in many aspects, a
      perfect example of a true information war.

      The raging gold info-war is a fight for free markets
      and for the hearts and minds of investors worldwide.

      As in most epic conflicts, the combatants of this gold
      info-war are divided into two camps. The slogan of the
      first group of soldiers could be expressed in three
      words: "Gold is dead!" The battle cry for the
      second group of warriors could be summarized as "Gold
      is being suppressed and a price explosion is imminent."

      The "Gold is dead" partisans can also be described as
      anti-gold forces. They believe that timeless financial
      lessons learned in the past do not apply any more to
      our fantastically complex global economy. They believe
      that gold is a "barbaric relic," with no place in
      computerized and globally integrated financial markets.
      The anti-gold forces generally think that humanity has
      finally "tamed the business cycle" and that a paper-
      based, derivatives-controlled global financial system
      can continue to expand at rapid rates forever. This
      camp believes that governments and large private
      entities can control fiat currencies, markets, and
      wealth-creation indefinitely.

      The traditional role of gold as the monetary base and
      ultimate asset is thought no longer necessary by the
      anti-gold forces because systemic risk has been
      mitigated through the light-speed, 24/7 global
      financial infrastructure humankind has created. Through
      the proliferation of derivatives, the anti-gold forces
      believe that risk can be bought and sold until the
      markets as a whole never experience a boom/bust cycle.

      With the seductive prospect of no future
      economic/financial earthquakes, the anti-gold forces
      believe that there is no need for the ultimate rock of
      financial security, fire-tested through millennia of
      human history: gold.

      Standing in the other corner are the allies of gold.
      The pro-gold forces are small in number but ferocious
      in resolve. They believe that financial history DOES
      matter, and that gold will always have the same
      critical role as the cornerstone of the financial world
      that it has maintained virtually uninterrupted for
      6,000 years.

      The pro-gold forces are generally students of
      economics, history, finance, and money. They have
      witnessed past financial manias and attempts to cast
      gold out of the financial system through the eyes of
      people who lived through these historical episodes.

      The pro-gold partisans recognize that markets move in
      cycles and that trends always change. They also realize
      that the human heart, the ultimate source of greed and
      fear that drives booms and busts, does not change. Many
      of the pro-gold forces, after years of study, believe
      that the world gold market is being suppressed by a few
      governments and elite private banks for selfish
      reasons. The governments are trying to cover up past
      policy failures and protect their 100-percent paper
      money, backed by nothing but faith and trust, fiat
      currencies, and overvalued equity markets.

      The private banks jumped into the gold manipulation
      game because borrowing gold at lease rates of less than
      1 percent annually and selling it provided a virtually
      endless supply of cheap capital that could be invested
      in other markets at an enormous profit.

      The pro-gold forces believe that after endless research
      and investigation over the last six or so years, the
      case for a manipulated gold market is virtually
      unassailable. They note that the laws of economics are
      ironclad and irrevocable, and can be cast asunder and
      bent for only a relatively short period of time, as
      history has taught us over and over.

      As the gold info-war rages on, there have been
      victories and defeats for both sides. Generally,
      however, the anti-gold forces seem to have the upper
      hand as gold continues to hover near 20-year lows.

      The pro-gold armies, though they control miniscule
      amounts of capital compared to the governments and
      banks believed to be suppressing gold, make up for
      their disparity of resources with world-class research,
      a mastery of cutting-edge Information Age technologies
      like the Internet, unquenchable zeal, and tenacity.

      Like any good local guerilla army fighting a much
      larger and better-equipped aggressor, the forces for
      free gold markets carefully choose their engagements.

      The next major battle initiated by the pro-gold forces,
      and potential turning point in the gold info-war,
      occurs May 10 in Durban, South Africa. The Gold Anti-
      Trust Action Committee ( is hosting an
      African Gold Summit where crucial evidence will be
      presented to important African governments, gold-mining
      companies, labor interests, and the media about what
      has transpired in the global gold market in recent

      With the global physical gold market centered in London
      and the global paper gold derivatives market revolving
      around London and New York, Durban may seem an unlikely
      battlefield for a potentially decisive confrontation in
      the gold info-war. But it is actually a perfect
      location, as South Africa has critical strategic
      importance in the global gold trade.

      South Africa alone supplies around a quarter of the
      total mined global gold supply each year, with other
      African nations contributing more gold. At its peak
      production in 1970, South Africa supplied almost four-
      fifths of the annual mined gold supply. Gold mining is
      an extremely important strategic industry to the entire
      country and region, and the low gold price has exacted
      a devastating toll on the Africans.

      The love of gold in South Africa runs deep. The country
      is a crucial supplier of gold, and it has born the
      brunt of the anti-gold campaign. There is probably no
      better place in the world to hold a pro-gold, pro-free
      market conference that exposes damning evidence of what
      has really transpired in the global gold markets since
      the mid-1990s.

      The line-up of warriors GATA is presenting is
      extraordinary, a veritable "Who`s Who" of the gold

      Among the speakers are Bill Murphy, Frank Veneroso, Reg
      Howe, and James Turk. These are the all-stars and
      movers and shakers in the fight to liberate the
      gold market.

      It will be an incredible summit. Murphy is a founder
      and chairman of GATA. He has fought long and hard to
      illuminate gold market dynamics and to unshackle the
      gold market so it can trade free of government
      molestation. He has traveled to the U.S. Congress to
      report the dangers of unprecedented growth in gold
      derivatives. He has spoken with gold producers, gold
      investors, and gold consumers all over the world. He is
      also the proprietor of the excellent award-winning
      contrarian website, LeMetropole Cafe,

      With his "four-star general" position in the pro-gold
      forces, Murphy has extensive global contacts and one of
      the best gold intelligence-gathering networks. He is
      one of the most "plugged-in" individuals in the gold
      market. Murphy has been commenting lately to his
      clients on the unnatural tightness in the physical gold
      market. He points out that sky-high gold lease rates in
      recent months indicate that physical gold available for
      lease is becoming harder to come by. He has also been
      monitoring the deteriorating situation in the gold
      derivates market centered around the New York
      Commodities Exchange.

      Physical gold inventories to settle futures contracts
      that demand delivery have plummeted from around 2
      million ounces at the beginning of the year to around
      800,000 today. Although one wouldn`t know it from the
      perpetually anti-gold propaganda spewed out by the
      conventional financial media, it appears there are
      serious structural problems in the global gold trade
      percolating menacingly right below the surface.

      Murphy will no doubt present much more information in
      Durban about the state of the gold markets. It will be
      a real eye-opener for conference attendees who rely on
      the mainstream media, which is hopelessly disseminating
      disinformation on gold. As Murphy also probably has
      many private sources that provide valuable intelligence
      on specific gold market happenings, there is also the
      possibility that he has an ace or two up his sleeve to
      throw down for the African governments and gold

      Frank Veneroso is also speaking in Durban. Veneroso has
      been studying the financial markets for decades and his
      reputation for gold market analysis is unparalleled. He
      has consulted for governments and mega-financial
      entities around the world, and his services are always
      in demand. He has also presented data to Congress on
      the danger inherent in explosive and massive gold
      derivatives growth. He runs a renowned global
      consultancy, Veneroso Associates. As the GATA Gold
      Summit is by invitation only for elite African gold
      players, we are fortunate that Veneroso was kind enough
      to post a preview of his presentation on the Web. It is
      located at and
      is highly recommended.

      Veneroso`s findings in this preview are simply amazing
      and by themselves could rock the gold world to its very

      As everyone from a professor of economics to a child
      setting up a corner lemonade stand knows, prices in
      free markets are determined by supply and demand. If
      supply EXCEEDS demand, prices fall to increase demand
      and lower supply until a market clearing equilibrium
      point is reached, where supply exactly meets demand.
      But if demand EXCEEDS supply, just the opposite happens
      in free markets. Prices rise to retard demand and
      entice additional production online until supply equals
      demand at a new market clearing equilibrium price.

      These simple thoughts are the foundation for free
      markets and economics. Although the immutable laws of
      supply and demand have been briefly bent historically,
      no force has ever been able to repeal these laws on a
      macro scale for a prolonged period of time.

      Veneroso begins his web presentation preview by
      outlining consensus estimates of global gold supply and
      demand, which point to global annual gold demand
      exceeding global annual mined gold supply by 1,500
      tonnes, or 60 percent, each year. He moves on to
      present his own firm`s conservative estimates, which
      put the annual deficit at much more dangerous levels,
      more than 2,200 tonnes, around 90 percent.

      The vast majority of the annual gold shortfall is made
      up by sales and loans of gold from Western central
      banks. If those sales are interrupted for any reason,
      or if the gold market finds out the banks are running
      out of gold to dump, the gold price would roar
      heavenwards immediately as artificial marginal supply
      from central banks shrivels up.

      Veneroso also examines the total gold loan (gold short)
      position, which he and his people believe is 100-200
      percent greater than the 5,000-tonne conventional
      consensus estimate. He goes on to outline reasons why
      the official data on gold provided by certain London-
      based organizations is likely to be incorrect. At the
      GATA African Gold Summit he will outline these reasons
      in detail as well as present the sources and basis of
      the stunning Veneroso Associates analysis of the global
      gold market.

      At the end of his preview slides, Veneroso notes that
      there are approximately only six years of central bank
      gold stocks remaining. This number is amazing as the
      anti-gold forces have led the markets to believe that
      there are decades and decades of gold reserves left
      that central banks will sell into the market.

      Overall, the impression Veneroso`s preview leaves is
      that his researched and documented analysis on the
      economic realities of the gold market is going to be

      The audience at the GATA conference will realize that
      the anti-gold campaign has been weighed in the balances
      of free markets and found wanting. If the gold short
      position is indeed this large and the central banks are
      burning through their gold hordes this fast, the
      implications of Veneroso`s research are staggering.

      A man who needs no introduction in the gold world,
      Reginald H. Howe, will also speak in Durban on May 10.
      Of course Howe is the man who launched the incredible
      legal action against the Bank for International
      Settlements, Alan Greenspan, and other elite anti-gold
      players on December 7, 2000.

      Howe is proprietor of Golden Sextant, an
      internationally renowned website located at, which discusses money, politics,
      economics, and gold. He is a brilliant lawyer who has
      been studying and analyzing the gold market for
      decades. Since he filed his complaint, he has probably
      been more responsible for keeping the anti-gold forces
      awake at night dripping in cold sweat and fear than any
      other individual on the planet. The Howe v. BIS et al.
      case is tremendously important.

      We wrote an earlier essay explaining it entitled "Let
      Slip the Dogs of War." Basically, Howe`s complaint
      contends that the defendants in their operations in the
      gold market have knowingly violated pillars of U.S.
      law, including the Constitution, the Sherman Anti-Trust
      Act, and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Howe also
      contends that some defendants committed common-law

      Howe`s original case, as well as his response to the
      expected motions to dismiss by the defendants, is
      available for free quick and easy download in Adobe PDF
      format at

      Both documents are extraordinary and essential reading
      for understanding the current gold info-war.

      In his recently filed response, Howe carefully laid out
      his arguments and the legal foundations on which his
      claims rest. One of the most spectacular parts of the
      document is the revelation of Howe`s discovery in
      official U.S. Federal Reserve meeting minutes that the
      secretive slush fund of the U.S. Treasury, the Exchange
      Stabilization Fund, is actively intervening in the gold
      market. The ESF, created in 1934 and funded with the
      proceeds of President Franklin D. Roosevelt`s robbery
      of private gold from the American public, is not
      accountable to Congress. The secretary of the treasury
      has direct control over the ESF and he reports
      exclusively to the president.

      The ESF has been used for covert interventions in
      various world markets, usually currency foreign
      exchange, for decades.

      In early 1995 major American money-center banks were
      facing large losses on loans they made to Mexico. The
      Clinton administration decided to bail the banks out,
      effectively backstopping their silly bets. Clinton`s
      market-manipulating crew ran up against a brick wall
      when they tried to talk Congress into using taxpayer
      money to bail out the bankers who had made risky loans
      in Mexico. Congress rightfully refused, realizing that
      capitalism can work only if traders big and small fully
      bear all the risk of their positions themselves.
      Without risk, there is no capitalism.

      Backstopping the trades of big U.S. banks only
      encourages them to act more aggressively in the future
      and introduces a MONUMENTAL moral hazard problem. With
      Congress opposed, Clinton`s cronies explored their
      options to make an end-run around the will of the
      people. They came up with the idea of using the ESF to
      bail out their banker friends, since it was not
      accountable to Congress and operated outside of normal
      oversight authority.

      In the Federal Reserve meeting minutes from January 31,
      1995, there is a discussion exploring the legality of
      this option. Federal Reserve Board Governor Lawrence
      Lindsey is uncomfortable with circumventing
      congressional will by using the ESF. To allay his
      fears, Fed General Counsel J. Virgil Mattingly and told
      him about the broad authority of the ESF statute. As an
      example of this authority, Mattingly mentioned the ESF
      "gold swaps," and apparently everyone in the room
      understood the example, as no one asked questions.

      This is an inflammatory revelation because the U.S.
      Treasury Department has officially DENIED, to everyone
      from U.S. senators to American citizens to the U.S.
      federal court system, that the ESF has been involved in
      gold or gold derivatives since 1978. Every
      communication from the Treasury on the subject
      explicitly and forcefully states that the ESF is NOT
      involved in the gold market.

      But many in the pro-gold community believe that the ESF
      has been used to sell gold into the market to stamp out
      fledgling gold rallies in the last six years.

      The disclosure of gold involvement by the ESF in a 1995
      Federal Reserve meeting is very important and has
      tremendous implications. In his remarks in Durban, Howe
      will likely discuss the new evidence of U.S. government
      involvement in gold price suppression as well as legal
      issues surrounding his landmark complaint against the
      gold shorts. It is sure to be full of startling and
      disturbing revelations for the African gold community.

      James Turk will also be speaking at the GATA African
      Gold Summit. Turk is a renowned financial market expert
      and has consulted for governments and private clients
      around the world. He publishes the famous Freemarket
      Gold & Money Report (, a prestigious
      international financial newsletter, for his clients.
      Turk has lived and worked around the world and has
      studied the gold markets in far corners of the globe
      firsthand. He is also a member of Howe`s Discovery
      Committee to review documentation obtained from the
      Howe v. BIS defendants.

      Turk recently has written some amazing must-read essays
      on gold detailing his original research and also
      spring-boarding off other analysts` findings to arrive
      at startling new conclusions.

      He wrote "The Smoking Gun" on December 11, 2000, an
      outstanding analysis detailing ESF involvement in the
      gold market by analyzing discrepancies in official
      Treasury and Federal Reserve reports on U.S. gold

      In April this year Turk published another essay that
      has far-reaching and enormous implications. In "Behind
      Closed Doors," Turk further analyzes the revelation
      that Howe discovered in the Federal Reserve official
      meeting minutes on ESF involvement in the gold market.
      Turk explains what the development means, but also
      integrates some other analytical work to arrive at a
      stunning conclusion.

      Michael Bolser, another outstanding gold market analyst
      on Howe`s Discovery Committee with Turk, had been
      looking through official U.S. Treasury records on U.S.
      gold inventory levels. Bolser noticed that in September
      2000 one of the primary U.S. physical gold reserve
      storage points, the U.S. Mint in West Point, N.Y., had
      mysteriously switched the status of 1,700 tonnes of
      gold (more than 20 percent of the entire U.S. gold
      reserves) from "Gold Bullion Reserve" to "Custodial
      Gold Bullion." Now, as everyone knows, to be a
      "custodian" over something means that you do not own
      it, but are maintaining it for its true owner. Even
      more ominous, there was no change in the "Gold Bullion
      Reserve" status at all the other U.S. mints. Something
      odd was obviously up.

      Bolser wrote to the Treasury Department to seek
      clarification on the cryptic status change in status of
      1,700 tonnes of gold but received no reply.

      In "Behind Closed Doors," Turk builds on Bolser`s
      research and adds his own explorations of Federal
      Reserve records to conclude that the ESF has covertly
      encumbered more than 20 percent of the country`s gold
      bullion. This is far beyond scandalous, as any changes
      in U.S. gold reserves require congressional approval,
      which has definitely not been granted.

      Turk drilled down even further and makes the case that
      a gold swap of 1,700 tonnes may have been executed with
      the German central bank, the Bundesbank. This would
      enable the ESF to stealthily dump physical gold into
      the crucial European physical gold market directly from
      Germany without transporting the gold physically from
      the United States, which would cause all sorts of alarm
      bells to ring in political, economic, geopolitical, and
      financial circles. Turk makes the case that the
      Bundesbank now owns 1,700 tonnes of formerly U.S. gold
      on U.S. soil and that the Bundesbank`s gold vaults
      themselves are at least half empty and may even be
      completely gutted.

      The fallout from this will be mind-boggling in both
      America and Germany.

      Like Murphy, Turk has an extensive network of
      professional gold contacts around the world and his
      presentation at Durban is sure to be amazing.

      We have not even mentioned all the speakers at the GATA
      African Gold Summit in this brief synopsis. It will be
      an extraordinary event in gold history. This critical
      battle in the gold info-war that will be fought on the
      African front in Durban on May 10 could prove to be a
      turning point in the war. African governments and
      African gold producers will learn what the pro-gold
      forces have uncovered and exactly how the anti-gold
      forces have destroyed the gold-mining industry and the
      economies of the African nations that depend on their
      abundant blessings of natural resource wealth.

      Formerly highly secretive events of the gold world will
      be laid bare for the Africans to see. Unlike the
      average private contrarian gold investor, these African
      countries, mining companies, and labor interests, along
      with the media, ARE in a position to make an immediate
      difference and turn the tides in the raging gold info-

      The African governments present at the conference can
      immediately begin ending the great anti-gold game by
      publicly and forcefully questioning the U.S. and
      British governments about their trading activities in
      the gold market. Tough questions need to be asked. For
      instance, Congress has been very supportive of the
      post-apartheid South African government. What if the
      Clinton administration, contrary to stated U.S. policy
      toward South Africa, secretively bombed the gold
      market, bypassing congressional oversight and wishes?

      The African gold-mining nations have a right to know if
      the elite big-money anti-gold forces have raped them of
      their natural resource wealth by aggressively applying
      artificial supply augmentation to the global gold
      markets to drive gold prices far below the cost of

      The gold mining companies themselves can probably move
      the gold info-war to its endgame in a single trading
      day. All they have to do is jointly announce either a
      moratorium on all new hedging and forward sales and
      close out their hedges, which depress the gold price,
      or else announce a pact to limit production until the
      gold price climbs north of some arbitrary target, say
      US$500 per ounce. If the African gold producers that
      supply over a quarter of the annual supply of mined
      gold decide to force the hands of the anti-gold forces,
      the game will be over and gold will be liberated.

      When the voluminous evidence for official covert gold
      suppression is presented to these companies in Durban,
      they will likely be furious and may decide to act in a
      unified and public way that will rock the gold market.

      Finally, the world media covering the GATA African Gold
      Summit may finally recognize how huge this scandal
      really is. In U.S. terms, if the GATA allegations of
      ESF involvement in the gold market since the mid-1990s
      are correct, we have a scandal rapidly approaching that
      DWARFS Watergate.

      Interestingly, a German film crew is planning to make a
      documentary at the Summit, so chances are that the
      truth about the gold market will begin to see the light
      of day around the world. It is virtually impossible to
      manipulate a market when everyone knows you are doing
      it, as large speculators can throw a monkey wrench in
      the works and blow the operation sky-high at will.

      If the media picks up this ball and runs with it, the
      great gold suppression game is also nearing its
      agonizing last gasps.

      As the pro-gold forces continue the brave struggle to
      liberate gold from the command-and-control anti-free
      market schemes of the anti-gold forces, the GATA
      African Gold Summit is shaping up to be a decisive
      battle in the raging gold info-war.

      schrieb am 06.05.01 19:24:31
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Interestingly, a German film crew is planning to make a
      documentary at the Summit

      Ich habe in diesem Zusammenhang gelesen, dass es sich um
      einen deutschen TV-Sender oder evtl. ein Magazin (Spiegel-
      TV, Focus?) handeln soll.

      Wer weiß hier Genaueres???

      schrieb am 06.05.01 19:50:32
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      2) From GATA Chairman Bill Murphy:

      "The GATA African Gold Summit in Durban on May 10 is
      shaping up very well. Most of the major South African
      gold producers are coming, as are the South African
      Reserve Bank; the National Union of Mineworkers`
      president and staff; COSATU, the South African trades
      union group; the Swaziland mining minister and crew;
      the king of the Zulus, Goodwin Zwelitini, who is a
      direct descendant of the legendary Shaka; a
      representative of the Nigerian government; news
      services such as Reuters, Bloomberg, and Bridge News;
      the Wall Street Journal/Dow Jones; South African
      Television; a German TV crew; and many others."

      Nachtrag zu meinem Posting:

      Ist jemand hier unter den Goldfreunden Mitglied im
      "Le metropole Café" (Reinhard Deutsch?).
      In deren Forum müsste doch rauszukriegen sein um wen es
      sich bei dieser TV-Crew handelt.

      Würde mich echt interessieren.

      schrieb am 06.05.01 21:32:06
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      fuer mich ist die Abwendung vom Gold nur eine voruebergehende und nicht uninteressante Erscheinung.
      Gold findet Erwaehnung bereits in der Genesis der Bibel.
      Dort wird die Oetlichkeit des Paradieses beschrieben,
      es heisst... das Land dort wo das Gold ist.
      Also noch vor der Erwaehnung der Urmutter Eva.
      Etwas was so lange die Menschheit begleitet hat,
      kann nur kurzfristig ausgeschaltet werden,
      wie auch neuerdings bestimmte andere Werte.

      Wer sich mit Gold beschaeftig, dafuer, oder dagegen,
      ist unter diesem besonderen Einfluss den das Gold nunmal
      schrieb am 06.05.01 21:35:58
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Hallo Gloom,

      ich nehme mal an es ist wieder Holbach vom Goldbrief zusammen mit Bandulet.
      Die haben schon mal ein sehr gutes Video von einer Goldkonferenz und GATA
      gemacht. Bandulet weiß das sicher.


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      schrieb am 06.05.01 21:50:48
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()

      auch auf die Gefahr hin platt zu klingen: ein gewisser
      John Maynard Keynes hat mal einen sehr berühmten Satz geprägt ...

      Und ich schätze, die Frage, wie man sein Eigentum über
      die eigenen Wiedergeburten hinweg sichert, ist juristisch auch noch nicht befriedigend gelöst :)

      ( nicht böse gemeint, konnte bloss nicht widerstehen )


      was sind eure Erwartungen bez. der XAU Entwicklung
      im Gefolge der GATA-Konferenz?
      schrieb am 06.05.01 22:53:35
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      an Ken.meyer,
      hm, das mit der Wiedergeburt ist auch so ein Problem,
      kein Wunder das es nicht juristisch bewaeltigt ist.
      Einige behaupten es gibt sie,
      wohl diejenigen die an eine Kontinuitaet des Egos glauben.
      Andere haben beobachtet,
      dass wenn wir sterben, wir eingehen in den Ozean des Lebens,
      so wie sich ein Tropfen im Ozean aufloest.
      Da mag sich wieder eine Welle bilden,
      diese Welle wird sich sicher als Mittelpunkt des Universums fuehlen, mag sich mit allerlei Tingeltangel identifizieren,
      der Kreislauf sieht unendlich aus.

      Die Goldene Aura, das Goldene Auge, mag angeblich diesen
      Kreislauf unterbrechen.
      Gold steht daher fuer die Transformation und Reinheit.
      schrieb am 06.05.01 22:57:17
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      ist auch nicht belehrend gemeint, konnte einfach nicht
      ueberlesen und nicht antworten.
      schrieb am 06.05.01 23:05:37
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      @ombaba:schön auch mal wieder was von dir zu hören - von wo schreibst du ? gruß aus berlin.k.
      schrieb am 07.05.01 21:13:26
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      hallo K.
      bin gerade in Sommacampagna bei Verona
      schrieb am 13.05.01 18:09:37
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      GATA Konferenz am 10. Mai.

      Nichts höre ich, nichts lese ich -

      wer weiss was drüber ??????

      Danke für Aufklärung, Potosi
      schrieb am 13.05.01 20:13:27
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Hier ein paar Infos

      :14p ET Friday, May 11, 2001

      Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

      GATA Chairman Bill Murphy reports that, contrary to a strangely
      negative story distributed today by,the
      GATA African Gold Summit in Durban, South Africa, was "a huge
      success" and could not have gone better.

      South Africa has been deluged with publicity about the
      conference for two days, particularly on television and radio.
      This morning Murphy was interviewed live and at length for
      another show on the South African Broadcasting Co. network.
      Virtually every radio station in the country carried extensive
      reports about the conference as well.

      Murphy says we can expect more coverage from other news
      organizations that attended the conference and are starting
      to show interest in the gold price suppression story.

      "People here are stunned," Murphy said. But he added that
      we should expect more bashing by the anti-gold financial
      establishment, along the lines of the one-sided stories
      published this week in the Financial Times and the London
      Evening Standard, which purported to refute GATA without
      giving us even a chance to be quoted.

      No matter; this is actually great progress. It shows that
      we have left the point where we can be ignored and have
      arrived at the point where power has to acknowledge us
      and try to discredit us.

      National delegations at the Durban conference represented
      South Africa, Ivory Coast, Ghana, and Swaziland.

      Business was represented by AngloGold, Gold Fields, Harmony
      Gold, Durban Roodeport Deep, the South African Chamber of
      Commerce, and the South African Chamber of Mines.

      Labor was represented by national trade union officials and
      officials of the national miners union.

      Murphy said he senses that black, Zulu, and Afrikaner opinion
      in South Africa is with us, English opinion against us. But
      that`s not so surprising.

      Murphy said he was especially impressed with the delegation
      from Ivory Coast, which said it plans to pursue the gold price
      suppression issue upon its return home.

      I`m sure we`ll have more to report about the conference soon.

      I must admit that I`m a little disappointed that news
      organizations have been so slow to grasp the significance of
      GATA`s recent discovery of the reference to "gold swaps" by
      the U.S. Exchange Stabilization Fund in the minutes of the
      January 31, 1995, meeting of the Federal Reserve`s Federal
      Open Market Committee. For two years the Fed and the U.S.
      Treasury have been denying, in writing, any involvement by
      the U.S. government in the gold market. The public record
      now contradicts this. That is, we now have proven the
      surreptitious manipulation of the gold price that has been
      undertaken by the U.S. government, and that is what we`re
      telling the world about.

      I`ll append today`s story about the Durban conference in
      Business Report, the national business newspaper in South
      Africa, and a link to the report at, which
      has asked that we not copy its reports whole but rather
      direct readers to its web site.

      CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
      Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

      * * *

      Gold antitrust guru seeks African countries` support

      By Ingrid Salgado
      Business Report, South Africa
      May 11, 2001

      Durban -- Africa`s gold-producing countries were urged
      yesterday to back plans to get top bullion banks and US
      Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan into the
      witness stand of a US court, to answer claims of gold
      price manipulation.

      The Gold Anti-Trust Association (GATA) made the appeal
      at a seminar attended by South African mining houses,
      trade unionists, the Reserve Bank, and government
      officials from a handful of African countries, including
      Ghana and Ivory Coast.

      GATA alleged that investment houses Citigroup, Goldman
      Sachs, Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan, and Chase Manhattan,
      together with the Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
      and the world`s central banks, were colluding to keep the
      gold price low to stall losses arising from the lending of
      bullion reserves.

      The complex allegations have been labelled a "conspiracy
      theory" by sceptics who follow the standard explanation that
      surplus bullion is feeding the low gold price.

      But Bill Murphy, GATA`s colourful chairman, who has enlisted
      the support of Zulu King Goodwill Zwelithini, yesterday
      implored African nations to take the matter to the Black
      Caucus, the US Congressional lobby that opposed plans to
      sell a portion of gold reserves of the International Monetary
      Fund (IMF) to fund debt relief in developing countries.

      Murphy also called on interested parties to demand answers
      from, among others, Bank of England governor Eddie George,
      Greenspan, the US treasury, the IMF, and the BIS. "We would
      like President (Thabo) Mbeki to ask these questions himself,"
      Murphy said.

      The allegations revolve around the practice by central banks
      to lend gold reserves at low interest rates to bullion banks,
      which in turn sell the gold to earn higher interest.

      The problem arose, said GATA, when it was time for trading
      houses to repay the debt.

      If the gold price was too high, bullion banks would incur
      massive losses. Hence it was in the interests of central banks
      to bail out the bullion banks by colluding to suppress the price.

      GATA claimed that between 10,000 and 16,000 tons of gold
      had been borrowed in this way. "It will take about a decade to
      empty the vaults," said Frank Veneroso, a GATA member and
      international finance consultant. "If our numbers are correct, it
      can`t go on for much longer."

      Representatives of mining houses -- among them AngloGold
      and Gold Fields, which have admitted to funding GATA when
      it was formed two years ago -- attended the seminar but would
      not comment on whether they supported GATA`s claims.

      * * *

      Mining Web story:
      schrieb am 13.05.01 22:46:56
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()

      Herzlichen Dank für die schnelle Reaktion.

      Den Text konnte ich noch nicht lesen, habe aber ja jetzt
      die ganze Nacht Zeit.

      Ich werde mich bemühen, mich mal erkenntlich zu zeigen.

      Schönen Abend noch, Gruß Potosi
      schrieb am 14.05.01 20:15:22
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Es gefällt zwar etlichen hier nicht, wenn es politisch wird, aber hier schreibt Murphy von GATA über die massiven Goldkäufe der VR China und wie sie die USA bei einer Zuspitzung der Taiwan-Frage sehr leicht unter extremen Druck setzen können. Hab ich doch schon irgendwo gelesen ;-)

      By Bill Murphy, Chairman
      Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
      May 13, 2001

      The GATA African Gold Summit was a huge success.
      Before I get into the reasons why, I would like to
      thank James Turk, Frank Veneroso, and Reg Howe,
      who from four to seven days on their own time to
      fly all the way to Durban, South Africa, to bring
      some surprising transparency to the gold market.

      They were all terrific and are an inspiration to

      On top of that, Rhoda Fowler, president of the
      South African public relations firm Media Link, is
      a one-of-a-kind gem, and so is her staff. Not only
      is she the most reliable person I have ever had
      the pleasure of working with, but Rhoda believes
      GATA is correct and wants to help us help her
      country and its people.

      As there is much to still do in Africa, Rhoda will
      continue to work with GATA and remain a vital cog
      in GATA`s Africa war machine -- as it is becoming
      more apparent that that is what we have here. I
      will get into this some other time, but right now
      we are finding that mainstream economic interests
      are sparring with the truth. And in South Africa
      there is an Afrikaner-Zulu-GATA faction that is at
      odds with the British and the big banks.

      I have not slept in two days and am a bit dim and
      getting dimmer, so I will try briefly to give you
      the highlights of what the Durban conference was
      all about.

      On Wednesday morning, May 9, I was interviewed on
      the Tim Modise radio talk show, which is one of
      the most popular in South Africa. Tim is known
      throughout sub-Saharan Africat. He is unique in
      that he is held in the highest regard by both the
      white and black communities. He was a wonderful

      LeMetrople Cafe member Boudewijn Wegerif, who gave
      GATA its name, reported the following from Sweden
      last Thursday to many of his followers:

      "Yesterday the GATA chairperson, Bill Murphy, was
      interviewed at length on the most popular national
      radio program in South Africa, the Tim Modise
      show. This was heard all over the country -- also
      by my son, Marc Wegerif, who is co-founder and
      executive director of a land restitution
      organization, NGO/NKUZI Development Association,
      in the Northern Transvaal. Marc emailed me that
      `there was a lot of support from the callers to
      the radio show. I did not hear anyone trying to
      oppose Murphy`s arguments, but I could not listen
      to the whole show.`"

      Tim Modise announced GATA`s telephone number in
      Durban, and it rang off the hook.

      Because GATA decided to have its own summit and
      went to Durban, we caught the attention of an
      enterprising journalist for Dow Jones Newswires,
      Adam Aljewicz of Johannesburg. Adam was the first
      one to accept an invitation to our summit.

      I did a lengthy phone interview with him on
      Tuesday morning and was not surprised when he told
      me that afternoon that his editors in London were
      balking because of this legal reason and that.

      But Adam would not accept no for an answer. Later,
      he remarked that we made sense and added, "After
      all, look at the covered-up Hamanaka copper

      Well, lo and behold, Adam`s story was distributed
      by Dow Jones and provided the most ink GATA has
      received in the United States and throughout the
      world in over two years. Not only that, other wire
      major services also ran with his story, changing
      it slightly.

      Adam came to GATA`s reception dinner that night at
      the Durban Hilton and I had much fun with his
      story, as gold rallied more than $5 that day, the
      biggest in a dog`s age (a gold dog`s age). I gave
      him the credit.

      Adam was most attentive throughout the summit,
      asking question after question and trying to get
      to know the GATA players, like Reg Howe. Will
      anything else come out of it? I do not know. But
      this is one smart guy. Has a Woodward/Bernstein
      story of a lifetime, and I think he might just
      know it.

      GATA Secretary/Treasurer Chris Powell already has
      told you the biggest names at the summit, so I
      will not repeat that. Initially, we booked the
      room for 40 people and we ended up with around 53,
      more than we had expected.

      The South African Broadcasting Co.`s coverage was
      awesome. Peter George, the renowned Cape Townian,
      who was present and himself was interviewed by
      SABC, asked me how we managed to get such TV
      coverage. Answer: Rhoda Fowler and Media Link and
      a great story.

      In addition to SABC, E-TV was there and did an
      extensive interview with James Turk. E-TV is a
      highly regarded independent TV station and is run
      by Marcel Golding. Marcel is one of the leading
      black entrepreneurs in South Africa and the former
      president of the National Union of Mineworkers. He
      has known Frank Veneroso for 20 years.

      Radio is much more important in South Africa than
      here in the United States, and I did 10
      interviews, covering all the country`s major radio
      stations. GATA was being talked about everywhere.
      Big stuff.

      Frank, Reg, James, and I all did our thing. We
      encouraged questions of any kinds -- especially
      ones critical of what we were saying. There were

      To his credit, the Ghanaian mining ministry
      representative wanted a statement made about
      Ashanti clarified, and it was done. I later found
      out that this man was someone who can make things

      The Ivory Coast delegation -- the mining minister
      and two deputies -- were all over what we had to
      say. They were most impressive and I think they
      appreciated that we had a French interpreter there
      for them. They have already requested transcripts
      in French of the presentations.

      I could go on with many more positives, but time
      will tell what worked well enough to get the
      Africans to take action.

      There is also a good deal happening behind the
      scenes which I cannot go into, but I can say that
      a task force will be assembled in South Africa
      this coming week to investigate what GATA
      presented in Durban. Some of the people in this
      task force will be of the more radical type who
      are not afraid of the mainstream and status quo
      thinking that has petrified some in South Africa.
      They have not been and will not be afraid to take
      on the big banks.

      I learned more in a very special Saturday meeting
      with someone who knows the goings-on in Africa.
      GATA`s issues are very important there because of
      the following:

      * The Chinese are buying more gold in Africa than
      is generally known.

      * The Chinese are offering billions of dollars in
      loans to appropriate Africans at very low interest
      rates -- as low as a half-percent interest.

      * The Chinese are as cocky as this person has ever
      seen them and they are everywhere in Africa.

      * The relationship between Africa and the Bush
      administration is deteriorating. The recent
      meeting of U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell
      with African officials did not go well. My source
      tells me to look out for increasing friction in
      the near future.

      This is a big deal and LeMetropole Cafe members
      have known why for some time now. The Chinese are
      quietly buying up the gold market. They are smart
      cookies and surely know what Frank Veneroso told
      the summit -- and that is that the gold loans are
      10,000 to 16,000 tonnes, not the 5,000 tonnes that
      the gold industry claims is the case. Frank
      explained the six ways he came up with the same
      conclusion -- and I hope to have the transcript
      available for you soon.

      That means that gold is a national security issue
      for the United States. Next time, instead of a
      surveillance plane, the problem might be Taiwan
      and it might arise at a time when our banks are
      tottering. What if China tells the United States,
      "We want Taiwan or we are going to sell our
      billions of dollars of reserves and replace them
      with gold reserves" -- after quietly loading up on
      gold at cheap prices?

      There is much more to come. But for the moment I
      am drained. Got to get some sleep. It was
      important to me to share my exhilaration with you,
      for we are now quietly winning the day.

      The enveloping horn is doing the gold cartel in,
      and the stuffed shirts can`t bear the thought of

      schrieb am 14.05.01 20:31:34
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Taiwan, das ist wirklich ein dickes Problem.

      Was mich ein wenig beruhigt ist, der Murphy denkt an dieser Stelle wie ich, und das ist meist falsch.

      Egal, wie man es wendet, durch militärische oder aber auch wirtschaftliche Auseinandersetzungen gibt es einen Gewinner und einen Verlierer. Dummerweise sind die Rollen immer gleich besetzt, egal wie es gelöst werden wird.

      Da kann golden-bear ja noch seine große Zeit vor sich haben mit seiner Vorliebe für China, oder Ablehnung der USA.

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      GATA Konferenz in Durban - Kampf ums Gold