
    Schwere Verluste für US Truppen in Afghanistan ! Zweifronten Krieg - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 27.03.03 09:16:53 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 27.03.03 09:16:53
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()

      ZABUL (AZZAM): On Monday Mujahideen units shot down a US helicopter en route to Kabul from Kandahar killing seven US soldiers on board including a US Commander. Mujahideen units fired an old Russian surface to air missile at the US helicopter when it was between the cities Safa and Shah Joon.

      In response US F-16 and B-52 bombers rained bombs on the region and adjacent areas such including various regions of Ghazni province and Zabul. The US forces used the bombing as a cover and in the lull transported the dead Americans and debris of the destroyed helicopter back to their base.

      There have been some reports that an official of Voice of America was on board and later Voice of America commented that this incident was the next major loss after the attacks of 9/11.

      However, unsurprisingly and totally in keeping with US policy of deceit and denial which has been the trademark of US activities in Afghanistan, a US military spokesman stated that the incident occurred due to technical failure.

      US Releases 19 Afghans From Guantanamo Bay After One Year of Detention Without Trial

      KABUL (AZZAM): 19 Afghans have been released from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, after it was concluded that they had no link with Al-Qaida or the Taliban. These 19 were captured in Afghanistan with hundreds of others for the sole reason that they were Muslims in Afghanistan, and now finally after one year of detention they are being released to the custody of Kabul police and it is expected that they will soon be reunited with their families.

      The US has shouted and screamed that it demands that Americans captured in Iraq are treated in accordance with the Geneva Convention, however, it is the same US administration which has incarcerated over 600 prisioners inside Guantanamo Bay held in open cages for 23 hours a day, and when they are allowed out, they must walk with shackles on their arms and legs.

      It is this same USA which took official pictures of these Muslim prisoners kneeling towards their wardens, blindfolded, menacled with their arms behind their backs and then released these pictures so that the entire world could see them. No one then made a fuss about the Geneva Convention.

      Even now, over 600 prisioners of war are held in cages without evidence, without trial, without allowing any form of legal representation and without allowing family members to visit. Indeed the USA should realise that in life, what goes around comes around.

      Two Killed and Five Injured in Mujahideen Missile Attack

      MAZAR-E-SHARIF (AZZAM): Mujahideen units on Saturday unleashed 14 missiles at a Coalition forces gathering (which included Defense Minister General Faheem) killing two, and injuring a further five Coalition soldiers. General Faheem and other senior Northern Alliance military commanders survived the Mujahideen attack with General Atta calling the Mujahideen enemies of the state.

      15 US Soldiers Killed in Battle with Badshah Khan Zardan`s Militia

      MEERANSHAH (AZZAM): In a ferocious battle between men loyal to Badshah Khan Zardan and US forces 15 US soldiers have been killed and over 20 sustained life threatening injuries. The incident occurred when US forces attempted to take control of Wazi checkpost, however Badshah Khan Zardan`s militia thought otherwise and began to blindly fire at the US forces. In the fire fight Badshah Khan`s eldest son was killed together with twelve of his men. Badshah Khan`s second son was seriously injured. The checkpost is still occupied by Badshah Khan`s militia.

      Badshah Khan was a supporter of Zahir Shah and had cooperated with the US in the past, however the last year has seen differences arise between the two. Heavy bombing is expected in the area soon.

      Rocket Attacks Kill Four Coalition Soldiers

      SARA-E-NORANG (AZZAM): On Monday a series of rockets were fired at a convoy of Coalition forces killing four Coalition troops and critically injuring a further six Afghan troops loyal to Hamid Karzai. The injured were transported to a government hospital and pools of blood were seen on the road.

      In a seperate incident only one Coalition soldier was injured by a rocket attack on a Coalition military jeep. However, as the rocket did not explode the Coalition soldiers managed to escape unharmed.

      Taliban Mujahideen attacked Coalition troops on Monday killing two and taking a further three as captives. Zawar had been the base of well known Taliban Commander Jalal Uddin Haqqani, but is currently occupied by Coalition forces.

      Coalition forces had placed Afghan militia men on patrol around the base whilst they slept, however the Afghans on their pay roll went to sleep, upon which Taliban Mujahideen pounced killing two and taking a further three as prisoners.

      At the time of going to press, there have been some reports of missile attacks at Khost airport, however at present no further details are available.


      2003-03-27 04:58:02

      Warnung Azzam ist eine kritische Quelle siehe anderen M_B_S Thread Azzam BBC
      schrieb am 27.03.03 09:22:21
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      mensch chefagitator m_b_s ist auch schon wieder munter - dann wird ja gleich auch noch fsch auftauchen.
      schrieb am 27.03.03 09:26:20
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      zanker ist auch schon da :D

      zanker (und was machen die Lemminge der "Achse der Blöden"????

      schrieb am 27.03.03 09:42:57
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      wieso fragst du was die lemminge machen - du bist doch schon da?!?
      schrieb am 27.03.03 09:46:04
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      gehöre ich zu der "Achse der Blöden" :confused:

      war wieder zu hoch für Dich:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


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      schrieb am 27.03.03 09:58:13
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      aber zanker, wer saddams propaganda mehr glaubt als den amis, gehört nun mal zur achse der blöden, wahlweise auch zur 5.kolonne saddams :laugh:
      schrieb am 27.03.03 10:01:32
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Du bist hoffnungslos

      vermutlich gehörst du auch schon zu der "Achse der Superblöden":laugh:
      zanker:cry: (der es mit Dir aufgibt):D
      schrieb am 27.03.03 10:17:08
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      M_B_S = mit beschränkter Sachkenntnis!
      schrieb am 28.03.03 20:16:40
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      500 – 2,700 dead bodies of U.S. soldiers stored in Pakistan

      Bodies of hundreds or maybe thousands of US servicemen killed in Afghanistan are stored at the Shahbaz air force base in Pakistan, Pakistani and Afghan sources reported. Thus, «OnLine» Pakistani news agency, referring to its own sources, writes about five thousand dead soldiers delivered to that base from Bagram and other regions of Afghanistan over the past half a year.

      According to that Pakistani news agency, Washington and London did not wish to tell the world about such great losses in Afghanistan and hid their dead in a special morgue at the Shahbaz air force base located near the city of Jeikobabad.

      Everything that happens at Shahbaz is behind a thick veil of secrecy. According to the agency, the Americans hid about 2,700 of their dead soldiers at one of the military bases in Pakistan. Referring to its own sources, Azzam news agency reported that these bodies are kept frozen. When the invasion of Iraq started, they started shipping the corpses to Iraq. Then, as Azzam claims, they will say that these are the bodies of the soldiers killed in Iraq in the battles against the troops of Saddam Hussein.

      In this regard it must be reminded that the other day the Pentagon made some predictions concerning possible casualties of the US in the battles for Baghdad. The quoted figure is just around 2,700, the number of servicemen killed in Afghanistan, which Azzam news agency reported earlier.

      As far as the Shahbaz base goes, this base was handed over to the US by Pakistani dictator Musharraf in the end of 2001 «for land support of the war operation in Afghanistan» and for using it «for rescue operations».

      When the war in Iraq started, additional Pakistani troops were brought to the base in order to prevent any protests of the local population against the further US presence.

      Department of Strategic Information,
      :eek: :eek:

      Vorsicht Kavkaz - Center ist eine kritische QUELLE

      Aber 500-2700 Tote US GIs verbracht nach Pakistan
      schrieb am 29.03.03 08:57:15
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      MEERANSHAH (AZZAM): Eleven Coalition soldiers were killed and two military vehicles destroyed, On Wednesday, when a patrol came under heavy bombing by their own warplanes in Afghanistan. The incident occurred while troops were on regular guard duty near the Pashghuna checkpost in the Angurgate region of the Paktika province. Around one p.m., the Mujahideen attacked the patrol with rockets. In the ensuing chaos, panic and confusion the soldiers contacted their headquarters and called in air support and reinforcements. Although Coalition B-52s arrived shortly and heavily bombed the region, the attackers had already left the place and the victims of the bombing were the Coalition troops themselves. Sources disclosed that two military vehicles were totally destroyed and eleven soldiers were killed due to friendly fire.

      Five Killed in Assault by Taliban in Badghees Province

      KABUL (AZZAM): In an assault by Taliban units in the north-western Afghan province of Badghees, five Afghan Coalition soldiers were killed. The governor of Badghees, Commander Gul Muhammad Arfee, said that around 150 Taliban fighters attacked their post in Bala Murghab near the Turkmenistan border. A fierce battle took place in which seven people were killed. The governor said that they had arrested eight of the Taliban and added that three government troops were shot dead while 2 others drowned in the river. Two Taliban fighters were also martyred in this assault. Their bodies were said to be still lying in the battlefield.

      Grand Operation by US Troops in Spin Boldak

      CHAMAN (AZZAM): One of the largest joint US-Afghan operations was initiated in Spin Boldak, the district of Adda ghar and other neighbouring regions. Hundreds of US and Afghan troops are said to be participating in the operation. More checkpoints were set up along the Spin Boldak highways. This operation is reportedly in response to persistent guerrilla attacks and ambushes over the past few days.

      US warplanes heavily bombed Maroof and Adda ghar mountainous locations in an attempt to dislodge any Mujahideen in the area. The Americans suspect these mountains to be prime bases and hideouts of Al-Qaida and Taliban forces. However, local reports indicate that it was the innocent civilians in the area who have been killed or injured in the bombing.

      Azzam kritische Quelle

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      Schwere Verluste für US Truppen in Afghanistan ! Zweifronten Krieg