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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 05.10.10 03:17:15
      Beitrag Nr. 19.001 ()
      Sanfi geht mit Angebot für Genzyme in die Offensive -, PARIS - Oct 4, 2010…
      schrieb am 05.10.10 03:18:54
      Beitrag Nr. 19.002 ()
      ‘FT’: Vimpelcom steht kurz vor Milliardengeschäft -, LONDON - Oct 4, 2010…
      schrieb am 05.10.10 03:23:28
      Beitrag Nr. 19.003 ()

      Das “Problem der moralischen Versuchung” -, WASHINGTON - Oct 4, 2010…

      "Washington (dapd). Der Internationale Währungsfonds (IWF) hat die Regierungen zu einem breiteren Ansatz bei der Reform des Finanzsystems aufgefordert. Bislang sei unter dem Stichwort “Basel III” die Aufmerksamkeit vor allem auf Kapitalaufnahme und Liquiditätsstandards gelenkt worden, sagte Jose Vinals, der für Geldpolitik und Finanzmärkte zuständige IWF-Direktor, am Sonntag. Um künftige Finanzkrisen zu vermeiden, sei jedoch eine Reform der Finanzregulierung essenziell. Die vom Basler Ausschuss vorgeschlagenen Schritte beträfen nur eine Untergruppe des Finanzsystems. Viele Strukturen, die zu systemischen Risiken geführt hätten, seien nach wie vor existent.

      Die größte Sorge sei, dass die massive staatliche Hilfe sowohl für große Finanzinstitute als auch für ganze Märkte das Problem der “moralischen Versuchung” noch vertieft habe. Die “moralische Versuchung” für Banken besteht darin, dass große Institute im Notfall auf die Rettung durch den Staat vertrauen und sich deswegen auf riskante Geschäfte einlassen. Zudem müsse die Regulierung über die Banken hinaus auf den ganzen finanziellen Sektor ausgeweitet werden, forderte Vinals. So müssten etwa auch Hedgefonds, Versicherungskonzerne und andere Finanzunternehmen einer Regulierung unterworfen werden.

      dapd "
      schrieb am 05.10.10 03:26:21
      Beitrag Nr. 19.004 ()
      Strompreise gestiegen – Ökoenergieausbau kostet -, BERLIN - Oct 4, 2010…

      "BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – Auch wegen deutlich mehr Solaranlagen sind die
      Strompreise für Haushaltskunden im ersten Halbjahr um 2,1 Prozent gestiegen.
      Nach Angaben des Bundesverbandes der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft (BDEW) zahlt
      ein Drei-Personen-Musterhaushalt mit einem Jahresverbrauch von 3500
      Kilowattstunden derzeit für seine Stromrechnung 69 Euro im Monat.

      Allein die Belastungen aus der Erneuerbare-Energien-Umlage für die
      Stromkunden werden laut BDEW von 5,3 Milliarden Euro im Jahr 2009 auf
      voraussichtlich 8,2 Milliarden Euro in diesem Jahr steigen. Nach
      Branchenschätzungen könnte die auf den Strompreis aufgeschlagene Umlage für die
      Öko-Energien von 2,047 Cent pro Kilowattstunde auf 3,2 bis 3,5 Cent im kommenden
      Jahr steigen. Genaue Zahlen sollen Mitte Oktober vorliegen. Über die Umlage
      zahlen alle Stromverbraucher den Ökoenergie-Ausbau mit. Gibt es mehr Ökostrom,
      steigen auch die zu zahlenden Förderkosten.

      BDEW-Hauptgeschäftsführerin Hildegard Müller betonte mit Blick auf die
      Preissteigerungen: “Staatliche Steuern und Abgaben sind auf ein neues Rekordhoch
      geklettert und haben inzwischen einen Anteil von 41 Prozent am Strompreis eines

      Einerseits setze die gesetzlich garantierte Förderung der erneuerbaren
      Energien den Strompreisen zu. “Andererseits steigen die Kosten, die für den
      Ausbau der Stromnetze erforderlich sind und durch die Netzentgelte auf den
      Strompreis umgelegt werden”, sagte Müller.

      Die staatlichen Steuern und Abgaben für Stromkunden werden sich nach
      BDEW-Schätzungen auf 14,3 Milliarden Mrd. Euro im Jahr 2009 und auf
      voraussichtlich 16,9 Mrd. Euro in diesem Jahr summieren. Seit der
      Liberalisierung des Strommarktes 1998 werde damit die Steuerbelastung für die
      Kunden mehr als das Siebenfache betragen. Die Mehrwertsteuer ist dabei noch
      nicht einmal berücksichtigt.

      Der Geschäftsführer der Agentur für Erneuerbare Energien, Jörg Mayer, warnte
      vor einem Zerreden der Öko-Energie-Vorteile. “Es lässt sich nicht
      wegdiskutieren: Der Umbau unserer Energieversorgung kostet Geld”, sagte Mayer.
      Aber jeder in erneuerbare Energien investierte Euro bringe einen hohen
      volkswirtschaftlichen Nutzen. Derzeit betrage der Anteil am statistischen
      Warenkorb, den jeder Haushalt für den Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien bezahlt,
      lediglich 0,2 Prozent.

      Laut Bundesnetzagentur ging von Januar bis Ende August allein bei der
      Photovoltaik eine Leistung von 4,88 Gigawatt (GW) ans Netz – das ist ein Rekord.
      Wegen des Booms wird die Einspeisevergütung für Dachanlagen zum Jahreswechsel um
      die laut Gesetz maximal möglichen 13 Prozent sinken. Wegen bereits im Laufe des
      Jahres erfolgter Kürzungen liegt die Einspeisevergütung für Dachanlagen 2011
      damit rund 30 Prozent unter dem Wert von 2009. Der Energiekonzern RWE
      prangert die Solarförderung wegen der hohen Förderung bei vergleichsweise
      geringer Stromproduktion als Geldverschwendung an. "
      schrieb am 05.10.10 03:30:30
      Beitrag Nr. 19.005 ()
      WIND: The UK has reached a milestone of 5.1GW of installed wind energy generating capacity, comprising 1.3GW of offshore and 3.7GW of onshore wind - NEF - Sep 23, 2010…

      Trading Spotlight

      Grounded People Apparel
      0,8750EUR +26,81 %
      Extreme Wachstumsstory! Wo man jetzt noch rein will…mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 05.10.10 03:33:31
      Beitrag Nr. 19.006 ()
      EUROPE: Britain will be Europe's fastest improving pupil when it comes to renewables and no longer the "dunce in the corner" :eek::laugh: , energy secretary Chris Huhne has pledged - NEF - Sep 21, 2010…
      schrieb am 05.10.10 03:38:00
      Beitrag Nr. 19.007 ()
      Leyshon Resources - Targeting Coking Coal Exploration Assets in South Western Mongolia - Oct 4, 2010
      schrieb am 05.10.10 03:51:35
      Beitrag Nr. 19.008 ()
      Altona Energy Plc - Commencement of BFS Work Programme - Oct 04, 2010…
      schrieb am 05.10.10 04:00:51
      Beitrag Nr. 19.009 ()
      Allana Potash Corp. Commences 2D and Downhole Seismic Surveys at Ethiopian Potash Project - Oct 04, 2010…
      schrieb am 05.10.10 04:05:30
      Beitrag Nr. 19.010 ()
      The rise &rise of lithium; The rise of green technology is pushing the development of lithium in the Eastern Goldfields - MA - Sep 22, 2010

      - Cole Latimer -…
      schrieb am 05.10.10 04:12:39
      Beitrag Nr. 19.011 ()
      Lydian Drills 186m at 1.1g/t and 85m at 1.2g/t Gold in Exploratory Drilling at Erato, 900m North of the Resource Envelope at Amulsar; Drilling to Test New Gold Trends Proves Successful and Opens Up Potential for Further Gold and Continuity Between Erato and the Current Resource Shell - Oct 04, 2010…
      schrieb am 05.10.10 12:45:51
      Beitrag Nr. 19.012 ()
      Mongolia to Increase Rare-Earth Exports to Japan;Japan, the world's biggest importer of rare earths, plans to buy more of the minerals from Mongolia to reduce dependence on China, according to local newspaper reports - MT - Oct 4, 2010…
      schrieb am 05.10.10 12:47:50
      Beitrag Nr. 19.013 ()
      Trapped Chile Miners Could be Rescued Soon; The 33 Chilean miners trapped underground for the last two months could be rescued in the second half of this month, Chile's Mining Minister Laurence Golborne has announced - MT - Oct 4, 2010…
      schrieb am 05.10.10 12:49:00
      Beitrag Nr. 19.014 ()
      SNC-Lavalin Wins Renard Project Deal; Stornoway Diamond has awarded a contract to SNC-Lavalin for the preparation of a feasibility study of the Renard Diamond project in Quebec, Canada - MT - Oct 4, 2010…
      schrieb am 07.10.10 00:27:46
      Beitrag Nr. 19.015 ()
      Alexco Intersects 10.4 Meters of 44.3 Ounces Per Ton Silver, Expands Onek Zinc-Silver Deposit at Keno Hill - Oct 06, 2010…
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 07.10.10 00:33:47
      Beitrag Nr. 19.016 ()
      Blue Sky Identifies Three New Uranium Targets with Rio Negro Regional Airborne Survey - Oct 4, 2010

      " New uranium targets include:

      + Paso Cordoba: 15 km long by 1 km wide uranium channel airborne anomaly.

      + Evelina: 11 km long by 2 km wide uranium channel airborne anomaly.

      + Norma: 7 km long by 1 km wide uranium channel airborne anomaly. ..."…
      schrieb am 07.10.10 00:37:46
      Beitrag Nr. 19.017 ()
      Innovationskraft nach der Krise: Deutsche Unternehmen setzen auf F&E - DB Research - Oct 4, 2010

      - Die Unternehmen in Deutschland haben auch im Krisenjahr 2009 ihre Investitionen in F&E zumindest konstant gehalten - für 2010 zeichnet sich wieder ein Anstieg der Forschungsausgaben ab. Das ist eine gute Ausgangsbasis, um auch in Zukunft die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu sichern. Eine Erklärung für diese im historischen Vergleich sehr robuste Reaktion liegt darin, dass gerade technologisch fortschrittliche Unternehmen angesichts des hohen Konkurrenzdrucks nicht auf F&E verzichten können. Allerdings haben sowohl Investitionen in innovative Startups als auch die Patentanmeldungen stärker unter der Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise gelitten. Das zeigt, dass die Unternehmen vor allem ihre laufenden Forschungszyklen schützen, aber weniger bereit sind, völlig neue Innovationen zu entwickeln. ...-
      schrieb am 07.10.10 00:42:12
      Beitrag Nr. 19.018 ()
      Nanostart-Beteiligung ItN Nanovation: Zusammenarbeit mit ThyssenKrupp Xervon Energy bei Nanocomp PP - Sep 29, 2010…
      schrieb am 07.10.10 02:01:39
      Beitrag Nr. 19.019 ()
      Swiss and China-Based Companies to Make $3.0 Million Strategic Investment in Champion Minerals; Swiss-Based MRI Advisory Ag to Invest $2.0 Million and Provide Access to Mine Development Expertise and Global Iron Ore Network; Winner Max Investment Co. Ltd., a Hong Kong Incorporated Private Equity Firm to Invest $1.0 Million; Ashwath Mehra, MRI's CEO, Appointed to Champion Board of Directors - Oct 05, 2010…
      schrieb am 07.10.10 02:07:35
      Beitrag Nr. 19.020 ()
      Sherwin Iron - unveils maiden JORC resource estimate; Results support management’s Exploration Target1 for Hodgson Downs of 80-150Mt at 50-60% Fe - Oct 6, 2010


      + Roper River Iron Ore Project on track for first production in 2012 after unveiling a maiden W Deposit JORC resource estimate of 70Mt at 48.2% Fe

      + Resource modelling by SRK Consulting includes a significant Indicated Resource component of 26Mt at over 49% Fe

      + Maiden W Deposit JORC resource estimate based on the majority of drilling at W Deposit - further revisions expected as further W Deposit assays are included in resource modelling

      + Further results from drilling at W Deposit and others deposits within the Hodgson Downs prospects are expected to underpin a series of significant upgrades to the total Hodgson Downs resource during the 4Qtr of 2010

      + Initial metallurgy tests show excellent upgrade potential - achieving 58% Fe through low-cost crushing and gravity separation with refinements and further processing expected to deliver circa 60% Fe and a highly saleable product

      + Metallurgical testing on 40%+ Fe samples demonstrates excellent upgrade potential

      + Scoping study to be released shortly, outlining development costs and rail and port options for start-up production from Hodgson Downs

      + Sherwin Creek / Mount Scott Exploration Target of 300-400Mt to be drill tested in 2011

      + Drilling program involving both RC and diamond drill rigs continues ...
      schrieb am 07.10.10 03:32:03
      Beitrag Nr. 19.021 ()
      Colossus Minerals - Discovers New Mineralized Zone, Extends Other Zones and Drills 52.43 Metres at 18.57 g/t Gold, 8.34 g/t Platinum and 11.33 g/t Palladium - Oct 06, 2010…
      schrieb am 07.10.10 14:19:23
      Beitrag Nr. 19.022 ()
      First Quantum Files Arbitration Case for Congo Mine; First Quantum Minerals has launched an international arbitration case against the Democratic Republic of Congo :eek: for the withdrawal of a licence for its Frontier mine - MT - Oct 5, 2010…
      schrieb am 07.10.10 14:26:18
      Beitrag Nr. 19.023 ()
      MetroCoal - China Coal Joint Venture Underway - Oct 5, 2010
      schrieb am 08.10.10 00:06:39
      Beitrag Nr. 19.024 ()
      Niblack Mineral Development - High Grade Results Continue To Expand And Upgrade Lookout Zone At Niblack - Oct 4, 2010
      schrieb am 08.10.10 00:24:44
      Beitrag Nr. 19.025 ()
      Sino Vanadium Successfully Extends Its Registered Capital Requirement - Oct 05, 2010…
      schrieb am 08.10.10 00:28:49
      Beitrag Nr. 19.026 ()
      Golden Chalice Resources - Announces Drill Plans for Iron Ore Project; Exploration Program Designed to Upgrade Existing Historic Resource Estimates to NI 43-101 Compliant Status - Oct 05, 2010…
      schrieb am 08.10.10 00:40:34
      Beitrag Nr. 19.027 ()
      Xenemetrix Awarded Frost &Sullivan'S "Global Product Line Strategy of the Year Award in the EDXRF Analyzers Market" - Oct 07, 2010…
      schrieb am 08.10.10 00:52:10
      Beitrag Nr. 19.028 ()
      schrieb am 08.10.10 01:06:43
      Beitrag Nr. 19.029 ()
      African Aura Mining - Putu Iron Ore Project Update; Highly Encouraging Met-Test Results for Putu Iron Ore Project - Oct 07, 2010


      + Modelled iron recoveries increased by 19% to 95% :eek:

      + Modelled concentrate grades increased by 9% to 70% :eek:

      + Higher grade concentrate estimated to increase revenues by 8%

      + Significant reductions in processing, mining &CAPEX costs envisaged ...…
      schrieb am 08.10.10 01:13:55
      Beitrag Nr. 19.030 ()
      African Eagle Resources Plc - Dutwa Resource Update - Oct 07, 2010

      Highlights of the updated resource statement:

      + 13% increase to 917kt in contained nickel metal of the JORC inferred resource at Dutwa Project.

      + 6% increase in average Ni grade to 0.93% Ni and 4% increase to 0.96% in nickel equivalent grade after cobalt credits.

      + Resources in each different ore type delineated for the first time.

      + Potential for a further 8-10 million tonnes of ore at Ngasamo.

      Highlights of the ongoing pre-feasibility work:

      + Drilling for the bulk ore sample is ahead of schedule.

      + Whittle optimisation and revision of project economics is now underway.

      + Comprehensive, second-stage metallurgical testwork on the bulk sample expected to commence in December. ...…
      schrieb am 09.10.10 16:36:15
      Beitrag Nr. 19.031 ()
      Golden Minerals Announces Terms of US$75 Million Equity Financing - Oct 07, 2010…
      schrieb am 09.10.10 16:38:41
      Beitrag Nr. 19.032 ()
      MorphoSys gibt Übernahme von Sloning bekannt; Kombination der Technologien verspricht höhere Erfolgsraten bei der Medimentenentwicklung - Oct 7, 2010…
      schrieb am 09.10.10 16:41:21
      Beitrag Nr. 19.033 ()
      AgriMarine Expands Market Reach in the People's Republic of China - Oct 07, 2010…
      schrieb am 09.10.10 16:43:00
      Beitrag Nr. 19.034 ()
      Synodon - Signs Carbon Monetization Advisory Contract, Issues Stock Options - Oct 08, 2010…
      schrieb am 09.10.10 16:44:52
      Beitrag Nr. 19.035 ()
      Chile Trapped Miners Could be Rescued by Weekend; Chilean rescue workers are drilling into the last 100m of rock to reach miners trapped a half-mile underground and may begin pulling them out by the end of the weekend, it has been revealed - MT - Oct 7, 2010…
      schrieb am 09.10.10 16:45:48
      Beitrag Nr. 19.036 ()
      De Beers to Boost Output by 50%; Diamond mining specialist De Beers said it hopes to increase production in South Africa by 50% this year as global demand recovers - MT - Oct 7, 2010…
      schrieb am 09.10.10 16:47:54
      Beitrag Nr. 19.037 ()
      Rio deny JV dropped; Rio Tinto has denied that it has come to a final decision regarding its iron ore merger with BHP Billiton - AM - Oct 6, 2010

      - Cole Latimer -…
      schrieb am 09.10.10 16:48:59
      Beitrag Nr. 19.038 ()
      Canada extends BHP-Potash takeover review following report; The Canadian Government has extended its review of BHP Billiton's $40 billion takeover bid for Potash Corporation by 30 days - MA - Oct 5, 2010…
      schrieb am 09.10.10 16:50:45
      Beitrag Nr. 19.039 ()

      Magnetite miner alliance; A number of magnetite miners have joined together to form a tax alliance - MA - Oct 5, 2010

      - Cole Latimer -…

      "A number of magnetite miners have joined together to form a tax alliance.

      This follows the Government opening the floor to comment from the industry as it draws towards a final conclusive mining tax.

      Magnetite iron ore has repeatedly been singled out for exclusion from the tax to allow for a greater growth of the industry, as opposed to hematite iron ore.

      A meeting was held in Perth between the West Australian Chamber of Minerals and Energy (CME), the Geraldton Iron Ore Alliance and the Magnetite Network regarding a presentation for the mineral’s exclusion.

      The CME said that as magnetite is not a saleable product, due to the amount of processing required, it should be excluded just as other minerals that require significant processing.

      This comes on the back of small to medium explorers and miners proposing a two extension to the mining tax panel’s submission date, stating that the consultation process has been rushed and they have been allowed very little time to fully analyse data.

      The Association of Mining and Exploration Companies (AMEC) said the number of questions raised by the panel’s key issues paper last week showcased the lack of time junior miners had to fully investigate the Mineral Resources Rent Tax’s impact.

      AMEC spokesperson Simon Bennison said he would petition the panel for more time.

      With the deadline set for 28 October, “another couple of weeks would not be unrealistic," he said.

      The first meeting of the mining tax policy group will be held in Perth this Thursday, and is set to be held in every capital city over the coming month. "
      schrieb am 10.10.10 12:01:17
      Beitrag Nr. 19.040 ()
      Sarkozy stuck in Putin’s honey-pot; Once trumpeted as a done deal, the sale of French Mistral-class BPC to Moscow still hangs in the balance, due to Russian demands. Even though Major-General Nikolai Makarov will be leading the Russian delegation to the Euronaval trade show in Paris on October 25, his presence is not enough to assume that France and Russia are close to concluding the deal - IO - Oct 7, 2010…
      schrieb am 10.10.10 12:04:40
      Beitrag Nr. 19.041 ()

      Google Earth, IMINT’s yardstick; Since September 20, Google’s virtual globe has become the principal tool for military satellite imagery visualisation - IO - Oct 7, 2010

      "Since September 20, Google ’s virtual globe has become the principal tool for military satellite imagery visualisation. The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) has signed a one-year renewable contract with Google giving it unlimited access to the professional service Google Earth Enterprise, as well as to all of the layers of information aggregated by Google on its virtual globe, in particular the information added by its users. A year ago the consulting firm Geo212 warned the DGA, France’s military procurement agency, of the importance of data incorporated into Google Earth by users (IOL 595 ).

      The procurement of satellite imagery by U.S. military intelligence is now completely integrated. Google buys most of the imagery used on Google Earth from the satellite operators Digital Globe and Geoeye, and it is both companies’ biggest civilian client. Both groups are also principal suppliers to the NGA. After the NextView contract, they jointly won the new $7.3 billion EnhancedView contract in August. "
      schrieb am 10.10.10 12:06:51
      Beitrag Nr. 19.042 ()
      China and Russia Finally Tie the Knot; New pipeline expected to ship 15M tons of oil per year, and even before oil started flowing, China already requested to double shipments - TER/ET - 10/6/10

      - Michael Economides -
      schrieb am 10.10.10 12:12:06
      Beitrag Nr. 19.043 ()
      Toyota sees China sales overtaking Europe this year - CER - Sep 30, 2010…
      schrieb am 10.10.10 12:14:50
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      schrieb am 10.10.10 12:15:16
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      schrieb am 10.10.10 12:22:27
      Beitrag Nr. 19.046 ()
      Venture Minerals - raises $20m to Fast Track the Development of Mt Lindsay - Oct 7, 2010


      + Strong demand for the raising from new and existing institutional investors in Australia, Europe and North America

      + Placement has been well oversubscribed

      + Proceeds to fully fund both feasibility studies and on-going aggressive exploration at Mt Lindsay

      + Share purchase plan to be offered to all eligible shareholders

      + Success of the capital raising demonstrates strength of support for Venture and Mt Lindsay Project as tin price reaches all time highs of +US$26,000 per tonne ...
      schrieb am 10.10.10 12:23:45
      Beitrag Nr. 19.047 ()
      Microvision Collaborates with Capcom &Intel to Introduce New Gaming Experience, Infinite Reality - Oct 8, 2010…
      schrieb am 11.10.10 02:29:42
      Beitrag Nr. 19.048 ()
      Resource Generation - Coal Offtake &Share Issue - Sep 14, 2010
      schrieb am 11.10.10 16:03:47
      Beitrag Nr. 19.049 ()
      Weltweit erster Mikrofinanz-Fonds in lokaler Währung gestartet - W:O, FRANKFURT/WIEN - Oct 11, 2010…
      schrieb am 11.10.10 16:09:18
      Beitrag Nr. 19.050 ()
      Sunkar Resources - Mandate for Chilisai Phosphate Project Finance Advisory Signed - Oct 11, 2010…
      schrieb am 11.10.10 16:11:07
      Beitrag Nr. 19.051 ()
      Nemaska Exploration Inc.: $5,000,000 Private Placement - Oct 08, 2010…
      schrieb am 11.10.10 16:16:30
      Beitrag Nr. 19.052 ()
      Lysander Closes Unit Financing of $11.5 Million - Oct 08, 2010…
      schrieb am 11.10.10 16:18:20
      Beitrag Nr. 19.053 ()
      Deals This Week: Gammon Gold, Perilya, Village Main And More; Gammon Gold has said it will acquire rival company Capital Gold in a friendly $288m cash and share deal - MT - Oct 8, 2010…

      "Gammon Gold has said it will acquire rival company Capital Gold in a friendly $288m cash and share deal.

      Capital owns the El Chanate gold mine in Sonora Mexico as well as the Orion development project in the Nayarit province.

      Perilya has signed an agreement to acquire GlobeStar Mining Corporation for $182.6m.

      The acquisition will give Perilya immediate access to a low-cost operating project producing copper, gold and silver. The project has a seven-year mine life and there is potential to increase both mine life and the production rate.

      Village Main is set to acquire a 74% stake in Consolidated Murchison antimony and gold mine.

      International Millennium has announced that it has acquired Simon mine by reaching a settlement of its lawsuit in US District Court in Reno, Nevada, against the Estate of Nadean Bedford.

      Alix Resources has signed an agreement with Hidefield Gold and Mines Trust to acquire up to a 70% interest in the Golden Zone gold-silver-copper property, located in the Chulitna mineral belt of the Valdez Creek Mining District in south-central Alaska.

      North Bay Resources has acquired the Ruby gold mine in Sierra County, California.

      Cape Range has entered into an agreement with Willaway Enterprises to acquire up to 75% equity in the Domboshawa Hill Lithium Project in Zimbabwe. "
      schrieb am 11.10.10 16:19:13
      Beitrag Nr. 19.054 ()
      Illegal Mining Waste Causes Hundreds of Child Deaths in Nigeria; Lead poisoning from illegal gold mining in the Nigerian state of Zamfara has killed at least 400 children in the past six months, it has been revealed - MT - Oct 8, 2010…
      schrieb am 11.10.10 16:21:00
      Beitrag Nr. 19.055 ()
      Wen warns EU not to criticize renminbi :eek::eek::eek: - CER/WSJ - Oct 8, 2010…0

      "[b]Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao warned leaders of the European Union not to criticize what many perceive to be China's undervalued currency, the Wall Street Journal reported.[/b]

      His comments come in response to sharp criticism of the renminbi this week from EU leaders such as Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel and EU Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn. "If the yuan is not stable, it will bring disaster to China and the world," Wen said in a speech before EU officials and business leaders, adding that a sharp appreciation would lead to the collapse of China's export industries. While the renminbi has strengthened 2% against the dollar since June, it has fallen by almost 10% against the euro, leading some to suggest that China's currency is hamstringing the EU's economic recovery. "
      schrieb am 12.10.10 01:43:01
      Beitrag Nr. 19.056 ()
      Obtala Resources Plc - Lithium Brine Acquisition, Argentina - Oct 11, 2010


      + Obtala Resources acquires a significant (80%) Lithium Brine project (combined area of 33,917 hectares) in an established production region of Argentina, Latin America, through its subsidiary Renholn Holdings Inc ("Renholn").

      + Historic data provides that the Salar has high lithium concentrations up to 700mg/l in an established production region

      + Obtala Resources intends to build value by developing low cost, high quality brine properties in Argentina, to meet the anticipated growing demand for energy, due to the popularity of electronic automobiles and batteries to the growing industry in the Far East.

      + Two of the world's largest lithium producers are within 30km and 130km respectively of the projects
      schrieb am 12.10.10 02:15:02
      Beitrag Nr. 19.057 ()
      Mehr Abiturienten drängen ins Handwerk -, LEIPZIG - Sep 27, 2010…
      schrieb am 12.10.10 02:19:09
      Beitrag Nr. 19.058 ()
      Bauindustrie befürchtet Ausverkauf -, ESSEN - Oct 11, 2010…

      "Essen (dapd). In der deutschen Bauindustrie wächst angesichts des Übernahmekampfs um Hochtief die Angst vor einem Ausverkauf der Branche. Der Chef des Bauhauptverbands, Michael Knipper, warnte in der “Financial Times Deutschland” (Montagausgabe): “Meine große Sorge ist, dass von einer deutschen Bauindustrie im Weltformat kaum noch etwas übrig bleibt.” Derweil bekräftigte ACS, den Baukonzern nicht zerschlagen zu wollen.

      Knipper zufolge kann der Vorstoß des spanischen ACS-Konzerns zum Vorbild für andere europäische Baufirmen werden. Deutsche Unternehmen seien aufgrund der fehlenden Basis im Stammmarkt und aufgrund der geringen Renditen im Land “anfällig für Übernahmen”, sagte er. Die Zahl der börsennotierten Baukonzerne in Deutschland sei im vergangenen Jahrzehnt von einem halben Dutzend auf zwei gesunken, hieß es in dem Bericht weiter. Neben Hochtief sei nur noch Bilfinger Berger an der Börse notiert. Das Bild der Branche werde von einer Handvoll großer Mittelständler und 75.000 kleineren Unternehmen geprägt.

      Knipper warf Bundeswirtschaftsminister Rainer Brüderle (FDP) vor, die deutschen Baukonzerne im Kampf gegen unfaire Wettbewerbsbedingungen – etwa abgeschottete Märkte in Spanien – allein zu lassen. “In diesem Punkt würde ich mir von Herrn Brüderle mehr Kampfeswillen wünschen”, zitierte das Blatt den Verbandschef.

      Hochtief setzte unterdessen seine Bemühungen zur Erhaltung seiner Unabhängigkeit fort. Am Montag traf sich der Ad-hoc-Ausschuss des Aufsichtsrats, um über das weitere Vorgehen des Baukonzerns zu beraten. Ergebnisse des Treffens wurden allerdings nicht bekanntgegeben.

      Derweil bekräftigte der ACS, Hochtief im Fall einer erfolgreichen Übernahme als Ganzes erhalten zu wollen. “Wir planen keine Verkäufe. Das wäre gegen die strategische Logik”, sagte eine Sprecherin der “Welt” (Dienstagausgabe) laut Vorabbericht. Dieses Versprechen soll der Zeitung zufolge auch im offiziellen Übernahmeangebot festgeschrieben sein, das ACS am Donnerstag bei der deutschen Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht Bafin abgeben will.

      Bisher war befürchtet worden, ACS könne insbesondere die hoch profitable australische Hochtief-Tochter Leighton verkaufen. Die australische 55-Prozent-Beteiligung ist der größte Werttreiber im Hochtief-Konzern. 2009 entfielen alleine rund 80 Prozent des Konzerngewinns auf Leighton.

      Unterdessen hinterließ der Übernahmekampf erste Spuren im Verhältnis zwischen Hochtief und seiner wichtigen australischen Tochter Leighton. Hochtief bestätigte am Montag im Kern einen Bericht der Zeitung “The Australian”, wonach Leighton den Hochtief-Managern im Board künftig bestimmte Informationen nicht mehr zur Verfügung stellen wird.

      Laut dem Bericht der größten Tageszeitung Australiens sind vier hochrangige Hochtief-Manager von der Maßnahme betroffen, die dem Leighton-Board angehören, darunter der Hochtief-Vorstandschef Herbert Lütkestratkötter. Sie alle bekämen künftig keine detaillierten Informationen mehr über laufende und neue Aufträge sowie zu Umsätzen und Gewinnen, berichtete die Zeitung.

      Ein Hochtief-Sprecher betonte allerdings, der Umfang der Einschränkungen sei im Artikel übertrieben dargestellt. Es handele sich um einen “normalen Vorgang”, der die Beziehungen nicht beeinträchtige.

      Hochtief hatte zuletzt versucht, sein Engagement bei Leighton auch im Abwehrkampf zu nutzen. Bei der australischen Börsenaufsicht ASIC beantragte der Essener Baukonzern, dass die Spanier auch für Leighton eine vollständige Übernahmeofferte abgeben müssten. Das würde die Übernahme für die Spanier drastisch verteuern und könnte möglicherweise ihr Vorhaben zum Scheitern bringen, hofft man in Essen. "
      schrieb am 12.10.10 02:25:59
      Beitrag Nr. 19.059 ()
      Versicherer sind offen für neuen Insolvenzschutz -, FRANKFURT - Sep 16, 2010…

      "FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) – Die deutsche Versicherungswirtschaft gibt ihren
      Widerstand gegen ein neues System zum Insolvenzschutz für ihre Kunden auf. Wer
      einen Schaden erleide und dadurch jahrelang auf Zahlungen eines Versicherers
      angewiesen sei, dürfe im Konkursfall nicht leer ausgehen, sagte Jörg von
      Fürstenwerth, der Vorsitzende der Hauptgeschäftsführung des Branchenverbands
      GDV, der “Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung” (Samstag). Einem solchen Schutzsystem
      in der Haftpflicht- oder Gebäudeversicherung, wie ihn die Europäische Kommission
      vorgeschlagen hatte, werde sich die Branche nicht entgegenstellen.

      Umstritten ist unter den Unternehmen allerdings noch, wie stark sie sich
      jeweils an der Finanzierung der Auffanglösung beteiligen werden. Vor allem
      größere finanzstarke Versicherer dringen darauf, die Beiträge an das Risiko
      eines Konkurses zu koppeln. Das System müsse auf Privatkunden beschränkt
      bleiben, sagte von Fürstenwerth. “Kaufleute dagegen sind es gewohnt, Risiken zu
      tragen. Sie müssen nicht geschützt werden.” Zudem müssten die Kunden angemessene
      Selbstbehalte zahlen, sonst verzerre ein Schutzsystem den Markt.

      Die EU-Kommission hatte in einem Weißbuch angeregt, überall in den
      Mitgliedstaaten Auffangsysteme für Lebens- und Schadenversicherungskunden
      einzuführen. Bislang gibt es solche nur in 12 von 30 Ländern. Nach Angaben der
      Behörde sind somit 26 Prozent aller Lebensversicherungen und 56 Prozent der
      Nichtlebensversicherungen ungesichert.

      In der Lebensversicherung hat Deutschland mit dem Auffangschirm Protektor
      schon mehr erfüllt, als die Kommission verlangt. Nur die finanzielle Ausstattung
      des Fonds müsste leicht erhöht werden. Policen werden hierzulande im
      Insolvenzfall weitergeführt, so dass den Kunden sogar Überschussverzinsungen
      gutgeschrieben werden. In anderen Systemen werden betroffene Kunden nur für
      frühere Prämienzahlungen entschädigt./stw "
      schrieb am 13.10.10 02:50:38
      Beitrag Nr. 19.060 ()
      Mawson Resources - Samples Up To 1,415 Grams Per Tonne Gold At Rompas In Finland - Oct 12, 2010…
      schrieb am 13.10.10 02:56:53
      Beitrag Nr. 19.061 ()
      [MDX] Mt Forrest updated JORC hits one billion tonnes fe - Australianinvestor - 12-Oct-2010

      "Mindax Limited today announced that its Mt Forrest Project is a significant iron location in the emerging Yilgarn Iron Province with a 260% increase in Potentially Beneficiable Magnetite (PBM).

      The updated PBM Mineral Resource (JORC Inferred Category), now stands at 1.01 billion tonnes (@ 31.4% Fe) up from maiden 387 million tonnes in March.

      The Updated Direct Shipping Hematite-Goethite (DSO) Mineral Resource aggregates 4.5 million tonnes @ 54.3% Fe, and includes: 2.66Mt @ 54.2% Fe (Indicated Category), and 1.91Mt @ 54.3% Fe (Inferred Category).

      A drill program of 14,500 m is to commence late in October directed to increasing the size and resource status of the PBM material.

      Forward planning for transport corridor s is underway and Mindax joins Yilgarn Iron Producers’ Association Incorporated (YIPA Inc) to press for co-operation in infrastructure construction.
      schrieb am 13.10.10 03:07:39
      Beitrag Nr. 19.062 ()
      Jindal Starts $2.1bn Bolivian Mine; India's Jindal Steel and Power has started work on its $2.1bn iron ore mine and steel project in eastern Bolivia following long delays - MT - Oct 12, 2010…

      "India's Jindal Steel and Power has started work on its $2.1bn iron ore mine and steel project in eastern Bolivia following long delays.

      The company began construction in a ceremony at the El Mutun site near the Brazilian border.

      Mining Ministry official Hector Cordoba said the project will help the country produce steel until 2014.

      The 40-year contract allows Jindal to mine half of the El Mutun site, which is expected to contain some of the world's largest reserves of iron ore :eek: , reports Reuters. "
      schrieb am 13.10.10 03:08:59
      Beitrag Nr. 19.063 ()
      First Quantum to Boost Security at Zambian Mine; First Quantum Minerals will install a security surveillance system to protect sensitive areas at the Kanshansi copper mine, in north-western Zambia - MT - Oct 12, 2010…
      schrieb am 13.10.10 03:15:29
      Beitrag Nr. 19.064 ()
      ‘HB’: HRE will einen Teil der Milliardengarantien zurückgeben -, DÜSSELDORF - Oct 12, 2010…

      "DÜSSELDORF (dpa-AFX) – Die verstaatlichte Hypo Real Estate (HRE) will einem
      Bericht zufolge in den kommenden Tagen einen Teil der Milliardengarantien an den
      Bund zurückgeben. Dabei handele es sich um ein Volumen von 23,5 Milliarden Euro,
      schrieb das “Handelsblatt” (”HB”/Dienstagausgabe) unter Berufung auf
      Finanzkreise. Die Garantien hatten während der Übertragung von Altlasten in eine
      sogenannte Bad Bank als Puffer für möglichen Liquiditätsbedarf gedient. Da die
      Übertragung geklappt habe, würden die Garantien nun nicht mehr benötigt, hieß es
      in Finanzkreisen. Derzeit gewährt der Bund der HRE noch Garantien im Wert von
      rund 142 Milliarden Euro.

      Die HRE hatte Wertpapiere und nicht mehr strategisch relevante
      Geschäftsbereiche im Wert von 173 Milliarden Euro auf eine Bad Bank des Soffin
      übertragen. Damit gingen auch die Garantien an die Abwicklungsanstalt mit dem
      Namen “FMS Wertmanagement” über. Die Altlasten in der Bad Bank sollen in den
      kommenden zehn Jahren abgewickelt werden. "
      schrieb am 13.10.10 03:21:38
      Beitrag Nr. 19.065 ()
      Gold One International - Production &Resource Update; resources increase to 20 million ounces :eek: - Oct 11, 2010
      schrieb am 13.10.10 03:24:04
      Beitrag Nr. 19.066 ()
      “Gefahr eines Handelskrieges” :eek: -, PEKING - Oct 12, 2010…

      "Peking (dapd). Bundeswirtschaftsminister Rainer Brüderle (FDP) sieht die “Gefahr eines Handelskrieges” zwischen China und dem Westen heraufziehen. Er hoffe aber, dass sich in der Gruppe der 20 größten Industrieländer “vernünftige Arrangements” :laugh: durchsetzen würden, sagte er am Dienstag in Peking bei seiner Ankunft zu einem zweitägigen China-Besuch. Es gebe eine “wechselseitige Verantwortung” dafür, dass sich aus den gegenseitigen Vorwürfen der Währungsmanipulation keine Eskalation entwickele und dass sich nicht Protektionismus durchsetze.

      Im Grunde seien die Probleme auf Fragen der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zurückzuführen, sagte Brüderle. Dabei habe sich Deutschland durch Reformen seit Jahren verbessert. “Die Ausländer kaufen freiwillig bei uns”, sagte Brüderle unter Anspielung auf Vorwürfe aus den USA, Deutschland importiere nicht genügend, um die Weltwirtschaft anzukurbeln.

      Weiter sagte Brüderle, er werde sich bei seinem Besuch in Abstimmung mit dem Auswärtigen Amt für den inhaftierten Friedensnobelpreisträger Liu Xiaobo und die Menschenrechte einsetzen. Dieses Thema werde er bei seinem Besuch ansprechen, erklärte er. "
      schrieb am 13.10.10 03:33:27
      Beitrag Nr. 19.067 ()
      TintinaGold Resources - Announces High-Grade Drill Results From its Sheep Creek Cu-Co Property - Oct 12, 2010…
      schrieb am 13.10.10 03:49:36
      Beitrag Nr. 19.068 ()
      Premium Exploration - Increases District-Sized Land Package by 200% upon Additional Review of Airborne Geophysics; Phase-Three Drilling &Scoping Study Update - Oct 12, 2010


      + Added 774 new claims, totalling 1168 claims over the "OSZ"

      + District-sized land package now covers 9,454 hectares (94.5 sq km)

      + Comprised of 5 contiguous projects with the addition of "Project X"

      + 30 km strike length of the "OSZ" is now controlled...…
      schrieb am 13.10.10 04:04:26
      Beitrag Nr. 19.069 ()

      Quickstep Holdings - signs agreement with Vector Composites - Oct 12, 2010

      + Vector Composites signs agreement to use patented Quickstep Process for advanced composites manufacturing.

      + Represents first Quickstep licensing agreement in North America, marking a key milestone in introducing Quickstep’s manufacturing technology into a highly strategic market. ...
      schrieb am 13.10.10 04:06:18
      Beitrag Nr. 19.070 ()
      Bundesagentur erwartet drei Millionen Arbeitslose -, STUTTGART - Oct 12, 2010…
      schrieb am 13.10.10 04:09:15
      Beitrag Nr. 19.071 ()
      Google &andere offenbar an Online-Reisebüro Opodo interessiert -, MADRID - Oct 12, 2010…
      schrieb am 13.10.10 04:56:45
      Beitrag Nr. 19.072 ()
      Google to invest in wind farms :eek: - OR, NEW YORK - 10/12/2010

      "NEW YORK — Google and a group of technology and investment firms have set aside US$1.8 billion to build a network of deepwater transmission lines for future wind farms off the U.S. East Coast.

      The transmission lines, which would run to the coast in an area stretching from Virginia to New Jersey, would be capable of delivering 2,000 megawatts of wind energy that could power about 500,000 homes. The network will tie into PJM's electrical grid, which serves 13 states and Washington D.C.

      The combined offshore project is being headed by Google Inc., investment firm Good Energies, Japanese industrial conglomerate Marubeni and Maryland transmission company Trans-Elect.

      Trans-Elect CEO Robert Mitchell says the first phase will run 240 kilometres in federal waters from New Jersey to Delaware and be complete by early 2016. The entire project could cost up to $5 billion over the next 10 years, Mitchell said.

      The consortium plans to finance the project with cash and debt. Google and Good Energies will each own 37.5 per cent of the project. Marubeni will own 15 per cent. A group led by Trans-Elect will own the remaining 10 per cent, Mitchell said.

      In May, Google made its first direct investment in clean energy, buying a US$38.8-million stake in two North Dakota wind farms.

      ``We believe in investing in projects that make good business sense and further the development of renewable energy,'' Rick Needham, Google's green business operations director, wrote in a blog post Monday. ``We're willing to take calculated risks on early stage ideas and projects that can have dramatic impacts while offering attractive returns.''

      Google has also been trying to rely on renewable energy sources for its data centres, whose demands for power are increasing as the company sets up more computers in its bid to index all of the world's online data. "
      schrieb am 13.10.10 04:58:39
      Beitrag Nr. 19.073 ()
      Nova Scotia Businesses Are Leading Edge in Clean Technology - OR - 10/12/2010
      schrieb am 13.10.10 17:05:34
      Beitrag Nr. 19.074 ()
      EnWave Completes Pilot Plant in Delta, B.C. for Radiant Energy Vacuum ("REV") Dehydration Technology - Oct 13, 2010…
      schrieb am 13.10.10 17:21:59
      Beitrag Nr. 19.075 ()
      Finanzinvestor Lone Star will IKB verkaufen -, DÜSSELDORF - Oct 13, 2010…

      "Düsseldorf (dapd). Der US-Finanzinvestor Lone Star will die deutschen Bank IKB verkaufen. “Wir haben einen Prozess in Gang gesetzt”, sagte Lone Star-Europachef Bruno Scherrer dem “Handelsblatt”. Gemeinsam mit der US-Investmentbank Perella Weinberg werde nach möglichen Käufern gesucht. Ein Eigentümerwechsel bis zum Frühjahr 2011 sei denkbar, hieß es in dem Artikel.

      “Die Bank ist gesäubert und jetzt attraktiv für einen neuen, strategischen Partner”, sagte Scherrer. Der Zeitpunkt für einen Verkauf sei gerade richtig. Jeder, der von der rasanten Erholung der deutschen Wirtschaft und des Mittelstands profitieren wolle, habe hier eine “großartige Möglichkeit”, betonte der Manager.

      Laut “Handelsblatt” schreibt die Düsseldorfer IKB immer noch hohe Verluste. Allein im Auftaktquartal des laufenden Geschäftsjahres sei ein Minus von 135 Millionen Euro angefallen. :laugh::D Ohne staatliche Garantien wäre die Bank dem Blatt zufolge “derzeit nicht lebensfähig”.

      Die IKB war die erste deutsche Bank, die in den Sog der US-Immobilienkrise geraten war. Nur mit einem rund zehn Milliarden Euro schweren Darlehen ihrer damaligen Hauptaktionärin, der staatlichen Förderbank KfW, sowie des Bundes und privater Banken wurde ein Kollaps der IKB verhindert. Ein Jahr später, im August 2008, übernahm Lone Star die ehemals solide Mittelstandsbank – für nur rund 100 Millionen Euro. "
      schrieb am 13.10.10 18:25:45
      Beitrag Nr. 19.076 ()
      HB: Commerzbank drohen neue Milliardenbelastungen -, DÜSSELDORF - Oct 13, 2010…

      "DÜSSELDORF (dpa-AFX) – Der Commerzbank drohen einem Pressebericht
      zufolge neue Milliardenbelastungen. Das Institut lande auf einer Liste der
      internationalen Finanzaufseher, auf der die weltweit systemrelevanten Banken und
      Versicherer verzeichnet sind, berichtet das “Handelsblatt” (Mittwoch) aus
      Finanzkreisen. Bisher waren auf dieser rund 30 Unternehmen umfassenden Liste,
      die das Financial Stability Board führt, aus Deutschland nur der Versicherer
      Allianz und die Deutsche Bank zu finden. Zurzeit wird dem Bericht zufolge über die endgültige Liste verhandelt. Die Commerzbank zähle dann dazu. Nach Informationen der Zeitung haben Bundesbank-Präsident Axel Weber und Bafin-Präsident Jochen Sanio dies deutschen Bankern bei einem Treffen am Rande der Jahrestagung des Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) mitgeteilt.

      Weder die Commerzbank noch die Aufsichtsbehörden wollten den Vorgang gegenüber der Zeitung kommentieren. Wer auf der Liste steht, muss demnach damit rechnen, dass er deutlich mehr als andere Institute unternehmen muss, um sich gegen Krisen zu wappnen. Konkret wird von den besonders systemrelevanten Banken als Schutz vor einem Zusammenbruch ein zusätzlicher Risikopuffer beim harten Eigenkapital von zwei bis drei Prozentpunkten erwartet. Für die Commerzbank bedeute dies, dass sie zwei bis drei Milliarden Euro mehr auf die hohe Kante legen müsste. "
      schrieb am 13.10.10 19:23:34
      Beitrag Nr. 19.077 ()
      Australia on the verge of biggest mining boom since 1850s :eek::eek: - MW, PERTH - Oct 12, 2010

      - Esmarie Swanepoel -…

      "PERTH ( – Australia is about to embark on its biggest mining investment boom since the 1850s Gold Rush, Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer Wayne Swan told investors in the US this week.

      The Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics estimates the current pipeline of resources projects in Australia is nearly A$360-billion. A$110-billion of that is in advanced projects.

      Swan said in a speech delivered at the NYSE that Australia was picking up the pace of its economic reform to make the country an "even more" attractive investment destination.

      “Our economic reform agenda is built on the reality we're a capital-hungry country with a big investment pipeline and a lot to do to ensure we have the capacity to stay ahead of the pack. This is one reason why we're having such a passionate debate about tax reform in Australia right now,” Swan said.

      He noted that the proposed mineral resources rent tax (MRRT), which would impose a 30% tax on the resource profits of coal and iron-ore companies, would ensure that Australians received a “fair share” of the increase in the value of these resources.

      “Following discussions with industry, we have an agreed design with the major mining companies and we are now consulting on its implementation.

      “We plan to use these proceeds to cut the company tax rate for all businesses, invest in critical infrastructure, and build an even bigger pool of retirement savings,” Swan said.

      The Treasurer acknowledged that there were some claims that the MRRT could stifle the mining sector, however, he added that this was not supported by the federal government’s data.

      “Australia has a very strong pipeline of investment about to get under way – with much of it in the mining sector.”

      The latest survey of business investment plans in Australia showed businesses overall were planning to invest A$123-billion this financial year, which is an increase of 24% on the estimate a year earlier.

      Swan further noted that mining investment plans were up almost 50%. In fact, mining companies were planning to invest a staggering five times :eek: more this financial year, than they were six years ago, he added.

      He said that the federal government was cutting the company tax rate, to ensure that Australian businesses were more competitive.

      “That's why we're building national savings through superannuation – Australia's private pension system – with today's pool of retirement savings roughly the same size as our gross domestic product.

      “In our capital-hungry economy, retirement savings make a big contribution to our investment needs. Our economic reform agenda includes super reforms which will add another A$500-billion in superannuation savings by 2035.”

      He further stated that the Julia Gillard-led government was investing in roads, rail and ports, and in a fast, high-capacity broadband network, to build productivity and economic capacity for the coming decades.

      “All these reforms will build a stronger, broader and more competitive economy – making us an even more attractive investment destination,” he added. "
      schrieb am 13.10.10 19:32:56
      Beitrag Nr. 19.078 ()
      Minco Gold Expands Mineraliazation Zones Along Regional Trend at Yejiaba Property - Oct 13, 2010…
      schrieb am 13.10.10 19:54:27
      Beitrag Nr. 19.079 ()
      Teure EU-Pläne -, MÜNCHEN - Oct 13, 2010

      "München (dapd). Ein vorzeitiges Ende des Steinkohlebergbaus in Europa könnte die Bundesrepublik nach einem Bericht der “Süddeutschen Zeitung” teuer zu stehen kommen. Sollte sich die EU-Kommission mit ihrer Forderung nach einem Stopp der Kohlesubventionen bereits im Jahr 2014 durchsetzen, werde das die öffentliche Hand in Deutschland bis zu zwei Milliarden Euro kosten, hieß es der Zeitung zufolge in Berliner Regierungskreisen. Kanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) werde sich deshalb in Brüssel dafür einsetzen, die Beihilfen wie 2007 im Kohle-Kompromiss zwischen der Bundesregierung, den Ländern, dem Zechenbetreiber RAG und der Gewerkschaft IGBCE vereinbart erst 2018 auslaufen zu lassen.

      Den Angaben zufolge würde bei einem Ausstieg bereits im Jahr 2014 der alles entscheidende Eckpfeiler des Kohlekompromisses herausgerissen: Statt den Steinkohlebergbau in Deutschland nach mehr als 150 Jahren sozialverträglich, also ohne weitere Entlassungen, zu beenden, müsste die RAG demnach drei Bergwerke vorzeitig schließen und 6.800 ihrer verbliebenen 25.000 Bergleute betriebsbedingt kündigen. Bei Zulieferern fielen weitere 8.800 Stellen weg. Allein die Kosten der Arbeitslosigkeit würden dadurch um 1,3 Milliarden Euro höher ausfallen als bei einem sozialverträglichen Kohleausstieg im Jahr 2018. Darüber hinaus gingen der öffentlichen Hand 700 Millionen Euro verloren, weil sie nicht von steigenden Kohlepreisen profitieren würde. "
      schrieb am 13.10.10 19:56:26
      Beitrag Nr. 19.080 ()
      SA’s Anooraq Resources to Double Output - MT - 13 October 2010…

      "Anooraq Resources plans to double the output of platinum group metals (PGMs) at a South African mine within the next three years.

      Anooraq Resources CEO Philip Kotze said the company aims to double output to 240,000oz by 2014 from its Bokoni mine, which is currently producing about 120,000oz a year of PGMs.

      The second phase of growth would increase production of PGMs at Bokoni to 650,000oz by 2016, and, if the company develops its Ga-Phasha project, a further 300,000-400,000oz could be added each year.

      The first phase of growth is expected to cost $131.5m.

      Anooraq Resources has 200 million ounces of PGMs resources, which accounts for the third-largest untapped resource in South Africa, reports Business Day. "
      schrieb am 13.10.10 20:16:52
      Beitrag Nr. 19.081 ()
      Starke Handelspartner: Welche europäischen Branchen hängen am Tropf der USA und Chinas? - DB Research - Oct 13, 2010

      - Die Exporte europäischer Industriebranchen in die Länder USA und China sind in den letzten zwölf Jahren stetig gewachsen. Die weltweite Rezession führte jedoch zu einem deutlichen Rückgang dieser Dynamik, der in den jeweiligen Branchen unterschiedlich hoch ausfiel. Es wird mit Blick auf die Zukunft untersucht, welche Exporte welcher Industriebranche in Europa besonders stark von den konjunkturellen Entwicklungen in den USA und in China abhängen. Dabei zeigt sich, dass in Deutschland und Großbritannien der Maschinenbau, die Automobil-, sowie die Eisen- und Stahlindustrie besonders auf das BIP-Wachstum der USA reagieren. Im Vergleich zur europäischen Konkurrenz profitieren Deutschlands Automobil- und Chemiebranche sehr deutlich vom Aufschwung Chinas. Länderübergreifend verläuft das Exportwachstum der Chemie- und Kunststoffindustrie stabil. ...-…
      schrieb am 14.10.10 14:53:10
      Beitrag Nr. 19.082 ()
      [AEE] Substantial additions to target areas in Mauritania - Australianinvestor - 13-Oct-2010

      "Aura Energy Limited completed its first drilling programme earlier in 2010 for uranium mineralisation on its permits on the Reguibat Craton in northern Mauritania.

      The first stage of drilling was a significant step towards verifying the exploration target of 40-60 million pounds of U3O8, at an average grade of 300-450ppm. This target is conceptual in nature (the potential quantity and grade of this target is conceptual in nature, that there has been insufficient exploration to define a Mineral Resource and that it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the determination of a Mineral Resource).

      The eastern parts of the Aura permits have never been surveyed geophysically. Consequently Aura has completed an extensive ground radiometric survey to identify if further uranium targets existed within its permits.

      This work proved successful.

      A new zone some 10 kilometres in length containing radiometric anomalies has been identified in the Ain Sder permit, which is a joint venture area with GCM Resources plc.

      These anomalies may contain additional calcrete-type uranium mineralisation. The anomalies are similar to those identified elsewhere on Aura's permits. Due to the high temperatures over summer, Aura has not yet been able to visit the areas to undertake sampling and confirm the nature of the anomalies.

      They will commence a drilling programme in November 2010 to determine whether the new target areas contain uranium mineralisation. "
      schrieb am 14.10.10 15:22:58
      Beitrag Nr. 19.083 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.972.234 von Popeye82 am 07.01.08 20:38:21
      [VMS] Exploration drilling intersects 95m @0.5% TinEquiv. - Australianinvestor - 14-Oct-2010

      "Australian mineral exploration company, Venture Minerals Limited announces the latest drill results from the Company’s flagship Mt Lindsay Tin/Tungsten Deposit in North-West Tasmania. Drilling targeting the Stanley River South Prospect intersected a massive zone of tin mineralization which returned assays of 95m @ 0.5% tin equivalent.

      Results suggest several lodes of tin/tungsten mineralization occur over a strike of 1.5km. The results from LV35 confirm that the lode can extend to over 60m in true width.

      The drill program at Stanley River South and Reward will continue over the coming weeks. Although excellent metallurgical results continue to be achieved for both tin and tungsten at the Mt Lindsay Deposits, the Company is yet to complete comprehensive metallurgical testwork at both the Reward and Stanley River prospects.

      The continued success in targeting both the Reward and now Stanley River South prospects, clearly demonstrates the long term potential of the Mt Lindsay Project. In particular the discovery of massive tin mineralization outside the already substantial resource base at the Main and No 2 Skarns, suggests there is an excellent chance of further discoveries within the multitude of skarn targets at Mt Lindsay.

      In addition to the exploration drilling, Venture continues to focus on the completion of resource upgrade and prefeasibility study, both of which are on schedule for this quarter. "
      schrieb am 14.10.10 15:25:44
      Beitrag Nr. 19.084 ()
      Deutsche Firmen in China wollen mehr investieren -, SCHANGHAI - Oct 13, 2010…

      "Schanghai (dapd). Die deutschen Unternehmen in China sehen optimistisch in die Zukunft. Seit dem chinesischen Konjunkturprogramm habe sich die Lage deutlich verbessert, sagte der Präsident der deutschen Handelskammer, Arved von zur Mühlen, am Mittwoch in Schanghai. 40 Prozent der deutschen Firmen wollten zusätzlich investieren, 60 Prozent erwarteten höhere Gewinne.

      Sorgen bereite der Schutz des geistigen Eigentums, sagte von zur Mühlen weiter. Es werde auch schwieriger, Fachpersonal in China zu finden. Hier setzten die deutschen Unternehmen auf eigene Anstrengungen und auf das duale System. Die Rechtsprechung sei an der Ostküste gut entwickelt, nicht jedoch im Hinterland. Außerdem entwickele sich ein zunehmender Protektionismus in China. Der Kuchen werde größer, aber die Tür zum Esszimmer schließe sich immer mehr, fügte er hinzu. "
      schrieb am 14.10.10 15:27:52
      Beitrag Nr. 19.085 ()
      Präsentation: Prognoseverfahren zur Vorhersage von Branchenentwicklungen - DB Research - Oct 11, 2010…
      schrieb am 14.10.10 15:33:00
      Beitrag Nr. 19.086 ()
      Galaxy Resources - Commences Production at Mt Cattlin - Oct 5, 2010
      schrieb am 16.10.10 00:38:51
      Beitrag Nr. 19.087 ()
      Wavefront Technology Solutions - Eastern Alberta Client Expands Powerwave Program - Oct 13, 2010…
      schrieb am 16.10.10 00:54:05
      Beitrag Nr. 19.088 ()
      Gillard warns of reliance on China; Prime Minister Julia Gillard has spoken out of the potential dangers of Australia's mining industry over relying on Chinese demand :eek: - MA - Oct 13, 2010

      - Cole Latimer -…

      "Prime Minister Julia Gillard has spoken out of the potential dangers of Australia’s mining industry over relying on Chinese demand.

      She instead outlined a series of measures to grow the base of the resource exports.

      Gillard explained that if the industry became too dependent on a single sector, in this instance China, it “takes too big a risk.

      “Even while the demand for commodities remains strong, it risks a patch works economy,” she said.

      In particular, Gillard singled out Queensland for potentially creating “an economy where some of the country booms while other parts go backwards.”

      She called for a broadening of Australia’s capabilities into more secondary industries, saying “if the demand for raw materials fell away, Australia would only remain strong if economic growth was broad based -- encompassing services, manufacturing and agriculture.”

      These statements to the Queensland Media Club come on the back of ongoing open discussions with the mining industry, which began earlier this month, as the Government works towards a more encompassing Mineral Resources Rent Tax (MRRT).

      This week has also seen Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan having to defend the mining tax at the New York Stock Exchange.

      Swan outlined the tax as aiding in “picking up the pace of reform -- to make Australia an even more attractive investment destination."

      However, the mining industry has viewed the 30% tax on profits from coal and iron ore as less of an investment incentive, believing that is will drive investment away from Australia. "
      schrieb am 16.10.10 01:05:53
      Beitrag Nr. 19.089 ()
      Fission Assays Continue to Confirm High Grade Uranium Mineralization at J-Zone; Western Vertical Step-Out Hole WAT10-103 Intersects 15.5m of 5.55% U308, Including 2.5m Grading 32.39% U308 - Oct 13, 2010…
      schrieb am 16.10.10 01:19:52
      Beitrag Nr. 19.090 ()
      Avanti Mining - Enters into Tolling Agreement with Molymet - Oct 12, 2010…
      schrieb am 16.10.10 01:30:28
      Beitrag Nr. 19.091 ()
      Kivalliq Receives Additional High Grade Uranium Assay Results from Lac Cinquante - Oct 13, 2010…
      schrieb am 16.10.10 01:34:38
      Beitrag Nr. 19.092 ()
      NREL Growth Forum Features 34 Clean Energy Companies - NREL - Oct10
      schrieb am 16.10.10 01:41:36
      Beitrag Nr. 19.093 ()
      Vulcan Minerals provides update on operations - OR - 10/13/2010
      schrieb am 16.10.10 01:46:19
      Beitrag Nr. 19.094 ()
      Lysander Minerals Ramps Up Construction at Ukraine Coal Mine Following Completion of $11.5 Million Financing - Oct 13, 2010…
      schrieb am 16.10.10 01:51:06
      Beitrag Nr. 19.095 ()
      Mindoro Resources - Announces Prospectus Offering in Australia and Concurrent Private Placement to Raise Up to A$10Million - Oct 15, 2010…
      schrieb am 16.10.10 03:30:15
      Beitrag Nr. 19.096 ()
      Tournigan Energy - Drilling adds High-Grade Uranium Mineralization at Kuriskova - Oct 14, 2010…
      schrieb am 16.10.10 16:20:45
      Beitrag Nr. 19.097 ()
      Mawson Announces Strategic Private Placement With The Sentient Group - Oct 15, 2010…
      schrieb am 17.10.10 01:32:34
      Beitrag Nr. 19.098 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.278.580 von Popeye82 am 07.10.10 00:27:46
      Kailis Organic Olive Groves acquires Great Southern Olive assets - Australianinvestor - 15-Oct-2010

      "Western Australian-based Kailis Organic Olive Groves has achieved its goal of becoming the world’s largest vertically integrated organic olive oil producer.

      Kailis Organic Olive Groves has successfully concluded the acquisition of the Great Southern Olive Assets, which includes 1,795 hectares of planted and irrigated olive groves, water licenses, associated infrastructures and equipment. The properties are located to the north, south and east of Perth.

      Veritas Securities acted as corporate advisor to the transaction and sole lead manager to the raising.

      Kailis Organic Managing Director Mark Kailis said that this purchase represents an exciting opportunity for the company and is the realisation of a long-term vision for the Kailis family and strategic investors. "
      schrieb am 17.10.10 01:48:49
      Beitrag Nr. 19.099 ()
      Iron Ore Holdings - Total Resources now over Half a Billion Tonnes - Oct 15, 2010


      + The current total IOH JORC Resource inventory stands at 593.3Mt.

      + Resource increased by more than 800% in Bungaroo South Eastern Area from 14.8Mt to 144.4Mt.

      + Total Bungaroo South resource has increased by 116% to 241.6Mt @ 57.2% Fe. This includes 193.2Mt of high grade resource at 58.1% Fe.

      + Thick high grade intersections including:

      - 82m @ 58.94%Fe (Hole BH136)
      - 92m @ 58.25%Fe (Hole BH149)
      - 60m @ 58.58%Fe (Hole BH156)
      - 70m @ 60.01% Fe (Hole BH176)
      - 76m @ 58.96% Fe (Hole BH177)
      - 68m @ 58.87% Fe (Hole BH178)

      + Diamond drilling continues on site at Eastern Area.

      + Drill testing of additional targets using HeliRig was completed at Mesa J Southwest and is continuing at Snake Valley.

      + Bungaroo South is located 35kms from the Robe River Mesa J Mine and 50km from the proposed rail to Port Anketell. ...
      schrieb am 17.10.10 02:05:37
      Beitrag Nr. 19.100 ()

      Royal Resources - terminates MOU with Sin-Tang - Oct 14, 2010

      Key Points:

      + Royal has terminated the Memorandum of Understanding with Sin-Tang

      + Royal now controls 100% of the Razorback Iron Project

      + Drilling to re-commence at the Razorback Ridge and Iron Peak prospects in November to define an Indicated Resource and increase the total resource to a targeted 500 to 600Mt1

      + Preliminary metallurgical testing has confirmed that Razorback Ridge magnetite ore is soft &will be low cost to crush 6grind for upgrading

      + Drilling of high priority magnetite targets to commence on the Pualco Project ...
      schrieb am 17.10.10 02:09:58
      Beitrag Nr. 19.101 ()
      Clean Global Energy - JORC Resource - Sep 30, 2010
      schrieb am 17.10.10 02:17:28
      Beitrag Nr. 19.102 ()
      [MGK] MOU signed to fund exploration on MIL’s Titan Metal’s portfolio - Australianinvestor - 15-Oct-2010

      "MIL Resources Ltd has entered into a Memorandum Of Understanding (“MOU”) with Sinotech Minerals Exploration Co. Ltd (“Sinotech”) of Beijing for Sinotech (or its subsidiary) to become a 30% shareholder in MIL at a fixed price of A$0.034 per share, raising A$5 million gross, with an attached 1 for 2 option, and for Sinotech to fund exploration on MIL’s Titan Metal’s portfolio of copper/gold/nickel/molybdenum exploration projects in Papua New Guinea.

      Sinotech may earn up to 50% in any or all of Titan Metal’s projects through funding exploration expenditure. Sinotech may then earn up to 70% of the project by fully sole funding a feasibility study.

      The MOU is non binding and is subject to Sinotech completing due diligence by 30 December 2010, MIL shareholder approval and Australian regulatory approvals.

      Sinotech is a leading Chinese exploration company focusing on mineral exploration, mine development and geological services. Sinotech has achieved great success in its overseas exploration and investment including with its investment in a Canadian public company, Canaco Resources Inc., who have discovered a new gold belt in Tanzania. "
      schrieb am 17.10.10 02:21:51
      Beitrag Nr. 19.103 ()
      [STI] Site License issued - Australianinvestor - 15-Oct-2010

      "Stirling Products Limited advised that Stirling Pharma Inc, the Company’s wholly owned Canadian subsidiary, has been issued a Site License issued by Health Canada’s Minister of Health under the authority of the Natural Health Products Regulations for the manufacturing, packaging and labelling of natural health products at its manufacturing facility located in North Sydney, Nova Scotia.

      The issuance of this license permits the Company’s Cape Breton, Nova Scotia facility to manufacture supplements and natural health products.

      The Company further advises that Health Canada has advised that an inspection for the issue of an Establishment License has been scheduled over a number of days commencing 29 November 2010. Following this inspection a full Establishment License is expected to issue that will then allow Stirling Pharma to manufacture pharmaceutical drugs.

      The Company’s 46,000 sq. ft. Cape Breton high-tech GMP pharmaceutical plant includes laboratories for formulation development and includes specialist sections having various capabilities such as high shear mixing, container blending and equipment for the manufacture of modified drug release product. The facility provides formulation development and testing services, as well as provision for the manufacture and packaging of products in solid and liquid dosage forms. With current fit-out and configuration the plant has an annual capacity to manufacture and package over 550 million tablets, 5 million bottles and blend up to 1.5 million kg of product.
      schrieb am 17.10.10 02:33:03
      Beitrag Nr. 19.104 ()
      Eden Energy - signs Collaboration Agreement with ARAI - Sep 17, 2010
      schrieb am 17.10.10 23:36:15
      Beitrag Nr. 19.105 ()
      Mountain Boy Minerals Ltd.: Drilling Intersects 55m Grading 8.42 g/t Gold Including 7m Grading 32.89 g/t at Silver Coin - Oct 14, 2010…
      schrieb am 17.10.10 23:41:30
      Beitrag Nr. 19.106 ()
      Aquila &HudBay Announce Resource Increase of Over 100% at Back Forty With One Million Ounces of Contained Gold - Oct 15, 2010


      + Updated mineral resource, including approximately one million ounces of contained gold

      + Significant drill hole intersections down-plunge of the known resource, including 6.02 meters of 8.14 g/t gold, 312.2 g/t silver &7.99% zinc, &6.23 meters of 6.39 g/t gold, 94.17 g/t silver

      + Formed exploration alliance with Aquila Resources to seek out new deposits in the region ...…
      schrieb am 17.10.10 23:46:38
      Beitrag Nr. 19.107 ()
      Zinccorp Resources - Completes ´10 Exploration Program @Michelle Project; - New prospecting discovery with 3727 g/t Silver (108 oz/ton) &81% :eek: Lead; 16 Mineralized Targets in 7 km by 17 km Zone; Only 4 Of 16 Zones Drill Tested to date - Sep 28, 2010…
      schrieb am 18.10.10 00:21:32
      Beitrag Nr. 19.108 ()
      NREL Releases BioEnergy Atlas - a Comprehensive Biomass Mapping Application - NREL - Sep 28, 2010

      "BioEnergy Atlas, a Web portal that provides access to two bioenergy analysis and mapping tools, was released today by the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). The visualization screening tools, BioPower and BioFuels Atlas, allow users to layer related bioenergy data onto a single map to gather information on biomass feedstocks, biopower and biofuels potential, production and distribution. BioEnergy Atlas is an improvement over current tools in that it enables more timely and accurate analysis of the potential of given sites to be successful biomass producers.

      BioEnergy Atlas users will include government and state agencies, universities, the petroleum and pipeline industries, research institutions, vehicle manufacturers, investment firms, GIS companies, private citizens, and media. Technology providers and biofuels project developers can easily view areas with the highest concentration of available feedstocks and target those areas for project development. The tool also highlights geographical areas where more infrastructure is needed, which helps federal and state policymakers identify areas for focus. The tool combines the geographic visualization of regional resources and energy usage with high-level yield calculations to provide first-level screening of project feasibility and state bioenergy potential.

      The BioEnergy Atlas is accessible at

      Users of the tools can select and apply a multitude of geographic data layers including a variety of biomass feedstocks, existing biofuels, biopower and traditional power plants, alternative and traditional fueling stations and energy use statistics. The BioPower updated functionalities include query, analysis and state view. The query function allows users to access data behind the map and to select and download data from a selected region or single point on the map. The analysis function offers common conversion factors that allow users to determine the potential biopower or biofuels production for selected feedstocks in a specific area. The state view function provides biofuels data from a single state including summaries of state energy use and fueling infrastructure and resources. The state view function is available in the BioFuels Atlas today, and a similar function, specific to biopower data, will be available in the BioPower tool later this year.

      NREL developed the BioEnergy Atlas with funding from the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Blue Skyways Collaborative and DOE’s Biomass Program. The tools are built on the NREL OpenCarto platform, a collaborative mapping and analysis architecture that hosts applications on hydrogen, transportation, concentrated solar power, and now biomass fuels and power. Data are provided by DOE, EPA, and the U.S.D.A.

      NREL is DOE’s primary national laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development. NREL is operated for DOE by The Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC.


      Visit NREL online at "
      schrieb am 18.10.10 00:30:25
      Beitrag Nr. 19.109 ()
      CNNC in talks to build 1 GW reactor in Pakistan - CER/WSJ - Sep 14, 2010…

      "China National Nuclear Corp. (CNNC) said it is in negotiations with Pakistan to build a 1 gigawatt nuclear plant in the country, the Wall Street Journal reported.

      CNNC has already been involved in the construction of two smaller 300-megawatt reactors. It also has contracts to build a further two 300 MW reactors. US and Indian officials criticized the signing of those contracts earlier this year over proliferation concerns. Pakistan is not signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and US officials said China needed to receive a special exemption from the Nuclear Suppliers Group, a body established to regulate the nuclear trade of which China is a member. CNNC did not provide details about the 1 GW reactor, including whether it would be based on indigenous or imported design. "
      schrieb am 18.10.10 00:32:43
      Beitrag Nr. 19.110 ()
      Property tax could come as early as January 1: report - CER/Reuters - September 21, 2010…

      "China may introduce a property tax as early as the beginning of 2011, Reuters reported, citing a state media report quoting unidentified sources close to China's economic planners.

      "There are several proposals, but it's still unclear which one will be taken. But there is a high possibility that it'll be implemented on January 1 next year," one source said. A first draft of a property tax proposal was said to have been rejected by the National Development and Reform Commission. Shenzhen and Chongqing, which have also seen rapid price growth, are also considering a trial property tax. Property price growth slowed to 9.3% in August from 10.3% in July, but Beijing is said to be seeking lower prices, not slower growth.
      schrieb am 18.10.10 00:39:42
      Beitrag Nr. 19.111 ()
      Seven arrested in latest melamine-tainted milk case - CER/AP - Sep 21, 2010…

      "Authorities in Shanxi province have arrested seven people in the latest case of milk powder contamination, AP reported.

      The general manager of Jinfulai Dairy in Yangquan, Shanxi and six others were arrested after it was found that Jinfulai traded fresh milk for expired milk with high levels of the industrial chemical melamine. The company processed the expired milk into 26 metric tons of milk powder, which it then sold in several provinces under the "Sanlai" brand name. More than 300,000 children were sickened and six died in 2008 after consuming milk formula tainted with melamine. "
      schrieb am 18.10.10 00:42:59
      Beitrag Nr. 19.112 ()
      China revokes Japanese students' Expo invitation - CER/FT - Sep 21, 2010…

      "China cancelled its invitation for 1,000 Japanese students to visit the Shanghai World Expo, the Financial Times reported, as a Japanese government spokesman warned against the dangers of extreme nationalism.

      Premier Wen Jiabao had invited the students to visit Shanghai Tuesday, but the All China Youth Federation said it revoked the invitation due to the "inappropriate" :eek::laugh::laugh: atmosphere. Ties between Tokyo and Beijing have been strained by the detention of a Chinese fishing boat captain by Japanese authorities following a confrontation with the Japanese coast guard off the disputed Diaoyu/Senkaku islands. A spokesman for Japan's foreign ministry called the cancellation of the invitation "very inappropriate." :laugh: Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshito Sengoku said, "What is more important than anything is that government officials in charge should be careful not to arouse narrow-minded, extreme nationalism in Japan, China and other countries." "
      schrieb am 18.10.10 00:47:00
      Beitrag Nr. 19.113 ()
      High Growth Markets; Oct ´10 - Schwerpunkt: Brasilien &Lateinamerika - KPMG - Oct 4, 2010

      - Brasilien gehört zu den wenigen internationalen Wachstumsmärkten, die die Wirtschaftskrise ohne signifikante Einschnitte bewältigt haben. Aufgrund seiner ungebrochenen Wachstumsdynamik bietet das Land aktuell große Investitionschancen. Grund genug, sich die Perspektiven der brasilianischen Wirtschaft in der neuen Ausgabe des KPMG-Magazins „High Growth Markets“ (PDF, 5.5 MB) genauer anzuschauen.

      Mit einem Wirtschaftswachstum von sieben Prozent für 2010, Millionen neuer Konsumenten einer wachsenden Mittelschicht sowie Öl- und Rohstofffunden, die die Selbstständigkeit einer ganzen Region beflügeln, entfaltet Brasilien in der Reihe der vier BRIC-Staaten für ausländische Investoren eine hohe Anziehungskraft.

      Die aktuelle Ausgabe des „High Growth Markets“ Magazins liefert Einschätzungen von Unternehmensführern und Wissenschaftlern zur wirtschaftlichen Zukunft des Landes und wirft einen Blick auf die Perspektiven der Outsourcing-Industrie in Lateinamerika.

      Weitere Themen: Die dynamische Entwicklung der Energiewirtschaft in den asiatischen Märkten, die Perspektive von Private Equity in Indien und die Anstrengungen der Golfstaaten zur Diversifizierung ihrer öl-basierten Industrie. Lesen Sie außerdem ein Interview mit Jim O’Neill, Chef-Volkswirt von Goldman Sachs und Erfinder des Akronyms „BRIC“, zur wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung dieser Länder in 2011. ...-
      schrieb am 18.10.10 00:51:25
      Beitrag Nr. 19.114 ()

      Rio Tinto Could Lose Guinea Mining Licence; Rio Tinto may lose its mining licence for the Simandou iron ore project in Guinea if it fails to hand-over documentation for the project, according to Mines and Geology Minister Mahmoud Thiam - MT - Sep 29, 2010…
      schrieb am 18.10.10 00:54:34
      Beitrag Nr. 19.115 ()
      India Ready for Coal Import Boom, says Adani; India's Adani said the country will have the required infrastructure to handle a surge in coal imports due to rising domestic coal demand from power, steel &cement industries - MT - Sep 29, 2010…
      schrieb am 18.10.10 15:55:46
      Beitrag Nr. 19.116 ()
      Cape Lambert Resources - Increases Sierra Leone Landholding - Oct 18, 2010

      Key Points:

      + Sierra Leone iron ore landholding increased 300% to 1,222km2.

      + Three (3) reconnaissance licences covering 917km2 prospective for large hematite deposits have recently been granted to Cape Lambert.

      + The granted reconnaissance licences occur along strike of Cape Lambert’s 100% owned Marampa iron ore project(“Marampa Project”).

      + In addition five (5) more applications for reconnaissance licences covering the 120km long belt between Marampa and Kukuna have been lodged with the Ministry of Mineral

      + The existing (305km2) and newly granted licences (917km2), and the applications (1,942km2) secure a dominant landholding (total 3,164km2) in an under-explored region with potential for the discovery of new hematite deposits located less than 70km from the Marampa railway and Pepel port infrastructure.

      + Independent, international mining consultants, Golder Associates currently preparing a maiden JORC resource for the Marampa Project representing two (2) of seven (7) defined
      prospects, being approximately 25% of the known strike.
      schrieb am 18.10.10 16:14:00
      Beitrag Nr. 19.117 ()
      Elemental Minerals - Announces High Grade Potash Intersections - Oct 14, 2010


      + Elemental Minerals announces high grade Potash intersections from first drill hole.

      + First assay results confirm historically reported mineralisation for Elemental’s Sintoukola potash project in the Republic of Congo.

      + Shallow sylvinite zone intersections of:

      - 4.17m at 24.37% K2O from 273.98m and
      - 3.83m at 20.91% K2O from 281.52m.

      + Vibroseismic survey contractor mobilising. ...
      schrieb am 18.10.10 16:18:34
      Beitrag Nr. 19.118 ()
      Salazar Resources - Intersects 14.4 Meters High Grade Copper-Zinc Zone Averaging 6 g/t Gold - Oct 18, 2010…
      schrieb am 18.10.10 16:21:07
      Beitrag Nr. 19.119 ()
      Horizonte Minerals PLC - Commencement of Drilling at Araguaia - Oct 18, 2010


      + 8,000m drill contract signed with Geosonda Sondagens Geologicas LTDA

      + Three new Sonda Drill SD-4 diamond drill rigs on site with an additional drill rig due to arrive by the end of October 2010

      + Drill programme designed to deliver a maiden Inferred Resource in H1 2011

      + Evaluation underway to define further high grade nickel targets ...…
      schrieb am 18.10.10 16:25:35
      Beitrag Nr. 19.120 ()
      [IFE] Robust project indicated - Australianinvestor - 18-Oct-2010

      "IronClad Mining Limited and Trafford Resources Limited today provided an update on the Wilcherry Hill high grade, crystalline magnetite project in South Australia. The project is a 80:20 joint venture between the two companies.

      Whilst the comprehensive definitive feasibility study (DFS) results are anticipated to be released in a few weeks time, both Boards believe that sufficient information is now known about the project to enable release of the range of details under final consideration by the project team.

      Since a large proportion of the mining, processing, haulage and port capital costs are to be amortised within operating contracts, an exceptionally low capital start up can be anticipated. This is likely to be within the range of AU $12 -19 Million.

      The first year (2011/2012) ramp up, export target is 1 Million tonnes. Years 2 and 3 are expected to yield exports of approximately 2 Million tonnes per annum, whilst year 4 onwards should see an increase to 4 -6 million tonnes per annum through a combination of additional DSO material and magnetite concentrates.

      Operating costs in the first 3 years will be relatively high ($55 - $75) since a large proportion of the start up capital costs are to be carried by contractors and paid back through higher operating charges. However, the first year costs are likely to be the lowest since much of the early production is planned to come from a combination of 3 pits – Weednanna, Weednanna

      North and Ultima Dam East. In each of these pits high grade crystalline magnetite, suitable for direct shipping, occurs from surface.

      The ore is to be sold FoB through the contractual arrangements with the Singapore based marketing and trading company, OMS as previously announced. These arrangements will ensure early and regular cash flow, thereby minimising working capital requirements in the early months.

      Earliest export options are likely to be limited to ships of 22,000 to 25,000 tonne capacity. Current freight costs would, therefore, be in the vicinity of $35 - $40 per tonne.

      The option of moving quickly into Panamax and small cape size ships (~ 80,000 tonnes) is currently being investigated. Whilst freight costs would reduce by $10 - $15 / tonne, overall logistics and transport costs would increase.

      Opportunities to tranship (barge load) onto cape size vessels anchored offshore in Spencer Gulf have been identified. Both operating costs and freight costs would reduce significantly. Little if any additional capital would be required. The Company is therefore pursuing these options rigorously and believes that a positive outcome is likely within an 18 month to two year time frame. "
      schrieb am 19.10.10 15:42:16
      Beitrag Nr. 19.121 ()
      Sherwin Iron - Roper River Iron Ore Project Delivers 40% Resource Increase; Result underpins 2012 production strategy - Oct 19, 2010

      + Mineral Resource estimate of 100Mt @ 48% Fe at W Deposit, one of the six Hodgson Downs Deposits

      + Preliminary metallurgical testing shows potential for 81Mt of product grading 57% Fe

      + RC and diamond drilling underway to upgrade the resource estimate at W Deposit and support further metallurgical testwork

      + Drilling program on X Deposit being finalised ...
      schrieb am 19.10.10 15:59:52
      Beitrag Nr. 19.122 ()
      East Asia Drills 245 Vertical Metres of Gold Mineralization With EMD044; and Extends Miwah Main Zone to the East With EXD004 - Oct 18, 2010…
      schrieb am 19.10.10 16:03:52
      Beitrag Nr. 19.123 ()
      MetroCoal - 30% Increase in Bundi Coal Resource to 381Mt - Oct 19, 2010


      + Increase in JORC Inferred Resource from 292Mt to 381Mt* of thermal coal at the Bundi Project area, Surat Basin

      + Drilling is confirming down dip continuity and correlation of Macalister Seams in the Wandoan District.

      + MetroCoal’s Surat Basin Thermal Coal Resource increased to 709Mt* tonnes of Underground and UCG. ...
      schrieb am 19.10.10 16:05:04
      Beitrag Nr. 19.124 ()
      Potash One - Announces Sufficient Potash Reserves To Support Its Legacy Project For 47 Years - Oct 18, 2010
      schrieb am 20.10.10 02:03:18
      Beitrag Nr. 19.125 ()
      Cline Mining Corporation Announces $50 Million Equity Offering - Oct 18, 2010…
      schrieb am 20.10.10 02:23:24
      Beitrag Nr. 19.126 ()
      Virginia Energy Resources - Preliminary Economic Assessment Indicates Outstanding Profitability Potential for the Coles Hill Uranium Project in Virginia - Oct 18, 2010…
      schrieb am 20.10.10 02:25:25
      Beitrag Nr. 19.127 ()
      Premium Exploration - Geophysical Image Reveals +30 km Regional Structure Similar To Many Large Gold Belts - Oct 18, 2010…
      schrieb am 20.10.10 02:29:20
      Beitrag Nr. 19.128 ()
      BP to Sell Venezuela and Vietnam Businesses to TNK-BP - OR - 10/18/2010
      schrieb am 20.10.10 02:32:02
      Beitrag Nr. 19.129 ()
      Chile Senate Approves Increase of Mining Royalty; Chile's Senate has approved a revised bill to increase royalties of mining companies to help fund post-earthquake reconstruction - MT - Oct 18, 2010
      schrieb am 20.10.10 13:02:16
      Beitrag Nr. 19.130 ()
      Resource Generation - Resources and Reserves Upgraded - Oct 20, 2010

      + probable reserves of 636.0 million tonnes, an increase of 32.7 million tonnes; plus

      + a new measured resource of 204.0 million tonnes; plus

      + an indicated resource of 551.7 million tonnes; plus

      + an inferred resource of 1.5 billion tonnes. ...
      schrieb am 20.10.10 21:10:35
      Beitrag Nr. 19.131 ()
      Avanti Mining - Announces Off Take Agreement Commitment &a Partnership LOI - Oct 19, 2010…
      schrieb am 20.10.10 22:03:11
      Beitrag Nr. 19.132 ()
      First Quantum to Acquire Antares - MT - Oct 19, 2010…
      schrieb am 21.10.10 08:28:37
      Beitrag Nr. 19.133 ()
      Axiom Mining - Exclusive agreement in Solomon Islands for a world class nickel deposit - Oct 20, 2010


      + Axiom has signed an exclusive option agreement with the customary land owners of the Isabel Nickel Deposit (the Project).

      + The exclusive option is for an 80% interest with the customary landowners in the Project.

      + The customary landowner groups, Kolosori and Bemusule Trustees, will work with Axiom to provide full support and access to the Project subject to the granting of a Prospecting Licence.

      + Historical resources of 159 MT @ 1% Nickel and 0.07% Cobalt. ...
      schrieb am 21.10.10 16:12:07
      Beitrag Nr. 19.134 ()
      Mantra Resources - Simplifies R-I-P Flowsheet &Improves Met. Recovery - Oct 20, 2010
      schrieb am 21.10.10 16:15:10
      Beitrag Nr. 19.135 ()
      Baobab Resources PLC - Tete Drilling Update - Oct 20, 2010


      + Step-out reverse circulation (RC) drilling is progressing steadily at the South Zone prospect with 3,000m completed at time of writing. The first three drill holes have returned mineralised intercepts* reporting best concentrate grades of:

      TRC0001 - five significant intercepts, totalling 74m, including:

      40m @ 56.5% Fe, 0.5% V2O5 and 61.5% mass recovery from 78m

      TRC0002 - two significant intercepts, totalling 37m, including:

      13m @ 56.6% Fe, 0.54% V2O5 and 27.9% mass recovery from 32m

      TRC0003 - four significant intercepts, totalling 71m, including:

      68m @ 57.6% Fe, 0.7% V2O5 and 21.1% mass recovery from 0m

      + Drilling in the north of the South Zone prospect area has intersected a stacked series of steeply dipping, heavily mineralised packages over a width of 200m (open at depth).

      + Analytical results have been returned for the final scout diamond drill holes at Chimbala and South Zone. Drilling intersected steeply dipping packages of mineralisation with selected significant mineralised intercepts* reporting concentrate grades of:

      TDH0044 (Chimbala) - three significant intercepts, totalling 29.5m, including:

      10.5m @ 59.2% Fe, 0.63% V2O5 and 33.7% mass recovery from 18.5m

      TDH0046 (South Zone) - two significant intercepts, totalling 22.5m, including:

      15.5m @ 59.55% Fe, 0.61% V2O5 and 28.6% mass recovery from 67.5m

      TDH0048 (South Zone) - nine significant intercepts, totalling 118.5m, including:

      5.5m @ 63.5% Fe, 0.65% V2O5 and 33.9% mass recovery from 344.5m

      + The Company expects the next round of RC drill results to be available by mid November 2010.

      + Baobab is also pleased to inform investors that all exploration licences are currently in good standing with the tenure of those licences due for renewal granted extensions of between two and five years (four years for all Tete project licences). ...…
      schrieb am 21.10.10 16:44:02
      Beitrag Nr. 19.136 ()
      [PLV] Pluton signs MOU with major Japanse trading company - Australianinvestor - 20-Oct-2010

      "Pluton Resources Limited has announced that it has signed a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding (‘MOU’) with a major Japanese trading company (‘JTC’).

      The JTC has requested that their name and the terms of the MOU be held in confidence at this time, and Pluton has agreed with this request.

      The MOU sets out the process for the JTC to become a significant minority partner in the Irvine Island Iron Ore Project.

      Key to any financial transaction is Pluton’s ability to show that it will be able to meet the required technical specifications and cost requirements for the commercial production of iron concentrate for use at specific steel mills in Japan, and the completion of the Pre-feasibility Study. The Pre-feasibility Study is due for completion by the end of March 2011.

      Pluton and the JTC have agreed to use all reasonable endeavours to finalise an agreement within 30 days of the completion of the Irvine Island Pre-feasibility Study to a standard determined by the JTC, and the commencement of a detailed feasibility study.

      Pluton will be working with the JTC over the coming months to meet their requirements.
      schrieb am 21.10.10 16:51:10
      Beitrag Nr. 19.137 ()
      [CGX] RTL acquires interest in 20.7M :eek::eek: equiv Au oz King-king Project - Australianinvestor - 19-Oct-2010 RatelkingkingAnnoun…

      "Ratel Gold Limited and CGA Mining Limited today announced that today Ratel has entered into a strategic alliance with CGA and an agreement to acquire the interests held by Russell Mining & Minerals, Inc. and their subsidiaries, in the significant King-king Copper-Gold Project in the Philippines.

      The proposed consideration is an issue of 80 million new shares in Ratel, together with a further 75 million Ratel shares on the earlier of completion of a feasibility study on the project or any subsequent change in control of the Ratel Board.

      The King-king deposit is a gold rich, copper-gold porphyry deposit located in the south east of the Philippine Island of Mindanao, located 92kms NW of Davao City and 13 kms from the coast. The project is listed as one of the top priority projects by the Philippine Mines and Geosciences Bureau and the project has a low strip ratio (0.8:1 compared to an industry average of 2.5:1).

      King-king is one of the largest undeveloped copper-gold deposits in the world :eek: , with a measured and indicated equivalent copper-gold resource of 791.5 Mt at 0.815 g/t equivalent gold for 20.7M equivalent gold ounces (0.279% Cu for 4.9B lbs of Cu and 0.371 g/t Au for 9.4M ounces of contained Au) and a further 2.75M equivalent gold ounces in inferred resources (125.5Mt at 0.237% Cu lbs and 0.308 g/t Au). A NI 43-
      101 compliant report is being prepared by Independent Mining Consultants, Inc. (“IMC”) and will be released by Ratel on within 45 days.

      There is significant unexplored upside potential to the deposit. Drilling was open at depth and is undrilled to the north east end of the deposit, which has a number of high grade epithermal gold targets. "
      schrieb am 22.10.10 18:56:21
      Beitrag Nr. 19.138 ()
      First Gold - Intersects 2.15% Li2O, 1,594 g/t Rubidium, 150 ppm Ta2O5, 147 ppm Beryllium, 75 ppm Gallium Over 12.60 Metres on Rose - Oct 22, 2010…
      schrieb am 22.10.10 19:01:42
      Beitrag Nr. 19.139 ()
      East Asia - Extends Miwah Main Zone 200 Metres to East Block M With 165.7 Metres of Gold Mineralization; and Commences Drilling Extension to High-Grade EMD024 - Oct 21, 2010…
      schrieb am 22.10.10 19:13:08
      Beitrag Nr. 19.140 ()
      Feeding the World: A Simple Formula Driving the Potash Market Fundamentals; Weekly Review - Ocean Equities - Oct 22, 2010…
      schrieb am 22.10.10 19:21:12
      Beitrag Nr. 19.141 ()
      [MGO] MOU signed with major Chinese construct. and eng. group - Australianinvestor - 18-Oct-2010

      "Marengo Mining Limited today announced that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with one of China’s leading construction and engineering groups, China Nonferrous Metal Industry’s Foreign Engineering and Construction Co. Ltd (“NFC”), which the parties anticipate will pave the way for formal agreements on financing, construction and off-take for its 100%-owned Yandera Copper-Molybdenum-Gold Project in Papua New Guinea.

      It establishes a framework for cooperation to establish the cost and program for delivery of the Yandera Project while the current Definitive Feasibility Study is being completed.

      Marengo and NFC intend to enter into formal agreements to appoint NFC as principal contractor for construction of the Yandera Project under an EPC Lump Sum Turnkey Contract.

      Parties also intend to enter into formal financing agreements, with NFC to facilitate at least 70% of all project development costs with financing to be provided by Chinese banks.

      Indicative timetable contemplates commencement of construction at Yandera in the first half of 2012 following signing of EPC Contract and financing which are anticipated to be in place by November 2011. "
      schrieb am 22.10.10 19:32:27
      Beitrag Nr. 19.142 ()

      Quickstep Holdings - German Federal Funding to Develop Next Generation Moulds - Oct 20, 2010


      + Quickstep receives funding to develop new process for building thin-wall manufacturing moulds using metal spray technology.

      + Aim to build high-quality moulds with complex geometry to aerospace-standard.

      + Potential to deliver significant cost efficiencies for composites manufacturing by reducing thermomass.

      + Important implications for Quickstep’s patented manufacturing process, as thin-wall moulds will work better with Quickstep’s unique, fluid-based manufacturing technology. ...
      schrieb am 22.10.10 20:03:09
      Beitrag Nr. 19.143 ()
      Carbon Conscious &Wesfarmers Insurance Sign Offset Deal - Oct 5, 2010

      Signs Australias 1st Int`l AAU Carbon Trade with Perenia - Oct 11, 2010
      schrieb am 22.10.10 20:07:21
      Beitrag Nr. 19.144 ()
      Avonlea Minerals - Drilling confirms extension &continuity - Ondjou Prospect - Oct 22, 2010

      + Reverse Circulation drilling program complete, confirms:

      - Broad zones of Fe mineralisation encountered in all (21) drill holes
      - 3,400m of RC drilling completed in current program
      - Mineralisation from surface and shallow dipping
      - Average down hole length of mineralisation - 90m at 25% Fe (average)

      + Drilling extends strike length by 1,000m+ to 3,600m ...
      schrieb am 22.10.10 20:17:24
      Beitrag Nr. 19.145 ()
      Redpoint Advances Salt Enhancer Discovery Program; Company to utilize proprietary assay technology offering important advantages for the discovery of natural taste modifiers - Oct 7, 2010…
      schrieb am 22.10.10 20:19:56
      Beitrag Nr. 19.146 ()
      Constitution Mining Appoints VP Exploration &Development - Oct 05, 2010…
      schrieb am 22.10.10 20:21:22
      Beitrag Nr. 19.147 ()
      Hathor's Roughrider East Delivers Best Hole to Date: 63.5 m of 7.75% U3O8 :eek: , Including a 17.5 m Interval of 24.3% U3O8, With Assays as High as 87.2% U3O8 - Oct 21, 2010…
      schrieb am 22.10.10 20:23:31
      Beitrag Nr. 19.148 ()
      Colossus Minerals - Step Out Drilling at Serra Pelada Extends the Central Mineralized Zone Onto New Ground; Drilling 25 Metres at 30.19 g/t Gold, 3.53 g/t Platinum and 4.25 g/t Palladium and Also 8.35 Metres at 53.13 g/t Gold - Oct 21, 2010…
      schrieb am 22.10.10 20:25:39
      Beitrag Nr. 19.149 ()
      Chinese Firms to Explore Australian Coal Reserves; Two Chinese coal firms have signed an agreement to jointly explore and develop coal resources in Queensland, Australia - MT - Oct 21, 2010…
      schrieb am 24.10.10 01:05:48
      Beitrag Nr. 19.150 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.972.234 von Popeye82 am 07.01.08 20:38:21
      Riverstone Dramatically :eek: Expands Goulagou I Deposit at Karma - Oct 21, 2010…
      schrieb am 24.10.10 01:30:00
      Beitrag Nr. 19.151 ()
      IBC Advanced Alloys - Announces Preliminary Interpretation of Airborne Geophysical Survey for Utah Beryllium Properties - Oct 21, 2010…
      schrieb am 24.10.10 01:35:02
      Beitrag Nr. 19.152 ()
      Synodon - Signs Largest Contract to Date - Oct 21, 2010…

      Signs Second Contract With ATCO Pipelines - Oct 21, 2010…
      schrieb am 24.10.10 01:37:40
      Beitrag Nr. 19.153 ()
      Wealth Minerals - Initiates Exploration at Argentina's Largest Undeveloped Rare Earth Deposit-The 'Rodeo de los Molles' Project in San Luis Province, Argentina - Oct 21, 2010…
      schrieb am 24.10.10 01:40:40
      Beitrag Nr. 19.154 ()

      Blackline GPS - Selected to Provide the Official Tracking Services for the Love Ride 2010, Led by Grand Marshall Jay Leno and Love Ride Founder Oliver Shokouh - Oct 21, 2010…
      schrieb am 24.10.10 01:55:35
      Beitrag Nr. 19.155 ()
      Sunridge Gold - Selects Senet to Conduct Feasibility Study on the Debarwa Project, Eritrea - Oct 21, 2010…
      schrieb am 24.10.10 02:00:32
      Beitrag Nr. 19.156 ()
      Sustainable Energy - Chosen to Power 244 Projects in Ontario Micro-Fit Market - Oct 21, 2010…1.htm
      schrieb am 24.10.10 02:02:58
      Beitrag Nr. 19.157 ()
      Potash One - Legacy Project Feasibility Study Projects Annual Output of 2.8 Million Tonnes from Long-Life Mine - Oct 21, 2010…
      schrieb am 24.10.10 02:05:51
      Beitrag Nr. 19.158 ()
      H2O Innovation - Ranked 108th Fastest Growing Technology Company in North America on Deloitte's 2010 Technology Fast 500(TM) - Oct 21, 2010…
      schrieb am 24.10.10 03:45:01
      Beitrag Nr. 19.159 ()
      China's economy expands 9.6% in Q3 - CER/BB - Oct 21, 2010…

      "China's economy expanded 9.6% in the third quarter, the slowest growth in a year :eek::laugh::laugh: , with inflation up 3.6%, the fastest pace in 23 months, Bloomberg reported.

      Earlier in the week the People's Bank of China raised interest rates by a quarter percentage point, the first rate hike since 2007, as Beijing looks to rein in rapid credit growth and speculative housing purchases. "Tuesday's rate hike confirms our view that policy makers have become more comfortable with growth after a policy-induced slowdown," said Chang Jian, chief China economist at Barclays Capital in Hong Kong. Industrial output in September increased 13.3% from a year earlier, compared with a 13.9% rise in the previous month, while retail sales were up 18.8% year-on-year. "
      schrieb am 24.10.10 03:48:31
      Beitrag Nr. 19.160 ()
      China set to approve property tax by end-2010 - CER - Oct 21, 2010…

      "China's State Council is set to approve pilot property tax policies by the end of the year, state media reported.

      The Shanghai and Chongqing municipal governments have submitted draft proposals for a property tax and the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development are currently in the process of signing off on the drafts. Despite repeated reports of an upcoming tax on property holdings, details have been scant. The central government has been probing the market on the possible effects of a property tax as it looks for a way to slow rapid price growth and speculation in the housing sector. "
      schrieb am 24.10.10 03:52:35
      Beitrag Nr. 19.161 ()
      Beijing's PE fund readies Asean investment - CER - Oct 21, 2010…

      "China's US$10 billion private equity fund targeting Southeast Asian economies has raised US$1 billion in its first round of fund raising and is expected to make its first investment by the end of the year, state media reported.

      The Export-Import Bank of China (Exim Bank) and China Investment Bank jointly launched the fund in April 2009 with initial capital pledges of US$300 million each. "The fund's preparatory work has been done and we have already started looking at a batch of projects, mainly in infrastructure, and joint economic projects between China and members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean)," said Zhu Hongjie, Exim Bank vice-president. China's trade with Asean member states hit US$185 billion over the first eight months of the year, highlighting the mainland's growing clout in regional economic growth. "
      schrieb am 24.10.10 03:54:28
      Beitrag Nr. 19.162 ()
      Sinohydro Group to increase investment in Africa - CER - Oct 21, 2010…

      "State-owned Sinohydro Group will increase its investment in African nations as the hydropower construction firm looks for further opportunities for growth, state media reported.

      The company did not release any financial details concerning potential investment targets, but said it was "conducting a series of projects in some African countries" which include a copper and cobalt mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo and one hydropower station in Mozambique and another one in Zambia. Ding Zhengguo, assistant president of overseas projects, said the company is also looking at opportunities in Liberia. Chinese companies involved in energy, commodities and infrastructure have been expanding investment growth on the African continent in recent years. Outbound direct investment hit US$1.44 billion last year, 55% :eek: higher than the previous year.
      schrieb am 24.10.10 03:57:49
      Beitrag Nr. 19.163 ()
      China to expand Inner Mongolia highway - CER - Oct 21, 2010…

      "China has launched a road expansion project in Inner Mongolia in an effort to ease worsening traffic congestion on the Beijing-Tibet highway, state media reported.

      A 217-km stretch of the highway between Inner Mongolia’s capital, Hohhot and the city of Baotou will be widened to eight lanes from four, according to Gao Tuanshan, deputy manager of the Inner Mongolia Highway Construction and Development Corp. The expansion plan is expected to take two years to complete and will cost US$1.5 billion. A major coal-producing region, Inner Mongolia recorded a 49% increase in truck transportation over the first nine months of the year. The region’s road network made headlines earlier in the year when a 96.5-km traffic jam occurred which took several weeks to be resolved. "
      schrieb am 24.10.10 08:22:23
      Beitrag Nr. 19.164 ()

      Government of Canada Investment Leads to Milestone in the Development of Solar Powered Energy - OR - 10/21/2010
      schrieb am 24.10.10 20:31:43
      Beitrag Nr. 19.165 ()
      LIM - on Target to Complete Plant Construction by Year End - Oct 22, 2010…
      schrieb am 24.10.10 20:33:53
      Beitrag Nr. 19.166 ()
      Orezone Gold - Bomboré Gold Project has Substantial Increase in Size &Grade; Total gold ounces contained in pit shells up 59% with average grade
      up 48% - Oct 19, 2010…
      schrieb am 24.10.10 20:35:36
      Beitrag Nr. 19.167 ()
      Foran Mining - Announces Agreement to Consolidate Ownership of McIlvenna Bay Deposit - Oct 22, 2010…
      schrieb am 24.10.10 23:08:32
      Beitrag Nr. 19.168 ()
      CORRECTION FROM SOURCE: African Metals Reports Correction to Tabulated Inferred Mineral Resource Report for Luisha South Project - Oct 19, 2010…
      schrieb am 24.10.10 23:13:17
      Beitrag Nr. 19.169 ()
      Uranium Sector Update - DCM - Oct 19, 2010
      schrieb am 24.10.10 23:15:38
      Beitrag Nr. 19.170 ()
      Spur Ventures - Confirms New Joint Venture Partner in Yichang Maple Leaf Chemicals and Updates Project Progress - Oct 19, 2010…
      schrieb am 24.10.10 23:47:02
      Beitrag Nr. 19.171 ()
      Xi Jinping moves closer to leadership post - CER/SCMP - Oct 19, 2010…

      "China's vice-president Xi Jinping took a step closer towards the leadership seat after being named vice-chairman of the Communist Party of China's (CPC) Central Military Commission (CMC), the South China Morning Post reported.

      Xi is only the second civilian to be appointed to the CMC after President Hu Jintao received the promotion prior to his accession to party chief. The announcement was made at the annual plenary session of the party's Central Committee. During the four-day meeting, top CPC leaders also reviewed and approved a draft of the 12th Five-Year Program which will run from 2011-2015. A statement issued at the close of the meeting said that "China will further boost people's incomes, enhance social construction and deepen reform and opening-up." It said reform was a "powerful driving force" in the move to speed up economic development. "
      schrieb am 25.10.10 20:25:12
      Beitrag Nr. 19.172 ()
      Talon Metals - Announces Acquisition Of Two Iron Ore Projects In Brazil - Sep 29, 2010

      "... Nine discreet and extensive occurrences of banded iron formation (“BIF”), which are hosted in the Archean age Serra da Seringa greenstone belt, are developed within the licence areas acquired by Talon. The BIFs have a cumulative strike length of 51 kilometres :eek: and are covered by iron rich colluvium and epigenetically enriched iron deposits near surface, which collectively extend to depths of between 20 and 61 meters. ..."

      Talon Starts Drilling On The Trairão Iron Project In Brazil - Oct 21, 2010
      schrieb am 25.10.10 20:43:22
      Beitrag Nr. 19.173 ()
      Sherwin Iron - Scoping Study Concludes Roper River Delivers Strong Returns; Feasibility Study well progressed; First production set for 2012 - Oct 25, 2010


      + Scoping Study demonstrates the Project's technical and financial strength to move quickly into production based on Hodgson Downs Deposits alone

      + Initial production on track to start in 2012 at a rate of 2Mt pa increasing to 4-5Mt pa

      + Preliminary metallurgical testing indicates final product of above 57% Fe with low levels of impurities to make it a highly saleable product

      + Access to substantial existing infrastructure means capex required to reach production is $95 to $180 million depending on haulage solution adopted

      + Cash operating costs estimated in the range of $52 to $57 per tonne depending on haulage solution

      + Current JORC resource of 100Mt, which is all located at the W Deposit within Hodgson Downs, has the potential to support a 20+ year mine life

      + Other deposits within Hodgson Downs provide the opportunity to grow the Hodgson Downs resource substantially

      + Feasibility Study well progressed, aiming to release by end of 1Qtr 2011

      + Future exploration across the remainder of the 3,500 sq km Roper River Iron Ore Project expected to support much larger production ...
      schrieb am 27.10.10 17:47:29
      Beitrag Nr. 19.174 ()
      Alderon Resource - Intersects 28% Iron Over 691 Meters - Oct 27, 2010…
      schrieb am 27.10.10 17:56:50
      Beitrag Nr. 19.175 ()
      Colossus Minerals - Announces C$60,225,000 Bought Deal Financing - Oct 25, 2010…
      schrieb am 27.10.10 17:58:02
      Beitrag Nr. 19.176 ()

      Quantum Rare Earth Developments - Receives Final TSXV Acceptance for Acquisition of Elk Creek and Increases Private Placement - Oct 25, 2010…
      schrieb am 27.10.10 17:59:10
      Beitrag Nr. 19.177 ()
      East Asia Minerals - Extends Miwah Main Zone Towards Moon River With 2.25 g/t Gold Over 60 Metres Within 86 Metres Grading 1.83 g/t Gold, and Remains Open - Oct 25, 2010…
      schrieb am 27.10.10 18:02:31
      Beitrag Nr. 19.178 ()
      [CTM] Maiden 77Mt Inferred Resource for Jambreiro Iron Ore Project; Lifts Copmpany Resource Inventory in Brazil to Over 130Mt; Providing a Strong Foundation for Planned 3Mtpa Domestic Iron Ore Business - Australianinvestor - 27-Oct-2010

      "International iron ore company Centaurus Metals Limited has announced a maiden JORC Inferred Resource estimate of 77.1Mt grading 29.5% Fe for the Company’s Jambreiro Iron Ore Project in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, confirming its potential to become a cornerstone of the Company’s domestic iron ore production business.

      The maiden JORC Inferred Resource for the Jambreiro Project – which has been achieved in just four months following the acquisition of the Project in June under Centaurus’ innovative option agreement with leading Brazilian pulp company, Cenibra – confirms that Jambreiro is a significant itabirite-hosted iron deposit.

      The delivery of the Jambreiro Resource also increases the Company’s overall JORC compliant resource inventory in south-east Brazil to 131.6 million tonnes at an average grade of 30.9% Fe, marking an important milestone in the development of Centaurus’ domestic iron ore production business.

      Based on metallurgical test work completed to date, comparison with other itabirite-hosted iron ore deposits in the region and feasibility work completed to date, Centaurus is confident that this in situ resource base can produce over 50 million tonnes of high-grade hematite product grading +63% Fe. "
      schrieb am 27.10.10 18:04:36
      Beitrag Nr. 19.179 ()
      [LME] 3P gas reserves increase by 60 percent - Australianinvestor - 26-Oct-2010

      "L&M Energy Limited (ASX:LME) today advised of a substantial increase in interim 3P from 173 PJ to 274 PJ at its Western Southland Basin permit, PEP 38220 (Ohai), located on the South Island of New Zealand approximately 60km northwest of Invercargill.

      The review and certification of 3P reserves was conducted by independent consultants MHA Petroleum Consultants LLC, based in Denver USA following results from the recent completion of step out well OM-4.

      The increase in 3P reserves applies only to the Company’s Ohai permit area and does not include any of the potential gas resources from within adjoining permit, PEP 38226 (Waiau).

      It is anticipated that with further exploration work within the adjoining Waiau acreage will contribute significantly to future reserves upgrades.

      This reserves increase follows on from the recent successful Placement and Share
      Purchase Plan. It also comes at time when L&M Energy continues to confidently pursue its multiple commercial opportunities for the region including onsite power generation, transport fuel and coal replacement. "
      schrieb am 27.10.10 18:08:52
      Beitrag Nr. 19.180 ()
      [SYS] MoU with CNEEC over the Clinton Coal to Liquid Project - Australianinvestor - 27-Oct-2010

      "Syngas and China National Electric Equipment Corporation (CNEEC) have identified the Clinton Project as an opportunity to work together.

      A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed today between CNEEC, head-quartered in Beijing in the People’s Republic of China, and Syngas foreshadowing a long-term strategic partnership in relation to the development of the Clinton Project.

      Syngas and CNEEC will work towards establishing a binding agreement for CNEEC’s provision of engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) services to the Project under a commercial arrangement consistent with the prevailing market conditions.

      In addition, after a binding EPC agreement is reached between CNEEC and Syngas, based on certain guarantees being met by Syngas, including the securing of 15% of the funds needed for the Project, CNEEC will add its local advantages to the efforts of Syngas to obtain the remaining (up to 85% of the required total) funds by way of buyers credit for the Clinton Project from appropriate financial institutions in China.

      This is a very significant step forward for Syngas and the Clinton Project. It establishes a clear pathway of development and a project capital funding option to enable the Project to move forward. "
      schrieb am 27.10.10 18:13:06
      Beitrag Nr. 19.181 ()
      Senomyx - to Collaborate with Firmenich for Commercial Development of its S6973 Sucrose Enhancer in Beverage Applications - Oct 25, 2010

      + Exclusive worldwide license covers use of S6973 in instant and ready-to-drink milk, tea, and coffee beverages

      + S6973 has demonstrated the ability to reduce up to 50% of the sucrose in a variety of products while maintaining the taste of natural sugar ...…
      schrieb am 27.10.10 18:13:40
      Dieser Beitrag wurde moderiert. Grund: Spammposting
      schrieb am 27.10.10 18:15:57
      Beitrag Nr. 19.183 ()
      Adani to Invest $6.9bn in Queensland Mine; Adani Enterprises is to invest $6.9bn to develop coal, rail and port projects in its Galilee Basin coal mine in Queensland, Australia - MT - Oct 25, 2010…

      "Adani Enterprises is to invest $6.9bn to develop coal, rail and port projects in its Galilee Basin coal mine in Queensland, Australia.

      The company expects its first coal output by the end of 2014, and to be producing of 50-60 million tons of coal by 2022.

      Adani, India's biggest coal importer, acquired the Galillee coal mine for $3bn from Linc Energy in August 2010.

      India's thermal-coal imports almost doubled to 60 million tonnes last year, as the nation increased electricity generation capacity. "
      schrieb am 27.10.10 18:18:22
      Beitrag Nr. 19.184 ()

      Nautilus Minerals Given Green Light for Deep-Sea Mine; Canada's Nautilus Minerals has been given approval to explore the world's first deep-sea mineral mine in Papua New Guinea waters - MT - Oct 25, 2010…
      schrieb am 27.10.10 18:19:23
      Beitrag Nr. 19.185 ()
      Equinox to Acquire Citadel Resource for $1.23bn - 27 October 2010
      schrieb am 27.10.10 18:21:49
      Beitrag Nr. 19.186 ()
      Deals This Week: Kingsgate Consolidated, Eurasian Natural, Sterling Group and More - MT - Oct 25, 2010…

      "Kingsgate Consolidated is set to acquire Dominion Mining for $334m.

      Dominion owns the Challenger gold mine in South Australia and gold and base metals projects in Western Australia.

      Eurasian Natural Resources has acquired Brazil's Mineracao Minas Bahia (MIBA) and 51% of Mineracao Peixe Bravo (MPB) .

      The total consideration of the combined transactions is $250m.

      MIBA owns the mineral rights to the significant Jiboia Project, while MPB is an entity with a number of exploration licences in the north of the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais.

      Thompson Creek Metals has completed the acquisition of rival mining company Terrane Metals Corporation.

      Vunani has acquired 37.5% stake in coal miner Black Wattle's Bisichi Mining operation in Middelburg, South Africa.

      Sterling Group Ventures has signed an agreement with Chenxi County Hongyu Mining, which holds a business license and a mining permit on a 42.5ha property, that holds 58.16 million tons of phosphate resources.

      Afrimat is set to acquire the Glen Douglas dolomite mine, owned by Exxaro.

      Castle Resources has acquired Granduc Copper Mine ion British Columbia, Canada, from Bell Copper Corporation.

      Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton have ended plans for an iron ore production joint venture in Pilbara, Western Australia. "
      schrieb am 27.10.10 18:27:34
      Beitrag Nr. 19.187 ()
      Astur Gold - Welcomes Comments From Mayor of Tapia Regarding Salave - Oct 20, 2010…

      Adds Local Community Leaders to Management in Spain - Oct 25, 2010…
      schrieb am 27.10.10 18:31:58
      Beitrag Nr. 19.188 ()
      Baobab Resources Plc - Completion of £5 million Equity Line Facility - Oct 25, 2010…
      schrieb am 27.10.10 18:34:43
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      Mantra Resources - Commences Pre-Feasibility Study on Heap Leaching for PhaseII Growth - Oct 25, 2010
      schrieb am 27.10.10 18:36:31
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      [PXR] Palace to acquire Indonesian coal assets - Australianinvestor - 27-Oct-2010

      "The Board of Palace Resources Ltd has announced it has entered into an agreement to acquire a 75 per cent stake in three highly prospective Indonesian coal projects.

      The acquisition, which is subject to due diligence and shareholder and regulatory approval, will be completed via the acquisition by Palace of Primecity Holdings Pty Ltd, which has the right to acquire the 75% interest in the three projects in the West Papua Province of Indonesia.

      The Prospects cover an approximate area of 1,970sqkm and are located close to existing roads and operating ports and adjacent to significant acreage held by a coal investment company (Schedule B).

      Coal outcropping is clearly evident on the tenements adjacent to and immediately along strike from those to be acquired by Palace, with one 2.5m outcrop containing high-grade, semi-soft metallurgical coal. Geologists have reported numerous outcrops on the Palace leases.

      Palace has assembled a team of five geologists who will start collecting samples for metallurgical testing. Engineers are due on site to begin scoping studies to upgrade the existing port to enable it to handle bulk materials.

      An aggressive exploration program is currently being planned in conjunction with SRK Consulting. This will see as many as seven drilling rigs in operation from mid- November as part of Palace’s strategy to calculate a maiden JORC resource within six months. "
      schrieb am 27.10.10 18:47:38
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      Linc Energy - spuds 1st Alaskan Gas Exploration Well - Oct 22, 2010
      schrieb am 27.10.10 19:02:21
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      Royal Resources - secures new tenement at Razorback Iron Project - Oct 27, 2010


      + New ELA extends Razorback magnetite mineralisation further to the west

      + The area is dominated by a fold closure that is likely to present excellent mining widths

      + An exploration target of 150 to 200Mt has been set for the ELA1 ...
      schrieb am 27.10.10 22:08:31
      Beitrag Nr. 19.193 ()
      Shell partners with MIT on energy innovation - DEG - Oct 22, 2010…

      "Shell and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have signed an agreement to invest $25 million in the research and development of high value, sustainable technologies designed to drive innovation in energy delivery.

      Beginning this year, the research collaboration will fund a suite of projects at $5 million per year for the coming five years. Those projects will focus on advanced modeling, earth science, biofuels, nanotechnology and carbon management.

      "The lack of access to affordable energy poses a significant barrier to economic advancement around the globe. Together with the rapidly accelerating demand for energy, the need to develop environmentally sensitive and sustainable energy resources becomes increasingly acute. Our collaboration with Shell will drive energy innovations with the potential for significant, real-world impact," said Susan Hockfield, president, MIT.

      As part of its longer-term focus, the collaboration will address future and emerging technologies that demonstrate game-changing potential for the energy industry. The collaboration will focus on a broad array of existing and new oil and gas technologies, including next-generation applications in nanotechnology, biochemistry, electronics and computer modeling. Other focus areas will include research into water treatment improvements, greater fuel efficiency, new solar energy applications and enhanced catalytic technology for advanced fuel cells and smart grids. The partners aim to develop novel sensors to detect physical and chemical properties under extreme and remote conditions.
      schrieb am 28.10.10 14:15:00
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      [THX] Extensive uranium mineralisation defined at Ngalia Basin - Australianinvestor - 28-Oct-2010

      "Thundelarra has reported that the 2010 drilling program at the Ngalia Basin project has been completed. A total of 58 holes were drilled for 6968.6 metres using a combination of Mud Rotary, Diamond Coring and Air Core techniques.

      The drilling program, Thundelarra’s first in the Ngalia Basin, successfully demonstrated that potentially economic grades and thicknesses of uranium mineralisation occur in both the Tertiary and Mt Eclipse sandstone sequences. Paleochannel-style uranium mineralisation in the Tertiary sequence has been intersected in 15 holes over a strike length of 12 kilometres. The paleochannel systems that host the uranium mineralisation are expected to continue over a strike length exceeding 40 kilometres :eek::eek: along a regionally extensive gravity trough on Thundelarra’s 100% owned tenure. The high grade results previously reported confirm that the gravity anomaly also represents a structure along which Bigrlyi-style uranium mineralisation can be found. Thick sequences of coarse and reduced Mt Eclipse sandstone have been intersected in drilling on both sides of the gravity anomaly, with the advantage of only minor Tertiary cover along the northern margin (TNG002MD). This older mineralisation is considered likely to be the source of uranium now found in the Lower Tertiary.

      A significant zone of mineralisation has been discovered at the Afghan Swan prospect, where nine holes have outlined a 0.6 sq km zone with maximum grades to 1,798 ppm U3O8, and thicknesses up-to 4.35 metres. This zone is open to the northwest.

      Within the Afghan Swan anomaly, significant results include;
      TNG034AC: 3.0m at 670 ppm U3O8 including 1.0m at 1,798 ppm U3O8
      TNG045MD: 1.05m at 708 ppm eU3O8 including 0.55m at 1150 ppm eU3O8
      TNG021MD: 4.35m at 317 ppm eU3O8 including 0.55m at 922 ppm eU3O8
      TNG035MD: 4.35m at 209 ppm eU3O8 including 0.25m at 749 ppm eU3O8
      TNG006MD: 1.8m at 276 ppm eU3O8 including 0.32m at 1547 ppm U3O8
      TNG032MR: 0.8m at 322 ppm eU3O8 including 0.2m at 656 ppm eU3O8

      To date Thundelarra has drill tested only a small portion (approximately 2%) of the project area. A regional Airborne electro-magnetic (EM) survey is scheduled to commence in early November across 3,300 square kilometres of the Company’s tenure within the Basin. This data will be used to interpret the precise location of Tertiary paleovalleys and shallow Mt Eclipse Sandstone for further drill testing. The Northern Territory Government is contributing $100,000, approximately 50%, of the cost of the EM survey through its successful Bringing Forward Discovery program. "
      schrieb am 28.10.10 16:15:03
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      [BMN] Significant resource expansion - Australianinvestor - 28-Oct-2010

      "Bannerman Resources Limited today announced that an updated and substantially larger mineral resource estimate has been completed for the Etango Project.

      Highlights include a 31% increase in total contained metal. Measured and Indicated resources total 336.2Mt at 201ppm for 148.7Mlbs U3O8, and Inferred resources total 164.6Mt at 176ppm for 63.9Mlbs U3O8. The estimate is reported at a cut-off grade of 100ppm U3O8.

      The updated resource estimate includes Inferred resources for the Ondjamba and Hyena satellite deposits for the first time.

      Adoption of Ordinary Kriging methodology, resulting in more tonnes at a lower grade than the previous estimate, is considered a more prudent approach for modeling the Etango deposit.

      The increased resource estimate has the potential to extend the total Project mine life. "
      schrieb am 28.10.10 16:55:37
      Beitrag Nr. 19.196 ()
      FNC Study Finds Home Prices Would Be 10% Lower Today Without Stimulus; Tax Credit for New Home Owners Cost Taxpayers $23 Billion but Boosted Prices and Stability - MW, OXFORD - Oct 21, 2010…
      schrieb am 28.10.10 17:00:49
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      Centric Energy - Update on Kenya Block 10BA - Oct 28, 2010…
      schrieb am 28.10.10 17:05:27
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      Canada Lithium - Confirms that the Province of Quebec Hosts One of World's Largest Known Hard-Rock Lithium Deposits - Oct 28, 2010…

      "Toronto, October 28, 2010 -- Canada Lithium Corp. (TSX: CLQ; U.S. OTCQX: CLQMF) announced today that, following the latest drill program, total measured and indicated mineral resources at the Quebec Lithium Project near Val d'Or, Quebec, have increased by approximately 48% to 46.7 million tonnes grading 1.19% Li2O (at a 0.80% Li2O cut-off). It also represents a 7% increase in grade from previous estimates. The total inferred mineral resource has also been expanded to an approximate 57.6 million tonnes grading 1.18% Li2O, a rise of about 48% in tonnage and 6% in grade compared to the previous estimate announced March 4, 2010.

      "We have now confirmed that this project ranks, in terms of size, among the top two or three known hard-rock lithium deposits in the world," said President and CEO Peter Secker. "We clearly have the flexibility to expand production significantly in the future if markets warrant."

      He also noted that the higher grade in all mineral resource categories may result in higher economic returns as the mine and processing plant commence operations in late 2012. ..."
      schrieb am 28.10.10 17:09:54
      Beitrag Nr. 19.199 ()
      Functional Technologies - Updates on Commercialization of Acrylamide-Reducing Yeast - Oct 28, 2010…
      schrieb am 28.10.10 17:15:46
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      schrieb am 28.10.10 17:17:31
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      Mining to Contribute Half of Congo's GDP; The mining sector is expected to make up half of the Democratic Republic of the Congo's gross domestic product (GDP) over the next five years, according to official - MT - Oct 28, 2010…
      schrieb am 28.10.10 17:23:26
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      Japan &Vietnam to Jointly Develop Rare Earth Mines; Japan &Vietnam are set to sign an agreement to jointly develop rare earth mines in Vietnam - MT - Oct 28, 2010…

      "Japan and Vietnam are set to sign an agreement to jointly develop rare earth mines in Vietnam.

      The agreement comes after China stopped shipments of rare earth minerals to Japan following a diplomatic row.

      Under the agreement, which is to be confirmed on 31 October, Japan will provide exploration and smelting technologies for mining in Vietnam.

      Japan's Sojitz Corporation said it is conducting an advanced feasibility study for rare earth development in Vietnam, while Sumitomo Corporation aims to start its shipment of rare earth from Vietnam to Japan in 2013.

      The two projects will produce at least 7,000t of rare earth minerals a year, and will meet more than 20% of Japan's demand for rare earth.

      China accounts for about 97% of the world's total production of rare earth elements, about half of which are exported to Japan, reports Nikkei. "
      schrieb am 28.10.10 17:28:16
      Beitrag Nr. 19.203 ()
      Chariot Oil &Gas - CPR Results - Oct 28, 2010


      + Gross mean risked resource potential of 1.13 billion bbls (Net to Chariot - 0.85 billion bbls)

      + Chariot determines an Expected Monetary Value (“EMV”) of £4.6 billion (P50) – corresponding to £5.98/bbl (US$9.27/bbl) per net risked bbl

      + Probabilities of Success marginally higher – average up from 10.7% to 11.3%

      + Underpins investment case and supports the excellent work undertaken by Chariot’s in-house technical team ...
      schrieb am 28.10.10 17:34:44
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      Apollo Minerals - Stage 2 Drilling Program to Commence at Mt Oscar - Oct 28, 2010

      Key Points

      + Mount Oscar Magnetite Project Stage 2 drilling program on Banded Iron Formation (BIF) Unit A on schedule to commence early November 2010.

      + Key approvals, including government for drilling obtained.

      + Further metallurgical and processing test work on BIF Unit A samples to be undertaken in Q4 2010. ...
      schrieb am 28.10.10 17:40:47
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      VanOil Energy - Kenya Seismic Program Complete; Confirms Six Structures on its 100% Owned 24,000 Square Kilometer Blocks 3A &3B - Oct 27, 2010…
      schrieb am 28.10.10 17:50:32
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      :eek: :eek:

      Largo Resources - Enters Into Letter of Intent for Brazilian Joint Venture With Vinci Partners; Investors, led by Vinci Partners to provide US$120 million equity funding to develop Maracas Vanadium Project; Largo to contribute Brazilian projects and operating management to joint venture; Largo &Vinci Capital, the private equity division of Vinci Partners, to jointly explore &acquire further projects to create formidable Brazilian mining venture; Conference call to provide corporate update &discuss proposed joint venture on Wednesday October 27 @11:00am ET - Oct 27, 2010…
      schrieb am 28.10.10 17:53:22
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      New Millennium Capital - Announces Establishment of Joint Venture Company With Tata Steel to Advance the DSO Project - Oct 26, 2010…
      schrieb am 28.10.10 17:59:19
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      Congo Extends Mining Ban; The Democratic Republic of the Congo has extended a mining ban in three provinces that are rich in tin, gold, tungsten and colta - MT - Oct 27, 2010…
      schrieb am 28.10.10 18:04:57
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      :eek: :eek:

      Amazon Mining Holding Plc - Preliminary Economic Assessment for Cerrado Verde Provides Encouraging Results; NPV 10% for the Project Is Estimated at US$455.4 Million With a 1.1 Mt Annual Production Rate and Total Operating Costs of US$41.80 Per Tonne of Product - Oct 28, 2010…
      schrieb am 28.10.10 18:13:33
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      Strateco Resources - Public Hearings to Be Held on the Environmental Impact Study for the Matoush Project Underground Exploration Program - Oct 27, 2010…
      schrieb am 28.10.10 18:21:52
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      Rodinia Lithium - Increases Land Position In Clayton Valley And Provides Diablillos Update - Oct 28, 2010

      + Completed Staking of an additional 18,040Acres @Clayton Valley

      + Total Claim Package Comprises Almost 70,000Acres &Covers the Entire Gravity Low, Interpreted as the Deepest &most Prospective Area of the Basin

      + a 2nd Drill Rig has Been Mobolized to the Salar de Diablillos Project

      + Drill Rig Mobilized to Ensure Timely Delivery of Resource Estimate ...…
      schrieb am 28.10.10 20:08:51
      Beitrag Nr. 19.212 ()
      Sagres Energy - Announces Independent Evaluation of the Resource Potential of Jamaican Offshore Blocks; showing gross mean prospective resource estimate(oil) of 3.0 billion barrels - Aug 27, 2010…
      schrieb am 28.10.10 20:14:25
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      Comet Ridge - 1st Resource Certification for Mahalo JV in Bowen Basin - Oct 25, 2010
      schrieb am 28.10.10 21:47:14
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      VMS Ventures - Reports 6.69% Copper Over 71.69 Metres and 3.74% Copper Over 21.77 Metres from In-Fill Diamond Drillholes Three and Four at the Reed Lake Joint Venture Property - Oct 28, 2010…
      schrieb am 28.10.10 22:17:58
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      2009 Green-e Verification Report Shows 43% Increase in Certified Renewable Energy Sales - CRS - Oct 28, 2010

      Highlights ´09 Report:

      + Total retail sales of Green-e Energy Certified renewable energy exceeded 18 million MWh, an increase of 43% from 2008

      + Over 545,000 residential customers and more than 37,000 commercial customers across the U.S. and Canada purchased Green-e Energy Certified renewable energy, increases of 9% and 85%, respectively

      + Green-e Energy Certified retail products avoided over 9.4 million metric tons of CO2 emissions that would have been produced by an equivalent amount of average system power

      + Renewable energy purchases and onsite generation by Green-e Marketplace participants totaled over 402,000 MWh

      + Sales of Green-e Climate Certified carbon offsets in 2009 resulted in over 176,000 metric tons CO2-equivalent reduced, a nearly 30% increase from 2008 ...…
      schrieb am 28.10.10 22:57:14
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      :eek: :eek:

      Dynasty Metals Australia - Triples JORC Resources - Oct 27, 2010


      + Resources of iron-rich gravels increased 300% to 1.4 Billion tonnes Inferred Resource
      estimate for the Spearhole Detrital Channel Iron Deposit at Prairie Downs

      + Preliminary bulk-sample test-work indicates good potential to produce export grade
      iron ore with best results of 61% Fe and very low impurities.

      + Iron mineralisation has been extended by the 2010 drilling by 4 km to the southeast, as
      well as increasing both grade and tonnage of the resource.

      + Only about 1% of Dynasty’s Prairie Downs tenements which cover ~4,000km2 has been tested to date :eek::eek:

      + Project is comparable to Brockman Resource Limited’s 17Mtpa mine and 1.6 billion
      tonne Marillana Detrital Project.
      schrieb am 28.10.10 23:01:25
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      Adriana Resources - Announces $10 Million Non-Brokered Private Placement - Oct 28, 2010…
      schrieb am 29.10.10 00:44:18
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      Energizer Resources - Announces Appointment of Richard Quesnel to Board of Directors - Oct 21, 2010…
      schrieb am 29.10.10 00:50:16
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      :eek: :eek:

      India to spend $1Trillion on infrustructure - TI - Oct 25, 2010
      schrieb am 29.10.10 16:28:04
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      Full Metal and Antofagasta Minerals Drill 195 meters Averaging 0.63% Cu, 0.018% Mo, 0.141 g/t Au or 0.823% Cu Equivalent at Pyramid Porphyry Project, Alaska - Oct 20, 2010…
      schrieb am 29.10.10 16:30:34
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      Lysander Minerals - Construction Moves Underground at Ukraine Mine - Oct 20, 2010…
      schrieb am 29.10.10 16:32:59
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      First Bauxite - Acquires Tarakuli Property - Oct 20, 2010…
      schrieb am 29.10.10 16:35:45
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      BE Resources - Drilling Update - Oct 20, 2010…
      schrieb am 29.10.10 16:47:54
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      Wings International Signs Deal with Glencore for US Mine; Wings International has signed an agreement with Glencore International for the joint development of its Pea Ridge iron and rare earth mine in Missouri, US - MT - Oct 20, 2010…

      "Wings International has signed an agreement with Glencore International for the joint development of its Pea Ridge iron and rare earth mine in Missouri, US.

      The Pea Ridge deposit has more than 150 million tons of high-grade magnetite iron ore reserves.

      Under the agreement, Glencore will have exclusive marketing rights for the sales of all commodities from the mine, reports Reuters.

      Wings said the launch of the project is subject to availability of financing and completion of commercial and technical feasibility studies, which will begin in 60 days, and are expected to be complete in eight months. "
      schrieb am 29.10.10 17:40:00
      Beitrag Nr. 19.225 ()
      Sun Shines Bright for NREL's Energy Execs; Leadership program grads are taking great strides to implement ideas fostered at NREL. Solar energy is offering them many opportunities - NREL - Oct 19, 2010
      schrieb am 29.10.10 17:58:24
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      Apella Resources - Extensive 250 km Iron-T Mag Survey Underway - Oct 29, 2010…
      schrieb am 29.10.10 18:10:40
      Beitrag Nr. 19.227 ()
      Asia is Engine for Future Mining Growth: Vale; Brazilian mining company Vale has said that the majority of its revenue (80%) :eek: is expected to come from Asia over the next five years - MT - Oct 22, 2010…
      schrieb am 29.10.10 18:16:03
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      CNOOC, GNPC offer $5b for Kosmos Ghana assets - CER/BB - Oct 22, 2010…

      "CNOOC (CEO.NYSE, 0883.HK) and Ghana National Petroleum Corp. (GNPC) have made a joint US$5 billion offer to buy Kosmos Energy's Ghana assets, Bloomberg reported.

      According to sources close to the deal, the all-cash bid was received two weeks ago. Exxon Mobil (XOM.NYSE) had previously offered US$4 billion for the Kosmos assets, which include a 23.49% stake in Jubilee, an oil field that holds an estimated 1.8 billion barrels of crude. Dallas-based Kosmos is backed by private equity firms Blackstone and Warburg Pincus. Ratings agency Moody's said CNOOC's debt could rise if it continues to increase overseas acquisitions. CNOOC recently said it would pay US$1.08 billion for a one-third stake in a shale oil and gas project in Texas. "
      schrieb am 29.10.10 18:18:02
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      Baidu Q3 profit doubles on market share growth - CER/BB - Oct 22, 2010…

      "China's Baidu (BIDU.NASDAQ) booked a twofold increase in third-quarter net profit as the search engine snatched market share from Google (GOOG.NASDAQ), Bloomberg reported.

      Net profit for the period came in at US$156.4 million against US$74 million the previous year. The company is currently in the process of upgrading technology to help it hold onto market share it took from Google, after the US search engine shut operations in China earlier in the year over mainland censorship issues. Baidu last month began selling online content such as books as part of its "box computing" service in the hope of diversifying revenue streams away from just search. Baidu accounted for 72.8% of the domestic search market by revenue in the third quarter, up from 71% in the previous quarter. "
      schrieb am 29.10.10 18:21:15
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      Ping An investment outlook cloudy - executive - CER/BB - Oct 22, 2010…

      "China's second-largest insurer Ping An (601318.SH, 2318.HK) is looking to diversify into property and private equity and raise its holdings of Chinese stocks as investment returns remain subdued, Bloomberg reported.

      Deputy chief investment officer Timothy Chan said returns have been lower than last year and that it is currently the "toughest time" for the insurer. "The forecast for investment returns in 2011 looks very similar to this year's levels," he said. Ping An's investment holdings are mostly bonds and bank deposits which have limited returns. The company is hoping to mark gains from Beijing's loosening of investment rules for insurers. "We will try to improve yields by adding more credit risk :D ," Chan said. "
      schrieb am 29.10.10 18:26:06
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      China launches online map service - CER - Oct 22, 2010…,1518,724605,00.html :eek::eek: :laugh:

      "China's State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping (SBSM) has officially launched Map World, a free online map service, state media reported.

      Map World will "allow users to fly over mountains and plains around the world and search restaurants and traffic information across the country, free of charge," said Xu Deming, director of SBSM. The government department in May said companies providing online map services in China needed prior approval. Several leading tech firms including Nokia (NOK.NYSE), Baidu (BIDU.NASDAQ), Alibaba (1688.HK), Sina (SINA.NASDAQ) and Tencent (0700.HK) have so far been granted licenses but Google China has still not officially submitted an application, said Song Chaozhi, deputy director at the SBSM. "
      schrieb am 29.10.10 18:29:14
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      Fonterra takes $30m stake in Hebei dairy - CER - October 22, 2010…

      "New Zealand's dairy giant Fonterra said it would invest US$30 million in a dairy farm in Yutian, Hebei province, state media reported.

      Fonterra will transport 3,000 cows from New Zealand to Yutian where it targets annual output of 32 million liters. The farm will be ready for milking in November of next year. Fonterra's new dairy acquisition will focus on delivering fresh milk, as well as yoghurt and infant formula, to the local market. Fonterra lost more than US$100 million in its investment in Sanlu, the mainland dairy firm that collapsed after the 2008 milk scandal, and is hoping to regain share of a rapidly expanding market for milk and milk-based products. "
      schrieb am 29.10.10 18:47:30
      Beitrag Nr. 19.233 ()
      China to ramp up coal industry consolidation - CER - October 22, 2010…

      "China's National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) has called for greater efforts to increase consolidation of coal mines in major coal producing regions including Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Shaanxi and Henan, state media reported.

      According to a statement from the NDRC, China wants to see more coal companies with annual output capacity of 50 million tons and that such mines should make up more than 50% of the country's total coal mine output. :eek::eek: The National Energy Administration has shut down 1,355 small coal mines with an aggregate production capacity of 125.2 million tons in the first nine months of the year. :eek: As well as improving efficiency, Beijing is hoping that consolidation will also result in a reduction in the number of mine fatalities. "
      schrieb am 29.10.10 19:01:27
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      Severstal hat Berkeley Resources im Visier - GI - Oct 29, 2010…
      schrieb am 29.10.10 19:57:36
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      Torex Gold - Announces New U/G 6.79 G/T Resource Estimate For The El Limon Deposit Deferred Pre-Feasibility Will Include Results Of Expanded Drilling Program To Assess U/G Option - Oct 28, 2010
      schrieb am 29.10.10 20:06:20
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      Northland Resources - Signs Off-take Agreement with Tata Steel - Oct 29, 2010…
      schrieb am 29.10.10 20:24:08
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      Island Breezes, Sun Perfect for Renewables - NREL - Oct 26, 2010
      schrieb am 29.10.10 20:29:46
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      Wavefront Technology Solutions - Energy Trust Turns to Powerwave to Unlock More Oil From Its Operations - Oct 26, 2010…
      schrieb am 29.10.10 20:57:14
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      Plant Impact Plc - agreement with Agrimatco - Sep 24, 2010…
      schrieb am 30.10.10 12:09:37
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      TyraTech - New product development &supply agreement signed with Terminix - Oct 20, 2010
      schrieb am 30.10.10 12:25:23
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      Majestic Gold - Again Increases Resources @its Song Jiagou Mine - Oct 18, 2010
      schrieb am 31.10.10 02:38:11
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      Gasification; An Investment in our Energy Future - GTC - Oct10
      schrieb am 31.10.10 02:47:44
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      Abwehrstrategie: Hochtief sucht weißen Ritter in Katar - - Oct 25, 2010…
      schrieb am 31.10.10 02:53:28
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      Timberline Resources - Intercepts Additional High-Grade Gold @Butte Highlands; 43.2 Feet of 0.82 Opt Gold(13.2 Metres of 28.1g/t Gold) - Oct 29, 2010
      schrieb am 31.10.10 02:59:07
      Beitrag Nr. 19.245 ()
      Banking Emissions Allowances: A Checkered Legacy; The treatment of banked emissions allowances under a series of cap-and-trade systems to curb major air pollutants has produced mixed results - RFF - Oct 7, 2010

      - Arthur G. Fraas &Nathan Richardson -

      - The history of emissions-trading markets in the United States is marked by change. Since cap-and-trade programs were first implemented on a large scale after the 1990 Amendments to the Clean Air Act, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has repeatedly revised and replaced emissionstrading markets for nitrous oxides and sulfur dioxide. In each transition, the agency has had to decide what to do with emissions allowances banked in the earlier program. These banked allowances represent early reductions in emissions, with corresponding environmental benefits, but also the expectation on the part of regulated entities that they will continue to hold value in the future. Unsettling these expectations can lead to price volatility, instability in markets, and erosion of buy-in from regulated entities and the credibility of regulators. The paper discusses EPA’s mixed record regarding these transitions and implications for the future of cap and trade as a policy tool. ...-…
      schrieb am 31.10.10 02:13:03
      Beitrag Nr. 19.246 ()
      Climate, Trade, and International Interconnectivity; A new RFF Discussion Paper takes a closer look at the intersection of domestic climate change policies and international trade - RFF - Oct 25, 2010

      - Carolyn Fischer, Christoph Bohringer &Knut Einar Rosendahl -

      - As nations craft domestic responses to climate change, questions emerge over whether their own energy-intensive industries will be able to compete with those of countries that don’t price carbon. From an environmental perspective, concerns exist about whether efforts to reduce domestic emissions will be counterbalanced by emissions from unregulated nations, a problem commonly known as leakage.

      Responding to these issues, some policymakers have proposed including trade-related provisions to climate legislation, designed to address the viability of carbon-constrained domestic industries and ensure, to some extent, the environmental integrity of such policies. Developing countries, however, worry that such measures will unfairly target their energy-intensive industries with punitive trade barriers.

      In The Global Effects of Subglobal Climate Policies, RFF Senior Fellow Carolyn Fischer and coauthors Christoph Bohringer and Knut Einar Rosendahl examine the interactions of subglobal climate policies and the global trading system.

      According to the authors, subglobal climate policies undeniably reach beyond their respective borders. “Developed countries should understand that most developing nations do not actually gain economically from the former’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, developing countries should recognize that their sectors targeted specifically by antileakage policies do not necessarily lose, compared with a world without any climate policies.”


      Individual countries are in the process of legislating responses to the challenges posed by climate change. The prospect of rising carbon prices raises concerns in these nations about the effects on the competitiveness of their own energy-intensive industries and the potential for carbon leakage, particularly leakage to emerging economies that lack comparable regulation. In response, certain developed countries are proposing controversial trade-related measures and allowance allocation designs to complement their climate policies. Missing from much of the debate on trade-related measures is a broader understanding of how climate policies implemented unilaterally (or subglobally) affect all countries in the global trading system. Arguably, the largest impacts are from the targeted carbon pricing itself, which generates macroeconomic effects, terms-of-trade changes, and shifts in global energy demand and prices; it also changes the relative prices of certain energy-intensive goods. This paper studies how climate policies implemented in certain major economies (the European Union and the United States) affect the global distribution of economic and environmental outcomes, and how these outcomes may be altered by complementary policies aimed at addressing carbon leakage. ...-…
      schrieb am 31.10.10 02:16:07
      Beitrag Nr. 19.247 ()
      The Economics of Endangered Species - RFF - Oct 22, 2010

      - George Frisvold -…
      schrieb am 31.10.10 02:27:25
      Beitrag Nr. 19.248 ()
      Automobile Fuel Economy Standards: Impacts, Efficiency &Alternatives - RFF - Oct10

      - Soren T. Anderson, Ian W.H. Parry, James M. Sallee, Carolyn Fischer ...-

      - Abstract

      This paper discusses fuel economy regulations in the United States and other countries. We first describe how these programs affect fuel use and other dimensions of the vehicle fleet. We then review different methodologies for assessing the costs of fuel economy regulations and discuss the policy implications of the results. We also compare the welfare effects of fuel economy standards with those of fuel taxes and assess whether these two policies complement each other. Finally, we review arguments in favor of a “feebate” system, which imposes fees on inefficient vehicles and provides rebates for efficient vehicles. ...-
      schrieb am 31.10.10 02:48:52
      Beitrag Nr. 19.249 ()
      Tests warned of cement troubles before BP blowout - OR/AP - 10/29/2010
      schrieb am 31.10.10 03:41:46
      Beitrag Nr. 19.250 ()
      Canada agrees with China to cut pollution - OR/CH, BEIJING - 10/29/2010

      "BEIJING - Canada's environment minister is pledging greater co-operation with emissions giant China on meeting grittier environmental goals, with both countries agreeing to an action plan to better protect land, air and water.

      During a visit to Beijing, federal Environment Minister Jim Prentice signed a memorandum of understanding with his Chinese counterpart to conduct collaborative projects and sharing of scientific data on water, mercury emissions, biodiversity and environmental emergencies.

      Prentice is also hoping to broaden the bilateral agreement to national parks, protected areas, and environmental assessment and monitoring on heavy oil developments - including the oilsands. Chinese officials are quite interested in learning from the environmental technologies being deployed in the oilsands, and using it on heavy oil projects in China.

      The two countries, which are celebrating their 40th anniversary of diplomatic ties, have promised to adopt an action plan on co-operation and have an associated joint environmental committee oversee the work. Chinese Minister of Environmental Protection, Zhou Shengxian, is expected to visit Canada in mid-November to sign the action plan.

      "The China of tomorrow is extremely committed to environmental improvement and correcting environmental degradation from the past and building a sustainable economy," Prentice said in an interview, following the signing. He called Canada a "strategic partner" in helping China accomplish broader environmental goals.

      "They acknowledged that the economic progress that China has made has been achieved at some environmental cost, and they're now very focused on rectifying those environmental costs," he added.

      The Chinese minister wasn't available for comment following the meeting.

      While Prentice said the continued talks and agreement represent significant progress for the two countries, the non-binding pledge to work toward loftier environmental goals is "subject to the availability of requisite funds," according to the MOU. Also, either country may terminate the agreement by providing three-months notice.

      While China's environmental struggles are facing increasing scrutiny, its economic muscle is also drawing a lot of attention, including from Canada on a number of files, such as energy, tourism and agriculture. Ministers from the Harper government, including the prime minister, have visited China more than 30 times since the Tories took office in 2006.

      Indeed, both Canada and China have been criticized to varying degrees on the international level for being environmental laggards. The Harper government has tied its environmental policies - including plans to reduce overall greenhouse gas emissions - to those of the Obama administration in the United States, drawing the ire of environmental groups.

      Prentice has been clear Canada won't act on many fronts such as a cap-and-trade scheme or regulations unless the U.S., Canada's largest trading partner, follows suit. It's critical, for economic reasons, that both countries act in concert and harmonize their environmental policies, he said.

      Canada has pledged to chop its greenhouse gas emissions by 17 per cent below 2005 levels by 2020 - the same target as the United States.

      Back home, the Harper government has vowed to ban future oilsands exports from Alberta to countries with worse environmental standards than Canada - with China and India thought to be in the crosshairs.

      The policy, a surprise announcement made by Prime Minister Stephen Harper during the 2008 federal election campaign, has irked the Stelmach government, which maintains it will expand its oilsands export markets beyond the U.S. to feed the insatiable energy appetite in China and India.

      "The environment and energy are very much part of the strategic relationship we're building with China," Prentice added. "The environment has been flagged as a critical issues with China in all the meetings we've had."

      Earlier in the day, Prentice toured the Huaneng Beijing Thermal Power Plant, the country's first coal-fired power plant to capture carbon dioxide emissions.

      The carbon-capture demonstration plant recycles about 3,000 tonnes of carbon emissions annually (a fraction of its total emissions), with the captured and refined C02 sold to companies to help manufacture firefighting products, automobile tires and even carbonated beverages such as beer and soft drinks.

      Carbon capture and storage is a primary focus of the Alberta and federal governments in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in future years. The province has pledged $2 billion toward four CCS projects, including bitumen upgrading, enhanced oil recovery and coal gasification.

      The Stelmach government hopes to capture and store 50 million tonnes of carbon annually by 2020 and 139 million tonnes annually by 2050, although some researchers have warned the goals are difficult to reach and the $2 billion in provincial seed money is nowhere near enough.

      The climate change agreement with China comes as researchers at the University of Calgary and University of Ottawa hailed a technological breakthrough for capturing future C02 emissions.

      Researchers at the two institutions have discovered what they describe as the exact sites where carbon is held in capture materials. They believe their findings, published in the prestigious journal Science, will enable scientists to design better materials to capture more CO2.
      schrieb am 01.11.10 02:38:33
      Beitrag Nr. 19.251 ()
      Deals This Week: Equinox, Nippon Steel, Sable Mining and More - 29 October 2010…

      "Equinox Minerals has said it will acquire Citadel Resource Group to gain access to a copper and gold project in Saudi Arabia.

      The total consideration of the transaction is $1.23bn.

      The acquisition will help Equinox to control the Jabal Sayid mine, which is expected to produce 57,000t per year for a decade once it starts production, which is scheduled to begin by early 2012.

      Nippon Steel will acquire a 23% stake in the $600m Revuboe coking coal project in Mozambique to secure raw material supplies.

      Revuboe mine will produce five million tons per year after it starts production in 2014 or 2015.

      The deal will help Nippon to increase its self-sufficiency rate in coking coal to from 25% to 30%.

      Sable Mining Africa has acquired a 51% interest in Southern Cross Investments, which holds iron ore reconnaissance licences in Liberia.

      Willow Creek has said it has signed an agreement to acquire the Hercules property from Minquest, located in the Walker Lane mineral belt in Nevada, US.

      The Walker Lane mineral belt is a highly mineralised trend that contains several epithermal precious metals deposits including the Comstock Lode, Round Mountain, Rawhide, Aurora and Goldfield mines and porphyry copper deposits.

      Golden Share Mining said it has acquired the Berens River property in the Red Lake district of Northwestern Ontario, Canada.

      Berens River includes the past-producing Berens River mine, which produced 158,000oz of gold, 5.8 million ounces of silver, 1.7 million pounds of zinc and 6.1 million pounds of lead between 1939 to 1948. "
      schrieb am 02.11.10 00:15:29
      Beitrag Nr. 19.252 ()
      Americas Petrogas combination of potash and oil and gas assets hits accord with investors - PI - Nov 1, 2010

      - by Richard Badakaus -…

      "Americas Petrogas (TSX-V:BOE) operates an Argentinean oil and gas exploration and production company and is preparing to spin out GrowMax Agri Corp, which is developing a Peruvian potash project for production. BOE has issued 125 million shares for a market capitalization of approximately CAD$124 million

      GrowMax is developing the Bayovar Potash Project in Peru, located in the Sechura Desert, over a very large concession of 820 km² that adjoins the Vale S.A. (NYSE: VALE) US$566 million Bayovar Phosphate Mine where Proven and Probable Reserves are 247 million tonnes. Production commenced in July of 2010 at a rate of 3.9 million tonnes per year, shipping fertilizer through a newly completed port with a loading capacity of 7.9 million tonnes per year. VALE sold 60% of the project for $660 million to Mosaic (NYSE: MOS) and Mitsui (NASDAQ: MITSY) but retains control through a 51% of voting shares. VALE is accumulating more production, purchasing Bunge Ltd’s Brazilian fertilizer assets for $3.8 billion and recently issued US$2.75 billion in bonds as it prowls for additional fertilizer assets. BHP Billiton (NYSE: BHP, LSE:BLT) is also in the midst of a hostile bid for Potash Corp valued at $38.6 billion as the market chases quality assets, and underpins financing terms and a firm valuation for GrowMax.

      Potash was discovered in Germany, in 1840 as a nutrient for crops, and is a generic term that includes potassium chloride KCI, potassium magnesium sulphate, potassium sulfate, potassium nitrate, and mixtures of sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate.

      GrowMax has completed a positive pre-feasibility study that estimates a capital cost of US$125 million to produce 250,000 tonnes per year of potash from liquid brine, and is evaluating an increase in output to 500,000 tonnes. Cash operating costs are at $29.62 per metric tonne, transportation costs are $3.26 and Peruvian Government and local community levies amount to $33.00, for a total cost delivered to the local port of $98.00 per metric tonne. GrowMax intends to produce and export 250,000 tonnes of KCI / potassium chloride at a sale price $500 per tonne, and 1,000,000 tonnes of NaCI / Sodium Chloride for total revenue of $137 million per year. By-products may include phosphates, bromine, and calcium sulphate.

      Boyavar has a unique location, just south of the equator that provides a perfect combination of sun and wind to produce dried product. Constant water supply from marine estuary, mountains and rivers around the project area dissolve salt as they flow along their course, then feed into aquifers by migrating laterally through fluvial deposits, allowing the system to run perpetually. Successful trials have been completed at two new pilot plants at the site and in an offsite laboratory. The solar evaporative process provides a simple production method with very few risks, consisting of a number of large evaporative ponds that crystallize potassium chloride, potassium sulphate and salt, that are then collected and sent to a washing and upgrade plant where finished product is packaged

      Similar low cost solar evaporation technology is deployed by Compass Minerals (NYSE:CMP) and Intrepid Potash (NYSE: IPI) at Salt Lake, Utah. The project is located next to a port that can that can export into Pacific, Atlantic and Gulf markets and next to a major highway that can handle deliveries to Peru, Ecuador and Columbia.

      GrowMax has secured India Farmers Fertilizer Co-op Ltd., as a strategic partner who has invested $10 million for a 20% stake, and are the world’s largest manufacturer and marketer of fertilizer, operating 5 plants that produce 8.2 million tonnes of phosphate and nitrogen fertilizers per year.

      BOE intends to complete a hydro geological natural recharge study, reprocess geophysical data exploration drilling, confirm data, start up a pilot plant and negotiate off take agreements prior to spinning off GrowMax as a separate company that will finance the final development of Boyavar with potash production starting in 2012. Development of a specialty chemicals company in Latin America, supplying caustic soda, potassium hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, bromine and possibly lithium is also possible.

      BOE management team is developing an oil and gas business in Argentina’s Neuquén Basin, securing 1,823,188 acres, plus farm in opportunities on an additional 253,000 acres, for an average net interest of 50%, and mostly as operator of each project. This same team developed and sold a project in the same basin to Apache (NYSE: APA) for US$1 billion, after it reached a rate of 34,000 barrels of oil per day.

      Most of the new acreage is on trend, or near trend to major nearby production. The first project under development is at Medanito Sur, a landholding of 106 km² where the first 5 out of 5 wells are pumping sweet crude of 400 to 500 bopd per well, within a new play concept in a regional fairway setting, surrounded by production on three sides. BOE have established a capital cost of approximately $25 million to drill 25 locations, with potential to find several major oil pools along a 15 kilometer trend line running west to east. Immediately to the south of Medanito Sur is Rinconada Norte, and Vaca Mahuida, where 5 exploration wells resulted in 3 oil discoveries and 2 good hydrocarbon shows. The current focus on these blocks is for oil production.

      A large number of leases are held next to Chevron’s (NYSE: CVX) El Trapical, which is one of Argentina’s largest producing fields, pumping 51,000 bopd, and 54 MCF of gas per day, from 380 active wells and 250 injector wells. This field produces from eolian sandstones at shallow depths, from the Lower Troncoso 4,100 feet and Avile at 4,600 feet. BOE assume that these sands extend into their Los Toldos II prospect, abutting this field, and has just completed and cased two wells, and is drilling a third. Testing is expected to commence soon. Additional nearby leases are held at Los Toldos I III and IV, where 10 wells with shows were drilled in 1960’s and numerous target formations identified. Additional producing fields in the area are managed by large multi nationals Petrobas (NYSE: PBR), Repsol (NYSE: REP), and Total (NYSE: TOT).

      BOE holds large blocks in the western section of the basin, where it is preparing to drill 1 well at Huacelera, and 6 wells at Totoral. These areas might have potential for both conventional and unconventional gas plays, where 15 leads and two gas prospects have been identified with conceptual targets of +250 BCF. Majors such as Apache (NYSE: APA), Exxon-Mobil (NYSE: XOM), YPF (NYSE: YPF) and TOT are actively seeking these plays.

      BOE has skilled local management, with an excellent track record, operating on a portfolio that has high potential for discovery of large reserves with low finding and development costs. There is a strong chance that the company will grow into an intermediate size oil and gas company, aiming to net 2,480 bopd by the end of 2010, and reach a production rate of 4,000 bopd within 12 months. Local pricing on gas is currently around US$5 MCF and US$65 per barrel for Medanito crude, for gross revenues that could approach $90 million per year, within the next year. GroMax represents a potential, additional and substantial revenue stream, after 2012. "
      schrieb am 02.11.10 01:40:06
      Beitrag Nr. 19.253 ()
      Hexima - insect work recognised by the prestigious PNAS - Aug 13, 2010
      schrieb am 02.11.10 02:29:48
      Beitrag Nr. 19.254 ()
      [WCL] Mitsui expands WestSide JV alliance into the Galilee Basin - Australianinvestor - 1-Nov-2010

      "WestSide Corporation Limited has received a notice of intention from Mitsui E&P Australia Pty Ltd (Mitsui) to exercise its farm-in option to acquire a 49 per cent interest in each of the Company’s Galilee Basin tenements, ATP 974P and ATP 978P.

      In March 2010 WestSide and Mitsui announced they would jointly acquire the since renamed Meridian SeamGas CSG fields and that Mitsui would have an option to acquire 49 per cent of WestSide’s existing interests in the neighbouring Paranui prospect (ATP 769P) and its new Galilee Basin tenements (ATP 974P and ATP 978P).

      The alliance was subsequently extended in June 2010 to potentially include WestSide’s CSG interests in ATP 688P in Queensland’s northern Bowen Basin.

      WestSide currently holds 50 per cent interests in ATP 769P and ATP 688P which contains a number of promising CSG prospects including its Tilbrook and Mount Saint Martin projects.

      Mitsui had until 31 October 2010 to exercise its options following completion of the Meridian acquisition. The farm-ins also remain conditional on WestSide’s existing joint venturer in ATP 769P and ATP 688P (QGC) waiving existing pre-emptive rights over those areas. "
      schrieb am 02.11.10 02:32:52
      Beitrag Nr. 19.255 ()
      [AQA] West Pilbara Iron Ore Project Resource increases to 927Mt - Australianinvestor - 1-Nov-2010

      "Aquila Resources Limited has reported an update to the JORC Resource estimate for the West Pilbara Iron Ore Project (“the Project”) located in the Pilbara region of Western Australia – with the Total JORC iron ore Resource now totalling 927Mt.

      This represents an 185Mt (37%) increase from the previous Stage 1 development Resource and 87% of the Stage 1 development Resource is now categorised as Measured or Indicated.

      There is significant potential to further expand Channel Iron Deposit (CID), Detrital (DID) and Bedded Iron Deposit (BID) Resources.

      The Project is managed by the Australian Premium Iron Joint Venture (“API JV”), in which the Company has a fifty percent interest. "
      schrieb am 02.11.10 02:34:11
      Beitrag Nr. 19.256 ()
      Blackline GPS - Selected to Provide the Official GPS Fleet Solution for Major High Line Car Rental Agency - Nov 01, 2010…
      schrieb am 02.11.10 03:29:27
      Beitrag Nr. 19.257 ()
      [BUX] High grade magnetite discovery at Zanthus - Australianinvestor - 1-Nov-2010

      "Buxton Resources Limited has announced RC drilling intersected multiple wide zones (up to 50m) of magnetite-rich mineralisation at Zanthus.

      With only 2km of >20km strike tested, geophysical data suggests other strike extensive magnetite-bearing horizons to the east and south.

      Preliminary composite samples using a coarse grind reported excellent Davis Tube recoveries and concentrate head grade ranging from 65.2 to 68.1% Fe.

      The 100% owned Zanthus Project is in a new district with no previous exploration, 25 km from trans-Australian rail line that connects to the port of Esperance.
      schrieb am 02.11.10 03:43:56
      Beitrag Nr. 19.258 ()
      Microvision - Integrates First Direct Green Lasers into Pico Projector Prototypes - Nov 1, 2010…
      schrieb am 02.11.10 03:51:58
      Beitrag Nr. 19.259 ()
      Kivalliq Energy - Receives Additional High Grade Uranium Assay Results from Lac Cinquante - Oct 13, 2010…

      Kivalliq Drills "Lac Cinquante-Style" Zone 1.8 Kilometres from Main Zone; 2010 Program Totals 16,600 Metres in 107 Holes - Oct 26, 2010…
      schrieb am 02.11.10 04:11:37
      Beitrag Nr. 19.260 ()
      Lydian International - Drills 40m at 5.6g/t Gold (Open at Depth) in New Higher Grade Zone Southeast of Artavasdes; Amulsar Armenia; New high-grade zone discovered in resource extension drilling, exploration drilling extends potential southwards and results of channel sampling on undrilled outcrops to add further ounces at Tigranes - Nov 01, 2010…
      schrieb am 03.11.10 01:40:40
      Beitrag Nr. 19.261 ()
      Nippon Steel to Develop Mozambique Coal Mine in 2012; Nippon Steel Corporation has said that it will start the joint development of a coal mine in Mozambique with three other firms in 2012 - MT - Oct 2, 2010…
      schrieb am 03.11.10 01:43:48
      Beitrag Nr. 19.262 ()
      Tata Steel Joint Venture to Start Iron Ore Mining in Canada; India-based Tata Steel has formed a joint venture with Canada's New Millennium Capital Corporation to carry out iron ore mining operations in Canada - MT - Nov 1, 2010…
      schrieb am 03.11.10 01:51:53
      Beitrag Nr. 19.263 ()
      AgriMarine to Present at the China Fisheries and Seafood Expo in Dalian - Oct 28, 2010…
      schrieb am 03.11.10 02:26:29
      Beitrag Nr. 19.264 ()
      Salazar Resources - Intersects 5.3 m at 32 g/t Gold, 321 g/t Silver, 1.0% Copper, 5.0% Lead and 10.0% Zinc - Nov 02, 2010…
      schrieb am 03.11.10 03:16:12
      Beitrag Nr. 19.265 ()

      NREL Scientists Lauded as Industry Pioneers - NREL - Oct 26, 2010
      schrieb am 03.11.10 03:18:20
      Beitrag Nr. 19.266 ()
      Glen Eagle Resources - Acquisition of 19 Claims - Nov 02, 2010…
      schrieb am 03.11.10 03:23:27
      Beitrag Nr. 19.267 ()
      Altius Minerals - Partners with Cranberry Capital to Create New Company - Nov 02, 2010…
      schrieb am 03.11.10 03:34:12
      Beitrag Nr. 19.268 ()
      Great Basin Gold - First Gold Pour at Burnstone - Nov 2, 2010;pg=25;ai=1647;pcat=2010
      schrieb am 03.11.10 12:05:43
      Beitrag Nr. 19.269 ()
      Northland's Iron Ore Deposits Are Designated as Being of National Interest :eek: - Nov 02, 2010…
      schrieb am 03.11.10 12:19:12
      Beitrag Nr. 19.270 ()
      Southern Uranium - New High Grade Iron Ore Prospect at Jungle Dam - Sep 6, 2010

      + New outcrops and detailed magnetic surveying delineate Central West prospect at
      Jungle Dam

      + Rock chip samples assay 55.5% to 59.6% iron from limited outcrops within 2km-long
      magnetic zone

      + Jungle Dam strategy revised to focus on potential for Direct Shipping Ore

      + Detailed gravity survey planned to prepare for early drill testing at Central West and
      other similar new magnetic targets.
      schrieb am 03.11.10 12:21:18
      Beitrag Nr. 19.271 ()
      Weekly Review - Ocean Equities - Nov 2, 2010…
      schrieb am 03.11.10 12:30:41
      Beitrag Nr. 19.272 ()

      Quickstep &Vector Composites Strategic Teaming Agreement - Nov 3, 2010

      + Vector &Quickstep sign formal agreement to jointly promote the patented Quickstep Process to the aerospace &defense industries in North America.

      + Agreement represents continuation of strong partnership between Vector and Quickstep in
      collaborating on Research &Development initiatives in the North America market. ...
      schrieb am 03.11.10 12:45:17
      Beitrag Nr. 19.273 ()
      Areva and EDF’s Chinese whispers; Despite promises they would pull together, Areva and EDF are in separate negotiations to build two EPR third generation reactors in China - IO - Oct 26, 2010…
      schrieb am 03.11.10 12:51:00
      Beitrag Nr. 19.274 ()
      Colombian Officials Shut 18 Illegal Gold Mines; The Columbian Government has shut down 18 illegal gold mines as part of an effort to regulate the industry and mitigate environmental hazards to workers - MT - Oct 26, 2010…

      "The Columbian Government has shut down 18 illegal gold mines as part of an effort to regulate the industry and mitigate environmental hazards to workers.

      The mines that received closure notices are located in the departments of Antioquia and Cordoba in northwestern Colombia.

      About 48 mines :eek: have received closure orders since August 2010.

      The Environment Ministry said officials are reviewing the legality of at least 571 mines :eek: :eek: across the country, reports Businessweek.
      schrieb am 03.11.10 12:58:13
      Beitrag Nr. 19.275 ()
      MetroCoal - JV Partner signs Drilling Contract - Nov 3, 2010

      ("MetroCoal stated in its 2009 Prospectus that it was pursuing an exploration target for the Columboola Project area of between 830Mt to 1,165 Mt** thermal coal suited predominantly for underground mining. ...")
      schrieb am 03.11.10 14:09:36
      Beitrag Nr. 19.276 ()
      :eek: :eek:

      African Energy Resources - Sese Coal Update &Exploration Target - Sep 22, 2010


      + Based on recent drilling of 42 holes showing thick coal seams at the Sese coal prospect, the Company is preparing a programme of resource delineation drilling.

      + The areal extent and consistent thickness of coal intersections to date suggest an Exploration Target* of between 1.0 billion tonnes and 1.5 billion tonnes of 4,000 kcal/kg to 5,000 kcal/kg raw coal which may be amenable to low‐cost open pit extraction.

      + The Company is engaged in discussions with a number of parties to secure a partner for funding the next stage of resource development. Multiple expressions of interest have been received for the acquisition of a 10‐20% minority stake in the coal project.

      + Market interest in Botswana coal assets highlighted by recent CAD $450 million offer by an unnamed Indian company to buy CIC Energy, a Canadian listed coal company with an unmined 1.9 billion tonne Measured and Indicated, predominantly underground resource of thermal coal in eastern Botswana

      + Following recent test work on coal quality further analytical work is underway to determine washing characteristics and coking potential. ...


      Thick, Extensive Coal in Drilling @Sese Project, Botswana - Nov 3, 2010


      + Initial resource delineation drilling in the western part of the Sese coal project has intersected thick, near surface coal seams over an extensive area measuring 7km by 3km (Block A).

      + Twenty reverse circulation (RC) percussion holes and three diamond drill core holes in Block A have intersected coal with an average seam thickness of 14.5m from an average depth to the top of the coal of 39m.

      + Additional drill rigs have been mobilised to accelerate drilling progress.

      + Down-hole geophysical logging has commenced to provide data to aid sampling strategy and coal continuity determination.

      + The drilling and down-hole geophysical programme is expected to provide data of sufficient density to permit the classification of an inferred resource.

      + It is expected that all work, including resource estimation will be complete during the first quarter of 2011.

      + The Sese Prospecting Licence has been renewed for a further period of two years. ...
      schrieb am 03.11.10 15:02:24
      Beitrag Nr. 19.277 ()
      Vena Resources - Significantly Increases Uranium Resource Estimate @Macusani; Indicated Resources Increased to 8.32 Million Pounds of U308 &Inferred Resources Increased to 14.21 Million Pounds of U308 - Nov 2, 2010…
      schrieb am 03.11.10 18:07:48
      Beitrag Nr. 19.278 ()
      Trevali Resources - significantly increases resources at Santander zinc-lead-silver project in Peru; Indicated tonnage +53%, inferred +452% at 3% ZnEQ cut-off; Deposits remain open for expansion - Nov 2, 2010

      + Indicated Mineral Resource of 5.858 million tonnes with an average grade of 3.86% zinc, 1.35% lead, 44 g/t silver and 0.08% copper for an estimated in-situ metal inventory of 498 million lbs. zinc, 174 million lbs. lead, 8.25 million oz. silver and 9.7 million lbs. copper at 3% ZnEQ

      + Inferred Mineral Resource of 4.806 million tonnes grading 5.08% zinc, 0.44% lead, 21 g/t silver and 0.07% copper for an estimated in-situ metal inventory of 538 million lbs. zinc, 46 million lbs. lead, 3.19 million oz. silver and 7.8 million lbs. copper at a 3% ZnEQ cut-off.

      + Mineralization remains open for expansion in all five deposits identified to date - Magistral North, Central and South, Puajanca South and the Santander Pipe (Figure 2). ...
      schrieb am 03.11.10 22:37:12
      Beitrag Nr. 19.279 ()

      China signs landmark energy deal with India - CER/WSJ - Oct 29, 2010…

      "China's Shanghai Electric Group (601727.SH, 2727.HK) signed a US$10 billion deal to sell energy production equipment to India's Reliance ADA Group, the Wall Street Journal reported.

      Under the terms of the contract, the Indian firm will import 42 coal-fired thermal-generation turbines from China. The move establishes Chinese energy firms as a new competitive threat to longstanding power-producing equipment providers in the US and Europe, notably Siemens (SI.NYSE, SIE.FWB), GE (GE.NYSE) and Alstom (ALO.Euronext). The massive deal is in stark contrast to the US$750 million gas turbine equipment deal GE signed with Reliance last week. GE dominates about 40% of the global gas turbine equipment production market. According to a division president of Shanghai Electric, the company has nearly four times the manufacturing capacity in power-generation equipment as Siemens, GE and Alstom.
      Siemens owns a 40% stake in a joint venture firm with Shanghai Electric, and the two share some technology. "
      schrieb am 03.11.10 22:40:50
      Beitrag Nr. 19.280 ()
      Clinton calls for reduced dependence on China's rare earths - CER/FT - Oct 29, 2010…

      "US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton publicly called on the US and its partners to wean themselves from dependence on China for rare earth metals, the Financial Times reported.

      The statement, the most blunt yet made by a US official, comes shortly after Zhu Hongren, a spokesman for China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, reiterated that China will not use rare earth exports as a diplomatic bargaining tool. :laugh: Clinton's comments were made at a meeting in Hawaii with Japan's foreign minister, Seiji Maehara. Many media sources have reported that China continues to restrict exports of rare earths to Japan, crucial to many of its industries, after a diplomatic spat between the two countries broke out over the contested Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands.
      Clinton announced earlier this week that she will add a short stop to China to her Asia diplomatic tour. "
      schrieb am 03.11.10 22:49:20
      Beitrag Nr. 19.281 ()
      US slaps more duties on China's aluminum exports - CER/Reuters - Oct 29, 2010…

      "The US Department of Commerce said it would increase duties on aluminum extrusion imports from China by 59.31% to offset unfairly low prices, Reuters reported.

      The increase comes after other US countervailing duties on products, including aluminum extrusions, were introduced in August ranging from 6.18% to 137.65%. The US imported some US$500 million worth of China-made aluminum extrusions in 2009, for use in vehicles, boats, furniture, window and door frames and other goods. The duties provide another success for the United Steelworkers union, which has argued that China unfairly subsidizes its aluminum producers. The duties will also be a boon to US producers such as William L Bonnell, Hydro Aluminum North America, Kaiser Aluminum (KALU.NASDAQ) and Sapa Extrusions. The duties will add yet more tension to Sino-US trade relations, which have grown increasingly fractious since late 2009. "
      schrieb am 03.11.10 22:53:25
      Beitrag Nr. 19.282 ()
      :eek: :eek:

      China makes world's fastest computer - CER/FT - Oct 29, 2010…

      "China's National University of Defense Technology has unveiled the Tianhe-1A, currently the world's fastest supercomputer, the Financial Times reported.

      The computer has a speed of 2.5 petaflops, breaking the previous record set by the Jaguar, a University of Tennessee computer completed last June. The claim made by Dawning Information Industry, which owns the Beijing-based supercomputer, was confirmed by US graphics chip maker Nvidia. Some analysts say the new record underscores China's successful venture into the supercomputing industry, and may even raise cybersecurity concerns in the US and Europe about China's capabilities. Others within China struck a more nationalistic tone. "Having the fastest supercomputer will give us a feeling of pride, it will be like winning gold medals at the Oylmpics, it will excite people," said Zhang Yunquan of the Institute of Software at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. "
      schrieb am 03.11.10 23:00:27
      Beitrag Nr. 19.283 ()
      Geodex Minerals Ltd.: Hunter Dickinson's Northcliff Finalizes Sisson Brook Tungsten-Molybdenum Project JV for $17 Million in Expenditures - Oct 26, 2010…
      schrieb am 03.11.10 23:18:03
      Beitrag Nr. 19.284 ()
      Iran's nuclear ambitions and uranium mining implications - - Oct 20, 2010

      - Dave Brown -…

      "Iran is ready to return to nuclear discussions with major powers as early as this week but only if the subject of the negotiations is clarified in advance. Last week, the European Union proposed a three day negotiation in Vienna for mid-November between Iran and the United States, Russia, France, Britain, China and Germany. Iran's terms are that a greater variety of states should participate in the discussion; the parties must say whether they seek friendship or hostility with Iran and they must state their view on the alleged nuclear arsenal of Israel. Iran's Atomic Energy Organization said it had launched a large-scale prospecting operation in central and southern regions of the country to locate new deposits of uranium to fuel its nascent nuclear power industry.

      The Russian-built 1,000 megawatt Bushehr reactor is due to start supplying Iran's first civilian nuclear energy in early 2011, after years of delays. Iran insists it has every right to peaceful nuclear technology and is not endeavoring to manufacture a nuclear bomb. The country has stated that it plans to build as many as 20 reactors during the next two decades.

      Mining Developments

      A joint venture uranium mining project in Namibia operated by the dually listed Australian and London mining giant Rio Tinto (NYSE:RTP) is considering what to do with a 15 percent stake held by the Iranian government since 1975.

      In June, the U.N. Security Council adopted a resolution which bans the sale of any stakes in uranium mines to Iran, as well as shares in any commercial operations linked to the production of nuclear materials or technology. It also says that "all states shall prohibit such investment." An obvious question remains on whether any previously held Iranian stakes in uranium mines or other nuclear-related operations should be divested.

      Rossing Uranium Limited is in consultation with the Government of Namibia to find a solution to deal with the U.N. Resolution requirements. The Rossing Uranium Mine in the South African country of Namibia is one of the world's largest open-pit uranium mines. Rossing Uranium Limited sells its uranium to nuclear power plants in North America, Europe and throughout Asia.

      Current Events

      The Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) is currently hosting the three day International Uranium Fuel Seminar in Savannah, Georgia which is expected to finish by Wednesday afternoon. In the past participants have been uranium producers, utility fuel managers, nuclear fuel brokers, traders and consultants, transport operators, nuclear energy equipment and services suppliers, economists, analysts, government policymakers and regulators.

      Spot Price Continues to Climb

      The spot uranium market was relatively busy again this week with eight transactions reported, with utilities, producers and intermediaries all participating as buyers. Transactions involving delivery next year or in Europe were concluded at notably higher prices than deliveries in North America and before year-end. Prices in transactions concluded this week covered a broad range depending upon delivery date and location.

      A utilities company based in the US is seeking 180 thousand pounds of uranium with offers due October 25. Another utility is seeking about 400 thousand pounds for spot delivery and a forward contract for 650 thousand pounds equivalent for delivery next year.

      The increase in spot activity along with significant demand in the mid- to long-term sector is exerting upward pressure on prices. Sellers continue to raise offer prices and transactions are being concluded at prices above last week's closing spot price. As a result, the Uranium Spot Price increased to $48.25, a $0.25 premium from last week's value. "
      schrieb am 03.11.10 23:22:48
      Beitrag Nr. 19.285 ()
      NREL’s Clean Energy Forum Attracts Nearly 500 Participants from Investment Community; Three Clean Energy Companies Honored at Awards Event NREL - Oct 21, 2010
      schrieb am 04.11.10 16:55:56
      Beitrag Nr. 19.286 ()
      Aquila Resources - West Pilbara Iron Ore Project Resource Increases to 927Mt - Nov 1, 2010


      + Total JORC iron ore Resource now totals 927Mt

      + 185Mt (37%) increase from the previous Stage 1 development Resource

      + 87% of the Stage 1 development Resource is now categorised as Measured or Indicated

      + Significant potential to further expand Channel Iron Deposit (CID), Detrital (DID) and
      Bedded Iron Deposit (BID) Resources ...
      schrieb am 04.11.10 16:58:34
      Beitrag Nr. 19.287 ()
      Coalspur Mines - Initial Coal Resource of 168.3Mt Defined @Vista South - Nov 1, 2010


      + Initial Coal Resource of 168.3Mt defined at the Vista South Project (“Vista South”)

      + Increases total Measured &Indicated Resources of Coalspur to 905.9Mt which represents 84% of whole resource

      + Resource defined from the first phase of the drilling program on Vista South which represents only 18% of the Vista South leases

      + Coalspur is preparing a larger second phase of drilling commencing before year end to further define resources in the Vista South leases

      + Vista South resources have the advantage of leveraging off coal mining, handling and processing infrastructure to be developed for Vista Coal Project ...
      schrieb am 05.11.10 15:46:29
      Beitrag Nr. 19.288 ()
      Halo Resources - Updates NI 43-101 Compliant Resources Estimate for Sherridon District, Manitoba - Nov 04, 2010…
      schrieb am 05.11.10 23:01:13
      Beitrag Nr. 19.289 ()
      MorphoSys - AbD Serotec vereinbart weltweite exklusive Lizenz für ‎Forschungsantikörper mit dem Institute of Cancer Research - Nov 4, 2010
      schrieb am 05.11.10 23:36:36
      Beitrag Nr. 19.290 ()

      Centric Energy - Announces Kenya Government Approval of Block 10BA Farmout - Nov 04, 2010…
      schrieb am 07.11.10 01:55:48
      Beitrag Nr. 19.291 ()
      Minco Plc - Reports Additional Mineralised Holes and Growing Resource at Pallas Green - Oct 11, 2010…
      schrieb am 07.11.10 02:01:32
      Beitrag Nr. 19.292 ()
      Cougar Energy - Strategic UCG Alliance with Chinese Investment Group - Oct 1, 2010
      schrieb am 07.11.10 02:51:40
      Beitrag Nr. 19.293 ()

      Meteoric Resources NL - Acq of a Major 40km-long Iron Ore Opportunity @Coorara WA - May 31, 2010


      + A 40km strike length of BIF with no previous iron exploration or drilling completed. :eek:

      + Close proximity to, and along strike from, an existing 1billion tonne magnetite resource with DSO hematite potential. :eek::eek:

      + A 20km strike length in the northern half of the tenement with evidence of thickening and structural complexity of the BIF, indicating potential for shallow hematite (DSO) enrichments.

      + Proximity to the Kalgoorlie-Kwinana standard gauge railway some 50km to the south. ...

      Widespread Hematite at Coorara - Sep 1, 2010

      Five Hematite Targets at Coorara - Sep 8, 2010

      "(...) Final assay results have been received from the rock sampling carried out ov the ver 40km m-long strik length of banded iron formations (BIF), evid ke n s dent in eithe outcrop o from er or the a aeromagnetic data. A to otal of 236 samples w were collecte at 20m intervals on traverses nominally 400m ed s apar where ou rt utcrop was found to ex xist.

      Of the samples collected, 63 samples (26%) 3 repo orted more than 50% Fe; this is viewed as being ext e s s tremely enc couraging as the sam mpling was f first pass ex xploration. T This explora ation was planned to ob bjectively in ndicate the potential p presence o hematiteof -goethite alteration an resulted in definition of nd d wide espread and coherent a d areas hema atite-goethite alteration of the quart e tz-magnetite BIF. e Five priority e e exploration zones ha n ave been d defined bas sed on the preliminary rock y sam mpling where samples c e contain ove 50% Fe a where t values d er and the define a coherent trend over seve d eral of the nominally 4 400m space traverses All of the priority zones ed s.

      Tese appe to have strike len ear e ngths great than 1km and will be assesse in detail; other ter ed ; sam mples containing greate than 50% Fe exist within the project ar er % t e rea indicatin the ng poss sibility of de efining additional priority exploratio zones. (...)"
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 07.11.10 02:57:29
      Beitrag Nr. 19.294 ()
      Magnetic Resources NL - Wubin and Jubuk Iron Ore Drilling Programme - Sep 1, 2010
      schrieb am 07.11.10 03:16:30
      Beitrag Nr. 19.295 ()
      Royal Resources - Razorback Rail HOA signed with GWA - Nov 5, 2010
      schrieb am 07.11.10 16:50:51
      Beitrag Nr. 19.296 ()
      Chemaphor - Readies Commercial Launch of Companion Animal Health Products &Services &Announces Management &Board Changes - Nov 05, 2010…
      schrieb am 08.11.10 23:27:00
      Beitrag Nr. 19.297 ()
      China to Consolidate Coal Production in Five Years; China is planning to limit its annual coal production to 3.8bn tonnes in the next five years, compared with 3.2bn tonnes last year - MT - Nov 4, 2010…

      "China is planning to limit its annual coal production to 3.8bn tonnes in the next five years, compared with 3.2bn tonnes last year.

      Under the five-year plan large mines would account for about 66%, producing 2.5bn tonnes, mid-sized mines would produce 800m tonnes and small mines would account for 500m tonnes annually.

      In addition to the consolidation of coal mines, the Chinese government plans to establish eight to ten major coal companies with annual capacity of more than 100m tonnes and another eight to ten companies with a capacity of about 50m tonnes.

      China expects cutting outdated capacity and limiting output would continue to boost coal-import volumes.
      schrieb am 08.11.10 23:27:54
      Beitrag Nr. 19.298 ()
      South American Silver - Announces $28 Million Financing - Nov 8, 2010…
      schrieb am 08.11.10 23:31:58
      Beitrag Nr. 19.299 ()
      Senomyx &Firmenich extend their Collaboration Regarding Novel Flavors that Provide a Cooling Taste Effect; Collaborative research period extended for two additional years; Taste tests being conducted with promising new cooling flavors - Nov 8, 2010…
      schrieb am 08.11.10 23:48:07
      Beitrag Nr. 19.300 ()
      Madagascar Oil announces intention to float on AIM - EP - Nov 8, 2010…

      "Madagascar Oil, an oil and gas exploration and development company with significant oil resources onshore Madagascar, has announced its intention to apply for admission to the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange and to proceed with an initial public offering of its common shares to institutional investors in the United Kingdom and elsewhere.

      The joint brokers to the IPO are Mirabaud Securities and GMP Securities Europe. Strand Hanson Limited is acting as nominated adviser to the Company.

      - Madagascar Oil assets -

      Summary of Madagascar Oil:

      Two significant core assets with multi-billion barrels of heavy oil resources in place:


      + 'Best Estimate' gross heavy oil in place (OOIP) of 965 MM bbl in known accumulations, with over 780 MM bbl potential in prospective, adjacent structures;

      + Production estimated at 87,500 bopd for 30 to 40 years;

      + 100% working interest held by the Company.


      + 'Best Estimate' gross discovered bitumen in place (PIIP) of 1,179 MM bbl, with over 1,000 MM bbl potential upside subject to further delineation drilling;

      + Total E&P farm-in for a US$100 million consideration also provided the Company with a carried interest through US$100 million in exploration and development costs expended by Total E&P as license operator;

      + Madagascar Oil holds a 40%interest (Total E&P 60%).

      Both core assets represent an oil recovery execution play:

      + Well defined project field areas known to contain substantial heavy oil / bitumen accumulations; and

      + Field tests and studies undertaken to date suggest the Company's heavy oil assets have excellent potential for development.

      Potential world class heavy oil resource being developed at Tsimiroro is well located for access to the world heavy oil market, including the expanding Asian markets.

      Top tier team encompassing the following key characteristics:

      + World class technical expertise in executing and monetising heavy oil resources through the application of steam flood;

      + Extensive expertise in managing, budgeting and executing multi-million dollar projects globally; and

      + A board with significant industry experience and will provide both strategic and operational oversight.

      Potential upside from three significant exploration assets representing an area totalling approximately 17,400 km2:

      + Eight structural leads identified following a 2009 seismic program.

      Comprehensive near term work program to prove up reserves and demonstrate commercial production capability, including:

      + additional drilling to expand and upgrade the resource base at Tsimiroro - first results from the current drilling and Electrical Resistance Tomography (ERT) program expected in early 2011;

      + executing a steam flood pilot facility at Tsimiroro - first production expected in late 2011;

      + evaluation of the mining options available at Bemolanga - next major operational decision in June 2011; and

      + development of drillable prospects on the Exploration Blocks - next results expected in early 2011.

      Laurie Hunter, Chairman and CEO, commented:

      'The potential for Madagascar Oil is significant. It is primarily an execution play on two core and very sizeable heavy oil resources. Work completed to date by the Company's technical team, which gained extensive heavy oil experience in California and at other similar operations in Indonesia, supports the potential for commerciality of a steam flood operation at Tsimiroro. The funds raised through the IPO will be sufficient to bring our largest core asset, Tsimiroro, to the point of commerciality, at which juncture the Company is likely at attract the interest of a larger entity, interested in heavy oil plays due to the potential for consistent and sizable long term revenue streams.' "
      schrieb am 08.11.10 23:50:57
      Beitrag Nr. 19.301 ()
      Baltic Oil Terminals announces strategic relationship and equity swap with Shelton Petroleum; Baltic Oil Terminals has entered into a strategic relationship with Shelton Petroleum, a Swedish public company listed on the NGM Equity Stock Market (NGM) in Stockholm with a market capitalisation of SEK 363m (£ 33.9m) - EP - Nov 8, 2010…

      "Baltic Oil Terminals has entered into a strategic relationship with Shelton Petroleum, a Swedish public company listed on the NGM Equity Stock Market (NGM) in Stockholm with a market capitalisation of SEK 363m (£ 33.9m).

      Under the terms of the strategic relationship, Baltic has agreed to issue to Shelton 14,957,368 new ordinary shares of 1 pence each in the capital of Baltic and Shelton has agreed to issue to Baltic 54,000,000 new B shares in the capital of Shelton. The exchange ratio has been calculated by reference to the average market closing price of Baltic ordinary shares and Shelton B shares for the four weeks ending 2 November 2010, being 25.89 pence and SEK 0.759, respectively, and an average SEK/GBP exchange rate over the period of 10.584, valuing each issue of shares at approx. £3.87m. The market closing prices on 5 November 2010 were 25.5 pence for Baltic ordinary shares and SEK 0.76 (7.1 pence) for Shelton B shares.

      Following completion of the Equity Swap, Shelton will own approx. 19.5 per cent. of Baltic's enlarged issued share capital, and Baltic will own approx. 10.2 per cent. of Shelton's enlarged share capital. The Equity Swap is structured as an issue of equity in kind and no cash will be expended by either party.

      Baltic and Shelton are involved in two separate but highly complementary areas of the oil industry. Shelton is an oil exploration and production company, with proven and producing assets in the resource-rich basins of Volga-Urals and Ukraine and a further portfolio of assets in the Black Sea and Azov Sea. It has Proven, Probable and Possible (3P) reserves of 14 million barrels and a very significant resource base of over 300 million barrels of oil equivalent. Shelton is currently in the process of scaling up existing production through an extensive development programme. Shelton is also a major investor in Tomsk Refining, a Swedish company which owns significant refinery operations in Western Siberia.

      With Baltic's own expertise in oil trading, infrastructure and transportation, the relationship between Baltic and Shelton will provide both companies with the opportunity to explore significant long term commercial benefits. Baltic and Shelton intend to identify and take advantage of a broad range of joint initiatives, including identifying customers for the supply of crude oil and other products, facilitating suitable transportation and storage services and entering into product swap arrangements. Several opportunities have already been identified and are currently being progressed. The companies will further evaluate the strategic opportunities in order to explore ways of developing and strengthening the relationship in the future.

      Simon Escott, Chief Executive of Baltic, commented:

      'Shelton are an ideal partner for Baltic as we seek to expand our business. They have considerable oil reserves and their production levels are expected to increase significantly in the short term. Their refining interests will also be highly complementary to our existing trading and terminals operations and represent a key potential synergy between ourselves and Shelton. As a major investor in Baltic, they will be able to provide access to a range of opportunities which with our expertise should benefit our operations.'

      Robert Karlsson, Chief Executive of Shelton, commented:

      'Baltic has built up a very impressive oil terminals and trading business and we see several areas of mutually beneficial cooperation. Securing a presence in hydrocarbons transhipment allows Shelton to take a further step in its strategy of becoming an integrated oil & gas company. We also look forward to supporting Baltic in evaluating significant growth opportunities for both companies' benefit. I am looking forward to a long and successful relationship.' "
      schrieb am 08.11.10 23:55:05
      Beitrag Nr. 19.302 ()
      China: BP poised to sign major exploration deal with CNOOC; British oil giant BP is reported to be set to sign a major exploration deal with China's biggest offshore oil and gas producer when Prime Minister David Cameron visits Beijing next week - EP - Nov 8, 2010…
      schrieb am 08.11.10 23:58:06
      Beitrag Nr. 19.303 ()
      Trafigura buys BP assets in Namibia, Botswana and Zambia; International oil trader Trafigura has bought BP's assets in the southern African nations of Namibia, Botswana and Zambia, The Namibian daily newspaper said on Friday, citing a government minister - EP/NW - Nov 8, 2010…
      schrieb am 09.11.10 00:00:54
      Beitrag Nr. 19.304 ()
      Albania: Petromanas completes seismic in Blocks D & E onshore Albania - farmout available; Petromanas Energy has announced the completion of 2D seismic operations on Blocks D and E onshore Albania. The 105 km of 2D seismic acquired fulfils the work commitments for the first exploration phase on the blocks - EP - Nov 8, 2010…
      schrieb am 09.11.10 00:32:36
      Beitrag Nr. 19.305 ()
      MagIndustries - Announces Financing - Nov 08, 2010…
      schrieb am 09.11.10 00:35:56
      Beitrag Nr. 19.306 ()
      Wavefront Technology Solutions - TriAxon Oil Corp Deploying Six Powerwave Systems to Generate More Oil Production From Its Operations - Nov 08, 2010…
      schrieb am 09.11.10 00:53:25
      Beitrag Nr. 19.307 ()
      Premium Exploration - 30-km Airborne Survey Results in Expanded Phase-Three Exploration Program; Phase-Four Preparation Underway - Nov 08, 2010…
      schrieb am 09.11.10 16:21:03
      Beitrag Nr. 19.308 ()

      Sprott Resource - Agrees to Join Virginia Energy as Strategic Partners in Coles Hill Uranium Project - Nov 09, 2010…
      schrieb am 09.11.10 16:39:10
      Beitrag Nr. 19.309 ()
      Salazar Resources - Intersects 23.87 g/t Gold, 1252.71 g/t Silver, 2.29 % Copper, 5.69% Lead &26.28 % Zinc - Nov 09, 2010…
      schrieb am 10.11.10 21:47:15
      Beitrag Nr. 19.310 ()
      Glen Eagle Resources - Intersects 1.44% Li2O Over 45.7 Meters - Nov 10, 2010…
      schrieb am 10.11.10 22:05:48
      Beitrag Nr. 19.311 ()

      Coalspur Mines - Vista Coal Project Resource Increases by 297.1Mt - Nov 10, 2010


      + Coal Resource on the flagship Vista Coal Project increases by 297.1Mt to 1.20Bt (“Project” or “VCP”) ahead of release of Pre-Feasibility Study (“PFS”)

      + Total Measured & Indicated Resources of Coalspur increased to 1,013.8Mt which represents 74% of total resource

      + The PFS on the Project is expected to be completed in the next few weeks and this will incorporate the resource upgrade and is expected to show an increased production rate, longer mine life and mining synergies on the Project

      + The upgraded Coal Resource is shallow, with the primary seams ranging in depth from surface to 255 metres inside the mine design area and with a gentle average dip of 7°

      + The Vista Project has 20km of continuous low dipping strike and access to an underutilised port and adjacent rail

      + Resource upgrade based on refined geological reinterpretation of combined VCP geological model and inclusion of the Silkstone seam ...
      schrieb am 11.11.10 22:46:09
      Beitrag Nr. 19.312 ()
      Castle Minerals - Strong Gold Zone Confirms Hotspot Along Batie West Trend - Nov 9, 2010
      schrieb am 11.11.10 22:49:02
      Beitrag Nr. 19.313 ()
      Potash One - Legacy Project Approved by Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment - Nov 10, 2010…
      schrieb am 11.11.10 22:57:19
      Beitrag Nr. 19.314 ()
      AgriMarine Holdings - Tank Assembly Now Complete - Nov 10, 2010…
      schrieb am 11.11.10 23:07:14
      Beitrag Nr. 19.315 ()
      [PGM] Exceptional assay results at the Owendale Project - Australianinvestor - 11-Nov-2010

      "Platina Resources Limited has announced interim assay results from recently completed diamond drill-hole FKD10-109 at the 100% owned Owendale Project, NSW.

      Results for the first 235m have been received, with the balance of analyses, for the deeper fresh rock, anticipated to be received within the week.

      A highly significant 16m thick poly-metallic mineralised zone was intersected at 12m drilled depth. The zone grades 479g/t scandium, 0.5g/t platinum, 0.1% nickel, 0.1% cobalt and 0.4% chrome (refer to Table 1). This is believed to represent Australia’s best ever scandium intersection, ranging up to 915g/t scandium over a 1m interval (at 23m drilled depth).

      The price for a scandium product of 99.9% purity over the past four years has been in the order of US$1,400 per kg*. The economic fundamentals for scandium are expected to assist the Owendale Project economics which have the added benefit of platinum, nickel, cobalt and chrome. The mineralised unit is also very shallow, suggesting that extraction costs and stripping ratios would be low.

      The Company is further buoyed by similarities in mineralisation between FKD10-109 and earlier drill-hole OWDD001 (completed in July this year). OWDD001 intersected 17m @ 405g/t scandium, 0.3g/t platinum, 0.2% nickel and 0.2% cobalt at a drilled depth of 11m. OWDD001 was collared only 178m north of FKD10-109, thereby suggesting that mineralisation may be consistent between the two drill-holes. Both OWDD001 and FKD10-109 are the only two drillholes in Owendale’s history to have ever been assayed for scandium. "
      schrieb am 11.11.10 23:10:23
      Beitrag Nr. 19.316 ()
      Southern Hemisphere Mining - Pre-Feasibility Study Results - Los Pumas Manganese Project - Oct 15, 2010
      schrieb am 11.11.10 23:14:23
      Beitrag Nr. 19.317 ()
      [MKE] New Canadian resource zone - Australianinvestor - 11-Nov-2010

      "Mako Energy Limited is now in a position to announce details of a further acquisition that potentially signals a major new Resource play in the exciting Canadian unconventional light oil market.

      Mako will today exercise an option to acquire Ventoux Resources Inc (Ventoux), a private company associated with Harness Petroleum Inc. and Mobi Oil & Gas Corp, which has a “100% (of costs) for 84%” working and exclusive operating interest in 24 Sections of a new Central Alberta unconventional light oil prospect. Additionally, under the terms of that option, and a further agreement with a Western Australian private equity investor (WAPE Co), Ventoux is also entitled to a further 25% ‘free carried’ working interest on an additional 42 Sections which were acquired in ‘cooperation’ over the last 4 months.

      All land was acquired by way of Alberta Crown auctions and due to the highly sensitive and confidential nature of the Project the Company has been bound by strict terms of confidentiality until that acquisition process was substantially complete. "
      schrieb am 11.11.10 23:17:48
      Beitrag Nr. 19.318 ()
      [IOH] More exciting drilling results - Australianinvestor - 11-Nov-2010

      "Iron Ore Holdings has provided assay results from drilling completed at its Karrajura East and Fingers Prospects located in the Koodaideri South Project.

      Highlights include: New high-grade iron ore mineralisation identified at Karrajura East Prospect and thick high grade intersections within Karrajura East Prospect include:
      52m @ 59.82%Fe (Hole KS100)
      40m @ 59.71%Fe (Hole KS114)
      30m @ 59.25%Fe (Hole KS117)
      44m @ 57.46%Fe (Hole KS120)

      Thick high grade intersections within Fingers Prospect include:
      54m @ 58.67%Fe (Hole KS068)
      54m @ 59.44%Fe (Hole KS079)
      74m @ 59.97%Fe (Hole KS080)
      52m @ 59.57%Fe (Hole KS081)

      Drilling confirms mineralisation at or near surface within Karrajura East and Fingers Prospects.

      Further drilling is planned within the Koodaideri South Project next field season.

      The current total IOH JORC Resource Inventory stands at 593.3Mt and a further JORC upgrade is planned within this final quarter of 2010. "
      schrieb am 11.11.10 23:21:48
      Beitrag Nr. 19.319 ()
      Flinders Mines - Resource Upgrade - Oct 25, 2010


      + 14% increase to 748 Mt @ 55.4%Fe announced for Global Mineral Resource

      + 74% increase in Indicated Resource to 273 Mt @ 56.2% Fe.

      + 98% conversion from Inferred to Indicated in Delta – high confidence in geological model.

      + These latest results further underpin the Company’s confidence in progressing the development of the project.

      + Phase 2 of the 2010 drilling program commenced.

      + Prefeasibility study on target for completion in current December quarter. ...
      schrieb am 13.11.10 03:47:47
      Beitrag Nr. 19.320 ()

      "Die Kinect-Technologie wird völlig neue Genres entstehen lassen" - MSN - Nov 12, 2010

      - Jens-Ekkehard Bernerth -…
      schrieb am 13.11.10 03:59:41
      Beitrag Nr. 19.321 ()
      [BDR] Gold resource increases to 4.6 Moz - Australianinvestor - 12-Nov-2010

      "Beadell Resources Ltd has announced that JORC resources at the Tucano project have increased by 48 % to 4.3 Moz. Global JORC resources for Tucano now total 90.4 Mt @ 1.5 g/t for 4.3 Moz of gold at a 0.5 g/t cut off, comprising 19.5 Mt @ 1.5 g/t gold for 1.0 Moz of oxide which will form the main ore source for the first 3 to 4 years of the operation followed by the primary ore which comprises a resource of 63.6 Mt @ 1.5 g/t for 3.1 Moz of gold.

      The global resource comprises Measured Resources from stockpiles of 7.4 Mt @ 0.8 g/t gold for 0.18 Moz. Total Indicated Resources for Tucano are 40.1 Mt @ 1.5 g/t for 2.0 Moz and total inferred resources are 42.9 Mt @ 1.6 g/t for 2.2 Moz.

      The new resource estimate is the result of a 6 month intensive drilling and resource estimation campaign completed by Beadell and leading international consulting group SRK Consulting. All resource models have been handed over for mining optimisation work to be completed by the end of this year as part of the Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS), and culminating in the release of a maiden JORC reserve. "
      schrieb am 13.11.10 04:03:47
      Beitrag Nr. 19.322 ()
      [GMM] Shallow structural drilling completed at Uvs in Mongolia - Australianinvestor - 12-Nov-2010

      "General Mining Corporation Limited has completed the previously announced drilling program to study the structure of remote sensing circular features interpreted as possible salt diapirs (refer to announcement of 25th August 2010) at the Uvs potash project.

      As planned, 8 holes were drilled by a combination of direct circulation rotary and down-hole hammer drilling to a maximum depth of 150 m.

      No salt has been detected in drill cuttings at these shallow depths; however this does not downgrade the potential of the overall Uvs potash project in any way. The geophysical logs are yet to be received in Australia and will be analysed together with other available information to better understand the geology of this underexplored area and to identify priority locations for a deeper drilling program seeking bedded potash that is the Company’s primary exploration target.

      In addition to the above structural drilling, the rig was moved to a different location and a series of bucket auger holes were drilled to a maximum depth of 25m and sampled at an average interval of 1m to check the potential for gold and PGE alluvials within the Company’s tenements at Uvs. The samples of the alluvial sediments obtained will be transported to the Mongolian capital, Ulaanbaatar, for final gravity concentration and laboratory assaying. "
      schrieb am 13.11.10 04:09:33
      Beitrag Nr. 19.323 ()

      [EQX] Rock chip assays confirm high grade Hematite up to 61.6% Fe - Australianinvestor - 12-Nov-2010

      "Equatorial Resources Limited has announced rock chip samples collected have returned assay grades of up to 61.6% Fe.

      High grade assay results confirm the presence of hematite rich iron mineralisation at surface at Equatorial’s 100% owned Mayoko-Moussondji Iron Project and indicate the potential for direct shipping ore (“DSO”).

      A network of logging roads in excellent condition have been mapped by Equatorial which will facilitate easy access to the Project area for drilling crews and further field work.

      The identification of zones of hematite enrichment overlaying identified magnetic anomalies indicates the potential for large exploration targets for both hematite and itabirite iron mineralisation over the 46km of strike. "
      schrieb am 14.11.10 01:57:04
      Beitrag Nr. 19.324 ()
      Japan, Bolivia to Study Commercial Lithium Development; "Nations plan to develop the world's largest deposit of lithium. :eek: :eek: " - BB/TER - 11/9/10

      - Masumi Suga &Go Onomitsu -
      schrieb am 14.11.10 02:03:34
      Beitrag Nr. 19.325 ()
      Prophecy Resource - Receives Permit to Mine @Ulaan Ovoo in Mongolia, Opening Ceremony November, 20 - Nov 11, 2010…
      schrieb am 14.11.10 02:06:32
      Beitrag Nr. 19.326 ()
      [AMX] Wide zones of gold mineralisation - Australianinvestor - 11-Nov-2010

      "Ampella Mining Limited has reported wide zones of gold mineralisation intersected by deeper drilling below 100m vertical at the Konkera 1.2M oz JORC Compliant Inferred Gold Resource highlights the significant potential for extensions to the current Resource.

      Significant deeper drill intercepts include:

      17m at 4.1 g/t gold from 167m in KNRD342
      22m at 3.0 g/t gold from 164m in KNRD066

      A 3-D Induced Polarisation (3D IP) survey over the Resource is set to commence this month to assist with targeting deeper styles of gold mineralisation.

      Continuity of gold mineralisation confirmed over a 3km strike across the Konkera Resource by ongoing shallow infill drilling with results to be included in the Konkera Resource Upgrade due for release in early 2011.

      Further extensions to mineralisation confirmed by infill drilling at The Gap over 1.5km with results to be included in the Konkera Resource Upgrade.

      Aggressive field programs regain momentum as the wet season abates with 3 drill rigs engaged full-time through the rest of 2010 and for all of 2011 and 3 power auger rigs commencing full-time work over the 110km :eek: long Batie Shear. "
      schrieb am 16.11.10 20:15:10
      Beitrag Nr. 19.327 ()
      Anglo Aluminum - Positive Drill Results-Anglo Aluminum's Mamou-Dalaba Bauxite Project, Guinea - Nov 16, 2010…
      schrieb am 16.11.10 20:26:55
      Beitrag Nr. 19.328 ()

      RETRANSMISSION: Lithium One and KORES Announce Addition of LG International and GS Caltex to Development JV at Sal de Vida Lithium Brine Project, Argentina - Nov 15, 2010
      schrieb am 16.11.10 22:26:33
      Beitrag Nr. 19.329 ()
      Fairstar Resources - Steeple Hill Resource Anouncement; 17MT of Direct Shippable Hematite Ore Product @58.40% Fe - Sep 8, 2010


      + FairStar's Maiden Indicated Resource Estimate, in accordance with the JORC Code, of 93 Million Tonnes of Hematite rich detrital gravels has been confirmed at S H I P in WA’s
      eastern goldfields. The Resource Estimate includes an average Hematite weight recovery of 18%, producing 17.67 Million Tonnes of Hematite product @ 58.40% Fe, 7.1% SiO2, 6.0% Al2O3 and 0.01% P.

      + This Maiden Indicated Mineral Resource represents only a small part of the S H I P, which also has hard rock hematite and magnetite potential.

      • The Maiden Mineral Resource at the project is in the Indicated Resource JORC category [alluvial iron ore resources are generally expressed as "indicated" and not "measured" due to variability of mineralisation] which provides a strong level of certainty on the project’s development potential,

      + Having successfully defined and estimated this resource, FairStar can now define a
      Probable Reserve within 2 months, when associated studies are complete.

      + The resource has been estimated from a total of 4,204 m of drilling across 450 holes :eek: at 200 m grid spacing, for 1555 drill samples, and a program of 145 trenches.

      + The shallow unconsolidated mineralisation occurs from surface and is free digging
      detrital hematite rich material, from which a direct shippable hematite concentrate can
      be produced.

      + The achievement of the Maiden Indicated Resource at the S H I P is a major milestone in FairStar’s fast-track development plans.

      + Infrastructure developments are in progress with rail and sea-freight transport corridors being established to deliver a balanced, FairStar controlled, end-to-end supply chain.

      + FairStar plans to commence a further phase of drilling in the near future with a 100 hole program to expand the Resource beyond its current Maiden Resource parameters.

      + FairStar has also commenced discussions with Chinese and other Asian groups regarding project funding, potential off take arrangements and prospective equity investment in the Company.

      + FairStar plans to swiftly develop the S H I P into a unique and rapidly expanding export grade hematite iron mining operation.

      + The S H I P is 100% owned by FairStar and is located close to major rail infrastructure
      with Trans Australian Railway 23 km south of project area providing an expeditious and economic pathway to market over the deepwater Port of Esperance.
      schrieb am 16.11.10 22:33:50
      Beitrag Nr. 19.330 ()

      Underground super highway; Rugged fibre optic cables are opening an entire new world underground - MA - Nov 12, 2010

      - Cole Latimer -…

      "Clear communication is key.

      And quality communications and information equipment is now, more than ever before, integral in mine development as the industry moves towards greater remote control and automation of machinery and mining processes.

      In an underground mine, access to communications and information equipment has often been limited due to thermal extremes, physical hazards and dangerous chemicals.

      On top of this, copper conductors that are often used for communication equipment do not operate as efficiently because of the excessive noise generated by mining equipment, and may also pose a safety hazard.

      However, the design of extremely rugged fibre optic cables is now enabling ten gigabit transmission links in places that were never before thought possible in mining.

      One place though, has still proved a challenge for the expansion of fibre optic networks, and that is in an underground coal mine.

      Until now.

      Optical Cable Corporation (OCC) has developed the rugged tight buffered breakout fibre optic cables for transmission links in harsh mining environments.

      Working at depths of over 300 metres below ground, and having seen roof falls actually bury the cable between rocks and still, the cables are able to operate in a myriad of conditions.

      OCC vice president of international sales, Michael Newman, told Australian Mining that these cables will assist in revolutionising underground communications as “the cables provide a communication link that is completely immune to electro magnetic interference and can provide higher data rates at longer distances than was possible with copper.”

      He went on to say that while there are already underground communications systems in place, these tight buffered fibre optic cables can perform the same task copper cables or leaky feeder systems but consist of smaller cables over longer distances which can also carry all of the voice and data on a single, tough cable.

      These cables have been designed to be more heavy duty than existing loose tube fibre optic cables.

      Rugged, tight buffered fibre optic cables, as opposed to loose tube designs which have only one thin coating surrounding each optical fibre, have two.

      In the loose cable design, the fibre coating is only 62 microns thick, which provides very little mechanical and environmental protection to the glass fibre.

      For the tight buffered cables, in addition to a primary coating, they have a secondary buffer which reaches a weight of 387 microns, six times thicker than the primary coating alone.

      In the design of the breakout cable, it has another layer of protection, where each fibre is surrounded by aramid yarns and a tight bound elastomeric jacket.

      This means that even at this sub-cable level, the sub units are highly crush resistant and able to withstand the environmental extremes often encountered in coal mines.

      OCC then ensure the sub cables are helically stranded and surrounded by a special pressure extruded outer jacket.

      This outer jacket assists in locking all the sub elements of the cable in place, and makes the structure of the cable act like a single unit, similar to a rope.

      This aids in enhancing crush resistance, jacket tear resistance and overall survivability.

      According to the Newman, the cables have a flex resistance of thousands of cycles, come with a crush resistance of 2200N/cm, and have the ability to withstand 1000 impacts while operating in temperature extremes of between minus 55 right through to 124 degrees Celsius.

      Importantly, these cables do not propagate a flame or give off toxic fumes.

      The cables are also designed to work within an underground environment.

      With a typical mine being extremely dusty and dirty, a loose-tube gel-filled cable is very hard to work with, when you set it down to do the termination it typically picks up a lot of dust.

      However, the breakout cables are dry, meaning no degraded connection at assembly time.

      The cables are suitable for use across the whole scope of underground mining, as “all kinds of mining have similar requirements for communications and information equipment, and the use of these fibre cables within the mine is beneficial for increased safety and production,” Newman said.

      The cables allow for internet and information transfer speeds of up to 100 gig per second, although they are typically used at 1 gig or less, he added.

      OCC manufactures the cables for high bandwidth transmission of data and video and audio communications.

      The cables are available in Australia. "
      schrieb am 16.11.10 22:42:59
      Beitrag Nr. 19.331 ()
      Selwyn Resources - Announces Reimbursement of CAD$7.44M from Selwyn Chihong - Nov 12, 2010…
      schrieb am 16.11.10 22:45:41
      Beitrag Nr. 19.332 ()
      Mawson Resources - Completes Initial Field Program at the Rompas Gold-Uranium Discovery in Finland - Nov 12, 2010

      During the last 5 months the company has completed:

      + A 1,300 soil and bedrock channel sample program over an area of 8km by 500m;

      + A 1,000 sample regional geochemical and prospecting survey. Geochemical samples were collected at sample sites located on 1km by 1km grid over the entire 95,000 hectare land holding;

      + A 3,279 line km heliborne magnetic and radiometric geophysical survey over an area of approximately 21km by 8km;

      + Detailed lithological, alteration and geomorphological mapping and prospecting, with the aim to map the key structural, geological and alteration signatures associated with gold and uranium mineralization. ...…
      schrieb am 16.11.10 22:59:40
      Beitrag Nr. 19.333 ()
      :eek: :eek: :eek:

      South Boulder Mines - Drill Results Confirm World`s Shallowest Potash Deposit - Nov 9, 2010

      + Assay results confirm extensive shallow potash over a 4.5km2 area with mineralisation open in all directions;

      + Initial exploration target is to define 300mt-500mt of potash ores with average grades from 21 – 25% KCl. The potential quantity and grade is conceptual in nature and there has been insufficient exploration to define a Mineral Resource and that it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the determination of a Mineral Resource.

      + Scoping study to evaluate a low cap-ex and op-ex potash from an open pit mine has commenced;

      + Hole Col-001 intersected a total thickness of 28.33m of potash including 8.63m of sylvinitite + carnallitite @ 21% KCl from 59.17m which includes higher grade intervals of;

      - 1.96m of sylvinitite @ 26% KCl from 59.17m and;
      - 4.43m of sylvinitite + carnallitite @ 27% KCl from 63.37m and;
      - 1.35m of sylvinitite @ 39% KCl from 63.85m plus;
      - 19.70m of carnallitite + kainitite @ 16% KCl from 83.78m incl;
      - 9.31m of kainitite @ 20% KCl from 94.17m;

      + Hole Col-002B intersected a total thickness 24.66m of carnallitite + kainitite @ 16% KCl incl;

      - 4.89m of carnallitite + kainitite @ 20% KCl from 62.71m and;
      - 3.77m of kainitite @ 22% KCl from 76.60m;

      + Previously announced hole Col-004 intersected a total thickness of 21.46m of potash including the high grade interval of;

      - 3.44m of sylvinitite @ 44% KCl from 28.68m;

      + An initial orientation gravity survey over mineralised extents has been completed with results to be utilised to target further high grade mineralisation;

      + Drilling program to resume in approximately 1 week;

      + Results to date confirm Colluli as the world’s shallowest buried evaporite deposit. ...
      schrieb am 16.11.10 23:32:56
      Beitrag Nr. 19.334 ()
      Lithium Americas - Announces Significant Resource Upgrades to Its Cauchari-Olaroz Lithium-Potassium Property in Argentina; 43-101 inferred resource upgraded to measured and indicated; Overall resource estimate grew over 50%; Average lithium grades increased between 4% and 13% - Nov 08, 2010…

      (""The Cauchari-Olaroz resource is one of the largest, most advanced lithium brine projects in the world, :eek: " stated Dr. Waldo Perez, Ph.D., P.Geo., President and CEO of Lithium Americas Corp. "With measured and indicated lithium carbonate and potash (KCl) resource equivalents of 5.3 million tonnes and 17.3 million tonnes respectively, we have validated the potential of our resource, achieving yet another important milestone in the development of this world class asset. Furthermore, we remain on track to completing our Preliminary Economic Assessment as scheduled in the first quarter of 2011," stated Perez. ...")
      schrieb am 16.11.10 23:42:53
      Beitrag Nr. 19.335 ()
      Centric Energy - Exploration Stay Order Lifted on Kenya Block 10BA - Nov 16, 2010…
      schrieb am 16.11.10 23:48:32
      Beitrag Nr. 19.336 ()
      African Energy Resources - Further Thick Coal Intersections in Block-A, Sese Project - Nov 16, 2010


      + Further resource delineation drilling in Block-A of the Sese coal project has continued to intersect thick, near-surface coal seams.

      + Twenty-one reverse circulation (RC) percussion holes and seven diamond drill core holes have now been completed in Block-A.

      + The average seam thickness has been increased to 16.3m with an average depth to the top of the coal of 44.6m.

      + The additional drilling has refined the geological understanding of the coal distribution in Block-A, and has confirmed coal seam continuity over considerable distances, within an area of approximately 22km2.

      + Down-hole geophysical logging is progressing well and is providing data to aid coal sampling strategy and coal continuity determinations.

      + Drilling to commence on Block-C once Block-A completed.

      + The drilling and down-hole geophysical programme is expected to provide data of sufficient density to permit the classification of an inferred resource in Block-A and Block-C.

      + Coffey Mining has been retained to provide independent supervision of the resource estimation programme, which is expected to be completed in Q1 2011. ...
      schrieb am 16.11.10 23:52:44
      Beitrag Nr. 19.337 ()
      Sherwin Iron - Strong Results Pave Way for Resource Upgrade at Roper River - Nov 16, 2010


      + Latest assay results show continuous oolitic hematite unit over 1.6km strike by 1.1km at Deposit X within the Hodgson Downs Deposits at the Roper River Iron Ore Project

      + Results will be incorporated in a resource upgrade which is due for release next month

      + Exploration Target1 for Hodgson Downs Deposits increased to 130-150Mt grading 48-55% Fe ...
      schrieb am 17.11.10 00:02:27
      Beitrag Nr. 19.338 ()
      Cape Alumina - Update on Pisolite Hills Resource &Project - Oct 18, 2010

      schrieb am 17.11.10 00:08:31
      Beitrag Nr. 19.339 ()
      TintinaGold - Expands Land Position at Its Sheep Creek Property, Montana, USA - Nov 10, 2010…
      schrieb am 17.11.10 00:12:46
      Beitrag Nr. 19.340 ()
      Alara Resources - Acquisition: Khnaiguiyah Zinc Copper Project in Saudi Arabia - Oct 5, 2010
      schrieb am 17.11.10 00:18:20
      Beitrag Nr. 19.341 ()
      Minemakers - NMP Scoping Study Positive Economics Indicated - Nov 11, 2010


      + The Namibian marine phosphate project is potentially highly profitable.

      + Operating costs have been estimated at US$57.76/t FOB Walvis Bay for an operation on beneficiated material, ramping up to 3Mtpa.

      + Start-up capital costs are estimated as US$144M.

      + The beneficiated material is indicated to be suitable for marketing to fertiliser producers and for the manufacturer of phosphoric acid by the Joint Venture. ...
      schrieb am 17.11.10 00:21:43
      Beitrag Nr. 19.342 ()
      Dynasty Metals Australia - Identifies DSO Iron Ore Targets in Pilbara - Nov 16, 2010


      + Regional exploration on Dynasty’s large Prairie Downs tenements has identified potential iron targets that would enhance Dynasty’s 1.4 billion tonne detrital ironstone gravel deposit at the Spearhole Prospect.

      + Geophysics and mapping has identified new direct shipping ore (“DSO”) targets on tenement E52/1927, including targets for concealed Marra Mamba iron ore formation deposits.

      + Channel iron deposits have been reported to the south of Dynasty’s Spearhole Prospect.

      + Dynasty’s vast “basal iron conglomerate” adjacent to Prairie Downs Fault to be tested.

      + Dynasty has intensively explored less than 2% of its 4,000km2 Sydney, Australia: Iron ore company Dynasty Metals Australia Limited (ASX: DMA) today announced the results of regional geophysics and regional mapping to the south west of its 1.4 billion tonne Spearhole Iron Deposit. Prairie Downs tenements to date. ...
      schrieb am 17.11.10 00:32:24
      Beitrag Nr. 19.343 ()
      :eek: :eek:

      EnWave Corporation - Signs Collaboration Agreement with Grupo Bimbo SA; the world’s largest producer of baked goods, &one of the largest global food companies - Nov 15, 2010…
      schrieb am 17.11.10 18:05:15
      Beitrag Nr. 19.344 ()
      Cream Minerals - Notes Endeavour Silver's Announcement of an Amended Offer and Announces Changes to the Company's Board of Directors - Nov 09, 2010…
      schrieb am 17.11.10 18:09:06
      Beitrag Nr. 19.345 ()
      Opening up new open cuts; Rio Tinto has recently opened Australia's latest open cut coal mine at Clermont - MA - Nov 10, 2010

      - Cole Latimer -…
      schrieb am 17.11.10 18:10:40
      Beitrag Nr. 19.346 ()
      Reaching out to bereaved families; A mining legacy scheme has been launched to support the families of miners - MA - Nov 10, 2010

      - Jamie Wade -…
      schrieb am 17.11.10 18:39:20
      Beitrag Nr. 19.347 ()
      Rodinia Lithium - Contracts AMEC to Provide Independent Resource Estimate for Diablillos Project - Nov 17, 2010…
      schrieb am 17.11.10 18:49:13
      Beitrag Nr. 19.348 ()
      Vale vows $10-billion to bolster Canadian operations - G &M,VANCOUVER - Nov 17, 2010

      - Brenda Bouw -…
      schrieb am 17.11.10 18:50:47
      Beitrag Nr. 19.349 ()
      Court probes iron ore bid; The Land Court will provide recommendations regarding a bid to mine manganese ore in Central Queensland - MA - Nov 9, 2010…
      schrieb am 17.11.10 18:53:35
      Beitrag Nr. 19.350 ()
      Trelawney Mining &Exploration - Intersects 520.28 Metres of 1.44 g/t Gold at the Cote Lake Deposit - Nov 16, 2010

      ("Greg Gibson, Trelawney's President and CEO commented, “We are pleased with the strength and size of the mineralized intervals that we continue to encounter within the Cote Lake Deposit. Intersections such as these reported today support our confidence in the exploration potential of 3.5 to 6 million ounces of gold for the Cote Lake Deposit as reported in our October 18, 2010 press release.” ...")
      schrieb am 17.11.10 19:18:49
      Beitrag Nr. 19.351 ()
      Padbury Mining/Aurium Resources - Resource Evaluation Drilling Commences @Peak Hill Project - Oct 5, 2010


      + A 10,500m RC percussion resource evaluation drilling program commenced @the Telecom Hill Prospect on the 3rd October 2010

      + The drilling program is aimed @investigating the resource potential of the 1.5–2.0 billion tonne exploration target1 estimated to be present @the Telecom Hill Prospect &grading 25%–35% Fe

      + The program is designed to evaluate an approximately 4km section of the 10km of Robinson Range Formation already mapped at Telecom Hill on which the exploration target @is based

      + The drill program is likely to take two months to complete &the results of resource modeling are planned for release in early 2011 ...
      schrieb am 17.11.10 19:24:53
      Beitrag Nr. 19.352 ()
      Buccaneer Energy - Jack Up Rig Funding - Nov 17, 2010
      schrieb am 17.11.10 19:40:41
      Beitrag Nr. 19.353 ()
      Avalon Minerals - Viscaria Project Resource Upgraded - Oct 1, 2010


      + Global Viscaria resources increased to 66.2 million tonnes, containing 600,000 tonnes of copper &241 million dry metric tonnes units of iron.

      + Maiden copper &iron resource estimate for D Zone of 9.0Mt @0.55% Cu &27% Fe.

      + A Zone resource expanded from 13.4Mt @2.1% Cu to 17.3Mt @1.8% Cu with 75% of Cu metal in Measured &Indicated Resources.

      + Initial resource defined for historic Tailings Dam @Viscaria of 12.5Mt at 0.27% Cu & 0.22% Zn.

      + Mine design nearing completion as part of Viscaria Pre-Feasibility Study, which remains on schedule for completion shortly. ...
      schrieb am 17.11.10 19:51:20
      Beitrag Nr. 19.354 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.469.590 von Popeye82 am 07.11.10 02:51:40
      Meteoric Resources NL - Positive Coorara Iron Results up to 65.8% Fe - Nov 17, 2010

      ("46% of a total of 71 rock samples taken during first phase geological mapping confirmed the presence of significant iron grades (>55% Fe) in hematite-goethite altered quartz-magnetite banded iron formation (BIF) with low impurities, ... The samples were taken over a 12km strike length of multiple BIF horizons in the northern part of the project area &continue to reinforce the target areas identified from Meteoric’s detailed aeromagnetic survey ...")
      schrieb am 17.11.10 19:56:17
      Beitrag Nr. 19.355 ()
      MagIndustries - Announces Terms of Equity Financing - Nov 09, 2010…
      schrieb am 17.11.10 19:58:58
      Beitrag Nr. 19.356 ()
      Strateco Resources - Confirms a New Uranium Lens @Matoush - Nov 09, 2010…
      schrieb am 17.11.10 20:24:57
      Beitrag Nr. 19.357 ()
      African Aura Mining - Resource &Grade Increased @New Liberty Gold Project - Nov 17, 2010


      + Resources and grade increased to 1.51 million ounces at 3.78 g/t Au

      - 5,599,000t at 4.17 g/t (for 751,000 ounces) in the indicated category; and
      - 7,040,000t at 3.40 g/t (for 762,000 ounces) in the inferred category

      + Entire indicated resource is within potential open pittable depth from surface

      + Management is targeting a production profile of approximately 100,000 ounce per year for the open pittable material

      + Deposit remains open at depth and along strike

      + Resource model will be incorporated into a Preliminary Economic Assessment ...…
      schrieb am 17.11.10 20:29:00
      Beitrag Nr. 19.358 ()
      Energizer Resources - Confirms Up to 82% Vanadium Extraction; Green Giant Deposit Will Play Key Role in New Battery Power &Storage Market - Nov 17, 2010…
      schrieb am 17.11.10 20:32:42
      Beitrag Nr. 19.359 ()

      Ali Bongo’s Quiet Oil Revolution; While Gabonese president Ali Bongo generally follows the guidelines laid out by his late father, Omar, he has made a clean break when it comes to oil by setting up a national petroleum company &ordering the oil ministry to come up with a fresh petroleum code, a draft copy of which Africa Energy Intelligence has obtained. The following offers insight into what can be called an oil revolution - AI - Nov 9, 2010
      schrieb am 17.11.10 20:39:23
      Beitrag Nr. 19.360 ()
      Glen Eagle Resources - Intersects 1.05% Li2O Over 22.95 Meters - Nov 17, 2010…
      schrieb am 17.11.10 21:20:58
      Beitrag Nr. 19.361 ()

      Jupiter Mines - Tshipi Reports additional Mineral Resource in Top Cut; 145Mt @31.75% manganese - Nov 9, 2010
      schrieb am 17.11.10 21:32:37
      Beitrag Nr. 19.362 ()
      Beijing: US must recognize impact of QE2 - CER/SCMP - Nov 9, 2010…

      "Vice Minister of Finance Zhu Guangyao said the US needs to recognize the impact of its recent quantitative easing policy, known as QE2, on global markets, the South China Morning Post reported.

      "We think the United States, as a major reserve currency issuer, did not recognize its responsibility to stabilize global markets and did not think about the impact of excessive liquidity on emerging markets by having launched a second round of quantitative easing at this time," Zhu said. :eek: The comments come shortly before world leaders meet at the G20 and APEC meetings in Seoul and Yokohama, respectively.
      Zhu said the US plan will create new liquidity which would flood US and emerging markets, potentially posing "great challenges."
      China is concerned in part about the impact of increased inflows of speculative capital increasing inflationary pressure. China's consumer price index rose 3.6% year-on-year in September, a 23-month high, and is expected to rise further in October. "
      schrieb am 17.11.10 21:37:38
      Beitrag Nr. 19.363 ()
      PetroChina, Sinopec boost diesel output amid shortage - CER - November 9, 2010…

      "China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC) said its subsidiary PetroChina (PTR.NYSE, 601857.SH, 0857.HK) produced 56% more winter-grade diesel by the end of October than last year as the company attempts to make up for regional shortages of the fuel, state media reported.

      China Petroleum and Chemical Corp (Sinopec; SNP.NYSE, 600028.SH, 0386.HK) said it would accelerate its oil processing operations in November by 10% from last year to 583,000 metric tons per day, a new record. :eek: It will also cut exports of diesel to meet domestic demand. More than 2,000 gas stations in southern China have been forced to close after local governments cut power to factories as part of a last-ditch effort to meet energy efficiency targets under the 11th Five-Year Plan. In response, many factories purchased diesel generators, leading to a spike in demand for the fuel. "
      schrieb am 17.11.10 21:43:58
      Beitrag Nr. 19.364 ()
      China sold net $9.5b of Japanese debt in September - CER/BB - November 9, 2010…

      "China was a net seller of Japanese sovereign debt in September for the second consecutive month, Bloomberg reported.

      Beijing sold a net US$9.5 billion worth of Japanese debt as concern grew that the yen would weaken after reaching a 15-year high of 80.22 yen to the US dollar on November 1. Low yields on Japan's benchmark 10-year bonds – the yield stood at 0.96% Tuesday – make currency gains China's only potential source of returns.
      China's foreign exchange reserves reached US$2.65 trillion at the end of September. The Japanese currency hit a record high of 79.75 per dollar on April 19, 1995. On Tuesday it traded at 80.85. "
      schrieb am 18.11.10 18:22:16
      Beitrag Nr. 19.365 ()
      Lithium One - Reports Indicated &Inferred NI 43-101 Resource for James Bay Lithium Project, Quebec - Nov 18, 2010


      + 11.75 Million Tonnes Grading 1.30% Li2O in the Indicated Category

      + 10.47 Million Tonnes Grading 1.20% Li2O in the Inferred Category

      + Open-pit amenable

      + Potential to increase resources along strike and depth ...…
      schrieb am 18.11.10 18:23:13
      Beitrag Nr. 19.366 ()
      Augusta Resource - Provides Rosemont Copper Permit Update - Nov 16, 2010…
      schrieb am 19.11.10 18:25:30
      Beitrag Nr. 19.367 ()
      Northland Resources - Signs Off-take Agreement with Standard Bank - Nov 19, 2010
      schrieb am 19.11.10 20:48:28
      Beitrag Nr. 19.368 ()
      VMS Ventures - Reports 2.93% Copper Over 63.70 Metres in Drill Hole RLD006 From In-Fill Drilling @the Reed Lake Joint Venture - Nov 18, 2010…
      schrieb am 19.11.10 21:17:13
      Beitrag Nr. 19.369 ()
      Gas Hills Uranium District, Wyoming: Strathmore Updates 2010 Permitting Activities Including Monitor Well Installation, Core Drilling, Geotechnical Drilling, Pit Definition &Extension Drilling - Nov 18, 2010…
      schrieb am 19.11.10 21:54:19
      Beitrag Nr. 19.370 ()
      AgriMarine Holdings - Announces Increase to Private Placement - Nov 19, 2010…
      schrieb am 19.11.10 21:58:45
      Beitrag Nr. 19.371 ()
      Extra measures mulled to stem rising food prices - CER - November 17, 2010…

      "The Ministry of Commerce could bring in new measures and work in unison with other government agencies to stem off growing inflation, state media reported.

      "We would enhance the connection between vegetable production and sales to stabilize supply and prices in winter and next spring," ministry spokesman Yao Jian said. October's consumer price index rose 4.4%, the fastest rate in 25 months, leaving the government's full-year inflation target of 3% under threat. Food prices have been one of the principal drivers of inflation growth. According to the commerce ministry, in the first 10 days of November the average wholesale prices for 18 types of vegetables in 36 cities rose 62.4% year-on-year. :eek: "
      schrieb am 19.11.10 22:07:50
      Beitrag Nr. 19.372 ()
      CNNC to expand uranium resources - CER - November 17, 2010…

      "State-owned China National Nuclear Corp (CNNC), parent of CNNC International (2302.HK), will increase annual overseas uranium mining capacity to 5,000 tons in 10 years in order to secure supplies of the material, state media reported.

      A senior CNNC official said the company will expand offshore uranium mining resources to 2,500 tons per annum by 2015.
      CNNC, the country's biggest operator of nuclear power plants, is currently in negotiations with the Mongolian government to obtain a mining license for a project that is expected to produce up to 700 tons of uranium annually. CNNC expects annual output to increase further when its mine in Niger begins production next year and as it looks for potential mining resources in Russia, Zimbabwe, Kazakhstan, Tanzania and Zambia. "
      schrieb am 19.11.10 22:26:27
      Beitrag Nr. 19.373 ()
      Minister: Industrial sector to focus on quality, not growth - CER - Nov 17, 2010…

      "China will focus on the quality and profitability of industrial growth in its next five-year plan, turning away from the current priority of maintaining high industry growth rates, state media reported.

      Industry and Information Technology Minister Li Yizhong said that while China is the world's major manufacturing economy, the value it adds in the manufacturing process is far below par. "China's industrial value-added rate stands at 26.5%, far lower than the world's average of 35 to 40%," Li said. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, China's industrial value-added output growth slowed to 13.1% in October from 13.3% in September. Li expects China's industrial value-added output to grow by at least 13.5% year-on-year in 2010. "
      schrieb am 19.11.10 22:32:51
      Beitrag Nr. 19.374 ()
      Fission J-Zone High Grade Mineralization Extended 15m to East Step-Out Hole Intersects 6m of 4.45% U308 Including 3m of 8.54% U308 - Nov 16, 2010…
      schrieb am 20.11.10 10:22:24
      Beitrag Nr. 19.375 ()
      China October FDI up 7.9% - CER, SCMP - Nov 17, 2010…

      "Foreign direct investment (FDI) in China rose 7.9% to US$7.66 billion in October from a year earlier, a sign of renewed confidence in the mainland's economic growth story, the South China Morning Post reported.

      October's pace of investment was higher than September's 6.1% increase and brings the total amount of foreign investment for the first 10 months to US$82 billion, 15.7% higher than for the same period last year. Beijing has become more wary about the effects of hot money inflows and said that it may issue new measures to stem the rising tide of offshore capital coming in. The central bank last week increased domestic banks' reserve requirements in an effort to mop up liquidity as October inflation hit a 25-month high. "
      schrieb am 21.11.10 11:35:23
      Beitrag Nr. 19.376 ()
      IMX Resources - Signs Strategic Alliance With Sichuan Taifeng &SMGEB - Nov 19, 2010
      schrieb am 21.11.10 11:47:56
      Beitrag Nr. 19.377 ()
      Dragon Energy - acquires advanced iron ore projects in the Pilbara - Oct 22, 2010


      + Dragon Energy executes agreements to acquire two advanced iron ore projects in the Pilbara

      + The Rocklea Project has a Channel Iron Deposit (CID) with a JORC Inferred Resource of 63.1Mt @53.4% Fe (60.4% caFe)

      + The Nameless Project hosts CID & mineralised Marra Mamba Iron Formation with identified mineralisation over 12.5km in strike length

      + Significant Exploration upside potential for both projects located close to infrastructure

      + Total cash consideration of A$7.5m over staged payments for 100% interests

      + Dragon Energy continues to pursue consolidation opportunities for its iron ore growth strategy. ...
      schrieb am 21.11.10 11:56:42
      Beitrag Nr. 19.378 ()
      Zinc Co - Positive drilling results Mt Alexander West magnetite - Aug 30, 2010


      + RC drilling at the Mount Alexander West magnetite iron ore prospect completed.

      + Mt Alexander West is 2.5km west of the 0.6 to 1.0 billion tonne Exploration
      Target* at Mt Alexander

      + Results from Mount Alexander West include:

      - ZMARC002 44.0m @ 22.4% Fe, 51.1% SiO2
      - ZMARC005 60.0m @ 20.9% Fe, 49.0% SiO2
      - ZMARC006 66.0m @ 21.3% Fe, 53.1% SiO2

      + Estimation of an Exploration Target to add to the Mt Alexander Project global
      Exploration Target is planned.

      + Planning and permitting are underway for a drilling program to define an initial
      JORC resource at the Mount Alexander Prospect.
      schrieb am 21.11.10 13:08:51
      Beitrag Nr. 19.379 ()
      Encanto And Muskowekwan First Nations Sign Joint Venture Agreement - Oct 22, 2010

      Encanto Announces Assay Results From Lestock 7-2 Well - Nov 5, 2010
      schrieb am 21.11.10 13:18:21
      Beitrag Nr. 19.380 ()
      Accent Resources NL - Investor Update - Oct 25, 2010
      schrieb am 21.11.10 13:34:10
      Beitrag Nr. 19.381 ()

      Männer in der Frauen-Elf?; Über ein halbes Jahr vor dem Start sorgt die Fußball-WM der Damen für den ersten Skandal - Nov 20, 2010…
      schrieb am 21.11.10 13:44:50
      Beitrag Nr. 19.382 ()
      Wind farm: Europe’s largest to be developed in Turkey, 2011 - ED - Apr 22, 2010’s-…
      schrieb am 21.11.10 13:52:32
      Beitrag Nr. 19.383 ()
      WaterPure Int: Ships first atmospheric water generator; WaterPure International ships its WaterCycle system, the first atmospheric water generator on the market for 100 percent purity - ED - Jul 29, 2010

      - Andrea Marino -…
      schrieb am 21.11.10 14:28:59
      Beitrag Nr. 19.384 ()
      Mawson Resources - Channel Samples 0.3m @ 1,866 g/t Gold And 8 % Uranium at Rompas in Finland - Nov 19, 2010…
      schrieb am 21.11.10 16:00:32
      Beitrag Nr. 19.385 ()
      Scandinavian Resources - Acquires 100% interest in major project from Anglo American &Rio Tinto - Nov 15, 2010

      + Rakkuri Project less than 3km from Europe’s largest iron mine, the 2Bt Kiirunavaara mine owned by LKAB (refer Figures, pp. 2& 5)

      + Rakkuri contains JORC compliant:

      - Inferred resource of 87.7Mt @ 33.2% iron
      - Exploration target of 25-35Mt @ 25-36% iron

      + Rakkuri contains exploitation concession application covering the Rakkurijarvi IOCG deposit

      Kiruna Iron AB – the new Kiruna iron company

      + Excellent potential for rapid growth (refer Tables, pp. 4-5)

      + Resource base grows to 185Mt of iron (Fe) (refer Table, p. 4)

      + Exploration target grows to 150 - 185Mt of iron (Fe) in range of 25% – 37% iron

      + Exploration diamond drilling to commence late December 2010 and continue throughout winter field season

      + Expanded portfolio achieves critical mass necessary to initiate preliminary scoping study on iron development options

      Port & Rail Infrastructure

      + Capacity at Port of Narvik in Norway confirmed

      + ‘Open access’ Swedish rail network confirmed

      Acquisition of exclusive license to use Anglo American’s
      exploration database for Sweden

      + Enables rapid incubation of projects at low cost leveraging off high quality exploration completed by Anglo American

      Consideration & Funding

      + Combined purchase price for the two separate agreements, the Rakkuri Project and the Anglo American Data Agreement is US$7m with each Agreement having an NSR of 1.5%

      + US$1m has been paid, US$3m cash to be paid during November 2010, balance to be paid within 12 months

      + AU$2.5m convertible loan agreement secured, convertible into SCR shares at 33 cents, principal and interest to be repaid within 13 months ...
      schrieb am 21.11.10 16:18:51
      Beitrag Nr. 19.386 ()
      Prairie Downs Metals - Prairie Downs Iron Potential - Oct 29, 2010
      schrieb am 21.11.10 16:29:28
      Beitrag Nr. 19.387 ()
      Lithic Resources - Files Preliminary Economic Assessment Report For Crypto Zinc-Copper-Indium Project - Oct 5, 2010
      schrieb am 21.11.10 16:43:24
      Beitrag Nr. 19.388 ()
      Gossan Resources - Completes Field Program @Pipestone Vanadium Project - Nov 19, 2010…
      schrieb am 21.11.10 16:45:50
      Beitrag Nr. 19.389 ()
      Adriana Resources - Clarifies Reports - Nov 19, 2010…
      schrieb am 21.11.10 16:48:11
      Beitrag Nr. 19.390 ()
      Alexco Resources - Updates Progress on Bellekeno Mine &Mill Commissioning - Nov 19, 2010…
      schrieb am 21.11.10 16:51:31
      Beitrag Nr. 19.391 ()
      ‘HB’: Hochtief verwirft teure Giftpille -, DÜSSELDORF - Nov 19, 2010…
      schrieb am 21.11.10 16:57:27
      Beitrag Nr. 19.392 ()
      IPO/Obama will Gewinn aus GM-Rettung ziehen -, WASHINGTON/NEW YORK - Nov 19, 2010…

      "WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) – Barack Obama wird zum Spekulanten. :eek: :eek: Nach der
      erfolgreichen Rückkehr von General Motors an die Börse will der
      US-Präsident nun den richtigen Zeitpunkt abpassen, um auch die restlichen Aktien
      des Staates zu verkaufen und bestenfalls mit einem Gewinn aus der kostspieligen
      Rettungsaktion herauszugehen. “Die amerikanischen Steuerzahler sind nun in der
      Lage, mehr zurückzuerhalten, als meine Regierung in GM investiert hat”, sagte
      Obama am Donnerstag.

      GM war am Morgen spektakulär auf das Parkett zurückgekehrt. Die gesamte Wall
      Street befand sich im Autofieber; vor dem Börsengebäude standen aufgereiht die
      PS-Boliden des Konzerns. Die Nachfrage nach den Aktien war den ganzen Tag über
      stark. Am Ende schloss das Papier mit gut 34 Dollar über dem Ausgabepreis von 33
      Dollar. Viele Investoren, die bei der Verteilung der Aktien leer ausgegangen
      waren, deckten sich nachträglich ein.

      Vor gut einem Jahr wären solche Bilder undenkbar gewesen. Die ohnehin
      geschwächte GM schrammte nur knapp am Untergang vorbei, als die Autoverkäufe in
      der Wirtschaftskrise einbrachen. Die Regierung entschied sich fürs Eingreifen
      und erntete dafür viel Prügel im Land. “Es gab viele Zweifler und Nein-Sager”,
      erinnerte sich Obama. “Hätten wir aufgegeben, dann hätten wir mehr als eine
      Million Arbeitsplätze in allen 50 Bundesstaaten verloren.”

      “Endlich sehen wir, dass sich einige harte Entscheidungen auszahlen”, fuhr
      Obama fort. Die amerikanische Autoindustrie sei wieder auf dem aufsteigenden
      Ast; sie habe seit der Krise mehr als 75 000 Jobs geschaffen. Die drei großen
      Konzerne GM, Ford und Chrysler könnten sich mit jedem
      Hersteller in der Welt messen, meinte der Präsident und befand, dass die
      Industrie stärker sei als zuvor.

      Obama sieht den Börsengang von GM als Beweis dafür an, dass die Rechnung
      aufgeht. Die Rückkehr aufs Parkett sollte bis zu 23,1 Milliarden Dollar
      einbringen. Der Großteil des Geldes geht an die US-Regierung als Haupteigner. Um
      die kompletten 49,5 Milliarden Dollar zurückzubekommen, die der Staat in GM
      gepumpt hatte, muss die Aktie nach Berechnung von Experten jedoch auf deutlich
      mehr als 50 Dollar steigen. Immer noch hält die Regierung ein Drittel an
      GM. "
      schrieb am 21.11.10 17:07:23
      Beitrag Nr. 19.393 ()
      Kaum mehr Netto vom Brutto -, BERLIN - Nov 19, 2010…

      "Berlin (dapd). Der deutsche Fiskus schöpft offenbar einen großen Teil der Lohnerhöhungen über die Einkommenssteuer wieder ab. Wie die “Bild”-Zeitung in ihrer Onlineausgabe unter Berufung auf Berechnungen des Bundes der Steuerzahler (BdSt) berichtet, müssen Beschäftigte von ihrem Gehaltsplus teilweise mehr als die Hälfte als Steuern und Sozialabgaben wieder abführen. :eek: In einigen Fällen erhöhe sich der Steueranteil am Einkommen sogar fast doppelt so stark wie der Lohn.

      So verdiene beispielsweise ein Elektriker in der Stahlindustrie mit einem monatlichen Tarifgehalt von 2.313 Euro in der Steuerklasse I seit Oktober 3,6 Prozent oder 83 Euro mehr. Die Steuerlast sei gleichzeitig aber um sieben Prozent gestiegen, hat der BdSt errechnet. Netto verblieben dem Elektriker vom Lohnplus dadurch nur 42 Euro.

      Verbandspräsident Karl Heinz Däke macht unter anderem den Verlauf des Steuertarifs und die kalte Progression für die hohen Abzüge verantwortlich. Arbeitgeberpräsident Dieter Hundt verlangte unterdessen “ein Bündnis für mehr Netto”. Er die Gewerkschaften auf, gemeinsam mit den Arbeitgebern für die Senkung der Sozialabgaben einzutreten. "
      schrieb am 21.11.10 17:13:27
      Beitrag Nr. 19.394 ()
      China ramps up military drone production - CER/WSJ - November 19, 2010……

      "China is raising the level of production of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones, in order to catch up with military aviation leaders the US and Israel, the Wall Street Journal reported.

      More than 25 different Chinese-made drones were displayed at the Zhuhai air show in southern China's Guangdong province. China's first concept UAV was unveiled at the air show just four years ago. The ramping up of scale and production of domestically produced drones has raised some concerns in the West. A recent US report noted that China is "developing a variety of medium- and high-altitude long-endurance unmanned vehicles, which when deployed, will expand the PLA Air Force's options for long-range reconnaissance and strike." "
      schrieb am 21.11.10 17:16:02
      Beitrag Nr. 19.395 ()
      OECD: China to grow 9.7% in next 2 years - CER - November 19, 2010…

      "The Organization for Economic Cooperation &Development (OECD) expects China's economy to grow by 9.7% between 2011 and 2012, state media reported.

      The OECD said China's economic growth should remain robust over the next two years as a rise in domestic demand balances the effects of slowing exports. The OECD is considering adding China to the 33 other industrialized nations in the organization. China is currently listed as an enhanced engagement country of the OECD. The organization forecast world economic growth to slow to 4.2% in 2011 from 4.6% this year, before rebounding back to 4.6% in 2012. Beijing has set a full-year economic growth target of 8%. "
      schrieb am 21.11.10 17:22:41
      Beitrag Nr. 19.396 ()
      :eek: :eek:

      Economic targets lower in next 5-year plan - CER/SCMP - Nov 19, 2010…

      "China is likely to lower growth forecasts in its next five-year plan as it shifts gears from rapid expansion to quality development, the South China Morning Post reported, citing a government official.

      "The nation's next five-year plan may reflect policymakers' preference for a slower pace of growth than in the past," said Zhang Junkuo, head of the development strategies department at the State Council's Development Research Center. He said annual economic growth may slow to between 8% and 9% over the next five years. Policy makers in Beijing have said that the 12th Five-Year Plan will see a move towards greater dependency on domestic demand instead of investment, and greater focus on services rather than manufacturing. "
      schrieb am 21.11.10 17:44:01
      Beitrag Nr. 19.397 ()
      Beijing targets insider trading with new rules - CER - Nov 19, 2010…

      "China's State Council has called for further measures to crack down on insider trading as the domestic market structures become more complex, state media reported.

      "The effort to crack down on insider trading in the country's capital market is faced with a serious situation as it has become more hidden and complex since the trading launch of stock index futures," the State Council said. According to a statement on its website, the measures to be finalized include ensuring confidentiality of non-public information about listed companies, regulating government officials who have access to such information :eek: :laugh: :D :D and requiring people with privileged market-moving information to be registered. Disclosure requirements for listed companies and rules regarding trading suspension should also be improved. "
      schrieb am 21.11.10 17:51:07
      Beitrag Nr. 19.398 ()
      Kootenay Gold - Acquires Drill Ready Silver/Copper Property in South Eastern, B. C. Silver Fox Property is Located Within a "Revett Type " Geological Formation Which is Host to Over 680 Million Oz Silver & 5,600 Million lbs Copper - Nov 18, 2010…
      schrieb am 21.11.10 17:55:41
      Beitrag Nr. 19.399 ()
      Strategic Natural Resources Plc - Progresses Export Strategy - Oct 26, 2010
      schrieb am 22.11.10 15:03:07
      Beitrag Nr. 19.400 ()
      Vilmorin CFO: Europe More Likely Than Not To Accept Modified Crops - DJ, PARIS - Nov 19, 2010

      - Adam Mitchell -…

      "PARIS -(Dow Jones)- French seeds company Vilmorin & Cie's (RIN.FR) chief financial officer on Saturday said Europe is likely to open up to more widespread use of genetically modified crops in the medium term.

      Daniel Jacquemond said the company is also investing in research to avoid being dependent on the likes of Monsanto Co. (MON).

      Genetically modified crops have faced longstanding political and popular opposition in many of Europe's markets, limiting their use in the region.

      "Tomorrow, will the European market open up or not? We don't know," Jacquemond said at an investor fair, adding that there is "more probability that this market will open up."

      Europe's agriculture is likely to struggle to compete with other regions of the world if it continues to eschew the technology, he said.

      "Do we have the right tomorrow to be dependent on Monsanto to preserve" market share? he asked, adding: "That's how we put the question to ourselves." "
      schrieb am 22.11.10 15:22:26
      Beitrag Nr. 19.401 ()
      :eek: :eek:

      Potash One - Agrees to Friendly Takeover by K+S for CAD 4.50 Per Share in Cash - Nov 22, 2010

      + 31.3% premium over the 10-day weighted average trading price

      + Potash One's Board of Directors unanimously recommends shareholders tender to the offer

      + Expected production capacity of up to 2.7 million tonnes would lead to approximately USD 2.5 billion investment in Saskatchewan and the creation of up to 300 highly skilled jobs ...…
      schrieb am 22.11.10 16:05:04
      Beitrag Nr. 19.402 ()
      Premium Exploration - Drills 1.2 g/t Gold Over 107.6 Meters Extending Mineralization 150 Meters to Depth; Continues to Encounter Gold Mineralization in 100% of Drilling at Friday-Petsite - Nov 22, 2010…
      schrieb am 22.11.10 16:06:00
      Beitrag Nr. 19.403 ()
      Largo Resources - Increases Landholdings to 27,000 Hectares Around the Maracas Vanadium Property, Bahia, Brazil - Nov 22, 2010…
      schrieb am 22.11.10 16:13:40
      Beitrag Nr. 19.404 ()
      MetroCoal - Substantial Boost for Surat Basin Coal Region - Nov 16, 2010
      schrieb am 22.11.10 16:37:18
      Beitrag Nr. 19.405 ()
      Scientists develop an accurate DNA marker assay for stem rust resistance gene in wheat - SQ - Nov 19, 2010…
      schrieb am 22.11.10 20:22:49
      Beitrag Nr. 19.406 ()
      Amazon Mining Holding Plc - Drilling Confirms Extensive Phosphate Mineralization at the Apatita Project, Brazil - Nov 22, 2010…
      schrieb am 22.11.10 21:04:35
      Beitrag Nr. 19.407 ()
      Inter-Citic Minerals - Appoints Vice-Chairman of Zijin Mining Group to Board of Directors - Nov 22, 2010…
      schrieb am 22.11.10 21:06:24
      Beitrag Nr. 19.408 ()
      CBM Asia Development - Appointment of Scott H. Stevens as Chairman and $500,000 Financing Arranged - Nov 22, 2010…
      schrieb am 22.11.10 22:04:45
      Beitrag Nr. 19.409 ()
      Emergent Resources - Surface hematite RAB drilling to commence at Beyondie - Nov 1, 2010

      Commencement of Diamond Drilling at Beyondie - Nov 16, 2010


      + 8 hole, 1070 meter diamond drill program to provide samples for Company’s ongoing metallurgical test work program at Beyondie Iron Ore Project, E52/1806 is set to commence today

      + Program will sample transitional zone materials overlying the JORC Inferred Magnetite Resource of 561 million tonnes.

      + Successful testing of the transitional material has the potential to add significant additional mineable resources to the existing resource at the Beyondie project.

      + Program to take 30 days and results will be released as soon as they are available in the new year ...
      schrieb am 22.11.10 22:15:25
      Beitrag Nr. 19.410 ()
      Hudson Resources - Continues to Intercept Wide High Grade Rare Earth Zones-Drill Hole SAR10-36 Hits 108m of 2.0%, Including 24m of 3.5% TREO - Nov 04, 2010…
      schrieb am 22.11.10 22:21:16
      Beitrag Nr. 19.411 ()
      Loeb Aron Issues Research Note on Yorbeau's Rouyn Property - Nov 10, 2010…
      schrieb am 22.11.10 22:29:39
      Beitrag Nr. 19.412 ()
      :eek: :eek:

      Stirling Minerals - to Acquire DMC Mining - Nov 5, 2010


      + Stirling Minerals executes Heads of Agreement (Agreement) to acquire 100% of DMC Mining Limited (DMC Mining)

      + DMC Mining holds an 80% interest in the Mayoko Iron Ore Project located in the Republic of Congo covering a total licence area of approximately 1000km2

      + The acquisition will constitute a change in nature and scale of activities and therefore will require the Company to re‐complying with Chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules

      + The Agreement is also conditional on Stirling Minerals completing a placement of shares to raise not less than A$96 million

      + Experienced executive team to comprise new Board

      + Stirling Minerals to change its name to African Iron Limited on obtaining the necessary shareholder approvals

      + Patersons Securities Limited appointed as lead manager to the Capital Raising ...
      schrieb am 22.11.10 22:35:07
      Beitrag Nr. 19.413 ()
      UK, China sign agreements, announce aircraft engine deal - CER/WSJ - Nov 10, 2010…

      "The UK and China signed agreements on cooperation in education and finance, and announced a US$1.2 billion order for Rolls-Royce (RR.LSE) aircraft engines from China Eastern Airlines (CEA.NYSE, 600115.SH, 0670.HK), the Wall Street Journal reported.

      The agreements were made as British Prime Minister David Cameron met with Premier Wen Jiabao in Beijing. The UK and China agreed to deepen ties between British and Chinese educational institutions – potentially boosting the number of Chinese-language teachers in the UK – and to study the cross-listing of exchange-traded funds in each other's markets. Under the announced aircraft engine deal, China Eastern will order Rolls-Royce's Trent 700 engines for 16 Airbus A330 aircraft. UK officials said Cameron's talks with Wen included discussions about human rights, although Cameron didn't directly raise the issue of jailed Nobel Peace Price winner Liu Xiaobo. "
      schrieb am 22.11.10 22:37:53
      Beitrag Nr. 19.414 ()
      SAFE to restrict capital inflows with new rules - CER/BB - Nov 10, 2010…

      "The State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) will introduce currency provisioning rules, tighten management of domestic banks' foreign debt quotas, increase regulation of Chinese special-purpose vehicles overseas and restrict equity investments by foreign companies in China, Bloomberg reported.

      The moves are in response to the quantitative easing measures introduced by the US Federal Reserve. Chinese officials have expressed concern that US easing could lead to a flood of speculative capital inflows into China, contributing to asset price increases. Significant capital inflows would also add to pressure for a strong Chinese currency. The new rules are intended to plug loopholes through which speculative capital can enter the country. However, speaking to state media, the deputy director of SAFE Deng Xianhong said that China did not actually face large-scale inflows of hot money. "
      schrieb am 22.11.10 22:41:46
      Beitrag Nr. 19.415 ()
      China's October trade surplus widens to $27b - CER/CP - Nov 10, 2010…

      "China's trade surplus widened to US$27.1 billion in October from $16.88 billion in September :eek: :eek: as imports slowed and exports shrank month-on-month, the Canadian Press reported.

      Export values in October rose 22.9% year-on-year, but fell month-on-month to US$135.9 billion from US$144.9 billion in September. But compared with last year exports grew 25.1% in September. Imports in October fell 15% month-on-month to US$108.8 billion, from a record-high US$128.1 billion in September. The increase in China's trade surplus may add to calls for a quicker appreciation of the renminbi at the upcoming G20 and APEC summits. "
      schrieb am 23.11.10 16:44:17
      Beitrag Nr. 19.416 ()
      Nemaska Exploration - Produces Battery-Grade Lithium Carbonate From Whabouchi - Nov 23, 2010…
      schrieb am 23.11.10 16:53:46
      Beitrag Nr. 19.417 ()
      FBI Wiretapping of Internet Users. "All Your Data Belongs to Us" - GR - Nov 23, 2010

      - By Tom Burghardt -
      schrieb am 23.11.10 17:06:08
      Beitrag Nr. 19.418 ()
      Monax Mining - Exploration update - Bauxite Cape York - Nov 23, 2010…
      schrieb am 23.11.10 17:13:28
      Beitrag Nr. 19.419 ()
      Microvision - Enhances Patent Position Through Purchase of Motorola Portfolio; The Company Adds Over 190 Patents Addressing Pico Projection and DisplayTechnologies - Nov 5, 2010…

      Unveils Second-Generation Laser Pico Projector, SHOWWX+; Mobile Device Users Break Free from the Screen with 50 Percent Brighter Display and Simple Connection to Apple Devices - Nov 22, 2010…
      schrieb am 23.11.10 17:33:21
      Dieser Beitrag wurde vom System automatisch gesperrt. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an
      schrieb am 23.11.10 18:30:57
      Beitrag Nr. 19.421 ()
      China hikes bank reserve requirements - CER/WSJ - November 22, 2010…

      "China's central bank raised the required reserve ratio for the country's banks by 50 basis points to 18.5% on Friday night, the Wall Street Journal reported.

      The ratio hike, its second in as many weeks, is the latest in the bank's attempts to curb lending and mop up excess liquidity in China's economy. China's consumer price inflation was 4.4% year-on-year in October, which could jeopardize the government's annual target of 3%.
      The inflation is largely driven by higher food prices, a 20% year-on-year rise in bank lending - which could breach the government's annual lending limits - and possibly also speculative investment cashing in on higher interest rates and an expected rise in the renminbi.
      Most economists expect further ratio hikes and other measures to control inflation. "
      schrieb am 23.11.10 18:33:05
      Beitrag Nr. 19.422 ()
      State firms' profits up 45% in Jan-Oct - CER - Nov 22, 2010…

      "China's Ministry of Finance said total profits of the country's state-owned enterprises (SOEs) increased 44.8% :eek: :eek: in the 10 months to October from a year earlier, state media reported.

      The combined profits amounted to US$245 billion. Profits of SOEs administered by the central government dropped 4.5% in October from September but earnings were up nearly 40% year-on-year. Provincial government-administered SOEs posted profit growth of 12.8% in October from the previous month while year-on-year their profits grew 57%. SOEs with operations in construction, chemicals, electronics and petroleum did particularly well over the past 10 months, while those involved in the coal, electricity, real estate, tobacco and transport sectors fared poorly. "
      schrieb am 23.11.10 18:34:56
      Beitrag Nr. 19.423 ()
      Sinopec halts diesel exports - CER/WSJ - Nov 22, 2010…

      "Sinopec (SNP.NYSE, 600028.SH, 0386.HK) announced that it would suspend all exports of diesel products due to shortages in China's domestic market, the Wall Street Journal reported.

      The conglomerate also announced that it plans to import about 200,000 tons of diesel. Sinopec's decision follows the announcement by PetroChina (PTR.NYSE, 601857.SH, 0857.HK) that it would also import 200,000 tons of diesel, of which 35,000 tons has already arrived. Accelerated output in the first nine months had allowed China to export diesel. Sinopec said the recent increase in domestic diesel prices was due to hoarding, seasonal factors and the energy savings initiatives, among others. "
      schrieb am 23.11.10 19:45:51
      Beitrag Nr. 19.424 ()

      Ireland hoists "For Sale" sign over stricken banks - Reuters, DUBLIN - Nov 23, 2010

      - By Steve Slater -…
      schrieb am 23.11.10 23:23:51
      Beitrag Nr. 19.425 ()
      Redpoint Bio - Announces Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) Determination for RP44 Sweetness Enhancer - Nov 4, 2010…
      schrieb am 25.11.10 17:19:21
      Beitrag Nr. 19.426 ()
      African Eagle Resources Plc - Zanzui Project Update - Nov 25, 2010

      Key results of this work are:

      + Deposit modelling based on the drilling to date shows a JORC Exploration Target of at least 20 million tonnes at 0.9 to 1% equivalent nickel.

      + VTEM and geochemical data indicate good potential to increase this tonnage.

      + Eight targets identified from VTEM interpretation.

      + Possible nickel sulphide and platinum targets as well as oxide nickel targets. ...…
      schrieb am 26.11.10 11:02:03
      Beitrag Nr. 19.427 ()
      Richfield Ventures - drills 171 metres of 3.13 g/t Au in BW 91, and BW 90 extends zone eastward - Nov 25, 2010…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 26.11.10 11:11:49
      Beitrag Nr. 19.428 ()
      Genesis Resources - Positive Metallurgical Testwork on Plavica Project - Nov 24, 2010

      + Excellent leach test results on oxide material providing extraction of 95.4% and 97.9% of gold from 12.5mm to 3.35mm size-fractions respectively

      + Results suggest heap-leaching of oxide material is possible

      + Froth flotation of sulphide material provides recoveries up to 83.5% gold and 97.1% copper to a rougher concentrate

      + Results suggest a hydrometallurgical process route for sulphide material is possible (e.g. Albion or BIOX)

      + Drilling programme to commence in Q1 2011 ...
      schrieb am 26.11.10 12:40:43
      Beitrag Nr. 19.429 ()
      Rock Tech Lithium - Announces Appointment of Dr. Christian Schlag to Board of Directors - Nov 25, 2010…
      schrieb am 26.11.10 12:49:09
      Beitrag Nr. 19.430 ()
      Western Potash - Engages Lockwood Financial to Advise on Financial &Strategic Matters - Nov 25, 2010…
      schrieb am 26.11.10 13:02:04
      Beitrag Nr. 19.431 ()
      Ventana Gold - Announces Positive Scoping Study Results For La Bodega Project &Initial NI 43-101 Compliant Mineral Resource Estimate; Average annual gold production of 301,000 oz at $322 per oz cash costs for the first six full years - Inferred mineral resource of 3.5 million gold ounces - Nov 8, 2010


      + Average annual production for the first six full years of 347,000 gold equivalent (AuEq)* ounces, which is comprised of 301,000 ounces of gold, 1.4 million ounces of silver and 6.9 million pounds of copper

      + Average cash costs of $322 per ounce of gold for the first six full years, net of silver and copper by-product credits

      + Pre-tax internal rate of return (IRR)* of 34%

      + Estimated start-up capital cost of $297 million

      + Pre-tax net present value (NPV)* (5%) of $807 million

      + Inferred mineral resource of 3.5 million ounces of gold, 19.2 million ounces of silver and 84.6 million pounds of copper

      + Mine life of 14 years at a planned production rate of up to 7,500 tonnes per day

      + Additional opportunities:

      - Resource expansion from ongoing drilling with surface exploration drills focusing on La Baja, Las Mercedes, Aserradero, and the gap area between the La Bodega and La Mascota zones

      - Resource expansion from underground drilling to explore deep extensions of the ore body past the current depth of the mineral resource

      - Improved mineral recovery from metallurgical optimization work conducted at a site-based pilot processing plant

      - Increased production from further exploration and development of the known areas of mineralization ...…

      Acknowledges Unsolicited Bid - Nov 17, 2010…
      schrieb am 26.11.10 13:25:49
      Beitrag Nr. 19.432 ()

      Iron Ore Holdings - Maiden JORC Resource @Kurrajura East - Nov 17, 2010


      + New maiden JORC Mineral Resource at Kurrajura East of 53.7Mt @ 58.15% Fe (refer Table 1).

      + This new Mineral Resource at Kurrajura East Project has increased total Mineral Resources at the Koodaideri South Tenement by 129% to 77.1Mt.

      + The mineralisation is at or near surface at every hole drilled at Kurrajura East.

      + The bedded mineralisation is confined to the Brockman Iron Formation.

      + Further drilling is planned within the Koodaideri South next field season.

      + IOH total resource within its Central Pilbara Hub has increased to over 400 Million Tonnes.

      + The current total IOH JORC Resource Inventory now stands at 647Mt, which is an
      increase of 9% (Table 2) to the previous announcement.

      + A further JORC upgrade is planned within first quarter of 2011. ...
      schrieb am 26.11.10 14:03:06
      Beitrag Nr. 19.433 ()
      Power &Alternative Energy; Quarterly Review - CS - Apr10…
      schrieb am 26.11.10 14:34:26
      Beitrag Nr. 19.434 ()

      Venture Minerals - Mt Lindsay - delivers substantial resource upgrade - Nov 25, 2010


      + +75% of the previous inferred resource has now been converted to the indicated category (at a 0.35% & 0.45% tin equivalent cut-off).

      + The Mt Lindsay resource base now contains 120,000 tonnes of contained tin/tungsten metal (at a 0.2% tin equivalent cut-off).

      + New resource delivers a 28% increase in tin metal (at a 0.45% tin equivalent cut-off).

      + The latest resource estimate has delivered substantially more tin metal while maintaining a resource grade (0.7% tin equiv @ 0.45% tin equiv cut off) nearly double that of the average grade for worldwide tin and tungsten deposits (0.4%).

      + Combined resources at Mt Lindsay now extend over a total strike of 3.9kms with a further 34 strike kilometres of skarn targets still to be explored.

      + The latest resource has further substantiated that the mineralized zones at Mt Lindsay are shallow plunging, typically outcrop at surface, and average 15-20m in width, making them very amenable to open pit mining.

      + Venture currently has six drill rigs at site targeting down plunge extensions to the Main Skarn, No.2 Skarn, Stanley River South and Reward, as well as drill testing multiple exploration targets.

      + Following a very successful capital raising and Share Purchase Plan the Company is now fully funded for ongoing exploration and feasibility studies with $28 million in cash. ...
      schrieb am 26.11.10 14:43:55
      Beitrag Nr. 19.435 ()
      Padbury Mining - Excellent drilling results confirm substantial potential - Nov 18, 2010


      + The source evaluation drilling program at Peak Hill is 60% complete and is on schedule for completion at the end of November 2010.

      + The drilling program is designed to assess the iron ore potential of approximately one third of the 1.5–2.0 billion tonne exploration target1, grading 25%–35% Fe, interpreted to be present at the Telecom Hill Prospect.

      + Drill holes to date have intersected significant thicknesses and strike extent of magnetite-bearing BIF in the Robinson Range Formation, continuing to confirm the substantial potential of the project.

      + The analyses from the first 12 drill holes have returned very encouraging results with several excellent magnetite intercepts. The best intercept from this program received this far is 120m at 32% Fe in hole HRC59 starting from a depth 70m downhole. ...
      schrieb am 26.11.10 17:20:53
      Beitrag Nr. 19.436 ()
      Avanti Mining - Receives Preliminary Results of 81 Meters Grading 0.383% Mo From Initial Confirmation Drilling at Roundy Creek - Nov 23, 2010…
      schrieb am 26.11.10 17:26:37
      Beitrag Nr. 19.437 ()
      Almaden Minerals - Confirms Ixtaca Discovery, Intersects 94.65 Meters of 1.33 g/t Au and 79.9 g/t Ag Including Multiple High Grade Intervals - Nov 23, 2010…

      Extends Ixtaca Zone, Intersects 126.22 m of 0.86 g/t Au and 61.7 g/t Ag Including 19.18 m of 2.84 g/t Au and 160.2 g/t Ag - Nov 24, 2010…
      schrieb am 27.11.10 22:59:56
      Beitrag Nr. 19.438 ()
      Extorre Gold - Announces Results For Cerro Moro Preliminary Economic Assessment; 8 Year Mine Life – 133,500 Oz/Yr Gold Equivalent Average Production &US $201/Oz Gold Equivalent Cash Cost/Year for First 5 Years - Oct 19, 2010

      HL include following projections:

      + Total metal production of 436,000 ounces of gold and 21,400,000 million ounces of silver over 8 years

      + For the first 5 years, gold production averages 76,400 ounces/year plus silver production of 3.4 million ounces/year, for an average gold equivalent production of 133,500 ounces* per year. Average cash costs on a gold equivalent* basis are US$ 201 per ounce.

      + Initial capital cost: US$ 109 million (plus refundable VAT of US$ 21 million).

      + Payback Period at 0% discount: 1.77 years

      + After tax IRR: 43.4%

      + Financial model expected to be enhanced by inclusion of US$ 30+ million of tax credits

      + Conceptual development plan based on a combination of open pit and underground mining at a combined peak rate of 750t ore/day ...
      schrieb am 28.11.10 00:18:20
      Beitrag Nr. 19.439 ()
      Lesen Sie wie aus 5000,00 innerhalb 360 Tagen 352.813,00 Euro wurden :eek: :eek:
      schrieb am 28.11.10 21:31:10
      Beitrag Nr. 19.440 ()
      African Aura Mining - Fully Underwritten Placing - Nov 26, 2010…
      schrieb am 28.11.10 22:59:56
      Beitrag Nr. 19.441 ()
      Dynamic Agri Tech has developed an economic agricultural growing technology enabling growth in areas where existing climatic conditions inhibit the successful propagation of sustainable animal fodder growth to meet local demands; The Company is seeking to raise $12 million, by inviting investors to subscribe for 24,000,000 Shares at an Offer Price of $0.50 per Share with a minimum Subscription amount of $3 million in order to support its growth strategy - AI, Cover Story - Nov10

      "Chairman Russell Manfield believes they are well positioned to benefit from the rapid global growth in the agricultural industry with the technology, corporate structure, management skills and proven production techniques that give them a competitive advantage in the sector.

      The key advantage of the technology is its ability to provide users with a reliable fodder production cycle from seed to fodder.

      The Company currently manufactures and distributes animal fodder production units under the ‘Dynamic Fodder’ name, with installed units in Australia and United Arab Emirates.

      They also intend to develop the technology used in the fodder production unit to produce food suitable for human consumption such as lettuce, spinach, bok choi and a range of herb plants all for use in high demand food markets.

      Dynamic Agri Tech is also developing a network of potential industry partners to supply customers with high quality seed, a range of nutrients and chemicals to foster growth and minimise or eliminate harmful moulds or pathogens and installation and maintenance services to meet the ongoing needs of worldwide customers.

      While the Company is working on a pipeline of follow-up products and opportunities, the enhancement and expansion of Dynamic Fodder will be their initial main priority.

      “There is still a huge range of applications and a lot of developments that can be done for animal food,” Mr Manfield told the Australian Investor.

      He said they wanted to work on add-ons and tune-ins for particular environments.

      The fodder production unit is able to overcome most agriculture operating limitations.

      “The output of one unit has the same output of 20 hectares of fertile land,” Mr Manfield claimed.

      “It has a very high output for a very small land footprint.”

      And Mr Manfield said that a unit could be put in extreme environments such as the desserts of the Gulf States or in places of instability like Afghanistan.

      He added that it was much easier to put a fence around and secure a 12 metre stainless steel fodder production unit than 20 hectares of land.

      In Australia it is an advantage, but in many developing countries it is the only option – and Mr Manfield said this was where they were getting most of their demand.

      “Our growth will come from offshore, and we built the company with that in mind.”

      While Dynamic Agri Tech will remain Australian based, offering agricultural business solutions world-wide, the Company intends to establish sales and support offices in South East Asia and the Gulf States.

      This sort of expansion offers the Company the ability to create a substantial full service company with a strong international customer base.

      “These funds from the Offer will go towards establishing a presence in markets where we aim to get strong sales.”

      And Mr Manfield believes they will benefit on being a part of local markets rather than doing remote work.

      Mr Manfield told the Australian Investor they had a number of global competitors – mostly outside of Australia – but they had three key strengths that set them apart from rivals: the mould elimination process, remote managing and monitoring; and modular transportable nature.

      Firstly, Mr Manfield explained that mould was a common issue that comes up from growing grasses but to combat mould contamination they used a container module with a mould inhibitor system.

      Dynamic Agri Tech seeks to harness technology to reduce consumption of key inputs (land area, labour, water and electrical power), minimise the occurrence of growth inhibitors (mould and pathogens) and maximise outputs (food and fodder products).

      Dynamic Agri Tech has also licensed new technological innovations to enable the monitoring and management of the fodder production units, including a wireless based interface for ready access over mobile or landline (internet) connections. This feature enables resetting of key performance parameters to increase production outputs as local conditions vary.

      “The remote managing and monitoring capability is something that differentiates it from other products on the market,” Mr Manfield commented.

      The module unit is also an easily transported container which makes it more flexible and economic – unlike big sheds or other similar hydroponic systems.

      Mr Manfield points out that there is an emerging world-wide focus on food commodities and that Dynamic Agri Tech is well placed to capitalise on this now and into the future.

      “I think the demand for food and animal feed is only going to grow,” Mr Manfield claimed, adding that land size however, will not.

      An Independent and expert market report by IQ Agribusiness and presented in the prospectus states:

      “Generally, as countries and regions become more affluent their populations’ demand for animal protein (meat, milk, eggs) increases and their reliance on more intensive animal production systems also increases. As a consequence, their dependence on grazing declines and their demand for ‘imported’ feedstuff (fodder, grain, hay, silage, etc) increases.”

      “We’re using technology to get a higher yield rate from a smaller amount of land,” Mr Manfield advised.

      “The food demand for animals and humans is going to grow and we provide a system that is more economic than the competition – which is open pasture.” "
      schrieb am 28.11.10 23:01:02
      Beitrag Nr. 19.442 ()
      NBN bill passes senate - Australianinvestor - 26-Nov-2010

      "The Senate has passed legislation which separates Telstra's retail and wholesale arms and paves the way for the $36 billion national broadband network. :eek:

      The telecommunications bill now returns to the lower house where it's expected to be passed, with the upper house's amendments, on Monday. "
      schrieb am 29.11.10 14:09:38
      Beitrag Nr. 19.443 ()
      :eek: :eek:

      Lufthansa to begin flights in the spring powered by renewable fuel from Neste Oil - MW, ESPOO - Nov 29, 2010…
      schrieb am 29.11.10 14:14:19
      Beitrag Nr. 19.444 ()
      Sandfire Resources NL - Substantial Increase in Degrussa Resource; Degrussa Metal Inventory Increases to 644,000t Copper &724,000Oz Gold - Nov 29, 2010


      + Updated Measured and Indicated Resource of 3.6Mt @ 1.2% copper and 0.5g/t gold estimated for the near-surface oxide copper mineralisation within the DeGrussa open pit:

      - containing 44,000t of copper and 57,000oz of gold
      - more than five-fold increase in contained copper over the previous oxide copper resource estimate

      + Oxide copper resource and a new lateritic gold resource increases the overall metal inventory at DeGrussa to 644,000 tonnes of copper &724,000 ounces of gold

      + Metallurgical test work well advanced on treatment options for the oxide copper, which is likely to be extracted by vat or heap leach methods in the early stages of the DeGrussa operation, together with the mining of approximately 151,000 tonnes of direct shipping material grading 25.6% Cu and 2.6g/t Au

      + Granting of the Mining Lease for the DeGrussa Project imminent following receipt of a Notice of Intention to Grant from the Department of Minerals and Petroleum and signing of a key Land Access Agreement with the Yugunga Nya Native Title claimant group

      + Project Management and Design of Early Works Contract awarded to WA-based engineering company Mintrex, paving the way for commencement of construction and pre-stripping of the open pit in Q2 of 2011* ...
      schrieb am 29.11.10 14:15:23
      Beitrag Nr. 19.445 ()
      Western Potash - to Raise Up to $40,000,200 Through Private Placement Offerings - Nov 29, 2010…
      schrieb am 29.11.10 14:24:37
      Beitrag Nr. 19.446 ()
      :eek: :eek:

      Rodinia Lithium - Closes Strategic Private Placement With China's Largest Li-ion Battery Materials Provider - Nov 29, 2010


      + Strategic Investor, Shanshan, Is One of the Leading Lithium-ion Battery Materials Providers in China and Is a Significant End User of Battery Grade Lithium Carbonate

      + Shanshan Now Owns Approximately 7.6% of the Basic Common Shares Outstanding

      + Private Placement Completed at a Premium to Market…

      "TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Nov. 29, 2010) - Rodinia Lithium Inc. ("Rodinia" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:RM)(OTCQX:RDNAF), is pleased to announce that it has closed its previously announced non-brokered private placement financing of common shares of the Company ("Common Shares") at a price of $0.55 per Common Share for gross proceeds of $1,397,000. One strategic investor, Hong Kong Shanshan Resources Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ningbo Shanshan Co., Ltd. (SHA:600884; "Shanshan") has subscribed for the entire placement of 2,540,000 Common Shares (the "Private Placement").

      Established in 1992 in Zhejiang province, China, Ningbo Shanshan Co., Ltd. is focused on two core business verticals: a) garment manufacturing and sales, and b) lithium-ion battery materials. After 10 years of development, Shanshan has become one of China's largest lithium-ion battery materials providers.

      Rodinia intends to use the net proceeds from this private placement to continue the development of its key projects and for working capital purposes. Will Randall, President and CEO of Rodinia Lithium said "We expect that these funds, along with funds previously raised, will allow us to aggressively pursue development of Diablillos and to further our goal of delineating an NI 43-101 compliant resource on the property in the coming months. We are excited by the opportunity to work and consult with a leading lithium carbonate end user to unlock the value of our flagship Diablillos and Clayton Valley projects for the benefit of all Rodinia shareholders. It was a pleasure to have representatives of Shanshan visit our Diablillos property last month and we hope to continue developing our relationship."

      Pursuant to the terms of the Private Placement, Shanshan has the right, subject to certain conditions, to nominate one director to the board of Rodinia. Upon completion of the Private Placement, and together with shares already owned prior to the Private Placement, Shanshan will own 5,140,000 Common Shares of the Company, representing approximately 7.6% of issued and outstanding Common Shares of the Company. In addition, Shanshan holds 1,300,000 common share purchase warrants of the Company, which upon exercise would result in Shanshan holding approximately 9.5% of the Company.

      The Common Shares will be subject to statutory resale restrictions expiring on March 26, 2011. Closing of the private placement is subject to receipt of all necessary regulatory approvals, including final TSX Venture Exchange approval.

      About Rodinia Lithium Inc.:

      Rodinia Lithium Inc. is a Canadian mineral exploration company with a primary focus on lithium exploration and development in North and South America. The Company is positioned to capitalize on the expected increase in demand for lithium carbonate that is projected to result from the anticipated paradigm shift to mass adoption and use of key lithium applications like lithium-ion batteries as well as glass ceramics, greases, pharmaceuticals etc.

      Rodinia is currently exploring its Clayton Valley project in Nevada, USA, which surrounds the only lithium-brine producer in North America, and its Diablillos project in Salta, Argentina.

      Please visit the Company's web site at or write us at Follow us on Twitter: "
      schrieb am 29.11.10 14:29:55
      Beitrag Nr. 19.447 ()
      Strateco Resources - Recieves Strong Support @Public Hearings on the Matoush Uranium Project - Nov 26, 2010…
      schrieb am 29.11.10 14:33:29
      Beitrag Nr. 19.448 ()
      Mineral Resource at Trident Increased by Over 100% - Australianinvestor - 29-Nov-2010

      "WA based gold explorer, Damper Gold Limited have announced the results from the recently completed resource estimate for the Trident deposit located within the Company's 100%-owned Plutonic Dome project.

      Key highlights included:

      New estimate for Trident increases Mineral Resource by over 100%

      Indicated: 0.8Mt at 6.2g/t Au
      Inferred: 1.1Mt at 4.9g/t Au
      Total: 1.9Mt at 5.5g/t Au for 326,000 oz

      New structural interpretation of high-grade shoot geometry.

      Drilling in progress to test for near-surface shoots to enhance open pit development potential

      Total Indicated and Inferred Resource at Dampier's Plutonic Dome Project grows by 57% to:
      3.2Mt at 4/5g/t Au for 469,000 oz

      Independent consultants Runge Limited have commenced resource estimation work on the KI-K2-K3 deposits. "
      schrieb am 29.11.10 15:37:58
      Beitrag Nr. 19.449 ()
      CoAL of Africa - Acquisition of Rio Tinto`s South African Coal Assets - Nov 29, 2010


      + CoAL, via one of its black empowered subsidiaries, has entered into an agreement to pay a total consideration of US$75 million for the Chapudi Coal Project and several other coal exploration properties (“Related Exploration Properties”)

      + The Chapudi Coal Project has an estimated 1,040Mt JORC resource and is contiguous with CoAL’s Makhado Coking Coal Project

      + The Soutpansberg Basin is the only coal basin in South Africa that hosts significant premium hard coking coal and this acquisition establishes CoAL as the dominant landholder in the Soutpansberg Basin ...
      schrieb am 29.11.10 15:43:47
      Beitrag Nr. 19.450 ()
      ADB Initiates Joint Venture for Renewable Energy Developments in India; The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has contracted a joint venture accord with NTPC, an Indian power generating company, and Kyushu Electric Power Company, a private sector company from Japan, to build and manage 500 MW clean energy projects in India during the ensuing three years - AZOCT - Nov10
      schrieb am 29.11.10 15:46:55
      Beitrag Nr. 19.451 ()
      Bio-Fuels Tested on US Navy Aircraft :eek: ; A MH-605 Sea-Hawk Helicopter has been victoriously flown over the River Patuxent by the US Navy in Maryland. The helicopter, belonging to the Air Test and Evaluation Squadron .Two One,used a bio-fuel blend extracted from Camelina seeds - AZOCT - Nov10

      "The Navy had tested the fuel on another aircraft, the F/A-18 Super Hornet. The results had revealed that the fuel had shown no harmful effects and its performance was just as it should be during the flight testing.

      The testing of this aviation bio-fuel would be carried on throughout 2011 by the Navy with an aim to employ a 50:50 bio-fuel blend in all its aircrafts and ships by the year 2012. This was supposed to be the first ever afterburner test carried out on bio-fuels. :eek:

      Phillip Cullom, Navy Task Force Energy’s Director remarked that the bio-fuels would give increased energy security to the Navy’s flotilla.
      schrieb am 29.11.10 16:23:43
      Beitrag Nr. 19.452 ()
      Cape Lambert Resources - Mrampa Project Maiden JORC Resource; Marampa can achieve late 2012 Start-Up with Maiden 200Mt JORC Resource; Representing only 20% of the mineralised Strike - Nov 12, 2010


      + Maiden JORC compliant iron ore mineral resource Marampa Project of 197Mt with an in-situ grade of 28.5% Fe.

      + The resource estimate represents drilling @only two (Gafal West and Matukia) of the eight known prospects, covering approximately 20% of the mineralised strike.

      + initial metallurgical testing, @a coarse grind size of 80% passing 440μm, produced a hematite concentrate grading 63 -65% Fe, 3.7 -4.3% SiO2, 0.9 -1.2% Al2O3, nil S &0.02% P, with mass &iron yields of 30 -33% &80 -83% respectively.

      + The hematite concentrate is a suitable feedstock for sinter findes and/or blast furnace pellet feed.

      + Aggressive drilling program utilising five rigs currently underway to rapidly expand the mineral resource.

      + 1st resource update scheduled to be released in March 2011 quarter.

      + Current resource supports a mine life in the order of 20years @2Mtpa with production possible in late 2012.

      + Refurbishment of Marampa railway &Pepel port progressing. ...
      schrieb am 29.11.10 16:29:20
      Beitrag Nr. 19.453 ()
      Sunkar Resources Plc - Credit Line for Chilisai Phosphate Project Approved - Nov 29, 2010…
      schrieb am 29.11.10 16:43:08
      Beitrag Nr. 19.454 ()

      Mantra Resources - Nyota Resource Increases by 20% to 101.4 Mlbs U3O8 - Nov 16, 2010


      + Significant expansion of the Mineral Resource Estimate (‘MRE’) to 101.4 Mlbs U3O8, a 20% increase from the previous statement (84.3 Mlbs);

      + Total Measured and Indicated Resources increased to 65.5 Mlbs U3O8 or 65% of the MRE;

      + A 200 ppm U3O8 lower cut-off grade has been maintained and the average grade of the
      MRE is 422 ppm U3O8;

      + Majority of the MRE is within 60 metres of surface;

      + Aggressive and successful drilling has lead to rapid growth in the MRE and the potential exists to continue to increase the resource base with ongoing work; and

      + Upgraded MRE to be fully integrated into the Phase 1 Definitive Feasibility Study (‘DFS’). ...
      schrieb am 29.11.10 17:00:01
      Beitrag Nr. 19.455 ()
      China calls for emergency meeting on Koreas - CER/WSJ - November 29, 2010…

      "China has called for an emergency meeting amid mounting tensions on the Korean peninsula following a North Korean artillery attack on a South Korean island, the Wall Street Journal reported.

      Beijing's diplomatic initiative comes as the US and South Korea begin large-scale naval drills in the Yellow Sea. China's top foreign affairs official, State Councilor Dai Bingguo, and other Chinese officials made a hurried weekend visit to Seoul that appeared to be aimed at restarting a series of six-party talks. Seoul reacted coolly to China's proposal, while an official from South Korean President Lee Myung-bak's office told Chinese emissaries that now was not the "right time" for disarmament talks with the North. Lee also called on Beijing to take a "more fair and responsible position" on Korean issues and to play "a new international role that is in line" with post-Cold War realities. China has faced increasing international pressure to rein in Pyongyang, which relies on Chinese aid and political protection. "
      schrieb am 29.11.10 17:01:47
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      schrieb am 29.11.10 17:03:33
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      schrieb am 29.11.10 17:05:48
      Beitrag Nr. 19.458 ()
      China sets economic policy meeting next month - CER/BB - Nov 29, 2010…

      "China will hold an annual economic conference in Beijing from December 10-12 to set guidelines for next year's monetary and fiscal policy, Bloomberg reported.

      Officials are expected to discuss lending and inflation targets. China's central bank has said it will guide monetary conditions back to normal after unprecedented lending drove the nation's economic recovery since 2008. After raising interest rates in October, officials have also discussed imposing price controls and using such tools as sales of state food reserves to counter the fastest inflation in 25 months. Officials at the meeting may set a higher inflation target of 4% for 2011, up from this years's 3%, and shift to a "prudent" monetary policy, China Business News reported. Last year's meeting was attended by President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao, along with other government officials and some executives of state-owned enterprises. "
      schrieb am 29.11.10 17:09:17
      Beitrag Nr. 19.459 ()
      China Pacific to sell stake in ING venture - CER/WSJ - November 29, 2010…

      "China Pacific Insurance (2601.HK) announced it is selling its 50% stake in an insurance joint venture with Dutch financial company ING Groep NV (ING.NYSE, INGA.Euronext) for US$142 million, reflecting a broader effort by Chinese insurers to eliminate internal competition, the Wall Street Journal reported.

      China Life Insurance Group (LFC.NYSE) also recently sold its 51% stake in a Shanghai-based insurance venture with Commonwealth Bank of Australia to the Bank of Communications (601328.SH, 3328.HK). China Pacific, the country's third-largest life insurer by premiums, said it aims to sell the stake in Pacific Antai Life Insurance to a consortium of at least four companies, led by a commercial bank with net assets of not less than US$30 billion. Chinese insurers will not be able to bid as the government is pushing to reduce competition among local insurers. :eek: Foreign companies may bid for no more than a 20% stake. "
      schrieb am 29.11.10 17:10:53
      Beitrag Nr. 19.460 ()
      Tencent may soon mirror Facebook features - CER/FT - Nov 29, 2010…

      "China's Tencent (700.HK), which operates the instant messaging service QQ, is planning to offer users third-party applications and websites similar to some features of Facebook, the Financial Times reported.

      Tencent has focused on selling a variety of products such as online games and virtual goods to its more than 600 million QQ users. At present, Tencent is testing about 10 third-party applications to run on QZone, its social network, and Tenpay, its online payment platform. In addition, it is testing a number of external websites that users could link to in the way Facebook members can link to other sites with the "like" function. Tencent would share revenues generated by the third-party applications with developers. The company also hopes to generate a new revenue source from a system of targeted ads - a strategy that Facebook has also employed. "
      schrieb am 29.11.10 17:12:32
      Beitrag Nr. 19.461 ()
      Largest cement plant in China by 2012 - CER/SCMP - Nov 29, 2010…

      "China Resources Cement Holdings (1313.HK) is planning to double its production capacity and build the world's biggest cement plant :eek: by 2012, the South China Morning Post reported.

      The state-owned firm's plant in Fengkai in Guangdong province started operation last year. The total investment in the factory is US$825 million, with US$210 million yet to be invested. At present, annual production capacity at the Fengkai plant is 4 million tonnes. China Resources aims to double that to 8 million tonnes in January. By 2012, the plant would have an annual production capacity of 12 million tonnes of cement, 9.3 million tonnes of clinker and 4 million tonnes of concrete. The largest cement plants in the world have an annual production capacity of 10 million tonnes. More than half of the company's output is used for China's infrastructure development. "
      schrieb am 29.11.10 17:15:29
      Beitrag Nr. 19.462 ()
      RIO Tinto - Expands Pilbara Mineral Resources by 2 billion tonnes - Nov 26, 2010
      schrieb am 29.11.10 17:20:40
      Beitrag Nr. 19.463 ()
      Record gold prices fuel exploration; Gold's constantly skyrocketing price has created a boom in production, greenfields exploration and investment in the metal - MA - Nov 29, 2010…
      schrieb am 29.11.10 17:23:04
      Beitrag Nr. 19.464 ()
      New Zealand may ban underground coal mining; The future of underground mining in New Zealand is at stake as a Royal Commission is called to investigate the Pike River coal mine tragedy - MA - Nov 29, 2010

      - Cole Latimer -…
      schrieb am 29.11.10 17:32:36
      Beitrag Nr. 19.465 ()
      India, China Plan to Evade Kimberly Process; "India, China, UAE support African countries in debasing KP certification." - TAR/CO - 11/25/10

      "In an attempt to bypass the strict Kimberly Process (KP) certification, major diamond producer Zimbabwe along with its neighbors South Africa, Angola and Namibia are readying up an elaborate plan, according to unconfirmed reports.

      Sources revealed that the African countries, with the support of India, China and the UAE, were frustrated by last week's impasse over the sale of gemstones and were willing to go to great lengths to debase the KP certification.

      The report said these nations are annoyed by domination of the KP process by the United States, Canada and Australia.

      As if to cement this position, an opaque company, the Zimbabwe Diamond Consortium signed a $2 billion deal with an Indian company.

      The source added that he did not see Zimbabwe selling its diamonds outside the KP process, but a more elaborate plan was in place that will see the minerals being sold if the KP certification deadlock persisted.

      Additionally, Zimbabwe Diamond Consortium warned, "we have the potential to destroy the whole industry" by flooding the market with underpriced gems in response to the KP certification deadlock.

      Zimbabwe was desperate to sell the diamonds, and the KP was wary that if the country was allowed to sell its minerals openly it would flood the international market causing a plunge in prices.

      The KP Certification reached a deadlock over Zimbabwe, meaning the country will have to halt the sale of diamonds. So far, the country has been allowed to sell 900,000 carats and it was expected that it would be allowed to sell more.

      The sale of the gemstones is considered a cure-all for Zimbabwe's economic problems, which accelerated in the last decade.
      schrieb am 29.11.10 17:36:49
      Beitrag Nr. 19.466 ()
      Ghana EPA Threatens to Revoke Mining Permits; "Almost all major mining firms in Ghana are operating below environmental standards." - TAR/GN - 11/25/10

      "Ghanaian Environment Minister Sherry Ayittey has said her ministry will withdraw the permits of mining firms which fail to take steps to improve their environmental standards.

      The warning follows the release of a report by the Environmental Protection Agency which revealed that virtually all the major mining and manufacturing firms are operating below the required environmental standards.

      She said that while the ministry is willing to help the firms improve their environmental management, it will not hesitate to sanction recalcitrant firms.

      The minister is not also ruling out prosecuting recalcitrant companies.

      However, mining firms have raised concern about the audit performance ratings carried out by EPA.

      According to the Ghana Chamber of Mines, the rating is not a true representation of its members' performance.

      The President of the Chamber, Mr. Daniel Owiredu (who is also the Vice President of Golden Star Resources), said the ratings were prone to all manner of interpretation "which is not positive."

      He maintained that "we meet all EPA environmental guidelines and from my point of view this is not portraying the right picture for the industry."

      But one of the authors of the report and Director of Mining at the EPA Ransford Sakyi disagrees.

      He said the companies have been part of the development of the methodology used in the ratings. :eek: :laugh:

      "We visited the sites, gave them formal formats of audits. We went to the various sites audited together with the mining teams," he said.

      He insisted that the "system is transparent, credible and I think we can work with it."
      schrieb am 29.11.10 17:40:04
      Beitrag Nr. 19.467 ()
      South Korea, Japan to Cooperate on Mining Rare Earths; "Agreed to collaborate on mining REE, developing processing technologies." - TAR/BB - 11/25/10

      - Sungwoo Park -
      schrieb am 29.11.10 17:42:50
      Beitrag Nr. 19.468 ()
      Woulfe Mining - Secures Korea Zinc as Strategic Partner - Nov 23, 2010…
      schrieb am 29.11.10 18:03:04
      Beitrag Nr. 19.469 ()
      Coalworks - Ferndale Updated Exploration Target 350Mt -530Mt - Nov 19, 2010

      + Ferndale Coal Project – Phase 1 drilling continues.

      + 5 out of 7 drillholes completed.

      + Multiple seams intersected in both the Newcastle Coal Measures and upper and middle Wittingham Coal Measures.

      + Exploration Target revised to include middle Wittingham Coal Measures

      + Updated Exploration Target of 350 to 530 Mt of export quality thermal coal and coking coal in the Newcastle Coal Measures and Wittingham Coal Measures ...
      schrieb am 29.11.10 20:06:34
      Beitrag Nr. 19.470 ()
      :eek: :eek: :laugh:

      Electronic Cigarettes Getting More &More Popular... Especially Among Celebrities; Katherine Heigl &Other Celebrities Claim to Have Finally Quit Smoking by Using This Remarkable New Device - Nov 29, 2010…

      schrieb am 29.11.10 20:18:59
      Beitrag Nr. 19.471 ()
      China's current account surplus doubles - CER/WSJ - Nov 26, 2010…

      "China's current account surplus for the third quarter more than doubled year-on-year, the Wall Street Journal reported.

      The State Administration of Foreign Exchange announced in a statement that the surplus hit US$102.3 billion in Q3. As a percentage of GDP the surplus rose to 7.2% :eek: :eek: :eek: from 5.5% in the second quarter. The new figures demonstrate that the economy remains export-driven and, in the view of some economists, imbalanced. A growing surplus as a percentage of GDP also indicates that the currency is undervalued, and will likely increase pressure on China to allow the renminbi to appreciate at a faster rate. Officials also announced that the country's foreign exchange reserves rose US$194 billion to US$2.648 trillion in the third quarter. "
      schrieb am 29.11.10 20:23:49
      Beitrag Nr. 19.472 ()
      China may cap loan growth at 15% next year - CER/Reuters - Nov 26, 2010…

      "Xia Bin, an advisor to the People's Bank of China (PBoC), said that China's bank lending should grow by around 15% in 2011 to support the economy, Reuters reported.

      The recommendation strengthens many economists' suspicions that the central bank will restrict loan growth in 2011 in a bid to limit credit expansion and dampen rising inflation. Regulators are currently grappling with how to manage the country's banks as they approach the 2010 target of US$1.1 trillion in new lending. On Wednesday Hu Xiaolian, deputy governor of the PBoC, said that the central bank would work with banks to keep lending at a manageable level for the rest of the year. Uncontrolled lending could further exacerbate inflation, which reached 4.4% year-on-year in October. "
      schrieb am 30.11.10 23:13:51
      Beitrag Nr. 19.473 ()
      Landore Resources - Progress Report - Junior Lake - Nov 30, 2010


      + Landore has extended the Junior lake property claim area to include the historic Summit Lake Iron deposit. The new claims, covering 3,383 hectares (ha) are located 25 kilometres (km) north east of the Lamaune Iron project. (Lamaune Iron)

      + Landore has completed its Marketing and Transportation study for Lamaune Iron and has concluded that a potential market exists for iron pellets or iron nuggets in North America and that transportation of product to these markets, especially in southern Ontario, would be by direct rail. CN Rail's Trans Canadian line is just 13km from the Lamaune Iron deposit. ...…
      schrieb am 30.11.10 23:21:06
      Beitrag Nr. 19.474 ()
      Full Metal Minerals - Intersects 4.40 Meters True Width Averaging 23.63% Zn, 23.71% Pb and 314.2 g/t Ag @LWM Deposit, Fortymile Property, Alaska - Nov 30, 2010…
      schrieb am 30.11.10 23:33:06
      Beitrag Nr. 19.475 ()
      Baobab Resources Plc - Tete Drilling Update - Nov 30, 2010…
      schrieb am 01.12.10 16:45:46
      Beitrag Nr. 19.476 ()
      Atlantic - Key Contractors Appointed For Windimurra Vanadium Project - Dec 1, 2010

      + EC&M appointed as electrical and instrumentation contractors

      + Kerman Contracting appointed as structural, mechanical and piping contractors

      + Important step in the completion of Windimurra Vanadium Project ...
      schrieb am 01.12.10 16:49:50
      Beitrag Nr. 19.477 ()
      African Energy Resources - Block-C Delivers Thick Coal Intersections, Sese Project - Dec 1, 2010

      + Resource delineation drilling in Block-C of the Sese coal project has intersected thick, near-surface coal seams over a large area.

      + Sixteen reverse circulation (RC) percussion holes and nine diamond drill core holes have been completed in the eastern part of Block-C within an area of approximately 20km2.

      + The average seam thickness to date in Block-C is 10m with an average depth to the top of the coal of 45m.

      + The coal thickness generally increases to the west and to the south with increasing distance from the contact between the Karoo sediments and the older crystalline basement.

      + Drilling in the western half of Block-C (an area of 30km2) and Block-B (20km2), where coal seams may thicken, has yet to commence.

      + Drilling in Block-C will continue until seasonal heavy rains prevent access. Block-B drilling will be undertaken in 2011.

      + The drilling and associated down-hole geophysical programme is expected to provide data of sufficient density to permit the classification of an inferred resource at the end of Q1 2011. ...
      schrieb am 01.12.10 16:51:28
      Beitrag Nr. 19.478 ()
      Apollo Minerals - Mount Oscar Exploration Update - Nov 25, 2010
      schrieb am 01.12.10 17:03:18
      Beitrag Nr. 19.479 ()
      African Gold Group - Intercepts 64 Meters of 2.57 g/t Au, From Surface and 79 Meters of 1.03 g/t Au-Hole Ends in Mineralization, at Kobada, Mali - Nov 30, 2010…
      schrieb am 01.12.10 17:04:43
      Beitrag Nr. 19.480 ()
      Riverstone Resources - Geophysical &Geochemical Surveys Identify Additional Targets-Drilling Underway - Dec 01, 2010…
      schrieb am 01.12.10 17:11:15
      Beitrag Nr. 19.481 ()
      Alexco Resources - Discovers Extension of Bellekeno Deposit, Further Underground Drilling Planned - Nov 30, 2010…
      schrieb am 01.12.10 17:14:28
      Beitrag Nr. 19.482 ()
      Strateco Resources - Arranges $10.0 Million Brokered Private Placement - Nov 30, 2010…
      schrieb am 01.12.10 17:18:20
      Beitrag Nr. 19.483 ()
      Nemaska Exploration - Commences 9,000 m Drill Program &Provides Exploration Update on Whabouchi Lithium/Beryllium Project - Nov 30, 2010…
      schrieb am 01.12.10 17:20:44
      Beitrag Nr. 19.484 ()
      Lydian International - Drills 89 m @1.9 g/t Gold in Resource Extension Drilling @Tigranes &Step Out Drilling @Artavasdes Intersects 46.5 m @1.2 g/t Gold @Amulsar; Armenia; New channel and linear chip sampling identifies gold in outcrop at Tigranes and Artavasdes - Nov 30, 2010…
      schrieb am 03.12.10 14:26:04
      Beitrag Nr. 19.485 ()

      Quantum Rare Earth Developments - Completes Elk Creek Acquisition - Dec 03, 2010…
      schrieb am 03.12.10 15:02:22
      Beitrag Nr. 19.486 ()
      Brockman Resources - Marillana Development on Track Following Award of Key Engineering Services Contract - Dec 3, 2010
      schrieb am 03.12.10 15:05:18
      Beitrag Nr. 19.487 ()
      Alexco Resources - Completes Off-Take Agreements With Glencore, Initiates Concentrate Shipments From Bellekeno Mine - Dec 02, 2010…
      schrieb am 03.12.10 15:15:07
      Beitrag Nr. 19.488 ()
      Columbus Gold - to Acquire 2 Million Oz. Gold Deposit - Dec 03, 2010…
      schrieb am 03.12.10 17:19:36
      Beitrag Nr. 19.489 ()
      WikiLeaks fights to stay online amid attacks; WikiLeaks fights to keep the secrets flowing as US company pulls the plug on its Web presence - FY/AP, LONDON - Dec 3, 2010…
      schrieb am 04.12.10 23:14:15
      Beitrag Nr. 19.490 ()

      Debt panel's plan would cut $4 trillion - CNNM, NEW YORK - Dec 1, 2010

      - Jeanne Sahadi -…
      schrieb am 05.12.10 02:28:11
      Beitrag Nr. 19.491 ()
      Ord River Resources - Option in Respect of Possible Acquisition of Caledon - Nov 8, 2010

      Laos Feasibility Study Field Work Progress Update - Nov 30, 2010
      schrieb am 05.12.10 02:35:05
      Beitrag Nr. 19.492 ()
      Macarthur Minerals - Increases Direct Shipping "Ore Inferred Resource" by 57% to 18Mt - Nov 25, 2010…
      schrieb am 05.12.10 02:41:02
      Beitrag Nr. 19.493 ()
      Curis Resources schliesst Börsengang ab um Arizona Kupferprojekt zur Produktion zu bringen - PI - Dec 1, 2010…
      schrieb am 05.12.10 03:02:33
      Beitrag Nr. 19.494 ()

      Iron Mountain Mining - 44.2Mt Inferred Resource Increase - Wandoo Bauxite Project - Nov 16, 2010


      + Additional Inferred Resource of 44.2Mt at 42.9% Total Al2O3, 30.4% Available Al2O3 and 3.1% Soluble SiO2 predominantly within E70/2692 in the Central Bindoon region within the Wandoo Bauxite Project

      + This is in addition to the previously announced Maiden Inferred Resource of 17.5Mt at 38.2% Total Al2O3, 31.6% Available Al2O3 and 3.1% Soluble SiO2 within E70/2692 announced on 16 March 2010

      + Current Global Inferred Resources of bauxite at Wandoo are now in excess of 61Mt

      + Resource estimation on data accumulated from the maiden drilling program within E70/2693 is underway

      + Specifications for bulk sampling and metallurgical test work have been finalised and Independent Metallurgical Operations Pty Ltd (IMO) appointed to undertake the analysis ...
      schrieb am 05.12.10 03:24:05
      Beitrag Nr. 19.495 ()
      South American Iron &Steel - Chinese State Owned Entity Signs Farm-in Agreement - Oct 11, 2010


      + Henan Mining is a large experienced Chinese explorer with numerous successes

      + Henan Mining can farm into Quince in 3 Stages leading to 30% equity in Quince by drilling and leading to the production of a Bankable Feasibility Study

      + Stage 1 – Henan Mining pays US$800,000 for the drilling report, when completed, to earn 5%

      + Stage 2 – Elect to drill a further 7,500m with associated costs to earn another 10%

      + Stage 3 – Elect to drill at least a further 50,000m with associated costs leading to the production of a Bankable Feasibility Study to earn another 15%

      + SAY retains management of the exploration program funded by Henan ...
      schrieb am 05.12.10 03:30:08
      Beitrag Nr. 19.496 ()
      Amex Resources - Iron Resource; Major Upgrade - Oct 25, 2010


      + Major upgrade of Amex’s 100% owned Mba Delta Iron Sands resource to:

      Indicated Resource: 220.000.000 Tonnes @10.9% Iron(Fe)

      + Over 40% tonnage increase from Maiden Inferred Resource reported December 2009

      + Upgrade to Indicated JORC classification from specialised programme of Sonic Core drilling

      + Resource remains open, potential extensions defined as substantial exploration target ...
      schrieb am 05.12.10 18:43:45
      Beitrag Nr. 19.497 ()
      Sarissa Resources - engages Dahlman Rose as advisers for corporate &project development - Aug 16, 2010…
      schrieb am 05.12.10 18:57:57
      Beitrag Nr. 19.498 ()
      Search Minerals - Controls New 120KM Long REE District in SE Labrador and Identifies over 80 Rare Earth Element Targets; Dr. Randy Miller Appointed Vice President Exploration - Apr 14, 2010

      Search Minerals - Discovers Four New Heavy REE Showings in the Port Hope Simpson REE District, Labrador - Nov 2, 2010


      + Geologist-prospector crews discover Piperstock Hill, Southern Shore, Toots Cove and Pesky Hill HREE showings along a 13 km trend in the HighREE Hills;

      + HREE/Total REE ranges from 13.4% to 73.87%, and HREE+Y /Total REE+Y ranges from 30.28% to 87.71% in grab samples;

      + Nb values range from 2,027 to 17,197 ppm and Y values range from 5,663 to 13,270 ppm; and

      + Total REE range from 6706.3 ppm to 54,816.1 ppm. ...
      schrieb am 05.12.10 19:40:43
      Beitrag Nr. 19.499 ()
      Evolving Gold - Intersects 405.4 Meters @1.31 gpt Gold at Rattlesnake Hills; Includes 50.3 Meters at 5.87 gpt Gold - Dec 1, 2010
      schrieb am 05.12.10 19:43:47
      Beitrag Nr. 19.500 ()
      Baja Mining - Closes C$184 Million Bought Deal Financing - Nov 23, 2010…

      Baja Fully Funded for Boleo Construction-Project Update - Nov 23, 2010…
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