
    Murdoch trifft Li; News Corp. und PCCW - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

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      schrieb am 03.03.00 08:49:19
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Li to host Murdoch talks
      BEN KWOK

      Rupert Murdoch will meet Pacific Century CyberWorks chairman Richard Li Tzar-kai in Hong Kong next week to discuss the future of the Star TV-Cable & Wireless HKT pay-television joint venture.
      Confirmation of Mr Murdoch`s visit came as both sides expressed willingness to co-operate, raising the prospects that the venture will go ahead as planned.

      The future of the Star-HKT project has come into question following Mr Li`s victory this week in the takeover battle for HKT.

      CyberWorks` plans to create a pan-Asian broadband Internet service puts it in direct competition with Star TV, a unit of Mr Murdoch`s News Corp.

      Mr Murdoch backed rival bidder Singapore Telecommunications (SingTel) with a US$1 billion commitment and was quoted this week in the Financial Times as saying Mr Li had made "no secret he would screw us out of the partnership with HKT".

      However, Mr Li said yesterday: "We have information that News Corp still wants to talk on this topic. We are quite open-minded."

      Asked to respond to Mr Murdoch`s comment, he said: "Mr Murdoch might have been very angry [when he said that] but I choose to forget it."

      Mr Li said the future of the venture would be decided purely on commercial grounds and CyberWorks might even expand its co-operation with News Corp if it benefited shareholders.

      He also held out an olive branch to defeated HKT bidder SingTel, saying: "We competed before, but that doesn`t mean we can`t co-operate in the future."

      Star TV confirmed that Mr Murdoch would visit Hong Kong next week. Sources from both parties suggested a meeting was likely on Tuesday but declined to elaborate.

      The two men have a business history stretching back to 1993, when News Corp bought the fledgling Star TV from Mr Li. The satellite TV operator has yet to turn a profit.

      Mr Li met Mr Murdoch`s son James - who has taken over as Star TV co-chairman following the surprise resignation of Gareth Chang Cheng-chung - on Wednesday.

      In a further sign that it is still alive, the Star-HKT venture yesterday named nine-year News Corp veteran Tom Mockridge as its chief executive.

      Mr Mockridge was previously the chief executive of Foxtel, an Australian pay-TV operator 25 per cent owned by News Corp.

      Star TV deputy chief executive Bruce Churchill said Mr Mockridge`s appointment confirmed the joint venture was going ahead.

      "We`re sticking to our original schedule, and are planning for a soft launch of our service during the summer and a full launch in the [autumn]," Bloomberg quoted Mr Churchill as saying.

      The venture, 60 per cent owned by HKT and 40 per cent by Star, was formed last October with plans to offer interactive television, Internet access, and e-commerce services.

      HKT chief executive Linus Cheung Wing-lam said he was confident the venture would not be still-born.

      Mr Cheung also said he would be happy to work with Mr Li, scotching rumours that he had resigned on Wednesday.

      "We hope to keep all senior management in place. We definitely hope Linus will stay," said Mr Li.

      Mr Li rejected suggestions CyberWorks would have to sell off parts of HKT due to the high amount of debt it was taking on in the merger.

      He said CyberWorks had more than US$2 billion in cash and HKT US$2 billion.

      "We have no need to do a leveraged buyout or break the company into pieces," Mr Li said.

      Doubts over the Star-HKT joint venture failed to dampen News Corp`s share price yesterday. The company`s stock market value climbed above A$100 billion (HK$470.03 billion), a milestone for an Australian company.
      schrieb am 03.03.00 08:56:33
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      News ???
      schrieb am 03.03.00 09:01:41
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      QUELLE ??????????
      schrieb am 03.03.00 10:30:00
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Werden hier Rupert und Robert Murdoch verwechselt !?
      schrieb am 03.03.00 10:32:30
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      AN VW
      Woher hast Du INFOS ??
      Auf und weit und breit nichts
      zu finden.
      Du bist seid dem 26.02.2000 angemeldet und noch relativ neu hier,
      hoffe das Du Dich nicht mit Falschaussagen zum Buhmann machen wirst.
      QUELLE ?????

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1480EUR +0,68 %
      Hat East Africa bisher nur an der Oberfläche gekratzt?! mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 03.03.00 10:38:53
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Der oben erwähnte Mr. Rupert Murdoch hat mit Rob Murdoch von UCL nur die Namensgleichheit gemeinsam. Daher steht diese Meldung absolut gar nicht mit UCL und Identikey im Zusammenhang!!!
      schrieb am 03.03.00 10:44:39
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      An Leopold 13

      Um welche andere austral. Firma soll es sich denn hier handeln ????
      schrieb am 03.03.00 10:46:16
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Moin Leute!

      Entschuldigt bitte, aber ich finde diese Verwechselung sehr amüsant.

      schrieb am 03.03.00 10:56:21
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Tut mir leid, ich habe die Informationen welcher Firma Rupert Murdoch angehört, z.Zt. nicht parat. Ich bin mir 100% sicher, dass Rob Murdoch von UCL nicht gemeint ist.
      schrieb am 03.03.00 11:20:45
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Rupert Murdoch = NEW`s CORP. LTD (STAR TV) ... PCCW

      Robert Murdoch = Union Capital (Identikey) ... ???

      schrieb am 03.03.00 11:52:26
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Quelle zur geposteten News:

      Hoffe alle Zweifel an meiner Glaubwürdigkeit damit aus dem Wege geräumt zu haben !!!

      schrieb am 03.03.00 12:06:47
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Wer Rupert Murdoch nicht kennt sollte gleich mit jedwedem business aufhören!
      schrieb am 03.03.00 13:25:40
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Als Ergänzung zu obiger Nachricht:

      19:12 03-MAR-2000
      INTERVIEW-News Corp committed to PCCW

      By Matt Pottinger BEIJING, March 3 (Reuters) - News
      Corp and Pacific Century CyberWorks <1186.HK> are
      "very committed" to keeping an Internet and pay television
      joint venture in Hong Kong alive, News Corp executive vice president James Murdoch
      said on Friday.

      Doubts emerged this week after CyberWorks struck a $38.1 billion takeover deal for
      C&W HKT, which holds a majority stake in the News Corp venture.

      The venture potentially competes with plans by CyberWorks chairman Richard Li for a
      similar pan-Asian service.

      "I already met with Richard and had a very positive talk, and we both agreed we`re very
      committed to it," Murdoch told Reuters in an interview.

      "If anything, I think we`d like to expand it if that`s what`s going to be in the best interest of
      the joint venture and our respective companies." Last year, News Corp`s Star TV formed
      a joint venture with Cable & Wireless HKT to provide consumer broadband Internet and
      pay television services in Hong Kong. It would combine HKT`s Netvigator and Interactive
      Television service with Star`s DTV digital service.

      The Star TV venture was expected to compete directly with CyberWorks` Network of the
      World, a planned service combining video programming and Web access.

      "We`re in the process of defining what our relationship is going to be," said Murdoch.

      But he added: "It`s not unusual for a company to compete in one place and cooperate in
      another." "MEAT AND POTATOES" AGREEMENT The venture was "not something
      you could walk away from", Murdoch said. "It`s a meat and potatoes agreement," he said.
      "It`s a real company with real assets.

      We`re putting one of our best executives in it." News Corp`s Tom Mockridge had taken
      over as the venture`s chief executive, Murdoch said. His statement was the clearest
      indication yet that CyberWorks and News Corp might find room for cooperation, even
      though the media companies are shaping up as rivals elsewhere in Asia. On Thursday, a
      day after meeting Murdoch, Li said: "We will discuss whether this relationship should
      continue or end or expand".

      Rupert Murdoch, chairman and chief executive of News Corp and father of James, would
      arrive in Hong Kong for talks with CyberWorks next week, James Murdoch said. "He`s
      been planning on coming for a while," he said. "SUPERCHARGED" CHINA STRATEGY
      James Murdoch also said the company would spend "considerable amounts" to achieve its
      vision of a pan-Asian rollout of converged video and Web services -- including in China.
      The 27-year-old was appointed interim co-chairman of Star TV this week, along with
      News Corp`s Chase Carey, after the surprise resignation of Star CEO Gareth Chang. He
      flew into Beijing on Thursday, joining Rupert Murdoch`s wife and News Corp executive
      Wendi Deng, who has been vetting a raft of Internet and technology companies for
      potential investments, company officials said. News Corp appears to be engaged in a
      lightening revamp of its China strategy.

      Star TV has yet to turn a profit, and before long it will face a stiff competitive threat from
      CyberWorks, an upstart which is moving rapidly to set up partnerships with Internet
      companies and distributors in China. "I think greater China is clearly a top priority for us,"
      Murdoch said. "We`re going to be investing a considerable amount into the region in a
      variety of different projects in traditional media and convergent media." He said the China
      strategy was not new, only "an acceleration".

      "It`s about radically thinking about your whole business in a different way, and just sort of
      supercharging it." .
      schrieb am 03.03.00 13:53:39
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Gruß und dank an Ginatz, wenigstens einer der in der Lage ist zu recherchieren !!!! Gruß auch an SLEDGE, bemühe Dich demnächst ein wenig, bevor Du hier urteilst!!

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      Murdoch trifft Li; News Corp. und PCCW