
    Gigamedia – Vervielfachungskandidat! - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 13.09.05 19:30:05 von
    neuester Beitrag 11.12.07 09:21:54 von
    Beiträge: 93
    ID: 1.006.742
    Aufrufe heute: 0
    Gesamt: 17.249
    Aktive User: 0

    ISIN: SG9999014831 · WKN: A2ACCC · Symbol: GIFN
    +0,81 %
    +0,0100 EUR
    Letzter Kurs 31.05.24 Tradegate

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 13.09.05 19:30:05
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Gigamedia ist ein taiwanesisches Internet-Medienunternehmen. Neben der Breitband-Musiksparte ist auch die Entwicklung von Software für Online-Casinos ein lukratives Geschäftsfeld. Die Übernahme der hochprofitablen „Grand Virtual“ erwies sich diesbezüglich als ein Volltreffer.

      Gigamedia profitiert damit vom schnell wachsenden asiatischen Markt wie auch dem ebenso dynamisch wachsenden Online-Glücksspielmarkt gleichermaßen. Für deutsche Anleger kommt zudem eine Währungsspekulation hinzu, da allgemein von erheblichen Aufwertungen der asiatischen Währungen ausgegangen wird.

      Die Marktkapitalisierung liegt beim aktuellen Kurs von etwa 1,5 € bei unter 100 Mio. €, das 2006er KGV bei unter 10 und das 2006er KUV bei unter 1 (Umsatzerwartung für das Jahr 2006: 120 Mio. €). Das Kursziel wurde von der Anlegerzeitschrift „Der Aktionär“ unlängst mit 3,4 € beziffert. Dies dürfte allerdings das tatsächliche Kurspotenzial noch nicht annähernd widerspiegeln.

      WKN: 935037


      PS.: Die immer wieder aufkommenden Spekulationen, ich sei der Mitbegründer von Gigamedia, möchte ich an dieser Stelle übrigens nicht kommentieren.
      schrieb am 17.09.05 10:28:52
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()

      Eine Auswahl der Analysten, die Gigamedia regelmäßig beobachten:

      Jesse Wang (ABN AMRO)
      Alexander Fergusson (Daiwa Institute of Research)
      Rajeev Gupta (Goldman Sachs)
      James Wang (Merrill Lynch)
      David Moy (Salomon Smith Barney)

      schrieb am 17.09.05 10:45:27
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      :yawn:er lebt noch:yawn::yawn::yawn:
      schrieb am 17.09.05 18:49:55
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      übeleg doch mal...die kommt von ca 100 ...vor einigen Jahren hast Du mal gesagt, die Börse sei nichts weiter als eine "Umverteilungsmaschinerie"...kannst Du noch mal erläutern, wie Du das genau gemeint hast?!Weil wenn ich Aktien kaufe zum Preis x und das Unternehmen schreibt fette Gewinne, dann steigt der Kurs allein deshalb, weil das Unternehmen glänzende Gewinne macht und die Zukunftsaussichten hervorragend sind. Ist das Umverteilen?! Vielleicht gibt es ja auch neue Anleger, die Geld sinnvoll investieren möchten... Bei 1 Prozent auf dem Sparbuch spart man sich ja arm...
      also ich wäre damals sicher einer gewesen, der sie bei 100 kauft und jetzt noch hält. jetzt mach ich es umgekehrt. In WGMGY habe ich jetzt einen Durchschnittskurs von vielleicht 1 :) und wollte bis 100 dabei bleiben. Wenn es gut geht. Die Nerven habe ich; den Zeithorizont allemal
      schrieb am 19.09.05 17:47:25
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Die Börse hat verschiede Funktionen:

      1. Sie stellt einen Seismographen zur Antizipierung künftiger Entwicklungen dar, indem alle vorhandenen Informationen und Markteinschätzungen in den Börsenkursen eskomptiert werden.

      2. Sie schafft dadurch eine geeignete Grundlage zur Bewertung von Unternehmen, Währungen und Rohstoffen.

      3. Sie stellt für Unternehmen mittels Börsengängen und Kapitalerhöhungen eine Möglichkeit zur Bildung von Eigenkapital dar.

      Nicht die Meinung einzelner (so genannter) Experten ist relevant, sondern die des Marktes insgesamt – und der Markt hat immer recht. Was Du mit dem Umverteilungsmechanismus ansprichst, olcapri, betrifft das Verhältnis von Gewinnern und Verlierern des Handels von Wertpapieren. Die Börse ist diesbezüglich – wie schon Gordon Gekko in dem berühmten Film „Wallstreet“ richtigerweise zum Ausdruck brachte – ein Nullsummenspiel. Hintergrund dafür ist, dass jedem Verkauf einer Aktie zum Kurs xy ein Kauf zum gleichen Kurs gegenüber stehen muss. Der reine Börsenhandel kann dem System somit keine finanziellen Mittel zuführen oder entziehen, Gewinne und Verluste gleichen sich exakt aus.

      Realwirtschaftlich betrachtet ist die Börse allerdings keineswegs ein Nullsummenspiel. Zum einen werden dem System mittels Börsengängen und Kapitalerhöhungen permanent neue Vermögenswerte und entsprechende finanzielle Mittel zugeführt (was allerdings nichts mit dem regulären Handel der Wertpapiere zu tun hat und insofern nicht im Widerspruch zu den oben getätigten Aussagen steht). Zum anderen stellt die Börse ein Instrument zur Vermögensbewertung dar, vergleichbar etwa der Bildung von Preisen auf Immobilienmärkten oder auf Auktionsmärkten (z.B. eBay). Sinkende Immobilienpreise und Börsenkurse haben demzufolge Vermögensverluste zur Folge. Sie signalisieren in der Regel eine (vom Markt erwartete) Nachfrageschwäche und verursachen relativ frühzeitige Reaktionen seitens des Angebots, um langfristige Vermögensverluste, die wiederum die Möglichkeiten der Eigenkapitalakkumulation einschränken würden, möglichst zu vermeiden. Insofern ist der Börsenmechanismus ein unverzichtbares und Effizienz steigerndes Marktelement.


      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1390EUR +11,20 %
      East Africa Metals: Widerstand gebrochen und neues Jahreshoch! mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 20.09.05 19:15:55
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Herzlichen Dank für die Erläuterung, Gigaguru
      schrieb am 02.11.05 17:39:30
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      02.11.2005 - 14:13 Uhr
      GigaMedia Kurspotenzial
      Die Experten vom Anlegermagazin "Der Aktionär" sehen bei der Aktie von GigaMedia (ISIN SG9999000137/ WKN 935037) Kurspotenzial.

      Die Gesellschaft habe sich Ende September von ihrer verlustbringenden Musiksparte getrennt (Verkaufspreis 5,15 Mio. USD). Das Unternehmen könne den Fokus nun auf das profitable und stark wachsende Unterhaltungs-Software-Geschäft legen. Im zweiten Quartal habe die Software-Sparte einen Gewinn von 1,4 Mio. USD erzielt, während der Bereich Internetzugänge 0,9 Mio. USD erwirtschaftet habe. Per Saldo sei jedoch nur ein Gewinn von 1,2 Mio. USD (0,02 USD je Aktie) verblieben.

      In diesem Jahr dürfte GigaMedia einen Gewinn von 0,08 USD pro Aktie erzielen. Für das kommende Jahr stelle man einen starken Gewinnsprung in Aussicht. Eine Gewinnverdopplung auf 0,16 pro Aktie sei durchaus machbar.

      Noch hätten viele Investoren und auch die Analysten das Potenzial der neuen "ballastfreien" GigaMedia nicht erkannt. Nach Ansicht der Experten von "Der Aktionär" könnte sich das aber schnell ändern. Der Titel sei bekannt für plötzlich einsetzende und sehr starke Aufwärtsbewegungen, was zuletzt im Sommer der Fall gewesen sei.

      Die Experten von "Der Aktionär" sehen bei der GigaMedia-Aktie bis zum Jahresende ein Kurspotenzial von 50 Prozent. Das Kursziel liege bei 3 EUR. Analyse-Datum: 02.11.2005


      Vielleicht findet dadurch die Aktie wieder zu alten Höhen.

      schrieb am 03.11.05 10:27:49
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Sind die Deutschen mal wieder blöd.

      Wer zahlt den 1,78€? Schlusskurs war 2,01$

      Das sind 1,67€. Naja,die deutshcen lernen es halt nie.......
      schrieb am 08.11.05 00:16:15
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Gigamedia kurz vor Break!

      schrieb am 08.11.05 10:24:07
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Quartalszahlen von Gigamedia am 8.12! Ich glaube die Aktie wird vorher deutlich steigen,weil viele auf gute Ergebnisse spekulieren werden..........:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 08.11.05 13:40:29
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Fakten zu Gigamedia GIGM:

      - Marketcap bei nur 100 Mio.$
      - Musiksparte, der Verlustbringer wurde Ende September zu 5 Mio.$ verkauft.Der Bereich verhagelte oft die Ergebnisse in den Quartalen
      - Die anderen beiden Sparten (Unterhaltungssoftware u.a. Onlinespiele) / Breitband-Internetzugänge laufen super und sind profitabel
      - Cashbestand 50 Mio.$! Hälfte vom Börsenwert (!)
      - Gewinnwachstum bei 100%
      - Chart sieht sehr gut aus
      - breite Masse hat GIGM noch nicht entdeckt
      - Quartalszahlen am 8.12. Dürfte erhebliche Fantasie in die Aktie bringen
      - Übernahmenfantasie aufgrund des hohen Cashbestand
      schrieb am 09.11.05 10:31:54
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      An dem Handelsvoluemn kann mans ehen,dass das erst der Anfang vom Ausbruch war. Doch kommt sicher noch einiges.........
      schrieb am 10.11.05 13:32:13
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Giga bringt schon am 17.11 die Zahlen für das Q3 vörbörslich!
      schrieb am 10.11.05 13:35:01
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      schrieb am 12.11.05 21:18:12
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Ok Männers (und Mädels), wir können starten ich bin dabei :kiss::laugh::lick::D
      schrieb am 18.11.05 08:52:34
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Noch jemand investiert?
      Gibt es Meinungen über den weiteren Kursverlauf??

      schrieb am 18.11.05 09:40:38
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Ja bin noch investiert, würde mich freuen wenn wir Richtung 3 USD laufen :laugh:
      schrieb am 18.11.05 13:43:30
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Kann mir gut vorstellen,dass sie erst das GAP bis 2,12$ schließt. Dazu muß sie nochmal 10% fallen...........
      schrieb am 21.11.05 19:36:16
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      An der Börse kursierte heute das Gerücht, ein bekannter Börsenguru – dessen Name dem Unternehmensnamen nicht unähnlich sein soll – käme in Kürze mit einem Kursziel im zweistelligen Bereich heraus. Dies heizte die ohnehin bereits große Euphorie um Gigamedia noch weiter an. Auch das Anlegermagazin „Der Aktionär“ dürfte sein Kursziel bald deutlich anheben müssen ...


      Der Aktionär

      Die Experten vom Anlegermagazin "Der Aktionär" raten bei der Aktie von Gigamedia (ISIN SG9999000137 / WKN 935037) weiter zuzugreifen.

      Das Papier sei schon mehrfach von den Experten empfohlen worden. Zuletzt hätten sie die Gigamedia-Aktie vor zwei Wochen im Rahmen der Titelstory "50 Prozent bis zum Jahresende" empfohlen. Bis dato notiere die Aktie des taiwanesischen IT-Dienstleisters schon fast 30 Prozent höher. Das Kursziel sehe man bei 3 Euro. Zur Absicherung sollte ein Stoppkurs bei 1,35 Euro platziert. An der Börse werde das Unternehmen mit 96 Mio. Euro bewertet. Das 2006er KGV liege bei 19.

      Ein Kauf der Gigamedia-Aktie lohnt sich nach Meinung der Experten von "Der Aktionär" aufgrund der günstigen Bewertung noch immer.
      schrieb am 05.12.05 18:11:16
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Apropos Vervielfachungskandidat: In Kürze steht die erste Kursverdopplung seit Eröffnung dieses Threads vor weniger als drei Monaten an (heute wieder +10% in den USA).

      schrieb am 09.12.05 18:37:53
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Diese Aktie passt ganz gut zu World Gaming und Gigamedia:

      Fortuna Gaming – Megatrend-Aktie vor Quantensprung

      schrieb am 11.01.06 20:52:10
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      is ja fast schon eine Kursexplosion hier. Kann mir jemand genaueres dazu sagen?
      schrieb am 12.01.06 01:16:11
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      bin seit 08/05 investiert und habe seit dem 116% +. war leider eine zu kleine Position...
      schrieb am 16.01.06 13:57:35
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      bin seit 07/05 investiert.
      Alle Infos unter Kürzel GIGA
      schrieb am 16.01.06 14:27:08
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Wieso GIGA?

      GIGM ist richtig!

      Die Storry stimmt.

      Gruß Background
      schrieb am 25.01.06 19:34:14
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      Wir stehen unmittelbar vor der Kursverdreifachung seit Eröffnung dieses Threads vor etwa vier Monaten. Damit bestätigte Gigamedia inzwischen den begehrten Status des Vervielfachungskandidaten, den ja der Thread-Titel verhieß …

      schrieb am 07.02.06 17:19:55
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      warum gehts abwärts? :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 07.02.06 21:56:22
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      [posting]20.083.988 von toco84 am 07.02.06 17:19:55[/posting]Frag ich mich auch.:confused: Habe keine negativen News gefunden. Dran bleiben und beobachten und hoffen, dass hier einige "Profis" uns Neuigkeiten übermitteln können.
      schrieb am 14.02.06 14:57:48
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      ist hier keiner mehr da :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 27.02.06 23:43:28
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      Hat heute immerhin fast die 4 Euro geschafft. Gibts keine Neuigkeiten und WO SEID IHR ALLE. :cry:Feiert wahrscheinlich Karneval.:p Also, warte auf gute News:cool:
      schrieb am 07.03.06 11:31:40
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      aus charttechnischer Sicht, wird es bald nach oben gehen !!! Weiss jemand wann NEWS kommen sollen ?
      schrieb am 20.03.06 14:31:26
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      [posting]20.552.151 von chaot_69 am 07.03.06 11:31:40[/posting]wann news kommen weis ich leider auch nicht aber...geht schon mal wieder richtung norden...scheinen wohl balt welche zu kommen :lick:
      schrieb am 20.03.06 16:18:31
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      (Antwort auf Beitrag Nr. 20.869.090 - erstellt von toco84 am 20.03.06 14:31:26)

      Was ist denn hier los? Kann mir jemand fundierte Fakten nennen, die diesen Kursanstieg rechtfertigen?

      Nachdem sich bei Gigamedia länger nichts mehr getan hatte, spielte ich bereits mit den Gedanken, meine Gewinne zu realisieren. Gut, dass ich es nicht getan habe.
      schrieb am 20.03.06 17:04:32
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      Am Donnerstag gibt es Zahlen


      GigaMedia to Report Fourth-Quarter and Full-Year 2005 Financial Results on March 23

      TAIPEI, Taiwan, March 17 /Xinhua-PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- GigaMedia Limited (Nachrichten) (`GigaMedia` or the `Company`) will report the Company`s fourth-quarter and full-year 2005 financial results on Thursday, March 23, 2006 before the market opens.

      Management will hold an investor conference call on March 23, 2006 at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, which is 9:30 p.m. Taipei/Hong Kong Time on March 23, 2006, to discuss the Company`s fourth-quarter and full-year performance. A link to the live and archived webcast will be available at .

      About GigaMedia

      GigaMedia Limited (Singapore registration number: 199905474H) is a major provider of online entertainment software and services. Through its subsidiary Cambridge Entertainment Software, the Company develops software for online entertainment services, including the global online gaming market. GigaMedia`s FunTown game portal is a leading Asian casual game portal and the world`s largest online MahJong game site in terms of revenue. GigaMedia also operates a major broadband ISP providing Internet access services to consumers and corporate subscribers in Taiwan. More information on GigaMedia can be obtained from .

      The statements included above and elsewhere in this press release that are not historical in nature are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. GigaMedia cautions readers that forward-looking statements are based on the Company`s current expectations and involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those contained in such forward-looking statements. Information as to certain factors that could cause actual results to vary can be found in GigaMedia`s Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission in June 2005.

      For further information contact: Brad Miller Investor Relations Director Tel: +886-2-3518-1107 Email:
      schrieb am 21.03.06 09:21:14
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      wird auch zeit das sich mal was tut... war die tage auch schon am überlegen die aktie wieder abzustoßen..
      aber gedult zahlt sich doch aus :D
      schrieb am 23.03.06 15:40:25
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 20.879.499 von toco84 am 21.03.06 09:21:14Der Netto-Gewinn explodiert (+277%):eek:, wir stehen heute über 23 % im plus und im Thread ist toten Stille. Genießt Ihr alle im Stillen.

      Zahlen sind doch wohl gigantisch.

      23.03.2006 13:31
      GigaMedia 2005 Net Profit Up 277% -- Best Operating Results Ever

      Outlook: 1Q 2006 Revenue Up Over 40% Q on Q Highlights of Full-Year 2005 Unaudited Results -- Consolidated revenues from continuing operations rose 34 percent to US$44.2 million -- Consolidated EBITDA(1) from continuing operations grew 73 percent to a record US$12.0 million :eek:-- Consolidated net income jumped 277 percent to a record US$6.3 million, or $.13 per share -- Cash and short-term investments totaled US$62.1 million at year end Highlights of Fourth-Quarter 2005 Unaudited Results -- Consolidated revenues from continuing operations increased 6 percent quarter-over-quarter to US$11.8 million -- Consolidated EBITDA(1) from continuing operations rose 24 percent to US$3.8 million from the third quarter -- Consolidated net income grew 37 percent quarter-over-quarter to US$2.4 million, or US$.05 per share (1) EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization and minority interests) is provided as a supplement to results provided in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles ('GAAP'). (See, 'Use of Non-GAAP Measures' for more details.)

      TAIPEI, Taiwan, March 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- GigaMedia Limited (Nachrichten) ('GigaMedia' or the 'Company') announced today strong full-year 2005 results, with consolidated net profit climbing 277 percent to a record $6.3 million, or $.13 per share, driven by a fourth-quarter 2005 consolidated net profit of $2.4 million, a 37 percent increase from the third quarter of 2005.:eek:

      Strong revenue growth and significant operating margin improvement in the Company's entertainment software business drove the best-ever financial performance.

      The financial results announced today do not include results from FunTown, the leading casual game portal acquired by GigaMedia on January 1, 2006. FunTown is expected to contribute significantly to GigaMedia's financial performance beginning in the first quarter of 2006.

      'The new, energetic GigaMedia has driven net profit up 277% in 2005, with more growth on the way -- from both existing businesses as well as from our leading FunTown MahJong and casual game portal,' stated Chief Executive Officer Arthur Wang. 'Our 2005 results reflect the early returns from our investments in online entertainment as users and revenue continue to ramp up rapidly, pointing to a great 2006.'

      'FunTown presents us with huge opportunities to dramatically expand our online entertainment business capitalizing on the giant native marketplace for MahJong and other Asian games,' explained CEO Wang.

      Consolidated Financial Results For the Full Year 2005

      Presentation of results from continuing operations. On September 29, 2005, the Company sold its land-based music distribution business to Nextbase International Limited. In accordance with reporting guidelines (SFAS No. 144: Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets) and to allow for meaningful comparisons, the Company has recast full-year and quarterly financial results presented herein to reflect this sale and highlight continuing operations.

      Financial results for 2004 incorporate the results of Cambridge Entertainment Software Limited ('CESL') only for the nine months following the acquisition of the business in April 2004 by GigaMedia. As a result, consolidated revenues, operating income, income from continuing operations, net income, net income per share and EBITDA figures for 2005 and 2004 periods may not be comparable.

      GIGAMEDIA FY05 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL RESULTS (all figures in US$ FY05 (unaudited) FY04 (audited) Change (%) thousands, except per share amounts) Revenues (A) 44,187 33,084 34 Operating Income (A) 4,366 2,475 76 Income from Continuing Operations (A) 6,490 1,253 418 Income (Loss) from Discontinued Operations (154) 429 NA Net Income 6,336 1,682 277 Net Income Per Share .13 .03 276 EBITDA (A) 12,018 6,947 73 Cash, Cash Equivalents and Short-term Investments 62,135 47,517 31 (A) Excludes results from discontinued operations.

      Consolidated revenues from continuing operations for 2005 increased 34 percent to $44.2 million from $33.1 million in 2004. Financial results for 2004 incorporate the results of CESL only for the nine months following the acquisition of the business in April 2004 by GigaMedia. As a result, figures for full-year 2005 and 2004 periods may not be comparable. Like-for-like, comparing relevant nine-month 2005 and 2004 periods, consolidated revenues from continuing operations grew approximately 21 percent year-over-year, driven by an increase in revenues of approximately 55 percent in the Company's entertainment software business.

      Consolidated operating income from continuing operations for 2005 grew 76 percent to a record $4.4 million from $2.5 million in 2004, and operating income margin increased to 9.9 percent from 7.5 percent over the same period. Driving the increase in consolidated operating income from continuing operations was strong revenue growth and significant operating margin improvement in the Company's entertainment software business. Like-for-like, comparing relevant nine-month 2005 and 2004 periods, CESL's operating margin increased to 28 percent from 19 percent.

      Consolidated net income for 2005 increased 277 percent to a record $6.3 million from $1.7 million in 2004, primarily due to the aforementioned factors driving year-over-year growth in consolidated operating income from continuing operations. Consolidated net income for 2005 included non-operating income of approximately $2.7 million primarily related to treasury and disposal gains and a reversal of certain contingent liability provisions.

      Consolidated EBITDA for 2005 grew 73 percent to $12.0 million from $6.9 million a year ago. Capital expenditure totaled $3.5 million for 2005, of which 29 percent was related to software capitalization, with the remainder primarily related to purchases of capital assets.

      GigaMedia continued to maintain a strong balance sheet with no debt at year end. Cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments totaled $62.1 million at year end, up from $55.7 million at the end of the third quarter of 2005. The increase was mainly due to operating cash flow and a reclassification, from noncurrent to current, of GigaMedia's investment in a Taiwanese online game company, Gamania. Year-end amounts did not reflect cash payments totaling $30 million in the first quarter of 2006 related to GigaMedia's January 1, 2006 acquisition of leading casual game portal FunTown.

      For the Fourth Quarter

      Consolidated financial results for the fourth quarter of 2004 were impacted by FIN 46(R), under which GigaMedia consolidates the results of its licensee, Ultra Internet Media ('UIM'). (See, 'About the Numbers in This Release -- FIN 46(R).") During the fourth quarter of 2004, the Company adopted FIN 46(R) and, accordingly, adjusted the year-end financial results of the Company's entertainment software business by incorporating the second and third-quarter results of UIM in the fourth-quarter financial results of the Company's entertainment software business. In addition, as a result of our adoption of FIN 46(R), results of the entertainment software business in the fourth quarter of 2004 benefited from a reclassification of certain intangible assets to goodwill, which consequently lowered amortization expenses in the period. As a result, consolidated revenues, operating income, income from continuing operations, net income, net income per share and EBITDA figures for 2005 and 2004 periods may not be comparable. All results referred to in this press release, unless otherwise indicated, reflect the Company's adoption of FIN 46(R).

      GIGAMEDIA 4Q05 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL RESULTS (unaudited 4Q05 4Q04 Change 4Q05 3Q05 Change quarterly (%) (%) figures, all in US$ thousands, except per share amounts) Revenues(A) 11,813 12,306 -4 11,813 11,114 6 Operating Income 1,743 1,880 -7 1,743 1,118 56 Income from Continuing Operations 2,366 407 481 2,366 1,556 52 Income from Discontinued Operations 2 802 -100 2 168 -99 Net Income 2,368 1,209 96 2,368 1,724 37 Net Income Per Share .05 .02 95 .05 .03 37 EBITDA 3,771 1,188 217 3,771 3,037 24 Cash, Cash Equivalents and Short-term Investments 62,135 47,517 31 62,135 55,726 12 (A) Revenue figures differ from those contained in previously released financial results due to reclassifications of certain fees. (See, 'About the Numbers in This Release -- Full-year and quarterly figures.')

      Consolidated revenues from continuing operations for the fourth quarter of 2005 increased 6 percent to $11.8 million from consolidated revenues from continuing operations of $11.1 million for the third quarter of 2005. Consolidated operating income from continuing operations grew 56 percent quarter-over-quarter to $1.7 million from $1.1 million. Consolidated net income for the fourth quarter of 2005 increased 37 percent to $2.4 million from $1.7 million for the previous quarter.

      Driving these improvements were strong growth in the poker vertical and an increase in operating margin in the online entertainment business, which more than offset declining contributions from the Company's broadband ISP business.

      During the fourth quarter of 2005, GigaMedia recorded non-operating income of approximately $1.1 million, which primarily consisted of $500 thousand from a legal provision reversal related to the expected favorable settlement of IPO litigation and $370 thousand from treasury functions.

      Fourth-quarter 2005 and 2004 figures may not be comparable due to the impact of FIN 46(R) on fourth-quarter 2004 results of the entertainment software business.

      Business Unit Results Entertainment Business -- Poker and Traditional Gaming Software (unaudited, in US$ FY05 FY04 4Q05 4Q04 3Q05 thousands) Revenues(A) 22,511 11,694 6,988 7,078 5,727 Operating Income (B) 5,957 2,177 2,401 1,839 1,536 Net Income Before Minority Interests (B) 5,728 2,342 2,209 2,061 1,516 Net Income (B) 5,578 2,178 1,888 1,897 1,334 (A) Revenue figures differ from those contained in previously released financial results due to reclassifications of certain fees. (See, 'About the Numbers in This Release -- Full-year and quarterly figures.') (B) Full-year 2005 amounts reflect certain back-office expense adjustments; full-year 2004 amounts and quarterly amounts for 2005 and 2004 do not reflect these adjustments. (See, 'About the Numbers in This Release -- Segmental results.")

      The entertainment software business delivered outstanding performance in 2005, with dramatic growth in the Company's poker software vertical driving record revenues and profitability in the fourth quarter.

      For the Full Year 2005

      Total revenues for 2005 grew 93 percent to $22.5 million from $11.7 million in 2004. Operating income increased 174 percent to $6.0 million in 2005 from $2.2 million in 2004. Net income for 2005 grew 156 percent to $5.6 million from $2.2 million in 2004. Financial results for 2004 incorporate the results of CESL only for the nine months following the April 2004 acquisition of the business by GigaMedia. As a result, total revenues, operating income, and net income figures for 2004 and 2005 periods may not be comparable.

      Like-for-like, comparing relevant nine-month 2005 and 2004 periods, total revenues for 2005 grew approximately 55 percent year-over-year, driven by growth of the poker software business and the launch of new games in the traditional gaming software business. Operating income increased 133 percent, due to strong revenue growth and an increase in operating margin to 28 percent from 19 percent year-over-year. Net income grew 102 percent year-over-year.

      For the Fourth Quarter

      Revenues in the entertainment software business increased 22 percent to $7.0 million from $5.7 million in the third quarter. Operating income grew 56 percent quarter-over-quarter to $2.4 million from $1.5 million. Net income rose 42 percent to $1.9 million from $1.3 million.

      Excluding revenues consolidated due to the requirements of FIN 46(R), GigaMedia's revenues from the entertainment software business were $3.5 million during the fourth quarter of 2005. This represented an increase of 15 percent from those of the third quarter of 2005, which totaled $3.0 million.

      Fourth-quarter 2005 and 2004 figures may not be comparable due to the impact of FIN 46(R) on fourth-quarter 2004 results of the entertainment software business.

      Driving the quarter-over-quarter improvements were strong revenue growth in the poker vertical and an increase in operating margin in the online entertainment business, which increased to approximately 34 percent from approximately 27 percent in the third quarter.

      During the fourth quarter, the poker software business achieved sharply increased financial performance on the back of investments made throughout the year to enhance and expand the business. Revenues in the poker software vertical were $2.2 million, up 102 percent from the previous quarter. Approximately 19,000 active real-money customers played Everest Poker during the fourth quarter, up 58 percent from approximately 12,000 active real-money players in the previous quarter.

      Focus on leveraging tournament functionality and strong marketing initiatives by our licensee surrounding online and land-based poker events were key factors driving revenue growth. Our poker software business continued to benefit significantly from our licensee's development of Everest Poker and its exclusive sponsorship of the French Poker Tour, the German Poker Tour, and the Japanese Poker Players Association. During the period, the Company continued to invest in software and hardware upgrades and improve and expand payment methods for customers to meet strong market demand and scale for expected future growth.

      The Company's traditional gaming software business continued to deliver strong profitability. Revenues in the traditional gaming software vertical were $4.8 million during the fourth quarter. This represented a 20 percent increase from the same period in 2004 and an increase of 3 percent from the previous quarter. The increase in revenues was related to the launch of new games, enhanced lobby and menu interfaces and systems, and our licensee's launch of Everest Casino. Management expects significant benefits from this new flagship property, including cross-marketing opportunities with Everest Poker.

      Broadband ISP Business (unaudited, in US$ FY05 FY04 4Q05 4Q04 3Q05 thousands) Revenues 21,736 21,962 4,824 5,251 5,407 Operating Income (A) 2,183 1,489 71 285 180 Net Income (Loss) (A) 3,175 1,512 401 (630) 138 (A) Full-year 2005 amounts reflect certain back-office expense adjustments; full-year 2004 amounts and quarterly amounts for 2005 and 2004 do not reflect these adjustments. (See, 'About the Numbers in This Release -- Segmental results.")

      The broadband ISP business delivered improved profitability in 2005. During the year, the Company continued strict cost and expense control measures while shifting focus to its corporate broadband business, resulting in improved performance during the period.

      Total revenues for 2005 declined slightly to $21.7 million from $22.0 million in 2004, with increased contributions from the corporate broadband business offsetting decreased contributions from the consumer broadband ISP business. Operating income increased by approximately 47 percent to $2.2 million in 2005 from $1.5 million in 2004. The year-over-year variance in operating income was primarily due to reduced general and administrative expenses, reductions in sales and marketing expenses, and lowered operating costs in 2005. Net income for 2005 grew 110 percent to $3.2 million from $1.5 million in 2004. The year-over-year variance in net income was due mainly to the aforementioned operating income increase, a one-time gain recorded in the second quarter of 2005 in connection with the sale of the Company's former site , and an impairment loss recorded during the fourth quarter of 2004 related to GigaMedia's investment in Gamania.

      In the fourth quarter of 2005, revenues in the corporate broadband ISP business were $1.5 million, representing 31 percent of total revenues in the Company's broadband ISP business. Revenues during the period declined 16 percent quarter-over-quarter, due to an increase in competition in certain bandwidth reselling products and depreciation of the NT dollar. Competitive pressures in this business are increasing.

      Fourth-quarter revenues in the consumer broadband ISP business were $3.3 million, a 9 percent decrease quarter-over-quarter, largely related to decreases in the metrics of our ADSL business. The number of subscribers in the consumer broadband ISP business during the fourth quarter decreased to approximately 80,500, with blended average revenue per subscriber down approximately 4 percent compared to the third quarter of 2005 at approximately $11.36 per month.

      Operating income decreased 61 percent quarter-over-quarter and 75 percent year-over-year. The variance was primarily due to declining revenues.

      Net income was $401 thousand in the fourth quarter of 2005, versus net income of $138 thousand for the third quarter of 2005. Net income in the fourth quarter of 2005 represented a turnaround of $1.0 million compared to a loss of $630 thousand for the same period in 2004. The quarter-over-quarter growth in net income was largely attributable to a fixed-asset disposal gain recorded in the fourth quarter. The year-over-year variation in net income was mainly due to an impairment loss recorded during the fourth quarter of 2004 related to GigaMedia's investment in Gamania.

      Business Outlook

      The following forward-looking statements reflect GigaMedia's expectations as of March 23, 2006. Given potential changes in economic conditions and consumer spending, the evolving nature of broadband and online entertainment software, and various other risk factors, including those discussed in the Company's 2004 Annual Report or 20-F filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission referenced below, actual results may differ materially.

      Management expects continued strong business momentum and rapid revenue growth in our poker software product driven by online and offline marketing of the Everest Poker brand. Management also anticipates a solid contribution in the first quarter from the traditional gaming vertical resulting from new games, the integration of new payment methods, and marketing initiatives surrounding Everest Casino. Investments in upgrading hardware and improving systems for both the traditional gaming and poker verticals are ongoing to support continued rapid growth in 2006.

      On January 1, 2006, GigaMedia acquired leading Asian casual game portal FunTown, the world's largest MahJong portal in terms of revenue. In the first two months of 2006, FunTown has exceeded internal revenue and net income targets. In addition, the strategic partnership announced on March 10, 2006 between FunTown and top community 'blog' site Wretch -- one of the most popular sites world-wide -- is expected to broaden and enhance FunTown's entertainment and community offerings, further enabling FunTown to make significant contributions to GigaMedia going forward.

      Overall, management expects sharply improved financial performance with significant growth in consolidated revenues and operating results in the first quarter driven by solid contributions from the Company's new casual games business, as well as strong demand for the Company's poker software. In the first quarter of 2006, the Company expects consolidated revenues to increase at least 40 percent over the Fourth Quarter 2005, and believes consolidated operating margin will remain similar to the fourth quarter presented today.

      Use of Non-GAAP Measures

      Management believes that EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization and minority interests) is a useful supplemental measure of performance because it excludes certain non-cash items such as depreciation and amortization. EBITDA is not a recognized earnings measure under GAAP and does not have a standardized meaning. Non-GAAP measures such as EBITDA should be considered in addition to results prepared in accordance with GAAP, but should not be considered a substitute for, or superior to, other financial measures prepared in accordance with GAAP. A reconciliation to the GAAP equivalent of the non-GAAP measure is provided on the attached unaudited financial statements.

      About the Numbers in This Release Full-year and quarterly figures

      All 2005 figures and all 2004 quarterly figures referred to in the text, tables and attachments to this release are unaudited; all full-year 2004 amounts are audited. The financial statements from which the financial results reported in this press release are derived have been prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP, and are presented in U.S. dollars.

      Revenues in all periods reflect reclassifications of certain fees in the entertainment software business. Such fees were previously classified as offsets against revenue, and are classified as operating costs in the financials contained herein.

      Segmental results

      GigaMedia's segmental financial results are based on the Company's method of internal reporting and are not necessarily in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the U.S. Consolidated quarterly and/or annual financial results of the Company may differ from totals of the Company's segmental financial results for the same period due to (1) the impact of the Company's headquarters costs and expenses, which are not reflected in the business segment results, (2) the impact of certain non-operating subsidiaries of GigaMedia on the Company's consolidated financial results, and (3) certain inter-company eliminations.

      In 2005 GigaMedia established certain centralized back-office business functions and charged business units for these expenses. Full-year 2005 results in the segmental business unit sections reflect adjustments for these back-office expenses. Quarterly amounts and full-year 2004 amounts in the segmental business unit sections do not reflect these back-office expense adjustments for each respective business unit.

      Results from continuing operations

      On September 29, 2005, the Company sold its land-based music distribution business to Nextbase International Limited. In accordance with reporting guidelines (SFAS No. 144: Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets) and to allow for meaningful comparisons, the Company has recast the full-year and quarterly financial results presented herein to reflect this sale and highlight continuing operations, unless otherwise noted.

      FIN 46(R)

      During the fourth quarter of 2004, the Company adopted Financial Accounting Standards Board ('FASB') Interpretation No. 46, Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities -- an Interpretation of Accounting Research Bulletin No. 51 ('FIN 46'), as revised by the subsequent amendment, FIN 46(R). The provisions of FIN 46(R) require consolidation by the primary beneficiary of variable interest entities, as that term is defined in FIN 46(R). The Company conducted a review of existing contracts for our variable interest parties and determined that it was a primary beneficiary of UIM, a licensee of GigaMedia's entertainment software developer CESL. Accordingly, during the fourth quarter of 2004 the Company incorporated the results of UIM into the Company's consolidated financial statements and adjusted the year-end financial results of the Company's entertainment software business by incorporating the second and third-quarter results of UIM in the fourth-quarter financial results of the Company's entertainment software business. In addition, as a result of our adoption of FIN 46(R), results of the entertainment software business in the fourth quarter of 2004 benefited from a reclassification of certain intangible assets to goodwill, which consequently lowered amortization expenses in the period. As a result, financial results for the fourth-quarter 2005 and 2004 periods may not be comparable. All results referred to in this press release, unless otherwise indicated, reflect the Company's adoption of FIN 46(R).

      Conference Call and Webcast

      GigaMedia will hold a conference call at 9:30 p.m. Taipei/Hong Kong Time on March 23, 2006, which is 8:30 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time on March 23, 2006 in the U.S., to discuss the Company's fourth-quarter and full-year performance. Individual investors can listen to a webcast of the call at , through CCBN's individual investor center at , or by visiting any of the investor sites in CCBN's Individual Investor Network. Institutional investors can access the call via CCBN's password-protected event management site, StreetEvents ( ). The webcast will be available for replay.

      About GigaMedia

      GigaMedia Limited (Singapore registration number: 199905474H) is a major provider of online entertainment software and services. Through its subsidiary Cambridge Entertainment Software Limited, GigaMedia develops software for online entertainment services, including the global online gaming market. GigaMedia's FunTown game portal is a leading Asian casual game portal and the world's largest online MahJong game site in terms of revenue. GigaMedia also operates a major broadband ISP providing Internet access services to consumers and corporate subscribers in Taiwan. More information on GigaMedia can be obtained from .

      The statements included above and elsewhere in this press release that are not historical in nature are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. GigaMedia cautions readers that forward-looking statements are based on the Company's current expectations and involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those contained in such forward-looking statements. Information as to certain factors that could cause actual results to vary can be found in GigaMedia's Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission in June 2005.

      (Tables to follow) GIGAMEDIA LIMITED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS Three months ended 12/31/2005 9/30/2005 12/31/2004 unaudited unaudited unaudited USD USD USD Operating revenues Access revenues 4,795,056 5,339,885 5,139,619 Sales/rental 6,560 10,612 25,611 Software licensing&online entertainment revenues 6,988,383 5,727,000 7,056,814 Promotional and advertising revenues (35) (40) 833 Subscription revenues 16,746 25,539 55,524 Other revenues 6,567 11,480 28,060 Total operating revenues 11,813,277 11,114,476 12,306,461 Costs and expenses Operating costs 3,576,387 4,209,679 4,073,061 Cost of sales/rental/installation 81,880 93,950 175,939 Product development&engineering expenses 863,721 919,611 1,666,529 Selling and marketing expenses 3,283,549 2,667,811 4,372,485 General and administrative expenses 2,091,904 1,896,374 (5,631) Other costs 122,483 109,369 364,361 Bad debt expenses 49,987 99,748 (220,489) Total costs and expenses 10,069,911 9,996,542 10,426,255 Income (Loss) from operations 1,743,366 1,117,934 1,880,206 Non-operating income (expense) Interest income 269,257 96,789 61,513 Foreign exchange gain (loss) - net 11,959 277,867 (279,868) Gain (loss) on sales of marketable securities 102,795 357,535 512,920 Gain (loss) on disposal of property, plant&eqpmt. 198,077 (9,509) (1,307) Interest expense (1,749) 0 (4,436) Other non-operating income (expense) 518,052 (7,795) (1,738,035) Non-operating income (expense) 1,098,391 714,887 (1,449,213) Income tax expense 155,372 95,084 (139,609) Minority interest income (loss) 320,784 181,807 163,537 Income (loss) from continuing operations 2,365,601 1,555,930 407,065 Income (loss) from discontinued operations (including gain on disposal) 2,135 167,972 802,148 Net income (loss) 2,367,736 1,723,902 1,209,213 Net income (loss) per common share: Continuing operations 0.05 0.03 0.01 Discontinued operations 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.05 0.03 0.02 Average shares outstanding 50,343,642 50,343,642 50,154,000 Reconciliation of Net Income to EBITDA Net income (loss) 2,365,601 1,555,930 407,065 Minority interest income (loss) 320,784 181,807 163,537 Depreciation 854,277 959,440 1,066,601 Amortization 342,186 341,170 (252,856) Interest (income) expense (267,508) (96,789) (57,077) Tax 155,372 95,084 (139,609) EBITDA 3,770,712 3,036,642 1,187,661 GIGAMEDIA LIMITED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS (Cont.) Twelve months ended 12/31/2005 12/31/2004 unaudited audited USD USD Operating revenues Access revenues 21,407,560 20,960,544 Sales/rental 77,053 109,055 Software licensing&online entertainment revenues 22,511,460 11,673,181 Promotional and advertising revenues 2,511 11,015 Subscription revenues 140,575 248,387 Other revenues 48,269 81,492 Total operating revenues 44,187,428 33,083,674 Costs and expenses Operating costs 16,458,477 15,339,211 Cost of sales/rental/installation 455,401 645,176 Product development&engineering expenses 3,562,040 2,512,921 Selling and marketing expenses 10,777,108 6,310,216 General and administrative expenses 7,892,023 5,657,478 Other costs 469,326 364,361 Bad debt expenses 206,692 (220,489) Total costs and expenses 39,821,067 30,608,874 Income (Loss) from operations 4,366,361 2,474,800 Non-operating income (expense) Interest income 408,185 139,567 Foreign exchange gain (loss) - net 150,953 (764,765) Gain (loss) on sales of marketable securities 849,710 1,230,410 Gain (loss) on disposal of property, plant&eqpmt. 204,422 (43,593) Interest expense 2,643 (4,436) Other non-operating income (expense) 1,093,684 (1,700,217) Non-operating income (expense) 2,709,597 (1,143,034) Income tax expense 435,591 (84,342) Minority interest income (loss) 150,299 163,537 Income (loss) from continuing operations 6,490,068 1,252,571 Income (loss) from discontinued operations (including gain on disposal) (154,028) 429,002 Net income (loss) 6,336,040 1,681,573 Net income (loss) per common share: Continuing operations 0.13 0.02 Discontinued operations 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.02 Average shares outstanding 50,311,948 50,154,000 Reconciliation of Net Income to EBITDA Net income (loss) 6,490,068 1,252,571 Minority interest income (loss) 150,299 163,537 Depreciation 3,965,644 4,168,536 Amortization 1,387,176 1,581,548 Interest (income) expense (410,828) (135,131) Tax 435,591 (84,342) EBITDA 12,017,950 6,946,719 GIGAMEDIA LIMITED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS 12/31/2005 9/30/2005 12/31/2004 unaudited unaudited audited USD USD USD Assets Current assets Cash and cash equivalents 41,731,416 30,692,753 13,232,637 Marketable securities - current 20,403,765 25,033,283 34,284,178 Notes and accounts receivable - net 6,442,848 6,544,315 6,395,978 Inventories - net 57,806 112,890 10,488,252 Prepaid expenses 273,726 565,116 678,500 Restricted cash 0 0 1,506,467 Other current assets 1,293,966 769,808 1,140,152 Total current assets 70,203,527 63,718,165 67,726,164 Marketable securities - noncurrent 0 2,431,804 2,892,574 Property, plant&equipment - net 10,746,904 10,888,870 15,055,518 Goodwill 29,243,377 29,607,283 29,607,283 Intangible assets - net 2,704,382 2,762,145 8,372,144 Other assets 620,933 587,503 2,323,616 Total assets 113,519,123 109,995,770 125,977,299 Liabilities&shareholders' equity Short-term loans 0 0 283,822 Notes and accounts payable 1,427,338 1,441,631 14,037,458 Accrued compensation 1,194,120 974,061 1,654,939 Accrued expenses 1,790,726 3,128,942 3,361,637 Other current liabilities 6,244,721 4,446,810 3,902,073 Total current liabilities 10,656,905 9,991,444 23,239,929 Other liabilities 1,650,041 2,013,197 2,499,869 Total liabilities 12,306,946 12,004,641 25,739,798 Minority interests 563,936 243,152 4,266,837 Shareholders' equity 100,648,241 97,747,977 95,970,664 Total liabilities&shareholders' equity 113,519,123 109,995,770 125,977,299 For further information contact: Brad Miller Investor Relations Director Tel: +886-2-3518-1107 Email:

      Quelle: PR Newswire
      schrieb am 23.03.06 17:51:41
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Ich geniesse mit Dir!

      Bin erst vor ein paar Tagen eingestiegen, da ich genau auf diese Hammerzahlen gewartet habe...nun sind sie da!
      schrieb am 23.03.06 19:19:55
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 20.922.421 von Stockpicker80 am 23.03.06 15:40:25Es ist richtig, dass sich kaum jemand für diesen Thread hier interessiert. Aber das kann uns, die wir diese Aktie haben, doch völlig egal sein, oder? Seit der Thread-Eröffnung vor ziemlich genau einem halben Jahr hat sich der Kurs der Aktie von Gigamedia mehr als verdreifacht (+235%). Die Zahlen und die weiteren Aussichten sind ebenfalls exzellent. Mir sind Kursvervielfachungen mit weiterhin sehr guten Perspektiven nach oben in aller Stille jedenfalls lieber als vielstimmig kommentierte Kursverluste und ewiges Wassertreten mit viel Trara. Oder seht ihr das anders?

      schrieb am 23.03.06 21:24:35
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      vollkommen richtig!

      DIe Umsätze sind in Deutschland gering, erst wenn ein paar Pusher-Blätter auf den Wert aufmerksam werden, gehts richtig ab, dann allerdings kann man ruhig für eine Zeit aussteigen, das übliche Spiel mit dem "stupid german money"

      Nur meine Meinung, ansonsten einfach zuschauen...
      schrieb am 29.03.06 10:33:36
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      ...ich geniesse die Stille hier im Forum..
      Hallo Echo?
      Hallo Otto!
      schrieb am 30.03.06 19:36:50
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      Hoffen wir, dass die von Dir beschworene Stille anhalten möge, dr.fist, denn eine Änderung dieses Zustands in diesem Thread wäre ein glasklarer Kontraindikator. Wenn hier erst die Dumm-Poster massenweise einfallen, dann ist es Zeit, aus der Aktie auszusteigen.

      Die bereits länger in Gigamedia investierten Anleger sollten aber auch einem häufig gehegten Trugschluss möglichst nicht unterliegen. Wer nämlich eine Aktie besitzt, die bereits stark gestiegen ist, steht Kursverlusten häufig toleranter gegenüber als Neuinvestoren. Im Folgenden eine für länger in Gigamedia investierte Aktionäre vermutlich etwas bestürzende Rechnung: Nehmen wir einmal an, Gigamedia sinkt an einem Tag wie heute um rund 10%. Derjenige, der gerade neu eingestiegen ist, liegt damit exakt mit diesen 10% im Minus. Jener Investor, der sich zuvor über satte 250% innerhalb eines halben Jahres freuen durfte, muss dagegen Verluste in der Größenordnung von 35% seines ursprünglichen Kapitaleinsatzes in Kauf nehmen, obwohl seine Aktie natürlich immer noch deutlich im Plus lieht.

      Man sollte das ganz nüchtern so betrachten, da man sich ansonsten in einer Scheinwelt befinden würde, was an der Börse auf Dauer in den seltensten Fällen gut ist. Natürlich sind hohe Kursgewinne an sich nichts Schlimmes, wovor man Angst haben müsste. Es gibt sogar Leute, die hohe Kursgewinne als eines der Ziele ihrer Engagements an der Börse ansehen. Dennoch sollte man gelegentlich auch einmal bereit sein, Gewinne mitzunehmen, denn Kursgewinne schmelzen häufig wie Butter in der Sonne, und zwar aufgrund des beschriebenen Basiseffekts mitunter sehr viel schneller als zuvor die Kurgewinne aufgebaut werden konnten. Dies sollte man zwar im Hinterkopf behalten, ansonsten besteht bezüglich Gigamedia allerdings keinerlei Grund zur Panik …

      schrieb am 04.04.06 13:30:40
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      Gestern wieder +11% in den USA. Wollen wir inständig hoffen, dass dies auch weiterhin niemanden interessiert …

      schrieb am 04.04.06 14:04:49
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.067.343 von Gigaguru am 04.04.06 13:30:40Im neuen Aktionär wird ein Kursziel von 10 € genannt:eek:
      schrieb am 04.04.06 14:29:28
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.067.913 von Stockpicker80 am 04.04.06 14:04:49Ein overall average von 96 % buy bei barchard kann sich sehen lassen:eek:
      schrieb am 04.04.06 18:31:15
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.068.342 von Stockpicker80 am 04.04.06 14:29:28Hier die von Stockpicker80 angeführte Quelle auch als direkter Link (ein wirklich bemerkenswert gutes Ergebnis für GIGM):

      Ich zitiere – mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Autors – im Folgenden einmal ein aus einem Posting eines Threads zur Aktie von World Gaming plc:

      „Viel interessanter sind viele andere Aktien. Beispielsweise Gigamedia oder bald wieder CMGI (hierfür habe ich eigene Threads aufgemacht, auf die ich verweisen möchte). Ein absoluter Reißer wird möglicherweise Worldwater, eine Aktie, die Solarenergie, Nanotechnologie und China-Phantasie auf sich vereinigt und spottbillig ist. Genial ist auch das, was bei bet-at-home läuft. Ich bin zwar erst bei 18 € eingestiegen, aber was soll’s, die stehen nach vier Monaten jetzt auch bei 60 €. Ähnliches gilt für die Beteiligungsgesellschaft von Kurt Ochner, KST Beteiligungs AG. Von Osteuropa, Lateinamerika oder China einmal ganz zu schweigen. All das sind hoch spannende und ebenso ertragreiche Investments.“


      Die Aktie des erwähnten Unternehmens Worldwater, die ich bereits in verschiedenen Kontexten als sehr aussichtsreich bezeichnet habe, ist übrigens in den vergangenen zwei Wochen um rund 75% gestiegen. Doch zurück zu Gigamedia. Hier eine weitere positive Einschätzung:…

      Es wird demnach erwartet, dass Gigamedia den Markt in den nächsten sechs Monaten outperformen wird, allerdings bei überdurchschnittlich hohem Risiko. Als positiv wird insbesondere die Beschleunigung des Gewinnwachstums im vergangenen Jahr angesehen. Sehr positiv sei zudem, dass die 50-Tage-Linie inzwischen signifikant nach oben durchbrochen wurde. Kritisch angemerkt wird allerdings, dass sowohl das KUV als auch das KGV inzwischen überdurchschnittlich hoch sei.

      Hierzu muss allerdings angemerkt werden, dass die überdurchschnittlich hohe Bewertung ja lediglich das sehr dynamische Umsatz- und Gewinnwachstum reflektiert. Dennoch liegt das KGV – trotz eines neuerlichen Kursanstiegs von heute 5% – immer noch unter 50, das KUV beträgt weniger als 8. Angesichts der außerordentlich guten Aussichten, die auch weiterhin ein sehr dynamisches Wachstum erwarten lassen, ist eine solche Bewertung durchaus vertretbar und angemessen. Allerdings muss die Bewertung natürlich durch in Zukunft auch weiterhin gute Zahlen untermauert werden, sonst kann die Aktie auch einmal den Rückwärtsgang einlegen müssen – aber das ist einstweilen Zukunftsmusik …

      schrieb am 12.04.06 22:57:35
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      Im Vergleich zum Eröffnungskurs in Deutschland schließt Gigamedia in den USA mehr als 10% darüber. Die Legende geht weiter …

      schrieb am 18.04.06 22:20:43
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      GIGM geht weiter Hoch.
      schrieb am 18.04.06 22:39:44
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      Bald 10€
      schrieb am 24.04.06 20:35:46
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      Endlich ist es geschafft: Gigamedia hat sich mit dem heutigen Tag seit Eröffnung dieses Threads vor sieben Monaten vervierfacht – eben ein echter Vervielfachungskandidat …

      schrieb am 27.04.06 22:37:43
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      Immer weiter
      schrieb am 01.05.06 17:24:18
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      GigaMedia Secures Large China Base by Strategic Investment in Online Sports Game Leader T2CN Holding
      Monday May 1, 8:00 am ET
      FunTown MahJong extends in China to 21 million registered users; 6.9 million active users in last 30 days

      SHANGHAI, China, May 1 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- GigaMedia Limited ("GigaMedia") (Nasdaq: GIGM - News) announced today a major expansion of its China market reach in an exclusive partnership with and strategic investment in online casual game company T2CN Holding Ltd. ("T2CN"), operator of the largest online sports game in China.

      "Today Giga takes a major step forward in China," stated GigaMedia CEO Arthur Wang. "We bring our number one FunTown MahJong and other Asian games to the 21 million registered users of T2CN in China, an important expansion of our China market reach."

      "The true pedigree of T2CN can be seen from their marketing partnership with premier international brands such as Coca-Cola and the NBA," stated GigaMedia CEO Wang. "We are proud to be a partner and co-owner of this exciting company."

      Under the terms of the strategic partnership, GigaMedia will make an initial investment of US$15 million and obtain preferred shares convertible into a minority equity stake in T2CN, along with customary preferred share rights and protections. GigaMedia will also join the Board of T2CN.

      GigaMedia and T2CN will together offer FunTown's existing games to the large T2CN user base on a revenue sharing arrangement. GigaMedia will become T2CN's exclusive provider for FunTown's existing games and preferred provider for games newly developed by GigaMedia.

      The transaction is subject to customary closing conditions. Management expects the transaction to close in early May.
      schrieb am 02.05.06 09:23:09
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      scheint ja ne gute Meldung gewesen zu sein...
      Auf zum Atem!


      schrieb am 02.05.06 22:31:06
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      Legt man den US-Schlusskurs zugrunde, wird Gigamedia morgen mit 7,75 € eröffnen (der Höchstkurs betrug heute schon einmal 7,95 €). Damit hat sich der Kurs seit Eröffnung dieses Threads vor weniger als acht Monaten bereits mehr als verfünffacht. Aber was soll man von Gigamedia auch anderes erwarten, schließlich handelt es sich hierbei – wie bereits im Thread-Titel angemerkt – um einen Vervielfachungskandidat …

      schrieb am 01.08.06 17:33:29
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      es scheint wieder los zu gehen! :D
      schrieb am 15.08.06 20:22:51
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      irgenwie hab ich das gefühl, hier hat jemand nur ne aktie rausgepickt, weil die so einen ähnlichen nahmen wie der eigene nickname hat.

      meine empfehlungen:

      delta airlines:lick:
      delta oil& gas:lick:
      east delta resources:lick:
      delta beteiligungen ag:lick:

      schrieb am 22.08.06 13:58:03
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 23.459.927 von DeltaComet am 15.08.06 20:22:51Empfehlung im aktuellen Aktionär 35/06 auf Seite 32:

      Gigamedia: KZ 10 €:D

      Full House:

      - Geschäftsmodell umgekrempelt
      - 2 Q: Rekordgewinn
      - erfolgreicher Wechsel vom Internet Service Provider zum Anbieter von Glücksspielen
      - wachstumsstark und mit 07-KGV von 19 noch günstig bewertet
      - sollte bei Kursaufwung des Gesamtmarktes schnell neue Höchststände erreichen
      schrieb am 22.08.06 18:42:07
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()

      seit fast 4 Jahren halte ich GIGM long,Einstieg war 2,40 USD.
      Riesiges Zukunftspotential mit excell. Produktpalette an Online Games wie Mahjong, Everest Poker von Funtown wurde in diesem Jahr zugekauft.Weitere mergers stehen bevor.
      Wenige Europaeer kenne GIGM als Aktie ,sehr viele aber als ONLINE-GAME !!!
      Besonders in West und Suedeuropa und ganz Asien sehr beliebt !!!
      Heute in Frankfurt :
      GIGM +5,42%
      schrieb am 01.09.06 16:35:06
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 23.563.705 von Madeira99 am 22.08.06 18:42:07Hallo an Alle,

      Gigm sieht wirklich gut aus, selbst heute an einem Freitag mit einer schönen konstanten Aufwärtsbewegung. Die Majong - Zahlen Q2 haben mich leicht irritiert. Da sehe ich noch nicht mittelfristig das große Potential. Die Europäischen Pokerumsätze haben das kompensiert. Wäre interessant zu wissen, wo die nächsten Schritte
      hingehen. Beteiligung an anderen Portalen wie jüngst geschehen oder Entwicklung eigener Spiele. Auf alle Fälle sind die ganzen Vorfälle um die Festnahmen in den US vollkommen an GIGM vorbeigegangen. Das spricht für die Aktie. Ich sehe hier noch ein paar Dollares Luft nach oben. Dann muß aber wieder neues Wachstum her um den Trend zu halten. Wo seht Ihr das Jahresumsatzziel ?
      Ich persönlich meine um die 85 mUSD.

      Grüße an alle
      schrieb am 05.09.06 15:21:54
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      In den naechsten Wochen sollte der Aufwaertstrend weiter anhalten......Die ersten MAH -JONG Daten stehen bevor !!!

      ....interessanter link vom 05.09.06
      schrieb am 05.09.06 17:11:22
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      Statement von GIGM Boss ARTUR WANG :

      "We remain excited about the prospects for real-money MahJong and other Asian cash- wager software which we will start to roll- out this quarter ",stated GIGM CEO Artur Wang.

      "Interest is very high,so we expect an ENTHUSIASTIC response to our product launche "!!! :laugh::cool:
      schrieb am 06.09.06 02:31:36
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      GIGM wird an der THINK EQUITY Conferenz in Kalifornien teilnehmen:

      " GIGM will have a presentation at THINK EQUITY conference Sept.13 in California and has the opportunity to meet more US investors !!!"
      schrieb am 07.09.06 17:29:35
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      Neues Allzeithoch ist das naechste GIGM - Ziel ! $ 10,78

      GIGM dzt. + 7,3% ! :laugh:
      schrieb am 07.09.06 18:24:49
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      Habe heute noch 1300 Stueck dazugekauft und halte jetzt bei 18300 GIGM.

      Long and strong :laugh:
      schrieb am 07.09.06 19:39:01
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      Taiwans GIGM wird Riesige Lizenzvertraege mit China abschliessen !!!

      Heute bereits 12% PLUS !!
      schrieb am 08.09.06 06:34:43
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 23.813.011 von Madeira99 am 07.09.06 19:39:01woher hast du die Info mit den Lizensverträgen ?
      schrieb am 08.09.06 18:43:59
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      .......Arthur Wang hat solche Verhandlungen angekuendigt und wie du am Kursverlauf siehst, ist schon wieder Bewegung bei GIGM......:laugh:

      Bevorstehende positive News betr. MahJong und eben Lizenzvertraege mit den Chinesen , naeheres werden wir sicher bald in Erfahrung bringen !!
      schrieb am 11.09.06 18:39:40
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      .....und es ist wieder Bewegung bei GIGM .

      Dzt. plus 4,3 %

      Aber hier im Forum is gar nix los........tote Hose:confused:Porrrra!
      schrieb am 12.09.06 19:16:30
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag!

      Morgen feiert dieser Thread seinen ersten Geburtstag. Die Bilanz lässt sich durchaus sehen: Von 1,5€ bei Eröffnung dieses Threads am 13. September 2005 ausgehend stieg der Kurs auf aktuell 8,6€. Das ist immerhin weit mehr als eine Verfünffachung (Kursgewinn: +475%). Gut, für diejenigen, die „Dausend Prozent“ erwartete hatten, vielleicht eine kleine Enttäuschung. Aber immer noch besser als ein Kursrückgang um zwei Drittel innerhalb eines Jahres wie z.B. bei World Gaming plc, das zum Teil in einem ähnlichen Marktsegment agiert. Hier die beiden Charts im Jahresvergleich:

      Wer vor einem Jahr für 100.000€ GIGM-Aktien gekauft hat, der hat jetzt einen um 1.500% höheren Depotwert als derjenige, der für den gleichen Betrag WGMGY-Aktien kaufte: 575.000€ gegenüber 35.000€ – das ist der Unterschied. Es gibt aber auch noch einen weiteren Unterschied: Offenbar ist der Erfolg einer Aktie negativ mit dem Zuspruch in diesem Forum korreliert (der WGMGY-Thread von Herrn Offermann hat an guten Tagen mehr Klicks als dieser GIGM-Thread in einem ganzen Jahr). Das soll heißen, je weniger sich der Mob für eine Aktie interessiert, umso besser sind bei guten Aktien anscheinend die Aussichten auf eine herausragende Performance. Ergo: Aus Gigamedia – das übrigens nach wie über exzellente Aussichten verfügt – sollte man frühestens dann aussteigen, wenn sich jemand für diesen Thread hier interessieren sollte ...

      schrieb am 18.09.06 18:37:12
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()
      Mit GIGM geht ´s weiter steil aufwaerts ..........

      ......heute sind´s schon wieder satte 4,66 % :laugh::laugh::laugh::lick:

      2007 wird GIGM ca. 25 Euro kosten !!!

      BIN UND BLEIBE LONG ........ CLARO !

      Diese Riesengewinne habe ich dem "Aktionaer" zu verdanken und bin auf dessen Empfehlung auch bei SIGMA DESIGNS bestens positioniert.
      schrieb am 18.09.06 20:20:26
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      das freut mich, dass nun mal die Empfehlung hingehauen hat (im Gegensatz zu CMGI) jedoch ist es unfair die Teilnehmer des WGMGY Threads als Mob zu bezeichnen. Der Ton der dort herrscht ist sehr angenehm und alles andere als aggresiv zu bezeichnen.

      Der Ausdruck Mob (engl. mob aufgewiegelte Volksmenge; v. lat.: mobile, beweglich) bezeichnet abwertend den sich zusammenrottenden Pöbel, die Plebs, norddeutsch: den „Janhagel“. Im Englischen bezeichnet Mob auch organisierte Kriminalität. Ferner existiert die Bezeichnung „Mob vulgaris“, was soviel bedeutet wie der gemeine Mob. Dieser Ausdruck wurde von L. Lizerman und A. Freisberg aufgestellt, um eine sarkastisch biologische Bezeichnung für unterere Gesellschaftsschichten zu definieren, und ist heute weit verbreitet.

      Die Bezeichnung meint eine mehr oder weniger bestimmte Gruppe von Personen, die vom Sprecher oder Beobachter mit gemeinsamen negativen Attributen versehen werden oder sich gemeinsam ohne erkennbare Führung gemäß einer Agitation verhalten. Der von sich aus, gruppendynamisch handelnde Mob hat kurzfristige Ziele (Plündern der Bäckerläden, Zulauf zu öffentlichen Hinrichtungen und dergleichen), seine radikale Äußerung ist der Aufruhr, die Emeute. Unter Kindern bildet sich dergleichen (ohne als „Mob“ bezeichnet zu werden) zum Beispiel als anfeuernde Ansammlung um eine Schlägerei auf dem Schulhof.
      schrieb am 21.09.06 22:48:14
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()
      Mob hin oder her – die WGMGY-Fetischisten schmoren im eigenen Saft und leben seit vielen Jahren in einer Scheinwelt. Pferde die nicht saufen wollen, tun dies auch dann nicht, wenn man ihnen eintausend Tröge vorsetzt ...

      Bei Gigamedia stellt sich jetzt natürlich die Frage, wann die 10€-Marke fällt. Ich weiß es nicht, aber vielleicht ja schon morgen …

      schrieb am 05.10.06 00:35:05
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      Mit online Aktien konnte man seit letzten Freitag kein Geld mehr verdienen. Die Hauptfrage ist, ob der Tiefpunkt schon erreicht ist.
      Mit den Usa scheint der größte Markt für eine weile wegzubrechen. Aber vielleicht auch nur auf den legalen Wege! Ich glaube, das weiter fleißig in den großen US online Pokerseiten gespielt wird. Partypoker hat zwar ein Verbot ausgesprochen, aber ab den nächsten Quartalsbericht wird das Management auf die neuen User-Zahlen verzichten und das Wachstum in den Usa verheimlichen. Gigamedia muß es schaffen in Asien zu wachsen. Die Sprach- und Kulturbarriere ist erheblich für andere online Firmen. Dieser Vorteil liegt bei Gigamedia. Bei wird schon japanisch angeboten und seit neuem spezielle japanische Pokertuniere ausgetragen. Das ist ein Anfang. Bei sind sogar zusätzlich noch die chinesische, indonesische und thailändische Sprache vorhanden. Warte schon seit einer Weile diese Sprachen auch auf der Pokerseite zu entdecken. Denke mal spätestens im Jahr 2007 ist es soweit.
      Bei allen online Spieleaktien wird es wohl nicht mehr bergauf gehen. Meine Favoriten für diese Therorie sind bwin und cryptologic. Höchststände können playtech und partygaming erreichen (der Casinobereich ist wirklich stark). Gigamedia mit der Aufstellung in Asien (Everestpoker,Funtown,T2cn,Wretch,Gamania) kann der neue Aufsteiger dieser Branche werden. Gerade die Zurückhaltung im US Markt könnten BigBoys anlocken. Die Firma ist eben jungfraulich und hat sich nicht strafbar gemacht. Außerdem ist Grand Virtual eine Software Firma in Boston. Träume nur ein wenig. Kooperation mit google und starten gemeinsam eine Pokerseite in den Usa nur mit Spielgeld zum Anfang. Können ja Autos verspielen. GM und Ford müssen ja Autos loswerden. Außerdem sollte das Management Wretch kaufen, würde in meinem Traum sehr gut hereinpassen. Nagut dann verspielt mal schön euer Taschengeld bei ,wenn Ihr investiert seit wie ich, kann man ja nur gewinnen.
      schrieb am 08.10.06 19:05:14
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      Der untenstehende Link deutet auf eine weitere sehr positive Entwicklung bei GIGM hin.
      GL to all !

      .............und dort dann GIGM eingeben.
      schrieb am 09.10.06 11:39:58
      Beitrag Nr. 74 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 24.498.996 von Madeira99 am 08.10.06 19:05:14so wird es wohl kommen :laugh:
      schrieb am 09.10.06 21:44:41
      Beitrag Nr. 75 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 24.513.922 von chaot_69 am 09.10.06 11:39:58..........und die Unterstuetzungslinie von dzt.10,20 scheint zu halten.
      Bin neugierig,was sich bis zum 10.11.06 tun wird und normal sollten wir dann die "TWENTIES "erreichen ,ich spreche von Dollar.
      schrieb am 09.10.06 22:43:48
      Beitrag Nr. 76 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 24.498.996 von Madeira99 am 08.10.06 19:05:14Die Prognose von

      schrieb am 24.10.06 17:44:14
      Beitrag Nr. 77 ()
      Hallo,bin auch investiert.
      Wann stehen denn die nächsten Zahlen an oder wie sehen die Prognosen aus??
      schrieb am 09.11.06 13:04:44
      Beitrag Nr. 78 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 24.825.349 von bswsilber am 24.10.06 17:44:142006-11-09 06:56 ET - News Release :eek::eek:

      TAIPEI, Taiwan, Nov. 9 /Xinhua-PRNewswire-FirstCall/ --

      Highlights of Third-Quarter 2006 Results

      -- Consolidated revenues from continuing operations up 118 percent year-
      over-year to $24.2 million.
      -- Consolidated operating income from continuing operations grew 441
      percent year-over-year to $6.0 million.
      -- Consolidated EBITDA(1) grew 168 percent year-over-year to $8.1 million.
      -- Consolidated net income climbed 278 percent year-over-year to $6.5
      million. Basic and fully-diluted earnings per share were $0.13 and
      $0.11, respectively.
      -- Cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities-current of $35.1

      (1) EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and
      amortization) is provided as a supplement to results provided in
      accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles
      (''GAAP''). See ''Use of Non-GAAP Measures" for more details.

      GigaMedia Limited (''GigaMedia'' or the ''Company'') announced today strong results with third-quarter 2006 consolidated net income climbing 278 percent to $6.5 million, or $0.13 per basic share and $0.11 per fully-diluted share, from the same period of 2005.

      Consolidated revenues jumped 118 percent to $24.2 million and operating income climbed 441 percent to $6.0 million, both in comparison to the same period of last year.

      Sequential growth in the third quarter over the second quarter of 2006 was also noteworthy -- operating income climbed 31 percent on consolidated revenue growth of 15 percent -- significant, as the third quarter is traditionally the weakest due to seasonality.

      Continued strong growth in the Company's poker software products in Continental European markets and significant expansion in GigaMedia's consolidated operating margin drove the sharp increases in the Company's results, combined with the contribution from our Asian casual games business acquired in January.

      ''Our strong third-quarter performance is proof of the potential of our markets and the productivity of our team,'' stated CEO Arthur Wang. ''We continue to see strong momentum in our European markets driving continued strong growth.''

      With respect to real-money MahJong and other Asian games, the expected third-quarter launch has been delayed due to uncertainties involving our potential partners brought about by changes in the online gaming environment in the United States.

      GigaMedia has now entered into a preliminary agreement with a global leader in online gaming to deploy Giga's MahJong and other cash-wager Asian games and expects initial but limited revenue contribution in the fourth quarter.

      ''We believe our Asian gaming products will be big hits in the market and important growth drivers of GigaMedia in 2007,'' stated CEO Wang.

      GigaMedia generates all its revenues from markets outside the United States, as has always been the Company's policy and practice.

      Consolidated Financial Results

      (unaudited, 3Q06 3Q05 Change 3Q06 2Q06 Change
      in US$ (%) (%)

      Revenues(A) 24,199 11,114 118 24,199 21,022 15
      (Loss) (A) 6,044 1,118 441 6,044 4,606 31
      Net Income 6,512 1,724 278 6,512 11,232 -42
      Net Income
      Per Share,
      Basic 0.13 0.03 313 0.13 0.22 -42
      Net Income
      Per Share,
      Diluted 0.11 0.03 267 0.11 0.18 -39
      EBITDA 8,088 3,023 168 8,088 13,581 -40
      Cash, Cash
      Current(A) 35,111 55,726 -37 35,111 30,749 14

      (A) Excludes results from discontinued operations.

      Consolidated revenues from continuing operations for the third quarter of 2006 were $24.2 million, a 118 percent increase from consolidated revenues from continuing operations of $11.1 million for the corresponding period in 2005, led by 157 percent growth in the Company's poker and traditional gaming software business and the acquisition of our MahJong and online Asian casual games business FunTown. Quarter-over-quarter, consolidated revenues were up 15 percent, primarily due to a 26 percent increase in poker and traditional gaming software segment revenues during the period.

      Consolidated operating income from continuing operations for the third quarter of 2006 was $6.0 million, a 441 percent increase from the $1.1 million for the same period in 2005. Consolidated operating income from continuing operations grew 31 percent from the second quarter of 2006. Growth of our poker and traditional gaming software business and the acquisition of FunTown drove the year-over-year increase, with poker and traditional gaming software segment operating income increasing 203 percent to $4.7 million during the 12- month period. The strong increase in poker and traditional gaming software revenues and an improvement in the Company's overall operating margin to 25 percent drove the quarter-over-quarter increase in consolidated operating income from continuing operations. Selling and marketing expenses increased $1.1 million from the prior quarter to $7.5 million principally due to increases in our licensee's payments to marketing affiliates as a result of growing poker traffic and volume, as well as increased marketing initiatives surrounding the Everest brand.

      Consolidated net income for the third quarter of 2006 was $6.5 million, a 278 percent increase compared to $1.7 million for the same period of 2005, and a decrease of 42 percent, or $4.7 million, from the second quarter of 2006. The quarter-over-quarter variation was primarily due to the impact of a one- time pre-tax gain of approximately $7.7 million (or $7.0 million, net of tax) recorded on the sale of the Company's ADSL business during the second quarter. Consolidated net profit in the third quarter included a one-time gain of approximately $627 thousand recorded for the early redemption of a convertible note related to the acquisition of FunTown.

      GigaMedia also reports non-GAAP financial measures, including non-GAAP consolidated operating income from continuing operations, non-GAAP consolidated net income, and consolidated EBITDA. The non-GAAP measures are described below and reconciliations to the corresponding GAAP measures are included at the end of this release. (See, ''Use of Non-GAAP Measures" for more details.)

      Non-GAAP consolidated operating income, excluding non-cash share-based compensation charges of $47 thousand, was $6.1 million in the third quarter of 2006, up 445 percent year-over-year. Non-GAAP consolidated net income in the third quarter, excluding non-cash share-based compensation charges of $47 thousand, was $6.6 million, representing an increase of 280 percent over the same period last year.

      Consolidated EBITDA for the third quarter of 2006 was $8.1 million, up 168 percent from the corresponding period in 2005 and down 40 percent from the second quarter of 2006, which benefited from the one-time pre-tax gain of approximately $7.7 million (or $7.0 million, net of tax) recorded during the period. Net operating cash flow for the third quarter of 2006 was $8.0 million. Capital expenditure totaled $1.3 million for the third quarter of 2006, of which 58 percent was related to software capitalization.

      GigaMedia continued to maintain a healthy balance sheet. At the end of the third quarter of 2006, cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities- current totaled $35.1 million, up from $30.7 million at the end of the second quarter of 2006. During the quarter, the Company made cash payments totaling approximately $15 million to redeem in full the convertible note related to our acquisition of FunTown. Such payments were financed by bank borrowings of approximately $10.8 million and operating cash flow during the period. Total loans amounted to $12.7 million at the end of the third quarter of 2006.

      Business Unit Results

      GigaMedia Limited conducts its online entertainment business in two business segments. The poker and traditional gaming software segment develops and licenses online gaming software solutions and application services, primarily targeting emerging Continental European markets. The MahJong and Asian online casual games segment offers a suite of online casual games, mainly targeting gamers in Greater China. A third segment, other businesses, consists of our legacy ISP operations in Taiwan.

      Online Entertainment Business -- Poker and Traditional Gaming Software

      (unaudited, 3Q06 3Q05 Change 3Q06 2Q06 Change
      in US$ thousands) (%) (%)

      Revenues 14,726 5,727 157 14,726 11,674 26
      Operating Income 4,655 1,536 203 4,655 3,617 29
      Net Income Before 4,553 1,516 200 4,553 3,567 28
      Minority Interests
      Net Income 4,537 1,334 240 4,537 3,383 34
      EBITDA 5,061 1,675 202 5,061 3,850 31

      The poker and traditional gaming software business delivered record revenues and profitability in the third quarter and continued to strengthen its position as a leading provider of gaming software in emerging Continental European markets. Focus on enhancing our native-language products and strong execution by management continued to generate significant growth, more than offsetting the negative impact of seasonality during the period.

      The Company generates all its revenues from markets outside the United States. Therefore, GigaMedia anticipates no adverse financial impact from the passage of the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act in the United States on October 13, 2006.

      Revenues in the poker and traditional gaming software business increased 157 percent from the third quarter of 2005 to $14.7 million and grew 26 percent from the second quarter of 2006. Operating income grew 203 percent to $4.7 million from the same period in 2005, an increase of 29 percent compared to the second quarter of 2006, with operating margin increasing to 32 percent in the third quarter. Net income rose 240 percent from the third quarter of 2005 to $4.5 million, up 34 percent from the second quarter of 2006. EBITDA grew 202 percent to $5.1 million from the third quarter of 2005 and increased 31 percent quarter-over-quarter. Capital expenditure totaled $645 thousand for the third quarter of 2006.

      Excluding revenues consolidated due to the requirements of FIN 46(R), GigaMedia's revenues from the entertainment software business were $7.6 million during the third quarter of 2006. This represented an increase of 149 percent from the third quarter of 2005 and a 30 percent increase from the second quarter of 2006.

      Driving the strong year-over-year and quarter-over-quarter improvements were effective strategic growth initiatives. During the past 12 months we have committed significant resources to building a leading gaming platform with a highly scalable architecture, to expanding and enhancing our offerings, and to leveraging our first-mover advantage in poker in Continental Europe. Results of both our poker and traditional gaming software verticals have also continued to benefit from our licensee's ongoing development of the Everest brand, whose suite of gaming products powered by our software is rapidly gaining in popularity in the emerging markets of Continental Europe.

      During the third quarter we completed significant code enhancements, scalability improvements and product upgrades, such as a player-to-player chip transfer function and hand history tracking, all to improve the overall gamer experience. Additionally, our licensee increased its offline and online marketing, launching television commercials and strengthening search engine optimization efforts, which continue to successfully build the Everest brand and attract customers to both our traditional gaming software and poker products.

      During the fourth quarter we expect to launch additional product initiatives, including a new player notes feature and enhanced game tables and avatars. Our licensee also intends to continue to provide satellite events for major third-party tours, launch additional television advertisements, and begin the Everest Poker Nordic Summit, a tour targeting Scandinavian players.

      Key metrics in the Company's poker software business continued to rapidly increase during the third quarter of 2006. Revenue was $8.4 million, up significantly from $1.1 million in the same period of 2005 and up 40 percent from the previous quarter. Poker software represented 57 percent of the business unit's total third-quarter 2006 revenues. Approximately 61,000 active depositing real-money customers played Everest Poker during the third quarter, up 40 percent from the previous quarter. During the quarter, we added approximately 31,000 new depositing real-money poker players.

      Driving the revenue growth in the poker vertical were continued increases in the number of our players as a result of strong brand-building and marketing initiatives in our top markets by our licensee and its affiliates. Highlights included Everest Poker European Championship events across Europe, culminating in the Everest Poker European Championship in Barcelona in September, and numerous satellite events for major international poker tours, including the World Series of Poker.

      Revenues in the traditional gaming software vertical were $6.4 million during the third quarter. This represented a 38 percent increase from the same period in 2005 and an increase of 11 percent from the second quarter of 2006. The year-over-year and quarter-over-quarter increases in revenues were related to the launch of new games, including Atlantis -- an advanced video slot machine -- and video poker. The business also continued to experience growth in cross-vertical players coming from Everest Poker during the period.

      Online Entertainment Business -- MahJong and Online Asian Casual Games

      (unaudited, 3Q06 3Q05 Change 3Q06 2Q06 Change
      in US$ thousands) (%) (%)

      Revenues 4,304 NA NA 4,304 4,060 6
      Operating Income 1,207 NA NA 1,207 1,270 -5
      Net Income 1,224 NA NA 1,224 1,237 -1
      EBITDA 1,643 NA NA 1,643 1,684 -2

      Performance of the online casual games business was solid in the third quarter as management increased brand-building initiatives. These actions began to drive revenue growth and resulted in a slightly lower operating margin in the period.

      Revenues from FunTown in the third quarter of 2006 increased 6 percent from the second quarter of 2006. Operating income declined by 5 percent over the prior period, primarily related to increased selling and marketing expenses, royalty costs and bad debt expenses. Net income declined 1 percent quarter-over-quarter to $1.2 million. EBITDA declined 2 percent from the second quarter of 2006 to $1.6 million. Capital expenditure totaled approximately $411 thousand for the third quarter, and amortization expenses related to intangible assets recorded as a result of the acquisition of FunTown amounted to $317 thousand for the period. Operating margin decreased to 28 percent, reflecting the increase in selling and marketing expenses, royalty costs and bad debt expenses during the period.

      FunTown recorded approximately 34,000 maximum concurrent users during the third quarter, flat compared with the previous quarter.

      An increased marketing campaign, the launch of Tales Runner -- a licensed racing game, a new category of self-developed puzzle-based games, and a seasonal upturn were the key factors driving revenue growth during the third quarter. The Company held its annual national MahJong tournament in the third quarter, a popular, high-profile event in which hundreds of FunTown member guilds and thousands of gamers compete for prizes. During the period, FunTown also continued to invest in software upgrades, including improved avatars and new virtual sales items. Management expects to launch additional new games in the fourth quarter with continued focus on expanding the platform and improving the overall player experience.

      Other Businesses -- Broadband ISP Business

      (unaudited, 3Q06 3Q05 Change 3Q06 2Q06 Change
      in US$ thousands) (%) (%)

      Revenues 5,217 5,407 -4 5,217 5,337 -2
      Operating Income 1,358 180 656 1,358 1,066 27
      Net Income 1,224 138 785 1,224 8,073 -85
      EBITDA 1,897 1,168 63 1,897 9,466 -80

      The Company's legacy broadband ISP business achieved improved efficiencies in the third quarter of 2006 on the back of strong cost controls by management.

      Revenues decreased 4 percent to $5.2 million from the third quarter of 2005 and 2 percent from the second quarter of 2006 primarily due to the sale of the Company's ADSL business in May 2006. Subscription revenue declines resulting from the sale were partially offset by fee income for bandwidth, consulting, and other support services related to the sale. Operating income increased 656 percent to $1.4 million from the third quarter of 2005 and increased 27 percent from the second quarter of 2006. The year-over-year increase in operating income was due to management's ongoing focus on cost control. The sequential quarterly increase was related to lower costs and expenses resulting from the sale of the ADSL business and reduced product development expenses in the third quarter. Capital expenditure totaled approximately $201 thousand for the third quarter of 2006.

      Net income increased 785 percent to $1.2 million over the third quarter of 2005 and decreased 85 percent quarter-over-quarter. The year-over-year increase in net income reflected improved efficiencies in the business in 2006. The quarter-over-quarter variation was primarily due to the impact on second-quarter results of a one-time pre-tax gain recorded on the sale of the ADSL business of approximately $7.7 million (or $7.0 million, net of tax).

      Third-quarter revenues in the consumer broadband ISP business were $3.5 million, a 4 percent decrease quarter-over-quarter, due to the aforementioned sale of the ADSL business in May 2006 and a decrease in the total number of cable subscribers. Revenues in the corporate broadband ISP business in the third quarter were $1.8 million, up 1 percent quarter-over-quarter, due to a slight increase in total lines leased.

      Consistent with the Company's focus on online entertainment and driving shareholder value, the Company has retained financial advisors to explore the sale of its legacy ISP business.

      Business Outlook

      The following forward-looking statements reflect GigaMedia's expectations as of November 9, 2006. Given potential changes in economic conditions and consumer spending, the evolving nature of broadband, online entertainment software and online casual games, and various other risk factors, including those discussed in the Company's 2005 Annual Report or 20-F filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission referenced below, actual results may differ materially.

      In the fourth quarter of 2006, management expects continued strong business momentum and revenue growth in our poker software product driven by online and offline marketing of the Everest Poker brand and a traditional upturn in online gaming during the winter season. Management also anticipates a solid contribution in the fourth quarter from the traditional gaming vertical resulting from new games and marketing initiatives surrounding the Everest properties. Consequently, management also expects an increased level of selling and marketing expenses in the fourth quarter.

      Management expects ongoing investments in its online MahJong and Asian casual games business to accelerate revenue growth in the fourth quarter. New game launches and our partnership with the China casual games portal T2CN are expected to result in growing contributions to FunTown going forward.

      Use of Non-GAAP Measures

      To supplement GigaMedia's consolidated financial statements presented in accordance with GAAP, we use the following measures defined as non-GAAP by the SEC: EBITDA, and US GAAP operating income and net income data adjusted to exclude the impact of share-based compensation. The presentation of these non-GAAP financial measures is not intended to be considered in isolation or as a substitute for the financial information prepared and presented in accordance with GAAP.

      We believe these non-GAAP financial measures provide meaningful supplemental information regarding our performance by excluding certain expenses that may not be indicative of our operating performance. Effective January 1, 2006, GigaMedia adopted Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 123(R) (''SFAS 123(R)'') regarding the expensing of share-based compensation. We believe that the presentation of non-GAAP operating income and net income enables more meaningful comparisons of performances across periods to be made by excluding the effect of SFAS 123(R), and that EBITDA is a measure of performance used by some investors, equity analysts and others to make informed investment decisions. We believe that both management and investors benefit from referring to these non-GAAP financial measures in assessing our performance and when planning and forecasting future periods. We believe these non-GAAP financial measures are useful to investors in allowing for greater transparency with respect to supplemental information used by management in its financial and operational decision making. A limitation of using non-GAAP operating income excluding share-based compensation expenses and net income excluding share-based compensation expenses is that these non- GAAP measures exclude share-based compensation expenses that have been and will continue to be for the foreseeable future a recurring expense in our business. A limitation of using EBITDA is that it does not include all items that impact our net income for the period. In addition, EBITDA as defined by GigaMedia may not be comparable to similarly titled measures reported by other companies. Management compensates for these limitations by providing specific information regarding the GAAP amounts excluded from each non-GAAP measure. Reconciliations of the adjusted income statement data to GigaMedia's US GAAP income statement data are provided on the attached unaudited financial statements.

      In this third-quarter 2006 results press release, EBITDA is defined as earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization. In the Company's earnings releases prior to the second quarter of 2006, EBITDA also excluded income from discontinued operations and minority interests. Therefore, EBITDA figures presented in this release may be different from those presented in previous earnings releases.

      About the Numbers in This Release

      Quarterly figures

      All quarterly figures referred to in the text, tables and attachments to this release are unaudited. The financial statements from which the financial results reported in this press release are derived have been prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP, and are presented in U.S. dollars.

      Consolidated financial results for the third quarter of 2006 benefited from GigaMedia's acquisition in January 2006 of leading Asian casual games portal FunTown. As a result, consolidated financial results for the third quarter of 2006 may not be comparable with other periods.

      Beginning in the third quarter of 2006, we have reclassified certain revenues and cost items, and certain balance sheet accounts. We have recast the quarterly financial results presented herein to reflect this reclassification. The reclassification has had no impact on our consolidated revenues, consolidated total costs and expenses, consolidated operating income, consolidated net income, total assets or total liabilities.

      Segmental results

      GigaMedia's segmental financial results are based on the Company's method of internal reporting and are not necessarily in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the U.S. Consolidated quarterly and/or annual financial results of the Company may differ from totals of the Company's segmental financial results for the same period due to (1) the impact of the Company's headquarters costs and expenses, which are not reflected in the business segment results, (2) the impact of certain non-operating subsidiaries of GigaMedia on the Company's consolidated financial results, and (3) certain inter-company eliminations.

      Results from continuing operations

      On September 29, 2005, the Company sold its land-based music distribution business to Nextbase International Limited. In accordance with reporting guidelines (SFAS No. 144: Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long- Lived Assets) and to allow for meaningful comparisons, we have recast the quarterly financial results presented herein to reflect this sale and highlight continuing operations, unless otherwise noted.

      Share-based payment

      Effective January 1, 2006, GigaMedia adopted the fair value recognition provisions of SFAS 123(R), using the modified-prospective transition method.

      FIN 46(R)

      During the fourth quarter of 2004, the Company adopted Financial Accounting Standards Board (''FASB'') Interpretation No. 46, Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities - an Interpretation of Accounting Research Bulletin No. 51 (''FIN 46''), as revised by the subsequent amendment, FIN 46(R). The provisions of FIN 46(R) require consolidation by the primary beneficiary of variable interest entities, as that term is defined in FIN 46(R). The Company conducted a review of existing contracts for our variable interest parties and determined that it was a primary beneficiary of UIM, a licensee of GigaMedia's entertainment software developer CESL. All results referred to in this press release, unless otherwise indicated, reflect the Company's adoption of FIN 46(R).

      Conference Call and Webcast

      GigaMedia will hold a conference call at 9:00 p.m. Taipei/Hong Kong Time on November 9, 2006, which is 8:00 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time on November 9, 2006 in the United States, to discuss the Company's third-quarter performance. Individual investors can listen to a webcast of the call at , through CCBN's individual investor center at , or by visiting any of the investor sites in CCBN's Individual Investor Network. Institutional investors can access the call via CCBN's password-protected event management site, StreetEvents ( ). The webcast will be available for replay.

      About GigaMedia

      GigaMedia Limited (Singapore registration number: 199905474H) is a major provider of online entertainment software and services. GigaMedia develops software for online entertainment services, including the global online gaming market. GigaMedia's FunTown game portal is a leading Asian casual games portal and the world's largest online MahJong game site in terms of revenue. GigaMedia also operates a broadband ISP providing Internet access services to consumers and corporate subscribers in Taiwan. More information on GigaMedia can be obtained from

      The statements included above and elsewhere in this press release that are not historical in nature are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. GigaMedia cautions readers that forward-looking statements are based on the Company's current expectations and involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those contained in such forward-looking statements. Information as to certain factors that could cause actual results to vary can be found in GigaMedia's Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission in June 2006.

      - Tables to follow -


      Three months ended
      9/30/2006 6/30/2006 9/30/2005
      unaudited unaudited unaudited
      Operating revenues

      Software licensing & online
      entertainment revenues 14,726,154 11,674,354 5,727,001
      Online game revenues 4,304,000 4,060,375 0
      Internet access and service revenues 5,162,368 5,265,747 5,374,212
      Other revenues 6,863 21,474 13,264
      Total operating revenues 24,199,385 21,021,950 11,114,477

      Costs and expenses

      Cost of software licensing & online
      entertainment revenues 2,133,493 1,615,087 1,246,594
      Cost of online game revenues 709,489 487,461 0
      Cost of Internet and service revenues
      (includes share-based compensation
      expenses under SFAS 123(R) of $4,949,
      $5,046, and $0, respectively) 2,862,173 3,052,342 3,424,593
      Cost of other revenues 57,661 85,895 92,081

      Product development & engineering
      expenses (includes share-based
      compensation expenses under
      SFAS 123(R) of $11,362, $11,582, and
      $0, respectively) 1,453,367 1,466,294 919,611
      Selling and marketing expenses
      (includes share-based compensation
      expenses under SFAS 123(R) of
      $16,805, $17,131, and $0,
      respectively) 7,477,582 6,344,172 2,317,541
      General and administrative expenses
      (includes share-based compensation
      expenses under SFAS 123(R) of
      $13,507, $13,770, and $0,
      respectively) 3,247,478 3,258,432 1,896,374
      Bad debt expenses 214,523 106,385 99,749
      Total costs and expenses 18,155,766 16,416,068 9,996,543
      Income from operations 6,043,619 4,605,882 1,117,934

      Non-operating income (expense)

      Interest income 138,624 181,450 96,789
      Foreign exchange gain (loss) - net (8,570) (106,421) 277,867
      Gain on sales of marketable securities 26,555 23,653 357,535
      Loss on disposal of property, plant &
      eqpmt. (9,074) (12,202) (9,509)
      Interest expense (112,635) (200,016) 0
      Other non-operating income 618,870 7,783,088 (7,795)
      Non-operating income 653,770 7,669,552 714,887
      Income tax expense 169,289 859,904 95,084
      Minority interest income 16,410 183,848 181,807
      Income from continuing operations 6,511,690 11,231,682 1,555,930
      Income from discontinued operations
      (including gain on disposal) 0 0 167,972
      Net income 6,511,690 11,231,682 1,723,902
      Earnings per share
      Income from continuing operations 0.13 0.22 0.03
      Income from discontinued operations 0.00 0.00 0.00
      0.13 0.22 0.03
      Income from continuing operations 0.11 0.18 0.03
      Income from discontinued operations 0.00 0.00 0.00
      0.11 0.18 0.03
      Weighted average shares outstanding
      Basic 51,027,013 50,738,082 50,343,642
      Diluted 60,430,120 63,667,069 55,354,338

      * All amounts have been presented to reflect the reclassification of
      certain accounts in the third quarter of 2006.


      9/30/2006 6/30/2006 9/30/2005
      unaudited unaudited unaudited

      Current assets
      Cash and cash equivalents 16,713,010 10,964,616 30,692,753
      Marketable securities - current 18,398,098 19,784,287 25,033,283
      Notes and accounts receivable - net 17,726,817 15,356,868 6,544,315
      Inventories - net 95,903 93,752 112,890
      Prepaid expenses 1,480,578 752,077 565,116
      Restricted cash 2,657,492 2,518,227 0
      Other current assets 7,715,166 8,867,593 769,808
      Total current assets 64,787,064 58,337,420 63,718,165

      Marketable securities - noncurrent 15,000,000 15,000,000 2,431,804
      Property, plant & equipment - net 9,968,996 10,422,274 10,888,870
      Goodwill 50,645,511 51,057,467 29,607,283
      Intangible assets - net 22,679,009 23,006,088 2,762,145
      Other assets 2,535,856 4,883,802 587,503
      Total assets 165,616,436 162,707,051 109,995,770

      Liabilities & shareholders' equity

      Short-term loans 12,658,610 1,884,461 0
      Notes and accounts payable 1,828,776 1,914,175 1,441,631
      Accrued compensation 2,804,077 1,649,962 974,061
      Accrued expenses 4,621,466 4,138,683 3,128,942
      Other current liabilities 17,879,047 17,785,370 4,446,810
      Total current liabilities 39,791,976 27,372,651 9,991,444
      Convertible notes 0 15,893,352 0
      Other liabilities 2,299,490 2,481,042 2,013,197
      Total liabilities 42,091,466 45,747,045 12,004,641
      Minority interests 777,458 761,048 243,152
      Shareholders' equity 122,747,512 116,198,958 97,747,977

      Total liabilities & shareholders'
      equity 165,616,436 162,707,051 109,995,770

      * All amounts have been presented to reflect the reclassification of
      certain accounts in the third quarter of 2006. This reclassification
      does not affect the total assets and total liabilites presented in prior

      Reconciliations of Non-GAAP Results of Operations

      Three months ended
      9/30/2006 6/30/2006 9/30/2005
      unaudited unaudited unaudited
      Income from operations
      GAAP result 6,043,619 4,605,882 1,117,934
      Adjustment: share-based
      compensation 46,623 47,529 0
      Non-GAAP result 6,090,242 4,653,411 1,117,934

      Net income
      GAAP result 6,511,690 11,231,682 1,723,902
      Adjustment: share-based
      compensation 46,623 47,529 0
      Non-GAAP result 6,558,313 11,279,211 1,723,902

      Reconciliation of Net Income to EBITDA

      Net Income 6,511,690 11,231,682 1,723,902
      Depreciation 713,411 761,075 959,441
      Amortization 719,766 709,768 341,170
      Interest (income) expense (25,988) 18,565 (96,789)
      Tax 169,289 859,905 95,084
      EBITDA 8,088,168 13,580,995 3,022,808

      For further information contact:

      Brad Miller, Investor Relations Director
      Tel: +886-2-3518-1107
      GigaMedia Limited

      CONTACT: Brad Miller of GIGM, +886-2-3518-1107, or

      Web site:
      schrieb am 09.11.06 13:54:34
      Beitrag Nr. 79 ()
      Wieder mal grossartige Daten von Arthur Wang´s GIGM !!!:laugh:

      Premarket up 16 % ....................!

      Bleibe weiterhin long investiert ,da ein excellentes 2007


      GIGM ist mit Sicherheit die Aktie des Jahrzehnts . :laugh:
      schrieb am 09.11.06 18:21:31
      Beitrag Nr. 80 ()
      ich hoffe ihr seit auch so vernarrt in die seiten und wie ich. das format und die graphik ist super.
      schrieb am 12.03.07 17:56:43
      Beitrag Nr. 81 ()
      Morgen kommen Zahlen !!!!!

      ;-)) ((-;

      Wie war das mit den Sternen?
      schrieb am 13.03.07 14:43:07
      Beitrag Nr. 82 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.257.655 von Background am 12.03.07 17:56:43Tick, tick, tick......

      Gleich geht es los.
      schrieb am 14.03.07 17:25:12
      Beitrag Nr. 83 ()

      Besonders lesenswert ist:

      Second, our China platform T2CN. As stated in our release today, we will begin equity accounting for T2CN in the first quarter. We are in very early stages of building this growth platform and expect near term financial contributions to be relatively modest. However, our focus on sports, our large and already established player base, and our access to a deep pipeline of games through our relationship with Korean developer and operator CJ Internet, all position us to deliver significant long-term growth.

      We are thrilled with our progress to date, confident in our ability to continue to execute on our plans, and excited about our strategic position and prospects. We are building a new GigaMedia, with growing shareholder value as its cornerstone.
      schrieb am 14.03.07 18:16:04
      Beitrag Nr. 84 ()
      Legislation to Repeal Online Gambling Ban May Be Coming
      The Financial Times online edition (subscription required for full article) has noted from an interview that Barney Frank, the democratic House Financial Services Committee chairman, is working on legislation to repeal the ban on online gambling in the US that was passed last year. "Working on" is hard to define without more information

      It is not clear at all if this is a "total repeal" or just a loosening of the laws. It is also a question as to whether or not this legislation could even make it to the White House through Congressional votes, and it is unclear of this would be for 2008 and beyond or if it was sooner. But either way, you have to look no further than Cryptologic (CRYP) to see how this could impact other stocks in the sector (they make online gaming software) if there is any truth to this. CRYP has even managed to defy a weak market if you look at the shares.

      In Australia, companies like Betcorp and Lasseters Corp were hit hard last year because of the ban. In the UK, companies like PartyGaming Plc and 888 Holdings were also hit in 2006 over such issues. Gigamedia (GIGM) and American Wagering (BETM) were also noted in a story late yesterday along with pari-mutuel horseracing company (UBET). We have all missed the PartyPoker commercials as well.

      Once again, take heed that "an interview" and "legislation" can be taken way out of context and there is always the possibility that this could be dead before it even gets started. My own call in so far has partially confirmed this, but with no details yet known. Many of the European online gaming stocks also made some rather large moves last week because of some loosening of regulations in the EU. There is not even assurance that it will make it to the form of a bill, so if you take any of this as "gospel" or as "fact" then the point has not been stressed enough that there may be no follow-through in reality.

      I did put in a phone call to Congressman Frank's office and was told that this is true, but I have not been able to get the details from the Financial Services Committee as of yet. I am awaiting a call back to give more details.

      Jon C. Ogg
      March 14, 2007

      vielleicht geht die vervielfachung weiter!
      schrieb am 19.04.07 19:51:12
      Beitrag Nr. 85 ()
      Hier ein ganz guter Artikel, der noch einmal verdeutlicht, wie immens das Potenzial von Gigamedia nach wie vor ist:

      schrieb am 21.04.07 11:35:41
      Beitrag Nr. 86 ()
      Das Anlegermagazin „Der Aktionär“ hat eine neuerliche klare Kaufempfehlung für die Aktie von Gigamedia herausgegeben. Der Umsatz habe sich u.a. aufgrund des starken Wachstums im Pokersegement im Jahr 2006 auf 94 Mill. US-$ verdoppelt, der Gewinn auf 31 Mill. US-$ verfünffacht. Das Unternehmen wird seine Aktivitäten in Asien weiter ausweiten und somit die Wachstumsdynamik aufrechterhalten. Das Kursziel wird einstweilen bei 16 € gesehen.

      Sollte dieses – aus meiner Sicht sehr konservative – Kursziel erreicht sein, hätte der Kurs seit Eröffnung dieses Threads im September 2005 dann um knapp 1.000% zugelegt.

      schrieb am 21.04.07 12:55:26
      Beitrag Nr. 87 ()

      kommen demnächst Zahlen oder änliches?
      schrieb am 22.05.07 14:04:59
      Beitrag Nr. 88 ()
      schrieb am 12.06.07 11:13:48
      Beitrag Nr. 89 ()
      News Alert!
      From today's(Tuesday in TW) Taiwanese newspaper, GIGM just acquired around 20% of a Taiwanese gaming/software company. Great news, I believe.
      schrieb am 24.07.07 10:22:10
      Beitrag Nr. 90 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.838.703 von Mihalis am 12.06.07 11:13:48hi,

      so nun ist es soweit, wenn der 2 jahresuptrend nicht bricht kann man sich in nächster zeit eindecken.

      es gab immer wieder im chart 20-30% rückschläge, genau wie jetzt.

      allerdings muss man auch fundamental beachten dass:

      1. der sommer noch lang ist!
      2. poker erst ende august wieder anfängt zu wachsen
      3. die everestpokerzahlen im moment eher fallen (wieder unter 4000 echtgeldkunden peak) bzw. max. stagnieren!
      4. dafür aber die zukäufe zum ersten mal im Q2 zu tragen kommen.

      euer pirinianer
      schrieb am 24.07.07 16:12:45
      Beitrag Nr. 91 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.823.284 von pirinianer am 24.07.07 10:22:10nun denn, der 2 jahre uptrend ist gebrochen nun würd ich nicht kaufen, sondern versuchen möglichst alles zu verkaufen!

      next stop 10,80 USD

      shit happens
      schrieb am 08.12.07 14:31:42
      Beitrag Nr. 92 ()
      GigaMedia "buy," target price raised

      Thursday, November 15, 2007 9:05:56 AM ET
      Roth Capital

      NEW YORK, November 15 ( - Analysts at Roth Capital reiterate their "buy" rating on GigaMedia Limited (ticker: GIGM). The target price has been raised from $22 to $25.

      schrieb am 11.12.07 09:21:54
      Beitrag Nr. 93 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.703.703 von AlaskaBear am 08.12.07 14:31:42Hallo,

      kennst Du Gigamedia schon etwas näher? Habe eine kleine Zockerposition aufgebaut, nur leider während des Dips auf 17$ nicht nachgekauft.

      Aber mich beschleicht das Gefühl, dass in der Aktie noch mehr Action steckt.

      Kannst Du kurz die Einnahmequellen von gigm aufführen? Irgendwie ist mir unklar, welche bzw. wie viele Einnahmen sie mit ihrem Pokergeschäft machen. (Habe das Gefühl, sie halten sich auf ihrer Homepage wg. Uncle Sam bewußt damit zurück.)


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      Gigamedia – Vervielfachungskandidat!