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    eröffnet am 07.01.09 13:49:18 von
    neuester Beitrag 04.02.09 13:09:20 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 07.01.09 13:49:18
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      ich sage nur KK=0,99 aktuell 1,18€
      schrieb am 07.01.09 14:03:37
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      1,23 im ASK, heute wird mein Glückstag
      schrieb am 07.01.09 14:31:23
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.323.712 von Lapismuc am 07.01.09 14:03:37kurs in indien ist glaube ich 33 rupien = 0.49 euro:laugh:
      schrieb am 07.01.09 14:47:51
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Schlusskurs 40,25 Rupien = 0,60 €

      schrieb am 07.01.09 14:56:04
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Hier droht die Kursaussetzung und ein Totalverlust!!


      Ramalinga Raju, der Chairman von Satyam Computer Services, ist heute überraschend zurückgetreten. Zuvor hatte der Unternehmer erklärt, die Bilanzen des indischen Software-Konzerns jahrelang manipuliert zu haben.

      Wie Raju in einem offenen Brief an die Bangkok Stock Exchane mitteilte, hätten von den in der Bilanz ausgewiesenen 53,61 Milliarden Rupien an Barmitteln und Liquiditätsreserven 50,4 Milliarden Rupien nicht existiert. Die operative Marge habe im dritten Quartal nicht bei 24 Prozent – wie berichtet – sondern nur bei 3 Prozent des Umsatzes gelegen. Zugleich sei der Umsatz mit 21 Milliarden Rupien um 22 Prozent niedriger als ausgewiesen gewesen.

      Vergangene Woche war der Konzern mit dem Plan gescheitert, zwei größere Firmen, die nicht aus dem IT-Sektor stammten, zu übernehmen. Raja räumte heute ein, dass diese Transaktion der letzte Versuch gewesen sei, die Bilanz mit fingierten Vermögenswerten aufzublähen. Im Gegenzug habe er aus fremden Quellen 12,3 Milliarden Rupien aufgetrieben und in das Unternehmen geschleust, um Satyam operativ am Laufen zu halten.

      Die Aktie von Satyam Computer ist in Bangkok bisher um 81 Prozent auf 33 Rupien eingebrochen.…

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1390EUR +11,20 %
      East Africa Metals: Widerstand gebrochen und neues Jahreshoch! mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 07.01.09 14:59:58
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      @ Lapismuc

      Bist hoffentlich wieder raus!
      schrieb am 07.01.09 15:02:27
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Glaube, gerade ist in New York der vorbörsliche Handel ausgesetzt worden. Letzter USD 0,82.

      Allerdings glaube ich entspricht ein ADR zwei Originalaktien.
      schrieb am 07.01.09 15:28:22
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Jan. 6, 2009 Market Close: $ 9.35
      schrieb am 07.01.09 15:48:43
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      wollen wohl weiter machen... hmm

      Statement from Satyam Interim CEO to Employees
      Copyright 2008 PR Newswire. All Rights Reserved

      HYDERABAD, India, Jan. 7 /PRNewswire/ -- The following letter has been issued to Satyam management and staff by Ram Mynampati, Interim CEO of Satyam.

      Dear colleagues

      I write this mail to update you on some critical Board and Leadership level changes in our company, effective immediately. A series of extremely unfortunate events led to this, which I am sure you have seen covered in the media over the past few hours.

      A SWAT team consisting of senior leaders has been formed. Many of them are Satyam veterans with a minimum of ten years experience in our company and more than twenty years in the industry. I have been requested to play the role of an Interim CEO and this team will support me, as we steer Satyam through this challenging phase. These are the leaders on the ground and have always had the final call on most customer and associate related matters in the company, so far. This team has committed to work together, to make it happen. The SWAT team represents all Customer Facing units, key Horizontal Competency Units and critical Support Units.

      Over the past twenty one years, with your passion and commitment we have built significant customer assets, formidable service offerings, excellent delivery processes and scalable support systems. Satyam has been consistently acknowledged for our leadership bandwidth and has a demonstrated reputation for collaborative functioning. Our renowned Full Life Cycle (FLC) model encouraged 'Distributed and Empowered' leadership and prepared us for all situations. This is the time when we have to apply it in real life. What we have been trained for, we will now put to work. Let us continue to handle our respective areas with total autonomy, freedom and control. This is as good a time, as any, to remind ourselves that we have been acknowledged as being amongst the top three Best Employers in India by Hewitt and Mercer in independent surveys in 2007 and American Society of Training & Development (ASTD) named us as the best globally, for our Learning practices - the first company outside USA to be ever awarded this honor. Satyam continues to have everything that is fundamentally required for its success - a strong customer base and a committed universe of approx 53,000 associates.

      What we are confronted with is the challenge of continuing our business operations, seamlessly. We will need your involvement and ideas to make it happen. This might involve even more effort at every level, in the near term. This is the time to prove to the world that we are united and will succeed in overcoming the challenges.

      This quarter will be tumultuous for us. Rumors will abound and it would be fair to assume that competition will try and leverage it to their advantage. As a proactive measure, we have formed fully empowered Cross Functional Teams, headed by seasoned leaders in the respective areas, to address pan-organizational issues like Delivery Excellence, Customer & Associate Retention, Pipeline Management, Cost Controls, Collections etc. You have helped to build Satyam to be what it is today - and we believe that this cannot be allowed to fail, at any cost. I am confident that I can count on your continued support as I commit to our customers that we will ensure deliverables and commitments are serviced.

      On behalf of our new leadership team, I apologize to you for the uncertainty and inconvenience that this incident has caused to you and your families. I assure you that we will emerge stronger, because of this. Increased focus on transparency at all levels, integrity and ethical functioning will be ensured. I want you to stand confidently in front of your families and friends and say that we will now be a better company and that we shall soon be a successful case study of how organizations have turned over a new leaf.

      We will be conducting "U Speak" (our Meet-the-Leadership sessions) in each city in India starting next week and will have numerous Webinars to address associates in various countries. We will be meeting many of our customers in person over the next two weeks and will meet those of you onsite, at that time. In these sessions, we will explain to you what happened and articulate the actions that are being taken to retain your confidence in our company.

      Let us fight this battle together. I am confident that we will emerge stronger, TOGETHER.

      Ram Mynampati
      schrieb am 07.01.09 16:00:18
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      wollen wohl weiter machen... hmm

      Statement from Satyam Interim CEO to Employees
      Copyright 2008 PR Newswire. All Rights Reserved

      HYDERABAD, India, Jan. 7 /PRNewswire/ -- The following letter has been issued to Satyam management and staff by Ram Mynampati, Interim CEO of Satyam.

      Dear colleagues

      I write this mail to update you on some critical Board and Leadership level changes in our company, effective immediately. A series of extremely unfortunate events led to this, which I am sure you have seen covered in the media over the past few hours.

      A SWAT team consisting of senior leaders has been formed. Many of them are Satyam veterans with a minimum of ten years experience in our company and more than twenty years in the industry. I have been requested to play the role of an Interim CEO and this team will support me, as we steer Satyam through this challenging phase. These are the leaders on the ground and have always had the final call on most customer and associate related matters in the company, so far. This team has committed to work together, to make it happen. The SWAT team represents all Customer Facing units, key Horizontal Competency Units and critical Support Units.

      Over the past twenty one years, with your passion and commitment we have built significant customer assets, formidable service offerings, excellent delivery processes and scalable support systems. Satyam has been consistently acknowledged for our leadership bandwidth and has a demonstrated reputation for collaborative functioning. Our renowned Full Life Cycle (FLC) model encouraged 'Distributed and Empowered' leadership and prepared us for all situations. This is the time when we have to apply it in real life. What we have been trained for, we will now put to work. Let us continue to handle our respective areas with total autonomy, freedom and control. This is as good a time, as any, to remind ourselves that we have been acknowledged as being amongst the top three Best Employers in India by Hewitt and Mercer in independent surveys in 2007 and American Society of Training & Development (ASTD) named us as the best globally, for our Learning practices - the first company outside USA to be ever awarded this honor. Satyam continues to have everything that is fundamentally required for its success - a strong customer base and a committed universe of approx 53,000 associates.

      What we are confronted with is the challenge of continuing our business operations, seamlessly. We will need your involvement and ideas to make it happen. This might involve even more effort at every level, in the near term. This is the time to prove to the world that we are united and will succeed in overcoming the challenges.

      This quarter will be tumultuous for us. Rumors will abound and it would be fair to assume that competition will try and leverage it to their advantage. As a proactive measure, we have formed fully empowered Cross Functional Teams, headed by seasoned leaders in the respective areas, to address pan-organizational issues like Delivery Excellence, Customer & Associate Retention, Pipeline Management, Cost Controls, Collections etc. You have helped to build Satyam to be what it is today - and we believe that this cannot be allowed to fail, at any cost. I am confident that I can count on your continued support as I commit to our customers that we will ensure deliverables and commitments are serviced.

      On behalf of our new leadership team, I apologize to you for the uncertainty and inconvenience that this incident has caused to you and your families. I assure you that we will emerge stronger, because of this. Increased focus on transparency at all levels, integrity and ethical functioning will be ensured. I want you to stand confidently in front of your families and friends and say that we will now be a better company and that we shall soon be a successful case study of how organizations have turned over a new leaf.

      We will be conducting "U Speak" (our Meet-the-Leadership sessions) in each city in India starting next week and will have numerous Webinars to address associates in various countries. We will be meeting many of our customers in person over the next two weeks and will meet those of you onsite, at that time. In these sessions, we will explain to you what happened and articulate the actions that are being taken to retain your confidence in our company.

      Let us fight this battle together. I am confident that we will emerge stronger, TOGETHER.

      Ram Mynampati
      schrieb am 07.01.09 16:07:43
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.323.712 von Lapismuc am 07.01.09 14:03:37Man kann sich ja mal irren;)
      schrieb am 07.01.09 17:23:04
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Der Kurs für die ADR in D von 0,74 € würde doch in etwa 0,37 € an der Heimatbörse entsprechen.
      Dort hat man aber noch zu knapp 0,60 € geschlossen, also ADR 1,20 €
      schrieb am 07.01.09 17:25:20
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.325.780 von Courtier am 07.01.09 17:23:04Logische Rechnung - aber man weiss nie ob sie dann aufgeht.

      Eine Zockerposi kann man aber reinstecken.
      schrieb am 07.01.09 17:31:09
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Eigentlich richtig. Bin mal gespannt was Indien morgen macht!
      schrieb am 07.01.09 17:34:55
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Hab mir mal 1000 St. zu 0,745€ geholt.

      Sekt oder Selters! :D
      schrieb am 07.01.09 18:15:01
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      schrieb am 07.01.09 19:37:55
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      rt 0,76€ ;)
      schrieb am 07.01.09 22:11:11
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.323.712 von Lapismuc am 07.01.09 14:03:37Wohl die Schnauze poliert bekommen!? :laugh:
      schrieb am 08.01.09 00:05:24
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.328.305 von Bonaire am 07.01.09 22:11:11schlusskurs in nyse ist 0,01 $ meine herren und damen :cool:
      grass was , alles futsch , mein beileid
      schrieb am 08.01.09 07:01:14
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Kurs an Wallstreet irrelevant - Aktie ist ausgesetzt, wird nicht gehandelt.

      Pressekonferenz 11:30 GMT !!!!
      Keine anderen Vorstände haben bisher ihr Amt niedergelegt
      Auch alle anderen Führungskräfte sind weiterhin im Amt
      Geschäfte laufen völlig normal weiter
      Indische Regierung will alles tun um Aktionäre zu schützen
      schrieb am 08.01.09 10:26:59
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      L&T ups Satyam stake, fuels M&A talks
      8 Jan 2009, 0450 hrs IST, Nishanth Vasudevan, Apurv Gupta & Kausik Datta, ET Bureau

      MUMBAI: The Larsen & Toubro Group is believed to have extended its purchases of Satyam Computer shares from the secondary market on Wednesday,
      taking advantage of the plunge in the stock triggered by the accounting fraud revelation. The engineering major is believed to have hiked its stake in the tainted software entity to roughly 3.5-4% on Wednesday, from 2% last week.

      Though L&T officials declined to comment on the matter, people familiar with the development said the possibility of a “strategic reason” for the stake purchases could not be ruled out, given the company’s existing interests in the software sector through its subsidiary L&T Infotech. Interestingly, L&T Capital, another L&T subsidiary, has been approached by Maytas Infra for buying out the promoter’s stake. However, the group is yet to take a call.

      “As of now, it is just a portfolio investment, but the possibility of L&T looking to buy a strategic stake cannot be completely ruled out,” said a person close to the development. “Either way, it’s a win-win for L&T. If another company decides to buy Satyam, it will benefit the portfolio purchases. But if L&T decides to acquire Satyam, it will have a strategic fit for L&T Infotech at a cheaper price.

      It is believed that Satyam could be a good buy for L&T Infotech at this juncture in terms of business prospects.
      “Even if half of Satyam’s clients decide to part ways, the remaining client base would be good enough for L&T Infotech,” said another person familiar with the matter. “Bringing in a good management like L&T itself can come as a relief to Satyam clients.”

      Talks that regulator Sebi could resort to ‘extraordinary measures’ to assuage investor fears immediately, given the negative implications of this issue on foreign investments in the country, further fuelled the takeover speculation.
      schrieb am 08.01.09 10:56:37
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      schrieb am 08.01.09 11:08:52
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      schrieb am 08.01.09 11:27:15
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      schrieb am 08.01.09 11:27:39
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Zieht an in FRA RT 0,83.
      Alles einsteigen. Pressekonferenz um 12.30 Uhr. :eek:
      schrieb am 08.01.09 11:31:45
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      PK hat begonnen
      Kurs springt an - RT 0,89
      50 % sind drin...
      schrieb am 08.01.09 11:36:21
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      PK ist um 12.30 Uhr unserer Zeit. 11.30 GMT
      schrieb am 08.01.09 11:42:06
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Jau, stimmt. ist 11:30 ... GMT
      RT 0,85 - dürfte jede Menge Bewegung reinkommen...
      Umsätze noch extrem dünn - man(n) wartet...
      schrieb am 08.01.09 12:02:50
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Thursday, January 8, 2009
      where is Satyam computer CEO Ramalinga Raju?

      After the lots of controversies the question now in everyone's mind is where is Satyam computer CEO Ramalinga Raju?.

      A team of officials from market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) will arrive in Hyderabad on Thursday to begin a probe amid speculation that police might arrest Raju, but nobody knows his whereabouts.

      Raju became incommunicado after sending a letter to the Satyam Board of Directors on Wednesday morning. There was utter confusion after a TV channel reported that he had left either for the US or Dubai.

      Raju is believed to have met nobody in the last two days. It is also possible that he might have handed over his letter to company officials before becoming incommunicado.

      Sources in Satyam, however, said he was in Hyderabad and might address a press conference later in the day. The reporters who rushed to his house in upmarket Jubliee Hills were told by the security guards that he was attending a meeting in Satyam Infocity at Madhapur.

      However, no senior official from Satyam could be reached to confirm this. A large group of reporters waited outside Satyam Infocity till late on Wednesday night but in vain.

      The Hyderabad police were also reportedly trying to find the whereabouts of Raju.

      The Andhra Pradesh government has ordered a probe by crime branch. Police Commissioner B Prasada Rao on Wednesday said they would act only if a shareholder or regulator lodges a complaint against Raju.

      Some police teams were also sent to Satyam offices in the city to find Raju's whereabouts but they were unsuccessful in tracing him as well.
      Click here to see the text of his resignation letter. For more details about Satyam scam click the links below.…
      schrieb am 08.01.09 12:21:43
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      hat jemand den schlusskurs in indien? bzw. einen link zum chart an der heimatbörse?

      merci+ lg
      schrieb am 08.01.09 12:32:48
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.331.142 von eula am 08.01.09 12:02:50Keine Kurse mehr in Fra und Mun - ist wohl ausgesetzt???
      schrieb am 08.01.09 12:33:42
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()

      Last Trade: 39.95INR
      Trade Time: Jan 7
      Change: 139.15 (77.69%) Down
      Prev Close: 179.10
      Open: 179.10
      Bid: 39.95
      Ask: 41.00
      1y Target Est: N/A

      schrieb am 08.01.09 12:34:03
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      Aktie in Frankfurt vom Handel ausgesetzt... Letzter 0,84
      schrieb am 08.01.09 12:34:51
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()


      schrieb am 08.01.09 12:36:44
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      Und nun? Geld futsch?
      schrieb am 08.01.09 12:39:01
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      Würde ich nicht sagen - ist ein normaler Vorgang wenn wichtige Meldungen kommen...
      schrieb am 08.01.09 12:42:15
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      schrieb am 08.01.09 12:44:46
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.330.822 von tgs1717 am 08.01.09 11:31:45
      woher weist du "PK ist um 12.30 Uhr unserer Zeit. 11.30 GMT"?
      schrieb am 08.01.09 12:47:13
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      schrieb am 08.01.09 12:48:07
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      January 08 2009, 11:38:04 IST | TEAM VCC
      Satyam will hold a press conference at its headquarters in Hyderabad today evening.

      How the Satyam saga will play out, remains unknown. Let's try and look at the unprecedented set of events which led Ramalinga Raju, Chairman, Satyam unearthing the biggest corporate scandal in the Indian history.
      schrieb am 08.01.09 12:49:43
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      Satyam to hold press conference in 24 hrs

      India Infoline News Service / Mumbai Jan 07, 2009 14:46

      The senior leaders of Satyam stand united in their commitment to customers, associates, suppliers and all shareholders, says interim CEO Ram Mynampati

      Satyam Computer Services Ltd. Said on Wednesday that it will conduct a press conference at its Hyderabad headquarters, within the next 24 hours. Satyam said that it will keep stakeholders informed of the developments on a regular basis.

      Satyam today confirmed that it has received a letter from its Chairman and Founder, B Ramalinga Raju. This letter, dated January 7, has been circulated to all existing members of the board, several senior leaders and copied to the Chairman of Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and the stock exchanges where Satyam is listed.

      “We are obviously shocked by the contents of the letter. The senior leaders of Satyam stand united in their commitment to customers, associates, suppliers and all shareholders. We have gathered together at Hyderabad to strategize the way forward in light of this startling revelation,” said Ram Mynampati, Interim CEO (pending ratification by the Board) and Member of the Board, who has been mandated by the Board to steer the company through this crisis.

      Satyam said that its immediate priorities are to protect the interests of its shareholders, protect the careers and security of its about 53,000 associates, and meet all its commitments to its customers and suppliers.

      “We recognize that our associates have committed a significant part of their careers to build Satyam. We will pursue all avenues to secure their future in the company,” added Mynampati.

      Satyam said that it believes that its underlying business model, customer assets and growth prospects remain sound, even in the current challenging financial environment. Satyam leadership expressed confidence that the company will be able to overcome this latest development and continue to provide excellent service to clients, while delivering value to shareholders in the medium to long term.

      Satyam said that it is committed to uphold the highest levels of corporate transparency and will cooperate with the relevant regulatory authorities to conduct detailed investigations into this matter.
      schrieb am 08.01.09 12:50:58
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      India's Satyam to hold news conference at 1130 GMT
      Thu Jan 8, 2009 12:13am EST Email | Print | Share| Reprints | Single Page[-] Text [+]
      HYDERABAD, INDIA, Jan 8 (Reuters) - India's Satyam Computer (SATY.BO) will hold a news conference at 5:00 PM (1130 GMT) on Thursday, a spokeswoman said, a day after the firm's chairman quit after disclosing that profits had been falsely inflated for years.

      Senior management, likely to include interim CEO Ram Mynampati, will address the media, the spokeswoman said. (Reporting by Sumeet Chatterjee; Editing by John Mair)
      schrieb am 08.01.09 12:51:48
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.331.521 von Sheep_2001 am 08.01.09 12:48:07Danke:)
      schrieb am 08.01.09 13:03:31
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      Was bislang zu hören ist, ist nicht allzu positiv. Finanzvorstand wirft das Handtuch. Finanzsituation nicht vielversprechend.
      schrieb am 08.01.09 13:04:41
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      Satyam interim CEO: recognises severity of issues

      HYDERABAD, India, Jan 8 (Reuters) - India's embattled Satyam Computer Services (SATY.BO) is speaking to its top 100 clients individually, and has received expressions of support from key customers, its interim CEO said on Thursday.

      The chairman of the outsourcing company resigned on Wednesday saying that profits had been falsely inflated for years, sending the company's shares plunging nearly 80 percent.

      Ram Mynampati was appointed the interim CEO.

      "Our only aim at this time is to ensure that the business continues," Mynampati told reporters at a news conference.

      He said the company would help investigating agencies and had launched a process to assess its financial position.
      schrieb am 08.01.09 13:05:21
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      Satyam interim CEO: recognises severity of issues
      Thu Jan 8, 2009 6:56am EST Email | Print | Share| Reprints | Single Page[-] Text [+]
      HYDERABAD, India, Jan 8 (Reuters) - India's embattled Satyam Computer Services (SATY.BO) is speaking to its top 100 clients individually, and has received expressions of support from key customers, its interim CEO said on Thursday.

      The chairman of the outsourcing company resigned on Wednesday saying that profits had been falsely inflated for years, sending the company's shares plunging nearly 80 percent.

      Ram Mynampati was appointed the interim CEO.

      "Our only aim at this time is to ensure that the business continues," Mynampati told reporters at a news conference.

      He said the company would help investigating agencies and had launched a process to assess its financial position.

      For detailed coverage, see [ID:nBOM394323]. (Reporting by Sumeet Chatterjee; Editing by John Mair)
      schrieb am 08.01.09 13:06:43
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.331.648 von tgs1717 am 08.01.09 13:03:31hat jemand einen livelink zu radio/fernsehübertragung??
      schrieb am 08.01.09 13:07:07
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.331.648 von tgs1717 am 08.01.09 13:03:31Wo hörst du dir das an?
      schrieb am 08.01.09 13:12:22
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      Satyam: Min promises strictest action

      January 08, 2009 17:20 IST

      Corporate affairs minister Prem Chand Gupta, said on Thursday the government will take the strictest possible action in a coordinated manner to deal with the situation arising from the admission of fraud by the founder-chairman of Satyam [Get Quote] Computer, B Ramalinga Raju.

      "I had a meeting with the senior officials from the ministry of finance, Securities and Exchange Board of India, ministry of law and justice and the ministry of information and technology.

      "We are taking coordinated action in a very firm manner and there would be no laxity on anybody's part," he said.

      Noting that the market regulator Sebi and the Registrar of Companies are already on the job, the minister said, "As far as the auditors are concerned we have asked ICAI to take strictest possible action against the erring auditors."

      While a team of Sebi has already reached Hyderabad, headquarters of Satyam Computer, the government has asked the RoC to look into the matters concerning the erring company.

      Asked if the Prime Minister's Office has sought details on the Satyam controversy from the corporate or finance ministry, Gupta said, "I do not think it is necessary for me to discuss that."

      "As the government we are concerned . . .we would be taking a coordinated action and it would be strictest possible action against the erring company, its officers and auditors, board members and whoever were involved in this fraud," he added.

      The government, he said, is exploring various options to deal with the corporate fraud and protect the interest of investors and stakeholders.

      "We are exploring various options... we are in fact more concerned about investors (and) the stakeholders", he said, when asked whether the government was proposing to appoint an independent director on Satyam's board.

      Describing the whole episode as 'shameful', Gupta said on Wednesday the government would refer the case of financial bungling by Satyam to Serious Fraud Investigation Office after verifying the facts.

      The controversy began after Satyam chairman B Ramalinga Raju admitted that company had overstated earnings and underestimated liabilities in its account books.
      schrieb am 08.01.09 13:13:48
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      Raju goes offline on World Wide Web too!

      January 08, 2009 16:51 IST

      A day after Ramalinga Raju announced his departure from Satyam [Get Quote] Computer after admitting to the country's biggest ever corporate fraud, a website by his name, launched supposedly by his fans last week, vanished into oblivion on Thursday.

      The website,, was launched with much fanfare last week by some people claiming to be Raju's well-wishers, who blamed media for giving him bad publicity.

      Attempts to reach the site, which was available till Wednesday, was today displayed "page not available" or "webpage cannot be found" error messages.

      With a tag line of "Satyameva Jayate" (truth shall win), the website was soliciting public support for Raju. Various postings on the website had said Raju was a hero for them.

      After the launch of the website, a Satyam spokesperson had said that it was not an official website and that "some well-wishers might have hosted it".

      However, the disclosure of financial fraud at Satyam has led to flooding of internet message boards with postings ridiculing Raju.
      schrieb am 08.01.09 13:15:43
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      das hört sich wiederum nicht schlecht an, oder?
      schrieb am 08.01.09 13:15:43
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      das hört sich wiederum nicht schlecht an, oder?
      schrieb am 08.01.09 13:19:31
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      India's BSE to drop Satyam from benchmark index
      Thu Jan 8, 2009 7:05am EST Email | Print | Share| Reprints | Single Page[-] Text [+]
      NEW DELHI, Jan 8 (Reuters) - The Bombay Stock Exchange will replace Satyam Computer Services (SATY.BO) with drugmaker Sun Pharma (SUN.BO) in the benchmark share index .BSESN, effective Jan. 12, the spokesman for the exchange said on Thursday.

      India's National Stock Exchange said on Wednesday it would remove Satyam from its S&P CNX Nifty 50-share index from the same date.

      The head of the Indian outsourcing firm resigned on Wednesday, disclosing profits had been falsely inflated for years, sending its shares crashing nearly 80 percent.
      schrieb am 08.01.09 13:19:32
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      LIVE COMMENTARY - Satyam Press Conference unter…
      schrieb am 08.01.09 13:20:22
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      Satyam CFO submits resignation, board yet to approve
      Thu Jan 8, 2009 7:12am EST Email | Print | Share| Reprints | Single Page[-] Text [+]
      HYDERABAD, India, Jan 8 (Reuters) - The chief financial officer of Satyam Computer Services (SATY.BO) has submitted his resignation, but the firm's board is yet to approve it, the company's interim CEO said on Thursday.

      Ram Mynampati said the liquidity of Satyam's balance sheet was "not very encouraging now", but added the embattled company had "healthy receivables".

      The chairman of the outsourcing company resigned on Wednesday saying that profits had been falsely inflated for years, sending the company's shares plunging nearly 80 percent.

      Mynampati was appointed the interim CEO.

      For a detailed coverage, see [ID:nBOM394323]. (Reporting by Sumeet Chatterjee, Editing by John Mair & Mark Williams)
      schrieb am 08.01.09 13:21:42
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      Satyam says hopeful of meeting January obligations
      Thu Jan 8, 2009 7:14am EST Email | Print | Share| Reprints | Single Page[-] Text [+]
      HYDERABAD, India, Jan 8 (Reuters) - India's Satyam Computer Services (SATY.BO) is confident it can deal with obligations this month, but needs some assistance on liquidity, its interim CEO Ram Mynampati said on Thursday.

      The chairman of the outsourcing company resigned on Wednesday saying that profits had been falsely inflated for years, sending the company's shares plunging nearly 80 percent. Ram Mynampati was appointed the interim CEO.

      For a detailed coverage, see [ID:nBOM394323]. (Reporting by Sumeet Chatterjee, Editing by Mark Williams & John Mair)
      schrieb am 08.01.09 13:26:33
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      Satyam today is completely different than what it was yesterday. We are driven today by the stakeholders' interests.…
      schrieb am 08.01.09 13:40:33
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      Irgendwer eine Idee, ob man abschätzen kann, wann Handel wieder aufgenommen werden könnte...?
      schrieb am 08.01.09 13:43:30
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      Leider keine Idee. In den USA ist seit gestern kein Handel mehr. Könnte etwas länger dauern. Hatte mir persönlich mehr versprochen. Nachrichten sind nicht allzu vielversprechend. Befürchte nichts Gutes...
      schrieb am 08.01.09 13:46:12
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.331.981 von tgs1717 am 08.01.09 13:43:30Tja, ich leider auch nicht, zuviel "ich weiß nicht, was vor sich geht" und "wie's weitergeht"... etc...
      In einem anderen board behauptet ein user, eben über USA ein paar shares gekauft zu haben...???
      Hat jemand einen link, wo man die Handelsaussetzung ersehen kann??
      schrieb am 08.01.09 13:46:32
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.331.954 von Klee77 am 08.01.09 13:40:33Wahrscheinlich erst wieder, wenn der Handel an der Heimatbörse auch wieder aufgenommen worden ist.
      Sicher bin ich mir da aber nicht.

      Aber eins steht fest:
      Es wird zu grosser Volatilität im Kurs führen, hoffentlich in steigenden Kursen!

      Wie gesagt, ist halt ein klassisches "Sekt oder Selters"-Investment.
      schrieb am 08.01.09 13:49:26
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.331.981 von tgs1717 am 08.01.09 13:43:30
      Die Taxen bei NYSEArca sehen aber gar nicht so übel aus.

      ARCA 0.87 500 07:43:05
      ARCA 0.86 500 07:10:00
      ARCA 0.85 3900 07:02:36
      ARCA 0.81 100 07:42:47
      ARCA 0.80 1000 07:40:38

      ARCA 1.14 500 07:36:23
      ARCA 1.19 400 07:13:42
      ARCA 1.20 100 07:37:35
      ARCA 1.24 1000 07:25:48
      ARCA 1.25 3000 07:39:03
      ARCA 1.39 800 06:20:17
      schrieb am 08.01.09 13:51:37
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      Sind die nicht von gestern? Heute war noch kein Handel.
      Müssten immer noch HALTED sein...
      schrieb am 08.01.09 13:53:07
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      Q: Do you really have 52,000 employees?
      A: At the end of September it was 53,000 and there would be attrition by 2,000 and no new recruitment has happened this quarter.

      Q: Do you know if you have the money to last through January?
      Today I do not know.
      schrieb am 08.01.09 13:55:10
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.332.048 von Sheep_2001 am 08.01.09 13:51:37Dort findet ja immer schon vorbörslicher Handel statt - vielleicht ist da der Trading Halt noch nicht durchgedrungen...???
      Frage nochmal: hat jemand einen link, wo man die Aussetzung an der Heimatbörse ersehen kann und auch, wenn der Handel weitergeht??
      schrieb am 08.01.09 13:55:54
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.332.034 von Courtier am 08.01.09 13:49:26
      Nein, die sind frisch wie der Morgen (in USA)


      ARCA 0.87 500 07:52:26
      ARCA 0.86 500 07:10:00
      ARCA 0.85 3900 07:02:36
      ARCA 0.81 100 07:51:30
      ARCA 0.80 1000 07:40:38
      ARCA 0.78 200 07:47:04
      ARCA 0.77 10000 04:17:02
      ARCA 0.70 10000 04:17:09
      ARCA 0.61 10000 04:17:15
      ARCA 0.51 300 04:15:02
      ARCA 0.50 1000 04:15:02
      ARCA 0.45 2500 04:44:42
      ARCA 0.42 1000 07:48:29
      ARCA 0.25 4000 04:44:58
      ARCA 0.11 10000 04:15:02
      ARCA 0.10 61000 07:42:18
      ARCA 0.05 100 04:15:02
      ARCA 0.04 2500 06:01:36
      ARCA 0.02 3100 06:48:54
      ARCA 0.01 249100 07:21:12
      -- -- -- --
      -- -- -- --
      -- -- -- --
      -- -- -- --
      -- -- -- --
      -- -- -- --
      -- -- -- --
      -- -- -- --
      -- -- -- --
      -- -- -- --
      -- -- -- --
      -- -- -- --
      -- -- -- --
      -- -- -- --
      -- -- -- --
      -- -- -- --
      -- -- -- --
      -- -- -- --
      -- -- -- --
      -- -- -- --
      ARCA 0.96 700 07:52:01
      ARCA 1.14 200 07:46:36
      ARCA 1.19 400 07:13:42
      ARCA 1.20 100 07:37:35
      ARCA 1.24 1000 07:25:48
      ARCA 1.25 3000 07:39:03
      ARCA 1.39 800 06:20:17
      ARCA 1.41 1000 06:28:53
      ARCA 1.45 300 06:20:20
      ARCA 1.69 800 06:23:46
      ARCA 1.71 1000 04:15:02
      ARCA 1.79 800 06:24:29
      ARCA 1.80 11000 07:45:04
      ARCA 1.91 1000 04:15:02
      ARCA 1.98 100 07:27:02
      ARCA 2.25 640 04:15:02
      ARCA 2.39 800 06:23:56
      ARCA 2.46 350 04:42:42
      ARCA 2.93 10000 05:19:23
      ARCA 3.99 100 07:23:03
      ARCA 6.24 200 04:15:02
      ARCA 6.47 200 04:15:02
      ARCA 6.74 200 04:15:02
      ARCA 7.00 189 04:53:05
      ARCA 7.24 200 04:15:02
      ARCA 7.50 500 04:15:02
      ARCA 7.74 200 04:15:02
      ARCA 8.75 1500 04:15:02
      ARCA 8.88 2000 04:15:02
      ARCA 9.00 100 04:15:02
      ARCA 9.30 600 04:15:02
      ARCA 9.34 1000 05:27:58
      ARCA 9.35 4500 05:23:24
      ARCA 9.50 550 04:15:02
      -- -- -- --
      -- -- -- --
      -- -- -- --
      -- -- -- --
      -- -- -- --
      -- -- -- --
      schrieb am 08.01.09 14:00:38
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      Bei uns geht es dann vermutlich über 1€ wieder weiter.
      Handelt es sich doch bei den ADR um zwei Orginalpapiere
      schrieb am 08.01.09 14:01:53
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      Last Trade -8.42 (-90.05%)

      Pre-Market Change
      * 0
      Volume 08:01:16 AM
      Pre Market

      Aber Volume bleibt immer bei 0
      schrieb am 08.01.09 14:01:55
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()
      schrieb am 08.01.09 14:06:24
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.332.141 von Courtier am 08.01.09 14:00:38:confused:
      Könnteste das mal näher erläutern...??
      schrieb am 08.01.09 14:10:40
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.332.141 von Courtier am 08.01.09 14:00:38stimmt nicht,
      vielleicht sind die indischen Papiere, aber zu den Us-Papieren ist das Verhältnis 1:1
      schrieb am 08.01.09 14:14:58
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      PK wohl beendet, also nach dem Inhalt sollte es bedauerlicherweise eher runter gehen, wenn wieder Handel ist... es sei denn, irgendwer kann dem Ganzen etwas Positives abringen und es kommen irgendwelche entsprechenden Kommentare...
      schrieb am 08.01.09 14:15:57
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.332.263 von Klee77 am 08.01.09 14:14:58also nach dem Inhalt sollte es bedauerlicherweise eher runter gehen,

      Was wurde denn gesagt?
      schrieb am 08.01.09 14:18:12
      Beitrag Nr. 74 ()
      Satyam's CFO Srinivas quits

      January 08, 2009 18:00 IST
      Last Updated: January 08, 2009 18:24 IST
      Satyam's [Get Quote] chief financial officer Valdamani Srinivas on Thursday sent in his resignation, giving a blow to efforts to hold the top leadership team intact, even interim CEO Ram Mynampati said efforts were on to continue with the business as usual.

      At a press conference in Hyderabad, Mynampati said Srinivas has sent in his resignation and the Board will take a decision on January 10.

      Asked about the whereabouts of company founder Raju, Mynampati said he has no knowledge of where Raju is, but "assume that he's in Hyderabad. I have not made any contact with him."

      He said the company has started to actively reach out to customers globally and has been heartened to receive strong expressions of confidence and support from them.

      "Our top 100 clients account for 80 per cent of Satyam's revenues," he said, adding that the top priority would be to clear pending contracts and continue with the business as usual.

      The company founded by Ramalinga Raju in 1987 received its worst shock on Wednesday when he disclosed what has now become the country's biggest corporate fraud involving about Rs 7,800 crore 9Rs 78 billion).

      Satyam is in the process of finding new investment banker as soon as possible to pursue strategic options left with the company and also expand the Board, which is now left with only three members including Mynampati.

      Shareholders would be consulted on whatever options there are before the company, he said to a question on whether the company would explore merging or being taken over.
      schrieb am 08.01.09 14:19:23
      Beitrag Nr. 75 ()
      L&T rules out taking over Satyam

      January 08, 2009 18:11 IST

      Engineering and construction major Larsen & Toubro said on Thursday it is not looking at taking over Satyam Computer Services [Get Quote], the beleaguered IT major which is facing a Sebi prove after the disclosure of financial fraud by Ramalinga Raju, who resigned as chairman.

      "We have no interest in taking over Satyam," an L&T spokesperson told PTI.

      L&T has just four per cent stake in Satyam through L&T Capital, the investment outfit of the group.

      "Our stake in the software company is only a portfolio investment," he said, adding that this should not be dubbed as a strategic buy.

      The official said that L&T did not jack up its stake in Satyam in recent times and the stake the group owns was acquired in phases from the secondary market.

      Speculations were rife that the engineering major might look at acquiring Satyam in order to strengthen its presence in the information and technology arena where it has presence through L&T Infotech, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the group.
      schrieb am 08.01.09 14:24:00
      Beitrag Nr. 76 ()
      Satyam auditor PWC says followed auditing standards
      Thu Jan 8, 2009 8:03am EST Email | Print | Share| Reprints | Single Page[-] Text [+]
      NEW DELHI, Jan 8 (Reuters) - PricewaterhouseCoopers, the auditors of Satyam Computer Service's (SATY.BO) accounts, said on Thursday the audit had been carried out in accordance with auditing standards and were supported by appropriate evidence.

      "The audits were conducted by Pricewaterhouse in accordance with applicable auditing standards and were supported by appropriate audit evidence," the firm said in a statement.

      Pricewaterhouse said it would fully meet its obligations to cooperate with the regulators and others. (Reporting by Devidutta Tripathy, Editing by Mark Williams)
      schrieb am 08.01.09 14:25:02
      Beitrag Nr. 77 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.332.232 von MagicWeasel am 08.01.09 14:10:40
      Ja, meinte die indischen Orginalaktien.
      Die haben in ADR gerechnet gestern bei
      1,20 geschlossen.
      schrieb am 08.01.09 14:27:52
      Beitrag Nr. 78 ()
      Salient features of the Satyam Press conference in evening of January 8, 2009

      Ram Mynampeti, interim CEO says

      Shocked by disclosures

      Aim to ensure business continues uninterrupted

      Will work with regulatory bodies closely

      Reaching out to customers
      Practicing transparency in everything
      Outreach to customers, speaking individually to each one

      Positively overwhelmed by each employee's passion
      Ascertaining liquidity position and verify Raju's statements

      Reached out to find new board members
      In summary we are focused to sustain ops and assuring customers to end this quickly

      Committed to strengthening governance

      Have not seen huge attrition

      Satyam staff member:
      Customers and associates are with us
      Customers have shown solidarity


      Q: How did the company have only 3% operating margin?
      A: We are confronted with this situation for less than 36 hours ago. Most of us are not able to answer such questions. We need to verify the veracity of the statements. What we can say is that we have a good business. We have good visibility on the business we manage and their profitability. None of us have information beyond our groups at this time. We will be in a position to do so after we finish the process.

      Q: How is the company functioning without board members? What happens to Price Waterhouse?
      A: To correct you I (Ram Mynampati) am a board member and we have two other directors. So the company can function.When we review info in board meetings, we are presented by audited numbers. We have not yet verified Price Waterhouse's process. We have not been in contact with Price Waterhouse, but we will be.

      Q: What is your working capital policy? What is your whistleblower policy?
      A: We have taken care of salaries for December. We have some outstanding payments due to vendors. The liquidity position is not encouraging. We are looking at options to improve liquidity. CFO Strinivas Vadlamani has resigned but we have not approved it yet. There are a few CAs playing various roles and they have come together to assess the situation. Nobody has been identified to replace the CFO.

      Q: What news of chairman and MD?
      A: Many senior leaders had a conference call with chairman and MD within half an hour of receiving the letter. They have assured us support. We have not needed them yet; what we need is the CFO's assistance.

      Q: What about liquidity?
      A: We have verified the balance sheet figures such as receivables. On liquidity we need some assistance for business continuity. Cash on hand is not very encouraging.

      Q: Service delivery?
      A: We are ensuring that delivery of services happens. Forex for travel etc is taken care of.

      Q: Do you anticipate any threat from any major shareholder? The issue is taking a political stance, do you have apprehension?
      A: We have to deal with regulators in a transparent fashion. We (senior leaders) do not need to do this for financial reason; we are doing it for emotional reasons.

      Q: Why did you not tell us the CFO quit earlier?
      A: The resignation has reached today and it has not been accepted. Also, every one of us has a notice period and he will be back in office next week. We are in touch with him.

      Satyam today is completely different than what it was yesterday. We are driven today by the stakeholders' interests.

      On timing of the press releases
      We have a crisis on our hand. We are doing everything we can to deal with the situation expeditiously. We are trying to cope with it in the best way possible.

      Q: Are you looking for buyers?
      A: We are exploring the option to induct new members, diluting equity and looking at a strategic investor. We need to transition. It can mean that we recast ourselves in a different model. We have to align income and expenses. We will have to operate differently. We need a new investment banker quickly.

      Q: Where is Raju?
      A: I am assuming he is in Hyderabad, but I do not know.

      Q: You did take questions in conferences in the past along with Vadlamani. Why are you not able to answer on margins?
      A: If you can recall, the only answers i had on margins was how to improve them.

      Q: Regarding your whistleblower policy, irregularities were noticed earlier but not reported...

      A: Can you be more specific? Can you site some instances? I cannot recall any.

      Q: Who will be the new CFO?
      A: There are many individuals who are capable in the orgn or bring external help, which will be decided by the board.

      Q: How will you restore shareholder confidence?
      A: I appeal to you to understand that the issue we are dealing with is huge. I have not dealt with anything like this in life. We will bring transparency for all stakeholders. But I reiterate I do not know what has happened.

      Q: Will you restate results?
      A: We have to announce Q3 results by the end of this month, and we will need to assess whether we need to restate. We are a highly matrixed orgn. The central processing office is the one that compiles the corporate results. We are all managing our business verticals.

      Q: Why has Raju not signed the letter?
      A: Well, that letter was sent from his email to us.

      Q: How did board give permission to buy Maytas cos as you have no money?
      A: There are decisions made in board on the basis of data available. We take this data on face value. I do not want to make any more comments.

      Q: Why don't you file a police complaint against Raju?
      A: We need to look at the reality of Raju's statement first before coming to any conclusion.

      Q: Do you really have 52,000 employees?
      A: At the end of September it was 53,000 and there would be attrition by 2,000 and no new recruitment has happened this quarter.

      Q: Do you know if you have the money to last through January?
      Today I do not know.

      Q: What is your current capacity utilisation? It seems you have a large bench from Raju's letter.
      A: We will put that out with the Q3 results.

      Q: What went wrong with Satyam? even midcap cos have 10% margin and you were at 3%. Please answer the question as an IT professional?
      A: It could have been a number of things - revenues, expenses. I will only be able to answer after assessment.…
      schrieb am 08.01.09 14:40:38
      Beitrag Nr. 79 ()
      08.01.2009 14:21
      Satyam's Top Leaders Announce Action Plan Focusing on Business Continuity, Corporate Transparency and Leadership Transition for Board and Management
      HYDERABAD, India, Jan. 8 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- The top leaders of Satyam Computer Services Limited (News) have launched an immediate action plan to ensure business continuity and leadership transition even as it initiates efforts to ascertain its liquidity position and verify allegations by its founder and chairman Mr. Ramalinga Raju of financial irregularities.

      Satyam's leaders announced at a press conference at the IT services company's headquarters in Hyderabad that the Company has started to actively reach out to customers globally and has been heartened to receive strong expressions of confidence and support from customers.

      At the same time, the leaders of Satyam steering the organization through the crisis, and approximately 40 top managers representing the Leadership Council from various geographical regions have pledged their commitment to remain in the company. The leadership team is headed by interim CEO Mr. Ram Mynampati.

      At a press conference chaired by Mr. Mynampati, the company announced several immediate actions already carried out or being undertaken by the leaders.

      -- Formulation of a Task Force to address all ongoing operational issues
      to ensure business continuity, including maintaining customer

      -- An immediate customer outreach by all geographical regions to assure
      clients that Satyam will meet all its business commitments. "Many
      clients rely on Satyam for mission-critical functions and collaborate
      closely with our team. While we have to address various customer
      concerns, we have been heartened by expressions of confidence and
      support from various clients," said Mr. Mynampati. Satyam's top 100
      customers account for 85% of total revenue and have had relationships
      with the company ranging from four to ten years.

      -- Assurances to the approximately 53,000 associates from leaders and
      line managers that the company places top priority in protecting the
      careers and livelihood of employees and their families. "We share the
      pain and grief being felt by all associates and their families and
      will do our utmost to ensure that salaries can be paid," Mr. Mynmapati
      said. "We are extremely touched by the outpouring of support from

      -- Begun a process to ascertain Satyam's financial liquidity position and
      verify allegations by the Chairman. An independent audit is being

      -- As part of efforts to strengthen corporate governance, leaders have
      accorded top priority to addressing various legal issues which are
      expected to unfold; and have written to the regulatory authorities and
      various industry associations for assistance to identify candidates to
      be new members of Satyam's board.

      The immediate action plans announced were collectively decided based on an initial assessment of the key challenges faced. These actions will be reviewed by the leadership team on a daily basis for the next few months.

      "The leadership team comprises highly experienced veterans with cross-functional responsibilities across geographical regions. They have also been mandated with additional tasks of great urgency including collection of accounts receivable, cost containment as well as customer and associate retention," said Mr. Mynampati. "At the onset we wish to stress that the leaders have offered themselves to steer the organization through the current crisis.

      About Satyam

      Satyam , a leading global business and information technology services company, delivers consulting, systems integration, and outsourcing solutions to clients in 20* industries and more than 65* countries.

      Satyam leverages deep industry and functional expertise, leading technology practices, and an advanced, global delivery model to help clients transform their highest-value business processes and improve their business performance. The company's 52,865* professionals excel in engineering and product development, supply chain management, client relationship management, business process quality, business intelligence, enterprise integration, and infrastructure management, among other key capabilities.

      Satyam development and delivery centers in the US, Canada, Brazil, the UK, Hungary, Egypt, UAE, India, China, Malaysia, Singapore, and Australia serve 690* clients, including 185* Fortune 500. For more information, see

      *As of September 30, 2008

      Satyam Contacts:
      For clarifications, write to us at
      Or contact our global Satyam PR representatives at:
      India Deepa Jayaraman +91-981-980-8681
      US Melissa Baratta +1-212-679-3300 ext. 118
      Europe Sandeep Thawani +44-783-010-3838
      Asia-Pacific Dan Bleakman +61-439-408-484
      Reshma Wad Jain +65-98-140-507
      Safe Harbor
      This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of section 27A of Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. The forward-looking statements contained herein are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those reflected in the forward-looking statements. Satyam undertakes no duty to update any forward-looking statements. For a discussion of the risks associated with our business, please see the discussions under the heading "Risk Factors" in our report on Form 6-K concerning the quarter ended September 30, 2008, furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission on November 7, 2008, and the other reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission from time to time. These filings are available at…
      schrieb am 08.01.09 14:44:38
      Beitrag Nr. 80 ()
      Satyam: Govt to review Companies Bill 08

      January 08, 2009 18:49 IST

      The government said on Thursday that in order to prevent Satyam-like frauds it would review and strengthen various provisions of the new Companies Bill, which is currently awaiting Parliament approval.

      "After the Satyam [Get Quote] case, there is a case for re-looking at certain provisions of the Companies Bill 2008 to enable the government to take swift and more effective action in cases of large scale fraud," corporate affairs minister Prem Chand Gupta told PTI.

      The government is seeking to replace the 52-year-old Companies Act 1956 with new legislation, a bill for which was introduced in the Rajya Sabha in October.

      The proposed legislation is primarily aimed at updating corporate laws and reducing state control over the affairs of companies.

      Pointing out that the government was duty bound to protect the interest of stakeholders and shareholders, Gupta said, "This (Satyam case) appears to be a case of large scale fraud".

      The minister further said that the government will 'leave no stone unturned to punish the guilty...that does not mean suspecting each and every company'.

      By and large, Gupta added, the companies are well regulated in India.

      The ministry of corporate affairs has already asked Registrar of Companies, Hyderabad, to enquire into the affairs of Satyam following disclosure by B Ramalinga Raju -- who has since resigned from the post of Chairman -- that the company was doctoring the books of accounts.

      The MCA could refer the case for investigation to the Serious Frauds Investigation Office, even before receiving a report from the RoC, according to the ministry sources.

      The minister had on Wednesday that the case would be referred to the SFIO once a report was received from the RoC, Hyderabad.
      schrieb am 08.01.09 14:45:24
      Beitrag Nr. 81 ()
      CII removes Raju from key posts

      January 08, 2009 18:40 IST
      Satyam's [Get Quote] disgraced chairman B Ramalinga Raju has been removed from all key positions in the apex industry body, CII, following his disclosure of a multi-billion dollar fraud in India's fourth largest IT firm.

      "His position in CII falls vacant since he has resigned from Satyam," a top CII official, who did not wish to be named, told PTI.

      Raju, who was heading CII's committee on corporate social responsibility, had enjoyed a tall stature in the chamber till his startling revelations stunned India Inc into "disbelief".

      He was among the co-chairs of the prestigious India Economic Summit organised in New Delhi by the World Economic Forum in November last year.

      The official said that "Raju's issue would be discussed in CII" but insisted that as of today the positions occupied by him fall vacant.

      Satyam is also a member of two other chambers, Ficci and Assocham. While Raju was 'A category' member in the two chambers, he did not hold any special position.

      FICCI, where he headed the IT committee last year, is also of the view that with his resignation from Satyam, a new representative of the company will replace Raju.

      Assocham said that though the chamber would like the culprits of the Satyam fraud to be brought to book, it would not debar Raju from attending the meeting of the managing committee, of which he is a member.

      "We want the Satyam fraud culprits to be punished. However, till a person is pronounced guilty, we cannot stop him from attending our meetings if he chooses to," Assocham Secretary General D S Rawat said.
      schrieb am 08.01.09 14:53:35
      Beitrag Nr. 82 ()
      Don't worry
      schrieb am 08.01.09 14:57:51
      Beitrag Nr. 83 ()
      Investor group wants Sebi to supersede Satyam board

      Mumbai-based investor protection group Small Investor Grievances Association (SIGA) headed by former BJP MP Kirit Somaiya has written a letter to stock market regulator SEBI and has asked for immediate superseding of Sataym 's current board and handing over of the management to internationally reputed persons and ensure company do not go bust to protect the value of the stock held by small investors.

      Similarly it has also written a letter to Institute of Chartered Accountant of India (ICAI), investors body has demanded Satyam's auditors Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC) should be immediately debarred permanently from doing business in India due to its association with some other scam hit corporate entities in the past like Global Trust Bank (GTB), its role during Ketan Mehta stock market manipulation etc.

      In another letter to the BSE and NSE it has demanded, payouts of those who short-sold on Satyam and other companies should be stopped immediately and caused erosion of shareholders value. The SIGA has also demanded properties of promoters of Satyam, PwC and its directors in India also should be ceased by the government authorities.
      schrieb am 08.01.09 14:59:02
      Beitrag Nr. 84 ()
      wird wohl wieder gehandelt in usa?
      schrieb am 08.01.09 14:59:49
      Beitrag Nr. 85 ()
      Govt tightens noose around Satyam

      There was no respite today for the founder and Chairman Ramalinga Raju and management board of the beleaguered Hyderabad-based Satyam Computer Services with government and regulatory bodies tightening their grip to unravel the extent of falsifying of accounts to which Raju had admitted on January 7.

      While the Andhra Pradesh government said it was taking up the matter with the highest political echelons, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has assured the AP government of cooperation. Moreover, they have asked the Securities Exchange Board of India (Sebi) to scrutinise the accounts of eight subsidiaries of Satyam.

      All the accounts will be inspected and a report is expected to be submitted within the next three working days. The data will also include any exposure if any of the international branches of Indian banks have with the company and its related parties.

      "We are open to all possible action, including replacing the board but, as of now, we have not taken any decision," said Prem Chand Gupta, Minister of Corporate Affairs.

      He added the action would be coordinated with the finance ministry, law ministry, market regulator and Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). He also hinted that the government is thinking of revisiting certain corporate governance laws.

      Auditing firm, Price Waterhouse, too may once again face a reprimand from the Reserve Bank of India following its alleged involvement in the case, according to sources. On its part, ICAI today said it has written letters to Satyam Computers, Registrar of Companies (RoC), Sebi and the statutory auditors- PricewaterhouseCoopers- seeking information and relevant documents relating to overstatement of profits by the Hyderabad-based software services firm.

      These parties have 21 days to reply to the notice.

      "Unless we have the documents with us, it is very difficult for the disciplinary committee to take action," said Uttam Prakash Agarwal, vice president of ICAI. Based on the information collected, the committee would reconstruct the balance sheet of Satyam. Further, ICAI has called for 'working paper file', which need to be maintained by the statutory auditors. Ved Jain, president of ICAI, also met Gupta today and briefed the minister on the latest development and what future plan of action the institute contemplates.

      Price Waterhouse, on its part, issued a press statement today stating: "...The audits were conducted in accordance with applicable auditing standards and were supported by appropriate audit evidence. Given our obligations for client confidentiality, it is not possible for us to comment upon the alleged irregularities."
      schrieb am 08.01.09 15:00:41
      Beitrag Nr. 86 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.332.659 von jmiconors am 08.01.09 14:59:02Soweit ich sehen kann NEIN!
      schrieb am 08.01.09 15:01:29
      Beitrag Nr. 87 ()
      Govt orders inspection of 8 Satyam subsidiaries
      The government today ordered probe into the books of accounts of eight subsidiaries of Satyam Computer Services, whose head B Ramalinga Raju admitted that the company was declaring forged accounts.

      The inspection would be conducted as per the provisions of section 209A of the Companies Act, Corporate Affairs Minister Prem Chand Gupta told reporters today.

      The subsidiaries, whose accounts will be verified by the government, are Maytas Properties, Maytas Infrastructure, Satyam BPO, Nipuna Services, Knowledge Dynamics, Nitor Global Solutions, Ca Satyam ASP and Satyam Venture Engineering Services.
      schrieb am 08.01.09 15:10:14
      Beitrag Nr. 88 ()
      Satyam-Skandal: Firmenchef auf der Flucht?…
      schrieb am 08.01.09 15:16:38
      Beitrag Nr. 89 ()
      Satyam staff being fed with positive inputs

      January 08, 2009 19:20 IST

      A Satyam [Get Quote] employee attached to its Pune unit said on Thursday after the initial shock and disbelief, it was 'business as usual' on day two.

      "On Wednesday, we kept staring at television sets screaming the news that shook Corporate India. But the subsequent series of mails sent to us by HR and CEO gradually eased the tension," the female IT professional, on the condition of anonymity told PTI.

      The management message was crisp and clear. It sought to assure the staff that there was no need to press the panic button as remedial measures were being initiated to restore the company's image and credibility.

      "For all of us it should be business as usual," it added.

      The Satyam customers too addressed mails to the employees saying their 'partnership' will last through the tough times, being faced by the world's fourth biggest IT company.

      Although shaken, "We are bolstering our spirit with these positive inputs and trying to meet the stringent deadlines of our assignment," she said.

      Pune units of Satyam employ about 3,500 IT professionals.
      schrieb am 08.01.09 15:18:06
      Beitrag Nr. 90 ()
      Govt orders inspection of 8 Satyam subsidiaries

      Last Updated: January 08, 2009 19:14 IST

      The government ordered on Thursday probe into the books of accounts of eight subsidiaries of the Satyam Computer Services [Get Quote], whose head B Ramalinga Raju admitted that the company was declaring forged accounts.

      The inspection would be conducted as per the provisions of section 209A of the Companies Act, corporate affairs minister Prem Chand Gupta told reporters on Thursday.

      The subsidiaries, whose accounts will be verified by the government, are Maytas Properties, Maytas Infrastructure, Satyam BPO, Nipuna Services, Knowledge Dynamics, Nitor Global Solutions, Ca Satyam ASP and Satyam Venture Engineering Services.

      The problem in Satyam erupted after the IT major tried to buyout Ramalinga Raju family-promoted Maytas Properties and Maytas Infrastructure, companies belonging to kin of promoters of Satyam.

      The $1.6-billion deal, however, was aborted following protest from the shareholders.

      Talking to newsperson, Gupta said that Financial Reporting Review Board of the ICAI has been asked to get the internal working documents of Satyam and give its report within three days to the institute.

      Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, he added, has been directed to take appropriate action against the erring auditors.

      The ministry, Gupta said, was exploring different options with regard to actions that can be taken against the erring company and auditors.

      "Government is keeping all options open. We are in close interaction with all other regulators to take coordinated action," he said.

      "Registrar of Companies and Securities and Exchange Board of India are working in Hyderabad. There feedback has been sought," the minister said.

      The ministry, he said, has also sought the help of the Andhra Pradesh government and MCA secretary Anurag Goel was in touch with the Andhra chief secretary.
      schrieb am 08.01.09 15:45:45
      Beitrag Nr. 91 ()
      Ich sag doch kein Handel in USA.
      FRA aus gesetzt aus folgendem Grund:

      Handhabung gemäß der Referenzbörse (USA). Dort ist seit Gestern Aussetzung des Handels.
      Auf meine Frage, wieso denn dann heute morgen Handel in DE, teilte man mir mit, dass nach Info der Referenzbörse dies in DE erst mal publiziert werden muss, bevor der Handel auch hier ausgesetzt werden kann. Das hätte eben so lange gedauert......
      Auch in FfM keine Rückabwicklung der Trades von heute Morgen.
      Weitere Infos hatte man da auch nicht, und wie lange die Aussetzung bleibt, wusste man ebenfalls nicht.
      schrieb am 08.01.09 15:49:44
      Beitrag Nr. 92 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.333.080 von Sheep_2001 am 08.01.09 15:45:45Auch in FfM keine Rückabwicklung...

      Auch...?? In einem Nachbarboard hat jemand gepostet, dass sein Kauf in NY rückabgewickelt wurde!

      schrieb am 08.01.09 15:50:44
      Beitrag Nr. 93 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.333.080 von Sheep_2001 am 08.01.09 15:45:45
      es gab aber paar traden ....

      Trade Bust Notification / SAY Transactions

      Dear Trader,

      An execution has occurred in this account that is being declared erroneous. The transaction is in the process of being removed from the account as a result of this ruling.

      The execution(s) are as follows;

      NYSE ARCA Market Management has determined to cancel all trades in security SAY - Satyam Computer Services LTD executed on NYSE Arca between 04:16:00 and 08:09.00 ET
      schrieb am 08.01.09 15:50:56
      Beitrag Nr. 94 ()
      Source: IRIS (08 January 2009)

      Satyam`s top 10 executives commit to stay on board
      Email Print

      Satyam Computer Services announced that its top leaders have pledged to remain in the company and work jointly to steer the organization following shocking disclosures by its founder and chairman Ramalinga Raju of financial irregularities.

      Ten of the most senior executives of Satyam, (Q, N,C,F)* including interim CEO Ram Mynampati, gathered at its headquarters in Hyderabad, have collectively committed not to resign from the company which has approximately 53,000 associates. Approximately 40 other top managers from various geographical regions known as the ``Leadership Council`` have also given their commitment to remain in the company.

      ``The pledges of commitment from these leaders, coming hours after disclosures and the resignation of Raju, underscore the unity and determination of the Satyam leadership to steer the company through this crisis,`` the eight leaders said in a joint statement.…
      schrieb am 08.01.09 15:52:26
      Beitrag Nr. 95 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.333.128 von eula am 08.01.09 15:50:44Genau das meinte ich - ja, es gab diese trades, aber sie werden dort scheint's rückabgewickelt!
      schrieb am 08.01.09 15:55:58
      Beitrag Nr. 96 ()
      Der Handel bei uns heute morgen war regulär und somit keine Rückabwicklung..
      schrieb am 08.01.09 16:04:08
      Beitrag Nr. 97 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.333.184 von Sheep_2001 am 08.01.09 15:55:58In diesem Falle echt mal schade!!
      schrieb am 08.01.09 16:15:23
      Beitrag Nr. 98 ()
      Satyam embarks on damage control exercise

      Press Trust of India / Hyderabad January 08, 2009, 20:38 IST

      Beleaguered Satyam today embarked on a major damage control exercise to pull itself from the brink, pushed to by founder Ramalinga Raju, saying arranging liquidity, assuaging fears of 53,000 employees and continuing the existing business would be its top priority.

      Not ruling out initiating action against Raju or the auditors PwC for its complicity in fudging of accounts, the interim CEO Ram Mynampati said every possible action would be considered against Raju, who quit as chairman after making startling revelations on corporate India's biggest fraud entailing about Rs 7,800 crore.

      Aimed at preventing panic exodus of highly talented workforce and top management, the interim CEO said that the December 2008 salaries has been paid and the management would be focusing on arranging funds, which at the present juncture was a cause for concern.

      "We do not rule out recommending action against Ramalinga. Many actions are possible for Satyam's future," he said, adding that the company was not aware of his whereabouts amid reports that the disgraced founder of the country's fourth largest IT company had left for the US yesterday before the news of his resignation and disclosure became public.

      On the auditor Price Waterhouse, who have been authenticating year after year the company's accounts, which Raju admitted to fudging by inflating profits and creating fictitious assets, Mynampati said: "We have not verified what process PwC took to certify financial statement. We are not yet in touch with PwC."

      In the middle of the press conference held by the interim management at Satyam's headquarters here, CFO Valdamani Srinivas, who is the financial custodian of the company, sent in his resignation but Mynampati said the board would decide on it on January 10 and anyway he has to serve notice period.

      Interim CEO Ram Mynampati declared that the liquidity and cash-in-hand were not encouraging, although the company managed to pay salaries for December month.

      "Some outstanding payment to vendors is yet to be made... We are verifying the liquidity and balance sheet... We have to raise liquidity in near term and are confident of raising it," said Mynampati, while adding that his appointment was legal.

      On the financial irregularities disclosed by former Satyam Chairman Ramalinga Raju, Mynampati said the team was not yet in a position to answer these issues, as it is still ascertaining disclosures made by Ramalinga Raju and trying to correct financial irregularities.

      He said the regulatory bodies have already started their inspection and a team of market regulator Sebi was in Satyam talking to associates.

      He said the company has started to actively reach out to customers globally and has been heartened to receive strong expressions of confidence and
      support from them.

      "Our top 100 clients account for 80 per cent of Satyam's revenues," he said, adding that the top priority would be to clear pending contracts and continue with the business as usual.

      The company founded by Ramalinga Raju in 1987 received its worst shock yesterday when he disclosed what has now become the country's biggest corporate fraud involving about Rs 7,800 crore.

      Satyam is in the process of finding new investment banker as soon as possible to pursue strategic options left with the company and also expand the board, which is now left with only three members including Mynampati.

      Shareholders would be consulted on whatever options there are before the company, he said to a question on whether the company would explore merging or being taken over.
      schrieb am 08.01.09 16:18:11
      Beitrag Nr. 99 ()
      No decision on lifting trading halt on Satyam: NYSE
      Thu-Jan 08, 2009

      New York / Press Trust of India

      The New York Stock Exchange on Thursday said it has not decided as yet on lifting a trading bar on Satyam Computer, whose Chairman Ramalinga Raju on Wednesday admitted to cooking the books of the company.

      The trading remains halted as of now in securities of Satyam in New York and Amsterdam exchanges, an NYSE Euronext spokesperson said in an e-mailed statement.

      When asked by when the trading would resume, he said, "I cannot speculate about when that halts will be lifted."

      On whether NYSE was issuing a notice about possible delisting of the company as shares fell below USD one level in pre-market trade on Wednesday, the spokesperson said he cannot talk about "other possible actions" as of now.

      On January 7, the New York Stock Exchange halted trading in Satyam Computer Services Ltd after Satyam stock plunged by over 90 percent to $0.85 in pre-market trade in the US.

      "NYSE Regulation is currently evaluating the news relating to Satyam and will closely monitor further developments. The security will remain halted until further notice," NYSE had said on Wednesday.

      On the Indian bourses, shares of Satyam plunged by close to 78 percent on Wednesday, wiping off about Rs 10,000 crore (more than two billion dollars) from its market valuation.
      schrieb am 08.01.09 16:26:42
      Beitrag Nr. 100 ()
      FACTBOX - Five facts about Indian outsourcer Satyam
      Thu Jan 8, 2009 10:20am EST Email | Print | Share| Reprints | Single Page[-] Text [+]
      BANGALORE (Reuters) - The chairman of Satyam Computer Services, India's 4th-biggest software services exporter, announced his resignation on Wednesday, saying the company's recent profits had been overstated.

      He apologised to staff and shareholders and said he was prepared to face the legal consequences.

      Following are five facts about Satyam:

      * India's No.4 software services exporter was founded in 1987 by Chairman B. Ramalinga Raju, who was born into a family of farmers and is a Management graduate from Ohio University.

      * Satyam debuted on the Indian markets in 1991, followed by a listing in New York in 2001. Last year, it launched a secondary listing on Euronext Amsterdam under NYSE Euronext's new "fast path" process for cross-listings in New York and Europe.

      * Satyam, whose clients include General Electric, Nestle, Qantas and Fujitsu, specialises in business software, and offers back-office outsourcing and consulting services.

      * In the year to end-March 2008, Satyam posted a 46.3 percent rise in revenue to $2.1 billion (1.3 billion pounds) under U.S. accounting standards, while net income rose 39.7 percent to $417 million. In October, it said revenue in the year to end-March 2009 would rise 19-21 percent to $2.55-$2.59 billion.

      * Satyam, based in the southern city of Hyderabad, had 52,865 employees at end-September. It competes for outsourcing deals with local rivals Tata Consultancy Services and Infosys Technologies as well as global majors such as IBM and Accenture.

      (Compiled by Sumeet Chatterjee; Editing by Ranjit Gangadharan)

      Nicht mal mehr 500 Mio Wert.. Das ist ein Witz 53.000 ANGESTELLTE !!!
      schrieb am 08.01.09 16:28:27
      Beitrag Nr. 101 ()
      Empfehle die Rückabwicklung nach Wiederaufnahme der
      Notierung zwischen 1,50 und 2,00 selbst vorzunehmen.
      schrieb am 08.01.09 16:31:21
      Beitrag Nr. 102 ()
      Wann beginnt denn der Handel an der Börse in Bombay/Mumbai morgen (also zu unserer Zeit)
      schrieb am 08.01.09 16:52:46
      Beitrag Nr. 103 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.333.590 von Sheep_2001 am 08.01.09 16:31:21
      05:30 MEZ
      schrieb am 08.01.09 16:56:10
      Beitrag Nr. 104 ()
      Satyam may axe 10k employees next month: Headhunters

      Press Trust of India / New Delhi January 8, 2009, 21:13 IST

      With a big questions mark on its cash position and a minimum outgo on salary estimated at Rs 500 crore a month, Satyam may lay off over 10,000 employees next month, says a recruitment firm.

      "It is most likely that Satyam will cut 10,000 jobs next month as the company is left with no cash to pay the salaries. The current fiasco is likely to put pressure on salaries, which may reduce by 10 per cent due to the surplus of about 20,000 people in the jobs market," Headhunters India CEO Kris Lakshmikanth told PTI.

      Satyam interim CEO Ram Mynampati while admitting that the cash position is not encouraging, the company, however, has taken care of salary for December.

      Lakshmikanth said till Tuesday evening there were about 7,800 people from Satyam who had posted their resumes on job sites and by Wednesday afternoon, it has gone up to 14,000.

      The uncertainty about jobs is killingly painful for the 53,000 employees of Satyam, especially when the industry is going slow on recruitment.

      Further, possibility of a takeover too looks distant as the accounting fraud done by the company would make it difficult for any firm to evaluate its correct market value, which is compounding the worries of the employees.

      IT-BPO union Unites Professionals general secretary Karthik Shekhar said, "In case of any lay off at Satyam, we may take legal action."

      "We have received over 7,000 hits since the news break. Yesterday, in one hour we have seen over 800 hits (no of people visiting the site) from Hyderabad. People have been enquiries on how the union can help them," Shekhar added.
      schrieb am 08.01.09 17:22:38
      Beitrag Nr. 105 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.333.547 von Courtier am 08.01.09 16:28:27Wenn's so ist: gerne doch!!! :D
      schrieb am 08.01.09 19:01:10
      Beitrag Nr. 106 ()
      Satyam suitors expected 'within a week'
      Vulnerable to takeover, says analyst

      Tags: satyam, offshoring, outsourcing
      By Nick Heath

      Published: 8 January 2009 16:39 GMT

      Show related
      articlesOutsourcing giant Satyam could be snapped up by a competitor within a week, according to on industry expert.

      India's fourth biggest outsourcer holds contracts with 185 Fortune 500 companies but saw about 80 per cent wiped off the value of its shares on the Bombay Stock Exchange yesterday following chairman B Ramalinga Raju's admission that millions of dollars of "non existent" cash and interest were logged on the company's balance sheet.

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      ♦ Tax payer still owed millions by EDS

      ♦ Cheat Sheet: Offshoring

      ♦ Special Report: Inside India
      The National Outsourcing Association's (NOA) offshoring director Mark Kobayashi-Hillary told "I think that within a week somebody will express an interest in taking it on.

      "It is going to go for a song - their annual revenues are over $2bn but there is no trust in the company right now.

      "My guess is that they will be brought up by TCS but they have been quite acquisitive in the last year and they have stretched themselves, so I don't know whether they want to do that right now."

      David Mitchell, SVP IT research at analysts Ovum, said that Mindtree, HCL Technologies and Tech Mahindra are all in the frame to take over Satyam.

      Mitchell told "In the short and medium term the hugely deflated valuation of Satyam is likely to make it vulnerable to takeover.

      "Even before the news of these corporate governance issues there was open market speculation that Satyam was either looking to bulk up through acquisition or that it would be at the core of a merger with rivals of similar scale."

      The NOA's Kobayashi-Hillary said rival companies will now be pulling out the stops to snag Satyam's contracts, further driving down its value.

      "The sales team at companies such as TCS and Wipro will have gone into overdrive approaching all the accounts that Satyam hold, saying 'You do not want to have to deal with all this uncertainty' and asking 'Do you want to do a deal with us?'," he said.

      Forrester analyst John McCarthy agreed Satyam would be under heavy pressure to hold onto its clients in the coming weeks.

      McCarthy said: "Satyam clients will naturally be concerned and many clients will be forced to review their contracts and talk to the other offshore suppliers about potentially taking over work from Satyam."

      A spokesman for Satyam said: "There has been much speculation about whether Satyam are to be taken over or indeed merge with another organisation.

      "The reality is that no meaningful discussions at board level have taken place around this issue.

      "However, the board meeting this Saturday [10 January] should shed some light on where the recent events leave Satyam in the short term."

      The firm counts UK organisations such as food giant Birds Eye Iglo Group among its customers, as well as major international clients such as Fifa and Nestle.

      As part of its action plan following Raju's disclosure, Satyam is also meeting with clients to try and quell their concerns and has begun reviewing Satyam's financial liquidity position.

      Satyam's interim CEO Ram Mynampati today admitted that the amount of cash on its balance books is "not very encouraging" and said the company is "looking to raise liquidity".

      CFO Srinivas Vadlamani is expected to resign next week after not turning up for work this week, a spokesman for Satyam said.

      Mynampati also said he has "no knowledge" of where Raju is, following the chairman's revelations that the company had inflated revenues for several years.

      TCS and Wipro declined to comment on any possible takeover bids for Satyam.

      schrieb am 08.01.09 19:02:16
      Beitrag Nr. 107 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.335.166 von Klee77 am 08.01.09 19:01:10Sorry, hier noch die Quelle:…
      schrieb am 08.01.09 21:03:02
      Beitrag Nr. 108 ()
      Satyam still an attractive buy, say industry experts
      schrieb am 08.01.09 22:03:09
      Beitrag Nr. 109 ()
      weiter geht hier

      neue thread

      Satyam still an attractive buy, say industry experts…

      schrieb am 08.01.09 22:08:04
      Beitrag Nr. 110 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.336.867 von eula am 08.01.09 22:03:09Woher auf einmal dieses starke Engagement...?? ;)
      Der neue thread-Titel klingt allerdings werbewirksamer!!!
      schrieb am 09.01.09 05:58:22
      Beitrag Nr. 111 ()
      Price (Rs)

      Open (Rs)
      High (Rs)
      Low (Rs)
      % Change
      -56.07 Volume
      23,069,329 Value (Rs)
      404,866,724 52-Week H/L
      544.00 / 30.70

      Oh Oh Oh
      schrieb am 09.01.09 06:24:04
      Beitrag Nr. 112 ()
      Was heißt das für uns?
      Handelsaufnahme bei 0,25 Euro?
      schrieb am 09.01.09 06:42:03
      Beitrag Nr. 113 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.337.738 von martin30sm am 09.01.09 06:24:04Sch...
      schrieb am 09.01.09 07:22:56
      Beitrag Nr. 114 ()
      Jetzt bei 20 Rupien...
      Müsste irgendwo zwischen 50 und 60 aufmachen...
      schrieb am 09.01.09 08:02:54
      Beitrag Nr. 115 ()

      Die Aktie des indischen Softwareherstellers Satyam befindet sich im freien Fall. Allein in den letzten zwei Handelssitzungen hat die Aktie um 90 Prozent Wert verloren. Nach dem Bilanzierungsskandal, an dem rund eine Milliarden US Dollar Wert einfach erfunden wurde, hat nun Gerüchten zufolge die Citigroup 30 Konten der Satyam eingefroren, um rund 70 Millionen US Dollar zu sichern.

      Die Aktie halbiert sich im heutigen Handelstag.…
      schrieb am 09.01.09 08:09:42
      Beitrag Nr. 116 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.337.884 von MFC500 am 09.01.09 08:02:54OTC Chance!

      0,35 - 0,45

      Pari ist derzeit etwa € 0,66

      Schönen Tag
      schrieb am 09.01.09 08:44:05
      Beitrag Nr. 117 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.337.900 von beam am 09.01.09 08:09:420,44 - 0,49

      Pari ca. 0,66

      alle noch nicht wach??
      schrieb am 09.01.09 08:46:06
      Beitrag Nr. 118 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.338.032 von beam am 09.01.09 08:44:05sag mir bitte einmal den aktuellen Kurs und Umrechnung . Danke
      schrieb am 09.01.09 08:54:58
      Beitrag Nr. 119 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.338.052 von fortuna924 am 09.01.09 08:46:06ca. 22 INR entspricht ca. € 0,33
      Volumen über 56 Mio.

      In D gehandelte ADR entsprechen zwei Aktien der Heimatbörse.
      schrieb am 09.01.09 09:01:18
      Beitrag Nr. 120 ()
      wollte eben grade ein order in frankfurt eingeben kam die rückmeldung "Erfassung nicht möglich: Kurs ausgesetzt"
      schönes we.:(
      schrieb am 09.01.09 09:55:30
      Beitrag Nr. 121 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.338.141 von ohneinhalt am 09.01.09 09:01:18OTC hat es jetzt auch begriffen und muss zurückkaufen!!

      Schlußkurs Heimatbörsen INR 20,95 (ca € 0,31)
      Volumen über 220 Mio. Stücke.
      ADR demnach bei ca 0,62

      OTC letzter 0,60

      0,55 - 0,63
      schrieb am 09.01.09 10:03:43
      Beitrag Nr. 122 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.338.652 von beam am 09.01.09 09:55:30Was fürn "Schlusskurs" - der Handel an der Heimatbörse läuft doch noch...??
      schrieb am 09.01.09 10:44:06
      Beitrag Nr. 123 ()
      Ich verstehe nicht, warum der Handel in Deutschland nicht wieder aufgenommen wird, obwohl an der Heimatbörse gehandelt wird!:mad:
      schrieb am 09.01.09 10:47:46
      Beitrag Nr. 124 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.339.165 von Datteljongleur am 09.01.09 10:44:06Germany braucht scheint's - wie immer - einen Vorreiter...
      Im Parallelthread wird gesagt, dass wir erst wieder Handel aufnehmen, wenn auch N.Y. aufgenommen hat... :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 09.01.09 11:02:36
      Beitrag Nr. 125 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.338.743 von Klee77 am 09.01.09 10:03:43War wohl nur die Mittagspause!

      Noch jemand mit Mistrade "abgestraft"?

      Tradegate hat den Handel storniert :keks:
      schrieb am 09.01.09 12:28:11
      Beitrag Nr. 126 ()
      Low 11,50 INR, Last 23,85 INR und bei uns kein Handel möglich :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 09.01.09 13:03:03
      Beitrag Nr. 127 ()
      Ergebnis der Umrechnung
      Symbol Indische Rupie Wechselkurs Euro € Geldkurs Briefkurs
      INREUR=X 23,85 9 Jan 0,01507 0,35936 0,01507 0,01507

      0,35936 x 2 aktien = 0,718 ;)
      schrieb am 09.01.09 13:27:27
      Beitrag Nr. 128 ()
      Man darf gespannt sein, ob die nachher überhaupt hier die Kurve kriegen, den Handel wieder aufzunehmen...?
      Mal sehen, was N.Y. macht...
      schrieb am 09.01.09 13:41:36
      Beitrag Nr. 129 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.339.354 von beam am 09.01.09 11:02:36war mir klar , heut früh gepsotet

      KZ 1 cent

      Strong Insolvenz :D
      schrieb am 09.01.09 14:23:15
      Beitrag Nr. 130 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.340.971 von Latinl am 09.01.09 13:41:36Du bist die größte Witzfigur auf W:O, bei jedem Pennystock auftauchen und Weltuntergang Prophezeien..

      Ich hab Schnittkurs 0,77 und ich sag euch ich geh hier mit Gewinn raus..
      schrieb am 09.01.09 14:33:03
      Beitrag Nr. 131 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.341.349 von Sheep_2001 am 09.01.09 14:23:15Ich bin selber investiert (siehe #15) und bleibe ganz entspannt.

      Entweder es kommt zu einer Übernahme durch einen Konkurenten oder aber die Company besorgt sich frisches Geld.
      An eine Pleite glaub ich nicht.

      Und falls doch, Pech gehabt!

      Aber solange ich noch Postings lese wie "Strong Insolvenz" bin ich optimistisch, denn dann weiss ich, dass die Deppen noch nicht ( oder nicht mehr) investiert sind.
      schrieb am 11.01.09 09:57:31
      Beitrag Nr. 132 ()
      Kurseinbrüche des Gesamtmarktes in Indien sind nachvollziehbar.

      Werden die Veranlasser (vermutlich der CEO) schnell verhaftet und landen jahrelang im Kerker- sichere Investmentumgebung.

      Bleiben sie frei- Korruption und Misswirtschaft regieren- Hände weg von Indien.

      (In Deutschland ist die Situation ähnlich)
      schrieb am 11.01.09 10:56:25
      Beitrag Nr. 133 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.349.699 von rumble2 am 11.01.09 09:57:31Schon passiert... ;)

      India names new board at Satyam; founders in jail
      Sun Jan 11, 2009 3:54am EST
      Market News

      By Devidutta Tripathy

      HYDERABAD, India, Jan 11 (Reuters) - India appointed members to the new board of embattled outsourcer Satyam Computer Services (SATY.BO) on Sunday, two days after dissolving the previous board in the wake of the country's biggest corporate scandal.

      Police charged Satyam Chairman Ramalinga Raju and his brother with criminal conspiracy and forgery on Friday after Raju said profits had been falsified for several years and quit.

      The brothers, co-founders of Satyam, based in the southern Indian city of Hyderabad, are being held in jail. Police officials said the company's chief financial officer would appear before a magistrate on Sunday.

      The accounting fraud at Satyam has battered its stock. The company was valued at $330 million at Friday's stock market close from more than $7 billion six months ago.

      The scandal has also cast a cloud over foreign investment in Asia's third-largest economy and over its once-booming outsourcing sector, which posted stunning sales growth for years and lavished investors with handsome returns.

      Deepak Parekh, chairman of the Housing Development Finance Corp (HDFC.BO) and Kiran Karnik, former president of technology lobby group, the National Association of Software and Service Companies, were appointed to Satyam's newly constituted 3-member board, Corporate Affairs Minister Prem Chand Gupta told a news conference in New Delhi.

      C. Achutan, a former official of the capital market watchdog, the Securities & Exchange Board of India, is the third member on the new board of India's No. 4 software services exporter.

      "Further appointment to the board will be made accordingly, these three members will chart the future course of action for the time being," Gupta said.

      Analysts said the quick move to name new board members was a step in the right direction.

      "I think it's a first good move towards restoring client confidence," said Sudin Apte, country head of Forrester. "But we still have a long way to go. We still have to see how quickly the reality of this scandal comes out in the world."

      In his letter sent to stock exchange authorities last week, Raju admitted about $1 billion, or 94 percent of the cash and bank balances on Satyam's books at end-September, did not exist.

      Gupta said the government would soon make a decision on appointing additional board members.

      Satyam specialises in business software and back-office services for clients including General Electric (GE.N) and Nestle (NESN.VX).

      Several securities fraud class action lawsuits have been filed in the United States on behalf of investors who bought Satyam American Depository Receipts (ADRs) in the last five years. For full Satyam coverage, click [ID:nBOM394323] (Writing by Sumeet Chatterjee; Additional reporting by Surojit Gupta, Bappa Bajumdar; Editing by Anshuman Daga and Dean Yates)

      © Thomson Reuters 2009 All rights reserved
      schrieb am 11.01.09 12:56:24
      Beitrag Nr. 134 ()
      Super News, sollte wieder mehr Vertrauen zurück kommen. Bin auf den Handel in Indien morgen gespannt.
      schrieb am 11.01.09 17:13:34
      Beitrag Nr. 135 ()
      Klee77- Dankeschön!

      Na, das wäre ja was... wenn die im Kittchen bleiben- Respect India!

      So etwas wäre in Deutschland noch nicht einmal denkbar. Mal ernsthaft- das ist extrem wichtig, wie Länder mit kriminellen CEO's umgehen, Deutschland packt es jedenfalls in diesen Zeiten nicht.
      schrieb am 11.01.09 18:46:55
      Beitrag Nr. 136 ()
      UPDATE 1-India installs new Satyam board,founders in jail
      Sun Jan 11, 2009 8:31am EST
      Market News

      More Business & Investing News... Featured Broker sponsored link
      * Government names new 3-member Satyam board

      * New board to meet within 24 hours, Satyam welcomes move

      * Raids conducted at arrested executives residences (Updates with board member comment, Satyam reaction)

      By Devidutta Tripathy

      HYDERABAD, India, Jan 11 (Reuters) - The government installed a new board at fraud-hit Satyam Computer Services (SATY.BO) on Sunday following the arrest of the company's co-founders in the wake of India's biggest corporate scandal.

      Police stepped up their investigation into the case, having charged Satyam Chairman Ramalinga Raju and his brother B. Rama Raju with criminal conspiracy and forgery on Friday after Raju said profits had been falsified for years and quit.

      The brothers are being held in jail after they were taken into judicial custody until Jan. 23.

      Chief Financial Officer Vadlamani Srinivas was also sent to the same jail on Sunday after he was taken into judicial custody until Jan. 23, his lawyer said.

      Police raided the residences of the arrested executives in Hyderabad, the southern Indian city where Satyam is based, as part of the investigation, V.S.K. Kaumudi, Inspector General of Police told Reuters.

      The new Satyam board will meet in 24 hours and its chairman will be selected by its three members, who include Deepak Parekh, chairman of the Housing Development Finance Corp (HDFC.BO), said Corporate Affairs Minister Prem Chand Gupta.

      The other members are Kiran Karnik, former president of technology lobby group, the National Association of Software and Service Companies, and C. Achutan, a former official of the regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).

      "These three members will chart the future course of action for the time being," Gupta told a news conference in New Delhi.

      New York-listed Satyam (SAY.N) welcomed the reconstitution of the board, saying it would ensure the outsourcer's continued operations, help maintain customer confidence and staff morale, and restore investor trust.

      "This is a vital stabilizing development for Satyam, and it marks the beginning of a new chapter in the company's history," a company spokeswoman said. "It is the best news we've received in the past four weeks."

      The accounting fraud at Satyam was revealed by Raju last Wednesday. The company's stock has since been battered and its valuation plunged to $330 million at Friday's market close from more than $7 billion six months ago.

      The scandal has cast a cloud over foreign investment in Asia's third-largest economy and over its once-booming outsourcing sector, which posted stunning sales growth for years and lavished investors with handsome returns. Continued...…

      Offensichtlich ist man jedenfalls aktiv und versucht die Dinge zu richten. Wäre schön, wenn der Handel dann mal wieder eingesetzt würde, gespannt, was dann passiert...? Vielleicht könnte es ja doch noch ein gutes Geschäft werden! ;)
      schrieb am 11.01.09 18:54:33
      Beitrag Nr. 137 ()
      The new Satyam board will meet in 24 hours and its chairman will be selected by its three members, who include Deepak Parekh, chairman of the Housing Development Finance Corp (HDFC.BO), said Corporate Affairs Minister Prem Chand Gupta.
      "This is a vital stabilizing development for Satyam, and it marks the beginning of a new chapter in the company's history," a company spokeswoman said. "It is the best news we've received in the past four weeks."

      Da sind in der Tat ein paar ganz positive Signale drin enthalten...
      Mal sehen, was die Börse morgen sagt...
      Schönen Sonntagabend @ll
      schrieb am 11.01.09 19:17:21
      Beitrag Nr. 138 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.351.531 von Klee77 am 11.01.09 18:54:33Könnte langfristig ein Vervielfacher werden!!!

      Oder eben ein "Komplettverrecker"!!

      schrieb am 11.01.09 19:32:02
      Beitrag Nr. 139 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.351.615 von Datteljongleur am 11.01.09 19:17:21Du sagst es!! :D
      War vielleicht gar nicht so falsch, dass der Kurs noch ausgesetzt war, sonst wäre die ja mit Sicherheit erstmal schwer gen Süden gegangen...
      Sollte jedenfalls ein interessanter Wochenstart werden!!
      schrieb am 11.01.09 19:52:47
      Beitrag Nr. 140 ()
      ‘Satyam case unlikely to slow offshoring rate’

      Even given Satyam’s shocking disclosures last week, there still is no alternative to India as a location, says Value Leadership Group..

      Adith Charlie

      Satyam Computer Services’ pricing has been more aggressive causing its services to cost less than those of other leading Indian firms, and those of European and US providers. And hence there are several good reasons for clients to remain loyal to Satyam — at least until actionable alternatives are available, according to Peter Schumacher, founder, president and CEO of Value Leadership Group, a strategic management consultancy firm.
      In November 2008, Satyam had stated that it intends to double revenues from Europe to $1 billion by 2010. The current developments will put an immediate stop to all new contract signings at Satyam, Schumacher said, in an exclusive interaction with eWorld. Excerpts from the interview:

      What is your reading of the issues involving the Satyam developments?

      This is an inflection point for the sector with negative implications for the Indian offshore services sector and beyond, meaning for corporate India as a whole. After all, the offshore services sector has been the darling of the Indian economic miracle — a shining symbol of the new India.

      This case reinforces many entrenched stereotypes of corporate corruption, trickery, and deceit in India that some outsiders have sought to perpetuate. Restoring the credibility and reputation of the sector will take a long time — perhaps years. That is a tragedy. This means that the overall environment just got a lot more challenging. The offshore firms will face more scrutiny from all sides — regulators, clients, capital markets — with broad implications for growth, big deals, access to capital, company valuations, industry consolidation, etc.

      In these already tough times, this is like a double whammy. The thing to watch is how hard the SEC (US) and SEBI (India) follow up on Satyam’s corporate governance failure.

      Looking at the macro picture, I think this is unlikely to slow the rate of offshoring, though. There is simply no alternative to India as a location. However, customer preferences and market dynamics will change.

      After years of being on the defensive, the big winners may end up being European and US firms with offshore capabilities in India, i.e., Capgemini, Tieto, Accenture, IBM, HP, and US-based Cognizant.

      Of course, I am assuming that the Satyam episode will cast a shadow on other Indian offshore firms. The burden will be on them to show that their corporate governance practices are above board.

      Will this result in a spree of cancellations of existing IT accounts that Satyam services in Europe?

      Surely this will put an immediate stop to all new contract signings at Satyam. Once operationally possible, some Satyam clients will start shifting contracts to other providers. However, there will not be some kind of immediate mass exodus. Satyam has many large and long-term engagements. These complex engagements cannot be unwound overnight and just shifted to another provider without careful planning.

      Besides, operationally, Satyam has been performing well. Client satisfaction and repeat business are high. Also, clients considering a shift should consider that Satyam’s pricing has been more aggressive than many of its peers, meaning its services cost less than those of other leading Indian firms, and those of European and US providers. So there are several good reasons for clients to remain loyal to Satyam — at least until actionable alternatives are available.

      Over the next six-twelve months or so, the size of Satyam will decrease significantly as new signings stop, completed projects are not replaced, and clients move to competitors. How rapid and deep this decline will be is to be seen. While the circumstances at Satyam are much more severe, other large international IT services companies have been facing leadership and ownership challenges and board upsets and they have managed to survive too. The biggest threat to Satyam will be shareholder lawsuits of which the claims will reach into the billions. These should also keep any suitor away from making a move on Satyam. The big question is: Will Satyam be able to settle these suits?

      Would this make it increasingly difficult for other IT companies to now gain inroads into the European companies, which appear to be in the process of opening up to Indian vendors?

      Indian firms now will face even more growth problems in continental Europe where buyers tend to be more cynical and risk averse. A European executive once told me that he thought the Indian firms were just Bollywood stage images. The Satyam case gives support to these kinds of negative stereotyping and assumptions.

      Historically, many companies and industries have faced major challenges of this kind. Offshore firms should seek external expertise and look at case studies from corporations that have faced reputation crises. Companies that aspire to be the best learn from these problems and put improvements in place that allow them to survive and make them stronger in the end.

      The bad state of the economy means that many companies are facing a lot of problems. Everyone is fighting fires. The good news is that these circumstances may deflect attention away from the Satyam case. That is, the impact from the turmoil might be less severe. Of course, this assumes that Satyam is a one-off case. If there are more such corporate governance failures in the near future, then all bets are off.

      Since deals would no longer happen, would we see large-scale attrition among employees of Satyam and other Indian companies in Europe?

      That is almost a given. Recruiters will be all over Satyam’s best people and there will be a great loss of talent within the next six months. Satyam has some good senior staff in Europe. Whenever a crisis like this occurs in any company, the haemorrhaging of talent is inevitable.

      schrieb am 11.01.09 19:54:33
      Beitrag Nr. 141 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.351.768 von Klee77 am 11.01.09 19:52:47P.S.: ganz frisch rein- bzw. rausgekommen... ;)
      und vor allem... Quelle:…
      schrieb am 11.01.09 20:04:16
      Beitrag Nr. 142 ()
      India appoints new Satyam board
      By Joe Leahy in Garagaparru, Andhra Pradesh

      Published: January 11 2009 15:57 | Last updated: January 11 2009 18:34

      The Indian government has drafted one of the country’s most senior bankers into a team it appointed on Sunday to the board of scandal-hit Satyam Computer Services as authorities broadened their crackdown in the country’s worst fraud in recent memory.

      Manmohan Singh, the prime minister, intervened to push for the appointment of Deepak Parekh, chairman of HDFC Bank, to the board to stop the fall-out from the scandal, which is threatening India’s reputation for corporate governance.

      The government also appointed Kiran Karnik, a former president of the National Association of Software Services Companies outsourcing industry body, and C. Achuthan, director of the National Stock Exchange and formerly of the Securities and Exchange Board of India, the market regulator.

      Mr Parekh said: “This is expected to be a temporary position of three to six months”.

      He said there would be a meeting of the new board on Monday but declined to comment further.

      The measures follow a dramatic weekend in which B. Ramalinga Raju, Satyam’s former chairman, who confessed last week to fixing the company’s books for “several years” in a fraud worth at least $1bn, was remanded in custody until January 23.

      Police in Hyderabad, the capital of Andhra Pradesh state and Satyam’s base, also remanded B. Rama Raju, Ramalinga’s brother and former chief executive, until January 23 and arrested and questioned Srinivas Vadlamani, Satyam’s chief financial officer.

      On Saturday, the Raju brothers, who surrendered to police the previous evening, were taken to a judge’s residence from the Andhra Pradesh state police headquarters in a security cavalcade to be remanded in custody.

      The Raju brothers were arrested for criminal breach of trust, criminal conspiracy, cheating, falsification of records and forgery in relation to the fraud.

      E.A.S. Sarma, a former senior civil servant and a long time critic in Andhra Pradesh of corporate practices at Satyam – particularly its land dealings with the local government – said: “This is a very good board”.

      He said Mr Parekh was a widely regarded banker and the others were credible. Their first task would be to get Satyam – one of the most important groups in Hyderabad with 53,000 employees – back on its feet after a collapse in its share price last week.

      He said: “The employees are extraordinarily talented and very motivated. I have appealed that this company should become an employee-owned company”.

      In Garagaparru, the Raju family’s ancestral village, about 453 kilometres from Hyderabad, where the young Ramalinga grew up in a simple but large land-owning family, support for him was still high.

      But many younger people were disappointed at the destruction of the image of their former role model.

      One youth said he had had aspirations earlier to work for Satyam but now he would aim to join another information technology company, such as IBM or Infosys Technologies, India’s second largest software outsourcing group.
      Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2009…
      schrieb am 12.01.09 06:28:18
      Beitrag Nr. 143 ()
      RT 36 Rupien... up 60 %.... Das ist erst der Anfang...
      schrieb am 12.01.09 06:55:07
      Beitrag Nr. 144 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.352.574 von tgs1717 am 12.01.09 06:28:18das wären ja::eek:

      Ergebnis der Umrechnung
      Symbol Indische Rupie Wechselkurs Euro € Geldkurs Briefkurs
      INREUR=X 36 12 Jan 0,01534 0,55213 ;) 0,01534 0,01534

      0,55 x 2 aktien = 1,104 :lick:
      schrieb am 12.01.09 07:05:13
      Beitrag Nr. 145 ()
      So ist es... die Frage ist nur, ob heute wieder gehandelt wird in FRA...
      schrieb am 12.01.09 07:07:15
      Beitrag Nr. 146 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.352.613 von tgs1717 am 12.01.09 07:05:13ich denke schon,es gibt doch gar kein grund mehr.;)
      schrieb am 12.01.09 07:40:30
      Beitrag Nr. 147 ()
      Das dachte ich auch am Donnerstag und Freitag.... Da wurde es davon abhängig gemacht, ob in New York gehandelt wird. Und das dürfte auch weiterhin Bestand haben. Und ob es in NY wieder losgeht, ist noch nicht klar. Dürfte aber selbst zu Kursen um die 1,10 immer noch ein klares Einstiegsniveau sein. Ich werde nachkaufen.

      Ach übrigens: PK um 12:30 nach dem ersten Treffen des neuen Aufsichtsrates. Das dürfte der Aktie am Nachmittag einen Mega-Schub geben.
      schrieb am 12.01.09 11:15:56
      Beitrag Nr. 148 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.352.653 von tgs1717 am 12.01.09 07:40:30Stimmt, gibt eigentlich echt keinen Grund mehr für weitere Aussetzung, denn der größte Schock dürfte ja nun hoffentlich eingepreist sein. Möge N.Y. den Handel wieder aufnehmen...
      schrieb am 12.01.09 12:17:47
      Beitrag Nr. 149 ()
      wird hier etwa gehandelt.???? :confused:

      TradeGate (EUR) 0,96 +45,45 +0,300 12:08 3.000 0,91 0,96 3.000 35.234
      schrieb am 12.01.09 12:27:18
      Beitrag Nr. 150 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.353.834 von Klee77 am 12.01.09 11:15:56Was soll das Gepushe?

      Der Laden wird vielleicht noch ne Weile existieren, aber die AKtie ist mehr als tot.

      Wenn der Handel an der NYSE wieder aufgenommen wird, wovon nicht auszugehen ist(Vermutlich gleich PK), dann werden die Amis das Teil in den subpenny-Bereich schicken.

      Der Laden(bzw. die Aktie) ist erledigt. ENRON lässt grüßen
      schrieb am 12.01.09 12:32:54
      Beitrag Nr. 151 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.354.394 von MagicWeasel am 12.01.09 12:27:18Scherzkeks. :laugh:

      Ja, Handel auf Tradegate
      schrieb am 12.01.09 12:35:19
      Beitrag Nr. 152 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.354.394 von MagicWeasel am 12.01.09 12:27:18ich glaube du bist hier völlig falsch:laugh:
      schrieb am 12.01.09 12:47:55
      Beitrag Nr. 153 ()

      Seh keinen Handel.....

      Flatex im Direkthandel Kauf bei 91ct........wenn die wirklich bei 1,10€ stehen sollten warum bieten die so billig an????:confused::confused::confused:
      schrieb am 12.01.09 12:55:49
      Beitrag Nr. 154 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.354.476 von Wirhabendochkeinezeit am 12.01.09 12:35:19schaltet doch mal Euer Hirn ein, die können nicht mal mehr die Löhne für diesen Monat zahlen.

      Da kommt kein weisser Ritter und in solchen Zeiten schon zweimal nicht.
      Natürlich kann der Wert noch ein zweimal angezockt werden, aber wenn die Amis reinkommen ist ganz schnell Schluß mit lustig.

      Gehe eh davon aus, dass Ihr nur mit spielgeld unterwegs seid.

      Trotzdem Viel Glück
      schrieb am 12.01.09 13:00:30
      Beitrag Nr. 155 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.354.394 von MagicWeasel am 12.01.09 12:27:18Hier findet ein Meinungsaustausch statt - "Gepushe" ist wohl deine Deutung... :rolleyes:

      Und danke für die gutgemeinte Warnung - nee, klar, wir sind hier mit unserem Gesamtvermögen und Haus und Hof drin...
      schrieb am 12.01.09 13:01:51
      Beitrag Nr. 156 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.354.648 von MagicWeasel am 12.01.09 12:55:49natürlich bin ich selber nur mit Spielgeld unterwegs,trotzdem
      wird solch eine ( mit Sicherheit auch gute Firma) nicht einfach platt gemacht, erst recht nicht bei 53000 MA !!
      schrieb am 12.01.09 13:05:08
      Beitrag Nr. 157 ()
      Satyam soars as India appoints new board members

      By V. Phani Kumar, MarketWatch
      Last update: 5:34 a.m. EST Jan. 12, 2009Comments: 1HONG KONG (MarketWatch) -- Shares of Satyam Computer Services staged a sharp recovery Monday after their recent crash, as the government's decision to appoint new members to its board raised hopes the software major may be rescued after India's biggest corporate fraud came to light at the company last week.
      After losing nearly 87% of its value in just the previous two sessions, SAY stock soared 45.9% by late afternoon trading in Mumbai.
      Nonetheless, the stock is still 81% below its value from before the company announced it had overstated the cash it held by over $1 billion. The New York Stock Exchange has not allowed Satyam's U.S.-listed shares to trade since the scandal erupted.
      The jump on Monday came after the government got into the act to protect the company and its 53,000 employees, and appointed well-known professionals such as Deepak Parekh, Kiran Karnik and C. Achutan to the company's board.
      "The appointments will help because they have lent some credibility, which is the most important thing for the company after recent events," said Tejas Doshi, head of research at Sushil Finance in Mumbai.
      "Still, the board has to assess the state of affairs at the company, and one will have to wait and watch the situation," Doshi said.
      Parekh is the chairman of India's largest mortgage finance company, Housing Finance Development Corp., as well as the Indian unit of GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals.
      Karnik was formerly president of India's influential information technology umbrella body, Nasscom, or the National Association of Software and Service Companies.
      Achutan is a former member of the stock markets regulator, Securities & Exchange Board of India.
      The newly-recast board was due to hold a press conference at 5:30 p.m. local time. Satyam officials described the appointments as a "vital stabilizing development" for Satyam, and one that marked the beginning of "a new chapter in the company's history."
      The three new board members' appointments came after Satyam's founder and former Chairman B. Ramalinga Raju last week announced the company's cash on the balance sheet had been inflated by more than $1 billion and that the company had misrepresented its financials over a period of several years.
      Raju, along with Satyam's former managing director B. Rama Raju and previous chief financial officer V. Srinivas, were arrested by Indian police over the weekend.
      Varahabhotla Phani Kumar is a reporter in MarketWatch's Hong Kong bureau.…
      schrieb am 12.01.09 13:06:54
      Beitrag Nr. 158 ()
      PK müsste jetzt begonnen haben...

      India Satyam news conference delayed to 1200 GMT
      Mon Jan 12, 2009 6:35am EST

      More Business & Investing News...
      HYDERABAD, India, Jan 12 (Reuters) - India's Satyam Computer Services (SATY.BO) on Monday has delayed by half an hour a news conference to be held after the first meeting of its newly constituted board.

      The announcement of the delay to 5:30 p.m. (1200 GMT) was made over a loudspeaker at the press conference venue.

      Satyam shares jumped 44.2 percent to 34.40 rupees on hopes the new board appointed by the government would help salvage the company's contracts and staff. [ID:nBOM370906] (Reporting by Devidutta Tripathy; Editing by John Mair)…
      schrieb am 12.01.09 13:06:59
      Beitrag Nr. 159 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.354.648 von MagicWeasel am 12.01.09 12:55:49schaltet doch mal dein Hirn ein,;)
      sie haben große aufträge von großen firmen und die können nicht so schnell zu anderen firmen wechseln.
      der staat greift auch massiv ein und versucht alles wieder ins lot zu rücken,
      das vertrauen wird dann schnell zurück kommen und du siehst es heute schon am kurs in indien.
      die börse übertreibt immer in beiden richtungen,
      jetzt wird es wohl erst mal tagelang hoch gehen.:lick:
      schrieb am 12.01.09 13:08:11
      Beitrag Nr. 160 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.354.648 von MagicWeasel am 12.01.09 12:55:49Ist natürlich völliger Quatsch.

      Bislang ist bekannt, dass die Vermögenswerte falsch angegeben wurden. Das ist alles. Das Unternehmen hat bislang keine großen Verbindlichkeiten oder keine größeren als bislang bekannt. Hinzu kommt, dass alle Kunden und alle Produkte echt sind. Der Konzern ist eine feste und nicht wegzudenkende Größe. Keine Frage, es besteht Liqiditätsbedarf, das Unternehmen wird einige Umstrukturierungen durchführen müssen und einiges ist noch nicht bekannt. Dennoch handelt es sich nach dem jetzigen Kenntnisstand nicht um einen Betrugsfall wie wir es schon öfter gesehen haben wo in der Tat nichts stimmte. Satyam wird weiterbestehen und die Aktie auch. Ausserdem arbeitet die Regierung mit Hochdruck an einer Lösung. Jede kleinere Meldung wird den Kurs nach oben schliessen lassen.
      schrieb am 12.01.09 13:09:33
      Beitrag Nr. 161 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.354.747 von tgs1717 am 12.01.09 13:08:11warten wir es ab.

      In zwie wochen steht das Teil unter 0,4€.

      Jede Wette
      schrieb am 12.01.09 13:25:24
      Beitrag Nr. 162 ()
      Satyam: Govt to offer financial help

      January 12, 2009 17:14 IST
      The government has announced that it would extend financial support to Satyam [Get Quote]. This was stated by the Commerce Minister Kamal Nath in New Delhi.

      In a bid to stabilise operations at Satyam, the government had on Sunday nominated noted banker Deepak Parekh, IT expert Kiran Karnik and former Sebi member C Achuthan to the infotech company's board.

      schrieb am 12.01.09 14:30:43
      Beitrag Nr. 163 ()
      Deepak Parekh, Kiran Karnik and C Achuthan address the press on Satyam's plans.

      Our immediate priority is to continue services

      On legal immunity
      We have not sought immunity but we enjoy immunity as we are govt employed directors.

      On liquidity
      The new independent accountants will verify the veracity of the statements. The receivables are large and we will not need funds.

      Need to ascertain if money has been squandered. There are ways to get funds back. Can't rely on Ramalinga Raju's statements alone on liquidity

      On Ram Mynampati
      Ram is not a director and is not on the board today, but he continues as an employee.

      On auditors
      We have talked to two firms and we will announce it

      On Price Waterhouse
      The shareholders will take a decision at the next meeting.

      Status on CEO

      We have just spent the day today. The company is more than 20 years today. It is too early for us to know.
      We need to appoint a CEO and CFO. We do not have any candidates in mind. We need a sr CEO at this juncture.

      On restructuring
      The day to day mgmt will be run by the CEO and the senior leadership. We will provide direction.

      Loans against receivables minimal.

      We will meet frequently, we will ask clients to pay earlier. It is too early to say if we have enough liquidity.

      Kiran Karnik: Indian IT companies have strong governance standards, and this is an exception.

      Deepak Parekh: No conflict of interest of directors with other directorships. We have no plans to talk to Mr Raju at this stage.

      On employee morale
      Our first task is to get a CEO, which is not easy. We also need a CFO. The existing people are running the company on a day to day basis.

      One of the first things in restoring confidence has been the govt's appointing the three member board. This itself has restored confidence.

      On investigations

      To file a complaint, there has to be material evidence. The investigations are still going on. The chairman's statement is not enough.

      We may need to ask for an extension of Q3 results.

      On retaining customers
      Too early, too premature to say. There is now some perception of stability. New board in place. We can allay customers' concerns. Let's not forget that the co has talent and customers are satisfied. If we can restore confidence in just the structure of the company, it will be enough.

      If we can give them a reasonable degree of confidence, they will hesitate to move mission critical applications out.

      In the last 24 hours two international customers have said the quality and accuracy of service of Satyam's was much better than others. You cannot forget that Satyam has been among the top 4 IT cos in India.

      The auditors will have to go back for three-four years with the financial statements

      We would want a CEO to take the company to greater heights.

      On loans to Satyam employees
      The banks should be more supportive. These are qualified and talented people and will find jobs. Banks must give them time to get jobs in case they are unemployed.

      On merger possibility
      Option of merger is always open

      Closing remarks
      We will give more information to you after 10-14 days.

      Press conference over…
      schrieb am 12.01.09 15:39:42
      Beitrag Nr. 164 ()
      Handel wieder eröffnet - Stuttgart taxt wie wild....
      schrieb am 12.01.09 15:51:33
      Beitrag Nr. 165 ()
      Frankfurt verharrt - wie so oft.... - im Tiefschlaf! :rolleyes:

      sieht doch gut aus an den anderen Plätzen... :D
      schrieb am 12.01.09 19:11:57
      Beitrag Nr. 166 ()
      Jetzt gehts los, jetzt gehts los......

      schrieb am 12.01.09 19:17:30
      Beitrag Nr. 167 ()
      Und verkauft zu 1,25€!!!

      Bitte, danke!
      schrieb am 13.01.09 06:44:18
      Beitrag Nr. 168 ()
      Aktie gibt in Indien nach
      Aktuell 33 Rupien = 1,02 Euro
      schrieb am 13.01.09 10:37:58
      Beitrag Nr. 169 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.360.230 von tgs1717 am 13.01.09 06:44:18Die wird meiner Meinung nach auch nachher in USA nachgeben,sollte Indien nicht wieder steigen. Unten könnte man sich ja dann nochmal anstellen... nur wo ist unten... ;)
      schrieb am 04.02.09 13:09:20
      Beitrag Nr. 170 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.354.761 von MagicWeasel am 12.01.09 13:09:33Die zwei Wochen sind längst vorbei.

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