
    Nuance / Scansoft Meinungen!!! - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 10.04.07 22:28:17 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 10.04.07 22:28:17
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      WO hat immer noch nicht geschnallt, dass Scansoft jetzt Nuance heißt, deswegen nehme ich beide Namen auf.

      Wie sehen eure Meinungen zu dem Titel aus?

      Marktführer in Sachen Sprachsoftware!

      Gute Performance das letzte Jahr!

      Im Amiland heiß diskutiert siehe yahoo/finance!!!

      Fleißige Zukäufe!

      Allerdings schon ziemlich hoch bewertet!

      Vielleicht gibt es gerade in diesem Softwarebereich einen Hype in den nächsten Jahren. Würde einem Haufen Schreibkräften den Arbeitsplatz kosten !!!

      schrieb am 11.04.07 06:51:45
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Ich bin vor ca. 2 Jahren zwischen 3,5 und 3,8 Dollar (damals Scansoft)immer wieder eingestiegen und seit dem dabei. Für mich hat Spracherkennung noch erhebliches Potential und Nuance ist im vgl zu MSFT mit Abstand führend, auch wenn es einige nicht wahr haben wollen. Durch ständige Aquisitionen wird der Weg geebnet. Das Einsatzgebiet, ob in der Industrie, Telekommunikation, Auto, Gesundheitswesen, Privat, usw. ist noch lange nicht ausgeschöpft. Ich kann nur hoffen das N nicht irgendwann mal geschluckt wird. (Yahoo, Google)
      N gilt eigentlich immer als hoch bewertet. Und manchmal macht einem der Kursverlauf Sorgen. Aber wenn man, wie ich, von dem Unternehmen überzeugt ist, muß man dabei bleiben.
      Es wird sich weiterhin lohnen.
      schrieb am 11.04.07 14:46:43
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Hallo zusammen...

      Bezüglich diesen beiden Firmennamen Nuance und ScanSoft blicke ich sowieso nicht ganz durch. Von dieser Firma und von Ihrer Spracherkennungssoftware habe ich das erste Mal vor ein paar Jahren in der Zeitschrift "der Aktionär" gelesen, dann und dort aber unter dem Namen Nuance. Dann hat man irgendwann diese Software immer unter dem Namen ScanSoft gelesen. Und jetzt läuft diese Software wieder unter dem Namen Nuance. Was für ein Durcheinander...
      Genau das gleiche bei dem Konkurrenzprodukt bezüglich Spracherkennungssoftware ViaVoice, das kommt eigentlich auch von IBM, wird aber von ScanSoft vertrieben, was aber jetzt auch unter Nuance läuft.
      Zum Beispiel wird Dragon NaturallySpeaking auch von der Firma LinguaConsult vertrieben, die ein zertifizierter Händler dafür sind.
      Und als drittes gibt es da noch Voice Pro, welches auf die Technik von ViaVoice von IBM besteht, aber von Linguatec vertrieben wird.
      Dass bei Wallstreet-Online ScanSoft als Firma und bei Onvista Nuance als Firma genannt wurde für diese Spracherkennungssoftware Dragon NaturallySpeaking und ViaVoice, das ist mir schon lange aufgefallen, habe mir aber nie etwas dabei gedacht. Ich war immer im Glauben, Nuance wäre mehr der Entwickler und ScanSoft mehr der Vertreiber dieser Software.
      Dies zum Firmennamen.

      Jetzt zu den Produkten.
      Schon damals im Aktionär, diese Aktienzeitschrift, da wurde Dragon NaturallySpeaking als besseres Produkt beschrieben, während ViaVoice eher als das schlechtere Produkt von beiden beschrieben wurde. Ich meine, das war so im Jahr 2000 und 2001, wo ich mit Aktienkäufen angefangen habe, da war das aktuell. Da lief Dragon NaturallySpeaking halt noch unter Nuance, wie es ja heute wieder der Fall ist, und ViaVoice lief damals noch regulär unter IBM, jedenfalls laut Aussage der Zeitschrift "der Aktionär".
      Aus eigener Erfahrung kann ich diese Aussage nur bestätigen, dass zumindest bei mir Dragon NaturallySpeaking das bessere Produkt ist. Das kann natürlich auch jeweils von verschiedenen Faktoren abhängen bezüglich Hardware und Aussprache usw., dass vielleicht andere wiederum besser mit ViaVoice zurechtkommen. Bezüglich Voice Pro kann ich leider kein Testurteil anbieten, soll aber qualitativ vergleichbar mit Dragon NaturallySpeaking sein, ist aber eben nicht von Nuance beziehungsweise ScanSoft sondern von Linguatec. Dies halt alles aus meiner eigenen Sicht. Mir liegt es fern irgend eine Software schlecht zu reden und für eine andere Software Werbung zu machen, da habe ich schließlich nichts von. Wenn jemand ernsthaft und langfristig Spracherkennung nutzen möchte, der kauft sich halt am besten beide Produkte oder sogar alle drei Produkte und probiert diese dann aus. Klar ist das teuer, aber somit findet man für sich das beste Produkt, womit man dann jahrelang zufrieden arbeiten kann. Was nützt es denn, sich irgend eines dieser Produkte zu kaufen, weil es vielleicht gerade irgendwo im Angebot ist, und man ärgert sich damit dann jahrelang herum. Damit ist einem nicht geholfen. Dann lieber mal auf etwas anderes verzichten zum Beispiel auf einen Kurzurlaub oder gar auf einen richtigen Urlaub und stattdessen vernünftig in Spracherkennungssoftware investieren. Da hat man dann jahrelang Spaß dran, während der Urlaub in einer Woche vorbei ist und man dann nichts mehr davon hat.
      Das zu den Produkten selber.

      Jetzt zu den Verwendungsmöglichkeiten und den Zukunftsaussichten.
      Spracherkennung ist natürlich eine wunderbare Sache gerade für Leute, die das 10 Fingerschreiben nicht beherrschen. Allerdings kommt man um ein anschließendes Korrektur lesen nicht drumherum. Wie in der Werbung versprochen wird, dass die Erkennungsgenauigkeit 99% sein soll und keine Einarbeitung nötig sein soll, das ist purer Blödsinn und absolut Übertreibung. Ich schätze die Erkennungsgenauigkeit so ungefähr bei 95% ein, und die Einarbeitung beinhaltet schon alleine in der Grundeinarbeitung 10 Minuten Text vorlesen zum gewöhnen der Software an die eigene Stimme, sonstige anfangs Einstellungen nicht miteingerechnet. Dann macht die Software aber noch einiges an Fehler, so dass man ein zusätzliches Training absolvieren sollte, was aus eine Stunde Text vorlesen besteht. Das ist zwar ermüdend, aber erst dann arbeitet die Software mit circa 95% Erkennungsgenauigkeit. Das heißt, von 20 Wörtern, was ungefähr zwei lange Sätze sind, da wird jeweils ein Wort falsch geschrieben im Durchschnitt. Ohne Training dagegen macht die Software dagegen ungefähr eine Erkennungsgenauigkeit von 80 bis 90%. Das hängt natürlich immer davon ab, wie genau man ins Mikrophon spricht und wie gut die Hardware ist. Die 95% Erkennungsgenauigkeit beziehen sich bei mir bei ganz normalen diktieren ohne Übertreibung beim sprechen, allerdings halt nach vernünftigen absolvierten Trainingseinheiten von einer Stunde Text vorlesen und Verwendung meiner guten Hardware. Man soll also nicht das Wort zum Beispiel "Auto" so aussprechen, als würde man beim "Au" ein Glas auffressen wollen und beim "to" jemanden küssen wollen (Lachen), sondern ganz normal flüssig in ganzen Sätzen sprechen, nicht die Wörter einzeln sprechen. Denn bei gleich klingenden Wörtern errechnet die Software anhand des Satzbaus, welches von den beiden gleich klingenden Wörtern gemeint ist, was wiederum bei einem abgehackten aussprechen von einzelnen Wörtern nicht möglich ist. Und wichtig ist immer im Korrekturfenster zu korrigieren am besten mittels Sprache, und nicht einfach hinterher mit Tastatur im Text nachkorrigieren. Denn nur dann lernt die Spracherkennungssoftware.
      Wenn jetzt eine Sekretärin enorm schnell 10 Finger tippen kann auf der Schreibmaschine, dann ist das natürlich fraglich, ob sich dann eine Spracherkennungssoftware lohnt. Das muss man dann halt im Einzelfall entscheiden. Wenn jemand dagegen nur langsam und verkrampft 10 Finger tippen kann oder gar nur mit einem Finger tippen kann, da ist es gar keine Frage, dass da eine Spracherkennungssoftware quasi schon Pflicht sein sollte.
      Der große Nachteil bei Spracherkennungssoftware ist, dass man diese eigentlich nur einwenden kann, wenn man alleine im Raum ist. Wenn man seinen Computer im Wohnzimmer stehen hat zum Beispiel, und ein Familienmitglied ist am Fernsehen gucken, dann geht es sowohl dem Familienmitglied, der am Fernsehen gucken ist, auf den Zeiger, wenn jemand einen Text ins Mikrophon spricht, und für denjenigen, der am diktieren ist, dem stört halt der laufende Fernseher bezüglich Geräusch. Ganz abwegig ist dagegen die Nutzung von Spracherkennungssoftware in Büros, was auch schon die Befürchtung im ersten Beitrag hier in diesem Forum widerlegt, dass solche Spracherkennungssoftware irgendwann Arbeitsplätze kosten könnte. Das ist schier unmöglich, Spracherkennungssoftware in einem Büro anzuwenden, wo mehrere Personen sitzen. Wie soll das funktionieren, wenn dann alle durcheinander diktieren? Außerdem wird kein Chef der Welt sämtlichen seiner Sekretärinnen Spracherkennungssoftware zukommen lassen, so dass diese dann womöglich noch irgendwann das 10 Finger schreiben verlernen könnten. Die Chefs wollen was sehen für ihr Geld, und dazu gehört bei einer Sekretärin halt das 10 Finger schreiben. Ein bisschen realistisch muss man das Ganze schon sehen.
      Und dann darf man auch nicht vergessen, dass sich zum Beispiel für eine Sekretärin beim Formulare ausfüllen der Einsatz von Spracherkennungssoftware schlichtweg nicht lohnt, weil dort der lediglich einzelne Begriffe eingegeben werden müssen. Das gleiche natürlich bei Arbeit mit Tabellenkalkulation usw., da wäre der Einsatz von Spracherkennungssoftware völliger Quatsch.
      Fassen wir zusammen.
      Spracherkennungssoftware, insbesondere Dragon NaturallySpeaking, eignet sich hervorragend zum Einsatz an einem Einzelarbeitsplatz ohne weitere Personen im Raum insbesondere für Leute, die das 10 Fingerschreiben nicht beherrschen, für die Arbeit des Schreibens von Briefen. Die Mehrheit aller Computernutzer können lediglich mit einem Finger tippen, diese haben wiederum die Möglichkeit ihren Computer in einem Raum zu stellen, wo sie alleine sind. Daher sehe ich die Zukunft für Spracherkennungssoftware eher im privaten Bereich als im geschäftlichen Bereich an, es sei denn natürlich, jemand hat in seinem Beruf ein eigenes Büro.

      Hier speziell zu den Zukunftsaussichten.
      Es dürfte mittlerweile allgemein bekannt geworden sein, dass sich in dem neuen Windows Vista bereits Spracherkennungssoftware integriert befindet. Jedoch habe ich anderseits gelesen, dass diese in Windows Vista integrierte Spracherkennungssoftware einer externen Spracherkennungssoftware unterlegen ist, und somit man bei einer professionellen Verwendung von Spracherkennung um den Kauf einer externen Spracherkennungssoftware nicht drumherum kommt. Diesbezüglich habe ich selber nur diese spärlichen Informationen und kann daher nicht großartig darüber sagen. Ich schätze mal, dass wir teils teils ablaufen, manche Leute werden sich mit der in Windows Vista integrierte Spracherkennungssoftware begnügen und sich den Kauf einer externen Spracherkennungssoftware sparen, andere Leute wollen es dagegen perfekt haben und kaufen sich halt eine externe Spracherkennungssoftware dazu. Und die richtigen Fanatiker kaufen sich sogar zu Testzwecken mehrere solcher Programme, weil sie halt immer das Beste für sich garantieren wollen.
      Ich weiß auch gar nicht, auf welche Technik die Spracherkennungssoftware von Windows Vista arbeitet, ob auf Technik von ViaVoice oder auf Technik von Dragon NaturallySpeaking oder gar auf eine eigene Technik. Weiß das zufällig jemand von euch? Ich glaube, Lernout und Hauspie hatte doch damals auch mal Spracherkennungssoftware, diese wurde meines Wissens nach von Microsoft aus der Konkursmasse aufgekauft. Berichtigt mich, wenn ich diesbezüglich falsch liege.

      Nun zum Schlusswort.
      Nicht zu vergessen sind natürlich auch die anderen Produkte von Nuance wie zum Beispiel OmniPage usw., obwohl hier wiederum die jeweiligen Konkurrenzprodukte ABBYY FineReader und I.R.I.S. Readiris besser sind. So hat halt jede Firma in bestimmten Softwareprodukten seine Stärken und auch seine Schwächen. Deshalb sehe ich das Hauptgeschäftsfeld von Nuance die Spracherkennungssoftware.
      OmniForm gehört ja mit in die Kategorie Texterkennung, wo sich Nuance aber hinten einreihen dürfte oder höchstens im Mittelfeld stehen dürfte in der Thematik Texterkennung.
      PaperPort und PDF Converter - PDF Create und SystranTranslator, diese drei Softwareprodukte gibt es dagegen tausendfach bei anderen Anbietern auch, da dürfte eigentlich für Nuance kein besonderer Markt sein diesbezüglich.

      Ich hoffe, Ihr seid nicht eingeschlafen bei meinem langen Beitrag (lacht), und habt ihn mit ein bisschen Interesse gelesen. Solche langen Texte kommen halt dabei heraus, wenn man Spracherkennung benutzt. Aber ihr könnt euch den Text ja mithilfe der Funktion des vorlesen lassen in Dragon NaturallySpeaking bequem vorlesen lassen. Aber jetzt ist es zu spät, jetzt werdet ihr den Text wahrscheinlich schon mühsam mit den Augen gelesen haben (lacht).

      schrieb am 20.04.07 16:31:29
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Was ist denn jetzt, keine weiteren Meinungen mehr hierzu?
      schrieb am 20.04.07 20:43:49
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Verstehe ich auch nicht :confused:

      Aber irgendwann, wenn "Der Aktionär" wieder zum pushen anfängt, dann springen alle auf :p

      Warten wir es ab!

      Übrigens die Reste von Lernout & Hauspie hat damals Scansoft und nicht Microsoft übernommen!!!


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      Einer von wenigen in einer elitären Gruppe!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 25.04.07 15:46:57
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Hallo zusammen,

      wo sind denn eigentlich die ganzen anderen Threads hier geblieben? Mich ärgert es wirklich sehr, dass unter anderem der von mir erstellte Thread hier verschwunden ist, der so in etwa das Thema hatte: ein Finger tippen, 10 Finger tippen, Spracherkennungssoftware... Den genauen Wortlaut der Überschrift meines Threads weiß ich jetzt leider nicht mehr, war aber so ähnlich. Ich habe dort jedenfalls mir echt Mühe gegeben in sehr umfangreichen Beiträgen die Vorteile und Nachteile sogar aufgeteilt bezüglich der beiden momentan vorherrschenden Spracherkennungssoftwareprogrammen ViaVoice und Dragon NaturallySpeaking zu erläutern, die ja beide von ScanSoft beziehungsweise Nuance vertrieben werden. ScanSoft ist halt der alte Name und Nuance halt der neue Name dieser Firma.
      Über eine Stellungnahme bezüglich des Verschwindens vor allem meines Threads in diesem Forum von ScanSoft beziehungsweise Nuance würde ich mich sehr freuen. Der Fortbestand meines Threads ist zwar nicht gerade zwingend, aber es ist halt ärgerlich, dass mein mühevoll erstellter Thread mit den langen und umfangreichen Beiträgen dort einfach so gelöscht wurde, sowie die anderen Threads auch, wo die entsprechenden Autoren sich ja letztendlich genauso viel Mühe gegeben haben.
      Wohlgemerkt, dies soll auf keinen Fall irgend eine Forderung sein bezüglich irgendein Zurückholen meines Threads, um Gottes Willen nicht. Das ist lediglich eine höfliche und freundliche Frage von mir, warum mein sowie die anderen Threads hier einfach so gelöscht worden sind in diesem Forum von ScanSoft beziehungsweise Nuance. Gab es dafür einen bestimmten Grund?
      Danke im Voraus für eventuelle Antworten.

      Mit besten Grüßen

      schrieb am 09.05.07 08:24:08
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Zahlen gabs!!!

      BURLINGTON, Mass., May 8, 2007 – Nuance Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: NUAN) today announced financial results for the second fiscal quarter ended March 31, 2007.

      Nuance reported revenues of $132.1 million in the quarter ended March 31, 2007, an 84 percent increase over revenues of $71.7 million in the quarter ended March 31, 2006. In addition to using GAAP results in evaluating the business, management also believes it is useful to evaluate results using non-GAAP measures. Using a non-GAAP measure, the Company reported non-GAAP revenue of $134.6 million which includes $2.5 million in revenue lost to purchase accounting in conjunction with the Company’s acquisition of Dictaphone Corporation. Using the non-GAAP measure, revenues grew 88 percent over the same quarter last year.

      On a GAAP basis, Nuance recognized a net loss of $1.7 million, or $(0.01) per share, in the quarter ended March 31, 2007, compared with a net loss of $1.4 million, or $(0.01) per share, in the quarter ended March 31, 2006. Using a non-GAAP measure, Nuance reported non-GAAP net income of $23.4 million, or $0.12 per diluted share, for the period ending March 31, 2007, compared to non-GAAP net income of $10.3 million, or $0.06 per diluted share, in the quarter ended March 31, 2006.

      The non-GAAP revenue amount includes revenue lost to purchase accounting in conjunction with the Company’s acquisition of Dictaphone Corporation. The non-GAAP net income amount excludes non-cash taxes and interest, amortization of intangible assets, non-cash amortization of stock-based compensation, and acquisition-related transition and integration costs and charges. See “GAAP to non-GAAP Reconciliation” below for further information on the Company’s non-GAAP measures.

      “Nuance’s second quarter results reflect a continuation of the trends we observed in recent quarters including strong revenue growth across our diverse speech markets, earnings growth enabled by synergies and budgetary discipline, and a record quarter in cash flows from operations,” said Paul Ricci, chairman and CEO. “The Company experienced solid growth in each of its business lines and, in particular, enjoyed robust growth in healthcare and embedded speech.”

      Consistent with the Company’s strategy and recent trends, highlights from the quarter include:

      Enterprise Speech – Network enterprise speech revenues were up sequentially and year-over-year owing to demand across a breadth of industries including telecommunications, retail, utilities, government, insurance and financial services. Significant agreements for both new customers and expanded deployments included BT, Hertz Ireland, MetLife, Sears, the Social Security Administration, Telefonica Spain, Unicredito Italy and Vodafone. Nuance’s continued move from providing enabling technology to full customer care solutions was rewarded with accelerating demand for its natural language, call steering solutions and Nuance Consumer Insight, an analytics solution that allows greater understanding of automated interactions.

      Healthcare Dictation and Transcription – Dictaphone healthcare revenues in the quarter remained strong as the demand for dictation and transcription solutions within hospitals and healthcare facilities continued to grow. The Company sustained strong demand and revenue growth for its iChart hosted transcription services, signing several multi-million dollar, extended-term contracts in the quarter.

      Embedded Speech – Nuance embedded speech revenues were at record levels for the quarter. Performance owed to accelerated royalties and strategic relationships with manufacturers including Ford, Mercedes, Nokia and Toyota. In addition to robust performance in handsets and automotive, Nuance witnessed strong demand within the markets for personal navigation devices.

      Voice Search and Communications – Nuance continued to expand its offerings and initiatives in the rapidly moving voice search and mobile communications markets. Through relationships with RIM, Palm, Rogers Wireless and Sprint and new offerings for MP3 search, business category search and ad-supported services, Nuance search and communications has begun to meaningfully contribute to results and expand the Company’s presence with world’s leading content, search and mobile providers.

      PDF and Imaging Solutions – Nuance delivered a strong quarter for its imaging solutions with revenues up sequentially and year-over-year. The Company benefited from new and expanded enterprise agreements for its PDF solutions with HP, The Hartford and Sprint and surpassed the milestone of one million users for its PDF Converter products.

      Operational Achievement – Synergies from prior acquisitions and continued budgetary discipline translated into operating leverage and enhanced earnings in the quarter. In addition, Nuance generated record cash flows from operations of approximately $35 million, compared with $26 million in the first fiscal quarter of 2007 and $15.2 million in the second fiscal quarter of 2006.

      Strategic Acquisitions – The Company announced the acquisition of BeVocal and Focus Infomatics, adding experienced teams and proven solutions to enhance Nuance’s growing stream of hosted, subscription- and transaction-based revenues. The companies present compelling opportunities for Nuance with respect to their technical and operational capabilities, respective growth trajectories and financial returns afforded shareholders.
      schrieb am 15.05.07 16:29:57
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Nuance Communications to Buy VoiceSignal
      Tuesday May 15, 8:35 am ET
      Nuance Communications to Buy VoiceSignal Technologies for $293 Million

      BURLINGTON, Mass. (AP) -- Speech and imaging technology company Nuance Communications Inc. said Tuesday it agreed to buy software company VoiceSignal Technologies Inc. for $293 million in cash and stock.
      The deal includes about 5.8 million Nuance shares and $204 million in cash. The total value is based on Monday's closing stock price of $15.28.

      Nuance expects the acquisition to close at the end of the fourth quarter. The company expects VoiceSignal to contribute between $40 million and $42 million in revenue, a loss between 4 cents and 5 cents per share, and adjusted earnings between 5 cents and 6 cents per share

      In fiscal 2008, Nuance expects to save between $8 million and $10 million. The company's fiscal year ends in September.

      The combined company will count AT&T, Sprint, Toyota and Ford among its customers. Its mobility revenue is expected be more than 125 million in fiscal 2008, Nuance said.

      Und weiter geht es nach oben.

      Glaube dass in Deutschland lieber Solaraktien gekauft werden :laugh:
      schrieb am 18.06.07 19:23:00
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      BURLINGTON, Mass., June 18, 2007 – Nuance Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: NUAN), a leading provider of speech solutions, today announced an agreement with Verizon to provide Nuance® Voice Search for future Directory Assistance (DA) services.

      As the market leader, with more caller-paid and advertising-supported DA installations than any other vendor, Nuance has optimized the performance of its industry-leading speech recognition and text-to-speech technologies for DA-specific applications. Nuance Voice Search gives wireline or wireless callers faster and easier access to the information they need, while simultaneously increasing call automation rates for carriers and service providers. This technology framework delivers an optimized caller experience by quickly interpreting what callers want, and then delivering the information to them fast and accurately.

      “Nuance has provided Verizon with customer care speech solutions to automate its customer service operations for several years,” said Michael Thompson, vice president and general manager, telco, search and communications, Nuance. “We’re pleased to expand our existing relationship with Verizon, and look forward to creating new speech-based solutions for Verizon.”

      About Nuance Communications, Inc.
      Nuance (NASDAQ: NUAN) is a leading provider of speech and imaging solutions for businesses and consumers around the world. Its technologies, applications and services make the user experience more compelling by transforming the way people interact with information and how they create, share and use documents. Every day, millions of users and thousands of businesses experience Nuance's proven applications. For more information, please visit

      schrieb am 23.06.07 12:21:27
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      BURLINGTON, Mass. & NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nuance Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: NUAN - News) and Time Warner Inc. (NYSE: TWX - News) today announced that Nuance and Time Warner's AOL LLC subsidiary have signed a definitive agreement whereby Nuance will acquire Tegic Communications Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of AOL LLC and a developer of embedded software for mobile devices.

      The transaction expands Nuance's presence in the mobile industry and allows it to further accelerate the delivery of solutions that unlock the power of mobile devices and networks. Tegic brings industry-leading T9 predictive text input software, which has shipped on more than 2.5 billion devices, and next-generation integrated text and touch input solutions to Nuance's portfolio of voice-enabled applications for device control, mobile search, email and text messaging. In addition, the companies share a common focus and strategy for serving the needs of their shared customers and partners within the mobile industry, including Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, LG and Motorola.

      Combining Tegic's T9 predictive text and multimodal input solutions with Nuance's advanced speech technologies for mobile devices, the acquisition sets the stage for a new mobile user interface that combines voice, text and touch to dramatically improve the user experience for consumers and mobile professionals. Building on a partnership between Nuance and Tegic established in 2005, Nuance intends to deliver an all-in-one interface that integrates Nuance and Tegic solutions to support predictive text, speech and touch input. This multimodal interface will provide easier access for users of mobile devices and will be available to all manufacturers across their product lines.

      "The enhanced capabilities of mobile devices and networks have fueled significant innovation in features and services, but their potential has been tempered by the traditional interface on most mobile devices," said Paul Ricci, chairman and CEO, at Nuance. "Tegic shares our vision of delivering an integrated, superior and flexible user experience for today's wireless subscribers. Together, we are poised to redefine the way people interact with their mobile devices, delivering a more convenient, simple way for consumers to control features and access information on their phones, and search and navigate the mobile Web."

      In its fiscal year 2008, Nuance expects Tegic to contribute between $65 million and $68 million in non-GAAP revenue; $45 million and $48 million in GAAP revenue; a GAAP loss between $0.12 and $0.13 per share; and non-GAAP earnings between $0.04 and $0.05 per diluted share. The combination is expected to generate approximately $8 million to $10 million in cost synergies in fiscal year 2008. Under the terms of the agreement, total consideration is approximately $265 million in cash. The transaction is expected to close in Nuance's fiscal fourth quarter and is subject to customary closing conditions and regulatory approvals.

      Time Warner Inc. Chairman and CEO Dick Parsons said: "AOL's sale of Tegic marks yet another step in our overall strategy of focusing on our core assets to drive profitable growth for our shareholders. As AOL continues to make impressive progress, it's more important than ever that AOL's resources are fully aligned behind growing its worldwide advertising businesses."

      AOL Chairman and CEO Randy Falco said: "We believe that Nuance is a good match for Tegic, its employees and its business partners, and we value our relationships with both companies. This sale also lets us focus our mobile business on building strong consumer-based, ad-supported mobile experiences."

      With the addition of Tegic, Nuance will significantly expand its presence on mobile devices. Through extensive contractual relationships with the world's most prolific handset vendors, Tegic's flagship T9 predictive text product is embedded on more phones than any other single mobile software. Tegic's established distribution channels and mobile device footprint offer continued growth for its products and will help Nuance significantly expand its presence on mobile devices, most notably by enhancing options for broadly distributing its speech solutions. By combining speech, handwriting and predictive text into a single, unified interface platform, joint customers, including mobile device vendors, application developers and wireless carriers, can benefit from reduced cost, risk and time to market as they expand efforts to create market-differentiating multimodal features and applications.

      The addition of Tegic brings resources and capabilities that are expected to expand Nuance's market presence and leadership in the rapidly expanding mobile industry:

      Focus on Mobile Opportunities - The companies share core competencies in mobile infrastructure, work closely with a common OEM customer base and maintain similar relationships with leading carriers. Since both companies are focused on the mobile user experience, they have compatible expertise and experience in the areas of human factors and linguistics. Supporting more than 60 languages and 15 different character scripts, Tegic shares Nuance's commitment to broad language coverage based on custom dictionaries and grammars.
      Strong Industry Relationships - Shipped on more than 2.5 billion mobile devices worldwide, including approximately two-thirds of mobile devices shipped last year, Tegic maintains longstanding relationships with the largest companies in the industry, including Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, LG and Motorola. This established customer base can be leveraged to generate new opportunities for Nuance's existing mobile product portfolio. In addition, Tegic's established distribution channel to all major Chinese handset manufacturers offers tremendous growth opportunities for the product lines of each organization in this fertile market.
      Technological Leadership - Tegic embedded software solutions have set the bar for text input on mobile devices, making mobile experiences faster, easier and more compelling. In addition to its core T9 product, it has expanded its portfolio to support multimodal interfaces, broad languages and additional databases. More than 50 software engineers continue to advance Tegic's solutions and bring to Nuance more than 70 patents and 140 patents pending worldwide. This strong patent portfolio will serve as a competitive advantage as mobile devices become increasingly complex and multimodal user interface software evolves to directly address mobile search and content accessibility inherent with greater data consumption on mobile devices.
      Talented, Experienced Team - Nuance benefits from the addition of Tegic's strong management, customer support, and engineering teams, with their proven competencies in creating, selling and supporting mobile embedded software. Tegic's expertise in the science of predictive linguistics and skills in the architectures of wireless devices will complement Nuance's expanding teams serving the mobile industry.
      On this transaction, UBS and Citigroup are acting as financial advisors to Nuance and Time Warner, respectively.


      Hoffentlich zeigt sich noch der Nutzen dieses Kaufs !!!!
      schrieb am 21.08.07 18:38:27
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Nuance gegen den unsicheren Trend ganz schön stark. Fast ein neues ATH!!! :lick:
      schrieb am 22.08.07 10:28:04
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      A bisserl spät, aber besser wie garnicht!

      BURLINGTON, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nuance Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: NUAN - News) today announced financial results for the third fiscal quarter ended June 30, 2007.

      Nuance reported revenues of $156.6 million in the quarter ended June 30, 2007, a 39 percent increase over revenues of $113.1 million in the quarter ended June 30, 2006. In addition to using GAAP results in evaluating the business, management also believes it is useful to evaluate results using non-GAAP measures. Using a non-GAAP measure, the Company reported non-GAAP revenue of approximately $157.0 million which includes $0.3 million in revenue lost to purchase accounting in conjunction with the Company's acquisitions of Dictaphone Corporation and BeVocal, Inc. Using the non-GAAP measure, revenues grew 30 percent over the same quarter last year.

      On a GAAP basis, Nuance recognized a net loss of $7.6 million, or $(0.04) per share, in the quarter ended June 30, 2007, compared with a net loss of $9.4 million, or $(0.06) per share, in the quarter ended June 30, 2006. Using a non-GAAP measure, Nuance reported non-GAAP net income of $27.8 million, or $0.14 per diluted share, for the period ending June 30, 2007, compared to non-GAAP net income of $19.7 million, or $0.11 per diluted share, in the quarter ended June 30, 2006.

      The non-GAAP revenue amount includes revenue lost to purchase accounting in conjunction with the Company's acquisitions of Dictaphone Corporation and BeVocal, Inc. The non-GAAP net income amount excludes non-cash taxes and interest, amortization of intangible assets, non-cash amortization of stock-based compensation, and acquisition-related transition and integration costs and charges. See "GAAP to non-GAAP Reconciliation" below for further information on the Company's non-GAAP measures.

      "Nuance experienced solid growth in its embedded, network and healthcare speech business lines, fueling strong revenue and earnings above expectations," said Paul Ricci, chairman and CEO of Nuance. "These results further demonstrate our ability to extend Nuance's position in the global speech industry and to realize the benefits and synergies of recent acquisitions."

      Consistent with the Company's strategy and recent trends, highlights from the quarter include:

      Enterprise Speech - Network enterprise speech revenues were a record organically, up sequentially and year-over-year owing to demand for customer care solutions powered by speech across a breadth of industries. Significant agreements for both new customers and expanded deployments included AT&T, Dell, HSBC, TIAA-CREF and Ticketmaster. Nuance experienced accelerating demand for its customer care offerings as it moves from providing enabling technologies to richer solutions that improve the quality and consistency of customer communications.
      Healthcare Dictation and Transcription - Dictaphone healthcare revenues in the quarter were also at record levels, as the demand for dictation and transcription solutions within hospitals and healthcare facilities continued to grow. The Company sustained strong demand and revenue growth for its iChart hosted transcription services, signing several multi-million dollar, extended-term contracts in the quarter.
      Embedded Speech - Nuance embedded speech revenues achieved record levels in the quarter, up 46 percent year-over-year. Performance owed to accelerated royalties and strategic relationships with manufacturers including Daimler Chrysler, Ford, LG, Mercedes, Mitsubishi, Texas Instruments and a leading provider of personal navigation devices.
      Voice Search and Communications - Nuance expanded its offerings and initiatives in voice search and mobile communications. The Company delivered Nuance Voice Search, a portfolio of solutions that provide enhanced capabilities for ad-based solutions and business category search. Continued performance owed to voice search and connected services through customers and partners including AT&T, Handango, Jingle Networks, Palm, RIM, Rogers Wireless, SwissCom and Verizon.
      PDF and Imaging Solutions - Nuance delivered a strong quarter for its PDF solutions with revenues up sequentially and year-over-year. These strengths though were offset by comparatively weaker performance of scanning applications as the Company approached the impending launch of OmniPage 16 and against a quarter last year that included a significant license.
      Operational Achievement - Nuance continued its focus on disciplined acquisition integration, cost synergies and expense controls, which resulted in improvements and leverage in its operating margins. In addition, cash flows from operations were approximately $30.3 million, up from $17.6 million in Q3 2006.
      Strategic Acquisitions - The Company announced the acquisitions of VoiceSignal and Tegic Communications, adding proven solutions, broad industry relationships and talented employees that enhance Nuance's position in mobile markets. The companies present compelling opportunities for Nuance with respect to their technical and operational capabilities, respective growth trajectories and financial returns afforded shareholders. Nuance expects these acquisitions will close during its fourth fiscal quarter.
      schrieb am 06.09.07 09:45:13
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Jetzt haben sie es geschafft neues ATH!!!


      Und das gegen den Gesamtmarkt!
      schrieb am 12.09.07 16:45:51
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.748.463 von DrDoom8 am 10.04.07 22:28:17ebenfalls guter wert. ordentlich übernahmen getätigt, müssen aber auch verdaut werden

      marktkap von 3,39 - ordentlich wachstumspotenzial
      risiko: hoch

      peg ratio: knapp 1,4 - 1 wäre besser, daher nicht billig
      aber gute werte waren noch nie billig :laugh:

      schrieb am 06.10.07 07:53:26
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      In-car texting set to get smart
      New software could make in-car texting non-hazardous
      06th October 2007

      'put the dinner on- ill be home in 20mins'

      You can already make hands-free calls behind the wheel – but soon you will be able to send texts without touching your mobile!

      Microsoft and voice recognition expert Nuance are developing hi-tech kit that will be able to translate speech into SMS while you’re on the move. It could even be adapted to include E-mail!

      Fatima Vital, of US-based Nuance, told us: “We are aiming for natural communication between car and driver, which will have benefits for concentration and safety.”

      The software should arrive early next year, and is a development of the system installed in the latest Mercedes C-Class. Called COMAND APS, the multimedia centre can read out incoming texts and allows sat-nav destinations to be entered verbally. The device can also select music from CD or MP3 in the same way and can distinguish between individual musical styles and even band names. In the US, Ford models also use this system, and the firm is likely to be the first to get the new voice-text technology. A spokesman told us Ford was considering it for the UK.…
      schrieb am 06.10.07 08:59:15
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Endlich den Widerstand bei 20 $ überwunden!

      Bin ja gespannt wie es weitergeht!
      schrieb am 15.11.07 15:38:53
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      da schleicht sich ein super-unternehmen so langsam nach oben, aber keiner erkennt es.... gut für uns und die leser

      schrieb am 15.11.07 20:18:56
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Meine Rede, aber hier in Deutschland sind ja alle auf dem Grüne Aktien Trip!!

      Ich bin der Meinung, dass hier ein Unternehmen entsteht, dass wirklch Potential zum Weltmarktführer hat (wenn nicht sogar schon ist). Und vor allem steht diese Technologie ganz am Anfang! Denke dass Spracherkennung eine der Zukunftstechnologien ist!

      Und es interessiert keinen. Aber dann wenn die Technologie "in" ist, will wieder jeder die Aktien haben.

      Bis dahin lehne ich mich gemütlich zurück!
      schrieb am 15.11.07 20:22:54
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      und hier der letzte große Deal

      The United States FBI Selects Dragon NaturallySpeaking Speech Recognition Software from Nuance
      Tuesday November 13, 8:00 am ET
      Nuance Speech Recognition to Provide FBI Agents and Professional Support Staff with the Ability to More Quickly Create Field Reports and Capture More Robust Information - Simply by Speaking

      BURLINGTON, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nuance Communications (NASDAQ: NUAN - News), a leading provider of speech and imaging solutions, today announced that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has selected Dragon® NaturallySpeaking® through Nuance’s Site License Program (SLP) in order to offer speech recognition capabilities throughout the FBI. In an effort to boost efficiency and keep pace with an ever-increasing workload, the FBI will make Dragon NaturallySpeaking Legal available to agents and professional support staff across the entire organization, enabling them to quickly and accurately create comprehensive reports, interviews and other documents by voice, increasing productivity by three times over manual typing.

      In recent years, the FBI has been tasked with a growing number of cases and has endeavored to find an affordable solution that could not only help to more efficiently manage workloads, but one that could also improve the process by which documents are created and edited. Nuance provided the FBI with a solution to both problems with Dragon NaturallySpeaking Legal, delivering an application that has the features and accuracy to achieve measurable levels of productivity gains, and a licensing program that enables affordable enterprise deployments.

      Dragon NaturallySpeaking can deliver productivity increases of up to 300 percent for the FBI by automating the manual document creation and editing process that has traditionally bound the organization. With Dragon NaturallySpeaking, FBI agents and professional support staff can dictate and edit interview notes, reports, emails and other documents all by voice, at up to 160 WPM – more than three times faster than typing – and at accuracy levels up to 99 percent. In addition, users can create voice shortcuts to insert blocks of texts or bitmaps – such as name, title, and signature—with a single voice command, or macros to streamline repetitive workflows, saving even more time and increasing productivity. Using Dragon NaturallySpeaking will allow FBI agents and professional support staff to quickly create more detailed, comprehensive notes by voice instead of slowly typing abbreviated entries in an effort to save time.

      The FBI joins other leading government organizations such as the U.S. Attorneys Office and the U.S. Social Security Administration who have also benefited from Nuance’s products and volume license programs.

      “The selection of Dragon NaturallySpeaking by the FBI for their entire organization is proof positive that speech recognition is an invaluable productivity tool for anyone creating documents and email,” said Steve Chambers, president, Mobile and Consumer Services Division of Nuance. “It also demonstrates the benefits of the Nuance® Site Licensing Program, which greatly simplifies the purchasing process and removes the headaches associated with compliance and monitoring.”

      About Dragon NaturallySpeaking

      Dragon NaturallySpeaking from Nuance is used by millions of people to create documents and emails up to three times faster than typing, and to use their PC simply by speaking. Dragon NaturallySpeaking 9 delivers what matters most in speech recognition – the highest levels of accuracy, seamless integration with practically all PC applications, and unrivalled ease of use. Dragon NaturallySpeaking 9 converts speech into text at up to 160 words-per-minute with accuracy levels of up to 99 percent. The product is available in English, Asian English, Australian English, Indian English, UK English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Spanish.

      Nuance Site License Program

      The Nuance Site License Program (SLP) is ideal for mid-to-large corporate, government and academic organizations who would benefit from the affordable deployment and low-cost administration of Nuance desktop solutions. To learn more about Nuance SLP, please visit

      Nuance Communications, Inc.

      Nuance (NASDAQ: NUAN - News) is a leading provider of speech and imaging solutions for businesses and consumers around the world. Its technologies, applications and services make the user experience more compelling by transforming the way people interact with information and how they create, share and use documents. Every day, millions of users and thousands of businesses experience Nuance’s proven applications and professional services. For more information, please visit

      Nuance, the Nuance logo, Dragon, and NaturallySpeaking are trademarks or registered trademarks of Nuance Communications, Inc. or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries. All other company names or product names referenced herein may be the property of their respective owners.

      Nuance Communications, Inc.
      Erica Hill, 781-565-5218
      Global Results Communications, Inc.
      Kirsten Woodard, 949-813-8481
      schrieb am 15.11.07 21:25:00
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.443.775 von DrDoom8 am 15.11.07 20:18:56meiner meinung nach sind die schon weltmarktführer:laugh:
      schrieb am 13.02.08 17:12:10
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Ein starkes viertes Quartal. Hoffentlich geht das so weiter...noch etwas Gewinn und schon geht die Aktie durch die Decke!!!…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 07.05.08 07:42:43
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.356.916 von DrDoom8 am 13.02.08 17:12:10Wieder sehr gute Neuigkeiten:

      U.S. Military Embraces Nuance's Dragon NaturallySpeaking Medical to Drive Clinical Documentation
      Monday May 5, 8:00 am ET
      Exceptional Speech Recognition Accuracy, Seamless Integration with AHLTA and User Preference Accelerate Dragon Medical's Deployment within the U.S. Military

      BURLINGTON, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nuance Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: NUAN - News), a leading supplier of speech solutions, today announced that its Dictaphone Healthcare division’s Dragon NaturallySpeaking® Medical software has achieved 100 percent growth in adoption within the U.S. Military Health System over the past year. Dragon Medical is currently used by more than 6,000 U.S. clinicians from healthcare treatment facilities representing all branches of the military, including the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps.

      Dragon Medical has extended its value into the Federal government through its seamless integration with AHLTA, the military’s electronic health record, to enable clinical documentation through accurate voice-to-text speech recognition. According to a survey performed across 17 distinct Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps medical treatment facilities, 79.9 percent of those surveyed chose Dragon Medical as their preferred method for documenting care within AHLTA.

      “Without speech recognition, many of us using AHLTA would spend hours more each week manually typing and mouse clicking various boxes in order to document care. By making Dragon Medical accessible, we have enabled our physicians to complete their documentation in a much more efficient manner with the added benefit of producing a much more narrative note,” said Robert Bell Walker, MD, European Regional Medical Command AHLTA Consultant. “Dragon’s high accuracy rate and powerful macro functions make it even more efficient than traditional outsourced dictation. I’m convinced with wide adoption of voice recognition Dragon Medical can be a medical force multiplier.”

      In January 2004, President Bush set a goal for all Americans to have an electronic health record by 2014. The Department of Defense has responded with a nationwide effort to implement AHLTA, the interoperable, globally accessible, protected and always available electronic health record for active military, retirees and their families, by 2011.

      “Speech recognition technology allows for more thorough and expedited documentation of our patient encounters. Since using Dragon Medical I find that medical statements are more easily captured during routine clinic workflow. The comprehensive medical vocabulary Dragon Medical works off of ensures that the symptoms or diagnosis we say are correctly documented,” said Craig Rohan, Staff Pediatrician at the Peterson Air Force base in Colorado. “More advanced users of Dragon Medical can take advantage of features such as “macros”, “shortcuts” and other tools that further streamline documentation by producing a partially, or in some cases fully populated medical record when prompted by the command ‘normal study,’ for example. We’ve seen significant productivity improvements across those who have embraced speech recognition to document care.”

      Dragon Medical has gained outstanding support to become the standard solution to improve AHLTA’s ease of use, and the Military Health System has recognized the software as a complementary technology to enable wide-scale deployment of AHLTA across all military treatment facilities. Dragon Medical has been invaluable for military healthcare organizations, allowing them to roll out AHLTA with minimal disruption to provider productivity.

      Dragon Medical is the most widely used and successful general-purpose speech recognition solution in the history of the healthcare industry. Dictaphone recently announced that more than 60,000 clinicians use Dragon Medical to improve their patient documentation process. Accuracy of the software is currently 98 percent or better “out of the box” and rising due to advances made by Nuance’s 500 in-house speech scientists.

      Dictaphone Healthcare Solutions Division

      Dictaphone Healthcare Solutions is a division of Nuance Communications, a leading provider of speech and imaging solutions. Dictaphone provides the most comprehensive family of speech-driven clinical documentation and communications solutions. Nuance’s Dictaphone® software solutions orchestrate and optimize clinical workflow, reduce transcription expense, raise standards of care via more thorough documentation, deliver results rapidly to meet patient safety guidelines, and heighten clinician satisfaction by making EMR systems easy to use. Dictaphone’s solutions accelerate the adoption of clinical information systems, so provider organizations can maximize the return from their IT investments. For more information, please visit

      Nuance Communications, Inc.

      Nuance (NASDAQ: NUAN - News) is a leading provider of speech and imaging solutions for businesses and consumers around the world. Its technologies, applications and services make the user experience more compelling by transforming the way people interact with information and how they create, share and use documents. Every day, millions of users and thousands of businesses experience Nuance’s proven applications and professional services. For more information, please visit

      Nuance, the Nuance logo, NaturallySpeaking, and Dictaphone are trademarks or registered trademarks of Nuance Communications or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries. All other company names or product names may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

      Nuance Communications, Inc.
      Holly Dewar, 781-565-4893
      SHIFT Communications
      Jennifer Humiston, 617-779-1812


      Zahlen gibt es am 12.05, man darf gespannt sein!!!
      schrieb am 15.05.08 13:48:13
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      BURLINGTON, Mass., May 12, 2008 – Nuance Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: NUAN) today announced financial results for the second fiscal quarter ended March 31, 2008. Nuance reported revenues of $203.3 million in the quarter ended March 31, 2008, a 54 percent increase over revenues of $132.1 million in the quarter ended March 31, 2007. In addition to using GAAP results in evaluating the business, management also believes it is useful to evaluate results using non-GAAP measures. Using a non-GAAP measure, the Company reported non-GAAP revenue of approximately $219.9 million which includes approximately $16.6 million in revenue lost to purchase accounting largely in conjunction with the Company’s acquisitions of Tegic, Viecore and VoiceSignal. Using the non-GAAP measure, revenues grew 63 percent over the same quarter last year.

      On a GAAP basis, Nuance recognized a net loss of $26.8 million, or $(0.13) per share, in the quarter ended March 31, 2008, compared with a net loss of $1.7 million, or $(0.01) per share, in the quarter ended March 31, 2007. Using a non-GAAP measure, Nuance reported non-GAAP net income of $41.6 million, or $0.18 per diluted share, for the period ending March 31, 2008, compared to non-GAAP net income of $23.4 million, or $0.12 per diluted share, in the quarter ended March 31, 2007.

      The non-GAAP revenue amount includes revenue lost to purchase accounting largely in conjunction with the Company’s acquisitions of Tegic, Viecore and VoiceSignal. The non-GAAP net income amount excludes non-cash taxes and interest, amortization of intangible assets, non-cash amortization of stock-based compensation, and acquisition-related transition and integration costs and charges. See “GAAP to non-GAAP Reconciliation” below for further information on the Company’s non-GAAP measures.

      “Nuance continued its momentum into its second quarter as we experienced strong demand in our mobile, healthcare and imaging markets and robust performance from our international operations,” said Paul Ricci, chairman and CEO of Nuance. “Interest in our mobile solutions, continued expansion of our on-demand revenues, acceleration of our acquisition synergies and the contributions from the eScription acquisition position us to sustain revenue and earnings growth through the remainder of the fiscal year.”

      Consistent with the Company’s strategy and recent trends, highlights from the quarter include:

      Mobile and Embedded Solutions – Nuance’s mobile and embedded solutions revenues were a record $46.7 million. The Company continues to benefit from strong consumer demand, the industry’s most extensive portfolio of embedded solutions and connected services, and new design wins with manufacturers, including LG, Motorola, Nokia, Palm, RIM and Sanyo.

      Enterprise Speech – Nuance enterprise speech revenues were up year-over-year and sequentially owing to Nuance’s On-Demand and Enterprises Services offerings. Demand for enterprise solutions was robust in the European and Asian markets, offset somewhat by sluggish demand within North America. Important agreements, across the enterprise division, with new and existing customers include AIC, Air France, Deutsche Bank, Nissan Motor and T-Mobile.

      Healthcare Solutions – Nuance’s healthcare unit also saw year-over-year and sequential revenue growth in the quarter as demand for its dictation, transcription clinical workflow solutions continued to grow. The Company continued to experience acceleration in its healthcare revenues delivered as software-as-a-service, including iChart on-demand transcription and Veriphy critical test result management (CTRM) solutions. Contracts in the quarter with new and existing customers include BannerHealth, Children’s Hospital of Pennsylvania, SunHealth, and University of California San Francisco Medical Center.

      PDF and Document Imaging – Revenues for Nuance’s PDF and imaging solutions were strong in the second quarter, owing largely to the launch of PDF Converter 5. The Company introduced a new Enterprise Edition of PDF Converter 5 which helped secure several enterprise licenses, including BASF and Deloitte.

      Operational Achievement – Nuance increased its focus on expense controls and accelerating synergies from recent acquisitions to further improve and leverage non-GAAP operating margins. Cash flows from operations were a record, at approximately $41 million in the second quarter 2008, up 17 percent over the same period last year.
      schrieb am 12.08.08 19:45:24
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.356.916 von DrDoom8 am 13.02.08 17:12:10heute zahlen zu verdauen...wie lange dauerts hier mal bis nettogewinne eingefahren werden.....?? wer kennt sich in dem wert aus??
      schrieb am 01.10.08 18:49:22
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      October 1, 2008, 10:00 am
      Nuance Ups FY Q4 Guidance; Buys Unit From Philips
      Posted by Eric Savitz
      Nuance Communications (NUAN) shares are sharply higher this morning after the company raised its guidance for its fiscal fourth quarter ended September 30.

      Nuance now sees revenue of $248 million to $252 million on a GAAP basis, or $258 million to $262 million on a non-GAAP basis. The company sees a non-GAAP profit of 25-26 cents a share, with record cash flows from operations of more than $58 million. Nuance had previously forecast revenue of $245 million to $252 million on a GAAP basis, with $255 million to $262 million non-GAAP, and non GAAP profits of 24-25 cents a share.

      Nuance today also announced the acquisition of the Philips Speech Recognition Systems business from Royal Philips Electronics (PHG) for $96.1 million. Nuance said the deal should boost fiscal 2009 revenue by $36 million to $39 million on a GAAP basis, or $37 million to $40 million non-GAAP. It should boost GAAP profits by 0-1 cents per share, and non-GAAP profits by 2-3 cents.

      In a statement, the company said latest quarter results were driven by “robust performance” in its mobile business, an “an enthusiastic reception” for Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10.

      Nuance also said that it expect its pace of acquisitions “will slow substantially” in 2009.

      Und etwas älter aber nun von Bedeutung !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      VIENNA, Austria, Sep 26, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Royal Philips Electronics (AEX PHI)(NYSE PHG) announced today that it has signed a global licensing agreement with Microsoft Corp. to bring industrial grade speech recognition to Microsoft's Amalga family of enterprise healthcare solutions. Microsoft will offer Philips SpeechMagic to customers using Microsoft Amalga Hospital Information System (Amalga HIS) and Amalga RIS/PACS, with the goal of helping healthcare providers generate accurate information and turn it into actionable information that is sharable, searchable and contributes to making clinical improvements. The agreement is another endorsement of the strength and quality of the award winning SpeechMagic platform.
      schrieb am 25.03.09 10:33:21
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      Langsam geht es wieder aufwärts!
      schrieb am 12.05.09 10:11:09
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      und wieder einmal die Erwartungen geschlagen!! Und das in den Zeiten der Krise.…

      Geht sicher noch weiter nach oben.
      schrieb am 10.06.09 09:52:15
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      In dem neuen Iphone ist die Spracherkennungssoftware von Nuance!!!
      Die Software ist spziell auf das Iphone zugeschnitten. Ein weiterer Meilenstein!!

      Ordinarily a company's refusal to match competitors' price cuts on certain devices might cost it market share. But Apple continues to bring out new innovations that analysts think will continue to entice consumers. The new iPhone 3G S includes a higher-resolution camera, with software tricks such as the ability to focus on your subject by simply tapping on the screen. And it's the first iPhone that can be used to record video.

      With the new iPhone, Apple pulls into the lead when it comes to using speech as a way to operate a phone. While other phones let you dial a friend by simply saying their name, iPhone users can now also ask their phone to play all the songs by a given artist in their iTunes library, or even ask it to create a playlist of songs like the one playing at any given moment. "That's fantastic," says Steve Chambers, an executive with speech recognition company Nuance (NUAN). "Apple may be late with some basic features, but it is clearly pioneering the use of speech in other ways." Chambers won't say whether Nuance's technology is used in the new iPhone, but says that Apple has "licensed a broad portfolio of our speech technologies for use in their products."

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