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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 16.08.10 13:29:07
      Beitrag Nr. 18.501 ()
      Salares Lithium and Talison Lithium Enter Into Definitive Merger Agreement - Aug 13, 2010…
      schrieb am 16.08.10 13:31:25
      Beitrag Nr. 18.502 ()
      Coal of Africa Ceases Mining at Vele; Coal of Africa has stopped all construction activities at its Vele colliery in South Africa following a government order - MT - Aug 14, 2010…
      schrieb am 16.08.10 13:32:45
      Beitrag Nr. 18.503 ()
      Protestors Shut Down Sumitomo's Bolivian Mine - MT - Aug 13, 2010…
      schrieb am 16.08.10 13:36:26
      Beitrag Nr. 18.504 ()
      Baja Closes $17.5 Million Bought Deal Offering - Aug 13, 2010…
      schrieb am 16.08.10 13:41:04
      Beitrag Nr. 18.505 ()
      International Conference calls for research on adapting plants to global warming; At the first International Conference on Plant Nutrition (ICPN 2010) ICRISAT Director General William D Dar yesterday called for the use of basic science in developing plants that could adapt to drought - CGIAR/ICRISAT - Aug 11, 2010…

      "At the first International Conference on Plant Nutrition (ICPN 2010) ICRISAT Director General William D Dar yesterday called for the use of basic science in developing plants that could adapt to drought.

      “Being experts in the area of plant nutrition, you are well aware of its intricacies and importance in sustainable food production. Your work in plant nutrition is so critical and important because of the need to ensure food for the more than six billion people on earth today,” exhorted Dr Dar who is also the chairperson of the ICPN Organizing Committee.

      He also urged Dr Maarten Chrispeels, Professor Emeritus of Biology, University of California San Diego, USA, who received the ICPN 2010 award for his work on Aquaporins (proteins embedded in the cell membrane that regulate the flow of water), to help ICRISAT in increasing productivity of dryland crops under the regime of global warming.

      Earlier, in his inaugural address on Soil health and Plant Nutrition: Critical Drivers for Food Security, Dr Dar pointed out that merely finding scientific solutions to problems of soil health and nutrition will not help until the knowledge is made available to billions of smallholder and marginal farmers in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa in a cost-effective manner.

      “How else will they handle balanced plant nutrition on their farms? Unless scientists and change agents work with farmers, they will not be able to fully appreciate their problems,” he said.

      KS Raju, Chairman and Managing Director, Nagarjuna Fertilizers and Chemicals Ltd and Chairman Fertilizer Association of India, who was the chief guest for the inaugural session, also urged scientists to deliberate on providing nutrition to farm animals since this adds to the welfare of the smallholder farmer.

      Dr Dar concluded that the roadblocks are not at the level of scientific solutions but at the delivery and operational levels. Once the evidence and solutions are in place, convincing policymakers to come out with appropriate policies for sustainable development is critical.

      The Conference, which is currently being held at the ICRISAT headquarters in Patancheru, attracted 200 delegates from across the globe. ICPN 2010 is focusing on contemporary issues such as molecular plant nutrition, plant nutriomics, integrated plant nutrition, custom plant nutrition, environment pollution caused by plant nutrition, and policies for effective plant nutrition. The Conference is jointly organized by ICRISAT and Infinitus Agri. "

      Trading Spotlight

      Nurexone Biologic
      0,3310EUR +2,48 %
      Einzigartiges Medikament löst Milliarden-Problem?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 16.08.10 14:09:17
      Beitrag Nr. 18.506 ()
      Kryso Resources Plc - Proposed Issue of Equity and Potential Project Finance - Jul 28, 2010…
      schrieb am 16.08.10 14:19:48
      Beitrag Nr. 18.507 ()
      Central China Goldfields - Resource Update - Aug 16, 2010


      + The updated JORC reported Mineral Resources of Bullabulling has been increased by approximately 450% to 1.98 million ounces of gold (41.5 Mt @ 1.5 g/t Au at 0.7 g/t Au cut off).

      + Resource estimated by independent consultants CSA Global

      + Some areas can be updated to Measured and Indicated Resource upon twinning of a number of historic drill holes.

      + Economic scoping study being completed after which a further Mineral Resource update will be estimated.

      + The current Mineral Resource is expected to increase with further exploration drilling.

      + Bullabulling could develop into a significant new gold project.

      + Share Purchase Agreement was completed last week. ...…
      schrieb am 16.08.10 14:57:06
      Beitrag Nr. 18.508 ()
      Kriese: Bank of America prüft Verkauf von BlackRock-Anteilen -, NEW YORK - Apr 16, 2010…

      "NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) – Die Bank of America will sich
      Kreisen zufolge von Anteilen am weltgrößten Vermögensverwalter BlackRock
      trennen. Ein Verkauf könnte Milliarden in die Kassen spülen. Die
      Beteiligung werde nicht mehr zum Kerngeschäft gezählt, hieß es am Sonntag in
      Finanzkreisen. Daher werde ein Verkauf oder zumindest eine Reduzierung des
      Anteils geprüft.

      Die Bank of America kam im Zuge der Übernahme der Investmentbank Merrill
      Lynch zu ihrem rund 34-prozentigen BlackRock-Anteil, dessen Wert die Bank Ende
      März auf zirka 14 Milliarden Dollar bezifferte. Mit einem Verkauf des Anteils
      könnte sich die Bank of America für die anstehenden höheren Kapitalanforderungen
      nach den neuen Regeln für die Finanzbranche rüsten, hieß es weiter.

      Die Bank of America gehört zu den Verlieren der Finanzkrise. Sie hatte sich
      mit der spektakulären Milliardenübernahme der Investmentbank Merrill Lynch
      Anfang 2009 verhoben und musste vom Staat mit Milliarden gestützt werden. Die
      Staatshilfen hat die US- Bank inzwischen aber zurückgegeben. "
      schrieb am 16.08.10 15:02:28
      Beitrag Nr. 18.509 ()
      ‘HB’: Deutsche Bank findet für BHF nur zwei Interessenten mit Erfolgsaussicht -, DÜSSELDORF - Aug 16, 2010…
      schrieb am 16.08.10 15:04:12
      Beitrag Nr. 18.510 ()
      Geschäft mit grünen Technologien entwickelt sich überdurchschnittlich -, BERLIN - Aug 16, 2010…

      "Berlin (ddp). Der Siemens-Konzern baut sein Geschäft mit so genannten grünen Technologien kräftig aus und übertrifft dabei eigene Zielvorstellungen. «Schon im vergangenen Jahr sind wir beim Geschäft mit grünen Technologien mit elf Prozent überdurchschnittlich gewachsen», sagte Siemens-Vorstand Barbara Kux der «Berliner Zeitung» (Montagausgabe). 2009 erzielte Siemens in diesem Bereich einen Umsatz von 23 Milliarden Euro, das sind rund 30 Prozent des Gesamtumsatzes.

      «Wir werden unser Ziel von 25 Milliarden Euro für 2011 schon im laufenden Geschäftsjahr überschreiten, ein Jahr früher als geplant», sagte Kux, die für die Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie des Konzerns verantwortlich ist. Siemens nehme in das Umweltportfolio «nur Technologien auf, die zur Senkung der Treibhausgasemissionen beitragen oder als Umwelttechnologie zur Luft- und Wasserreinhaltung dienen». "
      schrieb am 16.08.10 15:12:50
      Beitrag Nr. 18.511 ()
      Dundee Mineral Exploration Watch List; Weekly Monitor - DCM - Aug 8, 2010…
      schrieb am 16.08.10 15:14:44
      Beitrag Nr. 18.512 ()
      Metals &Mining Weekly - HS - Aug 6, 2010…
      schrieb am 16.08.10 15:23:32
      Beitrag Nr. 18.513 ()
      DGB-Studie: Arbeitslosigkeit macht krank -, FRANKFURT -Aug 16, 2010…

      "Frankfurt/Main (ddp). Arbeitslosigkeit führt bei den Betroffenen nicht nur zu Einkommenseinbußen, sondern auch zu Krankheit. Das ist das Ergebnis einer Studie des Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbundes (DGB), die der «Frankfurter Rundschau» (Montagausgabe) vorliegt. Demnach sind Arbeitssuchende je nach Altersgruppe gut doppelt so häufig krank wie Erwerbstätige. «Je länger die Arbeitslosigkeit dauert und je geringer die Perspektiven auf einen Wiedereinstieg sind, desto belastender wird die Situation für die Betroffenen und ihre Familien», sagte DGB-Vorstandsmitglied Annelie Buntenbach dem Blatt. Bereits in der Gruppe der 15- bis 24-Jährigen liegt die Krankenstandsquote bei Arbeitnehmern laut DGB-Studie mit drei Prozent deutlich niedriger als bei Arbeitssuchenden mit 4,4 Prozent. Diese Differenz wird mit zunehmendem Alter größer. In der Gruppe der 55- bis 59-Jährigen sind Arbeitslose rund 2,2 Mal so häufig krank wie die Beschäftigten.

      Noch immer sei in Deutschland die Gesundheitsförderung von Arbeitslosen völlig unzureichend, kritisiert der DGB. Sie würden von den Präventionsangeboten der Krankenkassen kaum erreicht. Diese müssten stärker verpflichtet werden, ihrem gesetzlichen Präventionsauftrag nachzukommen. Denn für viele Erwerbslose verhindere der schlechte Gesundheitszustand den Einstieg in einen neuen Job. Der offiziellen Arbeitslosenstatistik im Juni 2010 zufolge hatten nahezu 540 000 Arbeitslose vermittlungsrelevante gesundheitliche Einschränkungen. 45 Prozent der «Hartz IV»-Empfänger sagen von sich, dass sie gesundheitlich angeschlagen seien. "
      schrieb am 16.08.10 15:25:25
      Beitrag Nr. 18.514 ()
      ‘HB’: Luftverkehrsbranche offen für Kerosinsteuer – alternativ zur Ticketabgabe -, DÜSSELDORF - Aug 16, 2010…

      "DÜSSELDORF (dpa-AFX) – Die Luftverkehrsbranche zeigt sich laut einem
      Zeitungsbericht offen für eine Kerosinsteuer. Voraussetzung sei aber, dass die
      Bundesregierung im Gegenzug auf die Einführung der Luftverkehrsabgabe verzichte,
      schreibt das “Handelsblatt” (Montagausgabe) mit Berufung auf Verbandskreise.

      Grundsätzlich lehnten die Flughäfen und Fluggesellschaften eine Steuer auf
      das Flugbenzin weiter ab, hieß es weiter. Sollte es aber zu einer Abgabe kommen,
      solle sie zumindest die Branche nicht gefährden. Die geplante Ticketabgabe, die
      je nach Flugentfernung 8,25 Euro oder 45 Euro betragen und damit dem Fiskus
      insgesamt eine Milliarde Euro einbringen soll, benachteilige etwa
      Billig-Airlines sowie Flughäfen in Grenzregionen.

      Umgekehrt brächte eine Kerosinsteuer dem Bund laut Subventionsbericht der
      Bundesregierung 680 Millionen Euro jährlich. Hinzu kämen zusätzliche Einnahmen
      aus dem wachsenden Luftverkehr sowie voraussichtlich 150 Millionen Euro aus dem
      ab 2012 auch für die Fluggesellschaften gültigen Emissionshandel. Die Steuer
      würde nur bei Inlandsflügen gelten, den Wettbewerb nicht verzerren und wäre
      ökologisch zielgenau, hieß es in Verbandskreisen. "
      schrieb am 16.08.10 15:27:17
      Beitrag Nr. 18.515 ()
      ‘FTD’: Union plant kleine Steuerreform -, HAMBURG - Aug 16, 2010…

      "HAMBURG (dpa-AFX) – Der überraschend kräftige Konjunkturaufschwung beflügelt
      laut einem Zeitungsbericht Pläne von CDU und CSU für eine baldige
      Steuervereinfachung. Wie die “Financial Times Deutschland” (FTD, Montagsausgabe)
      ohne nähere Quellenangabe berichtet, habe sich Unionsfraktionschef Volker Kauder
      (CDU) intern offen für ein neues Konzept gezeigt, das allerdings nur geringe
      Entlastungen vorsehe. Der Katalog solle bereits bekannte Vorschläge der
      Länderfinanzminister aufnehmen und außerdem noch weitere Maßnahmen umfassen.

      “Jetzt müssen wir die überfälligen Steuervereinfachungen durchsetzen, weil
      nun endlich das Geld dafür da ist”, sagte der stellvertretende Vorsitzende des
      Wirtschaftsflügels in der Unions-Bundestagsfraktion, Christian von Stetten, dem
      Blatt. “Dass es keine großen Steuersenkungen geben wird, haben die Menschen
      verstanden. Aber unsere Vorschläge zur Steuervereinfachung kosten Bund, Länder
      und Gemeinden nur etwa 500 Millionen Euro”, sagte Stetten, der das Unionskonzept
      derzeit ausarbeitet. "
      schrieb am 16.08.10 15:29:22
      Beitrag Nr. 18.516 ()
      Weekly Review - Ocean Equities - Aug 11, 2010…
      schrieb am 16.08.10 15:56:09
      Beitrag Nr. 18.517 ()
      WA uranium race - MA - Aug 16, 2010

      - Cole Latimer -…
      schrieb am 16.08.10 16:00:36
      Beitrag Nr. 18.518 ()
      Auzex reports 450% resource increase; Auzex has announced an increase of its Bullabulling JORC resource by 450% to 1.98 million ounces of gold - MA -Aug 16, 2010

      - Cole Latimer -…
      schrieb am 16.08.10 16:05:41
      Beitrag Nr. 18.519 ()
      AMEC endorses Opposition exploration incentive plans; The Association of Mining and Exploration Companies (AMEC) has praised the Coalition's plan to introduce a tax credit for investors in junior explorers :eek: :eek: if elected - MA - Aug 16, 2010

      - Michael Mills -…

      "The Association of Mining and Exploration Companies (AMEC) has praised the Coalition’s plan to introduce a tax credit for investors in junior explorers if elected.

      The Opposition has made a commitment to introducing the $150 million Exploration Development Program by 2011-12.

      According to the Liberal Party website, the scheme will provide a tax credit to Australian resident shareholders for eligible greenfields exploration expenditure.

      A ‘no taxable income’ test will ensure the credits are only available to junior explorers.

      AMEC chief executive Simon Bennison said thousands of small explorers would warmly welcome the program.

      “Although we are still to work through the detail, the proposed Exploration Development Program should address many of the issues AMEC has highlighted and advocated over the last decade in order to provide a significant boost to the minerals exploration sector,” he said.

      “Such a program will provide potential investors and shareholders with an opportunity to invest in high risk minerals exploration projects.

      “This will help counter the damage in exploration investment confidence created by the Government’s RSPT and MRRT.

      “The Program will also lead to increased exploration expenditure and have a significant flow on effect throughout the economy, thereby creating jobs and opportunities for thousands of Australians, particularly in remote and regional locations.

      “The foresight shown by the Coalition should be commended, as increased exploration today will result into the mines of tomorrow, to the benefit of all Australians.”

      The Coalition will engage in consultation with AMEC, the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and the Minerals Council of Australia. "
      schrieb am 16.08.10 16:44:04
      Beitrag Nr. 18.520 ()
      Indian Mining Bill Proposes Profit Sharing With Residents; Indian mining companies will allocate 26% of their profits to local residents to develop the area where they operate, according to Indian Mines Minister BK Handique - MT - Aug 16, 2010…

      "Indian mining companies will allocate 26% of their profits to local residents to develop the area where they operate, according to Indian Mines Minister BK Handique.

      CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets brokerage estimates at least $78bn of natural-resource projects have been threatened because of Maoist or rebel activity in the seven eastern and central states of the country.

      The government had dropped a proposal of giving an equal stake to the residents in the mining projects.

      Mining companies around the world have faced a demand for profit sharing, with Australia and China proposing to increase taxes, according to Bloomberg. "
      schrieb am 16.08.10 16:45:35
      Beitrag Nr. 18.521 ()
      Four Illegal Miners Shot Dead in SA Gold Mine - MT/Reuters - Aug 16, 2010…
      schrieb am 16.08.10 18:26:51
      Beitrag Nr. 18.522 ()
      Stan Bharti: A Few of His Favorites; Karen Roche of The Energy Report - Forbes & Manhattan Founder and CEO Stan Bharti, whose genius has guided dozens of junior resource companies to the pinnacle, discusses his approach—and a few of his favorites—in this Energy Report exclusive. Among them is a company using a molecular-tagging technology to foil a practice that fuels terrorists activities and deprives governments of more than $100 billion in tax revenues annually :eek: - TER - 8/12/10

      - Karen Roche -
      schrieb am 16.08.10 18:36:22
      Beitrag Nr. 18.523 ()
      Small Solar Thermal Has Great Potential; Renewable Energy Focus - "Small is beautiful—and most of all fast." - TER/REF/ISE - 8/11/10

      "Small- and medium-sized solar thermal power stations have a larger application potential than often thought, according to the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE).

      Normally, solar thermal power plants over 20 MW have been seen as the most cost-effective way of producing solar electricity, but large plants are not always practical to plan, design and construct.

      "Small is beautiful—and most of all fast," says Dr Werner J. Platzer, Department Head at Fraunhofer ISE.

      "Systems ranging from 20 kW up to 2 MW can be more easily realised and they offer greater possibilities: the local heat or cooling demand can be combined with electricity production. This increases the profitability and facilitates the financing."

      Fraunhofer ISE has investigated the potential of small and medium-scale solar thermal power stations.

      Plazer says: "For regional applications, the technology is economical where there is a large fraction of direct sunlight. This applies, for example, to the Mediterranean and the more southerly regions.

      "For off-grid applications and for applications where the provision from the grid is unreliable, this technology is more cost-effective than employing a diesel generator.

      "Air condition could also be an important application. Over 40 million new air-conditioning units are sold worldwide annually and the tendency is increasing. Up to now, this potential application has not been used because market-ready products and demonstration projects that serve as role models are still needed." "
      schrieb am 16.08.10 18:40:16
      Beitrag Nr. 18.524 ()
      DOE Loan Guarantee Program to Receive Cuts; Alt energy firms face dwindling resources - TER/DF - 8/11/10

      - Johanna Schroeder -

      "At a time when the alternative energy industry is calling for the Department of Energy (DOE) to follow through on loan guarantees, the U.S. House of Representatives is attempting to pass a Senate bill that would cut the program's budget by $1.5 billion as part of a $26.1 billion package that is reallocating funds to cover other struggling areas, including Medicaid and teacher salaries.

      Al Gore has entered the fray, publishing a quote on his website about his outrage. "These rescissions put into jeopardy the green jobs that the administration has touted as part of our clean-energy future and put us further behind the rest of the world."

      The alternative energy industry has been struggling for the past several years due to both dwindling private investment funds, lack of cohesive policy that would ensure long-term markets, and the lack of loans from the financial sector. The loan guarantee program is one of the last sources of monies for companies to tap in to as they struggle to develop and bring to market new technologies.

      In a letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi dated August 6th and endorsed by the American Wind Power Association, Biomass Power Association, Geothermal Energy Association, and the National Hydropower Association, the groups wrote that the cuts significantly undermine the DOE Loan Guarantee Program.

      "Failure to act on the Treasury Grant Program and other tax incentives or to restore funding to the DOE Loan Guarantee Program will jeopardize the renewable energy industries' efforts to develop clean electric generation and create tens of thousands of jobs. We urge you to work with the Administration and the Senate to reverse these cuts and restore funding for the renewable energy loan guarantee program," the letter concluded. "
      schrieb am 16.08.10 19:49:01
      Beitrag Nr. 18.525 ()
      Why China has already overtaken the U.S. in cleantech - CB - Aug 13, 2010

      - by Dallas Kachan -…
      schrieb am 16.08.10 20:51:02
      Beitrag Nr. 18.526 ()
      Google is Flying a Quadcopter Surveillance Robot, Says Drone Maker; The search giant's plans are unknown - PopSci - Aug 9, 2010

      - Clay Dillow -

      - Microdrones md4-200 Google purchased a similar quadcopter model from German surveillance drone maker Microdrones for testing. Microdrones GmbH -
      schrieb am 16.08.10 20:56:19
      Beitrag Nr. 18.527 ()
      :eek: :eek:

      Japanese and American Duo Nearly Doubles Pi Record, Using Home-Built Computer
      $18,000 and 20 hard drives=5 trillion digits :eek: - PopSci - Aug 5, 2010

      - Paul Adams -

      - Calculating Pi at Home :laugh: A screenshot from the software that set the new record via Alexander Yee -
      schrieb am 16.08.10 21:15:54
      Beitrag Nr. 18.528 ()
      schrieb am 17.08.10 00:01:48
      Beitrag Nr. 18.529 ()
      Prophecy Reports Measured 524.3 Mt and Indicated 545.7 Mt Coal Resources at Chandgana Khavtgai, Mongolia (Drill Map Included) - Aug 16, 2010
      schrieb am 17.08.10 00:05:58
      Beitrag Nr. 18.530 ()
      Integra Mining Ltd: sets up to become Australia’s lowest cost, highest grade open pit gold producer - PI - Aug 16, 2010

      - by Andrew McCrea -…
      schrieb am 17.08.10 00:30:47
      Beitrag Nr. 18.531 ()
      [KRM] Kingsrose first pour gold/silver - Australianinvestor - 13-Aug-2010

      "One of the world�fs lowest cost gold mines started production earlier today when Australian�]listed Kingsrose Mining poured its first bars at the Way Linggo mine on the Indonesian Island of Sumatra.

      The four bars of dore weighing a total of 5.9kg (a mix of gold and silver) represent the culmination of a 12 month mine development and plant construction phase costing $US12 million.

      Annual output is expected to be at an initial rate of 45,000 ounces of gold at a cash cost of $US147 an ounce which is more than $US1000 per ounce lower than the current world gold price.

      The executive chairman of Kingsrose, John Morris, said the key factor in Way Linggo producing gold at an ultra�]low cost was the high grade of the ore and low capital cost of the project. "
      schrieb am 17.08.10 00:34:52
      Beitrag Nr. 18.532 ()
      [DML] Boseto Copper Project Initial Reserve Estimate - Australianinvestor - 13-Aug-2010

      "Discovery Metals Limited today announced the Boseto Copper Project¡¯s Initial Reserve is 24.1Mt at 1.3% Copper and 16.7 g/t Silver above a cutoff grade of 0.3% copper, comprising: high grade 21.8Mt at 1.4% copper and 18.3g/t silver to 0.6% copper cutoff grade, and low grade ¨C 2.3Mt at 0.3% copper and 2.8g/t silver between a cut©\off grade of 0.3% and 0.6% copper.

      Ore from the above categories is scheduled for mining in the Bankable Feasibility Study (BFS) for the Boseto Open Cut Mine. The results of this BFS are planned for release by the end of August 2010. "
      schrieb am 17.08.10 01:56:06
      Beitrag Nr. 18.533 ()
      Vulcan Minerals -- Field Operations Underway - OR - 8/16/2010
      schrieb am 17.08.10 02:11:35
      Beitrag Nr. 18.534 ()
      U.S. halts deepwater environmental exemptions - OR/AP - 8/16/2010

      "The Obama administration announced Monday it is requiring environmental reviews for all new deepwater oil drilling.

      That means an end, at least for now, to the kind of exemptions that allowed BP PLC (BP-N38.26-0.67-1.72%) to drill its blown-out well in the Gulf with little scrutiny.

      The announcement came in response to a report by the White House Council on Environmental Quality, which found BP got environmental exemptions based on decades-old data.

      The Interior Department said the ban on so-called “categorical exclusions” for deepwater drilling would be in place pending full review of how such exemptions are granted.

      “Our decision-making must be fully informed by an understanding of the potential environmental consequences of federal actions permitting offshore oil and gas development,” Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said in a statement.

      For now, new deepwater drilling is under a temporary moratorium in the Gulf. Once that's lifted, though, Interior's new policy is likely to make it much more time-consuming for oil companies to move forward with new deepwater projects, since environmental assessments will be required along the way.

      Shallow-water drilling will also be subjected to stricter environmental scrutiny under the new policy.

      BP's ability to get environmental exemptions from the Minerals Management Service led to some of the harshest criticism of the now-defunct agency after the April 20 explosion that killed 11 workers and led to the worst oil spill in U.S. history. Some 206 million gallons spilled into the Gulf before BP stopped the leaking.

      The report by the Council on Environmental Quality sheds new light on the granting of those categorical exclusions. The report says that the exclusions BP operated under were written in 1981 and 1986. That was long before the boom in deepwater drilling that was propelled by the development of dramatic new technologies for reaching deep into the sea floor.

      The report also finds other problems with how the Minerals Management Service applied environmental laws in reviewing the BP project. It notes, for example, that in assessing the likelihood of a major spill, MMS did not consider the example of the disastrous 1979 Ixtoc spill in the Gulf — simply because the spill was not in U.S. waters.

      MMS' successor agency, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Enforcement and Regulation, is agreeing to recommendations to try to improve drilling regulation in future.
      schrieb am 17.08.10 02:55:59
      Beitrag Nr. 18.535 ()
      MetroCoal - Maiden Resource for Norwood Thermal Coal Project - Aug 17, 2010
      schrieb am 17.08.10 02:59:02
      Beitrag Nr. 18.536 ()
      Chile president still seeks more mining royalties; Chilean President Sebastian Pinera said on Wednesday he will revive legislation to boost taxes on global miners operating in the world's top copper producer. An opposition-led Congress, which thought Pinera's proposal to overhaul the mining royalty did not go far enough, scrapped the proposal, marking the first major political defeat of his center-right government - MW/Reuters, SANTIAGO - Jul 28, 2010…
      schrieb am 17.08.10 16:10:38
      Beitrag Nr. 18.537 ()
      Lydian Intersects 86m at 2.7g/t; 95m at 1.3g/t &74m at 1.4g/t Gold in Resource Extension &Upgrade Drilling at Amulsar; Armenia - Aug 17, 2010…
      schrieb am 18.08.10 02:28:54
      Beitrag Nr. 18.538 ()
      Bolivian Protestors End Strike, Mines Reopen; Bolivian protestors have ended a strike that paralysed a mining town for 19 days and disrupted operations at two of the world's top silver mines, after reaching a deal with the government - MT - Jul 17, 2010…
      schrieb am 18.08.10 02:44:10
      Beitrag Nr. 18.539 ()
      Tasmania Approves Mining Lease at Arthur River Magnesite Project - MT - Aug 17, 2010……

      "Beacon Hill Resources has been granted a mining lease by the Government of Tasmania, Australia, to develop the Arthur River magnesite project in north-west Tasmania.

      Beacon Hill executive chairman Justin Lewis said the mining lease will allow the next stage of development at the Arthur River project, including the beginning of a drilling programme before the end of 2010.

      Beacon has completed flora, fauna and Aboriginal heritage surveys to proceed with designing the initial mine plan and associated drilling programmes.

      The group has also developed a drilling programme to increase the measured and inferred resource of 39 million tonnes to add value to the magnesite resource.

      "The granting of the Lease also allows us to progress our discussions with potential off-take and joint venture partners in regard to the construction of a calcination plant," said Lewis.

      The drilling programme is expected to begin by the end of 2010. "
      schrieb am 18.08.10 03:00:24
      Beitrag Nr. 18.540 ()
      Fission Energy Corp.: Western Vertical Step-Out Drilling at Fission's Waterbury Lake Project Expands & Widens J-Zone-Latest Results Include 2.24m of "Off-Scale" Radioactivity - Aug 17, 2010…
      schrieb am 18.08.10 03:07:22
      Beitrag Nr. 18.541 ()
      PepsiCo and Senomyx Enter Into Collaboration to Discover, Develop and Commercialize New Sweet Flavor Ingredients; Partnership Focused on Developing Lower-Calorie, Great-Tasting PepsiCo Beverages - Aug 17, 2010…
      schrieb am 18.08.10 03:12:29
      Beitrag Nr. 18.542 ()
      ‘Wall Street Journal’: GM will bei nicht eingehaltenen Zusagen zahlen -, NEW YORK - Aug 17, 2010…
      schrieb am 18.08.10 03:14:42
      Beitrag Nr. 18.543 ()
      Eon-Chef weist Erpressungsvorwurf bei Atomlaufzeiten zurück -, FRANKFURT - Aug 17, 2010…
      schrieb am 18.08.10 03:16:09
      Beitrag Nr. 18.544 ()
      Presse: Eine Million Krankenversicherte sind mit Zusatzbeitrag säumig
      -, BERLIN - Aug 17, 2010…
      schrieb am 18.08.10 12:29:28
      Beitrag Nr. 18.545 ()
      [CDU] Rocklands Resource Update - Australianinvestor - 18-Aug-2010

      "CuDeco Limited today announced an updated Resource Estimate reported according to the Joint Ore Resource Committee (JORC) Code and Guidelines has now been completed. The Company is reporting a resource that, based on preliminary studies, will sustain the first ten years of a mining operation at a production rate of 3 million tonnes per year.

      The Measured and Indicated Resource is 30.94 Mt @ 1.24% Cu Eq (0.80% Cu Eq cut-off) (850 million lbs Cu Eq)/

      Using 0.25% Cu Eq cut-off, the Total Resource is 157.0 Mt @ 0.56% Cu Eq (1.93 billion lbs Cu Eq) and Measured and Indicated 101.2 Mt @ 0.62% Cu Eq.
      Using 0.15% Cu Eq cut-off, the Total Resource is 245.0 Mt @ 0.42% Cu Eq (2.27 billion lbs Cu Eq) and Measured and Indicated 151.0 Mt @ 0.47% Cu Eq.

      Above a 0.25% CuEq cut-off, an Inferred Resource of 157Mt of magnetite (~Fe3O4) mineralisation with a grade of 2.9% Davis Tube Recovery (“DTR”) has been estimated. DTR represents recovered magnetite from samples in a magnetic recovery assay process. Above a 0.15% CuEq cut-off, the Inferred estimate is 245Mt of magnetite mineralisation at 3.17% DTR. It is planned that magnetite will be recovered in the ore processing plant as a concentrate.

      Processing recoveries for magnetite are assumed to be 55% of DTR. This figure is conservative and is based on a survey of magnetite separation equipment manufacturers.

      Silica concentrations in the Rocklands magnetite is around double what may be an acceptable level for sale for iron production, but is expected to be improved significantly with further testwork. Nevertheless, the product appears to be acceptable for coal washery applications. Alumina is only just above specification, and therefore is unlikely to pose a problem given likely improvement from further testwork. "
      schrieb am 18.08.10 12:34:39
      Beitrag Nr. 18.546 ()
      Montezuma Mining - Butcherbird Manganese Exploration Update - Aug 10, 2010

      + Assay data received for first two holes confirms significant tonnage potential for Bindi Bindi Hill. Results include:

      - 10BB067: 30m @ 9.19% manganese from 1m
      - 10BB054: 15m @ 11.61% manganese from 0m 5m @ 7.84% manganese from 19m

      + Results suggest deposit extends over approximately 2km X 0.5km to depths of up to 30m.

      + First pass size analysis of six bulk composites suggest that screening can beneficiate bulk material to grades of up to 27.7% Mn with recoveries of up to 71.6% in >1mm fraction.

      + Heavy media separation test results pending. Results will provide guidance as to how easily commercial grades of manganese ore (>35% Mn) can be produced.

      + Results support **Exploration Target of 10-20 million tonnes @ 8-12% manganese. Excellent potential to exceed this if other target areas return positive results.

      + Further rock chip assays up to 48.9% Mn extends Bindi Bindi Hill target area.

      + Drill rig expected to start in approximately 2 weeks to follow up additional targets and to commence infill drilling at Bindi Bindi Hill to support maiden JORC Mineral Resource Estimate. ...
      schrieb am 18.08.10 12:45:59
      Beitrag Nr. 18.547 ()
      Quickstep Holdings - Appoints Experienced Aerospace Executives - Aug 18, 2010

      + Quickstep appoints experienced aerospace executives Sebastien Godbille as General Manager of Quickstep Process Systems and Ari Vihersaari as Vice President of Global
      Business Development.

      + Appointments provide major support for Quickstep’s push to target new Quickstep process and manufacturing contracts in the international aerospace and defence industries. ...
      schrieb am 18.08.10 12:47:39
      Beitrag Nr. 18.548 ()
      MetroCoal - China Coal Receives Second Major Approval - Aug 18, 2010
      schrieb am 19.08.10 02:52:12
      Beitrag Nr. 18.549 ()
      Almaden Intersects 232.3 m of 0.36 G/T Au and 34 G/T Ag (0.9 G/T AuEq, 58 G/T AuEq) in Hole TU-10-3 and 32.69 m of 0.15 G/T Au and 32 G/T Ag (0.6 G/T AuEq, 41 G/T AuEq) in Hole TU-10-2 at Ixtaca - Aug 18, 2010…
      schrieb am 19.08.10 02:54:27
      Beitrag Nr. 18.550 ()
      Technology Trends in Mineral Exploration; What’s contributing to discovery success - Geosoft/Earth Explorer - Aug10…
      schrieb am 19.08.10 02:55:59
      Beitrag Nr. 18.551 ()
      Nemaska Exploration Signs MOU with the Cree - Aug 17, 2010…
      schrieb am 19.08.10 03:00:20
      Beitrag Nr. 18.552 ()
      Steigender Auslastungsgrad zieht Erzeugerpreise in die Höhe - DB Research - Aug 17, 2010

      - Das Verarbeitende Gewerbe in Deutschland war massiv von der Rezession belastet. Die Kapazitätsauslastung sank binnen zwei Jahren um 17%-Punkte. Das war der heftigste Einbruch seit diese Daten erhoben werden. Doch genauso rasant verlief die Erholung: Innerhalb eines Jahres kletterte der Auslastungsgrad um 11%-Punkte; auch dies eine beispiellose Entwicklung. Dadurch werden auch die Erzeugerpreise zumindest vorübergehend deutlich anziehen... -…
      schrieb am 19.08.10 03:01:13
      Beitrag Nr. 18.553 ()
      Champion Minerals Issues Updated Inferred Resource Estimate of 388 Million Tonnes Grading 29% Total Iron for Fire Lake North, Which Includes 185 Million Tonnes at 36% Total Iron - Aug 18, 2010…
      schrieb am 19.08.10 03:07:44
      Beitrag Nr. 18.554 ()
      AuEx Ventures, Inc.: Long Canyon Drill Hole Delivers 0.296 opt Over 145 Feet - Aug 18, 2010…
      schrieb am 19.08.10 03:33:20
      Beitrag Nr. 18.555 ()
      Carbon Market News - Aug 17, 2010

      "Today's headlines

      *EPA seeks bilateral international environmental strategies
      *Canada, Mexico, US to align GHG reporting
      *Oil lobby to continue fight against US GHG limits
      *CERs rise 2.4% on supply fears
      *Nefco launches €30m tranche for post-2012 fund
      *Germany nets €317m from EUA sales
      *UN leaves HFC 23 CERs in limbo
      *ECX to meet next month to rule on ERU trade
      *Cargill, Marubeni in cleaner energy project tie-up
      *States cope with lack of federal climate legislation "
      schrieb am 19.08.10 03:37:34
      Beitrag Nr. 18.556 ()
      INVESTMENT - Platinum development funds; A Chinese consortium has taken a 51% interest in South African platinum producer Wesizwe Platinum - AM - Aug10…
      schrieb am 19.08.10 03:39:54
      Beitrag Nr. 18.557 ()
      Magellan Drills 84m @ 1.24 g/t Gold and Extends Mineralized Zone by 600m at Moreira Gomes, Cuiu Cuiu Project, Brazil - Aug 18, 2010…
      schrieb am 19.08.10 03:41:33
      Beitrag Nr. 18.558 ()
      Wavefront Technology Solutions Inc.: Primawave Facilitates Clean-Up Efforts at a Former Hydrocarbon Bulk Storage Facility - Aug 18, 2010…
      schrieb am 19.08.10 03:45:51
      Beitrag Nr. 18.559 ()
      Kootenay Announces Initial Resource Estimate; Plans to Proceed With $1.5 Million Multi-Phase Drill Program on Promontorio Silver Project - Aug 18, 2010…
      schrieb am 19.08.10 14:11:54
      Beitrag Nr. 18.560 ()
      CBM Asia Announces Rig Mobilization for Coalbed Methane Exploration Program in South Sumatra - Aug 18, 2010…
      schrieb am 19.08.10 14:15:46
      Beitrag Nr. 18.561 ()
      Golden Minerals Announces a Significant Increase in the El Quevar Project Resource Estimate - Aug 19, 2010…

      (8.99Mio Oz @310g/t Indicated +51.5Mio Oz Ag @336g/t Inferred)
      schrieb am 19.08.10 14:54:05
      Beitrag Nr. 18.562 ()
      The Whole Shabangu: Part I; South Africa's mines minister cuts a controversial figure. So it seems right she's at the helm of fresh efforts to change South Africa's mining legislation - Miningmx - Aug 18, 2010

      - by D. McKay &A. Seccombe -…
      schrieb am 19.08.10 15:01:10
      Beitrag Nr. 18.563 ()
      SA CEOs criticise mining rights freeze - Miningmx/Reuters - Aug 18, 2010…

      "[] -- Top executives of major South African companies have said a government plan to impose a six-month moratorium on new mining prospecting bids may hurt the sector, the Business Day newspaper reported on Wednesday.

      The paper said Business Leadership SA, made up of chief executives of multinationals and large local firms, said investors were "anxious about mining rights".

      The government on Tuesday imposed the six-month moratorium while it overhauls mining laws.

      The moratorium was prompted after the government granted two firms, Imperial Crown Trading and Keysha Investments, prospecting rights to areas that were already being mined by Kumba Iron Ore and Lonmin.

      "There is real damage being done to our economy and what the mining sector needs is clarification of the rules to reduce administrative discretion," Bobby Godsell, the chairperson of the business group, was quoted as saying by the paper.

      The group said it had agreed to adopt a new code to enhance corporate governance and fight corruption and that members breaking the code would face unspecified sanctions. "
      schrieb am 19.08.10 15:34:50
      Beitrag Nr. 18.564 ()
      Selwyn Closes CDN$100 Million Joint Venture Transaction With Chihong Zinc &Germanium - Aug 18, 2010…
      schrieb am 19.08.10 15:41:33
      Beitrag Nr. 18.565 ()
      schrieb am 19.08.10 15:44:29
      Beitrag Nr. 18.566 ()
      Advanced Explorations Enters Into Option Agreement to Acquire Alaskan Iron Sands Project - Aug 18, 2010…
      schrieb am 20.08.10 00:25:22
      Beitrag Nr. 18.567 ()
      Africa Oil and Alberta Oilsands Secure Government Consent for Assignment of Blocks 12A and 13T in Kenya - Aug 18, 2010…

      Africa Oil Completes Acquisition of South Omo Block in Ethiopia - Aug 19, 2010…
      schrieb am 20.08.10 01:12:31
      Beitrag Nr. 18.568 ()
      SouthGobi Plans Second Mining Pit in Mongolia - MT - Aug 19, 2010…

      "SouthGobi Resources is planning to obtain a mining licence for its second coal pit in Mongolia by the end of the year.

      CEO Alexander Molyneux said the company will apply for a permit for the Soumber deposit in the next few months.

      About $205m is needed to develop the mine, which will start production by 2012.

      Molyneus added that Soumber's reserves of coking coal are higher than a previous estimate of 77 million metric tons, according to Bloomberg.

      SouthGobi operates the Ovoot Tolgoi pit in the deserts of southern Mongolia.

      China Investment owns a 13% interest in SouthGobi, which plans to produce about 14 million tons of unprocessed coal in 2013, compared with 1.3 million tons in 2009. "
      schrieb am 20.08.10 01:30:05
      Beitrag Nr. 18.569 ()
      Saudi company in deal to develop Russia’s $27.7 billion Ural project - SG, JEDDAH - Aug 18, 2010…
      schrieb am 20.08.10 02:54:43
      Beitrag Nr. 18.570 ()
      Advent Energy - Increase in Estimated Prospective Gas Resources for PEP11 Offshore Sydney Basin - Jul 6, 2010…
      schrieb am 21.08.10 16:01:40
      Beitrag Nr. 18.571 ()
      Handwerk verteidigt Lehrlingskampagne im Ausland -, OSNABRÜCK - Aug 18, 2010…
      schrieb am 21.08.10 16:04:30
      Beitrag Nr. 18.572 ()
      ‘HB’: Banken setzen im Geldautomatenstreit auf Alleingänge -, DÜSSELDORF - Aug 18, 2010…
      schrieb am 21.08.10 16:10:28
      Beitrag Nr. 18.573 ()
      Northland Receives the Environmental Permit for for its Tapuli Mine and Kaunisvaara Mill - Aug 20, 2010…
      schrieb am 21.08.10 16:13:54
      Beitrag Nr. 18.574 ()
      Greystar Resources Announces Updated Resource For The Angostura Gold-Silver Deposit, Colombia - Jul 15, 2010…
      schrieb am 21.08.10 16:15:56
      Beitrag Nr. 18.575 ()
      Weekly Review - Ocean Equities - Aug 18, 2010…
      schrieb am 21.08.10 16:23:35
      Beitrag Nr. 18.576 ()
      China Formulating Policies to Encourage Imports - BC - Aug 19, 2010

      "The Ministry of Commerce (Mofcom) is formulating policies to encourage more imports after China recorded a trade surplus in June and July.

      Relevant policies will be issued soon, according to the discussions held at a recent official conference on import policies.

      The country’s first service platform for promoting imports, the Shanghai Global Products Trade Center, was recently established in the city’s Pudong area, and will come into operation in the first quarter of 2011.

      The creation of the center indicates a great change in China’s trade policies from solely encouraging exports to emphasizing trade balance, said Wei Jianguo, general secretary at the China Center for International Economic Exchanges.

      A Mofcom official said the ministry has issued several individual policies to promote imports, and the next round of policies would mainly involve holding an import forum and sending purchasing groups abroad.

      Yao Jian, a Mofcom spokesman, said on Tuesday that Beijing will hold the 2010 China Import Forum in September, which will include activities to promote imports.

      China’s growing trade surplus has reignited frictions with its main trading partners over the value of the RMB, which the U.S. and others say is being deliberately undervalued to boost exports.

      The pace of China's import growth fell in July as its rapid economic expansion cooled.

      Hopes that the country’s burgeoning consumer class could help the global economy shrug off the effects of the economic crisis have "yet to be realized." "
      schrieb am 21.08.10 17:10:32
      Beitrag Nr. 18.577 ()
      Bahn muss Zuschläge für Nutzung regionaler Netze abschaffen -, BERLIN - Aug 19, 2010…
      schrieb am 21.08.10 17:12:05
      Beitrag Nr. 18.578 ()
      ‘HB’: Regierung droht mit Vorgabe bei Geldautomaten-Gebühr -, BERLIN - AUg 19, 2010…
      schrieb am 21.08.10 17:14:12
      Beitrag Nr. 18.579 ()
      Adriana Announces Completion of Drilling Program at Its Lac Otelnuk Property in Quebec - Aug 19, 2010…
      schrieb am 21.08.10 17:17:55
      Beitrag Nr. 18.580 ()
      schrieb am 21.08.10 17:18:51
      Beitrag Nr. 18.581 ()
      Greenland OKs more offshore Arctic drilling - OR/AP - 8/19/2010
      schrieb am 22.08.10 01:11:15
      Beitrag Nr. 18.582 ()
      Wachstumsaussichten der Kapitalmärkte in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern nach der globalen Krise - DB Research - Aug 20, 2010

      - Die Wachstumsaussichten für die Kapitalmärkte in den Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländer (Emerging Markets, EM) sind sehr gut. Trotz des „Deleveraging“ in den entwickelten Volkswirtschaften und des „Leveraging“ in den EM wird der Löwenanteil des globalen Finanzvermögens auch künftig an den Kapitalmärkten der entwickelten Volkswirtschaften zu finden sein. Nicht nur verfügen die Schwellenländer Asiens über die größten Kapitalmärkte, sondern auch über die am weitesten entwickelten Märkte im EM-Universum. Aus Sicht globaler Investoren und, umso mehr, aus Sicht der Finanzdienstleister ist der Zugang zu einigen (Segmenten) der rasch wachsenden Finanzmärkte in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern nur schwierig möglich, und um an deren Wachstum zu partizipieren bedarf es einer wohldurchdachten und gezielten Strategie... -…
      schrieb am 22.08.10 01:14:11
      Beitrag Nr. 18.583 ()
      Macmahon wins rail contract for Gindalbie's Karara project; Macmahon has received an $86 million contract from Gindalbie Metals to construct a service rail line for the Karara iron ore project in Western Australia - MA - Aug 20, 2010…
      schrieb am 22.08.10 01:22:39
      Beitrag Nr. 18.584 ()
      Calls for Yilgarn rail; Miners in the Yilgarn region have made calls to band together to develop infrastructure in the region - MA - AUg 20, 2010

      - Cole Latimer -…

      "Miners in the Yilgarn region have made calls to band together to develop infrastructure in the region.

      The iron ore miners, in particular Mindax Resources, are pushing for the implementation of a Yilgarn iron ore producers association in a similar vein to the Pilbara’s Northwest Iron Ore Alliance.

      “A rail link would provide an important lead in to future magnetite production from the area,” Mindax managing director Greg Bromley said.

      They are agitating for meetings with Premier Colin Barnett, Regional Development Minister Brendon Grylls and Mines Minister Norman Moore to talk about the pressing need for greater infrastructure in the region.

      To date, the Yilgarn region has been largely ignored for development in the nearby mid west iron ore area, with construction focused on the Oakajee port and infrastructure to service the region.

      This latest call for Yilgarn development comes after mid west iron ore miner Gindalbie Metals announces the construction of an 85km rail spur to connect it with existing lines to Geraldton.

      Resources companies most likely to join the Yilgarn alliance are Jupiter Mines, Legacy Iron Ore, Hawthorn Resources, Mineral Resources and Macarthur Minerals.

      The rail infrastructure “presents a significant new long term economic potential for the Goldfields region,” Bromley said.

      This call for greater infrastructure comes on the back of Mindax’s initiation of a study into infrastructure for its Mt Forrest project.
      schrieb am 22.08.10 01:24:08
      Beitrag Nr. 18.585 ()
      Fortescue considering coal - MA - Aug 18, 2010

      - Cole Latimer -…
      schrieb am 22.08.10 01:51:48
      Beitrag Nr. 18.586 ()
      Precious Metal Stock Review - AUg 21, 2010,%2020…
      schrieb am 22.08.10 02:48:15
      Beitrag Nr. 18.587 ()
      Deals This Week: BHP Billiton, Vale, Harmony Gold and More - MT - Aug 20, 2010…

      "BHP Billiton has made an unsolicited bid of $40bn to acquire Potash Corp, which controls 20% of the world's potash supplies.

      Eagle Plains said it has completed the acquisition of Prize Mining Corp's remaining interest in the Yellowjacket joint venture.

      Eagle Plains is now the sole owner and operator of the Yellowjacket project.

      Source Gold has acquired a mining property consisting of 23 mineral claims in Arizona, US.

      The mineral claims are contiguous with or in close proximity to the Vulture mine in Maricopa County near the town of Wickenburg.

      Canadian mining company Gold Hawk Resources is planning to acquire copper miner Oracle Ridge.

      The deal will help Gold Hawk control assets in Arizona, one of the leading copper producing states in the US.

      Harmony Gold is seeking to acquire an additional 20% stake in the Lucky Shot property in Alaska, a deal that would raise its stake in the mine to 80%.

      Vale has signed a deal with Avanco Resources to acquire its Trindade North property. "
      schrieb am 23.08.10 22:39:24
      Beitrag Nr. 18.588 ()

      Canada’s 10 Fastest Growing Tech Stocks - DCT - Jul 27, 2010…
      schrieb am 23.08.10 22:56:25
      Beitrag Nr. 18.589 ()
      Dämpfer bei Steuereinnahmen – Rückgang im Juli -, BERLIN - Aug 20, 2010…

      "BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – Der Zuwachs bei den Steuereinnahmen in Folge des
      Konjunkturbooms ist vorerst gestoppt. Im Juli verbuchten Bund und Länder einen
      Rückgang um 0,9 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahresmonat, wie das
      Bundesfinanzministerium am Freitag in Berlin mitteilte. Auch für den Zeitraum
      Januar bis einschließlich Juli des Jahres ergab sich ein Minus von 0,9 Prozent.
      In den Vormonaten war das Steueraufkommen (ohne reine Gemeindesteuern) drei Mal
      in Folge gestiegen.

      Trotz des Dämpfers im Juli entwickeln sich die Steuereinnahmen jedoch immer
      noch weit besser als für das gesamte Jahr erwartet. Die Steuerschätzer hatten im
      Mai für 2010 einen Rückgang von 2,6 Prozent auf 472,38 Milliarden Euro
      vorhergesagt. Inzwischen wächst die deutsche Wirtschaft nach einem starken
      zweiten Quartal deutlich rasanter als erwartet. Experten rechnen allerdings
      damit, dass nach dem Frühjahrsboom das enorme Konjunkturtempo nicht anhält.

      Die Steuereinnahmen des Bundes unterschritten das Vorjahresniveau um 5,7
      Prozent – insbesondere aufgrund höherer Abführungen an die EU, wie aus dem
      aktuellen Monatsbericht weiter hervorgeht. Für die Zeit von Januar bis Juli
      ergab sich ein Minus von 4,3 Prozent. Die Länder verzeichneten einen Rückgang
      von 0,4 beziehungsweise 0,6 Prozent.

      Das Aufkommen aus der Lohnsteuer sank im Juli um 6,5 Prozent. Ursache seien
      die zu Jahresbeginn in Kraft getretenen Steuerentlastungen und die Anhebung der

      Die Steuern vom Umsatz legten im vergangenen Monat um 1,9 Prozent zu. Dank
      eines regen Außenhandels übertraf die Einfuhrumsatzsteuer das Vorjahresergebnis
      um 37,7 Prozent. Das Niveau der Umsatzsteuer im Inland sank dagegen im Juli um
      6,9 Prozent.

      Die Einnahmen aus der Körperschaftsteuer – ein wichtiger Gradmesser für die
      Ertragslage der Wirtschaft – veränderte sich im Juli gegenüber dem
      Vorjahresniveau kaum (minus 0,9 Milliarden Euro). Im Zeitraum Januar bis Juli
      stieg das Aufkommen aber um 25,6 Prozent. Die Gewinne der Unternehmen hätten
      offensichtlich die Talsohle des Jahres 2009 verlassen, hieß es."
      schrieb am 23.08.10 23:25:09
      Beitrag Nr. 18.590 ()
      DJ BMF: Erwartung von rund 65 Mrd EUR Neuschulden 2010 verfestigt - - Aug 20, 2010…
      schrieb am 24.08.10 00:15:57
      Beitrag Nr. 18.591 ()
      Wirtschaftsverband fordert zwei Wochen weniger Jahresurlaub -, BERLIN - Aug 20, 2010…
      schrieb am 24.08.10 01:45:28
      Beitrag Nr. 18.592 ()
      Andover Ventures - Chief Consolidated Mining Co. Signs Earn-In with Option to Joint Venture Agreement with Kennecott Exploration Company - Aug 23, 2010
      schrieb am 24.08.10 02:09:23
      Beitrag Nr. 18.593 ()
      Evolving Gold Reports First 2010 Assay Results from Rattlesnake Hills; 128.1 Meters at 1.16 gpt Au in Hole RSC-099; Includes 42.6 Meters at 2.40 gpt Au - Aug 23, 2010…
      schrieb am 24.08.10 02:13:29
      Beitrag Nr. 18.594 ()
      Probe Mines Announces Initial Resource Estimate for Its Black Creek Chromite Deposit; Commences Phase III Drilling; Borden Lake Update; Massive chromite zone estimated to contain a Measured and Indicated Resource of 5,714,000 tonnes averaging 40.00% Cr2O3 and an additional Inferred Resource of 2,726,000 averaging 40.99% Cr2O3 - Aug 23, 2010…
      schrieb am 24.08.10 12:47:17
      Beitrag Nr. 18.595 ()
      Verkehrspolitiker Hermann: Bund fehlt Geld für Schienennetz-Ausbau -, MÜNCHEN - Aug 20, 2010…

      "München (ddp.djn). Sämtliche Überlegungen zum künftigen Ausbaubedarf des Schienennetzes sind einem Bericht der «Süddeutschen Zeitung» zufolge vorerst hinfällig. Aus einer zweiseitigen Aufstellung des Bundesverkehrsministeriums gehe hervor, dass schon mit den laufenden Projekten das Geld, das dem Ministerium in den kommenden Jahren zur Verfügung steht, komplett verplant sei, berichtet die Zeitung in ihrer Freitagausgabe. «Die Situation ist noch desolater, als wir befürchtet haben», sagt der Vorsitzende des Verkehrsausschusses, Winfried Hermann (Grüne). «Wichtige Strecken, die die Wachstumschancen des Schienenverkehrs bestimmen, haben keine Chance, in Angriff genommen zu werden.»

      Als Beispiele nennt Hermann die Strecken von Karlsruhe nach Basel, den Lückenschluss von Frankfurt nach Mannheim, den Rhein-Ruhr-Express in Nordrhein-Westfalen und den Ausbau zum bayerischen Chemiedreieck von München nach Mühldorf. «Bei keinem dieser Projekte wird es in den nächsten zehn Jahren einen Baubeginn oder nennenswerten Baufortschritt geben.» Nach Ansicht Hermanns gibt es nur einen Ausweg aus dem Dilemma: Bundesverkehrsminister Peter Ramsauer (CSU) müsse «eine klare Priorität für den Schienengüterverkehr setzen und Stuttgart 21 mit der ICE-Neubaustrecke stoppen, um Geld frei zu machen für wichtigere Maßnahmen», sagt der Verkehrspolitiker.

      Vor allem die Rheintalbahn Karlsruhe – Basel sei für die Bewältigung der künftigen Transportmengen im Güterverkehr entscheidend. «Nur mit einem Ausbau dieser Verbindung werden wir in der Lage sein, die Container aus den deutschen Seehäfen und Rotterdam reibungslos abzutransportieren.» Andernfalls bliebe nur der Transport mit Gigalinern, «was umwelt- und verkehrspolitisch eine Katastrophe wäre». "
      schrieb am 24.08.10 13:28:22
      Beitrag Nr. 18.596 ()
      Royal Resources - Maiden Inferred Resources at Razorback Ridge Prospect - Aug 24, 2010

      Key Points:

      + A JORC compliant maiden Inferred Resource of 277Mt @ 26% Fe defined at the Razorback Ridge Prospect

      + This resource fulfils the final Condition Precedent of the Royal – Sin-Tang MOU

      + The resource is based on three kilometres of the ten kilometre strike length initially targeted for resource drill-out on the Red Dragon Project

      + Further resource upgrades are expected following the initiation of Phase II drilling later this year

      + Initial Davis Tube Recovery assays on RC samples indicates the resource can produce a high grade product at moderate grind size

      + Diamond drill core submitted for comprehensive metallurgical testing and DTR assaying

      + Royal is targeting a mining operation that will ultimately deliver 10Mt of magnetite concentrate per year

      + A Scoping Study is currently underway in preparation for a Pre-Feasibility Study to be delivered in 2011

      + Royal awarded the “Best Emergent Company” for 2010 at the Diggers and Dealers Conference ...
      schrieb am 24.08.10 13:33:22
      Beitrag Nr. 18.597 ()
      Sonomax Technologies executes development license agreement with Racal Acoustics Ltd; Esterline Racal Acoustics Intends to Incorporate Sonomax's next Generation Earpiece Technology in Products for Worldwide Military Market - Aug 23, 2010
      schrieb am 24.08.10 20:01:12
      Beitrag Nr. 18.598 ()
      Great Basin Provides mineral resource update for its Burnstone Gold Project in South Africa - 23 August 2010;pg=25;ai=1600;pcat=2010
      schrieb am 24.08.10 20:04:44
      Beitrag Nr. 18.599 ()
      Western Australia Hikes Iron Ore Royalty; The Parliament of Western Australia has approved legislation to raise royalty rates for iron ore miners including BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto - MZ - Aug 23, 2010…
      schrieb am 24.08.10 20:22:08
      Beitrag Nr. 18.600 ()
      Alexco Issued Type A Water Use Licence, Sets Plans to Commence Silver Production at Keno Hill - Aug 23, 2010…
      schrieb am 24.08.10 23:33:06
      Beitrag Nr. 18.601 ()
      ‘HB’: Sky will mit Kabelkonzernen zusammenarbeiten -, DÜSSELDORF - Aug 23, 2010…
      schrieb am 24.08.10 23:35:33
      Beitrag Nr. 18.602 ()
      DJ ElringKlinger warnt vor zu harten Preiskämpfen – FTD -, DETTINGEN - Aug 23, 2010…

      "DETTINGEN (Dow Jones)–Der Automobilzulieferer ElringKlinger warnt seine Kunden in einem Zeitungsinterview ungewöhnlich deutlich vor harten Preiskämpfen. “Zulieferer mit unzureichender Eigenkapitalausstattung bekommen schnell Probleme, dies hat man in der Krise gesehen”, sagte ElringKlinger-Vorstandsvorsitzender Stefan Wolf der “Financial Times Deutschland” (FTD – Montagausgabe). Hersteller und Lieferanten sollten daraus lernen: “Wir müssen zu einem neuen Miteinander kommen.”

      Der MDax-Konzern aus Dettingen baut Zylinderkopfdichtungen, Hitzeschilde und Kunststoffgehäuse für Autohersteller in der ganzen Welt und gehört laut dem Blatt eher zu den wirtschaftlich gesunden Unternehmen der Branche.

      Wolfs offene Worte deuten laut der “FTD” auf neue scharfe Verteilungskämpfe zwischen Zulieferern und Herstellern hin. Traditionell äußerten sich Zulieferer meist nicht über ihre Auftraggeber. Die Hersteller versuchten aber zunehmend, Produktions- und Entwicklungskosten auf die Lieferanten abzuwälzen. Deren Bedeutung werde immer größer. 60% bis 70% der Teile für ein Auto würden inzwischen nicht mehr vom Fahrzeughersteller produziert, sondern von externen Lieferanten.

      Die ElringKlinger AG schaut sich nach Aussage ihres CEO auch nach Übernahmezielen um. “Wenn sich eine Chance bietet, dann sind wir dafür offen”, sagte Wolf. Optionen gebe es zum Beispiel in Asien, wo ElringKlinger nicht ausreichend vertreten sei. Auch der Kauf von neuen Technologien sei interessant. "
      schrieb am 24.08.10 23:39:02
      Beitrag Nr. 18.603 ()
      Gebühr an Bankautomaten -, DÜSSELDORF - Aug 23, 2010…

      "Düsseldorf (ddp). Verbraucherschutzministerin Ilse Aigner (CSU) hat die Banken ultimativ aufgefordert, die Kunden vor dem Abheben am Bankautomaten mit einer gut sichtbaren Anzeige über anfallende Gebühr aufzuklären. «Wenn die Banken in Deutschland das nicht bis Mitte 2011 umsetzen, werden wir gesetzliche Schritte einleiten müssen», sagte die Ministerin der «Rheinischen Post» (Montagausgabe). Die Bundesregierung erwarte zudem, dass die Banken auch zur Höhe der Gebühren ein «vernünftiges Ergebnis auf den Tisch legen», sagte Aigner. Gebühren bis zu 20 Euro seien nicht akzeptabel und grenzten an Abzocke.

      In scharfen Worten kritisierte Aigner mangelnde Transparenz bei der Anlageberatung: «Ich bin entsetzt, dass manche Banken bislang noch nicht einmal das seit Januar geltende Recht richtig umsetzen, wonach bei der Anlageberatung ein Beratungsprotokoll erstellt werden muss, das auf die persönliche Situation des Kunden eingeht», sagte Aigner. :eek::eek: :D "
      schrieb am 24.08.10 23:40:58
      Beitrag Nr. 18.604 ()
      DIHK: Konjunktur lässt Arbeitslosenzahl auf 3,2 Millionen fallen -, BERLIN - Aug 23, 2010…
      schrieb am 24.08.10 23:44:01
      Beitrag Nr. 18.605 ()
      Milchbauernverband warnt vor Macht von Groß-Investoren -, OSNABRÜCK - Aug 23, 2010…

      "Osnabrück (ddp). Der Milchbauernverband BDM warnt vor der Macht von Groß-Investoren im Milchsektor. Der «Neuen Osnabrücker Zeitung» (Montagausgabe) sagte BDM-Chef Romuald Schaber: «Die Sprengkraft für die Gesellschaft wäre enorm, wenn das bäuerliche Denken auf dem Altar der Globalisierung geopfert würde.» Die Folgen seien fatal, sagte Schaber. Es ginge nur noch darum, immer billiger zu produzieren. Große Investoren würden einsteigen, die in Jahresbilanzen denken, aber nicht mehr in Generationen.

      Schaber verwies auf den Handyhersteller Nokia. «Wir wissen von einem Fall in Sachsen.» Dort habe Nokia einen bäuerlichen Betrieb übernommen. «Der Investor erhält für einen Appel und ein Ei einen Milchviehbetrieb», sagte Schaber. Weiteres Beispiel sei ein Müllbetrieb in Nordrhein-Westfalen, «der in großem Stil Flächen in Ostdeutschland kauft». Bei der Patentierung von Tieren und Pflanzen sei es ähnlich. «Den Konzernen geht es nur darum, sich die jahrhundertelange Zuchtarbeit von Landwirten unter den Nagel zu reißen», sagte Schaber.

      Trotz Anstiegs der Milchpreise sieht der BDM keinen Anlass zur Euphorie. 30 Cent pro Liter reichten «gerade mal aus, um weiterzuwursteln. Die Milchbauern stecken in einem täglichen Überlebenskampf», sagte der BDM-Vorsitzende. "
      schrieb am 25.08.10 00:21:11
      Beitrag Nr. 18.606 ()
      Advanced Explorations Inc. Acquires Additional Targets - Aug 23, 2010…
      schrieb am 25.08.10 00:40:57
      Beitrag Nr. 18.607 ()
      IKEA Geothermal System Could be Model for Others; Home furnishings retailer to tap into Earth's steady temperature; NREL to collect data, monitor system with an eye toward helping save energy and money - NREL - Aug 19, 2010
      schrieb am 25.08.10 00:43:24
      Beitrag Nr. 18.608 ()
      SPD-Spitze entscheidet über neues Rentenkonzept -, BERLIN - Aug 23, 2010…

      "BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – Nach wochenlangem Streit will die SPD-Führung heute
      (Montag) ihren künftigen Kurs bei der Rente mit 67 festlegen. Es wird erwartet,
      dass das Parteipräsidium dem Kompromissvorschlag der engsten Führung mit klarer
      Mehrheit zustimmt. Danach soll die noch von der großen Koalition beschlossene,
      schrittweise Verlängerung der Lebensarbeitszeit frühestens im Jahr 2015 – und
      nicht bereits 2012 – beginnen. Als Bedingung will die SPD festschreiben, dass
      die reale Beschäftigungsquote der 60 bis 64 Jahre alten Arbeitnehmer bis dahin
      mindestens 50 Prozent beträgt.

      Am Nachmittag will die SPD über dieses Konzept auch mit den Spitzen der
      Gewerkschaften reden, die zu den schärfsten Kritikern der Rente mit 67 zählen.
      Die jetzige Koalition von Union und FDP lehnt Änderungen an der Regelung, die in
      vollem Umfang erst im Jahr 2029 greifen soll, strikt ab.

      Für den Kompromiss wird es nach Einschätzung des wirtschaftspolitischen
      Sprechers Garrelt Duin auf dem Parteitag im September eine Mehrheit geben. Er
      sagte auf NDR Info, die SPD halte grundsätzlich an der Rente mit 67 fest. Nur
      der Start solle verschoben werden. Dies sei in dem Gesetz, das vom damaligen
      Bundesarbeitsminister Franz Müntefering (SPD) erarbeitet wurde, auch so
      vorgesehen. Duin: “Die Überprüfung im Jahr 2010 ist Teil der Rentenreform. Und
      ich habe nicht den Eindruck, dass der Arbeitsmarkt inzwischen eine solche
      Situation hergibt, dass alle, die älter als 60 Jahre alt sind, bereits
      Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten haben.”

      Die engste SPD-Führung um Sigmar Gabriel verständigte sich am Sonntagabend
      auf das Konzept für Änderungen bei der Rente mit 67. Wie nach der dreistündigen
      Sitzung in der Parteizentrale verlautete, soll dem SPD-Präsidium am Montag
      empfohlen werden, Gabriels Vorschlag zu übernehmen. Wie es in Parteikreisen
      weiter hieß, fiel die Entscheidung einvernehmlich. Der parlamentarische
      SPD-Geschäftsführer Thomas Oppermann: “Wir wollen die Voraussetzungen dafür
      schaffen, dass die Rente mit 67 nicht mit Rentenkürzungen gleichgesetzt wird.”

      Umstritten ist noch, ob der SPD-Sonderparteitag am 26. September über die
      Aussetzung der Rente mit 67 endgültig entscheiden wird. Darauf drängen führende
      Vertreter des linken Flügels. Die Parteispitze um Gabriel und Fraktionschef
      Frank-Walter Steinmeier will dagegen eine kontroverse Rentendebatte verhindern.
      Nach ihrem Willen soll zunächst die Meinung der Parteibasis zu dem neuen
      Rentenkurs eingeholt werden. Eine Kommission mit dem rheinland- pfälzischen
      Ministerpräsidenten Kurt Beck soll anschließend die Reaktionen sammeln und dann
      einen Beschlussvorschlag machen.

      Der frühere SPD-Vorsitzende Müntefering lehnt eine Aufweichung erneut ab.
      “Man sollte wie geplant 2012 mit dem Einstieg beginnen”, sagte er dem Magazin
      “Focus”. Eine Verzögerung um drei Jahre sei nicht sinnvoll. “Wir hatten eine
      ziemlich gute Dynamik in den letzten Jahren, was den Arbeitsmarkt für Ältere
      angeht”, betonte Müntefering. "
      schrieb am 25.08.10 00:45:30
      Beitrag Nr. 18.609 ()
      ‘SZ’: Wohl keine zweite neue Kernenergie-Abgabe -, MÜNCHEN - Aug 23, 2010…

      "MÜNCHEN (dpa-AFX) – Die Atomindustrie kommt nach einem Bericht der
      “Süddeutschen Zeitung” im Streit über die Einführung neuer Energiesteuern recht
      glimpflich davon. Wie das Blatt in seiner Montag-Ausgabe schreibt, wird es über
      die Brennelemente-Steuer hinaus wohl doch keine zweite neue Kernenergie-Abgabe
      in nennenswertem Umfang geben.

      Noch im Juli hatte es in der schwarz-gelben Koalition geheißen, dass
      zusätzlich zur Brennelemente-Steuer mit einem Volumen von 2,3 Milliarden Euro
      pro Jahr zur Haushaltssanierung eine zweite Abgabe in ähnlicher Größenordnung
      geplant sei. Damit solle ein Teil der Zusatzgewinne abgeschöpft werden, die die
      Atomkonzerne durch die Verlängerung der Kraftwerkslaufzeiten erzielten. Das Geld
      werde in die weitere Erforschung erneuerbarer Energien fließen.

      Zwar gehen die Experten der Regierung nach den Zeitungs-Informationen davon
      aus, dass die Konzerne Eon , RWE , EnBW und
      Vattenfall auch mehr als 2,3 Milliarden Euro pro Jahr an den Staat zahlen
      könnten. Durch die Kombination gleich zweier zusätzlicher Abgaben sowie teurer
      neuer Sicherheitsanforderungen könne aber der Betrieb einzelner Kraftwerke
      unrentabel werden. Damit, so die Einschätzung der Fachleute, würde die Regierung
      ihren Beschluss, die Restlaufzeiten der Atommeiler zu verlängern, ad absurdum
      führen. "
      schrieb am 25.08.10 00:54:23
      Beitrag Nr. 18.610 ()
      Coalspur Mines - Acquires Strategic new Coal Leases; Resource Base Increases to Over 900Mt - Jun 16, 2010


      + Coalspur has entered into an agreement to acquire new Coal leases which are contiguous to Coalspur’s existing Hinton Coal Project

      + The acquisition will create the potential to develop one of the largest thermal coal mines in North America with 20km of continuous gently dipping strike length with access to an underutilised port and adjacent rail infrastructure

      + Coalspur’s combined Coal Resource will now total over 900 million tonnes of low sulphur, high volatile bituminous, export quality thermal coal with over 810 million tonnes (90%) of the resource in the Measured and Indicated category

      + A significant amount of the combined Coal Resource begins near surface at sub-crop and dips gently at an average of approximately 7° which allows for an attractive low strip ratio with near term mine development

      + Pre-Feasibility Study (“PFS”) to commence shortly to confirm potential for substantial development, mining and operational synergies as well as significant increases in production rates and mine life

      + The new leases are technically advanced and have been subject to a number of feasibility studies and have previously been awarded a Mine Permit

      + The acquisition will be funded from existing cash reserves and a Project Funding Facility provided by the Highland Park Group ...
      schrieb am 25.08.10 01:11:20
      Beitrag Nr. 18.611 ()
      [WPG] Updated mineral resource estimates for DSO iron ore deposits - Australianinvestor - 24-Aug-2010

      "Western Plains Resources Limited has advised that it has updated the mineral resource estimates for its flagship Peculiar Knob direct shipping iron ore project south of Coober Pedy in South Australia to take into account the results of the 2010 drilling program. This program was aimed mainly at providing additional drill core for metallurgical testwork, which has not yet been completed, but it did also result in a small increase in the resource tonnage.

      Peculiar Knob is almost fully permitted and is virtually shovel ready for development.

      The Hawks Nest DSO deposits still require the approval of the Department of
      Defence for their development.

      WPG intends to take the decision to commit to project development at Peculiar Knob in H2 2010. Export sales are expected to commence in H2 2011.
      schrieb am 25.08.10 01:17:03
      Beitrag Nr. 18.612 ()
      Reed Resources - Barrambie Vanadium Project - NFC Update - Aug 24, 2010

      Key points:

      + Reed Resources has extended exclusivity period with China Non-ferrous Metal Industry’s Foreign Engineering and Construction Co. Ltd (“NFC”) until 30 September 2010,

      + The discussions to date specifically cover an engineering procurement &construction contract and project financing. ...
      schrieb am 25.08.10 01:32:05
      Beitrag Nr. 18.613 ()
      Augusta Announces $30 Million Private Placement with HudBay Minerals - Aug 23, 2010…
      schrieb am 26.08.10 02:23:46
      Beitrag Nr. 18.614 ()
      Coal gas experts quizzed; A public meeting in Kingaroy will see local residents grill underground coal gasification (UGC) experts on water contamination - MA - Aug 25, 2010

      - Cole Latimer -…
      schrieb am 26.08.10 02:25:48
      Beitrag Nr. 18.615 ()
      QLD keeps miners off farmland; The Queensland Government has announced a plan that restricts mining on prime agricultural land - MA - Aug 24, 2010

      - Cole Latimer -…
      schrieb am 26.08.10 02:28:11
      Beitrag Nr. 18.616 ()
      Rio Tinto 'under invested' in Africa; Rio Tinto CEO Tom Albanese believes the group could drive more investment in Africa especially as the tax standoff in Australia forced it to consider other options - Miningmx - Aug 24, 2010

      - Allan Seccombe -…
      schrieb am 26.08.10 02:37:11
      Beitrag Nr. 18.617 ()
      Yorbeau Reports Excellent Metallurgical Test Results and Provides Update on Exploration Activities on its Rouyn Property - Aug 24, 2010…
      schrieb am 26.08.10 02:43:55
      Beitrag Nr. 18.618 ()
      Fission Energy Corp.: Expenditures at Waterbury Lake Double to $30 Million Over Three Years - Aug 24, 2010…
      schrieb am 26.08.10 02:50:38
      Beitrag Nr. 18.619 ()
      Sunridge Gold Appoints Vice President Project Development for the Asmara Project, Eritrea - Aug 24, 2010…
      schrieb am 26.08.10 02:54:20
      Beitrag Nr. 18.620 ()
      Nemaska Exploration Engages Industrial Minerals Consultants for Scoping Study on Whabouchi Lithium/Beryllium Project - Aug 24, 2010…
      schrieb am 26.08.10 03:00:59
      Beitrag Nr. 18.621 ()
      NREL Seeks Design Tools for Better Car Batteries - NREL - Monday, August 23, 2010

      "The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is seeking proposals to create computer models to help build and improve electric drive vehicle (EDV) batteries.

      The goals for the design tools are:

      + Shorten the prototyping and manufacturing process

      + Improve overall performance, safety, and battery life
      Lower costs.

      + The request for proposals for “Development of Computer Aided Design Tools for Automotive Batteries” and related documents are available online at… Proposals are due September 14, 2010. The award amount that companies can apply for is up to $7.5 million with a 50 percent cost share required bringing the total possible project amount up to $15 million over three years.

      EDVs — commonly known as hybrid electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and electric vehicles — have the potential to significantly reduce petroleum consumption and dependence on imported oil while improving emission of greenhouse gases and pollutants.

      NREL is DOE’s primary national laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development. NREL is managed and operated for DOE by The Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. "
      schrieb am 27.08.10 04:24:12
      Beitrag Nr. 18.622 ()
      Extract Resources - Resource Upgrade Establishes Rössing South as the 6th Largest Global Uranium Deposit - Aug 11, 2010


      + Resource upgrade moves Rössing South into the top 6 global uranium deposits by contained metal.

      + Zones 1 and 2 Indicated Resource increased to more than a quarter of a billion pounds (257M.lbs) U3O8: a ten-fold increase in Indicated Resource from the previous resource statement (ASX release 22nd July 2009).

      + Inferred Resource of 110M.lbs U3O8, including Maiden Inferred Resource from Zones 3 and 4.

      + 37% increase in Total Resource size from previous resource statement (ASX release 22nd July 2009).

      + Confirmed as the largest in-situ and highest grade granite-hosted uranium deposit in Namibia.

      + Extensive exploration potential within Husab Uranium Project still to be tested with an extensive drilling program continuing.

      + Resource now defined to support completion of Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS). ...
      schrieb am 28.08.10 02:03:16
      Beitrag Nr. 18.623 ()
      Greenock Resources: Kakanda Hardrock Concession Agreement - Aug 25, 2010…
      schrieb am 28.08.10 02:05:21
      Beitrag Nr. 18.624 ()
      Mesa Signs Letter of Intent to Acquire Potash Project - Aug 25, 2010…
      schrieb am 28.08.10 02:42:22
      Beitrag Nr. 18.625 ()
      MetroCoal takes option to invest in Indonesian Coal Projects - Aug 26, 2010
      schrieb am 30.08.10 01:52:20
      Beitrag Nr. 18.626 ()
      Bezant Commissions Philippine Mine Study - MT - Aug 26, 2010…
      schrieb am 30.08.10 02:23:55
      Beitrag Nr. 18.627 ()
      Canada to Share Mining Revenues with Aboriginals - MT - Aug 26, 2010…
      schrieb am 30.08.10 02:31:12
      Beitrag Nr. 18.628 ()
      schrieb am 30.08.10 04:23:07
      Beitrag Nr. 18.629 ()
      New ports in SA; The South Australian Government is negotiating the construction of new ports in the Spencer Gulf to handle the State's mining boom - MT - AUg 27, 2010

      - Cole Latimer -…
      schrieb am 31.08.10 00:56:51
      Beitrag Nr. 18.630 ()
      Fronteer Gold to Acquire AuEx Ventures - Aug 30, 2010…
      schrieb am 31.08.10 00:59:02
      Beitrag Nr. 18.631 ()
      ShaMaran Acquires Interest in Major Oil Project in Kurdistan - Aug 30, 2010…
      schrieb am 31.08.10 01:14:21
      Beitrag Nr. 18.632 ()
      Vikas Ranjan: Look for Sustainable Models in Cleantech -TER/UR - Aug 27, 2010

      - Brian Sylvester -…
      schrieb am 31.08.10 01:22:17
      Beitrag Nr. 18.633 ()
      Iron Ore Holdings - Expands Resource at Buckland Hills - Aug 25, 2010


      + Resource increased by more than 190% in Western Area from 33.17Mt to 97.2Mt.

      + Total Bungaroo South resource grows to 112Mt @ 57.3% Fe.

      + Thick high grade intersections including:

      - 20m @ 59.21%Fe (Hole BH080)
      - 22m @ 60.58%Fe (Hole BH080)
      - 34m @ 57.71%Fe (Hole BH085)
      - 48m @ 58.45% Fe (Hole BH095)
      - 46m @ 57.66% Fe (Hole BH116)

      + Diamond drilling commenced on site at Western Bungaroo.

      + Drill testing of additional targets using HeliRig to commence in September at Snake Valley and Mesa J Southwest.

      + Additional major upgrades imminent in the Eastern Area.

      + Bungaroo South is located 35kms from the Robe River Mesa J Mine and 50km from the proposed rail to Port Anketell.

      + The current total IOH JORC Resource inventory stands at 463.7Mt. ...
      schrieb am 31.08.10 01:25:38
      Beitrag Nr. 18.634 ()
      Deals This Week: Korea Resources, Golden Phoenix, Innocent and More - MT - Aug 27, 2010…

      "Eurasian Natural Resources has acquired a large suite of assets in the Democratic Republic of Congo that includes a majority stake in the Kolwezi copper project.

      The total value of the consideration is $175m.

      Korea Resources will sell part of its stake in the Ambatovy nickel mine in Madagascar to three Korean companies for $140m.

      Trading house Samsung C&T will buy 3%, Hyundai Heavy Industries 1.5% and Hyundai 0.5%.

      The $4.65bn Madagascar mine will produce 60,000t of nickel a year starting from 2011.

      Golden Phoenix Minerals said it has signed an agreement to acquire an undivided 80% interest in the Coyote Fault gold and silver property in Esmeralda County, Nevada, US.

      The Coyote Fault property is comprised of 34 claims.

      Innocent has completed the acquisition of Murciealagos Vizcaya and Lilly Rai mining concessions, located in Ecuador's El Oro province.

      The properties contain 144,492oz of inferred gold. "
      schrieb am 31.08.10 01:27:45
      Beitrag Nr. 18.635 ()
      MCC to Build South African Mine; Metallurgical Corporation of China (MCC) will build an iron-titanium mine in South Africa as a part of three mining contracts signed between the countries - MT - Aug 27, 2010…
      schrieb am 31.08.10 01:30:47
      Beitrag Nr. 18.636 ()
      Afghanistan: Mining Capital of the World? - MT - Aug 26, 2010

      - Paul French -…
      schrieb am 31.08.10 01:33:40
      Beitrag Nr. 18.637 ()
      Digital Energy Journal, I 26 - Aug 26, 2010

      + Deepwater exploration - after Deepwater Horizon

      + Electromagnetic surveys - how good are they really?

      + When to tell colleagues to "get over it"

      + How to cut drilling costs 50%

      + Does the industry need standard IT architecture?

      + Hosting documents on the cloud ...
      schrieb am 31.08.10 02:46:19
      Beitrag Nr. 18.638 ()
      Synodon Signs Customer Contract with ATCO Pipelines - Aug 30, 2010…
      schrieb am 01.09.10 02:23:53
      Beitrag Nr. 18.639 ()
      Officials warn against black lung rise; The Queensland commissioner for mine health and safety has identified Australia's need to maintain high quality air standards in coal mines- MA - Aug 30, 2010

      - Cole Latimer -…
      schrieb am 01.09.10 02:25:25
      Beitrag Nr. 18.640 ()
      Vale slashes iron ore prices; Brazilian miner Vale will slash its iron ore prices by 10% in October - MA - Aug 30, 2010

      - Cole Latimer -…
      schrieb am 01.09.10 02:33:42
      Beitrag Nr. 18.641 ()
      Transit Holdings - Iron Ore Strategy - Aug 30, 2010
      schrieb am 01.09.10 02:43:56
      Beitrag Nr. 18.642 ()
      Eskom worried about low-quality coal; Eskom has expressed concern over the quality of coal from domestic suppliers, which might affect its operations and push up prices - Miningmx/Reuters - AUg 30, 2010…
      schrieb am 01.09.10 14:06:31
      Beitrag Nr. 18.643 ()
      Timberline Appoints David Poynton as Director - Aug 30, 2010
      schrieb am 01.09.10 14:08:25
      Beitrag Nr. 18.644 ()
      Wavefront Technology Solutions Inc.: Canadian-Based Oil and Gas Producer Seeks Benefits of Powerwave; Eight Powerwave Systems to Be Installed in Saskatchewan Operations - Aug 30, 2010…
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 01.09.10 14:09:17
      Beitrag Nr. 18.645 ()
      MagIndustries Update on Proposed Transaction with COMPLANT - Aug 30, 2010…
      schrieb am 01.09.10 14:11:13
      Beitrag Nr. 18.646 ()
      Bengal Energy Announces Equity Financing of Up to $12.0 Million and the Appointment of Two New Directors - Aug 30, 2010…
      schrieb am 01.09.10 14:19:43
      Beitrag Nr. 18.647 ()
      Lydian Intersects 95m at 1.7g/t Gold at Erato, 900m North of the Resource Envelope & 92m at 1.2g/t in Resource Upgrade Drilling at Amulsar; Armenia - Aug 31, 2010…
      schrieb am 01.09.10 14:29:35
      Beitrag Nr. 18.648 ()
      Shanta Gold Wins Permit for Tanzanian Project; Shanta Gold has been awarded an environmental permit to develop the Chuniya gold project in Tanzania - MT - Aug 31, 2010…
      schrieb am 01.09.10 14:31:20
      Beitrag Nr. 18.649 ()
      Jiangxi Copper plans to raise $1bn to fund projects in Peru and Afghanistan - MT - Aug 31, 2010…
      schrieb am 01.09.10 14:32:56
      Beitrag Nr. 18.650 ()
      Codelco Signs Exploration Deal with Antofagasta - MT - 31 August 2010…
      schrieb am 01.09.10 14:50:49
      Beitrag Nr. 18.651 ()
      Advanced Explorations Inc. to Conclude Deal With China's XinXing Pipes Group - Aug 31, 2010…
      schrieb am 01.09.10 15:37:04
      Beitrag Nr. 18.652 ()
      Amazon Provides Corporate Update - Aug 31, 2010…
      schrieb am 01.09.10 15:43:48
      Beitrag Nr. 18.653 ()
      Avanti Reports Results to June 30, 2010 and Provides Update on Kitsault - Aug 30, 2010…
      schrieb am 01.09.10 15:52:43
      Beitrag Nr. 18.654 ()
      SCANDIUM – Maiden Lucknow resource; A maiden resource has been announced for the Lucknow scandium laterite deposit, which is part of Metallica Minerals' NORNICO nickel-cobalt-scandium project in North Queensland - AM - Aug 20, 2010…
      schrieb am 01.09.10 15:58:40
      Beitrag Nr. 18.655 ()
      ASIA Miner; Sep/Oct Edition - Aug 31, 2010…
      schrieb am 01.09.10 23:10:38
      Beitrag Nr. 18.656 ()
      :eek: :rolleyes:

      So verrückt war der Sommer 2010; Hitzewelle, Starkregen, Neuschnee: Der Sommer 2010 war von Extremen geprägt. Die vom Deutschen Wetterdienst veröffentlichten Statistiken enthalten Rekorde in Serie - - Sep 1, 2010…
      schrieb am 01.09.10 23:17:36
      Beitrag Nr. 18.657 ()
      Amarillo Receives Initial Resource Estimate for the Butia Prospect - Sep 01, 2010…
      schrieb am 01.09.10 23:37:33
      Beitrag Nr. 18.658 ()
      Golden Goose &Kodiak Exploration Sign Binding Merger Agreement - MTN - Aug 31, 2010…
      schrieb am 01.09.10 23:42:29
      Beitrag Nr. 18.659 ()
      Atlas Iron - 50% increase in North Pilbara Reserves - Sep 1, 2010
      schrieb am 01.09.10 23:51:27
      Beitrag Nr. 18.660 ()
      Energizer Resources Releases Assay Results, Drills 1.17% V2O5 Over 84 Metres on Green Giant Vanadium Project, Madagascar - Aug 31, 2010…
      schrieb am 02.09.10 00:04:54
      Beitrag Nr. 18.661 ()
      Mineral Invest concludes agreement on gold deposits in north-eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) - Sep 1, 2010…

      "Mineral Invest International MII AB (publ) has today through its local subsidiary, Mineral Invest Congo SPRL, after a long period of negotiations with the state owned mining company Office de mines de’Or de Kilo-Moto, OKIMO, acquired an exclusive license agreement regarding gold prospecting in the Kilo-Moto area. This area is located in the north-eastern part of Democratic Republic of Congo of (DRC).

      The mining permits for the license area will be allocated to a partnership which will be formed between Mineral Invest and Okimo. “This is a world-class area which in our industry corresponds to several million ounces of gold” says Michael Nilsson, CEO Mineral Invest International MII AB.

      Today, Okimo owns an area of 83,000 km2 in the Oriental province in north-eastern DRC whereof 20,000 km2 has been subject to geological survey. The appearance of gold was detected in the beginning of the 20th century and the area is regarded as one of the most promising gold mining areas in the world. The license area comprises 1,440 km2. The entire area has historically been subject to geological survey, and the interest from larger mining companies to acquire licenses has lately been in focus. Amongst these companies can be mentioned RandGold and AngloGold Ashanti. Also, smaller companies such as Mwana Africa operates in the province, where investments are made within the various area where prospecting activities are conducted.

      Okimo is one of the largest state owned gold companies being responsible for managing and maintaining the mineral- and energy sector in the country. The company was founded more than 100 years ago having its head office in the capital Kinshasa. Okimo holds the fifth largest gold reserves of 23 million ounces, which corresponds to about 13 percent of the total world reserves.

      Pavel Durnev, Chief geologist at Mineral Invest, says” The indicated gold content in the area has been ranging within 10 to 119 g/t :eek: :eek: and I think it is highly possible that the license area contains several million ounces of gold. A delegation, headed by Willy Bafoa Lifeta, CEO of Okimo, visited Stockholm in July this year, with the purpose to discuss ways and terms for future cooperation.

      Willy Bafoa Lifeta comments “- I am looking forward to a fruitful and long lasting cooperation with Mineral Invest”. “This gold license constitutes one of the most significant and interesting events within the Swedish mining sector. This license gives opportunities and challenges in a strongly expanding area. Our local work force is really looking forward to this” says Michael Nilsson, CEO Mineral Invest, continuing “A number of transactions have been conducted in the area. For example, Anglo American Gold acquired during 2009 Moto Gold at a price of around MUSD 545 for a license area directly adjacent to ours. This agreement will require strong financing strategy. We will revert within short on this issue” says Michael Nilsson.

      “The license is the result of several years of work. As Mineral Invest’s product portfolio now gets considerably stronger, the organization and strategies will be reviewed and adapted to the new situation. To conform with the agreement we will allocate optimum resources to DRC. We have received a fantastic support from Okimo and their very competent personnel during the negotiations procedure, and we are really looking forward to coming activities in the WANGA area of the Oriental province” concludes Michael Nilsson. "
      schrieb am 02.09.10 00:10:32
      Beitrag Nr. 18.662 ()
      Cardero Resources - Intersects Massive Iron-Titanium &Copper Mineralization @TiTac &Longnose Projects in Minnesota - Aug 31, 2010

      Highlights include:

      + TTC-014: 532.79 metres grading 28.79% Fe2O3, 14.85% TiO2 and 0.23% Cu including 145.08 metres of 30.35% Fe2O3, 20.19% TiO2 and 0.4% Cu

      + LNG-001: 81.53 metres grading 43.51% Fe2O3 and 20.51% TiO2 including 55.17 metres of 47.13% Fe2O3 and 23.07% TiO2 ...…
      schrieb am 02.09.10 00:24:24
      Beitrag Nr. 18.663 ()
      Glen Eagle Resources Inc.: Drilling - Aug 31, 2010…
      schrieb am 02.09.10 00:28:10
      Beitrag Nr. 18.664 ()
      Globex Mining - Acquires a Manganese-Iron Asset in New Brunswick - Aug 31, 2010…
      schrieb am 02.09.10 00:32:36
      Beitrag Nr. 18.665 ()
      Riverstone Increases Strike Length of the Goulagou I Deposit to 1.5 Kilometres - Sep 01, 2010…
      schrieb am 02.09.10 00:39:15
      Beitrag Nr. 18.666 ()
      Tirex Engages SRK Consulting to Produce Mineral Resource Estimates at Mirdita - Sep 01, 2010…
      schrieb am 02.09.10 00:43:56
      Beitrag Nr. 18.667 ()
      ATAC Resources Ltd. Intersects 9.26 g/t gold over 31.13 m at the Osiris Target on its Rau Gold Project in Yukon - Sep 1, 2010…
      schrieb am 02.09.10 01:04:29
      Beitrag Nr. 18.668 ()
      UK Listed Gold Producers - Collins Stewart - Sep 1, 2010…
      schrieb am 02.09.10 01:12:29
      Beitrag Nr. 18.669 ()
      Jupiter Mines - Mt Ida Magnetite Project- Development to be Fast Tracked - Aug 30, 2010

      Key Points:

      + Mt Ida Magnetite Project is a key project in the Steel Feed Corporation Strategy

      + Mt Ida budget increased to $3M

      + Objective to generate a maiden JORC compliant Inferred magnetite resource in December 2010

      + Initial program of 11,000 metres of RC drilling underway

      + Second drill rig added to the program ...
      schrieb am 02.09.10 01:55:15
      Beitrag Nr. 18.670 ()
      Shale gas could harm environment, feds told - OR/CP, MONTREAL - 9/1/2010

      "MONTREAL — The Conservative government has been warned that digging for shale gas could boost carbon-dioxide emissions, encroach on wildlife habitat and sap freshwater resources.

      The risks are included in briefing notes prepared last spring for federal Natural Resources Minister Christian Paradis.

      They were obtained by The Canadian Press under the Access to Information Act.

      The documents focus on the potential of shale-gas development in Quebec, but also highlight the promise — and perils — of tapping large reserves across Canada.

      The notes warn that the process of releasing natural gas from shale could draw heavily on freshwater resources and significantly increase Canada’s overall carbon-dioxide emissions.

      But the documents say there is no direct link between shale-gas development and water pollution, something feared by environmentalists.

      Quebec has become a battleground :eek: in recent weeks between gas companies and citizens who fear the possible environmental consequences.

      The natural gas industry sees lucrative opportunities buried beneath the shale of Quebec’s St. Lawrence River lowlands.

      But environmentalists and residents living near exploration sites say all shale gas projects must be stopped.

      The heated debate has prompted the Quebec government to announce it will hold public hearings and conduct an environmental study on the topic this fall.
      schrieb am 02.09.10 22:01:16
      Beitrag Nr. 18.671 ()
      Australian Bauxite - JORC Resource Update; Resource increases to 36 Mt @Inverell - Sep 3, 2010

      + Identified resources on EL 6997 (Inverell) increased by 64% to 36 million tonnes of gibbsite-rich bauxite

      + Resource is based on drilling of less than 15% of known bauxite areas

      + Gibbsitic bauxite resource upgrades to premium grades at high yields with simple screening

      + Large parts of the resource are Direct-Shipping Grade (DSO) requiring no processing

      + First-pass testing of several additional deposits has identified new areas warranting resource infill drilling

      + Resource target is between 200 and 300 million tonnes of bauxite* ...
      schrieb am 02.09.10 22:35:51
      Beitrag Nr. 18.672 ()
      Tullow Oil &Africa Oil to Jointly Explore New East African Rift Trend - Sep 02, 2010…
      schrieb am 02.09.10 23:10:47
      Beitrag Nr. 18.673 ()
      Baobab Resources Plc - South Zone Drilling Update - Sep 2, 2010


      + Step‐out reverse circulation (RC) drilling is progressing steadily at the South Zone prospect with 869m completed at time of writing. Substantial widths of magnetiteilmenite
      mineralisation have been intersected in seven of eight holes drilled to date.

      + Analytical results have been returned for three of the six 2010 South Zone scout diamond drill holes. Selected significant mineralised intercepts reported concentrate grades of:

      TDH0019 – five significant intercepts, totalling 98.5m, including:
      65.5m @ 59.48% Fe, 0.61% V2O5 and 34.7% mass recovery from 46m

      TDH0045 – seven significant intercepts, totalling 192m, including:
      51.0m @ 60.5% Fe, 0.63% V2O5 and 33.0% mass recovery from 77.5m

      TDH0047 – three significant intercepts, totalling 87.5m, including:
      43.5m @ 58.9% Fe, 0.59% V2O5 and 31.3% mass recovery from 95m

      + The South Zone results characterise a distinct, higher mass recovery, ore domain to that encountered in the Chitongue Grande resource area and a detailed metallurgical study has been commissioned to determine how to optimise the mineral processing of the various domains.

      + Samples from the remaining three 2010 South zone scout drill holes and the first five RC drill holes are being prepared for despatch to the laboratory in Australia with analytical results expected to be available in early October. ...…
      schrieb am 02.09.10 23:15:57
      Beitrag Nr. 18.674 ()
      Transit Holdings - Haemetite Targets Defined at Johnston Range Project - Sep 2, 2010


      + Ongoing assessment of magnetite and haematite potential at Johnston Range Project

      + 17 Haematite mineralisation targets defined to date ...
      schrieb am 03.09.10 18:36:29
      Beitrag Nr. 18.675 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.081.750 von Popeye82 am 01.09.10 14:08:25
      DOE &NREL Showcase Hydrogen Powered Bus at A Taste of Colorado - NREL - Sep 2, 2010

      "To help spread the word about advanced technology vehicles, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Fuel Cell Technologies Program is showcasing alternative fuel vehicles at this year’s A Taste of Colorado.

      Featured at the event will be a hydrogen-powered internal combustion engine 12-passenger shuttle bus built by the Ford Motor Company. DOE recently funded the leases for 12 hydrogen-powered internal combustion engine shuttle buses, which are being placed at facilities across the country to demonstrate market-ready advanced technology vehicles. NREL has one of the leased buses, which it currently uses at the campus in Golden for tours of the site.

      Information and educational materials about alternative fuels and advanced vehicles will be available at the booth.

      WHAT: Display of advanced technology vehicles including a 12-passenger Hydrogen-powered shuttle bus.

      WHO: U.S. Department of Energy’s Fuel Cell Technologies Program & NREL

      WHEN: September 3-6, 2010 at A Taste of Colorado

      WHERE: On Broadway, across from the Denver Post Building.

      NREL is the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) primary national laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development. NREL is operated for DOE by The Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC.


      Media may contact:
      Heather Lammers
      303-275-4084 "
      schrieb am 03.09.10 18:42:45
      Beitrag Nr. 18.676 ()
      Nanostart-Beteiligung Nanosys gründet Tochtergesellschaft in Korea: Expansion auf Asien-Markt - Sep 3, 2010…
      schrieb am 03.09.10 18:50:20
      Beitrag Nr. 18.677 ()
      Mining recruitment trends in 2010-11; Industry sentiment fluctuated wildly from optimism to uncertainty over the last 12 months, keeping mining salaries at steady level - MA - Sep 3, 2010…
      schrieb am 03.09.10 18:51:56
      Beitrag Nr. 18.678 ()
      Oil rig explodes in Gulf of Mexico - OR - 9/2/2010

      "An offshore petroleum platform exploded and burned Thursday in the Gulf of Mexico off Lousiana, west of the site of BP's massive spill.

      No leak was reported by Mariner Energy, owners of the platform, however the U.S. Coast Guard said that a mile-long oil sheen is spreading from the site of the platform.

      The Coast Guard said no one was killed in the explosion, which was spotted by a commercial helicopter flying over the site Thursday morning.

      All 13 people aboard the rig were found floating in the water in survival gear called “gumby suits”, sticking close together, Coast Guard spokesman Chief Petty Officer John Edwards said.

      “These guys had the presence of mind, used their training to get into those gumby suits before they entered the water. It speaks volumes to safety training and the importance of it because beyond getting off the rig there's all the hazards of the water such as hypothermia and things of that nature,” CPO Edwards said.

      The platform was in about 340 feet of water, considered shallow water and far less than the roughly 5,000 feet where BP's well spewed oil and gas for three months after an April rig explosion.

      The crew were rescued from the water by an offshore service vessel, the Crystal Clear, and taken to a nearby platform, said Coast Guard Cmdr. Cheri Ben-Iesau.

      All were being flown to a hospital in Houma to be checked over. Cmdr. Ben-Iesau said one person was injured, but the platform's owner, Houston-based Mariner Energy, Inc., said there were no injuries.

      “Mariner has notified and is working with regulatory authorities in response to this incident. The cause is not known, and an investigation will be undertaken,” the company said in a statement.

      “In an initial flyover, no hydrocarbon spill was reported,” Mariner said. It said the platform was located on Vermilion Block 380, approximately 100 miles off the Louisiana coast.

      The platform is a fixed petroleum platform that was in production at the time of the fire, according to a homeland security operational update obtained by The Associated Press.

      The update said the platform was producing about 58,800 gallons of oil and 900,000 cubic feet of gas per day. The platform can store 4,200 gallons of oil.

      Seven Coast Guard helicopters, two airplanes and three cutters were dispatched to the scene from New Orleans, Houston and Mobile, Ala., Cmdr. Ben-Iesau said. She said authorities do not know whether oil was leaking from the site.

      White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said President Barack Obama was in a national security meeting and did not know whether Obama had been informed of the explosion.

      “We obviously have response assets ready for deployment should we receive reports of pollution in the water,” Mr. Gibbs said.

      Mariner Energy focuses on oil and gas exploration and production in the Gulf of Mexico. In April, Apache Corp., another independent petroleum company, announced plans to buy Mariner in a cash-and-stock deal valued at $3.9 billion, including the assumption of about $1.2 billion of Mariner's debt. That deal is pending.

      Apache spokesman Bob Dye said the platform is in shallow water. Responding to any oil spill in shallow water would be much easier than in deep water, where crews depend on remote-operated vehicles access equipment on the sea floor. Mariner said in initial flyover for no hydrocarbon spill.

      A company report said the well was drilled in the third quarter of 2008 in 340 feet of water.

      The platform is about 200 miles west of BP's blown-out well. On Friday, BP was expected to begin the process of removing the cap and failed blowout preventer, another step toward completion of a relief well that would put a finals eal on the well. The BP-leased rig Deepwater Horizon exploded April 20, killing 11 people and setting off a three-month leak that totaled 206 million gallons of oil . "
      schrieb am 03.09.10 18:53:35
      Beitrag Nr. 18.679 ()
      Regulations set for renewable fuel - OR/TCH - 9/2/2010…

      "Environment - Ottawa said it completed regulations that will require an average renewable-fuel content of five per cent in gasoline as part of an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

      The rules will take effect Dec. 15, the government said in an e-mailed announcement today.

      Ottawa wants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 17 per cent from 2005 levels by 2020. The government will implement a requirement for two per cent renewable content in diesel fuel and heating oil by 2012.

      The requirements, combined with provincial regulations, will reduce emissions by the equivalent of taking one million vehicles off the road, the statement said.

      © Copyright (c) The Calgary Herald "
      schrieb am 03.09.10 18:58:05
      Beitrag Nr. 18.680 ()
      Miners counting on tax to stand; Concerns have been raised over the future of the mining tax as a hung parliament may force Labor to make deals on the tax rate - MA - Sep 3, 2010

      - Cole Latimer -…

      "A number of miners have put forward their belief that Julia Gillard will stick to her mining tax promise, despite Labor’s deal with the Greens.

      This comes after concerns were raised that Labor may renege on its deal in order to gain greater support from the Greens and independent Tasmanian minister Andrew Wilkie.
      While the current Government agreed to set the tax rate at 30%, elements within the Greens have pushed for it to be raised to 50%.

      Miners such as Rio Tinto Iron Ore head Sam Walsh were assured that the deal struck will Gillard will stand.

      "It would surprise me very greatly if the deal that was done was actually changed down the track," Walsh said.

      "As the Prime Minister has said, she will put the legislation to the house on the basis of the agreement that was made. “I accept her word on that."

      Mining industry body, the Minerals Council of Australia, also expected that the agreed upon rates in the Mineral Resources Rent Tax would stand.

      However, Wilkie has called for further talks on the proposed MRRT, while fellow independent Rob Oakeshott has met with Fortescue Metals chief Andrew Forrest, the two agreeing on a plan to hold a taxation summit.

      Oakeshott explained that while he supported an increase on mining taxes, the Government’s implementation has been left wanting.

      Commenting on the Henry Tax review recommendations, Oakeshott said “shifting from state-based royalties to a resource rent tax is quite a sensible recommendation; and while other disagree I think everyone is on a common page that if we're serious about tax reform, let's have a big, open discussion.”

      "Government hasn't really responded to the recommendations in that report at length and in full, and they should."

      Forrest agreed with Oakeshott’s view on the process of various mining taxes implementation.

      "There simply wasn't open, full and transparent discussion on the future of tax reform in Australia; certainly not as it applied to the resources sector which, if you like, was more of a surprise attack on May 3," he said. "
      schrieb am 03.09.10 19:00:03
      Beitrag Nr. 18.681 ()
      Sundance hopes to lock in financing for Mbalam by year's end; Sundance Resources believes it is on track to secure off-take contracts and financing for its $3.6 billion Mbalam iron ore project in Cameroon by the end of the year - MA - Sep 2, 2010…
      schrieb am 03.09.10 19:02:45
      Beitrag Nr. 18.682 ()
      Carbon Market News - Sep 2, 2010

      "Today's headlines

      *RGGI volumes surge ahead of auction
      *EUAs end at 10-week high
      *HFC 23 probe highlights need for CER delivery insurance
      *KfW-EIB fund eyes more programmatic CDM
      *CDM auditors play down liability threat
      *Nations meet on climate cash, UN sees long haul: Reuters
      *US Senate candidates spar over California GHG law
      *Global carbon trade could reach $1 trillion :eek: by 2020
      *SocGen expects sales of 88m new entrant EUAs "
      schrieb am 03.09.10 19:24:44
      Beitrag Nr. 18.683 ()
      Sandfire Resources NL - DeGrussa Resource Jumps to 600,000t of Copper &660,000 Ounces of Gold; Four Rigs on Site with Drilling underway @Two EM Conductors - Sep 3, 2010


      + DeGrussa Phase III JORC Mineral Resource increased to 10.67Mt @ 5.6% copper, 1.9g/t gold, 15g/t silver :eek: :

      - containing 600,000t copper, 660,000oz gold, 5.1Moz silver

      + Includes maiden Inferred JORC resource for Conductor 5 deposit of 1.05Mt @ 6.4% copper,
      3.0g/t gold and 21g/t silver (containing 67,000t copper, 101,000oz gold, 0.7Moz silver)

      + Preliminary open pit optimisation and design scheduling indicates a component of DeGrussa is direct shipping material comprising 151,000t @ 25.6% Cu, 2.6g/t gold and 21g/t silver (39,000 tonnes of contained copper) for initial extraction

      + Development studies proceeding on schedule with open pit and underground mine design
      underway and metallurgical test work continuing

      + Exploration gathering momentum within the 6km long priority DeGrussa corridor with highpowered ground EM survey continuing, drilling of two EM conductors south-west of DeGrussa underway and drilling commencing soon at several IP and EM targets ...
      schrieb am 03.09.10 19:34:51
      Beitrag Nr. 18.684 ()
      Volta Resources - Confirms Continuity and Extends KHZ Zone in Central Area of the Kiaka Gold Project; Intersects 49.0 m at 4.30 g/t gold, including 11.0 m at 16.83 g/t gold - Sep 02, 2010…
      schrieb am 03.09.10 19:57:19
      Beitrag Nr. 18.685 ()
      MagIndustries Update on Potash Investment Agreement with Republic of Congo - Sep 02, 2010…
      schrieb am 03.09.10 20:07:58
      Beitrag Nr. 18.686 ()
      [SMR] Initial JORC Inferred Resource of 99Mt at Mackenzie River - Australianinvestor - 2-Sep-2010

      "Stanmore Coal Limited has announced that an initial JORC Inferred Resource of 99Mt has been established at the company¡¯s 100% owned Mackenzie River Coking Coal Project (EPC¡¯s 1060, 1062, 1547, 1688, 1671). The 99Mt JORC Inferred Resource has been established down to a 100m depth cut off within the Aquarius seam of the Burngrove Formation. 66Mt of this Inferred Resource occurs at depths shallower than 75m.

      In addition an exploration target1 of 70Mt ¨C 80Mt has been established within the Leo seam and Aquarius seams covering: North of the existing Aquarius seam resource area (predominantly north of the Nogoa River); and; The Leo seam which lies above the Aquarius seam but has not been cored and sampled at this stage. The Leo seam is typically 1.0m ©\ 1.5m thick and lies approximately 35 metres above the Aquarius seam.

      The coal seams strike in a general North South direction over an approximate 25km strike length within the western part of the Mackenzie River project area, and dip towards the west at approximately 2¡ã. The limit of weathering (or top of sub cropping coal) ranges in depth from 19m to 49m across the resource area. A total of 27 holes are now included in the western area geological model, 14 partially cored drill holes and 13 holes rotary open holes.

      Drilling and laboratory work is continuing with the aim of expanding the initial JORC Resource within the Aquarius seam and extending it to the Leo seam over the coming months.
      schrieb am 03.09.10 20:16:07
      Beitrag Nr. 18.687 ()
      Metals &Mining Weekly - HS - Aug 27, 2010…
      schrieb am 03.09.10 20:18:44
      Beitrag Nr. 18.688 ()
      Weekly Review - Ocean Equities - Sep 2, 2010…
      schrieb am 03.09.10 20:24:20
      Beitrag Nr. 18.689 ()
      Prophecy Secures $10 Million Loan to Advance Ulaan Ovoo Coal Mine, Mongolia - Sep 02, 2010…
      schrieb am 03.09.10 21:11:03
      Beitrag Nr. 18.690 ()
      Encanto Potash Corp. - Discloses Initial 3D Seismic Results and Hires Barlon Engineering to Oversee Muskowekwan Drill Program - Aug 25, 2010-
      schrieb am 03.09.10 22:41:30
      Beitrag Nr. 18.691 ()
      The Race Against Drug Resistance - CfGD - Jun 14, 2010

      - Rachel Nugent, Emma Back &Alexandra Beith -

      - In an increasingly interconnected world, drug resistance does not stop at a patient’s bedside—it threatens global health. It has slowed gains against the fatal ravages of childhood dysentery and pneumonia, drastically increased the costs of fighting tuberculosis and malaria, and imperiled efforts to effectively treat people living with HIV/AIDS. Tens of millions of lives are at stake; quality of life for scores of millions more is under threat.

      The conclusions of the Center for Global Development’s Drug Resistance Working Group make clear the need for urgent action to address this growing crisis. While there is no simple solution, there are achievable steps, as are described in this report, which the health community, governments, donors, and the pharmaceutical industry can and must take to slow the spread of drug resistance. Retaining the drugs we have now, developing new drugs and other technology, and ensuring these resources continue to save lives in future generations must become a priority for global and national health organizations, both public and private.
      ... -
      schrieb am 03.09.10 22:49:04
      Beitrag Nr. 18.692 ()
      Donner Metals - Inferred Resources At Bracemac-McLeod Expand by 2.07 Million Tonnes of Massive Sulphides Grading 10.66% Zinc, 1.33% Copper, 41.72g/t Silver and 1.21g/t Gold Identified in the McLeod Deep Zone - Sep 1, 2010
      schrieb am 04.09.10 02:36:23
      Beitrag Nr. 18.693 ()
      Mali to Introduce New Mining Code in October; Mali is set to introduce a mining code in October to boost production and encourage investment in its minerals industry - MT - Sep 3, 2010…
      schrieb am 04.09.10 02:46:05
      Beitrag Nr. 18.694 ()
      schrieb am 04.09.10 02:59:07
      Beitrag Nr. 18.695 ()

      Cheaper, Better Solar Cell Is Full of Holes; Award-winning etching technique puts a trillion holes in a silicon wafer making it blacker and better able to absorb nearly all the colors of sunlight - NREL - Sep 2, 2010
      schrieb am 06.09.10 16:11:59
      Beitrag Nr. 18.696 ()
      Magma Metals - Thunder Bay North - Mineral Resource Estimate Update - Sep 6, 2010
      schrieb am 06.09.10 16:16:04
      Beitrag Nr. 18.697 ()
      African Eagle Resources - Zanzui Drilling Programme Returns Encouraging Nickel &Cobalt Results - Sep 06, 2010

      + Key nickel mineralised intersections from Zanzui include

      ◦39m at 1.5% nickel including 6m at 3.1%
      ◦42m at 1.1% nickel including 6m at 2.8%
      ◦39m at 1.0% nickel including 15m at 1.48%
      ◦42m at 0.9% nickel

      + Key cobalt mineralised intersections from Zanzui include

      ◦27m at 0.30% cobalt including 15m at 0.47%
      ◦42m at 0.15% cobalt including 9m at 0.46%
      ◦36m at 0.14% cobalt ...
      schrieb am 07.09.10 01:36:39
      Beitrag Nr. 18.698 ()
      :eek: :eek:

      Chariot Oil &Gas - Further Increase in Gross Mean Unrisked Prospective Resources to over 10 billion barrels - Sep 6, 2010


      + 2.2 billion barrels in the Northern blocks

      + 3.7 billion barrels in the Southern blocks

      + 4.1 billion barrels in the Central blocks

      + Increased confidence in rich oil prone source rock in the North - optimal environment for preserved hydrocarbon accumulation

      + Multiple structural closures identified in South - also in oil window

      + Prospects increased to 11 - current inventory: 11 prospects, 6 leads ...
      schrieb am 07.09.10 01:59:37
      Beitrag Nr. 18.699 ()
      Goldcorp to Acquire Andean Resources - MT - Sep 6, 2010…
      schrieb am 07.09.10 02:01:47
      Beitrag Nr. 18.700 ()
      Rio Tinto Predicts Iron Ore Price Fall; Rio Tinto said iron ore prices will fall 13.3% in the fourth quarter, the first decline in three quarters as Chinese demand weakens - MT - Sep 6, 2010…
      schrieb am 07.09.10 02:13:36
      Beitrag Nr. 18.701 ()
      Busy George Jones to advise Centaurus Metals; George Jones, the chairman of Sundance Resources and Gindalbie Metals, has joined the management team of iron ore miner Centaurus Metals as a 'strategic consultant.' - MA - Sep 6, 2010…

      "George Jones, the chairman of Sundance Resources and Gindalbie Metals, has joined the management team of iron ore miner Centaurus Metals as a ‘strategic consultant.’

      According to Centaurus, Jones will advise the company as it moves towards production from its iron ore projects in south-east Brazil.

      The company aims to supply three million tonnes per annum of high-grade iron ore to the Brazilian steel industry by the end of 2013.

      “George Jones has an extensive international contact network and knowledge of the global iron ore and steel industry and capital markets, which will greatly assist Centaurus as it works towards building a substantial iron ore company in Brazil,” the company said in a statement.

      “He is one of Australia’s most accomplished mining executives, with more than 35 years experience in the mining, banking and finance industries.”

      Centaurus chairman Didier Murcia said he and managing director Darren Gordon had both worked closely with Jones in the past.

      “We have seen first-hand the value George brings to a company,” he said.

      “It is extremely pleasing to secure his services as a strategic consultant.

      “George’s extensive knowledge of the iron ore industry and capital markets will be highly valuable to Centaurus and its shareholders.

      “I doubt that there is anyone more qualified to provide the sort of strategic advice Centaurus is seeking as it progresses its iron ore business in Brazil.”

      Jones said he was looking forward to helping the company realise the full value of its assets.

      “Centaurus has assembled a quality portfolio of near-production assets and has a high-calibre board and management team,” he said.

      Jones will be issued with 10 million options in two tranches as part of his package.

      The prominent mining executive stepped into the chair role at Sundance in June this year after the company’s then-chairman Ken Talbot was killed alongside the entire board in a plane crash in Cameroon.

      The executives were visiting Sundance’s Mbalam iron ore project in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

      As Gindalbie chairman, he has also overseen the financing of the $2 billion Karara magnetite project in Western Australia over the last five years. "
      schrieb am 07.09.10 02:16:10
      Beitrag Nr. 18.702 ()
      Atlas Iron delivers first ore to Utah Point port facility - MA - Sep 6, 2010…
      schrieb am 07.09.10 02:18:11
      Beitrag Nr. 18.703 ()
      Disconnect in mining tax reality; There is a huge gap between what miners expect to pay and what Labor expects to earn from the mining tax - MA - Sep 6, 2010

      - Cole Latimer -…
      schrieb am 07.09.10 02:23:45
      Beitrag Nr. 18.704 ()
      Siemens claims water management system offers major savings; Siemens is installing a water management system at a new bottling plant that uses a process the company claims can deliver 20 per cent operational savings compared to conventional alternatives - BD - Aug 24, 2010

      - Guy Montague-Jones -…
      schrieb am 07.09.10 02:27:00
      Beitrag Nr. 18.705 ()
      Cargill gets palm oil sustainability certification - APFT - Aug 20, 2010

      - Lorraine Heller -…
      schrieb am 07.09.10 02:47:25
      Beitrag Nr. 18.706 ()
      Tapping into the Electric Power of Heat; National Geographic, Josie Garthwaite - "More than 2/3 of the fuel generating U.S. power is lost as heat." - TER/NG - (8/24/10)

      - Josie Gartwaite -

      "An enormous amount of heat is lost when a 3,000ºF (1,650ºC) furnace melts quartz rock to extract silicon at this alloys plant, but a Recycled Energy Development system aims to capture that heat to generate electricity.

      What if every lump of coal in our power plants did extra duty? What if our fuel worked harder? That's the basic idea of waste-heat recovery systems. Alphabet Energy aims to take the decades-old idea and deploy it on a massive scale, cheaply, with a little help from nanotechnology and the semiconductor industry.

      By providing a thermoelectric chip to be inserted into any exhaust flue or engine to convert heat into electrical power, the company hopes to become the "Intel of waste heat," :eek::laugh::eek: said CEO Matt Scullin, who believes this could represent a $200 billion global market.

      Recently, a bipartisan group of lawmakers, led by N.Y. Democratic Representative Paul Tonko, former head of N.Y. public power research authority, introduced a bill that would provide a 30% investment tax credit for industrial installation of waste-heat recovery systems.

      According to a 2008 report more than 2/3 of the fuel used to generate U.S. power is lost as heat.

      Technologies for recovering waste heat have been around for more than a century, according to Tom Casten of Recycled Energy Development, which aims to retrofit factories to convert waste heat into electricity. . .then sell it to the grid or nearby facilities.

      The 2008 report revealed 3,300 U.S. cogeneration sites comprised nearly 9% of its total electricity-generating capacity, and pushed to raise it to 20% by 2030—a level already exceeded by some European countries.

      Casten believes Tonko's bill is an important step toward waste-heat technology adoption. "There are 95 ways to recycle energy. Open the door for them," by removing regulatory barriers, he said. "
      schrieb am 07.09.10 02:49:54
      Beitrag Nr. 18.707 ()

      France Plans €10bn Offshore Wind Tender; 10 offshore wind sites will have a capacity of up to 3GW in September - TER/RC - (8/24/10)

      - Ben Backwell -

      "France is going ahead with plans to tender 10 offshore wind sites with a capacity of up to 3GW in September, says the energy ministry. The ministry had planned to release details of the tender in May.

      Officials said the tender will create investments of €10bn ($12.7bn) based on a cost of €3.5m per MW.

      The government expects successful bidders to build about 600 wind turbines by around 2015. It also hopes to hold tenders that will create another 3GW of capacity by 2020.

      France does not currently have any offshore wind capacity, despite its extensive coastline.

      A tender held in 2004 bore little fruit, with the only successful bid—for 105MW—held up in the planning process ever since.

      The new tender will include zones in the English Channel and the North Sea, officials say.

      Interested companies will be invited to submit bids for the areas, stipulating the price at which they will be able to sell power to utility EDF.

      The French government says it will take action to encourage a domestic wind turbine industry between now and 2015. France currently imports all its turbines. "
      schrieb am 07.09.10 02:52:57
      Beitrag Nr. 18.708 ()
      China's Shale Gas Goals; China's target set to identify 50–80 shale gas prospects by 2020 - TER/Reuters - Aug 24, 2010

      "China last week launched its first national shale gas research centre to support the country's development of the fuel.

      Encouraged by the boom in shale natural gas drilling in the United States and driven by recurring domestic gas shortages, China has fast-tracked plans to explore the unconventional fuel in its homeland.

      Early 2010, a research arm of the Ministry of Land and Resources (MLR) set a target for the country to identify 50–80 shale gas prospects and 20–30 exploration and development blocks by 2020.

      The Strategic Research Centre for Oil and Gas of MLR also set a goal to locate one trillion cubic meters of recoverable shale gas reserves, build 15–30 billion cubic meters of production capacity and produce 8%–12% of China's natural gas from shale gas wells by 2020.

      MLR's targets can be a reference to the industry, dominated by power energy giants PetroChina and Sinopec Corp., each of which has set their own goals to develop the frontier resource.

      State-owned China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), which runs most gas and oil businesses via listed PetroChina, aims to produce 500 million cubic meters (mcm) of shale gas by 2015, a deputy general manager said in July

      Sinopec aims to have combined production capacity of 2.5 billion cubic meters of shale gas and coalbed methane gas by the end of 2015.

      Major oil firms have just started evaluating potential shale gas deposits in parts of the country though some Chinese reports estimated that the country may hold up to 30 trillion cubic meters of shale gas resources.
      schrieb am 07.09.10 02:57:40
      Beitrag Nr. 18.709 ()
      Waves Can Power Australia's Future; Australia is one of the developed world's top carbon emitters - TER/Reuters - Aug 23, 2010

      "Waves crashing on to Australia's southern shores each year contain enough energy to power the country three times over :eek: , scientists said Tuesday in a study that underscores the scale of Australia's green energy.

      The research comes as the nation is struggling to wean itself of years of using cheap, polluting coal to power the economy and to put a price on carbon emissions.

      Oceanographers Mark Hemer and David Griffin from the state-funded research body CSIRO examined how wave energy propagates across the continental shelf and how much is lost. The aim—to quantify the amount of annual energy and determine its reliability.

      The government has passed laws that mandate 20% renewable electricity generation by 2020, and wind power is likely to make up the bulk of the green energy investment.

      "So what we're saying is that we can achieve that target if we harness 10% of the available wave energy resource," Hemer said.

      Hemer and Griffin used complex computer models to map how the energy in the waves attenuates near the shore. "Averaged over the whole year, Australia's southern coastline has a sustained wave energy resource of 146 gigawatts (1,329 terawatt-hours/year)," the researchers say in their study, or 3x Australia's total installed generation capacity.

      The government, facing an election on Saturday, is under pressure to put a price on planet-warming carbon emissions and further boost investment in cleaner energy.

      The country is one of the developed world's top carbon emitters and relies on coal to generate about 80% of its electricity.

      Hemer and Griffin's work has created a series of maps of the coastline that helps wave power investors find the right sites and design projects that can cope with calm and stormy conditions and how frequent these might be. "
      schrieb am 07.09.10 15:59:02
      Beitrag Nr. 18.710 ()
      [MYG] Potential iron ore production from Gullewa Gold Project - Australianinvestor - 7-Sep-2010

      "Western Australian resources company, Mutiny Gold Limited has provided a further update on its Gullewa acquisition with an overview of the significant iron potential of the Gullewa Project, in the Murchison greenstone belt of WA’s mid-west.

      Mutiny’s key focus in acquiring the Gullewa Project is to exploit its significant gold resources, providing Mutiny with a potential company transforming asset with near term production capability.

      The Project also contains significant iron mineralisation within numerous banded iron formation (“BIF”) units. These BIF units are interpreted to have a total length of approximately 150km. :eek::eek: The BIFs are relatively underexplored, having been previously drilled for iron ore mineralisation at only two locations: the Rocksteady and Brandy Hill Prospects. At both of these prospects significant intersections of iron mineralisation were made.

      The BIF units are typical of those found elsewhere in WA’s growing Mid-West iron region that are currently being mined for iron ore or that are in an advanced project stage.

      The Board believes the Project has potential for the production of magnetite ore, either as a stand alone operation, or in conjunction with other deposits in the region. Gullewa contains a substantial area of unexplored BIF units, some of which outcrop with others under shallow cover. "
      schrieb am 07.09.10 16:03:28
      Beitrag Nr. 18.711 ()
      Sunkar Resources PLC - Appointment of Advisor - Sep 7, 2010
      Memorandum of Understanding with Eurasian Development Bank Signed - Sep 7, 2010
      schrieb am 07.09.10 16:11:54
      Beitrag Nr. 18.712 ()
      Fission J-Zone Vertical Step-Out Intersects 12m of 5.95% U308 at Unconformity, Including 6m Grading 11.71% U308; High Grade Uranium Mineralization Expands North-Central J-Zone Boundary - Sep 07, 2010…
      schrieb am 08.09.10 11:56:04
      Beitrag Nr. 18.713 ()
      [CSD] Windermere Project granted and JORC resource increase - Australianinvestor - 7-Sep-2010

      "Australian tin exploration and development company Consolidated Tin Mines today announced that the Queensland state government has now granted the Windermere Project (Mineral Development Licence 381) at the Company’s Mt Garnet Tin project area near Cairns in northern Queensland.

      The Windermere Project has a current Inferred JORC Mineral Resource of 2.1Mt @ 0.55% Tin (Sn) (see note 1). This will now be added to the company’s overall JORC Mineral Resource. This increases the total JORC Mineral Resource at the Mt Garnet Project to 7.3Mt @ 0.60% Tin (Sn), across its three key project areas; Gillian, Pinnacles and Deadmans Gully/Windermere.

      The Company will focus its next phase of drilling on upgrading the JORC resource estimation for the Windermere project, and plans to commence drilling at the Windermere Project in the near future.

      The Windermere Mineral Development Licence (MDL) was purchased from Bluestone Nominees in February 2008 and has been proceeding through government departmental processes to grant. The Windermere Project will now be transferred to 100% CSD ownership. "
      schrieb am 08.09.10 17:35:53
      Beitrag Nr. 18.714 ()
      Mindoro Resources Ltd.: Agata Nickel Resource Further Increased - Sep 08, 2010…

      (32.6Mt @1.04% Ni, 0.05% Co &23% FE M/I, +marginal Inferred)
      schrieb am 08.09.10 17:39:47
      Beitrag Nr. 18.715 ()
      African Metals Corporation: Further Broad Copper and Cobalt Mineralisation Intercepted in Drilling at the Luisha South Project - Sep 07, 2010…
      schrieb am 08.09.10 17:44:08
      Beitrag Nr. 18.716 ()
      RETRANSMISSION: Nemaska Exploration Confirms High Grade Spodumene Concentrate Can Be Produced From Whabouchi - Sep 08, 2010…
      schrieb am 08.09.10 17:54:47
      Beitrag Nr. 18.717 ()
      BP Provides $10 Million To Support Study of Health Issues Relating To Gulf Oil Spill - OR, HOUSTON - 9/7/2010

      "HOUSTON - BP today announced it is providing $10 million to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) under its Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GRI) to support a study of potential public health issues relating to the Gulf oil spill and other spill-related health research. The GRI is a 10-year, $500 million independent research program established by BP to better understand and mitigate the environmental and potential health effects of the Gulf spill.

      BP provided NIH the funds to expedite work in support of the research priorities identified at the Institute of Medicine (IOM) workshop commissioned by Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius and summarized in the IOM report “Assessing the Effects of the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill on Human Health,” released on August 10, 2010.

      The BP funding will allow NIH to build on efforts by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Unified Command and is intended to support the immediate needs of researchers, including Gulf Coast academic institutions and local and state agencies, in understanding potential acute and long-term health impacts of exposures to oil, dispersed oil and dispersants.

      Decisions regarding the distribution of the $10 million will be made by NIH with input from Gulf state academic institutions and state and local officials to ensure effective coordination with work currently being conducted. All project proposals will be peer reviewed by appropriate experts, and data, measurement information and findings from NIH-funded studies will be made fully and openly available in accordance with standard practice applicable to this type of research.

      “BP, in collaboration with the Unified Command, provided task specific training, supplied personal protective equipment and conducted extensive environmental and worker monitoring to protect the health of response workers involved in the cleanup,” said Bob Dudley, CEO of BP’s Gulf Coast Restoration Organization. “But there is much still to be learned from this incident, and BP is providing this funding to NIH because it is well positioned to assure the quality and the integrity of the independent research process.”
      The process for awarding future funding under GRI is currently under development in consultation with Gulf state governors’ offices. "
      schrieb am 08.09.10 18:06:06
      Beitrag Nr. 18.718 ()
      First Quantum Loses Mine Rights to Fortune - MT - Sep 7, 2010…
      schrieb am 08.09.10 19:08:11
      Beitrag Nr. 18.719 ()
      Macusani Yellowcake Announces Significant NI 43-101 Uranium Resources at Corachapi Property at Macusani, Peru; Contained U308 in Measured and Indicated Resources Over 5.0 Million Pounds and in Inferred Resources at 1.9 Million Pounds (at a 75 ppm U Cutoff Grade) - Sep 08, 2010…
      schrieb am 08.09.10 19:09:35
      Beitrag Nr. 18.720 ()

      Bundesliga produziert ein Sonntag-Spiel in 3D - W:O/DPA - Sep 8, 2010…
      schrieb am 08.09.10 19:26:59
      Beitrag Nr. 18.721 ()
      Novadx Ventures - Enters into Option Agreement to Acquire Mineral Rights to a Historical Eestimated 172Mt, 18,000 Acre, Metallurgical Coal Prospect - Sep 8, 2010…
      schrieb am 08.09.10 20:36:19
      Beitrag Nr. 18.722 ()
      Salazar Intersects 32.36m Averaging 3.75 g/t Au, 39.18 g/t Ag, 3.67% Cu, 0.11% Pb and 1.44% Zn - Sep 08, 2010…
      schrieb am 08.09.10 20:38:37
      Beitrag Nr. 18.723 ()
      Carpathian Hits Best Hole to Date in Romania: 716 m of 1.14 g/t Au & 0.16% Cu, Including 244 m of 1.70 g/t Au & 0.22% Cu, Extending the Mineralization 280 m Below Previous Drilling - Sep 08, 2010…
      schrieb am 08.09.10 20:42:31
      Beitrag Nr. 18.724 ()
      Galway Resources - drills 121.5 meters of 2.7 g/t along its boundary with Ventana, and 25.0 meters of 3.6 g/t gold in San Celestino - Sep 08, 2010…
      schrieb am 09.09.10 10:50:10
      Beitrag Nr. 18.725 ()
      Mawson Announces NI43-101 Compliant Inferred Resource of 3.27 Million lbs @0.074% U3O8 at Nuottijärvi, Finland - Sep 7, 2010…
      schrieb am 09.09.10 10:53:44
      Beitrag Nr. 18.726 ()
      Tasman Metals - Signs Norra Karr Resource Estimation Contract to Complete an Independent NI43-101 Compliant Resource Report - Aug 31, 2010…
      schrieb am 09.09.10 11:02:55
      Beitrag Nr. 18.727 ()
      Twenty Concrete Steps to Improve the United States’ Commitment to Development - CfGD - Jul 19, 2010

      - Cindy Prieto &David Roodman -

      - The United States ranked 17th on the 2009 Commitment to Development Index. It is strong in trade and security but less competitive in aid and environment. This note describes how to boost the U.S. score with proposals for all seven CDI components, including untying aid from U.S. goods and services, refusing political risk insurance for investment projects that are made viable only by import restrictions, and setting a gradually rising floor on gasoline prices.


      The Commitment to Development Index (CDI) ranks 22 rich countries on their dedication to policies that benefit poor nations. Looking beyond standard comparisons of foreign aid flows, the CDI measures national policies on aid, trade, investment, migration, environment, security, and technology. ... -…
      schrieb am 09.09.10 11:07:40
      Beitrag Nr. 18.728 ()
      The Clash of the Counter-bureaucracy and Development - CfGD - Jul 1, 2010

      - Andrew Natsios -

      - In this essay, Andrew Natsios describes what he sees as the most disruptive obstacles to development work in agencies such as USAID: layers and layers of bureaucracy. He gives a first-hand account of how this “counter-bureaucracy” disfigures USAID’s development practice and even compromises U.S. national security objectives. Most of all, he argues, the counter-bureaucracy’s emphasis on easy measurement is at odds with the fact that transformational programs are often the least measurable and involve elements of risk and uncertainty.

      To overcome counter-bureaucracy barriers, Natsios suggests implementing a new measurement system, reducing the layers of oversight and regulation, and aligning programmatic goals with organizational incentives. Unless policymakers address the issue, he says, U.S. aid programs will be unable to implement serious development programs while complying with the demands of Washington.
      ... -…
      schrieb am 09.09.10 11:13:56
      Beitrag Nr. 18.729 ()
      Strengthening Health Workforces in Africa; The HIV/AIDS Monitor examines how the three major donors affect national health workforces and identifies six tasks to remedy Africa’s severe shortage of skilled and motivated healthcare providers - CfGD - Aug 26, 2010

      - Nandini Oomman, David Wendt, &Christina Droggitis -

      - During the past decade, global AIDS donors’ attempts to strengthen the health workforce in Africa have been temporary and HIV/AIDS-specific, doing little to address the long-term sustainability and capacity of the workforce to handle all health needs. The policies and practices of the major donors have included varying degrees of support for strengthening human resources in health; most have been directed toward short-term interventions such as in-service training for existing health workers and temporary hiring in nongovernmental organizations or on special contracts in the public sector.

      Systematic monitoring and reporting of donor’s strategies, however, has been scarce. This report fills the void by focusing on the workforce strengthening strategies of three of the major HIV/AIDS donors: the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (the Global Fund), and the World Bank’s Africa Multi-country HIV/AIDS Program (the MAP). The report identifies six tasks for donors, national governments, and country stakeholders to undertake to reverse the severe shortage of skilled, motivated, and productive health workers. Each task includes recommendations focused to minimize negative effects of AIDS programs on the health workforce; maximize AIDS programs contributions to health workforce development without compromising AIDS program objectives; and expand the health workforce in the longer term.

      The bottom line: AIDS donors need to move away from temporary and project-specific interventions and support instead more sustainable and long-term solutions to improve and strengthen Africa's health workforce, which is necessary to achieve national and global health outcomes. ... -…
      schrieb am 09.09.10 11:20:13
      Beitrag Nr. 18.730 ()
      IBC Advanced Alloys and Purdue University Extend Nuclear Fuel Research Agreement and Present Paper to American Nuclear Society - Sep 08, 2010…
      schrieb am 09.09.10 11:21:57
      Beitrag Nr. 18.731 ()
      Hana Mining Ltd.: Latest Drilling Results Identify High-Grade Potential Starter Pit at the Banana Zone, Ghanzi Project, Botswana - Sep 08, 2010…
      schrieb am 09.09.10 11:23:38
      Beitrag Nr. 18.732 ()
      Baja Announces All Required Credit Approvals for US$823 Million of Debt Financing for Boleo - Sep 08, 2010…
      schrieb am 09.09.10 11:41:25
      Beitrag Nr. 18.733 ()
      Victory West Moly - to acquire Nickel Project in South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Aug 27, 2010


      + The project is located in Malili East Luwu in South Sulawesi, Indonesia covering approximately 1,608 hectares

      + Prolific nickel laterite province with several existing major operations nearby including Rio Tinto’s 162Mt project and PT Inco’s Sorowako 161Mt project.

      + Initial exploration target of 35-45Mt at 1.2% to 1.6% Ni*

      + Historical exploration work indicates potential low stripping ratio with well developed mineralisation at surface. Significant upside through additional exploration

      + Close to port site (~3km’s)

      + Potentially low cost and rapid ramp-up to commercial production and cash flow

      + Feasibility and Environmental Studies in progress for Production and Operational IUP (Exploitation) concession application.

      + Robust market for Direct Shipping Ore (DSO) nickel ore and continued strong nickel demand from key Asian markets

      + Technical and legal due diligence in progress – expected to be completed within 6-8 weeks. ...
      schrieb am 09.09.10 11:51:54
      Beitrag Nr. 18.734 ()
      [NMN] Surface sampling results identifies new target - Australianinvestor - 9-Sep-2010

      "Newport Mining Limited (Newport” or “Company”) is pleased to announce further encouraging reconnaissance rock chip sampling results at the MCPP, a highly prospective and potentially large-scale phosphate project located in Brazil.

      MCPP is located within the agricultural and industrialized heartland of the southeast region of Brazil in the state of Minas Gerais (English Translation = General Mining State) some 250km to the west of Belo Horizonte.

      Previous exploration activities including drilling and rock chip sampling completed by the
      National Bureau of Mines (“DNPM”) in association with the Brazilian Geological Survey
      (“CPRM”) has provided a solid platform to identify significant drilling targets.

      Rock chip sampling has returned grades of 23.1%, 18.6%, 11.15% and 10.20% P2O5 at the surface from an open ended potential zone extending over more than 1 kilometre. Significantly, the new zone is located ~3 kilometres to the west of the Capacete Target that is currently being tested with a 1,100 metre diamond drilling program.

      There has been no significant phosphate exploration in the region since the Brazilian
      Geological Survey completed their work in the late 1960’s-70’s.

      Company expects a steady flow of results from the MCPP over the next 6 to12 months. "
      schrieb am 09.09.10 12:08:24
      Beitrag Nr. 18.735 ()
      [GIR] Further increase to McPhee Creek JORC resource - AUstralianinvestor - 9-Sep-2010

      "Giralia Resources NL has reported a further increase to the JORC reported Inferred Mineral Resource at the Company’s 100% owned McPhee Creek main range iron ore discovery, located within potential road haulage distance 220 km south-east of Port Hedland in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.

      The resource upgrade covers results reported to ASX up to 9 August 2010 (up to and including drillhole RCMC300) at the main range deposit at McPhee Creek. Drilling continues with 2 RC rigs in operation testing resource growth targets. The new Inferred Mineral Resource at McPhee Creek main range is 210 million tonnes @ 56.2 % Fe. This represents a 30% increase over the interim resource of 161.4 million tonnes announced 26 July 2010. Internationally recognised geological consultants CSA Global Pty Ltd (CSA) were commissioned by Giralia to complete the updated resource estimate for the McPhee Creek deposit.

      Drilling continues with 2 RC rigs testing resource growth targets. Further assay results from ongoing drilling should be received in the next week, with another resource update anticipated in October.
      schrieb am 09.09.10 12:10:36
      Beitrag Nr. 18.736 ()
      Arianne Creates a New Subsidiary: Canada Phosphate Inc. - Sep 7, 2010…
      schrieb am 09.09.10 12:12:37
      Beitrag Nr. 18.737 ()
      Nevsun Hires VP Business Development and Investor Relations - Sep 07, 2010…
      schrieb am 09.09.10 12:44:02
      Beitrag Nr. 18.738 ()
      Sustainable Energy Partners with tenKsolar Inc to Deliver Unique Integrated AC Solar Generator for Commercial/Institutional Rooftop Market; Partnership Accelerates Sustainable Energy's Entry into US Solar Market - Sep 08, 2010

      + SUNERGY enabled tenKsolar's RAISTM Wave systems deliver light-weight non-penetrating rooftop systems with 20% to 50% greater energy density for commercial rooftop solar

      + Delivering on initial orders for 1.2 MW of SUNERGY inverters with minimum 14 MW forecast for 2011 puts Sustainable ahead of schedule for US market entry

      + Companies to co-market systems under RAISTMWAVE and/or PARALEXTM brand names ...…
      schrieb am 09.09.10 12:54:22
      Beitrag Nr. 18.739 ()
      [EQX] Completion of airborne geophysics survey - Australianinvestor - 9-Sep-2010

      "Equatorial Resources Limited today advised that it has completed a comprehensive airborne magnetic and radiometric survey over the Company’s 100% owned Mayoko-Moussondji Iron Project (“MMIP”) located in the Republic of Congo (“ROC”).

      Raw data from the completed survey has been received by the Company and the geophysical interpretation has commenced. The results generated from the interpreted data will be released to the market in October 2010.

      Completion of the survey has been followed up with a site visit to the MMIP, the collection of rock samples and the verification of observation points taken by BRGM.

      Planning is underway to commence a comprehensive airborne geophysical survey over the Company’s 100% owned Badondo Iron Project (“Badondo”) in the coming weeks. "
      schrieb am 09.09.10 13:06:02
      Beitrag Nr. 18.740 ()
      Brockman Resources - Progress Report - Marillana Maiden Hematite Ore Reserve; Definitive Mining Studies confirm continuity, quality and quantum of Ore body at MARILLANA - Sep 9, 2010


      + Detrital Ore Reserves (PROVEN and PROBABLE) in excess of one billion tonnes confirmed at the Marillana Project

      + 868Mt of Reserve in the PROBABLE category

      + Over 133Mt of Reserve in PROVEN category

      + Proven reserves in excess of three years of scheduled operations

      + An additional Channel Iron Deposit (“CID”) PROBABLE Ore Reserve of greater than 48Mt has also been defined

      + The fourth largest published hematite Reserve in the Pilbara (behind RIO, BHPB and FMG)

      + Following beneficiation and blending with CID, the Ore Reserve supports production of over 426Mt of final product at 60.5–61.5% Fe grade for export

      + Reserve is reflective of a continuous mineralisation, and supports a long-term mine life of up to 25 years, at a nominal production rate of 17-20Mtpa

      + Reserve confirms the underlying strength and quality of the Marillana Project and its low cost mining requirements

      + The Reserve underpins the pending release of the Marillana Definitive Feasibility Study ...
      schrieb am 09.09.10 13:14:02
      Beitrag Nr. 18.741 ()
      Vanoil Energy Ltd.: Kenya Seismic Program Commence; Vanoil Set to Confirm 5 Leads to Drill Point Election - Sep 08, 2010…
      schrieb am 09.09.10 13:19:50
      Beitrag Nr. 18.742 ()
      [AFR] Encouraging coal results at Sese, Botswana - Australianinvestor - 9-Sep-2010

      "African Energy Resources Limited has announced the results of preliminary proximate analysis on raw coal recently discovered on its wholly owned Sese project in northeast Botswana.

      The Company has also been able to retrieve open file exploration data which includes proximate analyses for two core holes drilled in 1976 by Shell Coal Botswana Pty Ltd (Shell), which further support the analyses undertaken on the AFR core. The results confirm that the areal extent of the coal and the average quality of the coal is sufficient to warrant further investigation.

      The main coal seam intersected in the drilling has an average thickness of 10-12m, and an average depth to the top of the seam of 41m.

      The Company is actively seeking a suitably qualified cornerstone project partner to advance the discovery to the next stage.

      The limited drilling completed to date on the project shows that coal seams are present over a strike length of 30km, and up to 4km down�]dip. The average coal seam thickness is 10�]12m with an average depth to the top of the seam of 41m. The raw (unwashed) coal quality data and the combination of relatively thick but shallow seams suggest that this deposit compares will with other known coal deposits in the southern Africa region.

      The Directors consider that this combination of preliminary coal quality, areal extent, thickness and shallow depth suggest that a commercially viable coal mining operation may be possible at Sese and warrants further evaluation.
      The Company is therefore actively seeking a suitably qualified cornerstone project partner to manage the future assessment of the Sese coal project.
      schrieb am 09.09.10 13:25:13
      Beitrag Nr. 18.743 ()
      [CNK] Over 50% Fe in 80% of surface samples - Australianinvestor - 9-Sep-2010

      "WA nickel explorer Condor Nickel Limited today announced that exploration drilling is continuing to indicate the potential for a significant iron ore resource at its Dingo Range Project. The Dingo Range project is located in greenstone belt some 450 kilometres north of Kalgoorlie–Boulder and 150 kilometres south east of Wiluna.

      Recent work at Dingo Range has included drilling and additional surface rock chip sampling.

      Target Areas 1 to 8 were identified as targets in previous exploration programmes at Dingo Range. Recently completed surface sampling has further confirmed the presence of an iron enriched surface duricrust.

      Sampling on E53/1380 and E53/1377 was carried out over a total strike length of approximately 14 kilometres and within an estimated area of 5.8 sq kilometres. Of 52 samples taken, 42 samples (80% of samples) assayed over 50% Fe; and 21 samples (40% of samples) assayed above 55% Fe.

      The geology of the Target Areas includes a Banded Iron Formation which has significant continuity within the Dingo Range greenstone belt and is the probable source of the secondary iron surface enrichment. It is proposed that further geological and geophysical mapping in the field is required to locate the iron-rich layers of the Banded Iron Formation and to identify reverse circulation (RC) drill targets to enable assessment of iron ore potential at depth.

      A shallow reconnaissance RAB drilling programme has been recently completed in the Target Areas 1 to 8 with a first pass composite sampling of 1 metre, 2 metre and 4 metre intervals. Results for this initial sampling programme have not yet been received but are expected later this month.
      schrieb am 09.09.10 14:36:59
      Beitrag Nr. 18.744 ()
      EnWave Appoints Executive Advisor to Establish Global Partnerships for nutraREV(TM) Food Dehydration Technology - Sep 09, 2010…
      schrieb am 09.09.10 14:41:56
      Beitrag Nr. 18.745 ()
      Quest Rare Minerals Receives Results of Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) for Strange Lake B-Zone - Sep 09, 2010…
      schrieb am 09.09.10 15:12:35
      Beitrag Nr. 18.746 ()
      Pentagon mines for missing data; The U.S. army wants to retrieve personal data deleted from social networking sites and data bases - IO - Sep 7, 2010…
      schrieb am 09.09.10 15:23:11
      Beitrag Nr. 18.747 ()
      Akhmetov's European designs; Rinat Akhmetov, the richest man in Ukraine, is strengthening his network of Brussels contacts with a view to carving a place for himself in Europe’s electricity market - IO - Sep 9, 2010…
      schrieb am 09.09.10 15:25:44
      Beitrag Nr. 18.748 ()
      European anti-terrorism network; Paris has set up a network linking Europe’s leading anti-terrorism researchers - IO - Sep 9, 2010…
      schrieb am 09.09.10 16:26:10
      Beitrag Nr. 18.749 ()
      Centric Energy - Announces Results of Kenya Oil Seep Study - Aug 24, 2010…

      Announces Appointment of VP-Exploration - Sep 08, 2010…
      schrieb am 10.09.10 01:01:28
      Beitrag Nr. 18.750 ()
      Premium Exploration Increases Land Position After Identifying Multiple Geophysical Targets with Friday-Petsite Signature upon Completion of Airborne Survey - Sep 08, 2010…
      schrieb am 10.09.10 01:05:03
      Beitrag Nr. 18.751 ()
      Mesa Engages Continental Metallurgical Services - Sep 08, 2010…
      schrieb am 10.09.10 01:22:56
      Beitrag Nr. 18.752 ()
      B &MGF - AR ´09 - Sep10

      - I am excited to share the Bill &Melinda Gates Foundation's Annual Report with you.

      This year, we've taken a new approach to our Annual Report. We've organized it into "chapters" based on what our readers are interested in. We have also incorporated video content and employee highlights to provide more visibility into the work we're doing.

      The report includes our 2009 financial statements, my annual letter with reflections on a great opportunity that lies ahead, and feature articles that highlight some of the grantees, partners, and communities we collaborate with to further our impact.


      2009 Annual Report: Letter from Jeff Raikes

      As CEO of the Bill &Melinda Gates Foundation, my job is to make sure we are using our resources—our endowment, the expertise of our staff, and the voices of our leaders—to the utmost, so that we can have the maximum possible impact on people’s lives. And the next five years offer a historic opportunity to have an impact on the health and welfare of people in the developing world. Even in the face of very tough economic times across the globe, I am optimistic when I think about all that we can accomplish together with our partners.

      I think in terms of the next five years because 2015 will be a landmark year. In 2000, the United Nations took the historic step of setting specific targets in eight areas of global health and development. It called them the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and it gave the world 15 years—until 2015—to meet them.

      The MDGs set the clearest health and development agenda the world has ever had, and the decade since they were ratified has seen more progress than any other 10-year period in history. Just two weeks from now, the UN will convene a special session to discuss how governments, foundations, and NGOs can work together to speed up that progress.

      In the next five years, we also have the chance to introduce vaccines for rotavirus and pneumococcal disease into the developing world. Vaccines are a miracle (not to mention an extremely high-return investment), because with just a few doses, they protect a child for a lifetime. In five years, we could be immunizing hundreds of millions of infants against two diseases that currently take the lives of 2 million children every year.

      And in five years, we will be even closer to the complete and total eradication of poliovirus from the earth.

      Almost everybody has heard of polio, but many people don’t know it still exists. Most people aren’t aware of the enormous and longstanding global effort to eradicate the disease, and very few understand the critical juncture we’re at right now.

      It’s worth taking a moment to reflect on what eradication means. If vaccines are miraculous because they protect a child for a lifetime, then eradication is the ultimate miracle. Eradicating a disease protects all children, forever.

      It’s enough to measure the impact in terms of lives saved and suffering averted. But the moral case is augmented by an economic one that’s almost as powerful. Yes, it’s going to be expensive to travel the last mile toward eradication. But it will be exponentially more expensive if we don’t reach the end of the road, because we’d have to keep on treating thousands of children paralyzed each year indefinitely.

      According to a recent cost-effectiveness study, investments in polio vaccination in the United States have prevented 1 million cases of polio and saved more than $180 billion. In the countries where polio is still a threat, that savings could go a long way toward addressing some of the other health problems with which poor people continue to struggle.

      Since 1988, when the world set the goal of eliminating the disease forever, the number of polio cases has gone down by 99 percent. Just two decades ago, the disease was circulating in 125 countries; now, there are only four countries that have never stopped transmission of the disease.

      But eliminating polio from the last handful of countries is a lot harder than eliminating it from the first handful. It takes a massive effort to eradicate a disease, which is why it’s happened only once before, when smallpox was eradicated in 1980.

      The difficulty involved in ferreting out every last poliovirus is staggering. It takes an effort of such consistent intensity that it’s simply not sustainable over a period of years and years.

      We have a narrow window of opportunity. It is impossible to keep the virus at its current levels indefinitely. Either we eradicate polio—preventing suffering, saving billions of dollars, and demonstrating what is possible with a global effort—or we fail and start to backslide. If we fail the number of cases will start to go back up, and the virus will spread back over borders into countries where it has been eliminated. We are seeing this play out in Tajikistan, part of a region declared polio-free in 2002, where 454 cases of polio have been confirmed this year.

      The stakes are so high, and we have come so far, which is why I am so surprised that the world is short of the funding it needs to finish the job. Right now, there is not enough money past next summer to carry out all of the immunization activities to keep the world on track to eradicate polio. It’s shocking, but funding from the G8 countries has actually gone down in the last several years.

      It’s very clear: This is make-or-break time for polio eradication. That’s why polio is one of my top priorities as CEO.

      When we invest in polio eradication, we know exactly what we’re getting for our money. The eradication campaign is extremely well organized and has a long record of success.

      The Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) is a model partnership. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Rotary International, UNICEF, and the World Health Organization (WHO) have been working to support polio-affected countries for more than 20 years.

      Each partner plays a particular role, doing what they do best to make an extraordinarily effective whole. Rotary is a powerful fundraiser and advocate. CDC provides technical expertise. UNICEF purchases oral polio vaccine and supports grassroots mobilization, and WHO leads surveillance, operations, and the complicated logistics on the ground.

      One of the main things we’re adding to the effort, along with our own financial commitment, is our voice. We have a platform from which we can help generate attention. Hopefully, that attention will in turn help generate the funding and political commitment needed to finish the job.

      Bill, Melinda, and I make regular site visits to India, one of the four remaining countries where the disease is endemic—and we will continue to do so, to see the progress on the ground and meet with key leaders. In recent years, Bill has also traveled extensively to Nigeria, another endemic country.

      The progress happening in both those countries makes me optimistic. In Nigeria between January 1 and August 24, 2010, there were just six cases of polio, compared to 368 during the same period last year. India has reported the lowest number of cases in a decade; so far this year only 30 cases have been registered, against last year’s 236 at this point.

      The most exciting thing about all the work we’re doing together with our partners around the world and in the United States is the tangible difference we can make in the lives of millions and millions of people: newborns in India, high school students in Los Angeles, small farmers in Ethiopia, homeless families in my hometown of Seattle, to name just a few.

      When I travel on behalf of the foundation, whether it’s to slums and villages in poor countries or to high schools and community colleges in the United States, I am always moved by people’s eternal hope for a better life. At the foundation, we share their ambition and their optimism.

      I look forward to the day when I can write a letter talking about how the world eradicated polio.

      Jeff Raikes
      CEO, Bill &Melinda Gates Foundation -……
      schrieb am 10.09.10 01:24:11
      Beitrag Nr. 18.753 ()
      Bay of Fundy may get world's largest turbine - OR - 9/8/2010
      schrieb am 10.09.10 01:30:12
      Beitrag Nr. 18.754 ()
      Das Europäische Semester: Signalgeber für Politik und Märkte - DB Research - Sep 9, 2010

      - Der Gipfel des Rats der europäischen Wirtschafts- und Finanzminister (Ecofin) am 7. September hat zahlreiche Neuerungen gebracht. Neben einer Reform der EU-Finanzmarktaufsicht soll ein Europäisches Semester ab 2011 sicherstellen, dass nationale Wirtschafts- und Fiskalpolitik zunächst in Brüssel bewertet wird, bevor die Mitgliedstaaten sie beschließen. Worum geht es genau?... -…
      schrieb am 10.09.10 01:35:23
      Beitrag Nr. 18.755 ()
      Americas Petrogas - GrowMax Plans Phosphate Exploration Drilling at Bayovar, Peru - Sep 09, 2010…
      schrieb am 10.09.10 01:39:08
      Beitrag Nr. 18.756 ()

      Major Natural Gas Discovered Near Amazon's Cerrado Verde Potash Claims - Sep 09, 2010…
      schrieb am 10.09.10 01:49:43
      Beitrag Nr. 18.757 ()
      Ivanhoe Eyes Production from Oyu Tolgoi in 2012; Ivanhoe Mines' full-scale construction of its Oyu Tolgoi copper-gold complex is on schedule with first ore expected to be processed during the fourth quarter of 2012 - MT - Sep 9, 2010…
      schrieb am 10.09.10 01:53:20
      Beitrag Nr. 18.758 ()
      China to Boost Russian Coal Imports - Sep 9, 2010…

      "China is planning to increase coal imports from Russia while lending a $6bn loan to the country as part of an agreement signed at the end of August.

      China will receive about 15 million tons annually in the next five years and over 20 million tons in the following 20 years.

      Russia will use the loan to fund domestic coal producers to increase supplies to China, procure mining equipment and build coal transportation links, reports Bloomberg.

      The agreement will also enable the countries to establish joint ventures to develop coal resources in Russia and conduct research on coal-to-liquids technology.
      schrieb am 10.09.10 01:54:51
      Beitrag Nr. 18.759 ()
      ArcelorMittal, Indiabulls to Establish Indian Mining JV; ArcelorMittal and Indiabulls will form a coal and iron ore mining joint venture aimed at owning captive mines in India - MT - Sep 9, 2010…
      schrieb am 13.09.10 15:40:19
      Beitrag Nr. 18.760 ()
      [TNG] Positive interim results from Mount Peake Scoping Study - Australianinvestor - 13-Sep-2010

      "Australian resources company TNG Limited has report positive interim results from the new Scoping Study on its 100%-owned Mount Peake Vanadium Project in the Northern Territory.

      The new Scoping Study, commissioned in July for commercial extraction of all three key commodities from the ore – namely iron, vanadium and titanium – has delivered encouraging results incorporating a newly patented hydrometallurgical process developed by TNG in conjunction with its metallurgical consultants, METS.

      Key interim findings from the Scoping Study include: the iron concentrate grade is consistent at 54-55% Fe after preliminary grinding and magnetic separation: Fe recovery is approximately 71-75%.

      the vanadium concentrate grade is consistent at 1.2% after preliminary grinding and magnetic separation: V recovery is 91 – 95%.

      The titanium grade is consistent at 16–17% after preliminary grinding and magnetic separation: Ti recovery is 75%.

      The ore is low in phosphorus, silica and alumina below commercial penalty values.

      In leaching, the vanadium is readily leached with an extraction of >90% achieved, 80% for Fe, but only 20% for Ti.

      TiO2 extraction – further purification would lead to a commercial grade TiO2 achievable which could generate extra revenue.

      METS’ view is that further test work may potentially eliminate the need for fine grinding, resulting in a further reduction in capital and operating expenditures; and that the Capex and Opex using the new hydrometallurgical processing technique will be much lower than standard processes. "
      schrieb am 13.09.10 15:50:07
      Beitrag Nr. 18.761 ()
      [BAU] Bauxite Resources receives EPA level of assessment - Australianinvestor - 13-Sep-2010

      "Australian resources company Bauxite Resources Ltd has received notice from the EPA advising that its proposed 2Mtpa mining operation on privately owned farmland north of Bindoon, Western Australia, will require assessment via a Public Environmental Review.

      As advised previously BRL, in referring to the EPA for assessment its proposed mining operation, confirmed that it was committed to a public scoping exercise to ensure that the community and relevant agencies are engaged in the process (refer ASX announcement dated 18 August 2010).

      The bauxitic ore to be extracted under this proposal will either be sold for export as direct shipping ore or sold locally as other products (gravel). Following crushing and screening, export-quality ore will be trucked along state highways and major transport routes to the Kwinana port for export. Non export-quality material (gravel) will be available to local and regional commercial operations.

      BRL earlier this year completed its trial shipments from Stephens Road, North Bindoon, consisting of 128,000 tonnes, and the trial area has now been rehabilitated and reseeded with pasture species as per the landholder’s requirements.

      A number of public tours consisting of local landowners and other interested parties were conducted by the Company in August 2010 to demonstrate the minimum impact nature of its bauxite mining operations on farmland. The Company shared its vision for development with the local Bindoon community at a public meeting “Conversations with the Community” on 20 July 2010. "
      schrieb am 13.09.10 15:54:40
      Beitrag Nr. 18.762 ()
      iQ Report, Q2 ´10 - Iradesso - Sep10

      - Some overall trends and highlights of the report are as follows:

      Bigger Companies, Lower Costs, Higher Netbacks

      For the junior companies in this report, with production between 500 and 10,000 boe/d, the median operating costs were $13.06 per boe, median general and administrative costs were $4.24 per boe and median netbacks were $14.92 per boe. By contrast, economies of scales helped the intermediate companies with production between 10,000 and 100,000 boe/d. The intermediates reported median operating costs of $10.73 boe/d, median general and administrative costs of $2.00 per boe, and median cash flow netbacks of $20.80 per boe. Intermediates are able to have lower costs that enable them to make more money per unit of production.

      Lacklustre Market

      During the second quarter, the median junior had a return of negative seven percent for investors. When the subsequent two months are incorporated, the median return was negative 11 percent. Investments in intermediates fared slightly better. The median return for intermediate companies was negative five percent for the second quarter, recovering to negative one percent when the subsequent two months are also factored in. In all cases, we are including dividends and distributions in calculating the total return.

      Juniors Shifting to Oil

      Many junior oil and gas companies have been talking about shifting their focus from natural gas to oil for more than a year now. The economics are much more compelling with oil versus natural gas given current commodity prices. When calculated based on volumes of six thousand cubic feet of natural gas being equivalent to one barrel of oil, the median junior was weighted 65 percent to natural gas for the second quarter. This is a drop from 71 percent in the first quarter.

      Blame it on the Rain

      In reading one second quarter report after another, our researchers noticed a common thread – weather delays. Many junior and intermediate producers made note of the fact that they had to delay their drilling program or postpone well servicing due to wet conditions. From what we have heard, these challenges persisted into the third quarter of 2010 for much of western Canada. ...-
      schrieb am 13.09.10 15:58:20
      Beitrag Nr. 18.763 ()

      Exeter Resource - Upgrades Caspiche Mineral Resource To: Measured and Indicated - 21.3 Million Ounces Gold + 5.3 Billion Pounds Copper Inferred - 5.1 Million Ounces Gold + 1.4 Billion Pounds Copper - Sep 13, 2010
      schrieb am 13.09.10 16:05:35
      Beitrag Nr. 18.764 ()
      BE Resources - Commences Drilling on Warm Springs Beryllium Project in New Mexico - Sep 13, 2010…
      schrieb am 13.09.10 16:10:55
      Beitrag Nr. 18.765 ()
      Weekly Review - Ocean Equities - Sep 8, 2010…
      schrieb am 13.09.10 21:20:28
      Beitrag Nr. 18.766 ()

      Salazar Resources Ltd.: Cease Trade Order and Requirement for New Technical Report - Sep 13, 2010…
      schrieb am 14.09.10 00:54:38
      Beitrag Nr. 18.767 ()
      Plant Impact Plc - Syngenta Brazil field trials - Aug 25, 2010…
      schrieb am 14.09.10 01:02:24
      Beitrag Nr. 18.768 ()
      Oxford Catalysts Group Plc - Güssing FT Demonstration Progressing Well - Aug 16, 2010
      schrieb am 14.09.10 08:14:34
      Beitrag Nr. 18.769 ()
      Dynasty Metals Australia - signs MOU with Ning Xia; Geo-Exploration &Mineral Development Bureau of Ning Xia, China - Sep 13, 2010
      schrieb am 14.09.10 15:43:37
      Beitrag Nr. 18.770 ()
      Cape Lambert Resources - Significant Iron Mineralisation Intersected at Mayoko - Sep 14, 2010

      Key Points:

      + Phase 1 program of 18 diamond drill holes for 3,687m completed.

      + Head assay results received for 8 of the first 9 holes with significant intersections including:

      - 42m at 55.1% Fe of in-situ supergene hematite from surface in MKDD003, including 22m at 57.4% Fe from surface;

      - 20m at 56.1% Fe of transported supergene hematite from 4m in MKDD001, including 14m at 59% Fe from 8m;

      - 38m at 38.1% Fe of enriched banded iron formation(“BIF”) from 20m in MKDD006, including 22m at 42.2% Fe from 20m;

      - 151m at 36.1% Fe of fresh BIF from 251m in MKDD002, and

      - 131m at 32.4% Fe of fresh BIF from 92m in MKDD007.

      + Assay results confirm supergene hematite cap and enriched BIF extending up to 40m and 75m below surface respectively.

      + Drilling shows additional supergene hematite present outside of previously reported Inferred Mineral Resource including 20m at 56.1% Fe from 4m in drill hole MKDD001.

      + The enriched and fresh BIF lenses vary from 50 to 200m thick and extend over a strike length of >6km.

      + Further ore characterisation work is in progress including head assay, mineralogy, screen size and Davis Tube Recovery analyses. ...
      schrieb am 14.09.10 15:44:47
      Beitrag Nr. 18.771 ()
      Lydian Drills 69m at 1.7g/t & 89m at 1.0g/t Gold in Resource Upgrade Drilling at Amulsar & Extends Known Gold at Erato by 350m to the Southeast; Logging of New Drill Holes Suggests High-Grade "Feeder Zone" at Artavasdes Extends Over 400m in Strike Length - Sep 14, 2010…
      schrieb am 14.09.10 15:49:16
      Beitrag Nr. 18.772 ()
      Hanfeng Completes Construction of Indonesian JV Facility - Sep 13, 2010

      + Commissioning underway

      + 100% of first year production pre-sold to JV partners ...…
      schrieb am 14.09.10 16:11:46
      Beitrag Nr. 18.773 ()
      Coal mining has a future, Combet; Newly-appointed Climate Change Minister Greg Combet has promised to protect coal mining jobs when devising a method to curb global warming - MT - Sep 13, 2010…

      "Newly-appointed Climate Change Minister Greg Combet has promised to protect coal mining jobs when devising a method to curb global warming.

      The former ACTU secretary was promoted to the portfolio by Prime Minister Julia Gillard on the weekend.

      According to The Australian, Combet said he would target an increase in renewable energy use and energy efficiency as well as a price on carbon.

      He believes the coal mining industry would still have a future alongside these three objectives.

      “You do not take the back of the axe to the fundamentals of the Australian economy,” he said.

      “I have got a responsibility to support those people's jobs.

      “The coal industry is a very vibrant industry with a strong future.

      “What you have got to do is look to how we can achieve in the longer term things like carbon capture and storage for coal-fired power stations.”

      The president of the Construction Forestry Mining Engineering Union (CFMEU), Tony Maher, said Combet’s previous experience as a union negotiator would help him in his new role.

      “It is going to be a tough job,” he told ABC Radio this morning.

      "He will have to deal to the left and deal to the right, but he is the best negotiator in parliament.”

      Combet has prior experience with the portfolio, serving as Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change from February 2009.

      Former Climate Change Minister Penny Wong has been moved into the Finance portfolio. "
      schrieb am 14.09.10 16:13:18
      Beitrag Nr. 18.774 ()
      Cameco puts support behind uranium transport hub; Canadian mining giant Cameco has voiced its support for BHP's push for a uranium road to rail transfer station on the outskirts of Kalgoorlie-Boulder - MA - Sep 10, 2010

      - Cole Latimer -…
      schrieb am 14.09.10 16:14:44
      Beitrag Nr. 18.775 ()
      MetroCoal - China Coal Receives Final Major Approval - Sep 13, 2010
      schrieb am 14.09.10 16:18:31
      Beitrag Nr. 18.776 ()
      China &India: Still Hungry for Coal; One can only hope that the “Don’t shoot the messenger” adage is still popular in the international community. :laugh::eek::laugh: UK-based consultants M&C Energy Group have become the latest to join the chorus of voices asking the international community to increase the pressure on China and India to switch to cleaner energy sources - US/CR - Sep 10, 2010

      - Marin Katusa -…
      schrieb am 14.09.10 16:20:04
      Beitrag Nr. 18.777 ()
      Africa Oil and Alberta Oilsands Announce Assignment of Blocks 12A and 13T in Kenya to Africa Oil Completed - Sep 10, 2010…
      schrieb am 14.09.10 16:27:02
      Beitrag Nr. 18.778 ()
      [RER] Acquisition of Biogenic Methane Enhancement Project - Australianinvestor - 14-Sep-2010

      "Regal Resources Limited (“Regal”) are pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement to purchase 100% of the issued capital of Enhanced Biogenic Methane Pty Ltd (“EBM”) via the issue of 40 million ordinary shares and subject to shareholder approval.

      EBM has secured an exclusive Australian and Northern Ireland licence to biogenic methane enhancement (BME) technology, which has been granted from the Western Research Institute of Wyoming, who are at the forefront of this technology globally.

      This transaction enables Regal to focus on applying the EBM technology at its Oak Park Pilot Site, located within EL 4507 to the west of Melbourne where there is evidence of substantial quantities of brown coal to which the EBM technology may have a commercial application. Regal holds 1407km2 of tenements in Victoria (EL4507 and EL4510) containing approximately 10 billion :eek: :eek: tonnes of non-JORC brown coal.

      It is proposed that a trial of the EBM technology will commence in the near term upon regulatory approvals being granted. Over the last six months substantial work has been undertaken on the approval process, and it is anticipated the trial will commence during October 2010. The trial, initially focused on an existing well at Oak Park, will involve the stimulation of microbes within the 20 metre thick coal seam to produce methane gas. The trial will cover three phases to examine specific aspects of the technology, with each phase planned to run for a minimum of 45 days.

      Biogenic methane enhancement (BME) involves speeding up the natural biogenic process that produces methane known as coal seam gas. Biogenic methane accounts for 20% to 40% of the total methane reserves on earth. Major sources include coal seam gas in the Surat Basin in Queensland Australia and Powder River Basin in Wyoming, United States of America. "
      schrieb am 14.09.10 16:34:44
      Beitrag Nr. 18.779 ()
      NREL Releases Estimate of National Offshore Wind Energy Potential - NREL - Sep 10, 2010

      "The U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) announces the release of a new report that assesses the electricity generating potential of offshore wind resources in the United States.

      According to the Assessment of Offshore Wind Energy Resources for the United StatesPDF, 4,150 gigawatts of potential wind turbine nameplate capacity (maximum turbine capacity) from offshore wind resources are available in the United States. The estimate does not describe actual planned offshore wind development, and the report does not consider that some offshore areas may be excluded from energy development on the basis of environmental, human use, or technical considerations. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, in 2008 the nation’s total electric generating capacity from all sources was 1,010 gigawatts.

      The report’s estimate is based on the latest high-resolution maps predicting annual average wind speeds, and shows the gross energy potential of offshore wind resources. The potential electric generating capacity was calculated from the total offshore area within 50 nautical miles of shore, in areas where average annual wind speeds are at least 7 meters per second (approximately 16 miles per hour) at a height of 90 meters (295 feet). For purposes of this study, it was assumed that 5 megawatts of wind turbines could be placed in every square kilometer of water that met these wind characteristics. Detailed resource maps and tables for 26 coastal states’ (ocean and Great Lakes) offshore wind resources break down the wind energy potential by wind speed, water depth, and distance from shore.

      NREL is the U.S. Department of Energy's primary national laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development. NREL is operated for DOE by The Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. "
      schrieb am 15.09.10 00:18:23
      Beitrag Nr. 18.780 ()
      Golden Arrow Options Two Projects to Vale - Sep 9, 2010…
      schrieb am 15.09.10 00:26:09
      Beitrag Nr. 18.781 ()
      Erin Ventures - Signs Serbian Boron Joint Venture Agreement - May 5, 2010
      schrieb am 15.09.10 00:36:16
      Beitrag Nr. 18.782 ()
      Manas Petroleum - announces that it has entered into a contract for seismic in blocks 13 and 14 in Mongolia - Sep 8, 2010…
      schrieb am 15.09.10 01:35:42
      Beitrag Nr. 18.783 ()
      Kivalliq Energy - Updates on Lac Cinquante Phase 2 Drilling - Sep 07, 2010…
      schrieb am 15.09.10 01:44:20
      Beitrag Nr. 18.784 ()
      MBAC Announces Positive Definitive Feasibility Study for Itafos Phosphate Project, Brazil - Sep 07, 2010…
      schrieb am 15.09.10 01:46:39
      Beitrag Nr. 18.785 ()
      HudBay Earns 51% Joint Venture Interest in Aquila's Back Forty Project - Sep 10, 2010…
      schrieb am 15.09.10 02:21:09
      Beitrag Nr. 18.786 ()
      Deals This Week: Goldcorp, China Gold, Stillwater Mining and More - MT - Sep 10, 2010…

      "Goldcorp is to acquire Andean Resources for $3.4bn, beating a rival offer from Canadian miner Eldorado Gold Corp.

      Yanzhou Coal Mining Company has said it will acquire a 51% stake in Haosheng Coal Mine for a total consideration of $980m.

      Yanzhou Coal will also buy a 5.51% stake from Shanghai Huayi, 23.08% from Jinchengtai and a 12.41% equity stake from Jiutai Technology.

      China Gold International said it would acquire Skyland Mining, which owns the Jiama copper mine in Tibet, in an all-stock deal valued at $742.3m.

      Stillwater Mining, the only US producer of platinum-group metals, said it would acquire Marathon PGM Corp to gain a Canadian project.

      The total consideration of the transaction is $118m.

      The deal will increase Stillwater's annual platinum and palladium production by 40% within three years after gaining assets.

      Novadx has signed an agreement to acquire mineral rights of an 18,000-acre, metallurgical coal prospect that is estimated to produce 172 million tons a year. :eek::eek::eek: :laugh:

      China's Zijin Mining said it had terminated a plan to acquire Congolese copper miner Platmin Congo after the agreement expires. "
      schrieb am 15.09.10 02:26:16
      Beitrag Nr. 18.787 ()
      Trevali Signs Deal with Glencore for Peruvian Project; Trevali Resources has signed an agreement with Glencore for the development and operation of the Santander zinc-lead-silver mine project in Peru MT - Sep 10, 2010……

      "Trevali Resources has signed an agreement with Glencore for the development and operation of the Santander zinc-lead-silver mine project in Peru.

      Under the contract, Glencore will provide, construct and operate a modern, efficient, 2,000tpd mill and flotation plant as a part of the mine development.

      Glencore will also provide project management and operational expertise in order to design, develop and operate the mine using an anticipated combination of open-pit and underground mining techniques.

      Trevali has also secured a life-of-mine concentrate off-take agreement whereby Glencore will buy 100% of the Santander mine production at benchmark terms. "
      schrieb am 15.09.10 13:44:50
      Beitrag Nr. 18.788 ()
      Wen promises fairness for foreign companies :eek::eek::laugh::laugh::laugh: - CER/SCMP - Sep 13, 2010…

      "Premier Wen Jiabao reassured the World Economic Forum's (WEF) in Tianjin on Monday that foreign companies will be given equal treatment by Beijing amid claims of discrimination, the South China Morning Post reported.

      Though China has moved up in the WEF's Global Competitive Index, World Bank rankings on the ease of doing business in the country have declined this year. Multinationals have expressed concern that they are being sidelined in areas like state procurement. Complaints over policy transparency, fair dealing and market access arose in July when General Electric (GE.NYSE) CEO Jeffrey Immelt said it was not clear whether China wanted foreign businesses to be successful.
      Wen was also postive on the outlook for the nation's economy. "China’s economy is now in good shape, featuring fast growth, gradual structural improvement, rising employment and basic price stability," he said. "
      schrieb am 15.09.10 14:41:41
      Beitrag Nr. 18.789 ()
      Wavefront Technology Solutions Inc.: Integrated Energy Company Powerwave Puts Powerwave to Work; Three Powerwave Systems to Be Deployed in Eastern Alberta - Sep 13, 2010…

      Wavefront Technology Solutions Inc.: Five-Year General Services Agreement Signed With Texas Operator; Five Powerwave Systems to Be Initially Deployed in Permian Basin CO2 Flood - Sep 14, 2010…
      schrieb am 16.09.10 00:08:34
      Beitrag Nr. 18.790 ()
      First Gold Exploration Inc.: Best Drill Results to Date, New Listing and Project Updates - Sep 15, 2010…
      schrieb am 16.09.10 00:10:54
      Beitrag Nr. 18.791 ()
      Rio Alto Increases La Arena Probable Reserves to 2.57 Million oz Au &1.57 Billion lbs Cu - Sep 15, 2010…
      schrieb am 16.09.10 00:35:44
      Beitrag Nr. 18.792 ()
      INV Metals Inc.: Copper Zone Discovered at Kaoko Copper Property, Namibia - Sep 15, 2010…
      schrieb am 16.09.10 00:39:22
      Beitrag Nr. 18.793 ()
      New Millennium Capital Corp. Announces a Positive DSO Investment Decision by Tata Steel - Sep 14, 2010…
      schrieb am 16.09.10 00:47:19
      Beitrag Nr. 18.794 ()
      Ecology Action Centre says seismic testing harms whales - TCH/EAC - 9/14/2010
      schrieb am 16.09.10 00:49:56
      Beitrag Nr. 18.795 ()
      European companies look to harness Bay of Fundy tides; Source: Norwegian, German companies have expressed interest - TCH - 9/14/2010

      - Judy Myrden -
      schrieb am 16.09.10 00:54:14
      Beitrag Nr. 18.796 ()
      Shell spending billions to boost natural-gas development - OR/G &M - 9/14/2010

      "Royal Dutch Shell PLC is betting big on a global shale gas “revolution” and will soon be producing more natural gas than crude oil :eek: as it develops properties in Canada, the United States and China.

      In the next few years, the international oil company expects to more than triple its production of gas in North America, despite the current glut of gas on the market, Shell chief executive officer Peter Voser said in an interview Monday.

      “And we could have more if we want to do so, depending on prices and markets,” Mr. Voser said after delivering a speech to the World Energy Congress, a meeting of energy executives and politicians.

      The company plans to spend up to $4-billion in the next few years to develop its Groundbirch property in northeastern British Columbia, and the Marcellus properties in Pennsylvania and New York state that it acquired from East Resources Inc. in a $4.7-billion (U.S.) deal that closed this summer.

      “We will be more gas than oil by 2012,” Mr. Voser said, referring to Shell's production in terms of barrels-of-oil equivalent.

      On that basis, the company will see natural gas grow to roughly 58 per cent of its production volume by the end of the decade, from 48 per cent currently.

      Mr. Voser acknowledged that North American gas prices are depressed but said the market will move into better balance in the longer term. He expects demand for natural gas to climb as energy consumers – particularly in the power sector – get used to the idea of the abundant supply of gas, as well as its low price and environmental benefits. Globally, he forecast that natural-gas consumption will grow by 25 per cent by 2020 – twice the growth rate of oil.

      But it is critical, he said, for governments to impose a price on carbon-dioxide emissions to create incentives for consumers to invest in lower-emitting fuels like natural gas.

      While governments have promised some form of carbon prices, the effort in North America has stalled after the U.S. Congress failed to pass a climate bill, and the Canadian government waits to follow the American lead.

      The Shell executive extolled the virtues of natural gas and its environmental benefits on a day when the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) held a public hearing in New York state about the impact of shale gas drilling on local water systems.

      Environmental groups and some landowners have complained the oil companies are threatening water supplies through the use of hydraulic fracturing, which uses high-pressure, chemically-laced water to crack the shale rock and free the gas.

      New York state has essentially prohibited the development of shale gas while it studies the issue, a ban that includes properties Shell acquired from East Resources.

      The EPA has in the past said there is no evidence that hydraulic fracturing has contaminated ground water, but there have been documented cases of surface pollution and of methane contaminating well water as a result of nearby drilling operations.

      Shell also faces protests over its plan to develop coal-bed methane resources in northwestern British Columbia, in the area know as a Sacred Headwaters, which feeds the Skeena, Nass and Stikine Rivers.

      Mr. Voser said the company is used to dealing with environmental concerns, and does not expect the protests to seriously impede the development of shale gas or other unconventional gas resources.

      In his speech, the Shell CEO acknowledged that most energy development entails risks and that “things sometimes can and do go wrong” – a clear reference to BP PLC's disastrous blowout in the Gulf of Mexico.

      “But let's remember that energy is the lifeblood of civilization,” he said in his speech.

      “Whether we like it or not, producing energy and delivering it to billions of customers around the world comes with certain risks.”

      He said the industry has to manage the risks as effectively as possible.

      North America is far ahead of the rest of the world in developing unconventional gas reserves, but Mr. Voser said he expects significant growth in Australia, in China and eventually in Europe and South Africa.

      But he said the surge in unconventional supply will delay development of Arctic gas and the pipelines required to bring that fuel from the Alaska and Canadian offshore.

      “There will be natural gas [developed] in the Arctic but you are most probably talking quite long term now. But I think it will be developed over time.” "
      schrieb am 16.09.10 01:08:57
      Beitrag Nr. 18.797 ()
      TintinaGold Begins Drilling Sheep Creek Copper-Cobalt Project - Sep 14, 2010…
      schrieb am 16.09.10 01:11:47
      Beitrag Nr. 18.798 ()
      Canada Lithium Continues to Build Management Team with Appointments of COO and CFO - Sep 14, 2010…
      schrieb am 16.09.10 01:15:02
      Beitrag Nr. 18.799 ()
      Advanced Explorations Announces Two New Iron Ore Discoveries - Sep 14, 2010…
      schrieb am 16.09.10 01:30:35
      Beitrag Nr. 18.800 ()
      Wasserkraft in Europa: Alpenregion, Skandinavien und Südosteuropa reich an Chancen - DB Research - Sep 14, 2010

      - Noch liegen in Europa fast zwei Fünftel des wirtschaftlich nutzbaren Wasserkraftpotenzials brach. Die zunehmende Verteuerung der fossilen Energieträger sowie umwelt- und klimapolitische Neujustierungen machen Wasserkraft zum Gewinner. Denn die Technologien haben einen hohen Reifegrad, es treten keine klimagefährdenden Emissionen auf und es fallen keine Zahlungen für den Brennstoffbezug an. Überdies treffen vor allem kleine Anlagen auf gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz. Gegenüber den neuen Erneuerbaren punktet Wasserkraft mit hohen Wirkungsgraden und mehr Flexibilität. Außerdem sind Mehrfachnutzungen möglich. Neben den potenzialstarken Ländern der Alpenregion sowie Skandinavien bietet besonders Südosteuropa interessante Möglichkeiten für nachhaltige Investitionen mit überaus attraktivem Chance-Risiko-Profil. ...-…
      schrieb am 16.09.10 01:51:02
      Beitrag Nr. 18.801 ()
      South Africa Could Revoke Mine Licences to Enforce Charter - MT - Sep 14, 2010…

      "South Africa will revoke the mining licences of companies that fail to increase control by black people in line with local regulations, said Sandile Nogxina, director general of the Department of Mineral Resources.

      Nogxina said the mining charter, which calls for 26% black ownership of mines by 2014, could lead to the revocation of licences, reports Bloomberg.

      Meanwhile, Mineral Resources Minister Susan Shabangu said change in the mining industry to include more blacks is slow despite a decade of affirmative action because whites continue to dominate the sector.

      Shabangu added that only 8.9% of mines were owned by blacks in 2009, which is below a target of 15%.

      The mining charter states companies must employ 40% of black managers at various levels and also buy 40% of their capital goods and 70% of services from black-owned companies by 2014.
      schrieb am 16.09.10 01:52:39
      Beitrag Nr. 18.802 ()
      Rio Tinto Boosts Stake in Ivanhoe Mines - MT - Sep 14, 2010…
      schrieb am 16.09.10 01:55:43
      Beitrag Nr. 18.803 ()
      Golden Minerals Reports Additional High Grade Intercepts &Resource Expansion Drilling Program at El Quevar - Sep 14, 2010…
      schrieb am 16.09.10 02:00:11
      Beitrag Nr. 18.804 ()
      China launches online bulletin board for citizens - CER/FT - Sep 14, 2010…

      "The Chinese government has launched an online bulletin board where citizens can write messages to top political leaders :eek: , the latest attempt by the Communist Party to link propaganda and internet public relations techniques :laugh::laugh: , the Financial Times reported.

      The online bulletin board, "Direct Line to Zhongnanhai," which refers to the compound housing party leaders' offices and homes in central Beijing, features a box where users can type in messages and send them to various politburo members, including President Hu Jintao. :eek: The publicity move is part of leaders' efforts to demonstrate responsiveness and transparency without ceding the party's grip on power. It is also seen as a means of counterbalancing an internet-driven dilution of state media's traditional information monopoly. The 37,746 messages received by Hu Jintao on the new page's first day of operation were reportedly a mix of supportive posts and mild expressions of concern over economic and social issues. "
      schrieb am 16.09.10 02:03:07
      Beitrag Nr. 18.805 ()
      EU expected to raise China tariffs on wheels - CER/WSJ - Sep 14, 2010…

      "The EU is expected to increase punitive duties from 20.6% to 22.3% on imports of Chinese-made aluminum car wheels, amid a dispute that reflects how China's shift into sophisticated manufacturing is raising tensions with its most important trade partners, the Wall Street Journal reported.

      People familiar with the matter say it is likely the special EU trade committee will approve a measure to extend and raise anti-dumping duties in place since May. A new round of tariffs could lead to an automotive trade war :eek: with China :eek::eek: , potentially hurting European car makers such as Daimler AG (DAI.FWB) and Volkswagen AG (VOW.FWB), which rely on China's booming auto market as a major source of profits. Europe's auto sector is deeply divided over the tariff move. Car makers say the tariffs risk reprisal by the Chinese, but European components producers argue they need duties to stay competitive. "
      schrieb am 16.09.10 02:06:13
      Beitrag Nr. 18.806 ()
      Renminbi hits new high - CER/WSJ - Sep 14, 2010…

      "The renminbi surged against the US dollar on Tuesday after China's central bank set the reference rate lower at 6.7378, down from 6.7509 on Monday, the Wall Street Journal reported.

      The moves comes shortly before the US House Ways and Means Committee is due to discuss Beijing's currency policy. US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner weighed in ahead of the meeting, saying that China hasn't done enough to allow the renminbi to rise. The dollar reached a low of RMB 6.7470 shortly after opening at RMB 6.7475 on the domestic over-the-counter market. On Monday it closed at RMB 6.7618. The renminbi's gains suggest Beijing is becoming more comfortable with currency appreciation, as recent data shows the Chinese economy has rebounded but faces rising inflation. "
      schrieb am 16.09.10 02:10:26
      Beitrag Nr. 18.807 ()
      India's Suzlon to expand China wind turbine capacity - CER/BB - Sep 14, 2010…

      "India's largest manufacturer of wind-turbine generators, Suzlon Energy (532667.BSE), announced plans to expand its China production capacity on expectations that the country will remain the world's largest green energy market for the next decade, Bloomberg reported.

      The Ahmedabad-based manufacturer will make turbines capable of generating a combined 1,000 megawatts in China by 2013 - 67% more than the current capacity of 600 MW. Suzlon's are similar to those of General Electric (GE.NYSE) and a clutch of European firms, all of which are introducing new technology and opening factories in China as competition for orders heats up. China plans to add 18 gigawatts of wind capacity this year. Orders from China and India may help Suzlon offset slowing orders in Europe. The company expects to return to profit this financial year. "
      schrieb am 16.09.10 02:12:42
      Beitrag Nr. 18.808 ()
      Online video website Tudou expects to list 'fairly soon' - CER/BB - Sep 14, 2010…

      ", China’s second-largest online video website, is likely to begin work on an initial public offering “fairly soon,” according to CEO Gary Wang, Bloomberg reported.

      Wang said the move was inevitable but refused to go into specifics. Both Tudou and market leader require funds to invest in bandwidth to broadcast videos and copyrights for professional content that they say makes up about 70% of their sites. Analysys International, a Beijing-based research firm, said that Youku held 18% of China’s online video market in the first quarter of 2010, compared to 13% for Tudou. Anlysys noted that, although both sites offer user-generated content, they are also “purchasing film copyrights actively so as to widen the gap with other independent online video websites.” Tudou has raised US$135 million through five rounds of private equity funding, while Youku has raised US$110 million. "
      schrieb am 16.09.10 02:15:04
      Beitrag Nr. 18.809 ()
      Hudson Confirms Greenland Governments Amendment to Lift Certain Restrictions on Radioactive Elements - Sep 13, 2010…
      schrieb am 16.09.10 02:23:04
      Beitrag Nr. 18.810 ()
      Adriana Recieves "IT" Environmental Permit for Brazilian Deep Sea Port Facility - Sep 14, 2010…
      schrieb am 16.09.10 13:42:55
      Beitrag Nr. 18.811 ()
      New Drilling Program Commences at Back Forty Project: Aquila Announces Final Results of 2009/2010 Drilling Program Including 65.0 Meters 1.6 g/t Gold and 35.4 g/t Silver Near Surface - Sep 15, 2010…
      schrieb am 16.09.10 13:48:27
      Beitrag Nr. 18.812 ()
      Palmer backflips on tax; Clive Palmer has said that he sees the merits of the mining tax - MA - Sep 14, 2010

      - Cole Latimer -…

      "Clive Palmer has said that he sees the merits of the mining tax.

      This comes after he became known nationwide as the staunchest opponent of a mining tax and the Labor Government.

      While he remained critical of the initial Mineral Resources Rent Tax deal struck between the Prime Minister and Rio, BHP and Xstrata, he did see some of the merits of a profits based tax.

      While the tax currently stands at 30% for coal and iron ore only, Palmer said a rate of about seven or eight per cent would work well.

      “Certainly we could have a profits-based tax, based on a level which was closer to royalties,” Palmer said.

      However, he went on to say he does not “agree with a 40 per cent tax, I don't agree with a 20 per cent tax, all I'm saying is that I do agree with a concept of taxing profits rather than taxing people and an activity.” "
      schrieb am 16.09.10 14:01:01
      Beitrag Nr. 18.813 ()
      East Energy Resources - Exploration Target likely to exceed 2 Billion Tonnes - Apr 8, 2010
      schrieb am 17.09.10 02:15:43
      Beitrag Nr. 18.814 ()
      Scott Koyich: Oil &Gas Upside Potential - US - Sep 15, 2010…
      schrieb am 17.09.10 02:18:25
      Beitrag Nr. 18.815 ()
      Zecotek's Auto-Stereoscopic 3D Display System Demonstrates Split Screen Capabilities and Air Traffic Control Simulation - Sep 15, 2010…
      schrieb am 17.09.10 02:33:53
      Beitrag Nr. 18.816 ()
      Strathmore Commences Development Drilling Program at Gas Hills Uranium Properties, Wyoming - Sep 15, 2010…
      schrieb am 18.09.10 01:07:35
      Beitrag Nr. 18.817 ()
      A Red-Hot Market for Wheat; The state-run organizations in North Africa that buy wheat will need to be on the ball in coming months following Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin’s announcement in early September that Moscow had suspended all wheat exports until Dec. 31. The decision was dictated by the record drought that struck the CIS countries this summer - AO - Sep 16, 2010
      schrieb am 18.09.10 01:15:08
      Beitrag Nr. 18.818 ()
      Largo Closes Equity Financing - Sep 16, 2010…
      schrieb am 18.09.10 01:34:51
      Beitrag Nr. 18.819 ()
      Everton Signs two Letters of Intent Totalling $10 Million With Aurizon for its Opinaca Property - Jointly Owned With Azimut and its Wildcat Property in Quebec and Closes a $250,000 Private Placement - Sep 16, 2010…
      schrieb am 18.09.10 01:58:57
      Beitrag Nr. 18.820 ()

      Augusta Announces Minority JV with Korean Consortium - Sep 16, 2010…
      schrieb am 18.09.10 14:18:35
      Beitrag Nr. 18.821 ()
      Quebec won't stop shale work - OR - 9/16/2010
      schrieb am 18.09.10 14:20:15
      Beitrag Nr. 18.822 ()
      Korea Resources May Spend 83% More on Overseas Mines; Korea Resources may increase its investment in overseas mines by 83% in 2010 to secure South Korea's uranium, copper and coal supplies - MT - Sep 16, 2010…
      schrieb am 18.09.10 14:21:10
      Beitrag Nr. 18.823 ()
      First Quantum Launches Legal Action Over Kolwezi Project; First Quantum Minerals has launched legal action against subsidiaries of Eurasian Natural Resources in relation to the expropriation of its legal title of the Kolwezi project in the Democratic Republic of Congo - MT - Sep 16, 2010…
      schrieb am 18.09.10 14:23:38
      Beitrag Nr. 18.824 ()
      African Aura Obtains Government Agreement for $2.5bn Putu Project - MT - Sep 16, 2010……
      schrieb am 18.09.10 14:33:49
      Beitrag Nr. 18.825 ()
      Warum es an der Zeit ist, Kapitalabflüsse aus den BRIC-Ländern etwas weiter zu liberalisieren - DB Research - Sep 16, 2010

      - Es ist schwierig, den Grad der Kapitalbilanzliberalisierung exakt zu messen. Verschiedene Ansätze zeigen unterschiedliche Grade an Offenheit an. Dennoch würden wohl die meisten Analysten zustimmen, dass Brasilien und Russland eine offenere Kapitalbilanz haben als China und Indien. Der Grad der Offenheit hat Auswirkungen auf die Zusammensetzung und die Größe der Außenwirtschaftsbilanz. In Russland liegen Bruttoauslandsverschuldung und -aktiva bei 170% des BIP, verglichen mit 100% oder weniger in den andern BRIC-Ländern. Ex-Währungsreserven sind Brasilien (84%) und Russland (135%) jedoch beide offener als China (54%) und Indien (51%)...-…
      schrieb am 18.09.10 14:42:56
      Beitrag Nr. 18.826 ()
      AbD Serotec vereinbart weltweite exklusive Herstellungslizenz für wichtige Forschungsantikörper mit VU University Medical Center - Sep 16, 2010…
      schrieb am 18.09.10 14:47:10
      Beitrag Nr. 18.827 ()
      Segue Resources - Pardoo Iron Project Update - Sep 15, 2010

      + Auger drilling undertaken to establish surface detrital iron grades & collect samples for met testing

      + Previous surface grab sampling produced iron grades up to 54.3% Fe.

      + Further diamond drilling to commence in October 2010 to test buried magnetite deposit ...
      schrieb am 18.09.10 14:51:12
      Beitrag Nr. 18.828 ()
      Stellar Resources - Hicks Hill Assays Confirm Quality Magnetite Body - Jul 20, 2010

      + Concentrate grade of 69% iron and 3.8% silica with no deleterious impurities represents a quality product capable of yielding a premium over standard grade magnetite concentrate.

      + The high level of consistency in concentrate assays is a positive for the project and implies that the mineralization is relatively homogeneous.

      + Average iron head grade of 28% and mass recovery of 33% produces an overall iron recovery rate averaging 80%. This is toward the high end of the range for magnetite mineralisation.

      + The next step is to negotiate access with the native title claimants along strike to the west of the drill section. Further access will allow drilling to extend the known mineralisation. ...
      schrieb am 18.09.10 14:53:30
      Beitrag Nr. 18.829 ()
      Royal Resources - Exploration Drilling Adds to Razorback Mineralisation - Sep 14, 2010

      Key Points:

      + Drilling at Black Hill South has successfully extended the known magnetite mineralisation at Iron Peak a further ten kilometres to the east

      + The drilling further supports Royal’s conservative target of 500 to 1,000Mt3

      + Preliminary DTR test work on diamond drill core indicates recoveries are significantly higher than that reported from RC chip testing

      + Ability to produce concentrate grades of 70% Fe confirmed ...
      schrieb am 18.09.10 14:55:30
      Beitrag Nr. 18.830 ()

      Emergent Resources - Beyondie Joint Venture with CMIC not Proceeding - Sep 16, 2010
      schrieb am 18.09.10 15:25:48
      Beitrag Nr. 18.831 ()
      Deals This Week: Rio Tinto, Korea Resources, New World Gold And More - MT - Sep 17, 2010…

      "Rio Tinto has increased its stake in Ivanhoe Mines by 5.3% to 34.9%.

      The company bought 40.1 million Ivanhoe shares at $10 each by exercising a $350m convertible credit facility issued to Ivanhoe in 2007.

      Augusta Resource said its Rosemont copper unit has signed an agreement with a consortium comprising Korea Resources and LG International to sell a 20% stake in its copper-molybdenum project in Pima County, Arizona, US.

      The project is expected to account for about 10% :eek: of total US copper production.

      Conquest Mining has signed an agreement with Heemskirk Consolidated to acquire a 40% interest in the Pajingo gold mine.

      Tara Minerals said it has acquired Tara Gold Resources for $83m.

      Champion Minerals has acquired O'Keefe-Purdyand Moire Lake Claims Blocks of the Fermont iron property in the Fermont iron ore district of north-eastern Quebec.

      Indico Resources said it has signed an agreement with Manlio Bassino Pinasco and Percy Samaniego Pimentel of Lima Peru to acquire a 100% indirect interest of the Ocana copper gold porphyry project, in south-central Peru.

      The Ocana property is located on the north-west extension of the southern Peru porphyry copper belt and consists of 22 concessions covering 110.24km2.

      New World Gold Corporation said it has acquired a 54% interest in Andes Gold Corporation, which has a gold mine with proven reserves of 75,000oz of gold in Ecuador, SA. "
      schrieb am 18.09.10 15:26:55
      Beitrag Nr. 18.832 ()
      AcelorMittal to Invest $4bn on Iron Ore Expansion - MT - Sep 17, 2010…
      schrieb am 18.09.10 15:28:17
      Beitrag Nr. 18.833 ()
      Rio Tinto to Invest $803m on Argyle Mine Expansion - MT - Sep 17, 2010…

      "Rio Tinto will invest $803m in order to increase production at its Argyle diamond mine in Western Australia (WA).

      The investment will cover project development and construction of extraction services, crushers, a conveyer and pump stations for the underground block cave project at its Argyle mine in the Kimberley region of north-west WA.

      Rio Tinto said it expects to produce nine million tons a year by 2013 from the project, which will extend the mine life until at least 2019.

      Construction of an underground mine to complement the existing open-pit operation will be launched in the first half of 2011.

      Argyle diamond mine produces 20% of global diamond supply :eek: and is the world's largest producer of pink diamonds. "
      schrieb am 18.09.10 15:29:17
      Beitrag Nr. 18.834 ()
      Paladin Seeks Uranium Assets in Kazakhstan, Canada - MT - Sep 17, 2010…
      schrieb am 18.09.10 15:34:24
      Beitrag Nr. 18.835 ()
      Solitario Announces Bongará Environmental Permits Approved - Sep 17, 2010
      schrieb am 18.09.10 15:37:26
      Beitrag Nr. 18.836 ()
      Eric Nuttall: Look for Underlying Oil/Gas Catalysts; Eric Nuttall, portfolio manager of Sprott Asset Management’s Energy Fund, believes there are opportunities in both oil and gas, regardless of commodity prices. “I’m entirely agnostic when it comes to the commodity price. It all comes down to the valuation,” Eric explains. He seeks companies with existing production priced at a reasonable multiple and, as he puts it, gets all the exploration upside for “free.” Eric talks about some companies that fit that bill in this exclusive interview with The Energy Report - US/TER - Sep 16, 2010

      - Brian Sylvester -…
      schrieb am 18.09.10 15:39:50
      Beitrag Nr. 18.837 ()
      Added strength for vital link; The rail link between east and west Australia is being upgraded to handle future growth. Michael Mills reports - MA - Sep 17, 2010

      - Michael Mills -…
      schrieb am 18.09.10 15:41:17
      Beitrag Nr. 18.838 ()
      SA to increase mining royalties; South Australia has moved to increase mining royalties, with the new top rate at 5% for metallic and energy minerals - MA - Sep 17, 2010

      - Cole Latimer -…
      schrieb am 18.09.10 15:42:53
      Beitrag Nr. 18.839 ()
      ACCC delays BHP-Rio iron ore joint venture decision; The ACCC last night announced it would delay making a decision on the proposed BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto iron ore joint venture - MA - Sep 16, 2010…
      schrieb am 18.09.10 15:45:06
      Beitrag Nr. 18.840 ()
      Methane prediction for underground mining; Scientifically-based prediction software can help operators assess the methane production potential of underground coal mine goaf areas - MT - Sep 17, 2010

      - Les Lunarzewski -…

      "When an underground coal mine ceases coal production, methane gas continues to flow into the underground workings through the process of desorption from residual coal within strata disturbed by mining activity.

      For gassy mines this desorption process will continue for many years after closure and can resume when flooded mine workings are dewatered.

      The coal mine operator is therefore faced with potential long-term liabilities including explosion risks on the surface and possible dangers to the public as well as continuing greenhouse gas emissions.

      After stopping the ventilation system, pumping mine water and sealing mine outlets to the atmosphere (shafts, inclines and service boreholes) gas release from goaf areas will continue until underground workings and macro-fractures are flooded.

      In New South Wales and Queensland there are more than 50 underground gassy coal mines, which have ceased coal mining operations since after 1954.

      Responsible operators are now looking at ways to exploit methane from closed/sealed underground coal mines where practical to reduce environmental emissions, minimise public liability, to take advantage of an energy resource that would otherwise be wasted, provide some continuing local employment and to gain added value from the mine before total abandonment.

      Whereas various methods for predicting gas emissions in working mines are available and in regular use, no complete methodology has been established for predicting the decay of emissions once coal production ceases and the coal mine is no longer operating.

      However, extensive studies on gas emission from sealed goaves and abandoned coal mines have been undertaken by Lunagas using data predominantly from NSW and Queensland underground coal mines complemented by additional data from UK, Poland, Czech Republic, USA and Japan.

      Thus, a method for forecasting long-term gas emission decay was developed for use by specialist industry practitioners in which predicted and measured data showed good correspondence.

      The future development of coal mine methane utilisation from coal mines goaf in Australia will depend on the availability of suitable sites and their proximity to a customer.

      Viability will also depend on the ability to predict both the quantity and decline rate of coal mine methane from those mines, to meet customer requirements whilst at the same time generating a profit for the operator.

      The national and local energy market for gas and electricity use is continually changing and schemes must be flexible to accommodate these changes while maintaining commercial viability and customer satisfaction.

      It is therefore in the interests of coal mine operators to monitor and gather gas emission data from goaf areas to accurately quantify current emissions and to predict future emission for exploitation potential assessment.

      Lunagas has developed a practical and scientifically-based prediction tool for assessing the methane production potential of underground coal mines goaf areas ranging in size from a single panel to whole-of-mine.

      The Coal Mine Goaf Gas Predictor (CMGGP) is simulation software for predicting the decline rate of gas make and calculating the gas reservoir capacity of coal mine goaves.

      The method for estimating abandoned coal mine and goaf area methane potential is applicable to both dry and flooded mines and also takes into account coal mine methane utilisation options.

      The software comprises three main sections.

      The first is the “coal mine parameters,” in which data is entered to facilitate calculation of the decline curves for both dry and wet mines.

      The second is “gas reservoir characteristics,” which allows entry of stratigraphical data for calculating the available gas reservoir.

      The third is “methane decline curves and gas reservoir,” charts (decline curves) showing the results of calculations made based on data in the above two sections.

      The software will run on a PC with windows XP or vista operating system and can be used by individual specialists, coal mines and other institutions involved in coal mine closure, coal mine methane utilisation and greenhouse gas emissions reduction.

      Energy companies and city councils may find the software useful for determining methods to better utilise the majority of coal mine gases in order to protect the environment from harmful gasses.

      *This is an edited version of a conference paper, ‘Coal mine goaf gas predictor (CMGGP)’, originally published by Les Lunarzewski for AusIMM Illawarra Branch’s 2010 Underground Coal Operators' Conference. "
      schrieb am 18.09.10 15:48:34
      Beitrag Nr. 18.841 ()
      [MII] Mineral Resources on Lennard Shelf grow futher - Australianinvestor - 16-Sep-2010

      "Australian resources company Meridian Minerals Limited today announces an exciting development for the Lennard Shelf Project located in the Kimberley region of Western Australia.

      A large, new Mineral Resource of 2.52Mt @ 3.4% Zn, 6.2% Pb and 9.7g/t Ag, above a combined 3% zinc plus lead grade cutoff, has been defined at the Gap Creek prospect and classified as Inferred under the JORC Code (2004).

      Higher grade mineralisation within the Gap Creek Mineral Resource, comprising 1.53Mt @ 3.8% Zn, 8.9% Pb and 12.2g/t Ag, occurring above a combined 6% zinc plus lead grade cutoff, has the potential to be increased by extensional and infill drilling.

      A review of historical drilling has indicated that with continued exploration considerable scope exists to increase the Mineral Resource at Gap Creek.

      With the addition of the Gap Creek Mineral Resource the Mineral Resources on the Lennard Shelf Project now totals 15.7Mt @ 5.7% Zn and 4.1% Pb, an increase of 20%.

      Since Meridian acquired the Lennard Shelf Project in November 2009 total Mineral Resources have increased 90% from 8.2Mt to 15.7Mt and a study is underway to determine the potential positive impact of the Gap Creek Mineral Resource on the Emanuel Range Feasibility Study. "
      schrieb am 21.09.10 00:56:46
      Beitrag Nr. 18.842 ()
      Kampf gegen den Klimawandel; Vier Deutsche Unternehmen setzen weltweit Maßstäbe - W:O - Sep 20, 2010…
      schrieb am 21.09.10 01:01:53
      Beitrag Nr. 18.843 ()
      Weniger Industrieinsolvenzen in den Jahren 2010 und 2011 - DB Research - Jul 20, 2010

      - Nach einem krisenbedingt starken Anstieg um 50% im Jahr 2009 sind die Industrieinsolvenzen im ersten Halbjahr 2010 um 4% gegenüber Vorjahreszeitraum zurückgegangen. Da die Eröffnung von Insolvenzverfahren im Mittel mit einer Zeitverzögerung von drei Monaten auf die Lage der Gesamtwirtschaft reagiert, erwarten wir für das zweite Halbjahr einen weiteren deutlichen Rückgang. Das Jahr 2011 könnte eine neuerliche Verbesserung bringen, auch wenn sich die Risiken temporärer Dämpfer erhöhen...-…
      schrieb am 21.09.10 01:08:37
      Beitrag Nr. 18.844 ()
      Ampella Mining - More Exciting Results from Konkera - Jul 20, 2010

      + Newest assay results from shallow infill drilling over two regions (Konkera North and Konkera East) at the 1.2M oz Konkera Inferred Gold Resource continue to impress.

      + Best new intersections include:

      - 47m at 2.4 g/t gold(*ending in mineralisation)
      Incl. 14m at 3.6 g/t gold
      And Incl. 7m at 5.7 g/t gold

      - 17m at 3.8 g/t gold
      Incl. 10m at 6.0 g/t gold

      - 13m at 4.4 g/t gold
      Incl. 7m at 7.8 g/t gold

      - 54m at 2.1 g/t gold
      Incl. 13m at 5.7 g/t gold

      - 25m at 2.8 g/t gold
      And 12m at 4.4 g/t gold

      - 29m at 2.0 g/t gold
      Incl. 14m at 3.4 g/t gold

      - 32m at 1.8 g/t gold
      Incl. 9m at 4.3 g/t gold

      + Shallow infill drill results across the northern extent of the Konkera Resource continue to confirm the high tenure of gold mineralisation.

      + At Konkera East shallow infill drilling confirms the existence of a number of stacked gold zones.

      + Ampella continues infill drilling over a 5 kilometre strike length at Konkera, “The Gap” and Kouglaga Prospects and results will be included in the Konkera Resource Upgrade due for release in early 2011 ...
      schrieb am 21.09.10 01:12:13
      Beitrag Nr. 18.845 ()
      [ZGM] Significant increase to resources - Australianinvestor - 20-Sep-2010

      "Assays have been received for all of the 23 reverse circulation (RC) holes in the recent drilling programme at Zamia‟s Anthony molybdenum discovery in the Clermont district of central Queensland.

      Based on all 54 completed drill results for Anthony, independent resource consultants, Hellman & Schofield Pty Ltd (H&S), have produced an updated resource estimate for the Anthony deposit reported in accordance with the JORC (Joint Ore Reserves Committee) Code and Guidelines.

      This new estimate increases the initial Inferred Resource from 81 Mt (announced on 6 April 2010) to 130 Mt at a 0.02% (200 ppm) Mo cut-off grade.

      In addition to the sulphide Mo resource, there is a resource of 62 Mt of oxide and mixed oxide-sulphide material at 0.02% (200 ppm) Mo cut-off grade in a zone 60 – 80m thick from surface to the base of complete oxidation. This oxide molybdenum from surface could, potentially, become viable, particularly as this material will need to be removed prior to mining the underlying sulphide molybdenum. A metallurgical programme to investigate beneficiation and leaching options for this oxidised material at Anthony is continuing. Zamia notes that Climax Molybdenum successfully utilised an extraction process for oxidised molybdenum in the 1960s. "
      schrieb am 21.09.10 01:33:44
      Beitrag Nr. 18.846 ()
      Precious Metal Stock Review - Sep 18, 2010,%2…
      schrieb am 21.09.10 01:37:58
      Beitrag Nr. 18.847 ()
      Western Potash - delivers robust preliminary economic assessment at Milestone - Sep 20, 2010

      + NPV10 = CAD$ 5.22 Billion and IRR = 27.3%

      + Annual Production of 2.5 MTY for >40 years ...…
      schrieb am 21.09.10 01:54:43
      Beitrag Nr. 18.848 ()
      Mandalay Resources Launches Operations at Chilean Mine; Canada's Mandalay Resources Corp has started operations at its Cerro Bayo silver-gold mine in Chile - MT - Sep 20, 2010…
      schrieb am 21.09.10 02:03:34
      Beitrag Nr. 18.849 ()
      Sinochem Seeks Government Support for Potash Bid - MT - Sep 20, 2010…
      schrieb am 21.09.10 02:08:40
      Beitrag Nr. 18.850 ()
      Premium Exploration Resource Drilling Expands Friday-Petsite Project: All Holes Terminated in Mineralization; Deposit Remains Open Along Strike and Depth - Sep 20, 2010…
      schrieb am 21.09.10 14:03:37
      Beitrag Nr. 18.851 ()
      EMED Mining - Public Acquisition of option over Tungsten deposit - Sep 21, 2010…
      schrieb am 21.09.10 14:07:08
      Beitrag Nr. 18.852 ()
      African Aura Mining - Nkout Update - Sep 21, 2010


      + Up to 75m of hematite BIF and 195m of magnetite BIF intersected to date

      + First four holes completed for 950m of initial 4,200m programme

      + Nkout is defined by an 8km long intense geophysical target and range of

      + Further 12km of iron ore targets exist around Nkout as defined by

      + Previous grab sampling returned up to 68% Fe and averaged 55% Fe

      + The deposit is strategically very well located in an emerging iron ore
      province ...…
      schrieb am 21.09.10 14:09:27
      Beitrag Nr. 18.853 ()
      The 10-year Gold Bull Market in Perspective - World Gold Council - Sep 17, 2010…
      schrieb am 21.09.10 14:11:45
      Beitrag Nr. 18.854 ()
      Hargreaves: The Week in Mining - WHI Securities - Sep 18, 2010…

      Auszug: "... There is also concern about the way in which America calculates its
      unemployment figures. ..." :eek::eek: :laugh:
      schrieb am 21.09.10 14:15:04
      Beitrag Nr. 18.855 ()

      African Gold Conference - Ocean Equities - Sep 21, 2010…
      schrieb am 21.09.10 14:21:02
      Beitrag Nr. 18.856 ()
      Olympus Pacific Plans To Increase Production To 300,000 Ounces Of Gold Per Year By 2014 - MS - Sep 21, 2010

      - By Thomas Jones -…
      schrieb am 21.09.10 14:56:26
      Beitrag Nr. 18.857 ()
      NREL and Partners to Provide up to $13.5 Million to Support Natural Gas Engine and Vehicle Development - Sep 20, 2010
      schrieb am 21.09.10 15:24:36
      Beitrag Nr. 18.858 ()
      Nanostart AG veröffentlicht Rekord-Zahlen für das erste Halbjahr 2010 - Sep 21, 2010

      + Bestes erstes Halbjahr der Unternehmensgeschichte

      + Nettoinventarwert auf rund 144 Mio. EUR gesteigert

      + Mittelzufluss aus BioMicro-Transaktion noch nicht berücksichtigt ...…
      schrieb am 21.09.10 15:27:36
      Beitrag Nr. 18.859 ()
      Gold Resource Corporation Executes $55.6 Million Private Placement to Accelerate Production Profile and Exploration - ET - Sep 20, 2010…
      schrieb am 21.09.10 15:30:17
      Beitrag Nr. 18.860 ()
      Canada Lithium - Pilot Plant Produces 99.9% Battery-Grade Lithium Carbonate - Sep 21, 2010…
      schrieb am 21.09.10 15:31:57
      Beitrag Nr. 18.861 ()
      East Asia's EMD040 Adds to Miwah With 2.22 g/t Gold Over 82 Metres Within 117 Metres of 1.68 g/t Gold, and Bottoms EXD003 in 11.78 g/t Gold Over 3.5 Metres - Sep 21, 2010…
      schrieb am 22.09.10 00:39:38
      Beitrag Nr. 18.862 ()
      Hindustan Copper Plans to Sell Waste Rock; Indian miner Hindustan Copper is planning to sell excavated waste rock worth INR60bn ($1.3bn) for use in infrastructure projects - MT - Sep 21, 2010…

      "... The company is looking for buyers for the 200 million metric tons of rocks :eek::laugh::eek: , accumulated over last 40 years :eek: ..."
      schrieb am 22.09.10 00:53:55
      Beitrag Nr. 18.863 ()
      Mining Companies to Share Profits with Indigenous Indians; An Indian ministerial panel has approved a mining bill that will see mining companies share 26% of their profits with the local population of communities affected by mining projects - MT - Sep 21, 2010…

      "An Indian ministerial panel has approved a mining bill that will see mining companies share 26% of their profits with the local population of communities affected by mining projects.

      The bill, which applies to all minerals except petroleum and natural gas, will seek to bring more investment to the mining sector.

      The bill also states that, if a mining project is not successful, the company has to pay to the locals an amount equal to the royalty paid to the government, reports The Asian Age.

      The bill has yet to be approved by the Indian cabinet and parliament.

      Land acquisition has become a major issue in India, with mining giants such as Vedanta, Posco and Arcelor Mittal facing protests from local people who would be displaced by mining projects.
      schrieb am 22.09.10 01:04:57
      Beitrag Nr. 18.864 ()
      KPMG's EMIAT: M&A-Aktivitäten mit Wachstumsmärkten nehmen wieder Fahrt auf/Analyse: "Emerging Markets International Acquisitions Tracker(EMIAT)" - 1. Halbjahr 2010 - KPMG - Aug10

      - Fast 1.000 Fusionen und Übernahmen im ersten Halbjahr 2010 – die M&A-Transaktionen zwischen Unternehmen in den Wachstumsmärkten und in den Industrienationen kommen langsam wieder in Schwung.

      Die positive Entwicklung zeigt sich an der Anzahl der M&A-Deals im ersten Halbjahr 2010, welche auf 991 stiegen – im Vergleich zum entsprechenden Vorjahreshalbjahr (806) konnte ein Plus von knapp 23 Prozent erzielt werden. Das hat eine KPMG-Analyse ergeben, für die Zahlen von Thomson Reuters ausgewertet wurden.

      BRIC-Staaten fassen schneller Zuversicht

      Die Zahl der Übernahmen aus Ländern wie Brasilien, China, Indien und Russland heraus stieg im selben Zeitraum von 204 auf 243, ein Zuwachs von 25 Prozent. Besonders China zeigte sich im vergangenen Halbjahr wachstumsstark wie nie zuvor. Im ersten Halbjahr 2010 führte die Volksrepublik mit einem Volumen von 82 Mrd. Dollar (plus 22 Prozent) das Ranking der größten Investoren unter den Wachstumsmärkten an. Als besonders wachstumsstark zeigte sich auch Mexiko (plus 5,6 Prozent auf 42,9 Mrd. Dollar). Mit insgesamt 50 registrierten M&A-Deals im ersten Halbjahr 2010 (+ 85 Prozent im Vergleich zum ersten Halbjahr 2009) hat sich Indien wieder an die Spitze der Wachstumsmärkten gesetzt – vor die Regionen Südostasien mit 47 Deals (+ 38 Prozent) und China mit 39 Deals (+ 30 Prozent).

      Positive Stimmung in Schwellenländern

      Die Zahlen zeigen, dass Unternehmen in den Wachstumsmärkten offenbar deutlich schneller wieder Zuversicht in Fusionen und Übernahmen entwickeln als ihre Wettbewerber in den Industrienationen. Bei letzteren ist eher noch eine gewisse Zurückhaltung angesichts der Ungewissheit über eine mögliche Fortsetzung der Rezession und der immer noch angespannten Schuldensituation vieler Staaten zu spüren.


      Untersucht wurden grenzüberschreitende M&A-Deals zwischen 15 führenden Industrienationen bzw. -regionen und 13 Wachstumsmärkten bzw. -regionen. In die Analyse eingeflossen sind Fusionen, Übernahmen und Anteilskäufe, bei denen der Erwerber mindestens fünf Prozent der Anteile akquiriert hat. ...-…
      schrieb am 22.09.10 01:10:07
      Beitrag Nr. 18.865 ()
      Microsoft startet Musikdienst für PC, Handy und Xbox 360 -, BERLIN - Sep 21, 2010…
      schrieb am 22.09.10 01:11:23
      Beitrag Nr. 18.866 ()
      Merz sucht weiter nach privatem Käufer für WestLB -, ESSEN - Sep 21, 2010…
      schrieb am 22.09.10 01:14:44
      Beitrag Nr. 18.867 ()
      "mutig" :eek::eek: :

      Euro-Rettungsschirm-Chef Regling rechnet nicht mit dem Eintritt des Ernstfalls -, DÜSSELDORF - Sep 21, 2010…

      "DÜSSELDORF (dpa-AFX) – Der Chef des Rettungsfonds für Euro-Länder, Klaus
      Regling, rechnet nicht mit einem Einsatz des Euro-Rettungsschirms. “Ich rechne
      nicht damit, dass der Ernstfall eintritt und wir Kredite aufnehmen und
      weitergeben müssen”, sagte Regling dem “Handelsblatt” (Dienstagausgabe).

      Zuletzt standen insbesondere Irland und Portugal an den Märkten stark unter Druck. Der
      Rettungsfonds für Euro-Länder, der offiziell “Europäische Finanz-Stabilitäts-Fazilität” (EFSF) heißt, bekam von den drei großen Ratingagenturen Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s und Fitch zuletzt die Bestnote “AAA”. Er kann sich damit am Markt günstig Kredite beschaffen. Der Rettungsschirm der Europäer und des Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) für wackelnde Euro-Länder hat insgesamt einen Umfang von 750 Milliarden Euro. Er war im Zuge der Griechenlandkrise eiligst auf den Weg gebracht worden. "
      schrieb am 22.09.10 01:31:21
      Beitrag Nr. 18.868 ()
      Magnetometer Survey on the Serra do O Block at Eagle Star Minerals' Angico Iron Project, Brazil, Identifies Six Large Magnetic Drill Target Anomalies With Coincident Banded Iron Formation Outcrop - Sep 2, 2010…
      schrieb am 22.09.10 03:20:39
      Beitrag Nr. 18.869 ()
      Shockproofing Society: How California's Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32) Reduces the Economic Pain of Energy Price Shocks; AB 32 Could Save Billions in Energy Costs; Study finds household savings up to $670 in 2020 - CRS, SAN FRANCISCO - Sep 13, 2010

      - James Fine, Chris Busch &Remy Garderet -

      - The price of gasoline is a telling economic weathervane. When gas is cheap, it is not given much attention. When gas prices hit record highs, however, as in 2008, the downside of America's dependence on imported energy is made painfully obvious. This report analyzes how Assembly Bill (AB) 32, California's Global Warming Solutions Act, will help protect California's economy from energy price spikes by reducing California's dependence on imported oil and natural gas.


      California's clean energy and clean air standards could save the average household up to $670 in 2020 if oil and natural gas prices spike, according to a new study by three economists.

      The U.S. economy has experienced five price shocks in the last 30 years when crude oil prices rose an average of 179% in just one year. This study analyzed how much more Californians would pay if wholesale crude oil and natural gas prices doubled at the start of 2020 and stayed there for a year.

      "No study has calculated the benefits of AB 32 in the event of an energy price shock," said James Fine, economist for Environmental Defense Fund and one of the report's authors. "This study uncovers massive potential savings, and shows how the state's landmark policy will protect California's economy from unpredictable events, such as hurricanes and wars, that cause energy prices to jump."

      The study, Shockproofing Society: How California's Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32) Reduces the Economic Pain of Energy Price Shocks, calculates the savings from added protections against energy price spikes achieved from implementing AB 32 through effective standards adopted by the California Air Resources Board (CARB). Savings occur from reduced demand for and dependence on imported oil and natural gas through a suite of standards that result in more efficient cars that cost less to drive, greater alternative fuel options, more renewable energy, better-planned neighborhoods that give people transportation options, and buildings that use less energy.

      "The worst part about our dependence on oil is how much it hurts consumers and small businesses when the price shoots up and you have little choice but to empty your wallet at the pump," said Remy Garderet, economist for Energy Independence Now and the report's co-author. "When you think about that at the scale of the California economy, you realize how much sense it makes to reduce our dependence on these fuels."

      The study considered scenarios for "moderate" and "large" price shocks on two different spending conditions: 1) direct savings to consumers on transportation fuels, such as drivers purchasing gasoline, and industrial consumers buying oil and natural gas products; and 2) savings on imports that follow from reduced reliance on crude oil and natural gas. Essentially, these are two ways of looking at the same savings.

      Chris Busch, report author and Policy Director at the Center for Resource Solutions noted that, "Since the 1970s, American political leaders and the public have recognized the problem of our dependence on imported oil. Yet, our reliance on these imports has only gotten worse. In our report, we give the first assessment of how AB 32 will protect consumers from the volatile prices of oil and natural gas. And we found that the savings are significant."

      Study Conclusions:

      + Retail Savings: By increasing energy efficiency and providing more fuel choices, AB 32 implementation will save California consumers and businesses $4.8 billion if a moderate price shock occurs in 2020. The savings increase to $9.6 billion if a large oil price shock occurs. This translates into household savings of $337 to $670.

      + Wholesale Savings: Reduced dependence on fossil energy as a result of AB 32 will cut demand for oil imports by 75 million barrels (18% decrease) in 2020, and lessen natural gas demand by 10%. This means decreased spending in 2020 on oil and natural gas imports by $18.8 billion if a moderate shock occurs, and by $29.6 billion if a large shock occurs.

      Previous studies on AB 32 typically have assumed steady energy prices. For example, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) estimated savings of $7.5 billion using a price of gasoline in 2020 that is not much higher than the current price and significantly less than prices in 2008, when prices spiked 45% to $4.59 per gallon. The retail savings calculated are in addition to those calculated by CARB using the U.S. Department of Energy's Annual Energy Outlook (AEO) reference price forecast for 2020.

      The report was completed by Center for Resource Solutions, Energy Independence Now and Environmental Defense Fund. This analysis supports the adoption of effective standards by CARB to implement AB 32 and other clean energy and clean air policies.

      About Center for Resource Solutions

      Center for Resource Solutions (CRS) is a national nonprofit with global impact. CRS brings forth expert responses to climate change issues with the speed and effectiveness necessary to provide real-time solutions. Its leadership through collaboration and environmental innovation builds policies and consumer-protection mechanisms in renewable energy, greenhouse gas reductions, and energy efficiency that foster healthy and sustained growth in national and international markets. For more information about its programs, including Green-e, visit and ...-
      schrieb am 22.09.10 03:24:46
      Beitrag Nr. 18.870 ()
      Geithner criticizes China on RMB revaluation - CER/Reuters - Sep 13, 2010…

      "US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said Beijing had made "very, very little" progress on revaluation of the renminbi, Reuters reported. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Geithner said that while China had signaled it would allow the currency's exchange rate to reflect market forces, he was unsatisfied with the country's actions to date. "It's very important to us, and I think it's important to China, I think they recognize this, that you need to let it move up over a sustained period of time," he said. Geithner will appear before the US House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee on Thursday to present the administration's view on the renminbi. China's central bank allowed the currency to rise slightly on Friday, but the limited move is not expected to assuage US concerns about the exchange rate. "
      schrieb am 22.09.10 03:28:25
      Beitrag Nr. 18.871 ()
      China summons Japan ambassador, suspends talks over vessel dispute - CER/WSJ - Sep 13, 2010…

      "A senior state council official summoned Japan's ambassador to Beijing on Sunday to express concern over Tokyo's detention of a Chinese fishing-boat captain, the Wall Street Journal reported.

      According to state media, State Councilor Dai Bingguo "pressed the Japanese side not to misjudge the situation, and to make a wise political decision" on the issue. On Saturday, China suspended planned talks with Japan to discuss disputed gas deposits in the South China Sea; Japan issued a formal complaint over the suspension. Diplomatic tension has been rising between Japan and China since a Chinese fishing vessel was seized after colliding with Japanese patrol boats near the Diaoyu or Senkaku islands in the South China Sea last week. "
      schrieb am 22.09.10 03:32:59
      Beitrag Nr. 18.872 ()
      Schwarzenegger invites high-speed rail bids from China - CER/AP - Sep 13, 2010…

      "California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said during a visit to Shanghai that he hoped China would participate in the bidding process for the construction of high-speed rail lines in California, AP reported.

      "We hope China is part of the bidding process, along with other countries around the world, so that we can build high speed rail as inexpensively as possible," he said. Schwarzenegger said he hoped that "creative financing" would make the development of high-speed rail possible in the state, which has a US$19 billion budget deficit. Earlier, the governor announced that California would bid to host the 2020 World Expo in Silicon Valley. "Shanghai demonstrated that when you host the World Expo, the world comes to you and I want the world to come to California," he said. "
      schrieb am 22.09.10 03:35:41
      Beitrag Nr. 18.873 ()
      CBRC could hike capital adequacy requirements in 2011 - CER - Sep 13, 2010…

      "The China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) plans to increase capital adequacy ratio (CAR) requirements for banks under new rules likely to be released next year, Reuters reported, citing state media.

      A report in China Business News quoted an unidentified source as saying the CBRC would require large banks to increase their CAR to 11%, while smaller banks would have a minimum requirement of 10%. At present, China's banks are required to have a CAR of no less than 8%.
      The new rules would permit regulators to increase a bank's CAR by an additional 5 percentage points, and would set leverage ratios to require that banks' core capital is at least 4% of total assets.
      No specific date was given for the introduction of the new rules. "
      schrieb am 22.09.10 03:37:18
      Beitrag Nr. 18.874 ()
      China's e-commerce transactions reach $31b in first half - CER - Sep 13, 2010…

      "The value of China's e-commerce transactions reached US$31 billion in the first half of 2010, state media reported.

      A report from Alibaba (parent of; 1688.HK) said that e-commerce transactions more than tripled between 2007 and 2009, while overall retail sales increased an average of 18% per year. The report said 142 million people, one-third of China's online population, bought items on the internet in the first half of the year. Data from the Ministry of Commerce showed e-commerce grew 22% year-on-year last year to US$561.3 billion. State media also said that e-commerce created 1.3 million jobs in China last year. "
      schrieb am 22.09.10 03:40:52
      Beitrag Nr. 18.875 ()
      Wuhan signs agreement for electric auto base - CER/WSJ - Sep 13, 2010…

      "The district government of Hannan in Wuhan and Wuhan-based Grand China Electric Vehicles have signed an agreement to build a production base for electric vehicles in the city, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing state media.

      The plan calls for investment of US$443 million over two years toward the production base, which will turn out 3,000 electric vehicles annually. It is also expected to produce 3,000 packages of "core auto parts." Together, annual sales of full cars and auto parts are expected to reach US$1.5 billion. According to state media reports, Grand China Electric Vehicles has developed its own technology for the production of electric vehicles. "
      schrieb am 22.09.10 03:43:30
      Beitrag Nr. 18.876 ()
      Decade Resources Ltd.: 49.2 Grams Per Tonne Gold Over 18.45 Meters Intersected in DDH-UMON-2010-1 - Sep 21, 2010…
      schrieb am 22.09.10 15:47:48
      Beitrag Nr. 18.877 ()
      Oromin Explorations Ltd.: Resource Increase, New Drilling Results, Higher Grade Masato Underground Potential, and Two New Discoveries Enhance Potential of the OJVG Gold Project; Total Measured and Indicated Resources are now 3.17 million ounces gold, up 45% from a year ago, and Inferred Resources are now 0.33 million ounces gold; New drilling results and Masato underground mining possibility confirm significant additional expansion potential of resources and reserves - Sep 22, 2010…
      schrieb am 22.09.10 15:48:52
      Beitrag Nr. 18.878 ()
      East Asia Minerals Announces Initial Gold Resource Estimate for Sangihe - Sep 22, 2010…
      schrieb am 22.09.10 15:56:09
      Beitrag Nr. 18.879 ()
      Mehr Struktur in die Weiterbildungslandschaft durch Transparenz und Kooperation - DB Research - Sep 22, 2010

      - Wieder einmal begeht Deutschland am 24. September den Weiterbildungstag. Doch wer weiß davon und was gibt es zu feiern? Leider nicht allzu viele und nicht allzu viel. Weiterbildung ist immer noch kein politisch institutionell verankertes Thema. Und zu feiern gibt es auch nicht so viel: Internationale Experten bescheinigen dem ehemaligen Exportweltmeister, dass er in puncto lebenslangen Lernens im internationalen Vergleich nur Mittelmaß ist... -…
      schrieb am 22.09.10 16:01:37
      Beitrag Nr. 18.880 ()
      Volta Resources - to Drill 50,000 Meters at the Kiaka Gold Project, Burkina Faso - Sep 22, 2010…
      schrieb am 23.09.10 02:05:13
      Beitrag Nr. 18.881 ()
      Vale Buys Stake in Logistics firm for Moatize Project; Vale has bought a 51% stake in Mozambique logistics firm SDCN to transport coal during the second phase of its Moatize coal project MT - Sep 22, 2010…
      schrieb am 23.09.10 02:16:52
      Beitrag Nr. 18.882 ()
      NREL Bridging the Gap for Entrepreneurs and VCs - NREL - Sep 22, 2010
      schrieb am 24.09.10 02:15:02
      Beitrag Nr. 18.883 ()
      Northern Gold Announces Significant NI 43-101 Resource Estimate on Garrcon Deposit, Brings Garrison Gold Property to a Total Gold Resource of 207,000 Ounces Indicated and 776,000 Ounces Inferred - Sep 23, 2010…
      schrieb am 24.09.10 02:17:14
      Beitrag Nr. 18.884 ()
      Salares Lithium and Talison Lithium Complete Merger - Sep 22, 2010…
      schrieb am 24.09.10 02:19:26
      Beitrag Nr. 18.885 ()
      Erdene Initiates Exploration on New Copper-Gold Discovery; Provides Update on Mongolian Coal &Metals Exploration Programs - Sep 22, 2010…
      schrieb am 24.09.10 02:23:42
      Beitrag Nr. 18.886 ()
      [USA] Triple Inferred Mineral Resource - Australianinvestor - 23-Sep-2010

      "UraniumSA has advised that in-fill drilling of the Blackbush Prospect within its Mullaquana Uranium Project, located south of Whyalla on South Australia’s Eyre Peninsula, a new Inferred Mineral Resource has been estimated in accordance with the JORC code which contains over three times the maiden estimate (ASX 5th May 2009) and comprises: 38.7 million tonnes of mineralisation, estimated to contain 10,400 tonnes of U3O8 (22.9 million pounds), average grade 275 ppm eU3O8 and average thickness of mineralised intersections 11.85m. This replaces the Inferred Mineral Resource of 12Mt at 224 ppm eU3O8 for an estimated 2,700tonnes of U3O8 (5.9 million pounds).

      Mineralisation commences at an average depth of 53m. The resource envelope remains open in several directions and within the envelope there are areas of higher than deposit average grade mineralisation. The resource estimate will be progressively updated as more drilling is undertaken and as areas of higher grade mineralisation are geologically constrained and moved to higher resource classifications. The new resource estimate is based on results obtained from rotary mud drilling on a 100m to 200m pattern across the prospect. A total of 160 drill holes were used in the resource estimate out of a total of 223 drilled rotary mud and core holes. The assumptions used in the estimation are given in the attached “schedule of variables”. This major increase in the resource base for the Blackbush Prospect is a significant achievement for UraniumSA as it moves the project forward to the commencement of a field trial for the in situ recovery of uranium. The result is in line with the previously announced exploration objective of having >20,000t** of uranium mineralisation in drilled inventory within the Mullaquana Project by late 2010 to early 2011. "
      schrieb am 24.09.10 02:28:36
      Beitrag Nr. 18.887 ()
      [MMX] Jack Hills Resource Estimate update - Australianinvestor - 23-Sep-2010

      "Murchison Metals Limited today announced further exploration success and a mineral resource update at the Jack Hills Iron Ore Project in which it holds a 50% interest through Crosslands Resources Ltd.

      Overall Mineral Resources at the project now total 3.22 billion tonnes @ 32.3% iron (26.6% DTR) including an increase in the Direct Shipping Material (DSO) component to 139Mt at an average grade 56.6% Fe.

      Key highlights include: an increase in mineral resources of 220 Million tonnes from the previously reported figure; an initial mineral resource at the emerging high grade Brindal Deposit, located 3km to the south of the main Jack Hills deposit; identification of further exploration targets along the underexplored corridor running between Jack Hills and Brindal; newly identified detrital iron deposits uncovered through sterilisation drilling, on the plains to the north of Jack Hills; and potential for further expansion of the resource in the future, with numerous untested exploration targets identified.

      The update is a result of ongoing work conducted for the Bankable Feasibility Study for the Jack Hills Expansion Project. Murchison Metals Executive Chairman, Paul Kopejtka, said the update was a continuing sign of the regional significance of the Jack Hills deposit.

      “The Jack Hills Expansion Project clearly ranks as one of the leading projects in the development of the mid-west iron ore province. The announcement today demonstrates a significantly higher level of geological confidence in the project, as the Bankable Feasibility Study continues,” he commented.

      “Murchison and our joint venture partner Mitsubishi Development continue to work together to advance development at Jack Hills, and this is another important step towards realising the full potential of the Jack Hills Expansion Project.”

      Resource and exploration drilling activity is ongoing as part of the continuing feasibility study, and additional exploration targets have been identified along strike between the main Jack Hills project and the Brindal deposit. "
      schrieb am 24.09.10 02:31:41
      Beitrag Nr. 18.888 ()
      [BKY] Upgraded Mineral Resources - Australianinvestor - 23-Sep-2010

      "Following completion of an 8,000m RC infill drilling program in the Águila and Alameda Areas, Berkeley Resources Limited is pleased to advise a 10% increase in the combined Mineral Resource Estimates, reported in accordance with the JORC Code (2004), of the Sageras and Alameda South deposits.

      Measured and Indicated Resources at Sageras now represent 96% of the deposit and Alameda South now contains 92% Indicated Resources.

      Mineral Resources within Berkeley’s projects now total 84.6 million tonnes at 446 ppm for 83.2 Mlbs (37.7 Kt) U3O8, with 46% in the Measured and Indicated categories.

      Combined Mineral Resources for the Phase 1 Feasibility Study deposits (Sageras, Palacios North & Alameda South) have increased by 8% to 34.5 Mlbs (15.7 Kt) U3O8, with 93% in the Measured and Indicated categories.

      Mineral Resources for the Sageras Deposit have increased by 16% and now total 10.0 Mlbs (4.5 Kt) at an average grade of 405 ppm U3O8. These include 39% Measured Resources and 57% Indicated Resources.

      Mineral Resources for the Alameda South Deposit have increased by 7% and now total 19.8 Mlbs (9.0 Kt) at an average grade of 445 ppm U3O8. These include 92% Indicated Resources. "
      schrieb am 24.09.10 02:37:44
      Beitrag Nr. 18.889 ()
      Hudson Rare Earth Exploration Samples Over 10% TREO From Reconnaisance Program - Sep 22, 2010…
      schrieb am 24.09.10 02:50:09
      Beitrag Nr. 18.890 ()
      Europe’s own spy-master; More than a dozen candidates are lining up to head the expanded and more autonomous Joint Situation Centre (SitCen), the intelligence agency of the EU’s new European External Action Service (EEAS) which officially comes into being on January
      - IO - Sep 22, 2010…
      schrieb am 24.09.10 02:52:30
      Beitrag Nr. 18.891 ()
      Turkey's Som Petrol helps Iran beat sanctions; In addition to the diplomatic rapprochement between Tehran and Ankara, the two capitals have also struck an oil pact. Iran is going to export its gas and buy petrol via Turkey - IO - Sep 22, 2010…
      schrieb am 24.09.10 03:01:24
      Beitrag Nr. 18.892 ()
      Georgia: Frontera Resources announces update of oil and gas resources in Block 12 - EP - Sep 22, 2010


      + Mirzaani, Mtsare Khevi, Nazarlebi and Patara Shiraki Fields*: "Best Estimate" for gross (100 percent) original oil-in-place of 626.2 million barrels, with a "low"-to-"high" range of 397.4-991.9 million barrels; and "Best Estimate" for associated recoverable gross contingent and unrisked prospective oil resources of 52.1 million barrels, with a "low"-to-"high" range of 24.9-101.3 million barrels. (*Includes Mirzaani Northwest Extension and Mtsare Khevi Prospects.)

      + Kakabeti, Lambalo, Mkralihevi, Mlashiskhevi-Oleskhevi and Tsitsmatiani Prospects: "Best Estimate" for gross (100 percent) original oil-in-place of 91.9 million barrels, with a "low"-to-"high" range of 57.7-147.7 million barrels; and "Best Estimate" for associated recoverable unrisked prospective oil resources of 8.7 million barrels, with a "low"-to-"high" range of 4.8-16.2 million barrels.


      + Mtsare Khevi Field**: "Best Estimate" for gross (100 percent) original gas-in-place of 2.6 billion cubic feet, with a "low"-to-"high" range of 2.1-3.1 billion cubic feet; and "Best Estimate" for associated gross contingent and unrisked prospective resources of 1.5 billion cubic feet, with "low"-to-"high" range of 1.2-1.9 billion cubic feet. (**Includes Mtsare Khevi Prospect.) ...…
      schrieb am 25.09.10 18:06:46
      Beitrag Nr. 18.893 ()
      Baffinland Iron Mines Receives Hostile Takeover Bid - MT - Sep 23, 2010…
      schrieb am 25.09.10 18:09:06
      Beitrag Nr. 18.894 ()
      Bunder Project is Biggest Deposit in a Decade; Rio Tinto said its Bunder project in India is the world's biggest diamond discovery in a decade :eek: - MT - Sep 23, 2010…
      schrieb am 25.09.10 18:25:19
      Beitrag Nr. 18.895 ()
      BHP says Potash Lawsuit "Without Merit" :eek: ; BHP says Potash Cor''s lawsuit against its hostile takeover bid is "without merit", according to the miner - MT - Sep 23, 2010…

      "BHP says Potash Cor'’s lawsuit against its hostile takeover bid is "without merit", according to the miner.

      The lawsuit alleges BHP misrepresented and failed to inform investors of material facts about the $39bn offer.

      The lawsuit also accuses BHP of engaging in fraudulent, deceptive and manipulative behaviour related to its offer.

      BHP, however, said the lawsuit is entirely without merit and will not delay the takeover process.

      Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper said the government could block a takeover if it does not bring a net benefit to Canada.

      Potash Corp has asked the court to resolve the litigation before the 18 November deadline on BHP's bid.

      Earlier Potash Corp rejected a $39bn hostile bid from BHP Billiton, calling it inadequate.

      India and China are the biggest importers of potash, which is used for fertiliser production. "
      schrieb am 25.09.10 18:31:41
      Beitrag Nr. 18.896 ()
      Spitfire Resources - Poised To Launch New Manganese Drilling Campaign
      Sep 23, 2010

      + Three tenement drilling program to commence at South Woodie Woodie Manganese Project in early October 2010

      + Drilling targeting a mix of high-grade (+40% Mn) and lower grade manganese at 23 targets

      + Initial program to comprise 3,000m of RC drilling with provision to extend to 4,000m subject to results

      + Targets include strong EM conductors, areas of manganese outcrop similar to the Tally-Ho deposit and geological targets derived from ground observation

      + RC drilling rig secured and all heritage clearances completed ...
      schrieb am 25.09.10 18:34:41
      Beitrag Nr. 18.897 ()
      Coalspur Mines - Initial Drilling Completed at Vista South - Sep 13, 2010
      schrieb am 25.09.10 19:04:33
      Beitrag Nr. 18.898 ()
      African Eagle Resources - Major Resource Increase at Dutwa, Tonnage tripled and contained metal more than doubled - Jun 15, 2010

      + New JORC inferred resource for Ngasamo (western deposit) - >35.3 million tonnes at average grade 0.9% nickel and 0.036% cobalt

      + Updated JORC inferred resource for Wamangola (main deposit) -56.8 million tonnes at average grade 0.86% nickel and 0.030% cobalt

      + Global resource tonnage increased 3-fold and contained metal increased 2.4-fold -92.1Mt at 0.92% nickel equivalent (845,000t contained eNi)

      + Deposit modelling by the Snowden Group continuing for upgrade to Indicated category ...
      schrieb am 25.09.10 21:09:15
      Beitrag Nr. 18.899 ()
      Nevsun Resources Ltd.: Bisha Looks Forward to Significant Reserve and Production Expansion - Sep 22, 2010

      Nevsun expects to increase Bisha's 20 million tonne reserve as a result of the following opportunities:

      + Revising reserve calculations for updated metals prices and lower cut-off grades. The existing reserve was determined using outdated cut-off grades and metal prices. Recalculation could potentially convert what was previously considered waste to ore;

      + Converting inferred resources below the feasibility study pit to reserves by infill drilling;

      + Definition drilling of the hanging wall copper mineralization, directly adjacent to the Bisha deposit, to estimate additional resources and potential reserves; and

      + Infill drilling the Harena discovery, which is 9km south west of Bisha, to perform a resource and reserves estimate. ...…
      schrieb am 25.09.10 21:15:21
      Beitrag Nr. 18.900 ()
      Southern Pacific Reports Cash Flow of $35.8 Million For the Year Ended June 30, 2010 - Sep 22, 2010…
      schrieb am 25.09.10 22:30:28
      Beitrag Nr. 18.901 ()
      East Asia Minerals Advances Miwah's Block M Towards Moon River With 149.7 Metres of 1.05 g/t Gold - Sep 23, 2010…
      schrieb am 25.09.10 23:35:30
      Beitrag Nr. 18.902 ()
      schrieb am 25.09.10 23:44:08
      Beitrag Nr. 18.903 ()
      Petrobras raises $70 billion in largest offering ever :eek::eek: ; Brazilian state oil company Petrobras raised $70 billion on Thursday in the world's biggest share offering, giving the company the financial muscle it needs to tap vast offshore oil reserves; cash will help fund the world's largest oil exploration plan :eek: - EP/Reuters - Sep 24, 2010…
      schrieb am 25.09.10 23:45:59
      Beitrag Nr. 18.904 ()
      UK: Vattenfall inaugurates world’s largest offshore wind farm :eek: - EP - Sep 23, 2010
      schrieb am 25.09.10 23:49:08
      Beitrag Nr. 18.905 ()
      India finalising new policy for shale gas exploration; India's government is finalising a new policy for shale gas exploration and is planning to invite bids for shale gas exploration by 2011-12 - EP/TET - Sep 24, 2010…
      schrieb am 25.09.10 23:55:22
      Beitrag Nr. 18.906 ()
      ONGC will not make counter offer for Vedanta Resources' Cairn India bid - EP/CT - Sep2 4, 2010…
      schrieb am 26.09.10 00:04:54
      Beitrag Nr. 18.907 ()
      Statoil &ffA to develop next generation 3D seismic analysis tools :eek: - EP/ffA - Sep 24, 2010…

      "Foster Findlay Associates (ffA) and Statoil have agreed a continuation of their ongoing Research and Development Collaboration. This is the sixth phase of the collaboration, which has allowed the companies to work together in producing state-of-the-art 3D seismic analysis capabilities. These capabilities are deployed within the Statoil ‘AVI’ Advanced Volume Interpretation software application that has resulted from this ongoing collaboration.

      ffA and Statoil's collaborative work to date has successfully produced a range of new techniques that have dramatically increased the clarity and detail with which geological features can be imaged and delineated from 3D seismic datasets. This has been shown to add significant value to seismic interpretation in a range of settings including carbonates environments.

      Within this phase of collaboration, best practice workflows to aid interpretation, imaging and modelling utilising the range of technologies with AVI will be defined. To further enhance AVI, important new capabilities are being developed aimed at calibrating 3D seismic derived analyses to enable easy integration into modern interpretation workflows that also leverage rock physics capabilities.

      To further enhance AVI, this new phase of the R&D collaboration will develop and give Statoil preferential access to new capabilities aimed at calibrating 3D seismic derived analyses to enable easy integration into modern interpretation workflows that also leverage rock physics capabilities. An important aspect of the collaboration is definition of Statoil specific best practice workflows designed to enable Statoil to obtain competitive advantage through utilisation of these new techniques.

      Steve Purves, ffA’s Technical Director said 'Our collaboration with Statoil has been a great success because of the quality and range of expertise it brings together. The result of which has been the development of game changing capabilities for interpreting and analysing geological features within a simple-to-use system that can be deployed easily. The workflows and technology delivered out of the next phase of this collaboration will, I believe, seriously increase the value that these tools add to the interpretation process.'

      - The Opacity and Colour Blend capabilities of SEA 3D Pro provide a powerful way to analyse seismic reflectivity data through multiple seismic attributes. In the image shown, changes in frequency can be correlated with amplitude and dip variations using two multi-attribute blends. In both blends abrupt changes in amplitude across faults show stratigraphic offset and compartmentalisation. (Data Courtesy of StatoilHydro) - "
      schrieb am 26.09.10 00:07:37
      Beitrag Nr. 18.908 ()
      Gabon 10th Licensing Round set for October launch; Gabon's 10th Licensing Round will open on 27 October in Libreville, Gabon. The licensing round will be the first round to focus on some of the country's key deep water acreage - EP - Sep 23, 2010…
      schrieb am 26.09.10 00:25:15
      Beitrag Nr. 18.909 ()
      Albania: Sky Petroleum releases valuation on Albanian exploration blocks; Sky Petroleum has released the findings of a detailed report written in cooperation with McKinsey &Company, one of the world’s leading consulting firms, assessing the potential value of the three exploration blocks - Four, Five and Dumre - EP - Sep 23, 2010

      The report estimates the Albanian Blocks:

      + contain a mean un-risked reserve potential of 875 million barrels of oil equivalent (MMBOE);

      + with a conservative average success rate of approximately 24%, which would translate to a mean risked reserve potential of 220 MMBOE;

      + have a potential market value of between $1 billion to $3 billion based on expected P90 reserves of approximately 105 MMBOE at $10 to 30 per barrel of oil equivalent (BOE); and

      + possess a mean net present value of about $2.1 billion based on a stochastic discounted cash flow valuation of their likely commercialization. ...…
      schrieb am 26.09.10 00:44:09
      Beitrag Nr. 18.910 ()
      Dynasty Metals Australia - secures new tenement - Sep 24, 2010

      + A strategic tenement application, E52/2591 awarded to Dynasty following a ballot

      + The tenement neighbours major iron ore mining projects owned by BHPB, Rio Tinto
      and Fortescue Metals Group

      + Tenement extends Prairie Downs project area and is contiguous with its key existing

      + Dynasty’s strategic tenement position at Prairie Downs project now covers 3,722km2

      + The tenement covers rocks prospective for hematite iron ore deposits ...
      schrieb am 26.09.10 14:29:21
      Beitrag Nr. 18.911 ()
      Churchill Mining PLC - 30 Million Tonnes per Annum East Kutai Coal Project; Feasibility Study Returns Pre-Tax NPV of US$1.8 Billion - Sep 23, 2010


      + Study confirms the technical and economic feasibility of the Project and demonstrates that it is a world-class thermal coal deposit

      + Investment evaluation, modeled over an initial 25-year period, indicates a pre-tax net present value of US$1.8 Billion (discount rate of 10%), internal rate of return of 21% and payback period of 7 years

      + Pre-tax net cashflow in excess of US$500 Million per annum over the first 20 years of capacity production

      + Proposed 30Mtpa open-pit mining operation producing high-quality sub-bituminous coal over an initial 25-year period, although the reserve base would support a much longer mine life

      + The Study now forms the platform for the next stage in the development of the Project and the ongoing strategic process

      + Direct capital expenditure estimated at US$1.2 Billion before indirects(Engineering Procurement Construction Management ("EPCM"), insurance costs) and contingency

      + Low average strip ratio of 3.7 bcm/tonne

      + Operating cost estimated at US$25.10 per tonne FOB (excluding royalty of US$2.32 per tonne) ...…
      schrieb am 26.09.10 15:08:37
      Beitrag Nr. 18.912 ()
      :eek::eek::eek: :laugh::laugh:

      Schnell reich werden --> "Ich hab nie gedacht, dass Geld online machen so leicht ist!" - 2010
      schrieb am 26.09.10 16:49:12
      Beitrag Nr. 18.913 ()
      Apella Defeats SOQUEM Inc.'s Declaration of Intervention re Lac Dore Claims - Sep 23, 2010…
      schrieb am 26.09.10 16:55:24
      Beitrag Nr. 18.914 ()
      GrowMax Completes Potash Pre-Feasibility Study for Its Bayovar, Peru Project in the Sechura Desert - Sep 23, 2010


      + Use of low-cost Solar Evaporation Technology similar to Israel Chemicals Ltd. and Arab Potash Company in the Dead Sea, and Compass Minerals International Inc. and Intrepid Potash, Inc. in Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA.

      + Annual Potash Production: 250,000 metric tonnes of potash fertilizer

      + Total estimated project Capital Cost: $125 million

      + Unit Operating Costs: $29.62 per metric tonne (excluding transportation to port) ...…
      schrieb am 27.09.10 01:14:06
      Beitrag Nr. 18.915 ()
      Deals This Week: Baffinland, Strongbow Exploration, Bullion Monarch &More - MT - Sep 24, 2010…

      "Baffinland Iron Mines said it has received a hostile takeover bid of C$274m (US$265m) from a private investment firm Energy & Minerals Group.

      The acquisition, if successful, would help Baffinland to fund its flagship C$3.7bn Mary River project in Nunavut.

      Iron Mining said it will acquire a 70% interest of an existing iron sands reserve development project in Chile's Fourth Region, Coquimbo.

      Soldi Ventures has bought the Rainy River Block 'A' property, which consists of three contiguous claims containing 28 claim units in the Kenora Mining District of north-western Ontario.

      Strongbow Exploration said it has acquired a Midway gold project within the Haile-Brewer Gold Trend, South Carolina, US.

      The Midway project includes over 1,450 contiguous acres covering a 2.5km strike length of the Haile-Brewer gold trend.

      Halie gold mine reportedly consists of 2.2 million ounces gold with additional inferred resources of 2.0 million ounces of gold.

      Bullion Monarch Mining said it has acquired the La Reyna property in the mineral-rich Sierra Madre gold belt of Northern Mexico in the state of Chihuahua.

      The property holds Ocampo, Dolores, Mulatos, El Sauzal as well and Tayoltita silver deposits.

      Douglas Lake Minerals has acquired four properties directly bordering Canaco in the Handeni district processed and transmitted by Hugin AS.

      The licences, covering 800km2 are owned or controlled by IPP Gold and its affiliates.

      Edgewater Exploration said it has completed the acquisition of Rio Narcea Gold Mines, a subsidiary of Lundin Mining Corporation. "
      schrieb am 27.09.10 01:29:25
      Beitrag Nr. 18.916 ()
      Hunnu Coal has 11 drill rigs at work in Mongolia - PIC - 2010-09-21

      - by Andrew McCrea -…

      "Hunno Coal (ASX: HUN) has upped the pace of drilling at its coal projects in Mongolia with eleven rigs operating on various projects in the Middle and South Gobi Coal Provinces, aimed at generating initial JORC resources.

      Hunnu has completed 71 drill holes for 6,022 metres at the Unst Khudag Coal Mine, where four drilling rigs are currently operating.

      Within Unst Khudag the Har Toirom discovery has a coal seam thicknesses average 30 metres in combined thickness, with total thicknesses up to 47 metres.

      Initial JORC resources are expected to be completed for both the Unst Khudag Mine and the Har Toirom discovery in the last quarter of 2010, with Hunno estimating an exploration target of 250Mt to 500Mt of coal for the Unst Khudag Project.

      Hunno has completed 20 drill holes for 3,654 metres at the Tsant Uul Coking Coal Project, where five drilling rigs are currently operating.

      The coal seams have a combined thickness of approximately 30 metres. Seam 1 and Seam 3, which are the larger of the three seams, are both showing coking properties in initial early stage test work.

      A JORC resource study for Tsant Uul is expected to be completed prior to the end of this year with scoping and development studies to commence early in 2011, with Hunnu estimating an exploration target of 50Mt to 100Mt of coal.

      Hunnu has completed 15 drill holes for 2,132 metres at Tenuun-2, with two rigs operating.

      Initial test work indicates a high quality black thermal coal, with Hunnu estimating an exploration target of 25Mt to 50Mt of coal, with an initial JORC Resource is expected towards the end of this year.

      In total, Hunnu has completed 106 drill holes for 11,808 metres of drilling.

      The aggressive drilling program of known coal deposits is allowing Hunnu to meet its aim of becoming a major force in the exploration and development of coking and thermal coal deposits in South Gobi and Middle Gobi Coal Provinces.

      Hunnu has announced an aggressive timetable for developing three coal mines in Mongolia, within the next four years. "
      schrieb am 27.09.10 01:34:57
      Beitrag Nr. 18.917 ()
      CDC to launch $90m high tech venture fund with Nanhai government in China - PIC - 2010-09-15

      - by Deborah Sterescu -…

      "CDC (NASDAQ:CHIND), a China-based growth investor in hybrid enterprise software, is to launch an approximate US$90 million private equity fund with the government of Nanhai District in Foshan, China, to invest in early-stage high tech companies in the area.

      Foshan is the third largest city in Guangdong province, China and holds one of the highest gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in the country, considered one of the top-10 fastest growing cities in the region.

      The venture fund, to be called the Foshan Nanhai-CDC Technology and New Media Fund, is expected to focus on investments in Nanhai’s high tech and new media industries, including cloud computing, e-commerce, social network websites, 3G mobile media, internet media as well as content and animation.

      CDC anticipates that the vehicle will consist of investments in start-up and growth technology companies, as well as U.S. technology and new media companies.

      The idea is to introduce overseas high-tech industrialization projects and talent, which will help propel the growth of emerging companies in the region, said the company.

      “Nanhai will make a significant effort to develop its high-tech industries. The district government will earmark the best sites, near metro transit lines in the region to build high-tech parks and to provide certain incentives to attract science and technology professionals to this region,” said mayor of Nanhai District, Ou Bangmin.

      CDC also expects to use its global business and technology platform to help its investments in the fund grow.

      “For example, as the fund assimilates intellectual property from different geographic regions worldwide, it can migrate operations to CDC’s R&D facilities in China and leverage the resulting benefits in the form of costs savings, increased competitiveness, and higher profitability,” said CEO of CDC Peter Yip.

      An investment and advisory committee will be formed, to be led by Yip and chairman of CDC Raymond Ch'ien, respectively.

      The establishment of the fund is subject to several customary conditions, including the approval of CDC`s board.

      CDC manages majority interests in its core portfolio of hybrid enterprise software, IT services and new media businesses. It also co-invests with venture capital and private equity funds through minority interests in growing companies in emerging markets related to CDC’s core assets. "
      schrieb am 27.09.10 01:59:21
      Beitrag Nr. 18.918 ()
      American Jianye Greentech predicts 800% Q3 profit growth - PIC - 2010-09-14

      - by Phil Cheng -…

      "American Jianye Greentech (OTCBB: AJGH), a China-based developer, manufacturer and distributor of alcohol-based automobile fuels, has said it expects third quarter profits to total at least $2.5 million, or $0.08 per share, compared to $0.28 million for the same period last year, before the company was listed and fully-operational.

      The company anticipates revenue of more than $25 million in Q3 2010, versus $2.2 million last year, reflecting the start of its operations in September 2009.

      For the entire year, American Jianye is expectings sales of more than $90 million compared to $9.7 million for 2009, and profits of at least $9.0 million, or $0.28 per share, versus $0.94 million, or $0.03 per share the previous year.

      Demand for alcohol-based clean fuel in China, which is driven by the rising cost of gasoline and new environmental mandates, outstrips current supply, which is proving beneficial for companies like American Jianye.

      "Alcohol-based fuels cost less to manufacture, are lower cost to the consumer, and are more environmentally friendly than traditional unleaded fuels. Moreover, our fuels have distinct advantages over other alcohol-based fuels as a result of our proprietary and patented catalysts," said chairman and CEO Haipeng Wang.

      Given these factors, the company is confident in its assertions that it will quickly gain market share and meet its targets for the year.

      Headquartered in Harbin, China, the company's alcohol-based fuels burn with higher efficiency and lower toxic waste emissions than unleaded gasoline. The combination of catalysts in the fuel enhance fuel octane rating and engine power, inhibit the premature oxidation of the fuel, help remove sediment in the carburetor, and prevent the erosion of the engine cylinder surface.

      The company was up almost 9% on Monday in the first hour of trading, reaching $0.86 by 10:18am ET. "
      schrieb am 27.09.10 02:15:37
      Beitrag Nr. 18.919 ()
      Iron Mining Buys 70% Stake in La Serena Reserve; Chile Inversiones de Minerales (CIM), a subsidiary of Iron Mining Group (IMG), has acquired 70% of the La Serena Reserve property, believed to contain iron ore worth more than $11.2bn in Coquimbo, Chile - MT - Sep 24, 2010…
      schrieb am 27.09.10 02:19:25
      Beitrag Nr. 18.920 ()
      TARGET: Scotland's 2020 renewable electricity target has been raised from 50% to 80% :eek::eek::eek: , with the next 10 years identified as a "decisive decade" for the low carbon economy - nef - NEF - Sep 23, 2010…
      schrieb am 27.09.10 13:15:23
      Beitrag Nr. 18.921 ()
      Haushaltspolitiker: Kein zusätzliches Geld für Hartz IV -, BERLIN - Sep 24, 2010…
      schrieb am 27.09.10 13:26:11
      Beitrag Nr. 18.922 ()
      Selected Uranium Explorers; Monthly Report - FR - Aug 26, 2010…
      schrieb am 27.09.10 15:10:04
      Beitrag Nr. 18.923 ()
      Centaurus Metals - Strong Drilling Results from Jambreiro Iron Ore Project; Initial JORC Resource Estimate targeted to be completed by the end of October ´10 - Sep 27, 2010
      schrieb am 27.09.10 15:13:58
      Beitrag Nr. 18.924 ()
      [LNC] LNC more than doubles UCG Syngas flow rates - Australianinvestor - 24-Sep-2010

      "Linc Energy Ltd today announced it has more than doubled its Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) Gasifier 4 syngas flow rates, with the workover processes recently completed with its newly acquired coil tubing unit equipment.

      As referred to in ASX announcement ‘Linc Energy’s Coil Tubing Unit Arrives at the Chinchilla Demonstration Facility’ on 27 July 2010, Linc Energy has introduced coil tubing unit equipment to UCG, and remains the only company to do so in the world.

      The use of coil tubing unit equipment on an operational UCG cavity has provided Linc Energy with significant understanding of how commercial scale UCG can be managed. Achieving a more than double increase in syngas flow rates certainly validates Linc Energy’s decision to purchase the coil tubing unit technology and apply it as a core component to all its UCG projects to meet commercial operating requirements and enhance consistency.
      schrieb am 27.09.10 15:18:33
      Beitrag Nr. 18.925 ()
      Elemental Minerals - Sintoukola Update and Appointment of Director - Sep 24, 2010

      + Mr Ian Stalker joins the board. Ian has 35 years experience in developing and managing mining projects worldwide. Ian was CEO of UraMin from November 2005 until its acquisition by Areva in August 2007 for US $2.5 billion. Ian also brings to the company extensive knowledge of and relationships with the London and North American financial markets.

      + The Minister for Mines marked the Official opening of the project with a speech giving positive government support. Local dignitaries and villages also attended showing their support.

      + First exploration hole completed EK-01 to a depth of 609m, twinning historic hole K-18, (previous assays – 3.9m @ 26.0% K2O &3.3m @ 23.6% K2O). Core has been logged, cut and sent to Germany for assay, results are expected for the sylvinite within three weeks. ...
      schrieb am 28.09.10 03:02:21
      Beitrag Nr. 18.926 ()
      Largo Undertakes New Drill Program at Northern Dancer Tungsten-Molybdenum Project, Yukon - Sep 27, 2010

      + Further testing of the higher-grade tungsten and molybdenum zones outlined during the 2006, 2007 & 2008 drill programs

      + Initial drilling of Marilyn Creek - an untested exploration target immediately north of Northern Dancer Deposit

      + Company makes good progress on Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) ...…
      schrieb am 28.09.10 03:04:39
      Beitrag Nr. 18.927 ()
      BioteQ &EcoMetales :eek: Sign Joint Development Agreement - Sep 27, 2010…
      schrieb am 28.09.10 03:08:42
      Beitrag Nr. 18.928 ()
      Fission Summer Drill Program Successfully Expands J-Zone to Approximately 120m x 50m Remains Open in All Directions; Hole WAT10-111D Identifies More Off-Scale Radioactivity - Sep 27, 2010…
      schrieb am 28.09.10 03:12:53
      Beitrag Nr. 18.929 ()
      Congo to Uphold Mining Ban; The Democratic Republic of Congo will continue a mining ban in three provinces in a bid to curb the income of rebels from minerals - MT - Sep 27, 2010…
      schrieb am 28.09.10 03:15:37
      Beitrag Nr. 18.930 ()
      IPO/Presse: Fiat plant Ferrari-Börsengang – Konzern dementiert -, MAILAND - Sep 26, 2010…
      schrieb am 28.09.10 03:18:36
      Beitrag Nr. 18.931 ()
      Xstrata Coal calls for carbon tax talks; The chief executive of Swiss-Anglo mining giant Xstrata Coal has weighed into the carbon tax debate, urging the Federal Government to begin negotiations - MA - Sep 27, 2010…
      schrieb am 28.09.10 03:23:00
      Beitrag Nr. 18.932 ()
      Rare earths get major project status; Arafura Resources rare earths plant has been granted major project status - MA - Sep 24, 2010

      - Cole Latimer -…
      schrieb am 28.09.10 03:24:50
      Beitrag Nr. 18.933 ()
      Coal supply low; According to the Queensland coal chain manager; there is currently not enough coal to supply the number of waiting ships - MA - Sep 23, 2010

      - Cole Latimer -…
      schrieb am 28.09.10 14:04:25
      Beitrag Nr. 18.934 ()
      Hathor Exploration Limited: More Off-Scale Radioactivity at Roughrider as Summer Program Continues to Infill and Extend Uranium Mineralization - Sep 28, 2010…
      schrieb am 28.09.10 14:10:55
      Beitrag Nr. 18.935 ()
      [DRA] Historical bonanza drill results from Kuusamo, Finland - Australianinvestor - 28-Sep-2010

      "Dragon Mining Limited today announced the recommencement of exploration at the Kuusamo Gold Project in north-eastern Finland with the undertaking of an aggressive drilling campaign over the next twelve months totalling 20,000 metres.

      The Kuusamo Gold Project is located approximately 700 kilometres north of Helsinki. It comprises of a series of contiguous tenements that encompass five known gold occurrences, which have a combined total Inferred Mineral Resource inventory of 178,800 ounces grading 4.1 g/t gold.

      At the Juomasuo gold deposit a total of 298 holes have been drilled between 1985 and 2003 for an advance of 17,191 metres. The more recent drilling was completed by a subsidiary of Outokumpu Mining Oy, which returned a number of bonanza drill intercepts including:

      19.20m @ 179.52 g/t gold :eek::eek: (includes 0.8m @ 3,888.82 g/t gold);
      3.70m @ 426.98 g/t gold (includes 1.4m @ 1,125.10 g/t gold);
      19.60m @ 63.70 g/t gold (includes 1.0m @ 103.90 g/t gold and 1.0m @ 1,008.89 g/t gold);
      4.12m @ 265.50 g/t gold (includes 2.38m @ 444.86 g/t gold); and
      8.00m @ 48.85 g/t gold (includes 1.6m @ 182.72 g/t gold).

      Drilling and related exploration activities will commence as soon as possible. The initial phase of drilling will focus on the Juomasuo deposit, which together with the nearby Hangaslampi deposit will form the foundation for the development of this project. "
      schrieb am 28.09.10 14:19:20
      Beitrag Nr. 18.936 ()
      [CRE] Laverton Gold Reserves up 140% to 445,000 ounces - Australianinvestor - 28-Sep-2010

      "Crescent Gold today announced that an updated Ore Reserve estimate for the Laverton Gold Project has been prepared by independent onsultants resulting in a significant increase in reserves.

      Total Probable Ore Reserves are now estimated to contain 6.5Mt @ 2.1g/t equating in 445,000 ounces of contained gold in 12 deposits.

      Recent mining at 4 pits had depleted the 2009 Ore Reserve (254,000) oz) by 69,000 oz over the first 9 months of production down to 185,000 oz. The subsequent addition of 260,000 oz through development work and engineering studies at 8 other gold deposits at Laverton represents an increase in reserves of 140% over the depleted reserve figure.

      The increase in reserves demonstrates the immense exploration potential of Laverton and supports Crescent’s view of the long term production capability of the Company’s asset base. "
      schrieb am 28.09.10 14:27:02
      Beitrag Nr. 18.937 ()
      Full Metal Signs Option Agreement with Pebble Limited Partnership to Explore Pebble South Property, Alaska - Sep 23, 2010…

      Full Metal and Antofagasta Drill 388 Meters Averaging 0.32% Cu, 0.018% Mo, 0.067 g/t Au or 0.459% Cu Equivalent at Pyramid Porphyry Project, Alaska - Sep 27, 2010…
      schrieb am 28.09.10 14:46:28
      Beitrag Nr. 18.938 ()
      Advanced Explorations and XinXing Pipes Group Execute Formal Agreement to Develop Roche Bay Project - Sep 27, 2010…
      schrieb am 28.09.10 14:50:49
      Beitrag Nr. 18.939 ()

      Southern Pacific to Acquire North Peace Energy - Sep 27, 2010…
      schrieb am 28.09.10 15:07:51
      Beitrag Nr. 18.940 ()
      Ireland: Nautical Petroleum acquires interest in Nemo oil discovery from Providence Resources; Nautical Petroleum has entered into a farm-in agreement to acquire up to a 65% interest in the Standard Exploration Licence 2/07 containing the Nemo heavy oil discovery, which is estimated to have an in place resource potential of up to 230 mmbo - EP - Sep 28, 2010…
      schrieb am 28.09.10 15:48:51
      Beitrag Nr. 18.941 ()
      Kootenay Commences 10,000 Meter Multi-Phase Drill Program Aimed at Expansion of Current Resource and Premier Promontorio Targets - Sep 27, 2010…
      schrieb am 28.09.10 15:51:03
      Beitrag Nr. 18.942 ()
      Douglas Lake Acquires 100% Interest In 4 New Properties Directly Bordering Canaco In The Handeni District - Sep 22, 2010…
      schrieb am 28.09.10 15:53:10
      Beitrag Nr. 18.943 ()
      “Wir müssen einen Weg finden, internationaler zu werden” -, DÜSSELDORF - Sep 20, 2010…

      "Düsseldorf (dapd). Der Autobauer Volkswagen will am Boom in Schwellenländern auch im Bereich der Nutzfahrzeuge teilhaben. “Wir müssen einen Weg finden, internationaler zu werden”, sagte der Chef der Volkswagen-Nutzfahrzeugsparte, Wolfgang Schreiber, dem “Handelsblatt”. Konkret habe er den chinesischen Markt im Auge. “In China sind besonders kleine Lkw attraktiv, zwischen 2,8 und 7 Tonnen. Es ist an der Zeit, das Thema anzugehen”, sagte er.

      Insgesamt rechne Schreiber für die krisengebeutelte Nutzfahrzeugsparte 2010 mit einem besseren Jahresabschluss als 2009. Er sehe insgesamt einen steigenden Absatz. “Unser Ziel sind rund 450.000 Fahrzeuge anstelle von 355.000 im Jahr 2009″, sagte er. Wachstumsmotor seien eine bessere Entwicklung des Marktes und eine erfolgreiche Erneuerung der wichtigsten Modelle T5 und Caddy. "
      schrieb am 28.09.10 16:03:01
      Beitrag Nr. 18.944 ()
      Carbon Market News - Sep 18, 2010

      "Today's headlines

      *SocGen revises down EUA/CER price forecast
      *California approves large solar project
      *EUAs remain rangebound
      *Poland moves to delay EU 30% decision
      *Two big Japanese regions ink ETS pact
      *Japan PM picks new climate policy team
      *China could introduce carbon tax by 2015: expert
      *Beijing exchange wants pilot ETS from 2013
      *Global climate revenue holds amid depression: HSBC
      *RGGI hovers above reserve price "
      schrieb am 28.09.10 16:05:58
      Beitrag Nr. 18.945 ()
      Centric Energy Completes Agreements with Tullow Oil for Farm-Out of Kenya Block 10BA - Sep 28, 2010…
      schrieb am 28.09.10 16:10:27
      Beitrag Nr. 18.946 ()
      Oettinger will EU-weite Regeln für Energieunternehmen durchsetzen -, FRANKFURT - Sep 20, 2010…

      "FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) – EU-Energiekommissar Günther Oettinger will europäische
      Regeln für Energieunternehmen durchsetzen. “Ich will, dass wir in zwei
      Zehnjahresplänen die Energieinfrastruktur aufbauen, die wir für alle unsere
      Ziele brauchen, vom guten Preis über die innereuropäische Solidarität bis zum
      Klimaschutz”, sagte er der “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” (Montagausgabe).
      “Wichtig ist auch die Energieeffizienz, wo wir noch sehr unkonkret sind.”

      Zudem will Oettinger die Abhängigkeit von Russland verringern. “Wir müssen
      aber Russland nicht zum zentralen Großhändler für das Gas anderer Staaten
      machen, wenn man in Deutschland schon zu 38 Prozent Importabhängigkeit von
      Russland hat und in der EU zu 25 Prozent. Deshalb unterstützen wir Alternativen,
      wie die Nabucco-Pipeline, mit allen Kräften.” "
      schrieb am 28.09.10 16:12:48
      Beitrag Nr. 18.947 ()
      Wildcat Updates Preliminary Economic Assessment on Hardshell; 6 Million Ounces Per Year Silver Production, NPV of $357 Million; Announces $5 Million Private Placement - Sep 28, 2010…
      schrieb am 29.09.10 00:16:30
      Beitrag Nr. 18.948 ()
      Salazar Reports Updated Resource Estimate for El Domo, Curipamba, Ecuador - Sep 28, 2010…

      (etwa 0.62Mt @3.7% Cu, 0.41% Pb, 4.16% Zn, 3.0g/t Au &98g/t Ag Indicated +etwa 2.5Mt @3.24% Cu, 0.37% Pb, 4.28% Zn, 4.3g/t Au &79.5g/t Ag Inferred(cut-off US$50/t))
      schrieb am 29.09.10 00:56:11
      Beitrag Nr. 18.949 ()
      Drillers to face tougher obstacles - OR/G &M/Reuters - 9/28/2010

      "The Gulf of Mexico will soon reopen to deep-water drilling, but an overhauled regulatory regime promises to slow exploration and drive up costs in the industry’s key oil-producing area.

      The new rules may prevent the industry from ever returning to the level of activity that existed prior to BP PLC’s (BP-N38.52-0.19-0.49%) massive and deadly oil spill, a period in which oil companies faced a toothless and understaffed regulator and a minimalist regulatory approach.

      At a hearing in Washington on Monday, U.S. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said his department will be adopting “the gold standard” of offshore drilling regulations, adding that the tough rules will serve to establish a new and higher bar for oil companies operating in the oceans around the globe.

      “I believe that the gold standard that we all develop here in this country will be the guidance for what will happen around the world,” Mr. Salazar said in a webcasted hearing of the presidential commission investigating the spill.

      “As a result of this tragedy that no one asked for and no one wanted, it is my fervent hope that we can lead the way in developing the safest production of oil and gas in our ocean, that does in fact protect the environment and protects the workers who are out there on those rigs.”

      Following the blowout at BP’s Macondo well on April 20, President Barack Obama slapped a six-month moratorium on deep-water exploration drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, a move that has angered Gulf Coast politicians and industry supporters, who say it is adding to the economic distress caused by the accident itself.

      Mr. Salazar signaled on Monday that the formal moratorium may end sooner than its scheduled mid-November termination, but said any new drilling will have to meet stringent new regulations with which companies must comply before they resume operations.

      Michael Bromwich, the new regulatory chief who is a former federal prosecutor, said few companies are going to be able to immediately meet the new standards. Companies will also require certification from the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE).

      “Even when the moratorium is lifted, you’re not going to see drilling going on the next day or even the next week,” Mr. Bromwich said. “It’s going to take some time.”

      Mr. Bromwich was scheduled to submit his recommendations on rule changes to Mr. Salazar at the end of October, but said Monday that he will conclude his report this week. The Interior Secretary said he will take some time to consider the recommendations, and then act. Mr. Salazar has said in the past that the formal moratorium could end sooner than six months, so long as the companies are able to meet the tougher rules.

      Doug Suttles, BP ch[/red]ief operating officer for exploration and production, said some projects would be better positioned than others to meet new government requirements to resume drilling.

      “What is clear is that certain equipment, certain wells, certain rigs will find it easier to meet those requirements more quickly than others,” Mr. Suttles told the commission earlier in the day Monday.

      “I would expect the net effect to be … a phased restart.”

      Companies still have a lot of questions that need answers before they can restart their drilling programs. Among those who are on hold is Calgary-based Nexen Inc., which is a 20-per-cent partner with Royal Dutch Shell PLC in the major Appomattox discovery in the deep water of the Gulf.

      Mr. Bromwich said companies would have to submit more detailed spill-response plans, as well as regulations on the cementing of the well casing, and the specifications and testing of the crucial blow-out preventer – the valve-like device that is the last line of defence but failed to shut in the Macondo well.

      The chief regulator acknowledged that few drilling permits have been issued in Gulf shallow water – which is not covered by the moratorium – because his bureau has required companies to provide worst-case oil spill response plans.

      The industry lobbyist group, the American Petroleum Institute, has been urging the government to balance the requirement for safety and environmental protection with the country’s need for domestic energy and jobs.

      “For our part, we will work hard to make the rules work,” association spokesman Bill Bush said. “We hope the government will equal that commitment by putting a high premium on advancing energy development even as it raises the bar on safety.” "
      schrieb am 29.09.10 01:06:32
      Beitrag Nr. 18.950 ()
      Sinopec To Help Set Up GOC; Currying favor with Gabon in the run-up to a forthcoming licensing round, China’s Sinopec is going to help the country create a new national oil group - AI - Sep 28, 2010…
      schrieb am 29.09.10 03:01:30
      Beitrag Nr. 18.951 ()
      Can States Allay Risks from Hurricanes and Earthquakes?; Insurance for damages from natural catastrophes provided by many states affords property owners coverage when they are unable to find it in the private market. In a new RFF Discussion Paper, Carolyn Kousky examines the performance of these programs in 10 states - RFF - Sep 22, 2010

      - Carolyn Kousky -…
      schrieb am 29.09.10 03:05:40
      Beitrag Nr. 18.952 ()
      China: A Resource War Resurgence?; In the latest issue of Resources, Senior Fellow Joel Darmstadter divines facts and fears about China's energy strategy, including its ongoing, global shopping spree for oil - RFF - Sep10

      - Fellow Joel Darmstadter -…
      schrieb am 29.09.10 03:13:13
      Beitrag Nr. 18.953 ()
      Lydian Drills 87m at 2.8g/t and 84m at 1.1g/t Gold in Resource Extension and Infill Drilling at Amulsar - Sep 28, 2010…
      schrieb am 29.09.10 15:54:28
      Beitrag Nr. 18.954 ()
      Baja Signs US$858 Million of Financing Facilities for the Development of Boleo Project - Sep 29, 2010…
      schrieb am 01.10.10 00:36:56
      Beitrag Nr. 18.955 ()
      VG Gold &Lexam Explorations to Combine; Rob McEwen to Invest Additional $5 Million in New Company - Sep 29, 2010…
      schrieb am 01.10.10 00:39:28
      Beitrag Nr. 18.956 ()
      Mediterranean Resources - Signs MOU for sale of Yusufeli gold project - Sep 30, 2010…
      schrieb am 01.10.10 00:41:25
      Beitrag Nr. 18.957 ()
      Strategic Natural Resources Plc - Update on feasibility study - Sep 30, 2010…
      schrieb am 01.10.10 00:43:29
      Beitrag Nr. 18.958 ()
      Recommended Cash Offer for Chromex Mining Plc - Sep 30, 2010…
      schrieb am 01.10.10 00:46:00
      Beitrag Nr. 18.959 ()
      Metminco to gain 100pc of Hampton - Sep 30, 2010
      schrieb am 01.10.10 00:50:02
      Beitrag Nr. 18.960 ()
      Atomic Resources - BFS and Reserve Resource Update - Sep 20, 2010


      + Positive Bankable Feasibility Study completed;

      + Mbalawala Mineable Reserve of 40 million tonnes;

      + Mbalawala resource increases 18% to 251 million tonnes;

      + 160-320 million tonne Exploration Target1 defined at Mbuyura/Mkapa;

      + Surface drilling programme planned to expand resource base. ...
      schrieb am 01.10.10 01:05:40
      Beitrag Nr. 18.961 ()
      Global uranium companies; Equity Research Report - Resource Capital Research - Sep10…
      schrieb am 01.10.10 01:09:52
      Beitrag Nr. 18.962 ()
      AgriMarine's Technology Brings in Successful First Harvest - Sep 22, 2010…

      AgriMarine and MBSAI Confirm Receipt of First Tank for the Middle Bay Project - Sep 29, 2010…
      schrieb am 01.10.10 01:20:27
      Beitrag Nr. 18.963 ()
      [BRM] Long life iron ore project with strong projected returns - Australianinvestor - 29-Sep-2010

      "Brockman Resources Limited has taken a major step towards becoming a substantial iron ore producer in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, after delivering a positive Feasibility Study for its 100%-owned Marillana Iron Ore Project in Western Australia.

      The Definitive Feasibility Study has confirmed the financial and technical viability of a world-scale Pilbara iron ore operation.

      The forecast average production rate is 17 million dry tonnes per annum of a high-quality final product averaging 60.5% - 61.5% Fe grade.

      Reserves support a 25 year mine life, with the potential to increase production output or mine life.

      Estimated Net Present Value range of A$2.3 - A$2.6 billion was calculated on a post-tax (existing Tax regime) real basis at a Discount Cash Flow (DCF) rate of 10% and an Internal Rate of Return range of 27.7% - 37.9% estimated on an un-geared basis.

      Pre-production mine and rail capital expenditure range of A$1.3 - A$1.9 billion dependent upon the final rail solution adopted and a forecast A$35.3 billion life-of-mine revenue, using independent iron ore price and foreign exchange forecasts.

      Construction at the Marillana site is targeted to commence in November 2011 with first ore on ship anticipated in early CY 2014. "
      schrieb am 01.10.10 01:23:58
      Beitrag Nr. 18.964 ()
      H2O Innovation Ranked 23rd Fastest Growing Technology Company in Canada in the Deloitte Technology Fast 50TM and Receives Coveted "Technology Green 15TM" Award - Sep 23, 2010…

      H2O Innovation Awarded CAN$4.3 Million in Contracts for Industrial and Municipal Water Treatment Systems - Sep 29, 2010…
      schrieb am 01.10.10 01:25:36
      Beitrag Nr. 18.965 ()
      IBC Advanced Alloys &Purdue University File Beryllium Oxide Enhanced Nuclear Fuel Patents - Sep 29, 2010…
      schrieb am 01.10.10 01:30:23
      Beitrag Nr. 18.966 ()
      China will not accept mining tax steel makers say; Chinese steel mills will not deal with the increased costs from an Australian mining tax, Chinese officials say - MA - Sep 29, 2010

      - Cole Latimer -…

      "Chinese steel mills will not deal with the increased costs from an Australian mining tax, Chinese officials say.

      The China Iron and Steel Association (CISA) secretary general Shan Shanghua explained that "Chinese steelmakers will not be able to accept rising costs from the Australian iron ore mining tax as steel prices will see the ceiling, and downstream users, including auto and house appliance, won't consume rising costs."

      He went on to say that China will be importing less iron ore for production this year as compared to last year.

      These statements come on the back of Australian ambassador to China, Geoff Raby, imploring Chinese steel mills to look to establishing production facilities in Australia.

      Speaking at an iron ore conference in Dalian, China, Raby said Australia is already a top investment target and importer of iron ore for China.

      Existing magnetite and hematite deposits plus other steel production materials such as coking coal being readily available should open the door to Chinese investment into Australian steel, and the establishment of mills here.

      “As Chinese mills develop their interests in Australian magnetite....they should consider the potential for taking further steps downstream into steel processing.” "
      schrieb am 01.10.10 01:31:56
      Beitrag Nr. 18.967 ()
      Barnett gets guarantee for Oakajee infrastructure project; Western Australian Premier Colin Barnett yesterday sought assurances from Oakajee Port and Rail that the eponymous :eek: infrastructure project was indeed going ahead - MA - Sep 29, 2010…
      schrieb am 01.10.10 01:34:48
      Beitrag Nr. 18.968 ()
      Tax talks to begin; The Federal Government is expecting intense discussions as it look to start its mining tax consultations next week - MA - Sep 29, 2010

      - Cole Latimer -…

      "The Federal Government is expecting intense discussions as it look to start its mining tax consultations next week.

      Federal minister for resources and energy Martin Ferguson said he is preparing for some heated exchanges ahead of the Mineral Resources Rent Tax (MRRT) talks.

      Kicking off in Perth next week, Ferguson has stated that he intends to attend at least a few meetings.

      “For the policy transition group obviously Perth is very important because two of the key resources to be covered by the new tax are petroleum in the established Petroleum Resource Rent Tax system but also its application to iron ore and to a lesser extent in Western Australia the coal industry,” he said.

      However, concerns have been raised by the Opposition that the industry consultations are not genuine.

      "[The mining industry is] concerned because the Government hasn't been honest about how much money they expect to derive from this tax," deputy opposition leader Julie Bishop said.

      "There have been various figures thrown about from $24 billion over two years to $10 billion over two years down to two and a half billion over two years," she added.

      The consultations will start in Perth late next week, and then carry on in Brisbane, Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney, with additional sessions held as needed.

      An issues paper will be made public to aid in development of the MRRT.
      schrieb am 01.10.10 01:37:50
      Beitrag Nr. 18.969 ()

      Second joint venture dispute sends Vale and Aquila back to court; Mining giant Vale and Australian miner Aquila Resources will once gain head back to court, after the two companies disagreed over a valuation of their Belvedere coking coal joint venture in Queensland - MA - Sep 28, 2010…
      schrieb am 01.10.10 02:14:56
      Beitrag Nr. 18.970 ()
      Klondex Mines - Approved to Start Surface Prep-Work for Mine Portal at Its Nevada High-Grade Gold Property, Fire Creek - Sep 30, 2010…
      schrieb am 01.10.10 02:16:25
      Beitrag Nr. 18.971 ()
      Greens oppose coal conversion; The Greens are declaring it will oppose the conversion of coal into liquid in the Hunter Valley - MA - Sep 28, 2010

      - Cole Latimer -…
      schrieb am 01.10.10 02:19:06
      Beitrag Nr. 18.972 ()
      Xstrata Coal calls for carbon tax talks; The chief executive of Swiss-Anglo mining giant Xstrata Coal has weighed into the carbon tax debate, urging the Federal Government to begin negotiations - MA - Sep 27, 2010…

      "The chief executive of Swiss-Anglo mining giant Xstrata Coal has weighed into the carbon tax debate, urging the Federal Government to begin negotiations.

      Peter Freyberg has called on the Federal Government to initiate a proper consultation process on how a price on carbon dioxide emissions would be administered.

      "There are certain principles we need to think around in terms of whether carbon should be priced and how it is priced in term of how a scheme is introduced and so forth," he told reporters.

      "One of the issues we have a problem with is uncertainty.

      “That uncertainty actually does effect investment decisions.

      “So we would like the debate to start so that we can move forward."

      The statement echoes the sentiments of both Coal and Allied and BHP Billiton chief executive Marius Kloppers, who recently said a price on carbon should be part of any response to climate change.

      However, not all miners are in agreement.

      Macarthur Coal chairman Keith DeLacy told ABC TV that most of the industry did not share Kloppers’ opinions.

      “[It is] a pretty lonely view in the resources industry," he said.

      "We have got one percent of world emissions - the rest of the world could not care less what Australia did.

      "Why would we be committing economic suicide in Australia when it is not going to help the rest of the world?

      "Most of us cannot see why we would have a carbon tax in Australia in advance of the rest of the world.

      "In fact, there's a good argument to say that it would actually increase global emissions."

      He qualified these remarks by saying although he would find a carbon tax easier to support than the Emissions Trading Scheme, he wanted “whole of the world working together on this” first. "
      schrieb am 01.10.10 03:30:05
      Beitrag Nr. 18.973 ()
      Solar System Tops Off Efficient NREL Building; A rooftop solar electric system on NREL's new office building embodies the ideals of energy efficiency and renewable energy advocated by the Lab - NREL - Sep 29, 2010
      schrieb am 01.10.10 03:32:49
      Beitrag Nr. 18.974 ()
      Analysis: Canada energy producers seek growth by going green - OR/Reuters - 9/29/2010

      "(Reuters) - Traditional energy producers are diving into Canada's renewable energy space, a move that means more than buffing up their "green" credentials, it is also providing solid growth avenues for revenue and profit.

      Oil and gas companies, and conventional electricity producers that use coal or natural gas, are snapping up wind, solar and geothermal projects, or even swallowing smaller companies whole, for reasons beyond good optics.

      "No, we are not trying to placate green groups. Green projects from day one have been driven by the economic return," said Al Monaco, executive vice-president of major projects and green energy at Enbridge Inc, Canada's No. 2 pipeline operator.

      "I will say, though, that the environmental benefits are important ... but this is not inconsistent with what our shareholders want as well," Monaco told Reuters in an interview.

      Enbridge, in the headlines lately due to a U.S. oil spill from a ruptured pipeline, has investments in Canada's solar and wind energy sectors, and this month bought a stake in a U.S.-based geothermal project.

      Its green energy ventures generally have returns in the same "low teens" percent range as its other businesses, Monaco said.

      The economic viability of green energy projects is being helped in Canada by 20- to 25-year contracts from some provincial utilities. Others offer grants, tax breaks and carbon-offset incentives.

      Ontario's one-year-old feed-in tariff plan, modeled on programs in Europe, has the richest incentives for renewable power in North America. The province has lured most of the country's new wind and solar expansion as it aims to shut down its high-emission, coal-fired power generators.

      The federal government also provides tax incentives for the production of clean energy, primarily in the form of faster depreciation of assets, which can be used by companies as a tax shield, said Stonecap Securities analyst Michael Goldberg.


      Investments in renewable energy by "dirty" power producers could also be a pre-emptive strike to avoid future difficulties if the federal government eventually imposes a restriction on CO2 emissions.

      "Before any of those policies are really put in place, I think some companies ... are taking a proactive approach to reducing their environmental footprint," Goldberg said.

      Power producer TransAlta Corp, which generates electricity from coal-fired plants and is one of Canada's biggest emitters of greenhouse gasses, last year bought the country's then-largest green energy firm, Canadian Hydro, in a C$755.6 million ($733.6 million) deal.

      Green energy investments could also be a future source of revenue if a value is put on carbon credits, said NCP Northland Capital analyst Tania Maciver.

      For a company like Teck Resources Ltd, Canada's biggest diversified miner, a foray into green energy is more prosaic: it's about power security in the future.

      "As with all mining companies, we are a very significant power consumer," said John Thompson, Teck's vice-president of technology and development.

      "Obtaining more of it where we need it and when we need it is important. In that regard, looking at alternatives beyond conventional is important to our long-term future," he said, after Teck announced a C$66 million investment last week in an Alberta wind farm with oil and gas heavyweight Suncor Energy Inc.


      The move by traditional power producers into clean energy is a small sidestep rather than a major leap, said Maciver.

      "(They) know how integration works and the grid works. It does fit quite nicely and it is a strong growth area currently," she said.

      Whatever the key motivation, traditional energy producers will continue to invest in green energy, companies and analysts say, as assets are reasonably priced again, thanks to the economic recession, and small and cash-strapped developers are looking for deep-pocketed investors.

      Enbridge's Monaco said he could see the pipeline operator, over the next few years, doubling the C$2 billion investment it has made in green energy over the past four or five years.

      Another company that may be on the prowl for purchases is natural gas pipeline operator Fort Chicago Energy Partners, which has already made three deals in as many months as it looks for growth opportunities.

      As for targets, Stonecap's Goldberg believes Boralex Inc, once it has digested its income fund purchase, could be ripe for the picking, as it is trading at a discount to its peers and has a strong, diversified asset base.

      ($1=$1.03 Canadian) "
      schrieb am 01.10.10 03:36:41
      Beitrag Nr. 18.975 ()
      Phase Two Drilling Completed on Hudson's Rare Earth Project in Greenland, Resource Modelling Commenced - Sep 29, 2010…
      schrieb am 01.10.10 03:38:17
      Beitrag Nr. 18.976 ()
      Alexco Completes Construction at Bellekeno Mine on Schedule-Initiates Mill Commissioning - Sep 29, 2010…
      schrieb am 01.10.10 03:45:58
      Beitrag Nr. 18.977 ()
      Wavefront Technology Solutions Inc.: Powerwave Increases Oil Recovery and Profitability at Permian Basin Field; Project pay-back in less than three months, rate of return more than 100 per cent - Sep 29, 2010…
      schrieb am 02.10.10 00:24:12
      Beitrag Nr. 18.978 ()
      The PitchBook Benchmarking Report - Fall 2010 - PB - Oct 1, 2010

      - PitchBook has published The PitchBook Benchmarking Report – Fall 2010. The report was compiled from the PitchBook Platform and PitchBook's IRR and Funds tool. It covers fund IRR and returns multiples for U.S. and global private equity funds, U.S. and global venture capital funds and U.S. fund of funds by vintage year, fund size and quartile.

      This complimentary report includes:

      + Average IRR by fund vintage year

      + 1,3,5-year fund performance compared to public markets

      + 1-year change in PE & VC NAV

      + Global PE & VC fund returns multiples

      + Capital overhang for PE & VC by vintage year and fund size

      + PE & VC fund quartiles

      + Select 2010 PE & VC closed funds

      + Select list of funds currently fundraising ...-…
      schrieb am 02.10.10 01:23:19
      Beitrag Nr. 18.979 ()
      :eek: :eek:

      Beaufield Drills 322.15 Metres of 4.20% Zinc, 2.72% Copper, 72.02 g/t Silver and 0.53 g/t Gold at Tortigny - Sep 30, 2010…
      schrieb am 02.10.10 01:49:46
      Beitrag Nr. 18.980 ()
      Bandana Energy grabs Wiggins Island Coal Terminal capacity; Bandanna Energy has secured a four million tonne per annum allocation at the proposed $2 billion Wiggins Island Coal Export Terminal development at Gladstone, Queensland - MA - Oct 1, 2010…

      "Bandanna Energy has secured a four million tonne per annum allocation at the proposed $2 billion Wiggins Island Coal Export Terminal development at Gladstone, Queensland.

      Eight coal producers have now committed to a total allocation of 27 million tonnes per annum for stage one of the development.

      The other seven are Aquila Resources, Caledon Resources, Cockatoo Coal, Northern Energy, Wesfarmers Curragh, Yancoal and Xstrata Coal.

      These customers have all agreed to a deed and paid a bid bond, which confirms that they plan to sign the binding take or pay agreement to finalise capacity in April next year.

      The binding agreement will guarantee each company will meet their share of funding for the first stage of the project and will help secure additional funding from other investors.

      Bandana’s share of these costs is estimated at $5.9 million and the company has already provided a bid bond of $3.066 million.

      “The terminal announcement was a significant milestone for Queensland coal production and a very positive step as the project moves to secure funding and commencing construction,” Bandanna managing director Dr Ray Shaw said.

      The first stage of development will expand the Gladstone port facility by at least 70 million tonnes per annum by early 2014.

      There are also a further two stages of development anticipated for the terminal.

      Bandanna has projects with JORC resources exceeding 1.3 billion tonnes, including over 700 million tonnes in the Bowen Basin.

      “Bandanna’s transition from explorer to producer has always been predicated on access to port which this decision delivers,” Shaw said. "
      schrieb am 02.10.10 01:52:12
      Beitrag Nr. 18.981 ()
      IMX adjusts benchmark pricing in Tonghua iron ore contract; IMX Resources has updated the benchmark pricing in its sales contract with Jilin Tonghua Iron and Steel Group for iron ore produced at its Cairn Hill mine - MA - Oct 1, 2010…
      schrieb am 02.10.10 01:54:56
      Beitrag Nr. 18.982 ()
      Encanto Potash - Drilling Commencement - Sep 30, 2010…
      schrieb am 02.10.10 02:01:27
      Beitrag Nr. 18.983 ()
      [AAG] Central Murchison Gold Project reaches 1.76M ounces - Australianinvestor - 1-Oct-2010

      "Aragon Resources Limited holds three historic goldfields in the Murchison Region of WA and as part of its strategic plan to re-start mining operations with production from a number of underground and open pit mines, Aragon has been actively drilling across each of the goldfields that comprise the Central Murchison Gold Project.

      At the Murchison Bell Goldfield, work has focused on drilling the Big Bell line of lode with a view to re-starting the underground mine and defining additional resources. Drilling has successfully confirmed extensions at Big Bell and a maiden resource has been defined at North Fender.

      Detailed data review and confirmatory drilling at the Big Bell Resource has resulted in an increased Total Identified Mineral Resource Estimate (JORC) of 6,437,813 tonnes@3.82g/t Au for 790,252 ounces (using a 2.5g/t Au cut off grade).

      Latest diamond drill results confirm continuity beneath the current limit of the resource returning a down-hole interval of 10.9 metres @4.54g/t Au within a mineralised envelope of 43.4 metres @2.5g/t Au.

      Mineralisation remains open to the south and beyond a depth of 1,500 metres and mining studies are underway and it is considered that the Big Bell Mine will be a steady long - term contributor to a regional mining strategy.

      A Total Identified Mineral Resource Estimate (JORC) of 962,702 tonnes@ 1.66g/t Au for
      51,257 ounces (using a 0.8g/t Au cut-off grade) has been determined at the North Fender Prospect and is considered an open-pit target. Exceptional scope to increase resource remains untested at depth.

      The impact on the total Central Murchison Gold Project is a Revised Total Identified Mineral Resource Estimate (JORC) containing 1,756,000 ounces from 14,991,000 tonnes @3.7g/t Au. A 40% Increase (263,000 ounces) to a Total Identified Mineral Estimate (JORC) of 920,000 ounces from the Murchison Bell Goldfield component of the total. "
      schrieb am 02.10.10 02:07:17
      Beitrag Nr. 18.984 ()
      Government of Canada Announces Details of Major Investment to International Climate Change - MW, WATERLOO - Oct 1, 2010…

      "WATERLOO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Oct. 1, 2010) - Today, the Honourable Jim Prentice, Minister of the Environment, released the details of Canada's $400 million commitment for international climate change while speaking to the Centre for International Governance Innovation's annual conference.

      "This represents Canada's largest ever contribution to support international efforts to address climate change and it will support three key areas in which Canada has considerable expertise: adaptation, clean energy, forests and agriculture," said Minister Prentice.

      Funding for adaption will support critical on the ground projects that will build knowledge and adaptive capacity, while reducing vulnerability to natural disasters. Other funding will focus on mobilizing private sector investment in renewable energy and energy efficiency projects, and will provide technical assistance to developing countries as they work to implement these types of clean energy. Canada's contribution will also support projects in developing countries which are essential to laying the groundwork for ambitious global action on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+).

      Under the Copenhagen Accord, developed countries committed to provide fast-start financing approaching US$30 billion for 2010-2012 to support climate change mitigation, including financing for adaptation, capacity building, technology transfer and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation in developing countries.

      As promised as part of the Accord, this investment represents the 2010 portion of Canada's fair share of the fast-start financing promised by developed countries under the Copenhagen Accord. While Canada contributes to 2 per cent of worldwide GHG emissions, it is contributing 4 per cent of the funding.

      Canada will continue to work constructively to implement the Copenhagen Accord and to complete the negotiations under the UNFCCC for a comprehensive, legally binding post-2012 agreement that is fair, effective and comprehensive.

      For the details of Canada's fast-start financing and the funding priorities, visit:

      For more information and to view a backgrounder on this announcement, please visit the Web site of Environment Canada at "
      schrieb am 02.10.10 03:51:34
      Beitrag Nr. 18.985 ()
      Black Ridge Mining NL - High grade drill results - Unaly Hill - Sep 22, 2010


      + Wide drill intersections up to:

      - 50m @ 37.8% Fe - 0.72% V2O5 - 10.01% Ti O2

      + 5.5 kilometres of drill tested mineralisation identified.

      + Further 7.5 kilometres of the same aeromagnetic structure yet to be tested.

      + Confirmed mineralisation open both along strike and to a vertical depth of 300 metres.

      + Excellent benefication characteristics to produce high grade iron – vanadium concentrate. ...
      schrieb am 03.10.10 02:10:44
      Beitrag Nr. 18.986 ()
      Endeavour Silver to Make All Cash Offer to Acquire Cream Minerals - Sep 27, 2010…
      schrieb am 03.10.10 02:24:53
      Beitrag Nr. 18.987 ()

      Bank of America delays foreclosures in 23 states; Bank of America delays foreclosures in 23 states as it examines handling of documents - FY/AP, WASHINGTON - Oct 2, 2010…
      schrieb am 03.10.10 02:26:12
      Beitrag Nr. 18.988 ()
      US to tell US citizens to be vigilant in Europe; US to warn Americans in Europe to be vigilant due over terror threats - FY/AP - Oct 2, 2010…
      schrieb am 03.10.10 02:37:04
      Beitrag Nr. 18.989 ()
      ‘Welt’: EU-Kommission droht mit gesetzlichen Frauenquoten -, BERLIN - Sep 17, 2010…

      "BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – Um Frauen in Führungspositionen zu befördern, hat die
      EU-Kommission den Unternehmen Europas mit einer gesetzlichen Frauenquote
      gedroht. Wenn bis Ende 2011 nichts geschehen sei, müsse über gesetzliche Quoten
      nachgedacht werden, sagte die EU-Kommissarin für Justiz- und Gleichstellungsfragen, Viviane Reding, der Zeitung “Die Welt” (Freitag). “Als Zielgröße habe ich dabei einen Frauenanteil von 30 Prozent in Aufsichtsräten im Auge, der bis 2015 erreicht und bis 2020 auf 40 Prozent erhöht werden soll.” In Norwegen sei der Anteil der Frauen in Spitzenpositionen durch die Quote binnen fünf Jahren von 25 auf 45 :eek: Prozent gestiegen.

      Reding, die auch Vizepräsidentin der EU-Kommission ist, kündigte an, sich im
      Frühjahr 2011 mit Vertretern großer europäischer Unternehmen in Brüssel treffen
      zu wollen, um Gleichstellungsfragen zu beraten.

      Die bisherige Bilanz für eine bessere Gleichstellung von Frauen sei ernüchternd, sagte sie der Zeitung. “Ich habe in den vergangenen Jahren leider feststellen müssen, dass die Mitwirkung von Frauen in Führungspositionen kaum Fortschritte gemacht hat.” In Deutschland seien nur 13 Prozent der Aufsichtsräte großer Dax-Unternehmen Frauen, kritisierte sie. Und nur drei Prozent der Vorstandschefs großer europäischer Unternehmen seien weiblich. "
      schrieb am 03.10.10 02:41:25
      Beitrag Nr. 18.990 ()
      Transocean says BP designed 'fatally flawed' well - OR/UO - 9/10/2010
      schrieb am 03.10.10 02:44:03
      Beitrag Nr. 18.991 ()
      Chinese unions to increase role at foreign and private companies - CER/BB - Sep 10, 2010…

      "The All China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) will try to increase its influence over wage negotiations with private and foreign companies in China, Bloomberg reported, citing state media.

      Guo Chen, deputy division chief of the ACFTU's capacity building department told reporters that strikes against Toyota (TM.NYSE, 7203.TYO) plants and suicides at Taiwan-based Foxconn Technology's (2038.HK, 2354.TPE) Shenzhen factory showed their unions were "not efficient." He said union leaders should be democratically elected to assure better functioning. At the end of last year, 79% of foreign-invested companies in China and 78.5% of private companies in China had union branches. Guo said the ACFTU plans to increase that ratio to 90% by 2012. "
      schrieb am 03.10.10 02:47:01
      Beitrag Nr. 18.992 ()
      China property value growth slowed in August - CER - Sep 10, 2010…

      "Property values in 70 Chinese cities climbed 9.3% :eek: in August :eek::eek: , down from 10.3% in July, Bloomberg reported. Growth missed surveyed economist forecasts by 0.7%. Prices remained flat from July.

      The report issued by the National Statistics Bureau weakens the argument for increased tightening measures to control real estate speculation; fear of such additiional tightening measures drove shares of property developers down over the last two days. However, housing transaction volumes rose in August - transactions in Shenzhen increased 84% :eek: month-on-month :eek::eek: , and sales in Shanghai and Beijing rose by 31% and 23%, respectively. Analysts said that the wave of new apartments due to come onto the market should trigger a hoped-for price decline. "A slowdown in price growth won't be enough," said property analyst Alan Jin of Samsung Securities. "What the governmnet really wants to do is bring prices down." "
      schrieb am 03.10.10 02:48:42
      Beitrag Nr. 18.993 ()
      PBoC Zhou defends deposit to lending rate gap - CER/WSJ - Sep 10, 2010…

      "People's Bank of China (PBoC) Governor Zhou Xiaochuan defended the gap between China's deposit and lending rates and denies that the constitute a hidden subsidy to banks, the Wall Street Journal reported.

      China's one-year benchmark lending rate is 5.31%, compared with a one-year benchmark deposit rate of 2.25%. Beijing has committed to further liberalizing the country's interest rate system. In 2004 it removed a ceiling on lending rates but maintained a minimum rate banks must charge. Zhou acknowledged that the rate gap in China is wider than in developed countries, but said that the overall policy has benefits. For example, he said that preventing "overly low interest rates" keeps banks lending, and also encourages firms to seek funding through non-bank channels such as corporate bond issues, which have no minimum interest rate. "
      schrieb am 03.10.10 02:50:46
      Beitrag Nr. 18.994 ()
      Japan to discuss surge in yen-denominated bond purchases with China - CER/BB - Sep 10, 2010…

      "Japan is concerned that China's record purchases of Japanese bonds are causing the yen to appreciate, undermining Japan's economic recovery, Bloomberg reported.

      The Japanese government has said it intends to seek discussions with Beijing on the issue. Finance Minister suggested that it is inappropriate to allow China to invest in Japanese bonds while the policy is not reciprocal. Due in part to Chinese purchases, the yen has surged to a 15-year high against the dollar, prompting Japanese companies to warn that their overseas earnings are under threat. China has increased its net holdings of Japanese bonds for seven straight months ending in July, and now holds US$6.97 billion worth. However, most of Chinese holdings are short-term debt, suggesting that China is not making a structural shift in its reserve allocation. Japan and China are also engaged in a face-off over Japan's decision to arrest the captain of a Chinese fishing boat that collided with Japanese coast guard vessels in a contested island group in the East China Sea. "
      schrieb am 03.10.10 02:53:52
      Beitrag Nr. 18.995 ()
      Chinese firms raise US$8.6b in August IPOs - CER/CAIXIN - Sep 10, 2010…

      "A total of 35 Chinese firms raised US$8.6 billion in initial public offerings in August, Caixin reported, citing a report from consultancy Zero2IPO.

      Of those companies, 31 listed on mainland markets, of which 16 were on ChiNext board in Shenzhen, 12 on small- and medium-sized enterprise exchanges, and three in Shanghai. Overseas listings declined dramatically month-on-month, with two Chinese firms listing in Hong Kong and two on the New York Stock Exchange. Companies from the finance sector raised the most money, followed by mechanical equipment manufacturers. The listings involved 32 venture capital and private equity firms in 15 listings, producing an average return on investment of 7.79 times. "
      schrieb am 03.10.10 02:56:28
      Beitrag Nr. 18.996 ()
      Alibaba Group to reconsider Yahoo alliance - CER/Reuters/SCMP - Sep 10, 2010…

      "China's Alibaba Group said yesterday it will reconsider its alliance with Yahoo (YHOO.NASDAQ) after a Yahoo executive was quoting saying the company many begin to compete in the mainland advertising market, Reuters reported.

      Yahoo, which currently owns 40% of the Alibaba Group, which in turns holds subsidiaries like listed (1688.HK) and popular online auction site Taobao, has no direct presence in China at present. But Yahoo Hong Kong Managing Director Alfred Tsoi Po-tak told the South China Morning Post that the company is considering trying to attract mainland online advertisers to advertise on Yahoo's Hong Kong site. Particularly irritating to Alibaba was Po-tak's suggestion that Yahoo would target small and medium enterprises to the site, which comprises Alibaba's main customer demographic. This would put Yahoo Hong Kong in direct competition with :eek: "
      schrieb am 03.10.10 03:01:37
      Beitrag Nr. 18.997 ()
      Precious Metal Stock Review - Oct 2, 2010,%2020…
      schrieb am 03.10.10 03:06:08
      Beitrag Nr. 18.998 ()

      Globex Updates Its Timmins Area, Talc-Magnesite Project - Sep 20, 2010…
      schrieb am 03.10.10 04:23:16
      Beitrag Nr. 18.999 ()
      GLOBEX: Test Work on Refractory Gold Ore Highly Successful - Sep 22, 2010…
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