
    Intrepid Technology and Resources Kürzel : IESV - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 18.12.06 21:43:25 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 18.12.06 21:43:25
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Interessante Firma
      schrieb am 18.12.06 21:58:38
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      schrieb am 24.01.07 11:17:10
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      schrieb am 02.02.07 20:11:00
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Ich bin mit 18000 dabei siehr sehr gut aus!
      Im März soll der erste Abschnitt ferig sein :kiss:
      schrieb am 06.02.07 13:32:12
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.378.191 von AktienOlli am 02.02.07 20:11:00bei solchen Aktien muss man nur Geduld haben, da passiert unter Umständen monatelang nicht viel und dann kommt die Explosion :D

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1480EUR +0,68 %
      Hat East Africa bisher nur an der Oberfläche gekratzt?! mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 06.02.07 22:40:21
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Das spannende ist doch der März weiß einer was genaueres! Ich meine das erste Projekt geht ans Netz nach 2 Jahren Bauzeit :lick:
      schrieb am 16.03.07 23:24:24
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      heute gings mal mit größeren Volumen nach oben und dann noch auf Tageshoch geschlossen, so langsam wird's was :D
      schrieb am 17.03.07 00:50:55
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.286.743 von Sdrasdwutje am 18.12.06 21:58:38Ja das stimmt langsam sollte der Bauabschnitt fertig sein :lick:, deswegen auch das höhere Volumen, der Wert wird uns noch viel Freude bereiten
      schrieb am 26.08.07 23:50:01
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.339.083 von GeileNatter am 17.03.07 00:50:55:p
      schrieb am 23.01.08 17:16:24
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      ich denk mal
      mit der unterzeichnung des vertrags für die
      emisionsrechte ist ja wohl klar das nun bald gas
      verkauft wird
      gerüchte in ami bords behaupten die erlaubnis kommt diese
      warscheinlich aber auch der resplitt
      schrieb am 18.02.08 17:03:49
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.145.433 von flussaufwerz am 23.01.08 17:16:24unten mal ein artikel aus der taz zum
      stand der fermenter anlagen bei uns


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      Größte Biogasaanlage gestartet
      Erdgasqualität aus Gülle

      In Sachsen-Anhalt ist Deutschlands größte Biogasanlage in Betrieb gegangen. Eingespeist wird das aufbereitete Biogas ins allgemeine örtliche Erdgasnetz. VON MICHAEL BARTSCH

      Wird nun unterscjiedliche Wege gehen: Gülle. Foto: dpa

      Die Biogaserzeuger streben ins allgemeine Gasnetz. Kurz vor Weihnachten ging in Könnern bei Halle in Sachsen-Anhalt die größte deutsche Produktionsstätte für Bio-Erdgas ans Netz. Am gestrigen Dienstag stellte der Betreiber, die Agricapital GmbH aus Münster, die neun Millionen Euro teure Pilotanlage der Presse vor. "Damit gehen wir den ersten Schritt von der dezentralen Energieerzeugung zu einer netzzentrierten Produktion", sagte Geschäftsführer Bernd Hugenroth. Bislang wurde Biogas nur lokal zur Strom- und Wärmeerzeugung eingesetzt. Nun kann es auch außerhalb des ländlichen Raumes genutzt werden.

      Biogas gilt als das Multitalent unter den erneuerbaren Energien, denn es kann - witterungsunabhängig - für die Strom- und Wärmeerzeugung sowie als Treibstoff genutzt werden. Gewonnen wird es aus Energiepflanzen (Mais, Getreide), Ernte- und Lebensmittelrückständen (wie Rübenblätter, Kartoffelschalen), tierischen Exkrementen (Gülle, Mist) oder Klärschlamm. 2007 gab es in Deutschland insgesamt 3.711 Biogasanlagen, die überwiegend in lokalen Blockheizkraftwerken Strom und Wärme produzieren. Wegen Unsicherheit über die künftige Förderung gab es im vergangenen Jahr allerdings einen Stillstand vor allem bei kleineren Hofanlagen, kritisiert die Informationskampagne für Erneuerbare Energien. Die Einspeisung von Biogas ins allgemeine Gasnetz ist bisher die Ausnahme, weil die technischen und rechtlichen Hürden dafür hoch sind. Durch eine Änderung der Netzzugangsverordnung soll dies künftig erleichtert werden.

      Der Standort Könnern biete sowohl ausreichende Agrarflächen in der Umgebung als auch die für Ostdeutschland typische dichte Gasleitungsinfrastruktur, sagte Hugenroth. Die Rohstoffe für die Gaserzeugung bauen Landwirte auf ungefähr 750 Hektar Fläche an. Verarbeitet werden jährlich etwa 30.000 Tonnen Gülle, Getreide und Maissilage. Abnehmer des Bio-Erdgases ist der mitteldeutsche Energieversorger Mitgas.

      Das durch Fermentation durch Bakterien aus Biomasse gewonnene Biogas enthält im Durchschnitt nur etwa zwei Drittel Methan. Erdgasqualität wird durch Anreicherung in einer so genannten Druckwasserwäsche erreicht. Dabei werden Kohlendioxid und Schwefelwasserstoff in Wasser gebunden. Der Brennwert des nunmehr 97-prozentigen Methangases lässt sich durch zugeführtes Propan noch steigern. Mit einer Beimengung des typischen Geruchsstoffes und einer Druckerhöhung auf 16 Bar ist die Kompatibilität zum üblichen Erdgas erreicht. Der Energieaufwand zur Veredelung verschlechtert den hohen Gesamtwirkungsgrad von etwa 85 Prozent des Biogaseinsatzes nur um maximal fünf Prozent. In Könnern lieferte der schwedische Ausrüster Malmberg die entsprechende Technik.

      Sechs Millionen Kubikmeter Erdgas, gewonnen aus 10 Millionen Kubikmetern Biogas, will Agricapital jährlich ins Mitgas-Netz im Raum Halle-Leipzig einspeisen. Diese Gasmenge entspricht allerdings nur dem Bedarf von etwa 2.000 Vierpersonenhaushalten. Geschäftsführer Hugenroth räumt ein, dass dieses Gas vorerst noch teurer als fossiles Erdgas ist. Wirtschaftlich attraktiv wird es erst durch Nutzung in Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungsanlagen, die durch das Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz eine Einspeisungsvergütung für Strom erhalten. In solchen Kunden sieht die Mitgas auch die Hauptzielgruppe. Geschäftsführer Jens Horn will dennoch künftig 42 Millionen Kilowattstunden Bio-Erdgas im Jahr über das bestehende Netz anbieten. "Auch wenn Erdgas weiterhin langfristig nicht aus dem deutschen Energiemix wegzudenken ist, sehen wir in Biogas einen regenerativen Energieträger mit großem Potenzial", sagte Horn. Man arbeite derzeit an Modellen, das Gas auch Haushalts- und Gewerbekunden günstig anbieten zu können.

      Agricapital plant bereits vier weitere vergleichbare Anlagen. Eine ähnliche Debatte wie die über Sinn und Grenzen der Biodieselproduktion erwartet Bernd Hugenroth beim Biogas nicht. "Die Vergasung ist effektiver", argumentiert er. Von einem Hektar Anbaufläche könnte ein Pkw mit Gasmotor 80.000 Kilometer fahren, während er mit Biosprit nur 25.000 Kilometer weit käme. Von 13 Millionen Hektar Ackerfläche in der Bundesrepublik seien außerdem nur 310.000 Hektar für die Biogaserzeugung genutzt. Die Reserven reichten aus, den Markt noch auf das Vier- bis Fünffache wachsen zu lassen.
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      © taz Entwicklungs GmbH & Co. Medien KG, Vervielfältigung nur mit Genehmigung des taz Verlags
      schrieb am 18.02.08 17:09:08
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      13 Dec 07
      We have been notified that yesterday’s (11 Dec) gas samples will be the last required by
      GTI to complete the gas testing protocol. These should arrive in the GTI labs in Chicago today for
      analysis and once those results are compiled, GTI will produce a formal report for Intermountain
      Gas Company. We expect that with the holidays fast upon all of us (including GTI and IGC), that
      official report will not be ready until after the first of the New Year, but we have already been told
      on a 3-way call among ITR, GTI and IGC that we have not only met, but in fact, exceeded the
      Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) standards for pipeline gas quality and have done
      so consistently since the first physical sample was drawn and shipped on 24 July.
      We are very pleased – deservedly so – and this marks a tremendous accomplishment
      that needs to be appreciated in its true context. No other biogas producer we know of anywhere
      in the country – or elsewhere for that matter – has ever completed such a rigorous and thorough
      testing protocol, let alone come through with such flying colors. We have just set a pretty high
      benchmark for others to attempt to achieve and have rightly earned the bragging rights of being
      “the first”. But beyond bragging rights, this now opens the door to our being able to sell our gas to
      virtually anyone without restriction and without question as to its purity and acceptability as fullyqualified
      natural gas.
      But before you ask the obvious question, let me answer it by reminding you that in my
      Nov President’s Message I said we made a business decision that while awaiting formal
      certification by GTI we would start trucking Whitesides gas over to the WestPoint plant for use in
      the heat exchange system during start-up operations in lieu of bringing in much more expensive
      propane. This would also allow us to avoid the expense of having to switch out burners to
      accommodate the propane. We have been cycling our two gas trailers between the two plants for
      the past 3 weeks; one filling at Whitesides and one emptying at WestPoint. It’s been working out
      very well and we are learning a lot about loading, transport, and offloading in the process –
      knowledge and experience that will pay dividends once we start doing this for a living.
      We will need to continue this process until early February when WestPoint gas
      production levels should be high enough that we can “wean” the trailers away and the plant will
      be self-sustaining.
      Speaking of production levels, I understand that there are rumors and even suspicion
      about production levels at Whitesides. Some have even accused us of willfully withholding
      information. I am sorry that such a misperception exists. I will tell you that we are currently at
      about 65% of where we hope to be based on our experience with the original 2-tank system at
      Whitesides and that the trend is continuing to rise, albeit slowly. At the same time, I will once
      again remind you all that we have been trying to get the message across that these bugs we are
      dealing with are not exactly your “A” students and they do not fit the “now-generation’s”
      immediate gratification mold. They, in fact, occupy the last three slots on the food chain and if
      their energy levels were any lower, they wouldn’t even be on that chain. As I also shared with you
      in an earlier message, we brought in expert microbiologist consultants who did a very thorough
      evaluation of our system and bugs and their take-home message to us was that our biggest
      problem was our lack of patience.
      There are also a lot of rumors circulating about a cattle feed supplement based on an
      ionophore called “monensin” being the reason our bacteria growth is so slow. Monensin is the
      active compound in Rumensin, a more familiar brand name of one of the feed supplements
      available. I will not attempt to explain how it works, but if anyone is interested, you can google it
      up. The bottom line to this story is that it is frankly immaterial at this point as to whether monensin
      is the cause of our slow increase in production or not. This product is in WIDE use throughout the
      dairy and beef cattle industry and its popularity is most definitely on the rise. And no wonder. With
      the potential to increase milk production by 1-4% and reduce the overall feed bill by as much as
      6%, it is likely here to stay. However, if it is affecting us in that way, then it is affecting ALL
      anaerobic digestion processes – regardless of technology employed – in the same way. We can
      cry about it, or we can learn to deal with it. ITR has chosen the latter path – all the more reason to
      concentrate on developing as many different product lines as we can off the digester residuals.
      That’s the gas situation.
      Regarding fiber, you already know we sold our first load at $16 per yard – a better price
      than our initial proforma were based on. We continue to stockpile and cure fiber during this low
      demand season in anticipation of more attractive marketing opportunities after the first of the year
      when nurseries begin ordering in their spring stock.
      Carbon offset credits are a hot topic of late, and we have attracted considerable interest
      in the form of several competing offers for those we have accumulated to date and those we will
      generate going forward. The protocols used to “verify” such credits are tightening up under
      increased scrutiny and the desire for US generated credits to be competitive in the global carbon
      trading market place. As a result, if you qualify under the tighter protocols, the numbers of credits
      go down, but the price goes up. During this time of flux in the ongoing protocol refinement period,
      we continue to document methane burned at our plants (credits can be sold retroactive) and work
      to negotiate the best overall “deal” among our various suitors. Once we select the best horse to
      saddle, we will move forward with the verification process and get on with selling the credits.
      Verification will be done by the eventual buyer and is a much shorter and less painful process
      than what we had to do for gas testing – but still takes a little time to get done as it requires a
      physical on-site visit by an independent verification team. Meanwhile, the credits continue to
      With the above in mind, we are, in fact and at last, producing saleable commodities and
      revenues are in sight on all three fronts: gas, fiber and carbon credits (or Voluntary Emissions
      Reductions or “VERs” in the still evolving vernacular).
      Best wishes to you all for a wonderful Christmas and New Year Season…and here’s to
      2008 being a great year for us all!

      schrieb am 18.02.08 17:37:13
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      schrieb am 05.03.08 18:42:21
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Press Release Source: Intrepid Technology and Resources, Inc.

      Intrepid Announces Major Bio-Gas Sales Contract
      Wednesday March 5, 9:00 am ET

      IDAHO FALLS, Idaho, March 5 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Intrepid Technology and Resources, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: IESV - News), a renewable alternate energy and soil amendment company, announces that it has signed its first strategic industrial customer for renewable methane gas.

      Click Here
      An industrial user near the Company's Whitesides plant has entered into a fixed price contract to purchase ITR's biomethane to replace propane for the upcoming 2008 production campaign which is expected to be underway by the end of March. This contract provides an attractive discount to the user over the cost of propane (currently at $25 per million BTU's) resulting in savings to the industrial customer but at the same time providing a substantially better price to ITR than can be obtained through sales to traditional natural gas customers. While contractual terms negate the opportunity to release actual provisions of the agreement the price will dramatically alter all financial models using previously released contracts and projections and greatly accelerate Intrepid's emergence into profitability and as a major component in the burgeoning alternative energy industry.

      By way of comparison, ITR's current pipeline contract ties the price of gas to the Rocky Mountain Natural Gas Index, which is currently at about $8 per million BTU's, or roughly one third the price of propane on an energy equivalent basis.

      Industrial plants that do not have access to natural gas lines have historically been forced to use propane. While the price of natural gas has doubled in the last four years, propane prices have tripled. This puts ITR in a unique position to offer an energy source alternative to these "stranded" industrial propane users due to our investment in compressed natural gas trailers which allow us to truck to industrial facilities and still be highly competitive with propane costs. This new customer's demand is a near perfect match for the Whitesides plant output, thus leaving WestPoint gas available for other users -- including large propane users -- nearer to the WestPoint plant.

      Jake Dustin, ITR President stated, "Our ability to market our product in this way is a direct benefit obtained through the extensive Gas Technology Institute testing we recently completed. We have conclusively demonstrated that we not only meet the FERC pipeline quality standards, but we are also able to pass the even more stringent and restrictive DOT gas transport standards. No one else has been able to clear that bar, making us the only biomethane producers in the country who can haul their product over the open road and deliver direct to customers. That's a pretty significant advantage."

      Gas production in excess of that used by propane-reliant customers, if any, will be sold to Intermountain Gas under the Company's existing contract. This multiple-contract structure provides considerable flexibility to the Company and will allow us to optimize gas revenues from the plants.

      About Intrepid Technology and Resources, Inc.: We are an application innovator in Alternative Energy technology and production and of biogas products and services designed to assist in worldwide energy independence, reduce pollution and carbon emissions from renewable agriculture feedstock and industrial and agriculture waste materials.

      Statements released by Intrepid Technology and Resources, Inc. that are not purely historical are forward-looking within the meaning of the "Safe Harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including statements regarding the company's expectations, hopes, intentions, and strategies for the future. Investors are cautioned that forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainties that may affect the company's business prospects and performance. The company's actual results could differ materially from those in such forward-looking statements. Risk factors include but are not limited to general economic, competitive, governmental, and technological factors as discussed in the company's filings with the SEC on Forms 10-K, 10-Q, and 8-K. The company does not undertake any responsibility to update the forward-looking statements contained in this release.

      For additional information contact,

      Steve Ellis (208-529-5337)

      schrieb am 28.03.08 19:53:26
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Updated Date Old Symbol Old Name New Symbol New Name Comment
      13:16 3/31/2008 CTMHF Centrasia Mining Corp Ordinary Shares (Canada) KMNFF Kola Mining Corp Ordinary Shares (Canada) **
      13:16 3/31/2008 FFBU Fit For Business International, Inc. Common Stock MRIB Marani Brands, Inc. Common Stock 1-250 R/S **
      13:16 3/31/2008 IESV Intrepid Technology & Resources Inc Common Stock ITRP Intrepid Technology & Resources, Inc. New Common Stock 1-100 R/S **
      schrieb am 29.03.08 22:32:23
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.754.472 von bua321 am 28.03.08 19:53:26ja die frage ist
      was kommt noch wen es nur der split ist geht es
      wieder runter oder wird cornell ausgezahlt
      schrieb am 30.03.08 23:42:03
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.754.472 von bua321 am 28.03.08 19:53:26in meinen depo sind neue und alte aktien
      die alten sind neu und die neuen sind alt:D
      schrieb am 31.03.08 18:00:22
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Neues Symbol ITRP.OB ab heute.
      kurs 1$ nach resplitt 100alte für 1 neue MK 2,5 mil
      ohne der cornell auszahlung geht es bald nach
      0,01$ mit auszahlung auf 20$
      bisher kein umsatz alle warten…

      da der vorstand der diese finanzierung eingefädelt hat
      gehen durfte und nun ein neuer ceo da ist,
      die anlagen gebaut sind und zum ersten mal gas liefern
      tipp ich mal das es hoch geht
      schrieb am 01.04.08 22:04:27
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Intrepid Delivers First Commercial Gas
      Monday March 31, 3:11 pm ET
      IDAHO FALLS, ID--(MARKET WIRE)--Mar 31, 2008 -- Intrepid Technology and Resources, Inc.
      (OTC BB:ITRP.OB - News), a renewable biogas alternate energy and soil amendment
      company, delivered and sold its first trailer load of gas to its new industrial customer today,
      March 31, 2008. The customer is a well-established regional fertilizer producer located in close
      proximity to ITR's Whitesides Plant. The customer plant is just starting up for this year's annual
      production campaign and when they reach peak production, gas sales will approach $10,000
      per week to this single user alone.
      This represents a significant milestone in the company's development of the biomethane gas
      market. This gas replaces propane usage at the industrial facility, providing an energy cost
      savings to the customer, and providing Intrepid a higher value revenue stream than natural gas
      The company is working to establish similar contracts with other industrial users of propane
      within south-central Idaho for its second plant at Wendell Idaho and has received expressions of
      interest from several now that we have demonstrated our ability to deliver. The company is
      currently rotating its three gas trailers between its two plants and the industrial customer to
      continue the transportation of its renewable gas product. The gas quality continues to exceed all
      FERC requirements for pipeline natural gas.
      About Intrepid Technology and Resources, Inc.: We are an application innovator in
      Alternative Energy technology and production and of biogas products and services designed to
      assist in worldwide energy independence, reduce pollution and carbon emissions from
      renewable agriculture feedstock and industrial and agriculture waste materials. Intrepid is
      additionally a significant producer of high quality soil amendment products used by both
      residential and commercial customers to improve water retention and oxygen content of soil.
      Statements released by Intrepid Technology and Resources, Inc. that are not purely historical
      are forward-looking within the meaning of the "Safe Harbor" provisions of the Private Securities
      Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including statements regarding the company's expectations,
      hopes, intentions, and strategies for the future. Investors are cautioned that forward-looking
      statements involve risk and uncertainties that may affect the company's business prospects and
      performance. The company's actual results could differ materially from those in such forwardlooking
      statements. Risk factors include but are not limited to general economic, competitive,
      governmental, and technological factors as discussed in the company's filings with the SEC on
      Forms 10-K, 10-Q, and 8-K. The company does not undertake any responsibility to update the
      forward-looking statements contained in this release.
      For additional information contact:
      Steve Ellis
      Email Contact
      Source: Intrepid Technology

      schrieb am 04.04.08 00:35:18
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()

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      Intrepid Technology and Resources Kürzel : IESV